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Volltext:382 references index Page references in italic refer to illustrations. Abend, Harry, 70 Abstract Expressionism, 25in.i abstraction, 87, 92n.38, 276, 326, 338, 352; categorical divisions and, 202-5, 211-12, 217; emergence and develop­ment of, 204-5, 212-14; interior world and, 207; M. Otero Silva and A. Otero's polemical dialogue on, 63, 202-22, 251; social positioning of, 205-6. See also geometric abstraction; Informalism; kinetic art Academia de Bellas Artes, Caracas, 61, 90n.5,113, 233, 369. 37O, 371 Acción Democràtica (AD), 28n.30, 37, 40, 42, 43, 44n-3/ 45n.5, 53, 372, 374 Achugar, Hugo, 14-30 Acosta Saignes, Miguel, 36, 65 action works, 279, 376 Actualidades, 369 Adamism, modernity and, 328-29 Adriani, Alberto, 36, 52, 59n.l9 Aeropuerto Internacional de Maiquetfa Simon Bolivar, 307 Agrupación de Izquierda (ARDI), 440.1, 371 Albers, Josef, 25m.2, 278 Alborada, 78 Alcantara, Antonio, 37, 44n.2,108 Alvarez Sales, Cruz, 108,114 americanismo (Americanism), 18, 20, 28n.24 Andrade, Oswald de, 370 Antoh'nez, Gilberto, 63 Aray, Edmundo, 258, 259, 260, 262, 28sn.7 architecture: synthesis of visual arts with, 57, 63,188,197-99, 207, 208-9, 215-16, 220, 338, 349-50, 351-52, 353, 357-60, 558, 363-64, 373, 374. See also Villanueva, Carlos Raul Arden Quin, Carmelo, 372 Arismendi, Juan Bernardo, 353 Arp, Jean, 20, 24, 57, 226, 227, 351, 357, 359, 366n.5 Arrâiz, Antonio, 36, 64 Arroyo, Miguel, 65, 356 art concret (Brazilian movement), 374 Art Concret (Parisian journal), 370 Arte Concreto-lnvención, 30n.55, 92n.37, 372, 375 arte povera, 279 art for art's sake, 97, 205-6, 208, 212 art historiography, Venezuelan, 60-74, 324-30; in production of place, 340-41, 344-48 art informel, 69, 226, 361 Arturo, 372 Asturias, Miguel Ängel, 20, 22 Ateneo de Caracas, 65, 244, 371, 372; Boulton's essay on Venezuelan art exhi­bition at (1933), 107-10 Aula Magna, 356, 358 Avril, Henrique, 79 Baéz Finol, J. M., 238, 239-40, 245, 246 Banco Industrial de Venezuela, 36, 290, 291, 300n.2 Banco Obrero, 56,131, 353 Barboza, Diego, 283, 376 Bardet, Gaston, 131 Baroque, 126,134n.6 Barrios, Armando, 359 Battistini, Aimée, 300.56; Un soleil pour Milosz (A sun for Milosz), 152 beauty notion, 96-97,1330.1, 231 Bellerman, Ferdinand, 62 belleza criolla (criollo beauty), 85-86 Bello, Andrés, 15, 27n.6,106,127,, 174, 298 Benjamin, Walter, 17 Bermudez, Henry, 284 Betancourt, José Manuel, 108 Betancourt, Rómulo, 19, 20, 21, 280.30, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44n.i, 45n.11, 51, 53, 65, 66, 260, 371, 375 Blanchot, Maurice, 275 Blanco, Lourdes, 283, 289 Blanco Fombona, Rufino, 34 Blaschitz, Carlos, 131 Bloc, André, 355, 359 Boggio, Emilio, 70, 235, 236, 237, 369 Bolivar, Simon, 60, 63, 66, 85, 9in.2i, 113, 118,125,127,130, 326, 332, 345, 371; birthplace of, 79, 9in.25,113,117-18, 369, 370; Boulton's study of, 64, 66-67, 250n.2, 374; Guillent Pérez's essay on, 172-74, 250; Salas's paintings of, 61, 78-79, 85, 9in.25,113,117-18; scenario of origin and, 78-79, 80, 90n.4 Borges, Jacobo, 41,, 258, 326, 376; Algo se ha roto (Something Has Broken), 318; Ha comenzado el espectâculo (The Show Has Begun), 319; Humilde ciudadano (Humble Citizen), 274, 275, 319; Jugadoras de cartas (Card-playing women), 275; Lampara y siila (Lamp index 383 and chair), 274; Traba's essay on, 274-77, 286 Borges, Jorge Luis, 22, 23-24, 30n.ó3 Boulton, Alfredo, 16-17, 20, 26, 76-77, 86, 87,134n.i, 363; background and educa­tion of, 64, 370; Otero's correspon­dence with, 180-97, 250; pen names of, 65, 371; Reverón's portrait of, 325; Uslar Pietri's correspondence with, 16, 101-5,133 -as critic, curator, and historian, 60, 63-72, 67-72, 73n.i2, 85, 2SOn,2, 324-30, 335-36, 341. 