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Volltext:Index A Afro, 190 Albers, Joseph, 8, 17, 108, 182, 206 Alston, Charles, 205 American Artists' School, 205 American Institute of Architects, 59 Ardita, 31 Armory Show (Chicago), 18 ' Arp, Hans, 138 Art Institute of Chicago, 161 Art News, 78, 83, 85, 115, 117, 228 Art Students League, 111, 126, 161, 207 Artzybasheff, Boris, 90 Associated American Artists, 161 Auden, W. H., 130 Avery, Jack, 98 B Baker, Ernest Hamlin, 90 Balthus (Balthasar Klossowsky), 210 Bannern, Henry, 205 Barlach, Ernst, 171, 175 Barr, Alfred, 127, 198, 214, 215 Baskin, Leonard, 11, 12, 19, 88, 130, 169-176, 193, 223 Baziotes, William, 92, 112 Beaux Arts, 59, 138 Bellini, Giovanni, 197 Bellows, George, 202 Benton, Thomas Hart, 77, 83 Bernard, Emile, 167 Bishop, Isabel, 98 Blake, William, 170, 171, 177 Bloom, Hyman, 106, 170, 194, 195 Blume, Peter, 99, 140 Boccioni, Umberto, 32 Bosch, Hieronymus, 132, 140 Bouché, René, 19, 130 Bouguereau, Adolphe, 223 Brady, Charles, 106 Brady, Diamond Jim, 57 Brancusi, Constantin, 19, 124, 173- 174 Bresdin, Rodolphe, 172 Breton, André, 152 Briggs, Ernest, 19 Broadacre City, 63 Brook, Alexander, 98 Brooks, James, 19 Brueghel, Pieter, 124, 132, 206, 226 Bryson, Bernarda, 189 Buffet, Bernard, 193 Burchfield, Charles, 98, 202 Burlington, Lord, 56 C Cadmus, Paul, 209 Calder, Alexander, 19, 125, 128, 136- 144, 146, 152, 182, 189, 222 Camaino, Tino di, 171, 176 Caravaggio, Polidoro da, 202 Cavallon, Giorgio, 99 Cézanne, Paul, 8, 95-96, 134, 151, 167, 187 Chartres, 45, 46, 133 Cherry, Herman, 97, 98 Chirico, Giorgio di, 182 Clouet, Jean, 168 Cocteau, Jean, 50, 188 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 199 College Art Journal, The, 98, 131 Collins, Joe, 161 Coomaraswamy, Ananda, 12 Coonley House, 51 Corbusier (See Le Corbusier) 229 Index Courbet, Gustave, 190 Crampton, Rollin, 99 Crawford, Ralston, 99 Creeft, José de, 17 5 Cremonini, Leonardo, 190 Cunningham, Imogen, 10 Curry, John Steuart, 83 D Dada, 147 Daen, Lindsay, 154-161 Dali, Salvador, 107, 152, 209 Dante, 32 Darwin, Charles, 120 Daumier, Honoré, 106, 184, 206 David, J. L., 158, 210 Davis, Lew, 48, 51 Davis, Stuart, 99, 111, 206, 220 De Rivera, José Ruiz, 125, 147 Degas, Hilaire Edgar, 199 Delacroix, Eugène, 119, 190 Des Moines Art Center, 139 Detroit Museum, 205 Devree, Howard, 219 Diaghilev, Sergei, 202 Dickinson, Emily, 37, 38, 217, 218 Donatello, 171, 176 Donne, John, 170 Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 41, 80 Doukhobor (religious sect), 37, 40 Dubois, Guy Pène, 202 Dubuffet, Jean, 111, 183 Duchamp, Henri, 16, 138 Duchamp-Villon, Raymond, 131 Dupont, Harry, 219 Dürer, Albrecht, 223 , E Eisenhower, Dwight D., 211, 215 Eliot, T. S., 130, 217 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 50-51 Epstein, Jacob, 142, 171 Euclid, 157 Evergood, Philip, 99, 107 F Faulkner, William, 19 Ferber, Herbert, 125 Fiene, Ernest, 98 Fisher, Harrison, 18 Flannagan, John, 