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Volltext:Index Abstract Expressionism 18, 61, 126-30, 131, 134, 135, 136 Acconci, Vito 222-4 Adams, Henry 134 Adorno, Theodor 12, 15, 78-81, 106, 129, 186 - and Horkheimer, Max: 'The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception' 107 Alberro, Alexander 66-70 Alloway, Lawrence 134 Alloway, Lawrence: 'The American Sublime' 132 Andre, Cari 134 Araeen, Rasheed 12, 175-9 Archimedes 149 Arensberg, Walter 62, 119-20 Aristotle 145 Armey, Dick 53 Art & Language 207-15 Bach, Johann Sebastian 182 Bacon, Francis 29-30 Baer.Jo 213 Balthus (Balthazar Klossowski de Rola) 204 Barr, Alfred H. 120, 129 Barthes, Roland 23 - 'The face of Garbo' 99nl0 Baselitz, Georg 180, 204 Bataille, Georges 218, 220 Baudelaire, Charles 26 - Fleurs du mal 109 Bauhaus 167, 217 Beaton, Cecil 130 - Beauties (Film) 172 Beckett, Samuel 215 Beckham, David 209 Beethoven, Ludwig van 194 Belvedere, Rome 121 Benezra, Neil 61 Benjamin, Walter 68, 142-3, 155 Bentham, Jeremy 24, 25 Bernstein, Jay 101-6 Beuys, Joseph 114 Blake, Nayland: Every 12 Minutes 56 Blossfeldt, Karl 164 Boiffard, Jacques-André 166 Boucher, François 199, 200 Brancusi, Constantin 62, 121 - Princess X120, 123 Brassai (Gyula Halâsz) 186 Bregenz: Kunsthaus, Austria 216 Breton, André - 'Beauty Will Be Convulsive...' 164 - L'Amour Fou 164-5 Brett, John 127, 128 Brooklyn Academy of Music 50 Brooklyn Museum of Art: 'Sensation' exhibition (1999) 51 Brueghel, Pieter, the Elder 129 Buchloh, Benjamin H.D. 183, 184, 168-70, 186 Burckhardt, Rudy 131 Burke, Edmund 46, 132 Butler, Judith 17 Cage, John 168, 194 Camfield, William 120-21, 123 Campbell, Naomi 202 Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio): Madonna of the Rosary 26-8, 29 Carlyle, Thomas 133 Carmichael, Stokeley 59 Carter, Angela 205 Cézanne, Paul 186 Chapman, Jake and Di nos 218-21 - Pussy in the Middle 219 - Seething Id 220 - Sex 220 - Two-faced Cunt 219 Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon 24, 212 Clark, T.J. 16, 18, 126-30 232//INDEX Combe, Thomas 94 Conceptualism 14, 16, 110, 111, 114, 117, 138, 139, 140, 168, 169, 170, 183, 213, 214 Constructivism 16 Corcoran Gallery, Washington, D.C. 53 Costello, Diurmuid 71-5 Courbet, Gustave 74, 115, 128-9 - Burial at Ornans 115 Cranach, Lucas, the Elder 200 Croce, Arlene 54 - 'Discussing the Undiscussable' 50, 51 Cubism 16 Currin.John 198-201 Dada 14, 16, 74, 117, 119, 158 Dali, Salvador 166 Damiens, Robert-François 24 Dante Alighieri: Vita nuova 38 Danto, Arthur C. 60-65, 71-5, 207, 208, 212, 213 - 'Beauty and Morality' 31-5 - The Abuse of Beauty 69nl, 119-21, 123, 124 David, Jacques-Louis 196 de Duve, Thierry, 71-5, 108-18 de Kooning, Willem: Woman series 126, 129, 130, 135 De Maria, Walter 134 Deleuze, Gilles: Cinema 2161 Deleuze, Gilles and Guattari, Félix 220 - Kafka: Towards a Minor Literature 156-7, 159 - Nomadology 160-61 - What is Philosophy? 