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Volltext:441 Index The page numbers in italics refer to the illustrations. Adams, Robert Moyes 375 Agamben, Giorgio 74, 80 Agnelli, Giuseppe 237 Akrich, Madeleine 49 Albert, Eugen 131 Albert, Prince Consort of Queen Victoria 129-144 (passim), 269 Alberti, Leon Battista 331 Albiker, Karl 308, 309 Alessandri, Angelo 199,199 Alinari, Fratelli (company) 16,117-127 (passim), 118,119, 122, 123, 125, 126, 131, 132, 134, 137, 140, 148, 149, 149-151, 152-154,154, 156, 161, 184, 185, 188, 195, 219, 230, 232, 236, 238, 293, 301, 326, 327, 333, 342,366, 382, 390, 398, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404 Alinari, Leopoldo 118, 119, 398 Al-Mukhtar, Omar 66 Altichiero da Zevio 184 Altoviti, Bindo 135 Ames, Michael 70 Anderson (company) 149, 230, 238, 326, 342, 363, 364, 384 Anderson, Domenico 219, 301 Anderson, James 219 Angerer, Ludwig 135 Anglicus, Bartholomaeus 246, 247 Antonio da Modena 401 Antonio da Monza 401 Antonio Veneziano 127 Arago, François 13 Asperen de Boer, Dolf 163 Atget, Eugène 290, 290, 294 Bacchiacca (Francesco d'Ubertino Verdi) 142,143 Baedeker, Karl 125 Bal, Mieke 48, 50 Baien, Jan van 173,174 Bambridge, William 131 Banker, James R. 163,166 Bann, Steven 7 Barchewski 290 Bardi, Luigi 117,118,120,127,401 Barthes, Roland 28, 36, 61, 86,121, 260, 348, 350 Bartsch, Adam von 268, 269, 272 Bassano, Girolamo 228 Batissier, Louis 107, 108 Baudelaire, Charles 14, 17, 75, 76, 92 Becker, Ernst 131,134 Becquerel, Henri 371,371,373, 376 Bedford, Francis 269 Behrens, Peter 309 Bellano, Bartolomeo 238,330 Bellesi, Giuseppe 227, 228, 229 Bellini 182 Bellini, Gentile 197,366,366 Bellini, Giovanni 197, 201, 203 Bellini, Jacopo 195,196, 198,199,199, 200, 200 Bellotto, Bernardo 287 Bellucci, Roberto 166 Beltrami, Giuseppe 207, 208 Beltrami, Luca 205-215 (passim), 207, 210, 218 Benedict, Kurt 385 Benjamin, Walter 48, 75, 76, 83, 89,92, 93, 214, 265, 321 442 Index Berenson, Bernard 21, 35, 77, 78,90,152,153,155, 155, 157-168 (passim), 159,162,16s, 181-191 (passim), 186,187,189,190,196, 253,363, 364, 381,386,394,403 Berenson, Mary 152,157-161,163,164,168 Bergson, Henri 90,91 Berlusconi, Silvio 67 Bergmann, Ingrid 338 Bertaux, Émile 365 Bezold, Gustav von 178 Bianchi Bandinelli, Ranuccio 232, 237 Bigallo Master 185,186,187, 188,189 Billinge, Rachel 164,165,166 Bing, Gertrude 246 Bingham, Robert 131,134 Binswanger, Ludwig 83 Bisacca, George 166 Blaffer, Sarah Campbell 385 Blanquart-Evrard, Louis Désiré 213, 270, 271 Bloch, Albert 366 Bloch, Marc 11 Blunt, Wilfried 185 Blurton, Richard 52 Bode, Wilhelm (von) 32, 36,137,140,146,146,147, 147,238 Boito, Camillo 198,206,208,218 Bok, Marten Jan 262, 263 Bollati, Giulio 