346-48, 370, 371, 373, 374, 375, 376; "Brief Notes on the Fringes of Venezuelan Painting" 111-14, 134; Historia de la pintura en Venezuela (History of painting in Venezuela), 68, 69-70, 90n,7, 289-90, 346, 347, 375, 376; "Is Photography an Arti" 199-202; Los retratos de Bolivar (Portraits of Bolivar), 64, 66-67, 2SOn.2, 374; Reverón essay, 62, 63, 69, 84, 9in.24, 232-49, 251-52, 324-30; "Venezuelan Painting as International Value" 107-to, 134 -as photographer, 22, 23, 64, 65-66, 67, 72, 77, 82-83, 86, 910.18,116,132, 237, 239, 309, 328, 346-47, 371, 372, 373i Desnudo con cambures (Nude with bananas), 158; Eladio Montiel, 143; Gal-linero de Chachopo (Chicken coop in Chachopo), 142; La Margarita, 23, 24-25, 29-300.52, 66, 373; Vista de El Avila desde Los Guayabitos de mariana (El Avila mountain seen from Los Gua­yabitos in the morning), 142 Bousquet, Miquel, 108 Bracho, Gabriel, 87, 92nn. 30, 31 Brancusi, Constantin, 227 Brandt, Federico, 77, 113, 134n.2; Interior con mecedora (Interior with rocking chair), 157; Naturaleza muerta con Vir-gen (Still life with Virgin), 137 Brandt, Julia, 108 Braque, Georges, 209, 216, 222 Brasilia project, 22, 290.48 Breton, André, 261, 264 Brett, Guy, 225-28, 251 Briceno Iragorry, Mario, 36, 41, 62, 528, 373, 374 Cabré, Manuel, 61, 65, 77, 81-82, 83, 9in.20,108,114,117, 233, 247. 370, 371; El Avila (la siila) desde La Urbina (El Avila mountain [the "saddle"] seen from La Urbina), 147; Paisaje (Landscape), 136 Cadenas, Rafael, 575 Cajigal, Juan Manuel, 342, 340n.5 CAL (Critica, Arte, Literatura), 575 Calder, Alexander, 23, 24, 57, 227-28, 279, 302, 356, 359, 362, 364 Caldera, Rafael, 43, 440.4, 45n.i2, 69, 376 Calzadilla, Juan, 30n.66, 258, 260, 262, 2850.3; "Terrible Evidence" 270-73, 285 Campos Biscardi, José, 283 Capriles, Maria Luisa de, 108 Caracas, 17, 21, 22, 40, 46, 47, 54, 56-57, 374; plan of (1806), 129; quatercente-nary of, 275, 2860.2; Traba's views on progressive image of, 278-82; urban-renewal plan for (1939), 55, 83,130,130, 335, 355, 371; Villanueva's essay on history of, 127-32. See also El Silencio, Caracas Carlyle, Thomas, 70 Carpentier, Alejo, 15, 20, 22,, 62, 373, 374 Carreno, Omar; Composición geomètrica (Geometric composition), 152 cartography, 344 Carvallo, Feliciano, 295, 3000.2 Casa Caoma, Caracas, 356, 356-57 Casa Natal de El Libertador, Caracas, 79, 910.25,113,117-18, 369, 370 Castellanos, Gonzalo, 262 Castillo, Marcos, 37, 44n.2, 65, 70, 73".14, 108,114, 345 Castillo, Pedro, 60 Castillo Zapata, Rafael, 340-48 Castro, Cipriano, 31, 32, 78,133ml, 369 Castro, Pedro Leon, 359; Armonia (Harmony), 145 Castro Leiva, Luis, 339 Catala, José Agustin, 373 categorical doctrines, 202-3 Centeno Vallenilla, Pedro, 108 Centro Simon Bolivar, Caracas, 56, 89, 373, 374 Cercle et Carré, 370 Cézanne, Paul, 30n.55,120,121, 202, 209, 210, 219, 222, 225, 248, 25m.1, 329 Chalbaud, Roman, 373 Chataing, Alejandro, 370 Chaves, Luis Eduardo, 108 Chocrón, Isaac, 290, 376 Christian Democracy, 35, 38 Ci'rculo de Bellas Artes, 6i, 62, 65, 68, 73n.6, 78, 79, 9on.5,133n.2, 233, 234, 235, 336, 343, 345, 369; Martinez's article on ideas and aims of, 78, 79, 94-96, 233; Semprum's speech on, 96-98, 233 Ciudad Universitaria. See Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas Club Venezuela, Caracas, 236, 369, 370 CoBrA, 327 Codazzi, Agustin, 342, 347, 348n.4 cojo ilustrado, El, 79, 90, 369 Colina, Alejandro, 62, 65, 730.10, 88, 9in.2i, 92n.3ó; El cacique Tiuna (Tiuna 384 references the cacique), 575; Maria Lionza, 314 Collazos, Oscar, 261 colonial art, 60, 61, 62, 63, 67-68, 70 colonial legacy, 16, 28n.l5, 341; Guillent Pérez's essay on, 172-74 Columbus, Christopher, 328 Comité de Organización Politica Elec­toral (COPEI), 38, 42, 44n.4, 372, 374 Communist party, 35, 37-38, 40, 42, 87, 88, 92n.29, 260, 261, 371, 372, 376 Conceptual art, 70, 279, 283 Concrete art, 278 Constructivism, 20,121, 229, 351-52 Contramaestre, Carlos, 3cm.66, 258, 259, 260, 262, 274, 285n.9; Estudio para verdugo y perro (Study for execu­tioner and dog), 320; Homenaje a la necrofilia (Homage to necrophilia) exhibition, 259, 259, 265-67, 266, 285, 375; Untitled (Caballeros luchando) (Knights battling), 321 Contrapunto, 372 Corot, Camille, 112 Cortazar, Julio, 15, 27n.11, 30n.