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Volltext:INDEX Abstract art, 58, 293 Abstraction, 50-62, 139, 142, 243, 311 Adoration of the Magi, 3-10 Aesthetics, 39, 43 Aging, 285-93 Albers, Josef, 279 Alberti, Leone Battista, 186 Alpers, Svetlana, 266 Animism, 41 Anxiety, 57 Arbus, Diane, 107 Architecture, 75, 125, 225, 235, 301-9, 319-25 Aristotle, 82, 85, 206, 309 Art education, 146, 231-39, 240-51, 257 Art history, 261—73, 3r7 Art therapy, 252-57 Asch, Solomon E., 34 Atonality, 225 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 226 Bachelard, Gaston, 80 Badt, Kurt, 270, 291 Balzac, Honoré de, 318 Baroque architecture, 301-9 Barth es, Roland, 108, T i r Bartók, Béla, 224 Baseline, 247 Bastianini, Giovanni, 277 Baudelaire, Charles, 65, 108, 238 Bazin, André, 109 Beauty, 56 Bense, Max, 96 Bergson, Henri, 79 Berkeley, George, 41, 136, 141 Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo, 99, 233 Beyen, Hendrick Gerard, 184 Bialostocki, Jan, 262 Black art, 236 Blindness, 241 Blume, Friedrich, 261 Bodhidharma, 234 Bonsai, 121 Borromini, Francesco, 301—9 Bouts, Dieric, 173, 180 Braque, Georges, 58 Brecht, Bert, 100 Bronze casting, 278 Bruegel, Pieter, 170, 195 Brunelleschi, Filippo, 186-93 Bruner, Jerome S., 136 Byzantine art, 242 Calligraphy, 262 Caravaggio, Michelangelo, 283 Castel, R. P., 205 Catherine of Siena, 55 Causality, 28, 70, 93, 97, 269, 289 Cellini, Benvenuto, 131 Cézanne, Paul, 51, 53, 57, 160, 293, 299 Chagall, Marc, 170 Chemistry, 149 Chess, 144 Children's art, 48, 144, 174, 240-51 Chinese art, 59 Clark, Kenneth B., 53 Cognition, x, 14, 253 Color, 198, 205-13; contrast, 210; organ, 205 Complementarity, 211 Composition, 299 Computer, 15; graphics, 128 Concrete poetry, 90-101, 129 Conservation experiments, 137 3 Z 8 / I N D E X Constantine, arch of, 243 Corelli, Arcangelo, 225 Cosmology, 41, 44 Croce, Benedetto, 158 Cube, 172 Cubism, 57, 58, 162 Daguerre, Louis, 108 Dance, 69, 81, 113, 117, 222, 257 Dante Alighieri, 98, 128, 153-58 Debussy, Claude, 225 Delacroix, Eugène, 98, 211 Democratization, 252 Depth perception, 37, 198 De Sanctis, Francesco, 155 Descartes, René, 15, 23, 136, 222 Determinism, 139, 269 Dewey, John, 250 Dickinson, Emily, 72, 98 Distance, 72 Divine Comedy, 153—58, 277 Documentation, Doehlemann, K., 169 Dossena, Alceo, 277 Drugs, 238 Duccio di Buoninsegna, 188 Duplication, 274-84 Dürer, Albrecht, 167, 198 Dynamics, perceptual, 70, 81, 212-27, 267, 300 Easter Island, 99 Education, 146-52, 201, 291 Egyptian art, 242 Ehrenfels, Christian von, 68, 270 Einstein, Albert, 315 Empathy, 50-62, 243, 249 Emotion, 222, 226 Empiricism, 34 Entropy, 36 Erhardt-Siebold, Erika von, 206 Euler, Leonhard, 142 Evolution, 41 Expression, 54, 56, 118, 131, 195, 214— 2-7, M9. 253 Expressionism, 249 Eyck, Hubert and Jan van, 188 Eye, 69 Fechner, Gustav Theodor, 39—49 Feininger, Lyonel, 293 Field-dependence, 245 Figure and ground, 199, 218 Filarete, Antonio, 191 Film, 67, ro8 Flaubert, Gustave, 289 Forgery, 274-84 Fraisse, Paul, 79 Frankl, Paul, 37, 265 Frederick II, 23 Freud, Sigmund, 36, 54, 140, 255 Function, 131 Gablik, Suzi, 272 Garner, W. R., 27 Generalization, 18, 116, 200, 275 Genet, Jean, no Gentile da Fabriano, 10 Geometry, 23-26, 59, 125, 160 Gestalt psychology, 17, 28, 31—38, 47, 68, 222, 261-73, 317 Gide, André, 274 Gioseffi, Decio, 176 Giotto di Bondone, 55, 154, 175, 177 Giovanni di Paolo, 3-10 Giraudoux, Jean, 283 Glaser, Curt, 169 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang vdn, 37, 43, 55, 156, 210, 214, 289, 297 Gogh, Vincent