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Volltext:INDEX Abbey in the Oak Forest, 170 Abduction of Helen, 81 Abilgaard, Nicolai 53 Abrégé de la vie . . . , 53 Académie Royale. See Paris A c c a d e m i a d e l l e A r t i . . . , 2 , 4 Accademia Romana . . . , 2 , f 13 Achilles and Priant, 60 Adoration of the Shepherds (Veit), 192 After a Storm in the Alps, 423 Agamemnon Disregarding the Predictions of Cassandra, 264 Agaricio (painter), 372 Aguado (gallery owner), 377 Akenside, Mark, 125 Albani, Francesco (1578-1660), 85 Albert, Prince, 45, 39511 Alchemist, The, 420 Algardi, Alessandro (1602-54), 153 Aligny, Cornelle (1798-1870), 397 Alison, Archibald, 347 Allgemeine Zeitung, 182, 194 Alliance des Arts, 390 Allier, Antoine (1793-1870), 234 Allori, Cristofano (1577-1621), 81 Altdorfer, Albrecht, 2 Amaury-Duval, Eugène (1808-85), 465 America, a Prophecy, 136 Amiens, Peace of, 76, 91 Amphitryon, 151 Anchises and Venus, 221, 222 Ancient Britons, 144-45 Ancient Jerusalem . . ., 356 André, Jules (1807-69), 424 Andromeda Chained . . ., 383 Androutosos, Odysseus, 248 Ane mort . . . , L', 318 Angelico, Fra (da Fiesole: 1387-1455), 180, 191 Anna Amalie, Duchess, 54, 64 Années du musée . . . , xxv, 94 95 Armés of the Fine Arts, 346 Ansichten . . . , fj6n--j-jn Antiquities of Athens, 114, 116, 139 Apelles (4th c. B.C.), 142, 29çn Apollo Belvedere, 86, 87, 88-89 Apollo Teaching . . ., 258 Apotheosis of Homer, 282, 287-88, 289 Arago, Etienne, 401, 486 Arago brothers, 389 Arc de Triomphe, 216, 320, 368 Archimedes, 47 Argonauts, The, 60 Ariosto, Lodovico, 196 Aristophanes, 60 Army Giving Its Oath . . . After the Distribution of Eagles, 110-12, 285 Arnim, Achim von, 149, i69ff., 174-78 Arrowsmith, John, 240, 256, 259, 280 508 INDEX Artiste, L', 318, 31g, 322, 389, 413-14. 487 Artiste et le philosophe, 240-41 Artists' Repository, 8 Ait Union, 415, 417 Art Union Journal, 415-16 Asian Elephant, 327 Atala, 155 Athalie, 395 Athenaeum, 8, 347 Atropos, 59n Attila and St. Genevieve, 481 Audry, Ferdinand (dates unknown), 389 Augsburg, xxv Augsburger allgemeine Zeitung, 292 August Friedrich, Prince, 54 Aumale, Duc d', 492 Aurora and Cephalus, 109-10 Aus meinem Leben, 15 Aycard, Marie, 240 Bacattini, Abate, 13 Bacchus and Ariadne, 367 Banks of the Moyne . . ., 423 Barbès, Armand, 486 Barême (mathematician), 262 Barker, Henry (1774-1856), 199, 241 Barker, Robert (1739-1806), 199 Bark of Dante and Virgil, 214, 222-23 Barocci, Federigo (1528-1612), 84 Barrault, Emile, 321 Barre, Jean Jacques, 488 Barrion, Firmin, 463 Barroilhet, Paul, 472, 473 Barry, James (1741-1806), 121, 135 Barthélémy, Abbé, 6 Bartholdy, Jacob Salomon, 179, 181-82, 183, 190 Bartolini, Lorenzo (i777-l85°), 342 374 377 Bartolomeo, Fra (1472—25^7), 273 Barye, Antoine-Louis (1796-1875), 319, 320, 326-28, 341-42, 343, 410-11, 463, 465, 483, 485, 489, 494 Basire, James (1730-1802), x35 *39 Baths of Julian, 253 Battle of Arbelles, 99 Battle of Jemmapes, 214-15, 236, 266 Battle of Marius . . . , 338, 339 Battle of Montmirail, 279 Battle of Nancy, 336 Battle of the Pyramids, )6n Battle of the Romans and the Sabines, 6, 370, 85, 93, 206, 261, 279, 281, 284 Battle of Vittoria, 361 Battoni, Pompeo (1708-87), 13. 52 54. 59, Baudelaire, Charles, xxv, 371, 452-60, 461 Bazar Bonne Nouvelle, 390, 350-60, 463 Bean Festival, 83 Beaumont, Sir George (1753—1827), x34 348 Beaux-Arts dans les deux mondes . . . , 413 Beccafumi, Domenico, 288 Beckendorff, Ludolp, 171 Beethoven, L. van, 361, 392, 473 Begas, Karl (1794-1854), 275 Beggar (Murillo), 81 Belgian Family, 365 Belgium, 6, 92, 291, 372 Belisarius, 227 Bell (anatomist), 115 Bellori (neoclassicist), 4 Belshazzar's Feast, 200 Bendemann, Edouard (1811-99), 372 Bénézech, Pierre, 44, 51 Benjamin Constant (Bra), Bentley?s Miscellany, 350 Béranger, 340, 341 Bérard, Jean (cf. 1883), 420 Berlin, xxiii, xxv, 6, 8, 55, 73, 169-78, 417 Berliner Abendblätter, 169-70, 171 Berlioz, Hector, 293 Bernardin de St. Pierre, Jacques, 225 Bernini, Giovanni (1598-1608), 35, 153, 410 Berry, Charles, Duc de, 95 Bertin, Jean Victor (1775-1842), 231, 280, 378, 478 Bertin brothers, 281, 318 Bidault, Jean J. X. (1758-1846), 378, 391, 478 Biefve, Edouard de (1802-82), 444 Birth of Light, 60S. Blackwood, William, 347 BlackwoocTs Edinburgh Monthly Magazine, 347-48 Blair, Robert, 136, 140 Blake, William (1757-1827), xxiv, 115, 122-23, 135_47 Blanc, Charles, 414, 4858. Blanc, Louis, 388, 389, 484, 485 Blanqui, Auguste, 321 Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas, 4 Boisserée, Melchior and Sulpiz, 77, 181, 190, 194 Boleyn, Anne, 85 Bonaparte, Jerome, ioyn Bonaparte on Mont St. Bernard, 455 Bonasoni, Julio (1531-74), "5 Bonington, Richard (1801-28), 259-60 IEX 509 Book of Job, 136 Book of Snobs, 350 Book of Thel, 136 Borei Pétrus, 369 Borromini, Francesco (1599-1667), 102 Bossi, Giuseppe, 276 Bottiger, Karl, 56, 570 Boucher, François (1703-70), 20, 153, 414 Boulanger, Louis (1806-67), 390, 397 Bouton, Charles-Mane (1781-1853), 253-55 Bowyr (gallery owner), 121 Box of Cypeselus, 61 Boydell, John (1719-1804), 121, 122 Bra, Théophile-François-Marcel (1797-1863), 329 Braccasat, Jacques-Raymond (1804-67), 280, 423, 489, 494 _ Brentano, Clemens, 149, i6gS., 174-78 Briant (sculptor), 494 Brias, Charles (1798-1884), 420 Brides of Venice, 365 Brigand's Wife . . . , 264 Brimet (economist), 207 Bristol, Earl of, 55, 56 Britannicus (Racine), 20qn British Institution, 122, 134, 137, 199, 200, 201-5 British Museum, xxfii, 115, *34 Brotherhood of St. Luke (Nazarenes), 53, 180-97, 4*5 T , Bruges, Jean de, 102 Briilow, Karl P. (1799-1852), 342 372 Brun, Fnedncke, 55 Brunswick, Duke of, 92 Brutus (Lethière), 268 Bugeaud de la Piconnerie, Thomas, 493 51 o INE Bullock, William, 206, 207, 210 Buloz, François, 321, 322 Burke, Edmund, 199, 347 Byron, George