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Volltext:Index Dates, where known, are supplied in parentheses for all artists, art critics, and art historians. A Rebours (Huysmans), Z07 A travers les arts (Gamier), 38 A Trois Paysagistes (Gautier), *73 Abbey, Edwin Austin (1852- 1911), 369 Academia de Ciencias, 3 5 Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture, 3, 173 academies of art, 173—74, 176— 77 Academy, The, 23, 309, 361 Accadèmia di Belle Arti, 246 Accident, The (Dagnan- Bouveret), 229 Achenbach, Andreas (1815- 1910), 299 Achenbach, Oswald (1827- 1901), 299 Adam, Paul (1862—1920), 297, 363 Adams, Henry, 88 Adler, Dankmar (1844—1900), 82, 88, 90, 91 Adler, Friedrich (1827—1908), I 6 6 Administration Building (Chi­cago), 83 Admiral Pareja (Velasquez), 345 adobe, 107 "Aemilia Ars" Society, 145-46 African colonies, 383 African Kiss, An (Arti), 248 After the Dance (Alma-Tad-ema), 237 Agache, Alfred Pierre (b. 1833), 328 Agnew, Thomas (London art dealer), 187 Albert, Prince, 9, 12, 46, 64 Alberti, Leon Battista (1404— 7*), 11 Alby, Giuseppe (1853-90), 113, !*5 Alexander, John White (1856- T9i5), 365, 368 Alexandre, Arsène (n.d.), 367 Alexis, Paul, 204 Alfonso XIII of Spain, 52—53, 56 Aligny, Claude-Félix-Théodore (1798-1871), 273 All' avanguardia: Studi sulla let­terature contemporanea (Pica), 337 allegory in sculpture, 32, 72, 73, 80, 83, 91, 116, 121, 294 Allgemeine Bauzeitung, 118 Alma-Tadema, Lawrence (1836-1912), 236-37, 270, 271, 296, 326; influence of, 238, 239, 240; D'Annunzio on, 279—81; Netti on, 284- 85 Alphand, Adolph, 69, 73 Aman-Jean, Edmond, (1860- 1936), 360, 368 Amat, Elias Rogent i, 54 Ambassadors of Ladisias (Munkâcsy), 297 American Architect and Building News, 118 American Art-Union, 190 Amiel, Henri F. (1821-81), 345 Among the Blossoms (Aublet), 316 Andalusia, 54 Andreas Hofer (Defregger), 202 Angeli, Heinrich von (1840- 19*5). 45, *93 Angelico, Fra (1387-1455), 351 animals in painting, 239, 242- 43, *5i, *5* Annales des Salons (Landon), 206 Ano Pasado, El, 55 Apelles (Greek, 4th c. B.c.), 378 Aproxyomenos (Lysippus), 348 aquariums, 82 arches, 19, 34, 37, 54, 61, 72, 114, i*5 architects, 14-15, 57-58, 114 Architectural Review, 114 architecture, 2, 25, 98, 384—85; domestic, 5-6, 95-96; na­tional, 14-15; classical, 25, 350; ornamentation of, 29- 33. See also glass buildings; iron buildings and individual expositions and structures Architekturwelt, 118 Argnelles, José A., 291 Arianna (Dalbono), 289 Armstead, Henry Hugh (1828— 1905), 377 Arnold, Mathhew, 257 Arrangement in Flesh-Colour and Black (Whistler), 260 Arsenal of Vienna, 60 Art dans la parure et dans le vêtement (Blanc), 4 Art Journal, 4, 22, 33, 270 art journals. See periodicals and individual publications Art Nouveau, 16, 139 "Art Nouveau Bing" house (Paris), 132-34, 141 Arte in Italia, 271 Arti, Diego, 247-48 Arts and Crafts Exhibition Soci­ety (London), 140, 141, 151 "arts en l'exposición de Paris, Les" (Yxart), 55 Ashbee, Charles Robert (1863- 194*), 160 Ashikaga Yoshimasa (1436-90), 93 Assarelli, Enrico, 169 At Old Lathuile's (Manet), 229- 30 Atelier Wall (Menzel), 336 Ateneo society, 56 Athenaeum, The 361 Atlantic Monthly, 190 attendance at expositions, 9, 56, 135 Atwood, Charles B. (1819-94), 79, 84 391 392- INDEX Aubes, Les (Verhaeren), 382. Aublet, Albert (1851—1938), 194, 316 Audience with Agrippa, The (Alma-Tadema), 237 Audrey with Her Goats (Melville), 313 Augusta, Empress (of Prussia), 291 Austria, art of, 4, 115, 116, 354; applied arts, 44~45. 47~49! in Paris, 123, 128; in Turin, 140, 141, 144, 151, 160-62 Austria-Hungary, 10, 45, 66, 177, 329 Austrian Academy of Fine Arts, 325 Australia, 56 Auteurs Gais theater, 131 Autumn (Gignous), 274 Autumn Leaves (Millais), 262 Autumn Sunshine (Luyten), 316 Avatar (Gautier), 237 Bacchus and Ariadne (Titian), 187 Bacon, Francis, 343 Badino, Dante, 169 Balbo-Bertone, Edoardo, 168 Balearic Islands, 67 Baltard, Victor (1805-74), 37 207 Balzac (Rodin), 388 Balzac, Honoré de, 224 Barbedienne foundry, 50 Barbizet, A., 47 Barbizon school, 270, 309, 325 Barcelona, 2, 10 Barcelona exposition of 1888, 52-56, 61-63, 66-68 Barrias, Ernest (1841—1905), 72 Bartels, Hans von (1856-1913), 319 Bartelemy, A. See Proust, Antonin Bartholdi, Frédéric Auguste (1834-1904), 34, 67, 377 Bartholomé, Albert (1848- 1928), 208, 370 Bartolucci, 339 Barzaghi, Francesco (1839-92), 248 Bastien-Lepage, Jules (1848- 84), 196, 215, 229, 235, 309, 310, 359 Bastille (Flameng), 232 Bates, Harry (1850-99), 348 batik, 157 Battle of Friedland (Meissonier), 191 Battle of the Centaurs (Böcklin), 200 Battle of the Centaurs and the Lapiths (Trübner), 200 Battle of Titans (Feuerbach), 201 Baude, Charles (b. 1855), 369 Baudelaire, Charles, 216, 226, 303 Baudry, Paul Jacques Aimé (1828-86), 236 Bauer, Leopold (1872-1938), 161 Baumann, Ludwig (b. 1854), 123, 141, 142, 144, 161, 162 Bavaria, 177 Bavarian Academy, 310 Bear Fight (Frémiet), 319 Beardsley, Aubrey, 158, 159 Begas, Oscar (1828-83), 294 Begas, Reinhold (1831-1911), 293-94 Behrens, Peter (1868—1940), 134, 164, 165 Beininger, Otto, 316 Belgium, art of, 45, 65, 123, 127, 140, 150, 166-68 Bellery-Desfontaines, Henry Jules Ferdinand (1861—1910), 131 Bellini, Giovanni, 187 Belloni, Giorgio (1861-1940), 3i6 32-9, 34° Belly of Paris, The (Zola). See Ventre de Paris (Zola) Beltrami, Luca, 138 Béraud, Jean (b. 1849), 356, 366, 367 Berlage, H. P. (1856-1934), 157 Berlepsch-Valendas, Hans Edu­ard von (b. 1849), 139, 164, 165 Berlin Academy, 290, 291 Berlin exhibition of 1883, 290— 93 Berne-Bellecoeur, Etienne-Pros-per (1838—1910), 217 Bernhardt, Sarah, 219 Bertin, François Eduard (1797- 1871), 273 Besnard, Paul Albert (1849- i935) 14°. I4H 317, 318, 355, 366, 382 Bezzi, Bartolomeo (b. 1852), 2-75-76, 339 Biais, 68 Bianchi, Mose (1840—1904), 248 Bibliothèque Nationale, 36, 38, 75. 78 Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, 36 Bice (Simi), 339 Bida, Alexandre (1823-95), 297 Bien Public, Le, 203 Billet, Pierre (1837-1922), 316 Billing, H., 164 Bin, Emile Baptiste (1825-97), 193 Binet, René (1866-1911), 114 Bing, S., 117, 119, 132, 141 Binnenhuis, 156 Birkenruth, Adolphe (b. 1863), 314 Birth of Venus (Bouguereau), 212 Bitter, Karl (1867-1915), 83 Blaas, Eugen von (b. 1843), 339 Blackwood's, 5 Blake, William, 296 Blanc, Charles (1813—82), 4, 22, 23, 42 Blanc, Joseph-Paul (1846- 1904). T93 234 Blätter für die Kunst, 326 Bleibtreu, Georg (1828—92), 298 Blind (Piglhein), 318 Block, Joseph (b. 1863), 318 Blumenfelt, Emil, 154 Board of Landy Managers (Chi­cago), 79, 83 Boating (Manet), 214 Bochmann, A. H. Gregor von (1850-1930), 210 Böcklin, Arnold (1827-1901), 200, 201, 292, 293, 310, 318, 328, 354; Laforgue on, 294- 95 Bode, Wilhelm (1845-1929), 84, 85, 94 Boetto of Turin, 169 Boggiani, Guido (1861—1929), 27 6 Böhme, Jakob, 297 Boileau, Louis Auguste (1812- 96), 35-36 Boisbaudran, Lecoq de, 234 Boito, Arrigo, 249 Boito, Camillo (1836-1914), 249, 253 Boldini, Giovanni (1845—1931), 235-36, 317, 367 Bologna, Domenico (b. 1845), 250 Bologna Society, 146 Bon Marché, 20, 207 Bonheur, Rose (1822—99), 270, 285 Bonington, Richard Parvus (1801-21), 201, 366 Bonnat, Léon-Joseph-Florentine, 228, 235, 327, 328 Borsani, Giovanni Battista (1850-1906), 250 Bosio, Franz Josef, (1769- 1845), 386 INDEX 393 Bosis, Adolfo de, 337 Bosselt, Rudolf (1871—1938), 134 Botticelli, Sandro (1446—1510), 331, 332, 337, 338, 354 Boucher, François (1703-70), 21 Bouguereau, William Adolphe (1825-1905), 211-12, 261, 360 Boulanger, Georges E., 69 Bourdais, Jules Désiré (1835- 1915), 18, 24 Bourget, Paul, 87, 179, 271, 291 Bourgoìn, Jules, 20 Boutry, Edgar Henry (1857- 1939), 59 Bouvard, Joseph Antoine (b. 1840), 21 Bouvier, Pietro (1839—1927), 248 Bouyer, Raymond (1862-1935), 363-64 Bracquemond, Félix (1833— 1914), 116 