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Volltext:6 CONTENTS CHAPTER X PÀG8 FURTHER LETTERS: SOUTH AFRICAN WAR... 140 CHAPTER XI HOLIDAYS....... 153 CHAPTER XII LAS T Y E A R S A T W A R L I N G H A M..... 166 INDEX. 177 I N D E X A Addresses by J. W. Swan, 130-138: at opening of the electro-technical laboratories at Liverpool, 138; as President of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 131, 132; as President of the Pharmaceuti­cal Society, 134 ; as President of the Society of Chemical Industry, 156 Annan, J. Craig, 125 Thomas, 39, 125 Archer, William Scott, 34 Armstrong, Sir William (Lord Armstrong), 65, 71, 75, 86, 90, 128, 155 Artificial cellulose thread, 9, 98-100 silk, 9, 99, 100, 101 " Ashfield, " 51, in, 120 Austen, Sir W. Roberts, 153, 154 Autotype process, 9, 39, 137 Ayrton, Mrs. Hertha, 132, 141 Professor W. E., 72, 132, 141 B Baker, Sir Benjamin, 141 Barclay, Sir Thomas, 30 Barlow, Sir Thomas, 174 Barrett, Sir William, 141 Becquerel, M. Edmond, 35 Begbie, Harold, 171-17 3 Bell, Sir Isaac Lowthian, 154 Benson, Sir Frank, 149 Ben well, factory at, 73, 82, 87 Bewick, Thomas, 45 Blakey & Hurman, Messrs., 49 Boussod, Messrs., Valledon et Cie., Brady, Captain, R.E., 150 Henry, 136 Bramwell, Sir Frederick, 86, 123 M Braun, Messrs., 39 British Association meetings : in 1882, at Southampton, 90-93; in 1886, at Birmingham, 113-115 Bromide printing paper, 9, 44 Bromley and neighbourhood, 94- 98, 105 Brush Company, 83 Burt, Thomas, M.P., 113 C Cameron, George, 12, 13 Mrs. George, 28 Isabella (seealso Swan), 11, 12 Robert, 17 Cameron-Swan, Donald, 125-127 Carbon process, 9, 30, 31, 37-39, 4L 137 Carland, 22 Carte, D'Oyley, 78 Carter, Sydney, 49 Cellular lead plate storage battery (see Storage battery) Chamberlain, Richard, 113 Chardonnet, Count Hilaire de, 100 Chemical Society, Newcastle-on- Tyne, 64 Chrome tanning, 41, 42 City of Richmond, Inman Line, 75 Clark, Latimer, 72, 131, 132 Clayton, Sir Robert, 166 Collings, Jesse, M.P., 47, 113 Collodion, 29, 33-35, 43 48 Communist leaders, trial of (Rossel, Ferré and Bourgeois), 52 Connett, Professor, 112 Courtaulds, Messrs., 100 Courtney, Leonard (Lord Court­ney), 148 Cowen, Joseph, M.P., 148, 149 Sir Joseph, 29 Coxon, James, 75 177 178 SIR JOSEPH WILSON SWAN, F.R.S. Craik, Mrs. (Dinah Mulock), 140, 141 Crompton, Colonel, R.E., C.B, 70-72, 88, 89, 123, 150 Crookes, Lady, 141 Sir William, 61, 62, 123, 141, 149, 156 Cross, Bevan, and Beadle, 99 D Daglish, Mr., President North of England Inst, of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, 1886, 112 Daguerre, 34 Daguerreotype, 24, 25, 34 Dewar, Professor Sir James, 120 Dry plates, 43, 48, 55, 87, 120 Dungeness lighthouse, 61 Durham College of Science, New­castle, 133 Durham, University of, 137 Dyson, S., 167 E Edison & Swan United Electric Light Company, Ltd., 57, 90, 93, 101, 123, 124, 156 Edison Company, 87, 90 Edison, Thomas Alva, 57, 67-70, 79, 81, 82, 87, 90, 101, 102 Edmunds, Henry 72, 75-77, 79 Electrical Engineers Volunteer Corps, 132, 150, 151 Electric incandescent light, 9 ; Edi­son's lamp, 57, 67-70, 79, 81, 82, 90; Starr's lamp, 22, 58 ; Swan's lamp, early experiments, 54-56 ; invention of, 57-74 ; factories at Benwell and at Bonder's End, 73, 82, 87, 93, 124; early in­stallations of, 75-78, 97 ; at the Paris Exhibition, 1881, 79-82 ; lamp-making in France, Belgium, America, and Germany, 82, 83, 87, 106 ; companies, 73, 79, 87, 88 ; lectures on, 64, 65, 71, 72, 86, 87, 90 ; litigation, 87-90, 101-102 ; changes in manu­facture of, 98 Electric Lighting Act, 1882, 87 Power and Storage Company, 85 Electro-Metallurgy, lectures on, 121, 131 Electrotype, 23-25 Elwick, memories of, 15, 16 Etches, Dr., 171 Evelyn, John, 166 Exhibition, Electrical, at Crystal Palace, in 1882, 69, 87 Electrical, in Frankfort, in 1891, 117, 118 Inventions, in 1885, 99, 100 St. Louis, Royal Commission fpr, _i38 Exhibitions, International, in Paris, in 1878, 55, 56; in 1881, 69, 79-82, 85 ; in 1900, X53-I55 F Faraday, Michael, 27, 45, 60, 61 Society, 122 Faure, Camille, 77, 80, 85 Filament, carbon, 58-60, 62, 63, 65-67, 69-71, 73, 78-102, 125 ; metallic, 125 Fisher, Captain J. A., R.N. (Lord Fisher), 76, 77 Fleming, Dr., 121 Forster, Sir Michael, 155 Frankland, Sir Edward, 141, 145 G Gaiety Theatre, lighting of, 55, 56 Garibaldi, 29 INDEX 179 Gateshead, Swan's home at, 28, 32, 46, 48 ; member of Town Council and School Board at, 47 ; lecture, in 1879, at, 65 Gimingham, Charles H., 66, 73 Glover, John, 27 Gore, Dr., 113 Gosling, Miss A. M., 171 Goupilgravure, 40 Grain, M. Ie, 162, 163 Gray, Le, 34 Greig, Eugène, 167 H Hancock, John, 45, 95 Heinzerling, Dr., 42 Herkomer, Professor Sir Hubert von, 109, 119, 120, 141 Siegfried von, 120 Hibbert, Dr. W., 167 Hoeffner, Dr., r 18 Holland Park, home in, 122, 124 Holman-Hunt, W., 140, 159, 160 Hopkinson, Dr. John, 72, 131, 132, 1+1 Hudson & Osbaldiston, 21 Huggins, Lady, 141 Sir William, 137, 141 Hughes Medal, 137, 155 Professor David, 141, 155 Hugo, Victor, funeral of, 107-1 rr Hyde, A. C., 126 " Hyde Welding, " 126 I Incandescent carbon filament elec­tric lamp (see Electric incandes­cent light) Inflexible, H.M.S., 76, 77 Institution of Electrical Engineers, 72, 122, 131, 132 J Jablochkoff candles, 56 Johnson, Mr. (Edison's agent), 69 Just & Hanaman, 125 K Kalk, lamp factory at, 106 Karnak, 162, 163 Kelvin, Lord (see also Sir William Thomson), 144, 150, 151, 156 King, E. A., 22, 58 Kirtley, Commander John, R.N., 15, 21 Klic, Karl, 39, 125 Knapp, Professor, 41, 42 L Lane-Fox, 79, 81 " Lauriston, " Bromley, 95, 97, 113, rr6, 1x7, 122, 140 Leaf, Captain Henry M., 1ÇO Lectures, on Incandescent Lamp : Chemical Society, Newcastle, 1878, 64; Sunderland, 1878, 64 ; Lit. and Phil. Soc., New­castle, 1879, 64, 65, 90 ; 1880, 7x, 72 ; 1882, 86; Gateshead, 1880, 65; Society of Telegraph Engineers, 1880, 72, 86; on " Storage of Electricity, " Royal Institution, 1882, 86; Crystal Palace, 1882, 87 ; on " Electric Safety Lamp for Miners, " North of England Inst, of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, 1886, 84, 86 ; and at British Association, Birmingham; 1886, and at Glas­gow, H3; on " Electro-Metal­lurgy, " Royal Institution, 1892, and at Lit. and Phil. Soc., New­castle, and at Birmingham, 1892, 121 ; on "Fire and Light, " i8o SIR JOSEPH WILSON SWAN, F.R.S. Durham College of Science and Lit. and Phil. Soc., Newcastle, 1903, 133; " Modern Develop­ments of Photography, " New­castle, 136 Legion of Honour conferred, 82 Lille, lamp factory at, 87 Lister, Sir Joseph (Lord Lister), .T45 Literary and Philosophical Society, Newcastle, 65, 71, 86, 90, 133 Liverpool, electro-technical labora­tory, opening of, 138 Lloyd, Captain, R.E., 150 Lodge, Sir Oliver, 141 Lowell, J. Russell, 1x6, 141 Low Fell, Gateshead, home at, 4 5 ; dry plate factory at, 55, 87; early electric lamps made at, 7 3 Luxor, 161-163 M Maddox, Dr. R. L., 42, 43 Mawson & Swan, 26, 39, 48, 49, 55, 70, 75 ' Elizabeth [née Swan), 28, 33, HI, x20 John ; Swan joins business of, 21, 26 ; Sheriff of Newcastle, 26 ; marriage, 28 ; manufacture of collodion, 29, 31; fatal acci­dent, 32 ; death, 33, 42 Maxim, Hiram, 79 Mazzini, 29 Meisenbach, Messrs., 41, 117 Méritens, de, 8 5 Merz, Dr. Theodore, 88 Miner's safety lamp, 83-86, 112, "3. "5 Moncel, Count du, 81 Morcom, Isobel, 161 Reginald, 161. Morgan, Thomas, 48, 70 Mosley Street, Newcastle, 26, 29, 33 4875. "2 " Moss Hill, " Milton, holidays at, 52. 