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Volltext:INDEX (Numerals in italic indicate pages bearing illustrations) Abstraction in Photography, 163 Abstractionism, 20, 159-65 Action Paintings (Tansey), 103 Action Painting II (Tansey), 103, 104 Adams, Ansel, 16, 19, 29, 31-36, 37, 63, 66, 84, 163, 207, 234-35 Adams, Robert, 24, 34, 36, 38, 58, 70, 84-87, 91 Afterimage, 169, 187 "After photography" 102, 103 After Walker Evans (Levine), 9 Agee, James, 66, 71 Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, 14, 68, 69, 200, 202, 209, 213 AIDS, 152, 178, 189, 202-3, 208-9 Akeley Camera, 61 Alfred Stieglitz: Photographs and Writings, 19 Altered Landscapes (Pfahl), 16, 199 American Landscapes (Szarkowski), 24 The American Monument (Friedlander), 70, 81 American Photographs (Evans), 15, 66, 68- 70, 84, 91, 221 American Prospects (Sternfeld), 91, 92 The Americans (Frank), 15, 46-47, 48, 69, 91, 96, 98, 99 Anderson, Russ, 57-58 The Animals (Winogrand), 77 Annan, Thomas, 53 Ansel Adams and the West, 32, 34, 35 The Antique Dealers Street (Riboud), 183 Aperture, 37-38, 40 "Appropriation" 10-11, 42, 133, 221 Arbus, Diane, 115, 116, 203, 209 Are You Rea? (Heinecken), 13 Armco Steel Works (Weston), 62 Arnold, Eve, 182 Artforum, 121, 123, 141 Artist's Studio (Lawler), 12 Art New England, 229 The Art of French Calotype (Jammes and Janis), 169 The Art of Photography, 1839-1989, 216 At Biarritz (Stieglitz), 19 Atget, Eugène, 29, 66, 68, 73 Automobile Wheel (Strand), 60 AutoPolaroids, 115, 116 Avedon, Richard, 93-95, 113, 213 Baldessari, John, 119, 234 Baltz, Lewis, 24, 58, 63-64, 70, 91 Barrow, Thomas, 235 Barthes, Roland, 95, 101, 144, 152, 232 Baskerville & Watson, 134, 136 Bass, Saul, 163 Battered to Death (Lawson), 7 Battleship Potemkin (motion picture), 129 Baudelaire, Charles, 50, 66 Baudrillard, Jean, 1, 15, 101, 218, 224, 233 Bauhaus, 42, 45, 61, 119, 160 The Beach at Trouville (Boudin), 19 Beaumont and Nancy Newhall Curatorial Fellowship, Museum of Modern Art, 31 Becher, Bernd and Hilla, 14, 70, 204 Bell, Alexander Graham, 176 Bell, William, 89, 91 Bender, Gretchen, 235 Benjamin, Walter, 101, 105, 169, 224-25, 232- 33, 234 Benson, Harry, 177 Berger, Paul, 235 Berlin Radio Tower (Moholy-Nagy), 43 Bernard, Cindy, 164 Bierstadt, Albert, 57, 58 Birnbaum, Dara, 232 Blasted Allegories (Callahan), 234 252 INDEX Boice, Bruce, 142 Bolande, Jennifer, 70 Boudin, Eugène, 19 Boulder County (R. Adams), 85 Bourdeau, Robert, 38 Bourke-White, Margaret, 62-63, 168 Brady, Mathew, 68 Brandt, Bill, 63, 94 Braque, Georges, 16, 19, 142 Brassai', 149 Brauntuch, Troy, 102, 126 Brodovitch, Alexey, 94 Broken Parts (Lemieux), 146 Brooks, Ellen, 8, 87, 122, 164 Brown, Trisha, 2 Brunei, Isambard Kingdom, 51 Bryan, C. D. B., 176 Bunnell, Peter, 34 Burke, Bill, 200, 202, 21(3-14 Burnett, David, 189 Burrows, Larry, 186 Burson, Nancy, 233, 235 Caffin, Charles, 34 California and the West (Weston), 24, 27 California Institute of Technology, 226 Callahan, Harry, 163, 233-34, 235 Calotypes, 169 Camera Craft, 32 Camera Lucida (Barthes), 95, 152 