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Volltext:INDEX TO BIBLIOGRAPHY (Reference is to the numerals of the bibliography, not to pages) Aeschimann 94 Albert-Birot 23,85 Alexis 318 d'Annunzio 7 Anthologie Dada 66 Apollinaire 117a Aragon 8, io, 73, 84, 137,171, 290, 342 Arensberg 8, 24,59,83,86 Aressy 95 d'Arezzo 7 Arland 25 Arnauld 8,75,81 Allen 110 Arp 1, 8, 16, 18, 21b, 32, 35, 43, 61, 66, 69, 72, 78, 84, 92, 108, 111, 130, 137, 146, 147, 152, 160, 167, 171, 175, 181, 185a, 188-198, 223, 261, 265, 308c, 311, 324, 342, 363, 377, 381, 397' 416 L'Art Abstrait 181, 386 Aventure 57 Baader 7, 26, 35, 142, 272 Baargeld 32, 60,69, 84, 88,142,152, 171,206- 210 Balakian 96 Ball 7, 61, 108, 114, 131, 211-216 Ballo 276 Barr 17,138 Barrés 22 Barta 97 Barzun 98 Baumann 7,92 Baur 423 Bazin 1, 16, 139 Belli 140 Benet 141 Benson 277 Berès 2 Berge 104 Biederman 143 Biennale, Venice 182a Birot see Albert-Birot Bleu 58 Blind Man 59 Bolliger 2a, 21b Bonset see Doesburg Bosquet 99a Bouvier ggb Brancusi 144 Braque 137 Brekel 171 Breton 8, 53, 54, 73, 84, 99, 145, 160, 196, 2i6a-225a, 226a, 227, 229a, 241, 242, 245, 251, 261, 269, 325 Brooklyn Museum 146 Brzekowski 147 Buch neuer Künstler 164a Buffet-Picabia 21, 27, 59,117a, 148,148a, 193, 228, 251, 317, 321, 325a Bulletin D 60 Bulletin Dada 66 Bulliet 276 Burchard 142 Cabaret Voltaire 61, 149 Calas 251, 261 Camini see Doesburg Cannibale 62, 326 Cantarelli 58,171 Carchoune 171 Carné 79a Carrington 111 Cassou 16, 420 Cendrars gga-b, 104 Cheney 28, 150, 151 Chisholm 255, 264 Chrysler 5 Cinémathèque Française, Paris 170a Cirlot 151a Citroen 7 Clair 28a, 170a, 326a Clouard 100 Club Dada 34, 63 Cocteau 29 Coenen 30 Le Coeur à Barbe 64 Collection Dada 100a Cologne. Dada Ausstellung 152 Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature 101 Courter 17 Cowley 102 Cravan 74, 99, 226-22ga Crevel 153 Dada 66, 312 Dada Au Grand Air 32, 67 379 Dada Ausstellung (Cologne) 15a Dada Gallery (Zurich) 187 Dada-Messe, Berlin 142 Dada Soulève Tout 33 Dada W|3 69 Der Dada 68 Dadaco 34 Dadaisten Gegen Weimar 35 Dadameter 84 Dadaphone 66 Daimonides 7, 36 Dali 137 D'Annunzio 7 D'Arezzo 7 Dausse 5 Dd O4 H2 65 Demuth 59 Derain 220 Dermée 8, 37, 91, 108 Desnos 246, 341 Deux Iles Galerie 308c, 363 De Zayas 87, 185a Döehmann 36 Doesburg 21b, 43, 77, 102a, 108, 181, 185a, 230-239, 301, 369 Dörfles 276 Dorival 154 Dos Passos 276 Drake 103 Dreier 146, 15g, 246a, 247b, 373, 378 Duchamp 1, 12, 16, 21a, 21b, 59, 79, 83, 86, 99, 111, 137, 146, 148a, 160, 170a, 171, 175, 240-251,316, 321,327, 363 Du Mas 79a Durus 290 Edwards 89 Eggeling 92, 170a, 292, 361b Ehrlich 7 Eilshemius 59 El Lissitzky 78, 167 Eluard 5, 64, 82, 84, 111, 171, 252-259, 264, 342 Entr'acte 28a, 326a Erdmann-Czapski 199 Ernst 1, 8, 12, 16, 21b, 32, 60, 84, 111, 137, 142, 146, 152, 160, 161, 171, 175, 185a, 189, 200, 223, 255, 257, 260-271, 342, 398, 407 Ernst (Eugen) 35 European Caravan 104 Evola 58, 105, 171 Fanti 138 Farner 3, 293 Feigl Gallery 312a Feininger 41 Fels 278 380 Fernandez 157 Fiozzi 58, 171 Flake 38, 92, 106, 391 Focillon 155a Foix 156 Ford 251 "491" 336a Fowlie 107a Fraenkel 32, 171 Franton 171 Gabo 378 Galtier-Boissière 276 Gascoyne 158 Gaunt 107 Gaveau (Salle) 45 Giacometti 92 Gide 39 Giedion-Welcker 108, 109, 158a, 193, 201, 379- 381 Gindertael 158b Glauser 20a Gleizes 40 Goldschmidt 2 Goldwater 170 Gomez de la Sema 159 Gris 137 Grosz 7, 34, 35, 68, 142, 161, 167, 272-280, 293.298-300 Guggenheim 160 d'Harnoncourt 170 Hartley 132 Hausmann 7, 34, 35, 63, 66, 68, 142, 281-289 Heartfield 7, 34,68, 142, 290-293 Heibig 92 Herzfelde 142, 275 Hildebrandt 161 Hire 329 Das Hirngeschwür 71 History of Modern Painting (Skira) 175 Hoerle 84, 146, 266 Hoffman 110 Huelsenbeck 6, 7, 34, 35, 61, 63, 84, 92, 93, 114133- !34. 