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Volltext:Index Numbers in italics refer to illustrations Aalto, Alvar, 299 Abendroth, Wolfgang, 211 abstract art, 32—3, 53, 61, 64 Abstract Expressionism, 33, 321 Action painting, 61 Adenauer, Konrad, 299 Adorno, Theodor, 2, 12, 79, 82, 83, 325, 342n advertising art, 12, 204, 204 alienation, 4, 15-16, 22, 94, 95, 264, 269, 327 Allgemeine Deutsche Kunstausstellung exhibition (Dresden, 1946), 21, 32 Allgemeine Deutsche Kunstgenossenschaft, 165, 169 Allied Control Council, 291 Amte Feierabend (Office for After Working Hours), 204 Arbeiter Illustrierte Zeitung (AlZ), 12, 97, 311 Arbeitsrat für Kunst, 237 archer leitmotif, 277, 278 architectur and town planning, 77, 82-3, 190, 191, 197; Berlin (1870-1945), 223-52; Gesamtkunstwerk, 316; Italian fascist, 197; Nazi, 192, 193, 194, 196, 197, 202, 208, 209, 242-8; Osthaus projects, 186, 189; Weimar Republic, 234—42; West Berlin (1945-85), 248-52, 291-308 Arnold, Edouard, 220 art dealers, 175-6 Art in Germany 1889-1973 exhibition (Hamburg), 194 Art in the Third Reich: Documents of Subjection (Frankfurt, 1974), 194, 195, 198 Art into Society, Society into Art (ICA, 1974), 315 art societies, 176-90, 218 Arts and Crafts movement, 27 Artaud, Antonin, 57 Ashton, Dore, 52 Asso association, 25 Aurier, Albert, 354n author functions, 90, 116, 117, 118, 134, 141 Avenarius, Ferdinand, 171 Bacchanalia tradition, 124 Bach, Elvira, 116 Bachauer, Walter, 207 Bachoffen, Johan Jacob, 122 Bakunin, Mikhail, 231 Bandel, Hans, 250 Barfuss, Ina, 116 Barlach, Ernest (Heinrich), 18, 176, 208 Barmen Art Society, 177, 179-81, 183 Bartels, Adolf, 230 Barthes, Roland, 53 Bartning, Otto, 239, 241, 242, 242, 243, 244, 291, 293; design for Sternkirche, 291 Baselitz, George, 13, 22, 145-6, 147, 218; Der neue Typ, 22 Bataille, Georges, 77, 85 Bauhaus, 10, 17, 83, 174, 190, 292, 341n Baumeister, Willi, 11, 18, 32, 214, 293 Beauvoir, Simone de, 55, 57, 63 Becher, Johannes, R., 32 Bechtejeff, Wladimir, 179, 183 Beckmann, Max, 16, 18, 20, 159, 235-6, 251, 253, 261, 286-7; Iron Footbridge, 253, 264 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 18 Begas, Reinhold, 225 Behrend, Charlotte, 134—5, 135 Behrens, Peter, 244, 245, 306 Benjamin, Walter, 54, 196, 246 Bergander, Rudolph, Hausfriedenskomitee, 37, 38-9 Bergius, Hanne, 103, 110 Berlin, 4, 97, 98, 223-52, 253, 258-9, 265, 269, 273; architecture and town planning (1870-1945), 223-52; Die Brücke, 280-3; cult of nudism, 269-72, 377 Berlin cunt. 1"Ь T 280 1; Cathed rul, 225, 227; Gehag housing estates, 236, 23"", 238; Garrenstadt Kalkenberg, 2)2; Greater, 224, 236; Cross Berlin project, 190; Industrial Museum, 173; trom the Kreuzberg, 224, 224, 225; National Gallery, 163, 168, 218; Olympic Games f 1936), 246, 247; Olympic Stadium light-dome, 19", /99; population growth, 223 4, 265; post-war political division of, 249, 297 8, 32"; proposed north-south axis for (1942), 245, 246, 247, 245, 250; rebuilding of post-war, 249, 251, 291 2; Reichskanzlei paintings, 202, 204, 204, 208, 212; Reichsportfeld, 199, 202, 202; ruins of (1945), 249, 291; street scene paintings, 281-2, 284-6, 288- 9, 309-10, 312, 319, 321; Tempelhof Airfield, 193, /94; Waldbiihnc: Wanger sculptures, 199-201, 200, 202; wartime food shortages, 233, 244; see also Berlin, Kast; Berlin, West Berlin: A Critical View (ICA exhibition), 315 Berlin Dada, 12, 29, 90, 94, 97, 101, /02, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 110, 113,311, 312,318 Berlin, East, 299, 307; demolition of Berlin Town Palace, 297; Kunst hochschule, 344n; riots (1953), 39; Schauspielhaus, 307; Stalinallee and Hochhaus an der Weherwiese, 299 Berlin Museum Society, 167 Berlin Secession, 131, /42, 134, 169, 175, F9, 273 Berlin Wall, 236, 312, 3/4, 314, 325; paintings, 32"-8, 329, 330 5 Berlin, West, 33, 148, 197; architecture of prosperity (1954—68), 300 2; architecture of uncertainty (1969 83), 305-7; Bauausstellung Berlin GmbH (1979), 305; Bauhaus Archive building, 301; 'collective plan' for, 294—5; demolition in, 296, 297, 302; 'denazified' town planning (1945 53), 293 -6; Durchblick exhibition of East German art, 332; Gastarbeiter, 325, 326, 327; Haake's Broadness and Diversity of the Ludwig Brigade, Ml 13, 4/4, 4*40-/, 330 5; Hauptstadt Berlin competition, 297 8; Heftige Maleret exhibition (1980), 317; International Building Exhibition {.Interbau), 296, 299-300, 301, 305, 307; International Congress Centre, 306 7; Kreuzberg section, 325-6, 332, 336; Kulturforum, 302; Kunstlerhaus Bethanien gallery, 328, 332; Liitzowplatz residential park project, 306; Märkisches Viertel, 300, 306; Moritzplatz painters, 3 17,318 19, 320, 324, 325,327; motorway superstructure, 306 7; municipal cleaning service workshop, 306; Museum of German History, 252; 1969 83: 304 5, 306 ~; New National Gallery, 301; new vehemence old ideologies, 309 40; Philharmonic concert hall, 300 1; Prussian Cultural Heritage Iabrary, 301; Sanders Him about, 313 14; sitc-specihc art, 328, 329, 330- 1; squatters, 325, 326 7; Technical University, 304; 'town planning of democracy' (1954 68), 297-300; Urban Expressionism (neoexprcssionism), 312, 314, 315-23, 325, 327; Zeblendorf Plan, 294; Zeitgeist exhibition (1982), /98, 207, 316, 328; see also Berlin; Berlin, East Berlinart exhibition (1987), 373n Berlin-Britz, 236, 2 37, 238, 2 38, 239 Berlin-Charlottcnburg, 224, 227, 228, 24/, 304-5 Berliner lllustrirte Zeitung (BIZ), 97, 98, 105, 1 10, 111, //2, 111, 271, 276; cover photographs, 98, 99, /00; 'Frühlings Moden", 272 Berliner Salon, 164 Berlin-Friedenau, 286 Berlin-Grunewald, 227; Vätta Dorti, 240 Berlin-Neukölin, 250, 251, 306 Berlin-Potsdam railway, 265, 266 Berlin-Schoneberg, 227, 229 Berlin-Siemenssradt, 239, 249, 241, 242, 242, 244 Berlin-Spandau, 