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Volltext:I N D E X Abstract Expressionism 142 Acconci, Vito 171 Adams, Parveen 243 African sculpture 9, 13 Alinari 4, 28, 30-1 David, statua non finita di Michelangiolo 30-1 Alvarez Bravo, Manuel 8 Amelio, Lucio Joseph Beuys's Arena 157 American Association of University Women 133 Andre, Carl 168, 182, 184, 188, 191-6 Installation at Wide White Space Gallery 193, 194 Last Ladder 192 144 Magnesium Square 184-5 Art, V 74 Art in America 214, 218, 237 Art-in-Architecture program 215 Art Journal 2, 7, 35 Atget, Eugène 4 Augustus 39, 42-3 Avedon, Richard 174 Bakhtin, Mikhail 173 Bandy, Ina 119, 121 Banteai-Srey, temple of 116, 117 Barthes, Roland 150, 161-2, 166, 178 Camera Lucida 166 Baudelaire, Charles 3, 70, 73, 104 Fleurs du Mal, Les 73 Bayard, Hippolyte 7 Beckett, Samuel 170-1, 173-4 Waiting for Godot 171-2, 174 Bellmer, Hans 104 Top 177 Benglis, Lynda 177 Benjamin, Andrew 150 Benjamin, Walter 120, 151, 226 Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo Fountain of Triton 124, 125 Betti, Giulio 41 Beuret, Rose 69 Beuys, Joseph 1, 3, 7, 13, 14, 152ff Arena 156, 157, 158-9 Beuys Block 155 Chief, The 152 Eurasia 152 Eurasian Staff 152 How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare 152-3 Pack, The 156 Siberian Symphony, Section 1 152 Vitex, Agnus, Castus 156 see also under performance art Blossfeldt, Karl 13 Bodmer, Charles 71-2, 76 Preliminary Model for Rodin's Pierre de Wissant 72 Boenzi, Neal Richard Sena's Tilted Arc 215 Bourdelle, Emil Antoine 69 Bourgeois, Louise 177 Brandt, Bill 8, 12 Brancusi, Constantin 1, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, lOlff Beginning of the World 102 Bird in Space 102, 104-9 Endless Column 102, 110, 112-13 Head of a Child 102 hired photographers and 12, 83 Mademoiselle Pogany II102-4 Newborn, The 104 Newborn II, The 109-10 2 4 7 I N D E X 248 Brancusi, Constantin (continued) photographs in studio setting 103, 109-10, 112-13, 140 Plato 102 Princess X 110-11 Rodin and 83-4 self-portraits with sculpture 110, 112-13 Sorceress, The 112-13 Brassai, Gyula 1, 10, 13, 239, 241 Involuntary Sculptures 13, 239, 241 Braun, Henri 38-9, 42, 43, 76 Apoxyomenos 38, 42 Family of Augustus, The 42-3 Breton, André Nadja 242 Brewster, David 4, 15 British Museum 5 Brown, Trisha Terrain 168 Budnik, Dan 140 Bulloz, Jacques-Ernest 76-9 L'oeuvre de Rodin en cent reproductions 76 Rodin's Studio at Meudon 79 Burckhardt, Rudolph 189 Camera Work 83 Camus, Albert Myth of Sisyphus, The 177 Caneva, Giacomo 36 Canina, Luigi 38 Canova, Antonio 6 Carrière, Eugène 79 Cartier-Bresson, Henri 12 Carver, Cathy 159 Casebere, James 14 Castoro, Rosemarie 168 Castres, Edouard Bourbaki Panorama 236 Celtic (Kinloch Rannoch) Scottish Symphony 156 Cézanne, Paul 84 Chadwick, Helen 1, 14 Charcot, J.-M. 239 Chevasson, Louis 116 Cimino, Emilia 79 Cixous, Hélène 176 Classical sculpture, ancient sculpture 5, 9, 11 Agrippina 36 Apoxyomenos 38, 42 Ariadne 44 Augustus of Prima Porta 39 Borghese Mars 93 Claudius as Jupiter 42 Family of Augustus, The 42-3 Farnese Fìercules 89 Hercules Mastai 39-40 llyssus 52 Laocoon 44 Parthenon marbles 52, 54 physical culture movement and 92-6, 98-9 Silenus Nursing Bacchus, 44 Spinario, The 56-9, 64 Thalia, statue of 36 see also under Culture Physique, La; Eakins, Thomas; Fox