160 DeLillo, Don 204 Derrida, Jacques 82-8 Dezeuze, Anna 71-5 Dietrich, Marlene 94 Donougho, Martin 71-5 Douglas, Mary 148 Dubos, Abbé 115 Duchamp, Marcel 12, 60, 109, 110, 116, 119, 165, 168, 214 - Bicycle Wheel 121 - Bottle Rack 120, 121, 123 - Box in a Valise 120 - Fountain 62, 63-4, 65, 119, 120, 121, 123 - In Advance of the Broken Arm [snow shovel] 207, 208, 212 - LH.O.O.Q. 170 - Notes for the Large Glass (The Green Box) 168 - Three Standard Stoppages 168 Dumas, Marlene 202-6 - Defining in the Negative 204 - Losing (her meaning) 204, 205 - Miss Interpreted (book and exhibition) 204 - The Model Imitates the Dead 202, 'Models' series 203 - Snowwhite and the Broken Arm 206; Waiting (for meaning) 204-5 Dürer, Albrecht: Instruction in Proportion 202 Eisenstein, Sergei 137 El Lissitzky 137 Elkins, James 71-5 Enlightenment 45, 74, 115 Expressionism 16 Factory, the (Warhol) 135, 136 Finley, Karen 50 Fischi, Eric 204 Fitzmaurice, Leo 225 Flaubert, Gustave: Madame Bovary 109 Flavin, Dan 134 Foster, Hal 52, 58nl6 -ed.: TheAnti-AestheticlS Foucault, Michel, Surveiller et punir 24-5 Fragonard, Jean-Honoré 199 Frazetta, Frank: 'Conan the Barbarian' 199 Freud, Sigmund 12, 14, 33, 95, 98, 116, 150, 21 220, 221 - The Psychopathology of Everyday Life 116 INDEX//233 Friere, Paulo 178 Futurism 16, 158 Gaiger, Jason 119-25 Garbo, Greta 94 Gardner Museum, Boston (Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum) 44 Geras, Norman 187 Gillick, Liam 18 Gobard, Henri 156 Godard, Jean-Luc 160 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: The Sufferings of Young Werther 128 Golub, Leon 189-92 Gonzalez-Torres, Felix 50, 52, 55-7, 58nl4, 71 - Untitled (Perfect Lovers) 56 Goode, John: 'Woman and the literary text' 96-7 Gottlieb, Adolph 129 - Black, Blue, Red 127 Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de 219, 220 Grachos, Louis 55 Greenberg, Clement 16, 110, 128-30, 152 - 'Can Taste Be Objective?' 110-11 Grunenberg, Christoph 218-21 Grünewald, Matthias: Isenheim Altarpiece 74 Guattari, Félix see Deleuze, Gilles and Guattari, Félix Habermas, Jürgen 18 Haggard, H. Rider: She 97 Hamilton, David 204 Harvey, James: Brillo box design 60, 63, 64, 65 Hausmann, Raoul 137 - Nude, Back View 180 Heartfield.John 137, 165 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (ideas of) 14, 64, 65 69n1, 78, 102, 111 Heidegger, Martin 102 Heizer, Michael 134 Helmholtz, Hermann von 167 Helms, Senator Jesse 28, 191-2 Henley, Don 201 Hickey, Dave 22-30, 54-5, 61, 70n3, 75 - The Invisible Dragon 52-3, 54 Higgins, Kathleen Marie 31-5 Hirschhorn, Thomas 158 Hirschhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 'Distemper: Dissonant Themes in the Art of the 1990s'(1996) 61-2 'Regarding Beauty: Perspectives on Art since 1950' (1999) 61, 62 Hitler, Adolf 34 Hoch, Hannah 137 Hofmann, Hans: The Garden 127 Holt, Nancy 134 Hopper, Edward 198 Hudson, Suzanne Perling 50-58 Hume, Gary 216-17 - After Petrus Christus 217 - After Vermeer 217 -Bear 217 - Bird on a Branch 217 - Jealousy and Passion 216 -Kate 217 - Love Love's Unlovable 216 - Michael 217 - Rome 216 Hunt, William Holman 91, 94, 95 Hutchinson, Mark 152-55 Independent Artists' Exhibition (1917) 120 Inkhuk (Institute of Artistic Culture), Moscow 167 Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania: Mapplethorpe retrospective (1989)53 Jackson, Michael 217 Jameson, Fredric 107 234//INDEX Janis, Sidney 134 Johns, Jasper 168 Jones, Allen 204 Jones, Caroline A. 131-6 Jones, Bill T.: Still/Here 50 Joyce, James: Ulysses 109 Judd, Donald 72, 134, 213 Kandinsky, Wassily: Point and Line to Plane 217 Kant, Immanuel 31, 39, 46, 49, 52, 69nl, 72, 74, 82-7, 101-6, 149, 150nl, 151n2 - Analytic of the Beautiful 82 - Critique of Aesthetic Judgement 108, 110 - Critique of Judgement (the third Critique) 72, 82-8, 103, 104, 106, 109, 110, 115, 146 - Critique of Practical Reason (the second Critique) 