224 Berlin-Wedding, 225, 226, 227, 238 Berlin-Weissensee, 37, 38, 224 Berlin-Wilmersdorf, 227, 286 Berlin-Zehlendorf, 243, 244 Berndt and Lange, architects, 228 Bernstein, Richard, Habermas and modernity (ed.), 75 Betcke case, 237 Between Resistance and Conformism exhibition (Berlin, 19T8), 191 Bcuys, Joseph, 11, 13, 22, 48, 51, 218; Fairasienstab, 22 Bick, 184 Biedermeier period, 42, 224 Bildende Kunst (magazine), 32 Bismarck, Count Otto von, 122, 140 Bloch, Ernst, 108-10 ßöcklin, Arnold, 120-6, 127, 136, 138; Self-Portrait with Violin playing Death, 120, III, 120- 2, 124; Self-Portrait with Wife, 124 5, /25, 134 Bodenreform (land reform), 269, 272-3 Böhmert, Victor, 174 Bölsche, Wilhelm, 231 Bonat/, Paul, 293, 295 Bonn, 292; Bundeshaus, 292 Borofsky, Joseph, Running Man, 528' Bosselt, Rudolf, 17*3 Bouveresse, Jacques, Rationalité et cynisme* 7~" Bovle, Kay, 69 Brassai, Graffiti book: 'Birth of the face', 72 Brecht, Bertold, 59, 40, 43, 1 14, 210, 343n Breker, Arno, 214 Bremen, Neue Vahr in, 300 Brenner, Hildegard, 19", 208 Breton, Andre, 66 Bruck, Moller van den, 210 Die Brücke, 25, 28, 140, Г7 83 , 3 1 2, 517, 318, 319, 320 Brussc, Hermann, Hungermarsch, 34 Bryen, Ciamille, 55, 66, 68, 72 Buchenwald Concentration Camp, Cremer's group sculpture at, 33, 33 Buchloh, Benjamin, 320 Bund Deutscher Architekten, 209, 250 Buttdeskunsthalle, 219 Bundesverband Bildener Kunstler, 219 Bundesverband Deutscher Galeristen, 219 20 Burckhardt, Jacob, 122, 123, 217 Buren, Daniel, 329 Bürger, Peter, Burgin, Victor, 354n Busche, F.rnst, 51 Bussman, George, 208 C7aider, Alexander, 62; Circus* 61 Ciamus, Albert, 55 Cannetti, Flias, 133 H 'Capital exegesis' approach, 196 Cardinal, Roger, 52 3 Ciarlyle, Thomas, 260 Caspar-Filser, Maria, 179 Ciassierer, Bruno, 175 Cassirer, Paul, 175—6 Castells, Manuel, 319-20 Celine, Louis-Ferdinand, I.'Eglise, 58 Cézanne, Paul, 53, 176, 179, 182 Charte d'Athènes (1933), 29"" Chicago, 253, 256 Chicago School of Urban Sociology, 223, 259, 322 3 Chuang T/u, 64, 347n city metropolis, 3 4; apocalyptic paintings, 286 8; Berlin (architecture), (J870 1945), 223- 52; cenrrality in social theory, 3, 253 64; conservative polarisation of country vs., 265, 267, 268, 269, 2"73, 274, 276, 288; cult of nudism, 269 -72, 276 -81; Fxpressionism, 274- 83; garden, 231, 232, 236, 244, 249, 265, 273; historical development, 254 7; Impressionism, 2T3, 274, 285 6; individual and society, 261 2; new vehemence old ideologies, 309 40; oriental vs. occidental, 255, 263; painted city as nature and artifice, 265-90; separation of work and home, 256; social differentiation and social order in, 254, 257 61, 262; town planning and architecture in Berlin (1945 85), 291 308; urban politics, 323—4 Cold War, 21, 22, 32, 108, 299, 325, 331 collages, 11,12 collectors, 163, )75, P"7 8, 182, 184, 186- 7, 189 Collins, Joan, 94 5 Cologne, 148, 218, 237, 295, 306; Art Society, 176, Cathedral, 166 Communist, Communists, 21, 26, 30, 35, 39,97, 106, 107-8, 2*73 concentration camps, 33 4 Conceptualism, 148,318 constructivist abstraction, 83 Corinth, Lovis, 15, 42, 120, 134 6, 176; Self-Portrait with Family, 134 5, 735; Self-Portrait with Studio Skeleton, 127, /27; Self-Portrait - The Victor, /39, 139 40 Courbet, Gustave, 53, 182 Cranach, Lucas, 25 Cremer, Fritz, 33; Buchenwald Denkmal, 33, 33; Freiheitskämpfer, 33 Crimp, Douglas, 328 9 Critical Realism, 251, 314- 15, 316, 318 Crystal Chain group, 234, 235 Cubism, 59, 69, 286 Culler, Jonathan, 78, 35In Culture Parry, 171-2 cultural pessimism, 122, 123, 138 Dada, 343n; Berlin, 12, 29, 90, 94, 97, 101, /02, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 110, 113, 311, 312, 318 Die Dame (magazine), 97, 98, 101, 1 11, 113 Damenmode fashion magazine, 285 Damme, Claire van, 52 Darwin, Charles, 271 Daumier, Honore, 176 Davringhausen, Heinrich Maria, Der Schiber, 29, 29 Dech, Gertrud Julia, 352n deconstruction, 12, 76, 78, 80, 85, 90, 122; strategies of pleasure and, 93-115 The decorating of violence (essays), 196 Degas, Fdgar, 176 Degenerate Art, 20, 32, 191, 212-13, 265n; 1937 exhibition, 207; memorial exhibition (Munich, 1962), 191 Die Dekoration der Gewalt, 199 Derrida, Jacques, 76, 83, 84, 101 Dessau, Paul, 39 Deutsche, Rosalyn, xvi, 251, 309^10 Deutsche Bund für Lehensreform, 269 Deutsche Gartenstadtgesellschaft, 231, 232, 236 Deutsche Kultur (journal), 170 Deutsche Volkstimme, Fidus' illustrations in, 272-3 Deutsche Wohnungsfürsorge AG (Dewog), 236 Deutscher Künstlerbund, 219 Deutscher Werkbund, 173, 174, 187, 209, 237 dialectical materialism, 26 Diederichs, Eugene, 164; Publishing House, 174 differentiation vs. différance, Habermas' theme of, 76-85 Dix, Otto, 16, 18, 19, 25, 29, 30, 208, 251, 288-90; Kartenspielende Kriegsküppel, 30; Prager Strasse, 288-9, 289, 290 Doane, Mary Ann, 94, 95 Docker, Richard, 250, 293 Documenta exhibitions (Kassel, 1955), 21, 219 Dongen, Kees van, Picture of August von der Heydt, 177, 177 Dortmund Architectural Convention (1975), 304 'Dreimal Deutschland' exhibition (Hamburg, 1981), 12 Dresden, 30, 34, 321; Allgemeine Deutsche Kunstausstellung (1946), 21, 32; Die Brücke and nudist cult in, 277-80; Kunstakademie, 30, 343n Dresden Ethnographie Museum, Kirchner's Palau beams in, 277 Driesmann, Heinrich, 171 Duke, Professor Wolf-Dieter, 276 Dubuffet, Jean, Portraits, 68 Duncan, Carol, 120 Dürer, Albrecht, 18, 25 Dürkheim, Emile, 79, 254, 257, 260 Düsseldorf, 148, 218, 245 Duttman, Werner, 300 Dymschitz, Alexander, 33-4 East Germany (German Democratic Republic), 5, 11, 13, 20-1, 22, 144, 331-5; architecture and town planning, 293, 296-7, 299; art schools, 343-4n; art, truth and paradox in, 24-49; Durchblick art exhibition, 332; excluded from Royal Academy exhibition, 24, 25; 'expanded realism' concept, 