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Volltext:INDEX Page numbers in italics indicate a photograph of a work of art. An asterisk (*) after a page number indi­cates a photograph of the subject. Adamov, Arthur, 14 Agar, Eileen, 3—5 The Angel of Mercy, 4 American painting, xxiii, xxv, xxx Apollinaire, Guillaume, 63-65, 136 Aragon, Louis, 67—84, 469-471 Arp, Hans, xxx, 85-90, 88* Arrabal, Fernando, 91—94 Art auctions, 25, 27-28, 31 Artaud, Antonin, 13, 14, 95—99, 101—110, 475-477 Auto-portrait/Self-Portrait, 100* L'Immaculée conception, 437 La Maladresse sexuelle de Dieu, 438 La Projection du véritable corps, 110 Sort/Spell, 476 Art dealers, 25 Bataille, Georges, 111 Beauvoir, Simone de, 17-18 Bédouin, Jean-Louis, 455-457 Bellmer, Hans, 115 The Doll, 116 Bonnefoy, Yves, 117-120, 119* Borei, Albert, 32 Bounoure, Micheline, 455—457 Bounoure, Vincent, 455-457 Boyle, Kay, 121-122 Brauner, Victor, 123—125 The Crime of the Butte fly King, 112 Encounter of Number 2 Perrel Street, 124 Breton, André, xix, xxii-xxiii, xxx, 7, 8, * 27, 29-31, 127-132, 133, * 134-141, 138, * 435- 445, 447, 463-466, 469, 479-481, 513-514 and Joseph Cornell, 12* and Max Emst, 513 and David Hare, 513 and Jacqueline Lamba, xxvii, 7, 11, 13-14, 16-19 and Philippe Soupault, 400, 447 Young Cherry Trees Secured against Hares, xxvii, xxix Bunuel, Luis, 450* and Salvador Dali, 449-451 Cahun, Claude, 14, 143 Self-Portrait, 208* Self-Portrait as a Young Man, 144* Carrington, Leonora, 145—151 Baby Giant, 146 Caws, Mary Ann and Jacqueline Lamba, 7—19 Césaire, Aimé, 153—156 Césaire, Suzanne, 157 Cézanne, Paul, xxv, 28 Chaplin, Charlie, 96 Char, René, vi, * xix, 17, 18, 21-23, 22, * 23, * 159-162, 348, * 463-466 Chazal, Malcolm de, 163—168 Chirico, Giorgio de, xxx, 25—32, 483—484 Enigma of a Day, 463 L'Enigme de la fatalité, 464 The Prophet, 26 INDEX Cocteau, Jean, 29, 31 Colquhoun, Ithell Tepid Waters, 426 Cornell, Joseph, 7, 264, * 485—496, 494* and André Breton, 12 Hôtel, 488 Laundry Boy's Charge, 7, 12 Letter to Dorothea Tanning, 407 Letter to Marianne Moore, 500 Letter to Marianne Moore, with Animals, 501 Letter to Mina Loy, "Boîtes chinoises, " 265 Letter to Parker Tyler, 55 Letter to Pavel Tchelitchew, 56 and Man Ray, 12* Soap Bubble Pipe, 490 Song Title Lunar Bottle, 486 Untitled (Hôtel du Nord), 489 Yellow Sand Box, 430 Cravan, Arthur, 169—173 Crevel, René, 175-177, 497-498 Dada, 43-45, 72, 384 and Surrealism, xix, xx, xxvii Dali, Salvador, xxiii, xvi, 179-184 and Luis Bunuel, 449—451 Gala's Foot, 181 The Great Masturbator, 184 Portrait of Luis Bunuel, 450 Damas, Léon, 185—186 De Kooning, Willem, xxiii Delvaux, Paul The Echo, 381 Le Train bleu, 382 Derain, André, 28 Desjardins, Paul, xxxi Desnos, Robert, xxviii, 30-31, 72, 187-188, 190-199, 385-388, 469-471 La Poisson a connu les croisés, 1928—29, 189 Vanité souvenir