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Volltext:244 INDEX INDEX note: page references in italics refer to figures. Adams, John, 224 Adoration of the Magi (Peruzzi), 73-77, 75-78 aesthetic pleasure. See also sensual and erotic art balance between numinous and, 1 Paleotti on, 11-13 afetti, Mancini on, 73 Agresti, Livio, 84, 87, 89, 91, 91, 98n24, 101n41 Albert V (Duke of Bavaria), 86, 96nl4 Algarotti, Francesco, 189, 195, 198 Allori, Alessandro, 196, 197, 205n38 Altes Museum (Berlin), Raphael in, 216-18 Altieri, Girolamo, 95n3 America, reception of Renaissance art in, 224-38 and artist as brand, 234-37 and early focus on copies and parodies, 224-29 and economic power of collectors, 235 phases in, 224 and rise of collectors, 229-37 and secularization of religious art, 227-28 The American Merchant Prince (Jarves), 233 Amor Victorious (Caravaggio), 44-45, 57-61,58, 70 Andrewes, Lancelot, 152 Angels Adoring the Madonna della Vallicella (Rubens), 17, 19,20 changes from earlier version of, 28, 37n45, 38n50 commissioning of, 17, 20 removable copper plate of, 30, 38n50 Antamoro, Filippo, 121 Antamoro, Paolo Francesco, 121, 122, 124 Antamoro, Tommaso art collection, 122-26, 132-39 life of, 121-22 Aristotle, 72 Armenini, Giovan Battista, 46 Artaud de Montor, Alexis-François, 230, 232 artistic reputations, fama and, 55. See alsofama art objects, fama of, 55-56,63-64. See also fama Ascension (Copley), 226, 226-27 Augusta of Hessen-Kassel (princess of Prussia), 211, 212,213 Augustine (saint), 13 Augustus III (king of Poland), 171, 173, 180 art collection of, 189, 195, 198, 201 (See also Dresden Gemäldegalerie) bedroom of, paintings in, 195-98, 201 Catholicism of, 191-93 life of, 189 Baglione, Giovanni on Caravaggio's The Death of the Virgin, 43 Caravaggio's libeling of, 55,62, 64-65 covert assault on fama of Caravaggio by, 63,65 Resurrection of Christ, 62, 64-65 Sacred and Profane Love, 59,61-63 Baldinucci, Filippo, 42,44 Bandinelli, Baccio, 62 Baratta, Francesco, 198, 199 Barberini, MafFeo, 122 Baronio, Cesare, 17-20,26, 30 Bartalos, Gyula, 110, 113 Bartoli, Francesco, 145 Batoni, Pompeo, 198,201 beauty, Paleotti on, 12,13 bedroom, sacred art in, 69, 72, 164-65, 195-98, 201 Beeldenstorm, 87 Before the Sistine Madonna (Genelli), 209-11,212 La belle jardinière (Raphael), 228 Bellori, Giovanni Pietro, 42,44,46,64 Bellotto, Bernardo, 189, 192 Benczür, Gyula, 112 Benedict XIV (pope), 121, 123-24 Berenson, Bernard, 224, 234, 235-37, 240n47, 240n49 Bertinelli, Raffaele Pasquale Aldobrando, 106-8 art collection of, 106, 107, 108-11, 115nl2 Bianchini, Antonio, 108, 116n 15 Bianchini, Francesco, 145 Bianconi, Giovanni Lodovico, 202 "Das Bild der Andacht" (Herder), 177 Bildtabernakel (picture tabernacle) and high altar of Santa Maria in Vallicella, 17-20 for miraculous images, 21 The Blessed Philip Neri Surrounded by Scenes from His Life (Greuter), 22, 23 Bode, Wilhelm von, 235 Boncompagni, Ugo, 85 Borghese, Scipione, 40,42, 45 Borgia, Francis, 87, 95n3 Borromeo, Carlo, 9, 86, 95n4 Borromeo, Federico, 9, 126 Boyle, Robert, 146 Breughel, Jan, the Elder, 9 Bril, Paul, 9 Brink, Claudia, 177 Brown, David Alan, 227 Bryan, Thomas Jefferson, 230-32,231 Buoneri, Francesco. See