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Volltext:INDEX Note: Page references in italics refer to Figures; those in bold refer to Tables Abstract Expressionism 18 depressive disorder in 196-216 mortality data 205 psychopathology and early deaths in 203-5, 203 sublime in 187-95 Acéphale 139 Action Painting 39 Adoian, Akabi 226, 228 Adoian, Satenig 226 Adoian, Setrak 225, 226 adopted offspring technique 7 adoption 25 Akiskal, Hagop 222 Akiskal, Kareen 223 alchemic model 70-1 alcoholism 9, 16 Alzheimer's disease 28 Amour de L'Art, L' 136 amphetamines 36 André, Rogi 168, 169, 170 Joan Mirò 168-9 antidepressants 21 apophatic approach 69-70 Aragon, Louis 141-2, 159, 163, 164, 165 Aristotle: Problemata 6 Art Brut 39-42, 53 art informel 51 Asmat tribe 35 attractor concept 43-4 automatic writing 161 automatism, doctrine of 141 Bachelard, Gaston 108 Poetry of Space 107 Bacon, Francis 53 Bal thus 53, 142 Joan Mirò and His Daughter Dolores 143 Bampfylde, John Codrington 19 Bataille, Georges 72, 137-40, 143, 153, 167 Documents 166 Inner Experience 143 'Sacrificial Mutilation and the Severed Ear of Vincent Van Gogh' 137 'Van Gogh Prometheus' 137 Bazaine, Jean 51 Baziotes, William 196, 203, 204, 205, 209, 213-14 Beddoes, Thomas Lovell 19 Bernheim, Georges 164 Beuys, Joseph 100 Bierstadt, Albert 194 bipolar disorder 9, 10, 57 Blake, William 19, 134-5, 138, 140, 141 Four Zoas, The 139 Man Who Taught Blake Painting in His Dreams, The 134, 135 Blaue Reiter 84 Blaue Reiter Almanac 84 Blavatsky, Helena P. 84 Bohr, Niels 68 Bonaventure, St 99 Breton, André 141, 146, 152, 153, 159, 164, 167, 176, 232 Second Manifesto du Surréalisme 164 Surréalisme et la Peinture, Le 164, 165 Broca, Paul 37 Brooks, James 196, 204, 216 Burgess, Anthony 8, 54 Burke, Edmund 187, 189 Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful 54, 188 Burns, Robert 19 Byron, Lord 18, 19, 24, 28 Camera Work 50 Campbell, Thomas 19 Capdevilla 52 Carlyle, Thomas 29 Casamada, Ràfols 51 Casas, Ramon 50 catastrophe theory 43, 104, 106, 107 ceramics 157 Cercle Maillol 50, 51-2 cerebral activity hemispheric specialization 37-9 prefrontal lobe 39-42 Cézanne, Paul 229, 236 Chariot 151 Chat Noir 50 Chatterton, Thomas 19, 64 Cheever, John 8, 54 children's (plastic) art 39, 42 Chillida, Eduardo 98-102 Düsseldorf Monument 100 Gnomon 99 Homage to Architecture 101 Line Drawing (1994) 106 Monument to Fleming 99 On Board 105 Pencil Drawings (1961) 106 Praise of the Horizon 103 Praise of Water 102 Rumour of Limits IV 105 Silent Music 98 Christ Pantociater 173, 174 Church, Frederick 194 Clapes, Ajeo 51 Clare, John 19 Claudel, Paul 50 cocaine 36 cognitive traits 5, 12-13 Coleridge, Hartley 19 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 19, 29 Kubla Khan 6 collage 160-1, 163-7, 170 Collins, William 18-19 constitutional psychotopathy 8 Coover, Robert 54 Costas, Carlos 50 Cowper, William 19 Crabbe, George 19 Cravan, Arthur 50 creativity as chaos/order cycle 43-4, 43 cognition and personality traits 4-5, 12-13 intervening variables and 5-6 mental illness and 6-12 nature of 2-3 personality and 3-4 Crichton, Michael 176 Cubism 69, 90, 159, 160 cyclothymia 17, 57 Dada 69, 72, 165, 166, 183 Dali, Salvador 43, 