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Volltext:INDEX Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Adam, Lambert Sigisbert, Self-portrait 188, 189, 196 Agresti, Livio 60 Tobias Healing bis Father 67, 71 alba amicorum 4 Alberti, Leon Battista 81 albums 3, 4, 10, 12-17, 19, 21, 24, 27, 121, 136-37 Canonici's 84 Columbus's 40, 45 Del Monte's 83 Laniers 102, 104 Mancini's 79, 82, 83 Resta's 141-42, 148, 152 Tronsarelli's 63 Allori, Alessandro 94, 96 Angeloni, Francesco 4-5 annotations see inscriptions and annotations Antonio degli Uberti, Luca 45 Antwerp publishers 12 Aquila, Francesco Faraone 141-42 Arpino, Cavaliere d' 57, 145, 146, 177 arrowhead marks 91-93, 112 Arundel, Thomas Howard, Earl of 85, 96, 102, 107, 111, 125, 128, 129, 138, 139 Arundel Collection 90, 96, 107, 128, 129 Ascanio della Penna Collection 176 Ayrer, Johann Aegidius 4 Bacchiacca (attrib.) 6 Baglione, Giovanni 57, 60, 148 Baiardo, Francesco 63 n.29, 138 Baldinucci, Filippo 97, 143, 145, 146, 188, 190 Baidung, Hans 46 Bandinelli, Baccio mark 93 n.47 Study after the Laocoön 66, 76 Barbari, Jacopo de' 4 Barnard, John 23 Barocci, Federico 21, 143 Annunciation 132, 136 Calling of St Andrew (after) 26 Study of the Head of a Bearded Man 61, 77 Virgin and Child Enthroned under a Canopy 5 5, 58 Bartolommeo, Fra 71, 188, 190 Basaiti, Marco 143 Battie ofZonchio, The (anonymous) 49, 52 Bavasori, Fiorio de see Vavassore, Florio Beale, Charles 123, 131 Beccafumi, Domenico 63 Two Male Nudes in a Landscape 100, 106 Bellini, Giovanni 143, 159, 177 Bellori, G.P. 5, 6, 57, 148, 170 Bernini, Gianlorenzo 3-4, 148 Berruguete, Alonso 69 Bicci, Lorenzo di 160 blue paper 19 Boissard, JJ. 82 Boll, Mattheus 47 Bonasone, Giulio 127, 136, 137 Lovers Bathing 131, 136 Bonatti, Giovanni 199 borders (decorative) 17, 19, 30, 38, 41, 47, 49, 193, 195-96, 199, 202, 204 Borghese collections 69, 71, 73 Borghini, Vincenzo 55 Borromeo, Federico 5 Boschini, Marco 142 Botti, Rinaldo 191, 193 Botticelli, Sandro 159 Bouchardon, Edme 179 Boucher, Franfois 179, 190 Boulle, Andre-Charles 176 Bourdaloue, Claude de 176 Bouzonnet-Stella, Claudine 176 Bradford, Earl of 162 Bril, Paul 178 Broeck, Hendrick van der 60 Buckeridge, Bainbrigg 88, 138, 139 Burgkmair, Hans 49 Rhinoceros 30, 35 Burlamachi, Philip 99 n.85, 103 cabinet of rarities 4 Callot, Jacques 12, 17, 20, 128, 138 Calvaert, Dionisio (Denys) 3, 61 Cambiaso, Luca 3, 61, 93 n.48 Campagnola, Domenico 125, 127, 138 Mountainous Landscape, Castle and Travellers 125-26, 127 Canonici, Roberto 82, 83-84 caricatures 19, 21 Carpaccio, Vittore 126, 143 Carpenter, W.H. 9 Carracci, Agostino 3, 115, 127-28 Carracci, Annibale 3, 5, 115, 126, 127, 129, 131, 138, 152, 170 Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane 143, 144 study after 156 n.9 Three Maries at the Sepulchre (attrib.) 