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Volltext:Index Aertsen, Pieter, 60-1, 85, 87, 913, 92 Agresti, Livio, 126 Alberti, Leone Battista, 1822 Alciati, Andrea, 1282 Aldegrever, Heinrich, 912 Allori, Alessandro, 60, 79, 103 Aiunno, Francesco, 1281 Amstel, Jan van, 87 Andrea del Sarto, 70, 87s, 1312, 153, 164 Angelico, Fra Giovanni da Fiesole, 74, 188 Anne, wife of Louis XIII of France, 8 Ariosto, Ludovico, 112, 1212, 129, 155, 156, 1574 Aristotle, 127, 129 Aspertini, A., 1163, 1252 Bacchiacca, Francesco, 70, 84, 87s, 1002 Bandinelli, Bartolommeo, 55, 69, 74, 84, 86, 87, 91', 92I, Z, 95, 1262, 1462 Barendsz, Dirck, 94 Barère, Bertrand (portrait of), 10 Barocci, Federico, 50, 66, 672, 701, 81, 1032, 182s Bartolini-Salimbeni, Archbishop of Pisa, 108 Bartolommeo, Fra, 1152 Bassano, Jacopo (da Ponte), 50, 56, 752, 77-8, 85, 87, 91, 94 Bastianino (Sebastiano Filippi, the Younger), 1542 Bayard, Pierre, Chevalier de, 17, 182 Beattie, James, 183 Beaufort, Jacques Antoine, 17 Beccafumi, Domenico, 54, 56, 58, 72, 752 86, 100, 1163, 1333 I492 Begarelli, Antonio, 188, H91, 3, 4, 1262 Beljame, A., 1771 Bellange, Jacques, 58, 86, 1031, 1051 Bellini, Giovanni, 123 Bentivoglio, Count Giovanni Maria, 116 Béranger, Pierre Jean de, 28, 42 Berchem, Nicolaes, 48 Bernardi, Giovanni, di Castel Bolognese, 153 Bernini, Gianlorenzo, 57 Bertoldo, 182 Beuckelaer, Joachim, 871 Bing, Gertrude, 178 Blake, William, 1833 Bles, Hendrik met de, 82, 86 Blinck, Jacob, 912 Blocklandt, Antonio van, 472, 82, 85-6, 93-6, 100 Bloemaert, Abraham, 47-9, 501, 62-3, 65-7 69. 73, 752, 76, Si, 95, 99, 100 Blondeel, Lansloot, 1013 Blunt, A., 1811, 182 Boiardo, Matteo Maria, Count of Scandiano, 155 Bonastri, Latanzio, 752 Bonchamp, General, 24 Borghini, V., 60, 62 191 Index Borgia, Francesco, 1264 Bosch, Hieronymous, 61, 1212, 1572 Boscoli, Andrea, 492, 66, 70, 78, 80-1, 86, 100, 105 Botticelli, Sandro, 60, 83-4, 1161, 1791, 182, 188 Boucher, François, 172 Boyvin, René, 741, 93 Brenet, Nicolas-Guy, 17 Broeck, Crispin van der, 102 Bronzino (Angelo di Cosimo Allori), 20, 7S1, 79, 87s, 107, iio-n, 1312, 136, 165 Brueghel, Jan, 64s, 913 Bugiardini, Giuliano, 87s Buontalenti, Bernardo, 105 Biirger-Thoré, 1834 Burgkmair, Hans, 1012 Byron, George Noel Gordon, Lord, 28 Calcagnini, Celio, 124, 128 Callot, Jacques, 66, 103', 105 Calvin, John, 1264 Cambiaso, Luca, 94 Campi, Vincenzo, 871 Canani, Battista, 130 Candid, Pieter, 47, 50, 67, 69, 70 Cantagallina, Remigio, 105 Caraglio, Gianjacopo, 54-6, 69, 74, 961 Caravaggio, Michelangelo da, 9, 18, 30, 36-7, 47 Caravaggio, Polidoro da, 772, 87, Ii63, 1202, 141 Carducci, Michelangelo, 49 Carracci, Agostino, 1x8 Carracci, Annibale, 9, 361 Carstens, Jakob Asmus, x Cartari, Vincenzo, 