53 Moulton, J. Fletcher, Q.C. (Lord Moulton), 72, 89 Mount Temple, Lord and Lady, 9**93 Müller, Dr., 118 Myers, Professor, 141 N Nasmyth, James, 113 National Physical Laboratory, 122 Neuchâtel, 51 Newcastle, Swan joins Mawson at, 21, 26, 27 ; Stake's lectures at, 22; Swan's home in, 28, 32; manufacture of collodion at, 35 ; removal from, 46 ; develop­ment of business in, 48 ; experi­ments at, 56 ; Chemical Society, 64 ; Col. Crompton at, 70, 71 ; lecture at, 71, 72 ; electric lamp factory at Benwell, 73, 74, 82, 83 ; Mining Inst., 84, 86 ; visits to, 88, ill, 112, 133, 148, 155, 167; lectures, 121, 133, 136; freedom of, 173, 174 Noble, Sir Andrew, 160 Northumberland, Duke of, 149 Notting Hill Electric Light Co., 123 O Orsini, Felice, 29 Osram Company, 125 " Overhill, " Warlingham, 166-174 P Paget, Miss, 156 " PalliomHall, " 13, 14 Paris, visit to, 51, 52 ; exhibitions at, 55, 56, 69; lamp factory at, 82, 83, 87; visit to, 107-111, 153-155 INDEX I 8 I Parsons, Sir Charles, 173 Pattinson, Hugh Lee, F.R.S., 27 John, 27, 153, 159 Payne, Arthur, 49 —— James B., 48 Perry, Professor John, 141, 151 Pharmaceutical Society, 122 Pharmacy, School of, 134-136 Photo-engraving, 41, 125-127 Planté, M. Gaston, 77, So, 81, 83 Poitevin, M. Alphonse, 31, 34, 36 Pole, Dr., F.R.S., 155 Ponton, Mungo, 34-36 Pouncy, Mr., 36 Powell, Legh S., 98, 99, 102 Prince of W alcs( King Edward VI I.), 138, 156 Proctor, Barnard Simpson, 27, 55, 136 ß Queen Victoria, 17, 151 R Ramsay, Sir William, 141 Rayleigh, Lord, 156 Reid, Hugo, 20 Reid, Sir George and Lady, 160 Rhodin, John, 102, 103, 122, 126 Ridley, John, 18 Robson, Thomas, 24 Rossel, 52 Royal Commission for St Louis Exhibition, 138 Royal Institution, 86, 120-122, 149, 160 Royal Photographic Society, 137 Royal Society, 75, 103, 122, 137, 149, 155, 156, 169, 170 S Salisbury, Lord, 156 Salomons, Sir David, 145 Schmidt, Johannes, 107 Schuckert, Herr, 1 r 8 Siemens, Alexander, 72 Siemens & Halske, Messrs., X 2 5 Silk (see Artificial) Society of Arts, 138 of Chemical Industry, 122, *37 I53.I56 of Telegraph Engineers, 72, 80, 86 Spottiswoode, Sir William, 75, 76 Sprenge], Hermann, 53, 61, 71, 74 Staite, W. E., 22, 24, 58 Stanley, Mr., 120. Starr, J. W., 22, 58 Stead, John, 153, 154 William, 120, 153 Steam, Charles H., 62, 65, 67-69, 71, 73, 74, 89, 99, too, ror, 106 Stonehenge, 91, 92 Storage battery, cellular lead plate, 9, 85 Sunderland, in the old days, 9-14 ; homes of the Swan family at, 13, 14, 21 ; Athenasum, 21-23, 58 S w a n ' s r e m o v a l f r o m , 2 6 , 2 8 ; lecture at, 64 " Sunnyside, " Bromley, 97 Swan, Alfred, x5, 28, 73 Cameron, 32 (see also Cameron-Swan) Dorothy, 52, 158, 170 Electric Engraving Company, 117, 125, 126 Electric Lamp Company, Ltd., 7L 73.79s7. 8g Elizabeth (see also Mawson), 15, 21, 28 Frances (Mrs. J. W. Swan, nie White), 32, 33, 45, 49 George Henry, 15, 28 Hannah (Lady Swan, nie White), 52, 53, 55, ix4-"7. 