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Volltext:Index of Names In this index all names in this volume are entered, except for authors of secundary lit­erature of the ninteenth through twenty-first centuries. Patronyms and toponyms are treated as surnames. Royalty, high nobility and popes are arranged by their first names. Abcoude van Meerten and/or van Essestein, Antonis van (member of Jerusalem con­fraternity in Utrecht, d. 1573) 239 Abcoude, Dirck Willemsz. van (parish priest of the Geertekerk and chantry priest of St. Peters, Utrecht, d. c. 1576) 197, 205, 216 Adelbold (Bishop of Utrecht, ruled 1010-1026) 194 Ademar (Bishop of Puy, papal legate, possible composer of Salve Regina, d. 1098) 128 Adomjah (half-brother of King Solomon) 70 Aesop (Greek author of classical fables collection, sixth century B.C.) 267, 286 Agnes (German Queen and Roman Empress, c. 1025-1077) 64 Agnes of Braunschweig-Gottingen (wife of Albrecht II Duke of Braunschweig- Grubenhagen, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. c. 1410) 96 Agnes of Honstein (wife of Christian Duke of Oldenburg, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. 1404) 96 Agnes, St. 137 Ahlefeldt, Godske (Bishop of Schleswig, c. 1475-1541) 98 Ahlefeldt, John (Lieutenant General, 1624-1694) 100 Ahr, Dirk van (Bishop of Utrecht, ruled 1197/98-1212) 157 Albert (Duke of Bavaria-Munich, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1460) 97 Albertis, Giovanni de (fifteenth-century doctor from Istria) 41 Albertsz., Jacob (co-priest of St. Nicholas's convent and cathedral chantry priest, Utrecht, d. 1488) 252, 253, 257, 262 Albrecht I (German King, c. 1255-1308) 267 Albrecht II (Duke of Braunschweig-Grubenhagen, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. c. 1384) 96 Albrecht II (Duke of Mecklenburg, 1329-1379) 90 Albrecht II (German King, 1397-1439) 267 Albrecht III (Duke of Mecklenburg, King of Sweden, c. 1338-1412) 90 Alexandra of Lithuania (wife of Zimowitz Duke of Masovia, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1434) 96 Aller, Johan van (Utrecht cathedral chantry priest, d. 1567) 245 Aller, Willem van (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1570) 239 Amerongen, Antonis van (fifteenth-century donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, husband of Behj Hendriksdr. van Gent, probably brother of Jan van Amerongen) 263 Amerongen, Ava Jacobsdr. van (nun in St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, d. 1471) 263 Amerongen, Gerritje Jacobsdr. van (nun in St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, d. 1453) 263 Amerongen, Jan van (fifteenth-century Utrecht sheriff, husband of Mechteld Hendriksdr. van Gent) 255, 259, 327 Amerongen, Jan van (Utrecht locksmith, d. 1568) 226, 241 Amerongen, Van (family) see also Taets van Amerongen, Bor van Amerongen 224 Amstel van Mijnden, Christoffel van (canon of St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1549) 197, 214 Amstel van Mijnden, Cornelis van (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, Lord of Ruwiel, d. 1564) 226, 237, 244 Amstel van Mijnden, Joost jr. van (son of Joost van Amstel van Mijnden and Filippa Uteneng) 22 Amstel van Mijnden, Joost sr. van (husband of Filippa Uteneng, d. 1553) 22, 23 Amsterdam,Van (family) 200 Andrew, St. 193, 199, 200, 268 Andnes (Bishop of Utrecht, d. 1139) 177 Angelica (wife of François van Noordwijk, d. 1625) 198, 213 Angeren, Evert van (donor of glasses for St. James's hospital, Utrecht, sixteenth centu­ry) 241,242 Anjou, house of 21, 28, 30, 68, 73, 90, 100 Anna (nun in Maria Mai monastery, Maihingen, author of eyewitness account of events during the Peasants'War, 1525) 151 Anna of Brandenburg (first wife of Frederick I of Denmark, 1487-1514) 83 Anna of Braunschweig-Grubenhagen (wife of Albert Duke of Bavaria-Munich, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1474) 97 Anna of Buren (first wife ofWilliam of Orange Nassau, 1533-1558) 107, 121 Anna of Pfalz (wife of Wilhelm II of Berg, great-great-grandmother of Elizabeth of Bavaria, 1346-1415) 97,100 Anna of