Camera Work, 20 Cameron, Julia Margaret, 52, 218 Capa, Robert, 180, 185, 186, 190, 191, 192, 194 Cape Horn near Celilo (Watkins), 57, 220 Caponigro, Paul, 38 Capote, Truman, 94 Carling, Richard, 223 Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 47, 71, 73, 74, 76, 164, 182, 191, 192, 194, 195, 221 Casebere, James, 164 Castelli (Leo) Gallery, 154, 156 Cézanne, Paul, 3, 16, 102, 142 Chace, Lynwood M., 175 Chappell, Walter, 38 Charles worth, Sarah, 147 A Chick Remains a Chick (Moholy-Nagy), 44 Childs, Lucinda, 2 Christo, 119 Clarence White School, 60 Clark, Larry, 198 Clearing Winter Storm (A. Adams), 31 Clifford, James, 175 Close, Chuck, 111, 112, m, 114, 119 Cog Wheels (Rodchenko), 62 Coleman, A. D., 229 Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1969 (R. Adams), 84, 86 Computer art, 65, 228. See also Electronic imaging Conger, Amy, 24 Connie Chung/Bill Kurtis (Heinecken), 231 The Consciousness Industry (Enzensberger), 233 Constructivism, 44, 45, 160 Contact: Photojournalism since Vietnam, 185, 189 Contextualism, 168-72 Coolidge, Calvin, 50 Copernicus, 4 Copley, John Singleton, 157 Copley's Watson with Blue (Starn Twins), 157 Corcoran Gallery of Art, 173 Counterparts: Form and Emotion in Photographs, 168 Country Doctor (W. E. Smith), 180 Courbet, Gustave, 19, 101 Course (Brooks), 87 Course in Genera! Linguistics (Saussure), 3 Cowin, Eileen, 8, 122 Crack Plague in the Red Hook (Richards), 188 Crane, Hart, 66 The Crawlers (Thomson), 53 Crimp, Douglas, 3, 16, 17, 134, 169, 172 Cruxifixion (Starn Twins), 157 Cumming, Robert, 14, 119, 137, 138, 139, 140 Cunningham, Merce, 2 Dadaists, 44, 230 Daguerre, Jacques-Louis-Mandé, 51, 52, 102 Dali, Salvador, 140 David, Jacques-Louis, 177-78 Davidson, Bruce, 35, 187 Day, F. Holland, 14 A Day in the Life of America, 185 Deal, Joe, 24, 36 Deconstructionism, 3, 5, 7, 101 Degas, Edgar, 102 Delacroix, Eugène, 102 Delaroche, Paul, 159 Demachy, Robert, 20 Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 88-89 Denver (R. Adams), 86 Derrida, Jacques, 3, 4-5, 7, 101 Dia Art Foundation, 109 Dianne B., 123 DiCorcia, Philip Lorca, 234 INDEX 253 Digital Visions (Goodman), 228 Dine, Jim, 82 A Discourse on Domestic Disorder (Cumming), 137 Disfarmer, Mike, 213 Documentary photography, 167, 196-99. See also Photojournalism Donohue, Bonnie, 235 Doubilet, David, 175 Double Mona Lisa with Self Portrait (Starn Twins), 154 Double Rembrandt with Steps (Starn Twins), 155, 156 Double Self-Portrait (Wall), 204 Dove, Arthur, 19 Dream (W. E. Smith), 221 Dreams and Schemes (Heyman), 187 Duchamp, Marcel, 16 Dwyer, Nancy, 102, 105 Dynamo (Rodchenko), 62 Eagleton, Terry, 4, 5 Early Morn (Stieglitz), 59 Eastman, George, 227 Eastman Kodak, 227 East 100th Street (Davidson), 187 Edgerton, Harold, 225 Eggleston, William, 186 Eisenhower, Dwight David, 93-94 Eisenstein, Sergei, 129 Electronic imaging, 219, 225-29 Eliot, T. S., 66 Ellis Island (Hine), 170 The Eloquent Light (Newhall), 33 El Salvador, 1% Emerson, Peter Henry, 59, 218 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 178 