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Volltext:INDEX This index is restricted to proper names and covers the main text and the picture captions but not the footnotes. Page numbers of picture captions are given in italics. Buildings and institutions are grouped under town, city or state (e.g. most Mackintosh buildings are listed under Glasgow). Churches are always listed under their town or city. Where a geographical reference would include only a single building, this is given instead under its own name (e.g. Maison Coilliot, Lille). Where it has seemed useful to provide them, cross-references have been given from architects to the main locations under which their buildings are listed. Abbotsbury 6 Aberdeen 14 Academy Architecture 60 Albert, Prince Consort 10 Alison, Filippo 56 paper by 149-152 Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church (Wright) 82 Archer, John H.G., paper by 58-74 Architect, The 37, 37 Architectural Association 14,22 Architectural Association Notes 11 Architectural Review, The 52, 58 Architecture, Mysticism and Myth (Lethaby) 18, 21 Architecture, Nature and Magic (Lethaby) 18 Arizona —Ocatilla Desert Camp, Chandler (Wright) 81, 81 —Taliesin West, Scotrsdale (Wright) 77, 81, 88, 89 Arnold, Matthew 23 Artistic Circle of Sant Lluc 147 Ashbee, C.R. 16, 38, 50, 72, 117, 128, 128, 131 Astorga - Episcopal Palace (Gaudf) 143 Auchmacoy, Aberdeenshire (Burn) 32 Auchterhouse, Angus 35, 36 Austria 6, 7, 41, 56, 72, 113, 120, 122 Baillie Scott, M.H. 16, 42, 46, 51, 103, 128, 129, 131 Ball, A S. 107,109 —dining room for (Olbrich) 107, 109 —dining room for (Mackintosh) 109 —vestibule for (Grenander) 108, 109 Barcelona 28,30, 148 —Casa Milà- La Pedrera (Gaudi) 142 —Güell Estate gateway (Gaudi) 148 —lamp-post project (Gaudi) 143 —Park Güell (Gaudi) 142, 143, 144, 148 —School of Architecture 143,144 —Templo Expiatorio de la Sagrada Familia (Gaud!) 141, 141, 142, 143, 145, 145, 146, 147, 148 Barlow, Samuel 59 Barnes, Harry 52 Barnstaple 18 Barthes, Roland 10 Bartok, Béla 127 Basel - Railway Station project (Olbrich) 109, 111 Bassegoda,Juan 141,142 paperby 141-148 Bassett-Lowke, W.J. 57 Bauer, Leopold 104, 105 Bauhaus 6, 10, 13, 132, 140 Beardsley, Aubrey 30 Beethoven, Ludwig van 102 Behrens. Peter 17, 102, 102, 111, 131 Berenguer, Francisco 142 Bergós,Juan 141, 143, 146 Berlin 8, 107, 108, 109, 111, 122 Berliner Architekturwelt 109 Billcliffe, Roger 55, 56 paper by 6-7 Bishop's Itchington, Warwickshire (Voysey) 35 Blackie, W.W. 42 Blackwell, Lake District (Baillie Scott) 46, 51 Blake, William 73 Blomfield, Reginald 18 Bluette, La (Guimard) 137, 139 Boston, Massachusetts 90, 91 Bournemouth - St Clement's church (Sedding) 71 Britain 8, 15, 25, 30, 122, 123, 127 British Architect, The 60, 61, 71, 73 Brockhampton - All Saints church (Lethaby) 20, 21, 23 Brown, FordMadox 61, 62 Browne, George Washington 35, 