Brandt, Joseph (b. 1841), 302 Brangwyn, Frank (1867-1956), 316, 365, 371 brass, 102, 134 Brera gallery and academy, 254 Breton, Jules (1827—1906), 270 Brett, John (1830—1902), 185, I86 Bride of Lebanon, A (Burne- Jones), 353-54 bridges, 113, 125 British Institution of Art, 176 Brock, Thomas (1847-1922), 348 bronze, 50, 102, 167 Brother and Sister (Walton), 314 Brouwer, Adriaen (1605/6-38), 233 Brown, Thomas Austen (b. i859), 31.6, 371 Brown, Ford Madox (1821—93), I 2 I S 9 , 352 371 Brozik, Wenzel von (1851- 1901), 297, 298 Bruckner, 326 Breughel, Pieter (the elder) (c. 1530-69), 233 Bryant Vase, 35 Buddhism, 92, 93 Bugatti, Carlo (1856—1940), 146-47 Builder, The, 113, 245 Buisson, René du, 115 Burchell and Sophia in the Hay-field (Mulready), 187 Biirck, Paul (b. 1878), 134 Burckhardt, Jakob (1818-97), 312 Burlington House (London), 176, 258, 259 Burne-Jones, Edward (1833- 98), 12, 159, 258, 259, 269, 326, 367, 371; Duret on, 264, 267; Hofmannsthal on, 330- 31, 333; Pica on, 353-54 Burnham, Daniel H. (1846- 1902), 79, 103, 109 Burty, Philippe (1830-90), 23, 39, 197 buttresses, 19, 33, 34 Byzantine art, 349 Cabanel, Alexandre (1823-89), 212, 261 Cabinet of an Amateur (Alma- Tadema), 280, 284 cabinetmaking, 98-99, 134 Cadavini, 169 Caillebotte, Gustave (1848-94), 229, 233 Cain (Cormon), 228 Calarne, Alexandre (1810-64), 305 Caldecott, Randolph (1846—86), 241-43, 264 Callet, 37 Cameron, David Young (1865- 1945), 326 Cammarano, Michael (1838— 1920), 277 Candiani glass, 47, 65 Canon, Hans von Straschiripka (1829-85), 199 Canossa (Friedrich), 319 Canova, Antonio (1757-1822), 349 Canovas y Valeio, 169 Carcano, Filippo (1840-1910), 248, 288-89, 329 Carducci, Giosuè, 271 Carlyle, Thomas, 152, 189, 297 Carnot, Sadi, 69 Carnot's Office (Delanoy), 234 Carolus-Duran, Charles-Emile- Auguste (1838-1917), 228- 29 235 3Z7, 3iS, 359 Carpaccio, Vittore, (c. 1465- 1526), 187 Carpeaux, Jean-Baptiste (1827- 75), 29i Carrier-Belleuse, Albert Ernest (1824-87)^219 Carrière, Eugène (1849-1906), 317, 368, 382 Carriès, Jean-Joséph-Marie (1855-94), 37° Carstens, Asmus Jakob ( r 74 5— 98), 310 Casa Vicens, 55 Casanova, Serrano, 54, 62 Casedemunt, Adriano, 54 Casimir-Perier, Jean (1847- I9°7), 36° Cassatt, Mary (1845-1926), 209, 292 Cassiers, Henry (1858-1944), 167 Castagnary, Jules, 197, 203 Castellani, Charles (1838— 1913), 22, 217 Castelnuovo, 340 Castle of the Three Dragons, 54 Caught in the Act (Klinger), 296 Cazin, Jean-Charles (1841- 1901), 363, 368, 370 Cazin, Jules-Michel (1869- 1917), 116, 200, 227-28, 232—33, 297 Cecconi, Eugenio (1842-1903), 276 Cellini, Benvenuto, 376 Centenary Exposition of Aus­tralia (1888), 10 Centenary of 1889 at Versailles (Roll), 358 "Centennial Exhibition of French Paintings and Sculp­tures, 1800-1889" 381, 383—84; Verhaeren on, 385- 89 Century, The, 361 Century Magazine, 86—87 Cernuschi, Henri, 259 Certains (Huysmans), 70, 207 Cesnola, Louis di, 140 Cézanne, Paul (1839-1906), 204, 205 Champfleury. See Fleury-Hus-son, Jules Champs Elysées (Böcklin), 295 Chantry, Francis, 258 Charpentier, Alexandre-Louis- Marie (1856—1909), 207, 363 37° Chaperon, Philippe (1823- 1907), 72 Chapu, Henri-Michel-Antoine (1833-91), 72, 348 Charge des Cuirassiers Français à Waterloo (Philippoteau), 188-89 Charivari, Le, 174 Charton, 71 Chat Noir, 179 Chateau d'Eau (Paris), 113, 126 Chaux, royal salt works at, 11 Chéret, Jules (1836-1932), 210, 243 Cherry Ripe (Millais), 262 Chesnau, Ernest, 351 Chevalier, Michel, 36 394 INDEX Chicago exposition of 1893, 82-88; organization of, 79- 81; color decoration in, 89— 91; unity in concept of, 103— 8; success of illusion in, 109- 10 children, works for, 237, 238- 42-. 2-5I-52- Children of Mrs. Barrett (Mill-ais), 266 Children's Playground (Exter), 316 China, 46—47, 92 Chirtani, Luigi, 248 Choosing of the Wedding Dress (Mulready), 187 Christ (Munkâcsy), 297 Christ among the Doctors (Men­zel), 199 Christ in the House of His Par­ents (Millais), 262 Christiansen, Hans (b. 1866), T34 Christie, James E. (b. 1847), 314 Christmas Stocking, 219 Christofle jewelers, 22, 68 Christ's Entrance into Jerusalem (Doré), 193 chromolithography, 46, 243, 263, 327 Chronique, 270 Church of the Salute (Carcano), 289 Cicero, 378 Cicerone, The (Burckhardt), 312 Cinderella (Henry), 313 Cinderella (Millais), 262 Circolo degli Artisti, 138, 143 Civil Wedding (Gervex), 235 Classic Art (Marées), 312 Cleveland, Grover, 81 Cobb, Henry Ives (b. 1859), 80 Codman, Henry, 82 Cogniet, Léon (1794-1880), 298 Cole, Henry (1808-82), 9, 64, 365 Collected Letters of Gustave Flaubert, 344 Colonna, Edward, 117, 132, 133 Columbian Fountain, 80 "Columbian Ode" (Monroe), 81 Columbus Quadriga (French), 80 Cornetti, Giacomo (b. 1863), 146 Comillas, Marquis of, 53 Cominetti, Giuseppe, 169 Complaintes, Les (Laforgue), 2 9 3 Condemnation of Jean Hus by the Council of Constance (Brozik), 297 Condia, Giacomo y, 54 Conseil Supérieur des Beaux- Arts, 175, 191 Constable, John (1776-1837), 187, 366 Construction moderne, La, 118 Contamin, Victor (1840—93), 24, 69, 70, 71 Convito, II, 337 Cooke, L. T., 185, 188 Coolidge, Charles A., 115 Coolidge, John P., Jr., 114 Copley, 187 copper, 127, 129, 134, 157 Cormon, Fernand (1845-1924), 228 Corot, J. B. C. (1796-1875), 199, 268, 273, 299, 319, 368 Corpus Domini (Michetti), 343 Correggio, Antonio (c. 1489- 1534), 184 "Correspondences" (Baudelaire), 303 Cortese, Federigo (1829-1913), 277 Costa, Giovanni (1827—1903), 249, 250 Cotman, John Sell (1782-1842), 371 Cottage Residences (Downing), 12 Couldery, Horatio H. (b. 1832), 183 Country Beer Garden (Lieber­mann), 355 Country Fair (Rubens), 233 Courbet, Gustave (1819-77), 197 199, 230, 267, 268, 277, 299, 301, 310 Court of Honor (Chicago), 104, 106, 107—8 Courtois, Gustave Claude (2853—1:923), 360 Couturier, Philibert-Léon (1823-1901), 217 Cox, David le Jeune (1809—85), 187 Crane, Walter (1845), 139, 141, 246, 157, 158, 159, 264; on decorative arts, 147-51; works for children, 237-40, 243 Cranston, 154 Crawhall, Joseph (1861-1913), 315 Cremona, 272 Crepuscolo, 249 Crespin, Adolphe-Louis-Charles (b. 1859), 167 Critique d'avant-garde (Duret), 260 Cros, César-Isidore-Henry (1840-1907), 293 Crouching Venus, 387 Cruikshank, James (1792- 1878), 241, 242 Crystal Palace (London), 13, 36, 85 Daddy Understands (Bouvier), 248 Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal (1852— 1929), 229, 359 Daily Telegraph, 361 Dalbono, Edoardo (1843- 1915), 277-79, 288-89 Daly, César, 36, 118 Dampt, Jean-Auguste (1853— 1946), 140 Danieli and Son (ceramic), 48 Dannat, William Turner (b. 1853), 317 D'Annunzio, Gabriele, 249, 271, 272, 33G 337, 341 Danse, La (Carpeaux), 191 Dansk Tils Kueren, 311 Dante Alighieri, 331, 333 Darmstadt, artists of, 134 d'Aronco, Raimondo, 140, 144, 153 Daubigny, Karl-Pierre (1846- 86), 50, 278, 299 David (Donatello), 363 Davioud, Gabriel (1823-81), 18, 24 Day, Lily, 155 Days of Mars (Klinger), 296 Dead Children (Michette), 255 Death of St. Wenceslaus (Vele), 319 Decadents, 291 "Decennial International Exhibi­tion of the Fine Arts, 1890— 1900" 381 Deck, Theodore, 116 decorative arts, 5-6, 13, 134- 35; at Turin, 147-51 Defregger, Franz (1835—1921), 202, 300, 304 Degas, Edgar (1834-1917), 204, 209, 210, 213, 229, 233, 292, 382 Deglane, Henri (b. 1855), 113 Dejoux, Claude (1732-1816), 386 Delacroix, Eugène (1798-1863), 43, 191, 216, 226, 263, 268, 277 Delanoy, Hippolite-Pierre (1849-99), 2-34 Delaroche, Hippolite Paul (1797-1856), 249, 301 Delug, Alois (b. 1859), 319 INDEX 395 Demont-Breton, Virginie (1859- 1935). 3 2 . 