Gordon Byron, Lord, 200, 239, 241, 258, 278, 280, 342, 376, 380; Westminster Abbey and, 277 Cabat, Louis (1812-93), 465 Caffé Greco, 13, 52, 54, 55, 69 Caffieri, Jean-Jacques (1725-92), 410 Cain (Etex), 328-29 Callicrates, 119 Calvary of St. Roch, 253 Camel Camp near Smyrna, 377 Camuccini, Vincenzo (1771-1844), 170 Candi, A (Constable), 256 Canova, Antonio (1757-1822), 30-38, 108-9, 115, 182, 189-90, 267, 275ÉF. Canova et ses ouvrages, 33-34 Canterbury Pilgrims, 136, 145 Caravaggio, Michelangelo (c, 1500-43), 211, 264, 399 Carey, John, 208 Carey, Matthew, 208 Carey, William, 208, 209-10 Caricature, La, 317 Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609), and Agostino (1557-1602), 2, 19, 20, 23, 24, 85, 186, 195, 402 Carrel, Armand, 290 Carstens, Asmus (1754-98), xxiv, 52-63 Cassel, 6, 72 Cassino Massino, 182, 196 Catel, Franz (1778-1856), !97 Cattermole, George, 349 Causeries du Louvre, 242 Cavalry Charge . . . (Gros), 97-98 Cavour, Camillo Benso, Count, 461 Celliez, H., 389 Cenotaph to the Memory of Sir Joshua Reynolds, 348, 351~53 Champfleury, and Baudelaire, 452 Chantrey, Sir Francis (1781-1841), 278 Charts, 151 Charity (del Sarto), 402 Charivari, 317 Charlemagne (Gigoux), 481 Charles I, 81-82 Charles VI in the Forest of Mans, 327 Charles X, 207, 216, 280, 290, 291 Charlet, Nicolas (1792-1845), 207 Chartreuse de Parme, 244 Chassériau, Théodore (1819-56), 383, 390, 465, 481 Chateaubriand, René de, 15511, 213, 286, 390 Chaucer, G., 136, 137, 145 Chaudet, Antoine Denis, 32—33 , Chaussard, Pierre, 92-94, 96-105 Chaussée, Nivelle de la, 8in Chauvin, Pierre (1774-1832), 270, 271 Chenavard, Paul (1807-95), 383-84, 463 Chénier, André, 454 Child with a Goose, 402-3 Christianity, 403-4 Christ on the Cross, 472-73 Christ on the Mount of Olives, 286 Christ Raising the Widow's Son, 356 Christ's Entry . . . 207 Chronique de Paris, 322 Cimabue and Giotto, 365 Cimarosa, Domenico, 473 Claude Gellée, Le Lorrain (1600-82), 156, 157, 230, 468 Clement XIV, 30-38 Cleomenes, 88 Clésinger, Jean-Baptiste (1814-83), 479, 481-83 Clouds, The, 60 Cockfight, 471 Cogniet, Léon (1794-1880), 223, 390, 407, 449, 456, 459, 460, 486, 489, 494 Colbert, Jean Baptiste, 2, 39 Colburn, Henry, 243 Colin, F. (1798-1864), 260 Collection of Engravings . . . (Tischbein), 15 Collins, William (1788-1847), 437 Colocotroni, Theodoras, 248 Cologne, 72 Colson, Jean François (1733-1803), 283 Comédie Française, 410 Commune Générale des Arts, 41 Communion of St. Jerome, 85 Comte, Auguste, 388 Concert, The (Corot), 397n Conrad of Swabia . . . , 14 Constable, John (1776-1837), 200, 240, 241, 256-58, 259, 270, 271, 348, 351-53, 355n 358 Constant, Benjamin, 321 Constitutional, 290, 349 Constitutionnel, Le, 2148:., 39°, 45L 463 486 Cope, Charles (1811-90), 365, 415, 433 Copenhagen, 6 Copley, John (1737-1815), 121 Corinne (de Staël), 225 Corinne at Misenum, 221, INDEX 511 222, 225-28 Corneille, Pierre, 14, 18, 23, 25 Cornelius, Peter von (1783-1867), 189, 192, 275, 291-92, 415, 417-18 Coronation of Charles X, 242 Coronation of Napoleon and Josephine, 106-7, llx 112 285 Corot, Jean-Baptiste (1796-1875), 343. 39°. 397-98, 422-23, 461, 465, 475-78, 494 _ Correggio, Antonio di (1494-1534), 22, 84, 141, 142-43, 186, 196, 473 Corréspondance littéraire, 7-8, 449 Corsair (Byron), 25811 Corsaire-Satan, 452 Cortona, Pietro da (1596-1669), 153 Cotta, Baron, 215, 216, 292, 293 Cottin, Madame, 271 Couder, Auguste (1790-1873), 394 Courbet, Gustave (1819-77), 216 Cours de philosophie . . . , 388 Cousin, Victor, 322 Coustou, Nicholas (1658-1733), and Guillaume (1677-1746), 410 Couture, Thomas (1815-79), 397' 399-4°°' 468~7°' 479' 485, 489, 494 Couvelet, Adolphe (1802-67), 377 Cow Attacked, 423 Cowper, Douglas (1817-59), Cracas, 13 Creation (Martin), 200 Cromek, J. H., 136 5X2 IN Cromwell, Oliver, 83, 312 Cromwell (Hugo), 281 Crossing, The, 59, 62 Crouching Venus, 375 Crowe, Catherine, 17711 Crucifixion in the Mountains, 149 Cruikshank, George (1792—1878), 349, 350 Cumberland, George, 115, 116-20, 135, 136, 198 Cumberland, Richard, 135 Cupid and Psyche, 108-9 Cupid interceding . . . , 436 Cuvier (David d'Angers), 340, 341 „ Cuvier, Georges, 409 Cuyp, Albert (1620-91), 157 Cyparissus and His Stag, 324-25 Daguerre, Louis-Jacques-Maude (1787-1851), 239g., 255-56, 387 Dannecker, Johann von (1758-1841), 34,197,276, 277 Dantan, Antoine (1798-1876), 377, 494 Dante, 196, 221, 288, 289, „315. 395 4*3 Dante (Delacroix), 395 Daumier, Honoré (1808-79), 317, 318, 320, 463, 4990 David, Jacques-Louis (1748-1825), 6, 13-29, 37n 4°-41 42 44 72n 96, 106-7, 110-12, 187, 206, 212g., 219—20, 221—22, 226, 227, 243, 249, 261g., 270, 274, 275, 279, 281, 282, 284, 285-86, 325, 372, 395-96, 410, 449, 451, 454®- David d'Angers, Pierre-Jean (1789-1856), 318, 322, 340-41, 343, 389, 410, 483, 487, 489, 494 Day After a Shipwreck, 260 Day of Wrath, 200 Death of Brutus, 42-43 Death of Dido, 27 Death of General Wolfe, 6 Death of Gilbert, 325, 330 Death of Hassan, 280 Death of King Rhesus, 70 Death of Marat, 42 Death of Priam, 456 Death of Queen Elizabeth, 335 „ Death of Socrates, 40, 455 Debon, François-Hippolyte (1807-72), 432 Decamps, Alexandre-Gabriel (1803-60), 280, 296, 302-6, 318, 338-39, 343, 392, 46i 463 465 478 486, 494 Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 12 Dedreux, Alfred (1810-60), 397 Defense of the Barrier . . . , 214 Delacroix, Eugène (1798-1863), 214, 222-23, 241, 251-53, 2Óon, 268-69, 273n, 275, 280, 282, 286, 293, 296, 299-302, 318g., 332 336"38 343 37° 379-81, 38in, 392, 395, 396, 413, 414, 425-29, 449, 456, 457 459 46o 402 465 471-75. 479 486' 493. 494 De l'Allemagne, 150, 169, 294 De l'Allemagne depuis Luther, 294- 371 De l'amour, 244 Delaroche, Hippolyte-Paul (1797-1856), 275, 285, 296, 308, 310-16, 332, 334-36, 343, 377, 389, 401-2, 449, 458-59, 471, 486, 494 Delécluze, Etienne, 243, 2-jgn, 281-89, 3 X 9 ' 4*3' 418-25, 431' 451. 