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Volltext:Index academies, 254,303-4 see also individual academies Ackermann, Rudolf, 45, 54-60 Repository ofArts, 54-8 Adirondacks, 354 Adorno, Theodor, 101,113 aesthetic, 7,15, disinterestedness, 341, 347-8,351-3 Alison, Revd Archibald, 74 Allston, Washington, 303,320 Alsop, Joseph W., 326,331 Altdeutsche Tracht, 212, 215-17, 218, 222 Alter, J. V., 131 American Academy of Fine Arts, 303-4 American Art-Union, 300-1, 305-7, 309, 314-39, fig.14-1 building, 338 n.53 Bulletin, 320-1, 325,327,331, 333, 336 n.26 exhibition (1843), 322 managers, 317-18,326-7,335 n.9 Transactions, 320 ancien regime, 123-4, I33_5 I3^-9, 141,145,180 Anderson, Perry, 21 Angerstein, John Julius, 28, 34 Angot, Mme, 142 Annais of the Fine Arts, 41 Anti-Corn Law League, 23 anti-Semitism, 190 Apollo Art Gallery, 316 Apollo Belvedere, 101-3,106-7, II2 n4 116,fig. 5-3 aristocracy, in Britain, 21-5, 86-7, 97 in France, 124-7,133~5 '39 Arndt, Ernest Moritz, 211,213, 215, 218, 224 art, high art/lowart, 299, 301, 306 institutions, 297-313 masculinized category, 88 religion and, 229-30, 246-8 Art Journal, 320,322-5 artunions, 253, 315,322 Kunstvereine, 225-6 London, 315 see also American Art-Union artisans, 290-1, 294 LArtiste, 180,183,186,191 Associated Artists in Water Colours, 49 associationism, 73-5,76 Astor Place Riot, 294 Austria, 202-3, 207 police system of, 221 Balzac, Honore de, 127 Baring, Alexander, 29,34 Barras, Paul, Francis Nicolas, Vicomte de, 160 Bartholdi, Salomon, 230 Battie of Leipzig, 212 Bavaria, 216 Beauharnais, Josephine de, 160 Beaumont, Sir George, 29,40 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 205, 262 Chorphantasie, 262 Belgium, 257 Belvedere Torso, 106,109,fig. 5.4 Bennett, James Gordon, 305,317, 322-4 Bentham, Jeremy, 23 Berlin Academy, 212 Bernard, Sir Thomas, 32,37 Bertin, Frangois, 145,147-8 Biedermeier, 207, 252, 259 biens nationaux, 154,160 Bierstadt, Albert, 308 Bingham, George Caleb, 299, 327 Jolly Flatboatmen, 300-1, 327,fig. 14.2 Birch, Thomas, 317 Blackbourn, David, 202 Blackwood's Magazine, 77-8 Blake, William, 35 Bloch, E. Maurice, 322 Bloch, Ernst, 269 Blumin, Stuart, 343 Blunt, N. Bowditch, 324 Boissy dAnglas, Fran^ois Antoine, Cte de, 158 Bonaparte, Lucien, 158,166 La tribu indienne, 166-9,171,176 n.21, fig- 7-7 362 Index 363 Bonaparte, Napoleon, 38,71, 97,102,139, 166-8,169-72,173,177 n.33, 203-4, 211, 214, 229, 275 Börsch-Supan, Helmut, 216, 222 Boston, 289, 297-8 Athenaeum, 297, 303 Brahmins, 293, 298, 354 Museum of Fine Arts, 303 Bourdieu, Pierre, 6-7, 99 n.13. Distinction, 148-9, 357 Bourgeois, Sir Francis, 65, 81 n.7 bourgeois individualism, 79 bourgeois society, xi-xii, 1-2 bourgeoisie, 3 patronage of, 154-74 race and, 12 taste in portraiture, 142-9 British, 21-5, 85-7 French, 123-9, :30~49' I54_74 178-96 German, 201-7, 210-n United States, 292-3, 297-8, 316 La bourgeoisie au Salon, 138 Bowring, Dr John, 85, 92 Boydell Shakespeare Gallery, 35 Boyer-Fonfrede, F. B., 154-58 Briggs, Charles F., 325 Britain, 13, 21-122 anti-Gallicism, 22, 64, 96 period of Anglo-French Wars, 22-23 postwar period, 23,76-7 British Institution, 27-41,46,55,3i5,_/ig. 1.2 admissions, 36-7 Christian art and, 32-3 class power and, 30-1,41 Constitution, 34-5 Directors, 29, 32,34-5,41, 43 n.27 patronage and, 36 British Museum, 102,109 Hlgin Gallery in, 114,fig. 5.5 Townley Gallery in, 121 n.20 Brotherhood of Saint Luke, see Nazarenes Brotherton, Joseph, 85 Browere, J. D. O., 317 Bruchsal, Court Church at, 233 Bruun-Neergaard, T. C., 161,164,166 Sur la Situation des beaux-arts en France, 169 Bryant, William Cullen, 318, 325 Bürger, 202, 204, 206, 211, 222 Bürgerverein, 221 Burnet, John, 58 Burr, Aaron, 300 Bürschenschaften, 215 Byrne, Anne, 53 Byzantine mosaics, 240-1 Callcott, Augustus Wall, 71 Littlehampton Pier, 68-9,fig.