Talbot, William Henry; Pius IX, Pope Claudet, Antoine 26-7 Clinton, Bill 224 Coburn, Alvin L. 78, 80, 82-3 Coles, Henry 78 Rodin's Meditation 80 Colet, Louise 36 collodion process 27 Comité des Monuments Historiques 4 Comstock, Anthony Traps for the Young 62 Cornell, Joseph 14, 208 Crimp, Douglas 126 Crystal Palace Exhibition 26-7 Cugnone, Ignazio 36 Culture Physique, La 86, 88 Academic Poses by Rodolphe 87, 89 body building competitions and 98 Comparative Study: Classical Statue and Rodolphe 94 Max Unger 94-5 New Poses by Eugen Sandow 96-7 nudity as respectable and 96 Professor Desbonnet 91 publicity poster for 88-90 Rodolphe: Instuctor at the School of Desbonnet 91-3 Various Poses 99 see also under physical culture movement Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandé 1, 7, 22, 23 daguerrotypes, 22, 26-7 Dali, Salvador Involuntary Sculptures 13, 239, 241 Degas, Edgar 84 Dehner, Dorothy 131, 133 Delacroix, Eugène 128 Delamotte, Philip Henry 206 Delmaet, Hyacinthe Cesar Apollo Group 32-3 Delogu, Marco 6 Derrida, Jacques 160 Desbonnet, Edmond 89, 97-8 Dicey, Edward 36 Dietrich, Marlene 119 Dolent, Jean 69 Doyle, Tom 167 Dreyfus Collection 202, 206 Druet, Eugène 76-9 Rodin's Eve 77 Duchamp, Marcel 13, 105, 168-9 Precision Optics 105 Rotary Demispbere 105 Duncan, Isadora 69 Durandelle, Louis-Emile Apollo Group 32-3 Duthuit, Georges 125-6 Duveen, Joseph 202 Dwan Gallery 194 Eakins, Susan MacDowell 51 Eakins, Thomas 10, 13, 51ff Arcadia 52, 57-9, 61-2, 65 Arcadian series anatomical knowledge and 55 cast v. live models and 56-8, 65 critics and 51 light use and 56, 58 nude model and 54-5 reliefs and 57-8 significance of bodily focus and 51-2, 58-9, 61-2 Artist's Wife and His Setter Dog, The 51 History of a Jump, The 56 Phidias Studying for the Parthenon Frieze 54-5 Spinario, The, used as model by 56-9, 64 Standing Piper 59, 61 Swimming Hole, The 52-3, 56, 58, 64 Thorn Puller 57 Weda Cook with Antique Cast 59 William Rush Carving His Allegorical Statue of the Schuylkill River 54 Youth Playing the Pipes 60 East River Gallery 132 Eastlake, Charles 27 Ecole des Beaux-Arts 87-8 Elisofon, Eliot 132-3 Ellenzweig, Allen 57 Entretiens de Dujardin-Beaumetz 74 Epinal print of The Colors of Life 240 Epstein, Jacob 12 Ergo Suits Travelling Carnival 168 Evans, Frederick 5 Evans, Walker 1, 4, 13, 14, 240 American Photographs 14 Eve from Autun 119 Fagus 76 Faigenbaum, Patrick 6 Faure, Elie 120 Federal Plaza 215 Federicis, Filippo de Pontifical Soldiers with Classical Bust of Pius IX 41 Feininger, Lyonel Charles 133 feminist criticism 8 Fenton, Roger 5, 12 Festum Fluxorum Fluxus 152 Finn, David 7-8 Flacheron, Frédéric 36 Flavin, Dan 238-9, 244 Focillon, Henri 120 Forti, Simone 168 Fox Talbot, William Henry 1, 7, 15, 22-3 art v. documentation and 3-4 Bust of Patroclus 22-5 invention by 21-2 Pencil of Nature, The 7, 15, 21-3 photogenic drawing and 23-6 variety of photographic effects and 15, 22-3 Frampton, Hollis 192 France 4, 11, 35, 101 see also under physical culture movement Franco-Prussian War 87 Freuler, D. Rodin's Monument to Claude Lorrain 73-4 Freud, Sigmund 242 Fried, Michael 186 Friedlander, Lee 8 Frith, Francis 5 Fuller, Loie, 69 Gagliardi, Giuseppe 38-40 Galerie Internationale d'Art Contemporain 148 Gallimard, Librairie 124 Gallimard, Paul 