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Volltext:INDEX Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations # 3 Women, 26,29,33,36-37, 292,294 81/2,292,294 9/64:0 Tannenbaum, 293,295 24, 130, 293, 295 360" room for all colors, 118,119 747, 77, 84 2046,292, 294 A Abe, Kobo, 243 About Time-2,140 Acconci, Vito, 218 A Hard Day's Night, 293,295 Ahtila, Eija-Liisa, 18-25; The House, 23 If 6 Was 9,25 The Present, 19,21 The Wind, 20 Aitken, Doug, 6,8-9,12,13, 279-84,286-87 portraits of participants: 117, 147, 173, 183, 191,203, 211,237,241 AU THOSE DOORS, 244-45 Altman, Robert, 12,13,26-37, 292 3 Women, 26,29,33,36-37, 292.294 The Chicken and the Hawk, 26 Images, 30 The Long Goodbye, 29,30 Nashville, 26, 27, 29-30, 30, 31,32, 34,35, 292, 294 The Player, 32 Short Cuts, 26,32, 35 A Wedding, 34 American Gigolo, 218 American Moon, 292,294 American National Exhibition, see World's Fair, Moscow Amerika, 31 Anderson, Lindsay, 292 O Lucky Man!, 292, 294 Anemic Cinema, 293,295 Anger, Kenneth, 38-47,188,293 Fireworks, 40-41 Kustom Kar Kommandos, 43 Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome, 42 Invocation of My Demon Brother, 47 Lucifer Rising, 44 Scorpio Rising, 39, 40, 43, 293.295 Tinsel Tree, 41 Animate Form, 202 Annlee, see No Ghost Just a Shell Ant Farm, 293 Media Burn, 293, 295 Antonioni, Michelangelo, 292 Zabriskie Point, 261-62, 264-65, 292, 294 Archigram, 284 Instant City, 204,284,285 Arnulf Rainer, 293,295 Ashby.Hal, 122,129,130 Astaire, Fred, 150 Atari Light, 175 B Balanchine, George, 274 Balch, Anthony, 293 Towers Open Fire, 293, 295 Baldessari, John, 8,10,12,48-59 Blasted Allegories (Colorful Sentence and Purple Patch): Starting with Red Father..., 57 Endearment and Enmity, 51 Floating: Color, 55,55 Helicopter and Insects (One C Red), version f, 49, 50 Imploded House (With Two Observers), 52-53 Two Figures (Kissing) and Four Figures (With Knife and Chains), 54,59 Ballard, J.G., 256 Ballet mécanique, 293,295 Barney, Matthew, 12,60-73 CREMASTER 1,67, 71, 73 CREMASTER 2,65, 67 CREMASTER 3,65,67, 70 CREMASTER 4,63,67 CREMASTER 5,61,67 CREMASTER eye le, 60, 63, 64,67, 70 DE LAMA LÀMINA, 62, 63,67 DRAWING RESTRAINT 7, 65, 66,67 Matthew Barney: The Cremaster Cycle [exhibition], 68-69 Basquiat, Jean-Michel, 225 Bass, Saul, 125 The Battleship Potemkin, 293, 295 Beau Travail, 96,98 Beauty and the Beast, 131 Beckett, Samuel, 238,241 Being John Malkovich, 292,294 Being With Things, 156 Bene, Carmelo, 292 Our Lady of the Turks, 292,294 Bergman, Ingmar, 292 Persona, 292,294 Bernstein, Elmer, 286 The Black Rider, 266 Black Zero, 293, 295 Blasted Allegories (Colorful Sentence and Purple Patch): Starting with Red Father..., 57 Blonde Venus, 86 The Blood of a Poet, 131, 293,295 Blue, 293,295 Bluebeard's Castle/Erwartung, 267,270-71 Blue Moses, 283, 292, 294 Borowc2yk, Walerian, 142 Immoral Tales, 142 The Box Man, 243 Brakhage, Stan, 43,228,263, 283, 292, 293 Blue Moses, 283, 