Ó3, 261 Crema, Don Eduardo, 298 Crespo, Nina, 110 crioUismo, 95,133n.2 Cruz-Diez, Carlos, 24, 25, 30n.6o, 72, 87, 92n.33, 191, 250n.i4, 279, 289, 326, 374. 575. 376; Ambientación cromàtica (Chromatic environment), 280, 282, 283, 286n.5, 307; "The Construction of a Language" 229-32, 251; Cromosatu-ración de Gelsenkirchen (Chromosatu­ration of Gelsenkirchen), 509; Doble an/mación de un plano (Double anima­tion of a plane), 306; Physichromie no. 285 (Physichrome no. 285), 306 cuadros de costumbres (portraits of local customs), 342, 343, 344, 346, 347 Cuban Revolution, 25, 42, 69, 260 Cubism, 30n.55, 64, 77,126,192,193, 202, 203, 204, 207, 210, 213, 216, 219, 222, 223, 248 Cuevas, José Luis, 70,189 Da Antonio, Francisco, 30on.i, 324, 325, 327; "Barbaro Rivas: Note for a Portrait" 295-99. 300 Dada, 192, 218, 257, 262, 263, 269 Dario, Rubén, 125-26 Daumier, Honoré, 210, 218 Day in Paris, A (Paris, 1966), 280 Debourg, Narciso, 300.56, 280 decorative concept of painting, 208-9 Delacroix, Eugène, 112,121, 210, 248 de la Parra, Teresa, 370 de la Plaza, Ramon, 60, 61, 73nn. 1, 4; 345, 346 Delaunay, Robert, 20, 202, 205, 214 Delgado, Yolanda, 65 Delgado Chalbaud, Carlos, 40, 66, 373 Depons, Francisco, 129 Derain, André, 110 Descartes, René, 230 Diaz Rodriguez, Manuel, 33-34 Diaz Sanchez, Ramon, 36, 41, 62 Diehl, Gaston, 70 Disidentes, Los, 24, 300.56, 44n.2, 70,179, 25on.i, 337-38; manifesto of, 178, 373 Doesburg, Theo van, 351, 370 Domingo, Javier, 260 Dominguez, Cipriano, 56, 59n.27, 373 Duarte, Carlos F., 71 Duchamp, Marcel, 25m.2, 351 Dürer, Albrecht, 208, 218 Ediciones Tubuläres, 375 Egea Lopez, Alberto, 108-9, 114 Eguren, José Maria, 117,134n.5 El Avila mountain, 61, 80, 81, 81-84, 9in.2i, 374; Boulton's photographs of, 142, 372; Cabré's painting of, 147 Eliot, T. S., 261 Elite, 65, 371 El Silencio, Caracas, 22, 22, 56, 66, 83, 87, 89,130-32, 132, 353, 372, 373 Empresas Capriles, Caracas, 280, 286n.4 En uso de la razón (Power of reason; Caracas, 1963), 259 environmental art, 279 Erminy, Perän, 300.56,182 Ernst, Max, 110 Escobar, Marisol, 375 Escuela de Artes Plasticas y Aplicadas, Caracas, 61, 63,178,193 Escuela de Bellas Artes, Caracas, 114, 274 Escuela de Caracas, 37, 44n.2, 88,134n.2, 343 Escuela Nacional de Artes Plasticas, 345 esfera, La, 259 Espinosa, José Maria, 71 Estampa, 190 Esteva-Grillet, Roldan, 60-74 Exposición Nacional (1883), 60 Exposition International (Paris, 1937), 353, 354, 371 Expressionism, 121, 218, 229, 231 Fabbiani, Juan Vicente, 193, 250n,2 Fantoches, 370 Fauvism, 202, 204, 226, 229, 248 Ferdinandov, Nicolas, 118-19,134n.7, 235, 236, 240, 369 Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 262 Fernandez, Francisco, 109 Ferrero, Carlos Luis, 131 figurative art, 69, 70, 226, 228, 262, 274-77, index 385 361; abstraction vs., 202-3, 211, 212, 217 Floris, Marcel, 67 folkloric traditions, 62, 66, 255, 264, 325-26, 373 Fontana, Lucio, 3732 formalism, 61, 338. See also abstraction Francastel, Pierre, 277 freedom: emancipation impulse and, 552"35i Sardio's stance on, 254-55 Frias, Carlos Eduardo, 64, 119 functional concept of painting, 208-9, 212, 215-16 Futurism, 18, 61, 64 Galena Cuatro Muros, 179, 250n.i, 374 Galena de Arte Nacional, 70, 71 Gallegos, Rómulo, 18-19, 21, 28n.25, 2çn.47, 31, 34, 36, 53, 61, 63, 64, 77, 78, 82, 89, 9inn. 19, 23; 328, 329, 331, 369, 370, 371, 373; "Gods Lands" 103-7, 135-34; presidency of, 38-40, 66, 373 Garcia, Gregorio, 110 Garcia Bacca, Juan David, 374 Garcilaso de la Vega, 122-23 Garmendia, Salvador, 258, 28sn.2, 360, 375 Gauguin, Paul, 248 Gego (Gertrude Goldschmidt), 