Engelhard, Georgia, 22 The English at Home (Brandt), 94 Enzensberger, Hans Magnus, 233 Equivalence, theory of, 33, 37, 38 "Equivalents" (Stieglitz), 20, 22, 160, 163 Evans, Walker, 14-15, 24, 27, 29, 38, 63, 66- 70, 71, 73, 78, 81, 82, 84, 92, 163, 178, 203 Exploding Challenger (NASA), 238 Exploding into Life (Richards), 187 Factory Valleys (Friedlander), 64-65, 81, 82 Fairy Tales (Sherman), 120 Falls (Brooks), 87 Family Docudrdmas (Cowin), 8 Family Flying (Simmons), 127 Farm Security Administration, 29, 63 , 68, 178 Faust, Daniel, 234 Fawn Hall (Scavullo), 179, 180 Fenton, Roger, 51 Film Seascape with Woman (Starn Twins), 157 Film Tunnel with Man (Starn Twins), 157 First day of summer, evening of solstice (Klett), 198-99 Fischl, Eric, 102 Flaubert, Gustave, 66 The Fool (Moholy-Nagy), 44 Fortune, 62, 63, 70 Frajndlich, Abe, 40 Francesco demente (Close), 112 Frank, Robert, 15, 46-48, 76, 78, 81, 83 Freed, Leonard, 192 Freud, Sigmund, 4, 102 Friedlander, Lee, 15, 36, 64-65, 70, 78, 81-83, 91, 192 Friends of Photography, 31 From the Missouri West (R. Adams), 24, 86, 91 "f/64" style, 34 Fuller, Löie, 2 Fuss, Adam, 161, 164 Galassi, Peter, 192, 205, 207, 208, 209 Garry Winogrand, 75-76, 78 Gassan, Arnold, 40 "Gatherings" (Friedlander), 82 Georgia O'Keeffe (Stieglitz), 20, 21, 22 Géricault, Jean, 203 Gladstone (Barbara) Gallery, 204 Glen Canyon Dam, Page, Arizona (Sternfeld), 90 Glier, Mike, 102 Gohlke, Frank, 24, 36 Goldberg, Vicki, 62-63 Goldin, Nan, 96, 97, 98, 99, 200, 202, 203 Goldstein, Jack, 102 Goya y Lucientes, Francisco, 203 Graham, Martha, 2 Graves, Michael, 2, 125 Greeks (Groover, Boice and Lauterbach), 142 Greenough, Sarah, 19, 20 Grey Art Gallery, New York University, 202 Groover, Jan, 141, 142,143, 144 Grosvenor, Gilbert, 176 Grosz, George, 44 Growing Up Female (Heyman), 187 A Growler Gang in Session (Riis), 54 Haas, Ernest, 163, 192, 194 Haber, Sandra, 235 Hales, Peter Bacon, 53, 56 254 INDEX Hall, Fawn, 180 Hall, James Baker, 40 The Hand of Man (Stieglitz), 59-60 Harbutt, Charles, 187 Haring, Keith, 230 Harper's Bazaar, 94-95 Hartley, Marsden, 19 Hausmann, Raoul, 44 Haxton, David, 14 Heartfield, John, 44, 129, 131 Heinecken, Robert, 13, 231, 235 Hellman, Roberta, 73 Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Early Work, 192 Heyman, Abigail, 187 Hine, Lewis, 62 , 64, 170, 171-72, 149, 205 The History of Photography from 1839 to the Present (Newhall), 24, 33, 34, 219 Hoch, Hannah, 44 Hockney, David, 14, 220 Hofstadter, Dan, 192 Holograms, 226, 227 Holzer, Jenny, 11, 132 Homage to Susan Sontag (Tansey), 7 Home Improvements (Frank), 47-48 Hoshino, Marvin, 73 Hot Coffee (Weston), 26 Hot Light/Half-Made Worlds (Webb), 186-87 Howard, Richard, 152 Howlett, Robert, 51 How the Other Half Lives (Riis), 54, 56 Hudson River School, 57, 91 Huebler, Douglas, 234 Hughes, Robert, 235 Hurley, Jack, 56-57, 60 ICP/Midtown Gallery, New York, 185, 190 Images of Our Time, 194 Imes, Birney, 200, 202 Industry and the Photographic Image (Hurley), 56-57 In Our Time: The World as Seen by Magnum Photographers, 191, 192 