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Volltext:Index Note: Page references in italics indicate illustrations and diagrams. AAT (Art and Architecture Thesaurus), 120, 138, 176-7 access improved, 33, 38, 51, 58, 115, 192 monitoring, 163 problems of, 175 slow, 33, 45 accessioning system, 52 accuracy in information, 132-3 ACEN (Art COM Electronic Network), ix administration, 1, 14 Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture, viii, 57-64 AHIP (The Art History Information Program of the Getty Trust), 131, 136, 140 air-conditioning and computer problems, 45 and environmental monitoring, 179-84, 186-7 analysis, textual, 203-4 visual, xii-xiii, 8, 77, 81, 85-96 architecture, Islamic, Aga Khan Program, viii, 57-64 archive, photographic, 133-5 ARCOS project, 8 ARCOS workstation, 4 Art & Architecture Thesaurus, 120 art history, computers in, 1-20, 76, 80, 200 'Art Network' project, 14-16, 15 authority files, 135-6, 175 AVIADOR Project, viii backing up, 148, 164-5, 197 banking, use of computers, 1 Baron, Wendy, 145 BASIS system, 17, 157-9, 160 Beai, Mary, 144-53 Beasley, Prof., 88 Birkbeck College, London, 'Morelli' project, 74, 80, 87-96, 90-1, 92 BLAISE, 142 border, on videodisc image, 42-3, 53 British Architectural Library Biography Project, 174-7 British Government Art Collection, computer system, 144-53 British Library, catalogue, 142 Cambridge Z88 computers, 192 Canada locations register, viii subject classification, 117-18, 120, 138 Canaday, J.E., 52 Canadian Heritage Information Network, 190 Carlyle, Leslie, 189-99 catalogue, 18-20, 69, 145, 164-73 as database, 130-42 nature of information, 132-3, 134-5, 140 presentation of information, 133-5 CCD technology, 25, 31, 34, 36-40, 42, 108-10, 114 CD-ROM (read-only memory), 16, 40 Cennini, Cennino, 98, 100-1 ceramics, reconstruction, 8, 10 CHArt (Computers and Art History Group), xi, xii choreography notation, 8 210 Index CID (charge injection device) technology, 109-10, 110, 112, 113 classification, 76, 94-5 systems, 117-28 numerical, 120, 121-3, 126-7, 137-8; see also indexing codicology, 203 collection management, computers in, 155-63 colour change, 81, 82, 84, 98-102 monitoring, 103-15, 108, 109 computing, 2, 38, 85 in digitization, 87 measuring, 113-14 perception, 25-6, 43, 45, 81 Colvin, Howard, 174 communication, 14-17 compact discs, 40-1 Computer-Aided Learning systems (CAL), 67 computers IBM, vii, 54 impact of, xi-xii, 74-6, 200-2 mainframe, 164 microcomputers, 31, 164, 171 note-taking, 192 personal, vii, 2, 54, 141, 157-8 portable, 189, 191-7 hard disk, 192, 193 power supply, 195-6 purchasing, 193-4 problems, 17-20 institutional and individual, 18-19 systematic, 19-20 conservation, use of computers in, 2, 77, 83-5, 105, see also monitoring, environmental Conservation Information Network, 190 copies, manual identifying, 89-93, 90-1, 92 copyright, 52, 59 Couprie, Leendert, 121, 140 Courtauld Institute, monitoring of colour change, 103 Cros, Charles, 24 CRT technology, 37-9, 42, 44-5 DAT (digital audio tape), 41 data collection, 2-3, 17 data retrieval, 3-8 databanks, 6-8, 16-17, 19 database, xiii, 17, 18-19, 50-6, 69, 156-63, 165-70 biography, 174-7 catalogue as, 130-42 on illuminated manuscripts, 204-6 Images System, 58-9 dBase II, 164, 364-5 dBase III PLUS, 17, 157, 158, 164-7, 166, 171-3 design, in digitization, 87 DIALOG, 141, 175, 177 digitization techniques, xiii; see also imaging, electronic directories, disk, 172-3 disk, hard, 164-5, 192, 193 disk, optical, see videodisc disk corruption, 40, 147, 164, 197 Document Composition Facility, 19 documentation, need for, 150-1, 153, 177 Ducos du Hauron, Louis, 24 Dutch Open University, 64-5 Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (ENST), 