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Volltext:Index Note that individual ancient Romans are listed under the name by which they are most familiar in English. administration 13-14, 82-7, 102 3 aesthetes 110 24, 157-72 Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence 5, 13, 118, 157 Anglicisation 83-7, 91 8 Ankersmit, Frank 37 antiquarianism 5 Apuleius 119 Arabic 91-8 Arcadia 23, 25 archaeology 5 8, 15-16. 131, 190.206, 215-16, 246 7, 254 architecture 5, 14. 104, 109, 208-9, 222 3, 232 Arendt, Hannah 253 4 Arnold. Matthew 77, 106-7, 155. 182 Atkinson, J. B. 167 Auden, W. H. 173 Augustine 25, 27, 31, 124 Augustus 11, 28, 53. 55-6, 68-9, 1 14, 1 16, 198-9. 208, 214-16, 228, 231, 234 Aurelius, Marcus 60, 114 15. 144, 155. 162. 182 Ballhatchet, Kenneth 102-3 barbarians 1. 10-11, 17, 75-7, 112-13, 121, 198-9, 231 Barreil, John 107 Barthes, Roland 251 -2 Baudelaire. Charles 119 Beard, Mary 8 Beardsley, Aubrey 118 Beckford. William 125 9. 131. 133-L 137-9 Benjamin, Walter 253 Berve. Helmut 228, 232 Bisztray, George 146 7 Block, Elizabeth 146 Bloom, Harold 154 5 Boime, Albert 60 1 Borghese, Camillo 61-2 Bottai, Guiseppe 213 Bowen. Elizabeth 139 Bowie, Malcolm 21 Boyer, F. 61, 63 Britain 1, 4-5, 10-15, 27. 70-109, 175, 244; Roman Britain 75 6, 81, 85-6, 88 109 Brunetta, Gian Piero 193, 195 Brutus 8-9, 11, 53 Bryce, Sir James 89, 91, 101-7, 109 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward 12-13, 160, 165, 168, 171. 174-6, 179. 196-7 Burne-Jones, Edward 170 Buzard, James 148 Byron, Lord 2-3, 16, 128, 133, 138, 150. 152, 250. 252 Cabiria 188-9, 192, 200-4 Caesar. Julius 9. 11, 53, 55-6, 1 14. 140, 209 Cagnetta, Mariella 206 Cambridge 93 Canfora. Luciano 206 Canova, Antonio 58-61 Capitol 21, 23, 30, 32-7, 60. 81. 129, 143^1 Carthage 7, 10-1 1, 15, 82, 188 9, 200^1, 224, 232 5 Catholicism 3, 9 10, 12, 24 5, 27, 73. 78-80, 87, 121-3. 142. 144, 175-6. 186, 193^1, 227 Cato 8-9 Catullus 74, 118 Cecilia Metella, tomb of 126-8, 130. 133, 137-8 Celts 11, 15, 75 7 Chaudonneret. Marie-Claude 49 Cherchi Usai, Paolo 204 Chiti. Otello 213 Christianity 3, 8, 12—13. 35-6, 41 5, 66, 78-9, 84, '86, 1 19. 121, 160, 173-87, 193 4. 196, 225. 227, 234, 237-9 275 276 Index Cicero 3, 74, 82, 85, 106, 117. 119 Cincinnatus 9, 189 citizcnship 101 4, 234 classicism 210-11.213, 236. 241 2 Claude Lorrain 22, 30, 37, 40 1, 125 Clive, John 86 Coleridge S. T, 4 Colosscum 2 3, 22, 42, 79 80, 136 7, 143, 152, 154-6, 224 comparativism 8, 15, 88 109 Conrad, Joseph 155, 251 Cook, Eleanor 244 5 cosmopolitanism 9-10. 18, 79 80, 86 7. 234 Coutagne, Denis 41-2 Couture, Thomas 113, 157 Culler, Jonathan 19 Curtius, E. R. 242-3 d'Annunzio, Gabriele 188. 191-2, 201-3 David, J.-L. 11.39, 66, 68 Davis, Philip 109 decadence 12 13, 110-24, 157-72, 226, 228 Defoe, Daniel 11 desire 16-17, 19. 