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Volltext:Index Adamites, 65 Adoration of the Holy Sacrament, 76-8, 77 plate 36 Adorno, Theodor, 45 Aertsen, Pieter, 61-2 Albert of Brandenburg, Prayerbook, 84, 86 Alberti, Leon Battista, 35, 40,159,195 De Re Aedificatoria, 45,191 Delia Pittura, 45,147-51 Albertinelli, Mariotto, 130,132,134,135,141 Annunciation, 132,133 plate 71 Alcocer, Iuan de, 215 Alemagna, Giovanni d' Ancona del Redentore, 200-2, 201 plate 113 Ancona di S. Sabina, 200-2, 201 plate 114 Alexander, Saint, 12 altarpiece definition, 1 as functional category, 11, 25-7 as 'genus', 11-16 legibility of the, 144-65 pictorial structure, 144-65 in taxonomy of art, 3-20 'types of', 16-17 typology based on shapes, 49-50 as a valid category, 16, 34-48 Altdorfer, Albrecht, Schöne Madonna, 98,100 plate 50 Altichiero, Crucifixion, 36, 37 plate 13 Altoviti, Bindo, 46,168 Ambrose, Saint, 218 Amiens Cathedral, 258 Andachtsbild (private devotional image), 94 Andrew, Saint, 12, 39 Angelico, Fra Annunciation, 8, 9 plate 3 Madonna and Child with Eight Saints, 14, 37 plate 14, 38 Madonna and Child with Saints, San Marco, 4, 5 plate 1,12, 37 plate 14, 38 angels, 218 Annunciation to Zachariah, by the Master of the St John Altarpiece, 84 Anthony, Saint, 7,141 Antiveduto della Grammatica, 187 Antonello da Messina St Jerome in his Study, 120 St Sebastian, 120 Antwerp Jesuit church, 254 Mayer van den Bergh altarpiece, 81, 82 Apostolic Constitutions, 219 Aquinas, Thomas, 7, 218, 228, 238 Aragon, Giovanna of, 4 Aragon, Maria de, 224 architecture, relationship between altarpiece and, 5,15, 31-2, 39 Arezzo, Servite church of S. Piero, 41 Aristotle, Metaphysics, 219 Arpino, Cavalier d', 178 Arrigoni, Lelio, 187 Assisi Lower Church of San Francesco, 36 Upper Church of San Francesco, 36, 39 Aufgaben, 21-30, 36 Augustine, Saint, 141, 252 Augustus, 6 Baccio della Porta, see Bartolomeo, Fra Baglione, Giovanni, 183,187 Baglione family, 177 Bakhtin, Michael, 73 n.78 Bamberg Cathedral, 101 banderoles, 9, 72 baptism, 11, 253 Barbaro, 253 Barberini, Francesco, 187, 251 Baronio, Cardinal Cesare, 186 n. 63, 251,256 Baronius, see Baronio Baroque era, 2,15 Bartolo di Fredi, 30 Bartolomeo, Fra Carondelet altarpiece, 6,131 plate 69,130-43,134 plate 72 landscape drawing, 138 plate 74 Mystic Marriage of St Catherine, 139 St Anne altarpiece, 132 Vision of St Bernard, 6,135 Bassano, Francesco, Nativity, 207 Bassano, Jacopo, Peter and Paul, 203, 205 Baxandall, Michael, 98 Beaune, Last Judgement, 66 n. 46 Becerra, 216 Bellini, Giovanni Diletti altarpiece, 196 265 266 Index Doge Agostino Barbarigo presented to the Madonna and Child, 48 S. Maria délia Carità, 193,195,196 plate 109,197 plate 110 San Giobbe altarpiece 135-7 San Zaccaria altarpiece, 135-7, 238 Bellini, Jacopo, 122,193 Benci, Ginevra de', 4 Benci family, 4 Benedictines, 44, 205 Benjamin, Walter, 44 Bentivoglio, Giovanni II, 38, 40 plate 15 Berenson, Bernard, 33 Berlin Dahlem Museum, 40, 78,103 East, Staatliche Museen, 78 Bermejo, Bartolomé, 115 Bernardino, Saint, 47 Bernini, Gianlorenzo, 254 Cathedra Petri, 260 Ecstasy of St Teresa, 246, 247-8 plates 136-7 Bessy-les-Citeaux, 79 Bibbiena, Cardinal, 4 Bildkult (cult of images as works of art), 4 Bocholt, Church of St Lawrence, 84 Bollani family, 207 Bologna S. Giacomo Maggiore, Bentivoglio Chapel, 38, 40 plate 15 S. Giovanni in Monte, 138 Borghese, Scipione, 177,178 Borghese family, 177 Borghini, Raffaello, II Riposo, 48 n. 23 Borgo, Lodovico, 