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Volltext:I N D E X References to illustrations are printed in italic type. Académie Goncourt, 334118 Académie française, 253, 334n8 Académie Julian, 23 s Academy of the Fine Arts, in Paris, 246, 253, 255, 347n8o, 350nii3, 35ini30, 353ni49 Academy School, in Antwerp, 117, 2 1 1 Academy School, in The Hague, 211 Adler, Dankmar (1844-1900), nr Aestheticism, British, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30; and formalist criticism, 288, 295; French reception of, 129, 140, 270, 271, 272, 276, 277 Albalat, Antoine (1856-?), 299, 369038 "Algebra the key to which was lost" (Verhaeren), 59, 61, 3500122 Algebra of signs, 59 Algebraist of ideas, artist as, 154, 194, 201, 283 Alhambra palace, in Granada, 86 Allegory: in Aurier's writing, 3 52m 43; in Chassériau's art, 16; in Kant's aes­thetic theory, 8-9; in Plato's philoso­phy, 198; in Puvis de Chavannes's art, 35-36; in romantic-naturalist art, 35; in Ruskin's writing, 320ni7; in Zola's writing, 319m Alphabet, objects as letters of immense (Aurier), 199 Alphabet, objects as sublime (Aurier), 201 Aman-Jean, Edmond (1859-1936), 159, 252, 256, 257, 259 Amiens cathedral, 84 Analogy, principle of, 8, 150, 164 Anarchism, 175-76, 346ml Androgyny: and aestheticist move­ment, 26, 27; and artistes de l'âme, 253, 360m; and Leonardo's art, 261; and Péladan's writing, 254, 261, 271; and Armand Point's art, 271 Angelico, Fra (Giovanni da Fiesole, 1387-1455), 17, 265, 358n2i2, 364n35 Angrand, Charles (1854-1926), 160, 163 Anquetin, Louis (1861-1932), 177-81, 180, 188, 241 Anrep, Boris (1883-1969), 288 Apelles (4th century B.c.), 264, 36ini7 Apollinaire, Guillaume (1880-1919), 282, 283, 308-15, 367ml, 370-7inn Aragon, Louis (1897-1982), 283 Architecture: and art nouveau, 83, 85, 112; decorative arts in, 83, 85, 91, 95, 105, 111-16; Egyptian, 88, 101; of exhibition halls, 324n6i; glass used in, 85; and Gothic style, 84-85, 91, 120, 332n23; metal used in, 85, 98-101, 105, no, in, 332n23; monumentality in, 101; organic de­sign in, 83, 95, 111 —12; Roman, 88, 264; utilitarian approach to, 83-84, in, 264; and utopianism, 81, 87 Aretino, Spinello (i330?-i4io), 363033 Armenini, Giovanni-Battista (1530- 1590), 272, 3651157 373 I N D E X "Art for art's sake" 19, 26, 27, 29, 301 Art et critique (periodical), 239, 241 L'Art moderne (periodical), 59, 159, 3261189, 3331154 Art nouveau: and architectural design, 83, 85, 112; and Arts and Crafts movement, 82, 83; and Eiffel's de­sign theory, 100; and Gallé's works, 3331137; and Owen Jones's design theory, 81, 83; organic form in, 83; and Ruskin's design theory, 81, 82; and van de Veldes works, 117 Artistes de l'âme. See Artists of the soul Artists of the soul, 60, 252-53, 254, 256, 270, 360m; Mirbeau's parody of, 276-79, 280 Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, 82 Arts and Crafts movement, 82-83, 91. 95, 105, 113, 118 Asselineau, Charles (1820-1874), 284 Associations, play of: in Apollinaire's writing, 283; in Aurier's aesthetic theory, 194; in Baudelaire's aesthetic theory, 4, 5, 6, 284, 3i6ni6; in Bre­ton's writing, 283-84; in Cézanne's art, 186, 227; in Delacroix's art, 15; in Roger Fry's aesthetic theory, 287, 296; in Gauguin's art, 105, 192, 205; in Gourmont's writing, 281, 282, 299, 301; in Gustave Kahn's writing, 125; in Laforgue's aesthetic theory, 41; in Mallarmé's writing, 139, 140; in Moréas's writing, 150; in Munch's art, 244; in Parnassians' poetry, 13, 14; in Pater's aesthetic theory, 28; in post-impressionist art, 136, 153; in post-symbolist aesthetics, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284; in Pre-Raphaelite art, 19, 22, 26; in Puvis de Chavannes's art, 36, 40; in Redon's art, 48; in Ro­din's art, 76; in romantic-symbolist art, 14; in romanticism, 6, 10, 14; in Rossetti's art, 19, 22; in van Gogh's art, 213; in Verhaeren's writing, 59, 60; in Whistler's art, 67 Augustine, Saint (A.D. 354-430), 32in23, 362n26, 37in6o Aurier, G.-Albert (1865-1892), 102, 127, 194-203, 204, 319m; on alge­bra of ideas, 154, 194. 283; on alpha­bet of objects, 199, 201; Baudelaire's influence on, 199, 352nn; and Dela­croix's aesthetic theory, 35011123; on ecstatic feeling, 194, 199, 3 52m 38; on Gauguin's art, 194, i95~97 201, 202-3, 219; and ideism, 194, 197, 198, 200, 201; and Neoplatonism, 194, 219, 35ini23, 3520138; Taine criticized by, 194, 35oni2o; on van Gogh's art, 212, 218—26, 284 Automatism, 60, 182, 284, 285, 347088 Bacon, Francis (1561-1626), 49, 222, 324n70 Bailey, James A. (1847-1906), 306 Baju, Anatole, 335012, 336ni8 Bal tard, Victor (1805-1874), 332024 Balzac, Honoré de (1799-1850), 12, 265 Banville, Théodore de (1823-1891), 13, H Barbizon, 211, 242, 353ni59, 3550183, 3570200 Barnum, P. T. (1810-1891), 306 Barrés, Maurice (1862-1923), 325082 Bartholdi, F. A. (1834-1904), 100 Bäsch, Victor (1863-1944), 308, 369-70047 Bastien-Lepage, Jules (1848-1884), 161 Baudelaire, Charles (1821-1867): aes­thetic theory of, I-IO, 37, 41, 147, 194, 230, 247, 283; and Aman-Jean's art, 257; Aurier influenced by, 199, 352nn; Bourget's commentary on, 52, 59, 128-31; compared to Rim­baud, 136, 137; and decadent move­ment, 26, 27, 125, 126, 128-31, 150; on Delacroix's "vast dictionary" 4, 140, 194, 247, 283; on "forest of symbols" 10, 11, 59, 194, 199, 283; Gautier's friendship with, 36; Heine's influence on, 5; Hodler influenced by, 245, 247; Hugo's correspondence with, 325073; Leroux's influence on, 8; Mallarmé influenced by, 139, 140; 374 I N D E X and metaphorical language, 4, 171; and Parnassian movement, 6, 13, !33. 139; Poe's influence on, 5, 7, 131, 136; and post-impressionist art, 154; and Redon's art, 49, 50, 52, 326n84; Salon reviews of, 1, 5, 6; Swedenborg 's influence on, 8; Swin­burne's admiration for, 14, 26; Ver-laine's admiration for, r, 132 Baudelaire, Charles, works: "Corre­spondences" I, 8-11, 3i5n7; Flow­ers of Evil, I, 36, 126, 128, 131, 171, 356ni87 Baudry, Paul, 352ni49 Bauhaus school, 10$, 120 Beardsley, Aubrey (1872-1898), 28 Beaubourg, Maurice (1860-1943), 164, 343n43 Beauclair, Henri (1860-1919), 128, 35211141 Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827), 208-9 Béja, Marcel (Paul Meunier, Ï875-I956), 3i7n32 Bell, Clive (1881-1964), 277, 280, 286, 288, 301, 328ni05, 3691131; on Cé-zanne's art, 295-98 Bellini family of artists, 265 Béraud, Jean (i849?-?i935), 161 Berchem, Nicolaes Pietersz. (1620-1683), 221 Bernard, Emile (1868-1941), 57, 177, 178, 188, 189, 230, 231 Berthoud, Léon (1822-1892), 74, 329ni2o Bing, Siegfried (1838-1905), 117, 177, 366n69 Blanc, Charles (1813-1882), 185, 253, 348n93, 349ni02 Blanche, Jacques (1861-1942), 179, 346n79 Bloomsbury group, 288, 368024 Böcklin, Arnold (1827-1901), 71-74, 72, 244, 256, 35911231 Boileau, Louis Auguste (1812-1896), 98, 332023 Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas (1636- 1711), 152, 339n6o Bonger, André (1864-1934), 53, 3251179 Bonnard, Paul, (1867-1947) 235, 239, 241, 306, 358n2i6 Bonnat, Léon (1833-1922), 179, 347n8o Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne (1627-1704), 196, 351M28 Botticelli, Sandro (Alessandro di Mari­ano Filipepi, 1445-1510), 30, 252, 253, 266, 272; Armand Points com­mentary on, 270-75 Bouguereau, Adolph William (1825- 1905), 99, 3641136 Boulanger, Gustave (1824-1888), 198, 3520136 Bourde, Paul, 150 Bourgeoisie, 91, 117, 175, 362027; Pé-ladan's diatribe against, 264, 267, 268, 269 Bourges, Elémir, 270 Bourget, Paul (1852-1935), 30, 34, 334n8; on Baudelaire, 52, 59, 128-31; on Parnassians, 13 Boussod & Valadon art dealers, 211, 242, 350m 14, 353ni52 Breton, André (1896-1966), 283-84, 310 Brooks, James (1825-1904), 95 Brown, Ford Madox (1821-1893), 17 Bruant, Aristide (1851-1925), 347n82 Buchanan, Robert (Thomas Maitland, 1841-1901), 27, 277 Buffon, George-Louis Ledere de (1707-1788), 3431139 Burlington Magazine, 286 Burne-Jones, Edward Coley (1833 — 1898), 35, 49; and aestheticism, 28; and decorative arts, 24, 82, 83, 91, 33in22; ecstatic spirituality of, 24, 27; French reception of, 253, 254, 270, 276, 278; Khnopff s drawing dedicated to, 60; Khnopff's obituary for, 30, 33-34; letters from Oxford by, 24-25; and Pre-Raphaelites, 24, 26, 91, 253; Swinburne's poems dedicated to, 26 Burne-Jones, Edward Coley, works: 375 I N D E X Burne-Jones, works (continued) The Golden Stairs, 30, 32, 34, 276; King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid, 30, 31, 33, 253 Byron, George Gordon (1788-1824), 15 Byzantine art, 264 Cabanel, Alexandre (1823-1889), 266, 364036 Café Volpini, in Paris, 188, 