}.2 Campo Santo (Pisa), 239 Canova, Antonio, 110 capitalism, xii, 1-5 American, 291,342 art and critique of, 97 British, 85-7 exploitation under, 3,12 family under, 8-9 French, 126-7 State under, 13 Caroline, Queen, 23 Catalogue raisonnee (1815,1816), 31,40 Catholic renewal movement, 243-4 Cato Street Conspiracy, 23 Caucus for Marxism and Art (CAA), 9 Century Club, 307, 327 Chamber ofDeputies (France), 126, 147 decorations to, 180-1 Chantrey, Francis, 120 n.8 Chapman, John Gadsby, Rescue of Captain Smith, 319 Le Charivari, 189-90 Charleston, 291-2 Chatelain, Chevalier J. B. F. E., 147 Chaussard, Pierre J. B., 139-40,154,166, T74 Chaussier, Hector, 139 Chenier, Andre, 135 Chery, Philippe, 176-7 n.25 Chicago, 292 Church, Frederic, 303, 307-8, 352 Heart of the Andes, 307,fig. 35.3 Niagara, 307 Clark, Timothy J., 14 class, 3-8 merchant, 290-1 middle, 4, 21-25,334, 340-61 parvenu, 130,138-42,151 n. 26 relations, 3-4,75-8 see also aristocracy, bourgeoisie, Proletariat Claude Lorraine, 41 Clavareau, Nicolas-Marie, 171-3 Cobban, Alfred, 123 Cobbett, William, 21, 24 INDEX Cockerell, C. R., 89-91, 96 Cohen, Gerry A., 4,16 n.6 Cole, Thomas, 299,303, 307, 354-5 Course of Empire, 304 Voyage ofLife, 307, fig. 13.3 Colley, Linda, 28-9, 64, 227 n.7 Comegys, George H., TheArtist's Dreampg Communist Manifeste , 123, 201 Comninel, Georges, 128 n.5 Congress ofVienna, 203, 214 Cooke, William Bernard, Views in Sussex, 71-5,figs. 3.4,3.5,3.6, 3-7 Cooper, James Fenimore, 350 Copley, John Singleton, 299 Corn Laws, 23 Cornelius, Peter von, 206, 216-17, 229-31, 253, 265, 270 Annunciation, 232 Birth of Christ, 232, 235-6, fig. 10.3 Crucifixion of Christ, 232-3, 235-6, fig. 10.2 God the Father, 233 Last Judgement, 232, 237-42,fig. 10.4 Noli me tangere 232 illustrations hy, 229 Correggio, Antonio, 142 Le Correspondent, 190 Corrigan, Philip, 21 Countryman, Edward, 291 Cozzens, Abraham, 325,328 Crabb, James, 95 Craig, William Marshall, 59 Crayon, 306-9, 333 Cropsey, Jasper, American Harvesting, 352,fig. 15,6 Cuzin, Jean-Pierre, 157 Dahl, Johann Christian Clausen, 226 Dahrendorf, Ralph, 201 Dallaway, Revd J., 39 Daumier, Honore, 127 David, Jacques-Louis, 71,155 Le Couronnement, 32 La Mort de Socrate, 138 Le Triomphe du Peuple, 171 De Lannoy, Marc-Antoine-Joseph, 158 De Man, Paul, 122 n.43 Delacroix, Eugene, 268 Liberte guidant le peuple, 268-9 Salon du Roi, 184 Delecluze, Etienne, 189 Delorme, P.-C.-F., Translation ofthe Holy House ofLoreto, 181-2 Demus, Otto, 241 Derrida, Jacques, 2 Le Dictionnaire (of Academie fran^aise), 135 Dimaggio, Paul, 298-9,306, 309 Dissenters, 22-3 Doellinger, Ignaz von, 242-3 Doughty, Thomas, 317 Dowling, William C., 297 Doyen, J. B., 137 Dresden, 221, 224-5 Academy, 216, 217-18 Art Association, 260 Duncan, Carol, 42 n.14 Dupont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel, 158 Durand, Asher B., 299, 306 Progress, 348,fig. 15.5 Sunday Morning, 330, fig. 15.7 Durand, John, 306 Düsseldorf, 207, 257, 328, 329 Academy, 315 Art Union, 316 School, 270, 272-78, 282 Duval, Amaury, 151 n.34 