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Volltext:Index Page numbers refer both to text and footnotes, numbers with 'n.' (347n.) to notes only. References concerning aesthetic illusion (which W. J. Thomas Mitchell calls illusionism) and its relations to illusion, delusion etc. will be found under illusion and its subtitles. Abrains, M. H. 347п., 360 Absolute poetry 252 Abstract 9.3, 103, 104 Abstract F.xpressionists, Abstract Lx-pressionism 378, 387, 388, 390, 391 Abstraction 97 Actor, collaboration with audience 362 Addison, Joseph 195-201, 204, 206 Essays on the Pleasures oj Imagination 109, 110, 195-200, 204, 206, 255n. Spectator No.58 —62 (attack on false wit) 197 Adler, Alfred 21 Adorno, Theodor W. 3, 349n. Advertizing 76, 78 Aesthetic autonomy, see Autonomy, aesthetic Aesthetic distance, see also Alienation and Disinterestedness 124, 127, 137, 230-233, 236, 238, 242, 244, 246 Aesthetic experience, see Experience, aesthetic Aesthetic ideolect 44 Aesthetic illusion, see Illusion, aes­thetic, and different subtitles Aesthetic immediacy, see Presence Aesthetic interest 144 Aesthetic morality, see Morality Aesthetic play 151 Aesthetics of communication (in Tourist art) 41-61 of representation 120 Aestheticization of morality 105, 110 Affect 84, 85, 88, 117, 198 Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius 73 Agrippa von Nettesheim, i.e. Hein­rich Cornelius Of the Vanitie and LJncertaintie of Arts and Sciences 329n. Aid(s) to reflection 138, 147-151, 154 Aiken, Conrad 33 Air 301-312 Albanese, Ralph Jr. 239n. Alberti, Leon Battista 326 — 328, 330, 332 I IJbri della Eamiglia 327 On Painting ЪП, 328 Alewyn, Richard 233n., 247n. Alexander the Great 72, 74 Alienation, see also Aesthetic distance aesthetic 116, 226, 232, 362-375, 377 linguistic and social 115 social 105 Allegory 317-319, 321, 322 Allen, D. C. 326n. Allston, Washington 151 Swiss Scene, or Diana in the Chase 152, 154, 155 (fig.) Dead Men Reviving from the Touch of the Bones of the Prophet Elijah 154 Elijah in the Desert 154 Alterity 68 — 69 Altick, Richard D. 176n., 220n. Altman, Janet Gurkin 266n. Ambiguity 130—132, 136 ambiguous trident (fig.) 133 450 Index Amis, Kingsley 294n. Ancient drama, see Drama, Greek Anderegg, Johannes 8n. Anderson, R. L. 302n., 355n. Animals birds 70-72 experiments with 75 fish 66, 67, 70 horses 72 "Anschaulichkeit" 5n., 117 — 119 Anti-fiction, art as 235 Anti-illusion 376, 379 Anti-theater 376, 377n. Antoine, André 225 A pelles 72-74 Aphrodite 74 Apollodorus 73 Apparitions, see also Ghost 160, 162, 173, 174 Appearance, see Illusion, appearance Appia, Adolphe 225n. Arbitrary signs, see Signs, arbitrary Aristophanes 376 Aristotle, Aristotelian concept 2, 79, 80, 85, 94, 126, 159n., 164n., 192- 194, 202, 205, 207, 208, 211-213, 233n., 234, 250-253, 255, 363n., 365 Poetics 3, 79 (1448b), 192 (1448a, 1449a, Ch. 3: 1448a-b), 193 (1460a, Ch. 23: 1459a-b, Ch. 24: 1459b-1460b), 194 (1460a, Ch. 24: 1459b-1460b), 207 (1462a-b, Ch. 24: 1459b-1460b, Ch. 26: 1461 b-1462b), 213, 233 (Ch.5: 1449a-b), 250 Problems 126 On the Poets 250 Politics 8,5 (1340a) 253 Artaud, Antonin 391 Artifice, artificiality 209 — 211 Assmann, Aleida 5n., 93n. Assumptions, fictitious 21 Atkinson, Charles Milner 96n. Attneave, Fred 132n. Audience, see also Spectator 3, 208 — 210, 221-231, 232n., 238-241, 246-248, 301-312, 322n., 362- 375, 377-379, 382, 390, 391 collaboration with actor 362 expectations of 234 fictitious on stage 237, 238, 248 Auditory-visual similarity 37 Augustine, Aurelius 325, 326, 330, 333 Confessions 328n., 329n. Exposition on the Book of Psalms 333n. On Seeing God 329n. Augustus 73 Austen, Jane 287 Autobiography 264, 265 Autonomy 117, 118 aesthetic 6, 8, 74, 75, 110, 119, 146 Avant-garde 173 Bacon, Francis 97, 98, 102, 325n. The Advancement of Teaming 97 Essays 98n. La Corona 325 Novum Organon 97, 98n. New Atlantis 97 Bald, Robert Cecil 324n., 330n. Balthasarius, Thomas 334n. Micrometria 174 Balzac, Honoré de 86 — 88, 167n. Illusions perdues 88 Barfield, Owen 328n., 332 Barker, Robert 220 Baroque 178 Barrack, Charles 318n. Barth, John 376 Lost in the Funhouse 296 The Scot-Weed Factor 297 Barthelme, Donald The Glass Mountain 295—296 Paraguay ( City Life J 297 Barthes, Roland 5, 80, 296 Bartholomaeus Anglicus De proprietatibus rerum 303, 307 Barton, Anne 313 Bascom, William 43, 47n. Bashô 256 Bate, Jonathan 145n. Batteux, Charles Les Beaux Arts réduits à un même principe 261 Index 451 Baudelaire, Charles 160, 252, 260 Correspondances 29 Les Paradis artificiels 29 Notes nouvelles sur Edgar Poe 252 Spleen 260 Baudrillard, Jean 41n., 42n., 60n., 78, 93, 104 Baugh, Christopher 218 Baumgarten, Alexander 106 Bausinger, Hermann 5n. Baxandall, Michael 332n. Beaumont, George Peele Castle 360 Beautiful 127, 147, 198, 259, 260 Beckett, Samuel 290n., 292, 293n., 376, 377n., 378, 387 Murphp 286, 290, 291, 293 Ping 290n. Waiting for Godot 378 Behavior 77 Ben-Amos, Paula 47n., 50, 51 Benjamin, Walter 42n., 184n. Benn, Gottfried Karyatide 260 Bentham, Jeremy 96, 97, 102, 103 Bentley, Eric 224n. Berger, John 69n. Berkeley, George Essays towards a New Theory of Vision 166, 172-174, 178 Bestsellers 265 Bible 8, 33, 325, 336n. Bidermann, Jakob 322 Cenodoxus 321 n. Bien, Günther 2n. Black, Max 30, 31, 34, 35, 38 Blackmur, Richard Palmer 122 Blake, William 135, 162 The Gates of Paradise 135 (fig-). 136 Bloom, Harold 147 Blumenberg, Hans 96n. Boaden, James 218, 219 Böhler, Michael 244n. Bollen, Roger 65, 67 Bond, Ronald B. 328n. Booth, Stephen 322n. Borges, Jorge Luis 376 Bornstein, Marc 36n. Bosch, Hieronymus Garden od Earthly Delights 126 The Temptation of Saint Anthony 129 Bostetter, Edward 360 Boulanger, Nicolas-Antoine 167n. Bourdieu, Pierre 81, 146, 147, 150, 154 Bradley, Andrew Cecil 347n. Brady, Philip 5, 362n., 383n. Brauneck, Manfred 363n. Brecht, Bertolt 5, 122, 225-227, 230, 255, 362-375, 376, 387 Arheitsjournal 372n., 373n. Trommeln in der Nacht 368 Leben Eduards des Zweiten von Eng­land 368 Die Ausnahme und die Regel 367, 371 Furcht und Elend des Dritten Reiches 373, 374 Der gute Mensch von Seopcan 371 Kleines Organon für das Theater 122, 363 Das Leben des Galilei 372, 373 Der Messingkauf 225, 226, 362, 364-369, 373, 374 Darstellung von Vergangenheit und Gegenwart in einem 369 Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder 368, 370-372 Der aufhaltsame Aufstieg des Arturo Ui 37Л, 375 Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Maha-gonny 363 Theaterarbeit 370n. Breitinger, Johann Jakob 108 Brentano, Clemens Godwi 275 Breuer, Rolf 24 Brockes, Barthold Hinrich 256 Brook, Peter 226, 227 Brooke-Rose, Christine Thru 296 Brooker, Peter 363n. Brooks, Cleanth 122 Brown, Jane K. 5, 376n. 452 Index Brown, John T.ssays on the Characteristics l()5n., 108 Browne, Alice 171n. Browning, Robert 129 Stadhouse Cells 129 Bryson, Norman 70, 72, 76n., 80, 146n., 166n. Bucolic poetry 259 Büdel, (Oscar 232n. Bühlcr, Karl 38, 99 Bulwer-Lvtton, Edward 281 Bunin, Miraim S. 326n. Bunvan, Paul 379 Bürger, Peter 2n., 234n., 239n., 241n. Burke, Edmund A Philosophical Hnquiry into the Ori­gins of Our Ideas of the Sublime and 'Beautiful 198, 199 Burlesque 242 Burton, Robert The Anatomy of Melancholy 303, 307 Burwick, Frederick 10n., 19, 122, 130n., 136n., 145n., 217, 358n„ 359 Busignani, Alberto 390n. Butcher, S. H. 192n. Butler, Christopher 335n. Byron, George Gordon, Lord 342 Alan fred 342 Sardanapalus 342 Caesar 73 Calderôn de la Barca, Pedro 322 Callirhoe 158, 164, 167 Cal lot, Jacques The Temptation of Saint Anthony 129 Calmann, Gerta 171n. Calvino, Italo 297, 376 Camera obscura 167, 174, 175, 178n. Camera-eye technique, see Illusion, il-lusionistic techniques in the novel Camouflage 77 Campo Santo (Pisa) 151, 154 Canetti, Elias 93, 98 Canto, Monique 171n. Capon, William 218 Capote, Truman In Cold Blood 297 Capture 69, 76 Caravaggio, Michelangelo da 177n., 334n. The Conversion of St. Paul 334n. Carlson, Marvin A. 225n. Carlyle, Thomas 104 Carroll, Lewis Through the Cooking-Class 7 Carver, Carving, see Tourist art, car­ver Cassirer, Ernst 328n., 330n., 335n. Castle, Terry 162n. Catholy, Fickehard 235 Caton, Hiram 168n. Cave, Terence 170n. Caverne obscure 167 Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de