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Volltext:Index Aarau, Kantonsbibliothek, Ms. Wett. Fol. Max. I — II (Wettingen Gradual): 141 f. Aarau, Kantonsbibliothek, Ms. MurFm2: 280 Aarau, Staatsarchiv Aargau, Ms AA/4530: 282 Abel, Caspar: 293-296,305,309 Adalbert, abbot of Hornbach: 69 Adelheid I, abbess of St. Servatius, Quedlinburg: 22 f. Agnes, anchoress at St. Georgen: 82 f. Alanus ab Insulis Tractatulus de laude divina: 225 n. 47 Albertus Magnus Ennarationes in evangelium Johannis: 243 Albordus, monk at St. Salvatorberg, Erfurt: 210 Alleluia: 275 Ambrose De ojficiis ministrorum: 49 Amira, Karl von: 188, 291 n. 21, 301, 304, 330 Anaxagoras: 19 Anderlecht, St. Pieter, collegiate church: 177 André, Pierre de, bishop: 114 Andrieu, Michel: 202 Angehrn, Beda, abbot at St. Gall: 81 Animals: 13, 19f., 61, 65f., 74 Annunciation: 24 Antiphoner: 173 Antiquarianism: 293-301 Antonius, monk at St. Salvatorberg, Erfurt: 252 Antwerp: 177 Aquinas, Thomas: 228 Catena Aurea-, 65 Aristotle: 19 Arnold, Marina: 195 Arnoldi, Henricus: 243 Arnoldi, Johannes, prior at St. Salvatorberg, Erfurt: 219 Arnstein Abbey: 27 Assumption: 173 Augustine: 245, 247 De quatuor virtutibus caritatis-, 247 Auxonne, Guillaume de, bishop: 112, 114 Avignon: 112 354 Index Babo, Lambert Joseph Leopold von: 327, 329 Baltimore, Walters Art Museum Ms. 148 (Sermologium): 131, 134—136, 141 W 26: 42 Bamberg St. Michael, Benedictine monastery: 48 - 57 Staatsbibliothek Bibl. 84: 70 Patr. 5: 48-57 Barthes, Roland: 74 Bartholomaeus Anglicus: 20 Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, B V 2: 95 Batt, Georg Anton: 327, 329 Baudinivia: 37 Benedict XII, pope: 249 Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Cod. Phill. 1876: 94 Diez C (Kamp Bible): 143, 147 Handschrift 111: 94 Theol. Lat. 726: 93 Bernhard of Clairvaux: 66, 247 Apologia: 39 Sermons'. 228 Berthold of Regensburg: 189 Bible, Bible commentaries: 177 Bible moralisée: 34 f. Bibliotheca Palatina: 51 Binding stamps: 196 Bishop, Edmund: 202 Bonaventure: 225 n. 48 Book of Hours: 123, 175 f. Botte, Bernard: 202 Bottenbach, Johannes, abbot, St. Peter and Paul, Erfurt: 249 n. 113 Boy, Gottfried: 296 Brecht, Berthold: 188 Bremen, Diocese of: 195 f. Brethren of the Common Life: 196-203 Breviary: 171, 173, 175-177 Brienne, Alphonse de, count: 106 Brienne family: 106f. Brückner, Wolfgang: 16 Brundelsheim, Konrad von Sermones Socci: 239 n. 82 Brussels: 166, 175, 177 Charterhouse: 175 Index Church of St. James on the Coudenberg: 175 Collegiate church of St. Goedele: 175—178 Büsching, Johann Gustav: 321, 323 Burchard, librarian at St. Michael, Bamberg: 55-57 Burckhard, Johann Georg: 59 Burg, Tobias: 25 Bursfelde, Congregation: 208 f., 223 Caeremoniae: 234 Lectionary: 241 Liturgy reform: 247 Missal: 247 Bute, Marquis de: 109 Bute Saints: 109 Cambrai Abbey of the Holy Sepulchre: 169 Collegiate church of St. Géry: 179 Médiatèque municipale Ms. 6: 171 n. 33, 172 Ms. 11 171 n. 33, 172 Ms. 12 174, 179 Ms. 17 171 Ms. 18 171 Ms. 28 171 n. 33 Ms. 29 171 n. 33 Ms. 33-35: 176 Ms. 38 166,171, 173, 178 Ms. 46 171 Ms. 52 171 Ms. 56 171 Ms. 58 171 Ms. 60 172 Ms. 68 168 f. Ms. 73 169 Ms. 74 168 Ms. 76 169 Ms. 