218 Bologna, Giovanni da see Giambologna Bologne, Jean de see Giambologna Boni, Giacomo 206, 217-226 (passim), 221-226 Boretti, M. 285 Boschini, Marco 196 Boskovits, Miklos 232,235,386 Botticelli, Sandro 116,121,124,184, 362,363, 364, 365.399 Bramante, Donato 212, 215 Branchini, Valentina 182 Brandolese, Pietro 196 Braun, Ad. (company) 16,124,131,135,137,138, 140, 143,210,211, 272, 294, 367,367, 398,400, 404 Braun, Adolphe 135 Braun, Gaston 131 Brentano, Giuseppe 206 Brière, Gaston 385 Brière-Misme, Clotilde 291, 292, 385 Briet, Suzanne 38, 39, 41 Brinkman, Jan A. 308 Brockhaus, Heinrich 32,401 Brogi (company) 34,150,150, 151,15J, 153-155, 155,156,183-185, 219, 227-239 (passim), 230, 231,234,235,326,327,342 Brogi, Carlo 235 Brogi, Giacomo 219 Brothman, Brien 55,69 Brunelleschi, Filippo 15 Bulhak, Jan 285 Bunnay, Frederick 220 Buonarroti, Michelangelo 16, 40, 42, 121, 136,137, 260, 272, 302, 306, 307, 324, 336, 396 Buontalenti, Bernardo 127 Burckhardt, Jacob 20, 102, 103, 105, 106,109,110, 112, 116, 152, 169-180 (passim), 173-179, 300 Caldesi, Leonida 131 Camp, Maxime du 272 Campione, Bonino da 327 Canella, Costantino 198,199,199 Canella, Francesco 199 Canova, Antonio 40 Cantalamessa, Giulio 32, 88, 193-203 (passim), 196, 199 Capanna, Puccio 188 Caraffa, Costanza 9,10,49,61 Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi 386 Carducci, Giosuè 193 Caröe, William D. 220 Carpaccio, Vittore 25, 28, 29,31, 32, 34-38, 41, 42, 124, 196-200,201, 202 Castelli, Ciro 166 Caumont, Arcisse de 107-109 Cavalcaselle, Giovanni Battista 147,148,149, 196 Cecchi, Emilio 232 Ceretti, Giuseppe 228 Chalandon, Georges 158 Chambers, Thomas 386, 387 Chapman, John J. 199 Charcot, Jean-Martin 90 Cherbuliez, Joel 111 Cima da Conegliano 203 Cini, Vittorio 232 Ciseri, Antonio 193 Civilis, Claudius 90 Clark, Carol 386 Clark, Kenneth 78,79,243,359 Clemen, Paul 287 Colasanti, Arduino 154,154,155 Cole, Henry 268, 269, 276, 277 Conconi, Luigi 206 Conti, Angelo 194-198 Conway, William Martin 254, 381 Cook, Terry 23,39 Cook, Walter W.S. 386 Cooper, A.C. 386 Coppo di Marcovaldo 185 Coquerel, Athanase-Josué 111 Corti, Gino 331 Costelloe, Karin 157 Index 443 Costelloe, Ray 157 Courajod, Louis 102, 201 Courbet, Gustave 350 Courtauld, Samuel 243 Credi, Lorenzo di 115, 333 Cremona, Tranquillo 206 Crivelli, Carlo 202, 307 Crookes, William 371, 372,372 Crowe, Joseph A. 147 Cruttwell, Maud 152 Cundall, Joseph 131 Cunningham, Priscilla 327 Cunsolo, Elisabetta 182 Curtius, Ludwig 250 Cussy, Vicomte de 104 Daddi, Bernardo 182, 183, 188 Daguerre, Louis 13, 105, 253, 349 Dallas, Duncan C. 268 D'Andrade, Alfredo 218 D'Annunzio, Gabriele 116, 197 Dant, Tim 50 Dante Alighieri 118,184 Daston, Lorraine 18, 369, 375 Deas, Charles 386 Degas, Edgar 384, 385 Dehio, Georg 178 Delagrave, Charles 106, 107 Delatour, Jérôme 293 Dell, Robert 159 Democritus 245, 248 Derrida, Jacques 60 DeSalvatore, Amy 326 Desiderio da Settignano 324, 327, 328,32S, 329, 330, 33i,3iD.3J2. 