290.51, 70, 372; Bicho 87/11 (Critter 87/11), 310; Cuerdas (Estructuras aéreas ambi-entaiesj (Cords [Environmental aerial structures]), 311; Esfera (Sphere), 310; Reticulâreas, 23, 289, 290, 291, 293, 300n.i, 311; "Testimonial 1: Outline of Ideas and Interests Pursued" 288-89, 300; Traba's essay on, 289-94, 300 "Generation of 1918" 369 "Generation of 1928" 19, 20, 280.29, 34, 35, 64, 370 geometric abstraction, 24, 76, 77, 87, 205, 207, 208, 25on.i, 262, 264, 278, 351-52, 370, 376 Gerbasi, Vicente, 372, 373 Ghiberti, Lorenzo, 208, 216 Gide, André, 114 Ginsberg, Allen, 262 Giono, Jean, 82 Giotto, 208, 210, 216 "glocalization" 23, 29n.49 Goering, Anton, 62 Gogh, Vincent van, 204, 209, 222 Golding, Tomas, 110,114 Gómez, Juan Vicente, 15,19, 290.46, 31-32, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 40, 52, 55, 56, 570.6, 61, 78, 82, 86, 92n.34,106,133n-T 345, 369, 570, 371; struggle against, 280.29, 35, 441.1, 64, 370, 371, 372 Gómez Sicre, José, 70,190, 2500.1 Gonzalez, Daniel, 30n,66, 260, 266, 375; Untitled, 520 Gonzalez, Pedro Ângel, 37, 440.2, 77,109; Desde una colina del sur (From a south­ern hill), 747 Gonzalez, Rafael Ramon, 117 Gonzalez Bogen, Carlos, 300.56,179,187, 250n.i, 359, 374 Gonzalez Leon, Adriano, 30n.6ó, 258, 285n.i, 338, 375, 376; "Homage to Necrophilia" 265-67, 285, 375; "Why the Whale?" 267-70, 285 Gonzalez Prada, Manuel, 263 Gonzalez Rincones, Mimi, 109 Gonzalez Rincones, Salustio, 120 Goya, Francisco, 117,119,120,121,122, 210, 218, 234, 245 Gramcko, Elsa: Untitled, 304 Gramsci, Antonio, 261 Gropius, Walter, 529 Groupe de Recherche d'Art Visuel (GRAV), 280, 2860.3 Grünewald, Matthias, 180 Guasina concentration camp, 40, 44~45n-5, 373 Guayasamin, Oswaldo, 56, 59n.28 guerrillas, 25, 30n.66, 43, 70, 260, 261, 264, 375-76 Guevara, Che, 25, 260 Guevara, Roberto, 300n.i Guevara Moreno, Luis, 30n.5ó, 41, 45n.8, 182, 211; Untitled, 150 Guident Perez, J. R., 300.56,172-77, 332; "Bolivar, Ourselves, and Today" 172-74, 250; "On Latin America and the West" 175-77 GulJar, Ferreira, 375 Guzman Blanco, Antonio, 16, 28n.i6, 50, 60, 78, 900.4, 345 Härtung, Hans, 205 Hegel, G.W.F., 14, 27n.i, 70 Herbin, Auguste, 207 H errera, Carlos, 81 Herrera Villasmil, Carlos 283 Herr era Toro, Antonio, 900.5,112, 369 Homenaje a la cursilerfa (Homage to flashiness; Caracas, 1961), 256, 258, 259 Homenaje a la necrofilia (Homage to necrophilia; Caracas, 1962), 259, 259, 375; accompanying text for, 265-67,266 Hoyningen-Heune, George, 201 Humboldt, Alexander von, 81, 90-910.14, 127, 326, 342, 348n.6 Hurtado, Ângel, 205 Hurtado, Efrain, 258, 260 Imagen de Caracas (Image of Caracas), 275, 2860.2 Im ber, Sofia, 20, 324, 375 386 references Impressionism, 77,110,120, 219, 226, 228, 229, 231, 232, 253, 235-36, 243, 248 indios (aborigines), 85, 86, 87, 88-89,i23, 124,125, 212 Informalism, 70, 256, 257, 262, 270-73, 375 Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique, 121 Institute Nacional de Bellas Artes, Caracas, 60, 73n.i, 345 Institute Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas, Caracas (IVIC), 279, 280, 292-93 Irazâbal, Fernando: Occiso (Murdered), SV Isla de Margarita, 23, 24-25, 26, 66, 82, 86, 328, 372, 373 Izaguirre, Rodolfo, 262 James, Henry, 266-67, 285n.4 Jencks, Charles, 26 Jiménez, Ariel, 9-10, 76-92,156-70 Journal de Genève, 222-24, 251 Judd, Donald, 278 Junyent, Albert, 63 Kandinsky, Vasily, 195, 202, 204, 205, 207, 212-13, 214, 218, 219, 222, 227, 228, 248, 251 n.1 Kelly, Ellsworth, 187, 278 kinetic art, 69, 72, 77, 87, 231, 262, 264, 275, 276, 338, 359, 364; Cruz-Diez's con­ceptual platform for, 229-32, 251; Soto and Brett's dialogue on, 225-28, 251; Traba's views on, 70-71, 278-84, 294, 338. See also specific artists Klee, Paul, 110,192 Kosice, Gyula, 372 Lacasa, Luis, 354 Lam, Wifredo, 24,189 La Madriz, Leopoldo, 109 Lambert, Jacques, 580.24, 355 Land, Edwin