35 Brussels 28 —Hôtel Tassel (Horta) 134 —Palais Stoclet (Hoffmann) 46, 120 Bryce, David 32, 33, 33 Brydon, J.M. 11 Budapest 122 —Almshouse (Lajta) 129,130 —Asylum for the Blind (Lajta) 129 —Buffalo House, Budapest Zoo (Kós) 127 —Erzsénetvâros Savings Bank (Lajta) 130, 131 —house project (Ashbee) 128, 128 —Hungarian National Museum 123 —Institute of Geology (Lechner) 123 —Kobânya, Pest 123 —Millennial Exhibition (18%) 122 —Municipal Concert Hall (Feszl) 122 —Museum of Applied Arts (Lechner) 123,124, 130 —Pension Office, Hungarian State Railways building (Lechner) 122 —Post Office Savings Bank (Lechner) 123, 124, 124, 125, 126, 130 —Presbyterian parsonage, Budapest-Obuda (Kós) 128 —Rózsavölgyi house (Lajta) 130, 130,131 —School, Aidas Street (Zrumeczky) 128 —School, Vas Street (Lajta) 130,131 —Schools, Vårosmajor Street (Györgyi) 128 —Zoo buildings (Kós and Zrumeczky) 127,128 Builder, The 8,18 Burges, William 61, 72 Burn, William 32 Burnet, J.J. 33,35,35 Burnett, John 10, 11 Burnham, Daniel 75 Burrell, William 30 Butterfield, William 21 California [see also Pasadena] 7, 90, 93 —Adelaide Tichenor House, Long Beach (Greene and Greene) 95, 95 —Aline Barnsdall house, Los Angeles (Wright) 78 —Carmel 52 —Mrs Clinton Walker house, Carmel (Wright) 89, 89 —Jennie Reeve house, Long Beach (Greene and Greene) 95 —Robert Berger house, San Anselmo (Wright) 80 —V.C. Morris house (Wright) 78 Canada 55 Capper, S. Henbest 35 Carlyle, Thomas 8 Carruthers, W.L. 35 Castel d'Orgeval, Villemoisson (Guimard) 137, 137 Castel Henriette, Sèvres (Guimard) 136,137, 139,140 Cellini, Benvenuto 146 Century Guild 61, 62, 62, 63, 64, 73 Channing, William Ellery 83 Chapman-Huston, Desmond 51 Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the Modem Movement (Howarth) 54 Charles Rennie Mackintosh Society 6, 55 Chicago see Illinois Chipping Camden 6 Christiansen, Hans 103 Christie's 55 Clark, Robert Judson, paper by 98-112 Clifford, Harry Edward 32 Collcutt, T.L. 16 Collins, George R. 141,142 Colonia Guëll, Santa Coloma de Cervelló (Gaudi) 142, 142 Comillas 148 Contrasts (Pugin) 20 Cope's Cabin 62, 62 Corbusier, Le 23, 31, 44 Cortachy, Angus (Bryce) 32, 33 Crane, Walter 106 Cranston, Miss 55, 59 Creese, Walter 13 Dalnyveed, Royston, Hertfordshire (Wood) 69, 70 Darmstadt 67, 98, 102, 103,105, 111 —Document of German Art exhibition (1901) 102 —Ernst-Ludwig-Haus (Olbrich) 101, 101 —Joseph Olbrich house (Olbrich) 101, 102 —Ludwig Habich house (Olbrich) 101, 102 —Matildenhöhe Artists' Colony 101 —Peter Behrens house (Behrens) 102, 102 —Wedding Tower and Exhibition Building (Olbrich) 111, 112 Darwin Martin house, Buffalo, New York (Wright) 77 Davidson family 48, 49, 52, 53 Davidson, W.R. 42, 52 Davison, T. Raffles 13, 61 de Castro, Fernandez 145 Degas, Edgar 59 Dekorative Kunst 1 78 Derngate, Northampton (Mackintosh) 70 Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration 103 Devey, George 32 Dohme, Robert 15 Douglas, John 36 Douglas, Patricia 55 Doune, house at (Thomas MacLaren) 37 Dresden 98,109 Dresser, Christopher 30 Dronsfield, William 69 Dülfer, Martin 103 Duncan, Katherine M. 95 Dun Dhu, Loch Ard (Leadbetter) 35 Dunn & Watson 32, 35 Edinburgh —1 Beiford Road, Drumsheugh Toll (Browne) 35, 35 —Colinton Cottages (Lorimer) 32, 37, 38, 38 —Festival (1953) 54 —LeithWalk 28 —Mackintosh Memorial Exhibition (1%8) 55 Eduard Schwarzmann house project, Strasbourg (Olbrich) 110, 111 Egea, Rosa 142, 144 Egerton, Alix 52 Eigenkleid, Das (Anna Muthesius) 9 Elizabeth, Grand Duchess 107 Emerson, Ralph Waldo 83 England 8, 10, 23, 24, 25, 29, 35, 37, 38, 50, 51, 52, 59, 90, 93, 100, 113, 114,117,120, 128, 134 englische Haus, Dos (Hermann Muthesius) 8, 11, 14, 45, 59 Ernst Ludwig, Grand Duke of Hesse 101, 106, 111 Fallingwater- Edgar Kaufmann house, Ohiopyle, Pennsylvania (Wright) 78, 79, 81 Feinhals, Joseph 1/0,111 Fergusson, James 13, 17 Feszl, Frigyes 122 Finland 127, 128, 129 Florida Southern College, Lakeland (Wright) 88, 89, 89 Folguera, Francisco 141 Ford, Henry 81 Fordyce, Professor 52 Form in Civilisation (Lethaby) 17 Fortingall, Glenlyon, Perthshire —cottages (Dunn & Watson) 36 —hotel (James MacLaren) 37 France 10, 24, 25, 46, 122, 132-140, 143 Frontisi, Claude, paper by 132-140 Garden Cities of Tomorrow (Howard) 13 Gari, Benet 144 157 INDEX Gaudi, Antoni [see also Barcelona] 6, 25, 28, 29, 67, 121, 135,141-148 Gauguin, Paul 132 Geddes, Patrick 35 Gentleman's House, The (Kerr) 8, 15 Genys, Charles 133 George, Ernest 16, 35 Germany 6, 7, 8, 15, 25, 42, 50, 67, 72, 109, 111, 116 Gill, Irvingjonathan 93 Gillespie, John Gaff 32 Glasgow 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 39, 41, 51, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 98 —Argyle Street Tea Rooms (Mackintosh and Walton) 47,49 —City Art Gallery, Kelvingrove 54 —Corporation 55 —Glasgow Art Association 29 —Glasgow School of Art (Mackintosh) 6,19, 25, 26, 27, 31, 32, 39, 40, 40„ 41, 43, 46, 51, 52, 53, 54, 62, 71,74,%, 111, 112, 153, 154 —Hous'hill, Nitshill (Mackintosh) 55 —Ingram Street Tea Rooms (Mackintosh) 41, 55 —International Exposition, 1901, Concert Hall project (Mackintosh) 100, 100 —Mackintosh Memorial Exhibition (1933) 52 —120 Mains Street (Mackintosh) 42, 44, 46-48, 47, 49, 50, 51 —Martyrs' Public School (Mackintosh) 27 —Pettigrew Building (Honeyman & Keppie) 27 —Provand's Lordship Society 52 —Queen's Cross church (Mackintosh) 26, 27, 27, 41, 43,63 —78 Southpark Avenue (Mackintosh) 42, 48, 48, 49, 50, 51, 51, 52, 55 —Willow Tea Rooms (Mackintosh) 46, 55 Glenlyon, Perthshire 32, 35, 36, 37, 37, 38 Godollo - studio villas (Medgyaszay) 129 Godwin, E.W. 6, 61, 73, 74, 155 Goldmark, Karl 102 Grand Prix de Rome 133 Greene and Greene [see also California, Pasadena] 4, 7, 50,90-97 Greene, Charles Sumner 50, 52, 