Caravaggio, Cecco del Burckhardt, Jakob, 158 Bury, Friedrich, 209, 210, 211, 213 Camden, William, 145 Canisius, Petrus, 87, 88 Cannatà, Roberto, 40 Cappella Gregoriana, Bildtabernakel in, 21 Caravaggio, Cecco del (Francesco Buoneri), 44,44-45 Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da, 9. See also The Death of the Virgin altarpieces, 40 altarpieces, rejected, 40-45, 55-57 Baglione's assault on fama of, 63, 65 and boundary between sacred and secular, 61-62,64-65 The Entombment of Christ, 40 fama of, 56, 57,63-65 libeling of Baglione, 55, 62, 64-65 lost Trinity painting of, 40-42 Madonna and Child with Saint Anne (Madonna dei Palafrenieri), 5nl, 40, 42,45 Madonna dei Pellegrini (Madonna of Loreto), 40, 52n6 Mary Magdalen, 46, 47, 49, 51 religious paintings for secular market, 46-47 Saint Matthew and the Angel, 5nl, 40, 42, 42, 43-44,57, 60-61 testing limits of decorum, 45,46-47, 51 works created for collectors, 39-40 Caravaggists, lack of decorum in, 44-45 Carracci, Annibale, 30, 31, 70 Carracci, Ludovico, viii, 1 Carriera, Rosalba, 189, 198,200 Catholic Church conservation efforts in Rome, 8 19th-century English views on, 159-60, 167n7 policy on images and worship, 8-9, 10, 11, 82n37, 92, 119 policy on immodesty in religious art, 29, 69-70 Catholic clergy, collecting by, 8. See also Dillingen Castle, holy tower at in Hungary, 104-14 Cavalieri, Giovan Battista de, 91 Cavendish, James, 141 Cellini, Benvenuto, 62 Charles I (king of England), 143 Charles IV (Holy Roman Emperor), 92 Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor), 85 Charlottenhof palace, 215 Chiaveri, Gaetano, 189, 192 Chieppio, Annibale, 23-26,27, 28 Chiesa del Carmine (Siena), Bildtabernakel in, 21 Chiesa di San Sisto (Piacenza), 173,174 Chiesa Nuova. See Santa Maria in Vallicella Chigi, Agostino, 69, 235 The Child of Pleasure (D'Annunzio). See II Piacere Christian museums, Hungarian clerics' efforts to establish, 104-14 Christ's Descent into Limbo (Mantegna), 238 Clement XI Albani (pope), 121,124 Clement XIII (pope), 121 Clerk, John, of Penicuick, 145 Cock, Christopher, 141 collectors and collections. See also Catholic clergy, collecting by in America: and artist as brand, 234-37; rise of, 229-37 as challenge to sacred art, 10 in D'Annunzio's II Piacere, 162 and desacralization of art, 1-2, 228-29, 230 didactic goals of, 70, 72-78, 110 as display of social identity, 120-21, 123-24,127 Mancini's display guidelines, 68, 69, 70-78, 71 moral regulation of, 70 papal officials' monitoring of, 124 and style vs. content, 195 in Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray, 159-60 confession (confessio), in sacred art, Paleotti on, 13 Considerazioni sulla pittura (Mancini), 68-78, 71, 120-21 copies as norm in early America, 224-29 of Raphael: in early America, 224-27; as fashion in Prussia, 209-15, 217 technical, cult of Raphael and, 207-8 Copley, John Singleton, 226, 226-27 Correggio, 173, 175,176,195-98, 196, 202, 228 Cortese, Guglielmo, 122 Cortona, Pietro da, 69, 197 INDEX 245 Council of Trent on immodesty in religious art, 29,69 on sacred music, 96n9 on veneration of images, 8-9, 82n37, 92,119 Counter-Reformation, 69-70,92-93 CoveI,John, 151-52 Crivelli, Carlo, 109,116nl7 The