Sicily see Johanna I of Anjou Anne of Brittany (Queen of France, 1477-1514) 73, 82 Anne, St. 79,85,94,139,321 Annibaldi, Riccardo (curial notary, d. 1289) 294 Anno II, St. (Archbishop of Cologne, ruled 1056-1075) 65 Antonie of Lalamg (second husband of Elisabeth of Culemborg, 1480-1540) 20,140, 259,330 Arminius (father of Angelica, mentioned in her epitaph) 198, 213 Arnold (or Arnull) (Count of Holland, d. 993) 73 Artemisia of Caria (Queen of Halicarnassus, fourth century B.C.) 94 Asch van Wijk, Hendrik van (member of the Utrecht city magistrate, burgomaster, d. 1784) 191,198,202,203 Asch, Jacob van (donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, husband of Lijsbeth van Groenenberch, d. 1526) 255 Asch, Willem van (canon of St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1615) 198, 202, 203, 213, 216 Assendelft, Bartout van (Lord of Assendelft, d. 1443) 216 Ausias (fifteenth-century Cardinal, papal legate) 130 Austen, William (fifteenth-century British artist) 293 Avesnes, Guy of (Bishop of Hainaut, d. 1317) 205, 214, 215 Baden, Fredenk of (Bishop of Utrecht, ruled 1496-1517) 184 Baers, Willem (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. between 1516 and 1523) 243 Barbara of Liegmtz (wife of Rudolph III Elector of Saxony, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. 1436) 96 Barbara of Saxony (wife of John Markgrave of Brandenburg, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. 1465) 96 Barbara, St. 111,139 Barbarossa see Frederick I "Barbarossa" Barrich,Jan van (priest, donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, otherwise unknown) 255 Beatrix (wife of Frederick I "Barbarossa" c. 1144-1184) 65 Beauchamp, Richard (Earl ofWarwick, d. 1439) 292, 293, 295 Beaumont, Louis of (Bishop of Durham, ruled 1318-1333) 272, 277, 278 Bede the Venerable, St. (English Benedictine monk and scholar, c. 673-735) 284 Beham, Barthel (Nuremberg painter/engraver, 1502-1540) 153 Beheim, Anton (fourteenth-century Nuremberg patrician) 126 Beheim, Elspet (wife of Anton Beheim) 126 Beheim, Fritz (Nuremberg patrician, d. 1379) 126, 127 Beheim, Herdegen (brother of Fritz) 126,127 Beheim, Katrein (wife of Fritz or Herdegen Beheim) 126 Bek, Anthony (Bishop of Durham, ruled 1283-1311) 277 Beka, Johannes de (fourteenth-century Utrecht chronicler) 195 Beldenak,Jens Andersen (Bishop of Funen, d. 1537) 81, 91, 98, 100 Benedict VII (Pope, ruled 974-983) 65 Benthem, Antonis Cornelisz. van (member of Utrecht confraternity of St.James's hos­pital from 1555) 229 Benthem, Cornelis van (donor of St. James's hospital chapel, Utrecht, 1532) 229 Benthem, Jan Cornelisz. van (member of Utrecht confraternity of St. James's hospital from 1555) 229 Berg, Claus (Lübeck sculptor/painter working in Denmark, c. 1470-c. 1532) 83, 85, 94, 100 Berg, Geertruid van den (Mother Superior of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, d. 1600) 255,259 Beringen, Louis Sanctus of (humanist and musician from Beringen, 1304-1361) 36 Berlaimont, Noël van (Antwerp schoolmaster, author of a foreign-language phrase book, d. 1531) 267 Bernardo, Martino di (inhabitant of Piancampo, testament 1331) 35 Bernhard of Clairvaux, St. (French ecclesiastic, abbot of Clairvaux Cistercian monastery, c. 1090-1153) 128 Bernold (Bishop of Utrecht, ruled 1027-1054) 155,179,191-195,198,210,211,214,328 Beusichem, Jan Aartszn. van (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1560/61) 237 Beyer, Frans (canon of St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1546) 192, 207 Binck, Jacob (German painter/engraver, c. 1500-1569) 86, 91 Bircherod, Jacob (Odense antiquarian, professor, brother of Jens Bircherod, 1624- 1688) 87,100 Bircherod, Jens (Odense antiquarian, professor, brother of Jacob Bircherod, 1623- 1686) 87,100 Birgitta, St. (c. 1300-1373) 139, 142, 143 Blankenheim, Frederik of (Bishop of Utrecht, ruled 1393-1423) 243, 250 Block, Jan (sixteenth-century Utrecht painter) 173 Bloem, Petrus (canon of St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1415) 199, 200, 213 Blois, Henry of (Bishop ofWinchester, c. 1100-1171) 