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Volltext:Indeks of Names The bibliographic items are marked in italics Aigner Christian Piotr, arch. 66 Aksakov K. 146 Albumasar 166 Ales Mikolås 101, 102 Alexander I, the Czar of Russia 119 Alexander II, the Czar of Russia 119 Algardi 175 Amerling Friedrich von, painter 37 Amerling Karol Slavoj 50 Anjou 35, 164, 16 5 Anna, wife of Vaclav I 167 Anna of Antiochin, wife of Béla III 172 Arany Janos 39 Aråd 171 Aspetti 175 Auer Karol 128 Augustus II Saxon, the King of Poland 116 Augustus III Saxon, the King of Poland 116 Augusz Anton 80 Axentowicz Teodor, painter 108. 109 Baiassa I. M. 53 Balihski Micha! 120 Ballanohe Pierre-Simon 14. 15, 16. 18. 20, 21 Balogh Jolân 175 Banach Jerzy 72 Barahas Miklós, painter 37, 38, 79, 81, 82 Bardez Tadeusz 132 Baczkowski K. 1 Baxanowski A.J. 2 Barciak A. 39 Веке L. 54 В él Mathias 77 Béla, the Duke of Macsó 172 Béla III, the King of Hungary 172 Balâni Samuel 49 Belinsky 139, 142, 143 Belitska-Scholtz Hedvig 154, 156 Belopotocky Frantisek Miroboh 49 Bern Józef 126 Benozur Gryula, arch. 38 Benka Martin 54 Bergler Josef 87 Bernolåk Anton 46 Bertényi I. 55 Berwinski Ryszard 20 Berzeviezy 51 Bialostooki Jan 151, 152. 157, 159. 3, 4, 23, 56 Bielowski August 130, 131 Biernat.owa see Krawczuk-Biernatowa Boguslawski Wojoieeh 127 Bohun Kornel 53 Bohón Peter Miehal 49, 61. 52, 53 Besançon 140 Boisserée 154 Boleslas the Bravo, the King of Poland 130 Borkowski Alexander 131 Borkewski Józef 131 Borovsky Ilavlicek Karel 52 Boznanska Olga, painter 109 Brendel J. 57 Briosco Andrea see Ricci о Brudzinski Kazimierz 17 Brozik 155 Brykowski R. 24, 42, 43 Bryullov K. 142, 143, 144 Bürde Joseph 87 Bykovsky M. 144 Oaplovio 58 Casimir the Great, the King of Poland 120 Casimir Jagi ello. the King of Poland 120 191 Catherine île Medici (id ( 'ehikovsky Franeisek 50 Clnulrnba li. 25 Chalùpkn."S ('licliiioiiski Josef, painter l(i7, 109, 12(1 Okromy BvonishiV i t.'hnixoioki Tadeusz 152, 5 Chrzanow'ski Tadeusz 151. 155. 15(. 157, 6' Clani-Gallas Christian 88 Colbert Jean llaptiste 04 Collorcdo-Mannsfcld IiudoH 87 Coreggio Allegri Antonio, painter 40 Cotton 02 Csilléry К. К. 6 8 Csokonai Yetéz Mihâly 37 Oybulski Wojeieoh 17, 22, 23 (Jzajkowski Józet' 108 Czartoryscy 72 Ozartoryska Antonina 0 5 Czartoryska Izabella 10, 05, 152, 153 Czartoryska M. 26 Czartoryski Adam Jerzy 65, 00 Ozartoryski Adani Kaziniierz 05 Czartoryski Whidyslaw 00 Czauczik Józcf 52 Czeadaiov 14 Czegk'dy I. 5.9 Czernin liudolf 87 Dtfb-Kalinowska Barbara 158 DgbroWski S. 118 Danilevsky X. 145 Deåk Feroiic 39 Dçbicki 108 Deinhowski Edward 10, 17, 21, 23, 152 Dcssewfy Eniil 39 Dittrieh' F. 51 Divald 58 Dlugosz Jan J15 Dobozi 81 Douât 80 Donner Ignaz 88 Dostoievsky Fiodor 146 Drda Josef 89 Dvoråk Max 31 Dvorâkovâ Vlasta 154, 155, 156, 28 Dwornicki Józef 128 Dzieduszycki Mauryey 131 Dzieduszyeki Wojcieeh 131, 157 Eder Józcf 132 Egger 81 Fgivssy Bcjamin 82 Eisle Anton 37 Elzbieta of Sternberk 104 Ender Johann. painter 30, 37 Engel 1'. 