Don Quixote Ъ1Ь Chambres obscures 164 Chandler, Raymond 386 Chapeaurouge, Donat de 159n. Chapiro, Marc 232n. Character(s) 376 — 380, 382 — 389 concepts of 238n., 245n., 290n., 317n., 314n. Chardin, Jean-Baptiste Siméon 159 Charles, Elizabeth Rundle Chronicles of the Schönherg-Cotta Family 281, 282 Chatterton, Thomas 279 Chekhov, Anton The Seagull 224, 226 Chiaroscuro 160, 164n., 170n. Childhood 37, 40, 79, 82, 356-358 Children's songs 251 Choderlos de Laclos, Pierre Ambroise François Ces Ciaisons dangereuses 265, 270 — 272 Chronicle, chronical fiction 276, 277, 279, 281, 282 Chubb, Kenneth 391n. Cibber, Colley Richard III 217 Cicero Ad familiäres (familiar letters) 272 Index 453 Cicotcllo, Louis 387n. Cima, Clay Gibson 390n. Cinema, see Movie Ciaessens, Dieter 103, 104n. Clair-obscur 158, 164n., 167n., 170, 176n. Clark, Ira 325n. Classic tragedy 24, 234 Claudius, Matthias 243, 245 Claudius Pulcher 71 Clav, Reginald 173n., 174n., 176n. Climatology 302 Cognition, sec also Perception 2, 3, 6, 14, 19, 31, 35, 78, 97, 105-107, 111, 112, 114, 118, 128 intuitive 117 Cognitive faculties and social estates 111 higher and lower 106, 111 Cognitive metaphor 324 Cohen, Ralph A, 308n. Cohn, Ruby 380, 390 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 2n., 39, 127-129, 138, 144,' 145n., 146 — 154, 156, 157, 160, 217, 220-223, 225, 257n., 284n., 337n., 342-345, 346n., 347, 351, 357, 360 Aids to Reflection 138, 147, 148, 150 The Ancient Mariner 343, 344 Biographia Literaria 2n., 39, 127, 144, 147, 222, 284n., 337, 345n. Kuhla Khan 343, 344 Lectures 1808— 1819: On Literature 220-222 lectures on Literature 128 Letter (1816) 221, 222 Lines written in the Album at El­bingerode 257 Lyrical Ballads 222 Notebooks 152, 153 Philosophical Lectures 152 Colish, Marcia 170n. Collage 379, 390, 391 Collier, Jeremy 108 Comedy 94, 212, 221, 229-249 Comédie larmovante 243 and aesthetic distance 230 — 249 (passim) and bourgeois tragedy 241 and external forces 236 as parody of tragedy 233, 234, 238, 240 eighteenth century 241 greek 233 lower 242 old Greek 234n. Posse 241 reines Lustspiel 241 seat in life 235 self-referential 236, 239 sentimental 243 Shakespeare 313 — 323 Comic of observing 241 self-conscious 242 Comic characters 235 Comic literature 8n. Comic strip 379 Commercial art forms, see Tourist art Commodification 88 Communication 99, 102, 106, 108, 116, 118, 380 visual, see Visual communication Concupiscence of the eyes 328 Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de 115, 116 Conscious awareness, see Illusion, conscious awareness of Constructivism 6, 20—22, 26, 93, 98 Consumer response in tourist art 46 Convention 75-77, 123, 190, 227, 228, 231, 246, 341, 342, 353-355 and nature 67 as artifice 67 Conventional signs, see Signs, con­ventional Conventionalism 67, 69, 70, 75 and relativism 76 sophisticated 67, 70 Cook, Ralph 262n., 382n. Cooper, Eugene 52n. Coo ver, Robert 376 Pricksongs and Descants 296 Coresus 158, 164, 166n,, 167, 168n. Corneille, Pierre 236, 239 11 Illusion comique 236 — 240, 248 454 Index Corno, Alfredo 176n. Costa Lima, Lui2 92n. Court, Thomas H. 173n., 174n., 176n., 178 Cousins, A. D. 324n. Covent Garden 218, 219 Cox, John D. 322n. Craig, D. H. 225, 309n. Cranach, Lucas, the Elder 1жгесе 143, 144 Create, creation, creator, creative 5, 8, 40, 126, 129, 187-189, 252-255, 261, 267, 274, 327, 331, 345-346, 366 Critifiction, see Illusion, breaking, techniques in the novel Cross-modal perception 31—33, 35, 40 Cross-modal similarity 30, 31 Crowd scenes (on stage) 305 Crowley, Daniel J. 42n. Csikszentmihalyi, Mihalyi 103n. Cuche, François Xavier 239n. Cuff microscope 176 Culture 41, 92-94, 102-104, 337, 350 Cummins, Phillip D. 166n. Cunnar, Eugene R. 8, 334n. Curtius, Ernst Robert 244n. Cusa, Cusanus see Nicolaus Cusanus D'Aubignac, Abbé La Pratique du théâtre 241 D'Azevedo, Warren 42 Dada 5 Dahn, Felix 281 Daily, daily life 79 — 91 Danielou, Jean 336n. Darius, Jon 171n. Darwin, Erasmus The Botanic Garden 124 Daunicht, Richard 235n. Davison, Peter 223n., 224n. Dawson, Anthony B. 240, 308n. Deception, see Illusion, as deception Dees, Jerome S. 335n. Defoe, Daniel 277 Moll Flanders 286 Degerman, O. N. 176 Deierkauf-Holsboer, Wilma S. 236n. Dekker, Thomas Seven Deadly Sinnes 304 Delacroix, Eugène 173 Faust lithographs 167n. Delusion, see Illusion, as delusion, distinguished from delusion, opposed to aes­thetic illusion Demetz, Peter 280 Democritus 126 Derrida, Jacques 138, 140, 142 — 144, 146-148, 150, 151, 154, 156, 157, 344 Descartes, René 90, 160, 166n., 168n., 324 Description 254 — 256, 258 descriptive poetry 254, 255 Devaluation of histoire, see Illusion, breaking, techniques in the novel Dialectics 362, 366n. Dialogue as constitutive for natural represen­tation 206 as mimetic mode of drama 185 — 186, 188 in contrast to narration 184 — 186, 193, 210 in modern drama 376 — 381 Diary 264, 265, 268, 272, 275, 277, 281, 282 Dickens, Charles Oliver Twist 286 Dickie, George 41 n. Diderot, Denis 2, 115, 152, 158, 159, 164, 166-168, 172-174, 176, 178, 230, 233n., 239, 362 Les Bijoux indiscrets 243 De la poésie dramatique 235 Encyclopédie ("Eclecticisme") 168n. Entretiens sur le fils naturel 242, 244 Jacques le Fataliste 89, 90, 295 Paradox sur le Comédien 362 Salons 146, 158, 164, 166-168, 172-174, 176, 178 Index 455 Dietrich, Marlene 379 Dilthey, Wilhelm 128, 129 Dimensions of space and time 327 Dionysius 167 Diorama 220 Disguise (in drama) 232, 247, 316, 320-322, 376, 385 Disillusionment, see also Illusion, breaking 5, 249, 260, 262, 328 Disinterestedness, see Aesthetic dis­tance Ditto (scene painter) 220 Dixon (scene painter) 220 Document humain 270 Documentary fiction, see also Illu­sion, documentary 268, 276, 277 Domenichino (Domenico Zampieri) The Boys under Demoniacal Possession (attributed) 140 Domination, as motive of illusion 69, 75 Donaldson, Ian 144n. Donato, Eugenio 328n. Donne, John 8, 39, 324 — 336 Essays in Divinity 329n., 330n., 335n., 336n. Devotions upon Emergent Occasions 326n., 335 First Anniversarie 325 Л Hymne to Christ 326, 330 Satyre IV 325 Second Anniversarie 325 Sermons 325, 326n., 329n., 331 — 334n., 335 Dos Passos, John 288 Manhattan Transfer 290 Douglas, Mary 49, 50 Doyle, Arthur Conan 283 Drama, see also Comedy, Tragedy, Il­lusion (dramatic, scenic, stage) 94-96, 124, 128, 183-194, 197, 199, 204-249, 301-323, 337-341 allegorical (non-illusionistic) 322 as pure imitative art 185, 186 bourgeois 241, 242 Brecht 362 — 375 Greek, function of 3 — 4, 184—194 (Plato on drama, passim) illusionary power of 183, 211 festive 320 fourth wall 231 metadrama 376 — 391 mimetic 320 non-mimetic aspects 321 normative idea of 233 romantic 342 semiotic role of 205, 208 Shakespeare 301—323 Dramatic "manner" over the narrative "manner" 193, 194, 207 Dream, see also Illusion, similar to dream 5, 9, 11-13, 83-87, 113, 114, 129, 136, 344 Freud's notion of 83n. Drury Lane 177n., 218 — 220 Dryden, John 207, 209 Absolom and Achitophel 126 The Author's Apology for Heroic Po­etry and Poetic Licence 228 The Tempest 217 Du Bos, Jean Baptiste 2, 118, 125n., 198, 256, 261 Réflexions critiques 124 Dürer, Albrecht 325 Eagleton, Terry 367n. Ebers, Georg 281 Eco, Umberto 44, 286n. Il nome délia Rosa 297 Edgerton, Samuel Y. 324n., 326n., 327n. Edinger, William 172n. Editor, function in the novel 268, 269, 271-273 Ego transgression 107 Eidetic child 350 imagery 349 — 350, 353 — 356 memory 349 — 351 Eidophusikon 177, 219, 220n. Einem, Gottfried von 368n. Einfühlung, see Empathy Einstein, Albert 26 Ekphrasis 200n., 206 Elbow, Peter 386n. 456 Index Elements (four) 302, 303, 311 Eley, Lothar 349n. Elffers, Joost 334n. Eliot, T. S. 150n., 337 Elkan, Walter 59 Elsky, Martin 324n. Empathy, see also Alienation 297, 365-370, 373-375 Empiricism 93 — 95, 97, 101, 102 Enactment, see Mimesis, distin­guished from imitation Enfumé 164, 167 Engel, Johann Jacob Anfangsgründe einer Theorie der Dichtungsarten 254 Enlightenment 2, 8, 19, 106, 116, 158, 162, 164, 178, 276 new concept of verity 242 new function of literature 2 Enslavement, as motive of illusion 69 "Elnthusiasts" (history of painting) 162n., 170n. Epic 89, 184, 185, 193, 194, 204, 205, 207, 212 Epicharm 233 Epistolary fiction, novel, writing 