Duyckinck, Evert A., 318, 325 Eagleton, Terry, 12 Edinburgh Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts, 316 Edmonds, Francis, 299,325 Einem, Herbert von, 230, 232 Eley, Geoffrey, 202 Elgin, Lord, 101,102,105,108-9 Elgin Marbles, 106 Elliott, Daniel, 318 Ellis, George Agar, 29 Elster, Jon, 4,16, n.7 Engels, Frederick, 3-4,123,125, 201, 282 Englishness, 63-80 Anti-Gallicism and, 63-4 Britishness and, 80 n.2 empiricism and, 71, 82 n.20 Enlightenment, critique of religion, 241-3 Frederick II and, 275 Estates General, 133 Ewart, William, 84, 85, 87 Examiner, 23 Exhibitions, British Institution, 27,37-41 Index 3 6 ; Society of Painters in Water Colours, 45-60 as spectacles, 50-1, 53-4, 68 see also Salons Fawkes, Walter, collection of, 69-70 Feminism, 3, Marxism and, 8-n materialist, 10 Postmodernism and, 18 n.27 Fielding, Anthony van Dyck Copley, 68 Le Figaro, 183 Flandrin, Hippolyte, 192 Procession of Saints, 194,fig. 8.5 Flaxman, John, 103,121 n.18 Fliegende Blätter, 253 Foggo, George, 90, 93 Förster, Ernst, 233, 241-2, 265, 286 Foucault, Michel, 3, 83 n.32, 84 Fox, Charles James, 66 France, bourgeois revolution in, 123-7 Consulate, 126,154-74 design and manufacture in, 89 Directory, 126,139,154-74 Empire, 145 invasion of Germany by, 203, 211 July Monarchy, 125-6,145,147-8, 178-96 Restoration, 125,130,145 Revolutions, see French Revolution, revolution schools of art in, 93-4 Second Empire, 126 trade in luxury goods, 91,96,125 Frankfurt, 257 Frankfurt School, 17 n.26 Frederick 11 (King of Prussia) ,276-8 free trade, 85-7 Freiligrath, Ferdinand, 274, 282 French Revolution, 21-2, 63, 66-7,117, 124-7,13I !33' !4I_2' 215 Terror, 140-1,158,165 French School, in English criticism, 63-71 Freud, Sigmund, 10 Friderich (Friedrich), Caspar David, 206, 208-27 spelling ofname, 223 Abbey in the Oakwood, 212, fig. 9.3 Evening on the Elbe (engraving after), 2o8-io,fig. 9.2 Hutten's Grave, 218,fig. 9.5 Monlc by the Sea, 212 Ostra-Gehege near Dresden, 208-10, 224-7,fig- 9-i Stages ofLife, 222-4,fig. 9-6 Tu/o Men Looking at the Moon, 216-17, fig- 9-4 Frochot, Nicholas-Therese-Benoit, 158, 160,171,173 Füller, John, 72,79, 83 n.31 Fuseli, Henry, 103, 347 Gainsborough, Thomas, 60,65,810.9 Gärtner, Eduard, Barricade in the Breite Strasse, 280-1, fig- 12.7 Gärtner, Freidrich, 232 gastronomy, 141-2 Genovese, Eugene, 291 genres, hierarchy of, 135,138-9,143 George III, 14 Gerard, Fran^ois-Pascal, Baron, 155 Psyche, 142 Germany, 201-8 emigration, 274-5, 282, 287 n.16 French occupation, 205-6, 210-11 French Revolution affects, 203-4, 229 Gründerzeit, 252 lindens as Symbol for, 224-5 medieval revival, 205-6, 214, 219-20, 229, 256-7 Revolution of 1848-9, 268-70, 279-84 Vormärz, 204, 270-78, 284 War of Liberation, 210, 214, 215, 216, 218, 226 Gerry, Samuel Lancaster, North Conway, New Hampshire, fig. 15. 3 Gilmor, Robert, 299 Giotto, Arena Chapel frescoes, 238 Girodet-Trioson, Anne Louis, 165,166 Mlle Lange as Danae, 175 n.12 Girtin, Thomas, 58-60, 68 Gneiserau, Graf Neithardt von, 212 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 205 Görres, Joseph, 218 Greco-Roman art, 101-2,104,106,109, 116 Greek Warof Independence, 220 Greeley, Horace, 318 Green, Nicholas, 14 INDEX Greenough, Horatio, Rescue Group, 331 Greifswald, 221, 222 Grimm, Jacob, 205 Hagen, August, 270, 274 Hamelin, Mme, 160 Hamilton, William, 110 Hartmann, Heidi, 9 Hartz, Louis, 341 Hasenclever, Johann Peter, Workers Befiore the City Council, 