van, 160, 182, 209, 277, 282, 3x6 Gomringer, Eugen, 94 Goodman, Nelson, 282 Gothic architecture, 297 Goya, Francisco de, 82 Gravitation, 46, 217 Greco, El, 160, 169 Greek art, 242 Grosz, George, 119 Guido d'Arezzo, 208 Gutenberg, Johann, 124 Haftmann, Werner, 57 Haiku, 94 Haptic perception. See Touch Hardy, G. H., 26 Harmony, 46, 208 Hauser, Arnold, 264, 266, 271 Hedonism, 44, 252 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 73 Held, Julius S., 311 Henrikson, Allan K., 23 Hierarchy, 21 Hill, David Octavius, 113, 117 Hitler, Adolf, 110 Hodler, Ferdinand, 51 Hölderlin, Friedrich, 291 Hogarth, William, 278 Holton, Gerald, 315 Hornbostel, Erich Maria von, 66 Hsieh-Ho, 59 Hume, David, 28 I N D E X / 3 2 9 Husserl, Edmund, 16 Huysmans, Joris Karl, 51 Image, 90-101, Z98 Imagery, 153-58, 255 Impressionism, 103, 160, 288 Individuality, 145, 267, 269 Information theory, 71 Intellect, 13-29, 65, 96, 128 Intelligence, 144 Interpretation, 301-18 Intuition, 13-2.9, 54 Ise Shrine, 278 Isomorphism, 42, 222 Janet, Pierre, 79 Japanese art, 166, 171, 234; architecture, 278; poetry, 94; script, 92; theater, 76, 117 Johnson, Ronald, 100 Jung, Carl Gustav, 50, 314 Kabuki theater, 76, 117 Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry, 58 Kandinsky, Wassily, 51, 57, 299 Kant, Immanuel, 27 Katz, David, 160 Kinesthesia, 17, 55, 244 Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig, 247 Klages, Ludwig, 217 Klee, Paul, 58 Köhler, Wolfgang, 32, 36, 271 Koffka, Kurt, 33, 80 Korb, Werner, 149 Kracauer, Siegfried, no Krautheimer, Richard, 191, 192 Kriwet, Ferdinand, 100 Kubier, George, 266 Kurz, Otto, 281 Lange, Dorothea, 106 Langer, Susanne K., 226 Language, 21, 90-101, in, 112 Le Corbusier, 129 Léger, Fernand, 130 Lehmann, Phyllis W, 183 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, 26, 136 Leopardi, Giacomo, 98 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 67, 70 Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 209 Lewin, Kurt, 265 Li, Guan-Yuen, 34 Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph, 91 Light, 43, 290 Linearity, 20, 92, 96, 124, 225 Lipps, Theodor, 54, 56, 168, 249 Literature, 69, 76, 87 Lorenz, Konrad, 18, 28 Lowenfeld, Victor, 240-51 Luchins, Abraham S., 34 Mach, Ernst, 282 Major and minor modes, 218-21 Malevich, Kasimir, 232 Manesse Codex, 163, 164 Manetti, Antonio, 187, 190 Maps, 22, 194-202 Marc, Franz, 51 Marks, Lawrence E., 66 Mathematics, 23 Matisse, Henri, 208 Meditation, 233 Meegeren, Han van, 277, 283 Mementos, 98 Memory, 68, 80 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 74, 80 Messages, 98 Metaphor, 153-58 Meyer, Hannes, 235 Meyer, Leonard B., 216 Michelangelo, 231, 262, 277, 280, 304, 312 Michotte, Albert, 214 Minimal art, 98, 129, 155, 232 Mirror, 191 Mobility, 117 Modern art, 50 Modes, 262; major and minor, 218-21 Moholy-Nagy, Lâszlô, 130 Mon, Franz, 91 Mondrian, Piet, 58, 59, 209 Monet, Claude, 84, 293, 299 Moore, Henry, 278 Munsell, Albert H., 208 Music, 67, 68, 71, 87, 205, 214-27, 261, 279 Naturalism, 52, 60, 241 Nemerov, Howard, 79 Netsuke, 73 Newton, Isaac, 37, 205, 210, 314 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 67 Nordau, Max, 160 Nouvelle Vague, 88 Novalis (Baron Friedrich von Hardenberg), 69 Nude figure, 120 Obelisk, 233 Objective percepts, 297-326 Onna-gata, 76 Originals, 276, 283 3 3 ° / I N D E X Oriental art, 56, 165 Orientation, spatial, 197 Oster, Gerald, 161 Ostwald, Wilhelm, 208 Painting, 75, 103, 115 Panofsky, Erwin, 169, 190, 192, 263, 266 Pascal, Blaise, 162 Perception, x, 135, 161, 