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Volltext:INDEX Aar au, 199 Abbott, G. F., 1 15 Abelard, Peter, 14, 256, 343n43 Abraham, eharacter in The Ointment Seiler, 215, 221 -222, 227 Abraham of Berkhamstead, 222 Abu Nuwas, 107 Acker, Kathy, 27 Adam, 12, 168, 226; covered with fig leaf, 160; loins of. 147 advice poem, 71 Aelfgyva, 167 Aelred of Rievaulx, 82-83, 85 aeolipile, 169, figs. 30-31 Agatha, Saint, 148-149, 166-167, 175, ' figs. 26-27 Agrippa von Nettesheim, Heinrich Cor-nelius. 154 Alan of Lille, 76. 79, 88, 302, 304, 305 Alexander IV. Pope, 33 Alexander Anglieus, 237nll Alfbnso X, King of Castilc, 90, 91. 99, 104 Alford, Finnegan. 287 Alfbrd, Richard, 287 allegorv. 31 alterity. 155. 159, 227. See also otherness Alvarez de Yillasandino, Alfbnso, 99n41 "Amant rendu cordelier en PobscTvance d'amour, LV 342n40 Ambrose of Milan. Saint, 223, 224-225, 250, 305 Andersen, Jorgen. 166n40-41. 176, 190n30 Andreas Capellanus. See Capellanus. An­dreas animals. 63 Annianus, 56 anonymity, 109 Anthonius Guainerius, 87 anthropology, struetural, 19-20n2 anus, 223. 224, 229; as eye, 129; as horn, 299; evoking dirt and shame, 218, 219, 228; in manuscript illustra-tions. 148. See also asshole; intercourse, sexual; Latin, anus ape, 159, 202 aphrodisiac, 293 apotropaic, 142, 146, 165, 188, 189-190, 335; phallus as, fig. 25 Aquinas, Saint Thomas, 142 Arabic words: ad ab, 101-105; awsaf 103/ hija\ 103; katib, 101; khayahy\ 105; ma-qama, 103, 105; mujun, 105, 106, 107; qadur. 100; suhra, 101; tajnis, 102; ulan/a, 101; zajai 106; zarf (zurqfaf 101-102 Aristote, Im d\ 285 Aristotlc. 150-151, 276 arse, 313, 314n23, 316, 337nl8, 339. See also buttock Asianism, 46 ass fbody part;. See arse asshole. 337nl8. See also anus; intercourse, sexual; Latin, anus Athanasius of Alexandria. Saint, 262, 269 atrocity, as obseenity. 30, 174, 175 Augustine, Saint, on guilt and sin, 254n36. 256n44, 266n24; on lust. 336; on obseenity, 11-12, 46-49, 149 Augustine of Ganterbury, Saint, 252n31 Augustinianism, 8nl8. 12, 48-49 Ausonius. Decimus Magnus, 10. 57 Ayenbite of Inw/L 236n4, 242n24 Bacon, Roger, 142 Badawi, M. M. 105 badges, lead, 152 Baird-Lange. Lorrayne. 112 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 100. 110. 194, 212, 214, 215, 227 Balsamon, Theodore, 269-270, 276-277 Barthes, Roland, 344n46 Bartholomaeus Anglieus, 151-152 Basel, 193, 194, 197, 198, 199, 203, 204, 207, 208, 212 bashfulness, 331 Basil the Great, Saint, 262, 267-268, 275-276 bathing. 276, 293 Bathsheba, 148, 153 bawdiness, 326, 329, 344; in conneetion with bawds, 73, in riddlcs. 114, 134; 346 INDEX in syllables, 338, 339; in vvords, 195, 328; meaning of, 60, 109-110 Bayeux Ernbroidery, 167-175 passim, figs. 28, 32, 34-35; in mid-ninceteenth Cen­tury copy, 168-169, 171-172, 175, figs. 29,' 33 bear, 202 Bec, Pierre, 282n4, 333n5, 343 Beck, Hans-Georg, 270 Bellenger, Yvonne, 338 Benedictine Rulc, 307 Benencasa, 251 Ben Meir Zabarra, Yoscf, 103 Benson, Larry, 14, 152-153 Berceo, Gonzalo de, 91 Bern, 198 bestiality, 304 Beyer, Jürgen, 299 Bible: Old Testament, 261, 265-267; Genesis (3:9) 226; Leviticus (15:16, 22:4) 265; Psalms (68:32, 75:11) 266; Proverbs, 237, (5:16) 315n24; Song of Songs (4:12), 315n24; Apocrypha, Ecclesiasticus (28:19) 86; New Testa­ment, 261, 266-267, 270, 271; Mat­thew (2:6) 267, (5:28) 235, (14:6-11), 250; Romans (6:3) 267; 1 Corinthi-ans (11:29), 267; Galatians (5:17) 265; (5:24) 267; Ephesians (5:4) 11, 304; Colossians (3:5) 267; Titus (1:15) 262 bilingualism, 9 birthing, 161, fig. 20 black, 128-129 black face, 193, 197, 203-204, 212 Blanche of Burgundy, widow of Edward of Savoy, 166 Blastares, Matthew, 266n24 Bloch, R. Howard, 18, 67nl3, 135, 156n7 Bloom, Molly, 133-134 blush, 73, 94, 115 Boccaccio, Giovanni, 88, 163n29 Bodel, Jean, 297 body, 194-195, 227, 229, 333n7; func-tions of, 46, 223, 227, 324, 335; parts of, 46, 335 Boemus, Johannes, 197 Bogomils, 268 Boleslav I, Duke, 217 bolt, 62 Boniface VIII, Pope, 248 Book of Vices and Virtuos, The, 235-236, 238nl6, 241, 242 Boudhiba, Abdelwahab, 107 boustrophedon (writing), 31-32 Bowden, Betsy, 14 bowdlerization, 164, 167, 168, 169, 170 Bowen, Barbara, 31 7 Brailcs, William de, 147 Brant, Sebastian, 204, 21 1 Braveheart, 230 bread, 93, 95 breasts, 24-25, 160, 163, 289n25, figs. 18, 26; crasure of 148, 167, fig. 27; exposure of, 181 n 15 Bruce, John Collingwood, 168n47, figs. 29, 33 Bruce, Eenny, 5, 30 Brundage, James, 6, 18, 264n21 Burns, E. Jane, 7 buttoek, 21. See also arse Byzantine literature, 274-275 Gaesarius of Arles, Saint, 252 Caillois, Roger, 333 calf, 202 Camille, Michael, 4, 17, 110, 158, 228, 244 cannon, 62 canon law, 18; Byzantine, 262-278; Latin, 246-259 cantiga d'escarnho e maldizer, 99 Capellanus, Andreas, 14, 312 Caputi, Mary. 7, 139, 155n2, 156, 178- 179, 182 ' Caquctte, Saint, 308-317 Carmina burana, 98n36 carnival, 17, 123, 124, 214; of women, 197n 12, 211; theater, 193, 194, 203, 205, 208; tournaments, 197 Cassian, John, 263 Castle of Perseveranee, The, 