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Volltext:Index Academia Real de Bellas Artes (Spain) 641, 642-4; Goya 680—2; Mengs 641—4 Académie Royale, France 14, 40, 76, 175, 231, 280, 293, 314, 335, 353, 554, 596, 613,630, 637, 642; 'Artists' Demand' 704-5; arts 637, 677-9; Charmois 80-1, 83-6; Colbert 11, 15, 94; Conferences 14—15, 17, 108-39, 356; Da Costa 201-2; founding 11, 637; Green 677-80; as influence 629, 627-9; line 17; Louis XIV 11, 14, 15, 94, 201-2,295; De Piles 308; Quatremère de Quincy 711,712-18; reform 711; statutes and regulations 86—9; Table of Precepts 15; Vigée- Lebrun 111 1; Watelet 683; Watteau 356, 359, 363; see also . Salon, Salon reviews; Section IB academies: functions 630, 642-4, 717, 1136; Carstens 812-15; Hogarth 629-30,635-8; Quatremère de Quincy 710-18; Thprnhill 636-7; Watelet 683-5; see also individual academies by name Academy, Berlin 812-15 Academy, Bologna 642, 645 Academy, Copenhagen 812, 978 Academy of Design, National 705 Academy, Düsseldorf 1134 Academy of Fine Arts, America 705; Declaration of Independence 631; patronage 706-7 Academy, Florence 86,642, 645 Academy, French in Rome 86, 94-6, 202, 335, 642, 718, 1125 Academy, Parma 645 Academy, Portuguese 198, 202—4 Academy, Royal (France) see Académie Royale Academy, Royal (London) see Royal Academy (London) Academy, Royal (San Fernando) see Academia Real Academy of St Luke, Rome, 75, 96, 314, mi Academy, St Martin's Lahe 636 Academy of Science, Berlin 839 Academy of Science, France 48 Academy, Vienna 1129, 1131 Achilles 99, 224, 446-7, 451, 474 Ackermann, Rudolph 1098 action 16-17, 18, 73, 1161; gender 339, 347, 473; ' movement 125-6,128, 256, 589, 669; painting 118, 162, 288-9, 473, 485; Tumbu 431; unity 113, 126, 339, 593 Addison, Joseph: aesthetics 294; eye 293; imagination 382, 383, 384, 293; journals 382, 412; text 382-8 Adonis 1176-7 Aelianus 27 Aeschylus 456, 475 aesthetics: antirationalist 738; classicism 1013; education 802-3; France 294;Ideas 786-8, 816-17; landscape painting 1Ò70-1; modernism 878; moral 803; natural/theoretical 489-90, 491, 739, 1020; poetry 908-9; politics 797; reason 816; Romantic 895-6; sensory perceptions 490; sensuousness 802; spirituality 786-7; see also beauty, taste aesthetics, writers on: Addison 294; Baumgarten 487-91; Blake/Reynolds clash 998-1003; Burke 516; Chateaubriand 1128-9; Coleridge 953—4; Crousaz 294, 389; Edwards 416; Hamann 424, 543-6, 768; (Cant 779-88, 953; Moritz 738, 776-9; Plymley 881-3; Schiller 738, 796-803; F. Schlegel 900 Aglionby, William 13, 40; art appreciation 45-6; colour 44-5, 46; design 43-5, 46; invention 46-8; painting 41-3, 46-7; perspective 43; proportion 43; sculpture 41; text 40-8 Alban!/Albano, Francesco 681,989, 990 Alberti, Leone Battista 80, 98, 352 Alcock, Edward 634 Alembert, Jean Le Rond d' 425, 526, 581 Alexander the Great 61, 116, 182, 259, 299, 324-5, 342, 460, 462, 465, 928-9, 1110 Algardi, Alessandro 185 Algarotti, Francesco: text 475-7 Alison, Archibald: association 364-7; beauty/sublimity 788-95; colour 794-5; text 788-95 allegory 913, 951, 975, 1010, 1015-16, 1178-9; Creuzer 1151-2; Diderot 670; Dutch paintings 13, 298; Friedrich 897, 1015; Fuseli 951; Grimm 595; 1200 Index allegory (cont.) landscape painting 980, 1019, 1020-1, 1025-6; symbolism 1147, 1151—2, 1178-9; Ramdohr 1020-3; Tieck 975; Vigée-Lebnm 695-8; see also symbolism Allston, Washington 953, 955 Alonso de Flores 35-6 Altdorfer, Albrecht 926, 928-9 Amiens, Peace of 1039 anatomy 615; Angel 254, 257—8; Baillet de Saint-Julien 567; Bell 1071-4; Charmois 85; Da Costa 200, 201; expression 1071; Félibien 80, 105; Du Fresnoy 162, 163; Haydon U66; Lamy 285; Le Brun 119; Martinez 196; Mengs 643-4; models 1073-4; Quatremère 717; Poussin 80; Reynolds 654; training 204,499-500,717; see also human form Anaxagoras 19 ancient/modern debate 15, 28, 53-62, 804, 896; beauty/ nature 163; Blake 10Ö0; Chambray 89; Colbert 96; Creuzer 1146-7; Diderot 609—10; education 429-30; Fontenelle 48-53; Goethe 1043-6; De Lairesse 298, 300-3; Lessing 478-9; music/art/poetry 52, 55-6, 300-3, 944-5; Novalis 911-12; Perrault 15, 54-62; Pforr 1130-1; Reynolds 653; Runge 978-9; Schiller 804-11; F. Schlegel 899-903, 904-9; A.W. Schlegel 941-8; West 650-1; Winckelmann 451-2, 609; Wotton 62-6; Young 539-42; see also Section IA ancients: casts from sculpture 715, 924, 1072, 1097; colour 59; dress 408; images of 889; as models 144-6, 567, 601-2, 780, 804-11,944, 1103-4; painting 56-9, 64—5, 90, 91, 93, 111, 115, 199, 200; perspective 59, 61, 64; physical fitness 145-6; science 15-16; sculpture 20, 55-6, 100-1, 144—6, 351-2; statues 39-40, 714-15, 1104-5, 1107; symbolism 1173; see also Elgin Marbles; Laocoon; painting, ancient; Romans; sculpture, ancient ancients, influence 2-3, 29-30, 39, 44, 45, 77, 80, 89-90, 90-1, 93, 97, 124, 147, 353, 654-5, 1043-6; Caylus 353; De Lairesse 298; Raphael 17, 451, 456, 458-9, 943; reaction against 896, 1040-1; F. Schlegel 924; theory 294; Winckelmann 451-5,467, 468-9 Andrew, St 462 Angel, Philips 253—4; anatomy 257-8; perspective 256-7; training for painters 254—60; text 253-60 angels 34-5, 119, 120, 142, 347 animal painting 447-8, 1068, 1100; of horses 45, 831-2, 858, 876 Antimachus 39, 127, 280 antiquity see ancients Apelles 457,466,605; Alexander 11, 29, 64, 65, 76, 92, 99, 101, 259, 277, 324-5, 342, 876, 1008, 1128; chiaroscuro 460; colour 164; design 181; drawing 202; expression 323; geometry 85; Helen 277-8; horses 45, idea 97, Lessing 478; Ovid 99; practice 260; public criticism 90-1; reputation 56, 58, 59, 248, 254, 260, 268; Venus 99 Aphrodite see Venus Apollo 454, 457 Apollonius, 20, 98, 168 Aquila, Petrus 374 Arabesque 911, 912, 914, 916, 989 Archimedes 50 architecture 151,448; Chambray 93; churches 576; Da Costa 201; Coypel 336; design 184; details 1091-3; emotion 575-6; engravings 463; German 755-61; Gothic 528, 530, 573, 576, 755-61, 945; Greek 408-9, 462-5, 528-9, 573, 576, 945; Laugier 573-8; ornaments 575, 715; Palladian 858; perspective 270-1, 448; proportion 184—5, 575; Roman 465, 576; ruins 861-2; Vitruvius 85, 93, 184 Aresi, Paolo 74 Arias, Montano 34 Ariosto, Ludovico 99, 508-9, 943 Aristides, Thebanus 323 Aristotle 15, 72, 98, 99, 148, 202, 493, 505-6, 1147; art/truth 30, 98; drama 99; ethics 323; form 75; modes of painting 69; Poetics 178, 396; qualities 50; Zeuxis 72 Arndt, Ernst Moritz 1035-6 Arnim, Ludwig Achim von 913, 1027 : i 1 ; artisans 11, 80, 84-6, 203-4, 214-15* cabinetmakers 203; craftsmen 31, 81—2, 85; goldsmiths 203, 271; joiners and carpenters 45; silversmiths 203, 271 Arundel, Earls of 18, 40, 239—40, 244 Asclepiades 116 Associated Artists in Water- Colours 1095 association, theory of: Alison 364—7; beauty 364, 791-3; Coleridge 953, 954; colour 794—5; Locke 364-7; Plymley 881; sublime 79Ì-3 Astell, Mary 316-17 astronomy 85, 215, 437, 591—2 Athenaeum 895-6,903^,909-10 Athens see Greece Audran, Claude 357—S Augustine, St 34, 219, 278, 319, 320 Aurelius, Marcus 299 Austen, Jane: text 890-1 autonomy 803; art 740, 812, 813; modernism 423; painters 739; reason 802; taste 780 Bacchus 451,1177 Bachaumont, Louis Petit de 578, 695 backgrounds 166, 243, 672, 1090, 1091 Bacon, Francis 15, 343, 544, 545, 583, 586nl, 666, 994, lOOr Baillet de Saint-Julien, Louis- Guillaume: text 565-9 Bamboccio see Van Law Bandinelli, Baccio 280 Barker, Thomas 'of Bath' 1098, 1101-2 Baroque painting 71, 75; influences 286, 296 Barra 728-30 Barry, James 629, 665; Blake 999; David 694; Green 679; history painting 665, 666-7, 692; A Letter to the Dilettanti Society 692-4; Progress of Human Culture 665; Royal Academy 630, 665, 667-8, 692, texts 665—8, 692-4 Barthélémy, Abbé 1120 Basil, St 24—5 Index 1201 Bassano, Jacopo ('Giacomo') 45, 174, 175, 361, 693 Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb 487; aesthetics 487-91; poetics 488-9; rationalism 487, 490-1; texts 487-9, 489-91 beau idéal 296, 411-12, 653 beauty 372-3, 385, 389-91, 816, 954-6, 957; art 99, 104-5, 385, 548-50; association 364, 791-3; freedom 738, 797; gender 523-4, 709; grace 220-1, 494, 688-90; Greeks 452-4,471-2, 481, 1051; Idea 97, 99-100, 100-1; ideal 470, 471, 653, 777, 937, 1051, 1109, 1133-4; imitation 97—8, 429, 493; inner sense 402, 506, 552; je ne sais quoi 412-13; judgement 512-13, 514, 1056-7; morality 404, 877; nature 162-3, 372-3, 385, 536, 548-50, 640, 863—4; non-Western standards 424, 469-70, 537, 552-3; painting 74, 160—1, 1109; passions' 481-2, 521-2; perfection 26, 470, 547,653; 1 ' picturesque 860-2, 871-2, 877; pleasure 235, 389-90; sculpture 639-AO,: 769-71; sublime 521-2, 525-6, 550, 739, 788-9, 790, 819, 857; taste 424, 451-2, 779-82; truth 615, 802, 816; universal standard 504, 514, 779, 930; utility 522-3, 524, 538; women 97-8, 99, 709; see also aesthetics, picturesque, taste beauty, writers on: Alison .788-95; Berkeley 405-7; Blake 1001; Bouhours 223-6; Burke 516, 524-6; 820; Cicero 21-2; Coleridge 954-7; Crousaz 389-91; Diderot 550,615; Edwards 416-17; Félibien 220-2; Gilpin 857—62; Hemsterhuis 639—40; Herder 768, 770; Hogarth 492-5; Hume 507-8, 510-11; Hutcheson 402; Kant 784-6; Knight 870-1, 877; Marivaux 412-14; Mengs 547-8, 550; Moritz 7,38, 778-9; Plato 225; Poussin 74—5; Ramdohr 862; Ramsay 504; Reid 553; Reynolds 536-8; Richardson 409-10; Schillér 796-7; F. Schlegel 932-3; Theories 367; Voltaire 424, 550-1; Wack en roder 962-3; Winckelmann 451-5, 469-75 Beethoven, Ludwig van 1033-5, 1040 bel esprit 222-6 Bell, Charles 1071, 1164; text 1072-4 Bell, Clive 569 Bellicard, Jérôme-Charles: text 445-50 Bellini, Giovanni 73 Bellori, Giovanni Pietro 18,71,76, 77-8, 96-101, 171; texts 77-8, 96-101 Bellotto, Bernardo 296 Benedict IX, Pope 57 Benet, Geronimo 320 Berchem, Nicholas 826, 835 Berkeley, George 404-5; beauty 405, 406-7; Burke 516; draperies 408; Hutcheson 405; Idea 405; Locke 405; morality 405-6; text 404-9 Bernini, Gian Lorenzo 62,66, 94, 95, 341; ancients 63, 454, 459; Cain murdering Abel 158; Chantelou 150-9; Colbert 158; Le Brun 185; Louis XIV 150, 158-9; nature 454; Poussin 155; practical knowledge 153; Raphael 155, 156; royal portraits 154, 156-7; sculpture 152—3; self-portrait 158 Bisschop, Jan de 38,298; text 38-40 Blair, Robert 1008-10 Blake, William 708, 895, 897,948, 992, 995, 1153; beauty 1001; Correggio 1007; Descriptive Catalogue 1003-8; Dürer 1002; engravings 992,994-5; French Revolution 897; genius 1002; illustrations for Night Thoughts 1008, 1009; Lavater 992, 998; letters 992-7; mechanical aids 1006-7; moral painting 993—4; mysticism 992; oil painting 1004-5; outlines 1005-6, 1008; painting/drawing 1007—8; picturesque 995; Raphael 1008; Reynolds 992, 995, 998-1003; Romanticism 897; Royal Academy 992; Rubens 1007; Titian 1006; water-colour painting 1004; texts 992-8, 998-1003, 1008-9 Blanchard, Jacques 178 Blanchard, Louis Gabriel 177-8; colour 179-82; imitation 178; Le Brun 179, 182-5; Titian 178-9; text 177-82 Blunt, Anthony 67, 71, 71 nl, 150 body see human form Böhme, Jakob 978, 1075 Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas 15,409, 557, 560 nl Borgognone, Ambrogio 832 Boschini, Marco 171; colour 172—4; design 171—2; invention 174—5; text 171-5 bosquexo (underpainting) 262, 263, 266, 268-9 Bosse, Abraham 280 Boucher, François 564, 595, 603-4, 624, 673, 695, 699 Bouhours, Dominique 412; bel esprit 222-6; je ne sais quoi 226-31;text 222-31 BouHlée, Etienne-Louis 1137 Bourdon, Sébastian 108 Boydell, John 948 Brentano, Clemens 897, 913, 1027-31; text 1028-31 Brill, Paul 245, 1092 Brotherhood of St Luke 897, 1129, 1131-2 Brouwer, Adriaen 295, 298, 303 Brown, Lancelot ('Capability') 865, 866,868,869 Brueghel, Pieter 245 Burke, Edmund 327, 367, 532, 629, 632, 651y820, 865; aesthetics 516; Barry 665; beauty 516, 524-6, 820; Berkeley 516; Locke 364; proportion 522; on Reflections on the Revolution in France 708-10; smoothness 857-8; sublime 516-26, 739, 820; Wollstonecraft 708-10; text 516-26 Butts, Thomas 992,995-6 Calisthenes 351 Callimachus 464—5 Callot, Jacques 287 camaïeux 180, 558, 561 n6 camera obscura 475-7, 834, 