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Volltext:lakov Tugendkhold's "The Art of Contemporary America" with lithographs by Louis Lozowick, 1928 237 Cover by lurii Annenkov for Sovremennyizapad (Contemporary West), 1923 241 Cover of the catalogue for the "First All-German Exhibition" 1924 247 George Grosz, "My Life" 1928 251 Diagram showing "social genesis of new art and literature" from Ivan Matsa's The Art of Contemporary Europe, 1926 263 Diego Rivera, The Paris Commune, 1928 270 Article on French exhibition, 1928 276 Coverof the catalogue Contemporary French Art, 1928 278 Ts. Plotkin, "The French in Moscow" 1928 281 KeesVan Dongen, The Silver Chemise, 1919 282 Cartoon of Ivan Matsa's ideological penance, 1931 291 332 INDEX Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Académie Julian (Paris), 144 Academism, 152, 175,184 Academy of Fine Arts, 3o8n Adler, Jules, 193 Aivazovskii, Ivan, 185 Aksenov, Ivan, Picasso and the Environs, 81, 114-26, us Alexander II, Emperor, 311 Alexander III, Emperor, 311; Museum of, 312 (see also Russian Museum) Allard, Roger, 180 "All-German Art Exhibition" (Moscow and St. Petersburg, 1900), 312 All-Russian Congress of Artists, 314 All-Russian Union of Co-operative Comrade­ships of Visual Arts Workers (VseKoKhu-dozhnik), 320, 321 Ail-Union Congress of Soviet Writers, 321 All-Union Society for Foreign Cultural Contacts (VOKS), 260, 318 Alma, Peter, 262, 317; "Notes on Contemporary Art in Holland" 216—17 Al'tman, Natan, 316 Angelico, Beato, 177 Anglada Camarasa, Hermen (Hermengildo), 66, 67 Annenkov, Iurii, 283; Sovremennyi zapad cover, 241 Anrep, Boris, 85, 31$; "Apropos of an Exhibi­tion in London with Participating Russian Artists" 106-8 "Anti-Imperialist Exhibition" (Moscow, 1931), 320 Anti-Semitism, 105 Antokol'skii, Mark, 27; "Notes on Art" 28-30 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 6n, 184, 315, 316; Les Peintres cubistes, 315 Apollon (journal), 2, 9,11,14,50-53, 78, 81, 93, 153,156,167, 244, 313-15 Aristotle, 165 Arkhipenko, Aleksandr, 146, 220, 316 Arkin, David, "R. Fal'k and Moscow Painting" 297-99 Armory Show (New York, 1913), 315 Arp, Jean, 286 Art (journal), 313 Art and Artistic Industry (journal), 312 Art Deco, 16 "Artists of the RSFSR during the Past Fifteen Years" exhibition (Leningrad and Moscow, 1932-33), 21, 320 Art Nouveau, 12, 38n, 55 Art Salon, 315 Arvatov, Boris: "Expressionism as a Social Phenomenon" 243-44; "Toward Proletarian Art" 205-6 Asch, Sholem, 106 Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia (AKhRR), 19, 210, 246, 258-59, 266-67, 292, 317-19 Association of Revolutionary Artists (AKhR), 20, 268, 269, 275, 286, 290, 292, 293, 303, 319; Art History Section, 288; Organization of Youth of (OMAKhR), 302 Atheneum Museum (Helsinki), 42 Aurier, Albert, 84 "Austro-Hungarian Art Exhibition" (St. Petersburg, 1899), 312 Baehr, Ludwig, 200n, 316 Bakst, Leon, 100,118,170,171,314 Balla, Giacomo, 182, 314 Ballets Russes, 11, 22, 27, 40, 59, 313 Baranoff-Rossiné, Vladimir, 314 Barbizon school, 64, 82,179,194 Baroque art and architecture, 116, 208 Barr, Alfred H„ Jr., 319 Basner, Elena, 176 Bauhaus, 318-20 Beardsley, Aubrey, 55, 312 Beckmann, Max, 215, 261 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 106 Bekhmeteff, W, 313 Belinskii, Vissarion, 172 Belyi, Andrei, 1; "On the Border of Two Centuries" 35; "Stamped Culture" 105-6 Benjamin, Walter, 319 333 Benois, Alexandre, Ii, 12, 4m, 55, 64, 78, 89, 168, 171, 174, 175, 311, 314, 318; "An Artists Conversations: 1. On Impressionism" 62-64; "Cubism or Hooliganism" 315; A History of Russian Painting in the Nineteenth Century, 312; "Icons and the New Art" 173-74; "Maurice Denis" 59-61; "More on New Trends in Art" 108-10; "Moscow Impres­sions" 104-5; The Russian School of Painting, 174; "The 'Salon' and Bakst's School" 100- 101 Berdiaev, Nikolai, 81; "The Crisis in Art" 162- 63 Berlin Secession, 311 Berlitz, Maximilian, 218 Bernard, Emile, 6n, 181, 276, 298, 299 Bernheim-Jeune gallery (Paris), 171, 172, 311, 3D Besnard, Albert, 46, 60, 64, 65,175 Bianco, Pieretto (Pietro Bortoluzzi), 193 Bieling, Hermann, 262 Bildarchitektur, 262, 266 Blake, William, 60 Blanche, Jacques-Emile, 224n Blaue Reiter group, 15, 314; Almanac, 315 Blow/Strike (Udar) group, 212, 285 Bloy, Léon, 120 "Blue Rose" exhibition (1907), 5, 75, 313 Boccioni, Umberto, 110, 156-57, 182; The City Rises, 159; Detour, 159; Development of a Bottle in Space, 157; Force-Forms of a Bottle, 157; Le Rire, 182; Spiral Expansion of Muscles in Movement, 157; Synthesis of Human Dynamism, 157 Böcklin, Arnold, 4, 47, 57-60, 64,175; Elysian Fields, 59; Play in the Waves, 58; Sacred Grove, 59 Bodarevskii, Nikolai, 225 Bogdanov, Aleksandr, 132; "Our Critique. Essay One: On Artistic Heritage" 191-92; The Sciences of Social Consciousness, 165 Bogorodskii, Fedor, 292-93 Boguslavskaia, Kseniia, 316 Bolsheviks, 15,17, 23, 65, in, 189, 191, 192, 215, 229m 232, 255, 307, 317. See also October Revolution Bonnard, Pierre, 6, 64, 94,102, 28on, 287, 302, 313; On the Mediterranean, 314 Bonnat, Léon, 175 Borisov-Musatov, Viktor, 39, 55, 73 Bortnyk, Sandor, 262 Bosch, Hieronymus, 182 Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 208 Botticelli, Sandro, 59,193 Bouguereau, Adolphe William, 312 Bourdelle, Emile-Antoine, 96, 212 Brancusi, Constantin, 275; Bird, 279; Bird in Space, 279 Brangwyn, Frank, 189, 193, 261 Braque, Georges, 5, 6, 57, 75,117,131,154,168, 196, 232, 235, 275, 288, 313-15; Grabar' on, 76; Le Dantiu on, 181; Mayakovsky on, 225, 226, 228, 230; Punin on, 212; Ternovets on, 279; Tugenkol'd on, 213 WORKS: Bridge, 76; Le Château de La Roche- Guyon, 109m Road, 76; Still Life, 76; Woman Bather (Large Nude), 76 Braudo, Evgenii, 244 Breshko-Breshkovskii, Nikolai, "The Salon" 32 Brik, Osip, 231, 317; "Ecce Homo" 248-49 Briusov, Valerii, 55 Brown, Ford Madox, 193 Brücke group, 15, 312 Bruegel, Pieter, 268 Bugaev, Boris. See Belyi, Andrei Bukharin, Nikolai, 20, 267, 319 Bulgakov, Sergei, 81; "Beauty's Corpse (Apropos of Picasso's Paintings)" 111-14 Bullitt, William, 321 Burliuk, David, 12, 55, 78, 