73 Gasquet, Paul 98 Germany 87 I N D E X 250 Gérôme 55 Giacometti, Alberto 12 Gilbert and George 13 Gogol, Nikolai Dead Souls 36-7 Goldman, Rosalyn 167, 168 Gorgoni, Gianfranco Smithson's Spiral Jetty 185, 195 Gori, Fabio 41 Gorton, D. Visitors in Front of Vietnam Veterans Memorial 225 Great Depression 4 Greek sculpture 11 see also under Classical sculpture Green Gallery 187 Greenberg, Clement 141 Gregorovius, Ferdinand 37, 40 Groskinsky, Henry 170, 176 Eva Hesse behind a Rope Sculpture 170 Guadeloupe 131 Guggenheim Fellowship 134 Guggenheim Museum 157 Hartt, Frederick 224 Hausner, Edward Richard Serra's Tilted Arc 217 Haweis, Stephen 78-80 Rodin's Meditation 80 Hawthorne, Nathaniel 35-7 Marble Faun, The 35, 37 Haysner, Edward 217 Hege, Walter 11 Heizer, Michael 184, 185 Hesse, Eva 1, 3, 7, 10, 13, 14, 166ff absurdity and 168-72, 177-8 Accession 172-6 Accretion 176 Addendum 177 Connection 167 counterculture and 168 feminism and 175-6, 178-9 Ingeminate 173, 177 Ishtar 177 Repetition 19, II176 Ringaround a Rosie and 167-8 Rope Sculpture 170-1, 176 Several 172, 177 sexual symbolism and 177 Sleeve Sculpture 169 Terrain 168 theatrical prop by 168 2 in 1 167 holograms 15 Hubert 7 Huntington, Mary 36 Illustrated London News 2 Indochina 116-17 Ingres, Dominique 116, 128 Institute of Design 132 Involuntary Sculptures 239, 241 Ionesco, Eugène 167, 168-9, 170, 174 Bald Soprano 174 Irigaray, Luce 177-8 Iris Clert, Galerie 161-3 Iron Age sculpture 124 Female Statuette from the Upper Garonne 127 Iwo Jima Memorial 223-4 J. Paul Getty Museum 205 Jarrell, Randall 124 Johns, Elizabeth 57 Johnson, Géraldine 33 Judd, Donald 168, 187, 188-91, 238, 244 Installation at Primary Structures Exhibition 189 Untitled 191 Judd, Julie 168 Julius II, Pope 40, 209 Kaprow, Allan 168 Kardon, Janet 199-201, 203 Perfect Moment, The 199 Kennedy, Clarence 4, 200-203, 205-7 Francesco Laurana's Beatrice of Aragon 200, 202-4 Studies in the History and Criticism of Sculpture 202, 206 Klein, Yves 3, 7, 13, 14, 148ff Anthropometries 148-52 Sensibilité picturale à l'état de matière première, La 162-3 Spécialisation de la sensibilité à l'état matière première, La 161-2 supplement paradox and 158, 160-1 Symphonie Monotone 148 Untitled Anthropometry 151 Vide, Le 161-2 see also under performance art Klophaus, Ute Joseph Beuys's How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare 153 Knorr, Karen 6 Kotter, Jennifer Richard Serra's Tilted Arc 221 Krajewski, Docteur 98 Krauss, Rosalind 136 Kusama, Yayoi 168 Lacouture, Jean 124 Lady of Elché 118-19, 121 Lais, Stefano Ostia 14 May 1867 46-7 Lances, Leo 132-3 Landshoff, Herman 169, 171-6 Eva Hesse with Ingeminate 173 Eva Hesse with a Rope Sculpture 171 Eva Hesse with Several 172 Eva Hesse with a Sleeve Sculpture 169 Laplanche, J. 243 Laurana, Francesco 200, 207 Beatrice of Aragon, Queen of Hungary 200, 202-4 Léger, Fernand 110 Leighton, John 27-8 Leiris, Michel 240 Leo Castelli Gallery 190 Leo X, Pope 40 Life Magazine 176 Lin, Maya Ying 11, 213, 220ff see also under Vietnam Veterans Memorial Lincoln Memorial 220 Lippincott, J. Gordon 103 Design for Business 104 Lissitzky, El 14, 113 Self-Portrait: The Constructor 113 Long, Richard 1, 14, 185 Lyssipus 38 Macpherson, Robert 39, 42^1 Ariadne 44 Augustus of Prima Porta 39 Silenus Nursing Bacchus 44 