1064-5; see also photography Camoëns, Luis de 944 Canaletto, Antonio 296 Canova, Antonio 1040, 1144, 1156-8; text 1157-8 Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da 44, 96, 98, 313, 455 Caravaggio, Polidoro Caldara da 188 Carducho, Vicente 198 1202 Index Carracci, Agostino 75, 174, 534, 557, 579, 625, Carracci, Annibale 45, 47, 80, 96, 146, 149, 309, 335, 340, 344, 374, 397, 401, 534, 557, 579, 594, 625, 681, 694,984-5, 1060 Carriera, Rosalba: text 314-15 Carstens, Asmus Jacob 739,812-15, 1066;text 812-15 Castelvetro, Ludovico 72, 97, 99 Catherine the Great, of Russia 592, 595 Cato the Elder 436 Caylus, Comte de: chiaroscuro 355; composition 569—73; drawing 353-6; Egyptian culture 1137; harmony 355; painting/sculpture 601; Watteau 356-63; texts 352-63, 569-73 censorship 29, 286, 581, 603, 695 Ceres 1177 Chambers, Ephraim: Cyclopaedia 293, 342-52, 425, 581; text 342-52 Chambers, Sir William 661 Chambray, Roland Fréart de 18; Chantelou 150; painting 90-4; Poussin 67, 70-1, 76; rationalism 89; texts 76, 89-94 Champaigne, Jean-Baptiste de 182 Champaigne, Philippe de 295; colour 175-7; line 17; Poussin 177; Titian 121-3, 175-7; texts 121-3, 175-7 Champollion, Jean-François 1138 Chantelou, Paul Fréart de 67, 124; Bernini 150-9; Colbert 150-1; text 150-9 Chardin, Jean Baptiste Simeon 603, 604-5,607 Charles I of England 11-12, 13, 40, 239 Charles II of England 12 Charles III of Spain 641-4 Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor 410 Charles IX of France 84 Charmois, Martin de 89; Académie Royale 80-1, 83-6; anatomy 85; craftsmen/ painters 81-2, 85; music 85; text 80-6 Chateaubriand, Comte de 1016, 1132; aesthetics 1128-9; Christian art 1041-2, 1128-9; landscape painting 883—7; texts 883-7, 1128-9 chiaroscuro 106, 310, 411, 449, 827, 856, 1016; Apelles 460; Boschini 172, 173; Blake 1006-7; Caylus 355; Chambers' Cyclopaedia 347-9; Correggio 916; Görres 915, 917, 918; Liotard 677; Mengs 644; Perrault 57, 58; De Piles 188-9, 310-41; Ramdohr 1058; Rembrandt van Rijn 1058, 1092, 1093; Titian 677; Webb 459-61; see also light effects, tones/ half-tones China 387 Chinese art 57, 65 Chodowiecki, Daniel Nikolaus 763 Chrysostome, St 19 Chudleigh, Mary: text 316-17 Cicero, Marcus Tullius 23, 52, 248, 478, 845; action 73; art appreciation 27, 342; beauty 21-2; Hume 515; Idea 97; imitation 19, 73, 97, 515, 653; peripatetic philosophers 23; Phidias 98, 653; Verrine Orations 39; Zeuxis 20 clair-obscure set chiaroscuro classicism 3-4, 16, 17, 1125, 1134; aesthetics 1013; and Baroque 75; Chambray 89; David 432; France 16; Goethe 911, 1043; Ramdohr 1013; Schiller 804; Weimar 978, 979 Claude glass 830, 834 Claude Lorrain (Claude Gelée) 295, 430,789,818,855-6,863, 865-8,875, 1018, 1025, 1059, 1060, 1090,1093, 1129; Félibien 108; as influence 826, 828,833, 835, 856; Liber Veritatis 855; Turner 1093 clear obscure see chiaroscuro Coalbrookdale 881, 882-3 Cochin, Charles-Nicolas fils: text 445-50 Coello, Alonso Sanchez 269 Coignard, Jean-Baptiste 53 Colbert, Jean-Baptiste 110, 131, 175, 220; Académie Royale 11, 15, 94, 554, 704; ancient/ modern 96; Bernini 158; Chantelou 150-1; Félibien 108,109; industry 583, 586 n2; letter to Poussin 94-6; text 94-6 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: aesthetics 953-4; association 953, 954; beauty 954—7; criticism 953-7; French Revolution 737; literary theory 953; Lyrical Ballads 897,919-20; text 953-7 colour: ancients 59, 164; association 794-5; blending 526, 833; chiaroscuro 106; composition 385; design 17, 116, 161, 171, 175, 177-8, 179-82, 183-5; draperies 263; drawing 73, 190, 568; expression 794-5; eye 1082; fresco paintings 286-7; history painting 378; impasto 173, 195; landscape painting 863, 1017-18; light 168, 183, 914-15, 1082-3; mannerism 625; nature 278; Newton 417; nudes 277; optics 281-2; parts of art 18, 106; photography 1064-5; portrait painting 242; practical knowledge 169-70; • prism 1082—3; sculpture 145, 598; tapestries 189-90; Titian 45, 80, 122-3, 125,311, 916, 1058; Venetian artists; 17, 39, 165, 173, 182; Zeuxis l64; see also colour qualities, flesh; Section IC colour qualities: emotive/ symbolic 794-5, 1080, 1084-8; harmony 115—16, 1089; local 188-9; opacity 1077-9, 1082; pigments 244-5; primary colours 1076-7, 1080, 1083; sublime 521; transitional colours 1076-7; transparency 1077-9, 1082; truth 181, 378; vivacity 166, 170; see also colours - : t colour, writers on: Aglionby 44-5, 46; Alison 794-5; Baillet de Saint-Julien 567-8; Blake 1004; Blanchard 178-82, 183-5; Boschini 172-4; Burke 521; Chambers7 Cyclopaedia 349-51; Champaigne 122,175-7; Charmois 83; Chrysostome, Saint 19; Da Costa 198-9; Diderot 625,671; Félibien 101, 104, 115-18, 349, 567-8; iDu Fresnoy 159, 164, 1092; Fuseli 952; Goethe 1075, 1080-9; Gorre 915-19; Le Brun 183-5; Martinez 194-6; Mengs 644; Pacheoo 263-5; Perrault 57, 58, 66; De Pile 17, 166, 167, 168-70, 171, Index 1203 186-92, 349; Plutarch 278; Poussin 75; Ramdohr 1017-18; Rubens 17, 192, 692; Runge 984, 1075-80; West 648-9; Winckelmann 469-70 colours: black: blending 526; distance effects 165, 169; effect on other colours 1077,, 1078; gloom 794; light effects 243-4; blue 794, 1076-7, 1080, 1083, 1087; blue-ted 1087-8; carmine 264^5; green 264; 794-5, 1076, 1083; 1088; grey 1077, 1078; mange 1076, 1084; purple 795; plirpur 1080, 1084, 1088; fed 795, 1076-7, 1080, 1084, 1088; red-blue 1087; red-yellow 1086; scarlet 795; violet 1076, 1084; white: blending 526; cheerfulness 794; distance effects 165, 169; effect on other colours 1077, 1078; light 417, 469; yellow 264, 1076-7, 1080, 1083,1085-6; yellow-red 1084, 1086-7 commandment, second 13, 232-3 composition 126, 139, 255-6, 508, 513; 859; colour 385; content 740; genius 570; Herculaneiim paintings 449-50; landscape gardening: 876; landscape painting 268-6" 1016-17, 1095-6; line 497-501; national schools 5704; ordonnance 110, !13;subject-mawer 381; sublime 570; Titian. 122, 423; training ih 104; Veronese BIO, 125; see iho desigft, perts of art, t a b l a t u r e i r - ! composition, writers on: Bailler 568; Caylus 569-73; Chambers 345-6; Coypa 338-9; Diderot 668; Félibien 101,104, 109-10, 114-15, 125; Du Freshoy 161; Corres 914-15; Palomino 320-6; Perrault 57; De Piles 312-13; Poussin 73, 116; Runge 983; Testelin 140; Valenciennes 1056-8; Watteau 362; Webb 461-2; Young 538-42 Condillac, Abbé 441 Conferences see Académie Royale connoisseurs 295, 331-5, 533-4, 565-6, 1165 Constable, John 848, 895, 1041, 1059, 1090; engravings 1063; Gessner 739, 824; letters 1059-64; Reynolds 1061; Ruysdael 1060; Turner 1090; text 1060-4 Copernicus 15, 48 Copley, John Singleton 630: The Death of the Earl of Chatham 645; Italian training 630; Watson ani the Shark 645; text 645-9 Corneille, Piene 48, 89 Cornelius, Peter 1132; Dürer 1134; fresco painting 1136; German art 1135-7; letter to Görres 1134-7; Raphael 1134; text 1135-7 Correggio, Antonio Allegri da 146, 148-9, 435, 457,460, 597, 647, 916, 952, 965, 966, 1004,1007, 1008, 1018, 1033; Blake 996, 1007; chiaroscuro 916; finish/ touch 675; harmony 313; painting children 339-40; •• proportion 495 Cortona, Pietro da 71,102,185,286, 494,557 Cosimo, Piero di 959 costume 114, 736,745,746-7,952; see Uso draperies Cousin, Jean JJohh) 273 1 Cox, David: landscape painting 1095-8; outlines 1097-8; : RoyahAcademy 1095; water-colours 1095-8; text 109S8 • Coypel, Antoine 335+6,401, 5S7; on ' amateur critics 562; architecture 336; Carriera 314; composition 318-9; grand manner 295, 335-6, 337-8; line 494; panting 336-42; Poussin 67; texts 335-42 Coypel, Charles-Antoine 335,353 Coypel, Noël 335 • • • Cozens, Alexander 857, landscape drawing 848-54; picturesque 849; text 849-54 Cozens, John Robert 848, 857 creativity: artistic/natural 738; form 939-40; God 237 -8; Moritz 777-8; nature 368-9; poetry 911; Runge 978; Schelling 935, 936-7; F. Schlegel 895-6; science 938; see also composition, genius, imagination, originality Creuzer, Georg Friedrich 913; ancient/modern 1146-7;1 anthropology 1042; symbolism 1146-52; text 1147-52 Cristal), Joshua 1098, 1101 Critolaos 100 Cromwell, Oliver 11—12, 13 Crousaz, Jean-Pierre de 388-9; aesthetics 294, 389; beauty 389-91; Ideas 390-3; text 388-93 Crozat, M. 361 Cumberland, George: text 1153-5 Cuvillier, Charles-Erienne-Gabriel: text 701-3 Cuyp, Albert 1018, 1094 Cyrus 438 Da Costa, Felix 198-9; Académie Royale 201-2; anatomy 200, 201; architecture 201; imitation 199-201; Portuguese art 202; training for painters 202-4; text 198-204 Daedalus 457: Dante Alighieri 943, 948,981, 998, 1144; 1169 Dartmouth, Earl of 745, 746-7 Davenaat, Sir William 211 David, Jacques-Louis 432, 710; 720, 1039, 1040,1119; Barra and Viala 728-30; Barry 694; Belisarius receiving Alms 695; Brutus 632, 701, 989, 990, 1102-4; charging for viewing pictures -i 119; Committee of Public Instruction 722-3; Death if Marat 719; expression ' 703-4; French Revolution 718; history paintings 632; Hommage à Marat 633; as influence 1I25T-7; Ingres 1169; LePeletier pitture 718-20; The Ltctors returning to Brutus the Bodies of his Sons 701—4; Mars Disarmed by Verms 633; monument to French people 724-7; Napoleon 632,1039,1040; Oath of the Horatii 695, 700-1; Pans and Helen 701, 702; portraits 701; Sabine Women painting 632, 1122-5; Socrates taking the Hemlock 695; Vien 1125-7; West 650; texts 718-20, 721-3, 724-7, 728-30, 1119-25 Davy, Humphry: text 1064-6 De Piles see Piles, Roger de Declaration of Independence, America 631 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, France 631 1204 Index decorum 47 8, 260, 411-12, 474, 685-6 deformities 536-7, 611-12, 653—4, 880 Delaborde, Henri, Comte 1170 delicacy 510,511-12,514 délicatesse 208 Demetrius 98, 1148 Democritus 100 Demophilus 351 Demosthenes 49, 52, 73, 260, 473, 474 Denon, Vivant 1138 Descartes, René 15,48, 51, 131, 234, 272, 364, 388-9, 591, 763, 927 design: Apelles 181; architecture 184; colour 17, 116, 161, 171, 175, 177-8, 179-82,183-5; Dürer 171; geometry 89; imagination 183-5; primitive peoples 1117; proportion 458; Raphael 119-20; Rubens 494; sculpture 189, 599-600; training 1117-19; unity 375, 377; see also composition, drawing, parts df art design, writers on: Agüönby 43-5, 46; Boschini 171-2; Chambers' Cyclopaedia 344-5; Chambray 93; Champaigne 123; Da Costa 198-9; Félìbien 101,116; Du Fresnoy 162; Gilpin 821—2; Hemsterhuis 945;Lamy 282; Le Brun 126-7, 183-5; De Piles 168, 311; Runge 983; Webb 457-9 Dictionnaire des arts de peinture, sculpture et gravure 595, 682-92 Diderot, Denis 550, 554; 907; allegory 670; ancient/ modem 609-10; background 672; beauty 550; Boucher 603-4, 673; Chardin 603, 604-5; colour 671; composition 668; criticism 4, 426, 602—3; 'Disconnected Thoughts' 668-73; drawing 611-17; Encyclopédie 425, 581-7; Falconet 595,608; Greuze 603, 605-8; Grimm 592, 602, 608, 617-20; harmony 669,670-1; Lettre sur les aveugles 581; liberal/mechanical arts 582-3, 586; light effects. 