263-274, 276-278, 282 familiar letters 272 heroides 272 Erotic 127 Error, see Illusion, as error Escher, Maurits Cornelis Belvedere 132, 134 (fig.), 135 Espionage, as motive of illusion 76 Etcheverria, Ramon Villanueva 178n. Ethnoaesthetics, see Tourist art Euripides 233 Evans, Gillian R. 328n. Everett, Barbara 314, 322n. Exchange in tourist art artistic 44 economic and symbolic 61 Exemplum, narrative 8 Experience aesthetic 1, 2, 5, 9-15, 27-34, 93, 96, 98-100, 103-107, 109- 114, 118, 120, 124-130, 195, 196, 227, 284, 362, 367 decentered 105 preoedipal 116 Experimental psychology 78 Experiments with animals 75 Eye 8, 22, 78, 125, 132, 168, 171, 172, '325, 327, 329, 332, 333 Faas, Ekbert 309n. Fabian, Johannes 45n. Fantastic 136, 158, 189 Fantoscope 177 Faulkner, William 288 The Sound and the Fury 291 Fauque, Jacques 178n. Federman, Raymond 293 Take It or Leave It 293n. Feigning, poetry as (Bacon) 97 Feldmann, Harald 4n. Ferguson, Adam Essay on the History of Civil Society llln. Fetishism 65, 73, 78 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 346, 347 Einleitung in die Wissenschaftslehre 346 Fictio in Roman rhetoric 1 Fiction(s) 1, 6, 92-104, 251, 252, 255, 261, 262 as a medium of socialization 107 distinguished from illusion 5 ontological terms of 3 phenomeno logical-hermeneutic conception 5 in construct reality 21 Fiction (novel) 263—266, 268, 270 — 274 documentary 268 Fielding, Henry 272 Figurai narration, see Illusion, illu-sionistic techniques in the novel Fischer-Lichte, Erika 230n., 362n. Flaubert, Gustave 79 — 81, 86 — 89, 287, 289 Madame Bovary 85 Education sentimentale 80, 86, 87 Trois contes 80, 81 Flax, Neil 114n. Index 457 Flowers, John 39 Foakes, Reginald A. 5, 217n., 231, 301n., 376n. Foerster, Heinz von 21 Folktales 1 Kamba 54 Fontana, Lucio 388 Forestier, Georges 239n. Formalism 194, 207, 213 Russian 205 Forster, Edward Morgan 289, 293 Fowlcs, fohn 297 The Magus 26 Mantissa 296 Fragonard, Jean Honoré 158, 164, 166n„ 167, 168, 172, 173, 177, 178 Coresus and Callirhoe 158, 164, 165 (fig.), 167, 168, 172, 173 Fraser Spiral 132, 133 (fig.) Freedom, as effect of aesthetic illusion (illusionism) 229, 230, 249 predicated on power over others 65, 74, 75, 77 French Revolution 19 Freud, Sigmund 21, 81—86, 90 distinction between a primary and a secondary process 118 Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety 84n. The Interpretation of Dreams 81, 83, 84, 85n., Jensen's Gradiva 83n. Psychopathology of Everyday Life 81, 82 The Uncanny 81, 84n., 85 Freund, Elizabeth 318n. Freytag, Gustav Bilder aus der deutschen Vergangenheit 281 Die Ahnen 281 Friedländer, Max J. 144n. Friedrich, Caspar David 160 Frisbv, John 132n. Fuegi, John 362, 368n. Füssli (Fuseli), Heinrich 177 Gadamer, Hans-Georg 9, 10, 12, 13 Gadol, John 326n., 332 Garapon, Robert 236n., 237n. Garbin, Calvin 39 Garrick, David 177n., 218 Gass, William 376 Gautier, Théophile Te Club des Hachischins 29 Genet, Jean Les Bonnes (The Maids) 385 Genette, Gérard 295, 363n. Genius 125, 126, 128, 129, 254, 255, 261 Genres, see also Tourist arts, genres, see also Drama, Epic, Lyric poetry, Narrative 8, 102, 183-216 (pas­sim), 250, 251 descriptive 254 natural forms 250 Gerede (Heidegger) 89 Gerstenberg, Wilhelm Heinrich von Briefe über Merkwürdigkeiten der Literatur 231 Gestalt-shift 135 Gesture 301, 304, 317, 389 Ghana 58 Ghost, see also Apparitions 305, 310 Gide, André 86, 89 Gilbert, William Schwenk, and Sir Ar­thur Sullivan Iolanthe 223 Gilman, Ernest B. 324n., 334n. Girodet de Roucv Trioson, Anne- Louis 158n., 178n. Sleep of Endymion 177 Glasersfeld, Ernst von 26 Globe playhouse 303, 304 Gnostic aestheticism 158 Gobineau, Joseph-Arthur, Comte de 88 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang 9, 246n., 268, 276n. to Eckermann 246 G dtp von Berlichingen 278 Die Leiden des jungen Werthers 265, 269-273, 278 Moten und Abhandlungen pum besseren Verständnis des West-östlichen Di­vans 250 458 Index Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre 246 Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre 275 Zu brüderlichem Andenken Wielands 276n. Goffman, Erving 379 Gogh, Vincent van Shoes 154, 156 Goldfriedrich, Johann 264n. Golding, William 296 Goldwater, Robert 43 Gombrich, Ernst H. 41n., 42, 70, 71, 75-78, 123, 124n., 125, 126, 129 — 131, 156, 227, 284, 291, 328 Goodman, Nelson 101 Goodson, Felix 38n. Goodwin, James 380n. Gorelik, Mordcchai 224n., 226 Gorgias 2 Gougenot Comédie des comédiens 239n. Goya, Francisco de 158n., 171, 178 Los Caprichos 171, 178 Grabes, Herbert 171n. Graburn, Nelson H. 43, 47 —50n. Grant, Patrick 328n. Gray, Terence 125 Greek poetry and drama 3 — 4, 94, 184—194 (theory) Greenberg, Clement 387 Greene, Graham 294, 296 Greimas, Algirdas (ulien 89 Greuze, Jean-Baptiste 146n. Grimm, Friedrich Melchior, Freiherr von 167, 168 Grimm, Reinhold 249 Grotesque 122, 123, 127, 129, 130, 135-137, 247-249 Grünewald, Matthias The Temptation of Saint Anthony 129 Gryphius, Andreas 322 Guibbory, Achsah 33In. Guillen, Claudio 324n., 328n., 334n. Guirao, Miguelina 31n. Gurdjicff, G. F. 379 Gurr, Andrew 304 Guyot, Edmé Nouvelles récréations physiques et mathématiques 163 (fig.), 164, 178 Ha-Levi, Judah 33 Haber, Ralph Norman 350n. Haberlandt, Arthur 9n. Habermas, )ürgen 263n. Habicht, Werner 5 Hagstrum, Jean H. 197n. Hakewill, George The Vanitie oj the Eye 329 Hallucination 19, 122, 129n., 137, : Hammeal, Robin 36n. Hammerschmidt, Hildegard 307n. Hammett, Dashiell 386 Handke, Peter 5, 380 Happy ending in comedy 236, 245 — 247 in novel 246, 268 Harlequin 240n. Harries, Karsten 324n. Harrison, Jane Ellen 2 Harrison, Ross 96n. Hartley, David 351 Hassel, R. Chris, Jr. 317n., 320n. Havelock, Eric A. 94n. Hayes, John 177n. Hayman, Ronald 376, 377n., 37' 383n., 385n., 388n. Health, mental, see also Madness Hebbel, Friedrich 283 Flecksher, William S. 334n. Heffernan, James A. W. 353, 35' 358n. Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 1 256, 346, 347 Vorlesungen über die Ästhetik 256 Heidegger, Martin 10—12, 14, 89, 151, 154, 156, 157 Heine, Heinrich 255, 258, 260, / 282 Der Apollogott 260 Die Wanderratten 260 Ich wollte meine Lieder 262 Heisenberg, Werner 20, 21, 23 Held, Jutta 178n. Hemingway, Ernest The Killers 288, 292 Hills Like White Elephants 292 Heninger, S. K., Jr. 327n. Index 459 Henrich, Dieter 5n., 235n. Herder, Johann Gottfried 115 Hermeneutics 5, 9 — 13, 122 Hcroides 272 Hcrvev, Mary F. S. 334n. Hesiod 188 Hesse, Hermann Der Steppenwolf 25 Hillcbrand, Bruno 8n. Hilliard, Nicolas The Arte of Limning 329n. Hilton, lulian 375n. Hinck, Walter 245 Hinderer, Walter 249n. Hirsch, Eric Donald 347n. Historical document, see also Illusion, documentary 273 Historical fiction 274 — 283 (passim) Historical novel, nineteenth century 275-283 Hitler, Adolf 374, 375, 383n. Hobson, Marian 2n., 166n., 242 Hocke, Gustav René 171n. Hoffmann, F,. T. A. Lebensansichten des Katers Murr 275 Der Sandmann 129 Hoffmann, Hans 389 Hofmannsthal, Hugo von Jedermann 4 Der Schwierige 246 Hogarth, William 138, 140, 144-146, 151, 156 Л Rake's Progress 138, 140 Gin Lane 138, 140, 144, 145, 156 Holbein, Hans The Ambassadors 334 Hölderlin, Friedrich 14 Fragment 57: lm Walde 11 Letter to his mother, Jan. 1799 11 Hollagan, M. J. 220 Holography 78 Home, Henry, Lord Karnes 2, 105, 111 Ulements of Criticism 105, 106, 109, llOn., 111-114, 116, 118 Homer 184, 185, 187, 188, 192-194, 204, 207n„ 210 Iliad 184, 200n. Odyssey 184, 290 Hooke, Robert 173 Micrographia 174 Horace 79, 126, 335n. De arte poëtica 126, 250 "Lit pictura poesis" 79, 188, 195, 197, 200, 202, 321 Beatus ille qui procul negotiis 258, 259 Hörmann, Hans 99n. Hostilius Mancinus 73 Hughes, Howard 385 Hugo de San Victore De area Noe mor alia 336n. Huizinga, Jan 332n. Humbert de Superville 28n., 166n. Hume, David 20, 98 — 102, 166n. A Treatise oj Human Nature 99 An Essay Concerning Human Under­standing 100 Enquiries Concerning Human Under­standing 99 Humphrey, Ozias 177 Hurd, Richard 242 Husserl, Fldmund 349 Hutcheon, Linda 292n. Hutcheson, Francis 2 Huxley, Aldous 294 Point Counter Point 292 Hvperrealism, and aesthetic illusion 296 Hypothetical realism 93, 94 Ibsen, Henrik 223 Ideal presence 109, 112, 113 Idealism 95, 254 Idealization 271, 