127, 168,182,186, 249m 314, 315, 320; "Cubism (Surface-— Plane)" 133-37; "The Noisy 'Benois' and the New Russian National Art" 174-75 Burliuk, Vladimir, 314 Cabaret Voltaire (Zurich), 316 Camoin, Charles, 314 Campigli, Massimo, 280, 283; The Builders, 283m The Seamstresses, 2830 Carolus-Duran, 312 Carrà, Carlo, 165; Funeral of the Anarchist Galli, 159; What the Tram Said to Me, 158; Woman at a Window, 158 Carrière, Eugène, 31, 37, 87 Casorati, Felice, 259, 319 Cassirer, Paul, 49, 314 Cassirer brothers, 7 Catholics, 213 Cendrars, Blaise, La Prose du transsibérien et la petite Jeanne de France, 315 334 "Centennial Exhibition" (Paris, 1900), 4 Centrifuge (Tsentrifuga), 114 Cezanne, Paul, 5,11-14, 20-21, 52, 56,57, 71, 75, 92, 100, 144, 165,194-96, 275-76, 302, 314, 319; Aksenov on, 117-18; Arkin on, 297—300; Arvatov on, 205, 206, 243; Bernard's memoirs about, 6n; Burliuk on, 175; in "Golden Fleece Salon" 313; Grabar' on, 49-50; Grishchenko on, 179, 180; Iaremich on, 67; Konchalovskii on, 72- 73; Kulbin on, 146,147; Le Dantiu on, 181, 183; Malevich on, 149-52; Mandelstam on, 294; Matiushin on, 140,141; Melnikov on, 296-97; in Morozov collection, 7, 94-97; Muratov on, 36-37, 74, 207; Perelman on, 210, 211; Punin on, 154, 212, 283, 305; Repin on, toi; Romov on, 287, 289; in Shchukin collection, 4, 7, 77, 82-84, 90, 312, 313; Shervashidze on, 68-69; Tugendkhol'd on, 82, 131, 213, 235; Udaltsova on, 137, 138; Voloshin on, 69-70; Weidlé on, 242 WORKS: Flowers, 294m Fruits, 78, 312; The House, 135; Man with a Pipe, 82n; Mardi Gras, 82, 8), 122; Mont Sainte-Victoire, 8, 9; Self-Portrait, 150 Cézannism, 168, 234-35, 259, 287, 298 Chagall, Marc, 254, 280, 283, 316; Dead Souls series, 283 Chegodaev, Andrei, 309 Chekrygin, Vasilii, 315; "On the Emerging New Phase of All-European Art" 209-10 Chirico, Giorgio de, 275, 280, 319 Chirikov, Evgenii, io6n Christianity, 58, 112, 163 Christ the Savior, Cathedral of (Moscow), 35 Chulkov, Georgii, 81 Cimabue, t77 Circle, The, 19 Civil War, 13, 15, 114, 268, 316, 317 Classicism, 29, 226, 227 Cloisonnism, 36 Cocteau, Jean, 254, 319 Colarossi, Filippo, 69 Comintern, 15, 257, 317; Executive Committee of, 204 Communist Academy, 263, 290 Communist Party, 17,189,191, 204, 205, 239, 244, 257-59, 2 S8, 273, 302, 319, 321; Central Committee, 21, 305, 306, 308, 318, 320; French, 285; German, 190, 267; Italian, 221; Seventeenth Congress of, 306-7; Trotsky expelled from, 319 Communist University of Western Nations, 318 Congress of Revolutionary Writers (Kharkov, Ukraine, 1930), 320 Constructivism, 13,189, 219, 239, 243-44, 292, 318; Grosz on, 255, 256; Kurella on, 268, 269; Matsa on, 263-65, 291; Mayakovsky on, 224-25, 230; "Realistic Manifesto" 317. See also specific artists "Contemporary English Print and Lithogra­phy" exhibition (Moscow, 1926), 319 "Contemporary French Art" exhibition (Moscow, 1928), 277-79,2/8, 319 Corinth, Lovis, 53 Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille, 38,179, 311 Cottet, Charles, 90 Council of People's Commissars, 307 Courbet, Gustave, 32, 33,140,141, 179,194, 195, 205, 260, 311 Cousturier, Lucie, 168 Cranach, Lucas, 234, 248 Cross, Henri-Edmond, 64 Cubism, 12-16, 2i, 80,108, no, 127-28,168, 177,190, 215, 239, 254, 259, 271,300, 315; Aksenov on, 116, it7; Benois on, 173; Bulgakov on, in, 112; Burliuk on, 133-36, 175, 315; Dmitriev on, 129-30; emergence of, 314; Futurism and, no, 144,146-49, 158,182-83, 209, 244, 283n (see also Cubo- Futurism); Gleizes and Metzinger on, 127, 132-33,139-44, 203; in Golden Fleece exhi­bitions, 5, 57, 75; Jakobson on, 164,165; Kulbin on, 145-48, 315; Kurella on, 268, 269; Le Dantiu on, 181-83; Lissitzky on, 220; Malevich on, 127-28,149-52; Matiushin on, 138-44; Matsa on, 262-63, 265; Mayakovsky on, 223-25, 227, 228; in Morozov collection, 94; Punin on, 153-56, 203-4, 283; Romov on, 287, 288; in Shchukin collection, 8,109, 223; Shevchenko on, 144—45; Stalinist-era repudiation of, 290,306; Ternovets on, 279; Tugendkol'd on, 131, 213, 235; Udal'tsova on, 137—38. See also specific artists Cubo-Futurism, 92, 128, 306 Dadaism, 16,176, 210, 215-16, 223, 240, 254, 265, 273, 306, 316, 317 Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal-Adolphe-Jean, 46 Daumier, Honoré, 96, 236 335 Decadence, 2, 27, 46, 47, 311 Degas, Edgar, 35, 47, 49, 55, 65, 68, 88,177, 293; Benois on, 63; Kulbin on, 146; in Morozov collection, 94, 96; Muratov on, 37; in Shchu-kin collection, 1, 82; Stasov on, 46; Udaltsova on, 138 WORKS: Return of the Jockeys from the Race, 46; The Singer in Green, 10 Deineka, Aleksandr, 318 Delacroix, Eugène, 28, 30-33, 82, 171,179,194, 205, 236; Apollo Slays Python, 33; Heliodorus Driven from the Temple, 32 Delaunay, Robert, 6,121,184, 224, 227-28, 314 Delaunay-Terk, Sonia, 315 Denis, Maurice, 37, 49, 55, 57, 59-61, 87, 94, 102,104,172, 206, 213, 313, 314; The Story of Psyche, 55, 59, 313 Derain, André, 37, 76, 117,196, 212, 224, 259, 287, 292, 293, 297, 313—15, 319; Drying Sails, 95; Montreuil-sur-Mer, iogn Descartes, René, 121 Diaghilev, Sergei, 1, 2, 6, 27, 43, 59, 64, 222, 311—13, 316, 319; "The Bases of Artistic Judgment" 40-41; "European Exhibitions and Russian Painters" 41-42; "The Exhibi­tion in Helsingfors" 42-43 Divisionism, 36, 164 Dix, Otto, 246n, 261, 273, 320, 321 Dmitriev, E., "What Is Cubism?" 