Herbert, 25in.3 Landaeta, Leopoldo, 99-100,133 landscape, 61, 77-85, 9in.i7,133n.2, 176-77, 333-34, 336-37, 340-48; Boulton's documentation of, 82-83, 9in.i8, 328, 346-47; eruption of inter­est in, 78-80; Gallegos's essay on, 103-7,133-34; production of place and, 341-44; purity in depiction of, 77; urban encroachment and, 83, 9lnn. 20, 21. See also El Ävila mountain Larionov, Mikhail, 204 Larrain, Alejandro Alfonzo, 108 Larrazâbal, Wolfgang, 374 Laurens, Henri, 57, 302, 359, 3660.5 Lautréamont (Isidore Ducasse), 228 Le Corbusier, 35, 351, 352, 353 Léger, Fernand, 24, 57, 204, 209, 303, 359 Leonardo da Vinci, 118, 248 Leoni, Raul, 19, 28n.3i, 34, 42, 43, 44nn. 1, 3; 64, 371, 375 Letra roja, 274 Leufert, Gerd, 70, 290, 292, 300n.i "Leyes de Indias" (Laws of the Indies), 127, I34n.4 Leyseca, Marcia, 260 Lezama Lima, José, 20, 24, 340, 348n.i Liscano, Juan, 325, 373, 375 Lissitzky, El, 204 llaneros (plainsmen, or gauchos), 66, 85, 86 Llovera Paez, Luis, 40 Lobo, Balthazar, 57, 359 Lopez, Antero, 109 Lopez, Juan Pedro, 67-68 Lopez Contreras, Eleazar, 20, 21, 29nn. 41, 46; 34-35, 37, 39, 83, 271, 371 Losada, Diego de, 127 Lovera, Juan, 60, 61, 67, 68, 71, 73n.2 Lumière et mouvement (Light and move­ment; Paris, 1967), 280 Lunar, Emerio Darlo, 284 Luque, Àngel: Untitled, 32) Madeline, Léon-Joseph, 355 Mad! movement, 372 Magnelli, Alberto, 207 Malaussena, Luis, 354, 371, 373 Maldonado, Tomas, 372 Malevich, Kazimir, 63, 204, 222, 25in.i Manaure, Mateo, 24, 300.58, 56, 92n.37, 179,187,193, 205, 250n.i, 279, 280, 357, 359, 374 Manet, Édouard, 112,120,121 Marìnetti, Filippo Tommaso, 18 Marquez, Sonia, 283 Marti, José, 15, 27n.7, 28n.i5, 65, 261 Martinez, Leoncio, 61, 65, 73n,8,133, 13311.1, 233, 333, 336, 369, 370; "Ideas and Aims: Some Words on the Estab­lishment of the Clrculo de Bellas Artes" 78, 79, 94-96 Matisse, Henri, 110,117,121,122,190,195 Mauri, Emilio, 113, 233 Mazzei, Ana Maria, 293 Medina Angarita, Isalas, 21, 290.46, 37, 44n-3, 57, 63, 66, 83, 89,130, 372, 373 Meneses, Guillermo, 20, 36, 41, 62, 328, 357, 375 Menessier, Alfred, 205 Mérida, Manuel, 283 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 230 Messer, Thomas, 189-90 mestizaje (racial mixing), 85-86,115,177, 336-37, 370; Uslar Pietri's essay on, 20, 122-27 index 387 Mexican muralists, 18, 4511.7, 59nn. 28, 29; 87, 92nn. 31, 32; 126, 278, 370, 371, 376 Michelena, Arturo, 61, 68,112,113,118 Middle Ages, 129, 208, 215, 216, 220 Mijares, Augusto, 36, 62, 371 Millàn, Victor, 295, 300n.4 Millet, Jean-François, 299 Minimalist art, 363 Miranda, Francisco de, 127, 326 Mirò, Joan, 110 Mistral, Gabriela, 105,133n.4 modernity, 14-30, 324-39; Adamism and, 328-29; ambivalent reactionsto, 18-19, 24-25, 26; between world wars, 18-20; "discovery" of Latin America and, 331-32, 333; emancipation impulse and, 332-33, 336, 337; at mid-century, 20-24; modernizing impulse and, 334-35, 336; multifarious nature of, 15-18, 28n.i3; from 1960s to turn of twenty-first century, 24-27; territorial­ity and identity problems and, 333-34. 335-39; zeal for, 208, 25m.2 Modigliani, Amedeo, no Moholy-Nagy, Sibyl, 362-63 Möller, Carlos Manuel, 62 Monasterios, Rafael, 66,109,114, 233, 236, 376 Mondrian, Piet, 63,195, 202, 203, 204, 205, 207, 210, 212-13, 214, 219, 220-21, 222, 225, 227-28, 2500.3, 25inn. 1, 2 Monet, Claude, 232, 243, 248 Monsanto, Antonio Edmundo, 61,193, 233, 250n.i, 371 Monsanto, Bernardo, 117 Montreal World's Fair (1967), Venezuelan Pavilion at, 69, 360, 360-61, 365-64, 576 More, Thomas, 124 Moreno Carbonero, José, 119-20 Morera, Gabriel, 262, 285n.i2 Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban, 299 Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Caracas, 70, 71, 324 Museo de Arte Moderno Jesus Soto, Ciudad Bolivar, 279, 280, 281-82, 286nn. 2, 6; 361, 363, 564-65 Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, 61, 62-63, 66, 67, 68, 69,178, 244, 25on.i, 289, 291, 324, 353. 