242, 3580222 Café Voltaire, in Paris, 205 Campo Santo, in Pisa, 18, 266, 363033 Canova, Antonio (1757-1822), 265, 3 53n31 Canudo, Ricciotto (1879-1923), 308 Carnot, Sadi (1837-1894), 346073 Carolus-Duran (Charles Durand, 1837-1919), 187, 349098 Carpaccio, Vittore (1460-1525), 26s Carrier-Belleuse, Albert-Ernest (1824-1887), 161 Carrière, Eugène (1849-1906), 256, 361119 Casanova de Seingalt, Giovanni Gia­como (1725-1798), 265, 3631130 Caserio Santo, Jeronimo (1873-1894), 176, 346n73 Cassatt, Mary (1845-1926), 160 Castagnary, Jules-Antoine (1830- 1888), 44, 65, 255, 351H35, 353ni49 Cathedrals, 9, 71, 74, 84, 237, 265, 3590231, 362026 Cattle Market, 98, 332024 Cazalis, Auguste (1859-1930), 235, 240, 3580216 Cellini, Benvenuto (1500-1571), 108 Cendrars, Blaise (1887-1961), 308 Centennial Exhibition, in Paris, 108, 255, 333n38, 3541173 Century Guild, 82, 95 Ceramics, 102, 108, 153, 177, 271, 333036; Gauguin's production of, 102, 103-4, I05, 107-8, 186, 202-3, 205, 333n36 Cézanne, Paul (1839-1906), 159, 160, 235, 255; Clive Bell's commentary on, 295-98; color theory of, 231-32; correspondence of, 230-34; Roger Fry's commentary on, 286, 287, 291, 292, 293, 368ni8; Gauguin compared to, 348091; Gauguin's commentary on, 185-86, 187, 227, 348nn, 368027; Huysmans's commentary on, 227-29; post-impressionist aes­thetics of, 136, 153, 154, 155-56, 227; proto-cubism of, 232; technique of, 88, 153, 156, 227, 229, 33oni5, 348n9i, 3570200 Cézanne, Paul, works: The Large Bath­ers, 233; Still Life with Dessert, 228; The Struggle of Lone, 227 Chagall, Marc (1887-1985), 308, 30g Chamisso, Adelbert von (1781-1838), 338048 Champaigne, Philippe de (1602-1674), 265, 362026 Chaplet, Ernest (1835-1909), 102, 103, 108, 333n36 Chaplin, Charlie (1889-1977), 310 Chapu, Henri (1833-1891), 268, 365150 Chartres cathedral, 84 Chassériau, Théodore (1819-1856), 15-16, 36, 267, 364041 Le Chat Noir (cabaret), 125, 336018 Le Chat noir (periodical), 336m8 Chenavard, Paul (1807-1895), 3, 37, 263, 266-67, 3i5-i6ni2, 364041, 365n5i Chevreul, Michel-Eugène (1786- 1889), 160, 164, 343nn, 36on239 Chicago, building construction in, HO, I I I Chirico, Giorgio de (1888-1978), 71 Christophe, Jules, 164 Classical art: compared to Egyptian art, 328nio6; compared to Japanese art, 328m 10; and Parnassian poetry, 13; and Péladan's writing, 264, 265; and Pre-Raphaelite technique, 26; 376 I N D E X and Puvis de Chavannes's technique, 35, 36; and Redon's technique, 49 Clavaud, Armand (1828-1890), 49, 54, 57 Clemenceau, Georges (1841-1929), 175, 346n7i Cloisonism, 4, 153, 212, 341-42028; Dujardin's description of, 177-78, 181, 194, 205, 3471183 Cloisonné, technique of, 102, 177, 181, 186, 334055 Cluny museum, 106 Cocteau, Jean (1898-1963), 283 Cole, George Vicat (1833-1893), 97, 33in22 Cole, Henry (1808-1882), 80 Cologne cathedral, 9 Colonialism, 104 Colors: Cézanne's theory of, 231-32; and Chevreul's theory of contrast, 160, 161, 164, 343~44nn; Henry's geometric theory of, 159, 164, 167-71, 210, 344nn; Hodler's theory of, 246, 249-50; in Seurat's art, 161-62, 172, 246, 343nn Comte, Auguste (1798-1857), 59, 62, 326-27094 Constant, Benjamin (1767-1830), 318141 Constructivism, 104 Coppée, François (1842-1908), 13, 98 Cormon, Fernand (Fernand Anne Piestre, 1845-1924), 177, 179 Cornelius, Peter von (1783-1867), 17, 261, 263, 265 Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille (1796-1875), 79, 108, 237, 245 Correspondences, principle of, 1, 8-11, 41, 147, 154, 200, 230 Couëssin, Charles de, 347-48091 Courbet, Gustave (1819-1877), 35, 255, 34in28, 3491198, 35311149 Courier, Paul-Louis (1777-1825), 109, 333140 Creuzer, Friedrich (1771-1858), 9, 10, 3i7n25 Crivelli, Carlo (i430?-?i494), 15 Crystal Palace, in London, 80, 85, 86 Cubism, 232, 286, 308, 366m Cultural Houses of the People, 118, îiç, 122 Cuyp, Albert (1620-1691), 79, 221 Dadaism, 310 Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal-Adolphe- Jean (1852-1929), 161 Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), 18, 21, 23, 76, 152, 265, 277, 32in2i Danton, Georges-Jacques (1759-1794), 363128 Darwin, Charles (1809-1882), 265, 324171 Daudet, Alphonse (1840-1897), 355H77 Daumier, Honoré (1808-1879), 108, 339ni Decadence: and Baudelaire's writing, 26, 27, 125, 126, 128-31, 150; and Huysmans's writing, 44, 128, 325077; and literary clubs, 125, 126; and literary periodicals, 125, 128, r95 335H2; and Moréas's writing, 126-27, !5° 338-39158; parodies of, 128, 277; and Armand Point's art, 271; and Redon's art, 52, 53, 55, 325077; and Seurat's art, 154; and Verhaeren's writing, 59; and Ver-laine's writing, 126, 128, 132, 335-36nn Decamps, Alexandre (1803-1860), 267, 364041 Decorative arts: at Alhambra palace, 86, 87; and architectural design, 83, 85, 91, 95, 105, 111-16; and art nou­veau, 81, 83, 85; and artistes de l'âme, 252; and Aurier's aesthetic theory, 200-201, 203; at Cologne ca­thedral, 9; at Crystal Palace, 80, 86; and Roger Fry's aesthetic theory, 291; at London Great Exhibition, 80, 85; and Bauhaus style, 105; Burne- Jones's practice of, 24, 82, 83, 91, 33in22; and constructivism, 104; Gauguin's practice of, 102-5, 203; 377 I N D E X Decorative arts (continued) Gauguin's theory of, 104-9, 210, 350m 12; and Gothic revival, 81-82, 85, 9i;Japanese, 83, 95, 192; and Japanese design, 83, 95, 192; Owen Jones's practice of, 80, 86; Owen Jones's theory of, 80-81, 82, 86-90, 91, 101, 102, HI, 350nii2; and Henri Martin's art, 258; and medi­evalism, 91, 92, 102, 106, 118; Middle Eastern, 80, 86, 88, 89, 158, 19°. 35°ni 12; Morris's practice of, 82, 91, 118, 271, 33in22; Morris's theory of, 91—94; and Armand Point's art, 270, 271; and Pre- Raphaelites, 82; in Renaissance, 120; Ruskin's theory of, 81-82, 91, 102; van de Veldes practice of, 117; van de Velde's theory of, 118-24; Whis­tler's practice of, 83 Dédoublement: in Baudelaire's writing, 7; in Delacroix's art, 15; in Parnas­sians' writings, 13; in Pater's writing, 28; in post-impressionist art, 155; in Redon's art, 53; in Rimbaud's writ­ing, 136-37, 337nn; in Rossetti's art, 19, 22 Degas, Edgar (1834-1917), 160, 178, 210, 286 Dehumanization, 144 Delacroix, Eugène (1798-1863), 54, 264, 267, 350m 17; aesthetic theory of, 1-6, 194, 246, 283, 3i6ni4, 318042, 3$oni23; Baudelaire influ­enced by, 1-6, 140, 194, 247; Heine's influence on, 5, 3i6ni9; Mantz's commentary on, 354ni73; and Nabi movement, 237; and nature's "vast dictionary" 4, 140, 194, 247, 283; and neo-impressionist art, 160; and romantic-symbolist art, 14-16; tech­nique of, 15, 160, 209; van Gogh's citation of, 215, 216, 219 Delacroix, Eugène, works: Christ Asleep in the Boat, 216, 3540173; Death of Sardanapalus, 15, 16; Liberty Guiding the People, 322041; Saint Sul-pice paintings, 350m 17; Struggle of Jacob and the Angel, 2, 192-93 Delaherche, Auguste (1825-1940), 108, 118, 333036 Delaroche, Achille, 13, 31904 Deliquescence, 128, 201, 3520141 Delord, Taxile, 325074 Delvaux, Paul (b. 1897), 284 Democracy, 112, 267 Denis, Maurice (1870-1943), 235, 236, 236, 239-41, 256, 277, 278, 286, 339n2, 358nn, 366069 Derain, André (1880-1954), 294, 366m Desgoffe, Blaise (1823-1901), 267 Destrée, Jules (1863-1936), 144, 338n47 Desvallières, Georges (1861-1950), 360m Détaillé, Edouard (1848-1912), 35ini30 Distel, Anne, 345052 Division of hue, 161-62, 172 Le Dix-neuvième siècle (periodical), 126 Dou, Gerard (1613-1675), 221 Dreyfus, Albert (1859-1935), 301, 302, 304, 369041 Drost, Wolfgang, 3i6ni6 Dubois-Pillet, Albert (1846-1890), 157, 160, 162, 163 Duchamp, Marcel (1887-1968), 285, 310 Duchosal, Louis (1862-1891), 245 Duez, Ernest-Ange (1843-1896), 161 Dujardin, Edouard (1861-1949), 125, 127, 147, 157, 177, 178, 190; on An-quetin's art, 178-79, 181; and cloi-sonism, 177-78, 181, 194, 205, 347183 Durand, Jean-Nicolas-Louis (1760-1834), 83-84 Durand-Ruel family of art dealers, 210, 353M59 Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528), 17, 257, 265, 266, 364040 Durutte, Camille, 167 378 I N D E X Düsseldorf Art Academy, 71 Düsseldorf school, 266, 3641139 Ecole des Beaux-Arts, in Paris, 57, no, 210, 253, 256, 350m 13, 364036 Ecole des Beaux-Arts, in Toulouse, 256 Ecole Polytechnique, in Paris, 83—84, 110, 3520148 Ecole Romane, 151, 336019 Ecstasy, 24, 140, 322032; in Aurier's writing, 194, 199, 3 52m38; in Pater's writing, 27, 29, 30, 112, 194, 288, 295 Egyptian art and architecture, 88, 101, 178, 237, 328nio6 Eiffel, Gustave (1832-1923), 99-101 Eiffel Tower, 98-101, 99, 100, 104, 105, 332032 Empiricism, 326094 Ensor, James (1860-1949), G3 U4. 