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Volltext:INDEX Page numbers in italics indicate an illustration. Abel, Wilhelm, 277n.l Academicism, 210, 212, 237n.l2 Aertsen, Pieter: genre paintings by, 228; his­tory paintings by, 228; kitchen paintings by, 33; marketplace paintings by, 33, 65, 66; migration of, 342; number of paint­ings by, 342; reactions to, 345, 364, 366, 369; religious paintings by, 33, 65, 67 Alberti, Leon Battista, 221 Algemene geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 119 Alkmaar, 41 Allegorical paintings: and Haarlem realists, 233; De Jongh on, 123, 194n.8; and Man­nerism, 233; number of, 305, 308, 320-21, 324, 350, 352, 354-55; prices of, 304, 305, 308, 319, 324; sizes of, 307, 308, 322-23, 324 Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler, 258-59, 264, 281nn.29, 32 Alpers, Svetlana: on agrarian history, 20-21; on emblems, 140, 411; on folk and peas­ant paintings, 21, 277n.l4; on genre paint­ings, 15n.21, 175; on iconography and iconology, 140, 411; De Jongh on, 194n.8; on "mapping impulse" 115n.5; neofor-malism of, 122; on symbolism, 411 Amstel, Cornelis Ploos van, 170n.30 Amsterdam: burial tax in, 291, 312; charac­teristics of, 347; histories published about, 37, 54nn.l3, 14; maps of, 50, 51\ painters in, 49, 57nn.48, 49, 281n.37, 340-41, 343, 344, 360-62, 363; population of, 341, 347; property classes in, 291, 312; vegetable cultivation, vegetable markets, and vege­table market paintings in, 31, 37, 39, 42, 54n,15, 65 Amsterdam Hortus, 385, 386, 397, 398, 400 Angel, Philips, 5n.5, 195n.ll, 199n.45, 203n.68 Animal paintings: number of, 320-21, 350, 352-54; and pastoral paintings, 390; prices of, 304, 319; sizes of, 307, 322-23 Annales (journal), 11, 20, 277n.l, 278n.l5. See also History and historians; New History Antal, Frederick, 17, 408 Anthonisz., Cornelis, 76, 83 Antverpianus, 394-96 Antwerp: classicism in, 244n.65; painters in, 297, 341, 342, 344, 361-62 Apothegms, 172n.34 Apprenticeships, 265, 267 Archaeology, 76, 77, 86, 91, 212 Aristotle, 109 Art collectors: burghers as, 8, 10, 333; educa­tion of, 335; patricians as, 10; probate inventories of, 333, 334, 337; religion of, 337-38; wealth of, 333, 334, 335, 370n,5 Art dealers, 265, 333 Art history and art historians: and audience, 23; background of, 19; characteristics of, 19, 249, 252; and connoisseurship, 19, 24; and economic history and economists, 249, 255; and expressive meaning, 23; 431 I N D E X historical approach to, 12-13, 17, 24; and history and historians, 1-5, 6n.8, 19-24, 249, 406-11, 415, 416; and iconography and iconology, 123; in Italy, 196n.22; and natural history, 396, 412-13; Panofsky on, 19-20; Schwartz on, 122; Warburg on, 19-20 Art of Describing, The (Alpers): allegory in, 411; characteristics of, 396; classicism in, 412; disguised symbolism in, 411; em­blems in, 11, 411; Hegel in, 11-12; iconog­raphy in, 411; De Jongh in, 15n.20; maps in, 411; natural history in, 411; observa­tion and description in, 411, 412, 414; pastoral in, 412; publication of, 127; reac­tions to, 412, 414; science in, 411-12 Baerle, Caspar van, 389-90, 391, 392, 394 Bal, Mieke, 130 Banga, Otto, 65 Barberini, Francesco, 425n.37 Barendsz., Dirck, 86, 88, 213 Barn paintings, 351, 353 Barometers, 109 Bassen, Bartholomeus van de, 299-300 Bath, B. H. Slicher van, 277n.l Bathyåny, Balthasar de, 388 Battle paintings: characteristics of, 390; num­ber of, 336, 350, 352, 355; realism of, 91 Baxandall, Michael, 409 Becker, Jochen, 410 Bedaux, Jan Baptist, 12, 15n.21, 409-10 Beelt, Cornelis, 41-42 Bega, Cornelis, 213 Belgium, 15n.25, 296 Bender, Johannes Pieter Visser, 37, 38 Berchem, Nicolaes, 111, 112, 113 Berckheyde, Gerrit Adriaensz., 35 Berge, Pieter van, 48, 49 Berkel, Willem van, 289 Berkhey, Jan le Francq van, 155, 157 Bernard, Emile, 125 Beuckelaer, Joachim, 33, 58, 63, 64, 121, 216 Bialostocki, Jan, 175 Bie, Cornelis de, 219, 239n.35 Bijns, Anna, 148 Blanc, Charles, 210, 236n.6 Blankert, Albert, 416 Bloch, Marc, 20, 277n.l Bloemaert, Abraham, 212, 234, 244n.65 Boas, George, 125 Bocskay, Georg, 384 Boer, Adriaan, 160, 161 Boerhaave, Hermannus, 383 Boetius, Anselm, 395 Bok, Marten Jan, 259, 281n.29, 333, 335, 343 Bolswert, Schelte à, 100, 101 Bontius, Willem, 397 Borch, Gerard ter, 34, 53n.l0, 212, 226 Borch, Gesina ter, 385 Bosch, Hieronymus, 215, 217 Botanical illustrations, 384. See also Flower paintings; Natural history and natural history illustrations Bourgeoisie, 229-30. See also Burghers Bourignon, Antoinette, 383 Bouwsma, William, 251-52 Bouys, André, 151, 152 Boxer, Charles R,, 384, 395 Brandenburg, Willem A., 407-8 Braudel, Fernand, 250-51, 254 Bray, Salomon de, 211-12, 213 Brazil, 390 Bredero, Gerbrand Adriaensz., 46-47, 49, 52, 56n,36, 240n.38 Bredius, Abraham, 295, 333 Brekelenkam, Quirijn van, 284, 286 Bretons, 77 Brienne, Lomenie de, 24 Bril, Paul or Mattheus, 106, 107 Brosterhuisen, Johannes, 392 Brouwer, Adriaen, 234 Bruegel, Pieter, the Elder: biblical paintings by, 213, 215, 228, 238n.23; folk and peas­ant paintings by, 234; genre paintings by, 215, 228; history paintings by, 228; mytho­logical paintings by, 83; and Ortelius, 216; as realist, 83, 86, 209; ship depictions