60 Eiirsi A. 61 Eiitvos Jozscf 39, 81 E ni y Johann 172 Ernest the Iron ItiO Ksteihazy 40 Fajans Maksyinilian, painter 128 Fatal Julian, painter 108. 120 Fejérpataky-Bclopotocky Caspar 50, 51 Ferenczy 1st van 37 Eerstol Heinrich 39 Feszl Frigycs 39 Ecucr-Tóth li. 4, 62, 63 Eiala A. 104 Fiedotov I'aviel 142, 143 Elcinniing Jerzy 0 5 Florkiewiez Kajetan 151 Francise i Jân 53, 54, 58 Francis I. the King of France 03 Francis I, the Emperor of Austria 78 Francis Josef, the Emperor of Austria 131, 133 Francis Iiakoezi 11 81 Fredro Aleksander 21. 127. 128 Frio Josef Vaclav 50, 51, 52 Friedrich 111, the Emperor of Austria 160 Friedrich Wilhelm II, the King of Prussia 110 Fuhrieh Josef 88, 89, 94 Gadomski J. 7, 44 Gallas see Clam-Gallas Gçbarowiez Mieczyslaw 125 Gievsztor A. 8, 9 Geoffrin 65 George IV, the King of England 62 Gercvioh L. 164 Geringer Karl 80 Gibbons Grinling 62 Gisela, the Queen of Hungary 172 Glçboeki see Luhicz Glçbocki Glowacki Ivan 133 Olowacki Miehal Stanislaw 131 Goethe Johann Wolfgang 23, 24, 39 Gogol Xikolaj 143, 144 Gohiclmwski Agenor 131 Gorezyiiski Adam 128 19?. (loszczynski Sewriyn 21, Ci*t Crabowski J 7 ; raj *]i m;i 11.lakub.72. 74 Grottger Artur, painter 130. J 22. 133, 177 С ruber 8ti Irzcgorz of , Sambor I 17 ( irzyboWski A. 10 Cuzniirs Izidor 34 Uyörgy of Kolozsvâr 17b Györgyi-Giergl Alois 82 Wyöri Skndor 34 Gyulai I'f'il 3il liabsbiirg !*, 10, 38. 48, 131, 133, 134 Hamilton William 02 Hamuljak 78 Hanka \ïielav 70 Hart lieb.loliaiii! 107 Hauser Arnold 17 llausziiiann Alajos, arch. 38 H a. vrån ok 9 b Hayn an 80 Huge] Georg Willielm Friedlich 18, 22, 45, 47 Hembüchel'-Bikessy Josef 47 11 ekler Antal 175 Holen 51 Hollieh Josef 89, 94, 95 Ilenry II, the King of France 03 Henry VIII, the King of England 03 llenszelmaim Imre 35, 39 Hereon Alexander 14, 144 Herder Johann Gottfried 17, 45, 40 Flervoj of Split 107 H essen-Rheinfels Charlotte-Amelie von 81 Hosz 81 Hodza Miehal Miloslnv 48, 51, 54 Hoffman Jerzy 121 Hogarth William, painter 34 Hohenstein see Thun-Hohenstein Hojda Zdenëk 155, 158 Holcik S. 45 Ilomolka J. 46 Homonny-Drughort 120 Ilorler AI. 64 Hormayr Josef von 78, 155 J1 orovâ A. 11 Hosor Josef 89 Hroho Samuel Bohdan 52 Hrutchevsky Micha! 