148 Carracci, Ludovico 6, 93 n.47, 126 Resurrection 115, 119 219 INDEX Carracci family 115, 126, 131, 177 Carracci School 88 Carriera, Rosalba 173, 175 Cartoons 61, 141 Casini, Giovanni 191 Cassetta Farnese 61 Cassiano dal Pozzo 13-15, 17, 80, 152 Catena, Vincenzo 143 Cati, Pasquale (attrib.), Deposition 61, 62 Caylus, Comte de 184 Cecil, William, 3rd Baron Burghley 115 Cerquozzi, Michelangelo 178 Cesi, Bartolomeo 112 Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Simeon 179 Charles I 85, 87, 90, 104, 111, 115, 118 Charles II 90, 123 Charles V, Emperor 32 Chiffinch, William 131 Christian IV, king of Denmark 12 Christina, Queen of Sweden 174, 176 Cignani, Carlo 148 Circignani, Niccolö 145 Classification 136, 163 Columbus's 40-45 Crozat's 176-79 Mancini's 79, 80, 81, 82 Resta's 141 Claude Lorrain 126, 139, 158, 178 Clement XI, pope 5 Closterman, John 156 collectors' marks and stamps 1, 5, 21-23 Columbus's marks and monograms 29, 30, 36, 45, 46-47 Laniers star marks 87-96, 102, 104, 105, 107, 111, 112, 115, 119, 121, 123, 131 Lely's stamp 5, 89, 123, 125, 127, 136, 138 Richardson's 155, 158 Colnaghi 23 Colon, Hernando see Columbus, Ferdinand Columbus, Christopher 32 Columbus, Ferdinand (Hernando Colon) 29-36, 37-54 Cooke, Henry 156 Copenhagen (Denmark) 12 Coppenol, Lieven van 12 Correggio 71, 92 nn.42 &45, 119, 125, 138 Crozat's collection 177 marks on 97 n.75 Resta's collection 141-42, 143, 146, 148, 150 Richardson's collection 156 Cortese, Guglielmo 199 Cortona, Pietro da see Pietro da Cortona Courten, William 23 Coypel, Antoine (after) 18 Cracherode, Rev. Clayton Mordaunt 5, 192, 194, 196, 202 Cranach, Lucas 45 Cranach the Eider, Lucas , Judgment of Paris 127, 130 Crozat, Pierre 3, 5, 6, 7, 160, 173-81, 184 Daniele da Volterra 66 Nude Female Reclining Asleep 66, 66 Nude Male with an Attendant Boy 66, 68 dealers' marks 23-24 Del Monte, Cardinal Francesco Maria 82-83, 84 Del Monte, Uguccione 82 Delamonce, F. 176 Desplaces, Louis 18 Devonshire, Duke of 170, 173 Devonshire, William Cavendish, 2nd Duke of 93, 94, 176 Dezallier d'Argenville, Antoine-Joseph 3, 177, 183 display of prints and drawings 1, 4, 9-10, 79-84 Dodgson, Campbell 23 Domenichino 5, 145 Doort, Abraham van der 90, 118 Dorigny, Nicolas 176 Duarte, Diego 87 Dubreuil, Toussaint 126 Dughet, Gaspard 179, 181 Dürer, Albrecht 4 Canonici's collection 84 Columbus's collection 30, 34, 38 n.13, 40, 45 Crozat's collection 175, 177 Del Monte's collection 83 drawings exchanged with Raphael 4 engraved 'Passion' 12 Lely's collection 127, 133, 137 Tronsarelli's collection 67 Dutch manuals 97 Dutch prints and drawings 126, 133, 177 Dyck, Anthony van 126, 128, 129, 133, 136, 137, 158, 177, 190 encyclopaedic collections 4, 80 engravings 85 Errard, Charles 5 Evelyn, John 24, 121, 128, 129, 131 Facchetti, Pietro 57, 67 Faccini, Pietro 119 Farinati 131 Farnese, Alessandro 55, 60 n.20 Fawkener, William 194, 196, 199, 202 Ferrari, Gaudenzio 148 Ferretti, Giovanni Domenico 184, 186, 202 Ferri, Ciro 191 Ficino, Marsilio 81 Fiorentino, Stefano 161 220 INDEX Flemish prints and drawings 80, 126, 177, 178 Flinck, Nicolaes 93, 121, 176 Florentine (anonymous), Six Women 111, 117 Folli, Sebastiano 112 Fontana, Alberto 143 Ford, Richard 23 Fosse, Charles de la 175 