77 169 Ms. 79 169 Ms. 80 169 Ms. 83 168 f. Ms. 85 172 Ms. 91 175 Ms. 96 179 Ms. 97 176 Ms. 104: 179 356 Index Ms. 124: 170 n. 27 Ms. 131: 168, 170 n. 27 Ms. 146-147: 167 Ms. 151: 170 Ms. 156-157: 172 Ms. 164: 173 Ms. 173: 173 Ms. 181: 170 Ms. 183: 170 Ms. 184: 179 n. 87 Ms. 186: 179 Ms. 188: 167 Ms. 189: 104 f., 107, 167 Ms. 190: 102, 105, 167 Ms. 195: 172 Ms. 201: 167 Ms. 224: 167 Ms. 236: 176 Cambridge Corpus Christi College, Ms. 4: 40 Trinity College Library, Ms. R. 17: 47 Camille, Michael: 31, 72 £ Canonical Law: 217 Canons: 166, 168 Carcassonne, Archives départementales de l'Aude, AA 108: 124-127 Cardio, Alfonso, bishop: 112-114 Carlier, Gilles: 176 Carlier, Jean: 175 Carthusians: 208, 239 Consuetudines: 208 Cassiodorus: 225 n. 47, 243 Cayot, Jean: 170 Celle, Oberlandesgericht: 293, 314 Chantimpré, Thomas of Liber apum: 241 f. Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor: 147 f. n. 35 Charleville, Bibliothèque municipale, cod. 122: 95 Choirboys: 166, 168 Choir stall: 166 Christ in Majesty: 101, 115, 121, 126 f., 130 Chuno, monk at Muri: 260 Claricia, scribe and illuminator: 41 f. Clement VII, pope: 114 Cluny: 72 Coburg, Ratsschule: 242 Index 357 Codex Wittekindus: 30 Coinci, Gautier de Miracles de Nostre Dame-. 127—130 Collectar: 46, 168 Cologne Cathedral Choir Screen: 146-148, 150 St. John the Evangelist Window: 139 n. 20 Erzdiözesan- und Dombibliothek, Dom Hs. 12: 64 Stadtarchiv, G.B. 4°: 95 St. Pantaleon: 50 Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Inv. No. 4: 140 f. n. 22 Conrad von Soest: 160 n. 53 Copenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek, GKS 4 2°: 33,43 Thott 146: 117-119 Corbie, monastery: 45 Cozens, Vital de, knight: 123 Créquy, Enguerrand de: 110, 112 Cropp, Friedrich: 323, 325, 327 Crucifixion scene: 101, 115, 119, 121, 123, 126f., 130, 183f., 186f., 199 Currificis, Johannes: 232 f., 347 Customary Agen: 126 Beaumont de Lomagne: 126 Cahors: 126, 128 Lézat: 119-122 Limoges: 126 David de Augusta (Augsburg) Formula novitiorum: 88, 225 Spiegel der geistlichen Zucht. 8 8 Decretals of Bartholomew: 175 Devotio moderna: 239 Dieppurch, Peter (also Typorch, Dieburg), rector of Lüchtenhof, Hildesheim: 197-199, 205 Dietrich of Hagedorn; prior, St. Peter and Paul, Erfurt: 241 f. Dorla, Augustinian monastery: 227 Douai: 179 Bibliothèque municipale, Ms. 340: 38 Dover Bible: 41 f. Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, MS M32 (Sachsenspiegel): 291, 314, 321 Dressler, Fridolin: 51 Duccio see Siena, Pinatoteca Nazionale 20 358 Index Dürer, Albrecht: 9—13 Heller Altarpiece: 9 Praying Hands-. 9, 11 Self-Portrait of1500: 12 The Twelve-Year-Old Jesus in the Temple-. 9, 12, 77 Düsseldorf, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek MS. D. 9 (Paradies Antiphonal): 160 n. 53 MS. D. 11 (Paradies Gradual): 160 n. 53 MS. D. 12 (Paradies Gradual): 160 n. 53 Eadwine: 45, 47 Eadwine Psalter: 45, 47 Eberbach, Cistercian monastery: 22 Ebrach, Cistercian monastery: 59, 63 Eburnant, scribe at Hornbach: 69 Egra, Nikolaus von, monk at St. Peter and Paul, Erfurt: 235 f., 248 Eike von Repgow: 284, 286f., 314 Eisenach, charterhouse: 252 Engelbertus, pictor et scriptor: 41 