Institute of Design, Chicago, 14, 45 In the American West (Avedon), 94, 95, 213 Jackson, Robert H., 239 Jackson, William Henry, 32, 58, 89, 91, 198, 199 Jameson, Frederic, 6 Jammes, André, 169 Janis, Eugenia Parry, 169 Jencks, Charles, 2 Johns, Jasper, 16, 70 Johnson, Larry, 217, 220 Judson Dance Theater, 2 Kalvar, Richard, 192, 194 Kentucky Documentary Project, 212 Kepes, Gyorgy, 163 Kertész, André, 47, 82 Kiefer, Anselm, 216 Kirstein, Lincoln, 66 Kismaric, Susan, 142 Klett, Mark, 198-99 Koch, Stephen, 110 Kodak, 52-53. See also Eastman Kodak Koons, Jeff, 70 Kozloff, Max, 190, 200, 202 Kramer, Hilton, 167 Kramlich, David, 223 Krauss, Rosalind, 6, 169 Krims, Les, 115 Kruger, Barbara, 129, 130, 131, 132, 147—48, 220 Labor Anonymous (Evans), 63 Lacan, Jacques, 101 "Lack of Compassion" (Starn Twins), 157 Land, Edwin, 225, 227, 229 Lange, Dorothea, 105, 178 Las Meninas (Picasso), 103 Las Meninas (Velazques), 7, 103 Laster, Paul, 235 Lauterbach, Ann, 142 Lawler, Louise, 11, 12 Lawson, Thomas, 7 Leaves of Grass (Whitman), 24, 26-27, 91 Leda and the Swan; The Myth Inverted (Moholy-Nagy), 42, 44 Lee Friedlander: Portraits, 81 Legrady, George, 234 Lemieux, Annette, 146, 147 Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (Agee and Evans), 14, 68, 69, 200, 202, 209, 213 Levine, Sherrie, 9, 10-11, 102, 134, 220 Levinthal, David, 164 Levitt, Helen, 71, 72 , 73, 74 Lewis Vote Cool (Burke), 211 Lewis IV. Hine: Fellow Immigrants, 171-72 Lichtenstein, Roy, 16 Life, 62, 163, 177, 178, 179, 181, 185, 186, 191, 195, 237 Life Gallery of Photography, 186 Limited Editions Club, 26, 27 The Lines of My Hand (Frank), 487 Literary Theory: An Introduction (Eagleton), 4 Lives I've Never Lived (Frajndlich), 40 Longo, Robert, 102 Lorrain, Claude, 58 Los Angeles Spring (R. Adams), 86 INDEX 255 A Loud Song (Seymour), 198 Louisville Flood (Bourke-White), 63 Love Before Breakfast (Evans), 69 Love Thy Neighbor (Moholy-Nagy), 44 Lusk, Irene-Charlotte, 44 Lynch, Dorothea, 187 Lyotard, Jean-François, 16 McAlpin, David, 31 McCausland, Elizabeth, 61 McCollum, Allan, 164, 235 The Machine in the Garden (Marx), 51 Machine vision, 226 McLuhan, Marshall, 233 Maddow, Ben, 23, 29 Magnum Photos, 182, 191-95 Magritte, René, 140 Majore, Frank, 235 Malevich, Kasimir, 20 Malraux, André, 225 Manet, Édouard, 102, 103, 113 Man in the Twentieth Century (Sander), 95 Mapplethorpe, Robert, 145, 147, 149-53, 203-4 Marden, Luis, 175 Marin, John, 19 Mark, Mary Ellen, 187, 196 Marshall, Richard, 150 Marville, Charles, 53 Marx, Karl, 4, 102, 169, 233 Marx, Leo, 51 Mary Decker (Donohue), 235 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Media Laboratory, 226 Matisse, Henri, 126 Maul, Tim, 234 Meiselas, Susan, 181-82, 184, 186, 194, 195 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 142 Michals, Duane, 115 Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 1-2 Miller (Robert) Gallery, 110 Millet, Jean-François, 19 Minor White: A Living Remembrance, 38 Minor White: Rites & Passages (Hall), 40 Mirrors, Messages, Manifestations (White), 40 Miyake, Issey, 123 