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Volltext:INDEX Note: page numbers in italics refer to illustrations, with pl. referring to plates; references to footnotes are indicated by n. and the footnote number after the page reference. Abell, William 106.107 Abingdon Missal Master 107-108,117 adultery 170 Albigensians (Cathars) 67-68 Alburgis, Abbess 212 Alexander the Great 37-38 Alfonso of Aragon, King of Naples 170,170 Alford, Lincolnshire 91 Alhazen 234 allegories 58-59,61,65 allegorical dream visions 280 Pèlerinage de vie humaine 267-268, 280 Pelerinage fhesucrist (PJC) 260,261 -263,266, 278,317 Roman de la Rose 260-261,266,267-280 Eucharistie allegory 52-53 Allegory of Good and Bad Government (Lorenzetti) 283 Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen 211 Alsfeld Passion Play 311 altarpieces 209,212 analogy 50,51,57 Angers Apocalypse Tapestry 15, 16, 18, 26, 29, 34 Anna (Anne), St (mother of Mary) 148,165 annunciation scenes, and books of hours 146 Antichrist bestial Antichrists 26-31,27,30,31 human Antichrist 32-36, 33, 35 Apocalypse iconography 14-16 Apocalypse of Jean de Berry (Berry Apocalypse) 11 -43, 187-189 Apocalypses 11 -12, 24, 28-29 Apocalypse bound with Lumere as Lais 80,84,88, 89, 89-90,92 architecture 58 Arena Chapel, Padua 211 Aristotle 163, 234 arma Christi 61,62 Arnolfini Portrait (Jan van Eyck) 254 Arrighi, Lodovico, of Vicenza 163 Ars moriendi texts 1 Arthurian romance 183-184 artificii 293 artisans 250 artists 107 Artselshofen 212 Assisi 54 Assumption celebrations, Siena 284,286-298 Astley, Sir John 107,113, 121 crest of 115,116 Attavante degli Attavanti 163,164 Augsburg 309 Augustinians chapter at St Frideswide's, Oxford 76 Priory of Newark, Surrey 73 auto-crucifixion 44-72 Ave Maria 46,141 Avignon papacy see papacy Bacon, Roger 235 Barbara of Brandenburg 163 Basel minster, Gallus Gate 206,207 basilica of Onze-Lieve-Vrouw, Maastricht 207-208 Beatrice d'Este 164 Beatrice d'Este, Queen of Hungary 168,169 Beatrice of Aragon, Queen of Hungary 167, 169-170 Beatrice of Ornacieux 51 bedchambers 239-246 and Le Chemin de Povreté et de Richesse 246-252 and Le Menagier de Paris 252-259 Bedford, John, Duke of 98 beds 239, 245-246 Beguines 50-51,305-306 Béguins 67 Belbello da Pavia 163 Belles Heures 39 Bellini, Giovanni 174 Benedict XIII, Pope (Pedro de Luna) 21,41-42 Berengaudus 12 n.6,14-15 commentary in Berry Apocalypse 16, 18-19, 23, 24, 26, 32 364 THRESHOLDS OF MEDIEVAL VISUAL CULTURE: 1.1MINAL SPACES Expositio super septem visiones in Apocalypsis 12 Der Berg des schowenden lebens (Geiler) (The Mount of Contemplative Life) 305 Bernard of Clairvaux 65-66 Bernward of Hildesheim 212 Berry, Jean, Duc de (John, Duke of Berry) 39-43,98, 102-104,121,187-189 Berry Apocalypse (Apocalypse of Jean de Berry) 11-43, 187-189 bestial Antichrists 26-31,27,30,31 Béziers 46,67-68 Birkin, Yorkshire 229 Boccaccio 167 body of Christ 58-59,61 Bohun family of England, psalter-hours of 61,65 Wound of Christ and Instruments of the Passion 64 Boke of Noblesse (William Worcester) 122 Book of Cerne 145 Book of Trades (Hans Sachs) 176 books of hours 61 and education of children 165-166 images of combing hair 187,189 and lay women 125-158,162 Pabenham-Clifford Hours 86 Pavement Hours 317 Born, Arnold von 208 Borsod'Este 163 Bosch, Hieronymus 244 bourgeois households 253 and bedchambers 240,241-242 bourgeois labor 246-252 Brant, Sebastian, Ship of Fools 305 Brunelleschi, Filippo 293 Bruyant, Jacques, Le Chemin de povreté et de richesse 242,246-252,253 Buckingham, Anne Neville, Duchess of 106-107 Buckingham, Humphrey Stafford, Duke of 100,104, 105-106 Burgundy, Duke of 41 Burkhard von Nellenburg, Count 211 Cadamosto, Giovanni, of Lodi 173 Health Handbook 173 Caesarius of Heisterbach 49-50, 52, 59,65,68 Caister, Norfolk 98-99 calefft 281 Caleffo Dell'Assunta 281-284,300 