333 Diana, Benedetto 197 Diehl, Charles 188 Dieulafoy, Jane 293 Dieulafoy, Marcel 293 Dilly, Heinrich 11 Dilthey, Wilhelm 297, 300 Doggett, Ruth 323 Domanska, Ewa 50 Domenico di Michele 331 Donatello 146,146,147,147,153-156,154,155, 227, 228, 230, 231, 232, 234, 235, 235-238, 324, 331 Dontenville, E. 294 Doucet, Jacques 289-292, 289, 295, 296 Douglas, Robert Langton 149, 158 Dovizielli, Pietro 131 Dreyfus, Alfred 366 Dreyfus, Gustave 102 Duca di Rivoli 194 Duccio, Agostino di 333 Dumeteau 294 Dürer, Albrecht 80, 302 Dürrwald, Hans 410 Duveen, Joseph 164, 323, 326, 330 Dvorak, Max 152,153 Eastlake, Charles 129, 132, 134 Eastlake, Lady see Rigby, Elizabeth Eastman, Seth 387 Eder, Joseph Maria 33, 131 Edgerton, Harold 378 Edwards, Elizabeth 8, 25, 369, 371, 382 Einstein, Albert 206, 241, 242, 243, 249 Eisenstein, Sergej 94 Emerson, George 121 Eppstein, Gerhard von 321 Ermakov, Dmitri Ivanovich 290 Ernst, Wolfgang 356 Evans, Walker 66, 66 Fahy, Everett 386 Fanelli, Giovanni 118,119 Fareham, Lord Lee of 243 Federici 196 Félibien, André 258 Fenton, Roger 131 Ferrario, Achille 212,212, 215 Ferraris, Maurizio 58, 60-64, 70, 71 Filippi, Tomaso 26-30, 34, 35, 37, 38 Fiorentino, Pier Francesco 386 Fiorilli, Carlo 195 Firle, Otto 307,307 Fischbacher, Guillaume 106,111 Flusser, Vilém 92 Fogolari, Gino 40 Forster, Edward Morgan 121, 124 Fortuny, Mariano 199 Foster, Kathleen 387 Fournier, Alfred 362 Fox Talbot, William Henry 14, 17, 146, 348, 349 Francia, Francesco 194 Frasier, David 157 Freud, Sigmund 74,76,78,80-91 Frick, Helen Clay 291,381 Frick, Henry Clay 323,382 Friedländer, Max J. 385 Fries, Jakob Friedrich 108, 110 Frimmel, Theodor 33, 34 Frisch, Albert 139 Frizzoni, Gustavo 142, 195,196, 199, 203 Fromentin, Eugene 260 Frosinini, Cecilia 166 Fry, Roger 124 Fumagalli, Carlo 212, 214, 215 444 Index Fumagalli, Giuseppe 208 Gaddafi, Muammar 66,67 Galison, Peter 18,369,375 Garnier, Charles 206 Gauthier, R. 188 Gebhard, Fritz 22 Geimer, Peter 369 Gelder, Jan Gerrit van 262 Gell, Alfred 49,50,52 Gentile da Fabriano 195 Gerster, Christian 111 Geymüller, Heinrich von 102,103,172 Ghiberti, Lorenzo 124,126,127 Ghirlandaio, Domenico 90 Giambellino see Bellini, Giovanni Giambologna 127 Gibbon, Edward 112 Gibbs-Smith, Charles 268 Giess, Hildegard 343 Giolitti, Giovanni 206 Giorgione 195,197, 201, 361 Giotto 94,113,118,160,183,188-191, 359-362,360 Giovanelli, Alberto 201 Giraudon (company) 158, 159,162,163, 294, 295 Giraudon, Adolphe 158 