Moe, Henry Allan, 26 Moholy-Nagy, Laszlö, 14, 19, 42, 43, 44, 45, 61, 119, 160, 163, 164 Moholy-Nagy, Lucia, 42, 44, 45 Monolith, The Face of Half Dome (A. Adams), 31 Moonrise over Hernandez (A. Adams), 16, 31 Moonrise over Pie Pan (Pfahl), 16 Moran, Thomas, 208 Morath, Inge, 182 Morris, William, 59 Morris, Wright, 91 Morse, Samuel, 52 Mortensen, William, 37, 41 Mortenson, Ray, 64 Mosquito Field (Cumming), 137 Motherwell, Robert, 38 Mount Rushmore (Friedlander), 15 Murder on the Railway (Moholy-Nagy), 44 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 113 Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, 216 Museum of Modern Art, 31, 35, 56, 75, 77, 81, 141, 163, 186, 192, 194, 195, 205, 219 Muybridge, Eadweard, 35, 58, 103 Mythologies (Barthes), 232 Nachtway, James, 240 Nadin, Peter, 11 Naef, Weston, 168 Nagy, Jon, 230 Nan After Being Battered (Goldin), 98 Nan and Brian in Bed, New York City (Goldin), 97 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 238 National Endowment for the Arts, 105 National Gallery of Art, 216, 219-20, 221 National Geographic, 173-76, 189 The National Geographic: 100 Years of Adventure and Discovery (Bryan), 176 National Geographic Society, 173 National Museum of American Art, 220 Neuberger Museum, 141 New Bauhaus, 45 Newhall, Beaumont, 1, 24, 29, 31, 33, 34, 44, 219 Newhall, Nancy, 29, 31, 33 New Photojournalism, 167, 185-90 New Topographies (exhibition), 86 "New Topographies" landscape photography, 24, 36, 58, 199 The New West (R. Adams), 86 New York Public Library, 171, 172 Nicaragua (Meiselas), 181-82, 184, 186, 194 Nicholas Nixon: Pictures of People, 205 Nixon, Nicholas, 70, 205, 206, 207-09 Noland, Kenneth, 3 Norman, Dorothy, 22 North, Oliver, 177-78 North Carolina (Friedlander), 83 Nothing Personal (Avedon), 95 Observations (Avedon and Capote), 94, 94- 95 256 INDEX October, 3 Odyssey: The Art of Photography, 173 O'Keeffe, Georgia, 19, 20, 22 Olson, John, 186 Olympia (Manet), 113 On Photography (Sontag), 93, 105-6, 218 On the Art of Fixing a Shadow: 150 Years of Photography, 216, 219-20 On the Line: The New Color Photojournalism, 185 On Top of Flagstaff Mountain, Boulder County, Colorado, (R. Adams), 24 O'Sullivan, Timothy, 32, 58, 89, 91, 198, 199 Our Lives, Our Children (R. Adams), 86 Outerbridge, Paul, 60 Owens, Craig, 132 Pace/MacGill Gallery, New York, 111, 113 Paik, Nam June, 232 Painting Photography Film (Moholy-Nagy), 42 "Panoramas" (Samaras), 116 Papageorge, Tod, 77 Park City (Baltz), 63-64, 91 Parked Car, Small Town, Main Street (Evans), 69 "Parmelian prints" 34 Pastiche, 6 Pausing to drink (Klett), 199 Paxton, Steve, 2 Pearblossom Hwy, (Hockney), 220 Peirce, Charles S., 3 People, 200 Pepper #30 (Weston), 26 Peress, Gilles, 186-87, 193, 194, 195 "Perpetual Photos" (McCollum), 164, 235 Pfahl, John, 15-16, 64, 199, 234-35 Photograms, 42, 44 The Photography of Invention: American Pictures of the 1980s, 220 Photojournalism, 68, 71, 103, 177-84, 191-95, 226, 237 New Photojournalism, 167, 185-90 Photojournalism in the 80s, 190 Photomontage, 42—45, 147-48 