67, 68 Boccaccio, Giovanni (Italian writer and humanist, 1313-1375) 41 Boechout, Hubert van (fifteenth-century canon of St. Mary's, Utrecht) 185 Boeckhoven, Anton Jansz. van (sixteenth-century textile merchant in Utrecht) 175 Bogaart, Frans (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1555) 237 Bol, Lambert (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. in/after 1518) 239 Bol, Willem (sixteenth-century Utrecht embroiderer) 175 Bonaparte, Napoleon see Napoleon Bonaparte Boniface VIII (Pope, d. 1303) 291, 292 Boniface IX (Pope, ruled 1389-1404) 250 Boniface, St. (d. 754) 157,269,280 Booth, Cornelis (Utrecht antiquarian, 1605-1678) 244 Bor van Amerongen, Gerrit (canon of St. Mary's, Utrecht, d. 1608) 216 Borch, Heilwich van der (nun in St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, daughter of Jacob van der Borch, fifteenth century) 250 Borch, Jacob van der (fifteenth-century Utrecht cathedral architect and mason) 250, 256,257,258, 262, 263 Borch,Jan van der (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1509) 232, 237 [299] Index of Names Borch, Marije van der (nun in St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, daughter of Jacob van der Borch, fifteenth century) 250 Bovinia,Johan van (cathedral canon, member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1544) 234,237 Bower, Walter (Scottish chronicler, 1385-1449) 39 Boxhorn, Marcus (Dutch writer and scholar, 1612-1653) 117 Braam, Pieter (brother ofWerner Braam) 256 Braam, Werner (priest, donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, d. 1527) 254, 256, 262,263 Brederode (family) 66 Brederode, Catharina of (wife of Jan I of Polanen, d. 1372) 121 Brederode, Frans of (leader of the Hoeken, d. 1490) 66 Brederode, Reinoud III of (1492-1556) 108, 323 Brederode, Sijvert of (son of Arnold Count of Holland, legendary first Lord of Brederode) 73 Bronkhorst, Gerrit van (canon of Oudmunster, Utrecht, d. 1412) 182, 253 Bruce, David see David II Brueghel, Pieter the Elder (Flemish painter, d. 1569) 38 Bruninks, Hendrik (honorary canon of Oudmunster, Utrecht, d. 1514) 257, 258 Bruno (Archbishop of Cologne, ruled 953-965, brother of Emperor Otto I) 64, 65 Buchehus, Arnoldus (Utrecht genealogist/historian and lawyer, 1565-1641) 185, 191, 192, 195-198, 201, 202, 208, 210,213-216, 229, 234, 253, 256, 258, 263, 269 Bugge,Jan (author of a description of Haarlem cathedral, d. 1636) 286 Buonarroti, Michelangelo see Michelangelo Buonarroti Buren, Evert Geerlofszn. van (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1529/30) 237 Burgkmair (German painter/woodcut designer, 1473-1531) 292 Burgundy, John of (doctor, author of a plague tract, 1365) 38 Bussche, Gerard ten (canon of St. Peters, Utrecht, d. 1572) 197, 213 Bylevelt, Anthonis Laurenszn. van (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, pil­grimage 1564) 239 Caesar, Gaius Julius (Roman Emperor, c. 102-44 B.C.) 108, 110, 119, 122 Calvin, John (French church reformer, 1509-1564) 272 Cambio, Arnolfo di (Italian architect and sculptor, c. 1245-c. 1302) 292, 294 Camp, Pieter (canon of St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1581) 197, 213 Camping, Rudolf (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1559) 239 Canute, St. 84 Cap, Cornelis (member of Utrecht confraternity of St. James's hospital, d. 1563/64) 241 Capel, Evert Janszoon van (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, textile merchant, d. 1577) 239, 243 Cappuyns, Aleid (wife of Willem Edelheere) 21 Cardo (fourteenth-century physician of the Visconti, Milan) 41 Catharine of Alexandria, St. 195, 226 Catharine of Braunschweig-Lüneburg (wife of Frederick I Elector of Saxony, ances­tor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1442) 97 Catharine of Görtz (wife of John II Duke of Bavaria, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1391) 96, 100 Catharine of Henneberg (wife of Frederick Count of Thuringia, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1397) 97 Catharine of Siena, St. 137,139 Catherine of Anhalt-Bernburg (wife of Magnus II, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. 