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Volltext:Abstract/Abstraction, 152, 254 Abstract artists, 255 Abstract Expressionism, 253-254 Académie Julian, 96, 110, 113, 151 Académie Moderne in Paris, 252 Adler, Kathleen, 60, 61 Aestheticism, 149 Aesthetic theory, 277 African-American artists, 337, 351, 553 African art, 352 Akademie der Kunst, Berlin, 153 Alford, Marion (Lady), 45 Amédée Ozenfant Academy in London, 308 American expatriates, 41, 43, 77 American Neoclassical sculptors, 42; See also Hosmer, Harriet American Precisionists, 252 Anatomy, study of, 42 Androcentric ficton, 13 Androgyny, 10 Animal painters, 23 Architects. See Pope, Theodate Archives of American Art, 99 Arp, Jean, 274 Art, social responsibility of, 149, 337 Art for art's sake, 149 Art History exclusion of women artists from, 2 feminist, 3 feminist critical theorists, 7-8 Art Institute of Chicago, 212, 556 Artist. See also Women artists definition of, 4 myth of the male artist-hero, 8-11 Art Students League, 212, 252, 337 Atwood, Margaret, 174 383 VOICING OUR VISIONS Austin, Mary, 174, 214 Autobiography, female and male forms of, 13 Automatism, 293 Azbé, Anton, 128 Bachhofen, J.J., 190 Bandelier National Monument in Frijoles Canyon, New Mexico, 322 Barbizon painters, 24 Barlach, Ernst, 151 Bashkirtseff, Marie, 14, 96, 109-124, 191 Bastien-Lepage, Jules, 111 Baur, John, 255 Bearden, Romare, 337, 353 Bearor, Karen, 252 Beaux, Cecilia, 4, 5, 10, 12, 13, 95-107, 110, 175, 188 Belay, Charles, 78 Bernent, Alon, 212, 213 Bennett, Gwendolyn, 337 Benton, Thomas Hart, 43 Berlin Academy of Art, 150 Berlin School of Art for Women, 188 Black artists, 337, 339, 351, 353 Blanchard, Paula, 174, 175 Blaue Reiter (Blue Rider), 127, 128, 129 Blink, Mathilde, 113 Boccaccio, 8 Bonheur, Rosa, 10, 21-39, 57, 61, 96, 110, 171 Bosch, Hieronymous, 309 Brancusi, Constantin, 274 Breton, André, 10, 231, 232, 233, 289, 291 British modernism, 276 British School in Rome, 274 Brown, Eric, 173 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 43, 44 Browning, Robert, 43 Burlington Galleries in London, 308 Cain, Auguste, 24 Cain, Henri, 24 Calder, Alexander, 233 California School of Design in San Francisco, 172 Canada's National Gallery in Ottawa, 173 Canova, Antonio, 42 Carlandi, Onorato, 232 Carr, Cornelia Crow, 43, 45 Carr, Emily, 4, 5, 12, 96, 98, 171-184, 214, 232, 273 Carriera, Rosalba, 2, 25, 80, 95, 99 Carrington, Leonora, 9, 10, 15, 99, 234, 307-319 Cassatt, Mary, 25, 43, 60, 61, 77-93, 95, 96 Cather, Willa, 10 Catlett, Elizabeth, 11, 152, 273, 292, 337-348, 372 Century of Progress exhibit in Chicago, 322 Ceramics, 372 Cézanne, Paul, 191, 214 Chadwick, Whitney, 6, 293, 309 Chardin, Paul, 24, 32 Chase, William Merritt, 212 Chicago, Judy, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 370-382 City College of New York, 352 Cixous, Hélène, 8, 11 Colarossi, 96„ 188, 189 Constructivism, 275 Corcoran Gallery Art School, 232 Corot, Camille, 58 Correggio, 78 Cosnier, 110, 111 Couture, Thomas, 78 Crafts, 372. See also Quilts Cubism, 352 Cubists, 338 Curry, Elizabeth, 153 Cushman, Charlotte, 42 Dada movement, 129 Dali, Salvador, 233, 235, 310 Daly, Mary, 