f. Enguerant Benart: 172 Epernay, Bibliothèque Municipale, Ms. 1 (Ebo Gospels): 136 Epistolary: 167 Erber, Georg, monk at St. Peter and Paul, Erfurt: 242 Erfurt St. Marien, collegiate church: 242 St. Peter and Paul, Benedictine monastery Binding workshop: 239, 241, 245, 247-249 Library: 217f., 226 St. Salvatorberg, Charterhouse Binding workshop: 219 - 221 Liber benefactorum: 227 Library: 210f. Library catalog: 210-214,217,344 Prohemium longum: 211 University: 223 Escher, M. C.: 13-15 Eucharistie prayer: 184f, 201 Evangelists: 123, 126 Everwinus, illumintor's assistant: 45 Facial expression: 188 Feasts Crown of Thorns: 110 Translation of the Head of Saint Louis: 110 Felhisort, Guillaume de, goldsmith: 112 Index Feudalsystem: 189 f. Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi (Ognissanti Madonna): 145 Fontaines, Nicolas de, bishop of Cambrai: 102-104, 108, 110, 167 Franciscus de Perusio Tractatus de Septem viciis capitalibus: 225 Frankenberg, Cistercian monastery: 193 Frankfurt am Main, Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek, Ms. Barth. 42: 36 Frater N., monk at St. Salvatorberg, Erfurt: 221, 223, 226 Fredericus, abbot of Ebrach: 59 Gärtner, Carl Wilhelm: 286, 291 Galen of Pergamon: 19 Gender difference: 37 f. Geneva, Bibliotheca Bodmeriana, Cod. 127: 40 Genève, Robert de, bishop: 112 Genuflection: 189-192 George II of England: 296,307 Gerard I, bishop: 179 Gerardo, bishop of Padua: 41 Gerbert, Martin, abbot at St. Blasien: 93 Gerlachus, glass painter: 27f., 39 German cultural identity: 296 f., 321, 327, 329 Gerson, Johannes: 235, 239 De libris legendis a monacho: 235, 237 Opera: 243 Opusculus tripartitus: 235 n. 103 Gertrud of Helfta: 235 Ghent: 166 Rijksuniversiteit, Centrale Bibliotheek, 14—15: 166, 178 St. Bavo, monastery: 178 Giermann, Renate: 195 Gilbertus Anglicus Practica: 228 Gilles, Henri: 119 Giotto di Bondone Ognissanti Madonna: 145 Gisbert of Gouda, brother at Lüchtenhof, Hildesheim: 204 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: 319, 321, 323, 326 f., 329 Golden Codex of Speyer: 63 Goslar: 193 St. Cosmas und Damian, parish church: 192 Gospel book: 21, 31, 39, 50, 64, 123, 167 Gradual: 62, 172-174 Graf, Katrin: 37 Grande Chartreuse: 228 360 Index Gravestones: 23 Gregory the Great: 45 f., 69 f., 72, 235 Dialogi: 245 Moralia in lob: 243 Grimlaic, monk Regula solitariorum (Waldregel): 79—98 Grimm, Jakob: 16 Groote, Gerard: 196 f. Grünau, charterhouse: 228 n. 56 Grünewald, Matthias: 9 Isenheim Altarpiece: 10 Grupen, Christian Ulrich: 287, 290, 293, 296-298, 301, 304-315, 319, 323, 326, 329 Guda, scribe: 36 Guichardo: 170 Guilemus Brito: 233 Guillaume, monk at Morigny, scribe: 127 f. Gullick, Michael: 30 Gumbertus, brother at St. Salvatorberg, Erfurt: 228 Gunther, scribe, monk at St. Michael, Bamberg: 56 Gunther of Nordhausen, abbot St. Peter and Paul, Erfurt: 208 Gutenberg, Johannes: 192 Hadrianum: 173 Hagen (De Indagine), Johannes, monk at St. Salvatorberg, Erfurt: 211,214, 223, 225,229, 235,251 Hamburg, Kunsthalle, Inv. No. 500: 149, 151 f. Hamburg Bible: 33, 43, 45, 49 Hamersleben, collegiate church: 23 Hanapis, Nicolaus de: 233 Händescheidung: 16 Hanover, house of: 293-297, 310—311; see also George II; Sophia of the Palati­nate Härtel, Helmar: 195 Hauntinger, Johann Nepomuk, abbot at St. Gall: 93 Heiligenkreuz, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. 