282, fig. 12.8 Hastings, 71,72, 83 n.31 Haussard, Prosper, 89 Haydn, Franz Josef, 260 Haydon, Benjamin Robert, 103,112,118 Hazlitt, William, 31,40-1, 44 n.48,119 n.4,120-1 n.18 on the Elgin marbles, 111-18 'Notes on a Journey through France and Italy', in 'Why the Arts Are Not Progressive', 60, 100 n.19 Headley, J. T., 326 Heaphy, Thomas, 53 Heathcote, John, 85 Hecker, Friedrich, 283, 284 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, in, 115-18, 242, 246-7, 255 hegemony, 314-15, 334-5 n.2 Heine, Heinrich, 268-9, 273~4 Heine, Wilhelm Joseph, Service in a Prison Chapel, 2y^,fig. 12.2 Hemingway, Andrew, 40 Hennequin, Amedee, 165 La Libertede l'Italie, 171 Herbert, Robert L., 20 n.51 Herring, James, 316,317-19 Herzog of Sachsen-Weimar, 220 Hetzenecker, Caroline, 262 Hills, Robert, 53 Hilton, William, Christ Healingthe Blind, 32 Hinz, Sigrid, 210 history painting, 154-5, 236 2.46, 279, 347 Hittorff, Jacques-Ignace, 186-8,190-2, :95 see also, Saint Vincent-de-Paul Hoboken, 354 Hoch, Karl Ludwig, 211 Hogarth, William, 32, 63 Holy Alliance, 214 Home Book ofthe Picturesque, 344 Hone, Philip, 299, 325 Hope, Henry Thomas, 85 Hope, Thomas, 34 Hoppin, William J., 301, 325 Hortig, Johann Nepomuk, Handbuch der christlichen Kirchengeschichte, 243 Hotel de Lannoy, Paris, 155,166 Salon de la Richesse, 160-6,172-3,^. 7-3 Hotel de Saint Julien, Paris, 158 House of Commons, 84-8 Hübner, Carl, German Emigrants, 274 The Silesian Weavers, 272-3 ,fig. 12.3 Hudson River School, see New York School Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 264 Hume, Joseph, 25 Hunt, Leigh, 65 Hunt, Lynn, 125-6,128 n.13,149-50 n.9 Huntington, David, A Sibyl, 301,fig. 13.2 Hus, John, 271 Hütt, William, 85 Hutten, Ulrich von, 218 Ibbetson, Julius Caesar, 65, 81 n.7 ideal (Greek), 101-19 as political symbol, 117-8 ideology, 10-11,14-15 of art, 91 Bourdieu on, 7 in class formation, 314-15, 343 landscapeand,75 Ilissus, 104,108, in, 114-6,118,fig. 5.1 Industrial Revolution, 126 Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominque, 179-80, 185,188-9, :92 LApotheose d'Homere, 180,196 n.7 Louis Francis Bertin, 130,145-48,^. 6.3 Irving, Washington, 350, 359-60 n.37 Jacobinism, 125-6 Jacobins,154,156,158,161 Jäher, Frederic Cople, 293 Jahn, Friedrich Ludwig, 218 Johnson, Christopher, 126 Jollivet, P.-J., 192 Jones, Gareth Stedman, 11 Index 367 Journal des artistes, 143,188 Journal des debats, 142,184,195 Jouy, Etienne de, 143 Joyce, Patrick, 99 n.n Junges Deutschland, 270, 286 n. 14 Kant, Immanuel, 205, 237, 241 Katznelson, Ira, 5,17 n.15 Keats, John, 118-19 'On Seeingthe Elgin Marbles', 118-19 Kensett, John F. 309, New Port Harbour,fig. 13.4 King, Thomas Starr, 344 The White Hüls, 355 Kinson, Fran^ois Joseph, 143 Knight, Richard Payne, 37,40,103,110, 121 n.23 Königswinter, Müller von, 274 Koppen, Carl Friedrich, 275 Kotzebue, A. von, 215 Kugler, Franz, 241, 245, 271, 287 n.24 Geschichte Friedrichs des Grossen, 276-8 Kuhn, Annette, 9 Kunstevereine, see art unions La Reyniere, Grimod de, Almanach des gourmands, 142 Laborde, Jean-Joseph de, 160 Lacan, Jacques, 2 Lachner, Franz, 262 Landon, Charles Paul, 142-4 Leda, Pollux and Helen, fig. 6.2 landscape painting, as class indicator, 340-1, 343-4 and manners, 34-5, 346-7 and social hierarchy, 79 American, 340-56 English, 63-80, 350 topographical and ideal, 347-8 Western, 355-6 Lane, Fitz Hugh, Castine, Maine, 348,71g. 15,4 Lange, Mlle Anne-Fran^oise-Elisabeth, 160 language, of art criticism, 63-80,130-49 of art and design, 84-98 of class, 294 social power and, 11-12,19 n.43 Lannoy, Marc-Antoine-Joseph de, 158-61 Laocoön, 106 Laveissiere, Sylvain, 159,175-6 n.9, n.n, n.15, Le Pelletier de Saint-Fargeau, Louis Michel, 141 Lebas, L.