202,215, 294-3o8a,312b Hugnet 15, 17, 112, 162, 210a, 420a Hulbeck see Huelsenbeck Huyghe 16, 139, 163, 164 Die Hyperbel vom Krokodilcoiffeur 111 L'Invention et Proverbe 72 Janco 18, 35, 61, 66, 92, 181, 194a, 299, 309- 314 Janis 247 Jarry 40 a-c Jolas 113, 114, 192, 214, 296, 368, 374 Jung 35, G3, 299 Morgenstern 117 Motherwell 193 K (Revue) 381 Museum of Modern Art, N.Y. 5, 17, 170 Kandinsky 61 Myers 167a Kassak 164a Kaufleuten (Salle) 56 Nadeau 20 Kern 18a Nebel 384 Kiesler 251 Newhall 138 Klein 165 New York Dada 79 Knoblauch 41 New York. Museum of Modern Art 5,17,170 Kok 234 Norton 249 Kreymborg 42 Kuh 247a Oppenheimer 61 Küpper see Doesburg Orbes 79a Lacroix 7 Pansaers 44 La Hire 329 Parker 251 Lambert 49 Partens 7, 172, 203 Landau 276 Pasadena Art Institute 343 Léger 99c Péret 171 Leiris 421 Picabia 1, 7, 8, 11, 12, I G , 2ia-b, 24, 28a, 62, Lemaitre 19, 114a, 422 7ga, 80, 84, 86, 87, 99, 100, 104, 108, 115, Lévesque 79a, 114b 117a, 137, 146, 148, 152, 160, 175, 181, 185a, Levy 166, 251, 261 223- 315-323. 328 Lhote 252 Picabia, Gabrielle see Buffet-Picabia Lissitzky 78, 167 Picasso 137 Littérature 8, 73 Pinacotheca Gallery 324, 378 Little Review 330 La Pomme de Pins 80, 332 Loy 251 Prassinos 111 Lucerne Kunstmuseum 3 Projecteur 43, 81 Proverbe 82 Magritte 137 Putnam 104, 118 Maintenant 74 M'Amenez-y 75 "49'" 336a Man Ray see Ray Manheim 6 Ray 1, iG, 59, 79, 137, 146, 160, 170a, 171, Margarine 171 185a, 223, 245, 251, 276, 338-340, 342 Marinetti 61, 383 Raynal 173-175, 333 Der Marstall 76 Raymond 119, 120 Massot 9, 43a, 115, 331 Reiss 290 Matarosso 4 Ribemont-Dessaignes 7, 8, 13, 32, 64, 65, 72, Matta 246a, 261 84, 171, 176, 185a, 261, 317, 321, 342, 357 Maximov 115a Richter 21, 92, 170a, 194, 310a, 311, 358-3618, Mécano 77 372 Mehring 7, 116, 171,347 Rigaut (Rigaud) 46, 47, 99, 104, 171 Merz 78 Rivière 48 Meyer 35 Rongwrong 83 Michaud 116a Rosenberg 121 Miller 138 Rothschild 177 Miro 137 Ruttmann 170a Modern Art Gallery 370 Modern Institute of Art 339 St. Brice 171 Moholy-Nagy 117, 164a, 168 Salmon 178 Moholy-Nagy (Sibyl) 383 Der Sänger Krieg in Tirol 32 Mondrian 234 Satie 28a, 49, 49a, 59, 79a, 326a Montaigne Galerie 171 Sandusky 179 Montfort 94 San Lazzaro 179a Sans Pareil Galerie 269, 334 Santos Torroella 180 Schad 58, 92 Die Schammade 84 De Scheuche Märchen 78, 237 Schiebelhugh 93 Schiff 279 Schinz 50, 122 Schwitters 43, 78, 92, 108, 146, 160, xCi, 167, 175, 181, 185a, 204, 237, 238, 272, 365-376, 383 Segall 61 Sénéchal 127 Serner 8, 58, 71, 84, 86, 92, 111, 387-394, 403 Serouya 276 Seuphor 181, 308c, 363 Slodki 61 S I C 85 Sirius 393b Six (Librairie) 342 Smith 101 Soby 251 "Société Anonyme" 146, 185a Société anonyme (Zurich) 111 Soergel 124 Soupalt 7, 8, 32, 50a, 73, 84, 171, 217, 224-225, 342. 42t Spengemann 43, 93, 385 Stauffacher 360 Steegemann 76, 100a Steinitz 78, 237 Stella 171 Stieglitz 59, 87 De Stijl 85a, 239 Der Sturm 384 Sweeney 240b "291" 335 " j g i " 86 Taeuber 92 Tanguy 137 Tapié 336a Tavolato 276 Thomas 386 Tiege 125 Topass 52, 126 de Torre 89 Torroella 180 Tzara 7, 8, 11, 14, 32, 35, 42, 43, 58, 6t, 64, 66, 72, 79a, 84, 92, 104, 108, 111, 127-129, 135, 136, 171, 182, 196, 205, 261, 299, 309, 310, 312-314, 320, 323, 334, 337, 342, 357a, 364. 391- 395-416 Ulrich 110 Vaché 12, 53, 54, 99a, 171 Vagts 92 Van Vechten 83 Venice, Biennale 182a Viazzi 183, 326a Vitrac 57 Vischer 129a Der Ventilator 88 Vernot 83 Vertical 89 Vordemberge-Gildewart 380 Waldman 276 Waste 251 Wedderkop 184 Wiegand 378 Wigman 92 Wilenski 185 Wilson 14 Wolfradt 280 Wood 59 Wrong-Wrong see Rongwrong Yale University Art Gallery 185a Z 91 Zahn 55 Zayas 87, 185b Der Zeltweg 92 Zervos 186 Zimmer 276 Der Zweemann 93 382 GENERAL INDEX Key: The symbol f after the page number indicates a reprint, in whole or part, of the item listed. Page numbers in italics indicate a photograph, reproduction or facsimile. The abbreviation "per" indicates that the item is a periodical. Activism, 26, 27, 36 "adresse" 314 Die Aktion, per and group, 134, 153 Albers, Josef, xxii Albert-Birot, Pierre, xxxv, 103, 144 — At the Paul Guillaume Gallery, xxxvf — Openings, xxxvif L'Amiral cherche une maison à louer, 106, 24 if Anna Blossom Has Wheels, see: Schwitters- Anna Blume Anna Blume, see: Schwitters-^4nna Blume Anthologie Dada, per, 108, 129, 132, 133, 141, 242 Anti-art, 