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Volltext:INDEX Actress, An (Eakins), 124 Adams, Mark, 129 Albers, Josef, 73-74, 78, 103-04, 105, 146 Albright, Ivan Le Lorraine, 136 Alexander, Brooke, 155 Allan, William, 108 Allan Stone Gallery, 56, 108, 128, 129 Allan Frumkin Gallery, 130, 132, 133, 147 Anne WilferDrawing (Beai), 15 Anuszkiewicz, Richard, 146 Apple, An (Fish), 70, 72 Art (Cottingham), 60 Art and Illusion (Gombrich), 124 Art Institute of Chicago, 18, 132, 133 Arthur, John, 19 Artschwager, Richard, 53 Aspects of a New Realism (Milwau­kee exhibit), 84 Asters and Goldenrod (Fish), 79 August and the Red Glass (Fish), 80 Bacon, Francis, 43, 100 Bag of Pears (Fish), 80 Bailey, William, 26, 104 Baldwin Farm, The (Beckman), 29 Barnes, Robert, 18, 132, 133 Barry (Fish), 76-77 Baskin, Leonard, 43, 78 Beai, Jack, 10-23, 56, 70, 110, 130, 132-33, 141 Beaver House (Welliver), 157 Bechtle, Robert, 84, 96, 108 Beckett, Samuel, 121 Beckman, Deidra, 30, 31 Beckman, Diana, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33 Beckman, William, 24-37, 140 Beckmann, Max, 40 Bell, Clive, 87 Benton, Thomas Hart, 22 Bernini, Gian Lorenz, 22 Berry, Tim, 66 Bierstadt, Albert, 140, 150 Big Still Life, The (exhibit), 130 Birthday for Ethel Moore (Leslie), 30 Bischoff, Elmer, 120, 121 Blackshear, Kathleen, 19 Blue Pond (Raffael), 109 Bonnard, Pierre, 12, 101, 104, 117, 154 Brader, Hans, 27 Brady, Carolyn, 105, 108 Braque, Georges, 12, 96 Bright City (Thiebaud), 115 Brown, Kathan, 128 Brown, William, 129 Bud (Cottingham), 60 Buds (Beai), 21, 22 Buffalo Optical (Cottingham), 61, 63 Buffet (Thiebaud), 121 Burckhardt, Rudy, 147 Burford, Byron, 27 Burger Chef Interior (Goings), 86 Burial of Count Orgone, The (Wel­liver), 146 Butterfield, Jan, 104 Cafe Bar (Cottingham), 62 Cakes (Thiebaud), 122 Candy (Cottingham), 60 Candy Ball Machine (Thiebaud), 119 Candy Counter (Thiebaud), 121 Caravaggio, Michelangelo, 23, 137 Card Trick (Valerio), 135, 137 Castelli, Leo, 53, 108 Cézanne, Paul, 100, 101 Chaet, Bernard, 103, 146 Chamberlain, John, 18 Chardin, Jean-Baptiste Siméon, 120 Checkers (Valerio), 130, 134 Cherry Stand (Thiebaud), etching, 118 Cherry Stand (Thiebaud), painting, 118, 125 Church, Frederick Edwin, 16, 140, 150 Close, Chuck, 38-53, 54, 61, 66, 79, 96, 121, 125 Cole, Thomas, 150 Columbus Day (Porter), 150 Condi, Miguel, 27 Constable, John, 37 Cook, Gordon, 129 Cooper Union, 101 Corot, Jean-Baptiste Camille, 30 Cottingham, Robert, 41, 54-67, 96 Courbet, Gustave, 30, 88 Cream Pie (Goings), 90 Crown Point Press, 128 Currier Gallery of Art, 154 Dark Cake (Thiebaud), 122 Darlene Sleeping (Fish), 80 Daumier, Honoré, 116 de Chirico, Giorgio, 121, 124 Degas, Hilaire Germain Edgar, 18, 116, 120 de Kooning, Willem, 40, 103, 116, 120, 124 Delavante, Sidney, 101 Delights (Thiebaud), 128 Demuth, Charles, 56 Denby, Edwin, 154 Desmoiselles dAvignon (Picasso), 105 Diana III (Beckman), 25 Diana IV (Beckman), 31 Dickinson, Edwin, 78 Diebenkorn, Richard, 26, 31, 57, 79, 120 Differing