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Volltext:Index Index Page numbers in bold referto excerpted texts 317 A Addison, Joseph 107, 108-9, 114, 122, 183, 184, 188, 189-90 The Pleasures of the Imagination 114, 115-18 aesthetics, development as philosophical discipline 193 Akenside, Mark 107 The Pleasures oflmagination 113 Aldrich, Robert Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? 17 Alien 17 alienation 148 American Revolution 48 architecture 182, 183, 187 Gothic 193, 199-204, 205, 210, 214-18, 226-30 Gothic Revival 20, 33, 42, 182, 183, 219-25 Aristotle 272 Arkoff, Samuel Z. 17 The Art Union 266 Atwood, Margaret 16 Aurelius' in The Flapper 281-:2 Austen, Jane 12, 14 NorthangerAbbey 12, 219, 220-1, 300, 301-3 B The Babler 273, 275-6 Bacon, Francis Figures at the base of a Crucifixion 17 Baldick, Chris 19 'banditti' paintings 236; fig. 5 pp.62-3 Barbauld, Anna 'On the Pleasure Derived from Objects ofTerror' 122, 130-2 Barry, James 20 Barthes, Roland 18 Basire, James 210 Bastille 27, 31-2, 49, 53 Bath 12, 14, 20 Baudrillard, Jean 16 Beattie, James 'Illustrations on Sublimity' 122, 132-4 Beckford, William 'Blunderbussiana' 236, 237-40 Fonthill Abbey 20, 42, 219, 221-5, 236 TheHistory of Caliph Vathekf$, 42, 43-5 Birkhead, Edith The Tale ofTerror 13 Blair, Thomas 188 The Grave 190 Blake, Catherine Agnes fig.6p.71 Blake, William 20, 22, 210, 247-52, 265 Annotation to Sir Joshua Reynolds Discourses on Art 211 Christin the Sepulchre, Guarded by Angels fig.24p.213 critical reception 294, 298-9 The French Revolution 49, 52-3 On Virgil 211 portrait by Philips fig.31 p.251 to the Revd Dr Trusler 248 to Thomas Butts 249-50 Vision: The Inspiration of the Poet (Elisha in the Chamber on the Wall) fig-33P-2S2 Blyth, Robert (etcher) Self Portrait in the Character of a Banditti (after Mortimer)fig.27 p. 238 Böcklin, Arnold Isle of the Deadly Bourne, Henry Antiquitates Vulgares 107, 109-12 Bowles, William Lisle 'Lines on a First View of Fonthill Abbey, Aug. 21st, 1822' 221 Boydell, John Shakespeare Gallery 144 Bromley, Revd Robert Anthony A Philosophical and Critical History of the Arts 297-8 The Builder's Magazine 183, 187 Burke, Edmund 12, 18, 22 A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime andBeautiful 13, 14, 16, 106, 122, 123-30, 144, 198, 199-200 Reflections on the Revolution in France 49, 50-1 Byron, George Gordon, Lord 253 C Carter, Angela 14-16, 18 The Bloody Chamber 14-15 The Company of Wolves 14 The Lady of the House of Love 14, 15 The Passion of New Eve 15 The Sadean Woman: An Exercise in Cultural History 15 Vampirella 14, 15 Carter, John 214 'An Architect' 215-18 The Entry of Prince Frederick into the Castle of Otranto fig.14 p.142 Castle, William 17 Chambers, William 236 Chapman, Jake and Dinos 16 cinema 13, 16-18, 22 circulating libraries 300 The Clique 265 Coleridge, SamuelTaylori8 anonymous review of The Italian 286-7 review of The Monk 283-6 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' 86 Colman, George 183, 184-5 The Connoisseur 183, 184-5 Constable, John Netley Abbey by Moonlight fig.22 pp.208-9 Coppola, Francis Ford Dracula 16 Cosway, Maria 20, 236 caricature of fig.28 p.240 Cosway, Richard 20 Cozens, Alexander 236 The Enchanted Castle fig.11 pp.126-7 creative artist, portrayal in the Gothic genre 232-70 Walpole on the writing of The Castle of Otranto 233, 234 Cunningham, Allan 247 Lives of the Most Eminent British Painters, Sculptors, and Architects 250-1 Curties, T.J. Ancient Records: or, the Abbey of Saint Oswythe. A