13; Künstlerverband (Artists' Union), 39, 333, 344n; realistic-revolutionary art (1920s), 13; State Art Trading Agency, 332; see also Berlin Wall; West Germany Eberele, Matthais, 354n Ebersbach, Hartwig, 44; Kaspar - die Entwicklung eines Porträt, 46 Ebert, President Friedrich, 103, 110, 113 Eggeling, Fritz, 298 Eiermann, Egon, 293 Einstein, Albert, 103 Elberfeld, 177-8, 182-3, 184; Museum/Museum Society, 177, 178, 179, 182-3, 184; Stadtbauamt, 181 Eleven Artists Working in Berlin (Whitechapel Gallery, 1979), 314—16 Eliot, George, 131 Elliott, David, xv, 13, 24-49 Endeil, August, 285; Die Schönheit der grossen Stadt, 273—4 Engels, Friedrich, 229, 260-1 Entartete Kunst see Degenerate Art environment, preservation of the, 303 Erbslöh, Adolf, 183 Die Erde (periodical), 106 Erler, Fritz, portrait of the Führer, 205, 212 Ermisch, Richard, 295 Ernst, Max, 16, 18 Eucken, Rudolf, 164 Existentialism, see Sartre, Jean-Paul Expressionism, German, 4, 11, 13, 19, 23, 27, 28-9, 51, 52, 90, 140-1, 143, 163, 180, 184, 186, 190, 232, 233, 234, 274, 277, 284, 287, 288, 291, 294, 310-12, 366n; Abstract, 33, 321; Die Brücke, 25, 28, 240, 277-83, 312, 317, 318, 319,320; Crystal Chain group, 234-5; Urban, 312, 319-23, 327; see also neo-expressionism face, theme of the human, 62-73 Fahrenkrog, Ludwig, 178, 179 Fahlström, Öyvind, 52 fascism see National Socialism Fassbinder, Rainer, 'Garbage, the City and Death', 313 Faust, Wolfgang Max, 325, 327 Fautrier, Jean, Les otages, 68 Fauves, 184, 186 Federation of German Architects, 291 Feese, Hans, 292 Feininger, Lyonel, 18 Felixmueller, Conrad, Der Maschinist, 39 feminism, feminist art, 77, 78, 90-1, 313-14; post-1968 attitudes and positions, 148-60; Hannah Höch's photomontages in Weimar years, 93-115 Fest, Joachim, 196 Fetting, Rainer, 149, 317, 318, 327; Van Gogh und Mauer, 312, 313, 327, 373n Fidus (Hugo Höpfner), 178, 271, 272-3, 278; Lichtgebet, 270, 271 Fighting League for German Culture, 213, 214, 292 Filmliga (newspaper), 60 First All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers (1934), 25-6 First World War, 16-17, 27, 167, 233 Fischer, Theodor, 211 Fischer-Defoy, Christine, 197 Flaubert, Gustave, 76, 126 Folkwang House/Museum (Osthaus' collection), 186, 188, 189; entrance hall, 186; music room, 180 Fontane, Theodor, 229 Forbat, Fred, 238 Foucault, Michel, 83, 84, 116, 117, 126, 138 Frampton, Kenneth, 83 France, French, 13, 15-16, 22; Impressionists, 175-6, 186, 273-, see also Paris Frankfurt, 196, 295, 307, 313; Art in the Third Reich (1974), 194, 195, 198; Iron Footbridge, 253; Nordweststadt, 300; Opera House, 307 Frankfurt School, 75, 196 Frecot, Janos, 278 Frederick the Great, King, 266 Freiburg, 295 Freikörperkultur see nudism Freud, Sigmund, 48, 105 Friedländer-Fuld, 226 Friedrich, Caspar David, 18 Friedrichshagener Kreis, 231 Fritsch, Theodor, 243 Frommhold, Erhardt, 215 functionalism, architectural, 239, 240, 244, 245, 250 Futurism, 19, 285, 286 Gablik, Suzi: Has modernism failed?, 77; Progress in art, 81 Gabriel, Gerlinde, xv, 90-1, 148-60 Gadamer, H.-G., 79 Galerie Verein, 218 garden city movement, 231, 232, 236, 244, 249, 265, 273 Gastarbeiter (foreign labour), 325, 326, 327 GEDOK (Gemeinschaft der Künstlerinnen und Kunstfreunde), 219 Gehag (Gemeinnützige Heimstätten- Spar-und Bau-Aktiengesellschaft), Berlin, 236, 237, 238, 243 Geist, Johannes, Friedrich, 306 gentrification in New York, 336 George, Stephan, 126 Gerlach, Hans, 244 German Academy of Architecture, 293 German Art in the Twentieth Century 1905-1988 (Royal Academy 1985-86), 1, 9, 14, 24, 32, 46, 48-9, 51, 96, 148, 208, 243, 309-12, 314, 341n German Communist Party (KPD), 30, 31, 97 German Democratic Republic see East Germany German Empire (1871-1918), 12, 116, 122, 163-90, 223 German Exhibition of Architecture and Arts and Crafts (Munich, 1938), 192 German Federal Republic see West Germany German Industrial Museum, Berlin, 173 German Museum for Art in Commerce and Industry, 187 'Germania', Speer's project for Berlin, 245, 246, 247, 248, 250 German-Turkish Association, 174 Geyer, Horst, 214 Giacometti, Alberto, 57, 67-8, 72, 345n Giddens, Anthony, 79 Gieselmann, Reinhard, 305 Gille, Sighard, 343n Gisel, Ernst, 300 Gissing, George, Nether World, 256 Glozer, Laszlo, 52, 53; Wols the Photographer, 51, 59, 61 Glucksmann, André, 215 Göderitz, Johannes, 298 Goebbels, Joseph, 211, 212 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 18 Goltz, General Field Marshal von d., 175 Görgen, Willi, 294 Gradl, Hermann, Reichskanzlei landscapes, 202, 203, 204, 212 Graf, Oskar, Mountains, 192 Grasskamp, Walter, xv, 11, 12, 14—23, 332, 333 Graubner, Gerhard, 22, 295 Great German Art Exhibition (1937), 207 Gréty, 61 Griebel, Otto, 30; Die Internationale, 30, 31 Grohmann, Willi, 32, 209, 364n Gropius, Walter, 186, 234, 241, 244, 292, 299, 301; Jungfernheideweg housing block, 239, 239 Gross, Otto, 105-7 Grossmann, Atina, 97 Grosz, George, 16, 18, 25, 29, 97, 108; 'Homage to Oskar Panizza', 233; 'Metropolis', 233 Grothe, Hugo, 175 Gründerzeit, 15 Grundig, Hans, 31, 32, 36; Den Opfern des Faschismus, 34, 34 Grünewald, Dietrich, 210 Grünewald, Mathias Gothart Nithart, 25 Gutschow, Konstanty, 295 Haacke, Hans, 318, 329, 373n; The Broadness and Diversity of the Ludwig Brigade, 312-13, 314, 330, 331, 330-5; Haacke, Hans {cont.) Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Board of Trustees, 315 Habermas, Jürgen, 5; 'Modernism - an Incomplete Project' (speech, 1980), 303; Die Neue Unübersichtlichkeit, 75; Der philosophische Diskurs der Moderne, 75, 83; and postmodernism, 75-85; Theory of communicative action, 79 Haftman, Werner, 11, 13, 19, 50-1, 52, 53, 219; interpretation of Wols, 50 -1, 52, 53, 56-7, 58, 65; Malerei im 20. Jahrhundert, 50, 56, 341-2n Hagen: Osthaus museum projects, 184, 189 Halley's comet (1910), 286 Hamburg, 148, 207, 307; Art in Germany 1889-1973 exhibition, 194;'Dreimal Deutschland' exhibition (1981), 12; War Memorial, 208, 209 Hämer, Hardt-Waltherr and Marie-Brigitte, 305 Handke, Peter, 308 Hanover, post-war reconstruction of, 295-6 Häring, Hugo, 241, 242, 242 Hart, Heinrich and Julius, 231 Hartley, Eugene L. and Ruth E., 21 Härtung, Hans, 51, 72 hats, Pudor's evolutionary notion of, 271 Hauptstadt Berlin international competition, 297-8 Haus Vaterland (dance hall), 240, 251 Hausenstein, Wilhelm, 252 Hausmann, Raoul ('Dadasoph'), 18, 97, 104, 105-7, 113, 353n; 'Zur Weltrevolution' essay, 107 Heartfield, John, 12, 20, 29, 39, 97, 103, 108, 114, 311, 312, 318 Heath, Stephen, 354n Hecke), Erich, 16, 18, 186, 277, 371n; Zwei Menschen im Freien, 279, 280 Heftige Malerei exhibition (Berlin, 1980), 317 Hegel, Georg Friedrich, 79, 173 Heidegger, Martin, 293 Heil Hitler, Mr Teacher Sir! exhibition (West Berlin, 1983), 197 Heimat, Blätter für Literatur und Volkstum (journal), 230 Heimatstil, 243 Heine, Th. Th., caricature in Simplizissmus, 172 Heinrichs, Georg, 300, 306 Heise, Carl Georg, 357n Heisig, Bernhard, 13, 39, 43, 333, 334, 343n; Die Berharrlichkeit des Vergessens, 45; Festung Breslau, 43, 45 Heidt, 18 Hellferich, banker, 174 Henselmann, Hermann, 299 Herding, Klaus, xv, 9-13 Herzfelde, Wieland, 97 Hessel, Franz, 239—40 Hevdr, Baron August von der (1801 74), 163, 177 Heydt, Baron August von der (b. 1851), 177-80, 182, 183—4, 186, 357n;van Dongen's portrait of, 177, 177 Heydt, Baroness Selma von der, 183—4 Heym, George, 286; 'Berlin', 233 Hildebrand, Adolph von, 10 Hillebrecht, Rudolf, 295-6 Hindenburg, General Paul von, 110 Hinz, Berthold, 194, 2 t 1 historical positivism, 24 Historikerstreit debate, 4 Hitler, Adolf, the Führer, 25, 191, 196, 211, 212, 214, 215, 243, 245, 246, 294; Erler's portrait of, 205, 212; influence on art of, 210, 212; speeches on culture, 208 Hitz, Dora, 116 Hobrecht Plan (1858-62), 224-5 Hoch, Hannah, 11, 12, 18,29,90, 116, 352-3n; Cut with the Kitchen Knife Dada through the last Weimar Beer Belly Cultural Epoch of Germany, 101, 102, 103M, 105, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114; Dancer series, 101; Deutsches Mädchen, 101, 105, 106; Ethnographic Museum series, 101; photomontages in the Weimar years, 90, 93-115; Roma, 101, 104, 104-5 Hoddis, Jakob von, 286; Weltende, 286 Hödicke, К. H., 317, 319 Holder, Ferdinand, 186 Hoetger, Bernhard, 184; Gerechtigkeitsbrunnen fountain, 183, 184 Hofer, Karl, 11, 31, 32, 210, 215 Hoffman, Hubert, 298 Hoffmann, Klaus, Hamburg War Memorial, 209 Hofmann, Werner, 52, 53, 66, 194 Hohendahl, Peter Uwe, 85 Hohenhof (Osthaus' house), 189, 190 Hölderlin, Friedrich, 18 Holocaust, 5, 63, 289 Hönisch, Dieter, 9, 341n Höpfner, Hugo see Fidus Horkheimer, Max, 79, 198 Horn, Rebecca, 153-5, 156; Chinese Fiancee, 154; Cockatoo Mask, 153; Cockfeather Mask, 153; Finger Gloves, 153, 154; Paradise Widow, 154, 155; Unicorn, 153 Horneffer, Ernst, 172 housing, 225-6; courtyard (Mietskaserne), 224, 225, 226, 226, 227, 236; dormitory suburbs, 298; garden city, 231, 232, 236, 244, 249, 265, 273; for Gastarbeiter, 326, 327; Gehag estates (1920s), 231, 236-7, 238, 243; Nazi, 243 4; post-1945: 291, 295, 297, 298-300; squatters, 325, 326- 7; subsistence-level dwellings, 297; suburban estates, 295 Howard, Ebenezer, 231 Hubbuch, Karl, 25, 251 Hufeisensiedlung (Horseshoe estate), Berlin-Britz, 236, 237, 238, 251 Hülsenbeck, Richard, 29 'The Human Image in Our Time' (First Darmstadt Dialogue, 1950), 32 Husserl, Edmund, 59 Les Immatériaux 'non-exhibition' (Centre Pompidou, Paris), 77 Immendorf, Jörg, 22, 120, 141-6; Café Deutschland (1980), 144, 145; Cafe Deutschland (1983), 141-2, 143; 1 Wanted to he an Artist, 142-3, 144; photograph of, 145-6, 147; Self-Portrait, 145, 146 Impekoven, Nidda, 103-4, 108, 109, 110, 1 1 1 - 1 2 , 1 1 2 Impressionism, 165, 168, 175, 169, 190; city, 273, 274, 285-6; French, 175-6, 186, 273 Inch, Peter, Circus Wols ..., 52 Industrial Welfare Organisation congress (1905), 173-4 'Informel' painting, 51, 52, 57 'inner immigration', concept of, 3, 10, 18, 31,32, 191,292 Institute of Contemporary Arts, London: Art into Society, Society into Art, 315; Berlin: A Critical View, 315 International Building Exhibition Unterbau), Berlin (1957), 296, 299-300, 301, 305 International Hygiene Exhibition, 277 International Style, 17, 293, 299 internationalism vs. provincialism, 17-18 Italy, 16, 122; fascist architecture, 197; Futurism, 19, 285, 286; Villa Massimo, Rome, 220 Jackh, Ernst, 174 Jacobsen, Arne, 299 Jameson, Fredric, 93, 110 Janthur, Richard, 286 Jarctski, Hans, 241 Jawlensky, Alexei von, 18, 179; Mädchen mit Pfingstrose, 183, 185 Jay, Martin, xv, 75-85 Jaeckel, Willi, 16 Jencks, Charles, 77 Jews/anti-semitism, 18, 63, 131, 132, 269, 289,313 Joachimides, Christos M., 1, 9, 25, 315, 316-17, 34In, 373n Jobst, Gerhard, 299 Jugend (periodical), 271 Jugenstil, 226, 239, 271 Kafka, Franz, 66, 70, 74, 126 Kandinsky, Vassily, 9, 18, 183, 186, 214 Kant, Immanuel, 79, 81 Kardoff, von, 169-70 Kassak, Lajos, 343n Katzneison, Ira, xvi, 231, 253-64 Kaulbach, Wilhelm, 121 Kerschensteiner, Arbeitsschule of, 173 Kertesz, photographer, 59 Kessler, Count Harry, 170-1 Kiefer, Anselm, 10, 22, 218 Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig, 16, 18, 19, 120, 136, 140, 253, 261, 265, 277-82,283, 288, 289, 309-10, 312, 319, 321,325; Berlin Street Scene, 309, 310-, cartoons for Königstein wal) paintings, 281; Fehmarn bathers, 280-1; Frau im Waschzuber, 280, 282; Frau und Zwei Buben im Segelboot, 281; Friedrichstrasse, Berlin, 309, 310; Fünf Frauen auf der Strasse, 281, 284; Gut Staberhof Fehmarn, 281, 283; Liegender Blauen Akt mit Strohut, 279-80; Palau