-FL, 183 Notre-Dame-de-Lorette,7 g. 8.1 Lefebvre, Georges, 123 Lenau, Nikolaus, 256 Lepere, J.-B., 186 Saint-Vincent-de-Paul,jig. 8.2 Lessing, Carl Friedrich, 207 Hussitenpredigt, 2ji-y,fig. 12.1 Leupp, Charles M., 325 Leutze, Emanuel, 327-8, 328 Cupid with a Dove, 317 Washington Crossing the Delaware, 328, fig- *4-4 Levine, Lawrence, 301,311 n.14 Lewis, David, 85 Literary World, 318 Liverpool, Lord, 28 London Chronicle, 68-9,71 London Magazine, 23, in Long, Charles, 29,42 n.9 Louis XIV, King of France, 188-9 Louis-Philippe, King of France, 180-1, 192 Loutherbourg, Philippe Jacques de, 65 Louvre Museum, 38, 91,102,298 Lowell, James Russell, 356 Lowther, Lord Viscount, 27 Lucas, Colin, 125 Luddites, 77, 85 Ludwig I, Kingof Bavaria, 110, 206, 216, 230, Ludwigskirche, Munich, 230, 244-5^. 10.1 Lukäcs, Georg, 20 n.54 Luminism, 307-9 Lutzower Corps, 215 Mackinnon, Catherine, 8,18 n.27 Magoon, Elias, 344-5 Maine, 353-4 Mairobert, Pidansat de, 137 Manchester, 78 Märker, Peter, 210 Marx, Karl, 3-4,123,125, 201, 270, 275, 282 Marxism, xi-xiii, 1-20 Analytical, 4-5,7 crisis of, 2-3,15 n.2 feminism and, 8-11 race and, 12 science and, 3,16 n.4 INDEX Massimo, Marchese, 230 Mayfield, David, 11 Mayr, Christian, 317 Mechanics' Magazine, 96 Memoires secrets, 137 Memorandum on the Earl ofElgin's Pursuits in Greece, 110-12 Mengs, Anton Raphael, 106 Menzel, Adolf von, 207, 275-84 Balkonzimmer, 260 Geschichte Friedrichs des Grossen, 276-8, fig. 12.4, fig. 12.5 Lying-in-State of the Fallen March Revolutionaries, 269, 279-80, 284, fig. 12.6 Schlafzimmer, 2(00, fig. 11.4 Mercier, Louis-Sebastian, Neologie, ou vocabulaire des mots nouveaux, 135 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 298 Metternich, Count Klemens Wensel Lothar, 204, 214-15 Meynier, Charles, 154,155 Michel, Regis, 173,177 n.31 Michelangelo, 245-6 Last Judgement, 237-42 Microcosm of London, 46-7, 55-7, fig. 2-1 Missouri Compromise, 325 Moehler, Adam, 241 Molay-Bacon, E. de, 190-1 Moliere (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin), 133, 142 Moniteur Universel, 188 Monnier, Henri, Physiologie du bourgeois, 132,149 n.8, fig• 6.1 Mooers, Cohn, 124,129 n.16 Morning Post, 49, 64-6 Morrison, James, 85, 92-3, 96-7 Mortefontaine de Saint-Fargeau, Mme de, 141 Mossdorf, Berhard, 211, 221, 225 Mount, William Sidney, 299 Farmers Nooning, 319,321,337 n.32 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 205, 260 Muller, Adam, 257 Münchner Bilderbogen, 253 Munich, 230, 230-3, 244 Academy, 254 Glypthothek, 102,110, 230 mural painting, in France, 178-96 Nazarene School of, 230 Napoleon I, see Bonaparte, Napoleon Napoleon III, 126 Nasmyth, James, 92 Le National, 189 National Academy of Design (New York), 303-4,316 National Gallery (London), 27-9,41, 84, 86-7, 298 British Institution as, 29-30, 39,42 n.14 National Trust (UK), 29 nationalism, as bourgeois ideology, 95 American, 316, 318-19,326-7,356 French, 125,134 German, 203, 211-12, 214, 221-2 see also Englishness Nazarenes, 205-6, 229-30, 233 Nevins, T. J., 320 New Left, 2, 8 New Monthly Magazine, 39 New York, 282, 289, 293, 300,304-5 Central Park, 354 elite, 304-5 Knickerbockers, 293 Riverside Park, 