292, 294 Cat's Cradle, 282-83, 283, 293,295 I Dog Star Man, 283, 293,295 Brave New World, 194 BREAKAWAY, 90,91 Breathless, 293, 295 Büchner, Georg, 151 Bullitt, 122,129 Buftuel, Luis, 46, 293, 295 Un chien andalou, 293,295 Burden, Chris, 12, 74-85 747, 77, 84 Dos Equis, 85 Fist of Light, 81 Oh, Dracula, 76, 80 Shoot, 74, 76, 85 Solaris, 80 Through the Night Softly, 74, 76, 82-83 TV Ad, 74 TV Hijack, 74, 75,80-81, 80 Burroughs, William S., 293 Towers Open Fire, 293,295 Cage, John, 257,292 HPSCHD, 292,294 Cassavetes, John, 258 Cat's Cradle, 282-83, 283, 293, 295 Center for Art and Media (ZKM), 196, 197 Chaplin, Charlie, 86,270 Limelight, 270 Chelsea Girls, 130,142,287, 287,293, 295 The Chicken and the Hawk, 26 China Central Television (CCTV) broadcast headquarters, 192, 193,194,196 Chinatown, 8,54 Chocolat, 96 öinfiera, Radûz, 293 Kinoautomat, 293,295 Cinema 16, 258 A Clockwork Orange, 126 Coat, Pierre Tal, 238 Cochran, Robert, 293 24,130,293,295 Cocteau, Jean, 131,293 The Blood of a Poet, 131, 293,295 Cohen, Milton, 292 Space Theater, 292, 294 The Color of Pomegranates, 292, 294 Color spectrum kaleidoscope, 120-21 Conner, Bruce, 8,10,86-95,293 BREAKAWAY, 90,91 COSMIC RAY, 94-95 LOOKING FOR MUSHROOMS, 92 A MOVIE, 10,86,88-93, 89, 293 295 SOUND OF TWO HAND ANGEL, 87 Cook, Peter, see Archigram and Instant City Corwin, Norman, 28 COSMIC RAY, 94-95 Coupland, Douglas, 174 CREMASTER 1, 67, 71, 73 CREMASTER2, 65, 67 CREMASTER 3, 65, 67, 70 CREMASTER 4, 63, 67 CREMASTER 5, 61,67 CREMASTER cycle, 60,63, 64, 67, 70 Cronenberg, David, 292 Videodrome, 292, 294 Crowley, Aleìster, 38 ' Deaf man Glance, 270,275 DE LAMA LÀMINA, 62, 63,67 Denis, Claire, 10,13,96-101, 292 Beau Travail, 96,98 Chocolat, 96 L'Intrus, 292,294 Vendredi Soir, 96,97,101 Deren, Maya, 293 Meshes of the Afternoon, 293, 295 Der Sandmann, 102,106, 109 Dick, Philip K., 180 "If You Find This World Bad, You Should See Some of the Others" 180 Dietrich, Marlene, 86 Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles, 204 Dog Star Man, 283,293,295 Dos Equis, 85 Douglas, Stan, 102-9 Der Sandmann, 102,106, 109 Evening, 102 Hors-champ, 102 Journey into Fear, 102,106 Monodramas, 102 Nwtka, 102 ), Overture, 102 Pursuit, Fear, Catastrophe: Ruskin, B.C., 102 Suspiria, 102, 103,104 Television Spots, 102 Win, Place or Show, 102,104, 105, 106-107 \ DRA WING RESTRAINT 7, 65,66,67 Dream Reel, 292, 294 Dreams That Money Can Buy, 292, 294 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, 122, 124,125 Duchamp, Marcel, 293 Anemic Cinema, 293, 295 Duck Amuck, 293, 295 E Eames, Charles and Ray, 130, 286, 293 Glimpses of the USA, 286, 286, 293, 295 Edison, Thomas, 286 Black Mariah, 286 Einstein on the Beach, 266 Eisenstein, Sergei, 293 The Battleship Potemkin, 293, 295 er Topo, 46,182, 184, 186, 187, 188, 292, 294 Eliasson, Olafur, 12,110-21,202 360° room for all colors, 118,119 Color spectrum kaleidoscope, 120-21 Erosion, 11 Green river, 118 Meant