671-2; mannerism 613, 614, 615, 618, 624-6; movement 669; naïve art 672-3; 'Notes on Painting' 608-17; painting/ sculpture 610-11; Pensées philosophiques 581; Quatremère 713-14; 'Salon of 1763' 602-8; 'Salon of 1765' 608-17; 'Salon of 1767' 617-26; sculpture 609-11; symmetry 669; taste 624; tone 672; unity 668-9; Vernet 620-4; texts 581-7, 602-26, 668-73 Dilettanti, Society of 462, 692-3, 1172 Dio Chrysostomos 24 Dionysus 98, 115, 280 disposition 18, 119,125-6, 312-13, 385,411,806-7 Domenichino, Zampieri 74-5, 80, 96,114, 320, 335, 337, 434, 557, 694 Don, Gerard/Gerrit 253, 259, 303, 362 drapery: Baillet de Saint-Julien 567-8; Berkeley 408; colour 263; Cortona 494; Du Fresnoy 162, 163; giand manner 340; history painting 378; Mengs 644; Pacheco 261; Poussin 129; Raphael 121, 340; sculpture 597; Watteau 361; West 650-1; see alio costume drawing 18, 80, 86, 105, 115, 119, 177, 255, 259, 660; ApeUes 202; Blake 1007-8; Caylus 353-6; colour 73, 190, 568; Diderot 611-17; Félibien 104; , Gainsborough 748-9; Hogarth 494-501, 504, 533; mannerism 625; painting 180, 354, 685; De Pfles 189; touch 692; training in 353, 614-15, 684; Watelet 683-5; Watteau 362; see also design, line, sketching Drouais, Jean-Germain 734, 989, 990 Dryden,John 159, 166 Du Bos, Abbé Jean-Baptiste 389, 563, 569nl, 666; imitation 398-400; Locke 364, 393; poetry/painting 394-6; sensory experience 293; subject-matter 397-8, 400-1; subjectivism 393; text 393-401 Du Fresnoy, Charles 18,108,161-3, 175, 475, 569nl, 651, 1092; De Arte Graphica 16, 159-66, 493-4; colour 159, 164, 1092; light effects 161, 163, 164-5; painting 344; text 159-66 Dubreuil, Jean: text 270-3 Duff, William: text 753-5 Dunthorne, John 1059 Dürer, Albrecht 198,259, 337,340, 733, 760, 907, 925, 931, 959, 973, 1002, 1008, 1129, 1134; architecture in paintings 1091; Blake 1002; Cornelius 1134; design 171; engravings 927; genius 424; Immaculate Conception 926; Madonna in the Garden 926; perspective 273; Poussin 74, 80; proportion 495; F. Schlegel 926-8, 931, 932; truth 927-8; Wackenroder 896-7, 963-8 écorché 612—13, 615 Edgar, Robert 742-3 Edwards, Jonathan: text 415-17 Egypt: art 452, 471, 579, 930,979, 985,1042; culture 1137; hieroglyphics 1173; influence 1137-8; Jomard 1137-43; Knight 1173-9; Luxor 1142-3; monuments 1138-9,1141-2; mysticism 1175; Napoleon 1138; science 437, 452; statuary 1146; Thebes 1139-42 Elgin, Earl of 1041,1152-3,1158 Elgin Marbles 1041, 1152-69; Canova 1156-8; ' Cumberland 1153-5; ' ' Flaxman 1160; Haydon 1164-6; Hazlitt 1167-9; Knight 1162-3; Lawrence 1161-2; Nollekens 1159-60; Parliamentary Select Committee 1158-64; West 1158, 1163-4; Westmacott 1160-1 '• El Greco 29 Elsheimer, Adam 245 emblems 325, 381,1041, 1118 embroidery 203, 271; needle-work designs 1049 emotion: architecture 575-6; urt 67, 75, 740, 953; colour 794-5; expression 131-2, 134-8, 1072-4; imagination 483; and music 1033-5; in face of nature 840; power 519; Valenciennes 1051; Wordsworth 921-4; see also expression, feeling, passions, sensory perception Index 1205 emotions: admiration 134, 137; anger 136-7, 138, 141, 347; astonishment 517; aversion 138; desire 138; despair 138, 141, 347; ecstasy 138; esteem 134—5, 137; fear 138, 141, 347; horror 138, 520-1; jealousy 136; joy 138, 141, 234, 346-7; love 525, 848, 888, 947; pain 516-17, 519; sadness 141, 346-7; scòrn 138; sorrow 138; terror 135, 138, 516-17, 519 Encyclopaedia Britannica 1167 Encyclopédie 425-6, 573, 581-7, 839; anonymous text 590-2; art 582—7; Cyclopaedia 342; Enlightenment project 425-6; 'Genius* 587-90; Montesquieu 526; 'Observation' 590-2; Rousseau 432 engravings 491, 649,'705-7,927; architecture 463; Blake 992; 994—5; Carracci's work 374; Constable 1063; Copyright Act 491; Da Costa 203; : Dubreuil 271; Dürer 927; etching 287-8; Great 677; Hidalgo 287; Runge 1080; studying 193-4; Wakefield 1049; Watelet 682-3; see also mezzotint, prints Enlightenment 2-3,425, 432, 532, 543-4) 581; 629, 632, 681, 839, 843, 862, 1042, 1117; 1173; American and French Revolutions 737, 771; : Encyclopédie 425—6; Hegel 817; Kant 771-6; progress 440; rationality 738; religion 773-6; supersitition 783; understanding 800-1; see also Encyclopédie Epictetus 27 ' Euclid 89 Euler, Leonard 616, 617 n7 Euodus 453 Euphranor 457,460 Euripides 113, 468 Evelyn, John 90, 240 E verdingen;Allart van 827, 841, : 863 The Examiner 1003, 1009 expression 556; anatomy 1071; Apelks 323; colour 794-5; emotion 131-2; Laocodn 480-4,640,917; mannerism 625; painting 67, 71, 75, 395-6; parts of art 18; passions 132-8, 322-3, 346-7, 1072-3; Raphael 120; see also emotions, parts of art, passions expression, writers on: Alison 794—5; Blake 1008; Chambers' Cyclopaedia 345—7; Champaigne 121—3; Coypel 336, 337; David 703-4; Diderot 605-8; 625; Félibien 114-15, 117; Kant 788; Le Brun 120-1, 127-30,131-8,763; Lessing 479-82; Poussin 131; Testelin 138—43; Titian 121-2; Winckelmann 471, 473—1 Eyck, Jan van 930, 934 Fabri de Peiresc, Nicolas 144 fairy-tales 53, 970, 1027 Falconet, Etienne: Diderot 595, 608, 610, 639; patronage 595; sculpture 425-6, 596-602, text 595-602 fantasy 21, 22, 26-7, 211-12, 51, 907, 1133; see also imagination feeling: Addison 382; communicability 783; ideas 391—3; immediacy 804; Kleist 1032-3; Novalis 910; Pforr 1130; poetry 923—4; Runge 981-2; F. Schlegel 900, 924, 931-2; taste 503-4; thinking 801-2; see also emotions, expression, sensibility Félibien, André 101-2, 108, 220, 653, 564, 567-8; anatomy 80, 105; art appreciation 111-12; art theory 102-7; Claude ' Lorrain 108; Colbert 108, 109; colour/design 101; 104, 115-18, 349; composition 101, 104, 109-10, 114-15, 125; Conferences 15, 109-18; design 101, 116; grace/ beauty 220-2; liberal/ mechanical art 111; painting methods 101, 113-18, 344, 563; perspective 105; Poussin 67, 76, 79-80, 113-15, 116-18; proportion 105,117; Raphael 114; teaching art 109-18; texts 79-80, 101-7, 108-18, 220- 2 Ferdinand 111, Holy Roman Emperor 274 Fernow, Karl Ludwig 739, 779, 812, 1023, 1066-71; text 1067-71 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 908 Ficino, Marsilio 74 Fielding, Henry 868, 876-7 figure drawing: Michelangelo 493, 494; models 613—14; : observation 1045; Quatremère de Quincy 713-14; truth 821; women 571—2 figure painting 162, 167-8, 197,447; Aglionby 44; groups 162, 164; history painting 1069; van Hoogstraten 277-8; landscape painting 822, 1100; Testelin 141-2; Titian 175; see also human form, nude Flaxman, John 992, 1158, 1160; Elgin Marbles 1158, 1-163; Ingres 1169; monuments 1144; style 1144-6; texts 1144-6, 1160 folk songs 738, 768, 897, 913, 1027 folk tales 897 Fontaine, André 176, 183 Fontenay, Marquis of 102 Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bo vier de 48-53; text 48-53 form see architecture, composition, design, line, sculpture, tablature Fournier, Baron Joseph 1138 Fragonard, Jeati Honoré 608, 632 François I of France ' 84 Frazer, James 1173 Fréart de Chambray, Fiéart de Chantelou see Chambray, Chantelou Frederick die Great of Prussia 475, 546, 772, 775-6 Frederik Hendrik, Prince of Orange 250 fresco painting: Bläke 1004, 1008; 1134; Cornelius 1136-7; Gainsborough 747; Herculaneum 445; Hidalgo 286-7; Martinez 194-5; Palazzo Zuccari 1132, 1134 Freud, Sigmund 846, 1173 Fried, Michael 416, 569 Friedrich, Caspar David 992, 1023, 1035-6; aerial perspective 1023, 1026; allegory 897, 1015; Brentano 1027—30; The Cross in the Mountains 862, 897-8, 1012-23, 1023-7; frame for The Cross in the Mountains 1012, 1015, 1022, 1025; Kleist 1031—2; letter to Arndt 1035-6; letter to Schulze 1023-7; light effects 1023, 1026-7; The Monk by the Sea 898, 1027-31; Ramdohr 862, 897-8, 1012-27; Romanticism 897-8; Schubert 1010-12; texts 1023-7, 1036 1206 Index Fritsch, John Frederick 298 Fuseli, Henry 895, 948-9, 992, 998; allegory 951; art 949; colour 952; criticism 951; grace 950; The Grave, introduction 1008-10; imitation 951; invention 951, 1009-10; Lavater 763, 948; The Nightmare 948; Pforr 1130; poetic themes 948; portrait painting 952; Royal Academy 948; taste 949-50; Winckelmann 450, 948; texts 948-53, 1009-10 Gadamer, Hans-Georg 205 Gainsborough, Thomas 820, 865, 998, 1059, 1094, 1098, 1101; copies of nature 1100; drawing 748-9; landscape painting 738, 820-1; letters 742-9; painting methods 750-2; pastoral 1101; patronage 738-9, 742-9; portrait painting 738-9, 741; Reynolds 747, 749-52; touch 743, 751-2; Turner 1094; text 742-9 Galileo Galilei 15 Ganymede 1177 gardening 214, 387, 634, 869; Shenstone 818-20; see also landscape gardening Garrick, David 532 Gazat, M;: tract 720—1 Gelder, Jan G. van 38 genius 424, 757,785-6, 854, 1043; Blake 1002; common sense 573; composition 570; Duff 753-5; endurance of work 509; Fuseli 949; imagination 587-8; imitation 657, 944; instruction 720-1; Kant 785-6; movement 589; originality 652, 754-5; punctuality 748; Reynolds 535,657-8,659-61; Richter 1105; Saint-Lambert 587-90; F. Schlegel 900,906,909; taste 588-9; truth 589-90; Valenciennes 1050-2; Wakefield 1049; Young 538, 540; see also creativity, imagination, originality genres of painting 108, 112-13, 298, 556, 559, 594-5, 664, 8%, 901, 909; see also history painting, landscape painting, portrait painting, still life geometry: Apelles 85; arts 583—4; Chambray 93; Charmois 85; design 89; Diderot 584; Quatremère 717; perspective 285; training in art 93, 105, 201, 717; see also mathematics, perspective George III of Britain 677 Gerard, Alexander 526, 531 Gerard, François 989, 990 Gessner, Konrad 830; text 830-5 Gessner, Salomon 830, 948; Constable 739, 824; The Death of Ahel 824; Fuseli 948; Idylls 824; influences on 826-8; landscape painting 739, 823-30, 855,916; letters 830-5; texts 824-35 Ghirlandaio, Domenico 260 Giambologna (Jean de Boulogne) 639 Gibbon, Edward 532 Gillot, Claude 357 Gilpin, William 836, 865,881, 995, 1059; beauty 857-62; Constable 1059; design 821—2; harmony 822-3; keeping 822-3; light effects 821, 823; picturesque/beauty 857-62, 875; prints/painting 820-3; rustic scenes 739; scenery 865; Wye River 836-9; texts 821-3, 836-9, 857-62 Giorgione 178, 182, 191; 313, 244, 1092 Giotto di Bondone 57, 65, 1136 Giovanni da Udine 278 Giubbini, Guido 14 Giulio Romano 84, 90, 93,98,246, 557, 1004 Glauber, Johannes 862, 863 Godwin, William 887, 992 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang 763, 824, 862, 8%, 904,908, 911, 1066, 1075,1080; antirationalism 738; classicism 911,1043; colour 1075, 1080-9; columns 757-8; French Revolution 632; German architecture 755-61; German art 759-60; Gothic architecture 758-9; Gothic art 738; harmony 1043; 1089; Laugier 573; Moritz 776-7; naïve poetry 804; nature 739, 842, 843-4, 1044-6; neo-classicism 1043; Propyläen 1043-6; Runge 896, 987-80; 1075-80; sculpture/ painting 1046; Sturm uni Drang 756,1043; Sulzer 842-6; Tobler 846-8; Weimar art competitions 896, 1043; texts 755-61, 843-6, 1043-6, 1080-9 Goldsmith, Oliver 532 Goncourt, Edmund and Jules de 356 Görres, Joseph 897, 913-14, 1027, 1146; chiaroscuro 917; colour 915—16; composition 914—15; Cornelius 1134—^7; ideal 916; images 914-15; landscape painting 918; myth/ culture 1146; oral tradition 897; Romanticism 913—19; text 914-19 Gorsanus 351 Gothic 408, 501-2, 818, 824, 951, 989; architecture 409, 528,530, 573, 576, 755-61,945, 961, 962, 1002; art 401, 738; novels 890-1; ornamentation 163—4, 761 n3, 818 Goya, Francisco de 895; Caprichos 975-6; imagination 975; nature 682; Real Academia de Bellas Artes 641, 681; texts OSfW, 975-6 grace 534, 683; beauty 220-1,459, 494; divine 215-16; Fuseli 950; Gainsborough' ,751; Gracchi 210-11; harmony 687-90; Hogarth 493; imagination 689-90; je ne sais quoi 16, 228, 411, 492; Junius 18; : painting 493; Van Dyck 495; Watelet 687-90; see also beauty, je ne sais put Graciân, Baltasar 205-8; Bouhours 226; grace 210-11;/' ne sais guai 16, 226,229; judgement 209; observation 209; texts 205—11 grand manner/grand style 73-4, 295, 335-6, 337-8, 340, 424, 533, 535, 624, 625, 652-5,747, 995; see also history painting Grand Tour 382,422,423-1,427-8; 1137 Greece: Athens 422,435, 462-3, 464, 961, 1043-4, 1155; beauty 452-4,471-2,480-1, 578, 1051; climatic influence 468; culture 731, 809; ' humanity 468-9, 797-8, 947-8; imitation 454-5, 713; as influence 422, 450,804—H; morality 435-6,946; mythology 917; nature 808-9, Index 1207 946, 1040-1; painting/ sculpture 69-70, 457, 1146; physical fitness 452; proportion 644; and Romans 469, 524, 828; Sparta 435, 438, 451-3, 471, 1148; taste 435, 451-5; Winckelmann 450-6; see also architecture (Greek); sculpture (ancient) Greek art 1041, 1109, 1146; artist creators 472, 899, 1118-19; Blake 993; Creuzer 1149-52; Haydon 1164; Hazlitt 1167; as influence 69, 1044, 1110, 1152-3; Runge 979-80; sublimity 940; symbol 1150-1; see also painting (ancient) Green, Valentine 630; text 677-80 Greenberg, Clement 423 Greuze, Jean Baptiste; The Betrothal 608; Chardin 605; Diderot 603, 605-8; Filial Piety 605-8; moral painting 605-8; Peasant Reading the Holy Scripture to his Children 608; Vigée-Lebrun 1114 Grey, Sir James 462 Grimm, Friedrich Melchior: allegory 595; Diderot 592, 602, 608, 617-20; epic poetry 594; imitation 593—4; subject-matter 593, 