345,./ig-15.2 New York Courier and Enquirer, 317-18, 322-3 New York Daily Tribüne, 282, 318 New York Evening Post, 318 New York Gallery ofFine Arts, 304-5 New York Herald, 305-6, 312 n.26, 317, 322,324 New York Review, 318 New York School (of Landscape Painting), 348,350,356 New York State, 350 New York Times, 318,322, 326 Newman, Gerald, 64, 80-1 n.4 Nicholson, Francis, 53 Memoirs, 58 Norman Yoke, 82 n.26 Note-Dame-de-Lorette, 178,181-86, fig. 8.1 Novalis, Friedrich Liepold, 264 Olmsted, Frederick Law, 345 Otto, King of Greece, 260 Overbeck, Friedrich, 229 Paine, Thomas, Common Sense, 290 Paris, 126 Boulevard Saint-Germain, 159 Index 369 chaussee d'Antin, 183 rue Saint-Denis, 137 Parkman, Francis, 354-5 Parliamentary Reform Act, 24, 29, 86-7 Parthenon sculptures, 100-19,fig. 5.1, fig. 5-2 Peale, Rembrandt, 303 Peisse, Louis, 179 Pelletan, Eugene, 185 Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 303 Perkins, Granville, Riverside Park, 345, fig. 15.2 Pessen, Edward, 292 Peterloo Massacre, 23,78 Petion, Jerome, 134-5 Pforr, Franz, 229 Phidias, 106,110,116,154 Philadelphia, 289-90, 293 Philippon, Charles, 147,153 n.46 Picot, F.-E., 182,192 Christ Enthroned, 192 Planche, Gustave, 184-5, *^9 Pointon, Marcia, 42 Poland, 214 Political Essays on Populär Subjects, 67 Pollock, Griselda, 9-10 polychromy, 186,189-90 Pomerania, 218, 223-4 Post-Marxism, 12 Poststructuralism, xi, 2-3,10,15-16 n.3, 17 n.15 Proletariat, 3-4, 22-5, 76-7, 227 n.7 American, 294, 345, 346, 353-4, 358 n.21 Prometheides, Revue du Salon de 1833, 147-8 Prud'hon, Pierre-Paul, 126,128-9 n-I4. 154-74 Salon de la Richesse, Hotel de Lannoy, 160-4,fig. 7.3, a, b, c, d pedimental design for Hötel-Dieu, 171, fig• 7-8 L'Ingratitude ou la soifde l'or, i6&,fig. 7.7 La Justice et la vengeance divine, 164, 173 Le Triomphe de Bonaparte, 169,Jig. 7.6 La Tyrannie, 158-9,165, fig. 7.2 La Sagesse et la verite, 165-6 Prussia, 117, 203, 205, 212, 218-19, 222-3, 27T 273 Przeworski, Adam, 4-5 psychoanalysis, 9 Pusey, Philip, 85 Pyne, William Henry, 47-8, 55-6, 59-60 'Observations on the Rise and Progress of Water Colour Painting', 56 Somerset House Gazette, 59-60 Quatremere de Quincy, A.-C. 120 n.8, 160,173,195 Racine, Louis, 142 Rambuteau, Cte de, 181,186 Ramey, Claude, 171 pediment design for Hotel-Dieu,Jig. 7.8 Ranney, William, works by, 321, 327 Daniel Boone's First View of Kentucky, I27'fig 14-3 Raphael, 89,141,192, 236 Disputa, 240 Transfiguration, 271, 272 Raymond, Henry f., 318, 322-3,325 Reattu, Jacques, 165 Le Travail repoussant la misere.fig. 7.5 Reed, Luman, 299,304,311 n.17 Reflector, 65 Reinagle, Richard Ramsey, 73-4 Reinick, Robert, 283 Repository of Arts, see Ackermann Rethel, Alfred, 207 Another Dance of Death, 269, 283-4 288 n.}i,fig. 12,9 revolution, American,, 215, 289 in France (1830), 147,178,196 n. 4, 268-70 in France (1848), 268-9, seealso French Revolution in Germany (1848), 204, 254, 268 Revue des deux mondes, 195 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, in, 120-1 n.18 Discourses, 301 Rheinische Zeitung, 270-1, 274 Rhineland, 207, 271 Ricardo, David, 77 Richard, Fleury, Mlle de la Valliere surprisepar Louis XIV, 140 Richards, Thomas Addison, Romance of American Landscape, 349 Richter, Adrian Ludwig, 220, 225 Richter, Henry, Christ Healingthe Blind, 32 Ridner, John P., 317-18 Roberts, Marshall O., 326,328,338-9 n.55 Robertson, J. C., 96 INDEX Robespierre, Maximilien Marie Isidore, 71' r35 