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Volltext:Index Abstract paintings, 118 Adamson, Robert, 25 Aesthetics, 31-41, 65-77 Affordances, 13 Alberti, Leon Battista, 58, 81 Anabolic structure, 153 Anaximander, 76 Animation, 176 Anschauung, 123, 148 Architecture, 45-62; religious, 57-62 Aristippus, 73 Aristotle, 73, 97, 99, 144 Arithmetic, 116 Art as a property, 122 Art education, 118 Art history, 104-10 Assy, church of, 61 Attractors, 157 Authenticity, 24-30 Autun, 65 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 9 Bachelard, Gaston, 46 Ballet, 135 Balzac, Honoré de, 136 Bartenieff, Irmgard, 133 Baudelaire, Charles, 25, 92 Beauty, 34, 141 Beckmann, Max, 109 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 9 Bergson, Henri, 142, 169 Blatt, Sidney J., 13 Böhm, David, 157 Borromini, Francesco, 60 Botta, Mario, 57-62 Brecht, Bertolt, 109 Breughel, Peter, 158 Buddhism, 36, 83 Calder, Alexander, 50 Cameron, Jane, 127 Caravaggio, Michelangelo Amerighi, 18, 80 Caricature, 143 Carpenter, Patricia, 171 Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Harvard, 55 Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 26 Carus, Carl Gustav, 142 Causality, 114, 147, 165 Cellini, Benvenuto, 40 Cézanne, Paul, 67 Chaos, 69, 156-62 Chemistry, study of, 117 Children's art, 120-25 Children's thinking, 169 Chuang Tzu, 6 Clausius, Rudolf Julius, 157 Cognition, 17-23, 69 Cognitive psychology, 123 Color, 65 Competition, 9 Computers, 52-56 Concavity, 44, 47 Concepts, perceptual and intellectual, 122 Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de, 148 Conformity, 167 Consciousness, 144-50 Conservation, 169 Contemplation, 73-76 Convexity, 44, 47 Corneille, Pierre, 98 Crafts, 33-41 Creativity, 92 Cubism, 67 Curie, Pierre, 152 Dance, 133-36, 154 Daumier, Honoré de, 85 Deformation, 176 Degas, Edgar, 90 Dembo, Tamara, 13 Democracy, 10 Descartes, René, 102, 147 Design, 39, 52-56 Determinism, 102 Dilthey, Wilhelm, 165 Dirac, P. A. M., 40 Disorder, 69, 157, 158 Donatello, 105 181 I82 Index Down's syndrome, 127 Drama, 97-103 Drawings, 52-56 Dynamic direction, law of, 152 Dynamic forces, 149 Dynamics, 93, 134, 152, 176 Eddington, Arthur Stanley, 146, 152 Egocentrism, 177 Einstein, Albert, 149, 152 Empson, William, 71 Entropy, 152, 157 Equilibrium, 152, 157 Escher, Cornelis, 70 Ethics, 11 Euler, Leonhard, 172 Euripides, 99 Expression, 133-43 Fechner, Gustav Theodor, 36 Fein, Sylvia, 124 Figure and ground, 46, 71 Film, 24-30, 108 Focillon, Henri, 45 Folk art, 20 Folkcraft movement, 33-41 Forain, Jean-Louis, 85 Forces. See Dynamics Form, 151-55 Foucault, Michel, 94 France, Robert H., 153 Frederic II, 101 Free will, 101 Freud, Sigmund, 96, 99, 105, 146 Galilei, Galileo, 60 Gardner, Howard, 123 Gauguin, Paul, 85-91 Geisteswissenschaften, 165 Genesis, book of, 79 Geppert, Dietmar, 130 Gestalt psychology, 4, 105, 109, 154-59-175 Gibson, James ]., 13 Giotto di Bordone, 85 Gislebertus, 65 Gluck, Christoph Willibald, 9 Gnostics, 80 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 81 Goldschmidt, Adolph, 104 Goldschmidt, Gabriela, 53 Gruisinger, Shan, 13 Hamada, Shoji, 34 Hardy, G. H., 40 Hartmann, Eduard von, 146 Heath, Tom, 34 Hedonism, 73 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 81 Hegeso, monument of, 69 Heisenberg, Werner, 147 Herbert, George, 80 Herrigel, Eugen, 83 Hildebrandt, Edmund, 105 Hildreth, Gertrude, 124 Hill, David Octavius, 25 History, study of, 116 Hokusai, 95 Ibsen, Henrik, 100 Idiographic science, 166 Illumination, 80 Impressionists, 67, 79, 107 Individuality, 166 Infinity, 43 Inside and outside, 45-51 Instinct, 92 Intelligence, 