frontispiece 282,289,291,292-298 and the cathedral's oculus window 298-300 Cambrai Book of Hours 148,149-152 Camera degli Sposi (Mantegna) 163 Campochiesa, church of San Giorgio 190 canonical hours 50 The Canterbury Tales (Chaucer) The Merchant's Tale 246,255-256 The Reeve's Tale 240 Canzoniere (Antonio Grifo) 174 Canzoniere (Petrarch) 171 Cappello, Vittore 172 Carafa, Diomede 167 Carducci, Reverend Mother Battista 164 Carthusian miscellany 59-61 Christ as the Charter of Redemption 60 castration 58 Cathars (Albigensians) 67-68 Catherine of Sienna, Saint 192-193,193 Cendonius, St 150-151 Champmol, church of 207 chantry chapels 217-236 Gyvernay chapel 218 chantry suffrages 232 Charles VI, King of France 187 Chartres Cathedral 208,319 Chaucer, Geoffrey The Merchant's Tale 246,255-256 The Reeve's Tale 240 Cheb (Eger) Passion Play 309 Le Chemin de povreté et de richesse (Jacques Bruyant) 242, 246-252,253 chivalry books of hours 155-157 EpistreOthea 97,113 and funeral effigies 222-223,226 Chrétien de Troyes 267 Christ body of 58-59,61 Christ's Passion 48,50,61 Crucifixion 44-72 depictions in books of hours 131-133,132,134, 138 Christ as the Charter of Redemption 60 Christine de Pizan EpistreOthea 95-122 Fais d'armes et de chevalrie 122 Chronicle (Jean Froissart) 188 chronicles, from Siena 285-286 Chrysostom, St John 310 the Church 12,17-23, 32, 36,67-68 see also Great Schism churches Annunziata, Florence 213 Champmol 207 portal 209 Cobham 225 Hungerford 220 San Giorgio, Campochiesa 190 San Vitale, Ravenna 198-200,199 St. Mary, Limington 217-227,231, 233-234, 235-236 St Sebald 212 Cistercians 51 Greenfield Priory 91-92 INDEX 365 Wienhausen monastery 318 civic power. Siena 281 - 301 civic space, and passion plays 308 class see social status Claude of France. Book of First Prayers 133-134 Clement VII 41 Clermont Ferrand. Notre Dame du Port 207 Cloisters Apocalypse Goisters Hours of Marie 141,156 Cobham church 225 Coeuvres. Comtesse de la Table de 143.144. 145 collects 126. 129. 135. I35n.28. 141. 150.151 Cologne, St Gereon 208 Colonna. Vittoria 163 combs and chivalric imagery 156 Seven Deadly Sins 18 sexuality of 176-194 Commendation of the Soul 141 communities, liminal 213-216 compassion 48-50,68 see also imitation of Christ (imitatio Christi) Complaint of Our Lady 46 consolamcntum 67-68 Conte. Pietro 171 contemplation contemplative reading 280 on the passion 308-311 Contugi, Matteo 162 Convent of San Quintane, Parma 164 convents, as book producers 163-164 cooking 173 Cornazzano, Antonio 167-168 Corpus Christi plays (Fronleichnamsspiele) 308 see also passion plays Council of Constance 42 Council of Pisa 23,42 courtship, images of 171, 174 Crivelli, Taddeo 170 crosses and donation images 204-205,205 Tree of Life 61 wooden beam 44, 47, 54, 63.66-67 Crucifixion 44-72 The Crucifixion (woodcut) 1-2, pL I cult of the Virgin Mary 125,129-130 see also Marian devotions; Virgin Mary d'Abernon, Sir John 76 dancing 172 De Claris mulieribus (Iacopo Foresti) 168,169 de Everyngham family 229 De Instituendi Vivendi (Diomede Carafe) 167 De mulieribus Claris (Boccaccio) 167 Death and the Miser (Bosch) 244 dedication ritual, Siena 285-288 Degulleville, Guillaume de see Diguileville, Guillaume de The Deposition 69 Deschamps, Eustache 179 Desperatio (Giotto) 54 devil 47-48, 52-53, 56, 65,68, 70,190 The Devotee at Prayer before the Book of Christ 59 devotion devotee tradition, in books of hours 137,149-152 devotional manuals, and bedchambers 242-243 devotional manuscripts 316-317 images of female devotees 130-158 private and public 302-326 Dialogus miraculorum (Caesarius of Heisterbach) 49-50 Diguileville, Guillaume de 260, 267-268, 279, 280, 317 Divine Office, and books of hours 126 Do der minnenklich got (When Loving God) 305, 313-316 Dolde von Seligenstadt, Peter 310 domestic space 241-246 Dominic of Bologna 150 