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Volltext:Index aboriginally, as Australian quality 314-17; literarv treatment of 33Ó-1 Aborigines 283, 314-37; artistic representation of 326-37; attitudes of non-Australians towards 316-17; dispossession of 316; literary depiction of 329-31; in popular song 334; self-definition 336-7 Abramovic, Marina 317 aesthetic appreciation, historical perspective 51-4 alienation 16-17, 27, 173-4 ambivalence, concept of 248 American Indians 283, 286-312, 338-44; dispossession of 299-302; 'invention' of by whites 293, 295-7; and neo­colonialism 310; use of language 310-11 anthropology 57, 215; limitations of 243-4 ' anthropometry 200 Antipodeans 316 appropriation, cultural 21, 22, 28, 261-5 Araeen, Rasheed 89, 130, 173 archetypes, feminine 152-3; and imagery 140-2, 144, 147-8 Ardener, Edward and Shirley 256-7 Arens, W. 234 Aristotle 220 art, as bricolage 225; and capitalism 94; and class 16, 17, 52, 54; development of 52; extra-historicity of 14-15, 16; functional approach 225; and machine 52-3, 93-4, 125-6; and money 53; as moral guide 53-4; and populism 53; and specialization 52; transcending cultural boundaries 224-8; universalist approach 224-5, 235 Art Brut ('raw art') 41-2; see also outsider art 32 art dealing 17-18 art education institutes, ethics of 159 art history 15-16; development of 169; discounting social change 130 art therapy 41 artistic borrowings 228, 232-4, 249, 263-4 Ashton, Dore 137 Australia 314-37; concept of 'the artist' 333-4; mass media 333; see also Aborigines authenticity 96 automatism, and 'outsider art' 32, 33, 37-41, 46 Baker, Josephine 226 Bakhtin, Mikhail 310, 311 Barbizon painters 26, 27 Barthes, Roland 2, 65, 292 Baselitz, Georg 144-6, 149 Basquiat, Jean-Michel 147-9 Bastin, Henri 328 Bataille, Georges 152-3, 155, 226 Bateson, G. 65 Batterbee, Rex 314 Baudrillard, J. 51, 252 Bauhaus movement 27 Baumgarten, Lothar 289 Baxandall, M. 51 Bell, Daniel 249 Bell, Sir Ronald, Q.С. 81 Bell's theorem 317-22 Ben-Amos, P. 61, 63 Benjamin, Walter 29 Berlin Ethnographical Museum 99, 101, 109 Berlin Secession 93, 94, 97, 99 Bethnal Green Museum, London 197 Beuys, Joseph 150 Bhabha, Homi 174-5, 233, 248 Black Audio/Film Collective 13 Blanchot, Maurice 243-4 Blaue Reiter Almanach 102, 107 Bloch, Ernst 56, 91-2, 109, 110 Bocklin, Arnold 93, 95, 109, 320 Bonaparte, Napoleon 22-3 Bonito Oliva, Achille 249 Boolitba, Boolidt 336 Bourdieu, P. 53, 66; Distinction 54 Brancusi 124-5 Brecht, Bertholdt 53, 56 Breton, André 40, 41, 138-9, 226 350 Index Brett, Guy 87, 88 bricolage, art as 225 Britain, African and Asian artists in 176 British Museum, London 191, 192-4, 197 Bunuel, Luis 124 Cahn, Miriam 238, 254, 255-8 cannibalism 234, 275, 278, 329-30 capitalism and culture 16, 20, 27, 94 Carlyle, Thomas 75 Caro, Anthony 177 Carpenter, Edmund 335 Cherokee nation 299-300 Cheval, Ferdinand 36, 44 childishness 146-7 children, art by 104; and primitivism 56, 65 de Chirico, Giorgio 321-4 Christianity, in Fiji 271, 278; medieval 20; Protestantism 297-8; world view 20, 296 cinema, Australian 333 city, as artistic centre 123-6; neo­colonialism in 159; representation of 97-8, 107-8 Clark, Lord (Kenneth) 171, 120-1 Clark, Lygia 131, 132 class, and aesthetic appreciation 54 classification systems, of museum exhibits 195-7 Clauser-Freedman experiment 318 cliché, in primitivism 144-5 Cobra artists 138 Collection d'Art Brut 33, 41-2 colonial discourse 77-83 colonialism 72, 77-83, 104-6; cultural 11, 14-30; museums supporting 202-5; response to 116-23; zoological/Carcerial