117 Intelligences, 123 Invariantentheorie, 156 Janson, Horst W., 109 Japan, 33 Kabuki dancers, 135 Kant, Immanuel, 141 Katsura Palace, 37 Katz, David, 135 Kauffmann, Hans, 105 Kepler, Johannes, 60 Kläger, Max, 127 Klee, Paul, 120 Kleist, Heinrich von, 101 Klotz, Eugene A., 174 Köhler, Wolfgang, 152 Kooning, Willem de, 69 Korb, Werner, 117 Korea, 34 Kracauer, Siegfried, 26 Kretschmer, Ernst, 140 Kris, Ernst, 129 Laban, Rudolf, 133 Lamartine, Alphonse de, 27 Lamb, Warren, 135 Language, 22, 123 Lassenberger, Willibald, 127 Lavater, Johann Kaspar, 139 Lawfulness, 165 Leach, Bernard, 33 Learning, 13-16, 113-19 Le Corbusier, 55, 61 Index Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 161 Leonardo da Vinci, 60, 83, 105 Levertov, Denise, 93 Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien, 129 Lewin, Kurt, 14 Lewis, Dori, 133 Light, 78-82 Lipps, Theodor, 107 Lipchitz, Jacques, 61 Loos, Adolf, 37 Mach, Ernst, 144, 152, 169 Manet, Edouard, 66 Matisse, Henri, 61, 160 Metaphors, 149 Michelangelo Buonarotti, 60 M ichotte, Albert, 115 Mitchell, William J., 29 Molière, 97 Monads, 161 Mondrian, Piet, 66 Monism, 144 Moore, Henry, 48, 107 Motivation, 73 Movement, 133-36 Munch, Edvard, 90 Naturalism, 120 Naturwissenschaften, 165 Newspapers, 17 Newton, Isaac, 36 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 76 Nomothetic science, 166 Okakura, Kakuzo, 37 Okinawa, 38 Order, 154 Ostwald, Wilhelm, 150 Outside. See Inside and outside Ovid, 161 Panofsky, Erwin, 60, 67 Pappus's theorem, 175 Parallelism, 144 Perception, 169-73 Perspective, inverted, 122 Petit, Jean, 57 Petrarca, Francesco, 95 Pevsner, Nikolaus, 49 Photography, 24-30 Physics, 146 Physiognomies, 139 Piaget, Jean, 106 Picasso, Pablo, 7, 39, 105 Planck, Max, 153 Plastic surgery, 139 Plato, 78 Platonism, 80 Pleasure, 73 Poetry, 93 Poseidon, 83 Pottery, 34 Pozzi, Giovanni, 60 Prägnanz, 154 Pre-logicai thinking, 129 Prigogine, Ilya, 156 Primitivism, 91, 120 Prinzhorn, Hans, 126 Problem solving, 53, 174-79 Psychiatry, 126, 140 Psychoanalysis, 66, 105 Psychology, 102 Pythagorean theorem, 174 Racine, Jean, 100 Radio, 108 Rausch, Edwin, 66 Reflex, 92 Rejlander, Oscar G., 27 Relativity, 156 Rembrandt van Rijn, 105 Restructuring, 177 Retardation, 126-32 Rivera, Joseph de, 13 Ronchamp, chapel at, 61 Rouault, Georges, 61 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 4 Rubin, Edgar, 46 Rubin, William, 61 Rudofsky, Bernard, 38 Rutz, Ottmar, 140 Saint-Servin, Toulouse, 49 San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, 60 San Francesco, church of, Assisi, 85 Sant' Apollinare in Classe, 66 Schaefer-Simmern, Henry, 123 Schapiro, Meyer, 71 Schattschneider, Doris, 179 Schöne, Wolfgang, 80 Schrödinger, Erwin, 151 Sculpture, 83 Shakespeare, William, 139 Shape, 151-55 Skeleton, 40 Socrates, 76, 78 Sophocles, 99 Space, 42-51 Spinoza, Baruch, 102, 148, 165 Statue of Liberty, 47 Stengers, Isabelle, 156 Structural skeleton, 40, 54 184 Index Structural theme, 153 Structure, 3-12 Stumpf, Carl, 150 Syllogism, 172 Symbolism, 78-82, 93, 96 Television, 17, 124 Theater, 97-103 Titian, 66 Toepffer, Rodolphe, 142 Uelsmann, Jerry, 27 Valence (Aufforderungscharakter), 16 Valéry, Paul, 5, 76 Varnedoe, Kirk, 91 Vasarely, Victor de, 70 Vence, chapel of, 61 Verrochio, 105 Vischer, Robert, 107 Visual aids, 117 Vitruvius, 83 Volkelt, Johannes, 107 Warli tribe, 20 Weill, Kurt, 109 Wertheimer, Max, 10, 176 Wholeness, 156-62 Windelband, Wilhelm, 166 Wittkower, Rudolf, 60 Wölfflin, Heinrich, 107 Wood, John, 49 Wundt, Wilhelm, 107 Yanagi, Soetsu, 33 Yoga, 76, 83 Zen Buddhism, 83
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