462, 465-66 Dell'arte de vedere . . . , 35 Démocratie, La, 389 Demosthenes, 87 Denner, Balthazar (1685-1749), 385 Denon, Baron Vivant, 75, 76, 91, 119 Deroy, Émile (1825-48), 452 Des beaux-arts . . . , z-j^n Descent from the Cross, 85-86 Descent of Cows . . . , 398 Descent of the Gypsies, 398-99 Deserted Village (Goldsmith), quoted, 130-31 Desgoffe, Blaise (1830-91), 421 Des idées napoliennes, 388 Destruction of Herculaneum, 200 Destruction of Pompeii, 342, 372 Destruction of Sodom, 390, 397' 398 Detouche (Destouches), Paul (1794-1874), 222, 223, 313-384 ... . Deutschen demeiniitTi^e • • • , 54 Devéria, Achille (1800-57), 280, 322 Devéria, Eugène (1805-68), 322 Diana, 86, 87 Diario Romano, 13 Diaz de la Pena, Narcisse (1807-76), 390-91, 398, 457' 46I 478' 479' 485. 490, 501 Dickens, Charles, 350 Dictionnaire de phrénologie . . . , 389 Diday, François (1802-77), 423 Diderot, Denis, xxv, 8, 66, 'EX 513 153. 213' 247' 268' 324' 449 Discovery of Achilles, 356-57 Disillusion, The, 374-376 Disputation over the Holy Sacrament, 288 Dog Hospital, 302 Domenichino (1581-1641), 84, 85, 186 Don Juan, 380 Doughty, Thomas (1793-1856), 440 Dresden, 6, 73-74, 148-68, 504 Drolling, Michel (1786-1851), 222, 223, 372, 380, 494 Drouais, Germaine (1763-88), 13, 284 Dublin, 208 Dumont (French sculptor), 494 Dupré, Jules (1811-89), 390, 391. 465' 494 Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528), 139, 142, 149, 158, 180, 193, 194 Duret, Francisque (1804-65), 326 Düsseldorf, 72, 372, 447 Dyce, William (1806-64), 413. 433 Dying Gladiator, 87 Dying Soldier, 264 Eagles, John, 347-48, 351-58 Eastlake, Sir Charles (1793-1865), 123, 184, 355' 359' 3Ö4' 4*5 Ebauches critiques, 242 Eberhard, Konrad (1768-1859), 192,197 Education of the Virgin, 413 Effect of Winter, 420 Effects of Light, 420 Egger, Christian, 54 Eggers, Johan (1787-1863), 190, 192 5*4 Egyptian Hall, 2o6fï. Elgin, Earl of, 113-20 Elizabeth, or the Siberian Exile, 271 Emaux et camées, 370 Emilia Ghiotti, 80 Enfantin, Prosper, 293 Engels, Friedrich, 388 England and the English, 15, 187-88, 239-40, 277-78. See also London; specific artists English History Gallery, 121 Entrance of the Crusaders . . . , 379-80, 3820 Entry of Alexander . . . , 276 Episode from the Sack of Aquila, 432 Equestria n P o r t rait of .. . the King of Westphalia, 107-8 Erinnerungen von einer Reise 7 7 Erlkönig, 40; Esquisses, croquis . . . , 241, 244 Essai philosophique . . . , 92 Essay on the Utility of Collecting the Best Works • * • "5 Etat actuel de la littérature • • Y 294 Étex, Antoine (1808-88), 328-29, 374, 375-76, 463, 465 Eton College, 127-29 Etty, William, Duke of (1787-1849), 355, 362, 436 Eudorus and Cymodoce, 374, 376-77 Europa, i8i Europe (Blake), 138 Evening (Corot), 475-76 Everdingen, Allaert (1621-75), 160 Examiner, The, 200, 20m, 347 Execution of Lady Jane Grey, _ 332^. ?34-36 Exposition des artistes . . . , 413 Expulsion of Heliodorus, 19, z7 473 Faes, Pieter (1750-1814), 83 Falling Leaves, 420 Fall of Babylon, 200-5 Famille en repos, 227 Faun (Praxiteles), 87 Faun Resting, 87 Faun with the Metal Spot, 87 Faust and Marguerite, 296-97 Federation, The (Couder), 394 Fernow, Karl, 54-63 Fessier, Ignaz, 73n Feti Domenico (1589-1624), 81 Fielding, Anthony Copley (1787-1855), 26on Fielding, Thaïes (1793-1837), 260, 272 Fiers (dates unknown), 424 Figaro, 303, 318 Fighting Téméraire, 123, 360-61 Finga! . . . , 173a Fisherman Dancing . . . , 326 Fishers of the Adriatic, 401 Flagellation, 445 Flandrin, Hippolyte (1809-64), 183, 385, 390, 450, 465, 494, 498n Flandrin, Paul, 408, 422 Flatters (sculptor), 278 Flavia (Préault), 377 Flaxman, John (1755-1826), 34- 77. 136 Fleurs du mal, 371 Fleury, Léon, 424 Florence (Florentine school), 2, 4- -315. 393- 417 o Forbin, Comte de, 240, 285 Förster, Ernest (1800-85), 417-18, 441-48 INDEX Fouchère (French sculptor), T.4 9 4 , Fouqué, Friedrich, Baron de la Motte, 169, 171, 292 Four Elements, The, 53 Français, François-Louis (1814-97), 390, 424 France and the French, xxiiifï., 2-4, 7-8ÌL, 15, 22, 23, 56, 113, 114, 148, 187, 220. See diso Paris; specific artists France littéraire, 370 Franciabigio, 850 Francis II, 179, 180, 182 Frasefs Magazine, 347s., 359, 367, 368 Friedrich II (Frederick the Great), i74n Friedrich, Caspar David (1774-1840), xxiv-xxv, 149-68, 170, 171, 172-78 Friedrich Wilhelm III (Frederick William), 169, 172 Fruit Market, 420 Fuseli, John (1742-1825), 6, 137 77' 93 115' 121 14° 5*5 Gainsborough, Thomas (1727-88), 121 Galerie de portraits . . . , 414 Galerie Lebrun, 280 Gallait, Louis (1810-87), 444 Ganymede, 60 Gamier, Etienne (1759- 1849), 378 Garraud, Gabriel Joseph (1807-80), 377,486 Gärtner, Friedrich von (1792-1847), 416 Gaston de Foix Killed . . . , 263-64 Gathering Sea-weed, 351 Gautier, Théophile, 368-86, 461, 495-97 Cavami, Paul (1804-66). 3*7' 45° Gazat (French minister), 42 Gazette d'Augsburg, 215 Gazette de France, 8, 29n, 95 Gazette des beaux-arts, 414 Geefs, Willem (1805-83), 377 Genelli, Friedrich, Hans, and Janus, 6211 General View of Avignon, 339 Génie du christienisme, 155a General View of Avignon, 339 George III, 135 Gérard, Baron François (1770-1837), 96, 213, 221, 225-28, 242, 322, 456 Géricault, Jean (1791-1824), 206-10, 212, 239, 375-76, 396, 401, 449, 457, 470, 475 Germany and the Germans, x, xxv, 6, 9, 15, 52-63, 64-74, 179-97, 275-77, 291-92, 415, 416-18. See also specific artists, cities Gérôme, J. Léon (1824— 47°~71 501 Gerstenberg, Heinrich von, 88 Geschichte Friedrichs der Grosse, 417 Ghirlandaio, Domenico (1449~94) 275 Gibbon, Edward, 12 Gigoux, Jean (1806-94), 481 Gil Blas, 364 Gilly, David (1748-1808), 169 Gilpin, William Sawry (1762-1843), 122 Giorgi, Carlo, 30, 31 Giorgione (1477-1510), 