112 - Critique of Pure Reason (the first Critique) 82, 112 - Dialectic of Aesthetic Judgement 108 - Observations on the Beautiful and Sublime 109 Kapoor, Anish: Marsyas 211 Kaprow, Allan 131 Katz, Alex 196-7 - Face of the Poet series 196 - The Red Band 196 Kelley, Mike 220 Kelly, Ellsworth 216 Kiefer, Anselm 181 Klein, Yves 170, 208 Koons.Jeff 18 Kosuth, Joseph 110, 114, 208 - 'Art after Philosophy' 111 - Proto-Investigations 169 Krauss, Rosalind 164-7 Kristeva, Julia 220 Kundera, Milan 32 Kutuzov, Mikhail 181 Lacan, Jacques 220 -(ideas of) 93, 95, 116 Lao Tse 194 Lawrence, Sir Thomas 29 Léger, Fernand 121 Liberman, Alexander 131 - The Artist in His Studio 131 Lichtenstein, Roy 134, 181, 198, 199, 200 Lin, Maya: Vietnam Veterans' Memorial 65 Lombroso, Cesare 116 Los Angeles County Museum of Art 30 Lyotard, Jean-Françcois 67 MacArthur Fellowship 53 McCarthy, Paul 74, 220 - Bossy Burger 74 McDarrah, Fred: The Artist's World in Pictures 131 Macdonald, George: Liiith 97 Malevich, Kazimir 185 Man Ray 120, 166 Manet, Êdouard: Olympia 109, 203 mannerism, Italian 200 Manzoni, Piero 170 Mapplethorpe, Robert 28-9, 30, 50, 53, 54, 55, 63 Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso 16 Martin, Agnes 193-5 Martinez, Rosa 55 Marx, Karl 12, 14 Marx, Leo 134 - The Machine in the Garden 132-3 Matisse, Henri 216 Millais, Sir John Everett 91 Minimalism 14, 16, 55, 134, 135, 169, 170, 213 Modigliani, Amadeo 72-3 Moholy-Nagy, Lâszlô 167 Monroe, Marilyn 135 Morandi, Giorgio 212 Morris, Jane Burden 95-6 INDEX//235 Morris, Robert 72, 134, 168-9 - Box with the Sound of its Own Miking 169 - Card File 168; Document (Statement of Aesthetic Withdrawal) 168, 169 - I-Box 168, 169; Litanies 168 - Metered Bulb 168 - 'Some Notes on the Phenomenology of Making' 168 Morris, William 107 Moss, Kate 217 Motherwell, Robert 33, 123 - Elegies for the Spanish Republic 64-5, 121 - ed.; Dada Painters and Poets 120 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 182 Mulvey, Laura: 'Visual Pleasure and the Narrative Cinema' 93-4 Murdoch, Iris 38 Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego 50-51 Museum of Modern Art, New York (MoMA) 120 Mussolini, Benito 216 Myers, F.W.H. 92-3 n55159 Namuth, Hans 130, 131 Napoleon III, Emperor of France 115 Nauman, Bruce 74 Nehamas, Alexander 75 neo-avant-garde 139-40 neo-colonialism 176 neo-conceptualism 140 New Vision 167 New York School 16, 130, 131, 133, 134 Newman, Barnett 131, 132, 181 - 'The First Man was an Artist' 128 - 'The Sublime is Now' 128 - 'The True Revolution is Anarchist!' 128 Newton, Sir Isaac 74 Nietzsche, Friedrich 12, 14, 35, 79, 220 - The Birth of Tragedy 128 Northern art 200 Novros, David 213 O'Hara, Frank 130 Oldenburg, Claes 134 Ossorio, Alfonso 130 Ostrow, Saul 59 O'Sullivan, Simon 156-61 Owens, Craig 16 Paris Salon (1851) 115 Pater, Walter 22 Picabia, Francis; Girl born without a mother 120 Picasso, Pablo 72, 73, 117 - Demoiselles d'Avignon 109 - Guitar 123 - Suite Voilard 202 Piero della Francesca 196 Piles, Roger de 115 Plato 15, 32, 33 - Phaedrus 37-8 Poe, Edgar Allan 202-3 Polke, Sigmar 181 Pollock, Jackson 126, 129, 130, 210 - Full Fathom Five 126 - Galaxy 126 - Phosphorescence 126 - Reflection of the Big Dipper 126 - Sea Change 126 - Vortex 126 - Watery Paths 126 Pop art 16, 60, 134, 135, 170 post-Suprematism 185 postmodernism 16-17, 75, 137 poststructuralism 137 Poussin, Nicolas 121 Prado