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Volltext:Index Acconci, Vito, ix, 23-25, 34, 43, 45, 54, 150-152, 172-195, 283 Arvada Center for Arts and Humanities, Colorado, 15, 172, 174, 187-193 Following Piece, 24-25 Seedbed, 173-174 StoreFront for Art and Architecture, New York, New York, 151, 172, 183, 187 Acconci Studio, 151, 174-175, 186-188 Adams, Dennis, 59 Aguilar, Laura, 132 Ahearn, John, ix, 45, 54-59, 80-100, 103-107, 129 Back to School, 88-89, 91 Bronx Bronzes, ix, 57, 80-100, 102-109 Double Dutch, 88-89 Life on Dawson Street, 88 We are Family, 88 AIDS, 56, 65, 76, 111, 380-381, 383, 419-422, 426-428, 434, 436, 443-445 AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP), 56, 65, 76-77, 421-422, 426, 428, 430, 434 AIDS Memorial Quilt, 420-422 AIDS Ribbon, x, 380-383, 418-445 AIDS TIMELINE. 419-420 Allen, Jerry, 25 Alliance for the Arts, New York, New York, 38 Allied Arts, Seattle, Washington, 25-26 Alston, Albert, 41 Americorps, 261, 263 Amnesty International, 238-239, 426 Amoco Oil Corporation, 247-248, 250 Andrews, Kathy, 174-175 Andrews, Richard, 26-27, 396 Angelou, Maya, 262 Applebroog, Ida, 439 Architectural Sculpture, 32-33, 34-35, 148-153, 172-195, 196-233, 324-357 Armajani, Siah, 32-33, 45 Arnold, Henry. See Lin, Maya, and Henry Arnold Aronowitz, Stanley, 281 Art and Economic Development, 25-30, 38-41, 43-44, 247 Art Commission, City of New York, 81, 83, 91 Art Institute of Chicago, 22, 380 Art Matters, Inc., 385 "Art on the Beach, " 3-5, 45 Art Rebate (Avalos, Hock, and Sisco), 134, 139, 141 Artist and Homeless Collaborative (A & HC), x, 383, 433, 438-445 ArtPace, A Foundation for Contemporary Art, San Antonio, 129 Asadorian, William, 372-375 Asher, Michael, 337 Avalos, David, Louis Hock, and Elizabeth Sisco, ix, 45, 54-55, 58-59, 126-146 Art Rebate, 134, 139, 141 Donkey Cart, 138-139, 146 Welcome to America's Finest Tourist Planta­tion, ix, 54-55, 58, 126-146 Aycock, Alice, 32 Baca, Herman, 138 Bach, Penny, 21 Baker, Alan, 393, 412 Barcelona Pavilion (Mies van der Rohe), 163-164 Barr, Jerry. See Hammons, David, Jerry Barr, and Angela Valerio Battery Park City, New York, New York, 3-5, 33-34, 41, 45, 85, 103, 273, 353 Bauer, Catherine, 13 Betsky, Aaron, 422 Beuys, Joseph, 237, 255 Biggers, John, 235, 243-244 Black & Veatch, Engineers, 204, 206, 209, 222, 226-227, 231 Bladen, Ronald, 114 Blum, Andrea, 32 Blumberg, Linda, 83 Board of Education, New York, New York, 353, 355, 357-370 Borofsky, Jonathan, 168-169 Boswell, John, Christianity, Social Intolerance, and Homosexuality, 424 Boswell, Peter, 393, 396 Bourdon, David, 24 Boyer, Christine, City of Collective Memory, 31 Boyer, Penelope, 395 Bradley, Lois, 394-395 Brenson, Michael, 15 Brooke Alexander Gallery, 88 Brookman, Philip, 132 Brooks, Robert Richard, 386, 392 Brown v. Board of Education, 112 Brown, Barron, 401, 405 Brown, Denise Scott, 154-171. See also Venturi, Robert, and Denise Scott Brown Brown, Kirk, 392, 410 Brown, Sally, 412 Burden, Chris, 169 Burton, Scott, 32-33 Bush, George, 392, 395, 396 Cadmus, Paul, 428 Calder, Alexander, 21-25, 41, 45, 153 La Grande Vitesse, 22-23, 25, 41 Caro, Robert, The Power Broker, 6 Carter, Jimmy, 34, 56 Centro Cultural de la Raza, 130, 132 Chaney, Dr. Rufus, x, 382-383, 385-386, 392-394, 398, 401-404, 408-417 Charleston, South Carolina, 40-43 Charlotte, North Carolina, 