to be lived in, 113 The mediated motion, 112-13,114 La situazione antispettiva, 115 The weather project, 111, M 4 Eliot, T.S., 24 Four Quartets, 24 Endearment and Enmity, 51 Entertainers, 223 Erosion, 11 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, 292,294 Even Dwarfs Started Small, 151, 153 Evening, 102 THE EVENING PASSES..., 242 Expanded Cinema, 286,286 Expo 67, Montreal, 130 F Faithful!, Marianne, 266 Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!, 151 Fata Morgana, 150-51,292,294 Fellini, Federico, 150, 292 8V2, 292,294 Ferro, Pablo, 8, 122-35, 127 Bullitt, 122, 129 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, 122, 124, 125 The Thomas Crown Affair, 122, 123,129-30, 293, 295 To Die For, 122, 126, 132-33, 134-35 Woman of Straw, 126, 128 Feuerwerk Televisione Lipsticky see Firework Television Lipsticky Figgis, Mike, 10,136-45, 292, 293 About Time-2, 140 Hotel, 137,292,294 Miss Julie, 10,138 299 Timecode, 136,138, 739, 747,142,143, 745,293,295 Film as a Subversive Art, 258, 259, 263 Film Guild Cinema, 286,286, 293, 295 Fireworks, 40-41 Firework Television Lipsticky, 227,228 Fistful of Aliens, 255 Fist of Light, 81 Fitzcarraldo, 148, 149 The Five Obstructions, 292, 294 Flaming Creatures, 292, 294 . Floating: Color, 55, 55 Four Ouartets, 24 Frampton, Hollis, 293 Zorn's Lemma, 293, 295 French New Wave, 108,142 Fuller, Buckminster, 286 Fuses, 293,295 G Gance, Abel, 130,138, 293 Napoleon, 130,138, 293, 295 Gaudi, Antoni, 46 Gehry, Frank, 194, 204 Disney Concert Hall, 204 Gibson, John, 218 Glimpses of the USA, 130, 286, 286, 293, 295 Godard, Jean-Luc, 80,142-43, 263,281,292, 293 Breathless, 293, 295 Weekend, 143,281,287, 292, 294 A Woman is a Woman, 143 Gondry, Michel, 292 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, 292, 294 GRAND CENTRAL STATION, 241 Grant, Cary, 190 Greenaway, Peter, 292 A Zed & Two Noughts, 292, 294 Green river, 118 Grief, Paula, 222 Griffin, Rick, 131 Griffith, D.W., 86 Intolerance, 86 Grizzly Man, 146 H Half Fiction [exhibition], 162 Hard Light, 252, 254 Haynes, Todd, 208 Safe, 208 Head, 293, 295 Helicopter and Insects (One Red), version 1,49,50 Herzog, Jacques, 208 Herzog, Werner, 146-53,292 Even Dwarfs Started Small, 151,153 Fata Morgana, 150-51, 292, 294 Fitzcarraldo, 148,149 Grizzly Man, 146 Incident at Loch Ness, 150 Woyzeck, 151 Highland, Franklin, Yucca, 255 Hilt, Gary, 154-61 Being With Things, 156 Hole in the Wall, 161 Inasmuch As It Is Always Already Taking Place, 156, 158-59 Midnight Crossing, 160 Primarily Speaking, 156 Reflex Chamber, 160, 161 Still Life, 156, 757,160 Storyteller's Room, 160 Tall Ships, 154, 755,160 Hitchcock, Alfred, 186,190,292 Suspicion, 190 Vertigo, 292, 294 Hitchcock [Truffaut], 190 Hole in the Wall, 161 Höller, Carsten, 10,13,162-71 Half Fiction [exhibition], 162 Light Wall, 163, 166, 168-69, 169-70 The Loverfinch, 167-69 Phi Wall, 170, 777 Slide #6, 165 Y, 164 The Holy Mountain, 46,182, 