130,135 Borromeo, Carlo, 218-19, 245, 253, 258 Instructiones Fabricae et Supellectilis Ecclesiasticae, 41, 215 Borromeo, Federico, 250-1 Bosch, Hieronymus, 65 Bosio, 251 Bossy, John, 89 n. 33 Botticelli, Sandro, 137 St Sebastian, 40 San Barnaba altarpiece, 137 Bouts, Dirk Holy Sacrament, 52, 53 plate 22 Martyrdom of St Hippolytus, 54, 55 plate 23 Brabant, House of the Poor Clares, 78 Braga, Portugal, 253, 258 Bragora, church of S. Giovanni, 202 Branconio family, L'Aquila, 177 Braque triptych, 66 n. 46 Brescia Bishop of, 2 Sant' Alessandro, 12-13 Scuola de Santissimo Sacramento, 12 Bronzino, Agnolo, Pietà, 44 n. 17 Bruges, 81-2 Cathedral of St Sauveur, 55 Bruneck, 112,115 Brunelleschi, Filippo, 5,15, 35, 39-40,191,195 Brussels Bibliothèque Royale, 78 Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, 59n30, 79 Burckhardt, Jacob, 6, 36, Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte von Italien, 21-33 Burgundy, Duke of, see Philip the Good Bynum, Carolyn, 68 Byzantine art, 94-7 Calvinists, 64, 214 Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, 86 Campin, Robert, 70, 71 n. 67, 68 Merode Triptych, 66-7 plate 33 Capuchins, 211 Carafa, Oliviero, 7 Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da, Death of the Virgin, 42 Carona, Giovanni Battista da, 202 Carondelet, Canon Ferry, 130 Carpaccio, Vittore, S. Antonio di Castello, 193,194 plate 108 Carracci, Annibale, ceiling of Farnese Gallery, 48 Carranza de Miranda, Bartolomé (Archbishop of Toledo), 256, 259, 260 carved altarpiece, c. 1500 Netherlands, 76-89 Cavalcaselle, 12 Cellini, Pico, 188 Chantilly, Musée Condé, 130 Charles the Bold, Duke, 73 n. 77 Charles V, Emperor, 131 Chastel, André, 6,130-43 Christ, portrayal of, 12, 217-18 Christus, Petrus, Nativity, 115 ciborium, 27, 238 Cima da Conegliano, Giovanni Battista, 139 Constantine and Helena, 202 Cimabue frescoes, 36 Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels, 144, 145 plate 78 Cisneros, Archbishop of Toledo, 259 Cistercian Order, 93 Civerchio, Vincenzo, Lamentation over Christ, 12,13 plate 5 Coducci, Mauro, church of San Michele in Isola, 194,195-6 Comini, Giangiacomo, 205 Confession of Augsburg, 214 Conforti, Claudia, Turini chapel, 169,172 plate 96 Connell, E. Jane, 64 n. 35 Consecration of St Augustine, by the Master of the Legend of St Augustine, 84-5 Constance Cathedral, 114 Conti, Sigismondo de', 178 contracts between patrons and artists, 17-18 Coo, Jozef de, 66-7 Cornaro family, 246 Index 267 Coronation of the Virgin La Ferté-Milon, 94, 97 plate 47 St Elisabeth, Marburg, 94 Corpus Domini cult, 27 Corsi, Nera, 34 Cortona, Pietro da, 254 Cortona, San Domenico, 8 Costa, Lorenzo Gheddini altarpiece, 138 Madonna with Child, 38,40 plate 15 Counter-Reformation, 11,15, 56, 62, 64,179, 245 Covarrubias, Antonio de, 219 Cranach, Lucas the Elder, 54-5 Cranach, Lucas the Younger, Last Supper, 56, 58 plate 27 Credi, Lorenzo di, 39 Crowe, 12 cult of great artists, 17-20 of hyperdulia, 141 of latria, 141 of saints, 7 cult images, 44,166-90 Ottoman, 91-2 reform within, 90-105 Dalmau, Luis, 114 Dandini, Pietro, 169,177 Dante Alighieri, 139 David, Gerard, 65 Baptism of Christ, 54, 55 plate 24 Davies, David, 15,16, 213-43 Davis, Natalie Zemon, 66 Decker, Bernard, 7, 90-105 Dei family, 169 Délaissé, L.M.J., 78 Dessau, Castle church, 56 Devlieger, L., 54 n. 18 Diego de Castilla, 256 Dolce, Ludovico, Aretino, 45 Dolce family, Naples, 177 Dominic, Saint, 139 Dominicans, 7,141 Donatello, 21 