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Volltext:COSEY COMPLEX AA 110 acousmatic tradition 62, 63 activity, and passivity 125 Adorno, Theodor W. 28-29 see also Horkheimer, Max Agamben, Giorgio 53 aggression 27, 33 Albuquerque, New Mexico 109, 110 Anti-psychiatry movement 28 architecture 89-90 Aries, Philippe, Centuries of Childhood 48 Aristotle 59 Arkestra 56 asemantic effect 25, 29, 33-34 Ashbery, John 48 Ashley, Robert, She Was A Visitor 116, 117 Auckland Zoo, McDonald's Rainforest 41 autobiography 91 autonomy 33 Badiou, Alain 32 Ballard, J. G. The Atrocity Exhibition 92 Crash 92 Banks, lain, The Wasp Factory 92 BBC 91 Belfast 21 Benjamin, Walter 27-28 'On Surrealism' 27 Passagenwerk 27 Bernstein, Charles 53 Boym, Svetlana, The Future of Nostalgia 51 Brecon 93 Breuer, Josef, and Freud, Sigmund, Studies on Hysteria 139 Brief Encounter 92-94 Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de, Illustrated History and Description of the Animals 40, 41 Burroughs, William 28, 32, 92 business 56, 58, 61 The Cabinet of King Charles 40 Carter, Chris 18, 83-85 Carter Tutti 14, 83, 85 Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, Journey to the End of the Night 8 Chicago 56 childhood 48-49 Chris and Cosey 18 Apocalypso 14 Driving Blind 17-18 Fantastique 14 Illusion 14 Luchtbal 14-15 Misunderstandings 14 Spectrofeelya 14 cinema 28, 29-30, 89, 92-94 Cixous, Hélène, Coming to Writing 18 clocks, strange 51, 52, 53 Cold War era 25 consciousness-conditioning 28 cosey/cosy/cosiness/coseyness/coseying 123-28 COUM Transmissions 7, 85 Coward, Noel 93 Critical Theory 28, 32 Crowley, Aleister 93 cunt, nomenclature and 126-27 Daniel, Drew 26 Dazed and Confused 49 denigration, stereotyped 59 Denny, Martin 14, 27 Derrida, Jacques 61, 62, 64 despair, political 55 Didi-Huberman, Georges, 'The art of not describing: Vermeer - the detail and the patch' 8 Disney, Walt 29, 30, 55 Dolar, Mladen 61 Donald Duck 28, 29-30 e-flux 31 Eisenstein, Sergei Mikhailovich 29, 33 El Rosario, Mexico 42 emancipation 31 English, Darby 55 envelopes 18 Eurovision Song Contest (2010) 25 Eurydice 116 femininity, as weakness 32 Feminist movement 31 Flusser, Vilem, Towards a Philosophy of Photography 48 folds, folding 124-28 Fontana, California 39 Fordism 25-26, 28 Foucault, Michel 28 Frankfurt School 32 Freud, Sigmund 139 Futurism 34 genitalia, female 123-28 Glissant, Edward 61 Godard, Jean-Luc 28 Goodman, Steve 25 Gräfe, Frieda 28-29 Grand Guignol theatre 30 Hanatarash 29 The Happy Hypocrite 7 Hitchcock, Alfred 30 homophobia 32 homosexuality 32 Horkheimer, Max, and Adorno, Theodor W., Dialectics of Enlightenment 28 Howard, Trevor 93 Howe, Susan 53 Hudson, Rock 90 Hull 13-14, 21 144 INDEX Industrial Music 27 innervation 27-28 inside and outside 123 Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) 7, 17, 52 non-description 8 nostalgia, restorative and reflective 51 noun 7 see also verb Jardin des Plantes, Paris 40 jeans, tight 49 Jesus Christ 56 Johnson, Celia 92, 93 Joyce, James, Finnegans Wake 13 Jung, Carl Gustav, The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche 139 object-oriented