Dominic, St 24 Dominicans Gottesfreunde 305 Saint Catherine of Sienna 192-193 donor figures 195-198 donors 195-216 'false' or donor 'trickery' 211-213 Dorothy of Montau 51,52 Douai Psalter 86 Douce Book of Hours 148 Dowling, Katherine 225 dramatic logic 274-280 Droste 209-210,214 Du Prestre crucifié 58 Duccio 299-300 Durandus, William 194 Dürer, Albrecht 214 Ecclesia 17-23 Ecclesius, Bishop 198, 200 education of children 159,161, 164-167 Edward IV 122 Ein geistlicher Rosengart (Raymond of Capua) 192 ekphrasis 269, 270 Eleanora d'Aragona, Duchess of Ferrara 167-168,168, 172,174 Elizabeth of Spaalbeek 50-51 Elizabetta da Vimercate 171 Elucidarium 77 endura 67-68 Enfant Sage 46 Enoch and Elijah 23-24,25 Epistle of Othea (trans. Stephen Scrope) 97-122 Epistre Othea (Christine de Pizan) 95-122 Crest of Sir John Astley on final folio of Othea 115 366 THRESHOLDS OF MEDIEVAL VISUAL CULTURE: LIMINAL SPACES Hector battles Cerberus pl.5, pL6, pl.7 Minos judges prisoners 118,119,120 Othea Hands the Letter to Hector pl.4, 96 Othea hands the letter to Hector 116 Representation of a tournament held at Smithfield 114 Temperance winds a clock 110, 111, 112 erotic virginity 192-194 Erstein (women's monastery) 202 Eucharistie allegory 52-53,77 Evangile de l'Enfance 46-47 excommunication, of Siena 286 exempla 47-49,52-53,55-57,65,68,70 Expositio super Septem visiones in Apocalypsis (Berengaudus) 12 extramission 234 Fais d'armes et de chevalrie (Christine de Pizan) 122 False Prophet Beast 29,32 family, and books of hours 141,157-158 family narratives, and tomb memorials 217,230-231 Farce de Maistre Pierre Pathelin 279 Fastolf, John 98-105 Fastolf Master 107-108 Feet of Fines 233-234 female devotees, images in books of hours 130-158 female literary 159,161,162 and books of hours 132-135,143,146-149,152,158 festivals 278-280 see also Assumption celebrations, Siena; passion plays; processions flagellation 50,313-314 Flemish books of hours 125-158 Florence, church of the Annunziata 213 Fogliano, Counts of 166 fore-Mass 52 Foresti, Jacopo, of Bergamo 168,169 Fourth Lateran Council 77,128, 130 Francesco di Giorgio 172 Francis of Assisi 24,51 Franciscans 24 Margarita of Cortona 306 Franciscus, Ricardus 107 Frankfurt Passion Play 308, 310 Friends of God 305 Froissart, Jean 188 funeral effigies 171, 219-236 funeral practices 220 Gallus Gate, Basel minster 206,207 Garden of Prayer (Zardino de Oration) 306-307, 309 gardens 245 Gautier de Coincy 145 Geiler von Kaysersberg, Johann 305, 309-310 gender apocalyptic women 20-23 devotional handbooks for girls 306-307 Epistre Othea 113 hair combing 187 roles in marriage 243, 244, 246-252, 253, 257-259 and tomb memorials 223-224,225-226,230 women and bedchambers 242-243 women and books of hours 125-158 women and Italian Renaissance illuminated manuscripts 159-175 genre, theories of 261-262 gentry, rise of 223, 228-229 see also social status Gerson, Jean 305, 309 Ghiberti, Bonaccorso 293,294 Ghuiluys de Boisleux 155,155 gifts of combs 179,184-185 images of presentation 201, 203, 204,210, 214 Giotto 54,209 Girolamo da Cremona 163 Glanfield, Edgar 225 Gog and Magog 36-39,37 Gonzaga family 166 Gospel Lectionary 146-147 Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew 46 Gottesfreunde 305 Gradual Psalms 126,128,153,157 Great Schism 12,20-23, 32,34-35, 38,41 -42 The Greater Legend (Raymond of Capua) 192 Gréban, Arnoul 263-264, 266, 270, 279, 317 Greenfield Priory, Lincolnshire 91-92 Gregory the Great 65 Grey-Fitzpayn Hours 93 Grifo, Antonio 174 Groadain wounding Gawain's horse and spying a lady combing her hair 185 Grosseteste, Robert 235 Gruber, Gertrud 214 Gualenghi, Andrea 170 Guglielmo da Pesaro 172 Guillaume de Digulleville 260, 267-268, 279, 280, 317 Guillaume de Lorris 268, 276-278 Gyvernay, Gilbert 221 Gyvernay, Gunnora 221,225-234,236 effigy 223 Gyvernay, Lord Richard 221-222, 225-236 efftgy 222 Gyvernay, Margaret 221 Gyvernay, Matilda (mother of Lord Richard Gyvernay) 221 Gyvernay, Matilda (wife of Lord Richard Gyvernay) 221 Gyvernay chapel 218,220-236 hair combing 18,181-184,187-189 halls 245 IN DUX 367 Harsdorler lamily 212 Hathclscyc iamilv 229 hcadiillcd imitais 84-96 Health Handbooks 172-173. i7.t hearing texts 78-79 Hector 95.97-98. 