126-7, 129-34, 157-72 de Stael. Germaine 10, 22, 24-5, 129-30, 138 Denon, Vivant 61^4 Derrida, Jacques 131-3 Dionysius of Halicarnassus 70 Disraeli, Benjamin 119 Dobson, Austin 114 Donadio, Stephen 142 Dowson, Ernest 118 Du Beilay, Joachim 248-9 Duff, Alexander 91 2, 94 Dufferin, Lord 106 Du Maurier. George 163 Dundy, Elaine 135, 137 Dun, H. P. 111 Dupaty, Charles 128-9 Eagleton, Terry 250-2 Eberhardt, Walter 227-8 Edel, Leon 141, 152, 155 education 1, 5, 8-9, 70. 83-7, 91-100, 231, 236 Education Minute 82, 84-7, 91 Edwards, O. D. 75, 78 Eliot, George 20, 152-3 Eliot, T. S. 5, 6, 18, 236-55 Ellman, Maud 250 empire 8, 11-15, 18, 31 2, 79-121, 142, 155, 173, 236, 238-9, 243, 249; Empire, British 8, 13, 27, 72 3, 77- 109, 142; Empire, French 11, 57, 67-8, 110, 114, 198; Empire, German 11, 14, 221 35; Empire, Italian 15, 190 207, 213, 215 20; Empire, Roman 11 15, 26 9, 31, 71-3, 79-109, 157 8, 173. 189-93, 198-9, 205, 215-35, 238-9 Encvdopedie 19 Eterna! City 6 7, 34, 199, 247 Etruscans 15. 227-8 EUR 220 Europe 1, 7, 10, 18, 242-5, 253 Evangelicals 78, 84. 86. 175, 183. 185-7 Earies, Randolph 174 Farrar, F. W. 122-3, 183-6 Fascism 15, 205-20 Faustina 115, 162-3 film 188-204, 209 Flaubert, Gustave 200 Forum 16, 23 4, 30, 254 Foucalt. Michel 18, 38, 46, 159 France 8-11, 15, 38 9, 53- 69, 122 3, 243 Frazer, J. G. 3 4, 6-8, 240 Freud. Sigmund 6-8, 15 -16, 21 2, 24, 50, 130-1, 133-4, 246-7, 254 Fried, Michael 48 Gandy. John Michael 22, 25 Gardner, Helen 249 Garibaldi, Giuseppe 189 Gautier, Theophile 114, 119, 152 gender 16-17, 112, 126-7, 148, 157-72, 177, 197 9 Gentile, Emilio 206 Geröme, Jean-Leon 157 Germany 1-2, 10-15, 75, 1 17, 208, 221-35, 236-7, 243 Gibbon, Edward 2, 16, 20-1, 30 7, 40, 42, 46, 111, 114-15, 119, 168, 176-7, 244 gladiators 157, 160-3, 165-6, 170-2 Goebbels, Joseph 234-5 Goethe, J. W. von 19-20, 33, 152 Goncourt brothers 121 Gossman, Lionel 36 Granet, F.-M. 16, 37-52 Greece 4-5, 9-12, 15, 57-8, 65, 107, 121, 159, 173, 221 2, 237 Greek (language) 4-5, 74, 75, 86, 90, 92-8, 120, 238 Greene, Thomas 247-8 Greiner, Joseph 221 Günther, H. F. K. 230 Haeker, Theodor 237-9 Half, Altäf Husain 109 Hannibal 7. 11, 15, 200 Hare, Augustus 2, 145 Index 277 Harvard 239 41 Haverfield, F. 88-9 Hawthorne, Nathaniel 144, 146 51 Hegel, G. F. W. 248 Heliogabalus 3, 111, 1 14, 118. 123, 168 9 Herder, J. G. 12 Himmler. Heinrich 227 historiography 14. 36 7, 78-9, 88 9. 123, 226 30 history 6-7, 14, 20-2, 25-34. 48, 144, 240, 246, 254; history, Roman 88 9, 98, 173, 227 history painting 65 8 Hitler, Adolf 14, 221 35, 237 Hollyer, Frederick 159 Homer 12. 74. 77, 99 100, 238 Horace 12, 26, 117 19 Hugo, Victor 22, 25, 39, 116 Hulme, T. E. 242 Huysmans, J. K. 13, 120 India 8, 13, 73-4, 82-109 Indian Civil Service 84-7, 89, 92-100, 103—4, 106 Italy 10, 15-16, 127, 131, 146-7, 188-220, 237 James, Henry, Senior 147 James, Henry 6, 17, 19 20, 27, 140-56, 244; 'Adina' 150-1; Daisy Miller 146-7, 152; The Golden Bowl21, 141-2, 155-6, 244; 'The Last of the Valerii' 149-50; The Portrait of a Lady 143. 149, 153-4; Roderick Hudson 144. 