128 Cathelineau, Jacques, 24 Cellini, Benvenuto, 69, 1262 Cesi, Bartolomeo, 1181 Champfleury (Jules Fleury-Husson), 18 3 4 192 Chardin, Jean-Baptiste, 171, 173 Charles I, King of England, 107 Charles V, Emperor, 1452 Charles X, King of France, 27 Charlet, Nicolas-Toussaint, 332 Chateaubriand, 22-4, 26 Childe, V. Gordon, 1861 Cigoli, Lodovico, 70 Clement VII, Pope, 1411, 145-6 Clovio, Giulio, 752, 913 Cock, Hieronymus, 88, 90 Cocke, Pieter, 83, 87 Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 5 2 Collaert, Adriaen, 632 Constable, John, 38 Conway, Charles, 9 Coornhert, Dirck, 85-6, 91, 99, 100 Copernicus, 127 Copley, John Singleton, 183 Coppi, Jacopo, 1013 Coram, Capt. Thomas, 1672 Corneille, 3, 5, 1824 Corneille de Lyon, 152 Cornelis van Haarlem, 47, 552, 63, 65, 661, 73. 791. 86, 95, 99, 100 Cornelius, Peter, 1 Corot, Jean-Baptiste Camille, 381 Correggio, 30, 36, 48, 70, 772, 112, 115, 1161, 119, 133-4, 147. I493 Cort, Cornelis, 74-5, 772, 791, 94 Cosimo, Piero di, 163 Courbet, Gustave, 361, 183-4 Cousin, Victor, 28 Coypel, Antoine, 52 Credi, Lorenzo di, 164 Crespi, G. B., 791 Custos, Dominicus, 69 Daniele da Volterra, 1492 d'Arpino, Cavalière, 361 Daumier, Honoré, 321, 443 David, Gerard, 83 Index David, Jacques Louis, x, 3, 4, 6-14, 17-19, zi, 24-5, 29-31, 34-7, 173, 188 Day of the Barricades, 8 de Backer, Jacob, 102 Debucourt, Philibert, 382 de' Dianti, Laura, 1232 Degas, Edgar, 40 de Gheyn, Jakob, 'the elder', 661 Delacroix, Eugène, 1, 2, 9, 28, 341, 361, 44 Delafosse, Charles, 52 dell'Abbate, Niccolo, 89, 90, 94, 1212, 154-8 del Moro, Battista, 56, 92, 94 del Piombo, Sebastiano, 571, 107, 1391 del Vaga, Perino, 55h 56-8, 591, 68, 72, 74, 791, 842, 88-90, 922, 94, 100 Dente, Marco, 55 dei Rossi, Vincenzo, 69, 911 Deshayes de Colleville, Jean Baptiste, 14 de' Vecchi, Giovanni, 71-3, 752 de Vries, Adriaen, 982 Diderot, 4, 7, 14-15, 20, 26, 41 Directoire, The, rr, 19, 21, 222, 24 Domenichino (Zampieri), 9, 36 Donatello, 861 Dören, A., 1812 Dossi, Dosso, 1073, 112-15, 1194, I2i, 123-5, 132, 1352'3, I543, 156-7 Dossi, Battista, 1073, X081, 113, 121-5 1282, 129, 1341, 1353 Dubois, Ambroise, 90 Dubreuil, Toussaint, 90 Dürer, Albrecht, 61, 64-6, 69, 74, 752, 912, 95, loi2, 102, 110, 135, 151 Duval, Marc, 903 Dvorak, M., 176-7, 186-7 Edict of Nantes, 52 El Greco, 491, 752, 772, 94, 102, 182 Encyclopaedists, The, 7, 15, 22 Engelbrechtsen, Cornelis, 85 Erasmus, 1264 Este, Alfonso I d', of Ferrara, 123-4, 1251 127 Este, Alfonso II d', of Ferrara, 1264, 1542, 1562 Este, Anna d', Duchess of Guise, 13 31 Este, Ercole II d', of Ferrara, 108, 111, 1221, 123-8, 130, 1392, 1552, 1561 Este, Cardinal Ippolito d', of Ferrara, 126, 139, 140, 150 Este, Renée d', wife of Ercole II of Ferrara, 