72, 165 Dalmau, Luis 50 Dario, Rubén 49 Darley, George 19 de Kooning, Willem 196, 204, 216 240 INDEX De Sucre, Josep Maria 48-54 Apól noi 50 Field Marshal, The 52 Masks 49, 51, 52, 53 Ocell Daurat 50 Poema Barbar d'en Serrallonga 50 Poemas de Abril y Mayo 50 Delacroix, Eugène 187 delusions 17 depression 10, 16 depressive temperament 54 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) 9 DSM-m 9, 22 Diderot, Denis 187 disengagement 3, 4 dissociative state 3 Dix, Otto 51 Dostoyevsky, F. 36 drug abuse 16, 36 Dryden, John: Absalom and Achitophel 6 Dubuffet, Jean 39, 53, 183 Duchamp, Marcel 70, 100 Dupin, Jacques 177 Dürer, Albrecht 106, 107 Melencolia I x-xiii, xi, xiv, 116, 239 Eckhardt, Meister 209 Edelweiss Club 91 ego boundaries 5 El Manifesto Negro 52 el noi del Sucre 50 electroconvulsive therapy 22 Elkin, Stanley 8, 54 Ellis, Havelock 6, 17 Els 4 gats 50 Eluard, Paul 176 Ensor, James 51 epilepsy 36 Ernst, Max 43, 165, 167 Estève, Maurice 51 eureka feeling 36 Eurythmy 89 Eyck, Jan van 106 Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria 9 Fautrier, Jean: Rehén 51 Fauvism 159 Feininger, Lyonel 194 Fergusson, Robert 19 Foix, J.V. 72 Francis Xavier, St 173 Franco, General 146, 147, 183 Franz, M.-L. von 70 Frazer, Sir James: Golden Bough, The 139 Freud, Sigmund 133, 142, 159 Friedrich, Caspar David 190 Monk by the Sea 189, 190 Futurism 159 Galton, Francis 17, 24 gambling 16 Gasch, Sebastià 152, 160, 161 Gauguin, Paul 197 Where do We Come From? What are We? Where are We Goinq? 197 Gehry, Frank 176 German Expressionism 51-2, 69, 90 George, Marney 229 Gerbal 50 Geschwind Syndrome 36 Gheyn, Jacob de: Allegory: Old Philosopher Seated on Globe (Melancoly) xii, xii Giacometti, Alberto 142 Girona, Maria 50 Glaser, Milton 176 Goemans 165, 166 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang 29, 86, 92, 132, 142 Goldsmith, Oliver 19 Gordon, George 19 Gorky, Arshile 183, 196, 203-5, 208, 212-13, 221-37 Act of Creation (Sdeghtzagordzutyum) 225 Aesthetics (Gegharvesd) 225 Agony 232, 235 Armenia's Van Dreams 225 Artist and His Mother, The 226, 227, 227 Betrothal II 232 Charahan Sourp Nishan Hokiner 226 Charred Beloved II 232, 233 Garden of Sochi 228 Good Afternoon Mrs. Lincoln 224 Hishoughoutiun 222 How My Mother's Embroidered Apron Unfolds in My Life 222, 224, 227 Image of Khorkom 221 Images of Haiyotz Dzor 225 Liver is the Cock's Comb, The 232, 232 Orators 225, 233 Painting 231 Park Street Church 228 Plough and the Song, The 233 Portrait of Myself and My Imaginary Wife 229, 230 Portrait ofVartoush 225 Queen ofVosdan 223 Scent of Apricots on the Field, The 223 Study for Nighttime, Enigma and Nostalgia 230 Unattainable 232 Vana Danjank 225 Water of the Flowery Mill, The 232 Waterfall 223 Youth's Comrades 225 Gorky, Maro 231 Gorky, Maxim 228 Gottlieb, Adolph 196, 207, 216 Divisions of Darkness 207, 209 T 207, 208 Gourmont, Remy 50 Goya, Francisco de 52 Romena de San Juan, The 53 Gray, Thomas 19 Grupo Lais 52 Guston, Philip 196, 203, 204, 213 Hague, Raoul 229 hallucinations 17 Hawker, Robert Stephen 19 Heaney, Seamus 29 Hemingway, Ernest 176 Henderson, J.L. 70 Heraclitus 134 heredity of creativity 6-7, 10, 11, 24-5 Heym 51 Hugnet, Georges 154, 163, 