175 Fra Angelico, 89 230 Francis, Sam, 19 Fredenthal, David, 206 French, Jared, 209 Freud, Sigmund, 82, 90, 120, 186, 188 Frost, Robert, 199 Fuller, Richard E., 7 G Gabo, Naum, 125, 138, 144 Gallery G, 11, 88, 129 Gauguin, Paul, 134, 167 Genauer, Emily, 71-73, 119 Géricault, Jean Louis, 167, 190 Gérôme, Jean Léon, 223 Giacometti, Alberto, 153, 155, 182 Gibson, Charles Dana, 184 Gikow, Ruth, 194 Giotto, 104, 192, 228 Glasco, Joseph, 110-113 Goethe, J. W. von, 54 Gonzales, Julio, 125, 153, 166 Goosen, E. C., 126 Gottlieb, Adolph, 87-92, 99, 216, 223 Gotuso, 190 Goya, 41, 113, 152, 163, 167, 199, 206 Goyen, William, 113 Graves, Morris, 3, 4, 6-13, 15, 17, 30, 226 Greco, El, 89, 191 Greenberg, Clement, 66, 87 Grippi, Joseph, 88 Gropius, Walter, 6, 46, 47, 64 Grosz, George, 173, 174 Gruenewald, Matthias, 22, 23, 34, 88, 185 Guggenheim Fellowship, 171 Guggenheim, Harry, 5 8 Guggenheim Museum, 69, 72, 127, 222 Guston, Philip, 19 Gwathmey, Robert, 91, 206 H Hagia Sophia, 53 Hale, Robert Beverley, 220 Hale, William Harlan, 49 Handy, Margaret, 212, 217 Hare, David, 125, 148-153 Harmon Foundation, 205 Index Hartigan, Grace, 19 Hartley, Marsden, 131 Hasagawa, Sabro, 109 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 80 Hay ter, Stanley W., 80, 99 Hemingway, Ernest, 10, 117, 220 Henri, Robert, 198 Hess, Thomas B., 61, 78, 81, 92, 118 Hitchcock, Henry-Russell, 13, 11, 16, 60 Hoelderlin, Friedrich, 120 Hofmann, Hans, 99, 117, 118 Homer, Winslow, 213, 219 Hopper, Edward, 98, 198-202, 209, 213, 217, 220 Hugo, Victor, 188 I Immaculate Heart College, 21, 23, 21 Ingres, 216 J Jackson, Martha (Gallery) , 111 James, William, 140 Janis, Sidney (Gallery), 76, 93 Jefferson, Thomas, 49 Jepson Institute, 111 John, Augustus, 109 John of the Cross, 107, 108 Johnson, Philip, 46-74, 84 Johnson's Wax House, 70 Joyce, James, 104 K Kandinsky, Wassily, 124 Kearns, James, 11, 13, 129, 114, 116- 162, 171, 193, 223 Keats, John, 91 Kerr, Coe, 214 Kiesler, Frederick, 19, 61, 99 Kirstein, Lincoln, 214 Kizer, Carolyn, 2, 3, 4, 7 Klee, Paul, 18, 71, 206 Kline, Franz, 14, 20, 29, 76, 84, 92, 96, 106-110, 227 Knaths, Karl, 99 Knoedler's Gallery, 214 Koerner, Henry, 19, 130 Kooning, Willem de, 76-79, 81, 84, 81, 92, 97, 99-104, 108, 111, 117, 147, 110, 111, 183, 184, 189, 190 Krasner, Lee (Mrs. Jackson Pollock), 79, 80, 81 Kroll, Leon, 98 Kuh, Katherine, 84 Kunitz, Stanley, 3 Kuniyoshi, Yasuo, 188 L Labocetta, Mario, 32 Lafayette, Marquis de, 212 Langsner, Jules, 83, 110 Larrea, Juan, 131 Lassaw, Ibram, 64, 66, 121, 111, 112 Laurentian Library, 69 Lautrec, Henri de Toulouse-, 187 Lawrence, Jacob, 204-207, 223, 224 Lebrun, Rico, 21, 30-38, 40-42, 99, 111, 171, 217, 218 Le Corbusier, 10, 11, 19, 64-61, 182 Léger, Fernand, 111, 183 Leider, Jay, 204 Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 197 Levi, Julian, 81 Levine, Jack, 82, 83, 99, 107, 114, 170, 180, 194, 191, 198, 200, 201, 206, 222, 223 Lionni, Leo, 227 Lipchitz, Jacques, 19, 