151 2; The Wings of the Dore 142 James, William 140 1, 143 5, 147 Janowitz. Anne 248 9, 254 Jebb, R. C. 77 Jenkyns. Richard 4. 174. 251 Jensen, Wilhelm 16, 130 6 Johnson. Samuel 126 Jones, Sir William 90 Judaism 6 7, 107, 158-9, 177-8, 209, 225, 227, 233 4 Julius Caesar see ander Caesar Juvenal 111. 113 Kedourie, Elie 241 Kemp. Martin 47 Kermode. Frank 25, 31, 237, 239 41 Kingsley, Charles 112. 176 9 Kipling, Rudyard 3, 77, 106 Komar, Vitaly 22, 25 Lanciani, Rodolfo 190 Last Days of Pompeii, 77ie(novel) 12-13, 160, 165, 168, 171, 174-5, 179, 196-7; (film) 195-7 Latin 10, 74, 76, 84 7, 90, 116 17. 119 20. 237, 243 law, Roman 10, 57. 89-91. 98 101, 104 Lecky, W. E. H. 124 Leconte de Lisle, C.-M.-R. 112 Leighton, Lord 5, 166 Lewis, C. S. 238 Lindsay, Vachel 199 200 Linton, Eliza Lynn 170-2 Livy 65. 70, 81 Lombardo, Agostino 147 London 20, 22. 27, 65, 80 -2. 87, 142, 244 5, 254 Lucan 116 Lucas, C. P. 91, 98, 101-6, 107, 109 Lucretius 73-4 Macaulay, T. B. 3, 9-10. 27, 70-87, 91-6, 104; 'Lays of Ancient Rome' 70-3, 75 9, 82 MacDonald, Bonney 147 McClellan, Andrew 63 Mackail, J. W. 3. 237 MacPherson, James 75-6 Maine, H. S. 89 91. 95, 98-100, 107 Mallarme, Stephane 120. 122 Marcantonio e Cleopatra 198 200 Marx, Karl 8 Marras, Charles 239, 242 Melamid, Alexander 22, 25 memory 46, 139 Metcalfe, Thomas 109 Meyer, Eduard 14 militarism, Roman 12, 113, 190-3, 205, 207. 217 Mill. James 90 Mill, John Stuart 108 Mommsen. Theodor 14 Montesquieu 75 Moore, George 114, 120-2, 124 Mosse. G. L. 224 Mussolini, Benito 1.15, 205-9. 215-20, 227 myth 57-8 Napoleon 10-11, 22, 44. 53-69, 114, 140 1 nationalism 8-15, 18, 188-204, 206- 9, 221-37. 242-4 Nazhsm 208, 212-13, 221 35 Nehru, J. 109 Nero 3. 114, 122-3. 170. 183-4. 193 4 Newman, J. H. 121, 175 -6, 180-1 Niebuhr, B. G. 14, 71, 76 Nietzsche, Friedrich 44. 142 Nisard, Desire 115-17 278 Index Nisbet, Robert 108 Nolte, Ernst 221 Nordau, Max 111, 123 Normanby, Marquis of 136 novels 12-13, 22-5, 112, 119-23, 125-39, 141-57, 160, 165-6, 168, 171, 173-87, 193-4, 196-7, 200 Oppo, C. E. 210 Ossian 75-6 Ovid 65, 116, 240 Oxford 20, 93, 123 paganism 8, 150, 175, 180 paintings with Roman subjects 5, 11, 16, 22, 37-52, 65-9, 81-2, 112-13, 118, 157-72, 210-14 Palatine 22, 30 Pantheon 79-80, 143 papacy 55, 68, 79, 144 Paris 22, 25, 27, 62-5, 122, 135, 140, 144 Pascoli, Giovanni 191 Pastrone, Giovanni 188-9, 200-4 Pater, Walter 22-3, 30, 119, 169, 171-2, 181-3 pax romana 3, 13, 217 Peladan, Josephin 120 Perizonius, James 71, 76 Petronius 123^4 Piacentini, Marcello 208, 220 Plutarch 53, 65 Poggio Bracciolini, G. F. 30-1, 33 Pompeii 131-2, 174-5, 195-7 Poole, P. F. 112-13 Pound, Ezra 238, 251 Propertius 130 Publicola, Publius Valerius 9 Pusey, E. B. 175 Quatremere de Quincey, A. C, 60 Quintilian 117 Quo Vadis? (novel) 174, 193^4; (film of 1913)193-5 race 14, 91, 100-9, 158-9, 177-9, 188-204, 208-9, 221-3, 225-35 Ranke, Leopold von 27, 36-7, 79 Rawson, Claude 35 Reeves, Gareth 