Culture of the Renaissance in Italy (Burckhardt), 158 Cum almam nostram urbem (Pius II), 8 Cupid Chastised (Manfredi), 69 Dankö, Jözsef, 111 D'Annunzio, Gabriele, 158, 159, 161-66, 166-67 Davidson, Peter, 142 The Death of the Virgin (Caravaggio), 5nl, 41 desacralization of, 56 fama of, 55 lack of decorum in, 42-43 rejection and sale of, 30-32,40, 55 De Bisschop, Jan, 26 decadent literature, 158-59, 166-67 decorum Caravaggists' lack of, 44-45 and decoration of rooms, 195 Dresden Gemäldegalerie and, 194,195 fluidity of concept of, 39, 45,47 and rejection of Caravaggio's altarpieces, 40,42-44,55 religious works in secular market and, 46-51 testing limits of, 45, 49-51 De doctrina Christiana (Augustine), 13 delight (diletto), Paleotti on, 11—13 "Dell'Honore" (Mancini), 76 desacralization Caravaggio and, 56, 57 collectors and, 1-2, 228-29, 230 Correggio and, 175 portability of easel paintings and, 57,63 public art galleries and, 228-29 Raphael and, 171 Rubens and, 28-29, 32 sensual pleasure and, 1, 12, 14 Deseine, François-Jacques, 145 De Victoria, Tomàs Luis, 85 De Wit, Jacob, 23, 25 Dietrich, Christian Wilhelm Ernst, 189, 195, 198 Dillingen Castle, holy tower at, 84, 85, 86, 95n3 decoration of, 84, 87, 89 Gamerius's description of, 88-92,93-94 relics in, 92,94 source of idea for, 87-88 Disabling Act of 1696, 143 Discorso intorno alle imagini sacre e profane (Paleotti), 9-14, 70, 119-20 Dobyaschofsky, Franz Josef, 106 Dolci, Carlo, 195, 196 Dresden Gemäldegalerie. See also Sistine Madonna (Raphael) Augustus Ill's input on, 193, 195 as Catholic sanctuary, 193-94, 202 collection, 194 erotic art in, 195, 196-202 Italian inner gallery of, 190, 190-91, 193-94 Mary Magdalen representations in, 195-202 Dugdale, William, 142-43 easel paintings, and desacralization, 57, 65 Leconomoprodente (Frigerio), 77 education, display of art and in America, 224,229, 230, 233, 237-38, 240n49 Mancini on, 70, 72-78,110 Eikon Basilikè (Charles I and Gauden), 143,144 Einsatzgemälde (inset painting), 17 The Empress Helena and the True Holy Cross (Agresti), 91 England, views of Catholicism in, 151-52,159-60, 167n7. See also Talman, John Enlightenment, American, and views on art, 224 The Entombment of Christ (Caravaggio), 40 erotic art. See sensual and erotic art faithful vs. sacred art, Paleotti on, 13 fama, 55 of art objects, 55-56, 63-64 of Caravaggio, 56, 57, 64 and Caravaggio's libeling of Baglione, 55, 62,64-65 of sacred art, 56-57 and tradition of poetic defamation of artists, 62 Farnese, Alessandro, 85,95n4 Förster, Ernst, 179 Francesco I d'Este, 175 Franklin, Benjamin, 224 Frari altarpiece (Titian), recontextualization of, 1 Frederick I (Holy Roman Emperor), 91 Frederick II (king of Prussia), 198-201 Frederick William III (king of Prussia), 209,210,211-13 Frederick William IV (king of Prussia), 207,211-13, 213-15,216,218 Frick, Helen Clay, 240n49 Frigerio, Bartolomeo, 77 Fry, Roger, 235 Gale, Samuel, 140 Gallery of Christian Art (New York), 230-32,231 Gallery of the Louvre (Morse), 228-29 Gamerius, Hannardus, 84,87, 88-94 Gardner, Isabella Stewart, 224,234-37 Garimberto, Gerolamo, 86 Garofalo, 193 Gärtner, Johann Philipp Eduard, 214 Gauden, John, 143,144 Die Gemähide (Schlegel and