12, 61, 64, 130-136, 140, 144, 113, 111, 160, 164, 167, 173, 171 Lippold, Richard, 121, 147, 111 Long, Huey, 16 Los Angeles County Museum, 29 Louverture, Toussaint, 201 Louvre, 139, 168, 181 Lowenthal, Milton, 201 Luce, Henry, 74 M Macbeth Gallery, 214 McGrath, Thomas, 174 Magritte, René, 209 Maldarelli, Oronzio, 171 Malevich, Constantin, 124, 133 Manzü, Giacomo, 171 Marca-Relli, Corrado, 81-84 Mareks, Gerhardt, 171 Marin, John, 128, 198, 218 Marinetti, F. T., 32 Maritain, Jacques, 116, 221 Marsh, Reginald, 88, 98, 207 Martin, Fletcher, 98 231 Index Masaccio, 191 Mathieu, George, 5, 109, 133, 131 Matisse, Henri, 96, 110-112, 132, 132, 187, 203 Matta, 76, 77, 111, 131, 188 Mattson, Henry, 98 Medici Chapel, 127 Meissonier, Jean Louis, 223 Melville, Herman, 41, 207 Memling, Hans, 223 Meryon, Charles, 199 Metropolitan Museum of Art, 93, 120 Michelangelo, 49, 33, 69, 100, 104, 139 Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 16, 45- 47, 30, 53-35, 62, 64 Miller, Dorothy, 112 Miller, Kenneth Hays, 207, 210 Milles, Carl, 139 Minneapolis Museum, 167 Mirko, 227 Miro, Joan, 18, 128, 138-139, 206 Modigliani, Amedeo, 32 Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo, 5 S Mondrian, Piet, 7, 40, 90, 128, 138- 139, 150, 183, 203 Monet, Claude, 124 Monroe, Marilyn, 104, 163 Montgomery, Robert, 212 Moore, Henry, 153, 171 Morandi, Giorgio, 190 Morris, George, 99 Motherwell, Robert, 14, 92, 95, 99 Mount Holyoke College, 171 Mozart, Wolfgang, 96, 147 Mumford, Lewis, 63 Museum of Modem Art, 18, 19, 52, 58, 80, 84, 99, 112, 119, 127, 128, 130, 153, 163, 166, 205, 212, 214 Mussolini, Benito, 31, 170 N Nadelman, Elie, 63 Nakashima, George, 46 Naples Museum, 31 National Academy of Arts and Let­ters, 212 Neuberger, Roy, 205 Neutra, Richard, 47 Newman, Barnett, 99 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 32 Nivola, Constantin, 182 232 Noguchi, Isamu, 109, 152 Nowicki, Matthew, 46 O O'Casey, Sean, 9 Okada, Kenzo, 12, 94-95 O'Keefe, Georgia, 84 Orozco, José Clemente, 173, 175, 190, 206 Oud, J. J. P., 55 Owen, Wilfred, 172 P Papini, Giovanni, 32 Peale, Rembrandt, 3 Pembroke, Lord, 56 Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 42, 218 Pereira, I. Rice, 206 Peret, 59 Perlin, Bernard, 77, 119, 185-187 Perls Gallery, 111 Pesce, Nicola, 34 Pevsner, Antoine, 125, 138, 144 Phillips Gallery (in Washington, D.C.), 205 Picasso, Pablo, 18, 32, 36, 89, 91, 96, 100, 109, 111, 113, 124, 131- 133, 150-153, 166, 167, 175, 185, 188, 197, 202, 213, 228 Pickens, Alton, 130 Piero della Francesca, 209 Pisano, Giovanni, 171 Pissarro, Camille, 183 Pollock, Jackson, 5, 14, 76-84, 86, 92, 99, 100, 108, 111, 116, 117, 121, 145, 150-151, 183-184, 190, 220, 223 Posada, José Guadalupe, 185 Pound, Ezra, 51 Poussin, Nicolas, 64, 84, 110, 187, 210 Pyle, Howard, 213, 216 R Raphael, 31, 90, 104, 184 Rasputin, 80 Rattner, Abraham, 99 Raynal, Maurice, 166 Read, Herbert, 17, 167 Refregier, Anton, 99, 206 Reinhardt, Ad, 77, 92, 98, 