Roediger, David, 12 Rome, 229-30, 237 Rosenthal, Leon, Du Romantisme au realisme, 148 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 174 n.5 Emile, 156 Royal Academy (London), 35,40-1,46, 64, 84, 86-7, 90, 97-8, 98, 99 n.3, n.9,303,315 Royal Institution (London), 59 Royal Saxon Academy, 208, 218 Rubinstein, David, 98-9 n.4 Rumohr, Carl Friedrich von, 122 n.37 Runge, Philip Otto, Tageszeiten, 264 Ruskin, John, 306 Ryder, Albert Pinkham, 309 Sailer, Bishop, 244 Saint-Domingue, 156,168 Saint James Chronicle, 66 Saint Leon, Noel, 97 Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, 178,185-94,^. 8.2,fig. 8.j,fig. 8.4,fig. 8.5 Saisselin, Remy G., 192 Salons, 178-80,192 oflyög, 136; of 1777,137; ofi798,154, 157; of 1799,166; of 1802,137,143; of 1806,144; of 1808,174; of 1812,143; of 1831,268; of 1833,145,147-8; of 1842,179; of 1844,179; of 1845, 185 Sandby, Paul, 64 sansculottes, 125,128, 134,171 Saxony, 218, 221 Sayer, Derek, 21 Schadow, Friedrich Wilhelm von, 270 Scharnhorst, Gerhard Johan David von, 213, 218 Schelling, F. W. J. von, 237,242-3, 250-1 n.41 Schiller, Friedrich von, 205,241 Schinkel, Karl Friedrich, 219 Schlegel, Friedrich, 264 Gemaidebeschreibungen, 229 Schorn, Ludwig, 120 n.9 Schubert, Franz, 205, 262 Schwind, Moritz von, 207, 252-65 and Gesamtkunstwerk, 263-4 historical reputation, 252 illustrations to Gestiefelter Kater, 257 Die Morgenstunde, fig. 11.3 Reisebilder, 255 Seven Ravens, 255 Symphony, 255-65,fig. 11.1 Wartburg frescoes, 254 Scottish Enlightenment, 73 Sedlmayr, Hans, 263 Seguier, William, 29 Select Committee on the Arts and Principles of Design, 84-98 Select Committee on the Hlgin Marbles, 108 Seilers, Charles, 343 Shee, Martin Archer, 36,39,49 Siena Baptistery, 233 Signorelli, Last Judgement, 238 Silesian Weavers, revolt of, 274, 287 n.16 Simon, Janice, 307 Simons, Michel, 175 n.12 Skene, James, 95 Skocpol, Theda, 13,128 n.6 slavery, 168, 291-2 Smillie, James, 307 Smith, Thomas, 27-8,30, 37 Smithsonian Institution, 310 n.2 Soboul, Albert, 123 Society of Painters in Water Colours, 45-6o,fig. 2.1 dividend System, 50-2 exhibition attendance, 50-1, 54 landscapes, 53, 61 n.15 membership, 48 sales, 50-52 Somers, Margaret R., 17 n.15 Somerset House Gazette, see Pyne Sommariva, Giovanni Battista, 173 South Carolina, 291-2 Academy of Fine Arts, 292 State, 13-14 design education, 84-98 policy on the arts, 28-9,34 purchase of Elgin Marbles, 108-10 in France, 124,126-7, I^° in United States, 291 Staudenmaier, Franz Anton, 241-2 Stein, Heinrich Friedrich Karl, Baron von, 218 Stillman, William, 306 Story, Ronald, 297 Stothard, George, 92 Strong, George Templeton, 353-4 Strutt, Edward, 85 Index Strutt, Jedediah, 85 Sturges, Jonathan, 304, 319, 325 Sweden, 223-4 Symons, Katrin, 165 Les tableaux du Louvre, 137 Tallien, MmeTherese-Cabarrus, 160 taste, 6-7 bourgeois, 135-8 female, 38 finish and, 137 gastronomy and, 141-2,151 n.30 hierarchy of genres and, 135-6,143 landscape, 340-56 middle-class, 340-56 parvenu, 138-42 patrician, 352-5, 360 n.48 Täte Gallery (London), 31,41 Taylor, Brandon, 31 Tendenzbilder, 275 Texas, annexation of, 324,326 Theseus, 108-9, m- uI~5 fiS- 5-2 Third Estate, 133, 271 Thompson, Edward P., 5,12, 21,43 n.19, 227 n.7 Thoreau, Henry David, 355 Thorne, Susan, n Tickner, Lisa, 10 Tieck, Ludwig, Gestiefelter Kater, 257 Tocqueville, Alexis de, 126 Topino-Lebrun, Franqois, 165 Toplis, C., 92 Toussaint-Louverture, Pierre Dominique, 168 Townley Marbles, 109,121 n.20 Treaty of Vienna, 214 Trodd, Colin, 31 Trotsky, Leon, 5 True Briton, 66 Trumbull, John, 303-4 Signing of the Declaration of Independence, 331 Tübingen School of Theology, 241-3 Turner, Joseph Mallord William, 40-1, 63, 68-80 Englishness of, 70-80 Lancaster Sands, 70,fg. 3,3 Vale of Ashburnham, 73,76,fig.