205 castration, 58, 146, 163, 169, 171, 330n24; of Saturn, 79-80, 302-304. See also pcncctomy Castro, Americo, 94 Catherine of Alexandria, Saint, 222 Cath Maige Tuired, 183n20 Caviness, Madeline, 17, 148 cazurro poctry, 17, 90-96, 98-101, 104- 106 celibacy, 246-247, 249-250 "Celle qui se fist foutre sur la fosse de son mari, De" 295 Cclsus, 50, 51-52 INDEX 347 censorship, 4, 156, 159, 163n28, 166; in mcdieval embroidery and modern cop-ies, 167, 170, 175; in mcdieval man-uscripts, 17, 139-154 passim cercals, 95 Chamber, 121, 129 Chambers, E. K., 111, 112 Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor, 216 Charles d'Orleans, 341-342 ehastity belt, 67-68 Chaueer, Geoffrey, "Cook's Tale" 33; "Friar's Tale" 205-206; "Merchant's Tale" 243; "Miller's Tale" 1 1; "Nun's Priest's Tale" 111-112; "Parson's Tale" 236; "Rceve's Tale" 11, 243; "Shipman's Tale" 243; "Tale of Sir Thopas" 125; "Wife of Bath's Tale" 123-124 Chauntecleer, 111-112, 118 ehest, 218 "Chevalier qui fist les eons parier, Du" 164n30 Chicago, Judy, 165, fig. 23 childbirth* 161, 166, fig. 20 chin-chuck (gesture), 167 chisel, 62 Christ. See Jesus Christ Christine de Pisan, 8, 68, 148, 153 Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 13, 41, 45, 46, 58, 292 circumcision, 224 circumlocution, 320 Cistercians. 335n 1 1 Ciaret, 115 class, social, 45, 46, 80, 196, 213, 333 Clement XII, Pope, 210 "Giere qui fu repus deriere l'escrin, Du" 296 club, 184 Cnut, King, 167 cock, lor penis, 17, 33, 71, 108-135 pas­sim, 296; for tap or spigot, 118-119; of gun, 169 cockcrow, 122-123 coekfight, 132-133 cockhorse, 169 cocksucking, 30. See also fellatio codpiece, 193, 202, 322 coitus, 56. See also copulation; intercourse, sexual Combet, Louis, 94 comedy, old, 44 Comicbook, 5 Commandments: Fifth, 239; Tenth, 238 Community Standards, 8 Conaire Mör, 188-189 confession, 262, 272-273, 277-278 connoisscur, 146, 157 Conquest, Norman, 167-174 "Con qui fu fez a la breschc, Le" 163n29 Constitutiones Aposlolorum, 263 Cookc, Thomas D., 299 copulation, 123, 150-152, 282, 324, 335. See also coitus; intercourse, sexual Cornutus, Lucius Annaeus, 56 Corominas, Joan, 94, 97, 100 Corpus Christi procession, 206-207 Corpus iuris canonici, 247 cosmeticians, 88 Cosmas of Praguc, Chronica Boemorum, 218 Councils, of Agde, 248-249; of Carthagc, Fourth, 250; Lateran, Fourth, 248; of Toledo, Third, 249 Courbet, Gustave, 163n28 Covarrubias, Sebastian de, 100, 104 Covenlry Play, The (English), 220 courtly culturc, dietion, literaturc, style, 281-292 passim, 300, 307; love,' 7, 18, 66, 143, 158, 324; tradition, 338, 340, 344 coxcomb, 125-128 Cranach, Lucas, 211 cross, 93, 95, 97 cross-drcssing, 193, 194, 200, 207, 208- 209, 212. See also transvestism Croxton Play of the Sacrament, The, 229 Crusade, 97 Cü Chulainn, 181, 183, 186 cultural studies, 19-20, 36 culture: high and low, 152; Hopi, 283; of shame and modesty, 152, 160; med-ieval, 282-283, 290-291; Tahitian, 282 cunnilingus, 276 cunt, 14, 165n38, 226, 295, 296, 327; talking, 163-164, 314, 315. See also genitalia, fcmale; labia; mons veneris; pudenda, female; vagina; vulva curiales, 248 Curry-Woods, Marjorie, 151 curtain, 151, 152 cynghanedd (sound correspondences in Welsh verse), 61 Cynics, 13, 46, 57 cywydd (Welsh metrical form), 60 348 INDEX Cywyddwyr, 60, 61 Cywydd y Gal, 62 Czech literature, 17 Dafydd ab Edmund. 65 Dafydd ap Gwilym, 62, 66-67, 71 Dafydd IJwyd of Mathafarn, 69 Dagda, 183-185, 187 Dahlberg, Charles, 319nl, 322nl0, 326n17 "Dame escouillee, La,1' 156, 294 "Dame qui aveine demandoit pour Morel. La" 96, 285, 298, 301 "Damoisele qui ne pooit oir parier de foutre, La, " 289n24-25, 299, 300. 311. 331n26 "Damoisele qui sonjoit, De la" 297, 301 dance, 18, 203, 210, 249-250, 251. 258; nude, 198-199 dative subjeet, 124-125 deeency, 42, 43, 316, 333 decorum, 41, 46, 57, 61, 69 defamation, sexual, 243 defeeation, 43, 304, 316; associatcd with Jews, 222; into bowl, 158; in Yoruba and Akan languages, 283; on eruci-fix, 224. See also exerement; feces; scat-ology; shit dcgcncrate art, 157 Dclany, Sheila, 7, 14, 42n2, 153n28, 312n12 Delauney, Honore, 170 demon, 144-145, 239, fig. 40. See also devil; Satan Deschamps, Eustache, 341 n34 Destructorium uitiorum: See Alexander Angli-cus ".II. Changeors, Les." 296 Deux Maris et leurs deux femmes, l^es, 31 3 devil, 144, 212, 254, 262, 264; men dres-sed as, 204-207. See also demon; Satan Diana, Mike, 5n5 Diccionario de autoridades, 90 dictionaries, 311-312 Diderot, Denis, 314 diglossia, 9 Diodorus of Sieily, 23 Dionysios of Alexandria, 262, 269, 271 dirt, 222, 223, 227 dirty words, 32, 41, 52. 