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Volltext:NOTE 1 ICOM News, Dee. 1959, Vol. 12, no. 6, p. 57. 8 ICOM News, Aug.-Oct. 1960, Vol. 13, no. 4-5, p. 30, para. 21(c). 8 ICOM News, Aug.-Oct. 1960, Vol. 13, no. 4-5, p. 37, para. 7. 4 G. H. Riviere, Unesco Regional Seminar on the Educational Role of Museums, Rio de Janeiro, 1958. EDUCATIONAL STUDIES AND DOCUMENTS , no. 38, Paris, 1960. 6 R. P. Griffing Jr., Asia and Pacific Regional Seminar on " The Museum as a Cultural Centre in the Development of the Community ", Tokyo, 1960, document UNESCO/CUA/117, 27 July 1962. The texts of these speeches are kept in the archives of the Symposium. 7 The time-table of the Symposium was as follows : two morning sessions from 9 a.m. to 12.30 a.m. ; two afternoon sessions from 2.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. Participants lunched together in the gardens of the Musee d'Ethnographie. 8 All reports submitted to the Symposium may be consulted at the Unesco-ICOM Museum Documentation Centre. Titles of reports are given here in the original language. In each case a brief summary was made in the other working language of the Symposium. The report is accompanied by an album of plates and drawings which were dis­played in the meeting room during the Symposium. 10 A report entitled " Etude sur les mesures qu'il conviendrait de prendre pour empecher l'exportation, l'importation et la vente iilicite des biens culturels " (6 juin 1962), forwarded to ICOM by Mr. Brichet, was also distributed amongst participants. 11 6, rue Franklin, Paris 16, France. 12 Office S. 388, Unesco Headquarters, Place de Fontenoy, Paris 7, France. 18 Cf. Appendix II, p. 86, motion 54 of the 7th General Assembly of ICOM. 14 Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials, 1950 ; Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, 1954 ; Recommendation on International Principles applicable to Archaeological Excavations, 1956 ; Recommendation concerning the safeguarding of the beauty and character of landscapes and sites, 1962. 18 A simplified articulated diagram, based on the Symposium's conclusions will be found in Appendix III. This is obviously an ideal frame intended to be adapted to the particular circumstances. 91 18 Cf. further on, p. 31. 17 Cf. further on, p. 43. Also see Appendix II, p. 85, Motion 31 of the 7th General Assembly of ICOM. 18 See " Bibliographical information for the establishment of museums in developing countries ICOM News, Vol. 16, no. 3, 1963. 18 Cf. Appendix II, p. 83, Motion 14 of the 7th General Assembly of ICOM. 80 See " Climatology and conservation in museums ", Museum, Vol. XIII, no. 4, 1960, pp. 243-289. 81 See " A new look at colour rendering, level of illumination and protection from ultraviolet radiation in museum lighting " by G. THOMSON in Studies in Conser­vation, Vol. VI, no. 2-3, Aug. 1961, pp. 49-70 ; and " Control of the deteriorating effects of light upon museum objects " by R. L. FELLER, to appear in Museum, Vol. XVII, no. 2, 1964. 88 See the article by A. NOBLECOURT on security in museums, to appear in Museum, Vol. XVII, no. 4, 1964. 23 The ICOM Committee for Architecture and Museum Techniques has undertaken a vast survey on the general problem of museum reserves. The results of the survey will be the subject of a publication. 84 Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the event of armed conflict, The Hague, 1954, Chapter I, Article I, Definition of Cultural Property, in Records of the Conference convened by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization held at The Hague from 21 April to 14 May 1954, The Hague, 1961, pp. 6 to 9. 85 With regard to conservation, see further on, the paragraph " Museum laboratories and conservation of cultural property ". 88 See paragraphs 19, 20, 23 and 24 in particular. 26 bin The " Recommendation concerning the safeguarding of the beauty and character of landscapes and sites " was adopted by the Unesco General Conference at its twelfth session, Paris 11 December 1962. 87 At the request of the ICOM Committee for Scientific Museum Laboratories, Dr. Paul Coremans, Director of the Institut royal du patrimoine artistique, Brussels, has undertaken a survey on the whole of these problems. This survey, entitled " La protection du patrimoine culturel dans les pays chauds et humides " will be the subject of a later publication. 28 Experiments, tests and technical research in the fields of microscopy, micro-chemistry and normal physics. 89 ICOM News, Vol. 11, February 1958. 30 Museum, Vol. XVI, no. 2, 1963, pp. 95-114. 31 Film and television in the service of opera and hallet and of museums. " Reports and Papers on Mass Communication ", no. 32 (in English and in French), Unesco, Paris, 1961. 38 A list of names and addresses of international organizations other than Unesco and ICOM which might assist the developing countries in certain fields is given in Appendix I. See p. 81. 33 Cf. Appendix II, p. 84, Motion 18 adopted by the 7th General Assembly of ICOM. 34 See in particular Museum, Vol. XIV, no. 4, 1961, a special issue on history museums. 92 34 Two ICOM meetings were devoted to these questions, one at Damascus (1956) on the museums of the Near East and one at Warsaw (1959) on history museums. 88 See further on, p. 71. 37 " Provisional list of museums of science and technology ", published with the assistance of Unesco, foreword hy Torsten Althin, in " Technology and Culture ", Vol. IV, no. 1, 1963, and " Science Museums in Developing Countries " / " Les musees de science dans les pays en voie de developpement ", by F. Greenaway, T. Althin, W. T. O'Dea and W. S. Thomas, International Council of Museums, Paris, 1962. 38 At the 6th General Conference of ICOM (Netherlands) in July 1962, it was decided that the ICOM Committee for Local and Specialized Museums would be divided into two separate committees, one for regional museums, the other for specialized museums. Although the Neuchätel Symposium discussed the problems of these two types of museum at the one working session it seemed necessary to divide them in the report in order to follow this new classification. Specialized museums are therefore dealt with in the following section (Editor's Note). 39 Definition adopted by the Committee at its September 1960 meeting, held in Yugoslavia. 40 Examples of display may be found in the big developed countries where the problems of regional museums are much the same as they are in developing countries. In this connexion see in particular the German (Heimat) and Polish museums. 41 Definition adopted by the Committee at its September 1960 meeting held in Yugoslavia. 43 Cf. Appendix II, p. 87, Motion 55 adopted by the 7th General Assembly of ICOM.
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