10 De Beauvoir, Simone, 111 De Chirico, Giorgio, 233 Degas, Edgar, 57, 59, 60, 79, 80, 81 3S4 INDEX Denis, Maurice, 129 Diamond Jubilee Exhibit of Negro Art in Chicago, 336 Diaries, 13-14 - Dickinson, Emily, 5 Diller, Burgoyne, 252 Dow, Arthur Wesley, 212, 213 Drinker, Catherine, 96 Dumas, 110 Dunn, Dorothy, 322, 323, 324 Durand-Ruels, 79 Eakins, Thomas, 97 Elias-Button, Karen, 11 Eliot, T.S., 232, 234 Ernst, Max, 9, 10, 308, 309, 310, 311 European Purists, 252 Expatriate artists, 41, 43, 77 Expressionism, 129, 131, 151-152, 187 Fauves, the, 129, 172, 174 Feminist critical theorists, 7-8 Fernandez, Fernando, 290 Fiction, female artists as protagonists in, 6 First International Surrealist Exhibition, 308 First World War, 151 Fleury, Tony Robert, 110 Florence, expatriate artists in, 43 Foote, Mary Hallock, 4, 6 France, expatriate artists in, 77 Frank, Anne, 109 Frazier, Susan, 371 French modernism, 173 Gabo, Naum, 274, 275 Gallery exhibitions, 4 Gambart, Ernest, 23 Garb, Tamar, 60, 61 Gardner, 3 Gauguin, Paul, 129, 188, 189 Gaze of implied male viewer, 44 Gender discrimination, 59-60 Gender in writings by women artists, 11-15 Genres, 9, 11-15, 25 Gentileschi, Artemisia, 2 Gérme, Jean-Léon, 78 Gerszo, Gunther, 308 Gibson, John, 42 Gilbert, Sandra, 5 Gilder, Dorothea, 99 Gilder, Richard, 99 Gilligan, Carol, 9 Goethe, 153 Goodall, Frederick, 23 Gorky, Arshile, 233 Gouma-Peterson, Thalia, 338 Griffin, Susan, 174 Group of Seven, 173 Gubar, Susan, 5 Hahl-Koch, Jelena, 130, 131 Hall, Anne, 97 Hamilton, Juan, 215 Hamrol, Lloyd, 371 IJanaford, Phoebe, 44 Harris, Lawren, 173, 174 Hauptmann, Gerhart, 150 Havemeyers, 77 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 43 Hepworth, Barbara, 2, 5, 11, 15, 44, 273-286, 338, 372, Hermitage Museum in Leningrad, 111 Herrera, Hayden, 293 Herring, James, 336 Herterich, Ludwig, 150 Higgonet, Anne, 60 High art, 7, 9, 372 Hodgett, Vicki, 371 Hodin, J.P., 276 Hosmer, Harriet, 15, 41-54, 57, 77, 95, 274 Household arts, 373 Hughes, Langston, 337 Hamsun, Knut, 185 Impressionism, 58, 131 Impressionists, 57, 59, 77, 80, 81 Indian bird carving, 175 Indian Pueblo Cultural Center in Albuquerque, 323 385 VOICING OUR VISIONS James, Edward, 308 James, Henry, 43 Janson, H.W., 3 Japanese art, 80 Jawlensky, Alexei, 128, 129, 130, 131 Jelinek, Estelle, 13, 98 John, Gwen, 11, 15 Jones, Lois Mailou, 336 Jordan, June, 7 Journals, 13-14 Jung, Emma, 10 Kahlo, Frida, 9, 10, 191, 234, 289-304, 307, 308, 311 Kandinsky, Wassily, 127, 128, 131, 188 Kauffman, Angelica, 3, 8, 9 Kemble, Fanny, 42, 43 Klee, Paul, 128 Klinger, Max, 150 Klumpke, Anna, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 96, 110, 113 Rollwitz, Käthe, 5, 11, 14, 130, 149-169, 188, 273, 337, 339, 372 Laboratory of Anthropology in Santa Fe, 324 Lahey, Richard, 252 Landers, Louise, 43 Landseer, Edwin (Sir), 23, 24 Lauter, Estella, 255, 277 Lawrence, Jacob, 337, 353 Leacock, Stephen, 112 Leeds School of Art, 274 Léger, Fernand, 252 LeGuin, Ursula, 276 Leighton, Federick (Lord), 43 Letters, 14-15 Lewis, Edmonia, 43 Lipps, Theodor, 129 Luhan, Mabel Dodge, 214 Maclver, Loren, 253 Macke, August, 128, 130 Mackensen, Fritz, 189 