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Digitale Sammlungen der Universität zu Köln
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Volltext:Verzeichnis der behandelten Texte Mel Bochner LESS IS LESS. (For Dan Flavin) (1966) | 176 Dan Flavin in daylight or cool white. an autobiographical sketch (1965) | 142 Dan Graham Muybridge Moments. From Here to There? (1967) | 187 Peter Hutchinson Is there Life on Earth? (1966) | 230 Donald Judd Specific Objects (1965) | 78 Joseph Kosuth Art after Philosophy (1969) | 117 Sol LeWitt Paragraphs on Conceptual Art (1967) j 96 Robert Morris Notes on Sculpture (1966) | 77 Yvonne Rainer A Quasi Survey of Some Minimalist Tendencies in the Quantitatively Minimal Dance Activity Midst the Plethora, Or An Analysis of Trio A (1968) | 198 Don't Give the Game Away (1967) | 204 Ad Reinhardt Chronology (1967) | 150 Reinhardt Paints A Picture (1965) | 162 Robert Smithson A Museum of Language in the Vicinity of Art (1968) | 219 The Monuments of Passaic (1967) | 233
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