France albums 13, 15 prints and drawings 107, 128, 177, 178, 179, 190 Franceschini, Marcantonio 148 Francesco da Castello 67 Franciabigio 143 Franco, Battista 100, 105, 125, 168 God the Father 164, 167 Freart de Chantelou, Paul 3 Freres, Dirk 138 'furniture' prints 9 Gabbiani, Antonio Domenico 190, 191 Virgin and Child with Sts Sebastian and Roch 191, 192 Gabburri, Cavaliere Francesco Maria Niccolö 7, 183-204 Gaddi, Niccolö 55 Galliani, Carl'Antonio 148 Gautier, Saloman 121, 156, 160 Gennari, Benedetto 148 George II 5 Gerbier, Balthazar 97 German prints and drawings 49, 107, 127, 177 Getty Provenance Index 2 Gherardini, Alessandro 190 Ghezzi, Giuseppe 146 Ghezzi, Pier Leone 148 Sebastiano Resta and Giuseppe Ghezzi Seen from Behind 147 Ghirlandaio, Domenico 6 Gibson, Richard 120 Gibson, William 90, 95, 156 Gilio, Giovanni Andrea 82 Giotto 142, 159, 160 Giovane, Palma 92 n.41, 112, 115, 118, 125 Giovane, Palma, St Jerome 156 Giovanni da Udine 142, 177 Girardon, Fran5ois 176 Girolamo da Carpi, Draped Female 90, 92 Girolamo da Treviso the Younger 90 Giulio Romano Crozat's collection 177 etched reproductions 104-7 Laniers collection 100 Lely's collection (after) 127 Richardson's collection 156, 169 star mark 92 Cupid on a Crouching Horse 112 Cupid Riding a Lion (and Hollar after) 88, 88, 89 Four Women Seatedon Clouds... 110 Grotesque Mask... 113 Hercules and the Hydra 66 Lion and a Lioness (attrib.) 95, 98 Moses Receiving the Ten Commandments 167, 169 Vulcan, Apollo and Nymphs 125, 126 Goltzius 84, 175 Gonzaga, Cardinal Scipione 83 Gonzaga Collection 104, 118 Gonzaga, Federigo 118 Gozzoli, Benozzo 161 n.28 Graf, Urs 46 Eight Men in Conversation 41, 42 Graham, Richard 156 Grimaldi, Giovanni 126, 129 Grisoni, Giuseppe, Portrait of Antonio Bellucci 195, 197 Guercino 115, 139, 190 Study for a Winged Angel 202, 203 Guidi, Raphael 26 Harrisse, Henry 43 n.36, 51 Hollar, Wenceslaus 87, 96, 97, 105, 106 Cupid Riding a Lion 88, 88 Hone, Nathaniel 196 Hortulus Animae 41 Hudson, Thomas 158, 159 Huygens the Younger, Constantijn 121, 131 Imhoff family 4 inscriptions and annotations (by collectors) 21, 23, 199 Columbus 29, 38, 39 Crozat's numbers and annotations (also by Mariette) 173, 174, 175, 181 Gabburri's inscriptions, marks and numbers 183, 190-96, 202, 204 Lanier 87, 96, 97-102, 105, 107, 115, 119, 121 Resta 143 Richardson Sr 155, 160, 162, 163, 165, 165, 170 see also collectors' marks intaglio prints 10 Italy (Italian prints and drawings) albums 13 Columbus's collection 49, 52 Crozat's collection 176, 177, 178 Gabburri's and Fawkener's collections 194-96, 199 Laniers collection 85, 107-11 Lanier's collection (contemporary artists) 112-18 221 INDEX Lely's collection 125-26, 131 Mancini and print collections 79-84 Resta and connoisseurship 141-53 Tronsarelli's collection 55-78 Jabach, Everhard/Everard 3, 176, 179 John V of Portugal 13, 21, 26 Josi, Henry 13 Junius, Franciscus 85, 102, 104 Kent, William 196, 199 Koberger, Anton 37 Kollwitz, Käthe 23 Krug, Lucas 127 La Fage, Raymond 175 Labelle, Estienne 