186,788, 789, 292, 294 Hollywood, 256-57 Homeward Bound, 255 Hopper, Dennis, 187-88, 292 The Last Movie, 187,188, 292, 294 Hors-champ, 102 Hotel, 137, 292, 294 The House, 23 HPSCHD, 292, 294 Huxley, Aldous, 194 Brave New World, 194 Music at Night and Other Essays, 194 Huyghe, Pierre, 12,172-81 Atari Light, 175 L'Expédition Scintillante, Act I Untitled (ice boat), 178-79 L'Expédition Scintillante, a Musical [exhibition], 176-77 Les Grands Ensembles, 177 No Ghost Just a Shell, 180 One Mi/lion Kingdoms,180-81 Snow White Lucie, 174 Hydrogen House, 205 The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting, 292, 294 I If 6 Was 9, 25 "If You Find This World Bad, You Should See Some of the Others" 180 Images, 30 Imaginary Forces, 206 Immoral Tales, 142 I'm Not The Girl Who Misses Much, 235 Imploded House (With Two Observers), 52-53 Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome, 42 Inasmuch As It Is Always Already Taking Place, 156, 758-59 Incident at Loch Ness, 150 Instant City, 284,284,285 Intolerance, 86 Invocation of My Demon Brother, 47 Irreversible, 292, 294 Isobe, Yukihisa, 292 Dream Reel, 292,294 J Jacobs, Ken, 293 Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son, 293, 295 Jancsó, Miklós, 142 The Round-Up, 142 Jarman, Derek, 293 Blue, 293, 295 Jarmusch, Jim, 96 Jewison, Norman, 122,129, 130,293 The Thomas Crown Affair; 122, 123, 129-30, 293, 295 Jodorowsky, Alejandro, 10,46, 182-89,263,292 El Topo, 46,182, 184, 186, 187, 188, 292, 294 The Holy Mountain, 46, 182, 186, 188, 189, 292, 294 Jones, Chuck, 293 Jonze, Spike, 292 Being John Malkovich, 292, 294 Jordan, Larry, 88 Journey into Fear, 102,106 K KA MOUNTAIN and GUARDenia TERRACE: a story about a family and some people changing, 268-69, 271 Kafka, Franz, 31 Amerika, 31 Kaprow, Allan, 293 The Medium is the Medium, 293,295 Keaton, Buster, 292 Sherlock, Jr., 292, 294 Kelly/Mouse Studios, 131 Kiesler, Frederick, 286, 293 Film Guild Cinema, 286, 286, 293, 295 King Kong, 86 Kinoautomat, 293, 295 Kinski, Klaus, 151 Klee, Paul, 50 Koolhaas, Rem, 8,10,13,190-201 Center for Art and Media (ZKM), 196, 197 China Central Television (CCTV) broadcast headquarters, 192, 193, 194,196 Prada, Los Angeles Epicenter, 198; New York Epicenter, 199 Seattle Public Library, 193, 795,200 Kren, Kurt, 293 9/64\ O Tannenbaum, 293,295 Kroitor, Roman, 292 Labyrinthe, 292, 294 Kubrick, Stanley, 122,125,126,129 A Clockwork Orange, 126 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, 122, 124, 125 Kubelka, Peter, 293 Kurosawa, Akira, 292 Rashomon, 292, 294 Kustom Kar Kommandos, 43 L Labyrinthe, 292,294 La Jetée, 280, 293, 295 Large Trademark with Eight Spotlights, 247, 249 La situazione antispettiva, 115 The Last Movie, 187,188, 292, 294 Last Year at Marienbad, 292, 294 Learning from Las Vegas, 206 Léger, Fernand, 293 Ballet mécanique, 293, 295 Lester, Richard, 293 A Hard Day's Night, 293, 295 Leth, Jergen, 292 The Five Obstructions, 292, 294 