Views (Valerio), 137, 141, 142 Diner with Red Door (Goings), 83 di Suvero, Mark, 13 Downes, Rackstraw, 40, 79, 150 Doyle, Tom, 12 Drowned Cedars, Moosehorn (Wel­liver), 156 Dyer, Briggs, 19 Eakins, Thomas, 18, 120, 124, 150 Early Sunday Morning (Hopper), 56 Estes, Richard, 18, 19, 41, 53, 54, 56, 66, 84, 85, 108 Everett Community College, 40 Fabion, John, 132 Fantin-Latour, Ignace, 12 Figurative Alliance, 30 Fish, Janet, 40, 68-81, 150 Fisher, Bud, 121 Fleishman (Cottingham), 57, 58-59 Fogg Art Museum, 37 Four Models and a Chicken (Vale­rio), 133 Fox (Cottingham), 66 Fractured Still Life with Decoy (Vale­rio), 143 Freckelton, Sondra, 10, 13, 18, 19, 21, 23 Frumkin, Allan, 130 Frumkin, Jean, 141 Gail (Valerio), 136 Gardner, Helen, 19 Georges, Paul, 13 Georgie's (Goings), 88 Giacometti, Alberto, 129 Giorgione, Giorgio Barbarelli, 22 Girl in Yellow Hat (Thiebaud), 123 Girl with Ice Cream Cone (Thiebaud), 125 Glass, Phil, 43 Glueck, Grace, 108 Gluttony and Temperance (Beai), 23 Goff, Bruce, 100 Goings, Ralph, 82-97, 108 Goings, Shanna, 82 Golub, Leon, 132 Gombrich, E. H., 124 Goodyear, Frank H., Jr., 19 Gorky, Arshile, 40, 121 Gostin, Arlene, 155 Gourfain, Peter, 18 Graham, John, 116 Grande Jatte, La (Seurat), 104 Graves, Nancy Stevenson, 43 Green Gallery, 108 Greenberg, Clement, 53, 116 Grooms, Red, 18, 132 Gulliver's Travels (Swift), 43 Guston, Philip, 121 Gwynne (Close), 45 Hairy Who, 132 Hamburger (Cottingham), 66 Hatke, Walter, 22, 23 Held, Al, 40 Herriman, George, 121 Hillaire Farm (Beckman), 32 Him, Ruth, 140 History of Labor Murals, The: 18th Century, "Settlement" (Beai), 11 History of Labor Murals, The: 19th Century, "Industry" (Beai), 20 Hoffman, Nancy, 108, 112 Hofmann, Hans, 19, 40 Holbein, Hans, 37 Hollingworth, Keith, 43 Honey Bun (Valerio), 135, 136 Hood, Dorothy, 117 Hopper, Edward, 56 Hot (Cottingham), 66 Howard, Jim, 117 Hunt, Richard Howard, 18 Hydrangea (Thiebaud), 123 I Saw the Number Five in Gold (De­muth), 56 Ice (Cottingham), 66 Ice Cream Sundaes (Thiebaud), 119 Ingres, Jean-Auguste Dominique, 37 Irwin, Robert, 56 Island Lilies (Raffael), 102 Japanese Iris (Raffael), 111 Jekyll, Gertrude, 108 John (Close), 50-51 Johns, Jasper, 105, 120 Johnson, Lester, 116 Joseph, Richard, 133 Joseph's Liquor (Cottingham), 65 Joyce, James, 133 Jud (Close), 49, 53 Kacere, John C., 85 Kahn, Wolf, 116 Kandinsky, Vassily, 101 Kanovitz, Howard, 56 Karp, Ivan, 53, 97 Katz, Alex, 44, 78, 146, 147, 148 Kaye's Farm, Late Summer (Beck­man), 32 Kensett, John Frederick, 150 Kentucky Fried Chicken (Goings), 89 Kline, Franz, 103, 105, 116 Kornblee Gallery, 108 Kraft Salad Dressing (Fish), 75 Krazy Kat (Herriman), 121 Kresge's (Cottingham), 61 Kulicke, Robert M., 129 Landfall Press, 66 Landscape (Raffael), 102 Lanyon, Ellen, 132 Late Light (Welliver), 145 Leslie, Alfred, 18, 30, 31, 116, 130, 132, 141 Leslie!Unfinished (Close), 42 LeWitt, Sol, 44 Life, 120 158 REALISTS AT WORK Linda (Close), 39 Lloyd, Nancy, 10 Lobster (Beai), 21 Love Letter, The (Vermeer), 140 Lower East