Maillol, Aristide 10 Mallarmé, Stéphane 69 M a l r a u x , A n d r é 1 , 2 , 9 , 1 1 6 f f Indochinese expedition by 116-17 Musée imaginaire, Le 118, 121-2 Musée imaginaire de la sculpture mondiale, Le 122-5, 127 photography of art and 118-24 criticism of 124-8 Psychologie de l'art, La 121-3 schema and, notion of the 121 style and 119-21 Voix du silence, Les 116, 118-23 Malraux, Clara 116-17 I N D E X Man Ray. See under Ray, Man Manasquan, New Jersey 51 _ _. Manet, Eduard 84 Mansell, W. A. 206 Mapplethorpe, Robert 1, 8, 10-11, 14, 199 ff exposure to photography of sculpture by 205-6 homoeroticism and 206-7, 209-10 Ken Moody 200-202, 204, 207 Ken Moody and Robert Sherman 205 Renaissance sculpture and 200-202, 204, 207-9 Slave, The 207-9 Untitled (Self-Portrait) 209-10 Wagstaff and 203-6 Marey wheel 56 Marlborough Gallery 140 Marlow, Peter Veteran in Front of Vietnam Veterans Memorial 227 Marshall, Reverend F. A. S. 2, 33 Martin, Paul 13 Marx Brothers 174 Matisse, Henri 5, 128, 166 Medieval sculpture 11 Mesopotamian figurines 122-3 Michelangelo Dying Slave, The 208-9 Michelez, Charles 71 Midsummer Night's Dream, A 124 Millet, Aimé Apollo Group 32-3 Minerva Medica, temple of 36 Minimalism, Minimalist sculpture 3, 13-14, 18Iff, 213, 222-3, 237-9 Modernism and 186-8 photography of sculpture and 18Iff Vietnam Veterans Memorial and 222-3 Wall and 238-9 see also under names of specific sculptors Minotaure 10, 239 Mitchell, Lucy History of Ancient Sculpture 53 Modernism angle of camera and 235 art-object relation and 105 Beuys and 158 Brancusi and 105 Klein and 158 Malraux and 128 Minimalism and 186-8 Modernism (continued) performance art and 158 photography-sculpture relationship and, photography of sculpture and 186-8, 237, 244 Rauschenberg and 126 Serra and 188 Wall and 235, 237, 239, 244 Moholy-Nagy, Laszló 14, 105, 107, 132, 242 Light-Space Modulator 105 Moody, Ken 199-201 see also under Mapplethorpe, Robert Moore, Henry 12 Moore, Peter 188 Morris, Robert 1, 13, 168, 187-9, 237 L-Beams 189 Present Tense of Space, The 187, 237 Motherwell, Robert 142 Mulas, Ugo 140 Museum of Modern Art 13-14, 140, 218 Muybridge, Edweard 56 Namuth, Hans 213 National Endowment for the Arts 218 National Geographic 225 Naumann, Bruce 168 Nazi Party 11 Newman, Michael 238 Newsweek 225 New York City 101, 167 New York Museum of Natural History 136 New York Times 215, 218 New York Times Magazine 225 Nochlin, Linda 177 Oceanic sculpture 9 Offner, Richard 203 Oldenburg, Claes 168, 176 Bedroom Ensemble 174 Oldenburg, Pat 168 Oppenheim, Dennis 184 Osservatore Romano 40 Ostia 41, 46 painting 148-52, 206-7 Palazzo Pio 40 Pannelier, Victor 71 Papal Infallibility 35 Paris, France 4, 35, 101 Paris Opera House 33 Parry, R. 120, 122, 123 Parthenon marbles 52, 54 Penn, Irving 174 Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts 51-2, 56 performance art Beuys's performances and 154-8 Klein's Anthropometries and 148-52 Klein's Le Vide and 161-2 Modernism and 158 Phidias 52-5 Philadelphia 51 Phillips, Christopher 156-7 Phipps, C. B. 27 photogenic drawing 23-6 Photographic News, The 31, 33 Photographic Society of London 27 photography architecture and 213-14 as art 6, 27-8, 107 of art 2-3, 118-24 see also under photography of sculpture body image and 86 history of collodion process and 27 daguerreotypes