231-39 Percepts, objective, 297-326 Perspective, central, 171, 186-93; in­verted, 159-85; isometric, 163, 175 Phenotypes and genotypes, 268 Philosophy, 148 Photography, 102-22, 126, 127; fashion, 107 Piaget, Jean, 136, 272 Picasso, Pablo, 3, 51, 57, 162, 178-82, 209, 262, 271 Plato, 16, 51, 125 Poetry, 21, 72, 94, 148; concrete, 90-101, 129 Pompeian painting, 183 Portraits, 116 Pottery, 127 Poussin, Nicolas, 98, 210, 262, 279 Preference studies, 45 Primitive art, 235 Printing press, 124 Prinzhorn, Hans, 255 Projection, Freudian, 54; optical, 37, 159-85 Psychoanalysis, 36, 140 Psychology, 53; American, 31 Psychophysics, 39 Psychotic art, 255 Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre, 53 Pythagorean theorem, 24 Radio, 67 Raphael, 58, 168, 170, 266 Realism, 118, 126, 159-85, 200, 241 Relativism, xi, 46, 183, 315 Relativity, 41 Rembrandt, 160, 282, 289, 290, 309 Renaissance, 101, 169, 252, 277, 287 Repetition, 71 Reproduction, 278 Richter, Hans, 293 Rickey, George, 84 Riegl, Alois, 161, 242-48, 272 Riley, Bridget, 198 Rilke, Rainer Maria, 3, 124 Robinson, Arthur H., 198 Rockwell, Norman, 319 Rodin, Auguste, 290 Roman art, 242 Romanticism, 16, 50, 124, 248 Rorschach test, 55, 315 Rossini, Gioacchino, 286 Rubens, Peter Paul, 99, 282 San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, 301-9 San Vitale (Ravenna), 170, 176 Scale, diatonic, 208, 218 Scales, dimensional, 322 Schapiro, Meyer, 182, 264, 272 Schmoll gen. Eisenwerth, J. A., 264 Schönberg, Arnold, 220, 225 Schopenhauer, Arthur, 24, 43 Schumann, Robert, 223, 224 Sculpture, 74, 115, 233, 278 Sedlmayr, Hans, 3 Selz, Peter, 51, 249 Senses, 66 Seurat, Georges, 281 Shakespeare, William, 73, 88, 98 Sharaku, 279 Sicily, 22 Signs, 91 Similes, 153-58 Size relations, 165, 169 Skinner, B. F., 144 Space, 56, 67, 78-89, 143, 163; extrinsic, 83; intrinsic, 84 Specificity, 309 Spinoza, Baruch, 37, 41 Statistics, 39, 316 Steinberg, Leo, 301-9 Steinen, Karl von den, 161 Stendhal, 88 Still life, 121 Strasbourg, cathedral of, 297 Style, 261-73; 'ate 2-85-93 Subjectivity, 248 Sullivan, Harry Stack, 54 Summerson, John, 320 Surrealism, 107 Syllogism, 142 Symbols, 247, 253 Symmetry, 162, 321 Synesthesia, 206 Synopsis, 21, 70, 79, 93, 225 Taste, 236 Technology, 123-32 Tedorov, Tzvetan, 264 Telemann, Georg Philipp, 205 Tetrachord, 218 Theater, 68, 73, 117 Thinking, visual, 14, 135-52 Thomas Aquinas, 157, 161 Thomas, Dylan, 21 Time, 67, 78-89, 117; intrinsic, 87 I N D E X / 3 3 I Tintoretto, 169, 170 Titian, 160, 209, 286, 290, 291, 319 Tools, 123—32 Totalitarian art, 236 Touch, 74, 240—51 Trevor-Roper, Patrick, 160 Tritone, 208 Trompe l'oeil, 107 Tyler, Christopher William, 127 Utamaro, 279 Values, 275, 318-26 Vasari, Giorgio, 192, 272, 286 Vico, Giambattista, 16 Vienna Genesis, 243 Visual aids, 148-52 Visual thinking, 14, 135-52 Vitruvius, 262 Wagner, Richard, 293 Walkup, Lewis E., 138 Weber, Ernst Heinrich, 40 Weber's law, 39 Wertheimer, Max, 20, 31-38, 216, 270 White, John, 169, 186, 190 Wickhoff, Franz, 243 Wild, K. W, 15 Witkin, Herman A., 244 Wölfllin, Heinrich, 249, 264, 269, 322 Woodworth, Robert S., 39 Worringer, Wilhelm, 50-62, 161, 243, 249 Writing, 92 Wulff, Oskar, 167, 170 Wundt, Wilhelm, 41 Yeats, William Butler, 98 Zeitgeist, 270 Zen, 99, 234 Zevi, Bruno, 3 20 Ziegler, Adolf, 120 Zucker, Wolfgang, 79 Zuckerkandl, Victor, 216, 225 Designer: jim Mennick Compositor: Graphic Composition, Inc. Text: 10I13 Sabon Display: Bembo Printer: Murray Printing Binder: Murray Printing
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