Photoplastics, 42, 44 Photo-Secession, 20 "Photo-Transformations" (Samaras), 116 Picasso, Pablo, 6, 16, 19, 103, 107, 142 Pictorialism, 20, 32, 37, 60 Picture Fictions (Cumming), 137 Plastique (Prince), 136 Polaroid Corporation, 111, 113 Polaroid photographs, 47, 48, 115, 116, 149, 213 Pollock, Jackson, 10 Pop Art, 16, 107-10 Portraits in the Time of AIDS (Solomon), 202, 203, 209 "Portraits" (Prince), 204 The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge (Lyotard), 16 Postmodernism, 1-17, 75, 87, 101, 105, 134, 137, 142, 200, 232 Poststructuralism, 4-5, 8, 13, 134, 169 Prayer Time in the Nursery, Five Point House of Industry (Riis), 55 Prince, Richard, 8, 10, 11, 17, 105, 109, 126, 133, 134, 135, 136, 157, 203^4 Progresso (Harbutt), 187 Public Relations, 78 Purism, 14, 20, 32, 34, 37 Rainer, Yvonne, 2 Ranney, Edward, 38 Rapp, Marie, 22 Rauschenberg, Robert, 6, 14, 16, 70, 107, 109, 157 Ray, Man, 42, 160, 164 Rayographs, 42 Real Faces, 200-4 Reininger, Alon, 178 "Rephotography" 8, 133-36, 156, 167, 204 Report: Minor White Workshops and A Dialogue Failed (Gassan), 40 Revenge (Robinson), 6-7 Riboud, Marc, 181, 182, 183, 184 Riccardo, Renée, 235 Richards, Eugene, 38, 187, 188, 192 Riefenstahl, Leni, 128 Riis, Jacob, 53, 54, 55, 56, 74, 131, 169, 196 Rio Branco, Miguel, 187 River Rouge Plant (Sheeler), 62 Road and Poplar Trees (White), 40 Robbins, David, 220 Robert Mapplethorpe, 150 Robinson, Henry Peach, 52 Robinson, Walter, 6-7, 102, 105 Rodchenko, Alexander, 44, 62, 129, 131, 160 Rolling Stone, 189 Roma, Thomas, 78 Ross, Judith Joy, 200, 201, 202 Rossellini, Isabella, 204 Rothko, Mark, 6, 38, 160 Ruff, Thomas, 203-04 Ruscha, Ed, 14 Russell, A. J., 89, 91 Salle, David, 105, 142 Salvador (motion picture), 185, 189 INDEX 257 Samaras, Lucas, 14, 115, 116, 117, 118, 149 Sander, August, 70, 95, 203 San Francisco Art Institute, 31 Satyric Dancer (Kertész), 82 Saul, Julie, 44 Saussure, Ferdinand de, 3, 102 Scavullo, Francesco, 179, 180 Schell, Orville, 182 Schnabel, Julian, 230 Schwitters, Kurt, 44 Sekula, Allan, 169 Seif Portrait (Evans), 67 Seif Portrait (Friedlander), 83 Seymour, David, 192 Sheeler, Charles, 62 Sherman, Cindy, 7-8, 17, 119, 120, 121-25, 147, 158, 164, 220 Shock of the New (Pfahl), 234-25 Shore, Stephen, 24, 91 Siberia (Weston), 24 Silver Cities: The Photography of American Urbanization, 1839-1915 (Hales), 53, 56 Simmons, Laurie, 8, 122, 126, 127, 1-28, 164 Sischy, Ingrid, 150, 152 Siskind, Aaron, 163 "Sittings" (Samaras), 116, 117 Smith, Henry Holmes, 163 Smith, W. Eugene, 180, 185, 186, 190, 209, 221 Smithson, Robert, 119 Sokolowski, Thomas, 203 Solano County (Weston), 28 Solomon, Holly, 150 Solomon, Rosalind, 202, 203, 209 Solomon-Godeau, Abigail, 169 Sommer, Frederick, 38 Sontag, Susan, 93, 105-6, 140, 150, 218 Spanish Village (W. E. Smith), 180 Spiral Jetty (Smithson), 119 "Splits" (Samaras), 116 Squiers, Carol, 169-71 Starn Twins (Mike and Doug), 145, 147, 154, 155, 156-58, 220 Steele-Perkins, Chris, 192 Steichen, Edward, 20, 34, 53, 54, 68, 142, 181 Stein, Sally, 169 Steiner, Ralph, 60, 