129-30 Dobuzhinskii, Mstislav, 4n4, 314 Doesburg, Theo van, 232 "Donkeys Tail" exhibition (Moscow, 1912), 6, 144, 306, 314 Dostoevsky, Fedor, 47,167, 172 Drevin, Aleksandr, 18, 137, 317 Duccio, 177 Duchamp, Marcel, 181 Duchamp-Villon, Raymond, 146 Dufy, Raoul, 118, 288, 292 Durand-Ruel, Paul, 1, 71, 77, 302, 312 Dürer, Albrecht, 49, 234 Durus, Alfred. See Kernen i (Durus), Alfred Dymshits-Tolstaia, Sophia, 316 Edelfelt, Albert, 43 ;A Child's Funeral, 45; Lake in Finland, 45; Washerwoman, 45 Efros, Abram, 276; "George Grosz" 249- 50, 254; "Revolutionary Art of the West (The State Academy of Artistic Sciences Exhibition)", 260-62; "We and the West" 79-80 Ehrenburg, Ilya, 219, 22on, 316, 317 Einstein, Albert, 266 Ek, Sandor, 317 El Greco, 107,131,194 Ellis, Fred, 320, 321 Enckell, Magnus: Adam and Eve, 45; Decorative Etude, 45 Ensor, James, 55 Entente, 223 Ernst, Max, 275, 285-86 "Erste Russische Kunstausstellung" (Berlin, 1922), 16, 227n Espagnat, Georges d', 287 Everythingism, 167,176 "Exhibition of Contemporary Art of Soviet Russia" (New York, 1929), 319 "Exhibition of Contemporary Dutch Art" (Moscow, 1932), 320 "Exhibition of Contemporary Estonian Art" (Moscow, 1935), 321 "Exhibition of Contemporary French Painting" (Moscow, 1913), 315 "Exhibition of Contemporary German Books" (Moscow, 1922), 318 "Exhibition of Contemporary Latvian Art" (Moscow, 1934), 321 "Exhibition of Contemporary Polish Art" (Moscow, 1933), 321 "Exhibition of Contemporary Trends in Art" (St. Petersburg, 1908), 145 "Exhibition of English and German Water- Color painters" (St. Petersburg, 1897), 311 "Exhibition of Finnish Art" (Moscow, 1934), 321 "Exhibition of Finnish Art" (St. Petersburg, 1917),316 "Exhibition of German Industrial Graphics" (Moscow, 1930), 320 "Exhibition of Modern French Graphic Art" (St. Petersburg, 1910), 314 "Exhibition of Pictures" (1923), 18 "Exhibition of Russian and Finnish Artists" (St. Petersburg, 1898), 1, 27, 43, 312 "Exhibition of Soviet Art" (Tokyo, 1926), 319 "Exhibition of Soviet Art" (Tokyo, 1927), 319 Expressionism, 12, 15-16, 190, 215, 223, 240, 242, 261, 265; Arvatov on, 243-44; Efros on, 249, 250; Fedorov-Davydov on, 258- 60; Radlov on, 244-45; as reaction against 336 Impressionism, 234, 239, 245; Stalinist-era rejection of, 20, 275, 290; Weidlé on, 240- 42. See also specific artists Exter, Alexandra, 7, 114, 314-17; cover for Picasso and the Environs, 115 Fal'k, Robert, 57, 297-99 Fascism, 221 Fauvism, 5, 9, 11, 12, 56, 74, 75, 77, 123, 127, 211, 224, 288, 306, 313, 315. See also specific artists Fayer gallery (Paris), 71 February Revolution, 316 Federation of Unions of Soviet Artists (FOSKh), 320 Fedorov-Davydov, Aleksei, 19, 192, 246, 258; "Militant Art: John Heartfield, Proletarian Artist" 272-73; "On the New Realism in Connection with Western European Trends in Art" 258-60 Fedotov, Pavel, 39 Felixmüller, Conrad, 261, 321 Figaro, Le (newspaper), 313 Filonov, Pavel, 18 Filosofov, Dmitrii, "The Bases of Artistic Judgment" 40-41 "First All-German Exhibition" (Moscow, Leningrad, and Saratov, 1924-25), 232, 239, 246-48, 318; cover of catalogue of, 247 "First Belgian Art Exhibition" (St. Petersburg, 1898), 312 First Congress of Soviet Writers, 305 "First Discussion Exhibition of the Unions of Active Revolutionary Arts" (Moscow, 1924), 318 "First German Autumn Salon" (Berlin, 1913), 17611 "First International Art Exhibition" (St. Peters­burg, 1899), 27, 46, 312 "First International Dada Fair" (Berlin, 1920), 218 "First International Exhibition of Artistic Posters" (1897), 312 "5x5 = 25" exhibition (Moscow, 1921), 18, 317 Fofanov, Konstantin, "Isle of the Dead" 57 Forain, Jean-Louis, 312 Formalism, 221 Four Arts, 19, 20 Fragonard, Jean-Honoré, 37 Frédéric, Léon, 60 "Free International Futurist Exhibition" (Rome, 1914), 316 "French Art and Artistic-Industrial Exhibition" (St. Petersburg, r899), 312 "French Art Exhibition" (St. Petersburg, 1903), 312 "French Industrial and Artistic Exhibition" (Moscow and St. Petersburg, 1891), 311 French Society of Friends of the USSR, 321 Friche (Fritzsche), Vladimir, "The Art of the Labor Commune" 192-93 Friesz, Othon, 94, 196, 215, 314 Fromentin, Eugène, 267 "From Impression to Cubism" exhibition (Petrograd, 1921), 317 Fry, Roger, 7, 108 Funi, Achille, 319 Futurism, 8,12,114,128-29,156,157,167,179, 190, 236, 268, 300, 306, 314, 315; aesthetics of, 158-59; Benois on, 173; Berdiaev on, 162- 63; Cubism and, no, 144,146-49,182-83, 209, 244, 2830 (see also Cubo-Futurism); "Decree No. 1 on the Democratization of the Arts" 249m "First Futurist Manifesto" 6n, 313; Jakobson on, 163-65, 218; Lenin's view of, 289m Malevich on, 149, 152; Matsa on, 262-65; Perelman on, 210-11; religious and idealistic elements in, 158-60; A Slap in the Face of Public Taste, 315; Tasteven on, 158-60; Trotsky on, 221-22. See also specific artists Gabo, Naum, 317 Galerie Braid (Munich), 51 Galerie van Diemen (Berlin), 16, 318 Gallen-Kallela, Akseli, 43, 49; Brilliant Sunset, 45; Imatra, 45; The Woodpecker, 47 Gauguin, Paul, 5, 6n, 13, 57, 69, 75, 83, 91, 104,148,170-72,183,195,196, 213, 314, 319; Arvatov on, 206; Burliuk on, 175; in "Golden Fleece Salon" 313; Gathering Fruit, 77, 8$; Konchalovskii on, 71-74; Melnikov on, 297; in Morozov collection, 77, 78, 94; Muratov on, 36-38, 94; Punin on, 212; "Salon d'Automne" retrospective of, 313; in Shchukin collection, 4, 7, 84-85, 86, 87, 109, 3t2, 313; Tasteven on, 158-59; Udalt'sova on, 138; Voloshin on, 70, 71 Ge, Nikolai, 39 Geffroy, Gustave, 11, 68, 69 Genoa Peace Conference (1922), 317 337 Gerasimov, Aleksandr, 308, 309 "German Art of the Last Fifty Years" exhibition (Moscow, 1925), 318 German Association of Revolutionary Artists/ German Alliance of Revolutionary Artists (ARBKD/BRBKD), 257 Ghirlandaio, Domenico, 293 Giotto, 105,131,177, 206, 269 Girieud, Pierre, 102 Glavpolitprosvet, 81 Gleizes, Albert, 6,127,129-30,163,181, 203, 224, 288, 313, 314; Bathers, né; and Metzinger, Du Cubisme, 127, 132,133, 138-4Ô, 315 Glinka, Mikhail, Ruslan and Ludmilla, 171 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, "Selige Sehnsucht" 59n Gogol, Nikolai, 39n, 47, 106; Dead Souls, iéon, 283n; The Inspector General, 283 Golden Fleece (journal), 4-6, 55, 57, 78, 102, 158,167, 313; exhibitions of, 3, 69, 74-76, 7L 175. 