132 Hrntezevskyi see Hrutchevsky H urban Josef Miroslav 48 Husarski Waelav Teofil 110 Ileus llanusz. goldsmith 105 Ipolyi Arnold 39, 40 Ivanov A. 142 Jablonovski 9, 127 Jadviga, the Queen of Poland 105, 1C0, 107 Jngiellonovvio 110 Jahn see Quirin Jahn Jakliimovicz 134 Jan see John Jankovich 78, 81, 105 Javürek Karei 95 Jean de Berry 100 Jegorov A. 142 Jirånek Milos 102, 103 John 11Г Sohieski, the King of Poland 116. 120, 132 John Casimir, the King of Poland 125, 132 Josef II, the Emperor of Austria 25, 78, 124. 120 Jo unlet- Charles Jozeffv l'avol 51 Kalinciak Janko 52 Kalinkowska see Dq-b-Kalinowska Kalinowski Konstaiity 157, 158, 159 Kalinowski L. 12 Kaminski Jan Nepomueen 127 Karamazin 142 Karlowska-Kamzowa A. 13, 14, 15, 29 Karolvi György 39 Katchkovskyi Mikhail 134 Kazimierz see Casimir Kazinezy Ferenc 35, 36, 37, 77 Kelety Gustav, arch. 38 Kçpiiiski Z. 65 Kerpel Leopold 80 Kis Janos 34, 36 Kisfaludy Karoly 36, 39, 79, 81 Kiss Valentin 81 Klaezko Julian 17 Kkmiczay G-. 66 Klar'sehe Aloys 89 KleezkovVski Kazimierz 131 Klemens Jozef Bjsfclech 49, 50, 51, 52. 53, 54 Kleze Leo von 39 193 Kochunoxv'ski Ляп 66 Kodâly Zoltân 39 Kolba.T. II. 67 Kölosy Foren 37 Kollar A. F. 46 Kollar Jån 46, 47. 48, 49. Г 1, 57 Koloman, the King oi' Hungary 171 KoloxvTat-Nov'ohradsky Anton 85 Koniecpolscy 164 Konrad of Erling 164 Könyöki J. 165 Kopera Koliks 73 Kopernik Mikolaj 22. 66 Kordecki Augustyn 116, 120 Kornecki M. 68, 6 Korytko Emil 131 Kós К. 69 Kosciuszko Tadeusz 117, 132. 156 Kossak Joliusz, painter 128, 130 Kossak Wojcieeh, painter 109 Kossuth La jos 37. 172 Ko våcs E. 70 Koxvalczuk Micha! 131 Kraft Johann Peter 78 Krai Janko 52 Krålova M. 37 Kramer 155 Krasiriski VVineenty 16 Krasiriski Zygmunt 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, 23 Kraszevvski Józef Jgnacy 128 Krawczuk-Biernatoxvu D. 16 Krciiiéry 58 Kreméry August Ilorislav 54 Kristek I. 47 Królikiewiez Grazyna 151, 152, 156 Krompeeher 51 Kronenberg 151 Kropâëek J. 30 Kroupa 96 Krzeminska Marta. 153 Kubinyi August 10. 78, 79, ' 80, 81, 82 Kuncz, goldsmith 165 Kuptchanko J. 126 Kuthan J. 31 Ladislas, the Duke od Opole 114, 120 Ladisias I, the Holy, the King of Hungary 167 Ladislas III, the King of Hungary 171 Ladislas IV, the King od Poland 116 Ladislas Jagicllo, the Kind of Poland 114, 115, 165, 167. 171 Lafont de Sainl -Venne 64 Easzczka Konstan I.y. sculptor, 1()8 LavaIer Johann (, 'aspcr 65 bayard Henry 62 Le Pinn ('halles, sculplor 64 Lennrtoxvioz Teofil 128 Lenoir Alexandre 63 Lescot Pierre, arch, (i.'i Lessing (iotthold Ephraim 34 Libelt Karol 17, 20. 22 Lieder 81 Ligeti Antal 39 Linde Samuel Bogiiinil 126 Lippóezy N. 7 3 Liszt Franz 80 Lorenz 96, 97 Lörinc of Tar 165 Lötz Karoly 39 Louis XIII, Hie King of France 63 Louis XIV", the King of France 63 Louis XIV. the King of France 63 Louis Anjou (the Great), the King of Hun­gary and Poland 114, 165, 74 Lövei 1'. 