Gircke, Walter 407 Gloc, Jan 352 Gnoli, Domenico 194 Gnoli, Umberto 227, 228 Gnudi, Cesare 65 Godelier, Maurice 93 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang (von) 101,169, 112, 337 Gogh, Vincent van 260 Goldman, Henry 323 Goldner, George 336 Goloubew, Victor 291 Golub, Leon 374 Gombrich, Ernst 90, 243 Goodyear, Henry 148 Gosden, Chris 49 Gossaert, Jan 3 8 5,3 85 Goupil (company) 106 Gozzoli, Benozzo 127 Grandi, Giuseppe 206 Granén, Blasco de 386 Grant, Lindy 9 Graves, Dorothy Boyd 327 Gregorovius, Ferdinand 112,113 Griggs, Maitland F. 190,190,191 Grimm, Herman 20, 21, 134-136 Grohn, Ursel 343 Gröning, Maren 398 Gropius, Walter 308 Großmann, G. Ulrich 180 Grove, T.C. 268 Grüneisen, Carl 111 Grüninger, Robert 171,179 Gusman, Pierre 366,366 Hachette (publisher) 105 Hachette, Louis 106 Hamann, Richard 297-312 (passim), 304,307,309, 313, 314.315. 316-318. 3^0. 321, 349, 350, 352, 381, 382 Hamilton, Carl 185 Hanfstaengl, Franz (company) 195, 301, 393 Hann, George 185 Harlaub, Gustav Friedrich 300 Harlow, Venetia 7 Harper, Michael 375, 377 Harris, Clare 52 Harrison, Jane 90, 91 Hartt, Frederick 330,331 Hartwieg, Babette 166 Harunobu, Suzuzi 184,185 Haskell, Francis 132,134 Hawarden, Lady Clementina 52 Haworth-Booth, Mark 7 Heckscher, Willem 261,262 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 93, 108,109,160, 298 Henniker-Heaton, Raymond 188 Herder (publisher) 185 Herrmann, Curt 308 Heusinger, Lutz 353 Hildebrand, Adolf von 149,237 Hippel, Arthur von 378 Hippocrates 246, 248 Hofer, Karl 307, 308 Hoff, Carl 246 Hofmannsthal, Hugo von 104,116 Hofstede de Groot, Cornelius 225, 258-261,259, 381 Hogarth, John 268,269 Hohenlohe, Friedrich von 321 Hokusai, Katsushika 185 Holbein, Hans (the Younger) 3 8 4 , 384 Holmes, Oliver Wendel 21, 22,117, 348, 349, 351 Honeychurch, Lucy 121 Hoving, Thomas 391 Howlett, Robert 131 Humboldt, Wilhelm von 113 Hutzel, Max 335-345 (passim), 3 3 8 - 3 4 1 , 3 4 4 Israels, Machtelt 166 Jacopo del Casentino 190 Jacopo della Quercia 236, 237 Index 445 Jacquemart-André, Nelly 101 Jacquier, Vittorio 159 James, Henry 120,124 Janin, Jules 265 Janson, Horst W. 155, 228, 230, 232, 238 Jenkinson, Hilary 19 Jensen, Wilhelm 76 Jima, Iwo 64 Joaillier, Polycarpe 290, 290 Jongli, Hddy de 262 Joubin, André 291 Junghans, Fritz 244, 246, 247, 250 Kaiser, Giancarlo 235, 236 Kalinowski, Zd/.islaw 284 Kant, Immanuel 108 Kennedy, Clarence 228, 323-333 (passim), 325, 327-329,331,332 Kennedy, Melinda 326 Kennedy, Ruth 326 Kerbs, Diethart 405,406,406, Kctelaar, Eric 70 Keultjes, Dagmar 19 Keyes, Murray Kendall 185,188 Keyser, Thomas de 255-257, 262 Klos, Juliusz 2S1 Klotz, Heinrich 15 Kok, Erna 262 Kolfin, Elmer 262 Konrad von Thüringen 321 