8 Denmark, 46, 65, 140, 169 Departure of the King for the War of 1870 (Menzel), 300 Deroulède, zi6 Deserted Garden, The (Millais), 187-88 Desjardins, 174 Despair (Rodin), 388 Détaillé, Edouard (1848—1912), 194, 216-17, 3°G 3z8, 365, 375 Deutsche Zeitung, 326 Devastation (Cooke), 188 Diario de Barcelona, 55 Dicksee, Thomas F. (b. 1819), 367 Dictionnaire raisonné de l'archi­tecture française du XIe au XVIe siècle (Viollet-le-Duc), 19 Diderot, Denis, 5, 379 Dielitz, Konrad (b. 1843), 301 Dillon, Henri Patrice (1851- 1909), 369 Dion, Henri de (1828-78), 14, 19 Distribution of Medals of the Legion of Honor by Napoleon I (Segoni), 319 Divina Commedia (Dante), 333 Docharty, James (1829—78), 313 Doctor Pascal: Life and Heredi­ty (Zola), 364 Doctor Péan at the Saint Louis Hospital (Gervex), 214 Doctor Syntax series (Rowlandson), 242 Doll's House, The (Ibsen), 302 Domènech, José Fontsere, 55 Domènech y Estapà, Jose, 55 Domènech y Montaner, Fluis (1850-1923), 15, 54, 55, 61, 62; on architecture, 56-60 Donatello, 363 Dondelet, 167 Doré, Gustave, 193, 238 Dostoyevski, Fyodor, 302 Doulton and Company, 48 Dow, Thomas M. (b. 1848), 313 Downing, Andrew Jackson, 12 Dregger, F., 87 Dressing Scene, The (Manet), 230 Dreyfus, Alfred, 112, 360 Droz, Gustave (1832-95), 217 Druids (Henry), 314 Druids (Hornel), 314 Duban, Jacques Felix (1797— 1870), 36 Dubois, Paul (1859—1905), 167, 191, 370 Dubuffe, Paul (d. 1899), 227, 37° Duez, Ernest-Ange (1843-96), 2-97, 319 Du jardin, Edouard (1861- 1949), 303 Dulong, René, 129 Durand, J. N. (1760-1834), 14 Durand-Ruel, Paul (1831— 1922), 191, 292 Duranty, Edmond (1833-80), 197, 204, 234, 259 Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528), 307 Duret, Théodore (1838-1927), 197, 259-60 Dürr, Wilhelm (1875-1900), 3- 6 Dutert, Charles (1845-1906), 71, 72 Duveneck, Frank (1848-1919), 365, 370 Dyckmans, Josephus Faurentius (1811—88), 270 Dysselhoff, Gerrit Willem (b. 1866), 157 Eastern Stinger Scaring Birds in the Harvest-Time: Moonrise (Feighton), 185-86 Eckmann, Otto, 139 Ecole des Beaux-Arts, 15, 28, 36, 206, 207, 208, 222 Ecole Polytechnique, 14, 207 Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture, 2- 6 Editorial Montaner y Simon, 5 5 Eglise de la Trinité, 217 Eidlitz, Leopold (1823—1908), 85 Eiffel, Gustave (1832-1923), 14, 19, 20-21, 69, 207 Eiffel Tower, 69-70, 76, 77, 122, 124 Electeur libre, 259 Elgin marbles, 368 Elisha Raising the Son of the Shunamite (Leighton), 261 Elkington firm, 22 embroidery, 42, 43, 134, 167 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 357 Emmerich, C. M., 169 Emporium, 5 En Menage (Huysmans), 207 En Reconnaissance (Détaillé), 194-95 Encke, Fedor (1851-98), 294 Engelhart, Josef (1880-1910), 161 Engels, Friedrich (1820-95), 12 Engineering Magazine, 82 engineers, 13-14, 15, 36, 73, 114 England, art of, 4, 69, 96, 116, 123; applied arts, 44—45, 64; in Turin, 140, 151, 157-60; painting, 330-34 "English Artists: James Whis­tler" (Duret), 260 engraving, 2, 385 Ennion, 378 Entombment of Christ (De­lacroix), 191 Entretiens sur l'architecture (Vi-ollet- le-Duc), 14 Ephrussi, Charles, 260, 291 Episode of the Battle of C.ham-pigny (Détaillé), 216 equestrian statues, 115, 248 Erard and Herz, 68 Erasmus, 11 Ernest, Leopold (1808-62), 326 Ernst Ludwig, Grand Duke, 13 9, 142 Esposizione Nazionale di Milano, 248 d'Esté, Prince Barbiano di Belgioiso, 169 Evans, Bernhard Walter (b. 1848), 243 Eve and the Future (Klinger), 296 Experimental Novel, The (Zola), 204 Expiatory Church of the Holy Family, 54 expositions, 1—4, 9; classifica­tions in, 10—11; purpose of, 12—17 Exter, Julius (b. 1863), 316 Fabry, Emile (b. 1865), 167 Factory (Menzel), 199 faience, 22, 32, 47, 50, 72, 75, 116 fairy tales, illustrations for, 237, 238-42 Falguière, Jean A. (1831-1900), 348, 370 Falize, Léon, 22, 380 Famiglia Artistica, 249 Fanfulla, 249, 270, 271 Fanfulla della Domenica, 249, 270, 271, 337 Fantasies upon the Finger of a Glove (Klinger), 292, 296 Fantin, 369 Fantin-Latour, Henri (1836- 1904), 208, 236, 382 Far East, 13 Farewell (Haug), 312 Faulkner, Charles, 13 396 INDEX Faure, Félix (1841-99), 360 Faust (Scheffer), 2.33 Favorites of the Romans, 248 Favretto, Giacomo (1849-87), 256 Fedderson, 201 Fenéon, Felix, 303 Fenollosa, Ernest (1853—1908), 86-87 "Fer, Le" (Huysmans), 70 Ferrari, Roman G., 338 Ferstel, 301 Feuerbach, Anselm (1829-80), 198, 200, 201, 310 Feure, Georges de (1868-1943), 117, 132, 133 Fiedler, Konrad, 310, 311, 321, 3 M Fielding, Anthony Vandyke (1787-1855), 187 Fierens-Gevaert, H., 142 Figaro, Le, 205, 364 Fine Art Society of London, 258 Fine Arts Palace (Chicago), 80- 81 Finland, 115, 121, 123, 124 fireproofing, 116, 118 Firmin-Girard. See Girard Fischer von Erlach, Josef Em­manuel (1693-1742), 123 Fisheries Building (Chicago), 82, 106, 107 Fives-Lille Company, 37 Flachat, Jean-Baptiste (1829- 96), 37 Flameng, Léopold (1831-1911), 231 Flameng, Marie Auguste (1843- 93), 232 Flandrin, Paul-Jean (1811- 1902), 233, 297 Flaubert, Gustave (1821-80), 203, 204, 224, 227 Fleurs du Mal, Les (Baudelaire), 226 Fleury-Husson, Jules (Champfle-ury, 1821-89), 197, 303 Fliegende Blätter, 300 Flight into Egypt (Thoma), 200 Florence, 245, 269, 335 Fogazzaro, 340 Font y Carrera, August, 54 Fontana, Roberto (1844-1907), 249 Forain, Jean-Louis (1852- 1931), 229 Forma, Ernesto, 169 Formi, Achille (1832-1906), 276 Formigé, Jean-Camille (1845- 1926), 70, 115, 175 Fors Clavigera, 257-58 Fortnightly Review, 192, 361, 363 Fortuna (Tito), 338 Fortuny, Mariano (1838-78), 55, 2.71, 300, 325, 337, 366 Fosculo, Ugo, 254 Fountains, 42, 48, 80, 113, 164 Fourier, François, 12 Fournier, Edouard (b. 1857), Ï 2 7 Français, François Louis (1814- 97), 371 France, art of, 4, 44, 49, 50, 67, 68, 124—25, 140, 150. See also individual Paris expositions Francis I (Titian), 345 Franz, Gottfried (1846-1905), 297 Franz Josef, Emperor, 302 Fraser's, 5, 18-19 Fred, W. See Weschler, Alfred Fredegonde (Alma-Tadema), 326, 329 Frederick Giving a Concert on the Flute (Menzel), 299 Frederick the Great, 290 Freie Vereinigung Darmstadter Künstler, 139 Freilichtmalerei, 291 Frémiet, Emmanuel (1824— 1910), 303, 319 French, Daniel Chester (1850- 1931), 80, 115 French Academy, 21, 204 French Revolutionary Assembly, 173 Frère, Edouard (1819-86), 270 Frey einet, de, 73 Friedrich, Otto (b. 1862), 319 Fringe of the Moor, The (Mill-ais), 185 Fromentin, Eugène (1820-76), 212, 344-45 fukasas, 43 Fuller, Loie (1868—1949), 119, 131, 360 furniture, 5-6, 15, 16, 21, 98, 156-57 Füseli, John Henry. See Füssli, Johann Heinrich Füssli, Johann Heinrich or Hen­ry (1741-1825), 296 G. H. Burnham and Company, 80 Gabriel, Jacques-Ange (d. 1782), 207 Gaillard, Eugène (1862-1933), 117 !32, 133 Galatea (Moreau), 295 Galerie des Machines (Paris), 24, 70, 7I_73, 78 Ii2 124 38t Galignani's Messenger, 70 Gallé, Emile (1846-1904), 139, 140, 163, 364-65, 376 Galleria Nationale d'Arte Mod­erna, Rome, 269—70 Galleria Vittorio Emmanuele, 246 Galley Slaves (Rota), 339-40 Gallissà y Soqué, Antonio Mar­ia, 55 Galloway Landscape (Henry), 313 Gambart, Ernest, 270 Games in the Waves (Böcklin), 295 Gandara, Antonio de la (1862- 1917), 365, 367 Ganghofer, Ludwig A. (1855- 1920), 304 Gardet, Georges (b. 1863), 140 Gare d'Austerlitz, 207 Gare d'Orléans, 36 Gare du Nord, 36, 207 Garnier, Charles, 38-39, 42 Garrone, E., 169 gates, 34, 121-22, 144 Gateway of Hal (Brussels), 62 Gaudi, Antonio (1852—1926), 53, 54, 55 Gauguin, Paul (1848-1918), 116 Gault, David (19th c.), 314 Gautier, August (19th c.), 115, 124 Gautier, Théophile, 237, 273, 383 Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 4, 5, 22, 23, 56, 119, 260, 291, 302, 326, 382 Gazzetta letteraria, 270 Gebhard, Karl Franz von (b. 1838), 199 Gedon, Lorenz (1843-83), 13 Gemme d'Arte Italiana, 138 Genius (Saint-Marceaux), 219 Gensel, Walther, 119 George, Stefan (1868-1933), 326 George III, king of England, 176 German school of painting, 300—301 Germany, art of, 4, 46, 65, 66, 69, 305-7; in Paris, 116, 123, 128, 134-35; in Turin, 140, 150, 164-66; Pica on, 3 54— 57 G erminie Lacerteux (Concourt brothers), 203 Gérôme, Jean-Leon (1824- 1904), 140, 211, 328, 348 INDEX 397 Gervex, Henri (1852—1929), 214, 229, 235 Gesellschaft, Die, 302 Gestern (Hofmannsthal), 326 Gevaert, H. Fierens, 166 Gevaerts, Leon, 166 Ghosts (Ibsen), 302 Giarosa, 340 Gieben, W. (19th c.), 157 Gignous, Eugenio (1850—1906), 248, 272, 273, 274, 276 Gillray, James (1757—1815), 242 Ginori factory, 164 Ginotti, Giacomo (1837—1897), 248 Gioconda (Leonardo), 332 Giotteschi, 351 Giotto (1266/67—1337), 351 Giovine Italia, 245 Girard, Firmin (1838—1921), 219 Giraulr, Charles-Louis (b. 1851), "4, T17 Girl (Whistler), 259 Girl Collecting Mushrooms (Henry), 314 Giustiniani, Vincento, 163 Gladstone, William, 257 Glasgow Boys, 308-9, 312-15, 326, 327 Glasgow School of Art, 139 Glaspalast (Munich), 177, 291, 3°i 305, 308 glass buildings, 13, 14, 20, 29- 30, 122, 124-25 glassware, 2, 47, 48, 100-101 Gleaners, The (Billet), 316 Glorification of the Law (Bau-dry), 236 G oats (Hornel), 313 Gobelin works, 49, 68 Goeneutte, Norbert (1854-94), 2.2.9 Goethe, J. W. von, 310, 333, 3 4 1 , 3 8 3 Gold and Silver (White), 266 Golden Gateway (Chicago), 82, • 107 Goldsmith, Oliver, 184 goldsmithing, 101, 10z, 135 Goncourt brothers, 39, 43, 203, 204 Good King Wenceslaus (Roche), 3 r4 Goodall, Frederick (1822- 1904), 184 Gorilla (Frémiet), 303-4, 319, 336 Gostantini, 276 Gould, Jay, 76 Goupil dealers, 190 Gourmont, Rémy de, 120, 382 Goya, Francisco, 230, 277 Gozzoli, Benozzo (1420—97), 351, 353 Grammaire des arts décoratifs (Blanc), 4 Grammaire des arts du dessin (Blanc), 4, 41-42 Grand Palais (Paris), 113, 114, 120, 124, 126-27 Grande Revue de l Exposition, La, 121 Grandville, Gérard (1803-47), 240 Graphie, 240 Gravestein, Madame Wegerif (19th c.), 157 Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations (London, 1851), 1, 10, 13 Great Festival of Progress. See Paris exposition of 1900 Greco, El (1541-1614), 230 Greco-Roman influence, 58-59 Greece, 49, 115, 116, 123 Greenaway, Kate, (1846-1901), 237, 240-41, 242, 243, 264 Grenzbote, 5 Grévy, Jules, 69 Groll and Mortereau, 47 Gross, Karl (b. 1869), 164 Grosso, Giacomo (19th c.j, 169, 3 3 8 , 3 4 0 - 4 1 Grosvenor Gallery, 258, 259, 361; exhibition of 1881, 260- 64, 265-68 Giiell y Bacigalupi, Eusebio, 5 3 Guillaume, Eugène, 348 Guillaumin, Armand (1841 — 1927), 224 Guillemet, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1843-1918), 208 Guimard, Hector (1867-1942), 117 Gurlitt, Fritz, 292, 311 Gussow, Karl (1843-1915), 292, 298 Gusta, Jaime, 62 Guthrie, James (1859-1930), 314, 315, 365, 367 Guys, Constantin (1802-92), 226 Halles, Les, 36, 37, 39 Halles, Les (L'hermitte), 369 Halles Centrales, 207 Hais, Franz, 314, 368 Hamilton, James Whitelaw (b. i860), 313 Hamlin, A. D. F., 19 Hankar, Paul (1861-1901), 167 Hans von Marées: A Tribute to His Memory (Fiedler), 311 Hanslick, Eduard, 326 Harburger, Edmund (1846- 1906), 300 Hardy, Leopold (1829-84), 19, 37 Harmony (Bin), 193 Harpignies, Henri-Joseph (1819-1916), 371 Harrison, Benjamin, 79 Harrison, Thomas Alexander (1853-1930), 317, 319 Hartmann, Karl (b. 1861), 87 Haug, Robert (1857-1922), 312 Haussmann, Georges-Eugène, 207 Hay (Bastien-Lepage), 215 Hayden, Sophia G., 84 Head of an /I (Bonheur), 285 Heffner, Karl (1849-1925), 202 Heine, Heinrich, 273 Heir, The (Patini), 358 Helen (Moreau), 295 Helen (Poynter), 261-62 Hénard, Theodor (1838-1920), 126 Henry, Charles (1859-1926), 179, 291, 292, 313, 314, 315 Her, Theodor (1838—92), 201 Herd of Wild Boars, A (Bonheur), 285 Herkomer, Hubert (1849— 1914), 208, 265, 315 Hermant, 125 Hertel, Albert (1843-1912), 201 Hesperides, The (Marées), 321, 323 324 Hildebrand, Adolf von (1847- 1921), 310, 312 Hildebrant, Theodor (1804-74), 299 Hillen, J. S., 156, 157 Hippodrome (Paris), 37-38, 75, 78 Hirsutes, 179 historical painting, 188-89, 286-87, 297, 319, 329 Hittorf, Jakob Ignaz (1792- 1867), 36 Hö-ö-den (Phoenix Hall, Chi­cago), 85-86, 92-94 Hobé, Georges, (19th c.), 167 Höcker, Paul, 317-18 Hoentschel, George (d. 1915), 116 Hoffman, Josef (1831-1904), 141, r6i Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 326, 330 398 INDEX Hogarth, William (1697-1764), 242 Hokusai (1760-1849), 240 Holbein, Hans (the younger) (1497/8-1543), 235, 345 Holiday Memory (Cazin), 232 Holl, Frank (1845-88), 267, 315 Holme, Charles, 4 Holy Family at Rest (Thoma), 200 Homage Paid by Albert, Prince of Prussia, to King Sigismund I of Poland (Matejko), 286 Home from the Ball (Gervex), 214 Homeless and Homewards (Reid), 266 Homes of the United States, The (Downing), 12 Hook, James (1819-1907), 183 Hope (Watts), 314 Horeau, Hector, 36, 37 Hornel, Edward Atkinson (1864-1933), 313, 314 Horta, Victor (1861-1947), 166 Housman, Laurence, 158 Houssaye, Arsène (1815-96), 190 Hugo, Victor, 218 Hungary, 65, 123, 150 Hunt, Richard Morris (1827— 95)' 7 9 , 83 Hunt, William Holman (1827— 1910), 184, 333, 351, 352, 356, 366 Hunt, William Morris (1824— 79), 190 Hunten, Emil (1827—1902), 298 Huysmans, Joris K., 70, 74-78, 203, 359; on architecture, 35-39; as critic, 204, 207, 208, 232 Hydropaths, 179, 291 Ibsen, Henrik, 302, 318 Idyll (Leighton), 261 Idyll of the Proposal (Alma-Tad-ema), 280—81 lllustración Artìstica, 55 Illustrated London News, 240, 258, 259, 304, 361 Illustrazione Italiana, 271 Impressionism, 55, 174, 337, 375 In Front of the Hearth (Stott), 329-30 "In Search of a National Archi­tecture" (Domènech), 55, 56- 60 In the Forest (Flinger), 296 In the Greenhouse (Manet), 213-14 In the Haarlem Marketplace (Liebermann), 355 India, 46 Indo-China, 383, 386—87 industrial art, 5, 11, 12, 63—66 Industrial Institute of Catalonia, 53 Industrias de Arte Francisco Vidal, 5 5 Infanticide (Max), 200 Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique (1780-1867), 375 Inland Architect, 118 Intérieur d'Atelier (Munkâcsy), 195-96 interior decoration: in United States, 99-102 International Studio, 4-5, 141 International Workingmen's As­sociation, 11 Intimate Feast, The (Alma-Tad-ema), 237 Invalides, Les: dome of, 121—22 iron, 2, 26, 60, 98, 124; cast iron, 13, 14, 27-28, 36; wrought iron, 27, 36, 102 Iron (Boileau), 35 iron buildings, 36, 74-78, 124- 25; decoration of, 29—32, 33-35 Isabella of Spain, 52 Isabey, Jean-Baptiste (1767— 1855h 299 Ishmael (Cazin), 228, 297 Islamic architecture, 20, 54, 56, 59 Israëls, Josef (1824—1911), 309, 317, 327, 355, 358 Issel, Alberto (b. 1848), 146, 163 Italian Sculpture (Perkins), 191 Italy, art of, 45, 48, 123, 128, 138; in Turin, 144-45, 146, 151, 162—64 Izolnay pottery, 150 Jacquet, Gustave Jean (1846— 1909), 299 Jaley, Jean-Louis (1802-66), 386 Jambon, Marcel (1848-1908), 72 James, Henry, 190-91, 192 Janvier, Louis Adolphe (1818— 78), 37 Japan, art of, 2, 15, 45, 140, 151, 170, 261; in Paris, 22- 23, 39-43, né, 117-28; in­fluence of, 65, 102, 116, 251, 252; in Chicago, 86-87, 92- 94; prints, 210, 225-26 Japanese Parisian (Stevens), 50 japonisme, 23, 40 jasperware, 47 Jeanniot, Pierre Georges (1848— 1934), 369 jewelry, 22, 102, 380 Joan of Arc (Dubois), 370 Job (Bonnat), 228 jochs florals, 52 John Gilpin (Caldecott), 241 John Gilpin (Cruikshank), 241 John Uiterwijk and Co., 157 Joies de la Vie (Roll), 369 Joly, Edmont (1828-92), 37 Jordaens, Jacob (1593—1678), 233 Jorio's Daughter (Michetti), 337, 343, 344, 345~46, 347 Joris, Pio (1843-1921), 287 Joubert, Joseph, 342 Jugement de Paris (Klinger), 369 Jugendstil, 16, 139 Julius 11 (Raphael), 345 July 14, 1880 (Roll), 358 Junta de Commercio, 53 Kahn, Gustave (1859-1936), 292, 293, 383 Kaulbach, Fritz von (b. 1850), 329 Kaulbach, Wilhelm von (1805— 74), 304 Kawabata Gyokusho (1842— 1913), 94 Keene, Charles-Samuel (1823 — 91), 264-65 Keller, Ferdinand (1842—1922), 200 Kensington, 187 Kenzaburo Wakai, 23 Khnopff, Ferand (1858-1921), 167 King, Yeend (1855-1924), 314 King of the Forest (Bonheur), 285 Kings of Cards (Roche), 314 Kleist, Heinrich von, 311 Klimt, Gustav (1862-1918), 325 Klinger, Max (1857-1920), 292, 301, 303, 306, 310, 318, 328, 365, 369; Laforgue on, 295-97 Knackfuss, Hermann, 307 Knaus, Ludwig (1829—1910), 47, 199, 298, 305, 354 Kobell, Wilhelm (1766—1855), 304 Koch, Alexander (1860-1939), 154 Kock, Paul de (1794-1871), 240 Koepping, Carl (1848-1914), 378 INDEX 399 Kohn brothers, Jacob and Joseph (Vienna), 162 Kolitz, Louis (1845-1914), 198 "Königliche Lehrund Versuch­werkstätte" 166 Königliche Preussische Kunstakademie, 290 Krantz, Jean B. (19th c.), 14, 19, 20 Krauss, Baron, 162 Kreis, Wilhelm Heinrich (b. 1873), 164 Krieger, 68 Kroyer, Peter S. (1851-1909), 368 Krüger, Franz Auguste Otto (b. 1868), 166 Kruger, Paul, 119 Kubierschky, Erich (b. 1854), 319 Kubinsky, Karl (1837-89), 201 Kubota, Beisen (1852—1906), 87 Kuehl, Gotthardt (1850—1915), 305, 306 Kuhke, 164 Kunst für Alle, 303 Kunstchronik, 4, 336 Kunstgewerbe Schule (Surich), 10 Kunstgewerbe-Vereine, 140 Kunstgewerbeblatt, 85 Kunstgewerbegesellschaft, 302 Künstler Monographien, 119 Künstlergenossenschaft (Vien­na), 325 Künstlerhaus (Vienna), 325 Kunstvereine, 138, 291, 292 Kuppenheim, Louis, 135 Kuru, Masamichi, 94 Kuschel, Max (b. 1862), 317 La Bruyère, Jean de, 344 La Farge, John (1835-1910), ÏOI, 190, 365, 370 Laborde, Léon de (1835—1910), 10 Labrouste, Henri (1801—75), 3^ Lafitte, Jules, 203, 204, 205 Laforgue, Jules, 291, 292-93, 303, 383 Laigneul (19th c.), 167 L'Album, 138 Lalique, René (i860—1945), r 4 ° , 3 7 6 , 380 lamps, 100-101 Landon, Charles, 206 landscape painting, 186—88, 199, 287-88, 313-14; D'An­nunzio on, 272—77 Lanskorowsky-Brzezie, Count, 317 Lantier, Claude, 39 L'Apparition (Moreau), 206 Larche, 127 "L'Architettura della Nuova Italia" (Boito), 249 L'Art, 23, 39-40 L'Art et decoration, 119, 141 L'Art moderne, 207 L'Arte Decorativa Moderna, 138 L'arte europea a Venezia (Pica), , 3 3 7 L'arte mondiale a Venezia nel 1895 (Pica), 337 L'Artiste, 5, 190, 363 L'Assommier (Zola), 204 Last Muster (Herkomer), 266 Last Supper (Gephard), 199 Laurens, Jean-Paul (1838- 1921), 236, 297, 328 Lavery, John (1856-1941), 310, 314, 315, 316, 365, 376 Lawrence, Mary, 83 leather, 102 LeBrun, Charles (1619-90), 3 Ledoux, Claude Nicolas (1738— 1806), 11 Lefuel, Hector Martin (1810— 81), 18 Legend of the Sirens (Dalbono), 278-79 Legrand, Ernest, 37 Leibi, Wilhelm (1844-1900), 200, 310 Leighton, Frederick (1830-96), 183, 185-86, 257, 259, 261, 265, 326, 348 L'Emporium, 138 Lenbach, Franz von (1836- 1904), 199, 200, 201, 305-6, 310, 328, 336, 356, 357 Leonardo da Vinci (1452- 1519), 226, 331, 332, 337, 3 4 5 , 3 5 7 Leroux, Frederic Etienne (1836- 1906), 3 7 7 Leroy, Louis, 174 Leslie, George Dunlap (1835- 1921), 183 "Lesser Arts, The" (Morris), 13 Lethaby, W. R. (1857-1931), 13 Lettera, La, 138 Lettres sur les élections (Duret), 259 Léveillé, August-Hilaire (1840- 1900), 369 Lewis, John Frederick (1805- 76), 187 Leys, Hendrik (1815-69), 240 L'hermitte, Léon, 369 Liberty and Company, 151, 152 Liberty Lighting the World (Bar-tholdi), 34, 67 Liberty style, 138, 151-52 Libre Esthétique, Le, 139 Libro d'oro, 249 Liebermann, Max (1847—1935), 200, 305, 306, 310, 316, 355, 365, 366 Liesville, A. R. de, 22 Life of Jesus (Bida), 297 Life of Whistler (Duret), 260 Liljefors, Bruno Andreas (1860- 1939), 87 L'Illustration, 304 L'Imitation de Notre Dame la Lune (Laforgue), 293 Lindenschmidt, Wilhelm von (1829—95), 100-201 Lindsay, Coutts (1824—1913), 258, 260, 266 Liseron, 240 Lisle, Leconte de, 218 lithographs, 167 "little magazines" 5, 120 Living Torches (Siemiradzky), 202 Lloyd, Thomas James (b. 1849), 314 Locusta trying the effects of poi­sons before Nero (Sylvestre), 193-94 L'Oeuvre (Zola), 205, 302, 371 Loigny, December 2, i8yo (Hünten), 298 Lojacono, Francesco (1841- 1915), 272, 274-75 Lombard divisionists, 355 London exhibitions: 1851, 174; 1875, 180-82, 183-89; 1881-82, 257-60 Lonja de Valencia, 61 Loris. See Hofmannsthal, Hugo von Lostalot, Alfred de, 56, 66 Loubet, Emile, 113, 114, 119 Louvet, Henry Eugene (b. 1866), 113 Loviet, Benoit E., 206 Lucifer (Stuck), 318 Ludwig, Karl (1839-1901), 301 Ludwig I of Bavaria, 302 Ludwig II of Bavaria, 197 Luther (Siemering), 294 Lützow, Carl, 4, 22 Luxembourg Museum, 348 Luyten, Henry (1859-1945), 316 Lynen, Andrée Ernest (b. 1852), 167 Lysippus, 348 Macaulay-Stevenson, 313, 326 Macchiaioli, 270, 337, 355 MacEwen, Walter (b. i860), 3 6 5 . 3 7 1 400 INDEX Macgregor, William York (1855-1923), 313 Machinery Hall (Chicago), 105 Mackintosh, Charles R. (1868- 1928), 139, 153, 154 Mackintosh, Margaret Mac-donald, 153, 154 MacMahon, Maurice, 24, 69 MacMonnies, Frederick W. (1863-1937), 80, 370 McNair, Frances, 155 McNair, J. Herbert, 155 Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 203 Madonna, The (Dagnan- Bouveret), 359 Madonna (Mantegna), 187 Maeda, Masana, 40-41 Maeterlinck, Maurice, 383 Magazin Pittoresque, 138 Magazine of Art, 4, 22, 23, 141 Magdalen among the Pharisees (Béraud), 356-57 Magne, Lucien (1849-1916), "5 Maidens Dancing in the Open (Simi), 339 Maîtres d'autrefois (Fromentin), 344-45 majolica, 19, 38, 50, 75 Makart, Hans (1840-84), 75, 32-5, 317 Mallarmé, Stephane, 179, 303, 383 Man in the Stone Age (Frémiet), 33^ Man with the Hoe, The (Millet), 87 Maneau, 348 Manet, Edouard (1832-83), 204, 205, 208, 209, 235, 259, 292; Huysmans on, 213—14, 229-30 Manette Salomon (Goncourt brothers), 227 Manovens, Francisco y, 55 Mantegna, Andrea (1431- 1506), 187, 226 Mantz, Paul, 382 Manufactures Building (Chi­cago), 90, 104, 105 Maratta, Francesco (18th c.), 307 Marées, Hans von (1837-87), 310-11, 320-24, 336 Margherita, Queen (of Italy), 1 7 7 , 335, 336 Maria, Mario de (1853—1924), 336 Maria Theresa, Empress (of Austria), 246 Marivaux, Pierre de, 237 Marsili, Eugenio (b. 1841), 248 Martelli, Diego, 337 Marthe (Huysmans), 203 Martin, John (1789—1854), 76, 296 Martini, Ferdinando (1841— 1928), 249, 270 Marx, Karl, 12 Marx, Roger (1847-1913), 113, 117, 362, 382 Masriera brothers, 63 Mass at Trinity Church (Gervex), 214 Matejko, Jan (1838-93), 45, 282, 285—86, 302 Mathildenhöhe, 1x7, 139 Matsugata, Masayoshi, 40 Maupassant, Guy de, 204 Maurier, George du, 259 Mauve, Anton (1838—88), 309 Max, Gabriel (1840—1915), 200, 201 Maximilian, King (of Bavaria), 177 May Morning on Magdalen Tower (Hunt), 352 Médard, Eugène (1847-87), 217 Medici family, 349 Meier-Graefe, Julius, 117, 119, 141 Meires brothers, 309 Meissonier, Ernest (1815-91), 19D *77, 301, 3*5 Melani, Alfredo, 143, 151 Melville, Arthur (1855—1904), 313 Memories of Paris, 1868 (Men­zel), 299 Mendès, Catulle, 303 Menghone, Guiseppe, 246 Mengs, Raphael, 331 Menzel, Adolf (1815-1905), 199, 291-92, 299-300, 305, 310, 356 Mercure de France, 5, 120, 382 Merode, Clara de, 360 Mesdag, H. W. (1831-1915), 208, 309 Mestre, José Fontseré (d. 1897), 54 Metzu, Gabriel (1629-67), 210 Meunier, Henry {1831-1905), 167 Meyer, Alfred Gotthold, 308, 3 1 * Meyerheim, Paul (1838-80), 199 Michaël, Max (1823-91), 202 Michel, André, 382 Michelangelo (1475-1564), t84 35°, 363, 376, 387, 389 Michetti, Francesco Paolo, 248- 49, 250-53, 171, 337, 34°; Boito on, 254-55, *56; Netti on, 282-84; D'Annunzio on, 341-47 Middle Ages, 27, 30, 59 Middle East, 13 Mieris, A. Willem van, 2x1, 235, 386 Mignon (Scheffer), 233 Milan, 143, 335 Milan exhibition of 1881, 245- 49 Milesi, Alessandro (b. 1856), 338-39 military painting, 297—98 Millais, John Everett (1829—96), 184, 185, 187, 259, 262-63, *66, 351, 352 Millet, Francis David (1846— 1912), 79, 89 Millet, Jean (1814-75), 87, 215, 216, 299 Mills on the Adige (Bezzi), 276 Miners' Strike (Roll), 358 Minne, Georges (1866—1941), 167 Minton, Holkins and Company, 47 Minton potteries, 22, 47 Miquel i Badia, Francesco, 55, 61 Misery of Human Life series (Rowlandson), 242 Miss Alexander (Whistler), 263 Miss Loo (Roche), 314 Mitsui family, 41 Mittis, 326 Mrs. Gardnez (Holl), 267 Mrs. Perugini (Millais), 266 Mrs. Robertson (Orchardson), 265 Modern Architektur (Wagner), 141 Modern Cyclops (Munkacsy), 356 Modern Painters (Ruskin), 180, 186, 187 Möhring, Bruno (1863-1929), 130 Molière, 184 Molin, Oreste da (1856-1921), 87 Monadnock Building, 79 Mondo Illustrate-Giornale Uni­versale, 138 Monet, Claude, 224, 260, 292, 299, 373, 375 Monkhouse, Cosmo, 309 Monroe, Harriet, 81 Monchablon, Xavier Alphonse (1835-1907), 193, 228 Montells, Juan Martorell, 55 Montenard, Frédéric (1849- 1926), 368 Montenegro, 69 Moore, Albert (1841-93), 263 INDEX 401 Moore, Henry (1831-95), 319 Morani, Alessandro (b. 1859), 3 2 - 9 Morbelli, Angelo (1853-1919), 3 3 9 Moreas, Jean, 179 Moreau, Gustave (1826-98), 206, 226-27, 2-37, 2-95, 355, 382 Moreau-Vauthier, Paul (b. 1871), 114 Morelli, Domenico (1826— 1901), 270, 271, 338 Moretti, 163 Morgan, J. P., 141 Morin-Goustiaux, Georges (b. 1859), 115, 128 Morisot, Berthe (1841-95), 260, 292 Morning (Bezzi), 276 Morocco, 54 Morris, Willaìm (1834—96), 12— 13, 146, 151, 152, 159, 190 Morticela (Michetti), 343 Morton, Thomas C. (b. 1869), 3 1 3 Morun, Georges, 167 mosaics, 46, 54, 75, 99, 101, 127, 132, 269 Moser, Koloman (1868—1918), 161, 162 Mother (Klinger), 296 Mourey, Gabriel, 132, 134 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 3 3 4 mudejar, 59, 60 Muhrnan, 314 Müller, J. W., 161 Mulready, Augustus (d. 1886), 187 Münchener Künstler Gen­ossenschaft (MKG), 197, 302, 308 Munich, 177, 179, 290-91 Munich exhibitions: 1879, 197— 202; 1888, 302—4; 1891, 308—11, 312—19 Munich Society of Artists, 319 Munkâcsy, Mikaly von (1844— 1909), 297, 352, 354, 355, 3 5 6 Murder, A (Klinger), 296 Muse of Hugo (Rodin), 377 Musée des Arts Décoratifs, 10, 63-64 Musenalmanach, 326 Museo Biblioteca Victor Bal-aguer, 55 Muses Inspiratrices acclament le Génie, messager de lumière (Chavannes), 369 Musi of Turin, 164 Music Lesson, The (Manet), 259 Musset, Alfred de, 218 Muther, Richard, 117, 121, 182, 312 Muthesius, Herman (1861— 1927), 16 Mylius, Frederico, 247 Mysticism, 366, 373, 374 Nachon, 127 Nadar, Gaspar Felix (1820— 1910), 174 Naked Woman Warming Her­self (Besnard), 317 Nana (Zola), 204 Naples, 335 Napoleon I, 14 Napoleon III, 52, 174, 207 Nathan of Florence, 169 National Academy of Design, 190 national identity in arts, 178-79 natural history painting, 184-86 Naturalism, 271, 302, 310, 326, 3 3 5 Nausicaa and Companions Play­ing Ball (Poynter), 261 Near Vesuvius (Lojacono), 275 Neoclassical Fine Arts Palace (Chicago), 84 Netherlands, ro, 140, 150, 156- 5 7 Netti, Francesco (1832-94), 271, 281 Neubert, Ludwig (1846-92), 201 Neue Revue, 326 Neue Pinakothek, Munich, 305 Neukomm, Hermann (b. 1872), 130 Neuville, Alphonse Marie de (1835-85), 212, 301 New Dance of Death series (Rowlandson), 242 New York Gallery of Fine Arts, 190 New York Sketch-Book of Ar­chitecture, 85 New York Tribune, 190 Newbery, Francis H., 139, 142, 1 5 3 , 157 Nicholson, William (1872- 1949), 158 niello engraving, 102 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 271, 317 Nieuwerkerke, Alfred-Emile (1811-92), 174 Nittis, A. G. de (1846-84), 43, 230-31, 292 Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket (Whistler), 258 Nono, Luigi (1850-1918), 277, 282 Norman, Richard, 13, 329 Norton, Charles Eliot, 190 Norway, 169 "Notes on . . . Pictures ... of the Royal Academy . . ." (Ruskin), 180, 181, 182 nude painting, 211-12, 261 Nuova Società Promotrice delle Belle Arti, 270 Nuovo Antologia, 5, 249, 270 Oberlaender, Adam Adolf (1845-1923), 300 objets d'art, 179, 376-80 Obrist, Hermann (1863-1927), 166 Ocean, The (Belloni), 340 October Season (Bastien-Lep-age), 215 Ogawa, Isshin, 170 Okakura, Kakudzo, 86 Okur and Company, 94 Olbrich, Josef Maria (1867- 1908), 134, 142, 146, 159, 165, 166 oleolithography, 46 Olmsted, Frederick Law (1822- 1903), 80, 106 Olympia (Manet), 204 On fudging Works of Visual Art (Fiedler), 311 On the Way to Ceres' Temple (Alma-Tadema), 236, 237 Onder S. Maarten firm, 156 Opéra (Paris), 95, 218 Orchard (Guthrie), 313 Orchard, The (Walden- Hawkins), 316 Orchardson, William (1832- 1910), 265, 365, 371 Orestes and the Furies (Tem-arte), 193 "organicism" 85 "Ornament in Architecture" (Sullivan), 82 Orsi, Achille D' (1845—1929), 3 5 8 Ostade, Adrian van (1610-84), 210, 233 Ouless, Walter William (b. 1848), 314 Our Village (Herkomer), 315 Outre Mer (Bourget), 87 Overbeck, Friedrich (1789- 1869), 297 Owen, Robert, 12 Palace of Engineering and Transportation (Paris), 125 Palace of Industry (Barcelona), 62—63, 66 Palacio Guëll, 55 402 INDEX Palais de l'Industrie (Paris), 19, M, 381 Palais des Arts Libéraux, 36t Palais de Industries Etrangères (Paris), 130-31 Palais du Champ-de-Mars (Paris), 14, 26—29, 30-32 Palazzo delle Belle Arti (Rome), 269 Palissy pottery, 47 Palizzi brothers, 251, 270 Pall Mall Gazette, 361 Pallavicini, Marquis, 327 Palmer, Bertha Honore Potter, 84 Palmer, Thomas W., 79 Panama Canal Corporation, 112 Pankok, Bernard (b. 1872), 166 Pankok, Bruno B., 165 Panzacchi, 340 Paris expositions: 1867, 2; 1878, 18—24; 2889, 69-70; 1900, 112, 135-37, 382-83; plan of, 113-17; avant-garde in, rt9—20; foreign pavilions, 226—28; new architecture, 129-31 Paris salons: 1876, 190-92, 192-96; 1879-81, 203-8, 220, 226, 232; 1893-97, 360-65, 372.-75 Parisienne, La (Moreau- Vautier), 04 Parthenon, 350 Parthenon sculptures, 387 Parzens, The (Simi), 339 Pascal, Blaise, 364 Passini, Ludwig (2832-2903), 354 Pastor Frommel (Werner), 299 pâte sur pâte painting, 47, 50 Pater, Walter, 336 Paterson, James (2854-2932), 3 1 3 Pattison, E. F. S., 22 Paul, Bruno (b. 2874), lé5, r66 Paulin, Edmond-Jean-Baptiste (2848-2925), 226 Pavilion of the City of Paris, 28 Pavilion Bleu (Paris), 229, 229 Paxton, Joseph (2802-65), 23- 14 Pecht, Friedrich (2824-2903), 303-4 Peintres impressionistes, Les (Duret), 260 Peinture anglaise contempo­raine, La (Sizeranne), 337, 351 Peladon, Sâr, 369 Pellizza da Volpedo, Giuseppe (2868-2907), 355 Penneil, Elizabeth Robins, 362- 62, 365 Penneil, Joseph, 362, 362 periodicals, 4, 5, 228-29, *38, 248, 249, 270, 326, 337. See also individual publications Perkins, Charles, 292 Perrault, Charles, 238 Pertuiset (Manet), 235 Pescarenico (Bezzi), 276 Peter Martyr (Bellini), 287 Petit Palais (Paris), 223, 224, 220, 224, 227 Pettenkofen, August von (2822- 89), 3 2 . 5 , 3 2 7 Phidias, 350 Philip V of Spain, 52 Philippoteaux, Henri-Felix- Emanuel (2825—84), 288—89 Phillips, Claude (2846-2924), 308, 362 Phoenix Hall. See Hö-ö-den (Chicago) photography, 242, 242, 268- 70, 279, 327 Phryne in Eleusis (Siemiradski), 319 Pi y Margall, 53 Pica, Vittorio, 337, 350 Picard, G., 326 Pierron, 72 Pietà (Michelangelo), 363 Piglhein, Bruno (2848-94), 328 Piloty, Karl Theodor von (2826-86), 298-99 Piloty school, 202 Pils, Isidore (2823-75), 226 Piranesi, Giovanni Battista (2830-2903), 76, 228 Pissarro, Camille, 204, 224, 2-60, 373, 375 plein-aire painting, 55, 320, 315-29 Plockhorst, Bernard (2825- 2907), 297 Plume, La, 363 Plumet, Charles (2862-2928), I4I i 6 5 Pöblet monastery, 6r Pontelin, Auguste Emanuel (2839-2933), 372 Pointillistes, 366 polychrome decoration, 88, 89, 90-92, 228 Polycletus, 378 Pont Alexandre III (Paris), 223, 224, 229, 222-22, 225 Poor Fisherman, The (Chavannes), 234 porcelain, 44, 47, 50 Portaels, Jean François (2828— 9 5 ) i 2 - 7 ° Portland Vase, 377 Portrait of Eva Gonzales (Man­et), 259 Portrait of Rochefort (Manet), 2-35 portraiture, 299, 235-36, 262, 265, 266, 298, 328, 329. See also individual artists and works Post, George Browne (2837— 2923), 90 Potter, E. C., 80 pottery, 44, 263, 370 Powers of Darkness (Tolstoy), 302 Poynter, Edward (2836—2929), 262-62 Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, 280, 282, 267, 332-32, 350- 54, 366 Précis des leçons d'architecture données a l'Ecole Polytechni­que (Durand), 24 Previati, Gaetano (2852—2920), 355 Primo Vere (D'Annunzio), 272 Principles of Art History (Wölf-flin), 322 prizes at exhibitions, 87, 229, Ï42, 248, 302, 336 Problem of Form, The (Hilde-brand), 322 Procession (Tito), 338 Prodigal Son, The (Block), 328 Prodigal Son, The (Schildhorn), 319 Prometheus (Böcklin), 295 Proust, Antonin (A. Bar­thélémy), 229, 228 Prout, John Skinner (2806-76), 287 Proximus Tuus (D'Orsi), 358 Pryde, James (2866-2942), 258 Pugin, A. W., 23 Punch, 264-65 Pursuit of the Centaurs (Stuck), 328 Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre C. (2824-98), 227, 234, 297, 311, 32.8, 369; Pica on, 357- 58; Zola on, 373—75 Quarti, Eugenio (b. 2867), 246 Quirico, E., 269 Rabelais, François, 2 2 Rachel and her Flock (Goodall), 284 Radke, Johannes (b. 2853), 228 Raffaëlli, Jean François (2850- 2924), 208, 225-26, 229, 367 INDEX 403 Rainer, Archduke, 32.5, 327 Ranuzzi-Segni, 169 Rape of Helen (Marées), 321 Raphael (1483-1520), 184, 345 Realism, 197, 271, 303, 310, 335 Redon, 336 Reduzzi, Cesare (1857—1911), 169 Reforme, La, 205 refusés. See Salon des Refusés Régamy, Guillaume (1837-75), 216 Regnaud, Léonce (1879-81), 36 Reid, Alexander, 266 Reid, John Robertson (1851 — 1926), 314, 315 Reid, Whitelaw, 190, 192 religious painting, 48, 184, 199— 200, 297, 338 Remako, Anton, 325 Rembrandt (1606—69), 2I0 211, 224, 233, 277, 334 Renaissance and Baroque (Wölf-flin), 312 Renaixensa, La, 53, 55, 56 Renoir, Auguste (1841-1919), .204, 224, 236, 260 Report on the Committee on Awards (Van Brunt), 81 repoussé work, 35, 155 République, La, 205 République des Lettres, La, 203 Résal, 113, 125 Rescue of Some Victim of Ovid (Klinger), 296 restaurants, 54, 61, 119, 130 Reverchon, André (b. 1808), 7 Revilliod, 169 Revoke, La (Rodin), 388 Revue des revues, 121 Revue du XIXe Siècle, 190 Revue Encyclopédique, 382 Revue générale de l'architecture, 118 Revue Indépendante, 291, 303 Revue Wagnérienne, La, 303 Rey, Guido, 168-69 Reynaud, F. Léonce, 207 Ribera, Jusepe de (Spagnoletto) (1590-1652), 201, 277 Ricard, Gustave (1823-73), 201 "Ricard Wagner and Tann­häuser" (Baudelaire), 303 Richardson, Flenry H. (1838— 86), 85 Richardson, W. D., 82 Richmond, William Blake, 1842-1921), 354 Richter, Gustave Karl (1823- 84), 298 Ricketts, Charles (1866—1931), t58 Riemerschmied, Richard (b. 1868), 134 Ringle, 219 Ritter, William, 326 Roberts, David (1796-1864), 187 Robson, Thomas (1798-1871), 187 Roche, Alexander (r863-i92r), 313, 3M Rodin, Auguste 0840-1917), 370, 37G 377, 382, 387- 88 Roll, Alfred-Philippe O846- 1919), 3T4, 358-59, 369 Rolla (Gervex), 214 Roman Garden (Alma-Tadema), 237 Romania, 115 Rome, Academy of, 206, 222 Rome exhibitions of 1882-83, 269-71 Rookwood ware, 102 Rooswel, 169 Root, John W. (1850-91), 79- 80 Rope Walk (Brangwyn), 316 Rosenberg, Adolf, 22, 44 Rosenberg, Eduard, 319 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828- 82), 12, 184, 190, 264, 267, 331, 333, 371; pica on, 35T 3 5Z 353 Rosicrucianism, 366 Rota, Silvio, 339-40 Rottmann, Leopold (1812-81), 199 Roty, Oscar (1846-1910, 140 Roujon, Henri, 383 Rousseau, Victor (1864-1954), 167, 299 Rowlandson, Thomas (1756- 1827), 241, 242 Royal Academy, London, 175- 76, 183, 257, 258; exhibition of 1881, 260-64; exhibition of 1882, 265-68 Royal Rozenburg Manufactory, 156 Rubé, Auguste Alfred (1815— 99), 72 Rubens, Peter Paul, 233, 236 Rudder, Isidor de, 167 Rudder, Madame de, 167 Rue des Nations, 14-15, 16, 21, 4-1—42-, ^4' 12.2. Rupert, Prince (of Bavaria), 56 Ruskin, John, 12, 16, r 52, 180- 82, 190, 258, 259, 331, 333, 378 Russia, 46, 65, 97, 116 Saarinen, Eliel (1873—1950), 115, 121, 123 Sacrificer (in Vatican), 350 Saher, E. von, 156 Saint Andrew (Ribera), 201 Saint-Augustin, church of, 36 Saint Cuthbert (Duez), 297 Saint-Denis: fairs, 1 Saint-Eugène, church of, 36 Saint-Eustache, church of, 39 Saint-Gaudens, Augustus 0848—1907), 79, 83 Saint-Gaudens, Louis (1854- 1913), 83 Saint George (Frémiet), 336 Saint George (Marées), 321 Saint-Marceaux, René de (1845-1915), 219 Saint-Saëns, Camille, 119 Saint-Simon, Claude de, 12 Sainte Geneviève (Puvis de Chavannes), 297 Salenas, 55 Salmson, Hugo, 329 Salômé (Moreau), 227, 295 "Salon, the" (France), 173-75 Salon des Refusés, t74, 204, 222, 258, 259, 373, 381 salons, Z73, 174, 176-78 Salviati, Antonio (1816-90), 46, 47, 50, 65, 67 Sanctis, Francesco de, 271 Sanpere y Miquel, Salvador (1840—t9i5), 53, 55-56, 63 Saracen Olive Trees (Lojacono), 274-75 Sardanapalus (Delacroix), 191 Sargent, John Singer (1856- i925b 367, 3é9 Sartorelli, Francesco (1856- 1939), 339 Sartorio, Giulio Aristide (1860- I932), 337, 338, 348 satire, 241, 242, 249 Sauvage, Henri (d. 1895), lr9, 131 Scandinavia, 302, 329 Schack, Adolph von, 310 Schalken, Gotfried (1643- 1706), 307 Schauss, Ferdinand (1832- 1916), 329 Scheffer, Ary (1795-1858), 233 Schiaparelli, C., 169 Schildhorn, Franz, 319 Schiller, J. C. F. von (1759- 1805), 333 Schiller's Death (Marées), 321 404 INDEX Schliemann, Heinrich, 261 Schlingen, Hermann (1859- 193°), 300 Schmutz-Baudiss, Theodore (20th c.), 166 Schuster-Woldan, Raffael (b. 1870), 328-29 Schuyler, Montgomery ( 19th c.), 85 Schwind, Mortiz von (1804- 7 1 ) . 3 1 4 Scotland, 151, 153—56. See also Glasgow Boys Scott, Henry (t9th c.), 22 Sculptor's Studio, A (Alma-Tad-ema), 284 sculpture, 2, ro, 20, 128, 247, 248; in Chicago, 80, 83, 108; in Venice, 348-50 Scuola di Posilippo, 270, 271 Secolo, II, 246 Sedak gallery, Munich, 306 Sedille, Paul (r836-t90o), 22 Sedlmeyer, Charles, 325 Seemann, E. A., 4 Segantini, Giovanni (1858-99), 339 355 Segoni, Alcide (1847-94), 319 Seimersheim, Tony, 141 Selva, Vittorio, 169 Selvatico, Pietro (r8o3-8o), 249 Semper, Gottfried ^803-79), 10 Series upon the Theme of Christ (Klinger), 292 Sermon on the Mount (Uhde), 356 Serrurier, 129 Sert y Badia, José-Maria (1876— 1945) T3Z Serurier-Bovy, Gustave, 139 Seurat, Georges (1859-91), 179, 291, 292 Seven Lamps of Architecture, The (Ruskin), 180 Sèvres porcelain factory, 47, 49, 50, 68, 377 Shannon, Charles (1863 — 1937), 158 Shaw, Henry (1800-1873), 13 Shaw, Richard Norman (1831- r9i2), 22 Shepherdess (Hamilton), 313 Sickert, Walter (1860—1942), 3 1 7 Siege (Holl), 315 Siemering, Rudolf (1835-1905), 294, 301 Siemiradzki, Hans, 202, 319 Signol, Emile (1804-92), 297 Sigurd (Ritter), 326 silverware, 98 Simi, Filadelfo (1849-1923), 339 Simon, Jules, 18 Sirens, The (Lavery), 314 Sisley, Alfred (1839-99), 260, 292, 299, 368 Sistine Chapel, 350 Sizeranne, Robert de la, 337, 351 Skarbina, Franz (1849—1910), 356 Skaters (Tubbecke), 201 Sluyterman, Karl, 156 Sneyers, Léon, 167 social reform, 11, 12 Società per l'Esposizione Perma­nente di Belle Arti (Milan), 246 Società Promotrice di Belle Arti, I?8 Société des Artistes Français, 175 3él Société des Artistes Français pour l'Exposition des Beaux Arts, 203-4 Société des Gens de Lettres, 190 Société Nationale des Artistes des Beaux-Arts, 175 Société Nationale des Artistes Français, 204, 362, 381 Société Nationale des Beaux- Arts, 71, 361, 381 Society for the Emancipation of Woman, 157 Society for the Improvement of Arts and Industry, 9, 12 Society of Arts, 69 Soeurs Vatar, Les (Huysmans), 203 Soft, Melting Eyes (Millais), 262 Solon, Marc-Louis (1835— 1913), 47, 50 Sonthonax, 235 Soul of Apuleius (Klinger), 296 South Kensington Museum. See Victoria and Albert Museum Spagnoletto. See Ribera, Jusepe de Spain, r23, r69, 329 Spettatore, 249 Spires and Steeples of the Chan­nel Islands (Brett), 185, 186 sports competitions, 116 staff (building material), 20, 31, 32, 80, 106, 115, 116, 124, 128, 131 Staffordshire potteries, 47 stained glass, 363, 370 Staircase, The (Alma-Tadema), 281 