159, 18j, 339m; Verhaeren's com­mentary on, 144, 182-84, 285, 347n88, 368027 Ephrussi, Charles (1849-1905), 41 Epictetus (A.D. 55—C. 135), 264, 36inr7 Epinal, printmaking in, 177, 181, 225, 347183 Eroticism, 253, 254, 271, 365049. See also Sensuality Evolution, theory of, in, 324071, 3251174 Exposition des Artistes Indépendants, in Paris, 177, 179 Exposition générale des Beaux-Arts, in Brussels, 327098 Exposition universelle. See Universal Exhibition Expositions des peintres impression-istes et symbolistes, 239 Expressionism, 243 Eyck, Hubert van (I366?-I426), 265 Eyck, Jan van (i370?-?i440), 265 Fantastic, sense of, 284 Fantin-Latour, Henri (1836-1904), 13, 65, 256, 36in9 Fauvism, 286, 308, 330015, 339m Fénéon, Félix (1861-1944): and anar­chism, 175-76; and Aurier's Neopla-tonism, 350-5ini23; and decadent movement, 335ml; and division of hue, 159, 161-62, 343nn; and liter­ary symbolism, 125-26, 127, 157; and neo-impressionism, 159-63, 172, 178, 342nn, 36706; and Puvis de Chavannes's art, 40, 41, 159; La Re­vue indépendante managed by, 127, 157, 168, 177; and Seurat's art, 157-63, 342nn, 36706 Fichte, Johann (1762-1814), 6, 59, 62, 194, 327n94 Le Figaro (newspaper), 143, 150 Flandrin, Hippolyte (1809-1864), 266, 364141 Flaubert, Gustave (1821-1880), 12, 26, 152; Gourmont's commentary on, 299, 300; and Khnopff's art, 60, 62, 327096; and Redon's art, 49, 326084 Florentine art, 18, 19, 22, 75, 270, 272 Fontainas, André (1865-1948), 204, 205, 208 Fontainebleau palace, 37, 38 Forain, Jean-Louis (1852-1931), 160 "Forests of symbols" (Baudelaire), 10, 11, 59, 194, 199, 283 "Form follows function" (Sullivan), IIO-II Formalist criticism, 277, 280, 287, 288, 366n3 Foster, Myles Birket (1825-1899), 97, 33H22 Fourier, Charles (1772-1837), 8, 3i7n35 Fourier, Joseph (1768-1830), 317-18035 Le Foyer (periodical), 254 France, Anatole (Jacques Thibault, 1844-1924), 338158 Francis of Assisi, Saint (c.1181-1226), 265 Frappa, José, 265, 363030 Frenzy, aesthetic, 284—85 Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939), 283, 284 Frick, Henry Clay (1849-1919), 286 379 I N D E X Fromentin, Eugène (1820-1876), 224 Fry, Roger (1866-1934), 277, 280, 301, 328ni05, 330ni5; on Bell's criti­cism, 280, 296, 369031; on Cézanne's art, 286, 287, 291, 292, 293, 368ni8; on post-impressionist art, 286-94, 339ni Futurism, 310 Gall, Franz Joseph, 325072 Gallé, Emile (1846-1904), tog, 118, 333n37 Gallo, Charles (b. 1859), 176, 346073 Gare du Nord, in Paris, 98, 332024 Gauguin, Paul (1848-1903), 72, 127, 136, 144, 159, 286, 31904; Aurier's commentary on, 194, 195-97, 201, 202-3, 219; carvings of, 202, 205, 241; ceramic art of, 102, ioj-4, 105, 107-8, 186, 202-3, 205, 333036; Cézanne compared to, 348091; on Cézanne's art, 185-86, 187, 227, 348ml, 368n27; and correspondence with Fontainas, 204—10; and corre­spondence with Schuffenecker, 185-91, 349ni04; and decorative arts, 85, 102-9, 103-4, 203, 210, 350m 12; Durand-Ruel exhibition of, 210, 353m59; family background of, 103; Fontainas's review of, 204; Roger Fry's commentary on, 292; and impressionism, 185, 186, 189, I9I, 339nI. 3491108; and Japanese art, 102, 192, 193, 35ini27; and me­dievalism, 102, 192, 193; Mirbeau's advocacy of, 277, 3530152; Edvard Munch influenced by, 242, 244; painting technique of, 102, 192, 330m 5, 347-48091; polemicism of, 104; and relations with Mallarmé, 204—5, 209; and relations with Na­bis, 235, 236, 237, 239, 241; and re­lations with van Gogh, 189-91, 212, 213, 219-20; religiosity of, 192, 202, 34002; subject matter of, 154, 155, 348094; and synthetism, 186, 188, 190, 192, 193, 197, 242, 339m. 348n9i, 349ni04; Tahitian sojourn of, 104, 154, 155. 195, 204-10, 339ni. 353nI51 Gauguin, Paul, works: Calvary, 202, 241; Garden of Olives, 202; Self- Portrait (Les Misérables), 189, 18g; Struggle of Jacob and the Angel, 192-94, ipj, 202, 241, 348n94; Whence Do We Come?, 204-6, 206-7; Yellow Christ, 202 Le Gaulois (newspaper), 48 Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1777-1855), 167 Gautier, Théophile (1811-1872), 13, 26, 125, 126; on Puvis de Cha-vannes's art, 35—39. 159, 323n45, 341028, 3531149 Gazette des Beaux-Arts (periodical), 255 Geometric bases of composition, 159, 161-62, 164, 167-71, 172, 210, 343-45H The Germ (periodical), 17, 18, 19 Germain, Alphonse, 360m Gérôme, Léon (1824-1904), 99, 224, 3510130, 364036 Gervex, Henri (1852-1929), 161, 188, 3 49m 00 Ghirlandaio, Domenico (1449-1494), 266 Gil Blas (periodical), 276 Gilbert, Gustave-Charles (1842-1899), 161 Giorgione da Castelfranco (c. 1477- 1511), 34in22 Giotto di Bondone (c. 1266-1337), 265, 267 Glazing, as artistic technique, 34in22 Gobelins factory, 343039 Goeneutte, Norbert (1854-1899), 161 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832), 10, 73, 152 Gogh, Theo van (1857-1891), 155, 211-17, 242, 350m 14, 353H52 Gogh, Vincent van (1853-1890), 72, 117, 127, 159, 177, 194, 277, 286, 330m5; Aurier's commentary on, 212, 218-26, 284; compared to Ed­vard Munch, 243, 244; and corre­spondence with brother, 155, 211-17; and Japanese art, 213, 380 I N D E X 35411174; post-impressionist aesthet­ics of, 136, 154, 155, 213; and rela­tions with Gauguin, 189-91, 212, 213, 219-20; on religious belief, 214, 215, 354nn; and religious subject matter, 340n2; stylistic development of, 211-12, 339m; and synthetism, 212, 339m; technique of, 190, 211-12, 218, 225 Gogh, Vincent van, works: The Draw­bridge, 225; The Night Café, 212, 212, 213, 216; Postman, 225; The Potato Eaters, 216; Provençal Woman, 225; The Sower, 223, 224; Woman Rocking a Cradle, 224; Young Girl Holding a Rose, 225; The Zouave, 225 Goncourt, Edmond de (1822-1896), 130, 334n8, 335ni5 Goncourt, Jules de (1830-1870), 130, 334118, 335ni5 Görres, Joseph von (1776-1848), 10, 3i7n25 Gothic art, 24, 75, 237, 265; and archi­tectural design, 84-85, 105, 120, 332n23; and decorative design, 81-82, 91, 95 Goupil & Cie art dealers, 211, 350m 14, 355ni78 Gourmont, Remy de (1858-1915), 127, 133, 310, 338n58, 370-71059; and Dreyfus case, 301, 302, 304; on Flaubert's writing, 299, 300; "Funé­railles du style" by, 190, 299-301, 326n84; on metaphor, 55, 151, 299, 300; "Les mots et les idées" by, 302-5; and post-symbolist move­ments, 281-82, 283, 308; and Re-don's works, 54, 55, 299, 300, 326084; on subconscious, 281-82, 301, 36708; on Zola's writing, 319m Goury, Jules, 87 Goya y Lucientes, Francisco José de (1746-1828), 51, 53 Goyen, Jan van (1596-1656), 221 Gozzoli, Benozzo (1420-1498), 3580212 Grafton Gallery, in London, 286, 288, 339ni Grand Café des Beaux-Arts (Café Vol­pini), in Paris, 188, 242, 3580222 Grandville, J.-J., 3251174 Graphic automatism, 182, 285, 347088 Great Exhibition of 1851, in London, 80, 85, 89, 329m Greco, El (Doménikos Theotokópou-los, 1541-1614), 34in22 Gropius, Walter (1883-1969), 120 Gsell, Paul (1870-1957), 75-79 Guignet, Adrien (1816-1854), 267, 364041 Guigniaut, Joseph (1794-1876), 9, 10 Guillaumet, Gustave-Achille (1840- 1887), 224 Guillaumin, Armand (1841-1927), 179, 34ön73 Hadrian (A.D. 76-138), 130, 335014 Les Halles, in Paris, 98, 332024 Hals, Frans (c. 1581-1666), 215, 222 Hamsun, Knut (1859-1952), 242 "Hard gem-like flame" (Pater), 28, 29, 288 Harmonic vibrations, 317-18035 Harmony: in Baudelaire's aesthetic theory, 1, 3, 10, 140, 318035; in Cé­zanne 's aesthetic theory, 154; and Eiffel's design theory, 100, 101; in Roger Fry's aesthetic theory, 288, 290; in Gauguin's design theory, 107, 108; and geometric theory of art, 167, 168, 172; in Hodler's art, 247-48, 251, 3600238; in Owen Jones's design theory, 87; in La-forgue's aesthetic theory, 41, 53, 36708; in Leroux's aesthetic theory, 8, 317-18035; in Nabi aesthetics, 236, 237; in Armand Point's aesthetic theory, 274; in post-impressionist art, 153, 154, 164, 167, 168, 172, 175; in Rodin's sculptures, 76; in Seurat's art, 164, 172; in Whistler's "Ten O'Clock" lecture, 68, 69 Hartmann, Eduard von (1842-1906), 41 Haussmann, Eugène (1809-1891), 324064, 329m 381 I N D E X Hegel, G. W. F. (1770-1831), 10, 3181142 Heine, Heinrich (1797-1856), 5, 3i6ni9 Helleu, Paul (1857-1927), 179, 347"79 Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdi­nand von (1821-1894), 343n40 Hennequin, Emile (1858—1888), 48-52, 127, 325n77, 334n6 Henry, Charles (1859-1926), 159, 164, 167-71, 185, 210, 33ini6, 342n33, 344*~45nn5i-52 Henry, Emile (1872-1894), 176, 346n73 Herbert, Robert L., 342n34 Herder, Johann Gottfried von (1744- 1803), 8, 9, 10 Heredia, José-Maria de (1842-1905), 13 Hermaphroditism: in aestheticism, 26, 27; in Khnopff's art, 60; in Rossetti's art, 19; in Swinburne's writing, 26, 