595; unity of action 593; text 592-5 - Guardi, Francesco 296 Guerrino 146,322 Guérin, Pierre-Narcisse 1125 Guffrey, George R. 159, 166 Guido (Reni) see Reni, Guido guilds/corporations 11,80,81,84-6 Hagedorn, Christian 668, 824; 842 Hamann, Johann Georg 543-4; aesthetics 424, 543-6, 768; God 545; Herder 768; nature 545; passions 546; poetry 544; text 543-6 Hardouin-Mansart, Jules 17,308 harmony: Caylus 355,430; Champaigne 123; colour 115-16, 1089; Correggio 313; : Coypel 336; Diderot 669, 670-1; Gilpin 822-3; Goethe 1043, 1089; grace 687-90; Le Bran 126; Leibniz 235; Martinez 193-4; music 236-7,1070-1; panting 236-7, 313, 379; proportion 85; Schiller 804; Shaftesbury 379; Shenstone, 822-3; tones 915; truth 669; unity 197-8; she also composition, design, tablature, unities Harris, John 342 Haydn, Franz Joseph 1034-5, 1171 Haydon, Benjamin Robert 1164-6; text 1164-6 Hayley, William 992, 995 Hazlitt, William 1167, 1168; Elgin Marbles 1167—9; Encyclopaedia Britannica 1167; A. W. Schlegel 941; text 1167-9 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 815, 934, 1147; beauty/freedom 738; German Idealism 815-17; text 812-15 Heinitz, Karl Friedrich von 812-15 Helen of Troy 97-8, 99, 277-8 Hemsterhuis, Frans 903, 945; text 639-40 Henri II of France 84. Heraclitus 456 Herculaneum 422, 445,448-50 Hercules 373-81,446,481,523, 540; see also sculpture, ancient Herder, Johann Gottfried 755, 895, 1043; antirationalism 738; beauty 768, 770; sculpture/ painting 769-71; text 768-71 Hermogenes 24 Hidalgo, José Garcia 3,286, 318; action in painting 288-9; engravings 287; fresco paintings 286-7; landscape 288-9; varnish 287-8; text 286-9 hieroglyphics 731, 914,916-17, 933, 971,989,1107, 1138,1143, 1173; hieroglyphic tables 299-300, 325 Hilliard, Nicholas 239, 243, 244 history paintmg 535,630: American Revolution 705; Barry 665, 666-7, 692; Bellicard and Cochin 445-7; oolottt 378; David 632; draperies 378; England 630; ethical hfe 841; Félibien 113-14; Fernow 1068-9; figures 1069; invention 1105-6; Judgement of Hercules 373-81; Kauffmann 663-4; La Font .556-7; Lairesse 298-300; landscape painting 1018-19, 1052-3,1068-9, 1093; perfection 336-7; perspective 379-80; Richardson 329-30; Richter 1105-6; rococo 295, 2%; Shaftesbury 373-81; subject-matter 556-7; tablature 380; Testelin 139; Trumbull 705-8; Turnbull 430-1; Vigée-Lebrun 695-7; West 648, 649-51; see also grand manner Hobbes, Thomas: text 211-12 Hoffman, E. T. A. 1033; text 1034-5 Hogarth, William 424, 491-2, 506, 683,761,907, 1102, 1167; academy 629-30, 635-8; beauty 492—5; drawing lines 494-501, 504, 533; A Harlot's Progress 491; London 629; Marriage à la Mode 491; painting 493, 1106; portrait painting 422, 638; A Rake's Progress 491; Richardson 327; sculpture 501; self-portrait 492; ugliness 908; texts 491-501, 635-8 Holbein, Hans 239, 244, 277-8, 344, 907 Hölderlin, Friedrich 815, 934 Homer 21, 48, 49, 73, 99, 224, 570, 593,944,948,954,981,987, 994,995,1050,1051, 1110, 1127,1141, 1144; 1169, 1172; . Fontenelle 52; genius 5881; Hume 509; Lessing 480-1, 485; originality 594; Plutarch 280; as source 556; Winckelmann 451, 452 Hoogstraten, Samuel van 273-4, 298; art studies 274-5; figure painting 277-8; landscape 278; observation 275-6, 279;: painting 276-80; trompe l'oeil 274; text 273-80 . Horace 16, 159, 249,478, 693; imitation 456; morality 299; nature/art 23-4; poetry 24, 143; sapere aude 772, 801; sentimental poetry 810; as source 556, 693; subject-matter 491 Howard, Thomas 239 human form 44, 146, 200, 267, 277-8, 451-8, 471-2, 498-9, 596-7, 819, 821, 841, 861, 938, 1045, 1072-4, 1152-69; see also nudes human nature: art 814—15; Greece 468-9, 526, 797-8, 947-8; Hutcheson 402-3; poetic spirit 810-11; Quintilian 19; Rousseau 433-1; taste 515 Hume, David 506-7, 651; An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding 506, 839; 1208 Index Hume, David (cont.) beauty 507-8, 510-11; delicacy 510, 511-12; imagination 510; Locke 364; portrait 501; scepticism 551; Sulzer 839; taste 507, 508, 509-10, 514-15; Treatise of Human Nature 506; text 506-15 Hutcheson, Francis 402, 516; beauty 402, 506; Berkeley 405; human nature 403; Locke 364, 402; morality 403—4; virtue 403; text 402-4 Huygens, Constantijn the Elder: Lievens 247—9; Rembrandt 247-9; Rembrandt's letters 249-53; text 247—9 Huygens, Constantijn the Younger 38-40 Idea: aesthetics 786-8, 816-17; associationism 364—7; beauty 74, 97, 99-101; Bellori 97; Berkeley 405; Cicero 97; Crousaz 390-3; ethics 815-16; feelings 391-3; Hegel 816; Hutcheson 403-4; image 1147; imagination 787; language 442-5; Locke 364-5; painting 308-11; parts of art 18; De Piles 308-10; Plato 22, 50; Poussin 74; reason 786-8; Richardson 328-9; spontaneity 889 ideal 811,907, 1133-4; beauty 458, 470,471, 652-3, 777, 937, 1051, 1109,1133-4; Flaxman 1145-6; Corres 916; Haïlitt 1167-9; natu 432, 1103-4, 1067-71; Ten Kate 410—11; see also perfection 'The Idler' 532-8 imagination 18, 21—3; 26-7, 208, 216-17, 236, 393, 885; art 386-7; beauty 653, 789, 790, 872; criticism 790-1; design 183-5; emotion 483; fantasy 26-7; genius 587-8, 754; grace 689-90; Idea 787; imitation 829; individual 424; ink-blots 849-56; knowledge 212, 213, 215; landscape painting 849-50, 851-2, 1090; memory 799; nature 386-7,914-15, 917, 1050-1, 1052; novelty 384; passions 518; pleasure 382—8; reason 217, 975; sculpture 597; senses 662; sublime 789, 790, 792; taste 789; understanding 213, 783, 786-8; see also creativity, fantasy, genius, originality imagination, writers on: Addison 382, 383, 384; Aglionby 43-4; Félibien 115-16; Gessner 833-4; Goya 975; Hume 510; Junius 18, 22-3; Kant 786-8; Kleist 1032-3; Pascal 216-20; Pliny 25-6; Plymley 881; Poussin 1051; Richardson 327—8; Valenciennes 1050-1, 1052 imitation 18, 19-21, 43; ancients 23, 396, 397, 454-5, 713, 944, 1072-4; art 83, 96, 548-50, 593-4, 720; beauty 97-8, 429, 493; fantasy 21, 22; genius 538-41, 657, 944; imagination 829; invention 828-9; nature 21,44, 112, 152, 160-1, 180, 187-8, 199, 258-9, 302, 429, 626, 829, 833-4, 875-6, 896, 934, 936-7, 975-6, 1159-64; originals 538-9; painting 70-1, 72, 107, 199, 284, 398-400, 534-5; passions 395-6, 397-8; sculpture 98, 152-3, 1072, theory of 843; see also observation imitation, writers on: Blanchard 178; Qcero 19, 73, 97, 515, 653; Da Costa 199-201; Du Bos 398-400; Félibien 107; Fuseli 951; Gazat 720; Goya 975-6; Grimm 593-4; Hazlitt 1167-9; Hoogs traten 276-8; Junius 19-21; Kleist 1032-3; Plato 21; Quintilian 397; Reynolds 655-9; Young 538-9 Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique 1169-70; David 1169; Flaxman 1169; Grande Odalisque 1170; Jupiter and Thetis 1169; Napoleon 1040; Napoleon I on the Imperial Throne 1169; Raphael 1169, 1170-2; Rome Prize 1169; Valpinçon Bather 1169; Winckelmann 1169; text 1169-72 Inquisition 29, 34, 286, 975 invention 848,951, 1103; Aglionby 46-8; Bosch ini 174-5; Da Costa 198-9; Du Fresnoy 161; Félibien 105; Fuseli 951, 1009-10; history painting 1105-6; imitation 828-9; importance of 254; Junius 18, 25-7; Palomino 321-2; De Piles 167; Richter 1106; Veronese 174; see also creativity, genius, originality, parts of art - Iphigenia 462, 482 Ireland, John 635-6 Isis 1176-7 Jackson, William 748-9 je ne sais quoi 17, 18, 237, 411,416, 424; beauty 412-13; Bouhours 226-31; Christian view 230-1; Crousaz 393; Félibien 105, 221-2; grace 18, 116, 228, 411, 492, 494; Graciân 16, 226, 229; Hogarth 492, 494; Leibniz 234—5; Marivaux 412-15; Montesquieu 527; Ramsay 504; taste 16, 205, 206-7; Watelet and Lévesque 689; see also aesthetics, grace; Section ID Jean Paul (Richter, J. P. F.) 907 Jefferson, Thomas 631 Jeronimo, Juan 37 Johnson, Samuel 327, 532; 538 Jollois, M. 1138 Jomard, Edmé François 1137-8; Egypt 1138-43; text 1138-42 Jordaens, Jacob 455 Jouin, Henry 336, 340 : judgement-beauty 512-13, 514, 1056-7; Baillet 567-8; bei esprit 223-4; Coypfcl 337; : - David 722—3; Diderot 616-17; Graciân 209; Hobbes 211; Hume 515; importance 254-5; Junius 18, 25—7; Kant 779-88, 1066-7; painters 254-5; Palomino 321-2; Plymley 882; Poussin 68-9; public 563; reason 806; Reid 553; ' Richter 1105; taste 501-4, 511, 514; see also public, taste Judgement of Paris 1177 Junius, Franciscus 18-19, 427, 466; ancients on painting 19-21; beauty/imagination 25-8; Bellori 96; Chambray 89; fantasy/imitation 21—3; Hoogstraten 274; imitation/ nature 20-1; The Painting of the Ancients 2-3, 16; poetry/painting 23-5; Poussin 70; Rubens' letter 28-9; text 18-27 Index 1209 Kant, Immanuel 516, 812, 815, 953; aesthetics 779-88, 953; art 784-6; Carstens 739; common sense 782-3; Critique [Judgement 779-88, 1066-7; Enlightenment 771-6; freedom 773, 775-6; Hamann 543—4; Herder 768; immaturity 772-3, 775; reason 780-1; taste 779-82; texts 771-6, 779-88 Kauffmann, Angelica 630; text 663-4 Kepler, Johannes 15 Kleist, Heinrich: Friedrich's Monk by the Sea 1031—2; poetry and painting 1032-3; texts 1031-3 Knight, Richard Payne 857, 881-2, 1029, 1164-6, 1172-3; Alpine tour 848, 857; anthropology 1042,1172-3; beauty 870, 877;}. R. Cozens 848, 857; Downton, Herefordshire 881; Elgin Marbles 1158, 1162-3; improvers of landscape 868-77; picturesque 877; Price 865, 866; Society of Dilettanri 1172; Specimens of Ancient Sculpture 1172; symbolism 1173-9; Worship of Priapus 1172; texts 868-77, 1162-3, 1173-9 Kosegarten, Christian Ludwig 1031, 1032 Kühn, Gottlob Christian 1012,1015, 1022, 1025 La Curae de Sainte-Palaye, Jean- : : Baptiste de 695; text 663-4 La Fage, Raymond 353,354, 456 La Font de St Yenne, Etienne 554—5, 573; art criticism 425; Baillet de Saint-Julien 566-7; ceilings 558-9; history painting 556-7; Le Blanc 561—5; mirrors 557-8; ornamentation 557, 558; portrait painting 559-60; Salon Reviews 425, 554—5; subject-matter 555, 556; tapestries 554; 559-60; traoe 554-61 La Fosse, M. de 359, 360 La Mettrie, Julien OfTray de 483 Lagrenée, Louis-Jean-François 617 Lairesse, Gérard de 298, 824; ancient/modern 298, 300-3; Diderot 668,670,671, 672; Dutch painting 294, 295-6; half-tones 671,672; history painting 298-300; modem painting 303-5; still life 305-7; tablature 299-300; Van Dyck 305; viewer/ painting 670; text 298-307 Lalanne, Ludovic 150 Lamy, Bernard: anatomy 285; design 282; optics 280, 281-2; perspective 281, 283-6; text 280-6 landscape gardening: Addison 1 386-7; agricultural land 873, 874-5; Brown 865, 866, 868, 869, 873-4, 918; composition 876; Görres 918; Knight 869, 873-4; Price 865; Shenstone 634, 818-20, 865; taste 819-20 landscape painting 245-6, 265-7, 278,429,739-40, 908, 916,918, 1049; aesthetics 345-8, 1070-1; allegory 980, 1019, 1020-1, 1025-6; animal figures 1100; arcadian 863; atmospheric effects 1041,1050,1095; British school 422, 1099; colour 863, 1017-18; composition 265-6, 1016-17, 1095-6; figures 822, 1100-2; foreground 266-7; history painting 1018-19, 1052-3, 1068-9, 1093; imagination 849-50, 851-2, 1090; light 1018; mannerism 875; models lor 750,884; morality 839-42, 885; naturalism 1041; nature 831-2,884-5,908,1055, 1067-8; painterly effect 863, 864-5; panoramas 1063; passions 397; pastoral 1100-1; religious art 1013, 1018; repoussoir 1057-8; rivers 836-9; Rubens 246; rums 861-2; scenery 1095; skies 1054; smoothness 859; Staffage 863, 1029, 1095-6; 1098, 1100-2; subject-matter 989; sublime 841,885-6; training 823-30, 1050-9, 1061; trees 267; truth 1061; viewpoint 1019-20; water-colour painting 1095-8; weather 120-1, 886, 1055-6, 1058-9; see also nature, picturesque; Section VB landscape painting, writers on: Baillet 568; Caylus 572; Chateaubriand 883-7; Claude Lorrain 865, 867-8, 875; Constable 1059-64; Cox 1095-8; Cozens 848-54; Diderot 620-4; Fernow 1066-71; Friedrich 1023-7; Gainsborough 738, 820-1; Gessner 823-30, 855, 916; Gorres 916, 918; Hidalgo 288-9; Hoogstraten 278; Lavater 855-6; Norgate 245-6; Pacheco 265-7; Poussin 820, 841, 863, 865; Ramdohr 862-5, 1013-23; Runge 974-5, 978, 979-80, 985, 987—9; Schubert 1010-12; Shenstone 818-20, Sulzer 739, 839-42; Turnbull 429-31; Turner 1089-94; Valenciennes 1050-9 Lanfranco, Giovanni 102, 320, 597, 681 language 551, 795; Burke £14—5; Diderot 584-5; Le Blanc 562-3; Reid 553; Richter 1106-9; Rousseau 440-5 Laocoon 14, 39, 63,108, 110, 126, 127, 393, 457, 458, 473, 1159; Conference on 108, 110; copying 144, 172; expression 482, 640, 917; Lessing 423, 477-86; Novalis 912; Rubens 144; suffering 475 484; Virgil 461, 484; Winckelmann 451,455, 473,475; see also sculpture (ancient) Latour, Maurice de 674 Laugier, Abbé Marc-Antoine 756-7, 761 n3; text 573-8 Lavater, Johann Kaspar 949; Blake's marginalia 992, 998; Fuseli 763, 948; landscape painting 855-6; observation 764-8; physiognomy 764-8,855; texts 763-8, 855-6 Lawrence, Thomas 1158; text 1161-2 Le Blanc, Abbé Jean-Bernard 561; Baillet de Saint- Julien 567-8; La Font 561-5; landscape painting 568; portraits 564; training in art 567-8; text 561-5 Le Brun, Charles 64, 118, 119, 123-4, 131-2, 220, 475,557, 651, 1071; Académie Royale 80, 87, 110; The Battles of Alexander 679; Bernini 185; Blanchard 179, 182-5; Darius and his Family 59-62; Du Bos 396; expression 127—30, 132-8, 763; Félibien 108; First Conference 119-21; 1210 Index Le Brun, Charles (eenr.) harmony 126; line 17; Louis XIV 13,295; Massacre of the Innocents 396; Perrault 56; proportion 127; and Raphael compared 65-6; Sixth Conference 124—31; The Tent of Darius 53; texts 118-21, 123-38, 182-5 Le Moyne, François 557, 671 Lemoyne, Jean-Baptiste 596 Le Peletier, Michel 719, 720 Le Roy, Julien-David 463 Le Sueur, Eustache 557, 578, 579-80, 614, 617 n5, 625, 679 Ledoux; Claude-Nicholas 1137 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 233-4; art/beauty 234-8; rationalism 487; The Theodicy 234; text 233-8 Lemaire, Jean 53 Lenoir, Alexandre 1041; Description historique 73(1-1; French punting. 