72 Liibicz Glçbocki Adrian Mikolaj 120 Lubomirski Henryk 126 Luini Bernardino, painter 40 Lozihski Józef 131 Lozinski Wladyslaw 131 Luszczkievicz Wladyshru*, painter 157 Madarâsz Viktor, painter 81 Magin Baltazâr J. 46 Maistre de 15 Alajexvski Hilary 119 Makovicky 58 Malczexvski Jacek, painter 108, 109 Malczexvski K. 128 Malieki L. 75 Mally Giståv 54 Malecki 126 Manderscheid see, Sternberg-Manderschoid Mânes Josef, painter 30, 53, 95, 96, 97, 98, 101, 102, 103, 104 Mannsfeld see Colloredo-Mannsfeld Marastoni Jakob 78, 81 Marconi Leonard, arch. 132 Margaret, xvifo of Louis the Great the King of Hungary 165 194.Margaret, sister of Stefan V. tlie King of Hungary 172 Maria, the Queen of Hungary 164. 165.Maria Józefa. flu Queen of Poland 116 Maria Theresia. The Empress of Austria 78, 126, 172 Marko Karoly Hie Elder. areli. 38. 8. 8 1. 8 2 Marosi Ernö 163, 76', 77. 78. Hi Maszkowski Jan, painter 1 AO Matejko Jan, painter 110, 120. 127, 130, 155 Marton of Kolozsvur, goldsmith 176 Mathias Corviuus, the King of Hungary 81. 176 Mat ray Gabriel 80 Mayer.lolianu 86 Mehoffer Jó/.ef, painter 108. 100. 110 Mengs Anion Raphael, painter 34 Me, rhautov;i-Litvorov;i- A. 32 Michael of Salzburg, miniaturist 104 Miekiewiez Adam 14. 17. 10. 26. 21, 33. 128, 131. 152 Aliolzyiiski Alaciej 157 Mikó A. 80 Alikszatli Kålmån 30 Milohçdzki A. 17, 18 Aliodoiiska 11. 10 Mnisze.oh Micha! 0. 64 Mochnacki Mauryey 13. 15. 17, 18. 19, 20, 21, 22. 152 Alojzer АГ. 65 Möller rst\-;iii. arch. 38 Molnâr 81 Moyzcs Stefan 58 Mtinkitcsv Alilnily. painter 82 Murillo liarlolomé Kstéhan. painter 40 Xahielnk Ludwik 131 Napoleon 1, the Emperor of France 64. 140 Xnruszewicz \dani 17. 18 Navratil Josef 04. 05 Ncmcoyâ Boxena 40. 52 Nicholas Gara 166 Nicholas ]. the Tzar of Russia 1.39. 140, 141. 143, 144, 145 Nicholas-К varov 141 Nickel Heinrieh L. 154, 158 Nieczuja Ziemiyeki Teodor 7 Nietzsche Friedrich Wilhelm 103. 109 Norwid Cyprian Kamil 14, 17, 19, 20, 21. 22 Nosâk Boguslav 52 Nost.John 62 Nowohradsky see Kolow'rat -Xowohrudsky Xuska IS. 33 Olszewski A. Al. 20. 48, 40 Ordçga Napoleon 21 Orlai-l'etricli Soma 81 Ossolinscy 128, 134 Ossoliiiski Jerzy 127 Ossolinski Jozef Maksymilian 126 Ossoliriski Józcf Salezy 16 Pachmelos, goklsinisth.165 Palacky Frantisek 28. 29, 50. 