105, 140, 146, 171, 306-315, 321 Anti-dada, 60, 176 Anti-literature, 104-105, 171, 196 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 8, 15, 27, 35, 69, 70- 72, 103, 104, 165, 191, 201, 210, 257, 258, 261 Aragon, Louis, xxix, 37, 101, 104, 109, 113, 116, 117, 165 — Poems, xxixf, 202-f — Project for a History of Contemporary Literature, 227, 270-27/! Archipenko, Alexander, 24, 60, 172 Arensberg, Walter & Louise, xxvii, 16, 180, 260 Arnauld, Céline, 37, 177 Arp, Jean (Hans), x, xiii, xx, xxx, xxxi, xxxiv, xxxvii, 23, 24, 35, 60, loi, 105, 131, 132-134, 153-162, 164, 196, 223, 264-265, 279, 287- 288, 292, 293-295, 314, 320, 321, 323, 351- 353 — Collage, 27 — Collage géométrique, 64 — Dada Was Not a Farce, 291-295! — monsieur duval, 22 if — Notes from a Dada Diary, 219-225! — On My Way, xx!, xxxivf — Relief, 133 — sketch for a landscape, 223-225! — Sophie, 296! — vases with umbilical cords, 221-223! — Wolkenpumpe, 294 — Woodcut, 220 — Illustrations, 23, 130,133, 333 Association of Revolutionary Artists, 134 Au Sans Pareil, see: Galerie Au Sans Pareil Automatism, xxxvii, 158, 190, 191 Baader, Johannes, xxi, 45-47, 148-152, 282 — Gruene Leiche, 149, 2S2J Baargeld, Johannes T., 131, 156-162, 321, 353 — Fluidoskeptrik, 161 383 Ball, Hugo, xviii-xx, xxxi, 23,24, 25, 30,32, 33- 34, 34, 101, 405-106, 126, 224-225, 265, 279- 280, 285-286, 293, 320, 353 — Dada Fragments, 49-54! — Die Flucht aus der Zeit, xviii-xix, 49-54! 265, 293 — Lorsque je fondis le Cabaret Voltaire ... xix!, 3of Baron, Jacques, 191 Barr, Alfred H., Jr., xi, xxi, xxvi Barrés, Maurice, 116, 184-185 Barzun, Henri, xix Baudelaire, Charles, 322 Baumeister, Willi, 134 Bazin, Germain, 320 Berlioz Hall, see: Salle Berlioz Bidou, Henry, 174 Blanche, Jacques-Emile, xxv-xxvi, 111, 174, 202 Der Blaue Reiter, per, 153 The Blind Man, per, 104, 139, 213, 263 Boccioni, Umberto, 24 Boîte-en-valise, see: Duchanip-Boîte-en-valise Breton, André, xvii, xxiv, xxv, xxvi-xxvii, 37, 68, 69, 101, 104, 105, 108, 109, 113, 115-120, 123, 144, 155,157,165, 167, 172, 183, 184-185, 187-191, 196, 138, 266, 305, 320, 323, 353 — After Dada, 204-206+ — Les Champs Magnétiques, 167, 178, 190, 196, 227,232! — First Surrealist Manifesto, xxvi, 191 — For Dada, 199-203! — Nadja, 305-306 — Marcel Duchamp, 207-211! — Les Pas perdus, xxix, 197-211! — Surrealism: Yesterday, Today and Tomor­row, xxvi-xxvii — Three Dada Manifestoes, 197-206! — Two Dada Manifestoes, 203-204! Bruit, Bruitism, xviii, 25-26, 35-37, 40, 41, 117, 244 Bulfet-Picabia, Gabrielle, xvi, xxvii, 15-17, 35, 253-267 — Arthur Cravan and American Dada, xvi, 1, i3-'7t — Some Memories of Pre-dada: Picabia and Duchamp, 253-267! Bulletin D, per, 157, 138 Bulletin Dada, per, 170-172, 131 Burchard Gallery, see: First International Dada Fair Burchartz, Max, xiii Cabaret Voltaire, xviii, xix, xx, 23, 24, 53, 106, 126, 235-236, 265, 279, 320 Cabaret Voltaire (painting), see: Janeo-Cabarel Voltaire Cabaret Voltaire, per, 25, 27, 30, 106, 127, 236, 232, 265 Cadum Baby, 122, 125 Cage, John, xvi Calligrammes, 257 Camera Work, per, 262 Cannibale, per, 146,174, 175, 177, 266 Cendrars, Blaise, xxxii-xxxiv Certà, bar, 110, 113-114 Cézanne, Paul, xii, 773 Chagall, Marc, 7 Les Champs magnétiques, see: Breton, Sou-pault Chance, Chance drawing, xxxvii, 134, 140, 158- '59'313_3 *5 Chaplin, Charlie, 109, 146, 162, 171, 312 Chemical poem, 132 Chirico, Giorgio de, 129 — Delights of the Poet, 3 Cinéma calendrier du coeur abstrait, see: Tzara-Cinéma calendrier . . . Citroën, Hans, 148 Clair, René, xvi, 206, 272 Club Dada, per, 144-146, 334 Club du Faubourg, 110, 174-176 Cocteau, Jean, 108, 10g, 119 Le Coeur à barbe, per, 120, 188, 304-306, 335 Le Coeur à gaz, see: Tzara-Le Coeur à gaz Collage, xviii, xxxv, 36-37, 132, 158-159 Collective Dada Manifesto, see: Huelsenbeck- Collective Dada Manifesto Comoedia, per, 116, 119 Congress of Paris, xxvi, xxxi, 119-120, 187-188, 205, 304 Constructionism, Constructivism, 134 The Constructivist-Dadaist Congress in Wei­mar, xiv Conversation poems, 257 Cowboy, see: Huidobro-Coiv&oy Cravan, Arthur, xvi, xxvii, xxxiii, 2, 3-13, 13- 17, 166, 260, 263-264, 354 — Exhibition of the Independents, 3—13-^ Crevel. René, igi Cros, Charles, 166 Cubism, 32, 102, 103, 132, 144-145 Dd O4 H2, per, 177 Dada-aims, 41-44, 102, 134, 222-223, 321-322. 