Miracle of the Penitent Son, Santo altarpiece, 116,119 plate 65, 120,122 Donatus, Saint, 17 donors, 25, 65,191-2,195, 244 Dortmund, Reinoldikirche, 79 Dresden, Gemäldegalerie, 120 Duccio di Buoninsegna, 166 Maestà, 22, 27, 31 Durandus, William, 215, 235, 238 Rationale Divinorum Officiorum, 215 Dürer, Albrecht, 20,101,105,114 Adoration of the Trinity, 125 Heller altarpiece, 103 Landauer altarpiece, 101-3 Mass of St Gregory, 147,149 plate 82 Paumgarner altarpiece, 103 E.S., the Master, 114,128 Ehresmann, Donald, 68 n. 51 Eleanor of Portugal, Breviary of, 86, 87 plate 40, 89 Engelbrechtsz, Cornelis, Crucifixion Altarpiece, 49- 50 plate 21 engraving, 46-7 Erasmus, 7,101 Escorial, 235, 238, 240, 246, 252, 261 Eucharist, Sacrament of the, 1-2,11, 27, 67-8,214- 15, 217 Evans, Mark, 2, 4,16,106-29 exegesis, 8-11 Ferino Pagden, Sylvia, 4,16-17,44-5,166-90 Ferrara, Duke of, 168,187 Ferry de Clugny, Pontifical of, 85 and plate 39 held, 144-7 Firmian, Nicholas, Hours, Presentation of the Child Christ in the Temple, 85 Fischer, Chris, 139 Flanders, 53-4, 65 Flémalle, Master of, 113 Entombment triptych, 82 Mass of St Gregory, after the, 79 Flines Abbey, 79 Florence Accademia, 6,135 Badia, 6, 43-4 Cathedral, 38 Church of San Marco, 4, 8 Church of Santo Spirito, 15 Council of, 215 Museo di San Marco, 4, 5,14, 37, 38,130,132 Orsanmichele, 39, 42 plate 17 Pitti, 137 S. Croce, 39,191 S. Maria Novella, 191 S. Trinita, 34-5 San Lorenzo, 5,14, 43 SS. Annunziata, 44,189 Ufhzi, 137 Forli, Lodovico da, 200 Fraenger, 65 n. 40 frames, 5, 34-6,105,193 France, 258 Francia, Francesco altarpiece for S. Martino Maggiore, Bologna, 138 Madonna Enthroned with Saints, 38 Francis, Saint, 139 Francis 1, 4 Franciscans, 141 Francken, Ambrosius, 57 plate 26 Franco, Battista, 199, 253 Frederick III, Emperor, 57 n. 29 Freedberg, Sydney, 135 frescoes, as altarpieces, 25, 26 plate 8 268 Index Freuler, Gaudenz, 30 Friedrich Wilhelm III of Prussia, 167 Gabburri collection, 137,138 plate 74 Gabriel, angel, 7, 9 Gardner von Teuffei, Christa, 31-2, 39-40 Geel, church of St Dymphna, 78 Gelderland, 81 genus, 11-16 Gerhaert, Nikolaus, 113-14,128 Germany, 9, 65 n. 38,106 south, private altarpiece, 103,105 plate 53 winged altarpiece before the Reformation, 7, 90- 105 Ghent, 76, 81 Ghirlandaio, Domenico, Sassetti Chapel in S. Trinita, 34-5 plate 12 Giorgione, 137 Giotto Noli me Tangere fresco, 121 plate 66,121-2 Scrovegni Chapel frescoes, 121 Giuliano di Baccio d'Agnolo, 169 Giustinian, Antonio, chapel, of S. Francesco della Vigna 198198,199 plate 112 Giustinian, Lorenzo, chapel of S. Francesco della Vigna 198,199 plate 112 Gnadenbild (miraculous image), 94 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 190 Golden Madonna, 91 plate 42 Gonzaga, Cardinal Ercole, 192 Gothic, Late, 103 Gozzoli, Benozzo, 36 Granada, 81 Grassis, Paris de, 215 Greco, El, 14-15, 20, 213-43, 246, 251, 256-61 Adoration of the Shepherds, 223 plate 122, 232, 256 Annunciation, 224 Apostles for Toledo Cathedral, 220 Assumption, Oballe chapel, San Vicente altar, 240, 241 plate 134, 260 Assumption, S. Domingo el Antiguo, 216, 224, 226 plate 125, 228, 232, 234 plate 131, 240, 257 Baptism of Christ, 236 and plate 132 Burial of the Count ofOrgaz, 252, 258-9 chapel decorations, 15 Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John the Evangelist 224, 225 plate 124, 260 Disrobing of Christ before his Crucifixion, 220, 221 plate 121 library, 15, 219, 235 Martyrdom of St Maurice, 261 Purification