66: 36 Heilsbronn, Cistercian monastery: 239 n. 82 Heinemann, Otto von: 183 f. Heinrich von Virneburg: 147 Henricus: 175 Henricus de Mera: 175 Henricus de Swinfordia, monk at St. Salvatorberg, Erfurt: 228 Henri de Berghes: 167 Henry the Lion: 310 Hermann, brother at Lüchtenhof, Hildesheim: 204 Index Hermann, scribe, monk at St. Michael, Bamberg: 57 Hermitages near St. Gallen Martinstobel: 87 St. Georgen: 81 f., 87-89 Steinertobel: 87 f. Wonnenstein: 87 Herolt, Johannes Sermones de tempore: 239 Herrad of Landsberg: 57 Hersfeld, Stiftsarchiv, Rentamt: 94 Hertenstein, Johannes, scribe: 88 f. Hieronymus: 245 Hildebertus, illuminator: 45 Hildegard von Bingen: 37 Hildesheim Cathedral Library: 195 Diocese: 193, 201 Hildesheim, Christuskopf, binding stamp: 196 Lüchtenhof, house of the Brethren of the Common Life: 196—206 St. Andreas, collegiate church: 199 Hilinus, canon: 64 Hilinus Codex: 63 Hitda Codex: 63 Hössel, Johannes, monk at St. Salvatorberg, Erfurt: 229 f. Homeyer, Carl Gustav: 286f., 315, 319 Homiliary: 41, 168 Honorius Augustodunensis Gemma animae: 245 Hopfgarten, Friedrich, canon St. Marien, Erfurt: 228 Hornbach Sacramentary: 68 f., 74 Hortus Deliciarum: 57 Hottermann, Tilo, canon St. Marien, Erfurt: 228 Hrabanus Maurus: 38 f., 245 De laudibus sancta crucis: 38—39, 72 Hugo Pictor: 31 f. Hunauld, Guillaume, abbot: 119 Imitatio Christi: 13, 37 In medio chori: 170, 174 Innocent III, pope: 191 Intonations: 172 Invitatories: 171 Isidore of Seville Etymologiae-. 34 f. 362 Index Jacobus Carthusiensis, monk at St. Salvatorberg, Erfurt: 229 Jarick, Johann Karl: 323, 327 Johannes Brunsvicensis Depraeparatione missae: 225 Johannes de Dormale: 175 Johannes Guallensis Breviloquium de virtutibus: 242 n. 96 Johannes Machuque: 170 n. 32 Johannes Marchesinus Mammotrectus: 243 Johannes of Cologne, brother at Lüchtenhof, Hildesheim: 205 Johannes Phylomena, scribe: 101, 109, 167 Johannes Scriptor, illuminator: 185—192, 203—206 John II, King of Cyprus: 192 Jungmann, Josef Andreas: 202 Kalb, Sifridus, see Sifridus Vitulus Kalkar, Heinrich: 235 Imitatio Christi: 235 Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, 14.65: 95 Kassel, Landesbibliothek, 2° Ms. poet. Et roman. 1 (Willehalm Codex): 141, 149 Katharina von Rüdesheim: 22 f. Klara, anchoress at St. Georgen: 82 f. Kock, Thomas: 197 f. Kölner, Friedrich, scribe: 83, 89, 91 Kopp, Ulrich Friedrich: 325, 327-329 Lactantius: 229 Ladner, Gerhart: 33 Landau, Conradus, monk at St. Salvatorberg, Erfurt: 228 Langton, Stephen: 191 Latour, Bruno: 74 Lawbooks: 188, 283-287, 291, 297, 301, 307, 3l4f„ 325, 327, 329; see also Leges Palatinae-, and Sachsenspiegel Lectern: 167 Lectionary: 168 Leges Palatinae: 301 n. 41, 304, 314 Legner, Anton Der Artifexr. 