Romance 290 D Dadd, Richard 265-8 'Elimination of a Picture & Its Subject - Called the Feller's Master Stroke' 268 The Fairy-Feller's Master Stroke 265; fig.38p.268 Self-portrait fig.36p.267 Sketch to Illustrate the Passions: 3I8 Index Agony - Raving Madness fig.37 P267 Danby, Francis Romantic Woodland fig.40 p.308 Darwin, Erasmus 'The Botanic Garden' 46 The Love of the Plants 48 De Quincy, Thomas Confessions of an Opium-Eater 259 Suspiria de Profundis 259, 260-1 Dickens, Charles A Christmas Tree 16 The Pickwick Papers 18 Dracula myth 14, 16 Duff, William An Essay on Original Genius 196 Duncombe, Susanna The Ghost Scene from 'The Castle of Otranto' fig.2 p.36 E Eco, Umberto 18 The Examiner 298-9 expressionism 17 fantasy 22, 33, 114, 135, 155, 272, 306 Fielding, Henry 12 Tom Jones 13 The Flapper 281-2 Fonthill Abbey 20, 42, 219, 221-5 'Candid Critique of the Architecture of Fonthill Abbey' 222-3 Projected Design for Fonthill Abbey (Turner and Wyatt) fig.25 pp.224-5 French Revolution 15, 19, 49, 272, 280, 300, 306 The French Revolution (Blake) 49' 52-3 Julia, A Novel (Williams) 49, 53 Refections on the Revolution in France (Burke) 49, 50-1 Freud, Sigmund 'The Uncanny' 18, 20, 166, 167-70 Friedrich, Caspar David 20 TwoMen Contemplating the Moon 18 Frith, William Powell 265 Fuseli, Henry 20, 241-6, 265, 269 Aphorisms on Art 197, 242, 244, 296-7 critical reception 47-8, 294, 298-9 Fifth Lecture on Painting: 'Composition, Expression' 296 The Fire King appears to Count Altert fig.7p.80 Hamlet, Horatio, Marcellus and the Ghost 144, 145-6; fig.15 p.147 Lady Macbeth Seizing the Daggers fig.30p.246 Lectures on Painting, 'Invention' 242 The Nightmare 13, 17, 46-8; fig-3P-47 Percival Delivering Belisanefrom the Enchantment of Unna fig.13 pp.138-9 portrait by Opie fig.29 p.243 Review of Hickey's History of Painting and Sculpturefrom the Earliest Accounts 295 Review of William Roscoe 295 Gainsborough, Thomas Wooded Landscape with Peasant Reading Tombstone, Rustic Lovers and Ruined Church fig.18 p.192 The Gentleman's Magazine 214, 215-18, 219 ghosts ghost stories 107-13 Hamlet, Horatio, Marcellus and the Ghost (Fuseli) 144, 145-6; fig.15 p-147 moral dangers of traditional ghost stories 273-6 'On Ghosts' (Mary Shelley) 148, 149-51 The Ghost Scene from 'The Castle of Otranto' (Duncombe) fig.2 p.36 Gillray, James Magagrida & Conspirators, Consulting the Ghost of Oliver Cromwell fig.16 p.147 Tales ofWonder! fig.39 p.288 Gilpin, William 205 Observations Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty 207 Girtin, Thomas Gainsborough Priory fig.20 p.202 Godwin, William 12 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 'Faust' 83 The Sorrows of Young Werther 300 Gothic the case against 183-7 the case for 193-7 useofterm22, 182 Gothic Revival 20, 33, 42, 182, 183, 219-25, 226 Goya, Francisco de 16, 17 Graveyard Poets 188, 190-1 Gray, Thomas 188 'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard' 190-1 Grogan, Nathaniel Lady Blanche Crosses the Ravine Guided by the Count and St Foix fig.4pp.56-7 The Guardian 23, 24-6 H Haydon, Benjamin Robert 241 Autobiography 245-6 Hayley, William 247 Hearn, Lafcadio 164, 226 'Gothic Horror' 227-30 'The Nightmare-Touch' 164, 165 Hickey History of Painting and Sculpture from the Earliest Accounts 295 Hirst, Damieni6 'The History of Santon Barsisa' 23 Hitchcock, Alfred Psycho 16, 17 Hogarth, William The Analysis of Beauty 194 Hogle, Jerrold E. 18 Holst, Theodor von Fantasy Based on Goethe's 'Faust' fig.8p.83 Hopper, Edward House by the Railroad 17 horror 13, 16-18, 22, 27, 49, 114, 122, 144, 148, 155, 226-30, 272, 306 Hughes, John Preface to Spenser's Fairie Queene 194 Hume, David 'Of Simplicity and Refinement' 183, 184 'On Tragedy' 114, 118-21 Hunt, William Holman fig.41 p.3°9 Hurd, Richard Letters on Chivalry and Romance 195 I imprisonment as theme 27, 31-2, 49, 53, 70-7, 90 Ireland, W.S. Rimualdo; or, the castle ofBadajos. A Romance 289-90 J James, Montague Rhodes 174, 306 'Ghosts - Treat the Gently!' 