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Volltext:Index aborigines, Australian 13, 68-9, 73 acquisitions 134; grants for 47-8; importance of size 138; logarithmic increase 134, 145; rate of 139 admission charges 35, 48, 160, 186 advertising 45-6, 58-9 Alaska 153 American Association for the Advancement of Science 2 American Marketing Association 175 Appleyard, Brian 44 archivists 146 Arias, Oscar 8 army, as analogy 138 Army Museum, Paris 35 Art Museum, San Francisco 152 arts 111; best-managed sector 116; comments on 10; conception of 42- 4; contribution 52-3; corporate 54- 5; defined 48; educational role 59; and finance of museums 56-7; museums 70; trading in 129; visual 59-60 Arts Council of Great Britain 3, 44, 184 Arts Management 116 Ashmolean Museum 48, 57, 186 Asia 92 Association of Independent Museums 58, 142 Athens 74 attendance figures 165 attitudes, changes in 55-6 Austen, Jane 167 Australia 47, 49, 92, 98, 160, 166 auto industry, in US 118 Baker, Nick 58 198 Bangkok 72, 103 Bellow, Saul 104 Berger, John 73 Best, David 37, 40 Birla Industrial and Technological Museum (BITM), Calcutta 86 Blair, Claude 126 boards, appointment of 33 Bohr, Niels 108 Boylan, Patrick 35, 55, 80, 89, 95, 98, 105, 116, 137, 145, 156, 157, 158, 179, 183, 186, 188, 189, 192 Brighton, Andrew 44 British Association for the Advancement of Science 2 British Council, 1985 Seminar 27 British Museum 23, 24, 70, 77 British Tourist Authority 3 business, attitude 155; comparisons with 114; pleasing 183; social conscience 160, 161 Caen 35 Calcutta 90 Canada 47, 58, 165-6, 187 Cannon-Brookes, Peter 80 Carroll, Lewis 103 change 115; models of 119 children, with learning difficulties 96- 8; opportunities for 90 Children's Museum, Boston, 40 children's museums 92 China, People's Republic of 43, 179 Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris 30 Civil War Museum, United States 153— 4 classification systems 69 Index Clore Gallery 48 collection, access to 133; defined 123— 4; fear of 126; how treated 129-30; natural history 137; storage and access 144-5; strategy for 134-6; as va luable 143—4 collectors, individual 137 Committee for Education and Cultural Action of ICOM (CECA) 174 communication 111, 178 community input 95 conservation 48, 111, 114, 124, 130 Cooke, Sir Francis 190 Copenhagen 11, 67-8 Copernicus, Nicolas 103 core activities 81, 126 Corning Glass Museum 19 Cossons, Neil 17-18, 27, 77, 136, 146, 192-3 Costa Rica 8-9, 30-1, 41, 47, 159 Cree Indians 94—5 Crystal Palace Exhibition 84 cultural identity 31, 32 culture 187, 188-9; change 173—4; different types 116, 177; importance 51; and marketing 175-7; non- European 67-9; public 64 curators 105; defined 112; embattledness 140; as gatekeeper 94; knowledge 91; profession 120-2; responsibility 168; role 120, 138-9, 140-1; selection 116-17 curiosity, arousal of 63 Dana, John Cotton 108, 112 Day, Mike 190 De Wilde, Mr 176 death 104 'Democracy and Political Culture in Costa Rica' 28-9 Deponegerro Museum, Yugoslavia 71 Design Museum 4 d'Estaing, Giscard 36 Dundee 51 Dutch Museum Association 20, 169, 170 Dutch National Tourist Office 174-5 East India Company 171 ecomuseums 16, 119 economic regeneration 43, 51 Ecuador 28, 30 edification 13, 77; definition 76 Edinburgh, Duke of 4 education, in Costa Rica 41; need to infiltrate 92; secondary importance 81-2; value 75-6 Egon Ronay Guides 185 Elizabeth, Queen Mother 3 Elizabeth II, Queen 4 English Heritage 6, 7 environment 99, 124, 184 Eros 49 ethnic groups 98 ethnographic museums 67-9, 167 Ethnological Missionary Museum, Vatican 68 European Community 158, 172 exhibitions 26; artists