115 education, distance, 65-7 Evans, Ralph, 23 executives, use of computers, 1 fading, 98-100, 99, 100 Famulus database, 205 field keyed, 176 size, 53-4, 158, 160-1, 165 Field, George, 191, 193 fluorescence, 28, 38-9 Fogg Art Museum Photographic Archives, 140-1 formalism, 86 forms, comparison, 8, 81, 86-8, 95 Framework II, 170 France, subject classification, 117, 123-5, 139 Frank, H., 8, 9 Franklin, Jonathan, 174-7 Fraser, Ian, 193 funding, problems of, 18, 56, 142, 154 155, 156 Gamble, William, 32 Gardner, Helen, 51-2 Garnier system, 117-18, 121, 122, 123-5, 139 GEM software, 59 Gestalt psychology, 86 Index 211 Glass, Elizabeth, 142n Glass system, 125 Gray, A.S., 174 Hamber, Anthony, 23-47, 82 hardware, 35, 59, 147, 151, 152, 159-60, 175, 184-6 limitations, 1 7 Hartt, F., 52 Harvard University, see Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture Hausman, Julie, 50-6 Hautpoul, François, viii Heusinger, Lutz, 1-20, 87 Honour, H. & Fleming, J.A., 52 Hourihane, Colum, 117-28 Hübl, Michael, 14 humidity and computer problems, 45-6 and environmental monitoring, 180-1, 182-3, 186 Huntley, Joan Sustik, 50 IBM, 'Saxon Minster' Project, 86 ICONCLASS, 118, 120, 121-3, 126, 137-41 iconography, classification, 117-28 Ikonoteek system, 120, 126-7 Images System, 57-64 imaging, electronic, xiii, 25, 29, 30-47 accessibility, 33, 38, 45 analogue, 32-3, 34, 78, 78, 79, 106-7, 110 digital, 32-3, 36-41, 47, 63, 74, 76-96, 107, 110 description, 77-9, 78, 79 EDI, 35 limitations, 33-4, 39, 45, 78-9, 85-6 and monitoring of colour change, 105-15, 108, 109, 110-11, 112 indexing, 19-20, 130-1, 165, 168-70, 172 controlled vocabulary, 64, 118-20, 125-6, 138, 161 free-language, 118-20, 138-9 subject, 136-41 see also classification; videodisc industry, use of computers, 1 INFOtext, 53-4 innovation, neglect in art history, 76-7 insurance, portable computers, 193 inventories, 5, 6, 18-20 Ireland, National Gallery computerization, 154-63 IRGMA (Information Retrieval Group of the Museums Association), 130 issues, examination, 8 Italian Art, Catalogue of, 139 Ives, H.E., 30 James, M.R., 202, 203 Jansen, Wim, 65-73 Janson, H.W., 52 Kamisher, Lisa M., 57-64 Keveaney, Ray, 154-63 keywords system, 138, 176 Kirsch, Russell A., 8-10, 77 knowledge, impact of computers on, 75 Leroquais, Abbé V., 203 libraries computerization, 154-5 and use of portable computers, 194-5 Library of Congress subject headings, 126 light effect on artifacts, 181, 182-3, 186, 187 effect on pigments, 102-3 LightTable software, 61-3 location recording, viii, 167-9 Lyotard, Jean François, 75 Machiavelli, Niccolo, 144 Macqueen, Mary, 179-88 maintenance portable computers, 196 system, 147, 150-3 manipulation of data, 175-6 of digital image, 80, 84 manuscripts, illuminated, 200-6 Marburg Foto Bildarchiv, 93, 122, 133-7, 140-1 Marr, D., 86, 96n Mary Rose Trust, 179-88 Mason, W., 100 materials, teaching in distance learning, 66, 67 Maxwell, James Clerk, 24 Mazzola, G., Kroniker, D. and Hofmann, G.R., 9 menu systems, 42, 55, 58-60, 62-3, 149, 169-70 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 115 212 Index Michael, Michael, 200-6 military use of computers, 1 MIT see Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture MODES (Museum Object Data Entry System), 171-3 monitoring, 2, 7 monitoring, environmental, 179-88 computerized, 182-8 independent, 181 manual, 179, 182 Morelli, Giovanni, 87-8 'Morelli' project, 74, 80, 87-96, 90-1, 92 Morey, Charles Rufus, 127 Morrison, Ian, 164-73 mouse, use of, 59-60, 63, 72 movement, bodily notation, 8, 9 Müller, Werner, 8, 9 multi-user systems, 154, 156, 157 Musée d'Orsay project, 16, 35, 41-6, 77, 83, 115 Museum Documentation Association (MDA), 