Krautheimer, Richard 15,21 Krieger, Ignacy 282 Kuglcr, Franz 106, 129 Kurth, Julius 185 La Fontaine, Henri 39 Laarmann, Frauke 262 I.acan, Ernest 126, 127 Lacan, Jacques 76 Laianne, Maxime 254 Lambertini, Michele see Michele di Matteo da Bologna Lanckoronski, Karol 281,282 Lancret, Nicolas 307 Langewiesche, Karl Robert 317 I,anyi, Jenö 154,155, 227-239 (passim), 233 Latour, Bruno 49, 50 Laurana, Francesco 332 Lauris, Georges de 362 Le Corbusier 308 Lebrun, Jean Baptiste Pierre 258 Lees, David 181 Lefèvre, Louis-Eugène 292 Lembert, Elsa 267 Lembrecht de Wette, Wilhelm Martin 109 Leonardo da Vinci 174, 210, 211, 214, 215, 302, 333, 366-368,400, 401,402 Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany 122 Lermolieff, Ivan see Morelli, Giovanni Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim 238 Lippi 113 Lippi, Filippino 386 Lippmann, Friedrich 137,138, 139,139,140,141, 142, 143, 144, 396 Lisi, Virna 338 Locher, Hubert 351 Lollobrigida, Gina 338 Longhi, Roberto 161 Loren, Sophia 338 Lotto, Lorenzo 195, 201-203,202 Lübke, Wilhelm 14,15,106 Luck, Barbara 387 Ludwig, Gustav 25, 28-32,31-33, 34-38, 40, 42, 43 Lugt, Frits 259, 261 Luini, Bernardino 210, 214,229 Lumière, Frères 207 Luther, Martin 111 Mabuse see Gossaert, Jan Mach, Ernst 378 Mackay, Clarence 323 Mackowsky, Hans 1 5 0 - 1 5 2 , 150,151 Maclagan, Eric 156 Madrazo, Raimundo de 199 Madrazo, Riccardo de 199 Maffioli, Monica 118 Magellan, Ferdinand 224 Malègue, Hippolyte 293, 293 Malenotti, Gino 227-239 (passim), 231-235 Malraux, André 11,91,265,359 Man Ray 289 Manens, Robert 293 Manet, Edouard 76 Mang, Michele 194 Mann, Monika 228, 237 Mann, Thomas 237 Mantegna, Andrea 134 March, Werner 308 Marchesano, Louis 335 Marchitiello, Raffaella 28,31,34 Marey, Etienne-Jules 75 Mariano, Elisabetta 182,184,185 Mariano, Nicky see Mariano, Elisabetta Mariette, Pierre Jean 269 Marie, Raimond van 148 Maron, Anton von 80, 82, 82 Marquand, Alan 124 Marshall, A.F.S. 14 446 Index Marsuppini, Carlo 324,330,331 Martin, François-René 102 Martini, Simone 183 Marville, Charles 131 Marx, Karl 93 Maso di Banco 183,190,190,191 Masolino da Panicale 40 Master of Brucianesi 3 86 Master of Lanaja see Granén, Blasco de Master of San Miniato 386 Master of the Spinola Annunciation 190,190 Matthiae, Guglielmo 227, 341, 342 Matyssek, Angela 314,382 Maurer, Golo 16 Mauriac, Francois 367 Ménard, Louis 105 Ménard, René 105 Meydenbauer, Albrecht 21, 349-351 Meyer, Adolf 308 Michelangelo see Buonarroti, Michelangelo Michele di Matteo da Bologna 34 Michelet, Jules 52,55 Middeldorf, Ulrich 30,228,324,330 Miller, Daniel 49, 50 Miozzi, Eugenio 308 Mitchell, William J. T. 48 Moholy-Nagy, Lâzlô 214, 322 Molenaer, Jan 26 Molmenti, Pompeo 28, 29,31, 35-37 