Les Grands Ensembles, 177 L'Expédition Scintillante, Act I: Untitled Çice boat), 778-79 L'Expédition Scintillante, a Musical [exhibition], 176-77 Life, 129, see also Time-Life The Life and Times of Joseph Stalin, 271 Light Space Modulator, 113 Light Wall, 163,166,168-69, 169-70 Limelight, 270 Lindsay, Arto, 63 DE LAMA LÀMINA, 62,63,67 Linklater, Richard, 292 Slacker, 292, 294 L'Intrus, 292, 294 Little Dieter Needs to Fly, 149 logik licht, 213 The Long Goodbye, 29, 30 LOOKING FOR MUSHROOMS, 92 Los Angeles County Museum of Art on Fire, 248-49, 248-49 Lost Highway, 292,294 Love Affair: Or, The Case of the Missing Switchboard Operator, 142 The Loverfinch, 167-69 Lucifer Rising, 44 Lynch, David, 292 Lost Highway, 292,294 Lynn, Greg, 202-09 Animate Form, 202 Hydrogen House, 205 Stranded Sears Towers, 207 M Magritte, René, 131 Makavejev, Duèan, 142, 293 Love Affair: Or, The Case of the Missing Switchboard Operator, 142 W.R.: Mysteries of the Organism, 293, 295 The Man Who Left His Will on Film, 292, 294 Man with a Movie Camera, 287,287, 293, 295 Marker, Chris, 280, 293 La Jetée, 280, 293, 295 Matthew Barney: The Cremaster Cycle [exhibition], 68-69 Matisse, Henri, 238 Matta-Clark, Gordon, 161 McQueen, Steve, 129 Me/We, Okay, Gray, 21 Meant to be lived in, 113 Media Burn, 293, 295 The mediated motion [exhibition], 112-13,114 The Medium is the Medium, 293, 295 Meisel, Steven, 225 Memento, 292, 294 Merzbau, 287, 292, 294 Meshes of the Afternoon, 293,295 Metz, Christian, 225 Meyer, Russ, 150,151 Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!, 151 Midnight Crossing, 160 Miracle, 6-7, 246,253 The Mirror, 292, 294 Miss Julie, 10,138 Moholy-Nagy, Laszió, 10,113,187 Light Space Modulator, 113 Monodramas, 102 Morrissey, Paul, 287, 293 Chelsea Girls, 130,142, 287, 287, 293, 295 Moscoso, Victor, 131 A MOVIE, 10,86,88-93,89, 293,295 Movie-Drome, 292, 294 Museums Quartier (Vienna), 206 Music at Night and Other Essays, 194 N Nameth, Ronald, 292 HPSCHD, 292,294 300 Napoleon, 130,138, 293, 295 The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, 176 Nashville, 26,27, 29-32, 30, 34,35, 292, 294 Nervi, Pier Luigi, 215 Nesmith, Michael, 293 Pop Clips, 293, 295 New Babylon, 287 New York Film Festival, 8, 258 Nicholson, Jack, 54 Nicolai, Carsten, 13, 210-17 logik licht, 213 snow noise, 216, 217 wellenwanne, 214 Nieuwenhuys, Constant, 287 New Babylon, 287 Noè, Gaspar, 292 Irreversible, 292, 294 No Ghost Just a Shell, 180 Nolan, Christopher, 292 Memento, 292, 294 NuHka•, 102 O Obler, Arch, 28 Obrist, Hans Ulrich, 279, 284-85,287 Oh, Dracula, 76, 80 O Lucky Man!, 292, 294 Olympia, 86 One Million Kingdoms, 180-81 Open My Giade (Flatten), 226, 232-33 Oppenheim, Dennis, 218 Orpheus, 131 Oshima, Nagisa, 292 The Man Who Left His Will on Film, 292, 294 Our Lady of the Turks, 292, 294 Overture, 102 Overture to the Fourth Act of Deafman Glance, see Deafman Glance P Paik, Nam June, 56, 293 The Medium is the Medium, 