90, 90, 91, 93, 95, 96 Greene, Henry Mather 90, 90, 91, 95, % Green, Thomas 90 Grenander, Alfred 108,109 Guëli, Eusebio 142 Guggenheim Museum, New York (Wright) 81 Guild and School of Handicraft 72, 117 Guimard, Hector [see also Paris] 6, 25, 28, 29, 30, 30, 132-140 Guimard house, Vanves (Guimard) 139 Guimardière, La (Guimard) 139 Györgyi, Dénes 127 Habich, Ludwig 101 Hale, Altrincham, Cheshire - 224 Hale Road (Wood) 70, 70, 71 Hardie, Martin 35 Harrow - Holy Trinity church, Latimer Road (Shaw) 63 Haus eines Kunstfreundes competition 98, 102-106 —(Mackintosh) 41, 42-46, 42, 43, 44, 45, 103, 103 Наг, A 128 Hennebique, François 129, 140 Hertford-workers'housing 11 Hevesi, Ludwig 113 Hill House, The, Helensburgh (Mackintosh) 19, 25, 25, 27, 32, 37, 38, 41, 42, 44, 46, 47, 50, 55, 149, 150,153 Hobby Horse, The 61, 62, 73, 74 Hobhouse, Christopher 13 Hoffmann, Josef [see also Vienna] 6, 25, 46, 51, 57, 72, 105,116, 117, 117, 119, 120 Holland 134 Holme, Charles 72 Honeyman & Keppie 26, 41 Hornel brothers 30 Horta, Victor 6, 25, 28, 30, 134, 139,140 Hôtel Aubecq (Horta) 139 Howard, Ebenezer 12, 13 Howarth, Thomas 32, 42, 59, 72 paper by 39-57 Houses and Gardens (Baillie Scott) 42 Hublotière, La, Hermanville (Guimard) 137 Huddersfield —Lindley Clock Tower (Wood) 58, 59, 65, 66, 66, 67, 71 —Banney Royd, Egerton (Wood) 65, 66, 67 Hughes, Robert 10 Hungary 7, 121-131 Hunt, Myron 95 Hurd, Robert 42, 54 Hurst, The, Sutton Coldfield (Lethaby) 19, 20 Hutchinson, John 26 Illinois —Arthur Heurtley house, Oak Park (Wright) 78, 78 —Avery Coonley house, Riverside (Wright) 77, 77 —Chicago 28, 30, 91 —Frederick Robie house, Chicago (Wright) 49, 49, 50, 77, 81 —F.F. Tomek house. Riverside (Wright) 76 —Frank Lloyd Wright studio. Oak Park (Wright) 79, 82, 82 —Frank Thomas house, Oak Park (Wright) 78, 78, 86 —George Furbeck house, Oak Park (Wright) 78 —Joseph Walser house, Chicago (Wright) 84, 84 —R. Harley Bradley house, Kankakee (Wright) 49 —Susan L. Dana house, Springfield (Wright) 49, 50 —Ward Willits house. Highland Park (Wright) 84, 84 —World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago (1893) 91 Image, Selwyn 61, 62, 74 Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique 132 Inverness —Carrol (Carruthers) 35 —Lethington (Carruthers) 35 —Rossal (Carruthers) 35 Irwin, Theodore M. 95 Italy 39, 55, 60, 93, 111, 134,149 Jackson, F.W. 62 Jackson, Holbrook 10 Janszky, Béla 127 Japan 25, 26, 29, 30, 35, 40, 91,153 Jaray, Sigmund 115 Joachim, F.W. 104,105 Johnson's Wax Company building (Wright) 81, 82 Joseph Feinhals house, Cologne-Marienburg (Olbrich) 110, 111 Kalas, E.B. 46 Kalek, Don, paper by 75-89 Kecskemet-Town Hall (Lechner) 123 Keiss, Caithness (Bryce) 32, 33 Kelmscott 13 Kerr, Robert 8, 13, 14, 15, 17, 64 Kilneiss, Glencairn (Burnet) 35, 35 King,Jessie M. 44 Koblenz 105 Koch, Alexander 43,102,103, 106, 109 Kodâly, Zoltan 127 Kohn, J.