of Salvador 47, 54, 55; baseball 181; blockbuster 19, 150, 152, 154; exciting and outrageous 142; First World War 167; funding 145, 146-7, 150-2; ideas for 98; interactive 85, 87-8; Lost Magic Kingdoms 142; Mayan 38; medical 168; one-off 78; purchase of tickets 162; Royal Britain 185-6; Taste 142; trade 182; travelling 87, 93 exhibits see objects exploitation 46 Exxon 53, 153 eye-stickers 182 Farnell, Graeme 119, 139 Feminist Looks Round the City Art Gallery, A 73 Field Museum, Chicago 152 Filleul, Don 21, 189 finance 33, 140; corporate 149-50, 151— 3; foreign 159; from art 56-7; government 61, 153, 157-8, 159; in Holland 170; how distributed 127; manner of 146-7; private 40, 58, 60; public 73, 142-3; sources 151; types 57-8, 61 Fisher, Mark 11, 32, 40, 193 'Folk Life Classification' (Higgs) 142 Forbidden City 179, 180 Form and Purpose of the Local Museum, The (Pick) 142 Foucault, Michel 95 Foundation for the National Museums, Costa Rica 61, 159 France 58, 114 Fuller, Peter 56 Garden Festival, Glasgow 41 199 Index Ghose, Saroj 14-15, 18, 81-2, 90, 96, 134, 193 Glasgow 40-1, 72 Glasgow Celtic Football Club 40-1 Glenbow Museum, Calgary 166 Gloucester, Duke of 6 Goethe, Johann 82; quoted 14 Goodhart, Sir Philip 11, 47, 76, 115, 194 Goodhew, Dr Elizabeth 93 governing bodies 95 government 31; commitment 47, 50; expectations 52; expenditure 51, 76, 77; 'greening' of 46; support for arts 43-4 Great Museum, The (Home) 12, 65 Green, Patrick 143 Guanzho, China 71 Hawaii 27, 35 Hebditch, Max 21, 183 heritology 109-10, 120, 121 Higgs, John 142 historic monuments 23 history, silence of 72 Holland 170; 'Land of Museums' 174, 177; 'Land of Music' 177; 'Land of Water' 175, 177 Home, Donald 12-13, 17, 33, 48, 78, 97, 117, 137, 160, 182, 185 Home, Myfanwy 166 hospitals 117, 184; analogy of 121, 124, 134 House of Commons 35, 155 Hudson, Kenneth 10, 11, 33, 35, 53, 55, 57, 72, 194 IBM Corporation 152 ICOM see International Council of Museums Imperial War Museum 4 Independence National Park, Philadelphia 71 independent museums 57, 58, 142, 143 India, museum programmes 86-8, 89 Industrial Heritage 90 industrial museums 89, 91; development 22-3, 40 Industrial Revolution 84 information 144; age of 127-8; as essential 131-2; revolution 84 Institut La Boëtie 16 Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) 56 International Council of Museums (ICOM) 11, 14, 83, 174; Hague Conference 88 investment 52, 53—4, 55 'Irises' (Van Gogh) 45 Italy 41 Japan 27, 167; national museums in 70 Jefferson museum, Montebello 71 Jenkinson, Peter 94 Jersey Heritage Trust 189-90 Jersey Museum Service 21, 189 Johnson, Paul 56 Johnston, Alan 60, 99 Jorvik Centre, York 131 Keppler, Johann 103 Keynes, John Maynard, quoted 44 King, Elspeth 33, 36, 40 Kirkdale Cave 1 'La Grande Parade' 176 La Villette 30, 50 Labour Party 44 Labouret, Claude 16-17, 20, 35, 114, 155, 194 L'Assommoir (Zola) 62 Last, John 40 Latin America 36, 61 Launch Pad 82, 89, 126 Leicester 79 Leicester University Museum Studies Department 94, 95, 121 Leicestershire 183, 187 Lenin Museums 71 Levy, Bernard Henri 112 Lewis, Geoffrey 57, 79, 120, 136, 165 libraries 106 Linnaeus 69 Lippi, Fra Filippo 103 London 49 Lord, Barry 13, 18, 20, 38, 75, 90, 94, 98, 118, 130, 135, 156, 187, 195 Los Angeles Science Museum 61, 156 Louvre Museum 12, 49, 54, 62, 72 Luxembourg Museum of Natural History 60 Macdonalds 61, 156, 157 McLuhan, Marshall 44, 107 Makagiansar, Makaminan 31 Malraux, André 103 Malthus, Thomas 148 200 Index management, quality 131; resource 46; role 115-16; studies 75 Manchester City Art Gallery 73 market analysis 180-1 market forces 184, 185, 