313 Golovin, Aleksandr, 170 Goncharova, Natal'ia, 5,13, 55, 57, 75, 80,128, 167, 173, 174,184, 186, 229, 314-16; foreword to exhibition catalogue, 175-76 Gorky, Maxim, 321 Gosizdat publishing house, 283 Gothic art and architecture, 59, 83,116, 297 Goya, Francisco de, 33, 269 Grabar', Igor', 4, 27, 82n, 311, 317; "Around Europe" 61-62; "Around Europe: Letters on Contemporary Art" 64-65; "Around European Exhibitions" 48-50; "Decline or Renaissance: A Survey of Contemporary Trends in Art" 30—32, 48; "Moscow Exhibi­tions" 75-76 Gramsci, Antonio, 221 Grand Art, eighteenth-century, 170 Grand Style, 55, 258 Grautoff, Otto, 154 Great Depression, 20, 319 Gregory of Nyssa, 122 Griboedov, Aleksandr, 47 Gris, Juan, 181 Grishchenko, Aleksei, 78, 127; "On the Ties of Russian Painting to Byzantium and the West, I3th-20th Centuries: Thoughts of an Artist" 177-80, IJ8 Gropper, William, 238, 319, 320 Grosz, George, 16,17, 239-40, 248-57, 261, 273, 317, 318, 320; Das Gesicht der herschendedn Klass, 240; Ecce Homo, 248-49; and Herze-felde, Art Is in Danger, 254-56; "My Life" Hi-53 Grundig, Hans, 320 Gubel'man, Minei. See Iarosloavskii, Emelian Guérin, Jules, 94 GULAG, 153, 305 Guro, Elena, 139, 313 Guys, Constantin, 96, 212 Halonen, Pekka, 43 Hals, Frans, 31 Hanslick, Eduard, 42 Haptism, 265 Hauptmann, Gerhart, 66, 186 Heartfield, John, 17, 257, 272-73, 320; Man, 273 Heckel, Erich, 15m 314 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 159, 272 Heine, Heinrich, 171 Hermitage (St. Petersburg), 194, 307, 308, 319 Herzefelde, Wieland, and Grosz, Art Is in Danger, 254-56 High Art, 167,171,184 Higher Art and Technical Studios (VKhUTEMAS), 18, 292, 317 Higher State Artistic-Technological Institute (VkhUTEIN), 267, 289 Hinton, Charles H„ 143-44 Historical Museum (Moscow), 318 Hitler, Adolf, 321 Hodler, Ferdinand, 66,182 Hogarth, William, 39n Holbein, Hans, 135 Hooch, Pieter de, A Sick Child, 267 Hugo, Victor, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 46 Humanité, L' (newspaper), 285 Huysmans, Joris Karl, 69 Hylaea group, 92, 128, 160,184 Iakulov, Georgii, and Livshits and Lourie, "We and the West" 184-85, 315 Iakunchikova, Mariia, 38 Ianel', Iu., 290 Iaremmich, Stepan, "The Autumn Salon" 67-68 Iaroslavskii, Emelian, "Against Leftist Phrase Mongering and Unfair Criticism" 267- 68 338 Iavanov, Alexander, 39; Appearance of Christ to the People, 39n Iavlenskii, Aleksei. See Jawlensky, Aleksei von Iavorskaia, Nina, "An Eyewitness Account of the Closing of the Museum of Modern Western Art" 307-8 Ibsen, Henrik, 66 Icon painting, ro7,155,156,167,173-74,177. 179,184, r86,197, 269, 313, 315 Iliazd. See Zdanevich, Il'ia Imagists, 239 Impressionism, 2, 4-6, 27, 55-57, 68, 7t, 97, 107, 135, 210, 275, 297, 303, 311; Arkin on, 298; Benois on, 62-64, IOO I09 !74 J75! Cubism and, 130,137, 140,146,158, 235; Expressionist opposition to, 234, 239, 245; first Paris exhibition of, 311; Futurism and, 157—59, 180-82; Germanic, 234; in Golden Fleece exhibitions, 74; Grabar' on, 50, 65; Kurella on, 268, 269; Lunacharskii on, 303; Makovskii on, 168; in Morozov collection, 312; Muratov on, 36-38; in Museum of Modern Western Art, 194,195; plein air movement in, 29, 31, 55; Plekanovon, 66, 67, 277; Punin on, 204, 283, 301; Romov on, 287, 288; in Russian exhibitions of r890s, 34, 35, 46, 311; in Shchukin collection, 77, 82, 312; Stalinist-era repudiation of, 20-21, 277, 290, 306; Stasov on, 33-34; Tugendkhol'd on, 84, 88,102; Weidlé on, 240. See also specific artists Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique, 226, 297, 311 Institute of Literature and Art, 262 Institut Français de St. Pétersbourg, 314 International Bureau of Revolutionary Artists, 257, 272, 320 "International Exhibition of Modern Industrial and Decorative Art" (Paris, 1925), 15, 231, 232, 318 "International Exhibition of Paintings, Sculp­ture, Prints and Drawing." See Izdebsky Salon International of Art, 14-15,189,199, 201 International Workers Relief (MezhRabPom), 16, 318 "Italian Artistic and Industrial Exhibition" (St. Petersburg, 1902), 312 Iudin, Lev, 151 Izdebsky, Vladimir, 99, 313, 316 Izdebsky Salon, 15m 99-101, 314; cartoon of, 98 Izergina, Antonina, 309 IZO (Visual Arts Department of Narkompros), T53,163, r89,195, 201,3r6, 317; "Editorial" 201 Izvestiia (newspaper), 81 Jack of Diamonds, 6, rr, 12, t5n, 57, 184, 226, 246, 276, 297, 306, 314-15 Jakobson, Roman (R. Ia.), 129; "Futurism" 163—65; "Letters from the West: Dada" 2t8- 19 Janecek, Gerald, 92 Jansen, "On the Exchange of Art Exhibitions with Western Europe" 204-5 "Japan und Ostasien in der Kunst" exhibition (Munich, 1908), 51 Järnefelt, Eero, 49; Green Islets, 45; Noon Rest, 45; Playing Children, 45 Jawlensky, Aleksei von, 4,15n, 311, 313 Jeanneret, Charles-Edouard. See Le Corbusier Jews, 99,106-7 John Reed Club, 236, 257, 320, 321 Jusseaume, Lucien, 172 Juste Milieu, 46 Justi, Ludwig, 242 Kahnweilers Gallery (Paris), 313 Kamenskii, Vasilii, 249m 315; "KARTINiia" 92-93, ps; Tango with Cows, 78, 92 Kandinsky, Vasily, 4,1511, 99,189, 205, 211, 220-21, 243, 311, 313, 314, 3t6, 317; "An Artist's Text" 34-35; Concerning the Spiri­tual in Art, 314; "The Great Utopia" 199- 200; "A Letter from Munich" 50-53; "The Museum of the Culture of Painting" 195— 96 Kant, Immanuel, 121,133 Kardovskii, Dmitrii, 3tr Kassirer Gallery (Berlin), 313 Kaulbach, Wilhelm von, 302 Kemeni (Durus), Alfred, 243, 318 Khlebnikov, Velimir, 167; and Livshits, "On Marinetti's Visit to Russia" 160 Khrapchenko, Mikhail, 308 Khudakov, S., "Literature, Art Criticism, Debates, and Lectures" no—ri Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig, 6, r5n, 314 Kirov, Sergei, 321 Kiss, Karol, 138 Klee, Paul, 215, 243, 249 Klimt, Gustav, 180 Klinger, Max, 49 Kliun, Ivan, 316, 317 339 Klutsis, Gustav, 320 Kokoschka, Oskar, 243, 320 Kollwitz, Käthe, 17,189,193, 257, 261, 319, 320- 21 Konchalovskii, Petr, 11, 57, 72, 184, 298, 313; "Letters from Paris to Il'ia Mashkov" 71-74 Konevskoi, Ivan, 55; "Böckliris Painting" 57-59 Korovin, Konstantin, 171, 301, 302 Kozintseva-Ehrenburg, Liudmila, 220 Krainii, Konstantin. See Umanskii, Konstantin Kramskoi, Ivan, 2, 39 Krasnaia niva (Red Field), 276 Kravchenko, Nikolai, 47 Kruchenykh, Aleksei, 2i8n; and Matiushin, Victory over the Sun, 138, 315 Kubin, Alfred, 313 Kulbin, Nikolai, 56, 314-16; "Cubism" 145- 49; Portrait ofMarinetti, 161 Kuliakov, Krum, 317 Kurella, Alfred, 267-68; "From 'Russia's Revo­lutionary Art' to Proletarian Art" 268-69 Kuznetsov, Pavel, 5 La Boêtie gallery (Paris), 156 Lalo, Charles, 171 Lancret, Nicolas, 82 La Palette academy (Paris), 7, 137 Larionov, Mikhail, 5,55, 57, 75, no, 144, 167,176,180,184, 229, 285, 301, 314-16; Songstress, 10 "Last Futurist