27 Hermetism, in Mallarmé's writing, 126 Heyden, Jan van der (1637-1712), 221 Hieratic art, 3-4, 63, 158, 177, 245, 264, 352M42 Hieroglyphs: in Aurier s aesthetic theory, 194, 201; in Delacroix's aes­thetic theory, 4 Hildebrand, Adolf von (1847-1921), 71 Hittorff, Jacques-Ignace (1792-1867), 332n24 Hobbema, Meindert (1638-1709), 221 Hobby Horse (periodical), 95, 96, 97 Hodler, Ferdinand (1853-1918), 154, 245-51, 246, 254, 339m, 359-6onn Hoene-Wronski. See Wronski, Josef Maria Hokusai, Katsushika (1760-1849), 70, 328m 10, 35411174 Holbein, Hans (14653-1524), 267, 3i6ni2 Homer (9th-8th century B.C.), 299, 300 Homer, William, 164 Hooch, Pieter de (1629-1677), 221 Home, Herbert (1864-1916), 95 Horta, Victor (1861-1947), 85, 118, 119 Hugo, Victor (1802-1855), 26, 140-41, 189, 190, 302, 325073 Humbert de Superville, D. P. G., 164, 168 Hunt, William Holman (1827-1910), 17 Huret, Jules (1864-1915), 140-42, 337136 Hutchinson, James L., 306 Huysmans, Joris-Karl (1848-1907), 59, 104, 109, 125, 253, 265, 276, 324ml, 332n23; on Cézanne's art, 227-29; and decadent movement, 44, 128, 325n77; on Eiffel Tower, 98, 104, 332n32; on Moreau's art, 44-47, 125, 324n6i Les Hydropathes (literary club), 125, 172 Les Hydropathes (periodical), 172 Hysteria, 5, 7, 136 Ibels, Henri (1867-1936), 235 Ibsen, Henrik (1828-1906), 175, 242, 346n70 Iconography: and formalist criticism, 366n3; in Gauguin's art, 340n2; in Nabis' art, 339n2; in Pre-Raphaelites' art, 17, 24; in Rops's art, 365^9 Ictinus (5th century B.C.), 264, 36ini6 "Idea in a form perceptible to the senses" (Moréas), 150, 151, 172, 194, 350ni2i Idealism, 59, 133, 151, 159, 194, 196, 197. 327194 Ideism, 194, 197, 198, 200, 201 Image, Selwyn (1849-1930), 95 Imagination: in Apollinaire's aesthetic theory, 313; in Baudelaire's aesthetic theory, I, 4, 5, 6; in Delacroix's aes­thetic theory, 4; in Roger Fry's aes­thetic theory, 288-89, 290, 291, 294; in Hodler's aesthetic theory, 247; in Mackmurdo's design theory, 97; in 382 I N D E X Parnassian poetics, 13; in Pre- Raphaelite art, 18; in Ruskin's writ­ing, 320m 7 Impassivity: in Parnassian poetics, 13, 15; in Puvis de Chavannes's art, 38; in romantic-symbolist art, 14, 15 Impressionism: and Anquetin's art, 179; artistic techniques of, 88, 153, 160, 161-62, 178, 227, 34in22; and Aurier's art criticism, 197; Casta-gnary's reviews of, 255; and Cé­zanne s art, 87, 153, 227, 296; and Degas s art, 178; and Ensor's art, 153; Fénéon's commentary on, 160-63; and Roger Fry's art criti­cism, 287, 292-93; and Gauguin's art, 102, 185, 186, 189, 191, 339m, 349nio8; and Guillaumin's art, 179, 346n79; and Hodler's art, 246; Mal-larmé's commentary on, 139; and Manet's art, 139; and Mantz's art criticism, 354ni73; and Henri Mar­tin's art, 252; and Roger Marx's salon reviews, 255, 256; and Mirbeau's writing, 277; and Monet's art, 71-72; and Münchs art, 242; and Parnassian poetry, 13, 14; and Ar­mand Point's art, 270; and romantic symbolism, 14; and Seurat's art, 59, 339m; and van Gogh's art, 211, 215, 217, 339m; and Whistler's art, 65. See also Neo-impressionism; Post-impressionism Indian art, 80, 86 Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique (1780-1867), 15, 245, 261, 264, 265, 266, 363029 Iron architecture, 85, 98-101, 105, 332n23 Islamic art, 86, 89, 33onio Izambard, Georges, 136, 137 Jansenism, 265, 3621126 Japanese art: and Anquetin's technique, 177, 181; and cloisonism, 177, 181, 34in28; and decorative arts, 83, 95, 192; and Gauguin's art, 102, 192, t93, 35111127; and Nabi aesthetics, 237; and neo-impressionism, 159, 342n34; and post-impressionism, 153; and Puvis de Chavannes's art, 43; and synthetism, 67, 151, 153; and Toulouse-Lautrec's art, 339m; van Gogh's appreciation of, 213, 354ni74; and Whistler's art, 67, 70, 83, 328MIO Jarry, Alfred (1873-1907), 282, 283, 306-7, 308, 311 Jenney, William Le Baron (1832-1907), 110 Jeune Belgique (periodical), 59 Joanes (VicenteJuan Macip, 1500?- 1579). 265, 362n25 Johnson, John G., 286 Jones, Owen (1809-1874): and art nouveau, 81; Crystal Palace deco­rated by, 80, 86; design theory of, 80-81, 82, 86-90, 91, 101, 102, in; illustrated books by, 86; and Indian art, 80, 86; and Middle Eastern art, 80, 86, 88, 89, 158, 190, 328nio6, 350m 12; religious art valued by, 87-88; and Renaissance art, 88; and utopianism, 81, 82, 87 Jongkind, Johann-Barthold (1819- 1891), 35911231 Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678), 261 Jullien, Jean (1854-1919), 241 Kafka, Franz (1883-1924), 301 Kahn, Gustave (1859-1936), 125-26, 154, 172-74 Kandinsky, Wassily (1866-1944), 71 Kant, Immanuel (1724-1804), 8-9, 10, 59, 62, 194, 327094 Kaulbach, Wilhelm von (1805-1874), 266, 3641239 Khnopff, Fernand (1858-1921), 118, 159, 254; on Burne-Jones's art, 30, 33-34; Verhaeren's commentary on, 59-64 Khnopff, Fernand, works: D'après Flaubert, 60, 62-63; Head Study fora Female Sphinx, 60, 61, 63-64 383 I N D E X Klimt, Gustave (1862-1918), 339m Klinger, Max (1857-1920), 71, 256, 3Óin9 Koechlin, Maurice, 100 Krohg, Christian (1852-1925), 359n229 Kropotkin, Pyotr Alekseyevich (1842— 1921), 176, 34ón72 La Bruyère, Jean de (1645-1696), 129, 335ni3 La Fontaine, Jean de (1621-1695), 210, 323057 324061, 353ni6o Laborde, Léon de (1807-1869), 80, 329m Labrouste, Henri (1801-1875), 85 Lacombe, Georges (1868-1916), 235 Laforgue, Jules (1860-1887), 41, 43, 71, 125, 3Ó7n8 Lairesse, Gerard de (1641-1711), 74, 329m 19 Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste de Monet de (1744-1829), m Lautréamont (Isidore Ducasse, 1846- 1870), 281, 36705 Lavater, Johann Kaspar (1741-1801), 325072 Le Sueur, Eustache (1616-1655), 265, 3Ó2n2ó Leclerq, Julien (1865-1901), 277 Leconte de Lisle, Charles (1818-1894), 13, 98, 31905 Lenepveu, Eugène, 352ni49 Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), 75, 156, 270, 292, 347n85, 368029; Péla-dan's citation of, 261, 265, 3Ó2n22; Redon's admiration for, 54, 55, 325-26083 Leroux, Alfred, 332024 Leroux, Pierre (1797-1871), 8-10, 3i7-i8n35, 318040 Lévy-Dhurmer, Lucien (1865-1953), 252 Leys, Henri (1815-1869), 266, 364040 La Libre Esthétique, 120 Lindsay, A. W. C., 3 20m 6 Littré, Emile (1801-1881), 59, 62, 326-27094 Loustauneau, Auguste, 3510130 Louvre museum, 80, 106, 209 Lugné-Poe, Aurélien (1869-1940), 3580223 Luminists, 160, 344051 Lutèce (periodical), 132, 336019 Lycée Condorcet (formerly Lycée Fon­tanes), 235 MacCarthy, Desmond (1878-1952), 286 Mackintosh, Charles Rennie (1868— 1928), 339m Mackmurdo, Arthur H. (1851-1942), 82, 83, 95-97, 105 Maeterlinck, Maurice (1862-1949), 126, 143-46, 257, 277, 334n8, 337n4i, 338n48 Magritte, René (1898-1967), 284 Maisons du peuple. See Cultural Houses of the People Mâle, Emile (1862-1954), 36603 Mallarmé, Stéphane (1842-1898), 53, 59, 62, 117, 150, 242, 271, 277; Fry's translations of, 296; Gauguin's rela­tions with, 204-5, 209; Hennequin's commentary on, 334n6; Huret's in­terview with, 140-42, 337036; liter­ary receptions (Tuesdays) hosted by, 48, 67, 126, 127, 143, 147, 172, 235, 256, 299, 318m, 31904, 324065; lit­erary style of, 126, 139, 140; Maeter­linck's friendship with, 143; Manet's friendship with, 139; and Nabi art­ists, 235; and Parnassian movement, 13, 139, 141; and Verlaine's "Poètes maudits" anthology, 132, 336019; Whistler's friendship with, 67, 139 Manet, Edouard (1832-1883), 117, 160, 237, 242, 255, 341028, 36in9, 366n3; and Grafton Gallery exhibit, 286; Mallarmé's friendship with, 139; and Parnassian poetry, 13; Whistler's friendship with, 65 Manet, Edouard, works: Luncheon on the Grass, 3270101; Olympia, 108-9, 3331139 384 I N D E X Mannerism, 15, 36, 45, 49, 323M144-45, 3651157 Mantegna, Andrea (1431-1506), 15, 30, 45, 253 Mantz, Paul (1821-1895), 216, 35411173 Marcus Aurelius (A.D. 121-180), 264, 36ini7 Marées, Hans von (1837-1887), 71 Margaritone, 265, 3Ó2n20 Marinetti, Filippo-Tommaso (1876— 1944), 310 Marquet, Albert (1875-1947), 286 Martin, Henri (1860-1943), 252 256, 258, 260 Marx, Roger (1859-1913), 252, 255-60 Masson, André (b. 1896), 285 Materialism, 12, 41, 59, 277, 327094; Péladan's condemnation of, 261, 263, 265, 267 Mathematical bases of composition. See Geometric bases of composition Matisse, Henri (1869-1954), 280, 291, 308, 366m Mauclair, Camille, 360m Maurice, J. F. D. (1805-1872), 118 Maus, Octave (1856-1919), 333n54 Maxence, Edgard (1871-1954), 252 Mechanization, 119-20, 282, 310 Medievalism: and aestheticism, 27; and architectural design, no; and Burne- Jones's art, 24, 26, 92; and cloison-ism, 177, 178, 34in28, 347083; and decorative arts, 91, 92, 102, 106, 118; and Gauguin's