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Volltext:Index Abbot, Berenice 61 Adams, Henry 168 Adorno, Theodor W. 89-90 Agamben, Giorgio 11-12, 174 'The Archive and Testimony' 38-40 Remnants of Auschwitz: The Witness and the Archive 11, 55, 174-5 Alembert, Jean le Rond d' 74 Ali, Jawad 187 Annales 90 Anouchian, Antranik 183 Appiah, Kwame Anthony 50 Arab Image Foundation 183 Arago, François 72 Arechi 121, 123 Arta magazine 114-15 Atget, Eugène 61 The Atlas Group (Walid Ra'ad) 17, 177-80 Awada, Nabih 181 Bachmann, Ingeborg 118, 119 Barham, Marina 182 Barthes, Roland 96, 97 Camera Lucida 98, 102n Bataille, Georges 118, 120 Baudrillard, Jean 85 Bay, Didier, Un si beau jour 109, 111 Bechara, Soha 192 Becher, Bernhard and Hilla 85 Anonyme Skulpturen 109-10, 111 Benjamin, Walter 12, 88, 94, 96, 115, 161, 173 Passagenwerk 89-90 Short History of Photography 58-64, 91, 100-1 n Bichat, Xavier 26 Bifur61 Binswangen Ludwig 87 Blanchot, Maurice 121, 132 Bloch, Marc 66, 92, 101n Blossfeldt, Karl 59 Body Heat 163 Boltanski, Christian 10-11, 85 Research and Presentation of All that Remains of My Childhood 11, 25 20 Règles et Techniques utilisées en 1972 par un enfant de 9 ans décrites par Christian Boltanski 110-11 Bonami, Francesco 146n Borges, Jorge Luis 17 Bourriaud, Nicolas 144, 146-7/1 Bove, Emmanuel 118 Brady, Mathew 70-1 Brentano, Bernhard von 60 Brik, Ossip 91 Broodthaers, Marcel 82-4 Musée d'Art Moderne, Département des Aigles 14, 82-4 Broussais, François 26 Bruno, Giuliana 52 Buchloh. Benjamin H.D. 13, 85-102, 145 'Gerhard.Rieh ter's Atlas: The Anomic Archive' 85-102 Buffon, Georges-Louis Ledere, comte de 26 Byrne, Gerard 143 Cage, John 99 Camus, Albert 137n Caruth, Cathy 127 Carver, Raymond 118, 119 Cézanne, Paul 98 Costa, Claudio, Due esercizi di anthropologia 108 Cummings, Neil, and Lewandowska, Marysia 14 Enthusiasm 149 Enthusiasts 149, 150 Free Trade 149 'From Enthusiasm to Creative Commons. Interview with Anthony Spira' 149-53 Not Hansard: the common wealth 149 Curiger, Bice 148/7 Dan, Câlin, and Kiraly, Josif 14 'Politics of Cultural Heritage: On Some Mentality Handicaps' 113-20 Darwin, Charles 26, 70 Dauthendey, Karl 58, 59 Day, Ben 98 de la Torre, Milagros 15, 160, 161-2 de vries, herman 108, 111 Dean, Tacita 14, 143, 145 Debord, Guy 131 Deleuze, Gilles 118, 120, 145, 166 Denur, Yehiel 173-4 Derrida, Jacques 13, 16, 147 n, 164 'Archive Fever' 13, 76-9 Archive Fever 137n, 172, 173, 175 On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness 174 Diana, Princess of Wales 120 Diderot, Denis 26, 74 Dion, Mark 143 Dittborn, Eugenio 15, 16, 160 Airmail Paintings 160-1 A Triptych' 156-9 Döblin, Alfred 63 Domon, Ken 124, 126, 131 see also Tomatsu, Shomei, and Domon, Ken Douglas, Stan 143 Duchamp, Marcel 98, 99 Durant, Sam 14, 143, 145 Duras, Marguerite 132 Durkheim, Emile 96 East India Company 164 Eggers, Dave 147/7 Eisenstein, Sergei 62 Emerson, Ralph Waldo 168 Enciclopedia Einaudi 67 Encyclopaedia Britannica 65-6 Encyclopaedia Universalis 65 Encyclopédie 74 Enwezor, Okwui 15, 117-20, 146/7 Farnham, Eliza 70-1 Febvre, Lucien 92 Filliou, Robert 108 Forster, Kurt 88 Foster, Hal, 'The Archival Impulse' 14, 143-8 Foucault, Michel 14, 16, 38-9, 71, 105, 106, 124, 164 The Archaeology of Knowledge 11, 38, 68/7 'The Historical a priori and the Archive' 26- 30 'Lives of Infamous Men' 15 Fourier, Charles 71 Fowler, Lorenzo 70-1 