324 Dada-Barcelona, 15 Dada-Berlin, 45, 141-153, 320 Dada-characteristics, 13, 28-29, 51-54, 60, 80- 81, 101-102, 127, 128, 134, 222-223, 244-246, 248-251, 321 Dada-Cologne, 153-162 Dada-Czechoslovakia, 45-47 Dada-definition, 13, 31-32, 33, 41-44, 51-54, 77, 101-102, 107-108, 125-126, 128, 134, 165, 222-223, 244-246, 248-251, 281, 324 384 Dada-Germany, 37, 39-45, 141-165, 321 Dada-Hanover, 162-165 Dada-history, 13, 22-47, 6° 101-120, 126-196, 275-276, 279, 320-324, 325-327 Dada-Holland, 275-276 Dada-influence, 13, 29-32, 33, 102, 120, 142, 187, 190,196, 266-267, 280-281, 288-289, 298, 323 Dada-Leipzig, 45 Dada-literature, xxviii-xxx, 35-36, 104-105, 106, 129, 344-346 Dada-music, xvi-xvii, 25-26 Dada-New York, xxvii-xxviii, 13-17, 125-141, 259-264,320 Dada-origin of term, xviii, xxx-xxxi, 24, 31, 77, 101-102, 126-127, 204, 265,279 Dada-painting and sculpture, 36-37, 78, 125, 131, 132, 347-351 Dada-Paris, xxviii-xxx, 35, 37, 39, 103-104, 108-120, 165-196, 266, 281, 320 Dada-periodicals, 103-104, 106-108, 129, 132, 139, 141, 152, 157, 185-191, 333-339 Dada-personalities, 351-377 Dada-philosophical background, 54, 255, 258, 299-300 Dada-poetry, xix-xx, xxix-xxx, 92-93, 104, 108, 129-131, 146-147, 154-156, 162 Dada-Prague, 45-47 Dada-pre-history, xvi, 1-20, 255-267 Dada-principles, xxvii, xxxiii-xxxiv, 13, 24, 28-29,31-32, 33, 34, 41-44, 51-54, 60, 77, 8i- 82, 102-103, 105, 107-108, 125, 127, 128, 134, 141, 148, 149, 152, 162, 165, 183, 193-195, 202-204, 222-223, 244-246, 248-251, 266, 280-281, 298-303 Dada-sources, xxxii, 13, 255, 299-300, 320 Dada-typography, 129-131, 146 Dada-Zurich, xvii-xxi, xxiv-xxv, 23-35, 101- 102, 104, 105-108, 125-141, 264-266, 279, 285-289, 320 Dada, per, xix, 34-35, 71, 101, 106-108, 128, 129, 170, 132, 733, 136, 167, 170, 171, 176, 194, 195, 220, 238-239, 265, 266. See also: Anthologie Dada, Bulletin Dada, Dada-phone, Dada-au-grand-air Der Dada, per, 146, 147, 153 Dada Almanach, per 60, 147, 152, 243, 245, 265 Dada and abstract art, xii, xvii, xxi, 24, 26, 31, 32, 60, 77, 131, 132-134 Dada and art, xxxv, 31, 41, 42, 43-44, 60, 69, 102, 281, 303,321 Dada and baby talk, 31-32 Dada and bourgeoisism, 24, 298-301 Dada and communism, xii, xxv, xxxiv, 41-42, 146-147, 152, 156-157 Dada and culture, 43-44, 60 Dada and German culture, 28, 43-44 Dada and internationalism, 131, 245, 279, 323- 324 Dada and metaphysics, 42, 302 Dada and nationalism, 43, 131 Dada and pacifism, xviii, 23, 279 Dada and politics, xii, xxiii-xxiv, 24, 37, 41- 44, 60, 141-142, 148, 152, 156-157, 321 Dada and religion, 42, 162 Dada and revolution, 141-142, 146, 147, 321 Dada and sex, 301-302 Dada and suicide, xxiv, xxv, xxvi, 105, 190 Dada-au-grand-air, per, 101, 186-187, 328 Dada Club, Berlin, 33, 246 Dada Club, per, see: Club Dada Dada, Corporation for the Improvement of the Vocabulary, 121, 168 Dada Excursions and Visits, 114, 115t, 184 Dada Festival, Gaveau Hall, 111-113,112,127, 179, 181-182, 198 Dada International Exhibition, see: Galerie Montaigne Dada Manifesto. 1918, xxv, xxxiii, 60, 106- io8f, 119, 204, 239 Dada Manifesto. 1949, xi-xii, xv, xxx-xxxi, xxxii, xxxiv Dada Review, per, 265, 266 Dada Salon, see: Galerie Montaigne Dada Soulève tout, /S2f, 183t, 190 Dada Tyrol-Dada, per, see: Dada-au-grand-air Dada Visits and Excursions, 114, ii5f, 184 Dadaco, per, 48, 48, 14s, 150-151, 529 Dadafex Maximus, 148 Dadaglobe, per, 216 Dadaist active simplicity, 80-81, 248 Dadaist disgust, 81, 250 Dadaist spontaneity, 80, 81, 248 Dadaistic Works of Shame and Filth. Exhibi­tion, 281 The Dadaists Against Weimar, 145t, '49 Dadamax Ernst, 148 Dadameter (Die Schammade), per, 157, 340- 34' 339 Dada-oz, 148 Dadaphone, per, 37, 39, 146, 170, 176 Dadasoph Hausmann, 45, 148 Dali, Salvador, 159, 192 Däubler, Theodor, 40 Delaunay, Robert, 10-12 Denis, Maurice, 5 Derême, Tristan, 25 Dermée, Paul, 37, 101, 103, 113, 176, 189 Desnos, Robert, 191 Dessin du hasard, see: Chance drawing de Zayas, Marius, xxvii, 120, 261 — Illustration, 135 Divoire, Fernand, xix Doesburg, Nelly van, xiii Doesburg, Theo van, xiii, 273-276, 322, 323, 324. 