273 Ideas 94, 96, 98-100, 102 reflective 149 transcendent 142 Identification, see also Alienation 80, 239, 242, 271, 272 Ideology 65, 75, 77, 78, 91, 216 Idolatry 68 Illusio in Roman rhetoric 1 460 Index Illusion, see also Illusionism, Aliena­tion, Imitation, Mimesis acting 223, 227, 228 aesthetic (definition) 1 — 15, 65, 70, 74, 75, 77, 124, 158, 284 in the eighteenth century 105 — 121 allegorical mode 321 and "oceanic feelings" 118 and abstract forms 4 and cognitive experience, see Cog­nition, Experience and cognitive science 75 and concepts of character 376 — 380, 382-389 and dream, see Illusion, similar to dream, and Dream and language 6 — 7, 14, 183 — 216 and metaphor 14 and nature 67, 72, 75 — 77 and pragmatic reception 8 and pragmatic verification 8 and social change 7 and social concepts 246 and subjectivism 12 and sympathy 244 and the illusionist 348 and the magician 348 and transcendence 235 "Anschaulichkeit" 5n., 117 — 119 appearance (Schein) 92, 93, 251, 346, 347 as "taking in" 69 as anti-fiction 235 as artifice 75n., 123, 211, 273, 295, 342, 344, 376, 384, 386, 387 as complicity 215, 273, 329 as construction of reality 14 as decentered experience 117 as deception 2, 4, 9, 14, 68, 69, 71, 74, 75, 77, 102, 113, 135, 162, 167, 189, 191, 200, 218, 219, 233, 252, 254, 255, 262, 273, 285, 293, 310, 311, 325, 328, 329, 333, 337, 338 as delusion 4, 6, 13, 19, 122, 124— 130, 135-137, 209, 214, 243, 254, 255, 262, 337 as dream, see Illusion, similar dream, and Dream as error 68, 70, 71, 74, 75, 77 as facet of reality 344 as forgetting of self 113, 116 as harmless transgression 107 as ideal 266, 372 as identification 245 as ideological ploy 3, 65, 69, 74, 77, 78, 122, 216, 374 as imitation of reality 2, 13 as impersonation 189 as involuntary emotional respo 124 as magic appearance 237, 238 as material or mental picture 68, 75, 201, 360 as natural phenomenon 65 as opposed to nihilism 348 as play 10, 12, 65, 128, 285n. as presence, see Presence as process of imagination 13, 1 222, 223, 254, 340, 343, 345 as reflection of reality 4 as "Schein" 346 as sensuality 106, 109 as source of pleasure 115, 122, 1 126, 183, 199, 252, 280, 342 as subjective construct 120 as substitute of reality 8, 9, 12, 93, 102, 144, 166n., 187,252,2 295, 321, 322, 328, 339, 343, as suspension of reason (see г Madness) 111, 112, 114, 366 as sympathy 116 as the source of the appeal of arts 183 as utopia 2 as waking dream 113 aural 78 В movies 341, 342 breaking 4, 5, 7, 13, 259, 262, 2 and modernism 288 — 293 and postmodernism 285, 29 297 in drama 221, 227, 228, 2 232-234, 236, 240, 241, 2 249, 309, 376 — 391 (passim Index 461 techniques in the novel: critific-tion 293 techniques in the novel: devalua­tion of histoire 289 techniques in the novel: metafic-tion 292-293 techniques in the novel: narrative short circuit 295 techniques in the novel: opacity of discours 291 techniques in the novel: self-con­scious narrator 293 cognitive, see also Cognition 14, 328, 349 comedy 229-249, 313-323 (Shakespeare) comic 232n., 234, 236—242, 244 — 249 comic, opposed to tragic 245 conscious awareness of 2, 4, 5, 14, 15, 68, 74, 123, 124, 126, 136, 137, 208, 214, 216, 217, 236, 280, 337-340 constant awareness of 125 constructed by senses 65, 128, 131, 254 controlled 367, 371 cultural conditions of 41, 75, 150 deception is pleasing 200 desire 259, 273 dialectical 14, 346 — 348 different modes of 7, 8, 230, 308n., 314n., 315-317, 323 disruption of 12, 124, 227, 243n., 292n., 280, 291, 297, 311, 334, 369, 374 distinguished from delusion 13, 15, 19, 65, 69, 124, 126-130, 137, 208, 213-216, 230, 239, 240, 247, 248, 284n., 285n., 337, 382 distinguished from fiction 5 distinguished from illusionism (as aesthetic illusion) 14, 65, 74—78 distorted perception 13, 14, 19 distrust of 294 documentary 8, 264, 265, 268—271, 273, 274, 278-281, 283 dramatic 146, 188-190, 192, 204n., 214, 216-228, 230-232, 234, 239, 240, 250, 303, 304, 308, 313, 321n., 342, 362-364, 368, 386 dramatic distinguished from scenic illusion 217 dramatic theory 233, 242 eighteenth century 105 — 121, 233, 242 emotional 6 erotic 68 exemplum 8 exploitation of 77 fallibility of perception 126, 310 generic consistency in 43 German baroque literature 240n. hallucination 19, 122, 129n., 137, 260 hegemony of 343 historical novel 275 — 283 history of the concept 1—5 ideal 312, 385 illusionistic techniques in the novel camera-eye 286 — 287 enlargement of the scope of mi­mesis 286, 287 figurai narration 287 mimesis of consciousness and the subconscious (stream of con­sciousness, interior mono­logue) 287, 288 narratorial neutrality 287 immediacy, see also as presence 14, 124, 197, 203, 206, 209, 232, 287 in construction of reality 25 — 27 in descriptive poetry 255 in mental processes 77 in self-fulfilling prophecies 24, 26 in verbal propositions 23 independent function of 109, 111, 113 intellectual, moral subjection of 108 involuntary 125, 233 inward 222, 223, 225, 227, 252, 261, 290n. logic of 346, 347 lyric 250 — 262 462 Index making and breaking dramatic illu­sion 217-228 mimesis of the mind 286 mimetic mode 239n., 321 mistaken for reality 232 narration, see also Narration, narra­tive 8, 231, 250, 286-288, 290, 294, 295 naturalness of 195 neoclassical 322 no conscious awareness of 112, 202 of daily life 79 — 91 of/and reality 4 — 6, 19, 209 on stage 338, 339 ontological explanation 13 optical (see also Perspective) 3, 4, 20, 65, 168, 179, 217, 325, 327, 347, 359, 360 optical conditions of 123, 132, 135, 159, 164, 174, 176, 178n., 325, 326, 328, 329, 332, 347, 388 optical metaphors of 158 passive 365 perceptual 328 phenomenological-hermeneutic criti­que of aesthetic illusion 9 — 13 power of 68, 75, 183, 287, 290, 340, 346 pseudo-perceptions 19 rational 6 reading 5, 6, 230, 231 referential 5 rhythmic 251 scenic 217, 220-222, 224, 225, 227, 228, 231, 234, 305 sensible 183, 204 seventeenth century 234n. similar to dream 9, 12, 13, 84, 124, 125, 245n., 252, 261, 262, 308, 309, 344 stage 4, 5, 211, 213-215, 217-228 (passim), 231, 302, 303, 305, 308, 309, 311, 312, 376 static 365 subjectivity of 9, 10 suppression of the medium 202 synaesthetic 28 — 40 television 341, 342 theatrical, see dramatic thematized, see also Self-referenti; 236, 247 total, complete 13, 124, 184, 18( 205, 223, 225, 228, 230, 232n 234, 241, 254, 273, 285n., 281 328, 365 tragic 234, 245 transcendental 347 twilight flickering between wakin and dreaming 124 verbal, see also Verbal arts 201 valorizing of 111, 118, 341, 345 visual character of, see also Visui arts 72, 188, 288, 326 voluntary nature of 124, 136 "willing suspension of disbelief (see also Samuel Taylor Colet idge) 2, 127, 222, 227, 284, 331 338, 342, 343, 347 Illusionary in dramatic theory 215 Illusionism, see also Illusion, esp, aes thetic and distinguished from delu sion 5, 13, 67, 72, 73, 76-78, 217 284, 328, 328, 368n. aesthetic 73 — 75, 77 as aesthetic illusion, see Mitchell' essay 65 — 78 as freedom 65, 77 as play 65, 77 distinguished from realism am anti-illusionism 284, 285n. political and social functions 76 Illusionist 285n., 290n., 292n., 294n. 337, 348, 368, 372 Illusionist techniques in the novel, se Illusion, illusionistic techniques Image in communication 41, 42, 61 Image-creators in tourist art 53 Image-producers in tourist art 53 Imaginary 92, 93, 95, 99-103, 118 Imaginary work 140, 144, 145 Imagination 6, 13, 29, 39, 86, 94, 97- 102, 106, 108, 115, 116, 127-129 138, 144-146, 195, 196, 198, 213 214, 226, 228, 254, 255, 337-341 (passim), 359 Index 463 as residence of truth 345 distinguished from mimesis 2 — 5, 94 elevation in Romanticism 345 powers of 214, 345 primary 345 romantic and transcendental illu­sion 347 secondary 345 verbal 340 Imagists 256, 257 Imhof, Rüdiger 292n. Imitans (copy) 80 Imitate, imitation, see also Mimesis 1, 2n., 53, 65-67, 79, 80, 184-197, 202, 203, 205, 206, 208, 212, 214, 230, 243, 251-255, 261, 262 distinguished from mimesis 2 — 5, 94 in drama 243 of reality 230 of images (in tourist art) 53 as productive process 253 creative nature of 253 Imitator 185n., 186, 187, 190, 193 Immaterialism 173 Immediacy, see Presence Immermann, Karl 4 Münchhausen 275 Impressionists 173 Incontrovertible narrative 90 Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique 160 Napoleon 178 Innocent mimetic 215 Insanity, see Madness Interior monologue, see Illusion, illu-sionistic techniques in the novel Internal observer 332 Intuition 113, 117, 349, 358 Intuitive cognition 117 Ionesco, Eugène Rhinoceros 384 Irony 130, 136 Irving, Sir Henry 225 Iser, Wolfgang 5n., 6n., 92n., 235n., 277n. Isherwood, Christopher Goodbye to Berlin 289 — 290 Isidore of Seville Allegoriae quaedam sacrae Scripturae 336n. htymologiarum sive originum libri xx 302, 303 Isocrates 159n. Ivins, William Mfills] On the Rationalisation of Sight 324n., 327n. Jaensch, E. R. 349n. Jäger, Georg 7 James, William 38, 39n. James, Henry 284, 290 The Turn of the Screw 289 The Figure in the Carpet 289 James, Jesse 379 Japanese theater 385 Jauss, Hans Robert 60n., 242n., 244n. Jazz Ml, 379, 380, 383, 391 Jean Paul 150, 266, 275 Hesperus 266 Jencks, Charles 296 Johns, Jasper 387 Johnson, Charles Love in a Forest 217 Johnson, Samuel 125, 172n., 207, 209, 217, 222, 342 Preface to Shakespeare 125, 208, 211-215, 221, 337, 338, 341 Jones, Thomas 38n. Jonsen, Albert R. 159n. Jonson, Ben Everyman in His Humour 304 Josipovici, Gabriel Möbius the Stripper 296 Jowett, Benjamin 184n. Joyce, James 285 — 288, 290n., 293, 352 Finnegans Wake 291 A Portrait of the Artist as Young Man 287, 292n. Ulysses 286, 287, 289, 292 Jules-Rosette, Bennetta 41n., 44n., 48n„ 57n. 464 Index Julian the Apostate 159n. |ung, Carl Gustav 389 Junius, Franciscus The Paintings of the Ancients 329n., 33()n. Kabama, Diouf (painter) 53, 56 — 58 Kafka, Franz Die Verwandlung 129 Der Progeß 25, 289 Kamba carvers 43, 45, 50, 61 folktales 54 Kames, Lord, see Home, Henry Kandinsky, Wassilv 29, 388, 389 Kant, Immanuel 10, 20, 126, 127, 136, 140, 142-144, 146-151, 154, 156, 166n., 253, 254n„ 255, 276, 346, 347 Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hin­sicht 126, 127 Kritik der Urteilskraft 117, 127, 136, 140, 142, 143, 147-149, 151, 253-255 Kritik der reinen Vernunft 149, 346, 347 Die Religion innerhalb der Grengen der bloßen Vernunft 142, 143, 146 — 149 Kantorowicz, Ernst H, 96n. Karwoski, Theodore 30n. Katherman, Sarah 34 Kavser, Wolfgang 122, 123, 136 Kean, Charles 220 Kean, Edmund 220 Keats, John 343, 344 To Autumn 257 tive of St. Agnes 343 Kebbel, Gerhard 277n., 279n. Keller, Ulrich 102n. Kemble, Charles 219 Kemble, John Philip 218, 219 Kennedy, Jackie 379 Kenya 53 Kern, Peter Christoph 6n. Keuls, Eva 4n., 160n., 161n. Kioko, Jonathan Kimetu (carver) 53, 56 Kipling, Rudyard 34 Kipperman, Mark 347n. Kircher, Athanasius Ars Magna Lucis et Umbrae 175n. Klein, Robert 326n., 328n., 334n. Kleinschmidt, Erich 8n. Kline, A. David 166n. Knopf, Jan 363n., 364n., 366n. Knox, Ronald 283 Koepke, Wulf 8, 275, 276 Köhler, Wolfgang, 30, 31n. Koller, Hermann 4n. Kolve, V. A. 326n. Krieger, Murray 6, 14, 15, 74, 75n., 212n., 231n., 275 Kübler, Gabriele 151n. Kühn, Joachim 6n. Kultermann, Udo 387n. La Fresnaye, Roger de 144 La Roche, Sophie von Die Geschichte des Fräuleins von Sternheim 268 La Tour, Maurice Quentin 159 Lacan, Jacques 102, 118 Lamb, Charles 138, 140, 142, 144— 146, 152, 156, 220-222 On the Genius and Character oj Hogarth 138, 140, 142, 144, 145, 156 stage illusion 221 Lambert, Pauline 243n. Landfester, Martin 234n. Language 11-14, 21, 28, 69, 76, 77, 90, 99, 103, 115, 116, 166, 183, 184, 189, 190, 194, 198, 199, 203, 204, 206, 254, 315-319, 380, 390, 391 and illusion 4, 14, 183 — 216 (pas­sim) and imagination 6 and reality 7 as play 11 as prison 7 critique of 6 natural 116 Index 465 power over reality 7 relation to reality 5 — 7, 23 synaesthesia 33 — 40 universal language 166, 178 aughing 229 — 249 (passim) at or with 244 questioned in enlightenment 244 awrence, David Herbert 286, 292 aws, mathematical 20 e Guin, Ursula 128 each, Eleanor Winsor 335n. eavis, Frank Raymond 284 edermüller, Martin Frobène Amusements microscopiques 169 (fig-), 176, 178 eeman, Fred 334n. eeper, Robert 130, 131n. eighton, Robert 150 enin, Wladimir Iljitsch 94n. éon, Xavier 346n. eonardo da Vinci 67, 68, 71, 78 epenies, Wolf 88n. eppla, Rupprecht 282, 283n. eroi-Gourhan, André 102n. esky, Albin 233, 234n. essing, Gotthold Ephraim 2, 122, 124, 199-211, 215, 239, 242- 245n., 254 Briefwechsel über das Trauerspiel 107n. Hamburgische Dramaturgie 234, 235, 242, 244 Laokoon oder über die Grenzen der Ma­lerei und Poesie 122, 199 — 205, 254, 276 Letter to Nicolai, Mav 26, 1769 115, 203-206 Minna von Barnhelm 243, 244 etter, see also Epistolary novel 263 — 274 evao, Ronald 330n. évi-Strauss, Claude 45, 46n. -ewalski, Barbara K[iefer] 317n., 322n., 325n. .ewkowicz, David 37n. iberal science 74 ichtenberg, Georg Christoph 145, 146, 152 Lichtenstein, Rov 379 Lie(s) 252, 261, 262 Lieberkuhn, Jean 175, 176 Likeness 68, 73 Lindberg, David C. 175n. Locher, A. 71n. Locke, John 98, 99, 195, 196, 344, 351 An Essay Concerning Human Under­standing 98 Lodge, David 295, 297 Logocentrism 186 Lomazzo, Giovanni Paolo A Trade Concerning the Artes of Curious Paintings 329n. Lombroso, Cesare 129n. Longinus 144 Longo, Oddone 3n. Loo, Charles-Amédée Philippe van The Magic Lantern 175 Lorenz, Konrad 93, 94n. Loutherbourg, Philip James de 177, 218-220, 223 Lugné-Poë, Aurélien 225n. Luhmann, Niklas 109n. Lukåcs, Georg 4, 373 Lure 66 — 68, 71 Lyceum Theatre 219 Lyon, James K. 372n. Lyotard, Jean-François 78 Lyric poetry 185, 199, 250—262 and music 250 and objective reality 256 children's songs 251 fictional and mimetic elements 251 subject 251, 252 synaesthesia 257 work songs 251 McFarland, Thomas 337n., 346n., 360 McGann, Jerome, 354n., 360 McPherson, James 279 Macreadv, William 220 Madness'24, 112, 126, 128-130, 137, 302, 303 Magic, magician, see also Illusion, as magic appearance, Witches 69, 74, 224, 237, 238, 306, 309 Magic box 226, 227 466 Index Magic lantern 160, 162, 164, 168, 174, 219, 222 Magritte, René 387 Mailer, Norman The Armies of the Night 297 Malin génie 90 Malina, Frank 388 Mallarmé, Stéphane 5 Malone, Edmond 219 Mamet, David House of Games 376 Mann, Thomas l 'ersuch über das Theater 231 Manningham, John Diary 329 Manuscript fiction 277 Manzoni, Alessandro I promessi sposi 280 Maquet, Jacques 41n. Margitic, Milorad R. 237n. Marin, Louis 151 Marinari, Gaetano 220 Marionette-theater 247 Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de 243 Marks, Lawrence E. 14, 28, 30 —36n., 162n. Marmontel, Jean François "Illusion" (Encyclopédie) 124 Poétique François 124 Marquard, Odo 235 Marquez, Gabriel 297 Marston, John Jack Drum's Entertainment 304 The Malcontent 307 Martin, John Rupert 266n., 334n. Martini, Fritz 234n., 236n. Marx, Karl 346 Marxism 94, 101, 366, 367 Masai 55 Massinger, Philip Great Duke of Florence 307 The Picture 307n. Master-servant relationship 73 Mathematical laws, truth 20 Mathieu, François 45n. Maurer-Schmoock, Sybille 243n. Mauthner, Fritz 6 Mazzoni, Jacopo 202 Mbai, Safari 55, 56 Mbiti, John S. 54n. Mediation 116 Medium, media 92, 94, 96, 97, 9' 100, 102 Meier, Christian 94n. Meier, Georg Friedrich Anfangsgründe aller schonen Wt senschaften 106, 112 Meinhold, Wilhelm Maria Schweidler, die Bernsteinhe: 282-283 Melchinger, Christa 240n., 248r 368n. Memoirs 264, 265 Memory, see also Eidetic, phot graphic memory 326, 331, 33 ЗЗЗп., 349-357,'359, 360 Mendelssohn, Moses 2,3,6, 111, 11 115, 117, 119 Mercier, Louis Sébastien Du Théâtre, ou nouvel essai sur l'a dramatique 124 Metadrama, see also Self-referentialk 307, 311, 376 — 391 (passim) Metafiction, see Illusion, breaking techniques in the novel Metaphor 14, 28, 29, 33-40, 69 Metonymy 14, 37 — 40, 137, 366n. Metscher, T. W. H. 366n. Meyerhold, Vsevolod 225n. Michelangelo 138 Michelet, Jules 87 Microscope 164, 171 — 176 Miethke, Jürgen 96n. Milgate, Wesley 324n. Miller, Arthur Death of a Salesman 376 Miller, Johann Martin Siegwart, Eine Klostergeschichte 266 Milton, John 273 Paradise Lost 344 Mimesis, mimetic, see also Illusio: Imitation 128, 158, 159, 162, 17 184-186, 188-191, 193, 195, 19 198-201, 203, 205, 206, 208, 21 212, 215, 232, 250-253, 255, 26 266, 269, 318n., 320-323, 363r 365n., 368n. Index 467 Aristotelian concept 255 as imitation of reality 5 distinguished from imitation 2 — 5, 94 concept (history of) 1, 3 — 5 magic effect 4 mimetic