Freud, Sigmund 10, 13, 42-4, 146, 167, 169n, 172-3 Beyond the Pleasure Principle 13, 21, 22, 77 Civilization and its Discontents 76-8 The interpretation of Dreams 21 Moses and Monotheism 172-3 'A Note Upon the Mystic Writing Pad' 10, 13, 20-4 Freud family 46 Freud Museum, London 10, 41-8 Freundlich, Otto 118, 119 Fukushima, Tatsuo 137n Fuller, Richard Buckminster 54 Galileo 72 Gandhi 163 Genevieve, Sister 140 Gette, Paul-Armand 108, 111 Gillick, Liam 143 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 63 Gordon, Douglas 143 Corres, Ida Friedrike 139 Gramsci, Antonio 118, 120 Green, Renée 12, 16, 143 Partially Buried in Three Parts 49-52 Some Chance Operations 52-4 'Survival: Ruminations on Archival Lacunae' 49-55 Guattari, Félix 166 Gusinde, Martin 160 Guzman, Manuel 161 Hak Kyung Cha, Teresa, Dictée 52 Harten, Jürgen 82-4 Hashem el Madani: Studio Practices 182 Hashisho, Ali 182 Heartfield, John 92, 99 Hegel, Friedrich 168 Heidegger, Martin 65 Henderson, Nigel 102 n Hill, David Octavius 58-60 Hiller, Susan 10 Cowgirl 45 Enquiries/Inquiries 42 Fürher [sic] 46 Heimlich 47 'Working Through Objects' 41-8 Hiroshima mon amour Y!, 131-2, 179-80 Hirschhorn, Thomas 14, 15, 117-20, 143, 145 Hitler, Adolf 46-7 Hoch, Hannah Media Scrap Book 86, 88 Meine Hausspruche 92 Hoda184n Hofmann, Werner 88 Hofmokl, Justyna 151 Hölderlin, Friedrich 55 Holmes, Oliver Wendell 72 Huyghe, Pierre 143, 144 Independent Group 143 Institute of Artistic Culture, Leningrad 86 International Federation of Film 150 Jabbur, Jibrail 184n Jameson, Fredric 163, 169/7 Jensen, Wilhelm, Gradiva 172 Jevons, William Stanley 26 Jolicoeur, Nicole 14, 139-42 Dêprises I (Thérèse) 139-42 Kabakov, Ilya 10, 11.105 Four Essences: Production, State, Love and Art 105 He Lost His Mind, Undressed, Ran Away Naked 105 'The Man Who Never Threw Anything Away' 11, 32-7 Olga Georgievna: Something is Boiling 105 Kawada Kikuji 132, 134-5 'The Map' 128-30 Kemp, Wolfgang 88, 89 Khrushchev, Nikita 104 Kiraly, Josif see Dan, Câlin, and Kiraly, Josif Kizevalter, Georgii 105 Klutsis, Gustav 92 The Feasibility of Our Programme is Real People, It's You and Me 104 Koerner, Joseph lOln Kracauer, Siegfried 60, 85, 91-8 Kujundzic, Dragan, 'Archigraphia: On the Future of Testimony and the Archive to Come' 15, 172-6 Kushner, Boris 91 Lacan, Jacques 164, 169n LaCapra, Dominick 163-6, 169n Laennec, René 26 Lahad, Antoine 193n Lavin, Maud lOOn Le Goff, Jacques 67 Léger, Fernand 118 Levin, Patricia, and Perrault, Jeanne, '"The Camera Made Me Do It": Nicole Jolicoeur, Female Identity and Troubling Archives' 139-42 Lewandowska, Marysia see Cummings, Neil, and Lewandowska, Marysia Lichtenstein, Roy 98 Lichtwark, Alfred 63 Linnaeus, Carolus (Carl von Linné) 26 Lissitzky, El 88, 89, 92 Lyotard, Jean-François 123 McLuhan, Marshall 54 el Madani, Hashem 182 Madani Project 182 Malevich, Kasimir 86 Malraux, André, Le Musée imaginaire 88 Manoug 184n Marker, Chris, Prime Time in the Camps 17, 179 Masao, Nakagiri 121, 123-4 Mercator, Gerardus 86 Merewether, Charles 10-17 'Archives of the Fallen' 15, 160-2 'A Language to Come: Japanese Photography After the Event' 121-38 Metcalf, Jennie 45 Metken, Günter 108 Milosevic, Slobodan 174 Mishima Yukio 137n Moeglin-Delcroix, Anne 14 'The Model of the Sciences' 108-12 Mondrian, Piet 118, 119 Monumenta Germaniae Historica 67 Mouhaissen, Mona 182 Nakahira Takuma 130, 132-4 For a