du cygne, 1928—29, Paris, 188 Doesburg, Theo van Chronique scandaleuse des Pays-Plats, 509 Dowell, Roy Cadavre exquis, 460 Ducasse, Isidore, 30, 241-244 Duchamp, Marcel, vi, xix, 14, 201, 202, * 495 as Rrose Sélavy, 386, * 387* Study for Nude Descending the Staircase, Encore à cet astre, 203 391: foumal de l'Instantéisme pour quelque temps, 204 Duprey, Jean-Pierre, 205 Elléouët, Aube La Goutte d'eau, 11 Hommage à Talisma Nasreen, 10 Eluard, Paul, 27, 209-210, 212-213, 215-217, 435-445, 463-466, 469 and Benjamin Péret, 453 and Tristan Tzara, 217 Engels, Frederick, 34 Emst, Max, vi, xix, xxii, xxiii, xxvii, xxx, 219- 223, 298, * 470, 471, 513 and André Breton, 513 and David Hare, 513 La Ténébreuse, 220 Ferry, Jean, 225—226 Fini, Léonor and André Pieyre de Mandiargues, 279 Young Woman Seated, 280 Freddie, Wilhelm Paralysexappeal, 113 Untitled, 114 Freytag-Loringhoven, Elsa Baroness von, 207 Giacometti, Alberto, xxv, 227-230, 463- 466 Goncharova, Natalie, 8 Gorky, Arshile, xxiii Gracq, Julien, 231-232 Guggenheim, Peggy, xxiii, xxvii Hare, David, 513-514 and André Breton, 513 and Max Emst, 513 and Jacqueline Lamba, xxvii-xxviii, 14 Henein, Georges, 233-234 Henry, Maurice, 463—466 Hofmann, Hans, xxiii Hôtel Drouot, 25 Huelsenbeck, Richard, 512 Ivsié, Radovan, 235-237 528 INDEX Janco, Marcel, 512 Kahlo, Frida and Jacqueline Lamba, 12, 239 Self-Portrait with Monkey, 240* Kertész, André, 259-261 Knechtel, Tom Cadavre exquis, 460 Lacan, Jacques, 16 Lam, Wifredo, 160 La Fiancée, 158 Le Monde de l'art n'est pas le monde du pardon, 160 Lamba, Jacqueline, xxviii, 9, * 7-19, 298* L'Atelier at 8, Boulevard Bonne Nouvelle, 17 and Simone de Beauvoir, 17-18 and André Breton, xxvii, 7, 11, 13-14, 16—19 and Mary Ann Caws, 7-19 and David Hare, xxvii-xxviii, 14 and Frida Kahlo, 12, 239 Landscape at Simiane-la-Rotonde, 18 Landscape in Black and White, 15 Untitled Black and White, 14 Lautréamont, Comte de. See Ducasse, Isadore. Le Brun, Annie, 245-251 Leiris, Michel, 253-257, 499-505 Léonce Rosenberg Gallery, 28 Limbour, Georges, 259 Loy, Mina, vi, xix, 263-267 and Joseph Cornell, 265 Maar, Dora, 213 Le Double, 68 Père Uhu, 504 Portrait of Jacqueline Lamba, 9 Mabille, Pierre, 269-274 Magritte, René, 33-39, 275—278 Le Balcon de Manet, 432 La Condition humaine, 37 Eloge de la dialectique, 36 Icarus' Boyhood, 276 Les Liasons dangereuses, 276 L'Oeil, 35 Omen of the Night, 277 Le Poison, 34 Réponse imprévue, 37 Le Viol, 37 Mallarmé, Stephane, xxviii Mandiargues, André Pieyre de and Léonor Fini, 279-284 Mansour, Joyce, 285-288 Mariën, Marcel, 289-295 Marx, Karl, 34 Masson, André, xxvii, 47-50, 297-298, 298* La Nuit fertile, 48 Matta (Echaurren), xxiii, xxv, 299-300 Un Poète de notre connaissance, 2 Ménil, René, 301-303 Mirò, Joan, xxv, xxx, 305 La Traversée du miroir, 306 Untitled, 58 Mondrian, Piet, xxv