Museum, Madrid 210 Purism 16 Raphael 181, 182 236//INDEX Raskin, David 71-5 Rauschenberg, Robert 208 Rawls, John 43 readymades 12, 60, 62, 108, 109, 113, 115, 117, 119-24, 141, 143, 144, 168, 169, 207 Realism 115, 188 Renaissance 26, 199, 202 Renoir, Pierre-Auguste 128 Richter, Gerhard 51-2, 180-82, 183-8, 208 - 18. Oktober 1977186 - Abstract Painting 186 - Betty 52 - Uran works 186 Ricoeur, Paul 12, 14, 17 Rist, Pipilotti 18 Roberts, John 137-44 rococo 199, 200 Rodchenko, Alexander 137 Rodin, Auguste 220 romanticism 116, 48, 64, 132, 136 Rosen, Michael 15 - On Voluntary Servitude 14 Rosenberg, Harold 131 Rosenblum, Robert 132, 134 Rosenquist, James 134 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 90-94 - Alexa Wilding 96 - Astarte Syriaca 95-8 - Bocca bocciata 96 - Elizabeth Siddall 90 - Emma Brown 90 - Fanny Cornforth 90, 96 - Jane Morris 90 - Monna Vanna 92 - Study for the head of Astarte Syriaca 96 Rossetti, William Michael 92 Rothko, Mark 128, 132, 181 Rubens, Peter Paul 27, 121 Ruscha, Edward 30 - Information Man 22 Ruskin.John 95 - Modern Painters 127-8 Russell, Bertrand 204 Ryman, Robert 208 Sagmeister, Rudolf 216-17 Salle, David 204 Salon des Refuses, Paris 115 Saussure, Ferdinand de 168 -Journey in the Alps 82 Scarry, Elaine 36-44, 53, 75 Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von 52, 67, 133 - Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man 116 Schjeldahl, Peter 52-3 - 'Notes on Beauty' 52 Schlegel, Friedrich 116 Schoenberg, Arnold 182 Serra, Richard 135 Serrano, Andres 63 - Piss Christ 50 Shakespeare, William 47 Shelley, Mary 205 Sibley, Frank: 'Aesthetic Concepts' 122-3 Sidney Janis Gallery, New York: 'New Realists' exhibition (1962) 134 SITE Santa Fe: Fourth Biennial 'Beau Monde: Toward a Redeemed Cosmopolitanism' (2001)53, 55 Situationists 158 Smith, Adam: 'invisible hand' 14 Smithson, Robert 134, 135, 136, 171 Society of Independent Artists 62 Socrates 43 Sonnabend Gallery, SoHo, New York 222 Sontag, Susan: 'Against Interpretation' 206 Spero, Nancy 189-92 Stannard, Una 89 Steiner, Wendy 45-9, 67, 70n6, 75 Stella, Frank 133-6, 169 INDEX//237 Still, Clyfford 129, 132 Storr, Robert 51-2 Stravinsky, Igor: The Rite of Spring 109 Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) 59 Superflex 159 Surrealism, Surrealists 14, 16, 164, 165, 220 Surrealist photography 164-7 Tagg, John: 'Power and Photography' 91 Takahashi, Tomoko 18 Tate Modern, London 208, 211 Tatlin, Vladimir: Corner Relief 123 Tennyson, Alfred, Lord: The Princess 90 Tolstoy, Count Leo: Wir and Peace 181 Tyler, Parker 130 Tzara, Tristan 166 Velazquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y 182 - Las Meninas 210-11 Vermeer, Johannes 44 Vertov, Dziga 137 Vietnam War 34, 177, 192 Viso, Olga 61, 62 Wagner, Richard: Die Walküre80 Waldman, Anne 196 Warhol, Andy 30, 133-6, 172-4 - Brillo Boxes 60, 63, 64, 65, 73, 207, 208, 212 - Jackie series 203 - Marilyn series 203 Watney, Simon 56 Weber, Max 14-15 Weil, Simone 38, 42 Whitman, Walt 133 Whitney Biennial (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 1993) 61 Wilde, Oscar 107 Wildenstein Gallery, New York 129 Willsdon, Dominic 71-5 Witkin, Joel-Peter 30 Wittgenstein, Ludwig 209 Wolf, Naomi: Beauty Myth 46 Wollstonecraft, Mary 205 Wood, Paul 183-8 Woodfield, Richard Wordsworth, William 48 Zen Buddhism 194 238//INDEX
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