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Volltext:Index Abramson, Michael, 82-85, r35 Adams, Ansei, 122-24, I37 J4° 189- 91, 255-56 Adelman, Bob, 128—29 Agnew, Spiro, 54 Alinder, Jim, 242 Alvarez Bravo, Manuel, 1 6 1 , 221-28, 230, 241, 250 Arbus, Diane, 67, 77-78, 100, 125-27, 178 Arguelles, Jose, 260-61 Art, photography and, r82-94, 222-23. See also Coke, Van Deren; Con­ceptual art; Directorial mode Atget, Eugene, 110-12, 159, 223 Avedon, Richard, 78 Baraka, Imamu Amiri (LeRoi Jones), 60-63 Barrow, Thomas, 99-100 Bengston, Billy AI, 118-19 Black photographers, 9-12. See also Fundi; DeCarava, Roy; Smith, Beuford; Van DerZee, James Blow-Up, 136, 199 Brassai, 223-24, 233 Breil, Ruth, r 43-44 Breton, André, 221, 245 Bullard, E. John, 216—18 Bullock, Wynn, 55, 189 Bunnell, Peter, 30, 43, 69-70, 76, 119, t95 t97 !99 216-20, 242; inter­view, 63-68; Princeton appointment, 103-4, 195 Burrows, Larry, 92, 135, 137 Byers, Paul, 190 Camera Craft, 208, 255 Camera Work. See Stieglitz, Alfred Cameron, Julia Margaret, 254 Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 23, 62, 176, 221, 223 Castaneda, Carlos, 151 Caufield and Shook Collection (Univ. of Louisville), 259 Censorship of photography. See Vision, freedom of Cesnola, General Luigi Palma de, 32 Clagdon, Peter, 86-87 Clark, Larry, 79-81, 135, 138 Coke, Van Deren, 104-5, 119-22, 206-7, 236-38 Coleman, Omette, 17 Collecting and collectors, 4, 184, 215- 20 Color photography, 78-79, 85-88 Conceptual art, photography and, 72- 73, 183-84, 188, 192-94, 257 Consilvio, Thomas, 164 Cornell, Joseph, 121, 133 Criticism, photography, 78-79, 203-14; art critics and, 188-94, 253, 265-69 Culture, photography's impact on, 3-4, 58-60, 68-72, 82-85, 88-92, t30- 32, 270-79 Cunningham, Imogen, 181 Cutforth, Roger, 193 D'Alessandro, Robert, 124-25 Dane, Bill (William Zulpo-Dane), 141, 162-163 Dater, Judy, 106-7 Davidson, Bruce, 45-48, 82-83, 149 281 282 INDEX DeCarava, Roy, 17, 18-28, 60-63, 107-9 Dejasu, Lee, 88 Delford Brown, Robert, 130-34 Diamond, Paul, 177-78 Directorial mode, 246—57 Documentary photography, 39-41, 45- 48, 79-81, 167-68, 249-50. See also Photojournalism Domon, Ken, 176 Dylan, Bob, 58, 127 Education, photography, 88-92, 153- 55, 195-202, 270-79 Enos, Chris, 142 Evans, Walker, 159. See also Farm Security Administration Farm Security Administration ÇFSA), 33, , 124 Fink, Larry, 140 Frank, Robert, 82, 112-13, 124, 230 Friedlander, Lee, 67, 178, 257 Fuller, Buckminster, 252 Fundi (Billy Abernathy), 60-63, 1 °8, 137 Gardner, Alexander, 251 Gardner, George, 100-101 Gatewood, Charles, 99-101 Geldzahler, Henry, 261-65 George Eastman House, 104-5 Gernsheim, Helmut and Alison, 206-7, 266 Gibson, Ralph, 137-40, 193, 230 Goings, Ralph, 186 Goro, Herb, 82-84 Gowin, Emmet, 137, 163-66, 206, 236-38 Hall, Edward, 177 Hall, Susan, 128-29 "Harlem on My Mind, " 9-12, 16, 27 Hattersley, Ralph, 13, 67, 206 Heinecken, Robert, 31, 41-45, 59-60 Heyman, Abigail, 178-81 Hinton, James, 22-23 Hiroshima, exhibits on, 37-39, 175-76 Holography, 36, 272 Hosoe, Eikoh, 176, 193 Hoving, Thomas, 9-11 Hughes, Jim, 170 Hughes, Langston, 25-26 Hyde, Scott, 29 International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House, 104-5 Ishimoto, Yasuhiro, 176 Israel, Marvin, 77, 127 Ivins, William, 32, 203, 248 Jachna, Joseph, 257 Janis, Eugenia Parry, 198-202 Japanese photographers, 174-77 Jenkins, William, H I , 200-201 John, L. R., 237-38 Jones, Leroi. See Baraka, Imamu Amiri Joplin, Janis, 127 Josephson, Ken, 193, 257 Kamoinge Workshop. See DeCarava, Roy; Smith, Beuford Karsh, Yousuf, 213 Kawada, Kikuji, 176 Kirstel, Richard, 12-13, 5°-54, 193 Krims, Les, 