Stanfield, George Clarkson (1828-78), 187 Stankart, Frans, 157 Stead, William T., 87 steel, 14, 102 Steen, Jan (1626-79), ZI° z33 242 Stendhal, 224, 307 Stern Father, The (Delaroche), 249 Stevens, Alfred (1823—1906), 50, 325, 360, 375 Stieglitz, Alfred (1864-1946), 141, 142, 170 Stieler, Josef Karl (1781—1858), 3°4 Stones of Venice, The (Ruskin), 180 stoneware, 116 Stott, M., 329—30 Stratham, H. S., 114 Strauss, Richard, 327 Street, George E. (1824—81), 269 Street in Paris, A (Menzel), 300 Stuck, Franz (1863-1928), 304, 318, 326, 328, 336 Studio, The, 4, 5, 119, 134, 141 Studio Art, 16, 138 Sullivan, Louis (1856-1924), 79, 80, 82, 88, 90, 91 Summer (Millet), 87 Summerly, Felix. See Cole, Henry Summerly's Art Manufactures, 9 Supplicant, The (Marsili), 248 Suspicious Actions (Klinger), 296 Sweden, 2, 21, 69, 123-24, 140, 169 Switzerland, 2, 46, 116, 169 Sylvestre, Joseph Noël (1847- 192.6), 193-94 Symbolism, 291, 303, 326 tâche, 373, 375 Tamamura K. (19th c.), 170 tapestries, 63, 68, 151 tariffs, 11, 120 tea ceremonies, 92, 93—94 Teasing (Stuck), 318 Temarte, 193 Temple Market (Paris), 37 Temps, Le, 41 Tennis Party (Lavery), 310, 314, 316 Tentation (Flaubert), 227 Terborch, Gerard (1617-81), 210, 233 textiles, 21, 42, 43, 49, 125 Thailand, 84 Thaulow, Fritz (1847-1906), 319, 3Z9 336, 368 theaters, 119, rzo, 131 INDEX 405 Théâtre Populaire (Carrière), 368 themes for expositions, 11 — i z , 18 Thoma, Hans (1839—1924), 200, 210, 310 Thomas, Viktor (b. 1854), 113 Thompson, Elizabeth (1844— 1933), 188, 189 Thoré, Théophile, 259 Thomycroft, William Hämo (1850-1925), 348 Thorvald, Niss, 329 Thorvaldsen, Bertel (1770— 1844), 349 Thovez, Enrico (1869—1925), 138, 141, 156, 166 Three Jovial Huntsmen (Cal-decott), 242 Tiberius Caesar, 348 Tiffany, Charles (1812—1902), 35, toi Tiffany, Louis (1848-1933), 35, 101, 363, 370, 378 Tiffany and Company, 22, 141, 248 tiles, 19, 47, 54, 67 Tilgner, Viktor (1884-96), 336 Tintoretto (1518—94), 277 Tissot, James (1836—1902), .351, 356, 370 Titian (c. 1488/90-1576), 187, .Zi4, 345 Tito, Ettore (b. 1859), 338 Tobias (Cazin), 228 Tod des Tizian, Der (Hofmanns­thal), 326 Tokyo Art Academy, 86, 94 Tolstoy, Leo, 153, 302 Tost, G., 47 Toulmouche, Auguste (1829- 90), 219 Toulon Flood (Roll), 358 trade unions, 16 Transportation Building (Chi­cago), 82, 88—89, iq6, 107 Traverso of Genoa, 169 Trentacoste, Domenico, 348 Treves of Turin, 169 Tribune, La, 259 Trigley, 170 Trilby (Maurier), 259 Trionfo della Morte, Il (D'An­nunzio), 271 Triumph of Clovis, The (Blanc), 2-34 Trocadéro (Paris), 18-19, 24- 2-5 44 Troubetskoy, Paolo ( 1866— 1933/8), 336 Troyon, Constant (1810-65), 278, 299 Trübner, Wilhelm (1851-1917), 200, 201 Tübbecke, Paul Wilhelm (1848- 1924), 201 Tuileries (Nittis), 231 Turin, 2, 335; exposition of 1902, 16, 138—42, 143—47 Turkey, 2, 69, 115, 116 Turner, J. M. W. (1775-1851), 180, 187, 199, 378 Turquet, 220, 221, 234 Tuscan Sculptors (Perkins), 191 Twenty-Eighth Regiment at Quatre Bras (Thompson), 188, 189 Two Sisters (Skarbina), 356 Tyrolean of the Salon, A (De­figger), 300 Uber Land und Meer, 304 Uhde, Fritz von (1848-1911), 305, 306, 356, 357, 365, 366 Uiterwijk, John, 156 Umberto I, King (of Italy), 177, 245, 270, 335, 336 Under the Cherry Trees (Bel-loni), 316 Under the Hyacinths (Hornel), 313 Under the Window (Green-away), 240, 243 Unexpected Return, The (Lo-jacono), 275 Union Centrale des Artes et de l'Industrie, 10 Union Centrale des Arts Déco­ratifs, 116 Union Centrale des Beaux-Arts Appliqués à l'Industrie, 63-64 United States, art of, 15, 67; in Paris, 115, 116, 120-21; in Turin, 140, 141, 150, 170 Vachon, Marius, 22 Valavino, 67 Vale of Rest (Millais), 262 Vallette, Alfred, 120 Vallatton, Félix Edouard {1865— 192.5). 369 Van Brunt, Henry, 81 Van de Velde, Henry (1863- 1957). 13, M6. x52, 165 van de Voorde, Oscar, 167 Van der Bosch, 156 Van der Stappen, Charles (1843-1920), 336 Van der Werf, 235 Van Dyck, Anthony (1599- 1641), 277 van Gogh, Vincent (1853-90), 309 Van Wisselingh firm, 157 Vannucchi, 169 Vanquished Incendarian (Ginot-ti), 248 vases, 47, 63, 377 Vautier, Benjamin (1829-98), 199 Velasquez, Diego (c. 1599- 1660), 230, 236, 277, 368 Vele, F., 319 Venice, 143, 177 Venice exhibition of 1895, 335— 37, 338-41 Ventre de Paris (Zola), 39, 206 Venus de Milo, 387 Venus's Bath (Richmond), 354 "Vereinigt Werkstätten für Kunst im Handwerk" 166 Verhaeren, Emile, 120, 135, 382-83, 385 Verlaine, Paul (1844—96), 383 Vernet, Horace (1789-1863), 216, 301 Verneuil, Maurice Pillard, 141 Veronese, Paolo (1528-88), 224 Vertunni, Achille, 272 Vibert, Pierre Eugène (1875— 1937), 2.19 Victor Emmanuel of Savoy, 245, 269 Victor Hugo (Monchablon), 228 Victor Hugo (Rodin), 377, 388 Victoria and Albert Museum, 4, 64 Victory of Samothrace, 387 Viel, 174 Vienna, 2, 177, 179 Vienna Academy, 45 Vienna exhibition of 1894, 325_ 26, 327-30 Viennese Secessionists, 161 Vierge, Daniel (1851-1904), 366 View of the Port of London (Wyllie), 266 Vilaseca y Casanovas, José, 54, 55 Villar y Lozano, Francisco de Paula, 54 Villette, La (slaughterhouse), 37, 38 Vintage Feast, The (Alma-Tad-ema), 284 Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène Em­manuel (1814-79), 14, 18, 19-20, 24-25, 26-29, 36. 39 Virgin Adored by Three Angel Musicians (Dürr), 306-7 Vision, The (Besnard), 317 Visit to Aesculapius (Poynter), 261 Vita Nuova (Dante), 333 Vogel, Albert (1814-86), 301 406 INDEX Voltaire, Le, 203, 204, 382 Voltaire at Sans-Souci (Menzel), 299 voluntary associations, 16 Voortman, 167 Vow, The (Michetti), 271, 282— 84- 343. 345. 347 Voyage en Asie (Duret), 259 Voysey, C. F. A., 13 Wagner, Otto (1803-1861), 123, 141, 161, 325—26 Wagner, Richard, 303 Walden-Hawkins, 316 Waldmüller, Ferdinand George (1793-1865), 325, 326 Wallace fountain, 42 Walton, Edward Arthur (1860- 1922), 313, 314, 315, 365, 367 Watt, William (1867—1924), 23 Watteau, Antoine (1684-1721), 2-77, 353 Watts, George Frederick (1817— 1904), 262, 263, 314, 333, 354. 366 Wauters, Emile (1845-1933), 298, 301 Webb, Philip (1831-1915), 12, 13 Wedgwood potteries, 47, 48 Wegerif, Christian (b. 1888), 1 5 7 Werner, Anton von (1843— 1915), 297, 299, 305 Weschler, Alfred, 141, 160, 162 whiplash art, 152 Whistler, J. A. M. (1834-1903), 158, 2.59, 309. 334, 336, 3^i, 362; Duret on, 263, 267-68 White, John (b. 1851), 266 "White City." See Chicago ex­positions: 1893 Wilkie, David (1785—1841), 187 Willette, Adolphe Léon (1857- 192.6), 369 William War am (Holbein), 345 Winckelmann, Johann, 333 windows, 34, 61, 99, 101-2, 129 Wolf, August, 336, 341 Wolf, Henry (1852-1916), 365 Wolfers, Philippe (1858-1929), 167 Wolff, Albert (1814-92), 294, 336, 365 Wölfflin, Heinrich, 311-12, 320 Wolzogen brothers, 304 Woman (Grosso), 338 Woman in White behind a Vene­tian Blind (Nittis), 231 Women at the Tomb (Signol), 297 Women Mending Nets (Lieber­mann), 316 Women's Building (Chicago), 84 Wooing (Marées), 324 Worcester Royal Porcelain, 48 Workers of the Land (Roll), 358 Workshop, The (Munkâcsy), 356 World's Columbian Commis­sion, 79 World's Columbian Exposition Corporation, 79 Wright, Frank Lloyd (1869- 1959), 86-87 Wyllie, William Lyonel (1851- 1931), 266 Wyzewa, Téodor de, 293, 302- 3, 305 Yakko Saddo, 119, 136 Yon, Edmond Charles (1836— 97), 208 Yvon, Adolphe (1817-93), 216 Yxart, José (1852-85), 55 Zeitschrift für bildende Kunst, 4, 5, 22, 118-19, 308, 311, 312, 336 Zen Buddhism, 93 Zezzos, Alessandro (1848— 1914). 339 Ziehrer, Carl Michael, 327 Ziem, Felix (1821-1911), 299 Zilcken, Philip (1857-1930), 156 Zimmermann, Reinhard Sebas­tian (1815—93), 199-200 Zola, Emile, 39, 121, 203, 204, 259; as critic, 205, 220, 364, 3 7 2 . Zoological Institute of Naples, 32-0, 323 Zorn, Anders (i860—1920), 317, 365 Zuloaga, Daniel (1852—1921), 67 Zutists, 179
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