73, 77, 292; and four-letter words, 78, 244, 284; and lust or seduetion, 236, 238; as sign or cause of sin, 239, 240. See also four-letter words disease, 308, 310 display of genitalia. See exhibitionism Dives and Pauper, 238nl4 divination, 334; obscenae aves, 334n9; oscinoscopy, 334n9 dog, 206, 294n3 Dollnstein, 210-211 Donatus, 56 donkey, 91-92. See also jackass double-cntcndrc, 41, 245, 312; in low theater and populär spccch, 49; in riddles about cock, 112, 115, 117, 125; unintended, 50, 77n 1 I. See also paronomasia; punning double meaning. See also double-enten-dre; punning Douglas, Mary, 266 dreams, 252, 260, 263, 265, 297. See also incest, dreamed; pollution, noeturnal Dronke, Peter, 14 drunkenness, 253, 254 Duby, Georges, 152 Duke Kniest iCzech), 216 Dunton-Downer. Leslie, 16 Dürer. Albrecht, 119 dyfalu, 62-67, 70 Laster Festival, 214 Ecclesia, and Synagoga, 223 Edward the Confessor, Saint, 173 effacement, 139, 140, 141. See also cra-sure Eguilaz y Yanguas, Leopoldo de, 100 Eisen, Charles. 190, flg. 40 ejaculation, 18, 251-252, 260-278. See also Omission; spermatorrhea Ekkehard I of St. Gall. 84-85 Emain Macha, 181 emasculation. See castration Emer, 186 emission. of seinen, 18, 251-252, 260- 278. See also ejaculation; spermator­rhea Pineas, 289 English: literaturc, Middle, 17; lyric, Mid-dle, 108-109; use of Latin and Lati-nate in, 9, 24 erasure, and fascinatio, 142, 154; of breasts, 166; of demon or devil, 144-145; of idols, 145-146; of kiss, 140, 141; of word, 327. See also effacement INDEX 349 erection, 166, 233, 327, 329; spontane-ous, 252. See also pcnis; phallus; tumcs-cence. carly-morning crotic, eroticism, 146, 198; as compared witli othcr terms baudy, obsccne, pornographici, 23n5. 26, 60, 109-110, 156, 176; as semantie level, 108, 133; in drrums, 297; in fabliaux, 293, 300 erotica, 27, 60, 109, 275 "Esquiriel. I,'." 289n24, 295, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302. 331 n26 F.F., 230 ethic, Judeo-Christian sexual. 6 ethnie background, and language, 45-46 cuphemism, 135, 299. 300, 305, 316; and eomie. 306, 307 Fvc, 12, 147, 226; pregnant, 160-161, lig. 18 "evil eye" 141. 142, 144 exeision, 140, 141, 149, 151 exerement. 58, 184, 221. 223, 224, 262; eating of. 158, 205. See also defcca-tion; feces; scatology; sliit exempla, 239. 328 exhibitionism, 21. 134, 163, 165, 181, 201, 206, 212, ligs. 21, 40 exposed female. See exhibitionism expurgation, 11, 74, 115, 140, 169 eye, 129, 142, 144. See also "evil eye" fabliau, 18, 67, 281-307 passim, 326, 327, 338n25; audience of, 286, 291; compared witli farces, 310-312. 314- 315; compared with other genres, 71, 99: dietion of, 281, 284; of Rutebeuf. 32-33, 35; tone of, 286-287. See also Chaucer Fabri, Piere, 332n3 face. 139, 141, 149, 228. See also black face; eflacement jacetie, 338 lalcon. See Freneh, faueon fall, the, 12, 47, 160nl9, 228, 323, 324 fantasy. sexual. 25, 261, 263, 264, 278, 296-297 farce, 18, 128, 308-318 Farce du Chevalier et de Saudet, IM, 316 Farce du vendeur de livres, 313 fart, 33, 99, 157-158, 219 Fasciculus morum, 237, 240 fascination, 141, 142, 143, 153-154, 155n2 feasts, 249, 290 feces, 163, 201, 212. 221, 224. See also defecation; exerement; scatology; sliit feet, 129-132, 218 Feldman, Harry, 283nl0-ll fellatio, 30, 276. See also cocksucking feminism, 5. 7, 16, 27; and pornogra-phy. 8, 179, 233-234 ferret, 93, 96 "Fcvre de Crecil, Du" 297 fig leaf, 47, 168-169, lig. 31 filthy words. See dirty words finger, 335nl 1 First Amendment, 233, 234nl llashing, 163. See also exhibitionism Fleming, John \\, 8nl8, 14, 322nl(), 323n 1 ( -1 1, 326n 1 7 ilirting. 256 fluid, bodily, 28, 222-223; seininal, 252, 253. See also sperm Hute. 124 llyting, 61, 65 Fögcn, Marie Theres, 18 folklorc, 17; ehildren's, 112-113 Fomorian, 183-185 fool, 128, 202, 203, 204 Ford, Patrick, 17 fornication, 190n32 Foueault, Michel, 155, 277 fountain, 311, 315n24 foul words. See dirty words; four-letter words four-letter words, 42, 244. 283n8, 328; Latin, 43, 78. See also dirty words fowl, erotic. 119-120 Fraioli, Deborah, 14 Franciscans. 208, 321, 342. See also men-dicant Orders Franck, Sebastian, 196-197, 198, 199, 200-201, 202, 211 Franco, Niccolo, 130 Frankfurt, 220-221 Freedburg, David, 139 f'recdom of expression, 5 Free Speech Movement (Berkeley), 284 Frcnch words: bas, 338; cas, 338; eoilles, 48, 289-290, 300, 319, 324, 332, 337: con, 14, 286, 289n23, 289n25, 300, 339; cul, 338, 339; faueon, 128, 173; Jonde, 337; fondement, 337; foutre, 300, 316n25; glose, 320, 331; langueter, 330; merde, 172; obseene, 16, 320n2, 332; 350 IXDF.X obscenite, 3 6, 320n2, 332; porcelet, 96; rehques, 337; vit, 300, 329, 338, 339 "Frere Denisc, De,1' 293n2, 294 Freud, Sigmund, 120n25, 157, 178, 287 lriar, 35, 124. See also Franeiscans; men-dicant Orders juck, 29, 157, 284 Gandulphus, 256 Ganymede and fielen, 76-80, 88 Gautier le Leu, 286, 313nl8, 337nl7. 339n28, 342n39; metaphor for the va-gina. 163n29; metaphors for the sex­ual aet, 302 gays, 220. See also homosexual gaze, 142-143. 153-154, 157. 