263 Giornale delle Belle Arti, 13, .34-35 Girodet-Trioson, Anne-Louis (1767-1827), 93, 96, 213, 221, 227, 262, 266, 449, 454, 456 457 Giselle or the Willis, 371 Gleyre, Charles Gabriel (1806-74), 39° 516 n Globe, 215, 238-39, 290, 322 God's Curse . . . , 84 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 8, 14, 15, 34, 76-77, 78, 123,140, 150, 349, 370 Goldsmith, Oliver, 130-31 Gordon, Sir John Watson (1788-1864), 436 Gottsched, Jonann, 177 Gottsched, Luise, 177 Goya, Francisco de (1746-1828), 372 Grace before Meat, 363-64 Graces (Thorvaldsen), 182, G~r1a9n7d,e s vues pittoresques . . . , 9 5 Grandfather, The, 363 Granet, François-Marius (1775-1849), 222, 280, 285 Granville, Jean (active 1832-42), 317 Grave, The, 136, 140-41, 143 Gray, Thomas, 127 Great Odalisque, 457 Greece and the Greeks, 1, 6, 47-48, 86-87, 187, 196, 239, 248-49, 280, 315, 402-3, 409-10 {See also specific artists); Elgin marbles, 113-20 Green Oaks, 408 Greuze, Jean (1725-1805), 449 Grimm, Baron Friedrich von, 7-8, 449 Grisi, Carlotta, 371 Grobon, Jean (1770-1853), 97 Gros, Antoine-Jean (1771-1835), 92, 96, 97-101, 107-8, 213, 221, 281, 284, 457 Gudin, Jean (1802-80), 313 Guercino, Giovanni (1591-1666), 21, 27, 85 Guérin, Pierre (1774-1833), 96, 109-10, 213, 221, 286, 449 454 456 Guizot, François, xxv, 317, 484, 489, 493n Hackett, Jakob (1737-1807), 86 Hadrian, 187 Hall, Samuel Carter, 416 Hamilton, Gavin (1723-98), i j n , 31-32 Hamilton, Sir William, 15, 114 Hampstead Heath, 259 Handbuch der Geschichte der Malerei, 417 Handbuch der Kunstgeschichte, 417 Hardenberg, Friedrich von (Novalis), 78, 180-81 Harriet, Fulcean Jean (d. 1805), 42-43 Hart, Solomon (1806-81), 363 .• j Hartmann, Ferdinand (1774-1842), 10, 56, 72, 1508:., 166, 170 Harvesters, 310, 331-32 Havell, William (1782-1857), 357 Haydon, Benjamin (1786-1846), 115, 207, 346, 356, 440-41 Hay Wain, 256 Hazlitt, William, 200, 3o6n Heart of Mid-Lothian, 27m Hebe (Canova), 275 Hector's Farewell, 70 Heemskerk, Martin (1498-1574), 139 Hegel, George W. F., 292 Heine, Heinrich, xxv, 291-316, 371 Heinlein, Heinrich (1803-85), 447-48 Heiress, The, 437-38 Henry Esmond, 351 INDEX 5*7 Henry TV's Entrance . . . , 22611 Herbert (English painter), 365 Hercules between Voluptuousness and Virtue, 83 Herder, Johann von, 149 Hernani, 293, 369, 395 Heroes of Troy, 59, 62 Hersent, Louis (1777-1860), 221, 223-24, 269 Herzensergiessungen eines . . . Klosterbruders, 145, 149 Hesiod, 61 HesiocTs Theogony, 136 Hess, Peter von (1792-1871), 447 Het Groot Shilderboek, 53 Hippocrates refusing the Gifts . . . , 456 His Majesty the Emperor on His Throne, 101-3 Histoire de la peinture en Italie, 242 Histoire de la peinture flamande . . . , 414 Histoire de la Révolution Française, 215 Histoire de l'art français (Houssaye), 414 Histoire des peintres, 414 Hoffmann, Joseph (1764- 1812), 70 Hoffmann, Theodor, 404 Hogarth, William (1697- I7~64 ) 347 Holbein, Hans (1460/65- 1524), 83, 298, 385, 414 Holy Family (del Sarto), 81 Holy Family (Reni), 81 Homer (Gérard), 227, 269, 289 Homer and the Shepherds, 422 Hone, Nathaniel (1718-84), 121 Horen, Die, 8, 56 Homung, Joseph (1792- 1870), 385-86 Horse Overthrown by a Lion, Horsîey, John (1877-1903), 415 Hostein, Edouard (1804-89), 423 Houdon, Jean-Antoine (1741-1828), 410 Houssaye, Arsène, 414, 425-29, 462 Huet, Paul (1804-69), 322, 339 343 Hugo, Victor, 213, 241, 281, 293, 311, 315, 321, 322, 324, 330, 331, 369, 395 Humboldt, Caroline von, 179 Humboldt, Karl Wilhelm von, 66, 169 Hume, David, 335 Hunt, John, 200 Hunt, Leigh, 200 Hunt, Robert, 200-5 Icarus and Daedalus, 275 Ictinus, 119 Idyllencycle, 15 Iliad, 67ff., 136. See also specific artists, works Inauguration of Walhalla, 448 Ingenuousness, 376 Ingres, Jean (1780-1867), 93-94, 101-5, 183, 272-74, 282, 287-88, 289, 331, 332-34 343 37° 4°8 „ 449-50, 454, 457-58, 486, 493 494 „ Institut de France, 43-44, 91, 211. See also Paris Interior of a Gothic Ruin, 253 Interior of a Guardhouse, 538"59f „ Interior of Canterbury Cathedral, 253 Investigation of Beauty . . . , 53 Iphigenie auf Taurus, 34 518 IN Isabey, Eugene (1804-86), 260, 280, 313, 390, 394-95, 420, 494 Isnard, Charles, 487, 497-500 Italienische Forschungen, 305 Italy and the Italians, 2, 4-5, 9, 220, 224, 393, 417. See also specific artists, cities Jacquand, Claude (Claudius) (1804-78), 447 Jacques Callot . . . , 414 Jacquot, Georges (1794- 1874) 325 Jal, Auguste, 240-42, 245-60, 303 Janin, Jules G., 318-20, 323-31 Jeanron, Philippe (1809-77), 463, 486, 488, 489 Jefferson (David d'Angers), 340 Jerdan, William, 208 Jerusalem, 136 Jesuit Order, 31, 179 Jesus and His Apostles, 277 Jeunes-France, 370 ewish Graveyard, 16m Jewish Musicians . . . , 474 Jewish Wedding . . . , 379, 381 Jews of Constantine, 481 Johannot, Tony (1803-52), 465 Jordaens, Jacob, 83 Josephine, Empress, 93 Jouffroy, François (1806-82), 374 376 494 Journal de Paris, 242, 244 Journal des arts . . , , 95 Journal des débats, 243, 269, 281, 282, 290, 318-igff., 413, 451, 462 Journal des Luxus . . . , 151 Judgment, The (Martin), 200 Judgment of Adam and Eve, 459-40 Judith (Vernet), 431 Judith (Wach), 444 Julian, St., 81 Julian the Apostate, 86-87 Juliet and her Nurse, 355-54 Justice and Divine Vengeance Pursuing Crime, 108 Juvenal, 468n Kant Immanuel, 54, 5911 Karl August, Duke, 64 Karlsruhe, 417 Kauffman, Angelica (1741-1807), 13, 34 Keats, John, 200 Kinde der Liebe, 77 King Lear and his Daughters, 457 King Richard and Robin Hood, 364-65 Kleist, Heinrich von, 15öS., 169, 170, 171-74 Klenze, Leo von (1784-1864), 416 Klinkowström, Friedrich von (1778-1835), 150 Knaben Wunderhorn, 149 Knight, Payne, 119, 134, 199 Knip, Joseph (1777-1847), 2 59 Koch, Joseph (1768-1839), 56, i7° l84 197 Kolbe, Heinrich (1772-1836), 72 Kosegarten, Ludwig G., 173 Kotzebue, August von, 77-89, 182 Kiigelgen, Gerhardt