58-60, 137, 193, 218, 236, 237, 238-42, 252-57 Language, photography and, 98-99, 177, 214, 222, 242-46 Laughlin, Clarence John, 160-62, 256, 273 Lennon, John, 135 Lesy, Michael, 150-52, 258-61 Leverant, Robert, 126 Life magazine, 134-37, 169-70 Lunn, Harry, 216-20 Lyon, Danny, 93-94 Lyons, Nathan, 104, 216-20 Mailer, Norman, 258 Martone, Michael, 171-74 Mayer, Bernadette, 98-99 McKendry, John, 33-35 McMillan, Jerry, 30-31, 115 Meatyard, Ralph Eugene, 193, 256 Michals, Duane, 48-50, 101—2, 193, 257 Minick, Roger, 39-41 Mitchel, Julio, 167-68 Mixed-media imagery, 28—31. See also Heinecken, Robert; Nettles, Bea Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo, 88 Moriyama, Daidoh, 174-76 Morris, Wright, 82, 242-46 Mortensen, William, 255-56 Museums, relationship of photography to, 9-12, 31-35, 47-48, 157, 263-65. See also Bullard, E. John; Bunnell, Peter; Coke, Van Deren; Interna­tional Museum of Photography; Szarkowski, John INDEX Music and photography, 61-62 Naef, Weston, 216-17 Naitoh, Masatoshi, 177 N a u m a n , B r u c e , 3 6 , r r 7 Nettles, Bea, 105-6 Newhall, Beaumont, 5, 65, 67, 104, 206-7, 256n, 266 Nixon, Richard, 73, 156-57 Ohara, Ken, 177 Palfi, Marion, 128 Parker, William E., 8 Parks, Gordon, 21 Penn, Irving, 261-65 Perrault, John, 183-84, 192-93 Pfahl, John, 257 Photographers, older, neglect of, 265- 69 Photojournalism, 21, 82-85, 128-29, 134-37, 169-71 Photo-Realist painting, 182-88, 235 Photo-Secession. See Stieglitz, Alfred Pictorialism, 254-56 Pirone, Joe, 30-31 Plagiarism, 229-38 Polaroid, 134, 191-92, 238-42 Polk, Brigit, 191-92 Pollack, Peter, 39, 222, 266 Portraiture, 107, 126, 131, 177-78 Princeton University. See Bunnell, Peter Purism, 5, 7, 96-97, 189-91, 246-57 Racial issues, photography and, 9-12, 45-48, 128-29. See also Black pho­tographers Rauschenberg, Robert, 29, 183, 234-35 Ray, Man, m, 237-38 Rejlander, O. G., 56, 254 Robinson, H. P., 7-8, 56, 254 Rothstein, Arthur, 251. See also Farm Security Administration Ruscha, Ed, u 3-19 Samaras, Lucas, 238-42, 256 Sander, August, 77, 127, 279 Schjeldahl, Peter, 153 Schwartz, Marvin, 87 Sequential imagery, 48-50, 101-2, 137-40, 175, 193 Seymour, Danny, 81-82, 99, 112 Sheeler, Charles, 35 Shipman, Dru, 219 Shore, Stephen, 264 Smith, Beuford, 107-9 Smith, W. Eugene, 14, 169-71 283 Snapshot aesthetic, 98-99, 130-32, 162-63, 163-66 Society for Photographic Education, 270-79 Sontag, Susan, 178-79, 205-6, 233-4 Stella, Frank, 153 Stereopticon and stereographs, 253 Stieglitz, Alfred, 3, 32, 67, 96, 144-45, 195, 241-42, 246-47 Strand, Paul, 5-7, 96-98, 189-91, 228, 247-48, 251 Stromherg, Harvey, 73-77 Szarkowski, John, 200, 206-7, 263; curatorial policies, 64-66, 103-4, 110-12, 158-60, 162-63, 174-75, 216-19; on Diane Arbus, 126-27 Tamura, Shigera, 177 Technology and materials, changes in, 271-73 Television, photography and, 13-15, 136-37, 273 Teske, Edmund, 256 Thornton, Gene, 97, 134-37 Tomatsu, Shomei, 174-76 Trentacoste, Susan, 87 Tsuchida, Hiromi, 176 Turner, Alwyn Scott, 135-36 Uelsmann, Jerry, 7-8, 55-58, 68, 256 Van DerZee, James, 16-18 Van Raay, Jan, 68-72 Vision, freedom of, r3, 50-54, 58-60, 156-58, 278-79 Visual Studies Workshop, 216-18 Von Schaick, Charles, 150-52 Walker, Todd, 190 Ward, John, 55, 57, 205 Warhol, Andy, 76-77, 234-3? Weegee, 124 Wells, Lyn, 29-30 Weston, Edward, 62, 70, in, 154, 189-94, 2-2.3, 232-33, 251 White, Minor, 67, 80, 176, 189, 206, 213-14; Light7, 13-14; Octave of Prayer, 140-50 Winningham, Geoff, 93-95 Winogrand, Garry, 230 Witkin, Lee, 178 Worth, Robert, 87-88 Yevtushenko, Yevgeny, 143-44 Zulpo-Dane, William. See Dane, Bill
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