237 al-Gazzali, 103 Geertz, Glifford, 110 Geiler von Kaysersberg, Johannes, 203 Gellius, Aulus, 13, 56 genitalia, 45, 335, 341; as apoiropair signs, 146; as shameful body parts or not, 218, 219, 228, 320-331; dcscrip-tion of, 297; disembodiment of, 66- 67, 164n30, 166n40, 329; display of, 11, 168, 190; erasure of, 147; female, 17, 163, 189; female, embodying otherness, 179, 182-183, 184; female, exposed, 165, 166n40, 176-177, 188; female, for sale, 297; female, images and metaphors for, 103, 301, 339n28, 342n38, 343; female, metaphorized as fountain, 311, 315n24; metaphorized as landscape, 341; male, 327; male, metaphors for, 103; male, omitted, 168. See also cunt; labia; mons veneris; pudenda, female; vagina; vulva genitals. See genitalia Genius, 321-324 Gerald of Wales, 143, 149nl7 Gerard of Berry, 87 Germans, 216, 217, 223; anti-German feeling, 217 German language, 216, 219, 226 Gerson, Jean, 148, 153, 324-325 gesturc, 167-168, 172 GifTert, Lois, 103 glans penis, 126-127, 128. See also penis; phallus Glossa Palatina, 256-257 gluttony, 202, 237, 253, 254 goat, 206 go-between, 85, 105 Godefroy, Frederic, 311, 330n2-25 golden age, 324 Goslar, 207 Göttingen, 210 gradus anums, 235-236. 341 graffito, 1 16-1 17, 277, 338 grammar, Latin. 16, 41-59, 151 Grant Yoiage et pelerinage de sainte Caquette, U 308 Gratian, 247, 250, 252, 254 Graves, Robert. 9 Greeizing, 46 Greek: aiskhrölogeö, 23. See also Latin aischrologia green, 128 Greenblatt, Stephen, 19n 1 Gregory the Great, Pope, 236n4, 252n31. 256,' 264 Gröber, Gustav, 321 Guido, Duke. 173 "Guillaume au faueon. De" 173n65 Guillaume de Lorris, 285, 319-321 Guillaume Peyraut, 304, 306, 307 guilt, 254, 255-257, 266 Guiraut de Galansö, 341n37 Guiraut Riquier, 91, 341n37 gun, 62, 63 Gunn, Alan, 322, 323 GutoV Glyn, 65-66 Gwerful Meehain, 68-71, 164n30 gynephobia, 162 hag. See women, old hair, pubic, 128, 185, 189, 340n32 Halpert, Herbert, 284nl3 al-Hamadani, Ahmad BadP al-Xaman, 102 Hamelin, 199 Handlyng Synne, 238, 239, 240 Hannover, 208 "hard words" 29, 36 al-Hariri, Abu Muhammad al-Kasim b., 102 harlot, 148. See also prostitution Harold, Duke of Wessex, 167, 172, 173 Hartmann of St. Gall, 84-85 head, 218, 228 Hebrew language, 225-226 hedonism, materialistic, 291, 293 Helen. See Ganymede and Helen Heloise, 256, 343n43 INDKX 351 Henderson, Jeffrey, 6 Henri d'Andeli, 285 Hercnc, Baudet, 33'2n3 liermit, 341, 342 Hiatus, 53-54 Hincmar, Archbishop of Reims, 250, 300 Histona monachorum in Aegypto, 263 Hoch, Hannah, 157 homosexual, 105. See also gavs Honigmann, John J., 283n6 Horacc, 55-56, 177n4 horn, 299 horse, 202. See also stallion Hugueeio, 255, 257 humanness, 25 humility, 34 Humor, sexual, 287. See also joke, dirty Hunt. I.ynn, 5, 156n4, 170n56 Hus, John Jane 223 Hustler, 26 Huston. Nancy, 28 hymn, 309 Hywcl o Knallt, Syr, 67-68 iambies, 44 Ibn Daniyal, Muhammad, 105 Ihn Quzman, 106 Ibn Sida, Abu 1-Hasan 'Ali b. Isma'il, 103 iconoclasm, 139, 141, 147, 152 idol, 145, 146 idolatry, 141, 145 images, 15, 17, 61-65, 139, 316 impotency, 184 incest, 190n32, 209, 293-294n2; dreamed, 263, 278, 304 Independenee Day, 230 Ingolstadt, 200 inn, 130 Innoccnt I, Pope, 248 Innocent III, Pope, 248 intent, malicious, 255. See also malice intercourse, sexual, 61, 190n32, 276, 282; anal, 294n2; forbidden during Lent, 198; heterosexual, 304; metaphors for, 301-302, 317, 321; mode retro in, 294; positions in, 63, 64; simulated, 200. See also coitus; copulation; fellatio mvasion, house, 203, 212 inversion, 227, 230 ipseity, 24 Irish words: banchainte, 182; banscäl, 180- 181, 189; eaillech. 180. 186-187; gas iplural gessa), 182, 188; seäl, 180-181; sentoinne, 180 ironv, 287 Isaae, 222 Isidore of Seville, Saint, 247 Italian words: eazzo, 100, 131; /;ra, 165n38 Izäk, character in 7he Omtmenl Seiler, 215, 221-222, 227 jaekass, 202. See also donkey Jack of Hilton, bronze aeolipile, 169, figs. 30-31 Jaeob's Well, 238, 241 Jaeger, Stephen, 292n28 al-Jahiz, Abu 'Uthman 'Amt' b. Bahr al- Fukaymi al-Basri, 102 Jakobson, Roman, 23-25. 221, 225 Jean de Meun, 30-31, 48, 88, 289-290, 302, 304, 305, 319-325, 328, 331, 332, 337, 339 Joanne de Montbaston, 147-148 Jerome, Saint, 46, 83-84, 142, '250, 251, 343 Jerome of Prague, 223-224 Jesus Christ, 22, 123, 142, 145, 149, 217-219, 224 Jews, 143, 216, 218, 220, 221-225; anti- Jcvvishness, 216-217 Johannes Teutonicus, 246n3, 247, 251, 256n45-46, 257n48-49-51 John XXII, Pope, 249 John Cassian, Saint, 252 John Nesteutes (the Faster), 266n'24, 268- 269, 273, 276 John of Faenza, 255 John of Luxcmbourg, King of Bohcmia, 216 John of Wales, Communiloquium, 237n 11 Johnston, Dafydd, 17 jokes, dirty, 93, 116, 155n2, 193, 242, 312; as danger to celibate men, 18, 249, 250, 251. See also humor, sexual jongleur, 90, 91, 101, 306 Joseph of Exeter, 79-80 Joyce, James, 5. See also Bloom, Molly Alfonso de Baena, Juan, 99n41 judaizing, 265 Judas, 224 Julius Pollux, 276 kapekape (Tonga), 283 352 INDEX Kaske, Robert, 310 Kelly, Fergus, 190n31 Kendriek, Laura. 14 Kendriek, Walter. 21 Kinsey Report. 322n9 Kinsey, A. C., 322n9 kissing, 61, 236; fantasies of, 256, 275, 276; in manuseripts, 140, 141: of old ivoman. 186-187; of rear end, 206: of St. Caquette's "tongue" 310. 314 knight, 3292 Knight, Richard Payne, 170 Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 10 LaBarre, Weston. 282n5, 283n7 labia, 163, 164, 165. 