by, 80, 81, 83, 86; technique of, 238n.22 Brugghen, Hendrick ter, 22-23, 213 Brûlez, W, 15n.25, 266, 303 Brussels, 77 Bruyn, Josua: on disguised symbolism, 410; on emblems, 201n.56; on historical con- 432 I N D E X textualization, 3; on iconology, 120; on landscape paintings, 120-21; on museum guides, 176, 194n.7; on realism, 206nn.84, 85 Buisen, J. van, 400, 403 Burgersdijk, Frans, 106, 109 Burghers, 8, 10, 333. See also Bourgeoisie Burial tax, 288, 289, 291, 312 Busch, Wilhelm, 161 Buytewech, Willem, 233, 234 Calendar tradition, 34, 53n.7 Calligraphy, 384 Calvinists, 2, 10, 338-40, 346-47, 355-59 Camphuysen, Dirk Rafaëlsz., 188-89, 190, 205nn.75, 79 Capitano (theatrical stock character), 46, 47 Cappelle, ]an van de, 103, 104 "Capture-recapture technique" 260, 263, 280Я.24 Caravaggisti, 9, 211 Carracci, Antonio, 24 Carrots, 39, 41, 44, 65, 70 Castelli, Pietro, 388 Catholics, 338-40, 346-47, 355-59 Cats, Jacob, 37, 38, 144, 146, 148, 171n.33, 177- 79, 196n.23 Cereals, 64 Cesi, Federico, 388, 393, 395, 413 Chalon, Christina, 155, 156, 170n.30 Chapman, Perry, 410 Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon, 141, 142, 151 Cheese, 41, 302 Children, paintings of, 189, 351, 353 Cityscapes: background of, 34; buildings and landmarks in, 37; characteristics of, 55n.24; economic enterprise in, 37; mar­ketplaces in, 34; number of, 336, 350, 352, 354-55; revolt against Spain in, 7; ships in, 76, 83, 86; and topographical views, 34 Clark, T. J., 408 Classicism, 234, 244n.65, 267 "Classicists" 9, 212 "Classicizing" 83-84, 86, 91, 92 Cleaning girls, 144, 151, 155, 163n.l0, 164n.l4. See also Kitchen paintings Cleanliness, 142, 144, 151, 155, 164n.l2 Clouds: Damisch on, 110; Van Hoogstraten on, 116n.l6; Kaufmann on, 110; in land­scape paintings, 95, 96, 100, 109, 110; in marine paintings, 95, 96, 100; as "natural" metaphors, 111; in poetry, 110; purposes of, 110; realism of, 100, 103, 106, 109, 115ля.6, 7; Rostworowski on, 110; Ruskin on, 115n.7; Russell on, 115n.6; symbolism of, 110, 111; types of, 97, 100, 101, 102, 106; Wiegand on, 110. See also Skies Clusius, 387, 388 Cluyt, Outger, 389, 396 Cochin, Charles Nicolas, 142 Colonna, Fabio, 388 Commelin, Jan and Caspar, 385, 386, 397, 398, 400 Commonplace and daily life, 3, 213, 219, 225,227 Comte, Auguste, 18 Conchology, 403 Connoisseurship, 6n.8, 19, 24, 123, 409 Constable, John, 109, 110 "Contemporary artists" 261, 343, 347, 363 "Contraction-phase culture" 277n.l4 Conventional art, 235n.3 Copies, of paintings, 343-44 Courbet, Gustave, 217 Courtesy books, 144 Crick, Francis, 21-22 Croos, Jacob van der, 54n.ll Curtains, 204n.70 Cuyp, Benjamin, 150, 151, 228 Dahl, Johan, 109 Daily life and commonplace, 3, 213, 219, 225, 227 Dalens, Dirck, 116n.l9 Damisch, Hubert, 110 Davis, Michael, 21 Davis, Nathalie, 21 Dead persons, paintings of, 351, 353 Dealers, 265, 333 Deception of the eye, 188-89, 203.69, 204n,74, 205n.75. See also Trompe l'oeil Delft: burial tax in, 289, 312; characteristics of, 347; painters in, 292, 297-98, 341, 343, 433 I N D E X 360, 362; property classes in, 289-90, 293, 312; Saint Lucas guilds in, 262; vegetable cultivation and vegetable market paint­ings in, 31, 39 Dictionary fallacy, 140 Didacticism: in genre paintings, 185, 189, 217, 218, 220, 230; and iconography, 230; and interpretation, 187, 215, 217; De Jongh on, 239n.28; in landscape paintings, 189; Van Mander on, 186-87; in mythological paintings, 189; in pastoral paintings, 189; in poetry, 240n.40; Raupp on, 201n.55, 203тг.67; reactions to, 184-85; and real­ism, 227; soortelijk gewicht of, 230; in still lifes, 189; and ut pictura poesis, 185. See also Moralization Diderot, Denis, 142 Diffidentia dei, 229 Dijck, Floris Claesz. van, 60, 61 Dodoens, Rembert, 42, 43, 44, 60, 62 Domestication, 59-60 Domselaer, Tobias van, 37 Dordrecht, 342, 343, 361 Dorflandschaften, 232. See also Landscape paintings Dou, Gerrit: paintings after, 151, 154\ paint­ings by, 39, 70, 71, 151, 154, 161, 234; prices of paintings by, 238n.27; reactions to, 180, 187, 204n.70, 212; as realist, 209; technique of, 200n.48, 226; Traudenius on, 204n.70 Doudijns, Willem, 299, 327n.31 Dozijnwerk, 280n.26 Drawings, 337, 354 Drost, Willi, 236n.6 Duby, Georges, 21 Duration, 250, 251 Dürer, Albrecht, 221, 223-24, 240n.41, 342 Dvorak, Max, 406-7 East Indies Company, 387 Eavesdroppers, 144, 146, 166n.l7 Ecluse, Charles de L', 387, 388 Economic history and economists: and art history and art historians, 249, 255; char­acteristics of, 249; Dudok van Heel on, 122; and "elasticity" 268-70; and history and historians, 249; and innovation, 270; Montias on, 122; and periodization, 252, 255; and quantity vs. quality of paint­ings, 267-68; and style, 267-68, 270 Eggs and egg sellers, 146 Eighty Years' War, 83 "Elasticity" 268-70 Elias, Johan, 60 Emblems: Alpers on, 140, 411; ambiguity of, 171n.33; Bruyn on, 201n.56; characteris­tics of, 191; and disguised symbolism, 139; in genre paintings, 139-40, 206n.82; and iconology, 140, 175, 191, 193n.3; De Jongh on, 11, 15n.20; in marketplace paintings, 29; reactions to, 140, 185, 218, 410; Sluijter on, 410; Visscher on, 171n.33. See also Iconography Emmens, Jan A., 121, 211, 