733—4; Museums 731, 732-4: text 730-4 Leonardo da Vinci 77,84,89,90,92, 98,337,340, 343, 344,447,493, 932, 959; imagesin crumbling walls 848,850 Lessing, Gotthold:Ephraim 18, 515, 544; 651, 755,1043; ancient/ modern 478-9; art appreciation 478-9; irony 903; Laocoön 1393, 423,478,482; 484, 768-9; painting/ • ^ ipoetry 478-9, 484-5; Winckehnànn 478,479-80; text 477-86 Leucippus 100 * ' : Lévesque, Picrro-Gharks: text 682-92 Leyden, Lucas van 340, 344, 930 L'Honoré, Françoise' 389 liberal/mechanic arts 293, 308, 341-3; Aglionby 40; Chambers 334; Diderot 581-7, 586; Félibien 111; Martinez 196-8; Palomino 318-20; Reynolds 653, 654, 655; Richardson 327—31; see also artisans; Section UA Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph: text 761-3 Lievens, Jan 247-9, 257, 952 light effects 856,869-70,1053-4, 1096, 1102; black 243-4; colour 168, 183, 914-15, 1082-3; Herculaneum 449-50; landscape painting 1018; mannerism 625; portraits 1113; roughness 859-60; sculpture 600; Titian 122, 123, 165, 168,823; see also chiaroscuro, tones/half-tones light effects, writers on: Chambers' Cyclopaedia 347-9; Cox 1096; Diderot 671-2; Falconet 600; Félibien 106, 115-16; Du Fresnoy 161, 163, 164-5; Friedrich 1023, 1026-7; Gilpin 821, 823; Martinez 197; Perrault 57, 58, 66; Poussin 79, 126, 129-30; Pyne 1102; Richter -1102; Shenstone, 821-3; Tiphaigne delà Roche 543; Valenciennes 1053—4 line 1144; Académie Royale 17; of beauty 495, 496-7, 499, 533; Blake ' 1005-6; circular 4%; composition 497-501; drawing 496-7; of grace 499; Hogarth 494-501, 504, 533; Le Brun 120; ornaménts 497-8; Poussin 73; Rubens 494; serpentine 494,' 495, 497, 498-501,865; straight 494,496; Watelet 690-1; waving 496-7; see also design, drawing Linnell, John 1003 ! Liotard, Jean-Etienne 314; chiaroscuro 677; oil painting 676-7; touch 674-6; text 673-7 Locke, John 364, 393, 402, 415, 788, 839; association! 364-7; Berkeley 405; Du Bos 364, 393; Ideas 364-7; madness 366; Saint-Lambert 589; sensory perceptions 293, 364, 591; Siilzer 839; tutbr to Shaftesbury 367; text 364-7 Lornazzò; G. P. 74, 493 Longinus 460 . Louis XIII of France 67, 80 Louis XIV of France 54,80, 86, 109, 178, 185, 358, 557; Académie Royale 11,14, 15, 94, 201-2, 295; Bmiini 150, 158-9; Le Brun 13; Perrault 53, 94; Versailles 13; see also Colbert Louis XV of France 295 Louis XVni of France 1040 Loutherbourg, Philippe de 857 Louvre 567; art treasures 1152; Colbert 94-5; façade 153; Palais National des Arts 720, 1119-25; Perrault 576; as picture gallery 554-5, 561, 1103,1106,1119,1129,1152; see also Salon reviews Luther, Martin 965 Luxembourg Gallery 154, 678-9 luxury 437-9, 438, 618-20, 1171 Lysippus 98, 101, 351 Machiavelli, Niccolò 205 Macpherson, James 1031 n2 Maltese, Francesco 277 Mander, Karel van 255, 274 mannerism: colour 625; Diderot 613, 614, 615, 618, 624-6; drawing 625; expression 625; Gessner 835; landscape painting 856, 875; light 625; naturalism 96; Watteau 361 Mantegna, Andrea 39 Maratti, Carlo 96, 286 Margaret, St 471 • Mariette, J. 394 Marivaux, Pierre de: text 412-15 Martinez, Jusepe 193; colour 194-6; frescos 194—5; liberal/ mechanical arts 196-8; light effects 197; - , understanding 196-8; unity/ harmony 193-4; text 193-8 Mascardi, Agostino 74, 75 Massimi, Camillo 78 mathematics 496; arts 282, 583-4, 717; Goethe 1075; Görres 919; music 236; perspective 283-6; proportion 257; Quatremère 717; see also geometry Matteis, Paolo de 374 Maximus Tyrius 20,98 MazSrin, Cardinal Jules H; 94 mechanic/liberal arts see artisans,: liberal/mechanical arts medievalism 578,925,947,961,976, 1022, 1041-2; La Curne 578; Nazareaes 1041; Novalis 897, 976; Pforr 1130-1; A. W. Sch!egeL945; F. Schlegel 897, 924; Tieck 897; Wackenroder 962 Meier, George Friedrich 489 Mending, Hans 930, 934 Mende Maupas, Courte de: text 703-4 Mengs, Anton Raphael' 645, 824; 925,948,984,1014; ; beauty 547-8, 550; casts from i antique sculpture 924; music 549; painting ' methods 546-7, 824-5; perfection 549; poetry 549; Real Academia 641-4; Index 1211 taste 424, 547—50; Winckelmann 424, 546; texts 546-50, 641-4 Merck, Johann Heinrich 1142! metaphor: Aristotle 1147; Creuzer 1147; emblems 325; facial 322-3; hieroglyph 325; imprint 325-6; instrumental 324; moral 322; natural 321-2; poetry 906 methods see technique mezzotint 647, 649, 677 Michelangelo 146, 326, 343, 344, 427, 459, 579,611,916, 943, 950, 954, 960, 966, 984, 994, 995, 999, 1000, 1002, 1003, 1004,1007,1008,1133; Académie 85; ancients, study of 39, 451, 943; ancients and modems 89; Annunciation engraving 37—8; Chambray 92; decorum 47-8, 260; figre drawing 261, 354,493,494; Hercules tini Antaeus 639; human form 267; Last Judgement 979, 986,987; ' portraits 157; Rembrandt 249; Reynolds 535; SaititTeterV : dome 616; sculpture 352, 493, 611; '5/atira 730; status 254, 309,'337;'sublimity 916; Wotton 6 3 i Middle Ages see médievalifln Mieris, Frans van 303 Milton, John 410, 557,589,789,818, 866, 923,948; 954; 995, 1006 modes 67, 69-70, 108, 116-18; Dorian 69,117; Hypolidian 69; Ionic 69, 117, 118; Lydian 69, 117; Phrygian 69, 117 Molière (Jean Baptiste Poquelin) 579 ; Moller, Anton 298, 303 Montaigne, M E. de 589 Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondât 526, 666, 818; contrast 530 1; • Encyclopédie 526, 581; je ne sais quoi 527; pleasure 527-9; : symmetry 529; taste 526-7; text 526-31 monuments: David 724-7; Egypt 113(H ; 1141-2; exports -1121; Flaxman 1144; patriotism 1036 morality 219-20,430-2,434, 605-8, 993-4; aesthetic 803; arts 839-42, 845; beauty 404, 877; Berkeley 405-6; colour 1084-8; ethics 815-16; Greece 435-6; Hegel 815-17; Hutcheson 403-4; landscape painting 839-42, 848, 885; nature 739, 805-6, 839-42, 843-6, 864, 877-85; Pascal 219-20; religion 439-40; Rome 436; science 437—8; Shaftesbury 368-73, 404; truth 803; see also virtue Moritz, Karl Philipp 846; aesthetics 738, 776-9; beauty 738, 778-9; creativity 777-8; taste 778-9; text 776-9 Morland, George 1098-9, 1102 Moucheron, Fiedrick de 862; 863 Moucheron, Isaac de 862, 863 movement see action Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 1034-5, 1171 Musée des Antiquités et Monuments Français 730-1, 732 4, 1041 - music: arithmetic 2.36; Charmois 85; harmony 236-7, 1079-1; Hoffmann 1033-5; instrumental 1034-5; landscape 1070-1; Leibniz 234, 236; Mengs 549; modes 117-18; Ramsay 505; Rousseau 945 Myron 351,473 ' mysticism: Blakfe 992; " Christianity 543-4; - Egypt' 1175; Orpheus"! 174; Ramdohr 898; F. Schlegel 901 ; Swedenborg 998; see aliò' symbolism - mythology 917, 951,1128-9, 1146; CreuWrt 1146-52; • Knight 1173-9; of reason 1 815-17 Napoleon Bonaparte 632, 898, 989, 1039-40,1117,1125,1128; 1138, 1169 nature: aesthetics 739; Arcadian 863; art 23-4, 42, 72, 96-7, 112, 208, 367, 371-2, 548-50, 785, 820,937, 938-9, 968-70, 1043-6; beauty 162-3, 372-3, 385, 536, 548-50, 640, 863—4; colour 278; corrected 653; creation 363-9; culture 811; deformities - 611-12; destruction 842,885-6; - Divine 232-3; drawing 357; emotion 840; ethics 840; 841-2; fantastic forms 861; Greeks 808-9,946, 104O-1; ideal 432, 1103-4; imagination 386-7, 914-15, 917, 1050-1, 1052; imitation 21, 44, 112, 160-1, 180, 187-8, 258-9, 302, 429, 626, 936; irrational 807; landscape painting 831-2, 884-5, 908, 1055, 1067-8; love 848, 888; morality 739, 805-6,840-1,843-6, naivety 804-5; observation 831, 835, 887-8; painting 333, 1102-10; perfection 548; picturesque 739-40, 792-4, 861; plastic art 935; pleasure 230, 840; poetry 809-10, 888, 890; poverty 868-9; rivers 836-9; rocks 838; scenery 615—17, 1095; sensitivity to 806; sensory' perceptions 1081; state of 441-5,662,759-60; storms 886; study of 214-15, 831, 884-5; truth 669, 1132-3; • wildhess 370-1, 883; see also landscape painting nature, Writers on: Austen 890-1; Bernini 454; Chateaubriand 883-7; Gessner 824-30; Gilpin 821-3, 836-9, 857-62; Goethe 739, 842-6,1044-6,1081; Goya 682; Hamann 545; Knight 868-77; Lavatèr 855-6; Mengs 548-50; Price 865-8, 877-80; ' Reynolds 536-8;' Richter 1102-10; Rousseau '432, 433; • Runge 978-89; Schelling 934-41; Schiller, 804-12; Schubert 1010-12; Sulzer 839-42; Tieck 970-5; ToWer 846-8; Vernet 621-2; Wackenroder 968-9; Wollstonecraft 887-90 Nazarenes 897, 959, 1041, 1129, 1132, 1134 Nazarius 25 Nazianzenus 277 Neacles 47, 278-9, 321 Necker, Jacques 989 neo-classicism 6, 298, 812, 818, 895, 921, 948, 1040, 1050, 1156, 1164, 1167; Elgin Marbles 1152-3; Fuseli 948; Goethe 1043; Hazlitt 1167; Pfon 1129-31; Romanticism 920; Valenciennes 1050; Winckelmann 948 1212 Index Neo-Platonism 74, 96, 367 Newton, Isaac 15,415, 417, 475, 591, 1080,1166 Nicias of Athens 115, 277,460, 457, 461-2 Nicobulus 474 Nicomachus 27, 280, 451 Nicophanes 23, 457, 461 Nicostratus 27 Nollekens, Joseph 1158; text 1159-60 Norgaté, Edward 239-40; landscape 245-6; portraiture 240-5; practical methods 14, 244-6; Rubens 245; text 239-46 Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg) 897, 903, 909-10, 913, 934, 976; Athenäum 903, 909-10; flower symbolism 976-8; fragments 909-43; medieval stylt 897, 976; Runge 978; texts 910-13, 976-8 nudes; colour 277; David 1124-5; Greek 452-3; heroes 1124-5; De Lairesse 305; sculpture 63-4, 601, 1124-5; study of 77-8; see ah figure drawing, figure painting, human form observation; Angel 256; detail 855; Encyclopédie 590-2; figure drawing 1045; Graciin 209; Hoogstraten 275-6, 279; Lavater 764-8; nature 831, 835, 887-8; physiognomy 763; science 590-2; Valenciennes 1053-4; see also imitation optics, principles of; camera obscura 475-7; colour 281-2; Goethe/Newton 1080; Lamy 280, 281-2; Poussin 70-1, 79; Quatremère de Quincy 716; Ramdohr 1019; retina 272, 281 ordonnance 110, 113, 411; see also composition originality, 538-42, 652, 752, 754-5, 786; novelty 74-5; see also genius Orizzonte (Jan Frans von Bloemen) 862, 863 ornaments 911,951; architecture 575, 867; buddings 839; classical 715; excessive 557, 558; Gothic 163-4, 761 n3; in landscape, 837-8, Richardson 333; rococo 295, 356, 554; Shaftesbury 378; waving line 497-8; see also arabesque, hieroglyphics Orpheus 29, 1019, 1151, 1174 Osiris 1175, 1176-7 Ossian 926,1028, 1031 n2, 1032, 1050 Ostade, Isaac 295, 293, 303 outlines; Blake 1005-6, 1008; Boschini 171-2; Cox 1097-8; Du Fresnoy 162; Lamy 285; Le Brun 120; Raphael 120 Overbeck, Friedrich 1129,1131-2; Brotherhood of St Luke 1129, 1131-2; Christian