17 Lanier, Jerome 61 n.26, 89, 90, 95, 96-97, 120, 121 Lanier, Nicholas 7, 61 n.26, 85-121, 125, 129, 139, 156, 167 Lankrink, Prosper Henry 92, 94, 121, 156 Lawrence, Sir Thomas 69, 71 n.49 Lawrence Collection (Gallery) 67, 71, 73 Lazzari Collection 176 Le Brun, Charles 4, 126, 128, 174, 177 Le Comte, Florent 4, 174 Leemput, Remigus van 133 Lelli, Giovanni Antonio 57 Lely, Peter 5, 7, 85, 89, 92, 94, 102, 118, 121, 123-39, 156 Leonardo da Vinci 90, 100, 142, 146, 177 Rider on a Rearing Horse 126, 128 Two Horsemen 126, 129 libraries 80 Liechtenstein Collection 19 Lievens, Jan (after) 86 Ligorio, Pirro 67, 129 marks on 92 n.45, 97 n.75, 99 Christ Disputing in the Temple 102, 108, 119 Three Women Washing a Child 102, 109, 119 Two Cupids 90, 91 Lippi, Filippino 111, 179 Loger Collection 176 Lorch, Melchior 14 Lotto, Lorenzo, A Young Ecclesiastic in bis Study 57, 59, 71, 73 Louis XIV 5 Lucas van Leyden 84, 107 n.115 Lugt, Frits 1, 19, 21, 89, 90, 183 Luti, Benedetto 190 n.20, 196 Magnavacca, Giuseppe 146, 148 Maitland Richard (later 4th Earl of Lauderdale) 121 Malvasia, C.C. 3, 5, 143, 146, 148 Mancini, Giulio 4, 7, 79-84, 142, 145 Mantegna, Andrea 24 n.30, 127, 142, 159 Mantuan Collection 87, 112, 115 Maratta, Carlo 5, 126, 148 Maratti, Carlo 177 Marcantonio Raimondi 3, 84, 127, 133, 134, 135, 136-37 Marchetti, Giovanni Mattei 148 Marco da Faenza 60 Marco da Ravenna 127 Margaret of Austria 4 margins 10, 12, 19 Mariette, Pierre-Jean 3, 5-6, 8, 15, 21, 23, 173, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 181, 184 Mariette family 13, 23-24 marks, by dealers 23-24; see also collectors' marks Marolles, Abbe de 5 Masaccio 159, 160, 179 Massa da Gallese, Antonio 57 n.13 Master FVB 45 Master MV 45 Mead, Dr Richard 23, 170 Medici family 82 Medici, Grand Duke Francesco I de' 4 Medici, Leopoldo de' 148 Medici Tombs 100 Meldolla, Andrea (Schiavone) 23 Menabuoni, Giuseppe 195 mezzotints 13 Michelangelo 63, 152 Crozat's collection 177 Del Monte's collection 83 faults of 82 Laniers collection 100 misattribution 100 Richardson's collection 168 star marks 90, 91 study after 156 n.9 Man Pulling on bis Breeches (after) 134, 135, 136 Study for KingJoram 69, 75 Mignard, Pierre 4, 5, 176, 177 Millet, Francisque 178 Mola, Pier Francesco 93, 112, 177 (attrib.), Soldier Advancing to the Right with bis Hands Upraised 199, 202 Mond Collection 66 Montarsy Collection 176, 177 Montelatici, Francesco (Cecco Bravo) 190 Morelli, Giovani Francesco 146, 148 Mortemart, Duc de 15, 17, 18, 20 mounts 9, 17, 19 Fawkener's 199 Gabburri's 195-96, 202, 204 Laniers 102-4 Richardson's 155, 165, 170, 202 222 INDEX Muziano 60, 67 Naldini, Giambattista 57 Nanteuil, Robert 15 Nanto, Francesco de 45, 47 Napoletano, Filippo 136 Natoire 179 Negker, Jost de 41 n.31 Netherlandish prints and drawings 17, 49, 53, 107 Netscher, Caspar 3 Nogari, Paris 67 Norfolk, Duke of 156 North, Roger 5, 85, 89, 102, 121, 123, 128, 129, 133, 136, 137-38 Northumberland, Dukes of 17, 22 Northumberland, Earl of 121 Northumberland, Elizabeth, Duchess of 17 