293, 295 Parajanov, Sergei, 292 The Color of Pomegranates, 292.294 Penn,Zak, 150% Incident at Loch Ness, 150 Persona, 292, 294 Phi Wall, 170,171 Pickelporno, see Pimple Porno Piene, Otto, 293 The Medium is the Medium, 293.295 Pimple Porno, 230-31 "Pines of Rome" 93 Piscator, Erwin, 138 The Player, 32 Poe, Edgar Allan, 176 The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, 176 Polanski, Roman, 54, 258 Chinatown, 8, 54 Polyecran, 293,295 Pop Clips, 293, 295 Prada, Los Angeles Epicenter, 198; New York Epicenter, 199 Prada Foundation, 169 Premium, 246, 250 The Present, 19, 21 Primarily Speaking, 156 Prince, Richard, 8,218-25 Entertainers, 223 Spiritual America, 222 Untitled (1990), 224 Untitled (Cowboy), 219 Untitled (Girl Hunting), 221 Untitled (Publicity), 220 Why I Go to the Movies Alone, 225 Women [exhibition], 222 Pursuit, Fear, Catastrophe: Ruskin, B.C., 102 R Rafelson, Bob, 293 Head, 293, 295 Rashomon, 292,294 Ray, Man, 293 Return to Reason, 293, 295 Razor Blades, 293, 295 Reflex Chamber, 160, 161 Resnais, Alain, 292 Last Year at Marienbad, 292, 294 Respighi, Ottorino, 93 "Pines of Rome" 93 Return to Reason, 293, 295 Richter, Gerhard, 50 Richter, Hans, 263, 292 Dreams That Money Can Buy,; 292, 294 Riefenstahl, Leni, 86 Olympia, 86 Rimbaud, Arthur, 24 Rist, Pipilotti, 13, 226-35 Firework Television Lipsticky (Feuerwerk Televisione Lipsticky), 227, 228 I'm Not The Girl Who Misses Much, 235 Open My Glade (Flatten), 226,232-33 Pimple Porno (Pickelporno), 230-31 Selfless In The Bath Of Lava, 229 Rondinone, Ugo, 10, 236-45 ALL THOSE DOORS, 244-45 THE EVENING PASSES..., 242 GRAND CENTRAL STATION, 241 ROUNDELAY, 238 A SPIDER..., 238-39 ROUNDELAY, 238 Royal Road Test, 251,254 Ruiz, Raul, 292 The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting, 292, 294 Run Lola Run, 292, 294 Ruscha, Ed, 8,13, 246-57 Fistful of Aliens, 255 Hard Light, 252, 254 Highland, Franklin, Yucca, 255 Hollywood, 256-57 Homeward Bound, 255 Large Trademark with Eight Spotlights, 247, 249 Los Angeles County Museum of Art on Fire, 248-49, 248-49 Miracle, 6-7, 246,253 Premium, 246,250 Royal Road Test, 251, 254 Twentysix Gasoline Stationst 253 S Safe, 208 Schneemann, Carolee, 293 Fuses, 293, 295 Schräder, Paul, 218 Schwitters, Kurt, 287, 292 Merzbau, 287, 292, 294 Scorpio Rising, 39,40,43, 293,295 Scott, Ridley, 202 Screen-O-Scope, 286,286 Seattle Public Library, 193, 195, 200 Seawright, James, 293 The Medium is the Medium, 293,295 Selfless In The Bath Of Lava, 229 Shakespeare, William, 35, 50 Sharits, Paul, 293 Razor Blades, 293, 295 Sherlock, Jr., 292, 294 Shoot, 74, 76, 85 Short Cuts, 26,32, 35 Slacker, 292, 294 Slide #6, 165 Smith, Jack, 292 Flaming Creatures, 292, 294 The Smiths, 222 Smithson, Robert, 257 Snow, Michael, 263, 293 Wavelength, 293, 295 snow noise, 216, 217 Snow White Lucie, 174 Sokolniki Park, see World's Fair, Untitled (Girl Hunting), 221 Untitled (Publicity), 220 V VanDerBeek, Stan, 