354-356 — Wat is Dada?, 355 Dongen, Kees van, 10 Dos Passos, John, xxxiii Double images, 158-159 Drieu la Rochelle, Pierre, xxvi, 116 Duchamp, Marcel, xvii, xxvi-xxviii, xxx, xxxi, xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxvi, 13, 14, 15, 104, 111, 136-140, 166, 185-186, 196, 204, 207-2//, 213, 214, 255-263, 306-315, 320, 321, 323, 356-357 385 — Doite-en-valise, 307 — Bottlerack, xvii, 6, 311 — The Bride, 138, 208, 310, 312 — The Bride Stripped Bare . . . (La Mariée mise à nue . . . ), xxvii-xxviii, 139, 260, 308 — The Coffee (Chocolate) Grinder, 138, 210 213, 308-310,312 — Fountain (by "R. Mutt"), xxvii, 14, 104, 139,2/2,261,31! — King and Queen Traversed by Swift Nudes, 138. 209 3°8 — LHOOQ, xxvii, 111, 1 (8, 169, 173, 176, 312 — Nude Descending a Staircase, 136, 308-309, 312 — Passage of the Virgin . . ., 308, 310 — Notaries, Rotoreliefs, 309 — Rrose Sélavy, 139, 186, 211, 309 — Sad Young Man on a Train, xii, 136, 256 — Sugar Cage, 186, 258 — 3 Stoppages étalon, 140, 313-314 Duchamp-Villon, Raymond, 309 Dunan, Renée, 116, 174 Dux, Hugo, 45 Edschmid, Kasimir, 40 Eesteren, Cornelis van, xiii Eggeling, Viking, xxxii, 134, 284, 288, 294, 323 — Basse générale de la peinture, 252 — Diagonal Symphony, xxxii Eighth dada Soirée, 286, 288, 332 Einstein, Carl, 145, 223-224 Eluard, Paul, xxx, 37, 104, 109, 113, 115, 117, 127, 167, 172, 193, 196, 201, 266, 304-305, 306, 320, 323, 357 — Les Fleurs, 228f — Information Please, 229t — Les Malheurs des immortels, 196 — Les Nécessités de la vie, 196, 227 — Salon, xxxf En avant Dada, see: Htielsenbeck—En avant Dada Entr'acte, xvi, 192, 206, 272 Ernst, Max, xxx, xxxiv, 131, 132, 148, 153-162, 164, 178, 196, 314, 321, 323, 328, 358 — Exhibition Catalog, 144, 176, 184 — The Hat Makes the Man, 96 — The Horse, He's Sick, 161 — Letter on Dada Manifesto 1949, xxxivf — Les Malheurs des immortels, 196 — Third Gasometric Painting, 93 — Two Ambiguous Figures, 160 — Illustrations, 328, 359 Erste internationale Dada-Messe, see: First International Dada Fair Expressionism, 24, 32, 39-41 244 Faragó, E., 20 Fatagaga, 132, 157 Les Feuilles Libres, per, 304 La Fille née sans mère, see: Picabia-Poèmes et dessins . . . First International Dada Fair, 46, 88-89 First Surrealist Manifesto, see: Breton-First Surrealist Manifesto Die Flucht aus der Zeit, see: Ball-Die Flucht aus der Zeit Fluidosheptrik, see: Baaxgeld-Fluidoskeptrik Focillon, Henri-7n Praise of Hands, xxxviif Fountain, see: Duchamp-Fountain Fraenkel, Theodor, ioi, 109, 111, 119, 127 Freud, Sigmund, xxix, 167, 190, 201 Friday of Littérature, 169, 170 Furniture set music, see: Musique d'ameuble­ment Futurism, 12, 24, 25-26, 102, 103, 257, 279 Gabo, Naum, 134 Galerie Au Sans Pareil, 90, 166, 168, 177, 178 Galerie Dada, 32-33, 237-238 Galerie Montaigne, 117, 180-181, 182-183, 205 Gascoyne, David, 305 Caveau Hall, see: Dada Festival, Gaveau Hall Giacometti, Alberto, 134 Gide, André, xxv, 171 Gleizes, Albert, xxxvi, 10, 262 — The Dada Case, 172, 297-303! Goldberg, Rube, 2/7, 312 Graeff, Wem er-Hu us Arp, 225 "Greatest-Ever-Dada-Show" see: Eighth Dada- Soirée Green Cadaver, see: Baader-Gnieiie Leiche Grey, Roch, 104 Grosz, George, xxi, xxxv, 45,. 146, 147, 148-149, 152-153, 321, 323, 358-361 — Illustrations, 150-151, 360, 363 Gruene Leiche, see: Baader-Gruene Leiche Guérin, Charles, 5 Guillaume, Paul, xxxv Hausmann, Raoul, xxii, xxx, xxxiv-xxxv, 41, 42, 45, 47, 144, 146, 147, 148, 321, 361-362 — Birdlike, 297, 716J — Letter to Richter, xxxiv-xxxvj — Photomontages, Drawings, 254 — Sound-Rel, 297, ; ; 6f — What is Dadaism . . ., 41-42! Havden, Henri, 7 Heartfield, John, xxxv, 45, 147, 146, 148-149, 52-153, 321, 362 Heeckeren, Jean van, xxxiii Hennings, Emmy, xviii, xx, 23, 106, 265, 279- 280, 285-286, 290, 293 Herzfelde, Wieland, 45, 11:2-152 Hiller, Kurt, 40 Hindemith, Paul, 289 Hitler, Adolf, 280-281 Hoch, Hanna, xxxv, 148 Hokusai, xxxvii Huelsenbeck, Richard, xvii-xviii, xx, xxiv-xxv, xxx-xxxi, 23-26, 39-47, 101, 106, 115, 119, 127, 128, 131-132, 142, 146, 147, 153, 187, 265, 278, 288-289, 292 293, 320-321, 323, 362-364, 390-394 — Collective Dada Manifesto, 40-41!, 233, 242-246!, 245!, 245! — Dada Lives! xxxii, 277-281! — En avant Dada, xi, 21-47!, 22 — End of the World, 219, 226! 