Exhibition of Paintings 0.10, The" (St.Petersburg, 1915), 137, 316 Latouche, Gaston, 60, 65 Laurencin, Marie, 181 Laurens, Jean-Paul, The Last Moments of Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, 308 Lebedev, Aleksei, 308 Lebedev, Dmitrii, "The Museum of Modern Western Painting Must Live!" 293 Lebedev, Polikarp, 308; "Against Formalism in Soviet Art" 306-7 Lebedev, Vladimir, 283-85, 305, 321 Le Courbusier ( Jeanneret, Charles-Edouard), 213, 262, 300, 319 Le Dantiu, Mikhail, 80-81,128, 315; "The Painting of the Everythingists" 180-84 Lef (Left Front of Arts), 19,189-90, 231, 248, 258, 267, 318 Le Fauconnier, Henri, 6, 7,100,127,137,138, 173,181,196, 313-15; Abundance, 138; Poet P. J. Jouve, 99; Village dans les roches, iogn Léger, Fernand, 116,117,181, 213, 224, 225, 228-29, 232 235 279 288, 314, 315; City, 220; Machine Aesthetics, 262 Leibi, Wilhelm, 234, 313 Lenbach, Franz von, 175, 313 Lenin, Vladimir, 14, 132,189, 194, 221, 240, 255, 289, 317, 318; Zetkins reminiscences of, 190- 91 Leninism, 290, 292 Lentulov, Aristarkh, 7,186 Leonardo da Vinci, 137,138,186, 297 Leonov, A.I., 309 Lermontov, Mikhail, The Demon, I47n Lessing, Gotthold, 198 Levitan, Isaak, 38, 312; Above Eternal Rest, 42; Quiet Cbister, 42 L'hermitte, Léon Auguste, 46 Lhote, André, 288 Liebermann, Max, 313 "Life of the Peoples of the USSR, The" (exhibition, Moscow and Leningrad, 1926), 266, 318 Linder, Max, 160 "Link" exhibition (1908), 5, 6 Lipchitz, Jacques, 300, 321 Lippi, Filippino, 59 Lissitzky, El (Lazar), 149, 317, 320; "Exhibitions in Berlin" 219-21 Livshits, Benedikt, 128; and Iakulov and Lourie, "We and the West" 184-85, 315; and Khlebnikov, "On Marinetti's Visit to Russia" 160 Lourie, Artur, 128; and Livshits and Iakulov, "We and the West" 184-85, 315 Louvre (Paris), 71, 183,194, 220, 285 Lozowick, Louis, 236, 237, 238, 319, 320 Luce, Maximilien, 64 Luminism, 64 Lunacharskii, Anatolii, 19,132, 189, 255, 258, 277, 316, 319; "Art Is in Danger" 255-56; "Discussion on AKhRR" 266-67; "The Painter of Happiness" 303-4 Lurçat, Jean, 279, 321 Luxembourg, Palais de (Paris), 71 Luxembourg, Rosa, 289 Mach, Ernst, 132 Machine aesthetics, 262, 263, 265 Machism, 132, 306 Macke, August, i5n, 314 Macza, Jänos. See Matsa, Ivan 340 Maeterlinck, Maurice, 60 Maillol, Aristide, 212, 313 Makovets society, 209 Makovskii, Sergei, 172, 175; "Art Survey" 168- 70; "French Artists in the Morozov Collec­tion" 93-96 Makovskii, Vladimir, 35, 47, 78 Malevich, Kasimir, 12,18, 21, 80,127-28, 211, 277, 285, 314, 316-19; From Cézanne to Suprematism, 149; "On New Systems in Art: Statics and Speed" 149-52; "White on White" series, 149 Maliavin, Philip, 73 Malinovskii, Aleksandr. See Bogdanov, Aleksandr Mamontov, Sawa, 171 Mandelstam, Osip, 275; "A Journey to Armenia" 294-96 Manet, Edouard, 4,11, 49, 65, 68, 71,171, 194-96, 314; Antokol'skii on, 29; Friche on, 193; Grabar' on, 31, 75-76; Kulbin on, 146; Matiushin on, 140; Morozov's collection and, 96, 97; Punin on, 203, 204; Stasov on, 33; Udalt'sova on, 138 WORKS: A Bar at the Folies-Bergère, 6, 33, 97; The Good Beer (Portrait of Emile Bellot)/ Man with a Pipe, 82-83; Luncheon on the Grass, 33, 76; Olympia, 33; Portrait of M. Pertuiset, the Lion Hunter, 97 Manguin, Henri, 37, 313 Marc, Franz, 6,15 Marcoussis, Louis, 279 Maré, Pierre de, Crucifixion, 126 Marinetti, F.T., 6n, 158,160,161, 162, 211, 300, 315; Mafarka le Futuriste, 159 Markov (Matveis), Vladimir (Waldemar), 315 Marquet, Albert, 6, 17, 76, 94, 313, 321 Martin, Henri, 175 Marx, Karl, 210, 264, 297,301; Toward a Critique of Political Economy, 267 Marxists, 3, 18, 20, 21, in, 162, 189, 192, 268, 286; on Cubism, 127,149; on Expressionism, 239; on Impressionism, 277, 302; reduction of art to ideology by, 275, 289, 290 Marzynski, Georg, 259; The Expressionist Method in Painting, 244-45 Masaccio, 293 Masereel, Frans, 257, 262, 273, 280, 283, 319— 21; Group of Sailors, 280, 283 Mashkov, Il'ia, 11,12, 57, 71,184,186, 314; Self- Portrait with Petr Konchalovskii, 72 Masson, André, 286 Matisse, Henri, 6,12, 52, 56,110,127,138,196, 275, 305, 309, 319; Aksenov on, 119, 122- 23; Anrep on, 86, 106-8; Arvatov on, 206, 243; Benois on, 100-101,104-6,109,173; in "Golden Fleece Salon" 313; Grabar' on, 75- 76; in Izdebsky Salon, 314; Kassirer Gallery show of, 313; Konchalovskii on, 73-74; Le Dantiu on, 183; Makovskii on, 168-70; Mandelstam on, 294; Mayakovsky on, 224, 225, 230; in Morozov collection, 77, 78, 94, 213; in Moscow, 80, 167,177, 314; Muratov on, 37; Niurenberg on, 302; Punin on, 212, 283, 284; Romov on, 287-88; in Shchukin collection, 1, 7, 8, 77, 84-88, 86, 90-92,102, 104, 213, 313, 314 WORKS: Conversation, 87; Crockery on a Table, 77, 313; Dance, 80, 86,102, 102-4, 307, 308, 313, 314; Harmony in Red, 86; Music, 80, 86,102-4, 3°7 308, 313, 314; Nasturtiums with "Dance, "87; "Notes of a Painter" 57, 78, 85; The Painter's Family, 294m The Red Room, 73m Statuette and Vase on an Oriental Rug, 73n; The Young Sailor, 99, pp, 100 Matiushin, Mikhail, 18, 78, 127, 313; and Kruchenykh, Victory over the Sun, 138, 315; "On Du Cubisme by Metzinger and Gleizes" 138-44 Matsa, Ivan (Jânos Mdcza), 17,19, 258,192; "The Art of Contemporary Europe" 262- 66,26s; "To the Highest Level!" 