&J. 115, 115,120 Kós, Karoly 126,127, 131 Lajta, Béla 126, 129, 130, 130,131 Larkin Company building (Wright) 81, 82 Lasdun, Denys, paper by 153-154 Lauder, Alexander 18 Lawson, T. Campbell 55 Leadbetter, Thomas 35 Lechner, Ödön [seealso Budapest] 121, 122, 123, 124, 124,125, 125,129, 130, 131 Lefler, Heinrich 115, 116 Lennoxtown Inn, Stirlingshire (Mackintosh) 37 León 148 Leonardo da Vinci 146 Leonhard Tietz department store, Düsseldorf (Olbrich) 110, 111 Letch worth 13 Lethaby, William Richard 13, 15,16,17,18-24, 19, 29, 65 Liszt, Ferenc 122 Liverpool 61 —Cathedral 173 —cathedral project (Mackintosh) 109,111 —University 24 London 13, 14, 28, 59, 123, 129 —Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society 63, 66 —Bedford Park, Turnham Green 12 —Centra) School of Arts & Crafts 23 —Crystal Palace, Hyde Park (Paxton) 10, 13 —German Embassy 12,15 —Kensington Institute 26 —Metropolitan Board of Works 73 —The Priory, Hammersmith 12, 17 —Royal Academy 60, 71 —Royal College of Art 23 —Soane Museum (Soane) 31 —South Kensington Museum 123 —studio residences, Chelsea (Mackintosh) 57, 57 —University College 24 —Victoria & Albert Museum 55 —workers' housing, Kennington Green 11 Loos, Adolf 114, 115, 115,116, 117, 120, 130 Lorimer, Robert 32, 37, 38, 38 Lutyens, Edwin 28, 29 Lux, Josef August 113 Lyme Regis 6 Lynton - St Mary's church (Wilson) 71 Macdonald (Mackintosh), Margaret 15, 41, 45, 46, 47, 51,52, 100, 103, 117 McGibbon, Alexander 26 McGrath, Raymond 32-38 Mackintosh, Charles Rennie [see also Glasgow, London Moscow] 6-7, 10, 14, 14, 16, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25-31, 32, 33, 37, 38, 39-57, 49, 50, 52, 58-74, 75, 98-112, 99, 106, 109, 112,117, 118, 130, 131, 135, 149-156 Mackmurdo, A.H. 61,73,74 MacLaren, James 32,35,38 MacLaren, Thomas 35 McLaren Young, Andrew 37, 53, 152 Macleod, Robert 32, 59 paper by 18-24 MacMillan, Andrew, paper by 25-31 MacNair, Frances 9, 14,15 MacNair, Herbert 48 McNaughtan, Alan G. 32 Macpherson, James 131 Maison du Peuple (Horta) 139 Majorca 148 Maki, Fumihiko 48 Makinson, Randell L., paper by 90-97 Mallet-Stevens, Robert 32, 38 Malonyai, Deszö 129 Manchester 58, 59, 61, 74 —Central Library 65 —Geisha Café, Cross Street 65 —First Church of Christ, Scientist (Wood) 59, 67, 67, 68, 68, 69, 72 —Hallé Orchestra 59 —Manchester Architectural Association 73 —Northern Art Workers' Guild 65, 66 —Royal Exchange 59, 60 —Town Hall (Waterhouse) 61,63 Manchester Guardian, The 59, 65 Manet, Edouard 132 Maragall, Joan 143 Marmorek, Oskar 105 Marple, Cheshire - St Martin's church (Sedding and Wilson) 61 Martineli, C. 141 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 91 Matamala, Juan 141 Maybeck, Bernard 50, 93 Medgyaszay, Istvån 129, 129 Meissonnier, Jean-Louis-Ernest 133 Meli Mohr, Loch Ard (Leadbetter) 35 Melwyn Maxwell Smith house, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan (Wright) 85, 87 Merriot church 27, 27 Messel, Alfred 111 Middleton 59, 60,73 —Long Street Wesleyan church (Wood) 67 —Unitarian church (Wood) 62, 63, 63, 64, 64 —Williams Deacons and Manchester and Salford Bank (Wood) 71 Midway Gardens (Wright) 81, 82 Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig 56, 57, 123 Milà family 142 Mills & Murgatroyd 60 Milwaukee State Library and Museum (Wright) 26 Mink, V.C. 104,105 Modern British Architecture and Decoration (special number of The Studio, 1901) 50 Modern Country House, The 19 Mora we, Claire 98, 106, 107 Moreu, Pepita 144 Morris, William 6, 8, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 28, 113,117, 131 Moscow —Architectural Exhibition (Mackintosh and Olbrich, 1902-03) 106,107 —School of Applied Art 107 Moser, Koloman 72, 116, 118, 119, 120 Munich 103 Murgatroyd, James 60 Muthesius, Anna 9, 12, 16, 17 Muthesius, Hermann 8-17, 9, 12, 14, 16, 17, 28, 45, 59, 72,111 National Life Insurance Company project (Wright) 82 National Trust for Scotland 55 Nesfield, Eden 11, 16,35,73 Neue Freie Presse 114 Newbery, Francis 41, 59, 64 New England 83 Nuttgens, Patrick, paper by 155-156 Odön Lechner Society 121 Olbrich, Joseph Maria 98-112, 98, 100, 101, 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112,116, 117, 156 Oldham 59, 60, 68, 69 —house for William Dronsfield (Sellers) 69 Orchard, The (Voysey) 49 Örley, Robert 116,117 158 INDEX Painted Desert 86 Pane, Roberto 141,142 Paris —apartment building, Avenue de Versailles (Guimard) 137 —apartment building. Rue Greuze (Guimard) 139 —Castel Béranger (Guimard) 30, 134, 134,135, 135, 139, 140 —Ecole des Arts Décoratifs 132 —Ecole des Beaux Arts 133 —Ecole du Sacré Coeur (Guimard) 133, 133,140 —Eiffel Tower (Eiffel) 10,140 —Exhibition of Building (1903) 138 —Exposition (1900) 15 —Exposition Universelle (1889) 10, 15, 140 —Hôtel Delfau, Rue Molitor, Auteuil (Guimard) 135 —Hôtel de Nozal (Guimard) 137 —Hôtel Deron-Levant (Guimard) 139 —Hôteljassède, Rue Chardon-Lagache, Auteuil (Guimard) 135 —Hôtel Guimard, Avenue Mozart (Guimard) 138, 139 —Hôtel Mezzara, Rue La Fontaine (Guimard) 137, 137 —Salle des Machines, Exposition Universelle 140 —Salle Humbert de Romans (Guimard) 137, 137,139 —Société des Artistes Français 133 —Société Nationale des Beaux Arts 133 —Synagogue, Rue Pavée (Guimard) 137 Pasadena, California 91, 92 —Arturo Bandini house (Greene and Greene) 93, 95, 95 —Charles S. Greene house (Greene and Greene) 4 —David B. Gamble house (Greene and Greene) 52, 91, 91,96 —Duncan/Irwin house (Greene and Greene) 95 —Freeman A. Ford house (Greene and Greene) 95, 95, 96 —James A. Culbertson house (Greene and Greene) 92,93 —Kinney Kendall building (Greene and Greene) 92, 92 —Pasadena Illustrated Souvenir Book 92 —Robert R. Blacker house (Greene and Greene) 95, 96, 97 —Swan house (Greene and Greene) 93 —Van Rossem-Neill house (Greene and Greene) 93 Pater, Walter 73, 74 Paterson, James 35 Paul, Bruno 111 Paxton, Joseph 10, 13 Peabody Settlements 11 Pécs 123 Pevsner, Nikolaus 6, 7, 59, 66, 67, 69, 72 Pissarro, Camille 59 Plas Dinam, Montgomeryshire (Nesfield) 35 Porto Maurizio - villa (Wood) 60, 70, 71, 71 Posener, Julius 16, 17 Prag-Rudniker Korbwaren 120, 120 Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore 11, 17, 20, 72, 74 Puig Boada, Isidro 141 Purkersdorf Sanatorium 120 Queen o/Sheba (Goldmark) 102 RIBA Journal 52 Ràfols, J.F. 141,143 Ralph Jester house project (Wright) 78, 80 Rarosmulyad - church (Medgyaszay) 129 Rathausky, Hans 115 Raulin, Gustave 133 Red House, The (Webb) 13,21 Reichenberg - North Bohemian Museum of Applied Arts competition entry (Olbrich) 98, 99 Remington, Eliphalet 81 Renaixença, La 143 Reus Museum 143 Richardson, Henry Hobson 91 Riemerschmid, Richard 116 Roberts, Henry 11 Rochdale 59, 65 Rocky Mountains 86 Root, John 75 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 73 Royal Incorporation of British Architects in Scotland 55 Royal Institute of British Architects 22, 23, 24, 54 Ruskin, John 8, 15. 17,29, 30,74, 117, 128, 131 Russia 10, 107 St Louis, Missouri - Fountain Court at 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition (Olbrich) 108, 109 St Johann am Wocheinersee 117 Salmon, James 32 Salzer, Hans 119 Sauvage, Henri 140 Schmidl family vault (Lajta) 129 Schmidt, Wilhelm 120 Schöntaler, Franz, Jr 115, 116 Schwabe, G.A.E. 60,69 Schwarzmann, Eduard ПО, 111 Scotland 6, 7, 25, 32-38, 65, 72,118,120,131,134,153, 154, 156 Search for Environment (Creese) 13 Sedding, J.D. 16,17,61,71,73 Sellers, James Henry 68, 69, 72 Shand, P. Morton 45 Sharp, Dennis, paper by 8-17 Shaw, Norman 11,16,18, 30, 61, 63, 64, 71,129 Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge 91 Shock of the New, The(Hughes) 10 Small Country Houses of Today (Weaver) 69 Soane, John 31 Soane Medallion 99 Sopron - Theatre (Medgyaszay) 129 Sotheby's 55 Spain 25, 55 Stakehill 59 Stickley, Gustav 7, 95, 95,114 Stöhr, Ernst 117 Studies in the History of the Renaissance (Pater) 73 Studio, The 7, 8, 28, 30, 46, 50, 72 Stuttgart 102 Style and Society (Macleod) 59 Sullivan, Louis 75, 130, 131 Surprise, La (Guimard) 137 Sykes family 59 Szabadka-Town Hall 125 Szirmai Palace 129 Szirmai, Janos, paper by 121-131 Taliesin see Wisconsin Taliesin West see Arizona Tarn, John 11 Taylor, E. A. 32 Thonet brothers 115 Thoreau, Henry 83 Tiffany, Louis Comfort 95 Toda, Eduardo 143 Tokyo - American Embassy (Maki) 49 Tomorrow, A Peaceful Path to Real Reform (Howard) 13 Toronto-Royal Ontario Museum 55 Torras, Josep, Bishop of Vic 142, 146,147 Transylvania 127, 129 True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture (Pugin) 20 Turin 106 —International Exhibition ofDecorative Art (1902) 41, 98 (Olbrich room) 105, 106 United States of America 6, 10, 13, 14, 