356, 37L 372, 373. 374 Museo de Ciencias, Caracas, 373 Museum of Modem Art, New York, 252n.4, 374, 376 Mützner, Samys, 235-36, 237, 369 Nacional, El, 290.32, 58, 372 naïf painting, 295-99 Narvâez, Francisco, 20, 29n.43, 62, 65, 72, 74n.22, 86-87,109,110,138, 325, 326, 353, 359, 37°, 371" Barutaima, 86, 86; Bolas criollas (Crìollo ball game), 139; fountains in El Silencio, 56,132,132, 372; Pelea de gallos (Cockfight), 139 national art, pursuit of, 65, 76-92, 95-96, 101,1330.3, 361-62; Adamism and, 328-29; human prototype and, 85-89; landscape and, 77-85, 910.17; Reverón and, 84-85; scenario of origin and, 78-80 Navarro, Pascual, 300.56, 41, 450.9, 62, 63, 182, 359; Estudio (Study), 150 Negret, Edgar, 189, 294 Negrón, Marco, 46-59 Neoconcrete movement, 375 Neo-lmpressionism, 202 Neo-Plasticism, 352 Neruda, Pablo, 24, 80, 261 Newman, Barnett, 278 Niemeyer, Oscar, 22, 25, 290.48 Nucete Sardi, José, 62, 64,131,134n.i, 345-46 Nunez, Rubén, 182 Ogaz, Damaso, 258, 260, 285n.6 oil, 19, 20, 21, 28n.27, 31-32, 35, 36, 39, 40, 42, 43. 44, 58n.11, 68, 369, 370, 375; expanded production of, after 1920, 50-52; foreign oil companies and, 19, 52, 37, 51, 52, 55, 58n.iO; impact of rev­enues from, 25, 32, 33, 46, 47, 49-55, 58n.i5, 63, 65-66, 69, 70,129, 279; nationalization of, 25, 58n.11; role of state and, 52-54, 57-580.8 Op art, 276, 278, 359 Oramas, Alirio, 30n.55, 92n.37, 359 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 25, 42, 375 Orozco, José Clemente, 210 Otero, Alejandro, 24, 30n.57, 41, 63, 69, 72, 89, 9in.i7, 920.38, no, 279, 289, 294, 325, 326, 338-39, 356, 372, 573, 374, 375. 376; Boulton's correspondence with, 180-97, 250; Cafeteras (Coffeepots), 92n.38,193, 250nn. 1, 2, 5; 355, 373; let­ter to Villanueva from, 361-62; Lineas coloreadas sobre fondo bianco (Col­ored Lines on White Background), 149, 250nn. 5, 6; Otero Silva's polemical dia­logue with, 63, 211-22, 251, 374; El potè bianco y la pala marron (The White Pot and the Maroon Shovel), 148; Tablón de Pampatar (Pampatar plank), 151; Torre solar (Solar Tower), 309 Otero, Carlos, 109, 233 Otero Silva, Miguel, 19, 28-290.32, 36, 41, 63, 64, 244. 338-39. 372, 374; Otero's polemical dialogue with, 63, 211 -22, 251, 374 "Otherness" 87, 538-59 388 references Ovalles, Caupolican, 30n.66, 258, 259, 285n.6, 375 Pacheco Rivas, Julio, 283 Padrón, Julian, 16-17, 28n.l8, 65 Paez, José Antonio, 66, 73n.3, 86, 92n.28, 3480.4 Palacios, Inocente, 65 Panteon Nacional, Caracas, 79, 90n.4, 9in.25,113, 371 Para la restitution del magma (For the restitution of magma; Caracas, 1961), 259 Pardo, Isaac, 19, 41, 328 Parque Central, Caracas, 290, 293-94, 300n.2 Parra, Oswaldo, 283 Parra Pérez, Caracciolo, 36, 62 Partido Revolucionario Venezolano, 92n.29 Pascin, Jules, 121 Paseo Ciencias, Maracaibo, 279 Paz, Octavio, 23, 340, 346, 348n.7 Paz Castillo, Fernando, 64,102, 241 Pecchio, Elena de, 109 Pena, Ângel, 283 Pérez Alfonso, Juan Pablo, 375 Pérez Guevara, Gloria, 109 Pérez Jiménez, Marcos, 21, 23, 290.47, 38, 40, 41, 45, 45n.6, 66, 260, 279, 373, 374 Pérez-Oramas, Luis, 324-30 Pérez Perdomo, Francisco, 258, 2850.4 Pérez Vila, Manuel, 67 Pevsner, Antoine, 57, 63, 351, 359 Phelps, Luisa, nò, 239, 244, 371 photography: Boulton's essay on, 199-202; in production of place, 344 Picabia, Francis, 204 Picasso, Pablo, 20, 63,120,180, 192,195, 204, 209, 210, 216, 250n.5 Picón Salas, Mariano, 20, 290.42, 36, 41, 62, 326, 328, 345-46, 372, 373; "Armando Reverón" 115-22,134, 252n.11 Pinardi, Sandra, 331-39 Pino Iturrieta, Elias, 31-45 Pintó, Macia, 349-66 Pissarro, Camille, 69, 232, 236, 248, 326, 376 Planchart, Enrique, 61, 62, 63, 73n.9, 92n.35, 120, 238, 247, 345-46 Plan de Barranquilla, 35, 44n.i, 371 Plekhanov, Georgi, 206 Pocaterra, José Rafael, 34, 36, 370 Pointillism, 229, 231, 248 Poleo, Héctor, 41, 45n.7, 