Molteni, Giuseppe 132,133 Molzahn, Johannes 322 Mongan, Agnes 326 Montabone, Luigi 215 Montfaucon, Bernard de 108 Montias, Michael 263 Moore, Morris 132, 233, 134,141, 142 More, Thomas 384,384 Morelli, Giovanni (Ivan Lermolieff) 129-144 (pas­sim), 139,141-143,188, 194,196, 218, 396-398 Moretti, Gaetano 206, 208 Morey, Charles Rufus 260, 261 Morison, Stanley 384 Moritz, Karl 309,309 Moulonguet, André 361,362 Muller, Frederik 259 Müller, Karl-Otfried 106,108 Müntz, Eugène 101-116 (passim), 107,114,115, 201 Murray (publisher) 141 Murray, John 120 Mussolini, Benito 96 Muybridge, Eadweard 75, 406 Mygand, C. 386 Nadar 75 Napoléon III, french emperor 111 Naya, Carlo 28, 29, 34, 35, 219, 360,360, 367 Neander, August 109-111 Niépce, Joseph Nicéphore 378 Nietzsche, Friedrich 93 Nijboer, Harm 262 Norton, Charles Eliot 124 Nuzi, Allegretto 182,190 Oeggerli, Elisabeth 178 Offner, Mortimer 190,191 Offner, Richard 188 Ongania, Ferdinando 199 Orcagna, Andrea 126,191 Orcagna, Bernardo 126,127 Os, Henkvan 163 Otlet, Paul 38, 39 Otte, Heinrich 108,109 Ovid 90 Paci, Giorgio 193 Pagliarulo, Giovanni 156 Paletti, Pietro 199 Palladio, Andrea 224 Panofsky, Erwin 21,261 Paoletti, Antonio 207, 212, 213, 213, 215 Paoletti, Pietro 203 Paolino, Fra 201 Parker, John Henry 293 Pasachoff, Jay M. 374 Pasquino see Domenico di Michele Passavant, Günther 152,153 Passavant, Johann David 129-132, 136, 396 Passini, Michela 102 Pearsall, Alys Whitall 159 Peel, Robert 252 Pelliot, Paul 291 Perini, Antonio 132,133, 134, 137, 140, 143, 397, 398 Perugino, Pietro di Cristoforo Vannucci 118, 137, 139-143.139,143 182. 396 Peters, Dorothea 16 Petrarca 194 Philpot, John (Giovanni) Brampton 135-137, 140, 398,399.403,404.404 Pierce, Charles Sanders 79 Piero del Massaio 167 Piero della Francesca 161 Pinder, Wilhelm 317 Pinturicchio 137, 140,142, 396 Piot, Eugène 293, 294, 296 Piper, Ferdinand 109 Pisano, Giovanni 148,149, 175 Pisano, Nicola (Niccolô) 127,175 Placci, Carlo 160 Iudex 447 Planiscig, I.eo 153, 188 Poelzig, Hans 308 Poeschke, Joachim 155, 156 Pohlmann, Ulrich 401 Pollock, Griselda 388 Pomian, Krzysztof 70 Poniatowski, Joseph 287 Pope-Hennessy, John 155, 156, 161, 164 I'oppi, I'ietro 219 Porter, A. Kingsley 326 Possenti, Maria 119, 398, 400, 401 Pozzi, C. 64 Pozzi Bellini, Giacomo 323 Prangey, Joseph-Philibert Girault de 105 Previtali, Giovanni 238 Preziosi, Donald 11 Price, William Lake 131, 238 Pronaszko, Stanislaw 283 Proust, Marcel 359-368 (passim) Puccinelli, Antonio 193 Puccini, Gaetano 118 Puccio di Simone 183 Quaglio, Domenico 306 Quinsae (publisher) 106 Quintavalle, Arturo 119 Radnitzky, Knimanuel see Man Ray Ragghianti, Carlo 237 Ranke, Leopold von 19, 110 Raphael 16,94,96,106, 111, 118, 129-144 (passim), '33, 13S, 139,141, 142, 269, 302, 395-404 (passim), 397,404 Ratti, Anchille 207 Ravaud, Klisabeth 164, 165,166 Rellin, Manfred 410 Rcilly, James 393 Reinach, Salomon 158,293 Reissner, Elizabeth 7 Reist, Inge 7 Rcjlander, Gustave 131 Rembrandt 91, 111, 245, 245, 246, 248-250, 248,250, 253 255 258, 262, 302 Remmy, Michael 7 Reni, Guido 245 Renouard, Jules 106 Reveley, Henry 273 Reymond, William 101, 106, 107 Ricci, Corrado 193, 196, 208 Ricoeur, Paul 50 Ridolfi, Carlo 196 Rigby, Elizabeth 129 Ririomin 185 Robinson, John Charles 16, 227, 396 Rodda, Jenni 10 Romanino, Girolamo 229 Römer, Willy 406 Rose, Gillian 48,52,53,70 Rosenthal, Joe 64 Rossellini, Roberto 338 Rossellino, Antonio 324, 326, 330, 331 Rossellino, Bernardo 326,331 Rothier, François 304,305, 306 Rothschild, Béatrice Ephrussi de 102 Rothschild, James 173 Rouam, Jules 106 Rousseau, René 367 Rubbiani, Alfonso 218 Rubens, Peter Paul 172, 173,173,174, 302, 306, 307, 384 Rubin, Patricia 8-10 Ruland.Carl 134,136 Ruskin, John 112, 121, 124, 126, 218, 220, 276, 364, 366, 367 Russell, Bertrand 159 Sacchi, Archimede 214 Sacchi, Luigi 132, 209, 213, 214 Sachsse, Rolf 357 Sadan, Mandy 54 Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin 107 Salvini, Roberto 237 Sandberg Vavalà, Evelyn 227 Sander, August 66,321 Sanders Peirce, Charles 62 Sandoz, Jules 111 Sangiorgi, Giuseppe 227 Sansoni, Mario 382 Sansovino, Jacopo 224 Santacesaria, Andrea 166 Sassetta, Stefano di Giovanni 157-168 (passim), 159, 162,163,163-167 Sassoon, Joanna 53 Saussure, Ferdinand de 79 Savoy, Prince Eugene of 269 Saxl, Fritz 89-91,237 Schallert, Regine 404 Schefer, Louis 96 Scheyern, Conrad von 188 Schiavone, Elisa 199 Schiavone, Feiice 199 Schiavone, Natale 199 Schleiermacher, Friedrich 109, 110 Schlink, Wilhelm 179 Schmarsow, August 20, 22, 137, 143, 144, 396, 403 Schnaase, Karl 108 Schneider, Glenn 374 Schneider-Lengyet, Ilse 154 448 Index Schoell-Glass, Charlotte 96 Schongauer, Martin 140 Schütz, Alexandre 103 Schwartz, Joan M. 8,23,39,42,70 Sears, Elizabeth 250 Sebah, Jean-Pascal 290,290 Segantini, Giovanni 206 Selvatico, Pietro 218 Semon, Richard 80,90 Serena, Tiziana 8,10 Severini, Gino 308 Severo da Ravenna 330 Seymour, Charles 155,155,156,236 Sezanne, Augusto 199 Sigismondi, Roberto 336-338, 341, 343 Silvestri, Oreste 215 Silvestri, Vincenzo 236 Simkhovitch, Vladimir G. 188 Sirén, Osvald 188,189 Skorewicz, Kazimierz 286 Sluijter, Eric Jan 262 Smith, Barry 64 Smith, John 257-260 Smith Costelloe, Mary see Berenson, Mary Smith Whitall, Hanna 157 Snyder, Joel 369, 374 Soden Smith, Robert Henry 273, 277 Spitzer, Friedrich Samuel 102 Springer, Anton 18,108,135-136,137, 304, 306 Starl, Timm 356 Stauda, August 282 Steedman, Carolyn 