art, 102, 192, 193; and Moréas's writing, I5r, 338054; and Morris's art, 91, 92; and Péladan's writing, 253-54, 362026; and Pre- Raphaelites, 17-18, 24, 26; and Pu vis de Chavannes's art, 35; and Ruskin's writing, 17-18, 320017; and synthetism, 151, 153, 193, 3471183 Meer, Jan van der (1628-1691), 221 Meier-Graffe, Julius, 366n2 Meissonier, Ernest (1815-1891), 99, 220, 226, 246, 266, 277, 355ni85 Memling, Hans (14303-1495), 265 Ménard, Louis (1822-1901), 14 Mendès, Catulle (1841-1909), 13 Menn, Barthélémy (1815-1893), 245 Mercure de France (periodical), 127, 195, 204, 208, 218, 281, 299, 360m Mérimée, Prosper (1803-1870), 12 Mérindol, Jules de, 332024 Merlhès, Victor, 207 Merrill, Stuart (1863-1915), 241, 3580220 Merson, Luc Olivier (1846-1920), 74 Metaphor: and Baudelaire's aesthetics, 4; and Gourmont's aesthetics, 55, 151, 299, 300; and Henry's geometric theory of art, 171; andjarry's writ­ing, 306; and post-symbolist aesthet­ics, 280; and Thoré's art criticism, 322041 Metsu, Gabriel (16293-1667), 221 Metzinger, Jean (1883-1956), 232 Meunier, Paul (Marcel Béja, pseud.), 3171132 Michelangelo (1475-1564), 43, 75, 110, 265, 266, 267, 292, 363034 Michon, Jean Hippolyte (1806-1881), 348n95 Middle Eastern art: and cloisonism, 177; and Gauguin's technique, 102, 190; and Owen Jones's design theory, 80, 86, 88, 89, 158, 190, 350m 12; and post-impressionism, 153; and synthetism, 151, 153, 328nio6 Millais, John Everett (1829-1896), 17 Millet, Jean-François (1814-1875), 35, 108 Mirabeau (Honoré-Gabriel Riqueti, 1749-1791), 362-63028 Mirbeau, Octave (1850-1917), 143, 205, 276-79, 280, 353niS2 Miro, Joan (1893-1983), 285 Mockel, Albert (1866-1945), 12, 318m Modeling, artistic technique of, 15, 88, 162, 231, 343037 Le Moderniste (periodical), 102, 195,236 Moerenhout, Jacques-Antoine (17963-1879), 205 385 I N D E X Monet, Claude (1840-1926), 71-72, 74, 76, 159, 160, 255, 277, 297, 3591231 Monginot, Charles (1825-1900), 267 Le Moniteur universel (newspaper), 36 Monnier, Henri (1799-1877) 35InI30 Montalembert, Charles de (1810- 1870), 32onió Montchal, Louis (1853-1927), 245 Monticelli, Adolphe (1824-1886), 219, 355ni83 Morality, Pre-Raphaelite transcendence of, 22, 26 Morbidity, in decadent literature, 125, 128 Moréas, Jean (1856-1910), 40, 125, 336ni9, 338-39nn; on ideas "percep­tible to the senses" 150, 151, 172, 194 35oni2i; symbolist manifesto of, 126-27, 150-52 Moreau, Gustave (1826-1898), 16, 27, 30, 49, 129, 253, 276, 327196, 339ni. 360m; Huysmans's commentary on, 44-47, 324n6i; Roger Marx's com­mentary on, 256; Péladan's citation of, 268; Verhaeren's commentary on, 60, 62 Moreau, Gustave, works: Fairy and Griffins, 45, 46; Oedipus and the Sphinx, 44 Morgan, John Pierpont (1837-1913), 286 Morice, Charles (1860-1919), 204, 353U5I Moritz, Karl Philipp (1756-1743), 10 Morris, William (1834-1896): and aestheticism, 26, 27, 28; decorative practice of, 82, 91, 118, 271, 33in22; decorative theory of, 91-94; mecha­nization opposed by, 119; and medi­evalism, 91, 92; Paters commentary on, 26-28; political orientation of, 91, 112, 118; and Pre-Raphaelites, 24, 25, 27, 82; Ruskin's influence on, 24, 91, 92; and utopianism, 92 Morris, Faulkner, Marshall and Com­pany, 82, 91 Mottez, Victor (1809-1897), 267, 364041 Munch, Edvard (1863-1944), 72, 154, 155, 242-44, 243, 339m Murat, Joachim (i7Ó7?-i8i5), 279, 366n7i Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban (1617— 1682), 265 Musicality: in Baudelaire's writing, 3, 4, 6, 10, 140; in Cézanne's art, 230; in Delacroix's art, 15; in Denis's art, 235; in Eiffel's design theory, 100; in Ensor's art, 182; in Roger Fry's aes­thetic theory, 280, 287, 289, 290; in Gauguin's art, 85, 105, 178, 185, 190, 205, 3i9n4; in Gothic art, 81; in Henry's aesthetic theory, 168; in Hodler's art, 246, 247; in Owen Jones's design theory, 87; in Leroux's aesthetic theory, 8; in Mackmurdo's design theory, 95; in Mallarmé's writing, 140; in Moréas's writing, 150; in Münchs art, 243; in Nabi art, 235, 236; in neo-impressionist art, 159; in Parnassian poetics, 14; in Armand Point's art, 271; in post-impressionist art, 153, 154; in Puvis de Chavannes's art, 36, 40; in Re-don's art, 49; in Rodin's sculptures, 76; in romantic-symbolist art, 14; in Rossetti's art, 19; in Ruskin's writing, 81, 82, 32oni7, 32in24; in Seurat's art, 164; in van Gogh's art, 178, 213; in Verlaine's writing, 132, 133; in Whistler's art, 67 Musset, Alfred de (1810-1857), I29 258, 335113 Mystery, sense of: in Baudelaire's writ­ing, 5, 6, 140; in Gauguin's art, 154- 55, 192, 197, 209; in Hodler's art, 245; in Khnopff's art, 60; in Maeterlinck's writing, 144, 146; in Mallarmé's writing, 140, 141; in Moréas's writ­ing, 150; in Armand Point's art, 270, 271; in post-impressionist art, 154, 339n2; in Redon's art, 54, 56, 326n84; in Rodin's art, 75; in romantic- 386 I N D E X symbolist art, 14, 60; in van Gogh's art, 155; in Whistler's art, 67 Mysticism: in Balzac's writing, 12; in Cézanne's art, 185, 187; in Huys-mans's writing, 44; Leclerq's critique of, 277; in Pater's writing, 27; in Pé-ladan's writing, 253, 261; in Armand Point's works, 270, 274; in Pre- Raphaelite art, 17; in Schufïenecker's art, 186 Mythology: Apollinaire's réévaluation of, 312; in Böcklin's art, 71, 72-73; in Gauguin's art, 205-6; in Kant's aesthetic theory, 9; in Khnopff's art, 60; in Gerard de Lairesse's art, 74, 329m 19; in Maeterlinck's dramas, 143; in Mallarmé's writing, 139; in Parnassian poetry, 13, 14, 125, 132, r39 150, 206, 327n9ó; in Péladan's writing, 265, 3Ó2n24; in Redon's art, 49; in romantic-symbolist art, 14, 60, 153; in Verlaine's writing, 330n2i Nabis, 235-41, 254, 306, 33oni5, 339ni, 358n2i6, 360m Naive art, 181 Naturalism: and Balzac's writing, 12; and Bonnat's art, 347n8o; and De-gas's art, 178; and Ensor's art, 182; Roger Fry's repudiation of, 287; and Ibsen's plays, 242; Mallarmé's cri­tique of, 142; and Mantz's art criti­cism, 354ni73; and Mirbeau's writ­ing, 276; and Munch's art, 242; Péladan's condemnation of, 254; Ar­mand Point's opposition to, 270; and popular song, 125; and positivism, 59, 62, 326n94; and Pre-Raphaelite art, 17; and Renaissance perspective, 3; and Rodin's art, 76; and Rops's art, 3Ó5n49; and Sickert's art, 286; and Toulouse-Lautrec's art, 339111; and van Gogh's art, 211; and Verhaeren's writing, 59, 62; Verlaine's disavowal of, 133; and Whistler's art, 65; and Zola's writing, 12, 218, 222, 254, 318-içni, 32Ón93, 347084. See also Romantic naturalism Nature: harmonic vibrations in, 3i7n35; laws of, 9, 54, 55; in Redon's writing, 54, 55; as "vast dictionary" (Baudelaire on Delacroix), 4, 140, 194, 247, 283; in Whistler's lecture, 68-70 Nazarenes, 17, 18, 37, 320ni6, 362ml, 364ml; French reception of, 261, 263; Rossetti influenced by, 17, 19, 320m 3 Neo-impressionism, 33oni3, 334055; Fénéon's explication of, 159-63, 178, 342nn, 367n6; and geometric theory of art, 159, 161-62, 164, 167-71, 172, 210, 343~45nn, 36on24o; and Japanese art, 159, 342n43; and Henri Martin's art, 252, 256; and Munch's art, 242; and Pissarros art, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162, 33oni3; and Rose + Croix exhibitions, 254; and Seurat's art, 117, 127, 157, 33im6, 342n28, 343nn; and Signac's art, 154, 157, 162, 175, 179, 344n5i; and van Gogh's art, 211 Neoplatonism, 147, 159, 270, 32i-22n32; in Aurier's aesthetic theory, 194, 219, 3510123, 3520138; in Dante's works, 32in2i; in Péla­dan's writing, 253, 254; in Pre- Raphaelite works, 18, 19, 21, 24, 27, 253 Neveux, Marguerite, 3451152 Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900), 6 Nittis, Giuseppe de (1846-1884), 161 Notre Dame cathedral, 35911231 Nouguier, Edouard, 100 Nouvel Hippodrome, 98, 332024 Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg, 1772-1801), 338048, 37in6o Objectivity: and formalist criticism, 280; and ideism, 200; and naturalism, 62, 326n94; and rationalism, 349097 Obscurity, aesthetic, 5, 140, 141-42, 150, 152, 281 Occultism, 44, 270, 271, 36005, 365060 387 I N D E X Ohnet, Georges (1848-1918), 265, 3631130 Organic form: in architectural design, 83,95, 111-12; in Redon's art, 54, 55. 56, 3251174 Ornamental arts. See Decorative arts Orsel, Victor (1795-1850), 261, 266, 364041 Osbert, Alphonse (1857-1939), 252, 278 Ostade, Adriaen van (1610-1685), 221 Overbeck, Friedrich (1789—1869), 17, 261, 263, 266 Ovid (43 B.C.?