von (1772-1820), i5off., 165-68, 170 Kügelgen, Marie von, 150 Kugler, Franz, 417 Kühn, Gottlob (1780-1828), 149, 16p Kunst und Altertum, 15 Kunstblatt, 417 Laberge, Charles de (1807-42), 332, 406-7 Lablanche, Luigi, 473 Lacroix, Paul, 390 Lacrymas, 81 Lady ]ane Grey (Hart), 363 La Faye, Prosper (1806-83), 420 Lafayette, Marquis de, 290, T 2 9 1 La Fontaine, Jean de, 223, 272 La Harpe, Jean de, 217, 272 Lairesse, Gerard de (1641- 1711), 83 Lamartine, Alphonse de, 484, 486, 487 Lamb, Charles, 200 Landon, Charles Paul (1760-1826), 94-95 105-12 Landseer, Charles (1799- 1879), 124 Landseer, Edwin (1802-73), 124 353 359 365-66 433 LT a4n!dis8e"e3r9, JTo 1h, n, 124-33 Landseer, Thomas (1795- 1880), 124 Langer, Johann Peter von, 72n Laacoön, 100 Laocoön and His Two Sons, 87-88 Laresse, G. de, 53 Last Judgment, 100 Last Words of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, 426, 427-28 Laurent (painter), 285 Lawrence, Sir Thomas (1769-1830), 269, 277 beben des . . . Carstens, 56-57 Le Brun, Charles (1619-90), 2, 99 Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre, 484g. Lee, Frederick (1798-1879), EX 519 Legend of the Rhine, 350 Leiden des jungen Werthes (Sorrows of Young Werther), 65 Leipzig, 74 Lelia, 406 Le Nain, Antoine (1588?- 1648), Louis (1593?- 1648), and Mathieu (1607— 77) 479 Le Notre, André, 368 Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), 2,19,85, 186,188 Leonidas, 285 Lepoittevin, Eugène (1806- 70), 420 Leroux, Pierre, 486 Leslie, Charles Robert (1794-1859), 364-65, 427-38 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, i8n, 80-81, 372 Lesso re, Emile (1805-76), 296, 488 Le Sueur, Eustache (1516-1655), 393 Letter on Landscape Colouring, 122 Letters écrites de Londres à Rome . . . ,115-16 Lewis, John F., 349 Liberty Leading the People (Liberty on the Barricades), 293, 299-302, 472 _ Library Quarterly Review, i38n Lictors Bringing Back Brutus . . . , 40 Light and Color, 123 Linnell, John (1792-1882), 363 Linton, W., 356 Literarisches Wochenblatt, 78 Little Odalisque, 457 London, xxiii, xxv, 5~6ff., 113-47, 198-210, 239, 291, 345-67; 412, 414-16, 520 433~41 5°4 •„ London Literary Gazette, 207-8, 347 London Magazine, 347 Louis XIV, 2, 3, 368 Louis XVI, 3g, 39411 Louis XVIII, 207, 21 iff., 238, 280, 293 Louis David (Delécluze), 281 Louis Napoleon. See Napoleon III Louise Philippe (formerly Duc d'Orléans), 290, 291, 293, 3*7 332n 387 389 394 395n, 462, 484, 488, 489, 492n ff. Louvre. See Paris Love of Gold, 399 Lower Saxony, 72 Ludwig I, 179, 416, 418, 441 Lunch in the Forest . . . , 420 Luxembourg Palace, 212 Lycée, 2170 Macbeth and Banquo Stopped on the Heath . . . , 272 Macbeth and the Weird Sisters, 353 MacHin, Thomas, 121 Maclise, Daniel (1806-70), 349 353 359 3^4 4*5 433 Macpherson, James, i73n Madeleine, the, 320 Madeleine Sommariva, 275 Mademoiselle de Maupin, 369-70 Madrazo y Kuntz, Federico de (1815-94), 372 Maella, Mariano de (1739-1819), 372 Magdalen of the Desert, 426-27 Magnin, William, 349 Maindron, Etienne (1801-84), 465, 481, 494 Mairet, Jean, 342 Malibran, Maria (Garcia), 3*4 Mantz, Paul, 414, 429-33 Marat (David), 455—56 Marat, Jean Paul, 42 Marcflle (French painter), 401 Marcotte (French painter), 401 Marcus Aurelius, 32, 87 Maria Theresa, Countess, 149 Marie Antoinette, 39 Marie Louise, Empress, 79 Marilhat, Prosper (1811-47), 465 Marino Fdiero, 280 Marius, 284 Maron, Anton von (1733-1808), 13 Marriage at Carta (Schnorr von Carolsfeld), 183 Marriage at Cana (Veronese), 82, 289, 431 Marriage of Heaven and Hell, 136 Mars, Venus and Cupid, 85 Mars Disarmed . . . , 215 Martesteig, Frédéric (1814-99), 419 Martin, John (1789-1854), 199-205, 439-40 Martyrdom of St. Polycarpus, 383-84 Martyrdom of Sts. Placidd and Flavia, 84 Martyrdom of St. Symphorian, 332-34, 450 Marx Karl, 388 Massacre at Chois, 251-53, 268-69, 273n, 395 Master Robert Donne, 363 Mauzaisse, Jean (1784-1845), 265 Mazarin (Delaroche), 458-59 Medici, Cosimo de', 2 Medusa, 100 Meeting of King Louis Philippe and Queen Victoria, 395 Meissonier, Ernest (1815-91), 420, 486, 490, 494 Melancholy, 81 Mernes, J. S., 3Ön Memorie per le belle Arti, 13 Mendacity, 325 Mendelsohn, Dorothy, 77, 181 Mengs, Anton (1728-79), 13, i8n, 52, 73n, 148, i86ff. Menschenhass und Reue, 77 Menzel, Adolf von (1815-1905), 304, 417 Mercier, Louis S., 176 Mercure de France, 8, 13 Mercury (Thorvaldsen), 196"97 Mercury and Argus, 354-55 Mérimée, Prosper, 243 Merlin, 340, 341 Mes visites au Musée Royale . . . , 240 Metternich, Clemens, Fürst von, 179, 180, 182 Metzys, Quentin (1512-80), 385 Meusel, J. G., 54 Meyer, Hans Heinrich (1760-1832), 182, 183 Michelangelo (1475-1564), 20, 22, 23, 53, 96, 100, 139, 142, 186, 188, 196, 249, 289, 315, 385, 400, 468 Mignet, Françoise, 290 Milan, 2, 417 Military Excercises of the Morroccans, 473 Milizia, Francesco, 35-37 Millet, Jean-François (1814-75), 478-79 Milton, John, 6, 123, 200, 203, 221, 289. See also Paradise Lost Milton Gallery, 6, 121 Miscellanea, 54 Miss Peel with Fido, 365-66 Mr. Robert Peel, 363 !X 521 Modern Painters (Ruskin), 348 Mon Bonnet de Nuit, 176 Mongez, Angélique (1775—1S55), 284 Monk at the Sea, 170 Monsieur Bertin, 331 Montesquieu, Baron de, 100 Monthly Review, 8 Montpensier, Duc de, 492 Monument to Géricault, 374, 375-76 Moreau (stockbroker), 475 Moreau, Charles (1762-1810), 284 Morgenblatt, 292, 293 Morning Chronicle, 115, 207 Moses, 100 Moses Saved . . . , 401 Mounted Officer of the Imperial Guard, 207, 376 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 263 Muley-Abd-Err-Rhamann, Sultan of Morocco . . . , 426, 428-29 Müller, Adam (1811-44), 169, 171 Müller, Friedrich (1749-1825), 56 Mulready, William (1786-1863), 359, 433, 439 Munich, xxv, 372, 412, 416-18, 441-48, 491-92 Murat, General, îoçn Murder of the Duc de Guise, 458-59 , , Murillo, Bartolomé (1618-82), 81, 392, 402 Musset, Alfred de, 321 Mustard, the son of Pepper, 353 Mytens, Daniel (1590-1658), 82 Nahl, Johann (1752-1825), 70, 72 522 IK Nain jaune, Le, 317 Nanteuil (Charles-François Nanteuil-Leboeuf ) (1792-1865), 494 Naples, 14-15 Napoleon, xxiii, xxiv, 75, 79, 89, 91, 92, 113, 148, 169, 170,179,180, 198, 206, 211, 388 Napoleon III (Louis Napoleon), 388, 487, 488 Napoleon Visiting the Plague-stricken at Jaffa, 284 Narcissus (Sigalon), 264-68 Nash, John (1752-1835), 345 Nathan, 80 National, Le, 290, 291, 484 National Gallery (London), Ì98, 345S., 358-67 National Standard, 349 Nazarenes. See Brotherhood of St. Luke Neagle, James (1760-1822), 535 Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Lord, Neûon Leviathan, 144 Nerval, Gérard de, 369 Netherlands (the Dutch; Holland), 2, 6, 447. See also specific artists Neue allgemeine politische Annalen, 292 Neue teutsche Merkur, 545., 148 Newcomes, The, 351 New Monthly Magazine, 347 Niebuhr, Georg, 179 Niepce, J. Nicéphore, 387 Night Side of Nature, i~]jn Nice Thoughts (Young), 146-47, 173, 176, 258n Night with Her Children, 58, 61 Niobe, 100 Nodier, Charles, 281 Normandy, 424 N o t i c e s u r l a v i e . . . d e Léopold Robert, 413 Nouveau Christianisme, 293 Nymph Armini, 374 Nymph Educating a Satyr, 377 Oath of the Horatii, 14-29, 40, 284 Oath of the Tennis Court, 40-41 Octogenarian, The, 385—86 Odalisque (Jacquot), 325 Odalisque (Pradier), 374-75 Odalisque with Parrot, 473-74 Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College (Gray), 128 Odes et Ballades (Hugo), 213 Oedipus Taken from the Tree, 478 Oeser, Adam (1719-99), 74 Oldenburg, Duke of, 15 Oliver Twist, 350 Ombre de Diderot . . . , 240 Opening the Doors of the Inquisition, 208 Openore (artist), 102 Opie, John (1761-1807), 77, *35 335 Opinions littéraires . . . , 292-93 Orestes and Pylades, 139 Organisation du travail, 388 Orléans, Duchesse d', 492 Orléans, Louis Philippe, Due d' (1773-1850). See Louis Philippe Orléans, Louis Philippe, Due d' (Philippe Égalité) (1747~93) 215. 216 Orsel, Victor (1795-1850), 183 Ossian, 173 Ostade, Adriaen (1610-85), 84 Osterreichen Beobachter, 184 Othello relating his Adventures, 365 INDEX 523 Ottin, Auguste (1811-go), 377 OUT Lord and the Little Children, 364 Outlines from the Ancients • • " 9 Overbeck, Charles, 53 Overbeck, Johann Friedrich (1789-1869), 53, 180, 184, 189, 196, 445-46 Ovid, 132 Paganini, 340, 341 Paine, Thomas, 136 Paradise Lost, 439, 440-41 Parcae (Fates), 59, 6on, 62 Paris, xxiiiff., 2-4ff., 29, 39-51, 56, 75-112, 206, 207, 211-344, 368-414, 418-33, 449-501, 5035 Paris (sculpture), 88 Paris Sketch Book, 349-50 Parnassus, 59, 62 Parnassus and Jurisprudence, 288 Passage of the Granique, 99 Passavant, Johann (1787-1861), 183 Pasta, Giuditta, 314 Paul et Virginie, 225 Pausanias, 61 Peel, Sir Robert, 3630, 366n, 438 Peletier de St. Fargeau, 42 Pendennis, 351 Penthesilea, 151 Péri, La, 371 Pericles, 119 Périer, Casimir, 317, 341 Perugino, Pietro (1446-1523), 180, 191, 275,309 Petitot, Louis-Mesidor (1794-1862), 494 Petrarch, 288, 289 Peuple au sacre, 242 Pforr, Franz (1788-1812), 180, 184 Phidias; Phidian sculptures, 114-20, 289, 315 Philippoteaux, Henri-Emmanuel (1815-84), 432 Philopoemen, 340 Phöbus, 10, 150, 151, 166, 170 Phryne, 299 Picou, Henri Pierre (1824-95), 499n, 501 Pieri, Demetrios (dates unknown), 170 Pigal, Eime (1794-1892), 313 Pigalle, Jean-Baptiste (i7M-85) 46n Piles, Roger de, 4, 7 Fillet, Fabian, 94 Piombo, Sebastiano del (1485-1517), 82-83, 3Ö7n Pimäischen deutschen Kunstblätter, 73-74 Piroli, Tommaso (1750-1824), 94 Pitt Guiding Behemoth, 144 Pius VI, 13, 31, 75 Pius VII, 91, 179, 276 Plains of Heaven, 200 Planche, Gustave, xxv, 321-22, 331-44 Plato's Symposium, 59, 6on, 62 Pliny, 88 Pluto and Proserpina, 362 Poetisches Taschenbuch . . . , 181 Poet's Gallery, 121 Polignac, Jules de, 4671 Poor Man's Door, 260 Pope's Villa . . . , 129-30 Portrait of a Lady in an Italian Costume, 355 Portrait of Himself, 103-4 Portrait of Mme. Rivière, 104~5 Portrait of the Rev. Dr. Brunton . . . , 43^ 524 INDEX Potter, Louis de, 29911 Potter, Paul (1625-54), 299n Poussin, Nicolas (1594-1665), 4, 28, 156, 230, 284, 289, 393, 396, 401 Pradier, James (1792-1865), 318, 324-25, 339-40, 375, 393 483 494 x n Praxiteles (364-329 B.C.), 87, 289, 2990 Préault, Auguste (1809-79), 3X9 325 33° 377 463 Prêche Protestant, 366 Précis d'un traité de peinture, 4*3 Presse, La, 369, 370, 462 Price, Uvedale, 132, 199 Prìncipi de Architettura . . . , 35 Prinz Friedrich von Homburg, 171 Procession of Crusaders, 384 Propyläen, 8, 66-67E., 72, 76, 140 Protest of the Evangelical States . . . , 419 Protogenes, 47 Prud'hon, Pierre (1758-1823), 108, 229, 388, 454 Psyche . . . (Etty), 355 Psyche Receiving the First Kiss from Cupid, zzi Pujol, Abel de (1787-1861), 489 Punch, 350 Putry, A. L., 420 Pyne, William Henry (1769-1843), 346 Quai, Maurice (1779-1804), 281 Quarterly Review, 347, 350 Quasimodo and Esmeralda, 331 Quatremère de Quincy, Antoine (1755-1849), 32-34, 116, 212, 282 Quentin Matsys, 365 Qu'est-ce que la propriété?, 388 Racine, Jean, 217, 244, 264^ 289 395 421 Racine et Shakespeare, 243-44 Raft of the Medusa, 206-10, 239 376 381 401 475 Rain, Steam and Speed, 123 Raising of Lazarus (Christ and Lazarus), 367 Ramdohr, Friedrich von, 150-65 Raphael Sanzio (1483-1520), 17, 19, 20, 22E., 28, 85, 139, 142, 149, 180, 186, 188, 190, 191, 193È., 217, 218, 226, 249, 273, 275, 279, 282, 288, 289, 309, 333 343 367n 393 402 450, 468, 473 Rebecca and Rowena, 350 Rebell, Josef (1787-1825), 197 Redgrave, Richard (1804-88), 365 Reflextons sur quelques causes . . . , xxv Réforme, La, 484 Regnault, Jean Baptiste (1754-1829), 44, 96 Regnier, Jacques (1787-1860), 258-59 Rehberg, Friedrich (1758-1835), 54fi. Reichardt, Johann, 77 