8, 52 Steen, Jan 260 Stehelm, Gustav 171 Steinberg, Michael P. 73, 82, 86 Stirling-Maxwell, William 253 Stoedtner, Franz 301 Strauss, Lévi 93 Strehlke, Carl Brandon 166,188 Szarkowski, John 63 Tagg, John 51 Taine, Hippolyte 102, 260 Taramelli, A. 196 Taylor, Michael J. 350 Tempesta, Antonio 194 Tenti, Giacomo 166 Teuffel, Christa Gardener von 166 Thiébaut, Dominique 166 Thompson, Angelica Charlotte 287 Thompson, Charles Thurston 131, 132, 269 Thomson, John 293 Thoré, Théophile 253, 260, 263 Thorwaldsen, Bertel 287 Tiepolo, Giambattista 197 Tieschowitz, Bernhard von 316 Tietze, Hans 238 Tilley, Chris 49 Tizian 174,197,198 Toesca, Pietro 184, 188, 218 Tourmachon, Gaspard-Félix see Nadar Trachtenberg, Marvin 15 Trenker, Luis 338 Truffaut, François 67, 68 Tucker, Jennifer 369 Tuminello, Ludovico 194 Tura, Cosmé 202 Turner, Joseph Mallord William 125, 276 Urry, Serena 166 Usener, Hermann 241 Vaccari, Franco 58 Valli, Alida 338 Vasari, Giorgio 130, 135,196, 331, 401 Velazquez, Diego 302 Venturi, Adolfo 32, 193-203 (passim), 205, 218 Vermeer, Jan 253,254, 258, 260 Veronese, Paolo 197, 200 Verrocchio, Andreadel 149-153,150,151, 238, 324, 325, 331. 332 Vertova, Luisa 185 Villani, Achille 65 Villers, Charles de 111 Vinet, Ernest 106 Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène Emmanuel 218 Viti, Timoteo 137 Vivarini, Antonio 33, 34, 196 Vlugt, Leen C. van der 308 Vogel, Hermann Wilhelm 131 Voigt, Woldemar 371,371 Waagen, Gustav Friedrich 129,132 Waal, Henri van de 260,261 Walbe, Brigitte 350,351 Wall,Jeff 347.34^,355-357 Wallis, George 276, 277 Warburg, Aby 32, 73-97 (passim), 81-85,95. 236, 241-250 (passim) 244, 247, 248, 250, 381, 388, 396 Warburg, Max 242 Wardle, Georges 220 Ware, Mike 370 Weale, William Henry James 277 Webb, Philip 220-224 Weigel, Rudolph 270,271, 401 Weihrauch, Roland 412 Weil, Jeanne 366 Weyde, Edith 353 Index 449 Whatling, Stuart 7 Whistler, James McNeill 366 White, William H. 220, 226 Widener, Joseph 323, 330, 331 Wildenstein, Georges 182, 292 Wilder, Flizabeth 324 Wilhelmina Helena Pauline Maria von Oranien- Nassau, Queen of the Netherlands 255 Wilpert, Joseph 185 Winckelmann, Johann Joachim 80, 82, 301 Winogrand, Garry 63 Witt, Robert 381, 382 Wolf, Gerhard 382 Wolf, Herta 349 Wolff, l'aul 337 Wölfflin, Heinrich 12,15, 77,78, 145, 146, 148-153, 1 5 0, 155. 156, 171. 172. 237-239, 297, 300, 307 Wolski, L . 2 8 2 Woltmann, Alfred 111 Worringer, Wilhelm 300, 303 Womum, Ralph Nicholson 270, 277 Zanetti, Antonio Maria 196 Zani, Dino 229 Zemeckis, Robert 80 Zentner, Kurt 405 Zerffi, George Gustavus 276 Zeri, Federico 227-239 (passim), 228-231, 235 Zocchi, Giuseppe 125 Zoffany, Johann 386
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