of the Temple, 230-2, 233 plate 130 Resurrection with St Ildefonso, 230, 231 plate 129, 232, 256 St John the Baptist, 228 and plate 127 St Joseph and the Christ Child, 228-30, 229 plate 128 St Martin and the Beggar, 224 tabernacle in the Hospital de San Juan Bautista, 239 and plate 133 Trinity, 226 plate 125, 227 plate 126, 227-8, 232, 257 View and Plan of Toledo, 235 Virgin presenting a Chasuble to St Ildefonso, 220 Visitation, 224, 240, 242 plate 135 Gregory the Great, Pope, 81, 90,191 Gregory XIII, Pope, 179 Gries, 106, 111 Grimani family, 198, 253 grisaille, 100,101 . Gritti family, 253 Grünewald, Matthias, 103 Guadelupe, 246, 252 Hager, Hellmut, 22 Die Anfänge des italienischen Altarbildes, 31 Hahn, Cynthia, 67 Harbison, Craig, 2,14, 39 n. 12, 49-75 Heemskerck, Maarten van, 61 Hegel, A.W.F., 105 Henry II fighting the Infidel, by the St Barbara Master, 81 Herrera, Juan, de, 216, 240 Hieronymites, 257, 260 Hüls, Paul, 14,16, 34-48, 49 Hope, Charles, 38 n. 9,178 n. 42 horses of San Marco, 178 hortus conclusus, 8-9 Hughes, Diane Owen, 66 Humfrey, Peter, 2,15, 59 n. 30,191-212 Huralt, Jacqures, 139 Hurtado de Toledo, Luis, 240 n. 108 LP. monogrammist, altar of St John the Baptist, Teyn Church Prague, 103,104 plate 52 IAM, Master of Zwolle, Mass of St Gregory, 82, 89 iconography, 6-11, 21, 22, 27,141 idolatry, 7, 91-2, 214-15 Ignatius, Saint, 256 Ildefonso, Saint, 230, 232, 256 Illescas, Hospital de la Caridad, 238, 246-7, 250 plate 139 Illescas brotherhood, 246, 251, 260 image, unified (das einheitliche Bild), 22-3 images of church interiors as paintings, 57-9 dressing of sacred, 247-51 as educational aids, 90 legitimacy of, 6-7 Tridentine decree on sacred, 216 indecency, 251 individualism, 17-20 Inquisition, 256 International Gothic, 93-7,105,113 inverted T-shaped altarpiece, 76-8, 79, 84 Isabella the Catholic, Breviary of, Martyrdom of St Thomas à Becket, 81 Isabella d'Este, 154,175 Isola, Emiliani chapel at S. Michele, 202 Index 269 istoria, 149-51 Italian Renaissance art, see 'welsch' Italy, 7, 20, 82,106,115 James the Greater, Saint, 78, 256, 257 Janson, H. W., 25 Form follows function - or does it?, 21 Jerome, Saint, 14, 18, 232, 238, 256, 257, 259 Jesuits, 203-5 John of Avila, Saint, 217 Judenberg, Hans von, Bolzano altarpiece, 112 Julius II, 163, 165,178 Justin Martyr, First Apology, 219 Kemp, Martin, 1-20, 44 Keysersberg, Geyler von, 97-8 Klose, F. W., Appartment of Friedrich Wilhelm II of Prussia at Charlottenburg, 167 plate 93 Kloster Neustift, 106,120,124,128 Knights Templar, 173 Krautheimer, Richard, 239 n. 104 Kruft, H. W., 173 Kultbild (images to serve religious cults), 4 'Kunstgeschichte nach Aufgaben', 21-30 La Ferté-Milon (Aisne), 94, 97 plate 47 Laib, Konrad, 113,115 Lane, Barbara, 72 n. 71 Lanfranco, Giovanni, 178 Lateran Canons, 195 n. 11 Lateran Council, 4th (1215), 215, 219 Leinberger, Hans, Madonna, Moosburg, 98, 99 plate 48,103 Leo X, Pope, 169 Leonardo da Vinci, 16,159 Adoration of the Magi, 4,16,17 cartoon of the Virgin and Child and St Anne, 44,151-4,152-3 plates 85-6 Lightbown, R., 177 Lille, Musée, 139 Lippi, Filippino, 6 Annunciation, 7, 8 plate 2,14 Lippi, Filippo, 123 Annunciation, 4-5 Barbadori Altarpiece, 4-5 Trinity with Saints, 18,19 plate 6 liturgical functions, 11-16, 25-7,147,166-90 Lombardo, Tullio, Coronation altarpiece, S. Giovanni Crisostomo, 196 London British Library, 81 Courtauld Institute Galleries, 82 National Gallery, 36, 86, 120 Soane Museum, 130 Victoria and