MacMonnies, Mary Frances, 79 Magritte, Ren, 233, 310 Male gaze, 44 Male mentors, 9, 9-10, 111, 232, 308, 336, 337 Mallarmé, Stéphane, 57, 60, 61 Manet, Édouard, 57, 58, 61 Marc, Franz, 128 Marcus, Jane, 112 Marriage vs. art, 2, 112-113, 187 Martinez, Maria, 324 Martin, J.L., 275 Masculinity, internalization of, 10 Masson, Andr, 233 Maternal thinking, 8 Matulka, Jan, 252 Méne, Pierre, 24 Mentors, male. See Male mentors Mexican muralists, 289, 336. See also Rivera, Diego Micas, Nathalie, 10, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 Miller, Donald, 254 Miller, Stephen, 234 Minimalist aesthetic, 370 Ministry of Public Education's School of Painting and Sculpture, 292 Minor art forms, 9. See also CraRs Modersohn, Otto, 189 Modersohn-Becker, Paula, 4, 7, 8, 12, 14, 96, 112, 187-208 Moffatt, Mary Jane, 13, 14 Mondrian, Piet, 254, 274, Monet, Claude, 57, 59 Moore, Henry, 276, , 338 Morisot, Berthe, 2, 14, 57-74, 80, 81, 111, 112 Moro, Francisco, 337 Morris, Harrison, 80 Moscow School of Art, 128 Munch, Edvard, 129, 131, 190 Mnter, Gabriele, 128, 129 Museum of New Mexico in Santa Fe, 323 Museums, 4. See also specific museums by name Myth of the male artist-hero, 8-11 Nabis, the, 129, 131 National Academy of Design, 97 National Museum of Anthropology in 386 INDEX Mexico City, 510 Native American art, 324 Native American artists, 231 Nazis, 151 Needlework, 9, 372, 373 Neoclassicism, 41 Neo-Impressionism, 129 Nesnakomoff, Helene, 130 Neue Kunstler-Vereinigung München (NKVM, the New Artists' Association of Munich), 128 Nicholson, Ben, 274, 275 Nochlin, Linda, 3 Nude models, availability of, 113 O'Keefe, Georgia, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 80, 99, 174, 189, 211-229, 252, 273, 291, 308, Olney, James, 12 Olsen, Tillie, 3 Orgel, Sandra, 371 Oudinot, Achille, 58 Ozenfant, Amédée, 252 Paalen, Wolfgang, 308 Palmer, Bertha Potter, 79 Palmes des Académiques, 325 Parker, Rozsika, 111, 113 Pascal, Roy, 12 Pena, Tonita, 324 Pennsylvania Academy, 97 Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 96 Pereira, Irene Rice, 10, 14, 15, 99, 251-270, 311 Peret, Benjamin, 308 Phallocentric standards, 7, 15 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, 9 Philbrook Art Center, 324 Picasso, Pablo, 173, 291 Pisarro, Camille, 60 Poe, Edgar Allan, 131 Poetry, 15 Pollitzer, Anita, 2, 6, 15, 212, 213, 215 Pollock, Griselda, 60, 80, 111, 113 Pope, Theodate, 81, Portraiture, 97, 98 Posey, Willi, 353, 354 Pound, Ezra, 232 Powers, Hiram, 44 Prado, Holly, 13 Pratt Institute, 252 Prices for art works, 4, 9 Prussian Academy, 151 Public Works Art Project, 336 Quilts, 351, 353-355 Rabuzzi, Kathryn, 11, 13 Radycki, Diane, 191 Raimondi, Carlo, 78 Ranieri di San Faustino, Prince, 232 Read, Herbert, 275 Reavey, George, 253 Renoir, Pierre, Auguste, 57, 59, 61 Rilke, Rainer Maria, 189 Rilke-Westhoff, Clara, 189 Rimbaud, 310 Ringgold, Faith, 10-11, 339, 351-367 Ri vera, Diego, 9, 10, 289, 291, 292, 294, 308 Rjepin, Ilja, 128 Robinson, Charlotte, 353 Rodin, Auguste, 151, 189, 291 Role models, lack of, 7 Rome, 41, 43, 274 Roosevelt, Mrs. Theodore, 97 Rosenwald Foundation, 538 Rouart, Denis, 61 Royal College of Art in