function 190, 200, 201 mimetic naturalness 199 mimetic plot 321 mimetic theory 140, 146 narrative 251 in eighteenth centurv 269 in epistolary fiction 266 Mimicry 75, 77 Miro, )uan 389 Mitchell, W. J. Thomas 14, 65, 75n., 217, 285n. Mizener, Jo 376 Modernism and aesthetic illusion 285 — 288 and breaking illusion, see Illusion, breaking 288-293 and the perfection of illusionism 285-288 Molière l'Impromptu de Versailles 245 Monroe, Marilyn 379 Montaigne, Michel de 79, 81, 85 Essays 79 Moral, morality 105, 106, 108 — 110, 244, 251, 265, 270-272, 286 aesthetic 110 Morgan, George 38n. Mörike, Eduard Jägerlied 257 Morrison, Philip and Phyllis 171n. Moser, Dietz-Rüdiger 8n. Mount, Marshall Ward 42n. Movie 282, 341, 342, 379, 384-386, 391 Mücke, Dorothea von 115, 120n. Muir, Kenneth 314n. Mukarovskv, Jan 7 Mulii, Joseph (carver) 55 Müller-Salget, Klaus 8n. Multistability 130—132, 135 — 137 Muraoka, Isamu 330n. Muratore, M. J. 234n. Murdoch, Iris 296 Music 190, 195 as mimesis with the aid of tones and rhythms 253 poems to be chanted 250 Musil, Robert Die Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törleß 22 Munge, Mutisya wa (carver) 45 Naive onlooker 237—240, 243, 248 Naive view of pictorial representation 70 Narration, narrative 8, 103, 110, 183 — 186, 188, 189, 191-194, 204, 205, 210, 213 Narrative short circuit, see Illusion, breaking, techniques in the novel Narrative voice 185 Narrator 266 — 269 Narratorial neutrality, see Illusion, il-lusionistic techniques m the novel Natural 65, 67, 70-78 Natural forms 250 Natural language 116 Natural sciences 88 Natural signs, see Signs, natural Naturalism 223 — 227, 365 Necker, Louis Albert 132 Necker Cube 132, 133 (fig.) Needle, Jan 37In. Neher, Caspar 368, 371 Nelson, Robert J. 231n., 237n., 239 Neo-Aristotelians 122 Neo-classicism 200, 207 — 211, 321, 322 Neoplatonic 158, 159, 161, 164n., 166, 168, 170m, 173 Nero 73 Nestle, Wilhelm 2n. Nestroy, Johann 247 Neuhaus, Volker 8 Neureuter, Hans Peter 8n. New Criticism 122 New Figuratism in tourist art 57 New science 324 468 Index Newton, Isaac lOn., 174 Nicolai, Friedrich 115, 203-205, 207 Nicolaus Cusanus 325, 326, 330 — 336 On Learned Ignorance 330n., 332n., 334 The Vision of God 330, 331, 332n., 333, 334 Nietzsche, Friedrich 150 Die Gehurt der Tragödie 229n. Menschliches, Alltpumenschliches 6 Sachgelassene Fragmente 1 Uber Wahrheit und Lüge im aussermo-ralischen Sinne 1, 6, 247 Nihilism 348 Nieelle de la Chaussée, Pierre Claude 243 Nollet, Jean-Antoine Leçons de physique expérimentale 176 Nonconformists 162n. Nonfiction novel 296 Norgate, Edward Miniatura, or the Art of Limning 329n. Novalis 120, 121 Novel 264-297 condemnation of 264 problematic novel 297 Novel, see also Epistolary novel Numerology 335 O'Brien, Flann 286, 291, 292 At Swim-Two-Birds 286, 290, 293 Objectivism 19, 20 Occam, William of 95, 96 Odbert, Harold 30n. Odell, G. C, 218—220n. Oelmüller, Willi 5n. Ogden, Charles Kay 96n. Olivier, Sir Lawrence 340 Ombres chinoises 168 Omnivoyant God 330 Omni voyant icon 330 — 332 Onomatopoeia 254, 257 Opacity of discours, see Illusion, break­ing, techniques in the novel Orality 1, 3, 94, 102 Organism 149 Ornaments 140, 143 Orwell, George 294 Osgood, Charles 30n. Other, otherness, see Alterity Ousmane, Sembène 57 Ozanam, Jacques Récréations physiques et mathématiqui 164n., 178~ Padel, Ruth 3 —5n. Painting 67 — 74, 76, 140, 251, 255 294, 326-330, 332, 345, 387-391 and poetry 186 — 204 (passim), 251 255 as a material practice 70 as non-mimetic 140 "Enthusiasts" 162n., 170n. history of 75n. "Idéalistes" 170 illusionistic 72, 73 Impressionists 173 medieval 326 not as an imitation 345 origins of both painting and mett phor 69 painting as metaphor 279, 280 painting and poetry 188 portraits 73 Royal Society 162n. scene-painting 71 superior to poetry 67 Symbolism 158, 160, 161, 166, 161 173 tourist art 44, 52, 53, 57 truth in 68 twentieth century 387 — 391 Western and Oriental 76 Panofsky, Erwin 324n., 326 —328n. Panopticon 76 Panorama 220, 283 Pape, Walter 5, 9n. Pappas, George S. 166n. Paradox 209 of attraction and repulsion 123 of beautiful ugliness 127 Parergon 138, 140, 142, 143, 146 - 148, 150, 151, 153, 154, 156 Index 469 Parody 233, 319-321, 380, 386 Parrhasius of Ephesus 70, 74, 125n. Pascal, Biaise 160 Patocka, Jan 349n. Paulson, Ronald 145n. Pausanias 167 Peacham, Henry The Gentlemen's Exercise 329n. Pénombre confuse 167n. Perception 3, 10, 14, 19, 28-40, 69, 75, 104, 112, 113, 125, 128, 324- 326, 359, 360 spiritual 324 — 336 Perceptual similarity 28 — 31, 34 — 36, 40 Performance, theatrical 10, 124, 221, 230, 231, 366, 369, 380, 386, 391 Pericles 73 Perry, Ruth 265, 266, 269n. Perspective, see also Illusion, optical conditions 324 — 336 anamorphic a-perspectival 331 as illusory trick of the devil 329 divine 335 linear 324, 325, 330, 332, 334 perspective as illusory trick of the devil 329 Pfeiffer, К. Ludwig 3n., 5n., 98n. Pfister, Manfred 231n., 232n., 246n. Phantasmagoria 162n., 178n. Phantastic, see Fantastic Phantasmata 171 Phantasy 113 Phantoscop 177 Phenomenological hermeneutics 122 Philosophical intuition 148 Philosophy as delusion 6 Phonography 78 Photographic memory 351 Photography 78 and painting 76, 77 in tourist art 45, 47, 58 Picard, Hans Rudolf 268n. Picasso, Pablo 380 Pictorial conversion 201 Picturesque 353 Pirandello, Luigi 376 Piranesi, Francesco Vedute 159 Planché, John Robinson 219 Plato 1, 4n., 6, 97, 123n., 126n., 159, 160n., 161 n., 161, 167, 172, 183-196, 199, 200, 202, 205, 207, 210, 213n., 215, 234, 276, 337 Cratylus 123, 190 (423b-d, 428e, 430b) Ion 126 Phaedrus 126 Republic, Book 2 184 (379a) Republic, Book, i 184 (392d-393a/'b), 185 (393c, 397c), 186, 188-191, 193 Republic, Book 7 (Plato's Cave) 161, 172, 176 Republic, Book 10 3, 4, 125, 126, 186, 189, 191 Republic, Book 10 A (602c/d), 159 (521c), 161 (597e, 599a, 599d, 602a), 184 (595b), 185 (595b/c, 598d), 186 (595a/c) 187 (595c, 596c-e, 598b, 599d, 600e-601b), 192 (595b), 232 (598c) scolding of the imagination 97 Sophist 159 (235d-236c), 161, 189 (267a), 189-191, 193 Platonism 158, 201n., 213n. Plausible representation 84 Play 123, 125, 126, 128, 130, 132 realistic 234 and aesthetic illusion 10 Play within a play 236, 240, 247, 249 Playhouse Covent Garden 218, 219 Globe playhouse 303, 304 Drury Lane 177n., 218 — 220 Lyceum Theatre 219 Théâtre du Marais 236 Pleasure(s), aesthetic 105 deriving from art 195, 196 of the Imagination (Addison) 195 Plett, H. F. 301 n. Pliny the Elder 71, 77, 78 Historia naturalis 70n., 72 —75n., 125n. 470 Index Podro, Michael 156n. Poe, Edgar Allan 29 The Teil- Tale h har t 129 Poésie pure 261 Poet 184 — 213 (passim) Poetical imitations 184 Poetry, sec also Painting, and poetry absolute 252 descriptive 254 deviating from actual nature 345 responsibility in regard to truth 252 Political economy 69, 73 Pollock, Jackson 377, 388 — 390 Pope, Alexander Lssay on Criticism 196 Popper, Karl 23 Popular art, see Tourist art Popular drama 9 Popular fiction 8 Pornography 76 Portraits 73 and genealogy 73 Positions limitrophes 147 Positivism 95 Post-Cartesian 71 Post-classical 160n. Post-structuralism 292 Postmodernism, and breaking illu­sion, see Illusion, breaking Poussin, Nicolas 138 see also Michiel Sweerts 138 Power, as motive of illusion 65, 68 — 71, 73-75, 77 Prall, D. W. 41n. Pre-Socratics 2, 20 Presence, see also Illusion, as presence 14, 109, 115, 119, 124, 127, 204, 209, 283, 296, 307, 310, 329, 348 ideal 109, 112, 113 immediacy of representation 183, 190-192, 196, 197, 205, 209 immediate visual 192 in narration 204 Presley, Elvis 380 Presse!, Wilhelm Priscilla und Sahina 282 Price, Henry Habberly lOln. Probable impossibility 194 Proclus 159, 170n. Propaganda 73, 78 Prophecy, self-fulfilling 24, 25 Protogenes 73 Proust, Marcel 89, 351 Proverbial knowledge 89 Psalm 333, 336 Pseudo-Acron 197n. Psychoanalysis 81, 84 Purkinje, Jan 9 Pygmalion 68, 74 Pynchon, Thomas The Crying of Lot 49 289 Pythagoras 170n., 326 Quilligan, Maureen 318 Quintilian Institutio Oratoria 253, 301 Rabinovitz, Rubin 294 Radotage (Greimas) 89 Raphael 140 The Boys under Demoniacal Possessio (attributed) 140 Rational principles 19 Rauschenberg, Robert 390, 391 Reader, reading 2, 6 — 9, 24, 86 — 9C 107, 112, 