—A.D. 17), 265, 3Ó2n24 Oxford University, 24, 26, 91 Panofsky, Erwin (1892-1968), 36703 Pantheism, 76, 247 Parallelism, Hodler's concept of, 246-47, 250-51, 3600238 Paris: Commune in, 337n3o; Hauss-mann's reconstruction of, 324064, 329m; monumental architecture in, 98-101, 332024 Le Parnasse contemporain (periodical), 13 Parnassians, 12-15, 59, 98, 143; and Baudelaire's writing, 6, 13, 139; and Mallarmé's writing, 13, 139, 141; and mythological themes, 13, 14, 125, 132, 139. 150, 206, 327n96; prosody of, 13, 133, 150; and ro­mantic symbolism, 14-15; and ro­manticism, 12-14; and Verlaine's writing, 13, 126, 132, 139 Pater, Walter (1839-1894): and aesthe-ticism, 26, 27, 28, 129, 295, 322n35; on ecstatic feeling, 27, 29, 30, 112, 288, 295; and formalist criticism, 288, 295; on "hard gem-like flame" 28, 29, 288; and Pre-Raphaelites, 14, 26, 27, 28; on Provençal poetry, 28, 144; and relations with Algernon Swinburne, 26, 27; on religion of art, 27, 295 Paxton, Joseph (1801-1865), 85 Péladan, Joséphin (1858-1918), 60, 253-54, 261-69, 270, 271, 277, 326n83, 356ni9i, 36o-6inn, 363ml Périn, Alphonse (1798-1875), 261, 267, 364041 Perspective, laws of, 3, 156, 347n85 Perugino (Pietro Vannucci, 1446— 1523), 3580212 Pessimism: in Baudelaire's writing, 27; in Flaubert's writing, 327096; in Par­nassian movement, 13; in Péladan's writing, 365051; in Saint-Simon's writing, 365051; in Schopenhauer's philosophy, 327095 Petite bourgeoisie, 196, 306, 3510130 Pforr, Franz (1788-1812), 17 Phidias (5th century B.C.), 76, 79, 264, 36ini6 Philo (13 B.C.-A.D. 54), 32in32 Phrenology, 325072 Picabia, Francis (1879-1953), 370n53 Picard, Edmond (1861-1899), 53. 59. 326n89, 333n54 Picasso, Pablo (1881-1973), 280, 286, 308, 339m, 366m Pichois, Claude, 31507, 318040 Piero della Francesca (c. 1410-1492), 291, 368n26 Piette, Ludovic (1826-1877), 160 Pindar (c. 522-c. 438 B.C.), 152 Piot, René (1866-1934), 360m Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903), 255; anarchism of, 175; neo-impressionist aesthetics of, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162, 330ni3; painting technique of, 158, 160, 161, 34in25, 348091; and synthetism, 3280106 Pissarro, Lucien (1863-1944), 157, 160, 328nio6 Plastic symbolism, 60, 62 Plato (c. 428-c. 348 B.C.), 194, 195, 198, 247, 264, 32in32, 3590236 Plotinus (A.D. 205-270), 322032 Poe, Edgar Allan (1809-1849): Baude­laire influenced by, 5, 7, 131, 136; Péladan's citation of, 266; Redon in­fluenced by, 49, 51, 57 388 I N D E X Point, Armand (1861-1932), 252, 270-75, 2ji, 278, 360m Politics: of Gauguin, 104; of William Morris, 91, 112, 118; ofRuskin, 82, 112, 117, 118; ofSignac, 175-76, 346n7o; of van de Velde, 117, 118, 119. See also Anarchism; Democ­racy; Socialism; Utopianism Pollock, Jackson (1912-1956), 368n27 Polychromatic technique, 120, 334n57 Pont-Aven, artists of, 235, 254 Positivism, 41, 59, 62, 277, 326n94, 35011123 Post-impressionism: and Baudelaire's aesthetic theory, 154; and Cézanne's art, 227; Roger Fry's commentary on, 286—94; London exhibitions of, 286, 288; and Maeterlinck's dramas, 144; and Mallarmé's writing, 140; and Roger Marx's salon reviews, 256; naturalistic subjects in, 153; and Rimbaud's writing, 136; and Ver-laine's writing, 132, 133. See also Cloisonism; Synthetism Potter, Paul (1625-1654), 221 Poussin, Nicolas (1594-1665), 294 Pre-Raphaelites: and "art for art's sake" 19, 26, 27; and artistes de l'âme, 60, 252, 253; and Burne- Jones's art, 24, 26, 91, 253; and deco­rative arts, 82; and education of workers, 118; founding of, 17; French reception of, 253, 256, 270, 276, 360m; and Gautier's writing, 36; and Khnopff's art, 60; and medi­evalism, 17-18, 24, 26; and Neopla-tonism, 18, 19, 21, 24; and Pater's writing, 14, 26, 27, 28; and Rossetti's art, 19, 23, 91; and Ruskin's writing, 17-18, 24, 82, 91, 322n34; second wave of, 24, 27, 253; and Swin­burne's writing, 14, 24; and George Frederic Watts's art, 24, 252, 253 Primaticcio, Francesco (1504-1570), 38, 323n44 Prosody: Mallarmé's critique of tradi­tional, 140-41; Moréas's theory of, 150, 152, 339n6o; of Parnassians, 13, 133, 150 Provençal poetry, Pater's commentary on, 28, 144 Psychic automatism, 284 Psychology: and Aurier's essay on van Gogh, 218, 219; and Bourget's study of Baudelaire, 128, 129; and Roger Fry's aesthetic theory, 296; and Hen-nequin's art criticism, 48; and Leon­ardo's art, 270; and Armand Point's art, 270; and symbolist "pathology" 317032 Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre (1824- 1898): and allegorical themes, 35-36; and artistes de l'âme, 253, 254, 360m; compared to Gauguin, 203, 204, 210; Fénéon's commentary on, 40, 41, 159; Gautier's appraisal of, 35-39, 159, 232045, 34H128, 353ni49; Hodler influenced by, 245, 246, 251; Laforgue's interpretation of, 41, 43; Henri Martin influenced by, 256; Pantheon paintings assigned to, 352ni49; and participation in Sa­lons, 246, 323057; Péladan's citation of, 266, 268; and relations with Ed­mond Aman-Jean, 256; and relations with Théodore Chassériau, 16, 36; and romantic symbolism, 16, 35, 339m; symbolism repudiated by, 40; technique of, 35, 36, 40, 43, 49, 323045; Thoré's critique of, 35-36 Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre, works: Bellum, 35-36, d6, 37, 38-39; Con­cordia, 36, 37, 37, 38, 39; Fisherman's Family, 41, 42, 43 Puy, Jean (1876-1960), 286 Quinet, Edgar (1803-1875), 3i8n4i Rabelais, François (14943-1553), 151, 152, 339n6o Raffaelli, Jean-François (1850-1924), 160, 188, 349nioi 389 I N D E X Rais, Jules, 3661165 Randomness, as aesthetic device, 133 Ranson, Paul(1864-1909), 235, 240,241 Rapetti, Rodolphe, 317032, 342n32 Raphael (1483-1520), 17, 265, 266, 267, 349097, 362n22, 363ml Rationalism, 41, 263, 327094, 349097, 350M23 Ravachol (François Claudius Koenig-stein, 1859-1892), 176, 346n73 Realism: and Apollinaire's writing, 310, 311; and Aurier's aesthetic theory, 198, 218, 222; and Courbet's art, 35; and formalist criticism, 293, 297; and Maeterlinck's dramas, 143; and Wyzewa's aesthetic theory, 148 Reclus, Elisée (1830-1905), 176, 346072 Redon, Odilon (1840-1916), 16, 44, 125, 185, 235, 299; and decadent art, 52, 53 55. 325n77; Gourmont cited by, 54, 55, 326084; Gourmont's commentary on, 299, 300; Henne-quin's commentary on, 48-52; Mel-lerio's commentary on, 57-58; or­ganic forms depicted by, 54, 55, 56, 325n74; and relations with Stéphane Mallarmé, 53; and romantic symbol­ism, 49, 53, 339m; technique of, 49, 53; Verhaeren's commentary on, 60, 62; writings on art by, 53—56 Redon, Odilon, works: Angel and De­mon, 51; The Dream, 51; Etruscan Woman, 50; Flower with a Child's Face, 50, 50; Head of a Satyr, 51; Homage to Goya, 53; Martyr's Head in a Cup, 50-51, 51; To Edgar Poe, 51 Reichen, Bernard, 332024 Religion: in Delacroix's art, 192-93, 264; in Ensor's art, 183-84; in Gau­guin's art, 192, 202, 340n2; in Nabis' art 339-4002; and Pater's religion of art, 27, 295; in Péladan's writing, 253, 261, 263, 264, 265, 267-69; in post-impressionist art, 339-4002; in Pre-Raphaelite movement, 17-18, 24; in romantic-symbolist art, 14, 44; symbol's importance in, 8; in Utopian theory, 87-88; in van Gogh's art, 34on2; in van Gogh's correspon­dence, 214, 215, 354nn; in Verlaine's writing, 33Ón2i. See also Spirituality Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn (1606- 1669), 54, 56, 237, 267, 290 Renaissance art: and artistes de l'âme, 252, 270; and Aurier's writing, 198; and Baudelaire's writing, 3; concept of perceptual reality in, 136; and De­lacroix's technique, 15; and Roger Fry's formalist criticism, 287, 293; glazing technique of, 34in22; Owen Jones's rejection of, 88; and Mack-murdo's architectural design, 95; and Moreau's technique, 45; and Péla­dan's writing, 254, 261, 265, 362021; perspectival technique of, 3, 3471185; and Armand Point's art criticism, 270-75; and Armand Point's tech­nique, 270; and Puvis de Chavannes's technique, 35, 159, 323045, 34in28; and Rodin's sculptures, 75; and Rus-kin's writing, 18, 261; and Schwabe's technique, 256; van de Veldes cri­tique of, 118, 120 Renaissance literature, 151 Renan, Ernest (1823-1892), 265, 268, 363030, 3641148 Renoir, Auguste (1841-1919), 160 Rethel, Alfred (1816-1859), 3, 3i6ni2 Revolution of 1789, in France, 3Ó2nn27-28 La Revue blanche (periodical), 157, 239 Revue de Genève (periodical), 245 La Revue fantaisiste (periodical), 13 La Revue indépendante (periodical), 127, 157, 168, 177, 178, 179 La Revue wagnérietme (periodical), 127, 147, 178 Rewald, John, 339m Ribalta, Francisco (1558?