290-92, 2pi Matveis, Waldemar, 315 Mauclair, Camille, 67,171 Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 240, 248, 249m 254, 316, 318, 320; "Russia. Art. We" 185-86; "A Seven-Day Inspection of French Painting" 222-30; "To Our Youth" 231 Mehring, Franz, 198, 289 Meier-Graefe, Julius, 4, 316 Mel'nikov, D., "Cézanne and Cézannìsm" 296-97 Mel'nikov, Konstantin, 16, 318 Men'kov, Mikhail, 316 Menzel, Adolf von, 63, 64 Mercereau, Alexandre, 57, 78,102 Merezhkovskii, Dmitrii, 3 Merkurov, Sergei, 309 Metzinger, Jean, 6n, 7,127,138,163,181, 203, 224, 313; and Gleizes, Du Cubisme, 127,132, 133,138-46, 315 341 Meunier, Constantin, 191-93; The Philosopher, 191 Meyer, Hannes, 320 Meyerbeer, Giacomo, 106 Meyerhold, Vsevolod, 114, 283 Miasedov, Grigorii, "Letter to Vladimir Stasov" 45-46 Michelangelo, 293, 297 Mikhailov, Aleksei: "Comrade Bogorodskii's Trip Abroad" 292-93; "Diego Rivera" 269, 271 Mikhailovskii, Nikolai, 3; "Russian Reflection of French Symbolism" 311 Millet, Jean-François, 28, 179, 302, 311 Minor, Robert, 238 Mirò, Joan, 286 Moderne Galerie (Munich), 53 Modigliani, Amadeo, 275, 279, 283, 319 Moholy-Nagy, Ldszló, 220 Molok, Iury, 92, 93 Molotov, Vyacheslav, 308 Mondrian, Piet, 216 Monet, Claude, 33, 46, 55, 71, 92, 140,177,196, 204, 205, 212, 293, 295, 303, 311, 314, 319; Benois on, 63; Cezanne on, 296; Grabar' on, 49, 50, 64, 65; Makovskii on, 168; in Morozov collection, 77, 94; Niurenberg on, 302; in Shchukin collection, 1, 7, 77, 82, 90; Sillart on, 157; Tugendkhol'd on, 88 WORKS: Boulevard des Capucines, 94; Hay­stacks, 34, 35, 38; Poplars, 38; Rouen Cathedral, 88,152 Moreau, Gustave, 60, 312 Morice, Charles, 57 Morozov, Ivan, 7, 8,13, 55, 77-78, 93-97,189, 194,196, 213, 280, 312-14, 316, 317, 319 Morozov, Mikhail, 77 Moscow Archaeological Institute, 315 Moscow Polytechnical Museum, 315 Moscow Private Opera, 17m Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, 71,175; Student Exhibition at, 91 Moscow University, 33, 90m 177,192, 202, 258, 262 Mucha, Alphonse, 312 Müller, Otto, 15m 314 Munch, Edvard, 60-61, 77 Münchner Zeitung (newspaper), 250 "Munich" exhibition (St. Petersburg, t909), 313 Munich Secession, 4, 27, 41, 51, 61, 311, 312 Munter, Gabriele, 15m 313, 314 Muratov, Pavel, 11, 78,189,194; "The Museum of Western Art in Moscow" 194-95; "On Grand Art" 36-40; "Predictions" 207-9 Musée de l'Orangerie (Paris), 303 Museum of Artistic Culture (Petrograd), 189, 316 Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow), 309, 319, 321 Museum of Modern Art (New York), 319 Museum of Modern Western Art (Moscow), 13m 96-99,194-95, 23^ 275, 278m 280, 283m 293, 294-96, 305-9, 317-21 Museum of Painterly Culture (Petrograd), 317 Museum of the Culture of Painting (Moscow), 189,195-96 Muter, Richard, 311 Nabis, 5,11, 74,315 Nagel, Otto, 321 Narkompros (Peoples Commissariat of Enlight­enment), 14,193,194, 202, 255, 256; Museum Section, 194,196; Visual Arts Department (IZO), 153,163,189,195, 201, 316, 317 National Gallery (Berlin), 242 Naturalism, 29, 239, 290 Nazis, 204, 320 Nekso, Martin Andersen, 317 Neo-Classicism, 15,16,18, no, 215, 235, 259, 260, 262 Neo-Impressionism, 64, 65,124,182, 306 Neo-Primitivism, 57, 167, 265 Neo-Realism, 261, 292 Neo-Romanticism, 2,16, 279 Nesterov, Mikhail, 39; Monks, 42; Sergei of Radonezh, 42 Neue Künstlervereinigung München (New Artists' Association of Munich), 51, 99 Neue Sachlichkeit, 19 New Artists' Association, 313 New Economic Policy (NEP), 317 New Masses, The (journal), 238 Nicholas II, Emperor, 311, 313 Nietzsche, Friedrich, in, 114,159 Nistler, Erwin, 261 Niurenberg, Amshei, 303; "The Pissarro Exhibition" 302 Nizen, Ekaterina, 127 Non-Objectivists, 306 342 Nordman ("Severova"), Natal'ia, 89; "Intimate Pages" 89-92 Novgorod school, 183 Novyi Lef(New Lef, journal), 231, 318 "No. 4" exhibition (1914), 144, 209 Object (journal), 317 "ObMoKhu" exhibition (1921), 18 October group, 19, 20, 258, 262, 275, 319; "Exhibition-Demonstration" of, 320 October Revolution, 1,14-15,163,192, 204, 214, 239, 268, 306, 316; celebrations of anniversaries of, 219, 269, 319, 320; cultural aftermath of, 17-20, 23,185, 189, 191, 207, 2ir, 222, 261, 276; French artists' attitudes toward, 228, 229 "One Hundred Years of French Painting" (exhibition, St. Petersburg, 1912), 6, 7, 97, 314 Oppi, Ubaldo, 259 Orbeli, Iosif, 309 Oreus, Ivan. See Konevskoi, Ivan Orientalism, 262 Orlova (Orloff), Chana, 280 Orphism, 183 Orthodoxy, 99, HI, 114, 162 Osthaus, Karl Ernst, 315 Ostrovsky, Aleksandr, 47 Ouspensky, Petr: Fourth Dimension, 139,143- 44; Tertium Organum, 139,141-44 Ozenfant, Amédée, 262, 279, 295, 319 Pechstein, Max, 15m 314, 321 Pellerin, Auguste, 96 Peoples Commissariat of Enlightenment. See Narkompros Perelman, Viktor, "From the Wanderers to Heroic Realism" 210-n Perov, Vasilii, 39 Pertsov, Viktor, "Foreword" to Russian transla­tion of Grosz and Herzefelde's Art Is in Danger, 254-55, 2.56 Peter the Great, Emperor, 1,177,184 Petrov-Vodkin, Kuz'ma, 75,100 Pevsner, Anton (Antoine), 317 Picabia, Francis, 181, 223; The Principle of French Painting, 225 Picasso, Pablo, 13, 80-81, 92,131,196, 207, 215, 275 3°9 315 316, 319; Aksenov on, 114-26, US; Anrep on, 107-8; Arvatov on, 205, 206, 243; Benois on, 108-10,173; Bulgakov on, 111-14; Burliuk on, 174; Grabar' on, 76; Grishchenko on, 179-80; Khudakov on, 110; Kulbin on, 148; Le Dantiu on, 181-83; Man-delstam on, 295; Mayakovsky on, 223, 224, 226-27, 23°; Melnikov on, 297; in Morozov collection, 7, 77, 78; Perelman on, 2to, 211; Punin on, 154-55, 2°3 2°4, 212, 284, 305; Rodchenko on, 231, 232; in Shchukin collec­tion, I, 7, 8, 77, 82, 84, 85, 87-89, 88,109, no, 223, 313; Ternovets on, 279; Tugenkol'd on, 213, 235 WORKS: LArlésienne, 124; The Compotier, 180; Les Demoiselles dAvignon, 313; The Drunkard, in; Farmers Wife, in; Harle­quin, 123; House in a Garden, 88; The Meeting, in; The Old Jew, in, 295m The Poet, 125; Still Life, 179; Three Women, 88- 89, iij; Violin, 180; Woman with a Fan, 313, 314; Young Acrobat on a Ball, 78 Pil'niak, Boris, 320 Pimenov, Iurii, 318 Pissarro, Camille, 33, 64, 71, 94,196, 295- 97, 302, 303, 305, 313; Place du Théâtre- Français, 79 Plein air painting, 2, 29, 31, 36, 55, 65 Plekhanov, Georgii, 20, 275, 277, 289; "Art and Social Life" 132-33; "The Proletarian Movement and Bourgeois Art" 65-67 Plotkin, Ts., "The French in Moscow" 280, 281, 283 Poincaré, Raymond, 223, 227 Pointillism, 36,55, 74,168,180,182, 223 Polenov, Vasilii, 172 Popova, Liubov', 7,13, 55,127,137, 317 Populists, 3 Post-Impressionism, 5, 6,12, 27, 56,57, 77, 194, 207, 210, 243, 259, 302; First Exhibition of, 314; Second Exhibition of, 106, I76n, 315. See also specific artists Pougny (Puni), Jean (Ivan), 154, 316 Poussin, Nicolas, 46,137,138, 297 Pravda (newspaper), 81, 255, 294, 305, 318, 321 Praxiteles, no Pre-Raphaelites, 59,193 Primitivism, 5,12,14, 80,127,158,168,177, 218, 262, 297. See also Neo-Primitivism Production art, 13,18,19,190, 201, 205, 243, 246, 255 Prokofiev, Sergei, 