and 22, 26-7 Fox Talbot and 21-6 glossy surface introduction and 28 manual doctoring and 29-30 market and 30 rhetoric of substitution and 3, 15, 33 as sculpture 13-15 see also under Wall, Jeff stereoscopic 30-1, 33 transparency of image and 2-3 see also under names of specific photographers and sculptors photography of sculpture Iff archaeological discoveries in Rome and 38-41 art v. documentation and 3-7, 15 body image and 10-11 history of photography and 1, 7-8 influence on sculpture of 1-2, 8-10 manual doctoring of 29-30 market for 30 Minimalism and 181ff papal power and 42-3, 47 physical culture movement and 92-6, 98-9 political and social objectives and 11 rhetoric of substitution and 3, 15, 33 stereoscope and 30-1, 33 transparency of 3 see also under Vietnam Veterans Memorial; names of specific photographers and sculptors physical culture movement 10, 62, 86ff art schools and 87-9 moral virtue and patriotism in France and 87-8 photography and 62-4, 86ff publicity poster for 88-9 schools for 89-91 see also under Culture Physique, La; Desbonnet, Edmond; Revue Athlétique, La; Rodolphe; Sandow, Eugen; Unger, Max Picasso, Pablo 83-4, 123 Picasso, Paloma 201 Picon, Gaétan 124 Pictorialism 78-83 Pio Nono. See under Pius IX, Pope Pius IX, Pope 1, 11, 35ff archaeological discoveries and 38-42, 47 events in reign of 35 papal authority and 42-3, 47 photograph of 37, 41 popularity of 40 Syllabus of Errors 35 Poiret, Paul 174 Poliamolo, Antonio Battle of the Nude Men 56 Pollock, Jackson 166, 171, 176, 213 Pontalis, J. B. 243 Postmodernism 126, 128, 191 poststructuralist theory 8 Potts, Alex 104, 238 Pratt Institute 199 Primary Structures exhibition 188-9 Protestant Reformation 40 Racine, Jean Baptiste 124 Rainer, Yvonne 168, 169 Rauschenberg, Robert 126, 168 Ray, Man 1, 12, 13, 104, 107, 174 Rayographs by 13 Reagan, Ronald 224 Renaissance sculpture 9, 201-2, 208-9 see also under Mapplethorpe, Robert Revue Athlétique, La 86 Richier, Ligier Skeleton 124 Riegl, Alois 121 Righetti, Pietro 39 Risorgimento 35-6, 40 Rodin, Auguste 1, 6, 8-9, 12, 13, 68ff, 140, 166 Balzac 5, 74, 81-2 Burghers of Calais, The 69, 74 Bust of Victor Hugo 74, 81 Dans la mer 74, 75 drawing-photograph hybrids and 74 Eve 74, 77 Gates of Hell 70, 74 Martyr, The 74 Meditation 80 Monument to Claude Lorrain 73-4 photographers used by 7, 8, 71, 75-6, 78, 80-2 photographic collection of 68-9 photographs of 80-1 Pictorialist movement and 78-83 professional and social relationships of 70-1 Steichen and 5 Thinker, The 69, 74, 81, 236 Vulcain ayant fait un filet y trouve Mars et Venus 74 Rodolphe 87, 91-3 Roman sculpture. See under Classical sculpture Rome 35-7, 40 see also under photography of sculpture; Pius IX, Pope; Sant'Anastasia Rosso, Medardo 83-4 Royal Photographic Society 29 Rubens, Peter Paul Sacrifice of Abraham 120-1 Rue Bonaparte 76-7 Rush, William 54 Russo, Mary 178-9 Ryan, Thomas 69 St. Lucia 131 Sala Rotonda, Rome 40 Sandow, Eugen 62-5, 96-7 Sant'Anastasia in Rome, excavations at 45 Scavullo, Francesco 174 Schott, Gunter Joseph Beuys's Beuys Block 155 Scribner's Monthly 53-4 Scruggs, Jan 221 sculpture African 9, 13 base and 150 I N D E X 254 sculpture (continued) Eve from Autun 119 Iron Age 124 Female Statuette from the Upper Garonne 127 Lady of Elché 118-19, 121 Medieval 11 Mesopotamian 