117. 122 Othea hands the letter to Hector pi4. 96,116 Heidelberg Passion Play 318 Heiningen women's collegiate foundation 212 hell, and lustful women 190, 192 Henry IV. King 99 Henry VI. King 113 Henry VII. King 92 Henry of Blois. Bishop of Winchester 205-206.206 Heraldic 'arma Christi' 62 Hercules battles Cerberus Bodleian I-aud Misc. 570 pi 5 Pierpont Morgan M.775 pi 7 St John's MS H.5. pi 6 heterosexuality 170-171.173-174 Hildegard of Bingen 32 Hildeswid, Duchess 212 Hilton. Walter 68-69 Holkham Bible Picture Book 61 Holzschuher. Karl III 214 Holzschuher lamentation 214-216.215 homosexuality 188-189 Honorius Augustodunensis 77 Horn, Barabara 212 Horn, Kunz 212 hours, books of 61 and education of children 165-166 images of combing hair 187,189 and lay women 125-158,162 Pabenham-Clifford Hours 86 Pavement Hours 317 Hours of the Holy Spirit 137 Hours of the Passion 145 Hours of the Virgin 86,125,128-130,131,133 household tasks 173 humanism 166 Hundred Years' War 36,97 Hungarian Anjou Legendary 54 Judas Hanged 55 Hungerfbrd parish church 220 husbands 243, 246-252 Huy 55 Ibn-al-Haytham 234 Ignatius of Loyola 311-312 illuminated manuscripts Caleffó Dell'Assunta 289, 291,292-300 Italian Renaissance 159-175 see also books of hours; initials; manuscripts; miniatures; miscellanies; rubrics imaginary pilgrimages 303 imitation of Christ (imitano Christi) 48-58,66-70 indulgence records 310 ingegni 293 initials Berry Apocalypse 12-13 in books of hours 136,139,141,147,149,150-154 images of 139,140,142,147 Lumere as Lais 75, 79.81, 82-91,83,87 Pèlerinage de vie humaine 317 Wolfenbüttel Gospel Book 202 inner pilgrimage 304 Innocent VII, Pope 42 intromission 234 Irmingard, Empress 202 Isabeau, Queen 98 Isabella d'Esté 162 ivory combs 177-180 Jacques de Vitry 55, 70 Jean dc Berry (John, Duke of Berry) 39-43, 98, 102-104, 121, 187-189 Jean de MandevilJe 38 Jean de Meun 268, 276, 276-277 Jean de Neuville-Vitasse 155 Jerusalem 303, 306 Jesus see Christ Joachim of Fiore 24 loca Monachorum 46 Johannis Cemetery, Nuremberg 214 John, Duke of Bedford 98 John Chrysostom, St 310 John la Warre 233-234 John of Drokensford, Bishop of Bath and Wells 221 John the Baptist 39 John the Revelator 15,41 jousting 155-157 see also chivalry Joys of the Virgin 127 Judas 53-54 Judas Hanged 55 Justinian, Emperor 198,200 Katharinenkloster, Nuremberg 1 kinesthesia 304,308-316 habitus of kinesthetic reception 319 kneeling venerators 213,216 knights, and funeral effigies 222-223, 226 'La complainte du nouveau marié' (Deschamps) 179 labor bourgeois 246-252 immaterial and material 243, 253 laity lay women bedchambers 242-243 and books of hours 125-158 368 THRESHOLDS OF MEDIEVAL VISUAL CULTURE: LIMINAL SPACES education of children 159,161 and literacy 132-135,162 Lumere as Lais 73-74, 75, 78-79, 87-91,92 married state 243 parish church, Limington 219, 233 and the production of manuscripts 93 Lancelot du lac 183-184 Languedoc 46 Last Days, and the Berry Apocalypse 11-43 Last Judgement (fresco) 190,191 laudationes, of prominent women 167-168 Legenda Maior (Raymond of Capua) 192 Leland, John 224-225 Leo X, Pope 164 Letter to the Galatians (St Paul) 50 Liber de magnis tribulationìbus et de statu ecclesiae (Telesphorus of Cosenza) 20 library, of John Fastolf 98 Life of Saint Catherine 193 Limburg Cathedral 206-207 portal 208 liminality and the Caleffo dell'Assunta 300 and death 48 and donors 195-201, 204,206, 211, 213 liminal communities 213-216 liminal cultural space 