300 Proletkult, 189,191, 203, 246, 316 Proost, Jan. See Jansen 343 Puni, Ivan, 154, 316 Punin, Nikolai, 129,189,190, 213, 305, 316; "Escapes from Cubism" 153-56; "Mikhail Larionov Impressionist Period" 301; "A Response to French Artists" 212; "Tatlin (Against Cubism)" 203-4; "The Third Inter­national" 197-98,198; "The USSR and French Artists" 214; Vladimir Vasil'evich Lebedev, 283—85 Purism, 16,18, 235, 262, 263, 265, 288 Pushkin, Alexander, 41, 47 Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow), 307 Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre, 29, 31, 37, 41, 46, 55, 59,103,104, 206, 213, 311; death notice for, 96 Puy, Jean, 37 Rabinovich, Isaak, 232 Radakov, Arkadii, cartoon of Izbedsky's Salon, 98 Radlov, Nikolai, "Introduction" to Marzynski's The Expressionist Method in Painting, 244-45 Raffaelli, Jean-François, 46 Rakhmaninov, Sergei, 57 Raphael, 31,186, 193, 297 Rasputin, Grigorii, 221 Ray, Man, 286 Rayonnism, 285, 30m, 315 Realism, 29, 32, 47, 55, 57, 89, 101,108,140, 179, 204, 215, 257, 258, 260, 295, 311. See also Neo-Realism; Socialist Realism Red Army, 283, 317 Redon, Odilon, 55, 312, 313 Refregier, Anton, 320 Regnault, Henri, 33 Reichental, Frantisek, 261 Reimann, Bernhard, 142-43 Rembrandt, 135,169, 208, 248 Renaissance, 58, 71, 116,163,170,177, 208, 213, 258, 285 Renoir, Auguste, 34, 46, 68, 71, 88, 285, 302, 303, 311, 314; Friche on, 193; Lunacharskii on, 303; Makovskii on, 168; in Morozov collection, 94, 96; Muratov on, 37; in Rus­sian museums, 196, 295; Udalt'sova on, 138 WORKS: La Grenouillère, 295ns Nude, 308 Repin, Il'ia, 39, 47, 89, 91,100, 169,175, 257; "The Izdebsky Salon" 101 "Revolutionary Art in the Capitalist Countries" (Moscow, 1932), 320 "Revolutionary Art of the West" exhibition (Moscow, 1926), 16, 260-62, 318 Revolution of 1905-7, 312-13 Revolution of 1917. See October Revolution Riabushinskii, Nikolai, 6 Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai, Scheherzade, 171 Rivera, Diego, 17, 257, 269, 271, 293, 319; The Paris Commune, 2jo Robinson, Boardman, 238 Rodchenko, Alexander, 16, 81, 196, 286, 317, 318, 320; "Rodchenko in Paris: Letters Home" 231-32 Rodin, Auguste, 87 Roerich, Nicholas, 170, 172, 314 Roginskaia, Frida, 275; "Against the Cult of the French" 288-90 Roll, Alfred Philippe, 193 Romanov dynasty, 167 Romanticism, 29, 82,108,160, 179,181, 235- 36, 287 Romov, Sergei, 212, 275, 290; "Contemporary French Painting" 286-88; "From Dada to Surrealism" 285-86 Rops, Félicien, 60 Rosenberg, Leon, 226 Rosenberg, Simon, 226 Roslavets, Nikolai, 300 Roualt, Georges, 313 Rousseau, Henri, 89,183,196, 226-27, 315 Rozanov, Vasilii, 114, 316 Rozanova, Ol'ga, 12, 316 Rubens, Peter Paul, 169 Rublev, Andrei, 177 Rumiantsev Museum (Moscow), 260 Ruskin, John, 236 Russian Association of Proletarian Artists (RAPKh), 20, 21, 275, 302-3, 305, 320 Russian Association of Scientific Research Institutes in the Social Sciences (RANION), 258 Russian Museum (St. Petersburg), 153, 283, 312, 3D Russo-Japanese War, 36, 312 Russolo, Luigi, 182; The Revolt, 159 Rysselberghe, Théo van, 64 Sabaneev, Leonid, 17—18 Saint Cyril, Church of (Kiev), 39 St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts, 28, 59, 180, 244 St. Petersburg University, 244; Law School, 176 344 Salmon, André, Le jeune peinture française, 315 "Salon d'Automne" (Paris), 12, 27, 56, 67-68, 73, 99, 102-3, D2 225-26, 312-14 "Salon des Indépendants" (Paris), 64,120-21, 168, 232 Sapunov, Nikolai, 5 Saryan, Martiros, 5 Scales (journal), 55, 312 "Scandinavian Exhibition" (St. Petersburg, 1897), 312 Scheerbart, Paul, 263, 265 Scheidemann, Philipp, 244 Schönberg, Arnold, 300, 314 Schwitters, Kurt, 220 Secessionism. See Munich Secession; Vienna Secession Segantini, Giovanni, 37 Segonzac, André Dunoyer de, 215 Seiwert, Franz, 262 Serov, Valentin, 82, 312 Seurat, Georges, 76, 96, 168,182 Severdenko, Aleksandr, "Response to an Impressionist" 302-3 Severini, Gino, 110; La Modiste, i82n; The Obsessive Dancer, i82n Severova (Nordman), Natal'ia, "Intimate Pages" 89-92 Shakespeare, William, 58 Shamshina, Nadezhda, 103-4 Shcherbov, Pavel, "Also sprach Zaratustra" 47 Shchukin, Ivan, 9on, 223 Shchukin, Petr, 77, 223, 312 Shchukin, Sergei, 1, 4, 5, 7-8, 73, 77, 78, 78, 97, 104, 150,189, 213, 223, 312-16; Aksenov on, 119, 122, 123; Benois on, 109-10; Bulgakov on, 112,113; catalogue of collection of, 77; dining room of, 86; Matisse in collection of, I, 7, 8, 77, 84-88, 86, 90-92,102,104, 213, 313, 314; nationalization of collection of, 13, 193-94, 196, 316, 317; Picasso in collection of, I, 7, 8, 77, 82, 84, 85, 87-89, 88, 109,110, 223, 313; Tugendkhol'd on, 81-89,102, 103 Shervashidze, Aleksandr, 175; "Cézanne" 68— 69 Shevchenko, Aleksandr, 315, 316; "The Prin­ciples of Cubism and Other Currents in Painting from All Ages and Nations" 144- 45 Shishkin, Ivan, 174,185 Shostakovich, Dmitrii, 21, 305, 321 Shterenberg, David, 316, 318 Signac, Paul, 6n, 64, 94,168, 182,196, 210, 212, 295 315 Sillart, "Boccioni s Futurist Sculpture Exhibi­tion" 156-57 Simon, Lucien, 60, 90 Simplicimus (journal), 254 Simultaneism, 183,184, 218, 224, 227, 228, 315 Sisley, Alfred, 34, 64, 71, 94,140,168, 311; Frost in Louveciennes, 77, 312 Slavophilism, 2, 211 Slevogt, Max, 53 Smirnov, Aleksandr, 315 Sobko, Nikolai, 312 Social Democrats, 20, 65, 81,192, 255, 2730 Socialist Realism, 1, 21, 257, 258,305, 321 Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, 312 Society for the Study of Poetic Language (Opoyaz), 248 Society of Easel Painters (OST), 19, 269, 318 Society of Traveling Art Exhibitions. See Wanderers Society of Young Artists (INKhUK), 317 Soffici, Ardengo, 114 Somov, Constantine, 39,172; poster for "Exhi­bition of Russian and Finnish Artists" 44 Sonderbund (Cologne, 1912), 6 Sorbonne (Paris), 31 Soviet Academy of Arts, 309 Soviet of Peoples Commissars, Decree on Nationalization of the Sergei Shchukin Art Gallery by, 193-94 Soviet-Polish war, 205 Sovremennye Problemy publishing house, 127 Spengler, Oswald, 207 Sprovieri Gallery (Rome), 316 Stalin, Joseph, 20-21, 257, 258, 285, 306-8, 319, 320 Stasov, Vladimir, 