123-124 Chevron Corporation, 252 Chin, Mel, x, 45, 54, 115, 255, 382, 384-407, 409, 411, 413, 416 Forgetting Tiananmen, Kent State, Tlatelolco, 399 In the Name of the Place, 386-388 Oculus, 353-354 Operation of the Sun through the Cult of the Hand, 389, 405 The Extraction of Plenty from What Remains: 1823-, 389-391 Uncommon Sense, 386 Civil Rights Memorial (Lin), 112-113, 119 Clara-Clara (Serra), 73-74 Clinical Trial (Moore), 426 Clocktower Gallery, 61, 430 Collaboration, 126-147, 172-195, 196-233, 298-321, 324-377, 381, 384-417, 419-441 Collaborative Projects, Inc., 86 Committee on Chicano Rights, 138 Community, x-xi, 20, 36, 38, 41, 81, 84, 87, 94, 105, 108, 119, 133, 159, 166, 189-190, 193, 237, 240-243, 250, 259, 281-282, 339, 414, 434 Con Edison, 372-373 Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, 237, 239-240, 249 Corcoran School of Art, Washington, D.C., 399 Courbet, Gustave, 14, 349 Creative Time, Inc., 3, 296, 316 Crimp, Douglas, ix, 56, 60-79 Cross Bronx Expressway, 6 Crow, Thomas, 14 "Culture in Action, " 380 Cunningham, Charles, 22 Cutting, Jennifer McGregor, 90 D'Amato, Alfonse, 54, 142 Davidoff, Paul, 20 "Day Without Art, " 419, 422, 430, 435 Debutantes (Moore), 383, 425, 427, 437 Delta Spirit House (Hammons, Barr, and Valerio), 3-4 Department of Agriculture, United States, 382, 385, 409 Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA), New York, New York, 38-39, 54, 81-82, 84, 355, 369-370 Department of Energy, United States, 412-413 Department of General Services (DGS), New York, New York, 81-83, 92, 103 Department of Sanitation, New York, New York, x, 24, 272, 289, 295, 297-299, 311-322 Department of Transportation (DOT), New York, New York, 82 Design Team, 26-27, 33-34 Deutsche, Rosalyn, 4, 44-45, 337-338 Diamond, William, 34, 56-57, 61, 63-64, 66, 68-69, 75 Dinkins, David, 57, 85 DiverseWorks, Houston, Texas, 237, 245, 249 Doherty, Charles, 186 Donkey Cart (Avalos, Hock, and Sisco), 138-139, 146 Drescher, Tim, 140 Duchamp, Marcel, 14, 64, 302 Edelstein, Lillian, 6 Edison, Thomas, 369 Education, 67-68, 215-216, 261, 276-285, 353-377 Elevator (Serra), 68 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 392, 393, 397, 401 Environmentalism, 196-233, 294-323, 384-417, 423-425 Epstein, Richard, 209, 212 Ernst, Carter, 251 Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Boston, Massachusetts, 30 Fashion Moda, 98-99 Federal Housing Administration (FHA), 6-7, 18 Feminism, 310-312 Ferrara, Jackie, 186-187 "Flood: A Volunteer Network for Active Partici­pation in Healthcare, " 381-382 Frame, Alan, 429 Franklin, Benjamin, 151, 157, 159-160 Franklin Court, Philadelphia (Venturi and Scott Brown), 150-151, 157-158, 160-161, 163 Franzen, Jonathan, 36 Freedman, Martin, 393, 395 Freeman, Gretchen, 222-223 Freire, Paulo, x, 45, 272-274, 276-293, 355 Pedagogy of Hope, 272, 284 Pedagogy of the City, 272, 282 Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 272, 277, 279, 282, 285-287 Fresh Kills Landfill, 297-298 Freud, Sigmund, 284, 348-349 Frohnmeyer, John, 382, 385, 395, 396-398, 403 GALA Committee, 387-389 Galeria de la Raza, 132 Galerie Lelong, 325-326 Gallery at Market East, Philadelphia, 30 Gans, Herbert, 20, 166 Gehrke, Emile, and Veva, 27 General Services Administration (GSA), 34, 56, 61, 65-68 Ghirardelli Square, San Francisco, 30 Ginzel, Andrew. See