107 liminal places, and combs 187 and the mandorla machine 297 social and spatical 302, 304, 311, 319 and texts par personnages 261, 267, 269, 271, 277 and tomb memorials 217 women, and Renaissance illustrated manuscripts 161,175 Limington, Somerset manor of 228, 233 parish church 217-227, 231, 233-234, 235-236 Litany of the Virgin 127, 129, 141 literacy, female 159, 161,162 and books of hours 132-135, 143,146-149,152, 158 literalism, in art 57-58 literary genre, theories of 261-262 Livre des merveilles du monde (Jean de Mandeville) Lombard, Peter 77 Lorenzetti, Ambrogio 283, 299 Lorenzetti, Pietro 54 Louis dAnjou 15 Louis of Orléans 36,42 Louis the German, King 204 Love, Nicholas 303,311 lovers combs 180 images of 171 Lovers in a garden (comb) 177 Lucerne Passion Play 308, 316 Ludolf of Saxony 305,311-313 Lumere as Lais 73-94 Christ teaching the apostles the Pater Noster 74 Initial E, St. John the Evangelist 83 Initial L 87 Initial L, Master and Student 81 Initial O 75, 87 text page 85 lust, and the sexuality of the comb 190 see also Seven Deadly Sins Lutheran Reformation 212 Maastricht, basilica of Onze-Lieve-Vrouw 207-208 machines, theatrical 293 Maestà (Duccio) 299-300 Maestà (Martini) 283 Mainz 318 mandorla 292-295, 297, 298 Mangia Tower 296 Mantegna, Andrea 163 Manuel des Pechiez 76 manuscript ownership 102 women and books of hours 126-130 and Italian Renaissance Illuminated Manuscripts 162-163 manuscripts Arras, Bibliothèque municipale, 845 260-261, 262, 264, 268, 274-276, 278-279 Arsenal MS. 6431 263-264 Bibliothèque national de France, fr.815 264 Bibliothèque national de France, MS fr. 25415 44-72 Bibliothèque national de France, MS fr. 378 260-261, 268-274, 277-279 Bibliothèque national de France, MS fr. 606 95 Bibliothèque royale, Brussels MS 11.282 80 Bodleian Laud Misc. 570 102,106, 108, 111, 121 British Library Harley 4431 95,110, 111, 119-120, 121 British Library, MS Arundel 157 86 British Library MS Royal 15 D II 73-94 Caleffo Dell'Assunta 281-284, 289, 291, 292-300 Longleat 253 102,106 Musée Condé, MS 28 14 New York Public Library MS Spencer 57 80 Pierpont Morgan Library, MS M.133 11-43, 11 n.l Pierpont Morgan Library, MS M92 134-136 Pierpont Morgan M.775 104, 106-107,113, 116-119,121 St Johns MS H.5. 104-109,111-113,117-119,121 Margaret of Flanders 187,207 Margarita of Cortona 306 marginalia 153-157,278 Maria of Castile 170 Marian devotion INDEX 369 and books of hours 127 Siena, 'the city of the Virgin' 285-301 see also Virgin Mary Mark of the Beast 34,35 Marliani, Fabrizio 164 marriage 243-244, 246 images of 171,174 and Le Chemin de Povreté et de Richesse 246-252 and Le Menagier de Paris 253-259 Marseilles Hours 130 Martin V, Pope 42 Martini, Simone 283,299 martyrdom 52 Mary Magdalen 143,150 Mary see Virgin Mary masculinity 223, 226 Mass 52 masse (dependent and allied territories) 290 materiality, of combs 176-181 Matteo da Milano 163 Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary 167,169-170 Maximian, Bishop 198,200 Medallion Apocalypse 14-16,18, 20, 22,23, 29 Medici, Giovanni de' 164 Medici, Lorenzo de' 165 Medici, Lucrezia de' 166 Medici, Piero de' 165 meditation, on the passion 308-311 Meditationes Vita Christi 235, 304, 311 memorial cultures 213-214 memorials, tomb 171,219-236 Le Menagier de Paris 252-259 mendicant orders see Dominicans; Franciscans The Merchant's Tale (Chaucer) 246,255-256 Messire Gauvain ou la vengeance de Raguidel (Raoul de Houdenc) 178 mimesis 57 miniatures Apocalypse of Jean de Berry (Berry Apocalypse) 12-43 Epistre Othea 97-98,106-122 in exempla and books of hours 44-70,131-133, 139, 146-148, 167,171 LumereasLais 82-90 and performativity 262-280 Renaissance presentation miniatures 203-204 Der minnenklich got 307-308 Minos 117-118 Minos judges prisoners 118,119,120 Miracoli 192 Mirror of the Blesses Life of Jesus Christ (Love) 