Side (Beckman), 28 Luxembourg Gardens: Love (Raf­faeli, 106-107 Luxembourg Gardens: Summer (Raf­faeli, 112 MacKinnon, Isobel Steele, 19 Magritte, René, 121 Mallary, Bob, 120 Manet, Edouard, 19, 20 Marca-Relli, Conrad, 146 Marden, Brice, 40 Mark, 1978-79 (Close), 46 Mark/Pastel (Close), 47 Mark, Watercolor/Unfinished (Close), 47 Matisse, Henri, 101, 104, 117 Maynard Minnesota, Hartney's Farm (Beckman), 29 McGarrell, James, 13, 133 McGovern, David, 26 McLean, Richard Thorpe, 85, 89, 96 Minneapolis Art Institute, 26 Mondrian, Piet, 56, 101, 129 Monet, Claude, 67, 110 Moose (Welliver), 155 Morandi, Giorgio, 121 Morley, Malcolm, 56, 84, 87, 108 Munch, Edvard, 98, 101, 103, 104, 151 Museum of Modern Art, 104 Mutt and Jeff (Fisher), 121 Nelson, Jud, 53 New Dams in Meadow (Welliver), 152-53 Nick, George, 78 Nicolaides, Kimon, 19 Night City (Thiebaud), 123, 128 Night Scene (Welliver), 156 Nolde, Emil, 98 Novros, David, 40 Nude with Suitcase (Beai), 17 Ode (Cottingham), 60 O'Hara, Frank, 116 O.K. Harris Gallery, 56 Oldenburg, Claes, 18 Oliveira, Nathan, 31, 120 109 (Cottingham), 60 Orange Lamp and Oranges (Fish), 69 Orchid and Shining Spring (Raffael), 110 Painting Lesson, The (Beai), 160 Palm Ridge (Thiebaud), 128 Park, David, 26, 79, 120. Parrish, Maxfield, 100, 105, 112 P at Combing H er Hair (Valerio), 140 Paul's Magic (Valerio), 134, 136 Peaches andPansies (Fish), 78 Pearlstein, Philip, 18, 57, 116, 132- 33, 137, 147-48, 150 Peat Bog (Welliver), 149 Perugino, Pietro Vannucci, 22 Petlin, Irving, 18 Petruzzelli, Joe, 97 Philbrook Art Museum, 96, 97 Phillips Collection, 129 Picasso, Pablo, 100, 101, 105, 113, 128 Pie Case (Goings), 87 Player (Thiebaud), 126-27 Plums (Fish), 72 Pollock, Jackson, 103, 105, 120 Porter, Fairfield, 57, 148-50, 154 Portnow, Marjorie, 150 Portrait of George Adams (Beck­man), 30 Posen, Stephen, 40, 79 Pratt Institute, 40, 56 Quail (Raffael), 104 Rachel's Rose (Raffael), 105, 110 Raffael, Joseph, 79, 98-113 Raffael, Rachel, 104 Ralph's Diner (Goings), 93, 94-95, 96 Rand, Harry, 121 Raphael, Raffaello Sanzio, 22 Rat (Cottingham), 60 Rauschenberg, Robert, 105, 108 Read, Sir Herbert, 124 Realism/Photorealism (exhibit), 96 Realist Drawings and Watercolors (Arthur), 41 Redouté, Pierre Joseph, 110 Reflections (Welliver), 148 Release (Raffael), 108 Rembrandt, Harmensz van Rijn, 22, 30, 37, 121, 132, 150 Resika, Paul, 150 Resnick, Milton, 124 Resting in the Shade (Valerio), 136 Rhode Island School of Design, 40 Richard Feigen Gallery, 28 Roof, The (Beai), 17 Rose Outside Matisse Museum Gar­den (Raffael), 99 Rosenberg, Harold, 116 Rosenquist, James, 108 Rosofsky, Seymour, 132 Rubens, Peter Paul, 22, 116 Ruisdael, Jacob van, 37 Ruth and Cecil Him (Valerio), 130, 137, 139 Ryder, Albert Pinkham, 150 Safeway Interior (Goings), 86 Salgado, David, 112 Salt, John, 85 San Francisco Art Institute, 113, 117 Santa Barbara (Thiebaud), 119 Sardines (Thiebaud), 128 Schoharie Diner (Goings), 91 Segal, George, 108 Self-Portrait (Close), 44 Self-Portrait (Valerio), 131 