214, 229 England, 268, 296 Epistemology, 123, 125 Erasmus, 146, 218 Eroticism and sexuality: of eggs and egg sellers, 146; in genre paintings, 219, 238n.20; of jugs, 146, 148; of kitchen maids, 144, 151; in kitchen paintings, 144, 151; of scouring, 148 Ethnographic illustrations, 394. See also Natural history and natural history illustrations Evelyn, John, 286 Exempla, 217-18, 227, 230, 233 Exoticism, 386, 398, 403, 415-16 Faber, Johannes, 381, 418 Farces, 219-20, 230. See also Plays Febvre, Lucien, 20, 277n.l Ferrari, Giovanni Battista, 397 Fetishization, 384, 386, 387, 415-16 Fijnschilders, 265 Fire, 164л.14 Flanders, 265 Flegel, Georg, 32, 33-34, 62 Flinck, Govaert, 39, 40 Floerke, Hans, 13, 285, 296, 303 Florilegia, 110, 242n,57, 384, 390. See also Still lifes; Tulips Flower paintings, 110, 242n.57, 384, 390. See also Still lifes; Tulips 434 I N D E X Flutes, 167.20 Folk and peasant paintings: Alpers on, 21; characteristics of, 229, 243.62, 277/г. 14; and naer het leven, 220, 222; and period-ization, 234; reactions to, 277n.l4; realism of, 222 Folk sermons, 217 Folk songs, 214-15 Fools, 146 Fossils, 395 France, 267, 268, 295-96 Frankfurt, 377 Fremantle, Katherine, 410 Friesland, 377, 382, 386 Froidment, Libertus, 106 Fromentin, Eugène, 175 Fruits, 60, 62, 122, 206.82, 242n.57, 398 Fuchs, Leonhard, 60 Fustel de Coulanges, Numa-Denis, 18 Galilei, Galileo, 403, 413 Gardens, 44, 384, 398, 412 Geesteranus, Johannes Evertsz., 188 "Geistliche Hausmagd" (broadsheet), 164.14 General crisis concept, 253, 254, 278n.l6 Genre paintings: Alpers on, 15.21, 175; and archaeology, 212; background of, 215-16, 228; Bialostocki on, 175; daily life and commonplace in, 213, 219; deception of the eye in, 204n.74; didacticism and mor-alization in, 121, 176, 185, 189, 216, 217, 218, 220, 230; emblems in, 139-40, 206.82; eroticism and sexuality in, 219, 238n.20; exempla in, 217, 230; Fromentin on, 175; Gombrich on, 123; Hecht on, 12, 15.21; Hegel on, 8, 9, 15n.21; and history paintings, 228-29; humor in, 201n.55, 220, 231, 243n.62; iconography and icon-ology in, 139, 157, 175, 214, 225, 229; influences on, 215, 219, 240n.40; De Jongh on, 11, 175; kitchen maids in, 163n.l0; De Lairesse on, 241n.48; and literature, 212, 215; love in, 189, 238.20; motifs in, 140, 142; number of, 304, 305-6, 308, 320-21, 324, 336, 346, 347, 351, 353-55; and periodization, 233; picturesqueness in, 224; and poetry, 240. 40; prices of, 304, 305, 308, 319, 324; primacy of, 123; as product innovations, 265; purposes of, 175; Raupp on, 122, 201.55; reactions to, 228; realism of, 8, 211, 217, 220, 223, 225, 228, 231, 233, 239.30, 241n.46; revolt against Spain in, 7; and riddles, 158; sizes of, 307, 308, 322-23, 324; specificity of, 216; style of, 231; symbolism and dis­guised symbolism in, 121, 139, 157, 176, 185; transience in, 189; Weyerman on, 212; youth in, 189. See also specific types of genre paintings Germany, 9, 215, 296, 361 Gesprächsspiele, 158, 171.33 Getty Art History Information Program, 259 Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, 4, 6.9, 18 Getty Provenance Index, 259, 263, 333 Geyl, Pieter, 234, 281.38 Glauber, Johannes, 212 Gods, Saints and Heroes (exhibition), 199.46, 211-12, 410 Goedaert, Johannes, 382, 383 Gogh, Theo van, 125 Gogh, Vincent van, 125, 126, 127 Goltzius, Hendrik: and classicism, 234; and clouds, 106; genre paintings by, 233; landscape paintings by, 232; and naer het leven, 232-33; and personification, 233; reactions to, 346, 368; and realism, 232, 233; unequal couples by, 146, 147, 148 Gombrich, E. H., 123 Gool, Johan van: on manufactories, 299, 328n.34; on painters, 212, 281.37, 299, 300-301, 327.31, 32 Goyen, Jan van: number of paintings by, 299; reactions to, 345, 365, 366; as realist, 209; river landscapes by, 128 Grebber, Pieter de, 211-12 Greuze, Jean-Baptiste, 151, 152 Groen, Jan van den, 44 Groot, С. Hofstede de, 96 Grotius, Hugo, 395 Guicciardini, Lodovico, 42 Guilds. See Municipal guilds; Saint Lucas guilds 435 I N D E X Haarlem: Calvinists in, 10; classicism in, 244n.65; landscape paintings in, 232; painters in, 232, 233, 234, 341-42, 344, 360-62; realism in, 232, 233, 234 Hague, The, 281//.37, 341, 342, 360, 362 Hals, Dirck, 233 Hals, Frans, 128, 129 Hand coloring, 393-94 Hartlib, Samuel, 42 Hauser, Arnold, 17 Haute bourgeoisie, 230. See also Bourgeoisie Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 161 Hecht, Peter, 12, 15n.21, 122, 409 Heel, S. A. C. Dudok van, 122, 259, 333, 343 Heemskerck, Maarten van, 82, 83-84, 85 Heemskerck, W. van, 204//.70 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 7-9, 10-12, 13, 15M.21, 18 Heilige Geestkapel, 41 Hemessen, Jan van, 228 Henkel, Arthur, 140 Herbals: characteristics of, 42, 64; fruits and vegetables in, 60, 62, 65; and marketplace paintings, 44; reactions to, 44 Hernandez, Francisco, 393, 414 Historians' Fallacies (Fischer), 133 Historical contextualization, 3 History and historians: and art history and art historians, 1-5, 6/1.8, 19-24, 249, 406-11, 415, 416; and audience, 23; characteris­tics of, 249; Comte on, 18; defined, 18; and duration, 251; and economic history and economists, 249; Fustel de Coulanges on, 18; Hegel