Schlegel), 194 Genelli, Bonaventura, 209-11,212 Gentileschi, Orazio, 62,63,65 Gerlach, Johann Samuel, 192 Gessi, Giovan Francesco, 198 Ghezzi, Giuseppe, 124 Gilbert, Creighton, 42 Gilmore, Robert, 230 Giustiniani, Benedetto, 60-61,63, 64, 122 Giustiniani, Vincenzo, 40, 57, 60,64 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 193-94, 211 Gonzaga, Vincenzo I (Duke of Mantua), 22, 27, 30-32,40,55 Gramatica, Antiveduto, 49-51, 50 grandeur (magnificentia), Paleotti on, 13-14 Granvelle, Antoine de, 84 Greuter, Matthäus, 22, 23 Gronovius, Jacobus, 145 Guarienti, Pietro Maria, 175,191,194 Guarini, Ignazio, 193 Guicciardini, Piero, 44-45 Guidi, Giovanni de Ser Giovanni, 232,233 Gussmann, Otto, 181,182 Hagedorn, Christian Ludwig von, 195 Hannard von Gameren. See Gamerius, Hannardus Hanson, Ellis, 159-60,167n8,167nll Harley, Edward (second Earl of Oxford), 141 Heineken, Carl Heinrich von, 175-77, 176, 197-98 Hercules and Cacus (Bandinelli), 62 Herder, Johann Gottfried, 177 Hermann, Anton, 193 Herzensergiebungen eines kunstliebenden Klosterbruders (Wackenroder), 177 Herzner, Volker, 21 Hirt, Aloys, 217 History ofLoreto (Lotto), 87 History of St. Paul's Cathedral, 142-43 Hofkirche Sanctis Trinitatis (Dresden), 191-93,192 Hogarth, William, 152 Holbein, Hans, the Younger, 179 Holden, Liberty E., 233 Hooke, Robert, 146 households, Roman art display as reinforcement of hierarchy in,72-78 social structure in, 69 Hübner, Julius, 180 Hungary, art collecting in, 104-14 iconoclasm, 8-10 and Beeldenstorm, 87 Talman collection and, 141-42 images, veneration of Catholic policy on, 8-9,10,11,82n37, 92,119 Paleotti on, 12-13 image theory, enlightened, Baronio and, 20 image vs. object, Paleotti on, 11 immodesty in religious art, Church policy on, 29, 69-70 Insignia Auguralia, Sacralia, et Sacerdotalia, 141, 146-51,149,150,151, 155n9 Invention of the Cross (Agresti), 91 Ipolyi, Arnold, 111, 112,112 art collection of, 111-14 goals of, for art collection, 104,113-14, 118n43 influence on Simor, 106 jacometti, Ignazio, 108 Jaffé, Michael, 23 James, Henry, 232, 235 James II (king of England), 143 Jarves, James Jackson, 232-34,234 Jefferson, Thomas, 224-26 Jesuits and Bavarian church architecture, 92 and martyrdom images, 92-93 in Natio Germanica, 87 Johnson, John G., 237 Julian the Apostate, 13 Julius Caesar on His Triumphal Chariot (Mantegna), 73, 74 Julius II (pope), 173 Keresztény Müzeum, 104, 114. See also Simor, Jänos Kerle, Jacobus de, 85 Klose, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm, 214 Kress, Samuel H., 237-38 Krüger, Bernhard, 180 La Font de Saint-Yenne, Etienne, 195 Lamentation over the Dead Christ (Raphael), 235-3/ La Mottraye, Aubrey de, 152 Lanciano, Polidoro da, 193 Langford, Abraham, 141 Laud, William, 152 Le Mire, Noël, 176 Lera, Carlo, 145 246 INDEX Lhuyd, Edward, 146 Liberation of Saint Peter (Gramatica; location unknown), 49-51, 50 Liberation of Saint Peter (Gramatica; Rome, private collection), 49-51,50 London Society of Antiquaries, 140, 141 Lotto, Lorenzo, 87 Louisa of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (queen of Prussia), 209,211 Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints (Raphael), 236,237 Madonna and Child with Saint Anne (Madonna dei Palafrenierv, Caravaggio), 5nl, 40,42,45 Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist (Trumbull), 228,228 Madonna dei Palafrenieri (Caravaggio). See Madonna and Child with Saint Anne Madonna dei Pellegrini (Madonna ofLoreto; Caravaggio), 40, 52n6 Madonna della sedia (Raphael), 227-28 Madonna della Vallicella display of, in Cappella Mezzabarba, 37n50 display of, in Santa Maria in Vallicella, 17-21 Rubens's framing paintings for. See Angels Adoring the Madonna della Vallicella; Pope Saint Gregory the Great Surrounded by Other Saints Madonna del Soccorso (after Porta), 21 Madonna of Francis I (Raphael), 224-26,225 Madonna of Loreto (Caravaggio), 40, 52n6 Madonna of the Candelabra (Raphael), 237 The Madonna with Basier Mayor Jakob Meyer (Holbein), 179 Madruzzo, Cristoforo, 84 Magno, Giovanni, 55-56 Mancini, Giulio, 68-69 on afetti, 73 on art collection and social status, 120-21 on boundary between sacred and secu­lar, 69 on Caravaggio's Death of the Virgin, 42-43,55 Considerazioni sulla pittura, 68-78, 71, 120-21 "Dell'Honore" 76 display guidelines of, 46,68-78, 71, 127 on lascivious paintings, 70 on pictorial composition, 72-73 on sacred-secular boundary, 69 on sensual and erotic art, 70 Manfredi, Bartolomen, 69 Mantegna, Andrea, 73, 74, 238 Maria Josepha of Austria (queen of Poland), 192-93 Marshall, William, 143, 144 Martin V (pope), 8 Mary Magdalen (Caravaggio), 46,47, 49, 51 Mary Magdalen (Correggio), 195-98, 196, 202 Mary Magdalen, depictions of, in Dresden Gemäldegalerie, 195-202 Mary Magdalen with a Book (Carriera), 198,200 Massarenti, Don Marcello, 237 Massari, Mucio, 42-43, 43 Mattielli, Lorenzo, 191 Mauro-Jackson, Moira di, 158 Mengs, Anton Raphael, 201,202 Micrographia (Hooke), 146 Mignaty, Giorgio, 234 Minardi, Tommaso, 108, 110 miraculous images, 21, 56, 193. See also Madonna della Vallicella Mi servo de certa idea che mi viene alla mente (Riepenhausen), 178 Montfaucon, Dom Bernard de, 145 moral instruction as goal of collection display, 70, 72-78 responsibility of padre difamiglia for, 69 Morgan, J. Pierpont, 234-35, 237 Morgenstern, Karl, 179 Morse, Samuel F. B., 228-29 Mündler, Otto, 109 Nativity (Correggio), 173, 175, 176, 197 Nazarenes, 111-12, 113 and ecclesiastical collectors, 104-6, 108, 110 Raphael and, 215 New Experiments Physico-Mechanical, Touching the Spring of the Air, and Its Effects (Boyle), 146 Nicholas (pope), 11 numinous and aesthetic, balance between, 1 Orangery, Raphael Room of, 207-9,208, 216, 218-19 Ostini, Pietro, 108 Ottonelli, Giovanni Domenico, 69, 197 Overbeck, Johann Friedrich, 105-6, 108-110 padre difamiglia duties of, 69 reinforcing authority of, through art display, 72-78 pagan gods, statues of, in museum context, 2 Pagani, Paolo, 198,199 Pagani, Vincenzo, 109 Palazzo Zuccari, 162, 163, 168n20 Paleotti, Gabriele, 70 on aesthetic pleasure, 11-13 on delight (diletto) in art, 11-13 Discorso intorno alle imagini sacre epro­fane, 9-14, 70, 119-20 on sacred art: abuses of, 10; character­istics of, 10-11; defining attributes of, 119-20; dimensions of, 13-14; on confession (confessio) in, 13; vs. faithful art, 13; on sacredness in, 13-14 on secular art, 10, 11, 13, 120. See also desacralization on sensual