198, 201, 202, 252-26C 263-273, 282, 283, 287, 290, 291 293 ignorant reader 86 Realism, see also Socialist realisr 65-67, 73, 93, 94, 144, 220, 225 258, 266, 272, 273, 284n., 365, 36É 368n., 374 and aesthetic illusion 284 hyperrealism 296 hypothetical 93, 94 naive 67, 70, 75 natural 67, 70 universal 67 Reality 19, 20, 81, 83, 84, 86, 87, 9C 92-100, 102-104 and eternal truth 8 as a question of affect (Freud) 84r Index 471 belief in 19 construction of 20 construction through illusionary as­sumptions 24 effect of the dream (Freud) 83n., 84n. imitative representation 250 romantic experience of 348 view of 20 ealitv adaption 19 eality effect 84n. eason 83, 105-109, 111, 116, 125, 142, 143, 146-150, 347 and sensuality 109 reflective 149 eception aesthetic 5 — 9 different modes of 7 pragmatic 5 — 9 tourist art 41 eeve, Clara 277 eflection 138, 147 — 151, 154 eiss, T. J. 232 —234n., 239n. eligion and illusion 23, 324 — 336 (passim) enaissance 324, 327, 328, 334 epresentation 66 — 70, 78, 79, 84, 94, 101, 114-116, 119, 120, 140, 147, 154, 325, 327, 329 in tourist art 45, 58 mimetic 320 epresentational signs in tourist art 61 étif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme 270 eynolds, Joshua 138, 160, 162 Discourse XIII 345, 348 hetoric 75 icardou, Jean 285 ichards, Ivor Armstrong 122n., 125 ichardson, Dorothy 92, 93n. ichardson, Samuel 270—272, 277 Clarissa; or the History of a Young Lady 265, 268, 273 Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded 265, 272, 273 ichter, Dolores 43, 48 Richter, jean Paul Friedrich, sec Jean Paul Riedel, Friedrich Justin Theorie der schönen Künste und Wis­senschaften 113 Riggs, Lorrin 30n. Righter, Anne 343n. Rimbaud, Arthur 5, 28, 29 Ritual 1, 3, 4, 81, 94 Robbe-Grillet, Alain 294, 382 1-е l oyeur 289 Robertson, Durant NX hite, |r. 326n. Robinson, David 162n. Robinson, Forrest G. 189n. Rockwell, Norman 387 Röhrich, Lutz In. Roman Republic 77 Romantic primitivism 350 Romanticism 120, 121, 138—157, 158, 159, 171, 173, 177, 254, 256, 257, 337 — 361 (passim) Rosen, James 160, 161n. Rosenberg, Pierre 144n., 164n. Rosenquist, James 388 Rosicrucians 162n. Rosier, NXhlfgang 94n. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 33 Roston, Murray 324n. Rothko, Mark 377 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 268, 271, 272, 270, 272 Confessions 89, 270 Julie ou La Nouvelle Héloïse 119, 265, 270, 273 Runge, Philipp Otto The Morning 160 Ruskin, John 152 Sade, Donatien-Alphonse-François, Marquis de 270 Sadrin, Paul 167n. Salveson, Christopher 353, 354 Sand, George 86n. Santinello, Giovanni 330n. Säße, Günter 232 Sauder, Gerhard 2n., 3n. Saussure, Ferdinand de 77, 146 472 Index Scene-painting 71 Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm von 128, 148, 346, 347 Philosophie der Kunst 128 Schelsky, Helmut 93 Schenda, Rudolf 8n., 9n. Schiller, Friedrich 2, 10, 105, llln,, 230, 249, 259, 260, 369 Die Braut von Messina 259 Die Götter Griechenlands 259 Kabale und Liebe 9 Kallias oder Uber die Schönheit 6 Nänie 259, 260 Über den Gebrauch des G hor s in der Tragödie 230, 233 Uber naive und sentimentalische Dichtung 229, 235 Was kann eine gute stehende Schaubühne eigentlich wirken 107, 108, 230 Schink, Johann Friedrich 124 Schizophrenia 24 Schlegel, Friedrich 130, 136, 151, 152 Schlegel, August Wilhelm 229n., 234 Vorlesungen über dramatische Kunst und Literatur 233, 241, 242 Schlegel, Johann Adolf 261 Schmeling, Manfred 239, 247n. Schmidt, Siegfried J. 93n. Schmitt, Albert 124n. Schneider, Elisabeth 344 Schnitzler, Arthur Der grüne Kakadu 247, 248 Schöffler, Herbert 271 n. Scholasticism 95 Schopenhauer, Arthur 9, 247, 346, 347n. Uber den Willen in der Natur 20 Schöpf, Alfred 103n. Schrödinger, Erwin 20 Schulte-Sasse, Jochen 105n. Schütz, Heinz 247n. Schuyt, Mike 334n. Science 95, 98, 101 goal of 19 Sckommodau, Hans 236n. Scott, Clement 223 Scott, Walter 277-281, 283 Waverlev Novels 277 — 278 The Antiquary 277 The Monastery 278n. Redgauntlet 211, 278 Rob Roy 277 Waverley 277 Scudérv, Georges de Apologie du théâtre 2 Comédie des comédiens 239n. Sculpture 188, 189, 195 — 197 see also Tourist Art, carvings, carvers Self-conscious narrator 293, 376 Self-consciousness, see also Meta-drama 380 of drama 321 n. of theater 239 Self-deception 254 Self-deluding 211 Self-delusion 255, 262 Self-fulfilling prophecy 24, 25 Self-refential drama 234 Self-referentiality 24, 74, 234, 236, 239, 246, 292, 294, 376, 377, 380, 387, 388 Self/other relationship 168 Selincourt, Ernest de 354 Selling, Gunter 249n. Semiotic 191, 205, 208, 215, 216 Semiotic desire 208, 216 Seneca 126 De Tranquillitate 126 Senses 108 of the real 92, 100—102 Sensible illusion 183, 204 Sensible signs 190 Sensuality 68, 106, 107, 109 Serial novels 268 Sexual antics 126 Sexual interest 127 Sfumato 167n. Shaffer, Elinor 3, 138n., 144n., 145n., 148n., 149n., 151n., 344 Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley-Cooper, Earl of 105, 107n., 108, 118, 126 Shakespeare 5, 142, 144—146, 211, 212, 217-219, 224, 226, 227, 230, 240, 301-323, 334n., 339-342, 351, 369, 375, 376, 343n. Index 473 Antony and Cleopatra 305n., 310, 311, 338, 341 As You Like It 217 Coriolanus 305, 310 Cymbeline 310 Hamlet 226, 301-305, 307, 310, 312 Henry IV 310 Henry V 303, 312, 311n., 338-341 Henry VIII 322 Julius Caesar 305, 375 King John 219 King I-лаг 217, 220, 368, 369 Lucrece 145 Macbeth 144, 305, 306, 310, 368 The Merchant oj Venice 31 On. A Midsummer Night's Dream 217, 226, 308, 309, 322, 340 Much Ado About Nothing 31 On. Othello 24, 222, 31 On. Pericles 31 On. Richard II 305, 310n. Richard III 217, 310n. Romeo and Juliet 310, 322 Sonnets 311 The Rape oj Lucrece 142, 144 The Taming of the Shrew 308, 314 The Tempest 217, 308, 309, 310n., 322 Timon of Athens 305 Twelfth Night 308, 313-323, 376 Two Noble Kinsmen 310n. Venus and Adonis 144 A Winter's Tale 321 n. Shapiro, Meyer 156, 332n. Shawcross, John T. 335 Shelley, Percy Bysshe 33, 38, 157, 342 Prometheus Unbound 342 The Cenci 342 Sheon, Aaron 132n. Shepard, Sam 376 — 391 Action 380, 385 Angel City 384, 385, 388 Buried Child 381, 387 Chicago 382, 391 Cowboys 2 378, 391 Curse of the Starving Class 379, 391 Fool for Love 391 4-H Club 382 Geography of a Horse Dreamer 386 The Holy Ghostly 379 Icarus' s Mother 381, 391 lnacoma 382, 390 Jackson's Dance 389 Mad Dog Blues 378, 379, 386 Operation Sidewinder 380, 390 Red Cross 379, 382, 391 Seduced 385, 386 Suicide in Bb 386, 390 The Tooth of Crime 382 — 384, 386, 390 Tongues 382 True West 386, 387 La Turista 378, 379, 388 The Unseen Hand 379, 381, 390 Siddons, Sarah 218 Sidney, Sir Philip The Defense of Poesie 212 — 214 Sign theory eighteenth century 113 Signs 166n., 183 — 219 (passim) arbitrary 115, 183, 190, 204, 206 arbitrary and natural 114 artificial 132 conventional 183, 190 connection with the signified 115 intelligible 190 natural 14, 29, 35, 40, 114-116, 131, 183-216 (passim), 230, 231 representational status of 115 sensible, intelligible signs 190 Sillitoe, Alan 294 Silver, Harry 42n., 58 Similarity 29 — 32, 34, 36 — 40 functional 32 metaphorical 39 in perception 30 Simon, Claude 89 Simonides 251 Simpson, Evelyn M. Simulacra 78 Simulation 93, 104 Singer, Godfrey Frank 265n. Skenographia 158, 159, 160n., 161, 162, 164, 173 474 Index Skepticism 158, 164, 168 Skiagraphia 158, 159, 160n., 161, 162, 164, 167, 172-174 Skrtne, Peter 240n. Slaves 74 Smith, Adam Essays on Philosophical Subjects 225n. Snow, С. P. 294n. Socialist realism, and aesthetic illusion 296 Socialization 117 fiction as a medium of 107 Societies, functionally differentiated 110 Sociology 87, 88 Socrates, see Plato Solar microscope 164, 174 — 176 Sophisticated conventionalist 67 Sophists 252 Sophocles 81, 224 Oedipus Rex 24 Sörbom, Göran 3n., 4n. Sorgenfrei, Carol 385n. Souvenir, see Tourist art Space 198, 201-210 Spectacle 73, 321, 355 Spectator, see also Audience 2 — 4, 7, 113, 114, 124, 126, 128, 140, 159, 211, 213, 214, 222-225, 229, 232, 236-244, 307, 337, 338, 365, 366, 369 ideal 229 intervening in a theatrical perform­ance 232 naive 237-240, 243, 248 Spee, Friedrich von Cautio C riminalis 23 Spenser, Edmund 306 Spiritual perception 324 — 336 Spiritual space 326, 333 Sprague, Stephan 47n. Sprague, Rosamond Kent 2n. Sprat, Thomas 