108, 1264 Evans, Joan, 1803 Eyck, van (brothers), 177 Faber, J., 168 Fabritius, Carel, 30 Falcone, Aniello, 182 Falletti, Girolamo, 128', 13 31 Farinati, Paolo, 78, 94 Farnese, Cardinal Alessandro, 71, 73 Fielding, Henry, 171, 1722 Filarete, Antonio, 146 Filippi, Camillo, 1391 Flaxman, John, 21 Flémalle, Master of, 991 Floris, Cornelis, 912 Floris, Frans, 552, 82-3, 85, 87-96, 102 Fontana, Prospéra, 1181 Fragonard.Jean-Honoré, 3, 7-9, 14, 17, 1574 Francis I, King of France, 9 Franck, Pauwels, Paulo Fiammingo, 62, 771, 1031 Francken, Ambrosius, 107 Franco, Battista, 56, 86, 87s, 92, 1422, 143-6, 148, 150 Fréminet, Martin, 90 French Revolution, 7-11, 14-16, 19, 22-3, 25, 29 Friedrich, Caspar David, 1 Fronde, The, 8 Füger, Friedrich Heinrich, 1 Fuseli, Henry, 1, 171, 21, 143 193 Index Gainsborough, Thomas, 183 Galileo, 104 Galle, Ph., 552, 70, 86, 921, 93-4, 96 Garofalo, Benvenuto da, 113, 115, 121-2, 124, I25i-3, 129, 137-9 Gautier, Théophile, 1761 Gerard, François Pascal, Baron, 211 Gerhard, Hubert, 982 Géricault, 1, 21, 25-45, 281, 302, 321, 3, 33I, 2 341, 352 381'2, 392, 43S 442, 3, 188 Gherardi, Cristofano, 50, 67, 69, 72 Ghirlandaio, Ridolfo, 163-5, ^2 Ghisi, Giorgio, 691, 92 Ghislieri, Cardinal, 1264 Giedion, S., 184 Giordano, Luca, 14 Giorgione, 45, 112, 1212, 1253, 132, 153 Giotto, 181 Giovanni da Bologna, 69 Giraldi, Giovanni Battista, 1552, 1581, 142 Giraldi, Giglio, Gregorio, 128-9 Girodet, Anne-Louis, 14, 18-25, 302, 43, 143 2 Girolamo da Carpi, 107-61, 165 Girolamo da Treviso, 1181, 1201 Giulio Romano, 54, 56, 74, 86, 87s, 88-91, 921'2, 1142, 115-18, 1195, 125-6, 1291, 132, 1332, 1353, 137, 139-41, 143, 150 Goltzius, Hendrik, 47-8, 552, 3, 56-7, 64, 68, 73-4, 752 772, 791, 9Ö2, 97, 99-100 102 Gombrich, E., 1791, 182 Goya, Francisco, y Lucientes, 321 Greuze, Jean Baptiste, 7, 8, 14, 17 Grien, Baldung, 61, 1012 Gros, Antoine Jean, Baron, x, 21, 30, 34-5 37 Guarini, Giovanni Battista, 1294 G u é r i n , P i e r r e , B a r o n , 1 9 2 9 Guimard, Marie Madeleine, 9 194 Guizot, François, 28 Halévy, E., 187 Hamilton, Gavin, 92 Hans von Aachan, 47, Ö32, 64+, 921 1052 Heemskerck, Egbert van, 53, 79, 83, 85-7, 91-3, 95, 99-100 Heintz, Josef, 47, 62 Hemessen, Jan van, 87s Henry IV, King of France, 342 Highmore, Joseph, 167-73 Hoadly, Benjamin, Bishop ofWinchester, 1672 Hodler, Ferdinand, 1312 Hoefnagel, George, 1012 Hogarth, William, 382, 41, 1242, 167, 169, 170, 172-3, 178, 188 Hugo, Victor, 26, 43, 1761 Hume, David, 183 Ingres, Jean A. Dominique, 1, 361, 44, 1731 Isaia da Pisa, 146 Jacobins, 20, 25 Jacopino del Conte, 791, 86, 881, 148, 150, 165 Jacopo da Empoli, 70 Jarnsens, Abraham, 472 Joan of Arc, 342 Johnson, Samuel, 183 Joséphine, Empress of the French, 1st wife of Napoleon