Language to Come 133-4 Nannucci, Maurizio, Sessanta verdi naturali 111-12 Nietzsche, Friedrich 124 Nolde, Emil 118 Nomura Hitoshi 137n Nora, Pierre 122-3, 160 North West Film Archive 150 Notari, Elvira 52 Oe, Kenzaburo 137n Okada, Takahiko 130 'I Cannot See, My Heart breaks, I Want to Fly' 130 One Hundred Years of Photography 130 Oppenheim, Meret 118 Orlik, Emil 60 Owens, Craig 145 Paderewski, Ignacy 60 Paganini, Niccolò 60 Paolozzi, Eduardo 101-2n Parreno, Philippe 143, 144 Perrault, Jeanne see Levin, Patricia, and Perrault, Jeanne Pinochet, Augusto 160, 161, 174 Polke, Sigmar 98 Popova, Ljobov 118 Prince, Richard 143 Provoke group 13, 130-5 Provoked Provoke 1130 Pudovkin, Vsevolod 62 Quensay, François 26 Ra'ad, Walid see The Atlas Group (Walid Ra'ad) Raqs Media Collective 16 'First Information Report' 170-1 Rauschenberg, Robert 99, 143 Ray, Johnnie, 'Look homeward, angel' 47 Recht, Camille 60, 61 Rennó, Rosangela 15, 160 immemorial 161 Resnais, Alain 17, 132, 179 Richter, Gerhard 145 Atlas 13.85-102 Christa und Wolf 94 Ricoeur, Paul 121-2 'Archives, Documents, Traces' 12, 65-8 Rodchenko, Alexander 91, 92, 93, 143 Against the Synthetic Portrait, For the Snapshot 107 Ronduda, Lukas 150, 151 Roth, Michael 179-80 Sakai, Naoki 123? Salloum.Jayce Kan Ya Ma Kan 185-6 'Sans titre/ Untitled: The Video Installation as an Active Archive' 16-17, 185-93 Sampson, Marmaduke, Rationale of Crime 70 Sander, August 12, 62-3 Antlitz der Zeit 100-1 n Sartre, Jean-Paul 137n Schmidt, Katharina 82-4 Schneede. Uwe 108 Schopenhauer, Arthur 62 Schwitters, Kurt 88, 89 Sekula, Allan 12, 16, 122 'The Body and the Archive' 69-75 Semon, Richard 96 Shukan Shincho magazine 124 Sirmur, Rani of 167 Smithson, Robert 12, 49-50, 52 Partially Buried Woodshed 50 Sovetskoe Foto 103-4 Spinoza, Benedict de 118, 120 Spira, Anthony 149-53 Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty 'The Rani of Sirmur: An Essay in Reading the Archives' 16, 163-9 Stalin, Josef 104 Stein, Gertrude 50 Studio Shehrazade 182 subREAL (Câlin Dan and Josif Kiraly) see Dan, Câlin, and Kiraly, Josif) Takanashi, Yutaka 130 Taki, Koji 130-2 'The Decay of the Intellect' 130 Taki, Koji, Takanashi, Yutaka and Nakahira Takuma, "Summer 1968' 130-1 Tange Kenzo 137n Tarkowski, Alek 151 Terdiman, Richard 101 n Thérèse (Martin) of Lisieux, Saint 13-14, 139-42 Thoreau, Henry 168 Tomatsu, Shomei 130-2, 134-5 71.02 Nagasaki 125-7 Tomatsu, Shomei, and Domon, Ken, Hiroshima- Nagasaki Document 61124-5, 128 The Trial of Adolf Eichmann 173-4 Tsuchida, Hiromi 137n Tupitsyn, Margarita 14 'Against the Camera, For the Photographic Archive' 103-7 Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques 26 Utrillo, Maurice 58 Van Swieten, Gottfried 26 Variété 61 Vautier, Ben 108 Vea 157 VIVO Group 13, 137n Vostell, Wolf 108 Wall, Jeff 147n Wallace, David Foster 147n Walser, Robert 118 Warburg, Aby, Mnemosyne Atlas 13, 87-92, 95 Warhol, Andy 11, 98 'The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B and Back Again)' 31 White, Hayden 163-4, 169n 'The Absurdist Moment in Contemporary Literary Theory' 164 Whole Earth Catalog 54 Williams, Tennessee 31 Wolfe, Thomas, Look Homeward, Angel 47 Yerushalmi, Yosef Haim, Freud's Moses: Judaism Terminable and Interminable 172 Zaatari, Akram, 'Photographic Documents/Excavation as Art' 17, 181-4 Zizek, Slavoj 169n
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