29 Ornamenta Ecclesiae: 51 Le Goff, Jacques: 66 Lehmann, Paul: 96 Leofric Gospels: 59 f. Leonardus de Wetzlaria, prior of St. Salvatorberg, Erfurt: 233 Lézat-sur-Lèze, monastery: 119—122 Index Liège: 178 Lille, Archives départementales du Nord, 3 G 1208: 111 London British Library Add. Ms. 28162 (Somme le Roi): 137 n. 17, 139 n. 19 Yates Thompson Ms. 11 (Sainte Abbeye): 139 National Gallery, Inv. No. NG6386 (Virgin and Child): 145 Los Angeles, The J. Paul Getty Museum 92 MK 92 (Ms. 46): 109 Ms. Ludwig XI.7 (83. MN. 126): 132 n. 4 Loubier, Jean: 50, 52 Ludovici, Jakob Friedrich: 284-286 Ludovicus Terrache: 168 Lusignan, Marie de, countess: 106 Mabillon, Jean: 297,301 Machtildis: 175 Main altar: 172 Mainz, Stadtbibliothek Hs I 292: 95 Malaquin, Barthélémy: 175 Manicule: 17 Manus dei: 18 Marginalia: 171, 179 Mariazell, monastery: 96 Marienthal, Augustinian monstery: 205 Marigny, Philippe de, bishop: 112 Martinus Bracarensis Formula honestae vitae: 242 Mass canon: 115,185 Mass liturgy: 188, 190 f. Mass ofTournai: 166 Master Bertram: 149, 154 n. 46 St. Petri/ Grabower Altarpiece: 149 n. 40, 151 f. Master E.S.: 184 Master of the Frondenberger Altar: 160 n. 53 Matilda, wife of Henry the Lion: 310 Mauritius de Tubeke: 175 Meador, Joe Tom: 69 Mechthild von Hackeborn Liber specialis gratiae: 226 Medical literature: 217 Mehrerau, monastery: 93 Memento for the dead: 26, 201-203 Memento for the living: 201 f. Memoria passionis: 185 364 Index Meschede Abbey: 63 Michael de Angulo: 177 Michael de Beringhen: 178 Michelangelo: 13 Milbach, Johannes, professor at Erfurt: 242-244 Milleloquium beati Augustini-. 228 Missal: 166, 168, 174, 176, 178 f., 186, 202 Missale Halberstatense: 203 Missale Hildensemense-. 203 Missal of Moussoulens (Carcassone, Évéché): 115 f. Missal of Soissons: 115, 118 Morigny, monastery: 127 f. Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek clm 17231: 95 clm 17477: 95 clm 18557: 94 f. clm 28908: 92,94 Münzenberg junior, Johannes, monk at St. Peter and Paul, Erfurt: 234 Muri, monastery: 255-282 Acta Murensia-. 258 Mutte, Henricus Dionysius: 169 Namur Church of Notre Dame: 177 Narbonne: 121 NetN: 26,203 Netze, parish church (Altarpiece): 153f. n. 46 Nicea, First Council of: 190 f. Nicolai, Gregory: 176 Nicolas de Bleye: 175 Nicolas of Lyra: 175 Nicolaus (Anner de) Hallis, monk at St. Salvatorberg, Erfurt: 221 Nicolaus, magister cantus: 177 Nikolaus of Siegen, librarian St. Peter and Paul, Erfurt: 209, 215, 225, 226, 248, 252 Northumberland Bestiary: 20 Nuremberg: 27 f. St. Egidien, Benedictine monastery: 239 Stadtbibliothek, Ms. Solger 4.4° (Hours): 138 f. Obelyn (Oberlin), Conradus, monk at St. Salvatorberg, Erfurt: 234 Obituary: 174 Offices of the dead: 176 Oldenburg, Landesbibliothek, Ms Cim I 410 (Sachsenspiegel): 287 n. 16, 314, 321 Index 365 Oliverus pictor: 38 Olomouc: 45 Olomouc Collectarium: 45 f. Ordinal: 174 Ortonis, Johannes, provost of Dorla: 227 n. 51 Oswalt, Gallus, librarian St. Peter and Paul, Erfurt: 209, 226, 235, 237-239, 249 Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce Ms. 185 (Homilary): 131-163 Padua, Biblioteca capitolare: 39 Papenbroeck, Daniel von: 301 Papetran, Henningh, priest at St. Cosmas and Damian, Goslar: 192 f., 201 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France français 2163: 127—130 lat. 1701: 94 lat. 15181-15182: 174 Parmigianino Self-portrait-. 