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Volltext:INDEX Numbers in italic refer to pages containing illustrations. Act of Union (1536) 109 Ad Herennium 19 Aelian 137 Aesop 137 Agricola, Rudolph 47 Alberti, l^eon Battista 4 alchemy 144 Alciato, Andrea 60 Aldrovandi, Ulisse 179, 180; Acanthology 177; Monstrorum Historia 172; museum 175, 176 Alexander the Great 80 Alexandria 9 Alfred 61, 62, 176 almanac 184-96 alphabetization 8-9, 165, 174 Ambrose 24 Amerbach family 181 anatomy 38-9, 159-60, 163 4, 187, 190 Anglo-Welsh dictionary 109 Antonia Augusta 81 Apollonius 49 Apuleius: Golden Ass 126, 127 Aquinas: Summa 30, 190-1 Arachne 35 6, 120-34 Arbroath, Declaration of (1320) 109 Archimedes 49 archives 24, 27 Aristotle 46, 47, 50, 51, 54, 173, 174, 180; De Plantis 176; De Precationibus 176; Metaphysics 50, 53; Posterior Analytics 52 Art Gallery (Microsoft) 95, 96 Arthur 111, 112, 113, 115 articulation 189, 190, 191, 192 artificial memory 20- 1 ASCII 174 Astell, Mary 176 astrolabe 185 astronomical man 186 Atlantic Monthly 27 Aubrey, John 25 -6, 180 Augustine 24 Augustus, Elector 174 Augustus Caesar 124, 177 Averroes 176 Bacon, Francis 54, 144; Advancement of Learning 178 Bacon, Roger: Opus Majus 185 Baldwin, William: Mirror for Magistrates 113 Bale, John 113 Bargrave, John 174, 176, 177 Barthes, Roland 121, 189 Basset, Robert: Resolver 172 Becanus, Goropius 180 Becon, Thomas: Works 61 Bede: Computus 185 Bettes, John 61 Bibie 61, 62, 161, 176, 179; Authorized Version 102, 103; Bishops' 102; Geneva 97-8, 100, 102-3; Great 102; Welsh 109 Biblia Pauperum 60 Billingsley, Henry 55 Biondi, Giovanni Francesco: Donzella Desterrada 63 Blenerhasset, Thomas: Mirror for Magistrates 112, 113 Boccaccio, Giovanni 63 Bodin, Jean 142; Methodus 136 -7; Universae naturae theatrum 138 Boethius 49 Bolgar, R. R. 12 Bologna 174 Bolter, Jay David 145 book of nature 160 book wheel 19, 42, 71 Borges, Jorge Luis 9, 163 Borst, Arn 29 Bovelles, Charles 46, 50, 53, 54 Bowes, Thomas 158, 159, 164 Boyle, Robert 11 Bracciolini, Poggio 3 Bradstreet, Anne 143 Bradwardine, Thomas 49 Brandt, Sebastian 68, 90 bricoleurs 145 6 Browne, Edward 173 4 Browne, Sir Thomas 13, 39, 42; cabinets of curiosity 207 I N D E X 170-83; Garden of Cyrus 37, 39, 175, \79; Museum Clausum 176 8; Pseudodoxia Epidemica 1 70, 171, 175, 177, 178 80; Religio Medici 170, 178, 179, 181; Urne-Buriall 170, 171, 178, 179, 180 Bruno, Giordano 162 Buonanni, Filippo 175 Burton, Robert: Anatomy of Melancholy 41, 138, 163, 165 cabinets of curiosity 20, 170 83 Calceolari 152, 176 calculating machine 29, 30, 31 calendar 185 Calvin, John 27, 103 Camden, William: Britannia 111 12, 116, 136 Camille, Michel 3 Camillo, Giulio 19 -20 Cardano, Girolamo 52 Carlson, David 66, 68 Carruthers, Mary 141, 146 Cartari, Vincenzo 60; Imagini de i Dei degli Antichi 72; Vere e None Imagini 72 Cassirer, Ernst 55 Cavendish, Margaret 140 Caxton, William: Chaucer 66 77, 68, 69, 85-6; Mirrour of the World 19 CD-ROM 39 cento 138, 171, 180, 181 Ceruti, Benedetto: Musaeum Francisci Calceolari Veronensis 152 Chadwyck-Healey 95 Charles I 25, 97, 100, 101, 102, 103 Charpentier, Jacques 53 Chartier, Roger 10, 23 Chaucer, Geoffrey 84-9, 91 2, 185; Canterbury Tales 66-8, 84 9; Treatise on the Astrolabe 185 Chiocco, Andrea: Musaeum Francisci Calceolari Veronensis 152 Churchyard, Thomas: Worthiness of Wales 112 13, 115 Cicero 3, 19, 20, 48, 174 Claudius 82 clock: mechanical 29; water 29 Cockayne, Sir William 192 codex 7 Collison, Robert 137 colophon 68 9 commonplace book 12 13, 19, 23, 138, 158 computer, female 135 48 computer memory 21 computer-generated texts 12 computus 29, 186 Cope, Walter 20, 178 Copernicus 36, 166, 186- 7 copyright 12 Cornelia 80 Cornwall 109 Coryat, Thomas: Crudities 96 -7, 98 Cossutia 81, 82 Cotton, Charles 124 Cotton, Robert 171, 175, 180 Croll, Oswald 175, 179 Crooke, Helkiah: Mikrokosmographia 38, 187 190 191 Cunningham, William: Cosmographical Glosse 61 62 67 8, 74 curiosity cabinet, see cabinets of curiosity Curtius, Ernst Robert 187, 188 Da Vinci, I^eonardo: Mona Lisa 42 Dante 30, 191, 193 database 9, 14, 95-105, 140, 174 Davies, Martin 4, 8, 11 Day, John 61, 62 De Hamell, Christopher 2 De Mundo 164 Dean, I^eonard E 145 Dee, John 55 Dekker, Thomas: Ravens Almanacke 186 Delany, Paul 145 Derrida, Jacques 132, 191 Descartes, Rene 10, 30, 39, 54-5, 191; Meditations on First Philosophy 30 diary 185, 186, 192-3 Digges, Leonard: Prognostication Everlasting 155 6, 186, 187 Digges, Thomas 156, 186 Diogenes the Cynic 176 Dirlik, Arif 107 8 Disc Operating System 8 Dolman, Richard 160 2 Doncaster, Viscount 55 Donne, John 13, 35, 37; Biathanatos 192; Catalogus 176; Devotions 184, 192 4; Testacy' 192; First Anniversarie 36; Holy Sonnets 193; Progresse of the Soul 33-4, 37; Quid non? 177; 'Valediction Forbidding Mourning' 193 Dowland, John 61-2 Drayton, Michael: Poly-Olbion 97, 98 9 Drury, Elizabeth 33, 34 Du Bartas 38, 161 du Cange, Dominique 175 du Choul, Guillaume: Discours de la Religion des Anciens Romains 66, 83 Du Pont NEN 42 Dugdale, William 180 Dupleix, Scipion: Ethique 55 Dürer, Albrecht 49, 174 Dyson, George 31 Earle, John: Microcosmographie 176 Eco, Umberto: Marne of the Rose 4 Edgar 112 Edward VI 113 Edwards, Mark 6 Eikern Basüike 25, 97, 100, 101, 102, 103 Eisenstein, Elizabeth 108-9 Elizabeth I 20, 26, 109, 1 13, 123, 125, 127, 129, 130 e-mail 32 emblem books 46, 60 Empedocles 187 encyclopaedia 157 -69 208 I N D E X Encyclopaedia Britannica 166, 167 encyclopedic memory 19 encyclopedic texts 139 -40 English Poetry Full-Text Database, The 96 Epicurus 176, 178 Erasmus 35; Adages 40-1; De copia verborum atque rerum 1 2 Essex, Earl of 129, 130 Euclid 50, 51 2, 53, 55, 61 Evelyn, John 178 Fabian 140 Fine, Oronce: Protomatkesis 50, 52 Fish, Stanley 100 Fletcher, John 26 florilegium 19, 138 font 34- 5 Fontenelle, Bernard de 55 Foucault, Michel 174, 187, 189; Les Mots et les Choses 188; 'Prose of the World' 190, 194 Frame, Robin 109 Frege, Gottlob: Begriffschrift 55 Fukyama, Francis 109 Fulvio, Andrea 64; IUustrium Imagines 80, 81, 82 Galen 38, 39 Galileo 26, 54, 177 Gassendi, Pierre 178 Geoffrey of Monmouth: Hutoria Regum Britanniae 110, 111, 113 14 George, St 114 Gibson, William: Neuromancer 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 39, 40 Giganti collection 174 Gillespie, Vincent 12 globalization 2, 106 19 Gödel, Kurt 157 Golding, Arthur: Ovid 121 Gosson, Stephen 159 Gouvea, Antonio de 47, 48, 49 Grafton, Anthony 7 Green, Jonathon 8 Grotius, Hugo 25 Grub Street 4 Grynaeus, Simon 52 Gurguntius 