Jones, Kristin, and Andrew Ginzel Glatt, Linnea, and Michael Singer, ix, 34, 45, 151-152, 196-218, 225-229, 231-232, 283 Solid Waste Management Facility, Phoenix, x, 220-232 Grand Rapids, Michigan. See Calder, La Grande Vitesse Graves, Michael, 29-30 Great Society Program, 18, 45 Greenberg, Clement, 14-15, 19, 272 "Modernist Painting, " 15 "Towards A Newer Laocoön, " 14 Greenpeace, 423 Grotfeldt, Deborah, 152, 247-248, 252-253 Group Material, 419, 420 Gruzen Samton Steinglass, 359 Guerilla Girls, 439 Guggenheim Museum of Art, New York, New York, 42 Guild House, Philadelphia (Venturi and Rauch), 155-156 Haacke, Hans, 249 Habermas, Jürgen, 71 Haha, 380, 381, 382 Halleck, Dee Dee, 76, 77 Hammons, David, 3-4, 41-43, 54, 348 America Street, 42 House of the Future, 41-42 Hammons, David, Jerry Barr, and Angela Valerio, Delta Spirit House, 3-4 Handshake Ritual (Ukeles), 296 Happel, Mark, 439 Harborplace, Baltimore, 30 Hart, Frederick, 111-112 Hartford Wash (Ukeles), 307 Hartmand, Chester, 20 Hayden, Dolores, 7 Heap-of-Birds, Edgar, 144 Hellmuth, Yamasaki, Leinweber, 12 Helms, Jesse, 142 Highways, 5-6, 28 - Hirsch, Peter, 63 Hirshhorn Museum, Washington, D.C., 87, 325, 382, 389-390, 395, 404, 405 Hobbs/Fukui, 26-27 Hock, Louis. See Avalos, David, Louis Hock, and Elizabeth Sisco Hock, Louis, "The Mexican Tapes, " 130, 132-133 Holl, Steven, 151, 176, 183 Holzer, Jenny, 170 Homeless Projection (Wodiczko), 339 Homeless Vehicle (Wodiczko), 337-341 hooks, bell, 85, 280, 284 Teaching to Transgress, 280-281, 284 Hopps, Walter, 395, 396 Housing, 7-8, 12, 16, 18, 252 Hudson River School, 423-424 / Make Maintenance Art One Hour Every Day (Ukeles), 24, 295, 308-310 lllich, Ivan, 44 Immigration, 126-147, 324-351 In the Name of the Place (Chin), 386-388 International Style, 8, 21 Internet, 37 Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, 93 Izenour, Steven. See Venturi, Robert, and Denise Scott Brown Jackson, Kenneth, 6-7, 13 Jackson, Larry, 41 Jacob, Mary Jane, 40, 380-381 Jacobs, Jane, 16-18, 23, 31, 45 The Death and Life of Great American Cities, 16-17 Jefferson, Charmaine, 83 Jennings, Karen, 250-251 Jensen, Ron, ix, 151-152, 220-232 Johnson, Keneesha, 268 Johnson, Lyndon, 18, 28 Johnson, Philip, 9, 169 Johnson, Philip, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Seagram Building, New York, New York, 9-10 Jones, Cleve, 420, 421 Jones, Kristin, and Andrew Ginzel, x, 45, 274, 352-377 Mnemonics, x, 352-377 Kahn, Louis, 155 Kaprow, Alan, 25 Kardon, Janet, 70 Kaskey, Raymond, 29-30 Keating, Andrew, 26-27 Keeley, Una, 95 Kiefer, Anselm, 62 King, Rodney, 17 Kittleson, Paul, 251 Knuckles, Kenneth, 83 Koch, Edward, 57 Koetter, Fred, 11 Kramer, Hilton, 14 Krauss, Rosalind, 283 Kristeva, Julia, 348-350 Kruger, Barbara, 127-128 Kubli, Burt, 245 Kwon, Miwon, 22-23, 41, 44, 281-282 La Grande Vitesse (Calder), 22-23, 25, 41 Lacy, Suzanne, 43, 45 Mapping the Terrain: New Genre Public Art, 43 LaMelle, Claudette, 83-84 Lamoureaux, Johanne, 283 Landmarks Preservation Commission, 11, 372 Landscape, 114-115, 124-125, 201, 205, 214, 230, 384-417 Lazar, Julie, 386 Le Corbusier, 8, 11-12, 14-16, 18-19, 23, 30, 45, 156 Lefebvre, Henri, 44 Leicester, Andrew, Ghost, 11 Leider, Philip, 62 Lengeling, Joe, 359 Leninplatz Projection (Wodiczko), 339 Lever House, New York, New York, 10 Levine, Renée, 359, 361 Levitt, Alfred and