189, 276, figs. 22- 24. See also cum; genitalia, female; lips: mons veneris; pudenda, female; vagina; vulva Lacan, Jacques, 163 La Curne de Sainte Palaye, 311 Chaltlerley's laiver, 5 La Fontaine, Jean de, 190, fig. 40 lance, as phallus, 215, 216 Langlois, Ernest, 321 language, obseene or vulgär: Akan, 283; Dobu, 283; mcdieval 281-292 passiin; Hopi, 283; Old High German, 288; Roman, 292; Tonga, 283; U.S. Navy, 284, 291; Yoruba, 283 Laqueur, Thomas, 155 Latin, 338; and women, 75, 80; as lan­guage of church, 9, 74; as language of men, 74-75; as language of sexu­ally explicit, 10. See also grammar, Latin Latin words: aischrologia, 49; ambiguitas, 49; amphibolia, 49; amplißcatio, 62; anus, 43, 53, 86, 177, 180, 219; arrigo, 51; battuit, 43; cacemphaton, 49-55, 76; raco, 55; cacosynthelon, 49, 50; *caraculum, 96; Castro, 53; colei, 43; comprime sts iram, 51; copula, 151; crucem ad lucem, per, 94; cunctus, 15; cuniculus, 96; cunnus, 15, 43, 52, 96; depsit, 43; diuisio, 53; dolus, 255; ductare exercitus/-um, 50, 51; ethologi, 45; galli cantus, 123; gallus, 114; illiberales, 45; incipiunt agitata tumescere, 50; infamis, 248; mlereapedo, 50, 53; ioc-ulantas, 306; landica, 43; liberi, 45; locus amoenus, 340; mecum, 53-54; membra, 56; mens rea. See malice; mentula, 43, 79, 80; mimi, 45; nobiscum, 53-54; ob-scenus, 44, 44n9, 139. 177, 178, 185, 301. 334n9; oratores, 45; paene, 15; pa­lrare bellum, 50, 51; pedo, 53; perus, 15, 43, 58, 58n61; pemtus, 15; quamuis S i t , 54n45; ramus, 51; scaena/scena. 44; scur-rililas, 304, 306; slultiloquium, 304; aap pedü. 43; festes. 51; turpe vocabulum, 52; turpiloquium, llti26, 304, 305, 306; lur-pitudo, lln26, 76, 304: uagina, 58n61; uetula, 88; uisso, 53, 54n45 laughter, 110. 156, 212, 219, 306, 307 Laurentius Hispanus. See (lla.ssa Palatino Lausanne. 199 Lavin. Maud, 157 laws, 190 Lawrence, 1). H.. 5, 171 leathcr, 206 Lcavis, F. R., 171 lechcry. See lust; luxuria Lecoy, Felix. 320 Legend oj Judas, The Uzrch . 218 legs, 129-132 Leibovitz. Annic, 159 leudness, 109, 205, 211 Lewis, C. S., 322 libel, obseene, 243 libertine, 105 libraries, restriction of sexual and erotic materials in, 12-13 Life of St. Catherine of Alexandria, The (Latin), 222 Life of St. Procopius, Lhe (Czechj, 221 Life of St. Wenceslas, The (Old Church Slavonic), 217 lips, 140, 164, 275. See also labia liturgy, 94, 108 llatai, 66 Llywelyn ap Gutun, 63 locker-room talk, 172 Lommatzsch, Erhard, 311, 330n24-25 Louis VII, King of France, 222 Lovcjoy, Arthur, 322 love-messenger poem, 66-67 lovers in bed, 150n20 lovesong, 18, 241 Lübeck, 212 Lucifer, 205, 206, 207 Ludus de Antichristo, 225 lust, 235, 246, 257; as aroused by sights or words, 236, 237, 238, 240; as sym-bolized by animals, 202. See also luxuria INDEX 353 luxuria, 162n25, 166n40, 187, 190n32, 216, 235 lyric, Middle English, 108-109 lyrics, rap music, 28 macaronic, 10, 71-72, 227 MacKinnon, Catharine, 8, 233-235, 241. 245 Magdalino, Paul, 271 Magdeburg, 205 \laiestas Carolina, 216 Maistre Mimin estuduint, 316 mal dizer, 9 male gaze. See gaze; yoycurism male member, man-made. 199-200; on display, 194, 199-200, 201-202 malice, 253, 257. See also intent, mali-eious Manichees, 268 Manuel, Juan, 91 manuseript, 17, 139-154; marginal dravv-ings in, 21, 290 manuscripts: Blackburn, Museum and Art Gallery, Hart 20960, 145, fig. 8; Brüs­sels, Bibliotheque Royale, MS 9497, 144, fig. 5; Burgos, Bibliotcca Provin-cial, 142, fig. 3; Cambridge, Pem-broke College MS 193, 150-151, fig. 12; Cambridge, 1 rinity College, MS B.11.4, 141; Cambridge, University Library, MS Ee.3.59, 140, fig. 1: Gracovv, Eibl, Jagiellonski, MS 816, 148nl6; London, British Library, Ad-ditional MS 50000, 147, fig. 10; Sloane 2593: 111, 112; MS 42130 iLuttrell Psalter), 140n3; New Häsen, Yale University, Beinecke Library MS 390 (Hours of Blanche of Savoy), 148, 166-167, fig. 27; New York, Metro­politan Museum of Art. Cloistcrs Col-lection 54.1.2, 159, fig. 15; Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Ashmolean 1523, 144, fig. 7; MS Douce 366 (Or-mesby Psalter), 157-158. 166, 175, flg. 14; Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, fr. 749, 150n20; fr. 3122, 151-152, fig. 13; fr. 9140, 152; fr. 22526, 147. fig. 11; fr. 25228, 150n20; fr. 12465, 144, fig. 6; MS lat. 1023, 166, fig. 26; Paris, Donation Wildenstein 113, 147, flg. 9; Prague, Czech National Library, MS XXIII C 124 (Pictorial Bible of Canon Velislaus), 161, fig. 20; San Marino, Huntington Library-, MM 26061, 141, fig. 2; Iournai, Cathe-dral Trcasury, Psalter of Louis le Hu­tin, 159n 15; Venice, Bibliotcca Mar-ciana, cod. fr. XXI, 143, fig. 4 Mapplethorpe, Robert, 5, 171 Mardi Gras. See carnival Martial, 74n3 Mary. See Virgin marginalia, 244 Märquez-Villanueva, Francisco, 17 M arys, Three, 225 maseulinity, 133, 185 masks, 196, 200, 204, 207, 212 mass media. 