63, 87, 92n.32, 359, 371, 372; Los très comisarios (The Three Bailiffs), 144 Ponti, Gio, 374 Pop art, 70, 283 Portenazo, 375 postmodernity, 26 Pre-Columbian culture, 176 Preuves, 209 Prieto, César, 109, 233 primitivism, 203, 212, 228, 295-99, 329 Prost, Henri, 58n.24,132 pueblo (people), 85, 88 Punto Fijo pact (1958), 374 Quevedo, Francisco de, 265, 2850.1 Quijano, Carlos, 15, 27n.8 Quintero, José Antonio, 283 Rama, Àngel, 258-64, 285 Ramos Sucre, José Antonio, 64, 370 Rayado sobre el techo (Stripes on the roof), 259, 260, 260, 262, 262; first manifesto ("The Great Magma"), 259, 264-65, 375; "Terrible Evidence" 270-73; "Why the Whale?" 267-70, 269, 285 Regoyos, Dario de, 234 Renaissance, 120-21, 208, 232 Rengifo, César, 56, 59n.29, 63, 87, 88, 92n.30, 375 Renoir, Auguste, 117,120,121 Restany, Pierre, 282 Reverón, Armando, 25, 30n.62, 41, 62, 63, 65, 69, 71, 84-85, 109-10, 114, 369, 374, 376; Blue period of, 235, 236, 237, 240-42, 247, 25in.i, 369, 370; Boul­ton's essay on, 62, 63, 69, 84, 9in.24, 232-49, 251-52, 324-30; exhibitions of works of, 63, 65, 69, 244, 252n.4, 324, 371, 374; Figuras (Female Figures), 145; models posing for, 237, 237-38; Paisaje (Landscape) (1922), 136, 241; Paisaje bianco (White Landscape), 84,140, 243-44; Pajarera (Birdcage), 141; photographs of, 116, 239-, Picón Salas's essay on, 115-22,134, 252n.11; Puerto de La Guaira (Port of La Guaira), 140; Sepia period of, 84-85, 244-46, 25in.i; White period of, 84, 232-33, 241-44, 247, 25in.i, 370 Ribeiro, Darcy, 290 Richter, Luisa: Composition (Composi­tion), 37 6 Rfos, Juanita (Juanita Mota), 115, 235, 237, 238, 240, 246 Rivas, Barbaro, 70, 374, 376; Autorretrato (Self-Portrait), 313; Boulton's essay on, 324-25, 326-30; Da Antonio's essay on, 295-99, 300; El hombre luchando contra las enfermedades (The Man Fighting Illnesses), 313; El Juicio Final II (The Last Judgment II), 312; Las rocas (The Rocks), 312 Rivera, Diego, 92n.30,126, 203, 210, 371 index 389 Rivero, Rafael, 101,110 roadway infrastructure, 39, 40, 45n.ó, 47, 48-49, 49, 55, 56, 82, 369, 370, 374 Robles, Mario, 376 Röhl, Eduardo, 62 Rojas, Arfstides, 60, 61, 64 Rojas, Cristobal, 61, 68,112-13,118 Rolando, Maruja: Vuelo sidéral (Sidereal flight), 317 Römer, Margot, 283 Romero, Tancredo, 260 Romero de Torres, Julio, 117 Rosenblat, Ângel, 41, 374 Rotival, Maurice E. H., 58n.24, 83,130,130, 335, 355, 371 Ruptura, 374 Salas, Julio, 110 Salas, Tito, 61, 78-79, 85, 9in.25,110, 113-14,117-18, 369, 370, 371 Salones Oficiales, 67,178,194, 205, 207, 211, 372 Salón Espacios Vivientes, 375 Salón Independiente, 95, 369 Salvatierra Mas, Manuel, 110 Salve, amigo, salve y adiós (Hail, friend, hail and farewell), 259-60 Sanabria, Eduardo, 292 Sanabria, Tomas José, 292, 374 Sanchez Pelaez, Juan, 41, 373, 375 Sandoval, Federico, 295, 297, 300n.3 Sanoja Hernandez, Jesus, 261 Santana, Raul, 110, 233 Sio Paulo Bienal, 373, 374 Sâo Paulo Semana de Arte Moderna (Modern art week), 18, 28n.2i, 370 Sardio and Sardio, 255, 260, 337, 338, 375; "Testimonial" 254-56, 285 Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino, 16, 27-28n.i2 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 261 Schama, Simon, 80 Schlooman, Magdelena, 110 Schwitters, Kurt, 329 Segonzac, André Dunoyer de, 109,110 Semprum, Jesus, 61, 65, 73n.5, 79,; "The Ci'rculo de Bellas Artes" 96-98,133 Sert, José Luis, 353, 354 Seuphor, Michel, 370 Seurat, Georges-Pierre, 209, 226, 248 Siqueiros, David Alfaro, 92n.3i, 203, 210, 576 Sisley, Alfred, 232 socialist realism, 25in.i, 260-61, 282 Sola, Ricardo de, 132 Sotillo, Pedro, 64, 65,102 Soto, Jesüs Rafael, 20, 24, 25, 2çn.44, 69, 72, 92n.37, 197, 274, 289-90, 325, 326, 361, 373, 374, 375, 376; Brett's dialogue with, 225-28, 251; Journal de Genève interview with, 222-24, 251; Penetrables, 223-24, 280, 308, 376; Rotación [Rotation), 153; "Statement" 224; Traba's views