292 Van Sant, Gus, 122,126 Vendredi Soir, 96, 97, 101 Venturi, Robert, 206 Learning from Las Vegas (with Denise Scott Brown and Steven Izenour), 206 Vertigo, 292, 294 Vertov, Dziga, 287, 293 Man with a Movie Camera, 287, 287, 293, 295 Videodrome, 292, 294 Video 50, 273 Vogel, Amos, 8, 13, 258-65 Film as a Subversive Art, 258, 259, 263 von Trier, Lars, 292 Moscow Solaris [Chris Burden], 80 W Wadleigh, Michael, 130 Solaris [Andrei Tarkovsky], 215 Woodstock, 130 SOUND OF TWO HAND Warhol. Andv. 34.125.1 ANGEL, 87 ' Space Theater, 292,294 Spector, Phil, 29 A SPIDER..., 238-39 Spiritual America, 222 Steinberg, Saul, 125 Stern, Daniel, 272 Still Life, 156, 157, 160 Storyteller's Room, 160 Stranded Sears Towers, 207 Surnow, Joel, 293 24, 293, 295 Suspicion, 190 Suspiria, 102, 103, 104 Svoboda, Josef, 293 Polyecran, 293, 295 T Tadlock, Thomas, 293 The Medium is the Medium, 293, 295 Tall Ships, 154,155,160 Tambellini, Aldo, 292, 293 Black Zero, 292, 294 The Medium is the Medium, 293, 295 Tarkovsky, Andrei, 215, 292 The Mirror, 292, 294 Television Spots, 102 The Thomas Crown Affair, 122, 123, 129-30, 293, 295 "Three Dialogues with Georges Duthuit" 238 Through the Night Softly, 74, 76, 82-83 Time-Life, 8, 218, see also Life Timecode, 136,138, 139. 141, 142, 143. 145, 293, 295 Tinsel Tree, 41 To Die For, 122,126, 132-33, 134-35 Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son, 293,295 Towers Open Fire, 293,295 Truffaut. François, 190 TV Ad, 74 TV Hijack, 74, 75,80-81,80 Twentysix Gasoline Stations, 253 The Twilight Zone, 220-21 Two Figures (Kissing) and Four Figures (With Knife and Chains), 54,59 Tykwer, Tom, 292 Run Lola Run, 292, 294 U Un chien andalou, 293,295 The Unnamable, 241,243 Untitled (Cowboy), 219 Warhol, Andy, 34,125,130, 142,225,263, 287, 293 Chelsea Girls, 130, 142, 287, 287, 293, 295 Wavelength, 293,295 The weather project, 111, 114 A Wedding, 34 Weekend, 143,281,281,292, 294 Weiner, Lawrence, 254 Hard Light, 252, 254 wellenwanne, 214 Wenders, Wim, 96 Wertheimer, Max, 170 Whitman, Robert, 293 American Moon, 293, 295 Why I Go to the Movies Alone, 225 Wilson, Robert, 10,266-75 The Black Rider, 266 Bluebeard's Castle/Erwartung, 267,270-71 Deafman Glance, 270,275 Einstein on the Beach, 266 KA MOUNTAIN and GUARDenia TERRACE: a story about a family and some people changing, 268-69,271 The Life and Times of Joseph Stalin, 271 Video 50, 273 Winchester Mystery House, 209 The Wind, 20 Win, Place or Show, 102, 104, 105, 106-107 A Woman is a Woman, 143 Woman of Straw, 126, 128 Women [exhibition], 222 Wong Kar-wai. 292 2046, 292,294 Woodstock, 130 World's Fair, Moscow, 130, 286,286; New York, 129 Woyzeck, 151 W.R.: Mysteries of the Organism, 293,295 Y Y, 164 Yaikut, Jud, 292 Dream Reel. 292.294 Youngblood, Gene, 286 Expanded Cinema, 286,286 Z Zabriskie Point. 261-62, 264-65. 292,294 A Zed & Two Noughts. 292.294 Zorn's Lemma. 293,295 301
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