I, 211 Julius II, Pope, 131 Julius III, Pope, 1344, 140, 145, 149 Justi, Karl, 175 Kneller, Godfrey, 172 Krautheimcr, R., 180 Krumpper, Hans, 982 Lamartine, Alphonse Marie, 26 Lange, Mlle (portrait of), 20 Index Leonardo da Vinci, 9, 83, 87s, 1322 Lepelletier de St. Fargeau (portrait of), 11 Le Sueur, Eustache, 51 Letourneur, Pierre, 161 Ligorio, Pirro, 126, 140, 1463, 149-51 Ligozzi, Giacomo, 101 Lippi, Filippino, 83 Lombard, Lambert, 82-3, 87s, 921, 991 Lombardi, Alfonso, X181 Lombardi, Antonio, 1231 Lotto, Lorenzo, 1072, 111-13 Louis, XIV, King of France, 5 Louis XV, King of France, 4 Louis XVI, King of France, 4, 9, 13 Louis, XVIII, King of France, 25, 27, 42 Loutherbourg, Philip de, 382 Lucas van Leyden, 64, 65, 6j2, 83-4, 96, 99 102 Luther, Martin, 1272 MabuseQan Gossaert), 57, 74, 82-3, 88 Macchietti, Girolamo, 60 Machiavelli, 1264 Macpherson's Ossian, 20-1 Maintenon, Mme de, 52 Mander, Carel van, 47-8 Manet, Edouard, 40, 43 Mansart, François, 182 Mantegna, Andrea, 87s, 1161, 1363, 1791 Mantua, Federigo Gonzaga, Duke of, 107 Marat, Jean Paul, 10 Marcantonio, 55, 69 Margaritone d'Arezzo, 991 Marot, Clement, 1264 Martin, A. v., 177 Martin de Vos, 64, 711, 73*, 772, 82, 921, 101, X02-3 Martini, Simone, 71 Masaccio, 6, 181 Maso da San Friano, 60, 74, 1552 Master E. S., 54 Master of the Female Half-lengths, 84 Matham, Adriaen, 561, 641, 68 Matsys, Quentin, 83 Mazarin, Jules, Cardinal, 8 Mazzolino, Lodovico, 1162, 119s Medici, Cosimo de', 'il Vecchio', 1881 Medici, Cosimo de', Grand Duke of Tuscany, 1254 Medici, Francesco de', Grand Duke of Tuscany, 60 Medici, Lorenzo de' (il Magnifico), 178 Medici, Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de', 182 Meiss, M., 181 Meleghini, Jacopo, 1402 Meltzoff, S., 1834 Ménageot, F. G., 9, 13-14, 17 Mengs, Anton Raphael, 1 Michelangelo, 22, 31, 323, 37, 49, 55-6 68, 74, 752, 79, 83h 872-5, 92, 94, "63, 123, 134, 144-5, 147, 1642 Millet, Jean François, 40, 44 Mino da Fiesole, 1462 Molé, Mathieu, 8 Monsey, Dr., 167 Montelupo, Baccio, 1452 Montesquieu, Charles, Baron de, 4 Morland, George, 38, 441 Moroni, Giambattista, 1532 Mousquetaires Gris, 27 Münz, L., 189 Muziano, Girolamo, 126, 1653 Muzzarehi, Giuha (portrait of), 1541 Nadalino da Murano, 77 Nain, le (brothers), 1834 Naldini, Battista, 67s Napoleon I (Bonaparte), Emperor of the French, 12, 20-2, 24-6, 28-30, 331-2, 34, 42 Napoleon III (Bonaparte), Emperor of the French, 1834 Nebbia, Cesare, 1653 195 Index 'Old Slaughter', 167 Oldham, Mr. Nathaniel, 167-71 Orley, Bernart van, 61, 82-3, 102 Orsi, Lelio, 71, 1653 Ortolano, Giov. Batt., 113, 115 Overbeck, Friedrich, i Ovid, 553 Pacchia, Girolamo, 1492 Pacchiarotti, Giacomo, 1492 Palma il Giovane, 102 Paolino, Fra, 1152 Paolo Romano, 145-6 Parigi, Giulio, 105 Parmigianino (Francesco Maria Mazzuola) 20, 48-9, 56, 58-9, 62, 73, 77-8, 791, 85. 