386 — Germany Must Die . . ., 153 — Note on Janco, xx! — Phantastische Gebete, 128, 237, 293-294, 363 — What is Dadaism . . ., 41-42! Hugnet, Georges, xvii, xxvi, xxvii, 303 — The Dada Spirit in Painting, xi, xxvi, 123- 196!, 124, 303-305 Huidobro, Vicente-Cowboy, 7514! Hulbeck, Charles R., see: Hiielsenbeck Huszar, Vilmos, 276 "i", 164 lliazde, see: Zdanevitch Independent Painters Exhibition, N. Y., xxvii, 14, 15, 16, 104, 139 Irony, 311-313 Jacob, Max, xxxv, 104, 109 Janco, Marcel, xviii, xix, xx-xxi, 23, 106, 132, 34. 265, 279, 287, 294-295, 323, 364-365 — Cabaret Voltaire (painting), xx, 50 — Letter to Richter, xxj — Painted Relief, 28p — Illustrations, 71, ic 4 Janet, Pierre, xxix Janis, Harriet and Sidney, xxxvi-xxxvii, — Marcel Duchamp: Anti-Artist, 297, 306- 35t Jarry, Alfred, xxxiii, 72, 165 je m'en foutisme, 196, 289 Johnson, Jack, xvi, 2, 15 Jung, C. G., xviii Jung, Franz, i44-45 Kandinsky, Wassily, 54 Kaufleuten, see: Eighth Dada-Soirée Kemeny, Alfred, xiii Kerr, Alfred, 45 Kharkov Congress, 157 Khlebnikov, 192 Kisling, Moise, 10 Klee, Paul, 54, 315 —Luftschlösschen, 52 Knatschke, 44 Kokoschka, Oskar, 237 Kornfeld, 42 Krohg, Per, 7 LHOOQ, see: Duchamp-LHOOO Laban, Rudolf von, 265, 287-288 Lacroix, Adon, 139, 152 La Fresnaye, Roger de, 8-9 Lambert, Constant, xvi-xvii Laurencin, Marie, 12, 13, 15, 104, 262 Lautréamont, Isidore Ducasse, 165, 166, 201 Leconte de Lisle, C. M., xii Léger, Fernand, xxxvii Lemaitre, Georges, xxv Lenin, V. I., xviii Lenormand, 298 Letter paper for the dada movement, 107 Levesque, Jacques-Henry, xvi, xxxii-xxxiv — Letter on Dada, xxxii-xxxivj Lissitzky, El, xiii, 134 Littérature, group, 109, 141, 162, 165-172 Littérature, per, xxviii-xxx, 35, 104, 141, 165- 172, 169, 178, 180-181, 188, 191, 19} Lloyd, Fabian, see: Cravan, Arthur Loringhoven, Elsa von, 185-186, 218 Loy, Mina, xvi, 17, 139 Machine concept, xxxvii, 139-140, 257-258, 309-312 The Magnetic Fields, see: Breton and Sou-pault- Les Champs magnétiques Maintenant, per, 1, 14, 166 Maison de l'Oeuvre, see: Salle Berlioz Malevich, Kasimir, 9, 134, 164 — Suprematist Composition, 19 Malic forms, 310, 314 Malik Verlag, 153 Mallarmé, Stephane, 166 M'amenez-y, per, 177 Manifeste Cannibale . . ., see: Picabia-Mani­feste Cannibale . . . Manolescu, 27, 34 Marcu, xviii Marinetti, Filippo T., xxiii-xxiv, 24, 25, 26, 27, 35, 117, 183 Der Marstall, per, 162 Massot, Pierre de, 120, 186, 193 — Manifesto: I, Pierre de Massot, zp2f Matta, 314 Mécano, per, 274, 275, 777 Mechanomorphism, see: Machine concept Mehring, Walter, 45, 144, 152 Mercure, ballet, 191-192 Merz, xxi-xxiv, 57, 59, 60-65, 163-164 Merz-definition, xxi, 59 Merz-origin of term, xxi, 59 Merz, per, 154, 156, 163-164, 969, 971 Merz architecture, 61-62 Merz drama, 62-65 Merz plastics, xxiii, 60 Merz poetry, 61 Merzbau, xxi Metzinger, Jean, 9 Michaud, Régis, xxvi Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, xxi, xxii, xxxv Miller, Henry, xxxiii Modern Gallery, New York, 261 Modern Times, film, 312 Moderner Bund, 153 Moholy-Nagy, Lészló, xiii, xxi, xxii, xxiii-xxiv, xxxv — Note on Schwitters, xxiif — Note on Hausmann, xxxvf Moholy-Nagy, Lucia, xiii Moholy-Nagy, Sibyl, xxi, xxiii, xxxv — Note on Schwitters, xxiii-xxivf Mona Lisa with Moustache, see: Duchamp: LHOOQ Mondrian, Piet, xii, 164 Montaigne Gallery, see: Galerie Montaigne Movement concept, 308-309 Museum of Modern Art, New York, xxi Musique d'ameublement, xvi-xvii, xxxiii 387 "Mutt, R.", see: Duchamp-Fountam Nadelman, Elie, 235 Nadja, see: Breton -Nadja Nasci (Merz No. 8-9) 164 Naturalism, 24 