176-7 'Introduction' to Ghosts and Marvels: A Selection of Uncanny Tales from Daniel Defoe to Algernon Blaclcwood (Collins ed.) 175-6 'Some Remarks on Ghost Stories' 310 Jones, Ernest On the Nightmare 20, 46, 166, 170-3 K Kelly, Hugh 273, 275-6 Kendall, A. Tales of the Abbey, founded on Historical Facts 289 Ker, Anne Adeline St Julien: or, The Midnight Hour. A Novel anonymous review 287 King Kong 17 King, Stephen 17 Salem's Lot 14 Knight, Richard Payne 205 The Landscape: A Didactic Poem 206 Index 319 Kristeva, Julia Powers of Horror 18 Lang, Andrew 'Mrs Radcliffe's Novels' 161, 162 Langhorne, John anonymous review of The Castle of Otranto 278 Lewis, Matthew Gregory 22, 272, 280 Tales of Wonder 78, 287 review 287-91 The Monk 23, 67, 68-77, 78 expurgated version (Ambrosia, or The Monk) 67 review by Coleridge 283-6 Linnell, John 247 The Man who Taught Blake Painting in his Dreams (attributed, after Blake) fig.32 p.252 Longinus 'On the Sublime' 106, 114 Loutherbourg, Philip James de A Philosopher in a Moonlit Churchyard fig.17p.192 Travellers Attacked by Banditti fig.5 pp.62-3 Lovecraft, H.P. 20, 178, 232, 269, 277 'Pickman's Model' 269, 270 Supernatural Horror in Literature 178, 179-80 to Bernard Austin Dwyer 279 M Maclise, Daniel 265 Maria Costive. At her Studies (caricature of Maria Cosway) fig.28p.240 Marx, Karl 148 Mason, William 205 The English Garden: A Poem 206 Mathias, Thomas James 67 The Pursuits of Literature, A Satirical Poem in Four Dialogues with Notes 291-3 Maturin, Charles Melmoth the Wandereng, 90, 91-4 Mighall, Robert 19 Milner, John 198 'Observations on the Means Necessary for Further Illustrating the Ecclesiastical Architecture the Middle Ages' 200-4 Minerva Press 280 moderation and libertarianism in British culture 306 moral panic 67, 272-3 Morrison, Toni 16 Mortimer, John Hamilton 236 Self-Portrait in the Character of a Banditti fig.27 p.238 Munch, Edvardi7 The Scream 17 N Neath Abbey 214, 215 Newton, Richard Resurrection Men fig. 10 p.i 11 Nicholson, James H. 17 Nosferatu 18 O Oates, Joyce Carol 16 O'Brien, Geoffrey 16 Opie, John Portrait of Henry Fuseli fig.29 p.243 P Palmer, Samuel Coming from Evening Church fig.23p.212 Peacock, Thomas Love Nightmare Abbey 300, 304-5 Philips, Thomas Portrait of William Blake fig.31 p.251 picaresque novels 27 picturesque, concept of 205-9 Pierce, Jack 17 Piranesi, Giovanni Title page to Invenzioni Capric, ai Carceri fig.19 p.196 Poe, Edgar Allan 20, 22, 232, 262 The Fall of the House of Usher 262, 263-4, 269 The Imp of the Perverse 155, 156-60 portrait by Warren fig.35 p.263 'The Raven' 95, 96-8 Tales of the Grotesque and the Arabesque 262 poetry 78-82, 96-8, 188, 190-1 Polidori, John 253 The Vampyre 99 Praz, Mario The Romantic Agony 13 Three Gothic Novels (editor) 13 Prévost, Abbé 14 Price, Uvedale 205 R Radcliffe, Ann 19-20, 22, 54, 226, 272 The Castles ofAthlin and Dunbayne 54 The Italian 54, 61-6 anonymous review by Coleridge 286-7 'Mrs Radcliffe's Novels' (Lang) 161, 162 The Mysteries ofUdolpho 54, 55-61 The Romance of the Forest 54 