110 Gustavus Adolphus 174 Gutenberg, Johann 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 30 'Gutenberg Galaxy' 4 'Gutenberg wave' 45 Hadfield, Andrew 100 Hannibal 176, 177 Hanning, Robert 121 Haraway, Donna 23, 42 Harold 113 Harris, Roy 29 Harrison, William: 'Description of England' 110 Harvey, Gabriel 22 Harvey, William 11, 178 Hawes, Stephen: Pastime of Pleasure 19 Helena 113 Henry III of France 19, 158 Henry IV of France 158, 177 Henry VIII 20, 110 Hercules 40-1, 72 hermetic tradition 143, 172, 176 Herodotus 139, 180 Heywood, John: Spider and the Flie 64, 79 Heywood, Thomas: Bodin 136; Curtain Lecture 136; Englands Elizabeth 136; Exemplary Lives 136; Fair Maid of the West 136; Gunaikeion 13, 14, 135-48, 149] Life of Merlin 140; Sallust 136-7; Woman Killed with Kindness 136 Hieroglyphs of Horapollo 60 Hippocrates 177 histories 106-19 Hobbes, Thomas 10 11, 30; De corpore 31; Leviathan 99 Hole, William 60-1, 73, 96 Holinshed, Raphael: Chronicles 106, 110-11, 116, 140 Homer 145 Hooke, Robert: Micrographia 176 Hopkins: Psalms 62 Horace 41 Hudson, Henry 173 Hugh of St Victor 188, 191 Huntington Library 11 Huttich, Johann 65 6, 83 hypermedia 2 hypertext 2, 12, 95, 96, 99, 121, 141, 145, 189 icons 212 illustrations 59-70 Imperato collection 174 lmperatus, Ferdinandus: Dell' Historia Naturale 153 Imperial collection, Vienna 176, 178 index 95 105 information retrieval, see retrieval systems Internet 12, 21, 22, 24, 32, 33, 37, 95, 110 Isaiah 35 James I 102, 103, 111, 112, 116 Jardine, Nicholas 49 Java scripts 27 Jodelle, Etienne 163 Jones, Inigo 98 Jonson, Ben 96, 166; Catiline 69; Cynthia's Revels 69, 94, 123, 126, 127, 128, 129-32; Devil is an Ass 69; English Grammar 69, 190; Every Man Out of his Humour 69; 'Execration against Vulcan' 61; Polio (1616) 60-1, 62, 69, 73] Folio (1640) 69, 73] Folio (1692) 61, 69; New Inn 69; Poetaster 69; Sejanus 69; Staple of News 69; Timber 69; Volpone 69, 94] Workes (1716) 94 Julius Caesar 112 Juste, Francois 65 Keilen, Sean 64, 65 Keller, Evelyn Fox 143 209 I N D E X Keimscott Press 68 Kircher, Athanasius: ArcaNoe 150 -1, 170, 172, 181 Knott, JohnR. 103 Kollmeier, Harold 100 La Primaudaye, Pierre de 190; Academie Fran$aise 157 69, 189; French Academy 13, 14\ Suite de l'academiejrarifoise 159 Landow, George P. 128, 145, 189 Laporte, Roger: Of Grammatology 191 Legati, Lorenzo: Breve descrizione delMuseo F. Cospi 154 Leibnitz, G. W. 29, 30, 31, 42 Leiden Glossary 8 Leland, John 113 Leo X, Pope 64 Levi-Strauss, Claude 116, 145 Liber Cronicarum 63, 65 libraries 2, 3, 24, 27; Alexandria 9; Huntington 11; infinite 9; universal 135 Linnaeus 172 Livy 173, 176, 177 Llull, Ramon 46 Look and Learn 17 6 Lorraine, Cardinal de 53 Lownes, Humphrey 62 Lownes, Matthew 62, 63 Lucian 124, 125, 128, 129, 130, 163; Tnstia 124 Luther, Martin 12, 109, 173; Ninety-five Theses 4-6; Sermon on Indulgences 6 Lyotard, Jean-Frangois 107, 108, 109 MacArthur, Tom 8 Machiavelli, Niccolo 25, 26; Florentine Historie 63 Macllmaine, Roland 55 6 McKenzie, D. F. 10, 22 McLuhan, Marshall 4, 9-10, 45-6, 109 Manguel, Alberto 4 manuscript discovery 3 Marcus, Leah S. 12, 147 marginalia 22, 165 6 Marston, John 26 Marvell, Andrew: Dialogue Between the Soul and the Body 33 Marx, Karl 107 matrix 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 