303, 311 Mirror of the Sick and Dying 1-2 miscellanies 1 Morgan M.775 104,106-107,113,116-119,121 Provençal miscellany 44-72 The Monk Crucified 66 the monk who crucified himself 44-72,45 The monk is visited by the devil pl.3 Monks'Riddles 46 'monolingualism' 109 Montaperti 284-287 monuments, tomb 171,219-236 Moralia in Job (Gregory the Great) 65 Moralized Bible 62 Morgan Apocalypse 24 motherhood depictions in books of hours 139 education of children 164-167 holy family and instruction 148-149 The Mountain of Contemplation (Gerson) 305 Much Marcie, Herefordshire 229 Le Murate 163 My Lord Gauvain and the Revenge of Raguidel (Raoul de Houdenc) 178 Mystère de la Passion (Arnoul Gréban) 263-264, 266, 270, 279, 317 images of 264,265 mysticism 193 Nativity 146-147 Natural History (Pliny) 162 Naumburg Cathedral 212 Neville, Anne, Duchess of Buckingham 106-107 Niccolini, Sister Giustina 163-164 Nicholas de Fontaines 147 Nicholas de Neuchâtel-en-Lorraine 58 Nicholas of Myra 143 'the Nine' 298 Notre Dame du Port Clermont Ferrand 207 N-Town plays 318 Nude bather (Schiff book of hours) 190 nudity, female 174-175,189 Nuremberg Johannis Cemetery 214 Lutheran Reformation 212 O intemerata (prayer) 127,130 oaths of loyalty 290 objects, in donation images 198,200,204,207, 210, 211 'ocular communion 235 Oculus Window, Siena Cathedral 298-300,299 Oertel family 212 Office of the Dead 157 Office of the Holy Spirit see Hours of the Virgin Office of the Passion see Hours of the Passion Office of the Virgin see Hours of the Virgin Old St Peter's, Rome 209 Oosten, Gertrude van der 306 optical theory 235 Orsina d'Esté 170 Orsini, Clarice 165 370 THRESHOLDS OF MEDIEVAL VISUAL CULTURE: LIMINAL SPACES Pabenham-Clifford Hours 86 Padua, Arena Chapel 211 Palazzo Pubblico, Siena 288,289,296 papacy 18,21,23,38,41-42,67 Paradise 16 Passion Cycle (Pietro Lorenzetti) 54 Passion of Christ 48,50,61 Passion piety 68 passion plays 303-305, 307-311,314-316 play manuscripts 316-319 Paston, John 101 Paston family 99,105 patrons of art, women 161-163 Paul, St 50 Pavement Hours 317 Pedro de Luna (Pope Benedict XIII) 21,41-42 Pèlerinage de vie humaine (Guillaume de Digulleville) 267-268,280 Pèlerinage jhesucrist (PJC) (Guillaume de Digulleville) 260,261-263,263,266,278,280, 317 penance 48,70 Penitential Psalms 126,128,137,141,145 performance Assumption celebrations, Siena 284,286-298 erotic, hair combing 181 Lumere as Lais 79 passion plays 303-305,307-311,314-316 play manuscripts 316-319 performativi ty devotional handbooks 306 spatial dimensions of 257 of texts 262-280 Peterborough Bestiary 86 Petrarch 171 Philip de Columbar, Lord 221 Philip the Bold 207 Philip the Good 97 Piazza del Campo, Siena 288 Piene of Fetcham 76,81,93 Pietro da Eboli 174-175 Pietro da Guindaieri 162 pilgrimage 302-303,319 Pirotheus 118,119,120,121 place 244-245 see also space Play of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ 58 plays 303-305,307-311,314-316 play manuscripts 316-319 sacra rappresentazione 288-289,291-292,296 Pliny 162 pope prophecies 28 portals, and donation images 207 church of Champmol 209 Limburg Cathedral 208 positions for contemplation 309-310 kneeling venerators 216 for prayer 313,316 Power, Henry 221,225-236 effigy 224 Power, Joan 226-227,230, 236 Power, Matilda 221, 225-231,233-236 effigy 224 prayer Ave Maria 141 and bodily devotions 315 manuals 312 O intemerata 127,130 • positions for prayer 51,313,316 suffrages 126,232 see also books of hours Prayer of Theophilus 145 Prayerbook of Bonne of Luxembourg 61 preces 128,154 preparatory rites 52 presentation images 201, 203,204, 210, 214 'primo' (first speech) 263-264 privacy, and bedchambers 240, 241-246,255,256 private devotion 302-326 processions 304, 308, 319, 320 Siena 285, 286,287-290,297,300 Procopius 200 'props' see objects, in donation images Protestantism, and passion