87 Pâlka Jan 49 Palkovic Juraj 46 Pallfy J. 130 Pankiervicz Józef 109 Papånek Jur 46 Pauli Mégota 131 Pawlikow'ski Gwalbert 127 Påzmåny Peter 172 Perrault Claude, arch. 63 Peter Hie Great, the Czar of Russia 140 Pet lies Johann 81 Petneki A. 83 IVtofi San dor 35 Petrova-Pleskotovn, A. 50 Philippe Auguste 63 Piller 130 Pilhior Józcf 128 Pilhier Piotr 128 Pisauo Andrea 175 Pisûtovâ I. 51 Pol Wincenty 128, 130 Pollack Mihaly 67 Poniatorvski Stanislaw August, the King of Poland 9, 64, 65, 116, 125 Popiel Pawel 157 Porçhski Mieczyslaw 130 Potocki Stanislarv Kostka 64 Prahl Roman 156 Prokopp AI. 21 Pronaszko Zbigniew 109 Przedhór 164 Pulszky Ferenc 35 I'ulawski Kazimierz 116 Purkyne.Tan Evangelista 50 Purkynh lvarel 97 Pushkin -Alexander 139 Puszkin see Pushkin l'yrker John Ladisias 40 195 Q mist Ferdinand von 1.57 Quirin John Johann S(i Radeeky 97 Radlirisky 54 Radovå-Stikova M. 81 Radvanskd Piroeka 61 Raphael Santi, painter 99, -4 , 66 Råtskay Maximilian 49 Rebetka Mi chat 51 Rembrant Harmenszoon Rijn 40, 66 Resetka 58 Reuss Gustav 54 Reyman J. 22 Reychman S. 82 Ricoio, soulptur 175 Richter David 81 Richter J. H. 132 Rieger Frantisek Ladielur 50 Ritter Johann 81 Robert 17 Rohrer Joseph 120 Rousseau Jean Jacques 65 Ruhen Christian 95. 96 Rubens Peter Pavel, painter 40 Ruszezyc Ferdynand, painter 109 Rzewuski Seweryn 117 Rzewuski 117, 152 Sabina Karel 52 Sablak Joseline 49 Safari к Pavol Jozef 46, 50, 54, 57 Saida F. X. 103. 104 Samsonowicz H. 35 Sasinek V. Franko 58 Schelling Friedrich Wilhelm 34 Schiller Ferdinand Cannig 16 Schinkel Friedrich 157 Schlegel Friedrich 17, 20 Schmidt G. 165, 84 Schneider Antoni 130 Schodel Rosalie 81 Scholtz see Belitska-Schnitz Schopenhauer Artur 109 Schulek Frigges, arch. 38 Schulz Joseph 67 Shakespeare William 62, 66 Sharanyevitch Iz. 130 Shebuyev W. 142 Sheptyskyi Andrzej 134 Sherwood W. U. 145 Slievtclienko Taras 134 Shiiikel F. 144 Siciuiciiski hucjaii 130 Siemiradzki Henryk, painter 153 Sie.nkiewicz Hennk 118, 120, 121 Sigismund I, the King of Poland 1 1 5 Sir Frantisek 52 SkowTon Franeiszek 132 Skréta 88 Skwarezyiiska Stefania 17 Sladkovic, Andrej 51 Sloano Ilans 62 Slowacki Juliusz 16 Smirke Robert 62 Sniolka Franeiszek 130 Sniezyhska-Stolot Bwa 152. 154. 155, 156. 158. 85 Sniburskyi Ivan 133 Sokolowski Marian WS Soltau Adam 16 Soltyk Kajetan 11 7 Sopoliga M. Srâmck.T. 37 Srson H. 38 Staehowicz Mielial 156 Stanislawski Jan, pa-inter 107, 108, 109 Staszie Stanislaw 17 StaHler Henryk 120 Stefan I the Holy, the King of Hungary 39, 172 Stefan V, the King of Hungary 172 Steindl Iinre. areb. 38 Sternberg Franz 85, 86 Stemherg-Mandersrheid Franz 8 5 Stibor I of Stiboric 164 Stibor If of Stiboric 164 Stuart 61 Stühler Friedrich 39 Siiir Ludovit 47, 48. 49, 51. 53. 57 Sultanov 145 Svobodova Ruzena 103 Szajnoclta Karo I 131 Szaranyevich sec Sharnnyevitch Szcbuycv see Shebuyev Széehényi Ferenz 67, 77, 78 Szécbényi Istvan 10, 33, 35, 36. 