39, 40 Maurolico, Francesco 49 Mayor, A. Hyatt 63 Mazzocchi, Giacomo: Illustrium Imagines 64 6 mechanical philosophers 143 Medici, Catherine de' 165 Medici, Cosimo de' 4 Melanchthon, Philip 52 memory: artificial 20-1; banks 140; computer 21; encyclopedic 19; theatres 19-20, 138 Menippus 158, 165 Mercati, Michele 174; Metallotheca 153 Mercier, Louis-Sebastien: An 2440, 20 Method 10, 45-58 Microsoft 32; Art Gallery 95, 96 Miller, Jean Baker 144 Milton, John 25, 136; Apology for Smectymnuus 26; Areopagitica 23; 'Christ's Nativity' 96; Eikonoklastes 100; First Defense 25; Judgement of Martin Bucer 25; Paradise Lost 30, 31, 37, 103, 130, 136; Reason of Church Government 25, 100 Montaigne: Essays 13, 41, 136, 187, 188 More, Sir Thomas: Utopia 158 Morley, Thomas: Introduction to Practical Music 61 -2 Moscardi 176 Mosely, Humphrey 63 Moss, Ann 13, 158 Mounson, Sir William 161 Moxon, Joseph 35 multimedia 10 Mundinus: Anatomia 38 Muris, Jean de 49 Napier, John: Mirifici logorithmorum 55-6 nationalism 106 19 Nazism 188 Nelson, Theodor 121 Nemorarius 49 network 9, 32, 35 -40, 191, 192 New Philology 10 Newton, Sir Isaac 11 Nicholas ofCusa 188 Noah 51, 170-1, 176, 179 Norton Disk Doctor 22 Nuremberg Chronicle, see Liber Cronicarum Ong, Walter J. 9, 10, 34, 45 6, 109 online texts 19, 22 orality 10, 34 Ovid: Metamorphoses 12, 13, 14, 35-6, 120-34, 135, 140; Tristia 121 Ovide Moralise 122 Oxford English Dictionary, The 95 Papert, Seymour 145-6 Paracelsus 143, 144, 188, 192 Parry, Graham 98 9 Pascal, Blaise 11, 30, 31, 42, 46 Patterson, Annabel 106, 111 Peletier du Mans, Jacques 53, 54 Perseus 95 Petrarch 162 Petronius 3 Peurbach, Georg von 49 Phillips, Edward: Generali History of Women 136, 137, 143 Phillips, Margaret 40 Piccolomini, Alessandro: Commentarium 52 Pico della Mirandola: Judaeo-Chnstian Pythagoras 176 Plato 47, 158 Platter, Thomas 20 Plaudilla Augusta 81 Pliny 171, 180 Plot, Robert 174 Plutarch 180 Poggius 13 7 Polychronicon 140 210 I N D E X Pompeia 80 Porta, Battista 175 Postel, Guillaume de 163 postmodernism 106- 19 Preston, Claire 188 print alienation 22 print technology 4; font 34 5; presses 1, 30, 189, 191; typefaces 7, 34 5 Proclus 52 prognostication 185 Prometheus 50 1 Psalterium Carolinum 101 Ptolemy 49, 162 Puttenham, George: Art of English Poesie 97, 99-100 Pynson, Richard: Chaucer 66, 68, 69, 87 Pythagoras 52, 159 Pytheus 176, 177 Quintilian 3, 21 Rabelais, Francois 163 Raleigh, Sir Walter 115; History of the World 145 Ramelli, Agostino: Diverse et artificiose machine 19, 42, 71 Ramus, Peter (Pierre de la Ramee) 10, 12, 41, 42, 45-58; Aristotelicae animadversiones 47, 50, 51, 53; Arithmetica 50, 55; Dialectica 48, 49, 54, 55; Dialecticae institutiones 47; Dialecticae libri duo 47, 48; Dialectici commentarii tres 47; Dialectique 47, 48, 50, 51, 53; Euclid 52; Method 45-58; Oratio de studiis mathematiciis 48; Prooemium mathematicum 52; Quod sit unica doctnnae instituendae methodus 48; Scholae dialecticae 47, 48, 51; Scholae mathematicae 52, 53, 54 Reader's Digest 140 reading 1; book buying 2-3; silent 24- 5 RealAudio 27 Recorde, Robert: Whetstone of Witte 55 Regiomontanus 49 replicability 42 rete mirabile 38 9, retrieval systems 8, 19, 20, 21, 165 rhetoric 10, 34 Ripa 61 Robbins, Robin 