plays 309 Provençal miscellany 44-72 Psalm 115 52-53 Psalm 121 153-155 psalters and psalter-hours 126-131,136,143-146, 148-149,154-158 of the Bohun family 61,65 British Library, MS Arundel 157 86 Douai Psalter 86, 93 Morgan 92 Hours 136 Psalter of Louis the German 204 Psalter of Robert de Lindesey 61,63,65 Tickhill Psalter 86, 93 Utrecht Psalter 52,154 Wingfield Psalter 107 see also books of hours public devotion 302-326 public sphere, and domestic space 242,244 purgatory 214,220 rank see social status Raoul de Houdenc 178 Ravenna, San Vitale 198-200,199 Raymond of Capua 192 reading bi-lingual English 100 contemplative 280 Lumere as Lais 78-79,90 see also literacy INDEX 371 reception, performative 280,304, 309,312,315-316,31! Redentin Easter Play 309 The Reeve's Tale (Chaucer) 240 Reformation 212, 309 reliquaries, and donation images 205,206, 208 Renaissance Illuminated Manuscripts 159-175 rites of passage 200,213-214 rites of presentation 201-211 ritual, dedication, Siena 285-288 'rituals of gazing' 235 Robert de Hungerford 220 Robert de Lindesey, Psalter of 61, 63,63, 65 Robert de Lisle 187 Robert of Salentino 51, 52 Roman de la Rose (Romance of the Rose) 260-261, 266 images of 269,270,271,272,273,275,276 performativity 267-280 Roman de Tristan 156 Rome, Old St Peter s 209 Rorbach, Job 308 Rosselli, Francesco 166 rubrics Apocalypse of Jean de Berry (Berry Apocalypse) 12-13 Epistre Othea and translations 109 the monk who crucified himself 47 Pèlerinage de vie humaine 317 and performativity 262-280 Sachs, Hans 176 sacra rappresentazione 288-289,291-292, 296 sacred eroticism, and combing of hair 189-190 saints'lives, and books of hours 128 same-sex desire 188-189 San Vitale, Ravenna 198-200,199 Sanvitale, Abbess Gionvanna 164 Sanvito, Bartolomeo 162 Saraceni, Bianca 172 Schiff book of hours 190 Schulmeister, Nikolaus 305 scribes 107 image of a female scribe 153 Scrope, Lady Anne, of Harling 99 Scrope, Millicent 101 Scrope, Stephen 97-109,112-113,116-117 Scrovegni, Enrico 211 Scrovegni Chapel 54 Le secré de secrez (Pierre of Fetcham) 76 self-flagellation 50,313-314 Sentences (Peter Lombard) 77 Sententiae (Sentences) (Bernard of Clairvaux) 65 Ser Sozzo, Niccolò di 283-284,298, 300 Caleffo Dell'Assunta frontispiece 282 servants 240 the Seven Churches of Asia Minor 17,17-18 Seven Deadly Sins 18,19 images of combing hair 187-189,190,191 and Le Chemin de Povreté et de Richesse 248 Seven Requests 128 Seven-headed Beast from the Sea 26-27, 28,30,32 Seven-headed Dragon 20 sexuality heterosexuality 170-171,173-174 homosexuality 188-189 marital sex 246,255-256 of the medieval comb 176-194 Sforza, Francesco 164 Sforza, Ippolita Maria 159,160,162 Sheingorn, Pamela 6,95,125,133,165, 260,317 appreciation of 323-326 Ship of Fools (Brant) 305 side-wound, of Christ 61-62,65 Siege of Jerusalem 45-46 Siena 281-301 sight lines 233-236 Simon de Cramaud 42 sleep 242 sleeping habits 239-240 Sluter, Claus 207 portal of the church of the Chartreuse in Champmol 209 Snow White (film) 212 social disorder 240 social drama, theories of 302 social status and bedchambers 239,240-242 and bourgeois marriage 243-259 processions and festivals 304 Assumption holiday, Siena 288, 289-290 and tomb memorials 220,223,225,227-228, 229-230, 232 Somerset Feet of Fines 233-234 Somme le roi 76 Songe veritable 188 space domestic 241-246 and images of donation 203, 204 spatial appropriation in churches 217-236 spatial dimensions of performativity 257 spatial liminality 198-201, 302, 304, 311 spatial practice 319-320 spectacle, Assumption 284, 289-291,293-300 spectatorship 304-305,314 spiritual exercises 312-313,319 Spiritual Exercises (Ignatius of Loyola) 311-312 Spiritual Franciscans 67 A Spiritual Rose Garden (Raymond of Capua) 192 squints 233 St. Catherine Combing her Hair 193 St Gereon, Cologne 208 Stafford, Humphrey, Duke of