William, 6 Levittown, 6, 12, 18, 36 Lewis, Dr. Neida, 253-254, 265 Lin, Maya, ix, 32, 45, 54-55, 110-125, 129, 283 Civil Rights Memorial, 112-113, 119 Vietnam Veterans Memorial, ix, 32, 42-43, 54-58, 111-125, 421 Wavefield, 115, 122 Women's Table, 112, 116-117 Lin, Maya, and Henry Arnold, Topo, 123-125 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, New York, New York, 39 Linker, Kate, 173 Lippard, Lucy, 306 Lloyd, Emily, 299 Locklear, Heather, 387-388 Lovell, Whitfield, 439 Lowe, Rick, ix-x, 152, 233-256, 259, 263-264, 266, 268-269 Lurie, David, 338 "Maintenance Art Performance Series" (Ukeles), 272-322 "Manifesto! Maintenance Art" (Ukeles), 24, 295, 303-306, 310 Mapplethorpe, Robert, 67, 142 Markovitz, Sherry, 26-27 "Marrying the Barges" (Ukeles), 316-317 Martinez, Daniel, 45 Masco Home Furnishings, 252 McEvilley, Thomas, 141 McGonagle, Dedan, 94 McKim, Charles, William Mead, and Stanford White, 10, 72 Pennsylvania Station, 10-11 McLean, Jackie, x, 383, 434, 438-445 McLuhan, Marshall, 280 McPartland, Brenda, 94 Melrose Place, 387-388 Menil Collection (Houston), 237, 248-249, 395, 405 Men's Group Family Resource Center, Dublin, 94-95 Meredith, James, 113 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York, 38-39 Metropolitan Opera House, New York, New York, 39 Mexican American Business Association, San Diego, California, 142 "Mexican Tapes, The" (Sisco), 130-134 Michelangelo, 391, 432 Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 9, 163-164 Barcelona Pavilion, 163-164 Seagram Building (see Johnson, Philip, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe) Miles, Malcolm, Art, Space, and the City, 44 Miller, Tarn, 401-402 Miss, Mary, 32 Mitchell, W.J.T., 54, 55 Mnemonics (Jones and Ginzel), x, 352-377 Modernism, 8-11, 13-17, 19, 21, 23-24, 29, 31, 45, 155, 159-160, 163-164, 169 Mollenkopf, John, 18, 28 Montgomery, Alabama. See Civil Rights Memorial (Lin) Moore, Frank, x, 45, 383, 418-437, 439 AIDS Ribbon, x, 380-383, 418-445 Clinical Trial, 426 Debutantes, 383, 425, 427, 437 Moore, Henry, 21, 153 Moses, Robert, 6, 39 Muschamp, Herbert, 198 Mumford, Lewis, 8 Murphy, Charlotte, 395 Museum for African Art (Lin), New York, New York, 114 Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA), Los Angeles, California, 87, 295, 386-388 Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego, California, 129, 157 Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, 237, 249 Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, New York, 63, 67, 71, 75-77, 129, 141, 174, 185-186 Nagge, Helen, 387, 389-391, 401 National Association of Artists Organizations (NAAO), 395 National Commission on Urban Problems, 13, 18 National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), 22-24, 43, 54, 69, 129-130, 142, 245, 382-383, 385-386, 392-397, 399-400, 402-403, 407, 410-413 National Endowment for the Arts, Art in Public Places Program, 22-23, 43, 245, 396 National Park Service, 159-160 Nesbitt, Kate, 13-14 Neshat, Shirin, 176 NIMBY syndrome, 222, 224 Nixon, Richard, 19, 28, 45, 423 O'Connell, Patrick, 419, 442-443 Oculus (Chin), 353-354 Office of Economic Opportunity's Community Action Program, 18-19 Operation of the Sun through the Cult of the Hand (Chin), 389, 405 Ordover, Morris, 63 Ortiz, Carlos, 29 Osorio, Pepón, 439 P.S. 1 Contemporary Art Center (Project Studios), 54, 