on, 18; Huizinga on, 17; Marx on, 18; neo-Rankeans on, 19; von Ranke on, 18; theories about, 18-19, 23- 24; Weber on, 19. See also Annales-, New History; Total history History paintings: and archaeology, 212; beauty in, 221; and genre paintings, 228- 29; Van Hoogstraten on, 185-86, 199/1.46; in Leiden, 199/1.46; and literature, 212; number of, 308, 320-21, 324, 334-35, 336, 350, 352, 354-55, 371/1.9; prices of, 304, 308, 319, 324; realism of, 221, 223; sizes of, 307, 308, 322-23, 324; Weyerman on, 212 Hobbema, Meindert, 248, 267, 277/1.14 Hoefnagel, Joris, 384, 388-89 Hogarth, William, 159 Holbein, Hans, 342 Holland: migration to, 265; painters in, 298- 99; paintings in, 291-92, 298-99, 314, 315; population of, 286, 288, 290, 310; prop­erty classes in, 291, 313 Honthorst, Gerard van, 213 Hooch, Pieter de, 46 Hooghe, Romeyn de, 41, 55/1.24 Hoogstraten, Samuel van: on clouds, 116/1.16; on honor and profit, 196n.22; on iconog­raphy, 222; on moralization, 241/1.47; on painters, 192, 299; on paintings, 185-88, 191-92, 199/1.46, 204n.72; poetry by, 185 Hooke, Robert, 109 Houbraken, Arnold, 299 Houses, 294, 326/1.17 Housework paintings, 122. See also Interior paintings; Kitchen paintings Hrosvitha of Gandersheim, 159 Huizinga, Johan, 1-2, 17, 119, 236/1.4, 253, 255,256 Humor: crudeness of, 144, 230, 243n.62; in farces, 220; in genre paintings, 201n.55, 220, 231, 243/1.62; Raupp on, 122, 201/1.55; and realism, 227. See also Riddles Huygens, Constantijn, 111, 191, 196/1.22, 200n.52, 240/1.38 Huys, Frans, 78, 80 Iconoclasm, 2, 212, 261 Iconography: Alpers on, 411; and art history, 123; Becker on, 410; Bedaux on, 12, 409- 10; criticism of, 140, 409; determination of, 125; and didacticism and moralization, 214, 230; and disguised symbolism, 191; Emmens on, 214; in genre paintings, 139, 214, 225, 229; of grapes, 122; Hecht on, 12, 409; Van Hoogstraten on, 222; and Italian art, 140; De Jongh on, 12, 214, 409; of kitchen maids, 163/1.10; De Lairesse on, 222; in marketplace paintings, 29; and periodization, 234; purposes of, 191; and realism, 225; and revolt against Spain, 7; slijtage of, 217; in still lifes, 242n.57. See also Emblems; Iconology 436 I N D E X Iconology: Alpers on, 140; and art history, 123; Bruyn on, 120; criticism of, 17; defined, 125, 175; and emblems, 140, 175, 191, 193n.3; and genre paintings, 157, 175; and Italian paintings, 140; De Jongh on, 175; Price on, 119-20; purposes of, 119-20, 190; reactions to, 120, 123, 192; Schama on, 205n.80; and ul piciura poesis, 190-91. See also Iconography Ideograms, 120. See also Symbolism and dis­guised symbolism Income: of Dutch population in general, 265-66, 268-70, 276; Van Gool on, 300- 301; of painters, 267, 300-301 Interior paintings, 234. See also Housework paintings Israel, Jonathan, 384 "Italianates" 9, 212 Italy: art historians in, I96n.22; and Clusius, 388; conventional art in, 235n.3; natural history illustrations in, 412-13; painters in, 361-62; shipbuilding manuals in, 76 Italy, art in: abstract nature of, 236n.5; and "classicizing" 84, 86, 92; and Dutch art, 84, 86, 236n.5; and iconography and ico-nology, 140; and metaphors, 140; realism of, 221, 235n.3; ships in, 84, 86; style of, 140 Jong, Erik de, 22 Jongh, E. de: on allegory, 194n.8; on Alpers, 194n.8; on ambiguity, 194n.8; on didac­ticism and moralization, 194n.8, 239n.28; on emblems, 11, 15n.20; on genre paint­ings, 11, 175; on iconography and iconol-ogy, 12, 175, 214, 409; on moral cognition, 11; on portraits, 11; on realism, 11, 15n.20; on still lifes, 11; on symbolism, 206n.84 Joppien, Rüdiger, 389 Jugs, 146, 148, 161 Junius, Franciscus, 179-80, 196n.22, 197n.24, 200n.52 Kaufmann, Hans, 110 Kettering, Alison McNeil, 410-11 Kettles, 142, 144 Kitchen maids, 144, 151, 155, 163n.l0, 164n.l4 Kitchen paintings: eroticism in, 144, 151; fruits and vegetables in, 33, 60, 62, 64; importance of, 70; and marketplace paint­ings, 33; number of, 351, 353-54; specta­tors in, 144. See also Housework paintings; Scouring Knibbergen, François, 299 Knoop, Johann Hermann, 65 Koets, Roelof, II, 299, 327n.32 Köninck, Philips de, 103, 104 Ladurie, E. Le Roy, 252 Laet, Johannes de, 392-94, 395, 396-97, 418, 425n.37 Lairesse, Gerard de, 202n.58, 212, 222, 224, 241/1.48 Lamsveld, Jan, 400, 403 Landscape paintings: art vs. craft in, 231; background of, 109, 228; Bruyn on, 120- 21; and Calvinists, 339, 355; clouds in, 95, 96, 100, 109, 110; as configuration of ideograms, 120; didacticism and moral­ization in, 121, 176, 189, 194/1.8; in Haarlem, 232; number of, 265, 304, 305-6, 308, 320-21, 324, 334, 335, 336, 346, 347, 350, 352, 354-55, 371n.9; and periodiza-tion, 232; picturesqueness in, 224; prices of, 265, 304, 305, 308, 319, 324; as product innovations, 265; Raupp on, 120; reac­tions to, 92, 228; realism of, 92, 106, 223, 231; rivers in, 127-28; and Roman Catho­lics, 339, 355; ships in, 75, 91; sizes of, 307, 308, 322-23, 324; skies in, 95, 96; storms in, 95; symbolism and disguised symbolism in, 110-11, 117n.23, 121, 176, 194n.8; transience in, 189, 277n.l4; types of, 96; Wiegand on, 120 Langbehn, Julius, 9 Lanterns, 164П.14 Later, J. de, 404, 405 Leiden: history paintings in, 199//.46; paint­ers in, 