art 1131-4; Dutch paintings 1132-3; fantasy 1133; ideal beauty 1133-4; Triumph of Religion in the Arts U32; troth/nature 1132-3; text 1132-4 Ovid 23,25, 99, 458, 460,810 Pacheco, Francisco 29-30; angels 34-5; Annunciation 38; The Art of Painting 30,216, 260-70; art/truth 30; canvases 261-2; Christianity/ painting 30-4,212; colour 263-5; Immaculate Conception 35-7; Inquisition 29, 34; landscape 265-7; liberal/ mechanic arts 318; Martinez 193; portrait painting 267- 9; studies for paintings 261; texts 29-38, 260-70 Paderni, Camillo 427 painting, ancient 56-9,64-5, 90-1, 92, 111, 113, MS, 300-1, 445-50,580 painting: definitions 41-2, 70-1, 199,275, 276,281,333, 567-8, 686-7 Palladio 89 Palma (il) Vecchio 173-4 Palmer, Samuel 1003 Palomino y Velasco, Antonio 317—18; composition 320-6; liberal/mechanical arts 318-20; painting 318-20; religious art 319-20,323; text 317-26 Panckoucke, C. L. F. 1138 Pareda, Don Antonio 321 Parmigianino, Girolamo 353,354 Parrhasius 457; beauty 98; cumin painting 276-7,-278; Ught effects 460; payments 83-4; Pliny 5 7; Socrates 20, ,98 Parthenon see Elgin Marbles parts of art: Aglionby 46-8; Blanchard 179; Chambers 344-51; Da Costa 198; Du Fresnoy 161-6; Félibien 101, 104-7, 110-11, 113; Junius 18; Palomino 318, 320-6; De Piles 167; Poussin 71; Richardson 327; Testelin 138-43 Pascal, Blaise 215-16; imagination 216-20; man/ nature 217-19; morality 219-20; text 215-20 Pascal, Don' Luis 36 Passavant, Jobann David 1129 passions 18; beauty 481-2, 521-2; expression 132-8,,322-3, 346-7, 1072-3; gender 548; Hamann 546; imagination 518; imitation 395-6, 397-8; landscape 397; Le Brun 131; Lessing 479-82; sublime , 517-18; Testelin 140-1; Tumbu 431; Winckebeann 455-6, 470-1; see also emotions, expression patronage 738-9; America 706-7; England 630,677,680, 1099; France 295,630,677-9, 680, 707; Gainsborough 738-9, 742-9; Norgate 239; Pompadour, Mme de 561,595; religion 457, 741; royal 80, 84; state 561; TfumbuU 706-7 . Paul, St 30,31,324 Pausanias 98, 1050, 1128 Peiraeikps 98 Pehisiota, Isidoras 19 peception see sensory perception perfection 39, 819; beauty 26,96, 102,470,547,653; character 208; Coypel 336-7; Junius 26;Mengs 549; nature 548,805—8; Poussin 72; taste 206; see also Idea, ideal Perrault, Charles 53-4,108; ancients /moderns 15, S4-62; The Century of Louis the Great 54; Colbert 94; colour 57, 58, 66; composition 57; fairy-tales 53; light effects 57,58, 66; Louvre 576; painting 64-6; perspective 57-8; sculpture 55, 63-4; Veronese and Le Bran compared 59-62; Wotton 63-6; text 53-62 Perrier, François 40 perspective 716: ancients 59, 61, 64; architecture 270-1,448; camera obscura 477; geometry 285; Index 1213 history painting 379-80; importance 85, 93; linear/ aerial 106, 129-30, 350-1, 643, 886-7, 1018, 1023, 1026; mathematics 283-6; optics 272; sculpture 381; training in art 716; see also drawing, geometry, mathematics perspective, writers on: Aglionby 43; Angel 256-7; Baillét de Saint-Julien 567; Basse 280; Chambers' Cyclopaedia 350-1; Chambray 93-4; Charmois 85; Da Costa 200,201; Dubreuil 270-3; Durer 273; Félibien 105; Du Fresnoy 162; Friedrich 1023, 1026; Lamy 281, 283—6; Perrault 57-8; Poussin 79-80; Ramdohr 1019; Valenciennes 1019 Perugino (Pietro di Cristoforo - Vannucci) 44, 343, 1090 Pether, William 647-8 Petrarch 32 ' Petronius Arbiter 460 Pforr, Franz 1129-30; letter 1129-31; Middle Ages 1130-1; neo-classicism 1129—31; text 1130-1 Phidias 439,466,609, 1104, 1124, 1145, 56, 1157, 1160, 1164, 1169; Bellori 98; Chambers 351; Cicero 98, 653; Junius 12\ Jupiter {Zeta ) '21, 73, 98, 1051; Perrault 56; Reynolds 652-3; status 101, 351, 352; Stuart and Revett 464; Winckelmann 452 Philoctetes 481 Philostratus 20, 22, 24, 25, 99, 168, 458,460,461 photography 820, 1064-6; see also caméra obscura Phryne 452, 458 physiognomy 85-6, 336, 763-8, 855; see also human form picturesque 739-40, 1095, 1098-9; Alison 792-3; atmosphere 861; Austen 890-1; beauty 860-2, 871-2, 877; Blake 995; Cozens 849; execution 859; Gilpin 739,820-1,857-62,875; Knight 877; nature 861; plastic art 945; Price 865-8, 877-80; Pyne 1099-100; roughness 858; ruins 861—2; sight-seeing 836-9, 1099; A.W. Schlegel 945; sublime 860-2; see diso aesthetics, beauty, landscape, nature; Section VB Pigalle, Jean-Baptiste 439, 597, 610 Piles, Roger de 166-7,175,293,475, 651; Académie Royale 308; art/ literature 293; chiaroscuro 311; colour/design 17, 167, 171, 186-92, 349; composition 312-13; design 168,311; drawing 189; Du Fresnoy 159; grace/beauty 494; painting 308—13; Rubens 144, 191; texts 185-92,308-13 Pindar 52, 1133 Piranesi, Giovanni Battista 1137 plaster casts 715, 924, 1072, 1097 Plato 473, 994; beauty 225; Ideas 22, 50; imitation 21; painting 69, 100; physical exercise 452; Socrates 468, status 49 : pleasure 42, 473; art 784; beauty 235, 389-90; contrast 530-1; imagination 387-8; Leibniz 234; mental 316-17, 526-7; nature 230, 840; painting 32, 41-2, 341; sensory perceptions 316-17, 403, 413-14; symmetry 529; taste 616; variety 526-9; virtue 373—4, 375-8; see also aesthetics, nouons, feeling Pliny 457, 1160; Apelles 90, 324-5; Aristides Thebanus 323; imagination 25-6; Junius 19; Natural History î9; Nicias of Athens 460; painting 23, 29, 203, 461; Parrhasius 57; statues 457; Zeuxis 57 Pliny die Younger 25 Plutarch 24, 27, 278,280, 326, 1050, 1051, 1128, 1162, 1178 Plymley, Katherine: text 881-3 poetry 18,23, 72,423, 594,901, 906, 919-24,942,1109; aesthetic 908-9; ancient/ modern 52; Coleridge 953-7; creativity 911; Du Bos 393-8, 400-1; feeling 923—4; fine arts 953; Hamann 544; Hegel 816; heroic 212; Horace 24; Kleist 1032-3; language 69-70,920, 923-4; Mengs 549; metaphor 906; naïve 804; nature 809-10, 888, 890; Novalis 910-13; painting 23, 24-5, 159-60, 278-9, 336, 393-4, 397-8, 478-9, 484-5, 505-6, 557, 1032-3; passion 395-6; Romantic 904, 906; Schlegel 887-90, 899, 901, 903, 906, 908-9; Shelley 957-8; style 1144—5; symbolism 485-6; truth 378, 508, 911; universal 906; see also Sister Arts theory Polybius 25, 468 Polyclites/Polyclitus 351, 451 Polygnotes/Polygnotus 453,457,460 Pompadour, Mme de 561, 595 Pompeii 445 Pope, Alexander 819, 836, 995 portrait painting 702, 741, 973-4, 9%; backgrounds 243; bosquexo (underpainting) 268—9; class 293; colour 242, 1113; costume 745, 746-7; England 326, 422; eye 1113; forehead 1113-14; gender 1048, 1111-12; highfights 1112-13; miniature 314, 1049; pastels 674; profiles 765-8; royalty 154, 156-7, 698-9; self-portraits 634-5; sittings 1111—15; truth 674; vanity 560, 561 nil; Venetian artists 916 portrait painting, writers on: David 701; Fuseli 952; Gainsborough 738-9, 741; Göires 916; Hogarth 422, 638; Kauffmann 663; La Font 559-60; Le Blanc 564; Norgate 240-5; Pacheco 267-9; Ramsay 501; Richardson 327, 330; Shenstone 634-5; Vigée-Lebrun 1111-15; West 648 Potter, Paulus 1094 Poussin, Gaspar 863, 1025, 1063, 1090 Poussin, Nicolas 39,64,89,295,303, 399, 427, 430, 451, 534, 557, 564, 625, 673, 722, 818, 820, 841, 863, 865, 874, 1025, 1051, 1052,1090,1092,1119; action in painting 118; anatomy 80; Arcadia 397-8; Bacchanal 155; Baptism 156; beauty 74—5; The Burial of Phocion 1093; classicism 14, 15, 17; Colbert's letter 94-6; colour 75; composition 73, 116; Confirmation 155; The Dancing Girls low relief 55; death of Germanicus painting 400-1; design and colour 178, 186; draperies 129; expression 131; 1214 Index Poussin, Nicolas (coni.) Extreme Unction ME, Fail of the Manna 111, ÌM~, The Finding of Moses 67, 68; The Flight of Young Pyrrhus 1092; French school of painting 75-6; Hercules 155, 374; Idea 74; imagination 1051; imitation 70-1,72; as influence 298, 828; The Israelites Gathering the Manna 53, 123-31; - landscape 820, 841, 863, 865; Last Supper 156; letters 68-71-; light effects 126, 129-30; Marriage 155; naïve 673; Neo-Platonism 74; optics 70-1, 79; Ordination 156; painting 65, 71-5, 77-8; Penitence 156; perfection 72; Pyrrhus 117; Rape of the Sahines 1125; rationalism 67; Rebecca 117; Roman Youth 1092-3; royal patronage 84; Sacraments 67, 68,76, 150, 155; antique statues 39; Street Scene 1093; subject-matter 68-9; Testament of Eudamiias 670-1; Titian as influence 191-2; Triumph of Bacchus 155; terns 67-75 Poussin, Nicolas, writers on: Bellori 77-8, 96; Bernini 155; Cham bray 67,70-1, 76; Champaigne 177; Coypel 67, 337; Dürer 74, 80; Félibien 79-80, 101, 102-3, 108, 114,115; Junius 70; Perrault 57 Praxiteles 22, 56, 81, 85, 351,439, 453,1124,1157 Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood 1132 Priapus 1175 Price, Uvedale 836, 868, 874; picturesque 857, 865-8, 878-80; texts 865-8,877-80 Pricke, Robert 270-3 Primaticcia, Francisco 84 prints 287-8,408, 647, 706-7, 820-3, 975-6, 1041,1049; see also engravings, etching, mezzotint Prix de Rome 718, 721; 1050, 1125, 1169 Proclus 21, 97 Prodicus 374 Prometheus 440 nl proportion: Agiionby 43; architecture 85, 184-5, 575; beauty 407; Burke 522; columns 184—5; Correggio 495; Coypel 337; design 458; Dürer 495; Félibien 105, 117; genius 757; Oreeks 644; Le Brun 127; mathematics 257; sculpture 271 Propyläen journal 1043-6 Protagenes 23, 65, 76, 82, 92, 248, 278-9,478,1008 public 293-4, 554-5, 561, 563-5, 566, 721, 772—3; see also judgement, monuments Pyne, William Henry 1098-9; The Costume of Great Britain 1098; Microcosm 1098; picturesque 1099-100; rustic scenes 1099, UOO-2; Society of Painters in Water-Colours 1098; text 1097-102 Pythagoras 50, 83, 116, 956 Quatremère de Quincy, Antoine: Académie Royale 711,712-18; academies 710-18; Cànova's letter 1156-7; optics 716; training in art 711-12, 713-14; text 710-18 Querelle des anciens et des modernes see ancient/modern debate Quintilian: action 73; Chambray 90; humanity 19; imitation 23, 396, 397; nature/art 21, 72, 100, 202; poetry/painting 25, 478 . , Racine, Jean 396, 588, 989, 991 Ramdohr, Friedrich 862, 897-8, 1012-13; beauty 862; Charts 862; classicist aesthetics 1013; Friedrich 862, 897-8; Friedrich's The Cress in the Mountains 1013-23; German Romanticism 862; landscape painting 862-5; optics 1019; Ruysdael 865; Wackenroder 862, 959, 960; texts 862-5, 1013-23 Ramsay, Allan 551; beauty 504; fine arts 504-6; je ne sais quoi 504; painting/poetry 505-6; portrait painting 501; taste 501-4; text 501-6 Raphael 408,411,427,457,557, 570, 579,593,614,623,625,820, 826,907,917, 931, 943,950, 952,954,959,960; 984, 1113, 1136, U56; ancients, study of 39; and A pelles , compared 56; cartoons 1106-7; classical influence 17, 451, 456, 458-9, 943; conferences 15, 108; decorum 47, 48; design 119-20; Disputa 1170; draperies 121, 340; drawings 326; expression 120; finish/touch 675; flesh painting 45; Galatea 453, 639; Heliodoros 1170; Holy Families 671; ideal 98; as influence 17,38, 39, 77, 80, 124,159,294,295,354,357, 826, 1169, 1170—2; language of painting 1106; and Le Brun compared 65-6; Mass of Bolsena 1170; naïve 673; naturalism 46, 57; rational 320; reputation 56, 59, 64, 65, 85, 89,92,93,96,146,147,246,249, 268,303, 310-11, 335,337,343, 344, 399; School of Athens 1131; serpentine line 494; Sistine Madonna 979, 985, 996-7; St Michael 110, 118,119-21; St Paul preathing at Athens 822; sublime 1171; Transfiguration 917; unity of action 339; use of words 401 Raphael, writers on: Agiionby 44, 47; Bellori 96,98; Bernini 155, 156; Blake 993,994,995,996, 998,999, 1002,1003,1004, 1007, 1008, 1033, 1109; Chambray 92; Cornelius 1134; Félibien 114; Ingres 1169-72; Overbeck 1134; Wackenroder 966-7; Winckelmann 451,453,456, 943 .... Regnault, Jean-Baptiste 1125 Reich, George 273 • Reid, Thomas 427; beauty 553; judgement 553; taste . 