moment 75 Columbus, Christopher 297 Connolly, Cyril 137 conservatism, in primitivism 262-3, 277 Constable, John 24, 26 constructivism 27, 131-2 Cooke, Lynne 88, 233 Coombes, Annie 185 Coutts-Smith, Kenneth 11, 12 Crawford, Dr D. 77, 79, 81 cubism 167 cultural appropriation 20, 261-5 cultural colonialism 11, 14-30 cultural convergence 316 cultural mystification 19-20, 22 culture, élite 51; mass 51 culture loss 263 curios, as term for exhibits 194 Curtis, Edward S. 305-7 Dali, Salvador 40-1 Darwin, Charles 170, 226 deconstructionist arguments 240-1 decontextualization 104 Dégas, Edgar 28 degenerate, as cultural stereotype 175 Degenerate Art exhibition (1937) 91 Delacroix, Ferdinand 25, 163 Deloria, Vine, Jr 311 dépaysement 104 Derain, André 215 Derrida, Jacques 65, 300, 302 dispossession, of Aborigines 316 distancing 54 Donne, J. 61 doubling techniques 303 drawing, importance of 172 Drysdale, Russell 328-9, 333 Dubuffet, Jean 33, 41, 42-3, 147 Duchamp, Marcel 310, 314 Durer, Albrecht 1, 51 Durham, Jimmie 284, 305-7 Dürkheim, Emile 51, 215, 220, 226 East India Company 75 eclecticism, and contemporary artist 249 education, as aim of museums 201-2 Education Act (1902) 189-90, 192, 202 Ehrenzweig, Anton 44 Einstein, Carl 102 emotions, and facial expressions 223-4; universality of 221-2 Empire League Educational Committee 204 endogenous primitives, and 'outsider art' 32-3 Ensor, James 99, 100 Ernst, Max 38 escapism in art 141-2 Eskimo (Inuit) art 122-3, 134, 135 Ethnic Arts policy 159, 160, 162, 179-80 eugenics 75, 199-201 Eurocentrism 14-15, 21, 87, 114; and exhibitions 163-4; in museums 121 European Dialogue (Sydney biennale 1979) 316-17, 321 evangelical/expeditionary moment 75 evolutionary theory 170 evolutionary view of primitivism 197-201, 240 Index 351 exhibitions of native art, ethics of 234-5 exoticism 11-12, 23- 4 Expo '67 (Montreal) 122 expressionism, German 91, 93-6, 109-10 facial expressions and emotion 223-4 Fanon, Franz 81, 241 femininity, as cultural construct 246-7 Festival of India (exhibition) 121 Fetting, Rainer 144, 146; Die Hascher 144 Fiji, kava ceremony 268-73; kinship and hierarchy 265-73 Fisher, Jean 284 folk genres 56 folk music, and nationalism 205 Folkwang Museum (Germany) 96-7, 102 Fonseca, Harry 303 Foucault, Michel 65, 247, 250 fragmentation and modern art 12-13, 69, 94-7, 100 Franco-British Exhibition, British Museum (1908) 192-4, 206, 207, 208 Freud, Sigmund 40, 44 Fuller, Peter 172, 216-20, 223, 225 Fulton, Hamish 314 Fuseli, Henri 24 Gablik, Suzi, 'Report from Australia' 317 Galton, Francis 75, 200 Gauguin, Paul 28, 127, 163, 240 gender, stereotyping 247-8; as system of signs 252 General Allotment Act (USA, 1887) 300 Gericault 24, 25 Germany, modernism in 90-110 Gibbon, Edward 169 Gobineau, Exercises on the Inequality of Human Races 170 Goldwater, Robert, Primitivism in Modern Art 113, 120, 142-3, 240 Gombrich, Eric 171 Gottlieb, Adolph 138, 232-3 Graburn, N. 12, 63, 64, 66 Graeco-Roman tradition 120-1, 167-8, 169 graffiti 147 Griaule, Marcel 226 guilt, of white Australians 316-17, 331-3 Gulpilil, David 333 Habermas, Jürgen 247 Haddon, A.C. 203 Haidane, Viscount 205 Haring, Keith 147 Hauser, Johann 41, 44-5 Heap of Birds, Edgar 283, 304-5 Heelas, Paul and Lock, Andrew 221 Hegel, Georg 54, 169-70, 171, 178 Hidden Peoples of the Amazon, The (exhibition) 209-10 hierarchy, in Fijian society 265-73; in medieval world view 20 Hill, Charlie 293 Hiller, Susan 150-2, 225, 244, 246-7, 255 history, mythologizing of 21, 22, 247 Hobbes, Thomas 65 Horniman, Frederick J. 196-7 