4, 244 Mastiekär. See Ointment Seiler, The masturbation, 233 matchmakcr, 105 materialism, hedonistic, 291 Matilda, of Normandy and Queen of England, 170 matins, 123 Matthew Paris, 222 Mauss, Marcel, 20n2 Maximos the Confessor, Saint, 265 McConc, Kim, 177n3 McNulty, J. Bard, 168 mcadow, 299, 311 Memoriale credennum, 237 Menard, Philippe, 135, 300, 316n25 mendieants. See Franeiseans; Rutcbeuf, and mendieants Menendez Pidal, Ramon, 90, 94, 99, 100 menopause, 82 menstruation. 224, 263, 271, 274, 304 Mentor, 83 Merceron, Jacques, 18 mermaid, 15 Mesea Tlad, 181. 182nl6 metaphor, 55, 57-58, 78, 114, 311, 316- 317; euphemistie, 24, 57, 58. See also imagcry Michaelis, Carolina, 100 Michelson, Peter, 5 midwives, 86-88, 161 Miller, Henry, 332 mime player, 45 mimesis, 44-45 Mirk, John: Instructions for Pansh Priest, 242 354 INDEX misogyny, 8, 188, 217, 219, 272 Mi ss Manners, 7 mock hagiography, 332-344 (passim) "Moinc, Le" 297 Moliere, 16 Molina, Rodrigo, 94 Molinet, Jean, 332-344 (passim) Moling, Saint, 188 monasticism, 261, 272 monks, 98, 215, 252; as criticized by Zonaras, 262, 264, 266, 268, 272 monster, 143nl0, 144, 145, 176, 188 mons veneris, 299, 311. See also cunt; genitalia, femalc; labia; lips; pudcnda, fcmale; vagina; vulva Moore, Demi, 159-160, figs. 16-17 morris dancc, 203 mouth, 189, 309 mucus, 262 mummers, animal, 202, 212; peasant, 203, 212 Museatine, Charles, 6-7, 18, 135, 281 n 1, 286nl8, 287nl9, 293, 315n25, 326nl8 musie, 102, 249. See also song, lovesong mystery plays, 214, 332 Nafzawi, 103, 104 nakedness, 143, 152; of couple, 169; of devil, 205; of man, 167, 168, 171, 172, 199, 329; of obscenity or truth, 42, 43, 79; of vvoman, 148, 171, 182, 183. See also nudity; Venus Narcissus, 315n24 nativity. See Virgin naturalism, 325 Naturc, Lady, 76, 321, 324 Neckham, Alexander, 112 Neidhart "von Reuental" 203 Nelson, Mariah, 172 Nevizzano, Giovanni, 312-313 New Council, The (Czeeh), 216 New Historicism, 19nl Niall of the Nine Hostages, 186-187 Nicephoros the Chartophylax, 272-273 Nicholas III Grammatikos, Patriarch of Constantinople, 273, 276 nominalism, 300 Nördlingen, 200, 206, 207, 208, 212 Norman, Conquest, 167-174; influence in Ireland, 177, 190 novella, 134 nudity, 157, 168, 171, 198-199. See also nakedness nuns. 239-240 Nuremberg, 195, 196, 199, 201, 202, 203, 207, 208, 209, 210, 212 Nykrog, Per, 18, 32n25, 7 1 n 19, 135, 281, 282n, 286, 287, 300, 315n25, 316n28, 324nl4 oaths, 88 obscenification, .334 O'Grady, Standish H., 186 Ointment Seiler, The (Latin-Czech Play), 214-228 Ombre, Tu de /', 285n Omission.-See genitalia, omitted On Cobblers, 220 orality, and oral eulture, 1 10n6, 244- 24.5, 290-291, 312 orator, 41, 44, 45, 46. See also rhetori-cian organs, sexual: femalc, 335nl0, 338-343; male, 335nl0, 336-338, 341-342; me-taphors (landscapc and arehitecture), 341-342; naming of, 298, 306; place-ment of, 305. See also genitalia original sin, 12, 320, 323, 324, 333 ornithology, 108. See also rooster Ö Suilleabhäin, Scan, 179n7 otherness, 146, 163, 185, 227; of Anglo-Saxons to Normans, 172, 174; of female genitalia, 179, 182-183; of Grecks to fiftecnth-century Türks, 142; of women, Jews, and Germans, 217- 218, 219, 228-229. See also altcrity Ovid, 50, 85, 236 Paris, Paulin, 321 Paris, University of, 33 parodia sacra, 123. See also parody parody, 332. See also parodia sacra paronomasia, 102. See also doublc-enten-drc; punning Partridge, Eric, 127 Passional of the Abbess Kunigunde, The (Latin), 217 pastoral literature, 234-245 pastourelle, 71 patronage, 64 Paul, Saint, 304, 343 Pearcy, Roy, 300 peasant (mummers), 203 penectomy, 163. See also castration penis, 62-63, 71, 87, 189; metaphorized, INDEX 355 301, 317, 321; metaphorized as charg­er :horso, 299, 311; metaphorized as cock and cockcrow, 120, 122n30, 132. 133, 194; metaphorized as flute, 124; metaphorized as rabbit hound or fer-ret, 93, 96: metaphorized as squirrel alter nuts. 295; repliea of, 212; tree, 147-148, 200. See also ereetion; phal-lus penitentials, 91, 150, 190n32, 269, 273 Peraldus, William, 236n4 periphrasis, 56, 57, 152 "Pcscheor de Pont seur Seine, Le" 327- 331 Peter Lombard, 306 Peter the Chanter, 304 Peter the Yencrable, 222 petomaniae. 157-158, 164. See also fart phallus, 129, 335nl0; exeised, 146. 148; metaphorized as eoek and coxcomb. 17, 112, 1 15n 15. 119, 126, 127; meta­phorized as hernrit, 341, 342; meta­phorized as lock of door. 339n25; me­taphorized as nail, spike, stake. 96; metaphorized as stick, 336; power of, 165, 169, fig. 25; praised, 130-131; sold, 297; worshiped, 133. See also ereetion; penis Philippe le Bei, 166 physician, 314 Pierre Bersuire, 85-86 pig, 202 plastie arts, 155 pleasure-deprivation, 157, 164 pleasure principle, 179 Plutarch, 260-261, 274 poeticity, 24 poctie language, and obsccnity, 23-25 Poets of the Gentry, 60. See also Cyuyd-dwyr Poirion, Daniel, 320 pollution, nocturnal, 260-278 Pomona, 85 Pont, Gratian du, 312 Pontius Pilate, 223 "Porcelet, De" 301 pornography, 21n3, 109, 246; censorship debate and, 17, 155-156; child-, 174; feminist criticism of, 7, 8, 179, 233- 235, 241; language of, 26-27; mass distribution and, 243-244; medieval invention of, 153; modern expression and invention of, 5. 