24, 25, 30, 35, 49, 51,57, 75-89,114 Unity Temple (Wright) 81,82 Upmeads, Stafford (Wood) 69, 69, 70 Urban, Josef 115, 116 Vancouver 55 Van de Velde, Henry Clements 30, 103, 105, 131 Van Gogh, Vincent 30 Venice-Palazzo Ducale 39 Veszprém- Theatre (Medgyaszay) 129, 129 Victoria, Crown Princess of Germany 8 Victoria, Queen 8 Vienna 7, 25, 28, 32, 51, 72, 98, 100, 101,103,105,107, 113-120, 127, 131 —Academy 114 —Biach apartment (Hoffmann) 120 —College of Applied Art 116 —Goldman & Salatsch store (Loos) 114 —Henneberg villa (Hoffmann) 120 —house, Bergerhöhe (Hoffmann) 117, 117 —Köstlergasse, 3 (Wagner) 114 —Kurzweil studio (Hoffmann) 117 —Moser-Moll villa (Hoffmann) 120 —Museum Café (Loos) 114, 115 —Österreichisches Museum fur Kunst und Industrie ИЗ, 114, 115, 116, 117 —Pavilion, Jubilee Exhibition, 1898 (Olbrich) 99,100, 100 —Post Office Savings Bank (Wagner) 114, 115 —Salzer apartment (Hoffmann) 119,120 —St Leopold am Steinhof church (Wagner) 68 —Secession 41, 51, 67, 72, 100,117,118, 120 —Secession building (Olbrich) 100, 100 —Secession Secretary 's office (Hoffmann) 117 —Spitzer apartment (Olbrich) 116 —Spitzer villa (Hoffmann) 120 —Telegraph Office (Wagner) 114 —Vila Bahr (Olbrich) 116 Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel 133, 135 Virginia 90 Von Skala, Arthur 114 Voysey, Charles Frederick Annesley 13, 16, 27, 28, 35, 38, 40,49, 62, 64, 71, 131 Wagner, Otto [see also Vienna] 25, 68, 99, 103, 114, 115 Wagner, Richard 116 Walden (Thoreau) 83 Walker, David M. 71 paper by 32-38 Walton, George 38 Walton, John 52, 53 Wareham, Dorset - The Rising Sun 37 Warndorfer, Fritz 51, 57, 119 Warren, H. Langford 91 Wasmuth, Ernst 8,14, 31 Waterhouse, Alfred 61, 64 Weaver, Lawrence 69 Webb, Philip 6,13,16,17,18, 20, 21, 22, 30, 32 Welwyn Garden City 13 Whistler, James McNeill 30, 73 Whitfield, William 54 Whitman, Walt 58, 59 Wiener Werkstätte 51, 72,117, 119,120, 120 Wigand, Ede Thoraczkai 127 Wilhelm II, Emperor of Germany 8,15 Wilson, Henry 61, 71 Windyhill, Kilmacolm (Mackintosh) 6, 19, 28, 32, 37, 38, 42, 47, 52,153 WinslowÄt Weatherall 91 Wisconsin 80, 83 —Frank Lloyd Wright house, Taliesin, Spring Green (Wright) 50, 79,88, 88,89 —Herbert Jacobs house, Madison (Wright) 83 Witt-Dörring, Christian, paper by 113-120 Wittgenstein, Hermann 120 Wood, Edgar [see also Huddersfield, Manchester, Middleton] 6, 58-74 Wood family 59 Woodward, Calvin Milton 90 Wright, Anna Lloyd 83 Wright, Frank Lloyd [see also Arizona, California, Illinois, Wisconsin] 6,10,14, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 39, 49, 49, 50, 51, 52, 75-89, 149 Wylie 6c Lochhead 32 Yellowstone National Park 86 York 68 Zebegény - Catholic church (Kós and Jânszky) 127 Zeitsehriß fur Innen-Dekoration 103 Zenta - Fire Station (Lajta) 129 Zeroch, Paul 104,105 Zrumeczky, Deszö 127 Zsolnay, Vilmos 123 159
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