31, 195n.ll, 199n.47, 341, 342, 360- 62; vegetables and vegetable market paintings in, 31, 39, 41 Leyden, Lucas van, 78, 80, 83 Leyster, Judith, 385 Liere, Joos van, 232 437 I N D E X Lincei: and Hernandez, 393, 414; and natural history, 388, 393-94, 395, 403-4, 413 Linen, 289-90 Linnaeus, 392-93 Literature, 155, 212, 214, 215. See also Novels; Plays; Poetry; Satirical literature Lof der schilder-konst (Angel): art theory in, 184, 200nn.49, 50; audience for, 184; De Brune in, 180, 184, 197n.28; Cats in, 177- 79, 196/1.23; dedication of, 183; honor in, 176-77, 180, 182, 195n.ll; Junius in, 179- 80, 184, 197nn.24, 28, 200nn.50, 51; Van Mander in, 179, 180, 184, 197n.26, 200nn.50, 51; Orlers in, 200n.51; painters in, 181-83, 184, 197n.29; paintings in, 180, 181, 183-84, 197n,28, I99n.45; poetry in, 180; profit in, 180; reactions to, 195n.l2; schijn sonder sijn in, 180, 197n.28; sculp­ture in, 180, 197n.28; Da Vinci in, 200n.51; Zeuxis-Parrhasius story in, 180, 197n.26 "Long sixteenth century" 254-55 Lons, Dirk E., 148, 149 "Loose" painting, 198n.38 Love, 189, 238n.20 Luiken, Jan, 144 Maatschappijuitdrukking, 3 Maes, Nicolaes, 31, 65, 66 Maids, 144, 151, 155, 163n.l0, 164n.l4. See also Kitchen paintings Manchester art exhibition (1857), 161 Mander, Karei van: on didacticism, 186-87, 202n.62; on honor and profit, 196n.22; on "loose" painting, 198n.38; as Mannerist, 213; on Metamorphosis, 187, 204n.72; on naer het leven, 233; on painters, 197n.26, 207n.89, 212; on rhetorical poetry, 196n,22; on skies, 96, 116n.l6 Mannerism, 211, 213, 233, 234 Manufactories, 299, 328n.34 "Mapping impulse" 115n.5 Maps: of Amsterdam, 50, 51; of Brazil, 390; characteristics of, 384, 390; community pride in, 46; and pastoral paintings, 390; ships on, 76; and social classes, 289, 290 Marcgraf, Georg, 392-94, 395, 396-97, 418, 425n.37 438 Mare, Pieter de, 155, 156 Marine paintings: clouds in, 95, 96, 100; Hegel on, 8; number of, 83, 92, 336, 350, 352, 354-55; purposes of, 8; skies in, 95; storms in, 95. See also Ships and shipbuilding Marketplaces and marketplace paintings: background of, 29, 33-34; and calendar tradition, 53n.7; and cityscapes, 34; com­munity pride in, 41, 42, 46; economic enterprise in, 37, 41; emblems in, 29; Emmens on, 121; fruits and vegetables in, 37, 60, 62, 64; and herbals, 44; iconog­raphy in, 29; importance of, 70; and kitchen paintings, 33; moralization in, 29; and religious paintings, 29, 33; in rural and urban areas, 41, 42; scenes in, 33; style of, 29; and topographical views, 34. See also Vegetable markets and vege­table market paintings Marriage portraits, 123. See also Portraits Marx, Karl, 18 Mary Magdalene, 159 Massys, Cornelis, 146, 147 Massys, Jan, 138, 146 Massys, Quinten, 146, 215 Master of the Small Landscapes, 232 Master WA, 74 Material culture, 8 Maurits, Johan, 389-90, 392, 393, 394, 414 Mauritshuis, 392 Mazarin, Jules, 24 Memling, Hans, 86, 87 Merian, Maria Sibylla: characteristics of, 386; in Frankfurt, 377; in Friesland, 377, 382, 386; letter of, 377, 379, 381, 382, 386; and naer het leven, 386; in Nuremberg, 377, 386; as painter, 377, 379, 381, 385-86, 419n.2; in Surinam, 379, 386. See also specific works Metamorphoses, 381 Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium (Merian), 376, 380; background of, 382; characteristics of, 381-82, 383, 393-94, 400; importance of, 386; publication of, 379, 381, 385, 386, 400; purposes of, 419n.3 Metaphors, 111, 140 Meteorological treatises, 106, 109 I N D E X Metsu, Gabriel, 31, 47, 49, 52, 57/Ш.48, 49 Mey, Johannes de, 382 "Micro-histories" 6n.8 Microscopes, 403-4, 413 Middelburg, 341, 342-43, 361-62 Miedema, Hessel, 20-21, 134n.l2 Miereveld, Michiel Jansz. van, 242n.50, 299 Mieris, Frans van, 187, 200/1.48, 204/1.70, 212, 226 Migrations, 230, 265, 266 Millet, Jean-François, 217 Mirrors, 188 Moeyaert, Nicolaes, 146 Molenaer, Jan Miense, 118, 123, 131, 144, 145, 146, 148, 150, 151, 230, 345, 364, 366 Moninckx, Johan and Maria, 400 Montias, John Michael: on art dealers, 265; on Bassen, 299-300; on dozijnwerk, 280n.26; on economic history, 122, 285; on innovation, 270; on prices of paint­ings, 238n.27; on probate inventories, 259-60, 261-62, 269, 304, 407; on Saint Lucas guilds, 262-63, 281//.37, 297; on specialization, 299; on Vermeer, 407 Moralization: Camphuysen on, 190, 205//.79; in folk songs, 214-15; in genre paintings, 121, 176, 189, 216, 217; Van Hoogstraten on, 241n.47; and iconography, 214; impor­tance of, 128, 187; De Jongh on, 194n.8, 239//.28; in landscape paintings, 121, 176, 189, 194n.8; in literature, 214; in mar­ketplace paintings, 29; in mythological paintings, 189; in pastoral paintings, 189; in plays, 214; Pleij on, 215; reactions to, 229; and realism, 222, 227; in rederijker poetry, 214; and social behavior, 214; soortelijk gewicht of, 217, 239n.28; in still lifes, 121, 176, 189; and unequal couples, 146. See also Didacticism Moretus, Balthasar, 44 Mörike, Eduard, 151, 155 Mulder, Jozef, 419n.4 Municipal guilds, 267. See also Saint Lucas guilds Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban, 161 Museums: biographical compendia of hold­ings of, 256-58, 263, 273; fetishization by, 384, 387; in France, 