551-3; Tumbull 427; text 551-3 Reinhart, Johann Christian 1066 Rembrandt van Rijn 534, 599, 876, 952,1058,1093,1102;iTfe Ascension of Christ 250; Blake 993,1004,007,1008; The Blinding of Samson 251; chiaroscuro 1058, 1093; The Descent from the Cross '250; drawings 326; The Elevation of the Cross 250; Entombment 250; Félibien 220; finish/touch 675, 692; Huygens 247-9; Italian art 249; letters 250-3; painting of maid 310; Resurrection 250; Samson's Wedding Feast 254, 257; studio 273; Turner 1090, 1093; text 249-53 Index 1215 Reni, Guido 80, 98-9,1S6, 313, 408, 459, 534,62S, 681, 859,979,984 Repton, Humphry 836, 865-6, 868, 871, 873, 875; Knight on 868-77 Revett; Nicholas 665; text 462-5 Revolution, American 421,631, 645, 705-6,737,957 Revolution, French 421, 432, 531, 631-3, 721, 737-8, 883,897-8, 908, 913,992, Uli, 1117, 1128, 1167; Blake 897; Coleridge 737; Commission des Arts 730; Committee for Public Safety 720; Committee of Public Instruction 722-3, 725-7, 731-2; consequences 632—3, 1041; Festival of the Supreme Being 728; General Commune of Artists 720; iconoclasm 730; martyrs 728; Schiller 796; F. Schlegel 90S; Shelley 957; Terror 631-2, 737, 796; Wèst 1116; i Wollstonecraft 708-9; Wordsworth 632,•737; e also David; Section IVB Revolution, Glorions 12 Reynolds, Joshua 18, 538,647, 742, : 76-7, 897,92* 992; 995, 1014, 1042, 1061, 1102, 1155; anatomy - 654; ancient/modern 653; beauty 536-8; Blake 992, 995, 998-1003; Constable 1061; Discourses 65t-63; English school of art 661-3;. Gainsborough 747,749-52; genius 657-8, 659-61; grand manner 434; imitati 655-9; inspiration 658; Italian •. - painting! 536; tetters to'Ther ,ile^ 533H8;. ' : ! - Michelangelo 535; Richardson 327, 331; Royal Academy 630, 652-61, 1042; taste 663, 920; training in art 652-3; viewing public 740; West 645,648, 650; texts 532-8,651-61,749-52 Reynolds, Richard 881 Ribera, Jusepe de (Spagnolo) 675 Richardson, Jonathan 410-11; art appreciation 331-5; beauty 409-10; English painting 331-2; history painting 329-30; Ideas 328-9; imagination 327-; liberal/ mechanical arts 327-31,653, 654, 655; portrait painting 293, 330,475; practical . knowledge 330-1; Reynolds 327, 331, 651; sublime 409-10; theory of art 295, 326-31; translations 294; texts 326-35 Richelieu, Cardinal Armand 53 Richter, Henry 1102-3; colour .1107; Daylight 1102-10; discernment 1105; history painting 1105-6; language/ painting 1106-S; light effects 1102; nature/ painting 1103-10; text 1103 10 Rigaud, Hyacinthe 494, 560, 564 Robertson, John M. 367 Robespierre, Maximilian 728, 737 Romano, Julio Giulio Romano Romans 378, 451; architecture 465, 576; David 1122-4; and Greeks' .469; legacy 1040; morality 436; painting 300-1; Rome 422,436, 462, 703; see also ancients, Herculaneum, painting (ancient), sculpture (ancient) Romanticism 538, 681, 754; aesthetics 895-6; Blake 897; Brentano 1027; cultural ' nationalism 897; Friedrich' 897-8; Germany 424, 544, 862, 895-6, 98* 1033; Gorres 913-19; individui 896; landscapes 863; neo-chssieisra 920; poetty 904; Runge 978; rural/ urban hfe 921—3; •t. Schiegel 899-903, 904-9; : SheUey 897; Wahkenroder 896-7; Wordsworth 919-20; see ••••• 0o eresririty, genius, imagination, originality; Part VI Rosa, Salvator 430,669; 826, 828, 841, 863,874; 876,908, 989, 991, 1094 Rousseau; Jean-Jacques 581, 728, 895, 897, 989; civilization 433; Diderot 609; 'Discourse on the Arts and Sciences' 433-40; 'Discourse on the Origins of Inequality' 441-5; Enlightenment 425; human nature 433-4; language 441-5; liberty 433, 439; luxury 437, 438; music 722,945; nature 432,433; portrait 501; A. W. Schlegel 945; The Social Contract 432; taste 434; Voltaire 439; texts 432-45 Royal Academy (London) 629-30, 661, 663, 948; Barry 630, 665, 667, 692-3; Blake 992; Constable 1059, 1060; Cox 1095; Fuseli 948; Hogarth 636; Pyne 1098; Reynolds 630,651-61, 1042; Turner 1089; West 645, 1116, 1117 Royal Society of Arts 475 Rubens, Peter Paul 11-12, 28, 40, 239, 427, 534, 557, 564, 595, 597, 599, 678, 751, 950, 995, 1004, 1005, 1007, 1093, 1102, 1113, 1117; Blake 1007; Blanchard 178,182; colour 17, 170,191,192,335,692; design 494; drawings 326, 356; finish/touch 675, 692; ideal 46; as influence 247,320, 358, 361, 828; landscape 246, 826; letter to Junius 28-9; line 494; as modern 89; Norgate 245; painting from statues 144-6; perfection 337; De Pikes 144, 191; Van Dyck 28; texts 28-9, 144-6 Ruffo, Don Antonio ,249, 250 Rugendas, Georg 832 Runge, Philipp Otto 895,896,914, 925,970,976,978-9,1075; arabesques/hieroglyphs 914; art 980-5; colour 98* 1075, : 1076-9; colour sphere 1075; composition 983; creativity 978; design 983; engravings 1080; feeling 981-2; flower symbolism 976, 978, 986-8; Goethe 896, 1075-80; Greek art, 979; landscape painting 978,979-80,985, 987-9; letters 978-89, 1075-80; Morning 1075, 1080; Novalis 978; religion 983; Romanticism 978; F. Schlegel 924; study of drawings 356; Tieck 970; The Times of Day 1079-80; tone 984; Triumph of Love 981; Turner 1093-4; texts 978-89, 1075-80 Ruysdael, Jacob van 751, 865, 874, 1051, 1059, 1060; Constable 1060; Gessner 831, 833, 834, 835; The Jewish Graveyard 1020; Ramdohr 865 Sacchi, Andrea 185, 681 Sachs, Hans 963 Saint-Évremond, Charles 410 Saint-Lambert, Marquis de 581; text 587-90 1216 Index Salon 425-6, 623,711; Salons of 1793 720-1; 1781 695; 1789 701-3, 704; see alto Académie Royale, Salon reviews Salon reviews 425-6, 554-5, 602-3, 695; Salon of 1746 555-61; 1747 561-5; 1763 602-8; 1765 608-17; 1767 617-24; 1783 696-9; 1785 699-701; 1789 703-4 ' Sanderson, William 239 Sarazin, Jacques 87 Scannelli, Francesco: test 146-9 Schelling, Friedrich 903, 904, 934-5, 1010; creativity 935, 936-7; Hegel 815; plastic art 1 nature 935-41; text 935-41 Schiller, Friedrich 899, 1043; aesthetics 738,796-804; French Revolution 738, 796; as influence 899; naïve poetry 804—12; Ramdohr 862; F. Schlegel 904; texts 796-812 Schlegel, August Wilhelm 899,934, 941, 978, 989; Athenaeum 895-6,903; criticism 941-8; fine arts 942; medievalism 945; Rousseau 945; world literature 941; text 941-8 Schlegel, Friedrich 897-9, 903-4, 909, 910, 924-5, 934,941, 976, 978, 1131; aesthetics 900; Altdorfer 928-9; art appreciation 905; 'Athenaeum Fragments' 904-9; Athenaeum 895-6, 903-4; classical art 924; creativity 895-6; Dürer 926-8, 931; feeling 900, 924, 932; genius 900, 909; medievalism 897, 924; poetry 898; religious art 924, 925,926,933; Romanticism 899-903; Runge 924; schools of painting 925-6, 929-32, 934; texts 899-909, 925—34 Schleiermacher, Friedrich 904 Schopenhauer, Arthur 208 Schubert, Gotthilf Heinrich 978, 1010-12, 1029; text 1010-12 Schulze, Johann 1023, 1064 science: ancients 15-16; art 318, 342, 343; creativity 938; Egypt 437, 452; morality 437-8; observation 590-2; see also Bacon, Newton Scipio Africanus 299 Scopas 351 sculpture 111-12, 1152-69; appreciation 111—12; Bernini 153, 154; 156-7; colour 145; Cyclopaedia 351—2; design 189,599-600; draperies 597; Flaxman 1144-6; form/sentiment 602; geometry 717; Greek 457, 464-5, 601-2, 1119; human body 596-7; imagination 597; imitation 98, 152-3, 1072; light effects 600; low relief 55, 63—4, 199, 381; Michelangelo 493, 611; nude 63-4,601,1124-5; painting compared 41, 83, 144-6, 153, 172, 221, 282-3, 597-9, 610-11, 769-71, 919, 1046; perspective 381; proportion 271; sublime 602; truth 771; viewpoints 598; see also monuments, statuary sculpture, ancient 38-40, 55, 63, 351-2,457,464-5, 601-2, 1152-69; Antinous 454,623, 493; 1168; Antinous 39; Apollo Belvedere 39, 63, 127, 457, 458, 473, 597, 600,917, 954, 1005; 1051, 1104,1157, 1168; Bacchus 39, 63; Daughters of Niobe 457, 458, 459,475, Diana 63, 127; Dying Athlete 610; Falconet 597, 601-2; Gladiator 457, 458, 473, 600,610,1104, 1157; Herculaneum 448-9; Hercules 39, 63,69,99, 127, 144, 172, 282-3, 473,640,1051; Jupiter (Zeus) 21,73,98,981, 1005, 1051, 1157; Görtes 912, 917; Hazlitt 1168; Herder 768; .Medusa 1051 ^Minerva 22, 98; Mercury Belvedere 1157; Niohe 917, 1157, 1168; Satyr 39, 1157; Torso 609, 1060, 1104, 1157, 1160; Venus de Medici 99,127, 172, 457, 458, 612, 623, 639, 917, 961, 1005, 1051; see also Elgin Marbles, Laocoön (sculpture) sculpture, writers on: Aglionby 41; Bernini 152-3, 153; Chambers' Gyclopaedia 351-2; Diderot 609-11; Dio Chrysostomos 24; Falconet 425-6, 596-602; Flaxman 1144-6; Goethe 1046; Hemsterhuis 639-40; Herder 768-71; Hogarth 501; Leasing 477-86; Perrault 55, 63-4; Rubens 144-6; Shaftesbury 381 seascape 618, 1027-31, 1067 Seghers, Hercules 278 Seneca 22-3, 98, 280, 319, 320 sensory perception 404—5,770,1081; aesthetics 490; Baumgarten 487-91; beauty 487-8; hearing 793; nature 1081; pleasure 316-17, 403, 413-14; reason 800; sight 293, 308-9, 310, 382, 413-14, 793-4; smell 385, sound 793; visual perception 293, 308-9,310, 382,413-14, 793-4; see oho emotion, expression, idea, imagination sensory perception/writers on: Addison 382-3; Berkeley 404-7; Coleridge 956; Du Bos 293; Kant 771; Knight 870; Leibniz 234, 235; Locke 293, 364, 591 sexes, differences between 141, 215, 339, 347, 440 n2, 523, 548, 664, 709-10; Carriera 314-15; Chudleigh 316-17; Wakefield 1046-9; see also women shadows 166, 240-1, 348-9, 671-2; see also chiaroscuro, light effects Shaftesbury, Earl of 18, 393,405, 501, 569; Judgement of Hercules 374-81; morality 368-73,404; public voice 294; Richter 1107; Saint-Lambert 589; sculpture 381; sublime 367, 368-71; tablature 374-5; taste 503; texts 367-81 Shakespeare, William 477, 588,923, 928,932,941,945,948,954, 987, 989, 990, 991, 1064, 1102, 1107 Shelley, Percy Bysshe 897; text 957-8 ; Shenstone, William 630; art/ nature 820; landscape gardening 818-20,865; letter to Richard Graves 630, 634-5; texts 634-5; 818-20 Simonides 24, 479 Sister Arts theory 159-60, 423; 478-9, 484-6, 505, 549, 1110; see also poetry (and painting) sketching 261, 579, 827, 836,850-1, 864; 896, 1050, 1055-6, 1059, 1102; see also drawing Smith, Adam 1047 Index 1217 Society for the Encouragement of Arts. Manufactures and Commerce 636, 665. 667 Society of Arts 636, 645 Society of Dilettanti 462, 692. 693, 1152. 1172, 1173 Society of Painters in Water-Colours 1095, 1098 Socrates 19-20. 199, 405, 435-6, 452, 468, 927, 1151 Sommerard, Alexandre du 731 Sophists 100 Sophocles 326, 452, 480,945, 981 Spagnolo see Ribera Sprint, John 316-17 Staël, Madame de 941, 989-91; text 989-91 statuary: Addison 387; Chambers1 Cyclopaedia 352; Egypt 1146; equestrian 595; gender 1049; Hercuianeum 448-9: Lenoir 733—4; models for painting 44, 46, 714-15; Pliny 457; viewpoints ;598; see also monuments, sculpture Steele, Richard 382 Steffens, Henrik 1075 Steinbach, Erwin von' 755, 756, 758 Stella, Jacques 455 still life 305-7, 448, 916 Strabo 21 Strasbourg cathedral 738, 7. Stratford, Edward 347-8 Stuart, James 665. 1153-4: text 462-5 — " Students of the Académie Royale: text 704-5 "*: .-.n. Sturm und ìffranp- 544. 738: Goethe 756i 1043? Herder 768; Schiller 795-8031 Sulzer 839; Te&fer 846: subject-matter: Christian 34-8: compositum 385; Du Bos 397-8, 400; Du Fresnov 161; elevated 73rexpression 110; Fèlibien 113—14; Grimm 593, 595; history painting 338-9, 556-7; La Font 555. 556; landscape painting 989; language 69-70; painting 68—9, 73-4, 75, 78; sacred 319-20, 323, 338; simplicity 593; see also composition, history painting, imitation, invention sublime 424, 820, 848, 860-1, 865, 885-, 951, 1000-1, 1043, 1095-6, 1133; Alison 789, 792-4;association 791-3; beauty 521-2, 525-6, 550, 739, 788-9, 790, 819. 857; Burke 516-26, 739, 820; Chateaubriand 885-6; colour 521; composition 570; Greek art 940; imagination 789, 790, 792; infinity 520-1; landscape painting 841, 885-6; love 525; Michelangelo 916; naive 673; pain/pleasure 516—17; passions 517-18; picturesque 860-2; power 518-19; Raphael 1171; Richardson 409-10; sculpture 602; Shaftesbury 367, 368-71; simplicity 580; taste 905; Ten Kate 410-11; vastness 519-20; see also emotion, genius, imagination, landscape, nature Sulzer, Johann Georg: fine arts 842, 843-4; Goethe 842-6; landscape painting 739,839-42; morality/art 839-42; text 839-42 Swift, Jonathan 594 symbolism: allegory 1147,1151-2, 1178-9; ancient art 1173; bdar 1177, 1178; brevity 1148-9, 1150-1; elfins "1,173—4, 1176, 1177; Creuzer 1146-52; flowers 307, 976-8, 98648; form/esse nee 1148; Germany ì 150: Goeres 1146-52; Greek art 1150-1; images M47; Knight 4173r-9; Novaiis 912; pedtry -485-6; religion U 18;Runge 983, 1835;serpent 1175-6 symmetry 117. 406-7, 529, 644, 669 tablature 299. 