166 Hunt, Leigh 19 Hurtuna 52 Huxley, Aldous: Doors of Perception, The 106 hypnagogia 45 hypofrontality state 40 hypomania 16, 57 illumination 42 Ingres, Jean-Auguste 236 inspiration 42 intellectual abilities 6, 10, 12 intense focus 3 interictal behavior syndrome 36 intuition 42 inverted U-shaped curve 58 Irving, John 8, 54 Isenheim altar 107 Jacobi, J. 70 Jaffé, A. 70 James, Alice 172 James, Henry 172 James, William 172 Variety of Religious Experience, The 36 Janusian thinking 54 Jeux d'Enfants 155 John of the Cross, St xiv, 101, 108, 127, 141, 173 Johnson, Samuel 19 Jung, C.G. 34, 69, 70, 71, 73, 126, 206 Junoy, Josep Maria 151 Kafka, Franz 51 Kaiser, Georg 51 Kakuzo, Okakura: Tea Book 79 241 INDEX Kandinsky, Wassily 82-5, 88, 90, 96 Composition II 83 Concerning the Spiritual in Art 82, 84 Small Pleasures 83 Kant, I. 187 Critique of Judgment 189 Keats, John 19, 29 Ode to Melancholy 6 Kirchner, Ernst 51 Klee, Paul 39, 84, 90, 194 Kline, Franz 196, 204, 205, 214-15 Klint, Hilma af 90-3, 95 Looking at the Dog-Rose 93 Mohamedan Point oJView 93 Swan, The 93 Ten Biggest, No 1, The 92 Original Chaos No. 1 91 Kojève, Alexandre 167 Kokoschka, Oskar 51 Lacan, Jacques 167 Landon, Walter Savage 19 Lang, C.G. 51 Lange-Eichbaum 24 Lautremont 72 Leiris, Michel 72, 138, 153 Age d'Homme, L' 139 Leonardo: Last Supper 132 Levy, Julien 233 Lifetime Creativity Scales 23 limbic system 35 Linnell, John 135 lithium 21, 22-3, 57, 60-4 Llorens I Artigas, Josep 151 Llull, Ramon 78 Loeb, Pierre 164 Logan, Joshua 60-1 logos, concept of 2 Lombroso, Cesare 6, 17, 24, 172 London, Frank 216 Longinus 29, 187 Lowell, Robert 8, 29, 54, 58, 61, 62 Loyola, Ignatius 173 LSD 36 Lugones, Leopoldo 49 Macke, Auguste 51, 84 madness, artistic creativity and 25-8 Magic Realism 183 Magritte, René 43 Magruder, Agnes 231, 232 Mangan, James Clarence 19 manic-depressive illness 7, 28 Manifesto of Surrealism 141 Marc, Franz 84, 194 Marcoussis, Louis 115, 131 Martin, John: Creation, The 191, 194 masonite 155 Massine, Leonide de 155 Masson, André 43, 134, 135, 139, 140, 145, 152, 153, 160 Mythologies 139 Portrait of Blake 139 Sacrifices 139 Visionary Portrait of Heraclitus 134, 140 Mathieu, George 72 Matisse, Pierre 123, 131, 135, 155, 173 matter painters 51 melancholy 15, 16, 48 Melgar, Francisco 153, 154, 159 Memorias 52 Meyrink, Gustav 51 Michelangelo 179 middle generation 51 Min Amun 35 Minotaure 140 Mirador 151 Miro, Dolores 142 Miro, Joan xii-xiv, 33, 35, 39, 43, 68, 72, 196, 206, 236, 239 chaos in 150-7 dream paintings 117, 141 laddersin 118-22, 146 self-portraits 122-5, 131-47 works: 27 Paintings on Masonite 155 Birth of the World, The 117, 117, 125, 196 Carnival of Harlequin, The 117-18, 119 Catalan Landscape (The Hunter) 152, 182 Check, The (L'Addition) 115 Circus, The (Le Cirque) 114, 115, 115 Collage (1929) 160 Composition 164 Constellation series 120, 146, 156-7 Constructions 154, 161 Dog Barking at the Moon 118, 120 Escape Ladder, The (1939) 118, 121 Farm, The 117, 118, 119, 152, 155, 176 Flight of a Bird Over the Plain 146 Head of Catalan Peasant 140, 175 Head of Georges Auric 160, 161 Hope of Man Condemned to Death, The 180, 181 Horse, Pipe and Red Flower 184 House with Palm Tree 151, 152 