295-96; guides in, 176, 194//.7; Schelleron, 387 Mushrooms and mycology, 388 Mythological paintings: didacticism and moralization in, 189; number of, 305, 308, 320-21, 324, 334-35, 336, 350, 352, 354-55; prices of, 304, 305, 308, 319, 324; realism of, 228; sizes of, 307, 308, 322-23, 324, 329n.51; transience in, 189 Naer het leven, 220, 221, 222, 232-33. See also Realism Nakomertje, 267 Narcissus, 188 Natural history and natural history illustra­tions, 384, 385-86, 387, 396, 412-13. See also Ethnographic illustrations Neatness, 142, 144, 151, 155, 164n.l2 Nederlandsche kunstspiegel (Anonymous), 161 Neoformalism, 122 Neo-Rankeans, 19 New Cambridge Modern History (Burke, ed.), 251 New History, 250, 251, 252, 254, 277//.1. See also Annales; History and historians "New social history of art" 406, 408-9. See also Art history and art historians Nooms, Reiner, 78, 79, 91 Noort, Lambert van, 84 Novels, 144, 146. See also Literature Nudes, 204/1.74, 351, 353 Nuremberg, 377, 386 Odenkerken, Willem van, 143, 144 "Old masters" 343, 363 Onians-de Bièvre, Elisabeth, 60 Onlookers, 144, 146, 166n.l7 Oorzaken, 116n.l6 Openbaar kunstbezit (radio program), 130, 133 Orangeries, 398 Ortelius, Abraham, 216 Ostade, Adriaen van: and De Bie, 219, 239/1.35; copies of paintings by, 299; and Doudijns, 299, 327n.31; folk and peasant paintings by, 219, 220, 234, 239n.35; and naer het leven, 220 Overbeeck, Johan, 183 439 I N D E X Paffenrode, J. van, 49, 57.47 Painters: life span of, 263-64, 274, 275, 281.32; migration of, 265, 266; number of, 256-57, 258, 259-63, 264, 265-68, 272, 273, 297, 298; social class of, 10, 267, 282.40; types of, 262. See also specific painters and headings Paintings: beauty of, 2; daily life and com­monplace in, 3; defined, 328.45; destruc­tion of, 294, 309; eroticism and sexuality in, 3; number of, 256-57, 261, 265-66, 267-70, 272, 286, 288, 289, 290, 294-95, 296-97, 298-99, 300, 301, 302, 309, 310-11, 315, 326.18, 21; prices of, 300, 301-4, 308, 316-19, 370.3; as private and public goods, 265; quality of, 267-68; sizes of, 306-7, 308, 322-24, 329.50; social con­tent of, 2 Panofsky, Erwin, 19-20 Parival, Jean Nicolas de, 286 Parkinson, John, 42 Parrhasius, 187, 204. 70 Pastoral paintings, 189, 390 Patricians, 10, 229 "Patriotic Scripture" 7 Peasant paintings. See Folk and peasant paintings Pelican History of Art, The, 10-11 Periodization: background of, 249-50; char­acteristics of, 249; and duration, 250; and economic history, 252, 255; and folk and peasant paintings, 234; and genre paint­ings, 233; and Haarlem realists, 233; and iconography, 234; and landscape paint­ings, 232; and Mannerism, 233, 234; and New History, 250, 251, 252, 254; purposes of, 249, 254; reactions to, 249, 253-54; and realism, 232, 234 Personification, 233 Perspectives, 336, 350, 352, 354-55 Picturesqueness, 223-24, 225, 226, 227 Piso, Willem, 392-94, 395, 396-97, 401, 403, 418, 425,37 Plant evolution, 59 Plaques, 289-90 Plays, 56.41, 144, 146, 214, 219. See also Farces; Literature Pleij, Herman, 215, 218 Pliny, 395 Poetry, 110, 240.40. See also Literature; Rederijker poetry; Rhetorical poetry Pontanus, Johnnes, 54.13 Porcellis, Jan: clouds in paintings by, 95, 98-99, 100, 102, 103; Van Hoogstraten on, 299; number of paintings by, 299; reac­tions to, 345, 369; specialization of, 300; Stechow on, 299; technique of, 300 Portraits: Bedaux on, 12; and Calvinists, 338-39, 355; grapes in, 122; De Jongh on, 11; of kitchen maids, 144; number of, 304, 305, 311, 320-21, 336, 351, 353-55; prices of, 304, 319; reactions to, 212-13, 228; realism of, 223, 228; revolt against Spain in, 7; and Roman Catholics, 338-39, 355; sizes of, 307, 322-23. See also Mar­riage portraits Portugal, 77 Positivism, 409-10, 411 Post, Frans, 389, 390, 391, 392 Post, Pieter, 392 Pots and pot-cleaning, 159 Potter, Paulus, 111 Pourbus, Pieter, 86, 89 Pozzo, Cassiano dal, 393, 396, 413 Prentborden, 289 "Pre-Rembrandtists" 9 Price, J. L., 119-20 Princeton Model North life table, 263 Prints and printmaking, 215, 337, 354 Probate inventories: appraisal of, 269, 334, 335, 340, 345, 371.6, 7; of art collectors, 333, 334, 337; of art dealers, 333; Bok on, 259, 333, 335, 343; copies of paintings in, 343-44; defined, 259; Dudok van Heel on, 259, 333, 343; Montias on, 259-60, 261-62, 269, 407; painters recorded in, 263, 273, 331-32, 345-46, 347, 364-68, 369, 372.20; paintings in, 259, 288-89, 292, 296, 301, 302, 303, 316, 331, 335-36, 371.8; prices of paintings in, 345-46, 364-69; purposes of, 259, 333; and social class of testators, 288; Wijsenbeek-Olthuis on, 288 Process innovations, 265 Product innovations, 265 440 I N D E X Pronkstillevens, 242.57, 403. See also Still lifes Propaganda, 410 Property classes: in Amsterdam, 291, 312; artworks owned by, 289-90; in Delft, 289- 90, 293, 312; in Holland, 291, 313; of painters, 10, 267, 282.40; and probate inventories, 288; in rural areas, 293; types of, 312, 313, 314 Punter, Aegidius, 161 Rabb, Theodore K., 278n.l6 "Raconteurship" 6.8 Rademaker, Abraham, 37, 38 Ranke, Leopold von, 18 Raupen wunderbare Verwandelung, Der (Merian), 378; beauty of, 383, 393-94, 400; importance of, 386; purposes of, 382, 419.2, 421n.l0 Raupp, Hans-Joachim, 120, 122, 199.45, 201.55, 203n.67 Ravelingen, Francoys van, 44 Realism: Alberti on, 221; background of, 220- 21, 225, 231-32; of battle paintings, 91; Blanc on, 210, 236n.6; Bruyn on, 206.84, 85; characteristics of, 11, 210-11, 223, 224- 25, 227, 235n.3; and claves interpretandi, 230; of clouds, 100, 103, 106, 109, 115.6, 7; criticism of term, 209, 232; and daily life and commonplace, 225, 227; defined, 227, 230, 231; and didacticism and moral-ization, 222, 227; Drost on, 236n.6; and exempla, 227; of farces, 220; of flower paintings, 110; of folk and peasant paint­ings, 222; of genre paintings, 8, 163.10, 211, 217, 220, 223, 225, 228, 231, 233, 239n.30, 241. 