-1628), 265 Rimbaud, Arthur (1854-1891), 7, 126, 132, 136-38, 336—37ml, 347088 Rio, Alexis-François (1797-1874), 32oni6 390 I N D E X Rippl-Rónai, József (1861-1927), 235 Ritter, William (1867-1955), 71-74 Robert, Philippe, 3321124 Robespierre, Maximilien (1758-1794), 362028 Rochefort, Henri de (1830-1913), 265, 363030 Rodin, Auguste (1840-1917), 75-79, 78, 159, 246, 256, 277 Roland de La Platière, Jean-Marie (1734-1793), 362n28 Roll, Alfred (1846-1919), 161 Roman architecture, 88, 264 Romanesque art, 264 Romantic naturalism, 12, 35, 117, 211 Romantic symbolism: and artistes de l'âme, 252; artistic technique of, 15; Baudelairean roots of, 27; and Chas-sériau's art, 15-16; and Delacroix's art, 15-16; Huysmans's promotion of, 125; and Khnopff's art, 60; and Roger Marx's Salon reviews, 256; and Moreau's art, 16, 44, 125, 129, 339m; and Parnassian poetry, 14; and Puvis de Chavannes's art, 16, 35, 339m; and Redon's art, 49, 53, 125, 339m; religious aspects of, 14, 44; and Rops's art, 365049; Whistler's re­jection of, 67 Romanticism: Apollinaire's critique of, 311; and "art for art's sake" 19; and Balzac's novels, 12; and Baudelaire's aesthetic theory, 1, 4, 5; and Dela­croix's aesthetic theory, 1, 4, 5; and Delacroix's artistic practice, 15; and formalist criticism, 288, 293, 297; and German aesthetic theory, 10, 317n25; and Hodler's aesthetic theory, 247; andjarry's writing, 283; and Maeterlinck's writing, 338048; and Parnassian poetry, 6, 12, 13, 14; and play of associations, 6, 10, 14; and Rodin's sculptures, 76; and sub­jectivity, 6; symbolism derived from, 12; van de Veldes critique of, 118-19 Rood, Ogden, 343040 Rops, Félicien (1833-1898), 268, 3Ó5n49 Rose + Croix movement, 60, 253, 254, 256, 261, 262, 270, 277, 36o-6in5 Rossetti, Christina (1830-1894), 21-22, 28 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882), 35. 95. 118, 276; and aestheticism, 24, 27, 28; artistic technique of, 19, 22; and decorative arts, 24, 82, 91; Nazarenes' influence on, 17, 19, 320ni3; and Neoplatonism, 18, 19, 21, 253, 32in2i; Péladan's critique of, 36on4; poetry of, 253; Pre- Raphaelites co-founded by, 17; and relations with Edward Burne-Jones, 24; and relations with Elizabeth Sid-dal, 21; and relations with James McNeill Whistler, 65, 66; religious orientation of, 17-19, 21-23 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, works: Beata Beatrix, 21-23, 22; "Hand and Soul" 18-21 Rossetti, Gabriele (1783-1854), 32in2i Rossetti, William Michael (1829- 1919), 65 Rosso Fiorentino (Giovanni Battista de' Rossi, 1494-1540), 38, 323044 Rouault, Georges (1871-1958), 360m Rouen cathedral, 71, 74 Rousseau, Henri (1844-1910), 339m Rousseau, Théodore (1812-1867), 79 Roussel, Ker-Xavier (1867-1944), 235 Royal College of Music, 80 Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640), 261, 267 Ruisdael, Jacob van ( I 628?-I682), 79, 221 Ruskin, John (1819-1900): and art nouveau, 81, 82; and Arts and Crafts movement, 82, 95, 105; and decora­tive arts, 81-82, 91, 102; French re­ception of, 261, 270; and Gothic art, 81-82, 84; mechanization opposed by, 119; and medievalism, 17-18, 82, 320nni6-i7; political orienta- 391 I N D E X Ruskin, John (continued) tion of, 82, 112, 117, 118; and Pre- Raphaelites, 17-18, 24, 82, 91, 322n34; and relations with James McNeill Whistler, 67, 328ni09; Sick­ert influenced by, 286 Russian avant-garde art, 288 Rutebeuf (died c. 1285), 151, 152, 339f6o Ruysbroeck,Janvan (1293-1381), 338n48 Saint-Lazare Station, in Paris, 71, 3590231 Saint-Simon, Henri de (1760-1825), 87, 36ini5, 362n26, 365051 Sallis, Rodolphe, 336m8 Salon of 1827, 15 Salon of 1831, 5 Salon of 1846, 5, 6 Salon of 1 8 5 9 , I Salon of 1864, 44 Salon of 1879, 98 Salon of 1881, 363030 Salon of 1882, 3570198 Salon of 1883, 264 Salon de la Rose + Croix. See Rose + Croix movement Salon de la Société des Artistes Indé­pendants: of 1884, 157, 255; of 1886, 159; of 1887, 159-60; of 1890, 164; of 1891, 245-46; of 1895, 255 Salon de la Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts of 1895, 255 Salon des Artistes Français of 1895, 255 Salon des Champs-Elysées. See Salon des Artistes Français Salon des Refusés of 1863, 327nioi Salon du Champ-de-Mars. See Salon de la Société Nationale des Beaux- Arts Salons: Baudelaire's reviews of, 1, 5, 6; Cézanne's art in, 357ni98; Heine's review of, 5, 316m 9; Hodler's art in, 245-46; Huysmans's reviews of, 98, 33i-32n23; later offshoots of, 246, 255, 261; Manet's art in, 327nioi; Roger Marx's reviews of, 255-60; Moreau's art in, 324n6i; official taste reflected in, 315m; Péladan's reviews of, 254, 261-69; Puvis de Cha-vannes's art in, 323057; Seurat's art in, 255; Whistler's art in, 3270101 Sandreuter, Hans (1850-1901), 73, 329m 18 Sarcey, Francisque (1827-1899), 265, 3631130 Savonarola, Girolamo (1452-1498), 265, 362023 Schalcken, Godfried (1643-1706), 221 Scheffer, Ary (1795-1858), 267, 364041 Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von (1759-1805), 10 Schlegel, Friedrich von (1772-1829), 10 School of The Hague, 211 Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788-1860), 6, 4L 147 Schuffenecker, Emile (1851-1934), 185-91 Schwabe, Carloz (1866-1926), 252, 256, 257, 258, 278 Science: and Apollinaire's aesthetics, 310, 311-12; and division ofhues, 161-62, 164; and Freud's theory of unconscious, 284; and geometric bases of composition, 159, 167-71, 172, 343~45nn; and Gourmont's theory of subconscious, 36708; Péla­dan's condemnation of, 265; and post-symbolist aesthetics, 282, 283, 284, 293, 310; and Sérusier's aesthet­ics, 237; and Taine's aesthetics, 48, 194 Secession group, 73, 3290117 Sense perception: in Baudelaire's aes­thetic theory, 1, 4, 9; in formalist criticism, 280, 289, 294; in Gauguin's aesthetic theory, 185, 186; in Kant's philosophy, 194, 327094; in Leroux's aesthetic theory, 9; in post-impres- 392 I N D E X sionist art, 136; in Renaissance art, 136; in Rimbaud's writing, 136, 138, 347n88; in Wyzewa's aesthetic theory, 149 Sensuality: in Baudelaire's aesthetic theory, 7; in Delacroix's art, 15; in Leonardo's art, 261; in Péladan's writing, 261. See also Eroticism Séon, Alexandre (1855-1917), 252, 278, 360m Sérusier, Paul (1863-1927), 235-38, 239, 240, 358n2ii Seurat, Georges (1859-1891), 136, 154, 155, 175. 231, 255, 256, 286; aesthetic and technical note by, 164-66; and division of hue, 161- 62; Fénéon's commentary on, Î57-59. 342nn, 367n6; Roger Fry's commentary on, 287, 288; and geo­metric theory of composition, 159, 161-62, 164, 167-68, 172, 343— 45nn; impressionist period of, 59, 339ni; and Japanese art, 342^4; Kahn's obituary of, 172-74; neo-impressionist aesthetics of, 117, 127, r57 33im6, 342028; painting tech­nique of, 157-58, 160, 161-62, 164, 165-66, 334n57, 34H25, 344- 45nn5i-52; and synthetism, 339m, 342n28 Seurat, Georges, works: Bathers, As-tiières, 157, 288; Le Chahut, 164, 173-74, 173; The Circus, 344-45052; La Grande-Jatte, 59, 117, 144, Ï57-59, 138; Parade de cirque, 167; Les Poseuses {Models), 159, 164, 168 Sèvres porcelain, 106-7 Shadow-modeling, 88, 231 Shakespeare, William (1564-1616), 54, 145, 152, 269, 3701150 Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792-1822), 10, 97, 300-301, 318042, 33in2i Sickert, Walter (1860-1942), 286-87 Siddal, Elizabeth, 21 Signac, Paul (1863-1935), 231, 241, 286, 342nn; anarchism of, 175-76, 346070; neo-impressionist aesthetics of, 154, 157, 162, 175, 179; painting technique of, 158, 160, 341025, 344n51 Signorelli, Luca (c. 1445-1523), 266 Simultaneous contrast, law of, 161, 343n39, 344n48 Sisley, Alfred (1839-1899), 160, 217 Slingeland, Pietr Cornelisz. van (1640-1691), 221 Social relations, and aesthetic form, 141 Socialism, 8, 118, 119, 346071 Société des Artistes Indépendants, 187, 349n99_ See also Salon de la Société Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, 253, 256. See also Salon de la Société Sociology, and positivism, 326094 Solomon, Simeon (1840-1905), 27 Somnambulism: and artistes de l'âme, 252; in Burne-Jones's art, 30; and dé­doublement, 7; in Gauguin's art, 192; in Pater's writing, 28, 144, 32in27; in Puvis de Chavannes's art, 38, 159; in Rodin's art, 75; in romantic-symbolist art, 14, 252; in Rossetti's art, 23 Soupault, Philippe (1897-1990), 283 Spirituality: in Aurier's aesthetic theory, 194; in Burne-Jones's art, 24; in Owen Jones's design theory, 87; in Kandinsky's art, 96; in Khnopff's art, 63; in Leonardo's art, 261; in Mackmurdo's design theory, 96-97; Mirbeau's attack on, 277; in Munch's art, 242; in Péladan's writing, 254, 261, 263, 271; in Armand Point's art, 271; in post-impressionist art, 153; in Redon's art, 57; in Rossetti's works, 19, 95_96; in Séon's art, 360m; in van Gogh's art, 213; in Verhaeren's writing, 59, 60 Spurzheim, Johann Christoph (1776- 1832), 325172 Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle, 1783 — 1842), 12, 265, 363131 393 I N D E X Stoicism, 3611117 Street, George E. (1824-1881), 91 Stück, Franz von (1863-1928), 71 Subconscious. See Unconscious Subjectivity: in Aurier s aesthetic theory, 194, 200, 218, 219; in Baude­laire's writing, 6, 13, 247; in Dela­croix's art, 15, 247; in Denis's art, 235; in Fichte's philosophy, 6, 194, 327094; in Gauguin's art, 155; in Hartmann's philosophy, 41; in Hod-ler's art, 247; in Khnopff's art, 60; in Mackmurdo's design theory, 97; in Moréas's writing, 150; in Nabi art, 235, 236; in Nietzsche's philosophy, 6; in Parnassians' writing, 13; in Armand Point's art, 271; in post-impressionist art, 153, 155, 178; in post-symbolist aesthetics, 281; in Rodin's sculptures, 76; in romantic-symbolist art, 14, 15; in Rossetti's art, 19; in Schopenhauer's philoso­phy, 6, 41; in van Gogh's art, 218, 219; in Verhaeren's writing, 59, 60, 62; in Verlaine's writing, 133; in Zola's writing, 319m Suggestive art, 55, 32jn82 Sullivan, Louis H. (1856-1924), no-17 Sully Prudhomme (René Prudhomme, 1839-1907), 13 Supernaturalism: in Baudelaire's writ­ing, 4-5, 7, 27, 136, 154; in Böck-lin's art, 71; in Armand Point's art, 270; in Redon's art, 57 Surrealism, 60, 143, 280-85, 3°i, 3°6, 310, 3i6ni6; graphic automatism of, 182, 285, 347088 Swedenborg, Emanuel (1688-1772), 8, 197, 270, 35ini32 Swinburne, Algernon (1837-1909): and aestheticism, 26, 27, 28; French poetry admired by, 14, 26; and Pre- Raphaelites, 14, 24; and relations with Edward Burne-Jones, 24, 26; and relations with Walter Pater, 26, 27; and relations with James McNeill Whistler, 65, 328m 10 Symbol: in German aesthetic theory, 8-10, 317025, 3i8n42; in Maeter­linck's aesthetic theory, 145; in Mal-larmé's aesthetic theory, 140, 142; in Rodin's artistic method, 77, 79; in Ruskin's writing, 320ni7; in Ver­haeren's writing, 61-62 Symbolism: Apollinaire on definition of, 308; Jarry's manifesto of, 306; Leroux's invention of term, 3i8n4o; and literary clubs, 125, 126; and lit­erary periodicals, 125, 127, 172, 195; Moréas's manifesto of, 126—27, 150-52; Parnassian origin of, 6, 12; romantic origin of, 12; surrealism rooted in, 280 Symons, Arthur (1865-1945), 329ni24 Synthesis, as artistic technique, 86, 95 Synthetism: and Aurier's aesthetic theory, 200; and Baudelaire's writ­ing, 4, 6, 328nio6; and Delacroix's art, 4; and Denis's art, 235, 339n2; and Roger Fry's art criticism, 287, 368n26; and Gauguin's art, 186, 188, 190, 192, 193, 197, 242, 339m, 348n9i, 349ni04; and Hodler's art, 245, 246; and Japanese art, 67, 151, 153; and Maeterlinck's dramas, 144; and medieval art, 151, 153, 193, 347n83; and Middle Eastern art, 151, !53 328nio6; and Münchs art, 242, 243; and neo-impressionism, 177, 3341155; and Parnassian poetry, 6; and Redon's art, 49; and Seurat's art, 339m; and Toulouse-Lautrec's art, 339m; and van de Veldes art, 117; and van Gogh's art, 212, 339m; and Whistler's art, 67, 83, 328nio6. See also Cloisonism Taine, Hippolyte (1828-1893), 4L 48, 194, 218, 263, 265-66, 350ni20, 363ml Le Temps (newspaper), 48, 99, 100, 101, 126 Tennyson, Alfred (1809-1892), 14, 30 Terborch, Gerard (1617-1681), 221 394 I N D E X Theater: Maeterlinck's theory of, 144- 46; set design for, 236, 3580223 Theater of the absurd, 301 Théâtre de la Bodinière, in Paris, 252, 276 Théâtre de l'Ambigu, in Paris, 3550176 Théâtre de l'OEeuvre, in Paris, 306 Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier, in Paris, 310 Théâtre-Français, in Paris, 370050 Théâtre-Libre, in Paris, 35511176, 35811219 Thomas à Kempis (c. 1380-1471), 265, 36ini9 Thoré, Théophile (1807-1869; William Thoré-Bûrger, pseud.), 35-36, 65, 322041, 35ini35 Thorn-Prikker, Johan (1868-1932), 339nni—2 Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti, c, 1518— 1594), 265, 362025 Titian (Tiziano Vecelli, c. 1488-1576), 267, 34in22 Tolstoy, Lev Nikolayevich (1882- 1945), 213, 35511176 Toorop, Jan (1858-1928), 339nni-2 Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de (1864- 1901), 177, 339m. 3471182 Tristan y Moscoso, Flora (1803 — 1844), 103 Turner, Joseph Mallord William (1775-1851), 160 Unconscious: in Apollinaire 's writing, 310; in Baudelaire's aesthetic theory, 4, 5, 6; in Breton's aesthetic theory, 283-84; in Denis's art, 235; Freud's theory of, 282, 283; in Gourmont's aesthetic theory, 281, 282, 301, 36708; Hartmann's theory of, 41; in Laforgue's aesthetic theory, 41, 53, 36708; in Maeterlinck's writing, 143; in Redon's art, 48; in Schopenhauer's philosophy, 327n95 Universal Exhibition ofi 85 5, inParis, 36 Universal Exhibition of 1878, in Paris, 253 Universal Exhibition of 1889, in Paris, 30, 105, 107, 108, 188, 195, 242, 253, 255, 354nI73 Universal Exhibition of 1894, in Lyons, 346073 Utilitarianism, architectural, 83-84, in, 264 Utopianism, 8, 81, 82, 87, 92, 119 Vacquerie, Auguste (1819-1895), 265, 3631130 Vagueness, aesthetic, 5, 55, 75, 133 Vaillant, Auguste (1861-1894), 176, 346n73 Vallotton, Félix (1865-1925), 235 Value-modeling, 15, 88, 231, 33oni5 Van Dyck, Anthony (1599-1641), 261 Vannier, Léon, 3 36m 9 Varaggio, Giacomo da (c. 1230-1298), 265, 36ini9 Vaugelas, Claude Favre de (1595- 1650), 152, 339n6o Velazquez, Diego (1599-1660), 235, 349n98 Velde, Henry van de (1863-1957), 83, 117-24, 122, 159 Verhaeren, Emile (1855-1916), 59, 118, 126; on "algebra the key to which was lost" 59, 61, 350ni22; on Ensor's art, 144, 182-84, 285, 347n88, 368n27; on Khnopff's art, 59-64, 326n89 Veristic surrealism, 284 Verlaine, Paul (1844-1896), 1, 59, 150, 241; and decadent movement, 126, 128, 132, 335~36nn; and Parnassian movement, 13, 132, 133, 139; Rim­baud's relations with, 137 Verlaine, Paul, works: "Art poétique" 132-35, 349096; "Ballade de l'Ecole Romane" 336019; "Langueur" 128, 335ni4, 336ni8; "Poètes maudits" 132, 195, 336ni9; Sagesse, 140, 208, 336n2i, 3580221 Veronese (Paolo Caliari, 1528-1588), 34in22, 362n25 Vézelay abbey church, 84 395 I N D E X Vibrations, harmonie, 317-18035 Vicaire, Gabriel (1848-1900), 128, 3520141 Victoria and Albert Museum, in Lon­don, 80 Vielé-Griffin, Francis (1864-1937), 67 Vienna Art Academy, 17 Villon, François (1431-c. 1463), 151, 152, 339n6o Vincent ofBeauvais (1190-1264), 265, 36i-62ni9 Les Vingtistes, 159, 160 Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène (1814-1879), 84, 98, 110, 332n23 Virgil (Publius Virgilius Maro, 70- 19 B.C.), 187 Visionary art and writing, 7, 45, 136, 153, 192, 242 Vlaminck, Maurice de (1876-1958), 286 La Vogue (periodical), 127, 157, 172, 336ni9 Vollard, Ambroise (1868-1939), 204, 358n22i Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet, 1694- 1778), 265, 3Ó2n27 Vuillard, Edouard (1868-1940), 235, 240, 241, 3580216 Wagner, Richard (1813-1883), 125, 139, 143, 147-48, 245 Wainwright Building, in Saint Louis, m, 112-13 Waiden, Herwarth (b. 1878), 308 Waller, Edmund (1606-1687), 297, 3691136 La Wallonie (periodical), 318m Warburg school of art history, 366-6703 Watts, George Frederic (1817-1904), 24, 252, 253 Webb, Philip, 91 Welsh-Ovcharov, Bogomila, 341-42028 Whistler, James McNeill (1834-1903): and aesthcticism, 28; and decorative arts, 83; and Japanese art, 67, 70, 83, 328m 10; literary allusions rejected by, 66-67, 277, 280; as participant in Les XX, 159; and Pre-Raphaelites, 65; and relations with French artists, 65; and relations with Stéphane Mal­larmé, 67, 139; and relations with John Ruskin, 67, 3280109; and rela­tions with Algernon Swinburne, 65, 328m 10; Sickert influenced by, 286; and synthetism, 67, 83, 328nio6; technique of, 65, 67, 83; "Ten O'Clock" lecture by, 67-70 Whistler, James McNeill, works: Noc­turne in Blue and Silver, 67, 68; The White Girl, 65-66, 66 Wilde, Oscar (1854-1900), 28, 272 Wölfflin, Heinrich (1864-1945), 366113 Women's rights, 103 Working class, 82, 91, 118 Working Men's College, in London, 24, 118 World War I, 283 Wouwerman, Philips (1619-1668), 221 Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867-1959), 113 Wronski, Josef Maria (1778-1853), 167 Wyatt, Matthew Digby (1820-1877), 86 Wyzewa, Teodor de (1862-1917), 125, 126, 147-49 Les XX, 59, 60, 117, 118, 159, 160, 177, 179, 326089. See also Les Vingtistes Zeuxis (fl. late 5th century B.C.), 264, 3611117 Ziegler, Jean, 3i8n40 Ziegler, Jules (1804-1856), 267, 364041 Zola, Emile (1840-1902), 265, 3550176; and Dreyfus case, 369041; naturalist aesthetics of, 12, 218, 222, 254, 3i8-i9ni, 3261193, 3471184; and van Gogh's art, 213, 218, 222 Zurbaran, Francisco dc (1598-1664), 265 396
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