Nuremberg School 38 n.16 Nys, Daniel 87 Odescalchi, Dom Livio 176 Oettingen-Wallerstein Collection 21 Oostsanen, Jacob Cornelisz. van 46-47 Orlandi, Giovanni 69, 146, 156 Orlandi, Pellegrino 174, 184 Orsini, Fulvio 55, 63 Paleotti, Cardinal Gabriele 81 Panini 179 Parmigianino 6, 125 Crozat's collection 177 etchings by 127, 138 Laniers collection 100, 102, 106, 107, 111, 114, 116, 117 Lely's collection 129, 131, 137, 138 Richardson's collection 156, 165 woodcuts after 127, 131, 137 Virgin and Child... (after) 191, 192 Passe, Crispijn de 17 Passe, Magdalena de 25 Passeri, Giuseppe, The Presentation ofResta's Albums to Bishop Marchetti 148, 149, 152 Pavese, Angelo 69 Pedlar Robbed by Apes, The (anonymous) 46 Pencz, Georg 127 Pepys, Samuel 4, 10, 131, 133 Perino del Vaga, Francesco 94, 142 Crozat's collection 178 Laniers collection 112 Lely's collection 125, 131, 138 Tronsarelli's collection 61, 66 Holy Family 96 & n.69 Hunt of the Calydonian Boar 125, 125 Meeting at the Golden Gate 69, 74 Presentation of the Virgin 69, 74 St John the Evangelist and St Mark with Winged Putti Supporting a Candelabrum 55, 56, 61, 63 Studies ofAnimal Heads 69, 72 Perugino 146, 159 Peruzzi 125, 138 Philipe, Thomas 13 Phillips Fenwick Collection 73 Pietro da Cortona 118, 126, 148, 175, 190, 191, 193 Prophets 193—94, 194, 195 Piles, Roger de 3, 176 Pinacci, Giuseppe 148 pinacoteca grafica 61 Pio, Nicola 176 Polidoro da Caravaggio 125, 131, 156, 177, 179 (after) 166, 169 Pollaiuolo, Antonio 111 Battie of the Nude Men 30, 35 Pomarancio 67 Pond, Arthur 158, 159 Pontormo 143, 177 portfolios 19, 21, 102, 173, 176, 177, 178-79 Portrait of the Duke of Geldre (anonymous) 49, 53 Poussin, Nicolas 126, 158, 178, 179, 181 Alleged Self-portrait 187, 188, 204 Battie Scene 179, 180 Finding of Moses 181 Primaticcio 126 Procaccini, Camillo 112 Pupini, Biagio 102, 131 Mucius Scaevola Patting his Hand into the Altar-Flame 166 Quaini, Luigi 148 Raffaellino da Reggio 67, 70 Raimondi see Marcantonio Raimondi Raphael 4, 152 attributions to 90 n.28 Bonasone's prints after 137 Crozat's collection 177 Del Monte's collection 83 drawings exchanged with Dürer 4 engravings after 127 Hampton Court Cartoons 169 and his school 81 Laniers collection 100, 102, 119 n.142 mark on (after) 90, 93 Richardson's collection 156, 168, 169 Tronsarelli's collection 61, 63, 66, 71 Hercules Overpowerint the Nemean Lion 57, 60, 69 Seven Putti Playing 99, 104, 104 Venus and Cupid (after) 137 Woman Reading with a Child Standing by her Side 124, 125 223 INDEX Raspantino 5 Redi, Gaspare 195, 196, 204 Redi, Tommaso 184, 185, 190 Portrait of Antonio Balestra 195, 198, 202 Rembrandt van Rijn 27, 176 Crozat's collection 190 Lely's collection 127, 131 margins of etchings 12 Richardson's collection 158-59, 169-70 Calumny ofAppelles 156 n.7, 158 St Peters Prayer before the Raising ofTabitha 168, 169-70 Shah Jahan andDara Shikoh 157, 158 Reni, Guido 112, 115, 118, 120 Resta, Padre Sebastiano 5, 6, 57, 97, 136, 141-53, 160, 161-62, 184, 199 Reynolds, Sir Joshua 123, 158, 