37, 39 Szejnok Teodor 132 Székely Bartolomeus, painter 81 Szoptyskyi Andrzej see Sbeptyekyi Szereszewski Wlodzimierz 132 Szevczenko see Sbevtcbenko Szmrecsânyi 51 196 Szniiti'i# I a ii 11 ' I 40 Szydlowiecki Krzysztof 107 Szymanowski los Tahlie Bohuslav 40 Taeeola Marian) di Jampo 106 Tatomir Luejan 142 Telecki l'a I 140 Tetmajer Wlndzimn i /.. painter I O p. | o p Teukros o f Babylon 105 Than Moriz 81 Tlieoplianus F. 1)0 Thon Konstant in 144, 144, 145, 158 Tborvnhlsrn Bertel sculptor 47 Thun -11 dienst oinz Franz SO. 05, 06 Ticpolo (iiovanni Battisfa. painter 40 Tikos Albert S O Tkaillik Frantisek 50. SO Toeipteville 15 Tol dy Franz SO Tomasik Samuel 5 4 Tuinkiewiez Wladyslnw 157 Tyl Broniniir 51 Tyl Josef Kajetan 51. 52 Tyrowicz Marian 144 Flrieli von.hingingen 105 Fvarov 140 Vaelav 1, 1he Duke of Legnica 107 Vaclav IV, the King of Bohemia 160 Va It ay Krzschet 172 V. ' g l i J. HO Venetsyanov Alek.dej 142 Verrocchio Andrea, painter 175 Vico (iienibattista 20 Vinei Leonardo da. painter 00 Vivant Denon 04 \"oronikin A. 144 Vrana À. 10 Wagner lliciiard 104 Wajeowiez Aleksandev 15s Wasyleu'sk'i Stanislaw 127 Waza 110, 120 Wehli T, 107. 21. S7 Weiss Wojciecli, painter 100 Wei tin II 0 Wiezknwski.lózef 127 William the 'ошрптог til. 02 Winekelinann Johann Joachim 44 Wit old. the 1 hike of Lithuania. 167 Vitruvius Marcus I'ollio 44 Wladyslaw see Ladislas Wojtkiewiez Witold, jiainter JO0 Woroniez Jam Fa Wel 1 17 WyczólkoWski Leon, painter 108. 100 Wyspiahski Stanislaw, painter 108. 100. 110, 142 Wyszynski Stefan IIS УЫ Miklós 40. 40 лака vee Frantisek 50 Zala (iydrgy. arch. 48 Zaleski Micha 1 141 Zalnski.lózef 117 Zavodnik 5S Zdry J. 52 Zechen ter 58 ZielIV Nan dm Ziemiçcki see Zipser Andrej 51 Zrinyi Nikolaus 78 Zuckerkandel 157 Zukowski Jan Ludwik 17 Zuzatma of Mazovia 167 Zygmunt see Sigismund Zygulski Zdzishtw Jr. 152. 154 80. 81 Xieczuja Zmmipcki 11 Kicks of Localities Aarhon 165 Aloksandria 152 Anvers 108 Augsburg 120 Baden 126 Bar 117 Beógrad 51 Berlin 108. 154 Biala 54 Bardejov 165 Bàrtfa ser Bardejov Biborti'ni 167 Biluiri'falva sep Bihorteni Bilii liera 156 Boelmia 115 Bra.sov 164 Brasse see Brasov Bratislava 47. 48. 154. 164. 165 Brzeznica 113 Buda sec Budapest Budapest 10, 38, 30. 40. 47, 50. 59, 67, 71. 78, 108, 163. 164 Buszcz 129 Cluj 164, 176 Constance see Constanta Constanta 163 Osaroda 164 CzçstoebovVa 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 120 Delphi 61, 152 DÎrjeu 167 Dobriunil 129 Drezden 108, 116, 164 Dubvovnik 172 1 Misseldorf 108 Edinburgh 65 Eger 81 Eg.vhâzasli lierre мт l/ubovec Esztergom 164. (65. 176 Frankfurt a. M. 154. 164 Gnrainszentbenede'k see Hronsky Benndik Cenova 37 Gerény see Gorjani Glogówek 115 Gniezno 113 Gorjani 164 Greenwich 62 Grodno 116. 