Horniman Museum, London 194, 203 Howell, Signe 186, 219 Howells, Anna 187 humour, in American Indian art 311 IBM gallery, New York 235 iconography, Christian 274-6, 278 identity, and language 246, 248 immigration, by African and Asian artists 176 India, as model of 'primitive' culture 169-70 indigenism see nativism individualism, and primitivism 63 industry, and art 52-3, 93-4, 125-6 International and Colonial Exhibitions, London 192-4, 199, 209 Inuit (Eskimo) art 122-3, 134, 135 Islamic art 177 Jaffe, Leo 150, 153-4 Jah Hut wood carvings 34, 228-32 Jameson, F. 56, 66 Japanese art 28 Jay, M. 56 Jefferson, Thomas 154-5 Jemison, G. Peter 308 Jindyworobak poets 316, 317 Joyce, James 310 Kahlo, Frida 127-8 Kant, Immanuel 54 Kennedy, Mamie 336 Kermode, Frank 149-50 Khomeini, Ayatollah 68 Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig 99, 144, 240 kitsch, in representation of Aborigines 334-5 Klee, Paul 24, 39 352 Index Klein, Astrid 241-3, 255 Kline, Franz 258 knowledge, dualistic organization of 296 Kokoschka, Murder, the Hope of Women 104 Krauss, Rosalind 149 Kriedte, P. 58 Kristeva, Julia 255 Kubin, Alfred 39 LaBarre, Weston 224 Lacan, Jacques 65 Laing 60 LaMarr, Jean 303 land claims, representation of in art 123-4 land-ownership 298-9 language, Cherokee 299; and identity 246, 248; and subjectivity 244-6; use of by colonized 310 Leach, Edmund 221 League of Empire 194, 203-4 Lega society (W. Africa) 226 Leiris, Michel 115, 226 Lévi-Strauss, Claude 65, 139, 140, 152 Levoty, Simon 42-3, 46 Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien 65, 226 liberal humanist tradition 18, 19-20 liberal scholarship, as colonial discourse 174-5 Lightning Woman 339, 343 Lippard, Lucy 140 literature, and Renaissance 24-5 Lloyd, Jill 87 local causes, principle of 317-22 Long, Richard 314 Lukacs, Georg 56, 91-2, 109, 110 McEvilley, Thomas 141 machine, relationship to art 52-3 Maclagan, David 12 Malevich, Kasimir 123-4, 125 Malraux, André, The Museum Without Walls 29 de Man, Paul 109 Mann, Thomas 92 Maori people 115-16 Marc, Franz 99, 109-10 marginalization, and 'outsider art' 32, 41 Marxism, and understanding of colonialism and racism 164 masks, Nolde's use of 99, 102-3, 106; Picasso inspired by 124, 233 mass culture 51 Mauss, Marcel 65, 220, 221, 226 meaning, universality of 216-24 Medalla, David 134-5 Medici family 20 Metraux, Alfred 226 Mexicanidad 126-30 Mexico 126-30 Miller, Daniel 12-13, 54, 56, 58, 69 mind, artistic colonization of 24 minority art, and nationalism 283 Mintz, S.W. 326 Mitter, Partha 61, 169-70 mobility of artist 123-4 modernism 2, 3, 51, 55-6; and appropriation of 'otherness' 235; and constructivism 131-2; and conveying of 'inner world' 37-8; and 'crisis of representation' 44; exclusion from 162; myth of 87, 90-2; and 'outsider art' 38-41, 46; and realism 92; relation to primitivism 102 Moholy-Nagy 124 Momaday, N. Scott 300 Monet, Claude, Haystacks 27 money, and art 53 Moore, Henry 218, 219, 224-5, 227 morality, and art 53-4 Morley, Malcolm 146-7, 149 Morris, William 52 mother-child relationship, artistic response to 218, 219, 227 Mukerji, C. 51 multiculturalism, and role of museums 189-210 Musée de l'Homme, Paris 226 Museum Ethnographers Group (MEG) 189 Museum of Mankind, The Hidden Peoples of the Amazon 209-10 Museum of Modern Art, New York (MOMA) 90, 121, 163-5, 167, 172; Primitivism exhibition 90, 121, 163-5, 234-5, 240, 258 museums 114-15; attitude of artists towards 115; classification of exhibits 115-16, 195-7; construction of mock villages 192-4, 206-7; controlling