237, 239—40 Rehm, Walther 2 Republic, French 53-5; Roman 11, 54-5, 70-1, 116, 188 republicanism 8-9, 116 revolution 8-9, 189; French 38-9, 49, 116, 189 Richards, I. A. 251 Richmond, William Blake 158 Robert, Hubert 22, 25 Rodenwaldt, Gerhart 228, 232 Romans compared with Greeks 4-5, 12, 57, 59-60, 75, 77, 79, 173, 237-8 romanitä 189-90, 192-5, 202, 205-20 Romanticism 4-5, 12, 17, 36, 51, 116, 118, 125-37, 238, 242, 250 Rome (city) 1-2, 4, 6, 10, 15-16, 19-35, 40, 44, 46, 51-2, 59, 79-81, 125-6, 129, 136-8, 140, 206, 208, 214-20, 224, 231, 234, 239, 246-7 Rosa, Salvator 125, 129 Rosenberg, Alfred 223, 226, 228 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 165, 170 Rossetti, W. M. 161 ruins 1, 14-17, 22-6, 30, 32, 65, 73, 80-1, 125-8, 136-7, 155, 173, 224, 236-55 St Peter's 2, 10, 22, 24-5, 79-80, 252 Saenredam, Peter 47 Salgari, Emilio 200 Sanskrit 84-7, 90-8 Schachermeyr, Fritz 229-30, 232 scholarship, classical 5-6, 14, 228-30, 232 Scipione l'Africano 209 Scobie, Alex 223-4 Scott, Sir Walter 75, 77 sculpture 58-65, 131, 150, 212 Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky 143 sex 17, 114-15, 120, 124-5, 158-9, 162-72, 178-90, 186 Sgarlata, Filippo 214 Shaw, George Bernard 187 Shelley, P. B. 4 Shohat, Ella 197 Sienkiewicz, Henryk 174, 193^4 Sironi, Mario 210-11 slavery 82-3 Smiles, Sam 82 Smith, Samuel 110 Solomon, Simeon 17, 157-72 Speer, Albert 14, 222-3, 225 Spengler, Oswald 14, 234, 236 Stephen, Leslie 77 Stephens, F. G. 161 Strachan-Davidson, J. L. 117-18 Suleri, Sara 104 Swinburne, A. C. 114-15, 122, 162^4, 168-9, 172 Symonds, J. A. 159, 165 Symons, Arthur 13, 158 Tacitus 74-5, 82, 85, 100, 111, 124, 183 Tanner, Tony 146, 155 Index 279 Tertullian 119 Teuffei, W. S. 117-18 Thies, J. 222-3 time 6-7, 20-1, 23-4, 238-9, 248, 254 Tiberius 170 Tintner, Adeline 147 Tivoli 125-6, 128-30 Tomlinson, Charles 240 tourism 134-9 Tractarian Movement 175-6, 181 Trajan's column 63-5 translatio imperii 19-34, 80-7 travel 2, 5, 7, 10, 16-17, 19-20, 30, 74, 79, 125-39, 142-5, 148, 155, 224 Trevelyan, Charles 78, 85-6 Trevelyan, G. O. 78 Turner, J. M. W. 11 United States 9, 11, 135, 146, 152, 155, 174, 189 Utilitarianism 82 Vance, William 254 Vanvitelli, Gaspar 37, 41-2 van Wittel, Gaspar 37, 41-2 Vendöme column 63-5 Venice 20, 125, 142 Virgil 3, 7-8, 12, 19, 23-31, 33, 66, 72, 74, 116-17, 119, 228, 237-9, 240, 243 Visconti, E. Q. 62-3 Visser, Romke 206 Vogt, Joseph 230, 232 Wagner, Richard 118 Wallace, Lew 174 Washbrook, David 102 Washington, George 9, 189 Waugh, Evelyn 24-5, 27, 29 Weber, Wilhelm 228-9, 233-4 Weinbrot, H. D. 75-6 Wharton, Edith 136-7 Whyte-Melville, G. J. 160, 165, 171 Wilde, Oscar 111-12, 118, 121-4, 153 Williams, Isaac 175 Wilson, Horace 84, 86, 91 Winckelmann, J. J. 53 Womersley, David 32-3 Wordsworth, William 12, 75 World War I 244-5, 248, 251 World War II 1-2, 17, 234-5 Zioikolwski, Theodore 237
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