13—18 Paulinzella, monastery: 235 Pen trials: 171 Peregrinus de Goch, canon St. Marien, Erfurt: 229, 231, 233 n. 67, 346 Périgueux, Archives départmentales de la Dordogne, 2 E 1835-7-1: 122—126 Petrus Blesensis De amicitia christiana: 225 Petrus de Alliaco Formula vitae: 225 Imago mundi-. 226 Petrus de Insula: 176 Petrus de Tubeke: 175 Petrus Lombardus Book of Sentences: 217 Petrus Pelliparius: 171 Pfister, Albrecht, printer: 192 Pierre d'Ailly: 176 f. Polyphony: 172 Pontifical: 109—114,168 Processional: 166—169, 171 Prochno, Joachim: 67 Prüfening, Benedictine monastery: 71 Psalter: 36, 41, 173 Pulpit: 166, 179 Pynick, Hermann, canon St. Andreas, Hildesheim: 199 Quedlinburg, St. Servatius, collegiate church: 23, 69 Quill: 51 366 Index Rainaldus Scriptor: 38 Raoul le Prêtre: 176 Rapularius medicinae: 252 Regensburg St. Emmeram, monastery: 96 Reginbold, monk at Muri: 260 Regino of Prüm: 189 Rembrandt van Rijn Dr. Tulp\ 13 f. Rent-book: 123-126 Robert de Coucy: 172 Robert of Croy: 168,174 Rössler, Johannes, monk at St. Salvatorberg, Erfurt: 229 Rötlos, Johannes, prior at St. Salvatorberg, Erfurt: 228 Rufillus, illuminator, brother at Weißenau: 40 Rule of St. Benedict: 97, 245 Sacellum: 171 n. 38, 173 Sachsenspiegel picture books: 188, 283 f., 293, 314, 321, 325, 329; see also Dres­den, Heidelberg, Oldenburg, Wolfenbüttel Sachsenspiegel text editions: 284—287, 314£, 319, 325 Sacramentary: 247—249, 349 Saints 11,000 Virgins: 170 Aldegunda: 195 Andrew: 62 Anne: 24, 175, 192 Ansgar: 195 Anthony: 121 Apollonius: 195 Bernward of Hildesheim Vita-. 192 Bruno: 208 Cantianilla: 201 Cantianus: 201 Cantius: 201 Catharine of Alexandria: 23 Cecilia: 175 Celestinus: 195 Claudianus: 195 Cyriacus: 192 Emerentiana: 195 Godehard, bishop of Hildesheim: 195 Henry: 167 Jerome: 33, 72 Index 367 John the Baptist: 169 John the Evangelist: 20, 183, 187 Luke: 21, 50, 59 Macharius: 195 Mark: 21, 59 f. Martin: 172 Mary: 183 Matthew: 21, 50, 72, 192 Michael: 178 Nicolaus: 192 Paul: 170 Paulina Vita: 235 £ Perpetuus: 195 Peter: 121, 170, 192 Pirmin: 69 Radegund: 37 Rimbert: 195 Romanus: 195 Rusticus: 195 Sissimius: 195 Three Magi: 192 Willehad: 195 Samuhel Gospel Book: 69 Sarnen, Benediktinerkollegium: 264—266 Cod. chart. 26: 268, 272, 277 Cod. chart. 155: 268, 273, 277 Cod. chart. 156: 268, 273, 277 Cod. chart. 159: 268, 273, 277 Cod. chart. 161: 268, 273, 278 Cod. chart. 498: 273, 268, 278 Cod. membr. 1: 268, 271, 275 Cod. membr. 2: 268, 271, 275 Cod. membr. 3: 275 Cod. membr. 4: 275 Cod. membr. 5: 268, 271, 275 Cod. membr. 6: 275 Cod. membr. 7: 268, 271, 275 Cod. membr. 8: 275 Cod. membr. 9: 271,275 Cod. membr. 10: 271, 276 Cod. membr. 11: 276 Cod. membr. 12: 268, 271, 276 Cod. membr. 13: 276 Cod. membr. 14: 276 368 Index Cod. membr. 15: 27G Cod membr. 16: 276 Cod. membr. 19: 276 Cod. membr. 20: 282 Cod. membr. 24: 276 Cod. membr. 25: 276 Cod. membr. 26: 276 Cod. membr. 27: 276 Cod. membr. 31: 268, 271, 276f. Cod. membr. 47: 268,271,277 Cod. membr. 48: 268, 272, 277 Cod. membr. 49: 268, 272, 277 Cod. membr. 50: 268, 272, 277 Cod. membr. 51: 268, 272, 277 Cod. membr. 53: 268, 272, 277 Cod. membr. 56: 268, 272, 277 Cod. membr. 59: 268, 272, 277 Cod. membr. 