186, 187 market strategy 180 marketing 21, 37, 133, 161-2, 175-8, 189; as handmaiden 180; what it does 179-80 Martin, Sandra 97 membership, corporate 150, 156-7; Friends 156-7; individual 149-50, 154; voting rights 163 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 108, 151, 152, 154, 163 Meyer, Karl E, quoted 45 Middleton, Victor 17, 115, 140, 159, 165, 179, 186, 195 Mobil 151-2 Moffat, Hazel 15, 93 Montagu of Beaulieu, Lord 3, 6-7, 32, 41, 61, 83, 90, 96, 97, 99, 195 Moody, Eric 9-10, 47, 59, 195 Morris, Philip 154 motivation 178 Museo de Antropologia, Mexico 103 museology 101, 134-5; 'green' 102 Museum of Antiquities, Leiden 77 Museum Bus, in India 14, 87, 92-3 Museum of the Centre of the World, Ecuador 28 Museum and Galleries Commission 57 Museum of International Folk Art, Sante Fe 74 Museum Island, Berlin 70 Museum of Photography, Bradford 51 Museum of Popular Art, Athens 74 museum shops 164 Museum Training Institute 80 Museum Year Pass Foundation, Netherlands (MYP) 169-70, 174 Museums 2000, debates 5; delegates 6- 7, 8-11, 192-7; themes 7-8, 11-12, 15-16, 19-20 museums, activities 86; bias in 72-3; birth of modern 64-5; caricatured 36; changes 106-7, 111; community 138; competition 23—4; concept 102-3; definitions 12, 23, 106, 148; diversity 70-2, 75, 156-7; divisions 66-7, 117; ecomuseums 16, 119; effectiveness 127-8; as entertainment 76, 164, 182; external pressures 37-8; functions 63, 167, 172; future 39; and general public 11-15; how to use 93M; immortality and infinity 104-5; integrated 141; lack of confidence 125, 127; learning to 'read' 63, 66; let them be 143; like monasteries 108-9; management 17, 18; as mirror of community 183; mixed use 155, 157; models 21, 183, 186, 188; and money 19-21; paradoxical situation 102; planning 18, 135; pluralistic 26, 34; and politics 7-11; popularity 22; potential users 144; pressures on 155-6; priorities 139; professionals in 15-18; purpose-built 157; reconfiguration 67-9; registered 142-3; responsibilities 95-6; roles 27-8, 31, 34, 53, 82; self-censorship 152, 153; visits to 170-1; what they are 81 Museums Assocation, The 2, 35, 48, 56, 79, 119; 1982 Annual Conference 123; primary objects 3 Museums and Galleries Commission 3, 79 Museums of Influence (Hudson) 72, 78 Museums Year 3-5, 162-3 Museums Year Guide and Passport 4, 5 Mutai, Sylvio 30, 34 Myerscough, John 51 MYP see Museum Year Pass Foundation National Council of Science Museums, India 89 National Curriculum for Science 93 National Gallery 70, 115, 154 National Museum, Copenhagen 68, 69; Nuremberg 71 National Museum of Costa Rica 8, 25, 26, 28, 30-1 National Museum Weekend 169 national museums 70-2 Natural History Museum 126 natural history museums 60, 184 Nehru, Jawarharlal 14, 88 New Museology movement 16 New South Wales, University of 12 Newton, Sir Isaac 103 Nicaragua 8 Nobel Peace Prize 8, 28 201 Index North America see United States Nuffield Foundation 87 objects 73; importance 81-2, 171; passion for 130; sanctity 128; tyranny 125 Olofson, Ulla Keding 29 Olympics, Winter 166 Ontario Science Centre 87 orchestras 162 Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI), Portland 86 Orwell, George 102 Owen, David 56 Palace Museum, Beijing 179 Palazzo Pozzi 72 Palme, Olaf 29 Pearson, Nicholas 44 people, importance of 81; professions under threat 125 People's Palace, Glasgow 33, 36, 40, 48-9, 57 Perrot, Paul 15, 17, 19, 54, 92, 97, 117, 137, 155, 158, 189, 195-6 physics 104, 108 Pick, Frank 142 Pick, John 116 Plan for New Museums (Dana) 112 politics 28-9; discussion 32—41 pollution 153 Polytechnic Museum, Moscow 87 Powerhouse, The, Sydney 67 pragmatism 