61 Stella, Frank, 158, 163 Sternfeld, Joel, 64, 88, 89, 90, 91-92 Stevens, Wallace, 109 Stieglitz, Alfred, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 33, 34, 37, 40, 41, 44, 59-60, 66, 68, 101, 103, 142, 160, 163, 218 Stone, Oliver, 185 Strand, Paul, 19, 20, 33, 34-35, 60, 62, 66, 103, 142, 218 Strand, Rebecca, 22 Street Life in London (Thomson), 53 "Straight" photography, 34 Structuralism, 3-4, 5 Stux Gallery, 154 Subway (Davidson), 187 Surrealism, 140, 142, 160, 228 Surveillance is your busy work (Kruger), 132 Szarkowski, John, 24, 35, 75, 76, 78, 82, 101 Tabriz, Iran, 1980 (Peress), 194 Talbot, William Henry Fox, 44, 51, 52 Talent (Robbins), 220 Tansey, Mark, 7, 103, 104 Teenage Lust (Clark), 198 Television, 230-41 Telex: Iran (Peress), 186-87, 193, 194 Thomas £ Dovanna (Mapplethorpe), 151 Thompson, Hunter, 189 Thomson, John, 53, 56, 59, 196 Three Major Races (Burson, Carling, and Kramlich), 223 Tocqueville, Alexis de, 88-89, 91 Tom Moran and His Mother, Catherine Moran (Nixon), 206 Torso of Neil (Weston), 10 Trachtenberg, Alan, 142 Travelog (Harbutt), 187 Treadwell, Margaret, 22 Tricycle and Cat (Cumming), 138 Tulsa (Clark), 198 Turyn, Anne, 234 "291" (gallery), 19 Uncommon Places (Shore), 91 Under a Grudging Sun: Photographs from Haiti Libère (Webb), 194 Untitled (After Edward Weston) (Levine), 10- 11 Untitled (Black Box) (Johnson), 217, 220 Untitled (Brooke Shields) (Warhol), 108 Untitled (Cowboy) (Prince), 135 Untitled (Eurana Park, Weatherly, Pennsylvania) (Ross), 201 "Untitled Film Stills" (Sherman), 7, 121, 123 Untitled (Fuss), 161 Untitled (Groover), 143 Untitled (I shop therefore I am) (Kruger), 130 Untitled (Levitt), 72 Valley Curtain (Christo), 119 Van Dyke, Willard, 29, 31-36 Vanity Fair, 123, 200 258 INDEX Velâzquez, 7, 103 Vicinity of Naples, New York (White), 39 Videotapes, 47, 48 Visions of China (Riboud), 181, 182, 184 Vogue, 154 Wagstaff, Sam, 150 Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, 185 Wall, Jeff, 203-4 Warhol, Andy, 16, 70, 101, 107, 108, 109, 110, 149, 218 Wasteland (Eliot), 66 Watkins, Carleton, E., 26, 32, 35, 57, 58, 89, 91, 220 A Way of Seeing (Levitt), 71, 73 Webb, Alex, 186-87, 194, 195 Weed, C. L„ 35 Weegee, 149, 168 Wegman, William, 14, 109, 119 Welling, James, 11, 13, 37, 164 Weston, Brett, 38 Weston, Charis, 25, 27, 29 Weston, Edward, 10, 22, 23-27, 28, 29, 33, 34, 35, 45, 62, 91, 103, 105, 142, 216 Watteau, Jean, 203 Westways, 25 White, Clarence, 20 White, Minor, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 101, 163 "White style" 73 Whitman, Walt, 24, 26, 27, 91 Whitney Museum of American Art, 96, 130, 145, 147, 200, 219 Why I Go to the Movies Alone (Prince), 10, 134 Winogrand: Figments from the Real World, 76 Winogrand, Garry, 75-80, 82, 86, 192 Witkin, Joel Peter, 147, 203 Wolfe, Tom, 2 Women Are Beautiful (Winogrand), 78 Woods, James, 185, 189 Writing Culture (Clifford), 174 Yang, John, 38 Yeats, William Butler, 181 Your Seeing Is Believing (Kruger), 132 Zola, Émile, 73 Zone System, 33
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