27, 47, 312; "The Court of Miracles" 46-47; "Exhibitions" 43-45; "Nineteenth-Century Art: Painting" 32-34 State Academy of Artistic Sciences (GAKhN), 16, 246, 260-62, 317-19 State Institute of Artistic Culture (GINKhUK), 18,153, 246, 317-19; Monumental Art Section of, 195 State Museum of Modern Western Art. See Museum of Modern Western Art (Moscow) State Russian Museum. See Russian Museum Stein, Gertrude, 78 Steinlen, Théophile Alexandre, 69, 81, 257, 261, 312, 320 345 Stepanova, Varvara, 231, 317; diary entry, 196- 97 Stinnes, Hugo, 244 "Store" exhibition (Moscow, 1916), 137 Stravinsky, Igor, 300 Stray Dog cabaret (St. Petersburg), 31$ "Streetcar V" exhibition (Petrograd, 1915), 137 Strigalev, Anatolii, 92, 93 Strike/Blow (Udar) group, 212, 285 Struck, Hermann, 175 Stuck, Franz von, 302, 313 Stumpf, Carl, 164 Sturm, Der, 314 Sturm gallery (Berlin), 219, 220, 316 Suprematism, 13,18, 22,128,137, 262, 269, 285, 300, 316 Surikov, Vasilii, 39, 47, 301, 302 Surrealism, 16, 20, 215, 279, 285-86 Survage, Leopold, 279, 288 Sydow, Eckart von, German Expressionist Culture and Painting, 243-44 Sylphides, Les (ballet), 171 Symbolism, 2, 3, 5,11, 27, 46, 55-57, 66, 74, 81,158-60,167,180, 306, 312, 313. See also specific artists Synthesism, 65, 262 Sysoev, P. M., 308 Tactilism, 265 Tanguy, Yves, 285-86 Tarabukin, Nikolai; "Apropos of the German Art Exhibition" 246-48; "The Still Life as a Problem of Style" 299-301 "Target" exhibition (Moscow, 1913), 6,144, 167. 315 Tasteven, Genrikh, 128; "Futurism: Toward a New Symbolism" 158 Tatlin, Vladimir, 7,13, 127, 155,189, 203-4, 206, 218, 227, 243, 316; Board No. 1, 155; Monument to the Third International, 317 Tchaikovsky, Petr, 41 Teliakovskii, Vladimir, 171 "10 Years of the Workers and Peasants' Red Army" exhibition (Moscow, 1928), 319 Telingater, Solomon, 320 Ternovets, Boris, 307; "The Contemporary French Art Exhibition in Moscow" 277- 79; "Letter to Nadezhda Shamshina" 103- 4; "The Museum of Modern Western Art in Moscow (The Morozov Section)" 96-97, 99 Tintoretto, 194 Titian, 70,137, 208, 248 Tolstoy, Lev, 41, 47; "What Is Art?" 248 Toorop, Jan, 66 Tosi, Arturo, 319 Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 69, 77, 96 Tretiakov Gallery (Moscow), 30, 48, 82, 91, 196, 202, 306, 311, 319, 320; Department of New Painting, 258 Triangle group, 145 Troianovskii, Aleksandr, 321 Trotsky, Leon, 214, 319; "Futurism" 221-22; Literature and Revolution, 221 Trubetskoi, Prince, 90 Tschudi, Hugo von, 50-51 Tugendkhol'd, Iakov (la. T-d), 78,156,190, 214, 246, 315; "The Art of Contemporary American" 236-38, 237; "The Artistic Culture of the West" 232-36, 233; "The Autumn Salon" 102-3; "A Letter from Paris" 131; "Once Again on French Artists and Us" 212-13; "The 'Russian Seasons' in Paris" 171-73; "S. I. Shchukin's French Collection" 81-89 Turgenev, Ivan, 41, 47 Tzara, Tristan, 219 Udal'tsova, Nadezhda, 7,18,127; diary, 137-38, 316-317 Udar (Strike/Blow) group, 212; journal, 285 Uffìzi Gallery (Florence), 194 Uitz, Bela, 17, 262, 317, 319, 320 Umanskii (Krainii), Konstantin, 199, 2i8n; "The International of Art (The Tasks Confronting the International Union of Fine Arts Workers)" 199; Neue Kunst in Russland 199, 20m Umov, N. A., The Characteristic Features of Con­temporary Natural-Scientific Thought, 1650 Union of Russian Artists, 312 Union of Soviet Artists, 320 "Union of Youth" Society of Artists, 6, 89, 91, 138,184, 313, 314; journal of, 315 Ushakov, Simon, 177 Utrillo, Maurice, 275, 278-78, 283, 292; House on Rue Mont-Cenis, 278; Street in Mont­martre, 278 Valdor, Eshmer. See Mercereau, Alexandre Vallgren, Ville, 45 Valloton, Félix, 65, 211, 293 346 Valtat, Louis, 94 Van Dongen, Kees, 280, 313, 314; Neptune, 225; The Silver Chemise, 280, 282, 283 Van Dyck, Anthony, 193 Van Gogh, Vincent, 5, 6n, 12-14, 57 94 I7I 319; Arvatov on, 205, 206, 243; Burliuk on, 175; in "Golden Fleece Salon" 74, 75, 313; Konchalovskii on, 72; Malevich on, 151-52; Mandelstam on, 294-95; Melnikov on, 297; in Morozov collection, 77, 78; Muratov on, 36—37; Punin on, 212; in Russian museums, 195, 196; in Shchukin collection, 4, 77, 90, 313; Udalt'sova on, 138; Voloshin on, 70, 71 WORKS: Gardener, 74; The Night Café, 74, 78, 275; A Road in Auvers after the Rain, 295n Vasil'ev, Fedor, 301 Vasnetsov, Viktor, 22, 39,172 Vatican, 183 Velasquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva, 32, 49, 193, 194, 208 Venetsianov, Aleksei, 39n Venice Biennale, 16, 66, 318 Vereshchagin, Vasilii, 35, 47 Verhaeren, Emile, 160,193 Verism, 239 Verlaine, Paul, 203 Veronese, 70, 137, 194, 248 Versailles Treaty (1919), 317 Vesnin, Aleksandr, 127, 317 Vienna Secession, 311 Vlaminck, Maurice de, 196, 313-15, 319 Vogeler, Heinrich, 312, 318, 320 Volkwang Museum (Hagen, Germany), 315 Vollard, Ambroise, 50, 78, 96, 97, 122, 283n Voloshin, Maksimilian, 57; "Aspirations of the New French Painting" 69-71 Voltaire, 121 Voroshilov, Kliment, 268, 308 Vrubel', Mikhail, 39, 55,106,127, 146, 172; The Demon, 147; Morning, 45 Vuillard, Edouard, 37, 65, 94, 313 Wagner, Richard, 186; Lohengrin, 34 Waiden, Herwarth, 7, 314, 320 Wallerstein gallery (Berlin), 220 Wanderers (Society of Traveling Art Exhibi­tions), 2, 9, 19, 27, 28, 32, 39, 45,171,184, i85n, 257, 260, 311 Watteau, Jean-Antoine, 82,193 Wauer, William, 300 Weidlé, Vladimir; "Notes on Western Paint­ing: I. The End of Expressionism" 240- 42, 241 Werefkin, Marianne von, 15m 311, 313 Whistler, James McNeill, 32, 48, 69,171; Miss Alexander, 48 Wipper, Boris, 309 World of Art (group), 1-4, 9,11, 27, 39, 43, 47, 67,184, 312 World of Art, The (journal), 4, 14, 50, 55, 312 World's Fair: Chicago (1893), 311; Paris (1900), 32 55. 312 World War I, 7, 13, 180, 221, 223m 316, 317 World War II, 204, 307 Worringer, Wilhelm, 240 Wort, Das (magazine), 320 Xvolson, O. D., The Principle of Relativity, i65n Zamiatin, Evgenii, 320 Zdanevich, Il'ia, 13, no, 176 Zetkin, Clara, 390; "Reminiscences of Lenin" 190-91 Zola, Emile, 62, 311 Zorn, Anders, 31-32, 302, 312 Zügel, Heinrich von, 175 Zurbarân, Francisco de, 194 347
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