162n. Spurgeon, Caroline 304 Stackelberg, Jürgen von 237n., 240n. Stafford, Barbara Maria 3, 28n., 158, 162n., 166n., 174n., 178n. Stage conditions 217—228 (passim) 231 ancient 234 seventeenth century (France) 236 Stage illusion, see Illusion, stage Stainton, Lindsay 177n. Stanislavsky, Constantin 223 — 226 227n. Stanzel, Franz K. 287 Steele, Richard 243 Steinecke, Hartmut 8n. Stendhal (i.e. Henrv Bevle) 86 Racine et Shakespeare 124 Sterne, Laurence 289, 291 Tristam Shandy 275, 289, 292, 29; 376 Stevens, Joseph 34n. Stevens, S. Smith 31n. Stevens, Wallace 33, 38 Stierle, Karlheinz 5n., 6 Stock, Brian 3n. Stolzenberg, Gabriel 20 Stoppard, Tom 376 Story-telling 1 Strauß, David Friedrich 283 Stream of consciousness 287, 288 Strindberg, August 223, 224 Stroud, Barry 344 Strubc, Werner 109, 11 In. Structuralism 294 Strutt, Joseph Queenhoo-Hall 278, 279 Strutt, Joseph Styan, J. L. 218n., 223, 226, 227 Style 66, 67 Subjectivity 117—121 romantic 342 Sublime 136, 144, 156, 198 Sukenick, Ronald 295 The Death of the Novel 296 Sullivan, Sir Arthur, see W. S. Gilbet Sulzer, Johann George Allgemeine Theorie der Schönen Kunst 245n. Summers, David 164n. Supernatural aids 148, 149 Superville, Humbert de, see Humbei de Superville Index 475 Suppression of the medium 202, 209 Surrealism 390 parodying realism 65 Surveillance, as motive of illusion 76 Suspension of disbelief, willing, see Illusion, "willing..." Suvin, Darko 363n. Sweerts, Michiel The Plague at Athens (formerly at­tributed to Poussin) 138, 139 (fig-) Swingle, L. J. 352, 354n. Symbol 161, 202-204, 230 Symbolism 158, 160, 161, 166, 168, ' 173 Sympathy 105, 116 Synaesthesia 28 — 40 in lyric poetry 257 Szombati-Fabian, Ilona 45n. Taine, Hippolyte 88 Tanzania 59 Tarot, Rolf 2n. Taste 105, 140, 147 Tate, Nahum King Tear 217 Taylor, F. W. 69 Taylor, Marke 171n. Television 78, 268, 341, 342 Temporality of verbal sequence 200 Theater, see also Drama, Illusion (dra­matic, stage), Playhouse crowd scenes 305 of non-illusion 227 pre-illusionistic 9 popular 5n. ritual function 4, 9, 23n. Theater on theater 236, 240, 247, 249 Théâtre du Marais 236 Theatrum mundi 247, 343 Thiher, Allen 296 Thillimore, Robert 200n. Thomke, Hellmut 4n., 13 Thompson, Robert Farris 42n., 50 Thomsen, Christian 136n. Thomson, Peter 226n., 37In. Tiberias 73 Time 198, 200-210, 327 Tirso de Molina 322 Titian 324 Todorov, Tzvetan 136, 140, 289n. Toto, Lusaka painter 58 Toulmin, Stephen 159n. Tourist art aesthetic qualities 50 aesthetics and market 44 aesthetics of carving 54 African consumers 57 as "ethnokitsch" 43 conventional aesthetics 41 authenticity 42 Bini carvers 51 Canada 56 carver, carving 43, 45, 47, 49 — 51, 53-55, 58, 59 Chokwe 50 consumers 44, 47, 48, 51, 58 — 61 craftmanship 42, 50 curio 48, 49, 51, 56 distorted communication between artists and consumers 59 establishing of genres 42 ethnoaesthetics 42, 45, 50, 60 exchange (economic, symbolic) 42, 44, 61 gallery audience 60 genre 44, 45, 47 genres and styles 51 Ghana 58 image-creators 53 image-producers 53 interest of producers and consum­ers 60 Ivory Coast 48, 51 Japanese market 45 Kabama, Diouf (painter) 56 — 58 Kamba 43, 45, 58, 59 Kamba carver 45, 50, 53, 61 Kamba sculptors 51 Kamba wood carvings 43 Kenya 48, 50 Kioko, Jonathan Kimetu 53 — 55 Kulebele, northern Ivory Coast 43 landscape painting 44 476 Index Lele 49, 50 Luba 50 market 43, 47, 48 — 53 influence on genres 53 market, types of 48 Masai 45, 55, 58 Mbai, Safari 53, 55 — 56 Middlemen 44, 46, 47, 49, 51, 53, 54, 60 Mulii, Joseph 55 Munge, Mutisya wa 45 new figuratism 51, 57, 61 painter, paintings 47—49, 52, 53, 56-58 photography 45, 47, 58 representation 58 Samburu 45, 55 self-representations 47 sentimental value of 59 Senufo 43, 51 sign value 47 souvenir 43, 45, 58 symbolic codes 44 symbolic exchange value 47 symbolic value 50 symbols of change 42 Tanzania 59 Toto, Lusaka painter 58 tourists 55, 58 Tourist art system 44 — 48 Turkana 55 Zaire 49, 56 Zambia 48 Tragedy classic 24 French, seventeenth century 234 Greek 4, 5 Traini, Francesco Triumph of Death 151 — 153 Trakl, Georg 260 Transitional objects 103 Travesty, see Parody Trimpi, Wesley 158, 159 Trompe l'oeil 74, 77, 161, 164, 197, 228, 337, 344 Truth, see also Lie 1, 2, 8, 76, 78, 87, 95, 101, 103, 108, 114, 120, 146, 247, 251, 252, 255, 261, 262, 275, 363 and error in visual images 68 in painting 68 mathematical 20 science 19 to character 85 Tschechow, Anton, see Anton Che­khov Turkewitz, Gerald 37n. Turner, Joseph Mallord William 152, 173 Typological 325, 331, 332 Unamuno, Miguel de Niebla 295 Understanding (Verstand), see also Reason 106, 110 Unheimliche, das, see Freud, Sig­mund, The Uncanny Unity of the senses 35 "Ut pictura poesis", see Horace Vaihinger, Hans 21, 22, 24, 95 Valéry, Paul Poésie pure 261 Vanloo see Loo, van Varela, Francisco 21 Vaughan, William 152 Vega Carpio, Lope Félix de 322 Verbal arts 183 — 185, 187 — 192, 195, 197, 203, 204, 207, 210, 215 Verbal to the visual arts 187 Verbraeken, René 164n., 167n., 170n., 176n. Verfremdung, see Alienation Verisimilitude 4, 5, 8, 194, 208—211 Verlaine, Paul 5 Vermeer, Jan The Artist in his Studio 80 Versini, Laurent 265n. Vickers, Brian 162n. Violence, as motive of illusion 69 Virgil 204 Aeneis 200n. Georgica 259 Vision of God 325, 328-331, 333, 334, 336 Index 477 Visual arts 187, 189, 191, 195-198, 203, 206, 210 Visual communication 67, 68, 78, 117 Visual experience 28 — 40 (passim) Visual poetry, see also Eidetic 254 Visualization 86, 162, 166, 170, 175, 177, 390, 391 Vitruvius 326 Voice (of narrator in greek poetry) 184, 185, 186n., 189, 193 and language 184 Volitional control 132 Voltaire 243 Voluntary control 136 Voluntary participation 137 Voßkamp, Wilhelm 2n. Voveuristic 76 Walker, Julia M. 335n. Walpole, Horace 151, 277, 280 Walton, Kendall 127, 128 Warhol, Andy 60, 296, 379 Warning, Rainer 6, 232n., 235n., 241, 244n., 246n. Warren, Austin 38n., 123 Watelet, Jean 176n. Waterhouse, Ellis 177n. Watts, Pauline Moffitt 330n., 335n. Watts-Dunton, Theodore 343 Watzlawick, Paul 6, 14, 93n., 247n. Waugh, Evelyn 294 Vile Bodies 294n. Waugh, Patricia 292n. Weigel, Helene 370 Weiße, Christian Felix Der Fanatismus, oder ]ean Calas 124 Romeo und Julia 245 Wekwerth, Manfred 374n. Wellek, René 38n., 123, 203n., 205n. West, Benjamin 151, 154 West, Mae 379 Wetzsteon, Ross 377n. White, John 324n. Whiteley, J. J. L. 177n. Who Framed Roger Rabbit? 379 Whole of dramatic action 234 of dramatic action/reality 235 Wickham, Glynne 321n. Wieland, Christoph Martin 268 Aristipp und einige seiner Zeitgenossen 276, 277 Wilder, Thornton Our Town 376 Willems, Gottfried 5n., 117n. Willett, John 367n., 368n. Williams, Tennessee The Glass Menagerie 376 "Willing suspension of disbelief', see Illusion, "willing..." Wilson, Angus 294n. Wimsatt, W. K. 122, 194 Winckelmann, Johann Joachim 201n. Winds, Erich 370n. Winnicott, Donald Woods 103 Witches, witchcraft, see also Magic 23, 305-307, 310 Wittgenstein, Ludwig 130 Wittkower, Rudolf 327n. Wolf, Werner 7, 275 Wolfe, Tom The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test 297 Wolff, Erwin 279 Woolf, Virginia 287-289, 290n., 293 Mrs Dalloway 289 Word-tableaux 146, 152 Wordsworth, Dorothy 352 Wordsworth, Jonathan 360 Wordsworth, William 256, 347n., 349, 351-360 Descriptive Sketches 354 Elegiac Stanpas 360 An Evening Walk 353 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 352 Intimations Ode 360 Lines: Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey 351—353,358 Lines: Written as a School Exercise at Hawkshead 354, 355 Poems of Imagination X 352, 353 The Prelude 353, 356 — 361 The Recluse 357 The Reverie of Poor Susan 356 The Vale of Esthwaite 355, 356 World-theater, see Theatrum mundi 478 Index Wright, Beth S. lóón., 168n Wright, Elizabeth 364n. Wright of Derby 178 Writing 94, 97 Würzbach, Natascha 8n. Yasuda, Kenneth 256n. Yeats, William Butler Among School Children 13 Yolton, John W. lóón. Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar 302, 310n Zaire 49, 56 Zambia 48 Zavarzadeh, Mas'ud 296n., 297n. Zerbst, Rainer S. 102n., 296n., 297n. Zeuxis of Heraclea 70, 71, 125n. Zinman, Toby Silverman 378, 388n. Zola, Emile 87, 88, 286
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