720, 121, X40 Hilda (Mrs. Sharpe), 52, 776, 146, 147, 756 182 SIR JOSEPH WILSON SWAN, F.R.S. Swan, Isabella (née Cameron), 11 ; home of, 13, .14; children of, 15 ; school, 2 X Isobel, 52, 144 (see also Morcom) John (father of Joseph Swan), 11-14 John Cameron, 15, 19, 28, 29, 148 Joseph Wilson, birth, 9, 10; parentage and descent, 11, 12; early impressions, 13-17 ; school­days, 17-20 ; apprenticeship, 21; joins chemist's business, 21 ; interest aroused in electric light, in electrotype and photography, 22-25 ! early years in New­castle, 26-29 carbon process, 28, 30-32, 37-41; first marriage, 32; children of, 32; death of his partner, 33 ; death of his wife, 33, 34; began manufac­ture of collodion, 29, 3 5 ; photo­engraving, 39-41 ; chrome tan­ning, _ 41, 42; dry plates, 43; bromide printing paper, 44 ; removal to " Underhill, " 45, 46 ; becomes member of Gateshead Town Council and School Board, 47 ; enlargement of Mawson & Swan's business, 48 ; second marriage, 49, 51, 62; children of, 52 ; renewed interest in electric light, 53-56; invention of the incandescent electric lamp, 57-74 ; early installations of Swan lamp, 75-78 ; visit to Paris Exhibition, 1881, 79-82; miner's lamp, 83-86 ; litigation, 87-90, 101, 102 ; British As­sociation Meeting, Southampton, 90-93 ; removal to Bromley, 94-98 ; squirting process, 98, 99 ; artificial silk, 99-101 ; ex­periments in electrolytic deposi­tion of copper, 102-105 ! visit to Germany, 106, 107 ; visit to Paris, 107-111 ; miner's lamp, 112, 113, 115; visit to Germany and Austria, 117-120; lectures on Electro-Metallurgy, 121 ; re­moval to London, 122 ; Fellow of Royal Society, President of Inst, of Electrical Engineers, Society of Chemical Industry, Faraday Society, Pharmaceutical Society, Vice-President of Senate of University College, London, 122, 123; Director of Electric Lighting Companies, 123-125; Swan Electric Engraving Com­pany, 125-127; experimental work, 126-130; Addresses, 131- X 3 8 ; honorary degrees con­ferred, 137; Progress Medal, Royal Photographic Society ; Medal of Society of Chemical Industry ; Hughes Medal, Royal Society, 137; knighthood con­ferred, 138; Albert Medal, Society of Arts, 138; opens the electro-technical laboratory, Uni­versity of Liverpool, 138; social life, 140, 141 ; holidays at Aln-mouth, Dunbar, Whitby, Bam-burgh, Dolgelly, Caux, 141-142 ; visit to Egypt, 161-165 ; illness and removal to Warlingham, 166; laboratory work, 166-168, 170; other occupations, 168- 169; personality, 171-173, 175, 176; freedom of Newcastle, 173, 174; illness and death, 175, 176 Kenneth Raydon, 52, 153, 154, 160, 174 Mary Edmonds, 32, 116, 146 Percival, 52, 117, 153, 161, 171 " Swan-type, " 126 Swan United Electric Light Com­pany, Ltd., 87, 88, 90 Swinburne, James, F.R.S., 82, 83, I 100, 124 INDEX 183 T Talbot, Fox, 34, 35, 39 Tesla, Nikola, 120 Thompson, Professor Silvanus, 141 Thomson, Sir William (see also Lord Kelvin), 75, 88, 91, 93, 113 Thornley, Miss, 31, 32 Topham, Fred, 73, roi Tyndall, Professor John, 45, 72 U " Underhill, " Low Fell, 46, 48, 50, 68 University College, London, 123 W Walker, C. V., 22, 23 Wallace, Sir Johnstone, 174 Warlingham, 140, 166-174 Watson, Robert Spence, LL.D., 88 Webber, General, 150 Welsbach, Baron Auer von, 125 White, Frances, 31, 32 (see also Swan) Hannah, 45, 47, 49, 51 (see also Swan) Louisa, 51 Maria, 31, 45, 49, 52 —— Mary, 3i_ Wiggins, Captain J., 11 Wood, Dr., 19 Woodbury, W., 40 Printed and Made in Great Britain by Tumbidl & Shears, Edinburgh
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