beams, Dresden, 277; Potsdamer Platz, 281; Self-Portrait as a Soldier, 136-8, 137, 141; Vier Badende zwischen Steinen, 280, 281 Klee, Paul, 18,20, 60, 70 Kleiderreform, 269 Kleihuis, Josef Paul, 304, 305, 306 Klein, Astrid, 158-9, 160; Feelings of the Last Few Davs, 158-9; Nature Morte, 159 Klimsch, 169 Knackfuss, Hermann, Völker Europas, wahret eure heiligsten Güter, 166 Koch, Gertrud, 325 Koeppel, Matthias, Damals war's, 251, 251 Kohtz, Otto, 294; 'Reconstruction Proposais for a Metropolis', 294 Kokoschka, Oskar, 16, 18, 20, 186 Kollwitz, Käthe, 12, 18, 25, 103, 108, 109, 110-12, 111, 116, 165; Gedenkblatt für Karl Liebknecht, 27, 27 Kracauer, Siegfried, 239, 240 Kramer, Hilton, 207 Krebs, Gerhard and Klaus D., 306 Kreis, Wilhelm, 293 Kreuer, Willy, 299 Krier, Leon, 197 Kropotkin, Prince Peter, 231, 234 Kruger, Barbara, 329 Krupp family, 166-7 Krupp, Friedrich Alfred, 167 Kubin, Alfred, Die Andere Seite, 283-4 Kühnemann, Eugen, 164 Kulturbund, 171 Kulturbund zur demokratischen Erneuerung Deutschlands (1945), 32 Kulturwart, 171 Die Kunst als Waffe (Art as a Weapon), 44 Kunst am Bau (Art in Construction), 220 Die Kunst der Nation (periodical), 19 Die Kunst im Dritten Reich (periodical), 204 Kunstfonds e.v. (Art Foundation Association), 219 Kunstlerverband (East German Artists' Union), 39; Congress (1983), 40 Kunstwart (Art Guardian), 171 Das Kunstwerk (magazine), 73 La Capra, Dominick, 78 Lamarck, Jean Baptiste, 270 Lampugnani, Vittorio Magnago, xvi, 251, 291-308 Das Land (journal), 230 Landauer, Gustav, 231, 233, 234 Langbehn, Julius, 269; Rembrandt als Erzeiher, 269 Lanzmann, Claude, 63; Shoa (film), 63 Lao Tzu, 64, 65, 72 Lavin, Maud, xi, 12, 89-92, 93-115, 354n Lawler, Louise, 329; Interesting installation, 335, 336, 337—40: photographs from, 309, 338-9, 338-40; press release, 337, 337; wall text from, 338, 340 Lebensreformbewegung, 178, 186 Le Bon, Gustav, Psychologie de Foules, 173 Le Corbusier, 298; Unité d'Habitation, 299; Une ville contemporaine, 295 Lefebv re, Henri, 324 Léger, Fernand, 39, 59, 60 Lehmbruck, Wilhelm, 16, 33, 51 Leistikov, Walter, 169, 273 Lemke, W., 358n Lenbach, Franz von, 12, 121 Lenin, V. I., 26, 103, 110 Leo, Ludwig, 300 Leonard Monheim Corporation, 332, 333 Letterman, David, 114 Libuda, Walter, 44; Die Geburt, 48; hallway in tenement of, 47 Lichtluftbad, 277 Licht-Luft Sportbad/Therapie, 269 Lichtwark, museum director, 169 Liebermann, Max, 12, 120, 129-36, 190, 273, 355n; caricature of, 132; photograph of, 130; Self-Portrait, 132, 133; Self-Portrait as Cook, 128, 129; Self-Portrait in Studio, 128, 129; Self-Portrait with Family, 134, 134, 135; Workers in a Turnip Field, 129, 130 'Liebermann, the Waiter of the Secession' (fugend), 1903), 132 Liebknecht, Karl, 27, 27, 233, 293 Lienhard, Fritz, 230, 243 Limbour, Georges, 57 Lindsay, Cecile, 35In Lippe under the Swastika exhibition (Detmold, 1983), 197 Lloyd, Jill, xvi, 230, 265-90 Lochner, Stefan, The Madonna of Rosenhag, 152 Luckhardt, Wassili and Hans, 210, 234 Ludwig, Peter, 218, 332- 3, 334, 335 Ludwig Institute of Art of the GDR, 332, 336 Luhmann, Niklas, 79, 84 Lukacs, G., 109 Lupertz, Markus, 22 Lustige Blätter, caricature of (1904), 171 Lutheran Reformation, 122 Lux, Joseph August, 164 Luxemburg, Rosa, 27, 233 Lyotard, Jean-François, 76 7, 78, 79, 82, 350n,35 In McCarthy, Thomas, 79, 84 McGill, Douglas, C., 375n Mächler Plan (1917-19), 245 Маске, August, 16, 176, 186, 274-5, 281; Frau vor Hutladen, 274, 275 Madonna, rock star, 95 Maier, Charles, 341n Malevitsch, Kasimir, 72 Mammen, Jeanne, 116 Manet, Edouard, 176; Le Dejeuner sur l'herbe, 280 Marc, Franz, 16, 179, 186 March, Werner, 202 Mareks, Gerhard, 33 Marcuse, Herbert, 21 Marées, Hans von, 15 marginality of the artist, theme of, 117, 120,122, 123, 127, 129, 131-2, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 146 Marienburg, reparation of the, 166 MARS (Master Plan for Greater London), 295 Marshall Plan (1947), 249, 292 Marx, Karl, 26, 38, 103, 110, 254, 256, 261, 262, 263-4 Marxism, 79, 324 masquerade, feminine, 94—5, 105, 114 Masreel, Frans, 343n mass media, 12, 89, 90, 92; fascist art and the, 196; women, pleasure and the, 93-115 Masson, André, Sartre's essay on, 62-3, 64 Mattheiu, Georges, 72 Mathildenhöhe talks (Darmstadt, 1951), 293 Mattheuer, Wolfgang, 43 May, Ernst, 242 May, Karl, 277 Meidner, Ludwig, 18, 20, 160, 233, 253, 257, 261, 265, 284—8; Apocalyptische Landschaft (2 paintings), 287, 287; Die brennende Stadt, 287-8; Gasometer Berlin Wilmersdorf, 286; Ich und die Stadt, 286; 'Introduction to painting big cities', 284—5; Strassenkampfe, 286 Menzel, Adolf von, 265-8, 274-5, 282, 288, 289; Das Ballsouper, 266; Berlin-Potsdamer Eisenbahn, 265, 266, 267, 268; Flötenkonzert Sancoussi, 266; Der Haushau, 286; Im Zoologischen Garten, 266, 267 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 54—5, 56, 64 Messel, Alfred, architect, 230 Messina earthquake (1909), 286 Meyer, Hannes, 242 Middendorf, Helmut, 149, 317, 318; Electric Night, 309 Mields, Rune, 220 Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 301 Mietshaus, 226 Mietskaserne (courtyard apartment blocks), 224, 225, 226, 226, 227, 236 Miliutin, Nikolai Alexandrovich, 295 Minimal Art, 148, 138, 328-9 Mitscherlich, Alexander and Margarete, 193 Mittig, Hans-Ernst, xvi, 191-215 Modersohn-Becker, Paula, 116, 184; Mädchenbildnis, 184 Moest, Walter, 294, 295 Moffet, Kenworth, 122 Mohr, Arno, Deutschlands Wendepunkt, 37, 38 Mommsen, Wolfgang, 4 Monet, Claude, 176, 182 Monte Verirà, Ascona, 269 Moritz, Karl Philipp, 229 Moritzburg, nudist cult in, 277, 279 Moritzplatz painters (New Vehemence painters), 317, 318-19, 320, 324, 325, 327 Morris, William, 27, 231 Mosser, Andeheinz, 70 Mueller, Otto, 16 Mühsam, Erich, 238 Müller, Hans Christian, 300 