297 P.S. 122 Gallery, 430 Palmertown, Pennsylvania, 386, 403-404, 415-417 Paris, Shirley, 64 Park, Kyong, 176 Pataki, George, 59 Pelli, Caesar, 33 Penn, William, 157, 161 Pennsylvania State University, 153, 266, 268 Pennsylvania Station (McKim, Mead, and White), 10-11 Peranteau, Michael, 245 Percent for Art Programs, viii, xiii, 20-21, 25-26, 32, 40-41, 43, 57, 59, 65, 81, 83, 90, 92, 150-151, 164-165, 168, 175, 192, 222, 230, 273-274, 298, 353, 355-356, 385, 433 Persian Gulf War, 54, 242, 383, 421, 429 Personal Instrument (Wodiczko), 337 Phoenix Arts Commission, 221, 223 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 20-21, 30, 157-158, 161 Phillips, Patricia, 3 Phoenix Arts Commission, 221, 223-224 Picasso, Pablo, 21-25, 45 "Chicago Picasso, " 21-23, 25 Pig's Eye Landfill, 394, 398-399, 403, 411, 413 Plaza Law (1961), 10, 17 Ploof, John, 380 Police Department, New York, New York, 81-82, 84, 86, 90, 92 Pollock, Jackson, 302, 304 Port Authority, New York and New Jersey, 38 Portland Building (Graves), Portland, Oregon, 29-30 Portland, Maine, 43-45 Portland, Oregon, 25, 29-30 Postmodernism, 11, 19, 21, 28-30, 37, 66, 422 Project Row Houses (Lowe), ix-x, 152, 234-269 Pruitt-lgoe, St. Louis, Missouri, 12-13, 16, 18 Przybylak, Jagoda, x, 272-273, 324-334 Public Art Fund, 128, 131 Public Works Department, Phoenix, Arizona, 221 Race, racism, 6-7, 11, 13, 36, 81-109, 119-121, 236-257 Re, Judge Edward, 61, 63, 68, 72, 74-75 Reagan, Ronald, 34, 56, 61, 69, 392, 410, 412 Revival Field (Chin), x, 380-382, 385, 390, 394-395, 400, 402-406, 408-417 Rifkin, Ned, 395 Riots, 11, 19-20, 35-36 Rollins, Tim, 45 Ronald Feldman Gallery, 296, 317-319 Rosenthal, Bernard, 69 Rouse Corporation, 30-31 Rowe, Colin, 11 Rubin, William, 63, 71, 141 Ruck, Dean, 246-247 Ruscha, Ed, 168 S.H.A.P.E. (Self-Help for African People Through Education), 240 Saarinen, Eero, 155 Sakellar, Dino, 209 Samou, Dgencuou, 327 San Diego. See Welcome to America's Finest Tourist Plantation San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SF-MoMA), 130 San Jose Museum of Art, 144-145 Sanctuary (Elyn Zimmerman), 34-35 Sandrow, Hope, 383, 433, 439-442 Sawing (Serra), 62 Scarry, Elaine, 397, 407 The Body in Pain, 397 Sculpture Chicago, 380 Seagram Building, New York, New York, 9-10, 16 Seattle Art Museum, 157 Seattle, Washington, 25-27, 34, 157 Senie, Harriet, 150 Serra, Richard, ix-x, 5, 34-35, 54-59, 61-79, 115-116, 150, 283, 337 Clara-Clara, 73-74 Elevator, 68 Sawing, 62 Slice, 62 Splash, 69 Tilted Arc, ix-x, 5, 34-35, 54-57, 60-79, 81-82, 85, 283, 406 Shakur, Assata, ix-x, 152-153, 258-269 Shea, Judith, 439 Slice (Serra), 62 Sierra Club, 38 Simpson, Lewis "Buster, " 26-27 Simms, Patterson, 168 Singer, Michael. See Glatt, Linnea, and Michael Singer Sisco, Elizabeth. See Avalos, David, Louis Hock, and Elizabeth Sisco SITE (Superfund Innovative Technology Evalua­tion), 393 Smith, Roberta, 58 Smithson, Robert, 115-116, 391 Non-sites, 116 Sokolowski, Tom, 419 South Street Seaport, New York, New York, 30-31 Southern Poverty Law Center, Montgomery, Alabama, 112-113, 119-120 Splash (Serra), 69 Spoleto Festival, Charleston, South Carolina, 40, 42 St. Paul, Minnesota, xi, 382, 385-386, 393-394, 399-400, 403, 411, 413, 416 Stettheimer, Fiorine, 428 StoreFront for Art and Architecture, 151 Storr, Robert, 62 Stuyvesant High School, New York, New