strategies 121-3; ethnographic 185-6; layout of 192; and mass audiences 192; and state ideology 209-10; support for colonialism 202-5 Museums Association 190, 200-4; School Index 353 Museum Committee 204 mutilation, images of 238 myth, and distortion 292; role in art history 15-16 'naive' genres 56 Namatjira, Albert 314, 315 names, significance of 300-1 national character 72, 75 National Culture, concept of 205 National Gallery, London 202 national spirit, Hegel's concept of 170 nationalism, and folk music 205 nativism 127-30 naturalism 62, 93, 119 Nazism 91 Needham, Rodney 221 Negro art 120-1 Negroes, representation of 104-7 neo-classicism 55 neo-colonialism 159, 179; and American Indians 310 neo-primitivism 234, 284 New Figuration 39 'New Museum Idea' 201 Newnes, Barnett 177 Newton, Isaac 21 Nietzsche, Friedrich 250 Nitsch, Hermann 322 Noble Savage stereotype 305, 329, 330, 335 Nolde, Emil 87, 90-110 October 240 Oiticica, Helio 131, 132, 134 orientalism 58-60, 67, 166, 233 originality, and 'outsider art' 33, 42-6 ornamentation, in 'outsider art' 35-7, 43-4 otherness 11, 296; modernist appropriation of 235; of primitivism 229, 239-40; western attitude to 233-4; women as 239 'outsider art' 12, 32-46; and automatism 32; categorization of 12; compared with conventional art 33-6; and endogenous primitives 32-3; formal features 35-7; and marginalization 32; and psychosis 32, 33-41, 46 paper bag art 308 Parker, R. and Pollock, G. 51 Pasolini, Pier Paolo 113 patriarchy, and primitivism 250; women's mimicking of 257 Pearson, Christopher 284 Penck, A.R. 144 performance art 238 Philippi, Desa 187 photography 150, 303, 305-7, 308; Australian 322 Physical Deterioration Committee 200 picaresque art 27 Picasso, Pablo, and primitivism 215, 240, 291; discovery of African masks 12, 88, 116, 124, 163, 233 Pigeon, Laure 44 Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford 196-7, 205 poetry 134 Polhemus, Ted 221 Pollock, Jackson 291 Polynesian Cultural Centre, Hawaii 121-2 Port Jackson Painter 328 postmodernism 3 Powell, Enoch 75 power relations, and tribal art 119-21 Praed 329-30 Pre-Raphaelite movement 55 prehistoric culture, popularity of in 1960s 138-40 Presley, Elvis 122 primitive art, adapted to market 62-4; as genre 67-8; and primitivism 60-70; romanticization of 226; scientific/ evolutionary approach 101-2; subjectivity of 100 primitive societies, early contacts with Europeans 61-2; seen as unchanging 289 primitivism, and cliché 144-5; conservatism in 262-3, 277; construction of 61; definition of 55-7; and ideas of otherness 137, 155-6, 229, 239-43, 296; and individualism 63; and marginalization of women 238-58; minority art and nationalism 283; and modernism 67-9, 102; and mythologizing of history 247; and naturalism 62; and patriarchy 250; and racism 13, 158-81; reformulation of 149-50; as social construct 88; 'soft' 149; and study of belief systems 137-8; and 'subjective mental territory' 12; and underlying absolutes 138, 142 primitivist impulse 113-14 354 Index Primrose League 202-3 Prinzhorn, Hans 37-9 progress, idea of 169 'progressive groups' of Indian artists 176 Protestantism, and white settlement of United States 297-8 psychoanalysis and surrealism 39-41 psychosis, and 'outsider art' 32, 33-41, 46 racial romanticism 171 racial superiority theories 168-9 racism 16-17, 178-9; based on separate status for black people 178-9; and primitivism 13, 158-81; racial superiority theories 168-9 Ralegh, Sir Walter 77 Ray, Richard (Whitman) 292, 305-7 Read, Herbert, Concise History of Modern Painting 130 