and erotic art, 11 Panini, J. Paulo, 141 Pasinelli, Lorenzo, 195 Passero, Felice, 173 Paul III (pope), 85 The Penitent Magdalen (Allori), 196, 198 The Penitent Magdalen (Batoni), 198, 201 The Penitent Magdalen (Mengs), 201,202 The Penitent Magdalen (Pagani), 198, 199 The Penitent Magdalen (Rotari), 198,200 Peruzzi, Baldassare, 73-77, 75 Pfister, Manfred, 166, 167n4 Pforr, Franz, 105 II Piacere (The Child of Pleasure-, D'Annunzio), 158, 159, 161-66, 166-67 pictorial composition, Mancini on, 72-73 De pictura sacra (Borromeo), 9 The Picture of Dorian Gray (Wilde), 158, 159-61, 166-67 Pius II (pope), 8 Pius IV (pope), 91, 95n4 Pius V (pope), 84, 86, 91, 95n3, 97nl7 Pius VI (pope), 121 Pope Saint Gregory the Great Surrounded by Other Saints (Rubens), 18 desacralization of, 28-29, 32 display of, in Santa Maria in Vallicella, 20-26,32 first version, appearance of, 26-27 iconography, sources of, 17-20 provenance, 32 public exhibition of, 28, 36n36 rejection of, 17, 20, 36n35 Rubens's efforts to sell, 27-28, 30-32 Rubens's modifications to, 22,28-32,38n50 technical investigation of, 26, 35n24 Porta, Giacomo della, 21 Portrait of Cardinal Tommaso Inghirami (Raphael), 235 Portrait of Mrs. Benjamin West and Her Son, Raphael (West), 227,227-28 The Present State of the Greek and Armenian Churches (Rycaut), 151 profane art. See secular art Prussian court and political agenda of art collection, 209 vogue for Raphael in, 209-15 public galleries, and desacralization of art, 228-29 Purists, and ecclesiastical collectors, 104-5, 108-9 Quiccheberg, Samuel, 92 Raczynski, Athanasius, 177 Rahmengemälde (framing painting), 17 Rubens's Pope Saint Gregory the Great Surrounded by Other Saints as, 22-26,32 Ramboux, Johann Anton, 111-12 Raphael. See also Sistine Madonna in Altes Museum (Berlin), 216-18 American fascination with, 227-28, 234-37 copies of; in early America, 224-27; as fashion in Prussia, 209-15, 217 (see also Orangery, Raphael Room of) cult of, 207-8, 209-15, 217-19 Lamentation over the Dead Christ, 235-37 Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints, 236, 237 Àladonna della sedia, 227-28 Madonna of Francis 1,224-26,225 Madonna of the Candelabra, 237 Portrait of Cardinal Tommaso Inghirami, 235 Romantic adoration of, 215-16 secularization of, in America, 227-28 Transfiguration, 226 rational delight, Paleotti on, 11 Recueil d'estampes d'après les plus célèbres tableaux de la Galerie royale de Dresde (Heineken), 175, 176, 197-98 Reformation and Beeldenstorm, 87 rejection of religious images, 8-10 relies Council of Trent on, 92, 119 in holy tower at Dillingen, 92,94 Rembrandt van Rijn, 184 reproductions. See copies reputation. See/ama The Resurrection (Cecco del Caravaggio), 44, 44-45 Resurrection of Christ (Baglione), 62, 64-65 Rethel, Alfred, 179 Ricci da Novara, Giovanni Battista, 30, 31 Riedel, Johann Anton, 197 Riepenhausen, Franz, 177 Riepenhausen, Johannes Christian, 177, 178 INDEX 247 Rieppen, Joseph, 87 Rohr, Julius Bernhard von, 194 Romantics, Raphael and, 177, 215-16 Rome Church conservation and restoration of, 8 collecting boom in, 39 Rositi, Giovanni Battista, 109 Rotari, Pietrol, 198,200 Röttgen, Herwarth, 40 Rubens, Peter Paul, 17-32. See also Angels Adoring