22-23n5. 169. 170 postmodernism postmodern aesthetics , 30 Prague, 216 preaching. 336 pregnanev, 159-160, 163, 203, figs. 16- 19 "Prestre et d'Alison, Du" 294-295, 296- 297 "Prestre qui abcvctc, Du" 296 Priapea, 43, 74n3 printing press, 5 privaey, 21, 288 private lifo, 152, 168 Proeopius. 221 profanation. 155 Propp. Vladimir. 26 propriety, 73. 302-303: in Roman rhe-loric. 41. 45. 46, 59 Prostitution, 45, 293n2. 342n39: Arabic shadow plays and. 105: euphemisms for. 95, 97; old women, Jews. and. 217. 218, 219. 224. 225.'229: regu-lation of. 258. See also harlot Prudentius, 221 prudery. 152, 153 Prydydd Brcuan, 64-65 Publishing, 10 "Pucele qui abevra le polain, La" 289n24, 331n26 "Pueelle qui voloit voler, La" 294n3, 331n26 pudenda. 12, 14, 47; female, 27, 48n23, 95, 161. See also cunt; genitalia, female; labia; mons veneris; vagina; vulva punning, 17, 41, 53, 54, 96, 102, 312; visual, 108, 1 19. See also double-cnten-dre; paronomasia Puritanism, 61, 292 purity, 260-278 Pynsent, Robert, 226 queynte, 14, 243n30 Quintilian, 143; on ambiguity of obscen-ity, 13; on caeemphaton, 49-50, 51- 52; on decency in rhetoric, 292; on "naked obscenity" 42-46; on periphra­sis, 56 rabbit, 93, 96 rabbit hound, 93, 96 356 INDEX Rabelais, Franyois, 166n40, 316n25, 334n9 Radulfus Ardens. See Raoul Ardent Ragot, Musarde et Babille. 128 Raimon de Durfort, 333n5 Ransom, Daniel, 112 Raoul Ardent, 11, 304, 305, 307 RaouHet Plorart, 31 7 rap, 28. See also 2 Live Crew rape, 67, 173: anal. 132 reader response, 326nl7 reading, private, 153 Reason, Lady, 30-31. 48-49, 76, 88, 302- 303, 319-323, 328. 331, 332 red. 126. 313 referential language, 24-25 Regensburg, 198, 204, 208 relie, 320, 337, 339n25; of St. Caquc-tte, 308, 309, 312. 313. See also French words: reliques Renart, Jean. 28.3 Rene I d'Anjou, King of Xaples, 339. 340n31 request poem, 67 341 Responsa Gregoni, 251, 252, 256 rhctoric, Latin, 16, 41-59 passim Rhetorica ad Herenmum. pscudo-Cireronian. 58 rhctoricians, aneient, 13. 41-59 passim rhyme, 121 ribald, 109-110 Riehes, fcmale Irish satirist, 181-182 "Richeut" 286, 293n2, 294n3, 302 Richlin, Ainy, 6, 292n29 riddle, 61-62, 131, 312-313; animal, 113- 114; learned, 134; litcrary, 108-135; obscene, 126; populär, 108, 134. See also dyfalu risus paschalis, 214, 227 Robert of Brunne, 238, 239, 240 Robertson, D. W., Jr., 8, 14, 322 Robertsonians, 322-325 Robinson, Fred X., 182n 17 Röchcll, Melehior, 208 Roman de la rose, 18, 30-31, 315n24, 336n6; courtly doetrine in, 285; love quest in, 339; manuscript tradition of, 8; marginalia in manuscripts of, 147; metaphors for female genitalia in, 342ii38; quereile du, 8, 48-49, 148, 153, 324-325; "testicles" in, 75-76, 80, 289- 290, 319-326, 332, 337 Roman de Renarl, 286-287 romanesque, 15 Rondeau des barbiers, 340n32 rooster, 108-135. See also cock rose. 321. 322 Rosenplüt, Hans, 196, 197, 202, 203, 208, 211 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 324 Roy, Bruno, 14, 18 Rubin, Jewisli eharaeter in The Ointment Seiler, 215. 220, 221, 226 Rubin, Miri, 217 Ruiz, Juan, Archpriest of Hita, 91-92, 98, 99. 103, 104 running, nakcd, 198 Ruskin, John, 147 Russell, Jeffrey Burton, 206 Rutebeuf. 19. 23. 31-36, 286; and raen-dicants, 33, 34; Discorde, IM 34; Dil de l'herbene, D\ 32; Dil des cordeliers. IM, 34; Dil du mensonge, IM, 34; Sachs, Hans, 198nl8 Saddam Hussein, 229 Sacngcr, Paul, 153, 246nl Sagarin, Edward, 284 "Sainercsse, La" 294 Sallust, 55-56 salmon, 294n3 Salome, 250 sandalwood, 309, 312, 313 Satan, 262, 268. See also demon; devil satire, 61, 64-66 scatology, 11, 155, 335, 337; in earni-val, 201; in manuscript marginalia, 157-158; of devil, 205. See also defe-cation; exerement; feces; shit Schembartlauf, 196n9, 199 schoolbov, 49, 54-55 scotomization, 154 Scribner, Robert, 201, 213 seriptio continua, 54 sculpture, 17 Scneca the Eider, 45, 292, 343 sermon, 17 Sermon de saint Billouart, 336-344 (passim; sermon joyeux, 18, 335-344 passim Sermon joyeux de saint Frappecul, 336, 343 Sermon joyeux de samt Jambon et de sainte Andouille, 336, 338 Sermon joyeux de saint Velu, 336, 338 Sermon joyeux des Fripponniers . . ., 340n30. 342n38 INDEX 357 sermon. parodic. See sermons joyeux Serrano, Andres, 28 Servius, 55, 56-57 Severin, German character in The Oint-ment Seiler, 215, 220, 226 sex, scxuality: 61, 281, 288, 325. 331; female, 177, 181, 234; in Lesu, 282- 283; language of. 275-277; male, 233 "sexomachia" 339 Shakespeare, William, Tamuig oj the Shreu\ 127 sheela-na-gig, 15, 17, 21, 164, 189, 190, figs. 22, 37-39; as apotropaic. 183. 335nl0; as obscene and not crotic, 176, 178; as polysemic sign, 166; ety-mology of, 1 79-180 shit, 33. 158. See also defecation; excre-mcni; feees; scatology Shoulders, 228 Shrovctide. See carnival Sieard of Gremona, 255 k'Si Unguis angelicis" 98 Sidgwick, F.. 111, 112 Siele partidas, 90, 91 sign theory, 41, 46 Silverstein, Theodore. 112 Silvestre, Hubert, 14 Simon, Eekehard. 17 sinus'i, of the mouth, 235; original. 