}.6 Vale ofHeathfield, 73-4, fg. 3.5 View of Battie Abbey, 75-7 ,fig. 3.7 View of Brightlingsea Observatory, 72-3, fig-3-4 Turner, William, 51 Tyler, President John, 326 United States of America, xii, 12-13, 2I2 289-356 abolitionism, 321-4 antebellum period, 297-8, 301, 341-2 artmuseums, 298-9 cities, 289 Constitution, 290-1 Continental Congress, 291 democracy, 293-4,301 Democratic Party, 293-4,3o: elites, 297-8, 301, 304, 309, 325, 354 immigration, 294,325, 351-2 Jeffersonian myth, 348-9 Manifest Destiny, 324 market economy, 342-3 Mexican War, 327, 329-30 Native Americans, 331, 348 population growth, 289, 338 n.44 racism, 331 Revolutionary era, 289-90 ruling class, 292-3, 298, 309 sectional division, 289-90, 316, 321, 324-5-334.356 slavery, 291 South, 291-2,321,356 Westward Expansion, 289, 324-5, 327, 33T348 Whigs, 293, 338 n.44 Van Loo, Carle, 65 Vanderlyn, John, 299-300, 303, 305 Ariadne, 3oo,fig. 13.1 Deathofjane McCrae, 300 Marius, 300, 319 Varley, John, 53, 68 Vaughan, William, 82 n.21 Veit, Johann Philipp Eveningon the Elbe, 208, 225,fig. 9.2 Venus de Medici, 102,112,116 Vienna Academy, 205 Views in Sussex, see Cooke Vincent, Fran^ois-Andre, 156-7, 300 L'Agriculture, 165 Boyer-Fonfrede avec les negociants.fig. 7.1 Vischer, Friedrich Theodor, 245, 255 Visconti, E. Q., 103,106 Vitzhum von Eckstein, Heinrich Graf von, 200 Voiart, Jacques Philippe, 144-5, T52 n-39 Voltaire (Franfois Marie Arouet), 142, 276 INDEX Waagen, Dr Gustave, 89 Wallach, Alan, 354 wars, Anglo-French, 22 Napoleonic, 37, 63-4 see also Germany; United States of America Wartburg Festival, 215 watercolours, 64 as commodities, 50-1, 58—60 Fawkes Collection of, 69-70 technical innovations in, 59, 81-2 n.15 J. M. W. Turner's, 70-1 Watteau, Antoine, 65 Webb, James Watson, 317,322, 325 Webb, William Henry, 331 Weber, Carl Julius, 224 Weber, Max, 6,17 n.17, 201 Weimar, 260 Weir, Robert, Columbus Disputingwith the Doctors, 319 Landing of Hendrick Hudson, 319 Werckmeister, Otto Karl, 17 n.26, 20 n.54 Wessenburg, Cardinal von, 245 West, Benjamin, 106,301 Our Saviour Heuling the Sick in the Temple, 32-3,^ig. 1.1 Westall, Richard, 65, 81 n.9 Elijah Restoring Life to the Widow's Son, 32 Storm in Harvest, (ö^fiS-3-1 Westmacott, Richard, 109 Westminster Review, 23 Wetmore, Prosper, 325 Whistler, James Abott McNeil, 309 White, John B., General Marion in his Swamp Encampment, 318,321 White Mountains, 345, 355 Whitley, Thomas W., 322 Wilentz, Sean, 293,357-8 n.n, n.12 Williams, Raymond, 17 n.25 Country and the City, 340, 358 n.14 Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 306,349 Wilson, Richard, 59 Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, History of the Art ofAntiquity, 105 Winthrop, Theodore, 352-5 Wollheim, Richard, 210 women, amateurs, 54 in artistic trades, 88 in British Institution, 34 patrons, 155,174 n.3 taste of, 138,150 n.21 Woodville, Richard Caton, 327 Old '76 and Young '48, 331 War Newsfrom Mexico, 329,fig. 14.5 Wright, Erik Olin, 4-6,16 n.n, on class and gender, 18 n.30 Wyon, W., 92 Wyse, Thomas, 85 Zeldin, Theodore, 201
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