realism, and modernism 92 Redfield, Robert 185 regionalism 317 Reinhardt, Ad 177 Reinhardt, Max 97, 99 relativism, and concept of art 50-1 Relics and Rituals (exhibition, National Gallery of Victoria) 315 religious paintings, by Nolde (q.v.) 93, 97, 99, 107, 108-9; 187-8, 261, 263-5, 273-8 Removal policy (USA) 299-302 Renaissance culture 19 resistance, in art 116-23 Reverdy 40 Richter, Gerhard 145 Rickard, Jolene 308-9, 310 Ricketts, William 332, 333-4 Ricoeur, Paul 142 Rilke, Rainer-Maria 39 Rivera, Diego 126-30 Rivers, Pitt 196-7, 199 Rivet, Paul 226 Roberts, Jan, Massacres to Mining 336 Romanticism 11, 21-2, 23-7 Rousseau, Henri 127 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 65 Royal Anthropological Institute 200, 204-5 Rubin, William 66, 167, 172 Ruskin, John 18, 171, 172 S acred Circles (exhibition) 121 Sahlins, M. 217-18, 275 Said, Edward 58, 67, 115, 161, 166, 233 Salle, David 142 Samaras, Lucas 149-50, 151 Sartre, Jean-Paul 241 science fiction 67-8, 141 sculpture 145-6; African 163, 164-6, 233; Australian 326-7, 333-4; of Henry Moore 218, 219, 227; living 132-4; 'sound' sculpture 307-8 Sequoyah 299 Shakespeare, William 221-2 Sharp, Cecil 205 Sheinza 176-7 signs, adoption of from other cultures 228-9; gender as system of 252 Simmel, Georg 51, 96, 100 simulation, in Australian culture 322 slavery 75 Smith, Bernard 61, 328 Smithson, Robert 141 social facts, biological explanations for 216-24, 235-6 sociobiology 222 sociology, development of 215 'soft' primitivism 149 Spero, Nancy 150, 152-3, 253-4, 255, 256 Spirit Sings, The (exhibition) 123 Steiner, George 333 stereotypes, of American Indian 305-7; colonial 248; gender 247-8; of 'Noble Savage' 305, 329, 330, 335; racial 247-8 Strathern, A. and Strathern, M. 221 structuralism 63 subjectivity, and truth telling in art 25, 244 surrealism 24, 27, 33, 38-41, 226; First Surrealist Manifesto 226 Survival International (S.I.) 209-10 Swann Committee, Education for All (1985) 189 Swedenborg, Emmanuel 22 symbolism, and function of human nature 222; and signs 140-2, 144, 147-8 Synge, J.M. 310 Tarn, Nathaniel 284 Tatlin, Vladimir 124, 125-6; Letatlin (glider) designs 126; Tower monument 126 Index technology, and art 125-6 teddy bears, symbolism of 68-9 Thatcher, Margaret 72, 209 theatricality, in Nolde's work 108-9 Tillers, Imant 284 Timparano 216 Tjapaltjarri, Clifford Possum 315 Tjapaltjarri, Tim Leura 315 Tjapangatti, Charlie 315 Toren, Christina 187 Treasures of Ancient Nigeria (exhibition) 121 Triumph of the West, The (BBC TV) 181 truth telling in art 3, 244 Tsistsistas (Cheyenne) people 339, 341, 343-4 Ulay 317 United States, treatment of Indians 294-7; use of American Indian terms 283, 300-1 universality of experience 216-24 Utopianism 55-6 Varnedoe, Kirk 147, 240 Victoria and Albert Museum, London 202 Da Vinci, Leonardo 187-8, 227-8, 261, 355 262, 263-5, 273-8 violence, artistic use of 238, 253 Vizenor, Gerald 293-4, 302, 310-11 Vlaminck, Maurice de 12 wallpaper designs 246 Warhol, Andy 53 Weber, Max 51 Weir, Peter 333 western influences, deplored 263-4, 277 Whistler, James 28 White, Patrick 330-1 Winckelmann 22, 169, 171 Winnicott, D. 68 Winter Olympics (1988) 123 Wolfli, Adolf 34, 38 women, as artists 152-3; as bearers of meaning 246; in Fijian hierarchy 266-74; marginalization of in primitivism 238-58; and nature of femininity 246-7 ; as 'otherness' 239; and revolt 251-3 Wong, Candy 219 Woodrow, Bill 155, 156 Worringer, Wilhelm 139-40 Wright, Judith 331, 333 Yanomami Indians 289
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