178 Roberts, Peter 109 Robin Hood 112, 113 Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of 31 Rokokius 180 roll 7 Rondelet, Guillaume 180 Rosseter, Philip 61 Rowe, Nicholas 69 Royal Society 30, 31, 143- 4 Salic law 161 Sallust: Catiline 136 7 Salzman, Paul 32 Sandys, George: Ovid 121, 124 Sawday, Jonathan 163, 190 Saxony, Duke of 176 Schedel, Hartmann: Nuremberg Chronicle 76, 77, 78 Schegk, Jacob 51, 52 Scheurl, Christopher 5-6 Schilling, Hermann 49, 52 scribal technology 2, 7, 11 scriptorium 7-8 scuole d'abbaco 49 search-engine 7, 95-105, 174 Seiden, John 99 Semiramis, Queen 143 sententiae 23, 40 Shakespeare, William 26; First Folio 61, 68, 136; Fourth Folio 68, 69; Hamlet 28; Locrine 69; Love's Labour's Lost 23; Macbeth 145; Midsummer Night's Dream 126, 127; Rowe 69; Second Folio 68; Sonnets 23, 35; Troilus and Cressida 68; Yorkshire Tragedy 69 Short, Peter 61 2 Sidney, Sir Philip 62, 63; Arcadia 62, 74-5; Astrophil and Stella 23, 35; Defence of Poetry 62 signaturae rerum 17 5 Silvestris, Bernard 188 Singleton, Hugh 68 Socinianism 175 Soyinka, Wole 145 Speech Association of America 27 Speed, John: Theatre 111, 112, 115, 116, 140 Speght, Thomas 68; Chaucer 91 2 Spender, Dale 12 Spenser, Edmund 13, 37; Faerie Queene 9, 10, 36, 62, 68, 114—16, 123, 125-6, 127, 129, 135, 159, 164; Folio (1611) 68, (1617) 68; Muiopotmos 36; Shepheardes Calender 62, 68, 90; universal library 9, 10, 135; Workes 62, 75, 93 Stanihurst, Richard: 'Ireland' 111 'Star Trek' 22 3 Starnes, D. T i 28 Stephanus, Charles 129 Sterne, Laurence 100 Sternold and Hopkins: Psalms 62 Stowe, John: Chaucer 66, 67, 68, 69, 78, 88 -9 Strabo 176, 177 Strong, Roy 301 Stubbs, Philip 159 sundial 29, 185 surfing 9, 32, 33, 45 Sutherland, Kathryn 12 Swift, Jonathan 21 Sylvester, Joshua 38 Talbot, E.W. 128 talking books 24 Talon, Omer, see Ramus, Peter Tamburlaine 177 Tesauro, Emmanuele 175, 179 texts: computer-generated 12; encyclopaedic 139 40; online 19, 22; vernacular 109. See also print technology; scribal technology Theophrastus 180 Theseus 37 Thomas, Keith 22 211 I N D E X Thoresby, Ralph 178 Thynne, William; Chaucer 66, 69, 84, 85 Tillyard, E. M. W. 189 Times Literary Supplement, The 24, 191 Timetables of History 185 Tonson, Jacob 69 Topseil, Edward: Historie of Four-Footed Beastes 189-90 Tradescant family 171, 173, 174 Turkic, Sherry 145-6 Tuscany, Duke of 176 Uther Pendragon 113 Valeriano, Pierio 60 Valerius Maximus 137 van Helmont, Jean Baptiste 178 variorum 11 Vaughan, Robert 61, 73 Velsius, Justus 52 Vergil, Polydore 112 vernacular texts 109 Vesalius 38, 40; De kumani corporis fabrica 39; Tabulae Sex 39 Virgil: Aeneid 68, 90 visual aids 46, 47 voice synthesis 27 volumen 1 Vortigern 113 Warhol, Andy: Thirty are better than One 42 waterclock 29 web 9, 10, 32, 33, 39, 122 Webber, Joan 190 WH, Mr 35 Whitman, Walt 192 Wight, John: Chaucer 66, 67, 88 William the Conqueror 113 Willis, John: Mnemonica 19 Wiltenburg, Robert 127 Windows 21 Withals, John 8 Worcester, Earl of 136 Wörde, Wynken de: Chaucer 67, 68, 69, 87-8 world wide web 3 3 Worm, Ole 173, 176, 180, 181; Musei Wormiani Historia 152 WORPweb site 21 Wotton, Anthony 55 Yates, Frances A. 19 -20, 138 Young, Thomas 25 zodiacal man 155, 186 212
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