philosophy 32 October Gallery, London 83 Olmsted, Charles 40 Op Art 33 oppression 123 Orpheus myth 116 overwhelm, aesthetic of 32 kick-oriented cultures 30-32 King's Lynn, Norfolk 83, 115-117 Klassnik, Robin 11 Kroc family 41 Laibach 29 Laing, R.D. 28 Lean, David 93 Ligon, Glenn 55 Linguistic Hardcore 11-21 Linklater, Richard 49 The Listener 91 Lordsburg, New Mexico 111 Los Angeles 55 Lyotard, Jean-François 124-125 McDonald's 41 Magazine Actions 20 mail art 84-85 Manson, Charles 93 masculinism 33 masochism 29, 31 materiality 123 melodrama 89 Memories of Underdevelopment Men Only 20 Merzbow 34 methodology 7, 20, 139 Mickey Mouse 29 Miller, Steve 93 Monk, Meredith Key 117 What Does It Mean? 117 Moten, Fred 55, 63 Mozart, Cosi fan tutte 118, 139 mucus 124, 127-28 Muslimgauze 29 Nabokov, Vladimir 52 names 11-13, 17, 56 business 56, 58, 61 Nancy, Jean-Luc 62-63 neo-tribalism 32 The New York Times 108 New York World's Fair 40 Nietzsche, Friedrich 32 nomenclature 7, 126-27 see also names 110 P-Orridge, Genesis 11 pain and entertainment 25-34 pandas, giant 39-42 Paris 93 passivity and activity 125 and passivisation 25, 31-33 Pendelton jacket 90 Penthouse 20 Perec, Georges, Species of Spaces 50 Perelman, Bob 53 performativity 123 Perniola, Mario, The Sex Appeal of the Inorganic 31-32 phallic discourse 125-26 photography 47-53 accidental 47 The Piccadilly 21 Pointillism 33 Poplar, London 91 pornography 30 Post-Fordism 26 Pound, Ezra 15 presets 15 Prostitution 7 Pryor, Richard 55 psychology 107 punks, punk rock 26, 32 Purcell Rooms 18 Pythagoras 62 Quin, Ann, Berg 7 Rachmaninov, Sergei, Piano Concerto No.2 radio broadcasting 91 Radio Times 91 Ramones 28-29 'Readers Wives' 20 Red Hook, New York 52 rhythm 29-30 Rilke, Rainer Maria, Duino Elegies 117 Rochford, Essex 91 The Romance of the Rose 49 Rome 118 San Diego Zoo 39-42 Kroc Family Rainforest Satellite 25 41-42 145 COSEY COMPLEX self 63, 124 self-harm 26 sex industry magazines 20-21 workers in 123 sexual politics 29 Shoah 26 Showalter, Elaine, 'Towards a Feminist Poetics' 13 Sirk, Douglas 89 slides 47-53 source and material 18 Soviet cinema 30 speech 61, 64 sperm 40 Steely Dan 90 Steyerl, Hito 31 subjectivity, failed 32 subject-oriented aesthetics 33 submission 25, 33 substance abuse 107, 109 suburbanisation 91 Süddeutsche Zeitung 29 Sun Ra 55-63 swearing 21 Szabo 15 Throbbing Gristle 29, 30, 32-33, 34, 83, 85 D.o.A.: The Third and Final Report 26 Entertainment 26-27 Hamburger Lady 26, 93 Hot on the Heels of Love 55 Second Annual Report 26 torture 25-26 transgression 123 Tyson, June 56 Vancouver architecture 89-90 Chinese women in 90 verb 7 Venice 93 voice(s) 55, 61-64, 69, 115-18, 118 vulva 125-28 Warhol, Andy 84 Waters, Patty Black is the colour of my true love's hair 117 Sings 117 West Side Story 49 Whitehouse 29 women as all should be 11, 58, 61, 63 are like that 58, 139 Chinese 90 femininity 32 genitalia of 123, 124-28 identity 123 thus do all 61 words, voice and 61, 62 Wyatt, Robert 18 Zap Club 18 Zen 49, 110 Zombie, Rob, The Scorpion Sleeps 110 ZooNooz 40, 41 146
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