Ladder of Escape, The (1940) 118, 120, 122 Lithograph VIII 39 Music, Michel, Bataille and Myself 138 On the 13th, the Ladder Brushed the Firmament 118, 120, 123 Painting on Masonite (1936) 155 Paper Collage 160 Personage with Umbrella 163 Personnage 163 Portrait of Mirò (1938) 112, 114, 115, 127, 131 Preliminary Sketch for Painting 165 Reaper, The 141 Relief Construction 162 Santa Maria d'Aneu 175 S elf-Portrait 126 S elf-Portrait (1919) 132, 133, 146 Self-Portrait (1936) 170 Self-Portrait (1939) 145 Self-Portrait (1942) 146, 146 Self-Portrait I (1937) 122, 123, 124, 131, 132, 133, 134, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 147, 174 Self-Portrait II 123, 125, 131 Self-Portrait on an Envelope 146, 147 Spanish Dancer, The 160 Still-life with Old Shoe 135, 136, 136, 155 Study for a PortraitSelf- Portrait (Etude pour un portrait-autoportrait) 137, 137 Table with Glove 155 Tile Works, The 151 Tilled Field, The 152, 154 Trail, The 151 Untitled (Homage to Mirò) 127 Vegetable Garden with Donkey 151, 151 Village and Church of Mont-Roig 153 Woman in Front of a Shooting Starili 178 Woman in Revolt 142, 144 Woman with Three Hairs, Birds and Constellations 156 Mohammed 36 Mondrian, Piet 84, 90, 92, 194 Montaigne, Michel 44 mood (affective) disorder 9, 15-30 treatment 59-64 Mooradian, Karlen 234 Mooradian, Moorad 229 Mooradian, Vartoush 226, 228, 229 Moore, Thomas 187 Moreau, Jacques 172 Moses 36 Motherwell, Robert 123, 196, 203, 204, 205, 208, 213-14 Elegy to the Spanish Republic 208, 211 Evening (Melancholia) 60 Homely Protestant, The 208, 210 242 INDEX Mozart, Wolfang Amadeus 108 Munch, Edvard 51, 59, 100 Münter, Gabriele 84 Muse, the 3 Mussikian, Sirun 229 nature-versus-nurture 25 Neue Künstlervereinigung group 84 New York School 17-18, 187-95, 196-216 Newman, Barnett 192, 193, 194, 196, 208, 215 Adam 193 Beginning, The 194 Day One 193 Death of Euclid 193 Onement 194 Pagan Void 193, 197, 199 Stations of the Cross, First Station 197, 199-200 Vir Heroicus Sublimis 192, 195, 197 Nicolson, Harold 27 Nietzsche, F.W. 139 Nijinsky, Vaslar 6 Nisbet, J.F. 17 Noland, Kenneth 205, 215 Nolde, Emil 51 Nonell 50 Novalis 45 Olcott, Henry Steel 84 Oldenburg, Claes 183 Oliver, Pere 151 orbitofrontal syndrome 40 pareidolia 42, 44 Paul, St 36 Peinture au Défi, La 159 persistence 4, 5 Photo-Realism 183 Picabia, Francis 50 Picasso, Pablo 39, 41, 50, 144, 151-2, 177, 179, 229, 236 Pidelaserra, Mariano 51 Pignon, Edouard 51 Pollock, Jackson 90, 100, 174, 191-2, 193, 194, 196, 203, 204, 205, 208, 212 Autumn Rhythm 197, 201 Deep, The 192 Echo, Number 25 197, 202 Full Fathom Five 192 Greyed Rainbow 192 Guardians of the Secret, The 197, 201 Number 1, 1948 191, 195 Number 32 197, 202 Ocean Greyness 192 primates' painting 39 proto-artistic behaviors 35 psychopathological art 39, 42 psychopathological reasoning 54 psychosis 16, 18 Publicidad, La 151 Qols 100 Quinn, Edward: Picasso with Painting, La Garoupe 41 Ràfols, J.F. 151, 152 Raphael: Transfiguration 87 Ravel, Maurice 37-8 Raven Progressive Matrices (RPM) 12 Ray, Man 167, 168, 169 André Breton 166 Joan Mirò 167 Self-Portrait 167 Raynal 160 Reinhardt, Ad 196, 204, 205, 209, 215 Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) 