Albert Museum, 103 Lorenzetti, Pietro, frescoes, 36 Lorenzo di Credi, see Credi Loreto, Casa Santa, 173 Lotto, Lorenzo, 137 Louis XII, 139 Louis XIV, 130 Loyola, Ignatius, 205 Lucca Museo Nazionale, 137 Volto Santo, 175 n. 29 Luke, Saint, 97,189-90 Luther, Martin, 56, 213 Lutherans, 56-7 Macrino d'Alba, Virgin and Child with Saints, 139, 140 plate 75 Maderno, 182 Madrid, Prado, 59 n. 30,177 Maler, Thomas (Master TB), 57, 59 plate 28 Mamas, Saint, 18 Mantegna, Andrea influence on Fächer, 115-16, 118,120,122,124, 125,128 St James Baptising Hermogenes fresco, 116,119 plate 64,122 St Luke altarpiece, 124 San Zeno altarpiece, 23,124,128 plate 68 Mantua Cathedral, 192 Duke of, 42,187 Maratta, Carlo, 188 Marburg, high altar of St Elisabeth, 92 n. 8 Marco del Moro, 205 Circumcision, 203, 204 plate 115 Marcus Aurelius, statue, 178 Marienstatt, Cistercian Abbey, 93 plate 43 marriage, 66 Marrow, James, 52 n. 14 Martini, Simone Annunciation, 146,147 plate 80 frescoes, 36 St Louis of Toulouse Crowning Robert King of Naples, 146,148 plate 81 Martyrdom of St Thomas à Becket, Breviary of Isabella the Catholic, 81 Mary of Burgundy, Hours of, 82 Masaccio, 5 Trinity with the Virgin, St John and Donors, 35, 147,150 plate 83 Virgin and Child with St Anne and Angels, 154,155 plate 87 mass, 1-2 liturgy of the, 11-14, 87-9, 213-43, 244 Mass of St John the Evangelist, anon., 89 Master of Flémalle, see Flémalle Master of the Legend of St. Augustine, Consecration of St Augustine, 84-5 Master of the Legend of St Catherine, Mass of St Gregory, 81 Master of the St John altarpiece, Annunciation to Zaccariah, 84 Master of Uttenheim, 111 Maximilian 1,131,139 Medici, Cosimo de', 4,193 Medici, Giulio de', 44,168 270 Index Medici, Piero de', 4 Medici family, 168 Melanchthon, 56 Memling, Hans Last Judgement, 52 Virgin and Child with Jacob Floreins, 71 plate 35 Memmi, Lippo, Annunciation, 146,147 plate 80 Mendicant orders, 14 Michaelangelo Buonarroti, 45 David, 178 Last Judgement, 36, 251 Mignard, Pierre, 188 Milan Ambrosian rite, 258 Provincial Council (1576), 41 Milan Cathedral, 245 Mino da Fiesole, Madonna and Child with Saints Lawrence and Leonard, 43-4, 43 plate 18 Miracles of St Bruno, 57 n. 29 Modena, Galleria Estense, 203 Molin, Andrea da, 195 monochrome,_98-101,105 Montorio, S. Pietro, 44 Moosburg, St Castulus, 98, 99 plate 48 Mora, Goméz de, 216 Moro, Marco del, see Marco del Moro Morosini, Vincenzo, 207 Morosini family, 207 morphology, 31, 139 Mosan reliquaries, 82 Multscher, Hans, 113,114 Munich Alte Pinakothek, 70, 78,103 Frauenkirche, 120 Munster, Landesmuseum, 81 Murano S. Pietro Martire, 48 S. Mari degli Angeli, 48 Napoleon, 178,179 Narbonne, cathedral, 44 narrative altarpieces, 38, 81,146-8 Neefs, Peeter, 61 plate 30 Neri, St Philip, 250, 251, 254, 256 Neri di Bicci, Ricordanza, 23 Neroni, Dietsalvi, 43 Netherlands, 16, 65, 98,106,114, 129 carved altarpiece c. 1500, 76-89 south, 9 New York Aquavella Galleries, 79 Cloisters, 84 Nicaea, Council of, 2nd (787 AD), 7, 216 Nicene Creed, 218 Nicholas, Saint, 66 Norway, Grip Church, 82 Novellara, Fra Pietro da, 154 Nuremberg, Germanisches National Museum, 101 Oballe, Isabel de, 224, 240 Oberhuber, Konrad, 183,188-9 oil glaze technique, 73 Onophrius, Saint, 12 Orgaz, Count of, 258 Oslo Cathedral, 56 n. 27 Pacher, Friedrich, 106 Baptism of Christ, 120 Pacher, Hans, 106 Pacher, Michael, 20, 94,106-29 Arrest of Pope Sixtus from the St Lorenz altarpiece, 106, 111 plate 57,120-1 Bolzano altarpiece, 