Müller, Sebastian, xv, 163-90 Müller-Meiningen, 70 Munch, Edvard, 186 Munich, 148, 218, 307; Degenerate Art Exhibition (1962), 191; House of German Art, 191, 192; International Art Exhibition (1888), 166; New Artists Association, 181, 183; post-war reconstruction of, 295; Secession, 169; State Gallery of Modern Art, 218 Munther, Gabriele, 116 museum and art societies, 176-90, 218 Mussolini, Benito, 104, 105 Muthesius, Hermann, 173 mythology, 4, 122, 123, 124, 127, 158, 312, 313, 316, 325 Nachtkultur see nudism Nagel, Hannah, 116 Nagel, Otto, 32; Junger Maurer von der Stalinallee, 38, 39 Näher, Christa, 157-8, 160; 'Ohne Titel', 157 Nannen, Henri, 19 nation: art of the, 18-20; notion of, 14 national identity, 12, 15-17, 19, 22 National Socialism (Nazism), German, 4-6, 10, 11, 14, 18-20, 21, 22, 31-2, 34, 35, 43, 50, 51, 60, 65, 190, 217, 218, 219, 240, 271, 291, 296, 301, 310; architecture, 192, 193, 194, 196, 197, 202, 208, 209, 242-8, 292; art and oppression under, 191-215; demolition of buildings, 296 Nationalstiftung (National Endowment), 219 Naturalism, 90, 127, 129, 134, 135, 207 Naturheil, 269 Nay, Ernst Wilhelm, 11, 18, 19, 31, 32; Tochter der Hekate, 10 Nazarenes, 354n Nazis see National Socialism Near East Committee, 175 neo-classicism, 10, 19-20, 243, 245, 248, 271, 277, 299 neo-expressionism, 13, 207, 251, 314, 315-23, 325, 327-8, 334, 373n Neo-Impressionism, 175 Der Neopathetische Kabarett, 286 Neo-Romanticism, 90, 251 Nerdinger, 210 Neriinger, Oskar, 32 Neue Gemeinschaft commune, 231 Neue Kunstlervereinigung (New Artists Association, Munich), 181, 183 Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity), 10, 29-30, 192, 239-41, 242, 251, 297, 343n Neues Bauen (new architecture), 243, 244, 250, 293 Neues Frankfurt (New Frankfurt), 190 'new city' architecture, 295 new internationalism, 22 'The New Spirit in Painting' (Royal Academy, 1981), 316 New Vehemence ('violent') painting, 4, 90, 141, 317,318-19, 320, 324, 325, 327 New Woman in Weimar Republic, 90, 96-101, 103, 105 New York, East Side art scene, 336-40 Newman, Barnett, 218 Newman, Charles, 35 In Niederwald Monument, 166 Nielsen, Asta, 103, 104-5, 113 Niemeyer, Oscar, 299 Nietzsche, Friedrich, IS, 83, 122, 139, 231, 233, 239, 269, 279, 286; Also Sprach Zarathustra, 232, 277; Die Wille zur Macht, 277 Nolde, Emil, 18, 19, 31, 160, 179, 186; Nattire morte with fetish, 187 Novembergruppe, 28 nudism, cult of (Freikörperkultur), 230, 269-72, 276 -81 Nuremberg, post-war demolition in, 296 Oelze, Richard, 18 oil and energy crisis (1970s), 303 Olympic Games, Berlin (1936), 246; 'Festival of Youth', 247 Oranienburg: Heinkel factory, 243-4, 245; Obstbaukolonie Eden, 269, 280 Ortega y Gasset, Jose, 293 Osthaiis, Karl-Ernst, 163, 173, 177, 184, 186-90; Folkwang House (collection) of, ISO, 186, 186, 188, 189; photograph of, 178 Ottman, Henning, 79 Owens, Craig, 373n Ozeanfant, Amedee, 59 Palermo, Blinky, 22 Paret, Peter, 168-9 Paris, 17, 246; Centre Pompidou 'non-exhibition' (Les Immateriaux), 77; 1878 Art Exhibition, 166; German artists in, 16, 55, 57, 58, 59, 73; Haussman's plan for, 245; Saint-Germain-des-Pres, 57; Tabou restaurant, 55 Pans-Berlin exhibition, 14, 17-18 Paris Commune, 42 Park, Robert, 223, 259-60, 322; 'Urbanism as a Way of Life', 260 Parsons, Talcott, 79 Die Pathetiker (artists' group), 286 patronage, 2-3, 123, 163-220; court system, 121-2; post-war, 216-20; under National Socialism, 3, 191-215; in Wilhelminian society, 164-90 Pauli, museum director, 169 Peasant Wars, 42, 43 Pechstein, Max Herman, 28, 317, 371n Peliar, Hans, 179 Pempelfort, Gerd, 298 Penck, A. R., 22, 142, 144, 218 People's Education Clubs (Volksbildungsvereine), 174 People's Theatre (Volkbahnen), 174 performance art, 77, 149, 155 Pevsner, Anthony, 10 Pevsner, Nikolaus, 242 Pezold, Friederike, video-tapes of, 149—50, 152, 159 60; Die neue leibhaftige Zeichensprache, 149; 3 Pieces of a Woman's Movement, 349 Pfeifer, Uwe, 43 phenomenology see Sartre, Jean-Paul photographs, 12, 72, 90, 94, 148, 159; fan, 97, 101; of Karl-Ernst Osthaus, 178; Klein's 159; of the New Woman, 97- 101, 103, 105; Sieverding's, 150, 151; Wols', 52, 59, 68 9 photomontages, 29, 311; Hannah Hoch's, 90, 93 -115 photo-narrative work, Sieverding's, 150--2 Piaget, Jean, 81 Picabia, Francis, 72 Picasso, Pablo, 39, 41, 72; Demoiselles d'Avignon, 10—11 Piene, Otto, 149 PIK (Private Initiative Art), 220 Pissarro, Camille, 176 'Planning for the Reconstruction of Berlin' exhibition (1946), 294 pleasure, strategies of deconstruction and, 93-115 Plessner, Helmut, 15 Pointillists, 186 Polke, Sigmar, 22, 318 Pollock, Griselda, 354n Pollock, Jackson, 56 postmodernism, 46; and Habermas, 75-85 post-structuralism, 76, 77, 78 Prince, Richard, 'Tell Me Everything', 89 Pritzel, Lotte, 111 Propyläen series: Art of the Present Day, 52 Proudhon, Pierre Joseph, 231 Proust, Marcel, 126, 131 Prussian Academy of Arts, 165, 166, 190, 197 Prussian Museum of Contemporary Art, 168 pseudoexpressionism, 312, 373n; see also neo-expressionism public art, 3, 375n; site-specific, 328-31 Pudor, Heinrich (Scham), 269-71, 274, 277 Querner, Curt, 30— 1 ; Selbstbildnis, 36, 36 railways, 265, 266 Rainer, Roland, 298 Ranke, Leopold von, 24, 48 Raschdorff, Julius, 225, 227 Rathenau, Emil, 163 Rave, Paul Ortwin, 211 Read, Herbert, 20 real estate, 258, 263 Rebber family, G. F., Cezanne Collection of, 179 Reiche, Dr, 179 Reichskammer der Bildenden Künste, 208, 213 Reichskanzlei (Third Reich Chancellery), Berlin, 208, 248; Gradl's landscapes in, 202, 208, 204, 212 Retchssportfeld, Berlin, 199; Westward Entrance and Bell Tower, 202, 202 Reiner, Arnulf, Self-Portrait Dead, 138 Renoir, Auguste, 176 Revolution und Realismus (catalogue exhibition, COR, 1978), 25, 26-7, 342n Richter, Gerhard, 22, 318 