122-3 Oceanic 9 Renaissance 9, 201-2, 208-9 see also under Mapplethorpe, Robert Siberian 121 reproduction techniques and 70 see also under Classical sculpture; photography of sculpture; names of specific sculptors Serra, Richard 11, 183-4, 188, 192, 213ff One-Ton Prop (House of Cards) 188, 214 Plunge 214 Skullcracker Series 214 Spin Out: For Bob Smithson 183-4 Terminal 214 Tilted Arc 11, 213-21, 226-8 Settignano, Desiderio da Marsuppini Monument 4 Shaw, George Bernard 69, 82 Sheeler, Charles 206 Sherman, Cindy 178 Sherman, Robert 201 Shunk, Harry Performance of Anthropometries 149 Simpson, Marc 61-2 Smith, David 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 131ff Australia 140-1 Blackburn: Song of an Irish Blacksmith 136 Cello Player 137 Cubi series 140 Euterpe and Terpsichore 135 Personage of August 136, 138, 139 photographers hired by 1, 132-3, 140 Royal Bird 136-7 Selections from Recent Work 1947-48 134 Suspended Cube 135 Two-Box Sculpture 141, 142, 143 Untitled (Virgin Island assemblage) 133 Voltri 140 Zig III 141-3 Smithson, Robert 1, 3, 7, 13, 171, 182-6, 193-4, 195 Camera's Eye, The 184, 195 Spiral Jetty 185, 195 specific object(s) 190-91, 239 Spoleto Festival 140 Stallybrass, Peter 178 Stalsworth, Lee Eakins's Arcadia 52 Eakins's Youth Playing the Pipes 60 Steichen, Edward 1, 5, 78, 80-2, 104, 108 Brancusi's Bird in Space 108 Rodin. The Thinker 81 Rodin's Balzac 5, 81-2 Stella, Frank 171, 192 stereoscope(s) 4, 15, 30-2 Stieglitz, Alfred 8, 12 Strategy: Get Arts exhibition 156 Strehly, G. 86-7 Surrealism 174, 177 Swider, Susan Richard Sena's Tilted Arc 219 Talbot, William Henry Fox. See under Fox Talbot, William Henry Tate Gallery 187 Tatlin, Vladimir 239 Tenerani, Petro 39, 43 Thornycroft, Mary, 12 Tilted Arc. See under Serra, Richard Time 216, 225 Times of London, The 26 Tinguely, Jean 174 Tischer, Manfred 167 Torlonia, Princess 37 Tortola 131 Unger, Max 94-5 United States 11 U.S. Farm Security Administration 4 Van der Weyde, Henry Eugen Sandow 63 Vatican I 35 Vatican Museum 39, 42, 45 Vietnam Veterans Memorial 11, 213, 220-8 acceptance of 224 criticism of color and 222 Lin's image and 221-2 political symbolism and 222 scale model and 220-1 by Wolfe 223-4 Lin, Maya Ying, designer of 11, 213, 220ff Minimalism and 222-3 Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund 220, 221 Vietnam War 225 Villa of Livia 38-9 Virgin Islands 131, 141 Visconti 41 Vollmer, Ruth 174 Von Gloeden, Wilhelm 206 Wadsworth Athenaeum 204 Wagstaff, Sam 203-6 Wagstaff Collection 206 Wall, Jeff 1, 8, 14, 234ff Bad Goods 240 Diagonal Composition 235 angle of camera and 234-5 anxiety and 243-4 color and 240 light and 238-40 sculptural nature of 236 soap's symbolism in 243 Minimalist sculpture and 238-9 Modernism and 235, 237, 239, 244 Octopus, An 240, 242 Restoration 236-7, 243 sculptural nature of photography by 14, 236-7, 240, 242 Some Beans 240, 243 Wallace, J. Laurie 56 Waltner, Charles 75 Warhol, Andy 168 Washington Monument 220 Washington Post 223 West, Rebecca 116 White, Allon 178 Whitechapel Art Gallery 184 Whitman, Walt Song of Myself 64 Whitney Museum 207 Willard, Marian 132, 134, 138 Willard Gallery 137 Wolfe, Tom 223 Wölfflin, Heinrich 8-9, 124 Wols 242-3 World's Fair (1893) 62 Zwerver, Ton 14
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