164-5, 169, 171-3 National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 16, 34, 53, 115 National Gallery, London, monitoring of colour change, 103-5 NET DRAMA, ix Netherlands Open University, visual arts project, 33, 65-73 noise, of portable computers, 194 object fetishism, 82-3 Ohlgren, Thomas, 117 ORACLE database, 17 paintings, computing colours, 2, 38, 85, 115 PARIS software, viii pattern recognition, 8 PC/FOCUS software, 59 perception of indexer, 139-40 visual, 25-6, 38-9, 43, 45, 81-2 photography, 2, 3, 81-3 colour accessibility, 30 history, 23-5 limitations, 25-30, 37, 47 electronic still camera, 25, 34-6 hybrid systems, 35 pigments, change in, 82, 84, 98-102 measuring, 103-5 Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, 77 power protection units, 196 Princeton Index of Christian Art, 127 program design, 72-3 Q & A software, 197-8 reconstruction, 8, 10, 11, 84, 86 reflectance, anomalous, 27-8, 38 reflectography, infra-red, 115 reproduction digitalized, 16, 80-3 transmission, 17 see also photography, colour research, individual, and use of computers, xi restoration, 2, 84-5, 115 retrieval, xiii, 17, 72, 135, 137-9, 156, 157, 159-63, 170, 176 see also videodisc RILA (Répertoire internationale de la littérature de l'art), 141 RLIN (Research Libraries Information Network), viii Roaf, Michael, 88 Rooth, Anna Brigitta, 126 Ruskin, John, 23 SAMNA software, vii Saunders, David, 84, 98-15 scanner, 2, 30-1, 36-8, 41-4 school national, 95-6 SCIPIO database, viii Scotland, Moray District cataloguing, 164-73 search, use of computers in, 55, 59-60, 94, 162 Sedlmayr, Hans, 10 simulations of objects, 9-10, 11-12 of situations, 67 Sistine chapel, restoration work, 2, 7 'sketch, primal', 86 Smithsonian National Museum of American Art, classification system, 120, 125-6, 136, 138 software, 53-4, 59, 61-2, 147-8, 150-2, 171-3, 175, 197-8 limitations, 17 spectrophotometry, 103-5, 104, 106, 107 spike protection, 196 stability of digital image, 40-1, 79, 82, 84 of photographic image, 29 Index 213 STAIRS system, 17 Stam, Deidre, viii STATUS system, 139, 175-6 storage, xiii, 17 electronic images, 39-41, 43 image, 30 style, individual, 95 Sunderland, John, 130-42 surge protection devices, 172, 196 SYBASE database, 17 television, high-definition (HDTV), 35, 39 temperature and computer problems, 147 and environmental monitoring, 182-3, 186 thermohygrometers, 179, 181-2 thesaurus, in classification, 120, 125-8, 137-8, 161 Thoenes, Christof, 8-9, 11 thought, impact of computers on, 75 tonality, in digitization, 87, 95 training, staff, 148-9, 152-3, 201 transferability, of digital image, 79-80 travel, with portable computers, 195 ultra-violet radiation, effects on pigment, 102, 103 Vaughan, William, 74-96 Vax computers, 160 Venice, Soprintendenza ai Beni Artistici e Storici, 84 vermilion, change in, 98, 101, 101-2 Victoria & Albert Museum, London classification systems, 125 computers in, vii-viii video, interactive, 65, 67-73 video camera, 24-5 video-tapes, 33 videodisc, 16, 33-5, 40-6 Dutch Open University Visual Arts Project, 65-73 generic, 69 Images System project, 57-64 indexing, 56, 58-9, 61, 63-4 retrieval, xiii, 50-6, 69-70, 72 self-testing, 70-2 vision, theories of, 82, 86-7, 88, 95 Waal, Henri Van der, 121, 140 Warburg, A., 24 warranty, portable computers, 196-7 Weeg Computing Centre, Computer Assisted Instruction Laboratory, 50, 54 Weizenbaum, Joseph, 1, 75 window techniques, 39, 72 Witt Computer Index, 122, 130-7, 140 Wölffiin, Heinrich, 81 word processing, xiii, 75, 156, 160, 170 WORM systems, 40 Wright W.D., 103, 104 Yale Center for British Art, 123 classification system, 120, 123, 124, 136, 138, 141
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