87, 89-92, 94-5, 961, 99, 109-12, II41-2, 115, 120, 132, 1431, 147-8, 1493, 152, 1543, 157-8, 165 Passarotti, Bartolomeo, 1181 Patinir, Joachim, 1212, 1572 Paul III, Pope, 125, 128 Paul IV, Pope, 1544 Paul V, Pope, 74 Pellegrino da San Daniele, 123 Peruzzi, B. T., 116-20, 132-4, 1353, 139- 41, 147, 149-51 Philostratus, 124 Pierfrancesco dijacopo Toschi, 1312 Piero di Cosimo, 60 Pietersz, Pieter, 931 Pietro da Cortona, 181 Pino, Marco, 49, 58-9, 73-4, 751-2, 791, 85-6, 94 Pinturicchio, Bernardino, 1163 Pisano, Niccolo, 1152 Pissarro, Camille, 402 Pius II, Pope, 145 Pius V, Pope, 1264 Poccetti, Bernardino, 49, 69, loi, 105 Poelenburgh, Cornelis van, 48 Poggi, Cardinal Giovanni, 157 196 Pollaiuolo, Antonio, 54, 912, 1163 Pomponazzi, Pietro, 127 Ponce, Maître Jacquio, 903 Pontormo, Jacopo da, 54, 56-7, 60-2, 66, 673, 69, 752 80, 83, 1013, 1051, 107, 110-11, 1163, 1312, 163 Poppi, A., 49, 60 Pordenone, G. A., 125-6, 1505 Poussin, Nicolas, 5-7, 14, 29, 32, 36, 903, 1824 Pozzi, G. B., 49, 772 Pozzoserrato (Lodewyk Toeput), 1031 Primaticcio, Francesco, 691, 89-90, 93-4, I573 Prud'hon, Pierre Paul, 1 Pupini, Biagio, 1202 RafFaellino da Reggio, 48, 64, 71, 73, 752 Raphael, 6, 29-32, 36-7, 55-7, 68, 711, 74, 772, 87, 89, 92, 95-6, 1032, 107, 109, 1123, 113-15, 1163, 1192, 120, 122-3, 125, 132-4, 138, 147, 1492, 153 Read, Herbert, 180 Récamier Mme (portrait of), 12 Reichel, Hans, 982 Rembrandt, 14, 30, 189 Reni, Guido, 9 Reynolds, Joshua, 183 Richardson, Jonathan, 1691 Richardson, Samuel, 171, 1722 Richelieu, Cardinal, 5 Ridolfo, Michele di, 163-6 Riegl, A., 176, 186-7, *89 Ring, Nicolas torn, 962 Ripanda, Jacopo, 1163 Roberti, Ercole dei, 1162 Robespierre, 7, 10-11 Robetta, Cristoforo, 54, 912 Roncalli, Cristofano, 49 Rosa, Salvator, 16 Rosso Fiorentino, 54-8, 55s, 561, 2, 61, 64, 673, 69, 72-4, 81, 83-4, 86, 875, 89-91, 921-2, 93, 100, 105, 1163, 144 Index Roubiliac, Louis François, 1713 Rousseau, Henri, 188 Rousseau, J. J., 4, 15-16, 181, 20, 22, 26 Rowlandson, T., 382 Royalists, The, 19, 34 Rubens, P. P., 2, 3, 14, 30, 36, 8gz, 1052 Rudolph II, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, 55s, 60-1, 63, 97, 98, 102 Runge, O. F., 1 Ruskin, John, 185 Sabines, The, 11, 19 Sadeler, J., 711, 73 h 751-2, 771, 94 St. Pierre, Bernardin de, 22 Salimbeni, Ventura, 492, 66, 6qz, 78-81, 86, 100, 105 Salviati, Francesco, 57-61, 64, 67-9, 72, 74, 85-6, 88-93, 1051, 1312, 145. 