Riehl, Wilhelm, 230; Land und Leute, 268-9 Riemerschmid, Richard, 293 Rimpl, Herbert, 292-3; Hemke! factory complex, 244, 245 Robinson, lone, 58 Roche, Henri-Pierre, 58, 69 Rodin, August, 182 Rofogg, Irit, XV, 1-6, 89-92, ï 16—4T Roh, Franz, 209 Rohhau Eunctionalism, 245 Rohlfs, Christian, 18, 186; Amazone, 188 Rohrbach, Paul, 164 Rosenbach, Ulrike, 152-3, 160; Don't You Believe 1 Am an Amazon/, 152, 153; Madonnas of the Flowers, 152 Rosenberg, Alfred, 212 Rosenthal, Norman, 1, 315, 316, 341n, 342n Rossi, Aldo, 304 Rössler, Paul, 277 Rote Hilfe (Red Aid), 27-8, 28, 30 Rubens, Peter Paul, 25, 42 Rüekriem, 149 Rudolph, Reinhardt, 1 Ruf, Sep, 293 Ruhmeshalle (Hall of Fame), Barmen, 178, 179, 183 Ruskin, John, 231, 232 Ruthenbeck, 149 Rutherford, Jonathan, 117 Ruwoldt, Hans, relief on Hamburg War Memorial, 208,109 Ryan, Michael, 78 Sachsenhausen concentration camp, 34 Said, Edward, 354n St Petersburg: Imperial German Embassy, 245 Salome, 149, 317 Sal/.gitter (Stadt der Hermann-Goring Werke), 292-3 Sander, August, 333 Sander, Heike, The Allround Reduced Personality (Redupers), film, 313-14 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 11, 13, 55-67, 345n; analysis of WoJs, 52, 54, 55, 57-8, 60, 64—5, 73 4; 'The Artist and his Conscience', 58; 'Fingers and Non-Fingers', 57, 58, 60, 64-5; L'Imaginaire, 57- 8, 59, 345n, 346n; L'Imagination, 59; 'Masson\ 62 3, 64; La Nausee, 58, 59, 63; Situations IV, 67, 346n; theory of the human face, 62 -7; Visages and Portrait officiels, Wols, illustrations of, 55, 58, 59, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 70, 77, 72, 349n; What Is LiteratureÀ 74 Saura, Antonio, 72 Sawade, Jürgen, 306 Saxonian Artists' Congress (1946), 33-4 Scarpa, Ludovica, 237 Schad, Christian, 16, 18 Scharoim, Hans, 234, 241, 292, 294, 295, 297, 298, 300-1 Scheerbart, Paul, 234 Schiesser, Wilhelm, 299 Schinkel, Karl Friedrich, 10, 229, 296, 301, 302, 306 Schlemmer, Oskar, 10, 16, 18, 32, 160 Schlichter, 18, 251 Schluchter, Wolfgang, 79 Schlüter, Andreas, 297 Schmalenbuch, Werner, 51 Schmidt, Hans, 293 Schmidt, Julius and Mrs, 182 Schmidt, Karl, 173 Schmidt-Rottluff, Karl, 16, 18, 32, 186, 208,317 Schmied, Wieland, 1,51 Schmitthenner, Paul, 292 Schnabel, Julian, 145 -6, 147 Schneede, Uwe, M., 50 Sehniewind, Heinrich, 182 Schönberger, Angela, 202 Schönebeck, Eugen, 22 Die Schönheit (periodical), 271 Schüler, Ralf, 306 Schüler-Witte, Ursulina, 306-7 Schultz, Wilhelm, caricature in Simplizissimus, 1904), 170 Schultze-Naumburg, Paul, 243; Flaches oder geneigtes Dach, 243; Haushau, 243; Kunst und Rasse, 243 Schulz-Hoffman, Carla, xvi, 216-20 Schuster, Peter, Klaus, 208 Schwarzkogler, Rudolph, Self, Action 1965, 138 Schwechten, Franz, 302 Schwellen- or Sattelzeit, 11 Schwippert, Hans, 292, 293 Schwitters, Kurt, 12, 18, 20, 107 sculpture, Nazi, 193, 194, 199 -202, 212 Secession, 166, 169; Berlin, 131, 132, 134, 169, 175, 179, 273; Munich, 169 Second World War, 5, 18, 31-2; see also National Socialism Sedlmayr, Hans, 32; Verlust der Mitte, 50 Seghers, Pierre, 59 segregation, 16-17 self-portraits, 90, 91, 116-47, 150, 167 Sennet, Richard, 120 Serra, Richard, public sculptures, 328 Siedler, Wolf Jobst, 302 Siemens, Werner von, 223 Sieverding, Katharina, 150-2, 158, 159; Norad XIX/1980, 152; Rechenmaschine und Vulkan 1: 151, 151; Schlachtfeld Deutschland XIf1977, 150 Simmel, Georg, 223, 254, 258-60, 262; The Metropolis and Mental Life (Die Grosstadt und das Geistesleben), 231, 258, 259, 282-3, 321-2; Philosophy of Money (Philosophie des Geldes), 231-2, 258, 259; Social Differentiation, 258, 259; Sociology, 259 Simplizissimus, caricatures/cartoons in, 170, 172, 210 Sinac, Marc, 183 Sintensis, Rene, 116 Siqueiros, David Alfaro, 40 Sisley, Alfred, 176, 182 site-specific art, 328-31 Sitte, Willi, 39—42, 43, 343n; Arbeitspause, 39; Hocbwasserkatastrophe am Po, 39, 40; Jader Mensch hat das Recht auf Legen und Freiheit, 41, 41; Liebespaar zwischen Minotaurus und Tod, 41, 42; Liebespiel, 41 Slevogt, Max, 15, 176, 273 Sloterdijk, Peter, 143 Sloyterman de Langeweyde, Georg, In einem kühlen Grunde, linocut, 206 Smith, Paul, 354n social differentiation, 257; and social order, 254, 257-61, 262 Socialist Realism, 24, 25-6, 30, 38, 39, 48, 144, 299, 343n Society for Physical Culture, 269 Sohnrey, Heinrich, 230 Sombart, Werner, 259 Sonderbund (Special Union), 179 Soviet Union, 39, 40, 101, 242; Cultural Revolution (1928-32), 26; East German solidarity with, 38-9; First All-Union Congress of Writers {1934}, 25-6; October Revolution (1917), 25 Spartakist Uprising (1918), 25, 27, 97 Speer, Albert, 208, 247, 292; appointed Minister for Armaments and War Materials, 247, 248; architecture of, 196, 197, 212, 245-6, 248, 250, 294,295,296, 298; 'Germania' plans for Berlin, 245, 246, 247, 248 Spencer, Herbert, 79 Sphinx (periodical), 271 Spiro, Eugen, 179 sponsorship in post-war Germany, 216-20, 367n Stalin, Josef, 26, 39 State Art Commission, 165, 168 Steinhardt, Jacob, 286 Stelzmann, Volker, 13 Stephan, Hans, caricature of, 247, 248 Stern, Fritz, 139, 140 Stern (magazine), 19 Srerneaux, Ludwig, 242 Stirling, James, 307 Stirnband (Browband), 189 Stirner, Max, 231 Strack, Heinrich, 297 Strempel, Horst, Nacht über Deutschland, 35, 35-6 student uprising/movement (1968), 90, 302, 324 Studt, Konrad, 169 Der Sturm, Futurist exhibition (1912), 285, 286 Stuttgart, 10, 218, 307; Neue Staatgalerie, 197, 307 sun-worshippers, 270, 271 Surrealism, 43, 56, 59, 82 system vs. social integration, 80 Szymanski, Rolf, 191 Tafuri, Manfredo, 241, 320 Tempelhof Airfield, Berlin, eagles from, 193, 193 Taut, Bruno, 186, 189, 229, 234, 236, 238, 242; Die Auflösung der Städte, 233-5, 235, 236; Fritz-Reuter-Allee, Berlin-Britz, 238; Gartenstadt Falkenburg, Berlin, 232; Hufeisensiedlung, Berlin-Britz, 