46; growth of, 231; in Haar­lem, 232, 233, 234; of history paintings, 221, 223; and humor, 227; and iconoclasm, 212; and iconography, 225; of Italian art, 221, 235.3; De Jongh on, 11, 15n.20; of landscape paintings, 92, 106, 223, 231; of mythological paintings, 228; and naer het leven, 222; and periodization, 232, 234; and picturesqueness, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227; of portraits, 223, 228; of reli­gious paintings, 228; of ships, 75-77, 78, 83, 86, 91, 92; of shrubs and trees, 103; of skies, 96, 109-10; of still lifes, 228; and style, 209-10, 222-23, 225, 227; and tech­nique, 226; of view paintings, 110 "Realistic misunderstanding" 218-19 "Realistic syndrome" 225 Rederijker poetry, 214, 217. See also Poetry Reede tot Drakenstein, Hendrik Adriaan, 384, 385, 397, 398, 399, 400 Reformed church, 2, 10, 338-40, 346-47, 355-59 Religious paintings: and Calvinists, 338-40, 346-47, 355-59; daily life and common­place in, 213; and iconoclasm, 2; and marketplace paintings, 29, 33; number of, 304, 305, 308, 320-21, 324, 334, 335, 336, 346-47, 350-59; pots and pot-cleaning in, 159; prices of, 304, 308, 319, 324; realism of, 228; and Roman Catholics, 338, 346-47, 355-59; sizes of, 308, 322-23, 324, 329. 51 Rembrandt: and bird of paradise, 416, 417, 418; characteristics of, 125; and eroticism and sexuality, 123, 124, 130, 131; histori­cal study of, 122; reactions to, 130, 131, 212, 305, 345, 364, 369; and realism, 223; religious paintings of, 213, 223, 225; and Rubens, 223, 225; and storms, 96, 110 Rembrandt Research Project, 122, 409 Renger, Konrad, 215 "Return to narrative" 6.8 Rhetorical poetry, 196.22. See also Poetry Riddles, 158. See also Humor Ripa, Cesare, 163.7 Roman Catholics, 338-40, 346-47, 355-59 "Romanists" 9 Romanticism, 307, 329. 50 Ronsaeus, 168.25 Rostworowski, Marek, 96, 110 Rotterdam, 31, 342, 343, 360, 362 Rubens, Peter Paul, 100, 101, 127, 223, 225, 233, 299 Rudolf II (Holy Roman emperor), 384, 388-89 Ruisdael, Jacob van: and clouds, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109; reactions to, 345, 366, 369; and shrubs and trees, 103; and skies, 109, 111; and storms, 94, 95, 110 Rumphius, Georg Eberhard, 384, 385, 400, 401, 402, 404, 405, 406 441 I N D E X Rumphius, P. A., 404, 405 Rural areas, 41, 42, 292, 293 Ruskin, John, 115гг.7 Russell, Margarita, 96, 115n.6 Ruysch, Rachel, 385 Ruysdael, Salomon van, 96, 97, 100 Sadeler, Jan, 86, 88 Saint Lucas guilds, 262-63, 265, 281nn.29, 37, 286, 298. See also Municipal guilds Satirical literature, 218. See also Literature Scandinavia, 296 Schalken, Godfried, 213 Schama, Simon, 7, 205n.80, 253, 407, 408, 415 Scheller, R. W., 387 Schenk, Jan, 37, 38 Schijnrealisme, 217 Schijn sonder sijn, 3, 5n,5, 180, 197n.28 Schöffer, Ivo, 253 Schone, Albrecht, 140 Schuurman, Anna Maria, 386 Schwartz, Gary, 122 Scorel, Jan van, 86, 87 Scouring, 148. See also Kitchen paintings Sea charts, 76, 86 Seashells, 403 "Secular trend" 254, 277n.l4 Segal, Sam, 403 Semiotics, 122-23, 173n.35 Shapiro, Meyer, 222, 242n.49 Ships and shipbuilding: and archaeology, 76, 77, 86, 91; in cityscapes, 76, 83, 86; "clas­sicizing" of, 83-84, 86, 91, 92; contracts for, 76; in Italian art, 84, 86; in landscape paintings, 75, 91; manuals for, 76, 84, 92; on maps, 76; realism of, 75-77, 78, 83, 86, 91, 92; records of, 76; on sea charts, 76, 86; symbolism of, 84; technological ad­vances in, 76, 77-78, 91, 92; in topographi­cal views, 76; on town seals, 76; types of, 77, 78, 80, 83. See also Marine paintings Shipwrecks, 77 Shrubs, 103 Silvercroon, Spiering, 180, 197n.27 Sint Jans, Geertgen tot, 130, 132, 133 Siscoe, George, 95, 103, 106 Skies: in landscape paintings, 95, 96; Van Mander on, 96, 116n.l6; in marine paint­ings, 95; purposes of, 110; realism of, 96, 109-10, 115n.9; Rostworowski on, 96; Russell on, 96; symbolism of, 111. See also Clouds Slijtage, 217 Sluijter, Eric J., 410 Sluijter, Jan, 419n.4 Smit, J. W„ 406 Snaphaen, Abraham, 143, 144, 164n.l4 Snyder, James E., 130 Soortelijk gewicht, 217, 230, 239n.28 Sorgh, Hendrik Martensz., 30, 31 Spain, 7, 254-55, 296 Specificity and specialization: and art deal­ers, 265; and brooms, 122; characteristics of, 122; of genre paintings, 216; and grapes, 122; Montias on, 299; purposes of, 216-17; reactions to, 230, 265, 267; of river landscape paintings, 127-28; of vanitas still lifes, 127-28 Spectators, 144, 146, 166n,17 Specula virtutis, 158 Spiritual purity, 144 Stechow, Wolfgang, 96, 299 Steen, Jan, 30, 31, 47, 146, 228, 