London, 274 Ruiz, Jos, 337 Rush, Olive, 322 Russian Symbolists, 130, 131 Saar, Betye, 359 Sage, Kay, 15, 231-249, 307, 308, 311 Salon, 21, 22, 58, 96, 110 Salon d'Automne, 172 Sand, George, 23 Sargent, John Singer, 98 Sartain, Emily, 78, 81, 96 Sartain, William, 96 387 VOICING OUR VISIONS Schapiro, Miriam, 371 Scheyer, Emmy, 130 School of Painting and Sculpture in Mexico, 337 Seattle painters, 173 Second World War, 151, 323 Self as artistic subject, 191, 292, 293 Serrano, Mary, 113 Sexual orientation, 25 Sherman, Cindy, 293 Short stories, 15 Showalter, Elaine, 4 Sims, Lowery, 353 Skeaping, John, 274 Smith, David, 252 Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll, 13, 25, 80 Smith, Sidonie, 13, 98 Social class, 98, 111 Social responsibilty, 149, 337 Société Anonyme, 58, 60 Stauffer-Bern, Karl, 150 Stebbins, Emma, 43 Stieglitz, Alfred, 9, 212, 213, 291, 308 Strong, Harriet Russell, 43 Subjects/Themes animals, 21, 23, 24 bones, 214 Celtic myths, 309, 311 death, 151, 152-153 eggs, 235 flowers, 213, 214, 372 Indians of American West, 172, 174 mother and child, 152, 190, 338 nature, 21, 23, 24, 171, 174, 273 self, 191, 292, 293 sexual awakening as, 190 vaginal iconography, 370, 372 women, 44, 60, 80, 338 Suleiman, Susan, 11 Surrealism, 131 Surrealists, 231, 233, 234, 234, 235, 289, 293, 307, 309, 310, 311 Sweet, Frederick, 79 Symbolism, 130, 131 Symbolists, 129, 187 Russian, 130, 131 Western, 131 Taller de Grafica Popular, 337 Tanguy, Yves, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235 Taiiber-Arp, Sophie, 274 The Dinner Party, 371-372 Themes. See Subjects/Themes Thorvaldsen, Bertel, 42 Tobey, Mark, 173 Tsefagiorgis, Freida, 339 Tyrwhitt, Ursula, 15 United States War Portraits Commission, 97 Vaginal iconography, 7, 370, 372 Vanderpoel, John, 212 van der Whelan, 96 Van Gogh, Vincent, 129, 188 Varo, Remedios, 10, 234, 308 Vasari, Giorgio, 8, 12 Velarde, Pablita, 321-332 Victimized women, 44 Vigée-Lebrun, Elisabeth, 3, 4, 95, 98, 175 Voice, metaphor of, 5-8 Walker, Alice, 11 Wallace, Michele, 353 Wallace, Robert Earl, 352 War, 151 Weisz, Emerico (Chiqui), 308 Wells, James, 336 Weltsch, Robin, 371 Werefkin, Marianne, 2, 4, 10, 14, 127-146, 152, 153, 175, 232, 293, 311 Western Symbolists, 131 Westhoff, Clara, 189 Westminster School of Art in London, 172 Whistler, James Abbott McNeill, 97 White, Charles, 336, 337 Whitney Museum, 253 Womanhouse, 371 Women female behavior, 7-8 female body, 7-8. See also Vaginal iconography 388 INDEX as the Other, 6 as subject/theme, 44, 60, 80, 338 Women artists conflicting demands on, 2, 187 exclusion from art history, 2-4 importance of writing to, 4-5 as protagonists in fiction, 6 Women's Building at the 1893 World Columbian Exhibition in Chicago, 79 Women's School for Art in Munich, 150 Women's School of the Berlin Academy of Art, 150 Women's writings, 4-8 Wood, Grant, 336 Woodley, Karin, 372 Woodruff, Hale, 337, 353 Woolf, Virginia, 6 Works Progress Administration's Design Laboratory, 22 1893 World Columbian Exposition in Chicago, 43, 79 Worpswede artists, 189 Zadkine, Ossip, 337, 338 Zuniga, Francisco, 337, 338 389
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