Self portraits (Beckman), 28, 31, 35 Serra, Richard, 40 Seurat, Georges, 104 Seven Students from Iowa (exhibit), 28 Shakespeare, William, 48 Shark, Bud, 22 Shatter, Susan, 150 Sheeler, Charles, 53 Sherwin Williams Chevy (Goings), 92 Shige (printer), 155 Shorewood Press, 66 Shorr, Harriet, 79 Siena Studio, 97 6 Vinegar Bottles (Fish), 75 Small Kent (Close), 42 Smith, David, 101 Southland Hotel (Cottingham), 56 Soutine, Chaim, 18 Spring Party (Fish), 72 Stable Gallery, 108, 146 Stahl, Ben, 19 Stanley (Close), 43 Star (Cottingham), 64 Starr (Cottingham), 65 S till Life #2 (Valerio), 130, 136, 137, 141 Still Life on a Bedspread (Valerio), 143 Still Life with Coffee (Goings), 90 Still Life with Flowers (Goings), 90 Still Life with Self-Portrait (Beai), 12 Still Life with Tomatoes #1 (Valerio), 141 Studio Figures (Valerio), 138 Study for Differing Views: Interior (Valerio), 142 Study for Hillaire Farm (Beckman), 33 Study for Kaye's Farm, Late Summer ' (Beckman), 33 Study for Studio Figures (Valerio), 137 Study for Trout and Reflection (Wel­liver), 149 Sun Over Briggs Meadow (Welliver), 148 Susan/Pastel (Close), 42 Swan Lake and Signorelli's Lament (Valerio), 133 Sydney and Frances Lewis (Beai), 21 Tamarind (printmaking workshop), 112 Tanqueray Bottles (Fish), 70 Taylor, Jack, 84 Tender Is the Night (Fitzgerald), 101 Tequila Bottles (Fish), 70, 72 Thek, Paul, 105 Thiebaud, Betty Jean, 114, 125 Thiebaud, Wayne, 61, 108, 114-29, 132 Thoreau, Henry David, 100 Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti, 22 Tiptop (Cottingham), 55, 61 Titian, Tiziano Vecellio, 22 Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 117 Treloar, Bob, 22 Trillium Press, 112 Twin Springs Diner (Goings), 93 University of California at Davis, 84 University of Chicago, 132 University of Massachusetts, 40 University of Washington, 40 Valerio, James, 91, 130-43 Valerio, Paul, 136 Vaughn Williams, Ralph, 100 Van Gogh, Vincent, 37, 100, 129, 132, 151 Van Gogh, Theo, 100 Van Hoesen, Beth, 129 Van Horn, Dana, 10, 18, 22 Velazquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y, 120, 150 Vermeer, Johannes, 48, 109, 124, 140 Voorhees, Clark, 70 Vuillard, Edouard, 101 Walker Art Institute, 26 Walt Disney Studios, 116 Walt's Diner (Goings), 92 Ward, Eleanor, 146 Warhol, Andy, 105 Warren's Bar (Cottingham), 60, 62 Weinrib, David, 13 Welliver, Neil, 100, 104, 144-57 Welliver, Polly, 147 Welliver, Shelia, 147 Wesselmann, Tom, 44 West, Constance, 30 Westermann, Horace Clifford, 13, 132 Wharton, Edith, 133 While-U-Wait (Cottingham), 61, 65 Whitman, Walt, 100 Whitney Museum of American Art, 53, 56 Wild Iris (Raffael), 103 Wiley, William T., 108 Wilfer, Joe, 52 Wind on Water, Spring, The (Raf­fael), 111 Winter Shore (Raffael), 109 Woelffer, Emerson, 56 Women's Wear Daily, 120 Wonner, Paul, 130 Wright Junior College, 132 Yale at Norfolk, 40 Yale University, 40, 73, 78, 103, 146 Yang, Jay, 150 Yoakum, Joseph, 132 Yoshida, Ray, 132 INDEX 159
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