on, 278, 279, 280, 282, 286n.4; Untitled, 305; Venezuelan Pavilion and, 69, 361, 363-64, 376; Vibraciones (Vibrations), 280, 305; Villanueva's collaborations with, 286n.6, 356, 361, 362, 363-64 space-time relationship, 216-17 Stone, William, 283 Surrealism, 26, 30n.66, 64, 82,121, 218, 228, 231, 232, 257, 262, 263, 264, 269, 277, 280 Synthetism, 248 Taller Libre de Arte (Free arts workshop), 24, 30n.55, 63, 70, 89, 92n.37, 300nn. 3, 4; 326, 373 Taller Villanueva, 361 Tamayo, Rufino, 210 Tatlin, Vladimir, 204 Techo de la Ballena, El (The roof of the whale), 26, 30n.67, 256-73, 274, 337, 338, 375; Calzadilla's essay on, 270-73, 285; first manifesto of ("The Great Magma"), 259, 264-65, 375; Gonzalez Leon's essay on, 267-70, 269; "Pre- Manifesto" of, 256-58, 262; Rama's essay on, 258-64 territorial development, 46-57; dynamics of oil business and, 50-54 terrorism, 263, 264, 268 Thackeray, William Makepeace, 96 time element, 223; space-time relation­ship and, 216-17 Tolstoy, Leo, 206 Toro Mujica, Luis Felipe (Torito), 33, 88, 88, 92n.33 Torres-Garcia, Joaquin, 20, 370, 371, 372 Tovar y Tovar, Martin, 60, 61,112,113,118 Traba, Marta, 67, 70-71, 72, 76, 79, 90nn. 2,11; 190, 376; "Borges: The Commu­nicated Image" 274-77, 286; "Finale: Allegro con Fuoco" 278-84, 286, 338; "Gego: Caracas Year Three Thousand" 289-94, 300 Trujillo, Rafael Leonidas, 42, 45n.11, 375 Turner, J. M. W„ 228, 232, 248 Universal, El, 65, 78, 94-96, 101, 282, 369, 371- 373 universalism, 20-24, 86-87, 91n-23, 338, 372 Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, 22, 24, 39, 57, 59n.32, 63, 72, 77, 87, 89, 250n.i, 350, 353, 355-56, 361, 363, 369, 372, 373; Aula Magna (great 390 references hall) of, 57, 302, 356, 358, 359. 364; library of, 303; Plaza Cubierta (covered plaza) of, 57. 302, 356, 357, 357~6o, 358, 373; protests at, 34, 260, 370; "synthe­sis of the arts" at, 57, 63, 357-60, 358, , 364,373,374 Üslar Pietri, Arturo, 15,18,19, 20, 27n.9, 36, 39, 43, 52, 53, 62, 64, 65, 66, 76-77, 77, 85, 86, 9inn. 23, 26; 328, 329, 371, 372; "Creative Mestizaje" 20,123-27; letters to Boulton from, 16,101-3,133,' "We Are" 98-99 Valbuena, Lilia, 283 Valera, Victor, 280 Vâlvula, 34, 64, 98-100, 370 Van Eyck, Jan, 208 Vargas, José Maria, I33n.3 Vasarely, Victor, 24, 57, 278, 281, 359 Vasco de Quiroga, 124 Vasconcelos, José, 20, 290.40, 91-920.26, 370 Velazquez, Diego, 119, 234, 248 Venezuelan Pavilion (Montreal, 1967), 69, 360, 360-61, 363-64, 376 Venezuelan Pavilion (Paris, 1937), 354, 371 Verlaine, Paul, 126 Viernes, 371 Vigas, Oswaldo, 24, 30n.59, 359 Villalba, Jóvito, 19, 64, 373 Villanueva, Carlos Raul, 20, 23, 290.43, 64, 69, 92n.34, 209, 349-66, 370, 374; background and education of, 350, 352, 353; La Caracas de ayery de hoy (Caracas of yesterday and today), 355; collages and assemblages, 350, 361; El Silencio complex, 22, 22, 56, 66,130-32, 132, 372; home of (Casa Caoma), 356, 556-57; Museo de Bellas Artes, 353, 371; Museo Soto, 286n.6, 361, 363, 364-65; "The Problem of Integration" 197-99, 251; Soto's collaboration with, 286n.6, 356, 361, 362, 363-64; "synthe­sis of the arts" notion, 57, 63, 349-50, 351-52, 353, 357-60, 358, 363-64, 373, 374; "Three Eras in Caracas" 127-32, 134; Universidad Central de Venezuela, 22, 24, 57, 63, 350, 353, 355-56, 357, 357-60, 558, 363, 372; Venezuelan Pavilion (Montreal), 69, 360, 360-61, 363-64, 376; Venezuelan Pavilion (Paris), 354, 371 Villanueva, Paulina, 355, 356 Villanueva de Lopez y Uralde, Francisco de, 65 Villa Planchart, Caracas, 374 Vitier, Cintio, 340, 348n.2 War for Independence, 78,125, 261, 370 Westernization, 176,177 Wiener, Paul Lester, 355 Wilder, Thornton, 214 World War 1,17, 206, 369 World War II, 21 Zona Franca, 375 Zubiri, Xavier, 175 Zuloaga, Elisa Elvira, 37, 44n.2, 77,110; Higuerote, 146 Zuloaga, Ignacio, 117, 234
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