133 Grundwald 115 Gyür 164 IIa liez 114 Halle 47 Helsinki 145 Hronsky Ben a dik 164 Istanbul 158 Janowiec 129 Jasov 164, 165 Jâszô see Jasov JaWorów 132 Kaliningrad 155 Kalisz 158 Kassa see Kosirr Kaziinicrz 129 Kiev 130 Klausen burg sei' Cluj Kodeii 115 Köln 154 Kolozsvar see Cluj Koniaiieza 118 Konstantinopel see Istanbul Kosice 164 187 Kr;! kow Id. Ii:, , (il). 1)7, 71, 72, 7.4, 107, 109. 110, Uli. МЛ. Uli, 128, 129, 140, Ш. 151, 153, 7, 104, 105 К.гушепеб 127 Krcro see Kriev Krievo 115 Króhuviee see Kaliningrad Krzemieniee ace Ktyiuenée Lfjka Svciçta 115 Leipzig 9 , 1 0 8. 1 2 7. 151 Lesna Podia, ka 115 Loznjsk 115 Libérée 9 0 Liptovsky Mikuliis 5 2 London ( i l , 0 5 , I I I S Lublin 0 5. 1 5 0 , 107 Lubniarv 115 L'uboyeé 104 Lviv 10, 07, 107, 125. 120. 127, 128. 129, 130, 131, 142. 133, 134, 157 Machów 11 5 Malbork 157 Marosszentanna see Bantana de Mures.Martin 50. 58, 59 Mavtjanei 104 Martonhely see Alartjanoe Medyka 127 Milano 37 Aliçdzvbrodzie 158 Alloszotva 151 Moluios 81 Moskva 133, 143, 158 München 108, 154 Mzehota 158 Xa.gyva.rad 167 Xalçezôw 129 Xapoli 37 Neusatz 57 Xiedziea 160 Xikopol 103 Xitra 59 Xovi Sad 57 Nürnberg 154 Olympia 152 Opole 115 Oradea 167 Orsza 115 Oxford 65 l'an 33. 03. 00. 07. 93 Pes! see Budapest Piotrawin 113 Piotrkow 119 Pisa 37 Ploelc 10 Ponipea 142 Poznan 10. 22, 158 Pozsony see Bratislava Pra ha 9. 20, 27, 29, 30. 48. 50, 51. 52. 53, 07, 71. 80, 87, 89. 93, 94, 95, 96. 97, 101. 108. 128, 154. 155. 105, 167 Pralkowee 115 Pressburg see Bratislava, Przemysl 115, 125, 133, 164 Przeworsk 120 Pskov 142 Putavy 05, 00. 127, 152. 153 Racibórz 11.5 Ragusa see Dubrovnik Rheims 63 Roma 37, 66, 163, 104 Rozpierz 104 Saint-Denis 63 Saint-Louis 108 Salisbury 65 Banok 158 Bantana de Attires 164 Bedlee 164 Segesvâr see Sigkisoarn Sepsibesenyo 167 Bieradz 115, 164 Sighisoara 16 4 Sofia 145 Soisson 108 Spisska Kapitula 165 St Petersburg 143, 158 Btanislavów' 134 Sta, ra. Wies 1 ] 5 Stary S%ez 165 Stonehenge 65 Sti'atford-on-Avon 65 Stuhhveissenburg see Székesférvår Szalonna 164 Székelyderzs see Dîrjou Székesfehérvår 38, 164, 171 Szepeshely see Spisska Kapitula Szigetvàr 78 Tadanie 129 Tarnogrôd 116 188 Tygoborze L15 Tivoli 00 Tököl 105 Topolno I I 5 Torna 1 05 Turócz Szcnt.Million see Martin Ulini'nV I 15 Varad 57, Г70 Varadinuni see Va rail Venezia 37. 78, 108 Vilnius 9, 115, 127 Vladimir Volynski 143 Warszawa 10, 19, 05, 117, 118. 119. 120. 133, 145, 151, 158 Washington (il \ Vi (m 20, 37, 40. 49. 50. 07. 77, 82. 88, 93, 94. 96, 108, 110. 120, 130. 132, 157. 104 Wiener Neustadl 100 Wieniec 151 Windsor 05 Wroclaw ИЗ Zagreb 108 Zakopane 118 Zawieprzyce 129 ZloezoW 157 Znaim 103 Zvolen 48
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