Nerval, Gérard de, 191 Die Neue Jugend, per, 142 The New Medium, see: Collage New York Dada, per, xxvii, 184, 207, 2iq-2i8\ Nihilism, 44, 265, 266 Noir Cacadou, dance, 108, 132, 240 Noise music, see: Bruitism Non, per, 176 Nord-Sud, per, 103-104, 136 Nouvelles Littéraires, per, 102 Nonsense, 59-60 Oberdada Baader, see: Baader, Johannes objet trouvé, 311 Orbes, per, xxxiii-xxxiv Orphie formula, 261 Paalen, Wolfgang, 314 Pansaers, Clément, 182 Parade, ballet, xvi, xvii Péret, Benjamin, 101, 110, 117, 182, 185, 196 Petit Grillon, bar, 110, 114 Pevsner, Antoine, 134 Photomontage, xxxv Picabia, Francis, xii, xvi, xvii, xxv, xxvii, xxxi-xxxii, xxxiii, xxxvii, 13, 15, 16, 35, 60, 101, 104, 108, 109, 111, 113, 115-117, 119-120, 126, 132, 134-136, 139, 140-141, 166, 168- 169, 176-177, 178, 183, 184, 186, 188, 191- 192, 196, 204, 205, 206, 255-272, 320, 323, 324, 365-366 — L'Athlète des jjomjjes funèbres, 106, 108 — Au Lycée, 202f — Exhibition Catalog, 90, 177 — Funny Guy, 126 — Happiness, xxxiif — Mona Lisa with Moustache (After Du­champ) 179, see also: Duchamp-ZJ/OOQ — Manifeste Cannibale, 37, 176 — La Novia, 104,198, 140 — Invitation: "Francis Picabia invites you ... :", 166 — Placard, J98 — Poèmes et dessins de la fille née sans mère, xxxi-xxxii, 108, 169 — Pomme de Pins, per, see: Pomme de Pins — Portrait of Cézanne, xii, 179, 177 — Portrait of Tristan Tzara, 249 — Salive américaine, 199 — Rateliers platoniques, 108, 168, 196 — Udnie (jeune fille américaine), 11, 140, 261 — Illustrations, 118, 190, 196, 197, 170, 199, 195' 325 Picasso, Pablo, 36, 132, ig2, 315 — Man with a Hat, 9 Le Pilhaou-Thibaou, 186 The Pine Cone, per, see: La Pomme de Pins Plastique, per, 261 Poème simultanée, see: Simultaneity La Pomme de Pins, per, xxxrj-, 120, 188, 253, 268-271! Prampolini, Enrico, 794 Pre-dada, xvi, 1-20, 253-267 Preiss, Gerhard, 144 Projet d'Histoire Littéraire Contemporaine, see: Aragon-Project for a History . . . Proverbe, per, 146, 772 Psychoanalysis, xviii, xxix, 7g, 191, 201 Putnam, Samuel, xxiv, xxv-xxvi Ray, Man, xxvii, xxxv, 139-140, 186, 191, 192, 196, 213, 214, 366-367 — Gift, 100 — Letter to Motherwell, xxxvf — Photograph of André Breton, 68 — Photograph of Marcel Duchamp, 211 — Photograph of Tristan Tzara, 74 Raymond, Marcel, xv, xxviii-xxx Rayographs, xxvii, 186 Ready-mades, xvii, 132, 139, 140, 257-258, 307, 310-311 Rees, R. van, 126, 127, 144, 235 Relâche, 192 Reverdy, Pierre, 104, 108, 111, 172 Ribemont-Dessaignes, Georges, xxv-xxvi, xxxi, 37, 60, tot, 109, 113, 115, it6, 117, 180, 193, 196, 203, 320, 322, 367-368 — History of Dada, xi, 99-12of — Manifesto, 1 ogf — Ugolin, xxv Richter, Hans, xiii, xx, xxx, xxxi, xxxii, 134, 192, 284-290, 292, 294, 323, 368 — Dada XYZ . . ., 283-289! — Letter on Emmy Hennings, xx! 290! — Letters on Eggeling, xxxi! — Portrait of Arp, x — Prelude, xxxii, 244 — Rhythm 2/ (Film is Rhythm), xxxii — Vormittags-spuk, 284, 289 Rigaut, Jacques, xxv-xxvi, xxxiv, tot, no­ni, 116, 196 — Lord Patchogue, xxvi Rimbaud, Arthur, xxix, xxxiii, 29, 105, 165, 166 Rivière, Jacques, xxix, 16g Roch, Juliette, 262 Rolan, Franz, 65 Rong-ll'rong, per, 104, 139, 263, 448 Rose Fried Gallery, xii Rosny, J.-H. 174, 202 Rotaries, Rotoreliefs, see: Duchamp-Rotaries Roussel, Albert, xvii Roussel, Raymond, xvi, xxxiii Rrose Sêlavy, see: Duchamp-Rrose Silavy Russell, Morgan, 7 Russolo, Luigi, 117 Saint Julien le Pauvre, see: Dada Excursions and Visits Salle Berlioz, Maison de l'Oeuvre, 110, 176, 797 Salle Gaveau, see: Dada Festival, Gaveau Hall 388 Salle Kaufleuten, see: Eighth Dada-Soirée Salon des Indépendants, 3-13, 109, 171 Sans Pareil, see: Galerie Au Sans Pareil Satie, Erik, xvi-xvii, xxxiii, xxxv, 1, 146, 192, 206,272 — Memories of an Amnesic, 17-19! — Socrates, xvi, xvii Sauvage, Marcel, 116 Die Schammade (Dadameter), per, 146, 157, 440-447, 449 Schickele, René, 279 Schlichter, Rudolf, 148 Schmalhausen, Otto, 148 Schmalzigang, 8 Schwitters, Ernst-Letter on Kurt Schwitters, xxiii! Schwitters, Kurt, xxi-xxiv, xxxv, 131,156, 162- 164, 275-276, 307, 321, 323, 368-372, 