the Madonna delta Vallicella\Pope Saint Gregory the Great Surrounded by Other Saints La belle jardinière, 228 Caravaggio and, 30-32, 56 Saint Gregory the Great Surrounded by Other Saints, 23,25, 27, 28 The Saints Gregory the Great, Maurus, Papianus, Flavia Domitilla, Nereus, and Achilleus, 23,24, 27 The Saints Gregory the Great, Papianus, Maurus, and Flavia Domitilla, 27,28, 35n31 Rycaut, Paul, 151 Sacred and Profane Love (Baglione), 59,61-63 sacred art abuses of, Paleotti on, 10 apotropaic function of, 69, 72,125 characteristics of, Paleotti on, 10-11 Church policy on immodesty in, 29, 69-70 complexity of defining, 2, 119 defining attributes of, Paleotti on, 119-20 dimensions of, Paleotti on, 13-14 fama of, 56-57 guidelines for display of, in homes, 69, 72 painted for collectors: difficulty of iden­tifying, 39; production expectations for, 46-51 private collecting as challenge to, 10 privately-owned, devotional uses of, 125-26 sale of rejected commissions for, to collec­tors, 40-45 secularization of, through aesthetic plea­sure, 12, 14 sacredness, in sacred art, Paleotti on, 13-14 sacred possessions Church holdings as, 120 in D'Annunzio's II Piacere, 164-65,166-67 difficulty of defining, 119 in private collections, defining features of, 120 in Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray, 159-61, 166-67 "Sacred Possessions" conference (2007), 1-2 sacred-secular boundary Caravaggio and, 61-62, 64-65 Mancini on, 69 Saint Gregory the Great at Prayer (Carracci), 30,31 Saint Gregory the Great Surrounded by Other Saints (de Wit, after Rubens), 23, 25, 27,28 Saint John Chrsostom and Saints (del Piombo), 28-29, 29 Saint John in the Desert (anon.), 47-49, 48 Saint John in the Desert (Caravaggio), 45-47,48, 49,51 Saint Mary Magdalen (Baratta), 198, 199 Saint Matthew and the Angel (Caravaggio), 5nl, 40, 42,42,43-44, 57,60-61 Saint Matthew and the Angel (Massari), 43, 42-43 Saint Michael Overcoming the Devil (Gentileschi), 63,65 Saint Peter's Cathedral, altar of the Palafrenieri in, 40 saints, fama and, 56-57 Saint Sebastian Thrown in the Cloaca Maxima (Carracci), viii, 1 The Saints Gregory the Great, Maurus, Papianus, Flavia Domitilla, Nereus, and Achilleus (Rubens), 23, 24, 27 The Saints Gregory the Great, Papianus, Maurus, and Flavia Domitilla (Rubens), 27, 28, 35n31 Salerno, Luigi, 68 Salus Populi Romani, tabernacle of, 21,21 Salviati, Antonio Maria, 30 San Giovanni Crisostomo (Venice), 28 San Gregorio al Celio (Rome), 30 San Luigi dei Francesi (Rome), 40, 57 Santa Félicita (Florence), 44-45 Sant'Agostino (Rome), 40 Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccini (Rome), 43 Santa Maria della Scalla (Rome), 40, 56-57 Santa Maria in Vallicella (Chiesa Nuova), 17-20,40. See also Pope Saint Gregory the Great Surrounded by Other Saints (Rubens) Santa Maria Maggiore, Salus Populi Romani taber­nacle, 21,21 Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini (Rome), 40-42 Sarti, Antonio, 229 Scala meditatoria, 89, 90 Scanneiii, Francesco, 46, 49, 52n6 Schlegel, August Wilhelm, 177, 194, 215 Schlegel, Caroline, 194 Schnell, Ludwig, 210 Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Julius, 171,179, 180,181 Sebastiano del Piombo, 28-29,29 secular