236, 237; 'Red Front', Berlin-Britz, 239 Taut, Max, 229, 234, 293; Berlin im Aufbau (pamphlet), 295 Les Temps Modernes, 63 Tendezwende, 75 Tessenow, Heinrich, 292, 293 Teut, Anna, 194 Theweleit, Klaus, 354n Thoma, Hans, Self-Portrait with Cupid, 126,127 Tiller Girls, 239, 240 Tilly, Charles, 258, 261-2 Titanic, sinking of the (1912), 286 Todt, Fritz, 293 Tonnies, Ferdinand, 254, 257, 259, 260 Totentanz (dance of death), 120, 121, 126, 127 Treptwo, Soviet monument in, 248, 296 Troost, Gerdy, 243, 244, 296 Truman doctrine, 292 Tschudi, museum director, 169 Tuaillon, Louis, statue of Wilhelm II, 178 Tübke, Werner, 39, 42-3, 343n; Bildnis eines sizilianischen Grossgrundbesitzers mit Marionetten, 43; Tod in dem Bergen - mit Selbstbildnis, 44 Twentieth century German Art exhibition (New Burlingron Galleries, 1938), 20 Twombly, Cy, 53 Ubac, Raoul, 67, 68 Uecker, Günther, 22 Ulhmann, Hans, 18 Ulbricht, Walther, 39 Ullstein Verlag, publisher, 98 Ungers, Oswald Mathias, 300, 304, 305-6 United States, 101, 218, 292, 301; Chicago School of Sociology, 223, 259, 322-3; ghetto uprisings, 324; New York East Side art scene, 336-40 Urban Expressionism, 312, 319-23, 325, 327 urban space, 259, 263, 264, 314, 324, 326-7, 336 urbanisation see city Ury, Lesser, 273 Van Gogh, Vincent, 163, 312, 313, 354n vanitas, northern tradition of, 124 Vegetarian Fruit-Culture Colony Eden, Oranienburg, 269 vegetarianism, 269 Velde, Henry van de, 186, 187; Folkwang House designed by, I S O , 186, 189 Venturi, Robert, 77 Verein für Körperkultur (Society for Physical Culture), 269 Verspohl, Franz-Joachim, xv, 12-13, 50-74 Verve magazine, 59, 67 VG Bild-Kunst (VG Picture-Art), 220 video, video-sculpture, 149-50, 152-3 Villa Massimo, Rome, 220 Vinnen, Carl, 175—6 Vogeler, Heinrich, 27-8, 30, 238; Internationale Rote Hilfe und Dawes-Deutschland, 28; Komplextafeln, 28 Vogue magazine, 95 Volker, Karl, 31 Völkish ideology, 138-9, 169, 268-9 Volksheimstätte (people's homestead), 294—5 Wagner, Martin, 236, 237-8, 250-1; Hufeisensiedlung, Berlin-Britz, 236, 237, 251 Wagner, Richard, 18 Waldbühne theatre, Berlin, Wamper's sculptures at, 199-201, 200, 202, 212 Walser, Robert, 227-8, 229-30 Wamper, Adolf: Genius of Victory, 201, 201; relief sculptures at entrance to Waldbühne, 199-201, 200, 202, 212 Warhol, Andy, Stadium, 197, 198 Wawrin, Isolde, 155-7; 'Red-Blue Body Circle' performance, 155 Weber, Alfred, 293 Weber, Max, 79, 80, 81, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 259, 261, 262, 264; The City, 255, 263 Weefkin, Marianne von, 183 Wagenfeld, Wilhelm, 293 V/eggefährten Zeitgenopssen catalogue, 25 Weimar: Academy, 122, 129; Bauhaus, 10, 17, 83, 174, 180; Bauhochschule, 243 Weimar Republic (1918-33), 16, 17-18, 22, 25, 26, 190, 234, 237, 288, 292; architecture, 234-42, 243, 245, 250; Hannah Höch's photomontage, 95-115; New Woman, 90, 96-101, 103, 105 Wellmer, Albrecht, 84 Werefkin, Marianna, 116 Werner, Anton von, 165-6, 169, 170; Proclamation of the new German Emperor in Versailles Î87Î: 168; Self-Portrait, 167 Wertheim family, 133^1 West Germany (German Federal Republic), 5, 14, 20-2, 32-3, 75, 142, 248, 291; architecture of prosperity (1954—68), 300-2; architecture of uncertainty (1969-83), 305-7; autonomy of Lander, 216, 217-18, 219; back to the town (1969-83), 304—5; demolition and buildings (1945-53), 296-7; 'denazified' town planning (1945-54), 293-6; economic miracle, 297, 299, 300, 303, 326; feminist art, 90-1, 148-60; guest workers (Gastarbeiter), 325, 326; rediscovery of architectural history, 303-4; sponsorship of art, 216-20; town planning and architecture (1945-85), 291-308; 'town planning of democracy' (1954-68), 297-300; traditionalist vs. modernist architects, 292-3, 295-6, 305, 307-8; see also Berlin Wall; East Germany 'What is the Federal Government doing for Culture?', 219 Whitebook, Joel, 79 Whitechapel Art Gallery: Eleven Artists Working in Berlin (1979), 314-16 Whyte, Ian Boyd, xvi, 223-52 Wiener, Alfred, 241 Wilhelm I, Kaiser, 166; National Monument for, 225 Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 15, 163, 164—5, 165, 168-70, 176; Tuaillon's statue of, 178 Wilhelmine society/culture, 16, 131, 225, 288; official support and bourgeois opposition in, 163-90 Index Wille, Bruno, 231 Williams, Raymond, 254 Willms, Johannes, Nationalism without a Nation, 15 Winkelmann, Johann Joachim, 124 Winkelhaus, Roberr, 182 Wirth, Louis, 259, 262, 322; TJrbanism, as a Way of Life', 323 W irschaftswunder, 244, 249 Wissel, Adolf, Locksmith, 192 Wolbert, Klaus, 194 Wolfe, Thomas, 246 Wolfenstein, Alfred, 233 Wolff, Johann Friedrich and Mrs, 182 Wollheim, Gert, Female Self-Portrait - the Golem, 141, 142 Wols (Alfred Otto Wolfgang Schulze), 11, 12, 13, 18, 50-74, 348n; 'At Cassis' (poem), 53, 61; Circus: Reception and projection in simultaneity (1939), 60; Circus Wols (1940), 61, 62; Composition, 52, 53; drawings, 69-70; Haftmann's interpretation of, 50-1, 52, 53, 56-7, 58, 65; illustrations to Sartre's Visages and Portrait officiels, 55, 58, 59, 62, 64, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72; photographs, 52, 59, 68-9 women represented in masculine self-portraits, 19-20, 124, 125, 125, 129, 134, 134-5, 135, 137, 137,139, 140 women's liberation see feminism Woods, Shadrach, 300 World's Fair, St Louis (1904), 168-70 World War I, 16 -17, 27, 167, 233 World War II, 5, 18, 31-2 Worpswede group, 27 Wuppertal-Barmen, 178, 179, 180; Barmen Art Society, 177, 179-81, 183; Ruhmeshalle (Hall of Fame), 178, 179, 183 Wurzburg, 295 Zehlendorf Plan, 294 Die Zeit (weekly), 146, 147 Zeitgeist exhibition (Berlin, 1982), 198, 207, 316, 328 Zhdanov, Andrei, 26 Ziegler, Adolf, 212, 213 Zille's Moljoh, 226 Zimmer, Bernd, 317, 318 390
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