Motherwell, Robert, xx—xxvii, xxii, * xxiv, * xxx—xxxi Caprice 34, xxi Elegy to the Spanish Republic No. 1, 364 The Voyage, xxvi Nietzsche, Friedrich, 38 Nougé, Paul, 507-508 Oppenheim, Méret, 317-319, 321 Giacometti's Ear, 510 Self-Portrait, 319 Self-Portrait and Curriculum Vitae until the Year 60, 000 ac, 320 X-ray of the Skull of Méret Oppenheim, 318 Paalen, Wolfgang, 323-325 Paris in the 1920s, 25, 27-28, 31-32 Partisan Review, xxvi Pellón, Gina Space hors du cadre, 290 Penrose, Roland, 41 Penrose, Valentine, 327-329 Péret, Benjamin, 31, 136, 332, * 331, 333-344, 463-466 and Paul Eluard, 453 Picabia, Francis, vi, xix, 345 Picasso, Pablo, xxvi, xxx, 29, 348, * 347—350, 480 The Cage, 349 Minotaur and Woman, 215 and Alice Rahon, 357 529 INDEX Pittman, Lari Cadavre exquis, 460 Prassinos, Gisèle, 351—354 Queneau, Raymond, 355-356 Rahon, Alice, 357 and Pablo Picasso, 357 Ray, Man, 7, 41—45 Le Beau temps, 41 Coarse Grain Portrait, 211 and Joseph Cornell, 12 on Dada, 43-45 Duchamp as Rrose Sélavy, 387 Electricity-Kitchen, 43 Filmstrips with Kiki, 218 L'Heure de l'observatoire, 212 Mains libres, 41 Nude with Shells, 470 Photograph in Le Surréalisme au service de la revolu­tion, 352 Portrait through Wire, 44 Return to Reason, 210 Revolving Doors, 41 Rrose Sélavy, New York, 386 Self-Portrait, Hollywood, 41 Sequidilla, 41 Shakespearean Equations, 41 Still Life for Nusch, 214 Renaud, 455—457 Rigaut, Jacques, 359-362 Rivera, Diego, 8 Rosenberg, Harold, 363—366 Roussel, Raymond, 367—368 Sage, Kay All Soundings are Referred to High Water, 474 Satie, Erik, 41 Schlegel, Friedrich, 47 Schwitters, Kurt, 369—374 Merz 1003 (Peacock's Tail), 370 Schwöb, Marcel, 375—378 Scutenaire, Louis, 379—384 Sélavy, Rrose. See Desnos, Robert; Marcel Duchamp Seligman, Kurt, xxiv, 389-390, 390 Senghor, Leopold Sédor, 391-392 Soupault, Philippe, 51—54, 393—400 and André Breton, 400, 447 and Tristan Tzara, 399 Surrealism definitions of, xix-xx, xxvii—xxviii, xxx, 3, 49— 50 evolution of, 48-50 origins of, xx relationship to Dada, xx Tanguy, Yves, xxx, 3 Fear, 376 Tanning, Dorothea, 401 and Joseph Cornell, 407 Guardian Angel, 404 Music Hath Charms, 402 Palaestra, 405 A Parisian Afternoon, 403 Portrait de famille, 409 La Truite au bleu, 408 A Very Happy Picture, 406 Toyen (Marie Cerminovâ) collages and dry point etching for Annie Le Brun, 246-248 collages for Le Roi Gordogain, 237—238 Tzara, Tristan, vi, xix, xxvi, 217, 411—413, 412, * 415-423, 417, * 463-466 L'amiral cherche une maison à louer (with Richard Huelsenbeck and Marcel Janco), 512 and Philippe Soupault, 399 Vaché, Jacques, 515-516 Van Gogh, Vincent, 103-110 Van Hirtum, Marianne, 425—428, 455-457 Varo, Remedios The Alchemist, 328 VVV, xxiii, xxvi Williams, Megan Cadavre exquis, 460 Williams, William Carlos, xxvii—xxviii, xxx, 429 530
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