469 — Anna Blume, xxi-xxirf, xxiv, 60, 63, 164 — Collage, 46 — Construction, 61 — Gedicht No. 48, 65! — Herbst, 65! — Merz, 55-65! — priimiitittiii, xxii! — Sonata, 274! — Theo van Doesburg and Dada, 275-276! — Ursonata (Primordial Sonata), xxii, xxxv, 47*! — W, xxii! Second Surrealist Manifesto, 305 Section d'Or, group, 159, 172 Segal, 126, 134, 235 Segonzac, A. Dunoyer de, 10 Serner, Walter, xxv, 35, 119, 174, 204, 286, 372 — Letzte Lockerung, 474 Severini, Gino, 103 SIC, per, xxxv, 704-104, 136, 165, 447 Signac, Paul, 9 Simultaneity, xviii, xix, 24-26, 35-36, 40-42, 102, 106, 247, 244, 308 Sirius, per, 286 Les Six, xvi Slodki, 287 Soirée of the Bearded Heart, 192—193 Soirees de Paris, per, 35 Some Presidents and Presidenteltes, 16y\ Sound poems, xix-xx, xxii, 130, 152, See also: Bruitism Soupault, Philippe, xxx, 37,101, 104, 108, 111- 112, 117, 727, 165, 167, 177-178, 196 — Aquarium, 165, 167 — Les Champs Magnétiques,, 167, 178, 190, 196, 227, 232! — Dimanche, 200! — Flamme, 108! — Litanies, 177-178! — Poem, xxx Spengemann, 61 Spook before Breakfast, see: Rich te r- Po rm i f - tags-spuk Static poem, 132, 244-245 Steegeman, Paul, 162 Stein, Gertrude, xxvi, xxxiii-xxxiv Stieglitz, Alfred, xxvii, 118, 139, 257, 260, 262 De Stijl, per, 275 Stirner, Max, xvi Stuckenschraidt, W., 148 Stupid, group, 157 Der Sturm, per, 153 Sturmbühne, per, 62, 65 Suicide, see: Dada and Suicide Surrealism, xii, xxiv, xxv, xxvi-xxvii, 102, 130, 155' l67. 191-192. 201, 258, 266, 289, 305, 311. 314 Survage, 172 Sweeney, James Johnson, 260 Tactilism, 183 Taeuber-Arp, Sophie, xxxiv, 261, 265, 287-288, 294. 295, 296 — Vertical horizontal à éléments d'objets, 66 Tatlin, 134, 148, 164 Tcherez, per, 306 Théâtre de l'Oeuvre Demonstration, 176-177 Théâtre Michel Demonstration, see: Soirée of the Bearded Heart Thermomètre Littéraire de SIC, 77/ This Quarter, per, xxvii Thomson, Virgil, xvi "39'" Per ' I- 15.104. m- *36, 14°. M. M6- 777, 176, 199, 261-262, 266,742 Titus, Edward W., xxvii Trompe l'oeil, 314 "291", per, xxvii, 104, 11S, 135, 139, 140, 257, 262, 747 Tzara, Tristan, xiii, xx, xxiv-xxv, xxix, xxx-xxxi, xxxvii, 23, 24, 26, 29, 31, 32, 33-35' 37' 39, 41, 60, 74, 90, 98, 101, 102, 105, 106, 108- 109, 113, 116, 117, 119-120, 125, 132, 154, 168-169, 187-188, 192, 196, 200, 202, 204- 205, 210, 24p, 265-266, 279-281, 286-287, 303-306, 320, 323, 727, 372-377, 394-398 — Cinéma calendrier du coeur abstrait, xxv, 134. 196. 374-375 — Le Coeur à gaz, 117, 183, 192, 304-306 — Dada Manifesto, 1918, see: Dada Manifesto. 1918 — Introduction. 1948, xxx — Lecture on Dada, 246-251! — Letter on Hugnet's "Dada Spirit in Paint­ing" 297. 3°3-3°6f — Manifesto of mr. aa the anti-philosopher, xxv, 83-86! — Manifesto of Mr. Antipyrine, xxv, 75-76! •—Manifesto on Feeble Love and Bitter Love, xxv, 86-97! — Memoirs of Dadaism, xxiv-xxv — Une nuit d'échecs gras, 742! — La Première aventure céleste de M. Antipy­rine, 128-129, 176, 195, 237 — Proclamation without Pretension, xxv, 82- 83! — Seven Dada Manifestoes, xxv, 73-98!, 130, 325 — Vingt-cinq poèmes, xxv, 106, 134, 195 — Zurich Chronicle, 233-242! Ubu Roi, see: Jarry Udnie, see: Picabia-LVbu'e Ungaretti, Giuseppe, 116 Université Populaire du Faubourg St. Antoine, 110, 175 Ursonata, see: Schwitters-Ursonata Vaché, Jacques, xxiv, xxv, xxxiv, 105, 165, 190, 200, 204, 260 — Lettres de guerre, 67, 69-72!, 168 — Two Letters to André Breton, 67, 69-72! Valadon, Suzanne, 7 Valéry, Paul, xv, xxviii, xxix, 166, 201 Der Ventilator, per, 156, 322 Vignette-collages, 159 Vitrac, Roger, 205 Voltaire, 279 Vormittags-spuk, see: Rich ter-Form it tags - spuk Vous m'oublierez, 127 Waiden, Herwarth, 33, 153 Wilson, Edmund, xxiv Wolkenpumpe, see: Arp-IFoIkenpumpe Wrong-Wrong, per, see: Rong-Wrong Wynn, Ed, 312 Z, per, 176 Zaoume language, 192-193 Zayas, Marius de, see: de Zayas Zdanevitch, Ilya, 192 — Letter to Tzara, 306 Der Zeltweg, per, 146, 242 Zervos, Christian, 303 Zurich, xvii-xviii. See also: Dada-Zurich Der Zweeman, per, 61 389
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