art. See also desacralization difficulty of defining, 2 Paleotti on, 10, 11, 13, 120 Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky, 62 Self-Portrait with Saskia in the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Rembrandt), 184 semantic indeterminacy in Caravaggio, 47, 60 in Caravaggio's contemporaries, 49 Semper, Gottfried, 171,178,180 sensual and erotic art Caravaggio and, 42-44,47, 55, 57-61, 70 desacralization and, 1,12,14 in Dresden Gemäldegalerie, 195-202 German views on, 194 Mancini on, 70 Paleotti on, 11 as religious art, Church policy on, 69-70 with religious subject matter, 198-201 Silvestre, Louis de, 193 Simon, Johann Christian, 192 Simor, Jànos, 104-6, 105, 110-11 Sistine Madonna (Raphael), 172 copies of, 209-11 critical reception of, 176-77, 178-79, 211 desacralization of, 1,171 in Dresden Gemäldegalerie: display of, 173-81, 174, 180, 182, 183, 184, instal­lation of, 171,179; and religious tone of gallery, 193-94 legend surrounding painting of, 177 in Russia, 181-84 as secular cult object, 175-84, 194,209-12, 216 and Seven Years' War, 197 Sixtus IV (pope), 8 Sky Chapel, at Chicago Temple, 84,85 social identity/status, collection display as demon­stration of, 120-21, 123-24, 127 social order, reinforcement of, as goal of collection display, 72-78, 126 Some Account of the Present Greek Church (Covel), 151-52 Spezzaferro, Luigi, 42 spiritual cognition, Paleotti on, 11-12 Stoichita, Victor, 39 Strada, Jacopo, 86 Strossmayer, Josip Juraj, 109-10,113 Strozzi, Leone, 145 Stuart, Gilbert, 226 Sustris, Lambert, 86, 86 Szoldatics, Ferenc, 106,110, 111 Talman, John bequest to Trinity College, 141-42 Catholic faith of, 142, 143, 152 collection of; drawings in, 146-51,147-51, 152-54, 153; inscription on covers of, 142-43; public vs. private dimension of, 142, 145; sale of, 140-41; as storehouse of Catholic liturgical and ecclesiastical data, 141-42, 151-54 intellectual influences on, 145-46, 146-51 life of, 140 Ternite, William, 217 Three Ages of Man (Titian), 86 Tibaldi, Pellegrino, 87 Tieck, Ludwig, 215 Titian, 1,89, 173,228 Transfiguration (Raphael), 226 Trattato dellapittura e scultura (Ottonelli and Cortona), 69 Trevisani, Francesco, 198 Tridentine Council, 119,120 Trinity, lost Caravaggio painting of, 40-42 The Triumph of Fame (Giovanni), 232,233 Truchsess von Waldburg, Otto, 84-87,86,89,94, 95n2,95n3 Trumbull, John, 226, 227,228,228 Turris sacra Dilingana (Gamerius), 84,87-94 University of Leiden, 145 Urban VII (pope), 68 valent'huomini, 55 Vanni, Francesco, 21 Vasari, Giorgio, 10, 87, 173, 180-81 Vatican, influence on ecclesiastical collectors, 105 Vertue, George, 152 Virgin Mary (School of Carlo Dolci), 196 Le Vite (Vasari), 10 Vittrici, Gerolamo, 46 Volpato, Giovanni, 215 Von Rumohr, Karl Friedrich, 216 Von zur Mühlen, Ilse, 17, 21 Wackenroder, Wilhelm Heinrich, 177, 215 Walters, Henry, 237 Waugh, Linda R., 61 Werner, Zacharias, 216 West, Benjamin, 226, 227, 227, 227-28 West, James, 141 White, Richard Grant, 232 Wilde, Oscar, 158, 159-61, 166-67 Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, 176,191, 211 Woermann, Karl, 178, 181 Zuccaro, Federico, 61,162 Zuccaro, Taddeo, 84
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