324: seven deadly. 207. 235; theory of. 264-265 siren. 15. 172 Siwan Morgan. 64-65 social control. 43. 151. 178. 230 sodomv, 224. 228-229. 304 Soest, 200 song. 249, 251. 258. See also lovesong: music Song of Ostrov. Hie Czech, 217 Somme le roi, 235, 236n4, 240n21 song, 92, 93 "Sot Chevalier, Du" 294n2 spectacles, 248 Speculum Christiani, 242 Speculum vitae. 236 speech, unprotected, 7 sperm, 96, 152, 252, 253. See also fluid, seminal spermatorrhca. 253 spurs (of rooster:. 129-130 stallion, 168, 169, 170, 172 Starbucks, 15 Stempel, Wolf-Dieter, 6n7, 281 Stern, Howard, 5 Stoics, 13, 46, 57, 58 stools. See feces Stork, 202 streaking, 198 Strubel, Armand. 320, 325nl6 Sturges, Jock, 1 71 suhstantiation, and pornography, 26-27 Suleiman, Susan, 4 Summa Bambergensis, 2 5 5 Summa "Omnis qui iuste iudicat" (Summa Lipsiensis), 256 Summa Pari Mensis, 251, 257 swearvvord, 28 sword danee, 203 Synagoga: See Ecclesia, and Synagoga syphilis, 97 tahoo, 1/4, 178. 274, 281-282, 290; body parts and, 219; courtly culture and. 18; early Irish culture and, 187; medieval Welsh poetry and, 61, 71; pleasure-principle and, 157, 175; sex­ual humor and. 287-288; subjccts, 113, 115. 155. 156, 299, 317; words, 59, 131, 135. See also Irish words: geis\ taboo-transgression proccss taboo-transgression proccss, 334-335. See also taboo taciturnity. 313-314 tail, 128' Tain Bö (iüailnge, 181-182 Taylor. Archer. 114 teeth, 164 " Terror of War" 174, flg. 36 Tertullian, 86. 142. 163n29 testicles. 206, 284. 320: mctaphorized as bodv of rooster. 132: metaphorized as companions. 97; metaphorized as legs and feet, 129; metaphorized as rabbit. 93. 96; metaphorized as stones, 185; tied to leash. 147. See also French words: coüles Thamar, 161. 289n25. fig. 20 theater, 17, 44. 49, 205, 207 Theodore Balsamon. See Balsamon, Theo­dore Theodoren of Cyrrhus, 263-264, 278 "thick description" 110 Thomas, Alfred, 1 7 Thomas, of Canterbury, Saint, 140 358 INDEX Thompson, John, 284 Thompson, Roger, 109 Thorn, Prussia, 205 Thousand and One .Xights, The, 108 al-Tifasi, Ahmad, 104 Timothy, bishop of Alexandria, 262, 269 Tissier, Andre, 309, 313 Tobler, Adolf. 311. 330n24-25 Togail Bruidne da Berga, 189n28 tongue, in woman's mouth and vulva, 164-165, 309-310, 312, 313; riddle of bird vvithout. 131 tool, 124 touching, 236 trarisgression, 178, 183, 277, 297, 334; decorous discourse and, 261, 274-275, 333 transvestism, 293n2. See also cross-dress-ing Trepperei, 308 "Trois Chanoinesses de Couloigne, Les" 326 "Trois dames qui trouverent un vit, Les" 316n28, 338-339n25 trompe foeil. See punning, visual troubadours, 333n5, 341 n37 Troyes, 34 Tuatha De Danann, 183, 185 Tudur Pcnllyn, 72 tumeseenee. early-morning, 116-117, 124- 125 Tuve, Rosemond, 322nl0, 326nl7 2 Live Crew, 5 Tydeman, William, 112 Ulm, 208 Ulysses, 5 Umm-Rasid, 105 Unguentanus. See Ointment Seiler, The U.S. Constitution. See First Amendment urination, 283, 284, 316 urine, 163 Ut, Huymh Cong, 174, fig. 36 vagina, 188, 224, 229, 317; as fountain, 299, 311; metaphors for, 321. See also cunt; genitalia, fcmalc; labia; mons veneris; pudenda, female; vulva vandalism, 139, 140, 154 van den Boogard, N., 327 van Eyck, Jan, 160-161, 166, fig. 18 Vanity Fair, 159 Yasvari. Louise, 17, 67nl3, 245n32 Yeltrusky, Jarmila, 214, 215, 225, 227, 228 Veniee, 220 Venus, 139, 148 Yergil, 50, 51, 52-53, 54, 55, 56-57 Yertumnus, 8 Yerville, Beroalde de, 312 Yieille, La, 88 Villon, Franyois, 337nl9 Vincent of Beauvais, 152 Virgin, 217, 222. fig. 19; and Child, 162, fig. 24; giving birth, 161 "Virginia Woolf" 165, fig. 23 virility, 133 vision, 143 Vitae patrum, 240n21 voyeurism, 45, 63, 160; of characters in fabliaux, 295-296; of figures within manuseript miniatures, 151, 152n24, 153. See also gaze vulgarity, 45 vulva. 283; disembodied, 166n40; meta-phorized as enelosed spare with open-ing, 121; metaphorized as eye, 129; metaphorized as rabbit, 93. 96; meta­phorized as rose, 321; of folds between legs of Virgin, 165; of shecla-na-gig, 164; praised, 70-71. See also cunt; gen­italia, female; labia; pudenda, female; vagina Warren, D. Michael, 283n8 Washington, George, 7 Watriquet de Couvin, 326 weddings, 248-249 weisse Rosendor, Der, 314 Wclsh poetry, 17 Weneeslas, Saint and Duke, 217 Wenceslas III of Bohcmia, King, 218 Weneeslas IV of Germany. Emperor, 216 wet dream. See emission wheat, 93, 96 White, Sarah Meihado, 281n2 Wild Man hunt, 199, 212 wild women, 199 William, Duke of Normandy (Bastard William), 167, 170, 171, \12, 173 W illiam of Conches, 48 witch. See women, old Wolfram von Eschenbach, 210-211 womb, 163 INDEX 359 women: and Jcws, 218, 220, 224-225, 228, 229; as temptresses, 237, 239, 244; at carnival, 197, 198, 207-211; old, 17, 73-74, 75, 80-89, 177, 180, 180-187, 189, 207, 217, 219, 223; old mach- voung, 205; young, 17, 73-80 Zink, Michel, 325nl6, 339n27 Ziolkowski, Jan M., 9nl9, 31n20, 151. 158nl0, 207, 219. 243n30, 292n27 Zonaras, John. 260-278
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