9 reticular activating system (RAS) activation 44, 45 Revista Nova 151 Reynolds, Joshua 187 Ribera, Jusepe de: Poet, The xii, xiii Ricart, E.C. 151 Rielg, Alois 86 Rilke, Rainer Maria: Duino Elegy 98 Rimbaud, Arthur 71, 135, 140 Rogent 52 Romanticism 69 Roslin 236 Rosslin, Toros 225 Roth, Philip 8, 54 Rothko, Mark 192, 193, 194, 196, 203, 204, 211-12, 234 Entombment I 207, 207 Green and Tangerine on Red 197, 198 Green on Blue 192 Light Earth over Blue 190 Slow Swirl by the Edge of the Sea 197, 198 Untitled (1967) 207, 208 Untitled (1970) 199 Rubin, William 181, 182 Rusinol 50 Russell, Bertrand 73 Ryder, Albert 194 Sacs, Joan (Elies, Feliu; Apa) 151 Schary, Saul 229, 234 schizophrenia 7, 8, 17, 28, 38, 40 Schumann, Robert 24 Schwacher, Ethel 221 sculpture 163-4 Shelley, Mary 24 Shelley, Percy Bysshe 19, 29 Shousanig, Lady 225, 226 Smart, Christopher 19 Smith, David 196, 204, 205, 214 Soby, James Thrall 131 Socialist Realism 141 socialization processes 40 Soler de las Boijas 50 Soupault, Philippe 41 Soutine, Chaïm 51 split-brain patients 38 Stalin, Joseph 153 Steiner, Rudolf 84, 86, 88-9, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96 Easter (Three Crosses) 89 Stern, Richard 61 Sternheim 51 Still, Clyfford 187, 189, 190, 192, 193, 194, 196, 216 1956-D 188 Untitled 189 Strigi, Hans 93-5 Composition 'Cabbages' 95 Ideal Landscape with Turnpike 95 Rose Pearl on Blue Shell-bowl 94 Styron, William 58 subaffective hypothesis 54 Subirachs 51 sublime 187-95 suicide 15, 16, 17, 18, 63 Suros 52 Surrealism 39, 52, 69, 159, 160 successes and failures 71-2 Tachisme 39 Tàpies, Antoni 51, 68-73, 76-80 Art I espiritualitat 78 Art I la contemplació interior, L' 78 Dragon 79 Foot and Crosses 81 Head with Two Crosses 81 Kakemono 78 Love, to Death 79 Newsprint Cross 75 Oval on White 81 Red Signs 80 Triptych 76-7 Zoom 74 temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) 35-6 Tennyson, Alfred Lord 24 Tériade 159 Tharrats 51 Theosophical Society 84 Theresa, St xiii-xiv, 127, 141 Tillich, Paul 2, 126 Tobey, Mark 90 Todó 51 Tomlin, Bradley Walker 196, 204, 205, 215-16 Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de 6 243 INDEX Trakl, Georg 51 Cantos de Muerte 53 transcendence 35 transition states 45 triune brain 34, 35 trompe l'oeil painting 183 Trotsky, Leo 153 Turner, Joseph Mallord William 135, 190 Evening Star 189, 191 Steamboat (Snowstorm) 191, 193 Tzara, Tristan 163, 165, 166 Tzu, Lao 209 Uccello, Paolo 236 unipolar disorders 57 University of Iowa Writer's Workshop 8, 20, 24 Utrillo, Miquel 50 Valéry, Paul 49-50 Van Gogh, Vincent 28, 36, 63, 100, 136-8, 139, 140, 194 S elf-Portrait 137 Varley, John 134 Velazquez, Diego 155 Veil I Nou 151 Viani 51 Vienna School of Art History 86 Virgin in Majesty 173 visuo-emotional hyporeactivity 37 Vonnegut, Kurt 8, 54 Ward, James 188, 189, 190 Gordale Scar 187, 188 Wegener, Alfred 51 Weiler, Max 90 Wernicke, Carl 37 Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) 10, 12 West, Michael 231 Weyden, Rogier van der: Crucifixion 106 Wiene 51 women, creativity in 5 Woolf, Virginia 24, 58, 63 Zurbaran, Francisco 107 Index compiled by Annette Musker 244
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