115,120 Coronation of the Virgin and Life of the Virgin shutters, 108 plate 54 Fathers of the Church altarpiece, 106,126-7 plate 67, 128 Life of Christ shutters, 109 plate 55 Miracles of St Wolfgang shutters, 110 plate 56 Murder of St Thomas from the St Thomas altarpiece, 106,118 plate 63 St Lawrence before the Prefect from the St Lorenz altarpiece, 106,112 plate 58 St Lorenz altarpiece, 106, 111, 112, 121,122-3, 125 Sf Mark and St Luke, from St Wolfgang predella, 115,117 plate 61 St Thomas altarpiece, 106, 115,118,122-3,125 St Wolfgang altarpiece, 94, 96 plate 46,106,108- 10,113-14,115,117, 118,120,122,123-4,125- 8 Pächt, Otto, 120 Padua Eremitani Church, Ovetari Chapel, 116, 118, 122, 124 Santo, chapel of SS. Giacomo e Felice, 36, 37 plate 13 pala, 144 Paleotti, Gabriele, 251 Palermo, S. Maria dello Spasimo, 173 Palladio, Andrea Church of the Redentore, 193, 203, 207-12, 210 plate 119, fig. 3 Church of S. Giorgio Maggiore, 203, 205, 206 plate 116, fig. 2, 207, 208 plate 117 Quattro Libri dell 'Architettura, 238 Palma Giovane, Crowning ivith Thorns, 203 panel paintings, 36, 39, 54, 73 Panofsky, Erwin, 8,11, 31 Paris Jesuit Church, 253 Louvre, 4, 36, 53 n. 16,139,168 Musée de Cluny, 82 Pater, Walter, 165 Patrologia Latino, 11 patronage, 14, 21, 29, 30, 86-7 Paul, Saint, 12, 91-2 Paul V, Pope, 177 perspective, 5,122-4,149-51 Index 271 Perugino, 36 Vision of St Bernard, 135 Pescia Cathedral of, 169,171 plate 95 Turini chapel, 177 Pesellino, Trinity with Saints (completed by Lippi) 18,19 plate 6 Philip Benizzi, Saint, 141 Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, 70, 72, 78 Hours, 86 Philip II, 259, 260 phylacteria, 141 Pico della Mirandola, 175 Pienza, Duomo, 15, 27, 29 plate 10,192 Piero di Cosimo, 137, Immaculate Conception, 141, 142 plate 76 Piero di Ser Landi, 18 pilgrimages, 70-1 Piombo, Sebastiano del, see Sebastiano del Piombo Pisanello, Antonio, Circle of, 151 plate 84 Pistoia, Compagnia della Trinita, 18 Pius II, Pope, 30,192 Pius IV, Pope, 179 Pius V, Pope, 215, 216 Pizzolo, 124 plague (1528), 41 Plato, 165 Polet, Cardinal, 183 Pollaiuolo brothers, Martyrdom of St Sebastian, 122 polyptychs, 22-3, 29, 32 Pomarancio, 182 Portinari, Tommaso, 52 portraits, 4, 66, 219 Portugal, 253 Pourbus, Pieter, Holy Sacrament, 54, 56 plate 25 Prague, 103 predella, 84 Previtali, Andrea, Immaculate Conception, 141,143 plate 77 Protestants, 56-7, 59, 63-4 Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, Celestial Hierarchy, 235 Pulzone da Gaeta, Scipione, 183, 185 plate 105, 187-8,190 Purtie, C„ 74 n. 80 quadri riportati, 48 Quiroga, Archbishop of Toledo, 256, 259 Ramirez, Martin, 224 Raphael, 137,166-90 cartoon for St Michael, 168 Colonna altarpiece, 168 Crucifixion, 168, 225 dislocation of altarpieces by, 44-5 Disputa, 15,154-65,156-7 plate 88,160 plate 89, 161 plate 90,162 plate 91 engraving of altarpieces, 47 Entombment, 177-8 Expulsion of Heliodorus, 246 Holy Family of Francis I, 36,168 Madonna del Baldacchino, 137,169-73,170 plate 94, 177,178 Madonna dell 'Impannata, 168 Madonna di Foligno, 6, 135,136 plate 73, 138, 139, 178-9 portrait of Giovanna of Aragon, 4 portrait in Virgin painted by St Luke, 183-9, 184, 186 plates 104,106 St Cecilia, 179-83,181 plate 102 St Michael, 168 Spasimo di Sicilia, 173-5,174 plate 98 Transfiguration, 44,168,175,176 plate 99 Visitation, 177 Ravenna, S. Apollinare in Classe, 164 plate 92 Reformation, 2, 7,18, 52, 64 effect on Catholic Church, 213-19 Regensburg, 98 Cathedral, 