York, x, 273-274, 353-354, 356-377 Suburbanization, 5-6, 13, 38 Sun Ra and the Solar Arkestra, 3-5, 45 Symes, Arthur, ix, 56-57, 102-109 Teaford, Jon, 36, 38 Television, 37, 137, 386-388, 395 The Extraction of Plenty from What Remains: 7823-(Chin), 389, 390, 391 Tiananmen Square, 399 Tilted Arc (Serra), ix-x, 5, 34-35, 54-57, 60-79, 81-82, 85, 283, 406 Torres, Rigoberto, 86, 88-90 Touch Sanitation Performance (Ukeles), 296, 313-317, 319-321 Toxic waste sites, 380, 382, 385, 409 Treaxeros (Jensen), 231-232 Trinity United Methodist Church, 237, 249-250 Uhlman, Wes, 25-26 Ukeles, Mierle Laderman, x, 23-25, 43, 45, 197, 272, 294-322 CARE, 305 Cleansing the Bad News, 296, 317-318 Flow City, 297-298 Follow in Your Footsteps, 296-297 Handshake Ritual, 296 Hartford Wash, 307 I Make Maintenance Art One Hour Every Day, 24, 295, 308-310 "Maintenance Art Performance Series, " 272-322 "Manifesto! Maintenance Art, " 24, 295, 303-306, 310 Touch Sanitation Performance, 296, 313-317, 319-321 Unburning Freedom Hall, 295 Unburning Freedom Hall (Ukeles), 295 Uncommon Sense, 386 Urban development, 2-51, 234-257 US Homes Corporation, 252 Vaccarello, Anthony, 311-312 Valerio, Angela. See Hammons, David, Jerry Barr, and Angela Valerio Vanna Venturi House (Venturi), 155, 157 Vento, Bruce and Mary, 399-400 Venturi, Robert, 19, 23, 28-29, 34, 45, 154-171 Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, 19, 155 Iconography and Electronics Upon a Generic Architecture, 157 Oberlin College, Allen Memorial Gallery, 157 Vanna Venturi House, 155, 157 Venturi, Robert, and Denise Scott Brown, ix, 28, 29, 34, 45, 150-151, 154-170 Franklin Court, Philadelphia, 150-151, 157-158, 160-161, 163 Learning from Las Vegas, 156 National Gallery, London, Sainsbury Wing, 157 Welcome Park, 157, 161 Venturi and Rauch, 155-156 Guild House, 155-156 Venturi, Scott Brown, and Associates (VSBA), 156-158, 163, 168 Vietnam Veterans Memorial (Lin), ix, 32, 42-43, 54-58, 111-125, 421 Vietnam War, 20, 111, 119, 301, 419 Viewland/Hoffman Substation, Seattle, Washington, 26-27, 33 Visual AIDS for the Arts, Inc., 394, 419, 421-423, 429, 433, 439 von Maschzisker, Michael, 21 Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, xi, 393-396, 402-403, 411, 413 Wallace, Edith (Peaches), 434, 439, 441, 444 Ward, Tricia, 45 Watt, James, 123 Watts, Los Angeles, 237 l/l/ave/7e/d(Lin), 115, 122 Weiss, Glenn, 297 Welcome Park (Venturi, Scott Brown, and Associates), 157, 161 Welcome to America's Finest Tourist Plantation (Avalos, Hock, and Sisco), ix, 54-55, 58, 126-146 Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, Ohio, 114-115 Whitehearst, Deborah, 221-223 Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 24, 116, 129-130, 306-311, 423, 440 Wines, James, 29, 64-65 Winkler, Paul, 248-249 Wodiczko, Krzysztof, x, 45, 272-273, 325-334, 336-351 Alien Staff, x, 272-273, 324-334, 336-351 Campanile, San Marco, 338 "ElectronicTalmud, " 342-343 Homeless Projection, 339 Homeless Vehicle, 337-341 Leninplatz Projection, 339 Personal Instrument, 337 Women's Table (Lin), 112, 116-117 World Financial Center, New York, New York, 3-4 World Trade Center, New York, New York, 4, 353-354, 364 Young Mothers Residential Program, x, 152, 251-254, 259-269 Zimmerman, Elyn, 32, 34-35 Zoning, 20 Zukin, Sharon, 39, 44
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