ReiEenstein, Johann (1719-93), 151 Reinhart, Johann (1761-1847), 56, 170, 184 Reinhold, Karl L., 54 ReisebUder, 292 Rembrandt Van Rijn (1606-69), 83-84, M2 286, 297, 338, 392 Rémond, Charles (1795-1875), 421 Reni, Guido (1574-1642), 81, 84, 186 Return of Olivia . . . , 365 Return of the Prodigal Son, 85 Revett, Nicholas, 114, n6n Review of Publications . . . , 124 Revoil, Pierre (1776-1842), 284-85 Revue de Paris, 3708:., 389, 414 Revue des deux mondes, 292, 321-22 Revue éuropêen, 215 Revue française, 414 Revue républicaine, 389 Revue trimistrielle, 244 Reynolds, Sir Joshua (1723-92), 5, 289, 347, 348 Rhoden (German painter), 197 Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, 365 Richard, Fleury (1777-1852), 97, 284-85 Richelieu, Armand du Plessis, Duc de, 311 Richelieu (Delaroche), 458-59 Richmond Hill and Bridge, 131 Ricourt, Achille (dates unknown), 318, 413 Riedel, August (1799-1883), 444 „ , Rioult, Louis (1780-1855), T, ?69 Ripa, César, 496 Ris, Clément de, 461-62 Risorgimento, II, 461 Robert, Léopold (1763-1845), 296, 307-10, EX 525 313 331-32 393, 401 423 Robert-Fleury, Joseph (1797-1890), 381-83, 390, 456, 486, 494, 499 Robespierre, Maximilien, 43, 44 Robinson, Henry Crabb, 137-47 Rocks (Flandrin), 422 Roman Campagna, 422 Romano, Giulio, 195 Romans of the Decadence, 468-70 Rome, Naples, et Florence, 243 Rome and the Romans, xxiiiff., 1, 2, 4-5, 8, io, 12-18, 30-38, 52-63, 86fL, 116, 119, 179-97, 249 267-68, 27°, 275—77, 402-3, 409, 495-97, 503, 504 Rome from Mount Aventme, 354 Room of the Crusades, 420 Roqueplan, Camille, 479, 494 Rosa, Salvator, 249, 265, 279, 429 Rosenthal, Léon, 449a Rossini, Gioacchino, 473 Rouge et le noir, 244 Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 137, 39°' 395_ , „ Rousseau, Théodore, 277, 390, 391, 398, 404-6, 408, 463, 465, 489' 494 , Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640), 82, 85, 96, 141, 142-45, 334, 362' 392' 402, 429, 468, 472 Rude, François (1784-1855), 326, 489, 494 Ruins of Holyrood Chapel, 255-56 Ruisdael, Jacob van (1628-82), 157, 160, 161, 400-1 Rumohr, Karl Friedrich, 305n Runge, Philip Otto 526 (1777-1810), 123, 137 150, 152 Ruskin, John, xxv, 348 Ruth and Boaz, 221É. INDEX Sadak in Search of the Waters of Oblivion, 199 Sadness (Bérard), 420 St. Agatha, 83 Saint-Alme, Leopoitevin, 452 St. Aubin, Gabriel de, 95 St. Catherine. . . , 367 St. Cecilia, 340, 341 Sainte-Beuve, Charles, 321, 322 St. Genevieve (Schnetz), 268 St. Joseph's House, 420 St. Marguerite, 421 St. Micheline of Pesaro . . . , St. Paul's, 277-78 Saint-Simon, Claude de Rouvron, Comte de (Saint-Simonists), 292-93, 294, 3i2n, 321, 323, 388, 389 St. Stephen (Mauzaisse), 265 St. Vincent de Paul (Basilies), 450 St. Yenne, Lafont de, xxv, 7 Salon, Der (Heine), 294 Salon de 1808, 94-95 Sancho (Leslie), 364 Sand, George, 321, 322, 376, 395 4°6 413 45 L 47on 486 Sand, Karl, 78-79 San Giovanni, Francisco, „ 35-37 , Santi Apostob, 308:. Sardanapdus, 241 Sarto, Andrea del (1486-1537), 81, 402, 501 Sass, Henry, 349 Satyr and Bacchante, 339-40 Savoyards, The, 386 Saxe, Maurice, Comte de, 4611 Scene from the Deluge, 93, 99-101, 262, 266 Scene from the Inquisition, 381-83 Schadow, Johann Gottfried (1764-1850), 34, 73n Schadow, Rudolf (1786-1822), 197 Schadow, Wilhelm (1789-1862), 192 Schaller, Johann (1777-1842), 197 Schee, Sir Martin (1769-1850), 77 Scheffer, Aiy (1795-1858), 183, 263-64, 275, 296-99, 366, 390, 391, 398, 401, 449 459 463 47on 494 Scheidig, Walter, 7on Schiavonetti, and Blake, 140 Schick, Gottlieb (1776-1812), 170 Schiller, Johann von, 8, 54, 55, 59n, 66, 67, 276 Schinkel, Karl F. (1781-1841), 169 Schlegel, August von, 8, 78, 150, 180-81, 292 Schlegel, Friedrich von, 8, 77, 78, 150, i8o-8ifi., 184-97 Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 292 Schnetz, Jean (1787-1870), 264, 268, 275, 296, 306-7, 384-85, 432 Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Julius (1795-1872), 183, 196 Schoelcher, Victor, 389 School of Athens, 288 Schorn, Ludwig von, 417, 418 Schroth (art dealer), 240, 280 Schubert, Franz, 405 Schubert, Gotthilf von, 150, 176 Schwanthaler, Ludwig (1802-48), 442 Scott, Sir Walter, 241, 271, 278, 210 Seigneur, Jean Bernard du, 319 325 33° 331 Semler, C. A., 151 Seringapatam, 363 Seven Chiefs before Thebes, 284 Severn, Joseph (1793-1879), 365 Shade and Darkness, 123 Shakespeare, William, 214, 217 243-44' 372 289 Shakespeare Gallery, 121, 122, Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 200 Shepherd in the Roman Countryside, 264 Shipwrecked Abandoned in a Lifeboat, The, 474-7$ Shipwreck of Don Juan, 379, 380-81, 474-75 Shrimer, Johann (1807-63), 448 Sibyl, The, 426, 427 Siècle, Le, 389 Sieyès, 340, 341 Sigalon, Xavier (1788-1837), 264-68, 275, 395 Sir David Baird, 362-63 Sixtus V, 2 Sketch, A (Mulready), 439 Slaughter of the Innocents, 84, 446 Slave Ship, 123 Slave Trade of Negroes, 208 Sleep (Thorvaldsen), 276 Small Farm . . . , 424 Smirke, Robert (1752-1845), o 335 Snob, 348-49 Société des Amis des Arts, 280 Société des Artistes, 449-èo, 463 Society for the Encouragement of Arts . . . , 134, 135 Society of British Artists, 346 Socrates in the Basket, 580, 60 Soitoux, Jean (1816-91), 487 Some Anecdotes of the Life of Julio Bonasoni, 115 EX 527 Somerset House, 5, 121, 345E, 351-58 Somerset House Gazette, 346 Songs of Experience, 136 Songs of Innocence, 136 Sophocles, 289 Souvenirs de soixante années, 281 Souvenirs of Piedmont, 424 Sowing corn, 355-56 Spada, Lionello (1556-1622), 85 Spaedonck, Gérard von (1746-1822), 44 Spain, 211 Specimens of Ancient Sculpture, ii9n Staël, Germain de, 150, 169, 225, 294 Stag Pulled Down . . . , 327 Steinheil, Louis (1814-85), Stelìo^o Stendhal (Henri Beyle), xxv, 242-44, 261-79, 347 Stone, Frank, 349 Stratonice, 457, 458 Stuart, James, 114, 116, 139 Studies after Nature, 