94 Church of St Emmeram, 94 'religious images', 6-11 religious meaning, 50-1 Reni, Guido, 182 Reymerswaele, Marinus van, Two Tax Gatherers, 115,117 plate 62 Ribera, Jean de, 253 Rieden altarpiece, 78 Riemenschneider, Tilman Altar of the Assumption, Creglingen, 100 Münnerstadt altarpiece, 100 Rothenburg, Altar of the Holy Blood, 100 Robertson, Charles, 229 n. 73 Rolin, Nicholas, 66 n. 46, 68, 69 Romanino, Gerolamo, Mass of St Apollonio, 1-2, frontispiece, 7,12 Rome Accademia di S. Luca, 183 Aracoeli, 6,139; S. Maria in, 178-9,180 plate 101 Chiesa Nuova, 192, 250 Galleria Borghese, 177 Gesù, 192, 237 S. Cecilia in Trastevere, 182 plate 103 S. Maria Maggiore, Paoline chapel, 172 plate 97, 173 Santa Maria della Scala, 42 SS. Martina e Luca, 183,186 plate 106 Sta Maria sopra Minerva, Carafa Chapel, 7, 8 Rosand, David, 15,144-65 Rossellino, Bernardo, 30 Rottenhammer, Hans, 200 Rotterdam, Museum Boymans van Beuningen, 84, 134 Roubiliac, Louis-Francois, 21 Rouen, Musée Departmental, 78 round-headed sections, 81-2 Rubens, Pieter Paul, 2,182, 254 Madonna and Child with Saints, 62 plate 31, 63-4 Miracles of St Ignatius, 254 St Francis Xavier, 254 Virgin and Child with Angels, 249 plate 138, 250 272 Index Sacra Conversazione, 6, 7,139,141 'sacred images', 47 Saenredam, Pieter, 63 plate 32, 64 St Luke, icon 179,180 plate 100,184 plate 104 saints, 38-9 cult of, 7 intercession of, 213-14, 218 martyrdoms in Flemish altarpieces, 56-7 plate 26 Salins, Guigone de, 66 n. 46 Salviati, Giuseppe, 199, 200 Salzburg, Pacher retable, 106 Sansovini, Jacopo, 197-200 San Donato a Scopeto, 16,17 San Francesco della Vigna, 197,198 plate 111, 199 plate 112 Sansovino, Francesco, 48 n. 23, 203 Sassetta, Francesco, 34-5 A Miracle of the Sacrament, 32 and plate 11 Savonarola, Girolamo, 6, 7,47 Scamozzi, Church of S. Niccolö dei Tolentini, 211 plate 120 Schapiro, Meyer, 66-7 Schöne Madonna (c.1 390-3), 93-4, 95 plate 44 Schöne Madonna (c.1395-1400), 98,100 plate 49 Schongauer, Martin, 115 Scorel, Jan van, 61 sculpture, 90-2 Sebastiano del Piombo, 196 Sellaio, Jacopo del, 39 Servite Friars, 44 Seville, Synod of (1603), 219 sexuality, 66-7 Sfondrato, Cardinal, 182 Shearman, John, 137 Sicily, 245 Siena, 21-33 Duomo, 25, 27 Sigüenza, José de, 216, 235 Silva, Maria de, 224 Simonetto da S. Canciano, Sf Francis, 203 Sinding-Larsen, Staale, 27, 31 Sixtus IV, Pope, 141 Society for Renaissance Studies, 2 Soderini government, 139 Spain, 245, 252 'species', 16-17 Spinola Hours c.1520, 82, 83 plate 38 stained-glass windows, 38-9 Stanza della Segnatura, 154-65 Stassfurt, 79 statues, 82 Steinberg, Leo, 68 Stephen, Saint, 252 Sterzing, 113 storia, 38 Stoss, Andreas, 101 Stoss, Veit, 100-1 altar of Carmelite church in Nuremberg, 100-1, 102 plate 51 Cracow altarpiece, 94 Stuttgart Landesmuseum, 78 Staatsgalerie 130 'style', 20 Suger, Abbot, 235, 238 Sweden, Ytter-selö and Skänela, 81 symbolism, 8-11, 51 tafel, 52-4 'tavola quadrata', 22-3, 30, 31-2 Taylor, Michael, 66 Tebaldeo, 176 Teresa, Saint, 217 Tiefenbronn (Swabia), Pietà, 94, 95 plate 45 Tintoretto, Domenico (son), 207 Tintoretto, Jacopo, 48,199, 200, 207, 208, 212 Ascension, 209, 210 Deposition, 46 plate 19, 47 Pietà, 47 and plate 20 St Andrew and St Jerome, 38 St George with the Princess and St Louis, 38,41 plate 16 Titian Ancona altarpiece, 139 Assunta, 34 Holy Family with a Shepherd, 36 Resurrection, 178 n. 42 St Peter Martyr, 45 Toledo Cathedral, 220, 245 chapel of St Joseph, 257-8 Santo Domingo el