A Sicilian Romance 12-13 Reeve, Clara Preface to The Old English Baron 137-40 Repton, Humphrey The Bee-ins Reynolds, Sir Joshua 210 Discourses on Art 197 Annotation by Blake 211 Portrait of Horace Walpole fig.26p.235 Rice, Anne Interview with the Vampire 14 Richardson, Maurice 19 Richardson, Samuel 14, 15 Roche, Regina Clermont 13 romance 135 Romney, George 20 Rosa, Salvator 236 Roscoe, William 295 Rothwell, Richard Portrait of Mary Shelley fig.34 p.255 Round about our Coal Fire: or, Christmas Entertainments 112-13, 273, 274 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 14, 15 Julie ou La Nouvelle Héloïse 14 Ruskin, John The Seven Lamps of Architecture 19 S Sade, Marquis de 15, 67 St David's 214, 216-18 Scott, Sir Walteri2, 13, 78, 219 'The Fire King' 78, 79-80 Introduction to The Castle of Otranto 141-3, 220 Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft 148, 151-4 Sensation! exhibition 16 Shakespeare, William 114, 193 Hamlet 20, 144, 145-7 King Lear 48 Macbeth 20 Richard III 20 Shelley, Mary 13, 22 Frankenstein 12, 19, 84, 85-9, 253 Introduction to the 1831 edition 254-8 'On Ghosts' 148, 149-51 portrait by Rothwell fig.34 p.255 Shelley, Percy Bysshe 12, 18, 84, 253.300 'Ghasta or, The Avenging Demon!!!' 78, 80-2 Skal, David J. 17 Smollett, Tobias 22 The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom 27, 28-9 The Expedition of Humphrey Clinker 183, 185-6 The Spectator 23, 24-6, 108-9, 114. 115-18, 183, 184, 188, 189-90, 273 Spenser, Edmund 193 The Fairie Queene 194 Spirit of the Public Journals for rygy 282-3 Steele, Richard 22, 23, 24-6, 114 'The History of Santon Barsisa' 24-6 Sterne, Laurence A Sentimental Journey through 320 Index France and Italy byMrYorickiy, 31-3 Stoker, Bram 22, 306 'The Censorship of Fiction' 99, 307-9 Dracula 14, ig, 99, 100-4, 176 Strawberry Hill 33, 219 Sublime, concept of 16, 106, 114, 122-34, M4.148, 198-204, 205, 226 Summers, Montague Gothic Bibliography 13, 161 Introduction to The Gothic Quest 161, 162-3 Introduction to The Supernatural Omnibus 1 63 Summersett, Henry Martyn ofFenrose; or, the Wizard and the Sword. A Romance 291 the supernatural 22, 148-54, 161, 163, 166-70, 174-80 see also ghosts Surrealism 17, 67 T TheTatler 23 Thew, Robert (engraver) Hamlet, Horatio, Marcellus and the Ghost (after Fuseli) fig. 15 p. 147 Thornton, Bonnelli83, 184-5 Tonson, Jacob TurkishTales 22, Turner, J.M.W. A Subject from the Runic Superstitions fig.12 p.129 The Chancel and Crossing ofTintem Abbey, Looking towards the East Window fig.21 p.202 Projected Design for Fonthill Abbey (with Wyatt) fig.25 pp.224-5 V vampire subjects 14-15, 16, 99 Varley, John 247 Varma, Devendra P. The Gothic Flame 13 W Walpole, Horace 14, 20, 226, 272 Anecdotes of Painting 194-5.19^ The Castle of Otranto 17, 19, 22, 33, 34-41.135, 269 critical reception 277-9 introduction by Scott 141-3, 220 preface to second edition 136 Walpole on the writing of The Castle of Otranto 233, 234 portrait by Reynolds fig.26 p.235 Strawberry Hill 33, 219 Warren, George Kendall Portrait of Edgar Allan Poe fig.35 p.263 West, Benjamin 20 Whale, James Frankenstein 17 Wilde, Oscar The Picture of Dorian Gray 20 Williams, Gilly to George Selwyn 278 Williams, Helen Maria 49 Julia, A Novel 53 The Wizard ofOz 18 Wordsworth, William 149 Wright of Derby, Joseph The Alchemist fig.9p.87 The Captive, after Sterne fig.i p.31 Wyatt, James Fonthill Abbey2ig, 221-5 Projected Design for Fonthill Abbey (withTurner) fig.25 pp.224-5
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