83: 281 Saxony: 286, 293, 297 Schmidt, Peter: 24 Schmitt, Jean-Claude: 190 Sears, Betsy: 71 Senefelder, Aloys: 323 Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale 20 (Madonna of the Franciscans): 145 Sifridus Vitulus, scribe at the monastery of Ebrach: 58-66 Signatures: 171 Simon Mellet: 169,178 Soccus Sermones: 238 f. Soest, Stadtarchiv, Ms. Abt. A Nr. 2771 (Nequambuch): 134, 150 Song of Songs: 66 Sophia of the Palatinate: 311 Spangenberg, Ernst: 293, 301, 311, 3l4f. Speekaert, Henri: 175 Speyer Cathedral: 63 Stähli, Marlis: 195 St. Amand, Abbey: 179 St. Blasien: 257 St. Gallen Stiftsbibliothek Cod. Sang. 930: 90 Cod. Sang. 931: 79-85 Cod. Sang. 934: 89 St. Johannes in Täufers: 25 Index 369 St. Paul im Lavanttal: 93 Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. 38/6: 95 Steinberg, Saul Self-Portrait: 15 Steynbergh, Gehse: 192 Steynbergh, Hinrik: 192 Stockholm, Kungliga Biblioteket, Cod. A 144: 46 Stör, Nicolaus: 249 Stuchs, Georg, printer: 203 Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Cod. Poet, et philol. 2° 33: 34 Taillefer family: 123 Taylor, Andrew: 75 Te igitur. 199 Terrach, Ferreolus: 172 n. 40 Thalamus of Narbonne: 126,125—129 Theodoricus de Somering, plebanus at parish St. Georg, Erfurt: 227 Thomas à Kempis: 239 Toledo, Archivo de la Catedral, Ms. 56: 108 f., 113 Tournai: 179 Chapitre de la Cathédrale, Archives, A 27: 166 Treasury: 166 Trent: 178 First Council of: 203 Trier, Stadtbibliothek, Cod. 261/1140 2°: 42 Trithemius, Johannes De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis: 248 Tromp l'oeil: 27 Troyes, Bibliothèque de la Ville, ms 978: 94 Ugolino di Nerio: 145 Ulrich, monk at Muri: 260 Ulrich, scribe: 71 Ubald (Ubaldus) de Sart: 176 Urban VI, pope: 199 Urban V, pope: 108 Verba seniorum: 86 Veringendorf St. Michael parish church: 17 The Life of John the Baptist: 17 Vestry: 167, 168, 170, 172-174 Vienna Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Ms. 1244 (Salzburg Gospels): 137 n. 16 370 Index Ms. 1314: 94 Ms. 2554: 34 Vigils of the dead: 173 Vincent of Beauvais: 243 Volradi, Jacobus, librarian at St. Salvatorberg, Erfurt: 209—211, 214, 219-221, 223,225,229, 233, 252 Voragine, Jacobus de Sermones de tempore: 241 Votive Masses: 169 Wagon, Abraham: 169 Waldregel see Grimlaic Walram of Jülich: 147 Walter Lonijs: 176 Wenelo, monk at Muri: 260 Werden, monastery: 241 Wiborada, anchoress at St. Georgen: 82 Wida, Conradus, monk at St. Salvatorberg, Erfurt: 229 Wifredo, archbishop of Padua: 41 Willehalm Master: 132, 141 f., 148 William of Auvergne De universo: 249 Windesheim Congregation of Augustinian Canons: 196 Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek Cod. Guelf. 1.3.1 Aug. 2°: 58 f., 339 Cod. Guelf. 3.1 Aug. 2° (Sachsenspiegel): 287, 302, 307, 309, 350 Cod. Guelf. 35 Heimst.: 198-200 Cod. Guelf. 38 Heimst.: 181—206 Cod. Guelf. 42.7: 131 Cod. Guelf. 105 Noviss. 2° (Evangeliary of Henry the Lion): 137 Wolfhagen, Hermann, prior of St. Salvatorberg, Erfurt: 219 Wöltingerode, Cistercian monastery: 193 Women and law: 293, 308-312 Würzburg, Universitätsbibliothek M. ch. Q. 84: 95 M. p. th. f. 94: 62 Zdik, Henricus, bishop of Olomouc: 45
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