99 Index Rembrandt, 42, 83, 102, 104, lOS, 120, 134, 150, 156, 164, 197, 199, 202, 213, 217, 220 Remington, Frederic, 18 Renoir, Paul, 35, 216, 223 Richardson, Henry Hobson, 50 Richier, Germaine, 142 Rickey, George, 128, 143-148 Ritchie, Andrew, 166 Rivera, Diego, 190 Rivers, Larry, 20, 76, 83, 108, 115, 116, 119, 163, 224 Rockefeller, Blanchette, 64 Rockwell, Norman, 218 Rodin, 153, 171, 175 Rodman, Seiden (quoted), 29, 78, 85, 93, 104, 114, 132, 165 Roethke, Theodore, 3 Roosevelt, F. D., 99 Rosenberg, Harold, 78 Rosenthal, Bernard, 22, 26-28 Ross, Denman, 195 Roszak, Theodore, 125 Rothko, Mark, 5, 55, 84, 92-96, 99, 108, 111, 114 Rouault, Georges, 96, 185, 202, 226 Rousseau, Henri, 32 Rubens, 18, 104, 217 Ryder, Albert P., 106 S Saarinen, Aline, 106 Saarinen, Eero, 47, 69 Sade, Marquis de, 152 St. Peter's, 49, 69 Sargent, John S., 184, 219 Sarto, Andrea del, 31 Schopenhauer, Arthur, 32 Schwartz, Abby, 11-12 Seligman Gallery, 3 Seurat, Georges, 108 Shadbolt, Jack, 180 Shahn, Ben, 4, 82, 90, 93, 99, 112, 128, 131, 162, 168, 170, 172-176, 180, 183-190, 198, 206, 213, 217, 221-228 Shaw, Irwin, 114 Sheeler, Charles, 98, 201 Sister Magdalen Mary, 22, 24 Sister Mary Corita, 21-22, 25 Smith, David, 78, 124-127, 130, 138, 147, 152 Soffici, Ardengo, 32 Sorolla, Joaquin, 18 Soutine, Chaim, 167-168, 202-203 Soyer, Raphael, 98, 206 Speicher, Eugene, 98 Stable Gallery, 206 Staël, Nicolas de, 183 Steichen, Edward, 106 Stein, Gertrude, 192 Steinberg, Saul, 181-185 Sterne, Hedda, 84, 183 Still, Clifford, 84, 98-99, 108, 119 Sullivan, Louis, 50 Sweeney, James Johnson, 73, 127 T Tamayo, Rufino, 107 Tchelitchew, Pavel, 209 Thayer, Judge, 225 Thon, William, 214, 219 Tiepolo, 120 Tintoretto, 89 Titian, 120, 124, 171, 197, 217 Tobey, Mark, 2-7, 11, 14-15, 18-19, 30, 51, 58, 84, 99, 100, 105, 109, 147, 151, 183, 190, 224 Toklas, Alice, 17 Tolstoi, Count Leo, 119 Tomlin, Bradley Walker, 95 Tooker, George, 83, 207-209 Tulane University (Art Depart­ment), 143 Tunnard, Christopher, 46 U Uccello, Paolo, 35, 82, 100, 209-210 V Valentin, Curt, 135 Van Eyck, Jan, 223 Van Gogh, Vincent, 90, 102, 103, 156 Venice Biennale, 84, 189 Vespignani, Renzo, 172, 183 Viviano Gallery, 111 Vytlacil, Vaclav, 99 W Washington, George, 212 Wayne, June, 28-30, 224 Wharton, Edith, 80 White, Stanford, 50 Whitman, Walt, 50, 51, 218 233 Index Whitney Museum, 18, 93, 98, 116, Y. Yale Art School, 176 Wight, Frederick, 10, 12 yaje School of Architecture, 43 Willard, Marion (Gallery), 8, 15, 78, Yeats W B 171 127 ' ' '' Williams, William Carlos, 136 Wood, Grant, 83 Wouk, Herman, 114 Zeckendorf, William, 51 WPA Art Project, 224 Zen Buddhism, 6, 10, 12, 46, 94, Wright, Frank Lloyd, 16, 44-45, 47- 224 57, 63-64, 69-73, 84 Zimmerman, Harold, 195 Wright, Wilbur and Orville, 137 Zorach, William, 175 Wyeth, Andrew, 105, 170, 209, 211- Zuloaga, Ignacio, 18 215, 217-218, 220, 223-224, 226 Zurbarân, Francisco de, 167 234
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