148, 150, 163-6 Salviati, Cardinal, 1581 Sand, George, 1761 Sansovino, Andrea, 1163 Sansovino, Jacopo, 1262 Santi di Tito, 1312 Saxl, F., 179, 1852 Schapiro, M., 180, 183 Schiaminossi, Raffaello, Ö72 Schiavone, Andrea, 56, 85, 87, 91 Schongauer, Martin, 54 Scorel, Jan van, 87, 1543 Sellaer, Vincent, 87s Seneca, 129, 142 Sériziat, M. (portrait of), 12 Serlio, Sebastiano, 126 Sermoneta (Girolamo da Siciolante), 791 Seurat, Georges, 402 Shakespeare, 161 Shaw, Bernard, 1851 Signorelli, Luca, 65, 83 h 941 Smith, J. T., 167-8 Smith, Nathaniel, 1713 Sodoma, Giov. Antonio, 1543 Sogliani, Giov. Antonio, 1152, 1312 Speckaert, Hans, 772 Spranger, Bartholomaeus, 47-8, 56, 68, 71, 73-5, 78, 791, 83-4, 91, 95, 97-8, 100 Stendhal (Henri Beyle), 27, 281, 29, 381 Stock, Andreas, 1001 Stradanus (Jan van der Straet), 61-2, 64-5, 67-8, 70-1, 82, 86, 87h 913, 94, 100-3, IOI2, 3, 105, 1463 Sustris, Frederick, 47, 50, 67-70, 982 Swart van Groningen, 711 Swift, Jonathan, 1242 Tasso, 129, 1542 Taunay, N. A., 331 Tawney, R. H., 177, 186 Tebaldeo, Antonio, 1281 Tempesta, Antonio, 71, 771, 105 Thierry, J. N. A., 28 Thiers, L. A., 28 Thomson, G., 177 Tibaldi, Pellegrino, 79, 93 2, 1451 Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista, 14 Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti, 56-9, 61-2, 79, 81, 87-8, 91, 922, 941, X02-3 Titian, 30, 752, 771, 791, nr, 123-4, 125V, 129, 133, 136-7 Trevelyan, G. M., 177, 1792 Troost, Cornelius, 1691 Tura, Cosimo, 1212 Turner, J. M.W., 382 Valckenborch, Frederick van, 1031 Valckenborch, Gillis van, 1031 Valvassore, Giov. Andrea, 912 Vanni, Francesco, 66, 78, 81 Vannini, Ottavio, 1312 Vasari, Giorgio, 50, 581, 61, 65, 67-9, 88, 91, 92I 2, 991, 108, 112-13, 121, 125, 140, 145, 150-2, 1634, 1641, 165 197 Index Velazquez, 30, 1541 Veneziano, Agostino, 74, 862 Verhaecht, Tobias, 632, 1052 Vermeer, Johannes, 171, 1834 Vernet, Carie, 29, 302, 392, 41 Vernet, Horace, 332 Veronese, Paolo, 30, 56, 69, 781, 94-5 Vien, Joseph Marie, 36 Vigny, Alfred, Comte de, 26 Villemain, Abel François, 28 Vincent, François André, 8, 91, 13 Virgil, 156 Virgo inter Virgines, Master of, 991 Vittoria, Alessandro, 1262 Viviani, Antonio, 701 Voltaire, 4 Vorsterman, Lucas, 148 Walpole, Horace, 1071 Warburg, A., 178-9, 1812, 187 Watteau, Antoine, 3, 172 West, Benjamin, 183 Weyden, Roger van der, 991 Wheatley, Francis, 411 Wickhoff, F., 176 Wierix, Johan, 101 Wilkie, David, 3 8-9 Wind, E., 178, 183 Winghe, Joos van, 64, 101-2 Wölfflin, Heinrich, 175, 177-8, 185 Wtewael, Joachim, 47, 49, 62-3, 65-7, 752, 76-80, 86, 91, 94-6, 99-100, 102 Zelotti (Gianbattista Farinato), 78, 94, 102 Zuccaro, Federico, 49-50, 59, 61, 65, 67, 70-4, 79, 86, 94, 101-3, 105, 126 Zuccaro, Taddeo, 50, 59, 69, 71-4, 751'2, 772, 80, 94, 101, I491 Zucchi, Jacopo, 49, 54, 62-5, 67-9, 72, 74, 771, 78, 79\ 80, 91, 95, 100-2, 103 S 105 Zwanenberg-PhiUips, E. M., 1833 IQ8
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