101 presentation, methods of 78, 79 preservation 171 Ptolemy 16, 103 public relations 178 Public Understanding of Science, Professorship in 132 Pueblo-Indian Museum, Alberquerque 72 Rank Xerox 4, 191 Record Offices 145-6 regional museums 137 Regional Project of the Natural and Cultural Patrimony, Latin America 30 Registration Scheme, UK 58 research 151; need for 79, 96; plans 136, 181 resources, allocation 128-9; finite 148; human 114, 115; local 154; responsibility of sharing 149; shortage 139-40 restaurants 184-5 Richmond Museum 121 Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 68 Rivard, René 36, 184 Riviere, Georges Henri 106, 108, 141, 183 Robeco Group Investment Company 169 Royal British Columbia Museum 75 Royal Family 4 Royal Ontario Museum 181 Rural Museum of Chordeleg, Ecuador 30 Russell, Bertrand 101 Ryanji, Temple of, Kyoto 71 Ryder, Charles 60, 143 SAMDOC (Swedish Contemporary Documentation) 18, 141 San Roman, Lorena 8-9, 10, 37, 41, 47, 61, 116, 159, 190 Sassoon, Siegfried 167 Scandinavia 22, 137 scholars 130-1 school programmes 86-7 Schouten, Frans 13, 41, 103, 121 science, how viewed 132 Science Museum 17, 76, 126, 129, 132, 139, 147, 166, 176, 186 science museums 82, 89, 91, 152-3; changes in presentation 84-6, 87; in India 14 Second World War 27 Sedgwick, Adam 1 Shanghai Museum 74 Silber, Evelyn 78, 144 skills and processes, preservation of 91-2 Smithsonian Institute 19, 151, 153 Société Jersaise 189 Sock Shop 40 Sola, Tomislav 34, 75, 82, 119, 141, 182, 196; on professionals 15-17; quote from Goethe 14 Soviet Union 50, 186; national museums in 71 Spero, Ian 20, 184—5, 188, 196-7 sponsorship 19-20, 24, 37, 99, 159-60; commercial 190; concern over 168; corporate 44-5, 53, 161-2, 164, 165— 6; what sort 166 State Museum, Amsterdam 176 202 Index State Russian Museum, Leningrad 50 storage, open 70, 91; public access to 136-7 storytellers 131 Suggitt, Mark 57, 94, 142 Sweden 58, 71, 141 'Swedish Center for Itinerant Exhibition, The' (Olofsson) 29 Tate Gallery 48, 52, 60, 78, 115 rax 20, 158, 159; breaks 44, 45, 59 Techniquest, Cardiff 96 technology 83, 89 Terra Amata 36 Thatcher, Margaret 43 Thatcherism 158, 159 Thaxton, Kate 120, 168 Thyssen collection 57 Time magazine 154 Times, The 5 Times Newspapers Ltd 4 Toffler, Irwin 102 Tokyo 72 Toledo Art Museum 163 Toronto 181 Touche Rosse 4 tourism 31, 49-50, 51, 65; aristocratic 71 training 26, 78, 79, 80, 110, 115, 117, 124, 134, 172-3; central question 83; need for 118, 119; new approach 120; sitting next to Nellie 105 Training Needs Analysis 119 transit shed approach 129-30, 135 travel, importance of 83 Triple A-S see American Association for the Advancement of Science Tropical Museum, Amsterdam 13, 68 UNESCO 29, 31 United Nations 29 United States 44-5, 47, 56, 67, 77, 151, 162, 187; national museums 71 universities, co-operation 155, 160; museums 57 Universities Funding Council 48 Uruguay 36 Valenciano, José Luis 27 Van Gogh, Vincent 45, 150 Verbaas, Frans 20-1, 179, 181 Verne, Jules 110 Victoria and Albert Museum 33, 40, 52, 93, 126, 142, 146, 147, 186 video games 77 Vienna 70 Virginia Museum of Fine Arts 19 Vogue 60 volunteers in museums 188; importance 163—4, 165 Waterloo 35 Ways of Seeing (Berger) 73 Wellington, Duke of 74 West Germany 56, 116 Wittlin, Alma 112 Woolmer Castle 74 World Federation of Friends of Museums Chronicle 30 'Year of Emphasis' (Netherlands) 174, 175 York 1 York, HRH Duchess of 3^1 Yorkshire Museum 1-2 Yukon Indian chief 38 Zagreb University 15, 110, 120 Zedde, Kathy 58, 165 Zola, Emile 12; quoted 62, 63 zoos, electronic 78 203
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