380: history painting 380; De Lairesse 299-300; Shaftesbury 374-5; see also composition tapestries; cartoons for 680-1, 1106-7; colour 189-90; Dubreuil 271; Gobelins 559, 561 n9; La Font 554, 559-61 Tasso. Torquato 72, 74, 75, 224, 557, 560 n2, 944, 989, 990 taste 423; autonomy 780; beauty 405, 424, 451-2, 779-82; common sense 782—3; depravity 532, 552; education 422, 457; elevated 209; England 653; Eurocentrism 532; false 934, 1019; feeling 503-4; French 1103-4; genius 588-9; Greece 435, 451-5; human nature 515; imagination 789; je ne sais quoi 16, 205, 206-7; judgement SOM, 511, 514; landscape gardening 819-20; national 557; pleasure 616; simplicity 580: standards 424-5, 515; sublime 905; variety 527-9,530, 819, 837, 859; vulgarity 209,294; see also aesthetics, beauty/imagination, judgement, sensory perception taste, writers on: AHson 789-95; Bouhours 224-5; Diderot 616, 624; Félibien 112; Fuseii 949-50; Graciàn 16, 205-6; Hume 50/15. Hurcheson 404: Kant 779-83; La Curne 578-80; Leibniz 235; Mengs 424. 547-50; Montesquieu 526-7; Moritz 778-9; Plymley 881-2; Ramsay 501—4: Reid 551-3; Reynolds 663. 920: Rousseau 434; Shaftesbury 503: Voltaire 531-2 technique/technical knowledge 14, 534-5, 752; brushstrokes 174, 279, canvases, preparation 261-2; colours 169-70. 263-5; effects 278-80; enlarging drawings 262-3; etching 287-8; figure composition 288-9: fresco 286-7; gesso 262; glass pamuag 1064-6; goid in painting 244; smpaslo 173, 195; infc-blot 848-54; landscape composition 265-7,750-2; homing 240-6; od painting 676,1004-5, 1005-9; painting methods 3. 77-8,, 1%, 330-1, 534-5; pastels 673-4; pigments 183, 244—5, 286-7, 914-15; portraiture 240-5, 267-9: sketches 261; stump drawing 684; tile painting 203; varnish 287-8; water-colour 748-9, 1095-8; wax modelling 221-2; see also composition, design, drawing, touch, training; Section IE technique, writers on: Bernini 153; Cox 1095-8; Du Bos 563: Du Fresnov 161; Félibien 101, 113-18, 344, 563; Gainsborough 748-9 Martinez 196; Mengs 546-7. 824-5; Norgate 14,244-6; Pacheco 260; Richardson 330-1; Runge 1075; Watteau 361-2 Temantes see Timanthes Temple, Sir William 62-6 1218 Index Teniers, David 397, 399, 751, 1094, 1102 Ten Kate, Lambert Hermanson; beau idéal 296, 411-12; sublime 410-11; teat 410-12 Terence 515, 608 n2 Tertullian 23 Tesauro, Count Emanud 321, 325 Testelm, Henri 15, 87, 89, 138-43, 344; text 138-43 Themistius 21 Theocles 367 Theseus 446, 451-2 Thomson, James 842 Thornhill, Sir James 636, 637 Thucydides 474 Tieck, Ludwig 904, 910, 925, 934, 941, 970, 976, 978,981; allegory 975; art 970-5; Athenäum journal 904; civilization 981; fairy-tales 970; inspiration 974; medieval cult 897; nature 970-5; F. Schlegel 924; • Wackenroder 959; text 970-5 Tiepolo, Giambattista 296 Timanthes 29, 56, 59; 64, 76, 101, 321-2, 323, 482 Timomaehus 117 Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti) 168, 172, 173,175, 178,182 Tiphaigne de la Roche, Charles François; text 542-3 Titian 430,647,952,965,989,1004, 1006, 1007, 1058, 1090, 1092; ancients and modems 59, 64, H9;Annunciation 37-8; Barry 693; Blake 1906; Blanchard 178-9; brushstrokes 279; Champaigns 121-3,175-7; chiaroscura 677; colour 17,45, 80, 122-3, 125, 174, 182, 186, 191,311,916, 1058; composition 122, 123; conferences 15, 108; Duma and Acteon 1090; drawing 110, 313; Entombment of Christ 121-3; expression 121-2; Félibien 114; figure painting 175; Idea 99; influence 155; invention 47; landscape 361, 397; light effects 122, 123, 165, 168, 823; naturalism 57; painting of Phillip's mistress 1090-1; prodigal son painting 486; reputation 56,146-9,268, 344; St Peter Martyr 399-400, 1090, 1092; St Sébastian 174; De Staël 989; Virgin and Child with St John 121,175-7 Tobler, Georg Christof 777, 846-8; text 846-8 Tollendahl, M. de 701, 702 tones/half-tones 671—2, 915, 952, 984; contrast 125-6, 530-1, 859; see also chiaroscuro, light effects topographical painting 296,1067, 1095 topographies 1041, 1069-70 touch 859; drawing 692; Gainsborough 743, 751-2; Liotard 674-6; painting 692; Wateiet 690-2, Toussaint L'Ouverture, P. D. 897 Townley, Charles 1172 training in art; academies 96, 109-10, 642-4; anatomy 204, 499-500, 717; Angel 254-60; composition 104; costume 716; Cox 1095-8; Da Costa 202-4; design 1117—19; drawing 353, 614-15, 684; Félibien 109-18; geometry 105, 201, 717; history 320-1, 336, 716; history of art 829; Hoogstraten 276; ink-blot technique 849-54; Kleist 1032-3; landscape painting 824-30,1050-9, 1061; Le Blanc, 567-8; - mathematics 717; perspective 716; Poussin 77-8,' 79,103; practical classes 715-16; Qualtremère de Quincy 711-12; Reynolds 652-3; theoretical classes 716-17; Valenciennes 1050-9; Wakefield 1046-9; West 1117-19; see also academies, design, drawing, technique Trajan's Column 53, 55,64 trompe l'oeil 53, 57, 274, 605 Trumbull, John (Hi, Battle of Bunker's Hill 705, 706; Declaration of Independence 705; patronage 706-7; Quebec 706; text 705-8 Trusler, Dr John 992-5 truth: art 30, 32, 98, 284-5, 452, 545; beauty 615, 802, 816; colour 18V, 378; Dürer 927-8; figure drawing 821; -genius 589-90;-fcarmony 669; history 299, 378; knowledge 402; landscape painting 1061; lies 210; molality 803; nature 669, U32-3; Overbeck U32-3; poetry 378, 508, 911; portraits 674; reason 800; sculpture 771; universal 4; see also aesthetics, beauty, imitation, taste Tully see Cicero Tumbull, George 422, 423,427, 466; actions 431; art appreciation 428, 429-30; classicism 422,423-4, 427; education 427,429-30; Grand Tour 423-4, 428; history painting 430-1; landscape painting 431; moral painting 430-2; passions 431; text 427-32 Turner, J. M. W. 848, 895; Alpine tour 857; architectural details 1091, 1093; backgrounds 1090, 1091; Claude Lorrain 1093; ' Constable 1090; Flemish School 1093-4; Gainsborough 1094; Goethe 1080; landscape painting 1089-94; Poussin 1092-3; • Rembrandt 1090,1093; 1 Rubens 1093-4; Runge 1093-4; Titian 1092; text 1090-4 Uccello, Paolo 1091 unities: art 670; beauty 937-8; design 375, 377; -Diderot 668-9; harmony 197-8; Martinez 193-4; painting 308, 312-13,340; De Piles 308, 312-13; spirit 904; Testelin 140,142; time/place/ action 113,126,339,346, 377-8, 593, UU seeaiso composition, tablature Universal Ckronseie 532-3 ut pictura poem see Sister Arts theory utility 193-4,327-8, 522-4, 538, 796-7 Valdés Leal, Juan de 317 Valenciennes, Pierre-Henri de 1019, 1041, 1049-50; atmospheric effects 1041, 1050; composition 1057-8; discernment 1056-7; imagination 1050-1, 1052; landscape painting 1041, - 1050-9; light effects 10534; memory training 1055-6; neo-classicism 1050; observation 10534; perspective 1019; Index 1219 weather 1058-9; text 1050-9 Valentinus 38 Van Dyck, Anthony 40, 239, 247, 326, 1005, 1102, 1112, 1120; colour 191; grace 495; De Lairesse 305; Reynolds 534, Rubens 28; Watteau 361; West 648, 751 Vanderbank, Mr 636-7 Van Laer, Pieter (Il Bamboccio) 96, 98, 298, 301, 303 Vanloo, Carle (Charles) and Pierre 439 Varignon, Pierre 584 Varley, John 1095 Vasari, Giorgio 171, 967, 1002 Vàsquez, Alonso 265 Veit, Dorothea 903 Velazquez, Diego 29, 193 Venus 452, 453, 454, 523 Vernet, (Claude-)Joseph 618, 620-4, 679, 848, 1050 Verocchio, Andrea del 343 Veronese, Paolo 146, 149, 966; Banquet at Cam 174-5; colour 17, 178, 182; composition 110, 125; conferences 15, 108, 115, costume 114; The Disciples at Emmaus 53; invention 174; Marriage at Carta 1091; Mercury and Herse 1091-2; The Mystic Marriage of St Catherine 174; Pilgrims at Emmaus 59-62; status 55, 64; The Tent of Darius 60, 61 Versailles, Palace of 13, 678 Vesalius, Andreas 80 Viala ('Agricola') 728-30 Vien, Joseph-Marie 632, 701, 1125-7 Vigée-Lebrun, Elisabeth 989, 1040, 1111, 1114; Académie Royale 1111; allegory 695—7; Juno Borrowing the Belt of Venus 697-8; Peace restoring Plenty 696-7; portrait painting 632, 989, 1111-15; royal portraits 698-9, 1111; Salon Review 695—7; Venus Binding Cupid's Wings 698; text 1111-15 Virgil: 248, 461, 553, 818, 943, 948, 989, 1050, 1052, 1171; Diderot 608 nl; elegance 588; Hume 515; imitation 594; Laocoön 461, 484; Poussin 69-70, 71; as source 556, 943; Webb 461 virtue 373-4, 375-8; Berkeley 405; Hutcheson 402—4; see also morality; taste Vischer, Friedrich Theodor 1132 Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus 85,93, 153, 184, 271 Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet) 475, 531, 544, 550-1, 581, 728, 897; beauty 424, 550-1; Candide 234, 842; Hogarth 637; La Font 559; painting/poetry 479; Philosophical Dictionary 550-1; Rousseau 439; taste 531—2; texts 531-2, 550-1 Vredeman de Vries, Hans 270, 272 Wackenroder, Wilhelm 959-60, 1131; art 968, 969-70; beauty 962-3; Dürer 896-7, 963—8; medievalism 962; nature 968-9; Ramdohr 862, 959, 960, 1013; Raphael 966-7; religious art 969-70; Romanticism 896-7; Tieck 959;text 960-70 Wakefield, Priscilla: text 1046-9 Walpole, Horace 13, 866 Watelet, Claude-Henri 581; Académie Royale 683; academies 683-5; conventions 686-7; Dictionmire 683-92; engravings 682-3; grace 687-90; line 690-1; proprieties 685-6; touch 690-2; text 682-92 water-colour painting 748-9, 1004, 1041, 1095-8 Watt, James 629 Watteau, Jean Antoine 296, 412, 422, 1094; Académie Royale 356, 359, 363; Carriera 314; Caylus 356-63; composition 362; draperies 361; drawing 362; fêtes galantes 412; Four Seasons 360; Gainsborough 747; mannerism 361; painting methods 361-2; Pilgrimage to the Isle of Cythera 356; Rubens 358,361; Turner 1094; Van Dyck 361 Webb, Daniel: chiaroscuro 459-61; composition 461-2; design 457-9; text 457-62 Wedgwood, Josiah 629, 1137 Wedgwood, Thomas 1137,1144; text 1064-6 Weimar art competitions 8%, 978-80, 1043 West, Benjamin 705, 1042, 1059, 1158; colour 648-9; Constable 1059; cultural diversity 1116; Death of General Wolfe 645, 649-51, 1105, 1119-20; discourses 1042; draperies 651; Elgin Marbles 1155-6, 1158, 1163; French Revolution 1116; history painting 649; Italian painting 630; letters 645-9; liberalism 1116; The Life and Works of Benjamin West 650; linedness of painting 646-7; Reynolds 645, 648, 650; Royal Academy 645, 1116; Van Dyck 648; William Penn's Treaty with the Indians 649-50; texts 645-51, 1117-19, 1155-6, 1163-4 Westall, Richard 1098,1101 Westmacott, Richard 1158; text 1160-1 Whately, Thomas 818 Willard, Samuel 212; text 231-3 William of Orange 12 Wilson, Richard 1090 Winckelmann, Johann Joachim 544, 609, 666, 730, 755, 804, 899, 937, 940, 943, 1014, 1023, 1051, 1169; ancients/moderns 451-2, 609; art history 466-75; beauty, non-Western 469-70; classical influence 451-5, 467, 468-9; colour 469; expression 471, 473-4; Fuseli 450, 948; heroes 472-3, 474-5; human form 471-2; Ingres 1169; Laocoön 473, 475; Lessing 478, 479-80; Mengs 424, 546; mythological painting 472-5; neo-classicism 948; parenthyrsos 455-6; passions 455-6, 470-1; Raphael 451, 453, 456, 943; Schelling 937, 940; texts 450-6, 466-75 Winstanley, Gerrard 13; text 212-15 wit 223-d, 225-6, 901, 902, 904, 909 Wolff, Christian 487 Wollstonecraft, Mary: Blake 992; Burke 632, 708-10; nature/ art 887-90; texts 708-10, 887-90 women 6, 1111; Carriera 314-15; Caylus 570-2; Chudleigh 316-17; Kauffmann 663-4; 1220 Index women (cont.y Vigée-Lebrun 696-9; Wakefield 1046-9; Watelet 688; Wollstonecraft 709-10; see also sexes Wordsworth, William 998; emotion 921; French Revolution 632, 737; libertarianism 897; Lyrical Ballads 897, 919-24; sensibility 921; text 921-4 Wotton, William: text 62-6 Wouwerman, Philips 826, 832-3 Wright, Joseph 'of Derby' 645 Xenophon 20, 374, 1050 Young, Edward 538, 1008, 1029, 1032; ancient/modern 539-42; genius 540; imitation 538-9; Night Thoughts 538, 1008, 1031 n4, 1032; originals 538, 540; Reynolds 652; self-knowledge 541-2; text 538-42 Zaccolim, Matteo 79, 80 Zarlino, Gioseffo 67 Zeuxis 58, 59, 343, 457,654, 1128, 1145; Aristotle 72; Barthélémy on 1120; bunch of grapes 45, 56, 65, 605; Cicero 20; colour 164, 181, 182; expression 117, 323; Helen 27, 72, 97, 99,451; light : effects 460; Penelope 323; Pliny 57, trompe l'oeil 57, 277, 278 Zuccarelli, Francesco 1094 Zuccaro, Frederico 32, 261
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