159, 196 Richardson Jr, Jonathan 156, 158, 160, 162, 163, 170 Richardson Sr, Jonathan 5, 6, 88, 118-19, 121, 136, 139, 155-71, 184, 199 marks 92, 95-96, 155, 158 Rogers, Charles 196 Romanelli 177 Romano, Giulio see Giulio Romano Rome, Barberini palace 80 Roncalli, Cristoforo 61 Rondani, Francesco Maria 143 Rubens, Peter Paul Crozat's collection 177, 190 Lely's collection 127 payment to 146 Richardson's collection 158 Man in a C/oak and Hat 151, 152 Ruberi, Jacopo 37 Rutgers, Antoni 176 Rutland, Duke of 158 Sacchi, Andrea 118, 126, 177 Saint-Morys 183 Salini, Mao (Tommaso) 195-96, 200, 201 Salisbury, Robert Cecil, Ist Earl of 115 Salviati, Francesco 61, 63, 66-67, 175, 177 mark on 94 Adoration of the Magi 66, 71, 73, 76 Studiesfor the Drapery of a Seated Female Figure 97 & n.77 Sanchez, Thomas 81 Sarto, Andrea del 67, 143, 163, 188 Scamozzi, Vincenzo 80 Schedel, Hartmann 37, 38, 45 Schlosser, Julius von 80, 81 Schön, Erhard 41 Scultori, Diana, Eue Homo 67, 70 Sebald Beham, Hans 47, 49, 127, 136 Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian 49, 50 Sebastiano del Piombo 97 n.74 sets of prints 12 Sheepshanks Collection 13 Sloane, Sir Hans 23 Smith, William, dealer 13 Sole, Giuseppe del 148 Somers, John, Lord 5, 156, 161, 163, 176 Spanish School 177 Spencer, John 13 Spinelli, Parri 160 Stefanini, Giovanni Crisostomo 191 Stefano della Bella 190 Swiss prints 49 Sylvester, P. 92 n.40 Talman, William 121 Tassi, Agostino 178 Testa, Pietro 93, 112, 177 Thibaudeau, Alphonse 36 'thread margin' 10 Tibaldi, Pellegrino 92 n.45, 152 FallofPhaeton 69, 78 Tintoretto 60 Titian 24, 32, 83, 100, 177 St Anthony of Padua and the Miracle of the Speaking Child (attrib.) 91, 94 Tompson, Richard 133 Topham, Richard 5 Towers, William 120 Triest, Antoine 176 trimmed margins 10 Tronsarelli, Antonio 7, 55-78, 112 Tronsarelli, Ottavio 57, 59 Turnbull, George 165 Ugo da Carpi 94 n.59, 127, 131, 137 Uylenburgh, Gerrit von 133 Vasari, Giorgio 4, 7, 55, 66, 79, 97, 143, 160-61, 162, 167, 169, 170, 177, 188 Vavassore, Florio (Fiorio de Bavasori) 45-46 Vellert, Dirk 137 Vendramin, Andrea 80 Venetian School 143, 176, 177 Veneziano, Agostino 127, 136, 137 Venusti 60 Veronese A Doge with his Counsellors 159, 163 Six Counsellors 161, 163 Vertue, George 88, 95, 128, 155, 156, 170 Vivares, Francis 11 Vleughels, Nicholas 176 Voort, Cornelius van der 133 Vorsterman I, Lucas 106, 115, 116 Nicholas Lanier 86 Vorsterman, Lucas (son) 105, 106 224 INDEX Walpole, Horace 17 Walton, Perry 156 Watteau, Antoine 175, 178 Wechtlin, Hans 51, 54 Weiditz, Hans 30, 47 West, Benjamin 196 Witt, Sir Robert 105 Wotton, Henry 115 Wright, Harold 23 Wright, John Michael 131 Zanetti, Anton(io) Maria (the eider) 176, 184 Zocchi, Giuseppe 191 Zoomer, Jan Pietersz. 94, 121 Zuccaro, Federico 119, 125, 167 Coronation of the Virgin 93, 95 drawings for lunette in church of S. Maria Annunziata, Rome 64, 65, 73 Raising ofthe Son of the Widow ofNain 73, 77 Zuccaro, Taddeo 94, 118-19, 125, 131, 143, 167 225
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