Antiguo, 254-5 Santo Tomé, 252, 258 Toulouse, Musée des Augustins, 141 Tournai, bishop of, 72 Toussaert, Jacques, 89 Traite'sur l'oraison dominicale, 78 Transubstantiation, Doctrine of, 165, 215-17 Trapani, Virgin Annunciate statue, 173-5 Trens, Manuel, 225 n. 70 Trent, Council of, 25th session (1563), 12,191, 214- 19 Catechism (1566), 217, 219 Decree concerning Justification, 215, 229 Decree concerning the Most Holy sacrament of the Eucharist, 214-15, 219, 220 Decree concerning the Sacrifice of the Mass, 215, 219 decrees, 215, 219, 230, 235, 244 Trexler, Richard, 70 Trezzo, Jacopo da, 240 Trier Cathedral, Savigny altarpiece, 79, 81 triptychs, 67 Turini, Baldassare, 169-73 Turini chapel, 169,172 plate 96 Unicorn Hunt, Anon., 9,10 plate 4 Valencia, 253 van der Goes, Hugo, 114-15,116 plate 60 Martyrdom of St Hippolytus, 54, 55 plate 23 van der Stockt group, Vrancke, 77 plate 36 Index 273 van der Weyden, Roger (or Rogier), 12, 66, 70,115 Bladelin triptych, 72, 78 Columba, 70, 78 Exhumation of St Hubert, 86 Seoen Sacraments, 57 n. 29, 60 plate 29, 71-2, 79- 81, 80 plate 37, 86 van Eyck, Jan, 20, 66, 68, 70, 98,113,115,123-4 Ghent altarpiece, 53-4, 82 Madonna in a Church, 71 n. 67 Nicholas Rolin Adoring the Virgin, 68, 69 plate 34 van Os, Henk W„ 11,15, 21-33, 36, 49, 67,175 n. 29 Vanni, Lippo, Virgin and Child with Saints, 26 plate 8 Vasari, Giorgio, 41, 43-4, 46,100,130,135,137, 151,152-3,191-2 on Raphael, 168, 169, 173-5, 178,186, 189-90 on Raphael's Disputa, 154-60,164 St Luke painting the Virgin, 189-90,189 plate 107 Vecchietta Assumption of the Virgin, 23, 24 plate 7 Ciborium, 27, 28 plate 9 Veneziano, Domenico, 4 Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints, 145,146 plate 79 Venice, 15,191-212, 245-6, 252 Church of the Frari, 34 Palazzo dei Camerlenghi, 38 S. Francesco della Vigna, 197-9, 200, 253, 255 S. Giorgio Maggiore, 205-8 S. Maria dei Miracoli, 47 S. Maria dell 'Umiltà, 203 hg. 1 Veronese, Paolo, 199, 200, 212 Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum, 59. n. 30,101 Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, 82 Vignola, Giacomo Barozzi da, 237 Virgin Mary Annunciation, 7, 8-11 Assumption, 7, 242-3 cult of, 7 Immaculate Conception, 6,141 in nubibus theme, 6,130-43 intercession of, 213-14, 218 Madonna and Child, 12 Virgin painted by St Luke, 183-9,184 plate 104 Vittoria, Alessandro, 199 Vivarini, Alvise, Resurrection, 202 Vivarini, Antonio, Ancona del Redentore, 200-2,201 plate 113 Ancona di S. Sabina, 200-2, 201 plate 114 von Anhalt, Joachim, 56 von der Osten Sacken, Cornelia, 239 n. 104 von Dobschütz, E.,,173 Voragine, Jacobus de, Golden Legend, 141, 218 Wackernagel, M., 39 Waddesdon Manor, Book of Hours, 87, 88 plate 41 Warburg, Aby, 21 Washington, National Gallery of Art, 115 Wazbinski, Zygmunt, 183,186,190 n. 81 Weildorf (Bavaria), Madonna, 94 'welsch', 101-3 Werve, Claus de, 79 Wesel, Adriaen van, s'Hertogenbosch altarpiece, 84 Westerveide, Cleerbout van, 86 n. 30 winged altarpiece, German, 90-105 Witz, Konrad, 115,120,121 St Mary Magdalene and St Catherine in a Church, 113 plate 59 Wolf, Gerhard, 188 n. 75 Wölfflin, H., 133-4,135 Woods, Kim, 12, 14,16, 52 n. 15, 57 n. 29, 76-89 'works of art', 3-6 Wright, A.D., 15, 244-61 Yourcenar, Marguerite, 65 n. 41 Zeno, Saint, 18 Zervas, Diane, 39 n. 11 Zuccari, Federico, 183, 186, 187, 190 n. 81,199 Adoration of the Magi, 253-4, 255 plate 140 Zwingli, Huldreich, 213, 214
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