259 Stuttgart, 72 Surrender of Ptolemy, 383 Swedenborg, Emanuel, 53, 145-46 Sylvanvre, La, 342 Sylvie, 342 Symphonie Fantastique, 293 Tabarant, A., 449n Taking of the Smalah of Abdel-Kader, 428, 430-32 Tales of the Genii, 199 Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles Maurice de, 215, 291, 29711 Tassie, James (1735-99), 119 Tasso, Torquato, 196 Taunay, Nicolas-Antoine (I755~i83°) 44 „ Taylor, Baron Isidore, 8, 449 528 Techener (bookseller), 450 Tejeo (painter), 372 Telemachus and Éucharis, 455 Temps, Le, 414 Tenerani, Pietro (1798-1869), 374, 376-77 Teniers, David (1582-1649), 473 Tenniel, John (1820-1910), 4*5 Terborch, Gerhard (1617-81), 84 Tetschner Altar, xxiv-xxv, 149-50 Teutsche Merkur, 8, 13, 14, i6n, 64 Thackeray, William Makepeace, xxv, 348-52, 358-67, 368, 382n Thamar, 458 Théorie des lois . . . , 92 Theseus and the Minotaur, 31 Thetis, 228 Thicket, 400-1 Thiers, Adolphe, xxv, 214-34, 235-37, 238-39, 290, 291, 2.93' 3*7 320, 388, 4750 Thiersch, Friedrich von, 292 Thinker, The, 400 Thomas, André, 501 Thomson (author), 123 Thoré, Théophile, xxv, 388-411, 449n, 451, 452, 4Öiff., 467-83, 485, 486, Tlmra?lsen , Bertel (1768-1844), 56, 170, 182, 196-97, 276-77, 278 Thoughts on Outline . . . , 115 Thuillier, Pierre (1799-1858), 424 Tieck, Ludwig, 78, 150, 172, 180-81, 292 Tiepolo, Giovanni, 365 Tilsit, Treaty of, 91 Time and Space, 59, 6on Times (London), 13, 207, INDEX 347 368 Tintoretto (1562-1637), 96 Tintoretto (Cogniet), 459 Tischbein, Friedrich August (1750-1812), 14, 72n Tischbein, Heinrich, 72n Tischbein, Johann Wilhelm (1751-1829), 14-24, 34, 72n Titian (1477-1576), 142-43, 186, 196, 298, 367, 392, 402, 468 Tourton (art owner), 161 Toussaint (sculptor), 494 Townlcy, Charles, 119 Traviès de Villers, Charles, 317 Trippel, Alexander (1776-87), i7n34 ^ x Troyon, Constant (1810-65), 390, 391 Turin, 417 Turkish Patrol, 302-6 Turner, Joseph M. W. (1775-1851), 121-33, 184, 348 353-55 357 360-62, 435-36' 436-37, 439, 448 Turpin de Crisse, Lancelot, Count de (1782-1859), 258, 270-71 Two Poor Women . . . , 325 Über die Kopenhagener Galerie, 151 Über Malerei . . . , 151 Ugolino, 88 Ulysses (Bra), 329 Ulysses Deriding Polyphemus, 123 Undercliff, near Ventnor, 437 Union of the Thames and Ists, 126-27, 128 Uriel and Satan, 440-41 Uwins (painter), 433 Valentin, Jean de Boulogne (1594-1632), 21, 399 Valley Farm, 353n Valois, Achille-Joseph-Êtienne (1785-1862), 526 Van Amburgh and the Lions, 365 Van Dyck, Anthony (1599-1641), 83, 298 Van Eyck, Hubert (1370-1426), or Jan (1380-1440), 195 Vanity Fair, 350-51 Van Loo, Carl (1705-65), 20, 269 Varley, John (1778-1842), 357 Vasari, Giorgio (1512-74), 2 Vaterlandisches Museum, 138 Vatican, Le, 281-82 Veit, Johann (1790-1854), 192 Veit, Philipp (1793-1877), 182, 190, 191, 196 Velazquez, Diego Rodriguez (1599-1600), 372, 392, 472 Venice-Evening, 436-37 Venice-Noon, 439 Venus (Etty), 355 Venus and Adonis, 457 Venus Callipygus, 375 Venus de' Medici, 87-88 Venus de Milo, 116 Venus Urania, 151 Verboeckhoven, Eugene (1798-1881), 259 Vermay, Jean Baptiste (before 1790-1833), 285 Vernet, Claude (1714-89), 85, 86 Vernet, Horace (1789-1863), 214-15, 221, 222, 235-37, 261, 266, 269, 278-79, 280, 296, 377' 3S9 4M' 43°~32' 449,458,494 Vernet, Joseph (1714-89), 230, 237 Veron, Louis Désiré, 390 Veronese, Paolo (Paul) (1528-88), 82, 289, 431, INDEX 529 473 Victoria, Queen, 345, 366n, 395n Vien, Joseph Marie (1716-1809), 13, 1711, 44 Vienna, 6, 74 Vies de Haydn . . . , 242 Vies ... des paintres . . . , 95 View near London, 256 View of Bas-Breau, 398 View of Cagnes, 424 View of Rome . . . , 270 View of the Castle of Eu, 339 View of the Hudson River, 440 View of the Roman Countryside, 397 View of the Vicinity of Honfleur, 339 View on the Stour, 270 Vigneron, Pierre (1789-1872), 264 Vigny, Alfred de, 330 Vincent, François, 44, 96 Viollet-le-Duc, Adolphe (1817-78), 424 Viollet-le-Duc, Emmanuel, 243 Virgil, 456 Virgin (Bra), 329 Visconti, Ennius Quirinus, 75, 91 Visions of the Daughters of Albion, 136 Vitali, Pietro (1755-1810), 37 Vite degli Architetti. Vogel, Henriette, 171 Volpato, Giovanni (1733"l863) 31' 94 Volterra, Daniele da (1509-66), 85n Von Deutscher Baukunst, 65 Von Ostade . . . , 414 Voogd, Heindrick (1766-1839), 170 35 53° INDEX Vos, Cornells de (1585-1651), 84 Vows of Louis XIII, 273-74 Voyage du jeune Anarchis 6 Vraie République, La, 486 Wach, Wilhelm (1787-1845), 191, 444 Wächter, Eberhardt (1762-1S52), 56 Wackenroder, W. H., 145, 149, 151, 180 Waller, Susan, 39n Ward, Edward M. (l8l&-79) 365 4*5 Watelet (artist), 270 Watteau, Antoine (1684-1721), 468, 473 Watts, G. F., 415 Webb, Daniel, 53 Weimar, 14, 64-74, 78 5°3 Weiner Jahrbücher . . . , 183 Weiss, David (1775-1846), 275 West, Benjamin (1738-1820), 6, 77, 121, 139 West Face of the Ortler . . . , 448 Westhall, Richard, 200 Westminster Review, 350 Whalers, 435-36 Wichte (dates unknown), 4.79 Wickenberg, Peter (1812-46), 420 Wieland, Christoph, 64 Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjare, 65 Wilkes, John, 135 Wilkie, Sir David (1785-1841), 360, 362-63 William IV, 345 William Wallace, 259 Winckelmann, Johann, 13, i8n, 31, 32, 187, 188, 242, 409-10 Winckler, Gottfried, 74 Wohlführenden SteffirmdleT, 52-53 Woman Bitten by a Snake, 481-83 Women of Algiers, 537-38 Wordsworth, William, 352 Worsley, Richard, 116 Wounded Cuirassier, 376 Yellowplush Papers, 349 Young, Edward, 146, 173, 176, 258 Young Dying Sailor, 234 Young Fisherman, 260 Young Greek, 384 Young Greek Girl, 340-41 Young Neapolitan Fisherman, 326 Young Roman Peasant Woman Assassinated . . , , 264 Zeitung für die elegante Welt, 67, 148, 151 Zeno, 87 Zi ebbri d, Georg Friedrich (1800-73), 416 Ziegler, Julius, 446 Zuliani, Girolamo, 31 Zur Farbenlehre, 123 Zurich, 416-17
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