Buckingham 100,104, 105-106 372 THRESHOLDS OF MEDIEVAL VISUAL CULTURE: LIMINAL SPACES Ständebuch (Hans Sachs) 176 status see social status Stefaneschi, Cardinal Giacomo 209 Stefaneschi altarpiece (Giotto) 209,210 stigmatization 51 Stove Breviary 86 Initial S 87 Stuttgart Psalter 154 suffrages 126,232 suicide 53-54 endura 68 Suso, Henry 305 Tacuina Sanitatis 172-173 Tauler, Heinrich 305 tax obligations, Siena 290 Taymouth Hours 69,70 Telesphorus of Cosenza 20,38 temporal liminalities 198-201 texts par personnages 260-280,278 n.30 theater 303-304 see also plays theatrical machines 293 Theodora, Empress 198,200 Theseus 118,119,120,121 Third Paris Council 42 thresholds and bedchambers 241,255,259 and the Berry Apocalpse 36-37 and the Cakffo Dell'Assunta 295 and combs 187,194 and donors 195-201,206,207,210,212,214 and historiated initials 75 and kinesthetic spectatorship 314 and kneeling 216 of the Last Days 12-13,16,32,36, 39,41,43 of narrative and drama 261,262,267,279 between private and public devotion 305, 307, 319 and rituals 202 between sensory modes of reception 304 and Siena's Assumption spectacle 284,297,301 between text and audience 57,70 and tomb memorials 217,227,232-233 and women 126,136,152,158,175 Thurlaston, Leicestershire 229 Tickhill Psalter 86,93 Titian 174 tomb memorials 171,219-236 Towneley plays 318 translation, of Epistre Othea 108-109 Traut, Wolf 212 Travels of Mandeville 181 Trinity College Book of Hours 154,156-157 Troy, fall of 97-98 Tura, Cosmé 168 Turville family 229 the Two Witnesses 23-26 Enoch and Elijah 25 tympanums 206-207,207 Urban VI, Pope 21 Uses 128-129 Uta, figure of 212 Utrecht Psalter 52,53,154 van Eyck, Jan, Arnolftni Portrait 254 Vasari, Giorgio 293-294 Vaticinia de summis pontificibus 28 Vaticinia sive prophetiae et imagines summorum pontiflcum 21 Venice 162,171,172 verisimilitude, in art 57-58 vernacular texts, and books of hours 128 Viatis, Ursula 212 Vie de sainte Marguerite 128 Virgin and Child Surrounded by Angels pi. 8 Virgin Mary books of hours 125,129-130,131-132,165 as reader and instructor 146-149,147 Virgin and Child depictions 132,134,136,138, 143 Siena, 'the city of the Virgin 285-301 virginity, erotic 192-194 Visconti, Bianca 164,168 vision, medieval theories of 234-236 visual programs 98,107-111,118-121, 164 Vita Christi (Ludolf of Saxony) 305, 311-313 Vittorino da Feltre 166 voices, in manuscripts 278-280 votive figures 213 Waldeck-Yben, Konrad von 318 Walter de Helyon 229 warfare, ethical conduct 97-98 warriors, female 153 The Way and Direction of Poverty and Riches (Le Chemin de povreté et de richesse) 246-252 Wellcome Apocalypse 24 Welles, Adam 92 Welles, John, Viscount 92 Welles, Lionel 92 Welles, Robert 92 Wells, Cecilia 92 Weyden, Goosen van der 211 When Loving God (Do der minnenklich got) 305, 313-316 Whore of Babylon 21-23, 2 2 Wienhausen 318 William de Shareshull 229 William de Shareshull the Younger 226, 229,230 William of Auvergne 309 INDEX Wìngfield Master 117 Wingfìeld Psalter 107 wives 253,257-259 Wolfenbüttel Gospel Book 201-203,202 A Woman Brushing her Hair with a Seated Man 182 Woman of Revelation 12, 20-21 Woman harassed by Dragon pl.2 women apocalyptic 20-23 and bedchambers 242-243 and books of hours 125-158 devotional handbooks for girls 306-307 Italian Renaissance illuminated manuscripts 159-162 book producers 163-164 as educators 164-167 owners 162-163 represented in 167-175 and tomb memorials 223-224, 225, 230 as wives 253, 257-259 woodcuts The Crucifixion 1-2, pl. 1 and Italian Renaissance illuminated manuscripts 168,169 Michael Ostendorfer 306 Worchester, William 99,105,122 Worksop Priory, Nottinghamshire 93 Wound of Christ and Instruments of the Passion 64 wounds of Christ 61 York 236 Pavement Hours 317 Zardino de Oration (Garden of Prayer) 306-307, 309
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