242n.55, 286, 287 Stelluti, Francesco, 395, 413, 425n.37 Still lifes: background of, 242n.57; and Cal-vinists, 339, 355; didacticism and moral-ization in, 121, 176, 189; fruits in, 398; iconography in, 242n.57; interpretation of, 139; De Jongh on, 11; De Lairesse on, 241rt,48; motifs in, 140, 142; number of, 304-6, 308, 320-21, 324, 336, 351, 353-55; prices of, 304, 305, 308, 319, 324; as prod­uct innovations, 265; reactions to, 228, 242n.57, 385; realism of, 228; revolt against Spain in, 7; and Roman Catho­lics, 339, 355; Segal on, 403; shells in, 403; sizes of, 307, 308, 322-23, 324; style of, 242n.57; symbolism and disguised symbolism in, 121, 139,176; transience in, 189. See also Flower paintings; Vanitas still lifes Stilpluralismus, 222 Stofuitdrukking, 3, 226 Storms, 95, 96, 110, 111. See also Clouds 442 I N D E X Straw, 144, 164n.l4 Strij, Abraham van, 151, 153 Style: background of, 223; and convention, 210; defined, 222, 242/1.49; and economic history, 267-68, 270; of genre paintings, 231; Huizinga on, 236/1.4; of Italian art, 140; of marketplace paintings, 29; and realism, 209-10, 222-23, 225, 227; Shapiro on, 222, 242/1.49; of still lifes, 242/1.57; and technique, 226-27 Surinam, 379, 386 Sutton, Peter C„ 256-57, 258, 259-60 Swammerdam, fan, 382-83, 389 Sven, Arnoldus, 397 Symbolism and disguised symbolism: Alpers on, 411; Bedaux on, 15n.21; Bruyn on, 410; of clouds, 110, 111; and emblems, 139; of fruits, 60, 62, 206/1.82, 398; in genre paintings, 121, 139, 157, 176, 185; and ico­nography, 191; De Jongh on, 206/1.84; De Lairesse on, 202/1.58; in landscape paint­ings, 110-11, 117/1.23, 121, 176, 194/1.8; of lanterns, 164/1.14; of ships, 84; of skies, 111; in still lifes, 121, 139, 176; of storms, 111; of straw, 144, 164/1.14. See also Ideograms Technique, 225-27, 265 Telescopes, 413 Teniers, David, II, 148, 149, 151, 234 Terence, 56/1.36 Tervarent, Guy de, 140 Terwesten, Matheus, 299, 327/1.31 Theater, 144, 146, 214, 219. See also Farces; Literature Theophrastus, 395 Thermometers, 109 Thieme-Becker, 258-59, 264, 281/Ш.29, 32 Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 218 Time, vanquishing of, 187, 188, 189, 203n.68, 277/1.14 Titian, 24 Tollius, Adriaan, 395 Topographical views, 34, 46, 76, 390 Total history, 20, 254, 278Я.15. Seey/so History and historian* Town seals, 76 Trade: and an}W£uity. 158, 173/1.36; decline of, 268; and fetishization, 386: and natural history, 387; and paintings, 265, 295-97 Transience and vanquishing time, 187, 188, 189, 203/1.68, 277/1.14 Traudenius, Dirck, 204/1.70 Trompe Foeil, 226. See also Deception of the eye Tronies, 195/1.11, 351, 353-54 Troost, Sara, 170/1.30 Tulips, 46, 387-88. See also Flower paintings Tulp, Nicolaes, 389-90, 394 Unequal couples, 144, 146 Unger, Richard W., 407-8 Urban areas, 41, 42, 298. See also specific cities Ut pictura poesis, 185, 190-91 Utrecht, 281/1.29, 341, 343, 344, 361-62 Valckenborch, Lucas van, 32, 33-34, 62 Vanitas still lifes, 64, 127-28, 403. See also Still lifes Vanity of Vanities (exhibition), 130 Vasari, Giorgio, 198/1.38 Veen, Otto van, 244/1.65 Veezaerdt, Paulus, 382 Vegetable Market at Amsterdam (Metsu), 28, 45\ community pride in, 41, 49, 52; eco­nomic enterprise in, 37, 39, 41, 49, 52; figures in, 31, 47; theatrical elements in, 46, 47; vegetables in, 31, 34, 39, 41, 44, 47 Vegetable markets and vegetable market paintings: in Amsterdam, 31, 37, 39, 42, 54/1.15; characteristics of, 31; community pride in, 42; in Delft, 31; economic enter­prise in, 42; in Leiden, 31, 39, 41; in Rotterdam, 31; and vegetable cpRivation, 33. See also Marketplaces an^Lmarket-place paintings, y cultivation of: in Amsterdam, 31, № ; in DeIfj/31, 3§ gmwth of, 39, 41, 44: Guiccianani on, 42; НЦгНЬ on, 42; in herbah, 60; in Leiden, 31, $Wl; Parkin­son on, 42; in Rotterdam, 31; sy^^lism of, 62; and vegetable market painting^v} Velde, Adriaen van de, 242/1.50 Veide, Esaias van a*, 233, 299-300 Velde, Jan van de, 146, t47, 346 - 43 I N D E X Velde, Willem van de, the Elder, 91, 346, 368 Velde, Willem van de, the Younger, 91 Venne, Adriaen van de, 146, 186, 202лл.59, 60, 204n.74, 219, 240n.40 Verbeeck, Frans, 215 Vermeer, Johannes, 226 View paintings, 110 Visscher, Claes Jansz., 34, 36, 37 Visscher, Roemer, 171л. 33 Vitruvius, 396 Voluptas carnis, 229 Vondel, Joost van den, 394 Vos, Jan, 203л.68 Vos, Maerten de, 244л.65 Vries, Jan de, 408, 415 Vroom, Hendrik, 90, 91, 106, 115л.6 Waal, Henri van de, 7, 410 Waghenaer, Lucas, 76 Wagonners, 76, 86 Wallpaper factories, 267, 282n,39 Walpole, Horace, 159 Waltes, M., 49, 57л.47 Warburg, Aby, 19-20 Watercolors, 337, 354 Watson, James D,, 21-22, 24 Weber, Max, 19 Weenix, Jan, 212 Werff, Adriaen van der, 212, 213 West Indies Company, 387, 414 Weyerman, Jacob Campo, 212 Wiegand, Wilfried, 110, 120 Wijsenbeek-Olthuis, Thera, 288-89, 292, 294, 295, 297 Wille, Johann Georg, 151, 154 Witnesses, 144, 146, 166л.17 ^SVitstein. S. F., 177 V'ittkouer. Rudolf. 23 Wölflin, Heinrich, 209-10 ^ WouQp, Ad va inter, 408 Wright, ChristopKfe4^57-58, 259-61, 262 Wttewael, Joachim, бМ^цто Zanelfl, H„ 142 Zeuxis, 187, 204n.70 Zierikzee, 77 Zuider Zee, 77 444
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