1399) 96 Catherine of Habsburg (d. 1323) 291 Catherine of Habsburg (sister of Queen Elizabeth of Denmark, 1507-1578) 81 Cavallini, Pietro (Roman artist, active 1273-1308) 291 Cecilia of Carrara (wife ofWentzel Elector of Saxony, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. c. 1430) 96 Chalin de Vinario, Raymundus (Avignon doctor, author of a plague tract, second half of the fourteenth century) 39, 40 Charlemagne (King of the Franks and Holy Roman Emperor, 742-814) 63, 65 Charles V (Archduke of Austria, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558) 20, 60, 63, 66, 69, 70, 80,90,94, 100,286 Charles V (French King, 1338-1380) 291 Charles VIII (Freeh King, 1470-1498) 90 Charles (Duke of Calabria, husband of Mary ofValois, 1298-1328) 23, 31 Charles Louis of Anhalt-Bernburg-Schaumburg (bailiff of the Teutonic Order, 1786- 1806) 244 Charles the Bold (Duke of Burgundy, 1433-1477) 67 Chauliac, Guy de (doctor of Pope Clement VI, author of The Great Surgery, d. 1368) 37 Chichele, Henry (Archbishop of Canterbury, 1362-1441) 52 Chifflet, Philippe (Besançon theologian and ecclesiastic, 1597-1663) 123 Christian I (King of Denmark, father of King John, 1426-1481) 81, 83, 87, 93, 96 Christian II (Elector of Saxony, husband of Hedevig, 1583-1611) 101 Christian II (King of Denmark, ruled 1513-1523, son of King John and Queen Christine, 1481-1559) 79-83, 85-88, 90-92, 94-96, 98-101 Christian III (King of Denmark, 1503-1559) 83, 84, 95, 101 Christian IV (King of Denmark, 1577-1648) 81, 98, 101 Christian (Count of Oldenburg, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. 1399) 96 Christine (Queen of Denmark, wife of King John, 1461-1521) 14,23,69,79,81-87, 89-91, 93-95, 98-101, 292, 321 Christine of Lorraine (daughter of King Christian II, 1521-1590) 100 Christine of Saxony see Christine, Queen of Denmark Christopher III "of Bavaria" (King of Denmark, d. 1448) 83, 98 Cicero, Marcus Tullius (Roman author, d. 43 B.C.) 120 Cimburga of Baden (wife of Engelbrecht II of Nassau, 1450-1501) 107, 108, 110, 115, 121, 122,123,322 Claaszn., Cornelis (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, pilgrimage 1523) 237 Claudia of Chalons-Orange (second wife of Hendrik III of Nassau, d. 1521) 121 Clement VI (Pope, ruled 1342-1352) 37,293,295 Clement, Anthonius (seventeenth-century Danish court painter) 101 Cloetinc (family) 200 Cloetinc, Dylburga (wife of Willem Cloetinc, d. 1438) 200 Cloetinc, Willem (father of Zweder Cloetinc, d. 1434) 200 Cloetinc, Zweder (canon of St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1463) 200 Clopton (family) 274-277 Clopton, Alice (commemorated in inscription in Lady chapel, Long Melford) 275 Clopton, John (Lord of manor Kentwell at Long Melford, d. 1497) 274-277 Clopton, Margery (first wife ofWilliam Clopton, commemorated in inscription in Lady chapel, Long Melford) 275 Clopton, Margery (second wife ofWilliam Clopton, commemorated in inscription m Lady chapel, Long Melford) 275 Clopton, Thomas (ancestor of John Clopton) 277 Clopton,William (commemorated in inscription in Lady chapel, Long Melford) 275, 287 Cluppels, Grete (sixteenth-century donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht) 255, 258 Cockaert, Gerard (canon of St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1296) 206, 208 Cockart, Gerard (canon of St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1321) 206, 208 Coesfelt, Henricus van (Utrecht canon with memorial tablet in St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1495) 201,215 Compostel, IJsbrand Willemszoon van (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1562) 239 Compostela, Peter of (possible composer of Salve Regina, tenth century) 128 Coninck, Alphert de (canon of St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1597) 216 Coninck, De (family) 200, 201 Coninck, Godfried de (commemorated on the same memorial piece as Johannes de Coninck in St. Peter's, Utrecht) 215 Coninck, Johannes de (senior canon of the Utrecht chapters, d. 1566) 201, 213, 215, 216 Conrad I (Count of Oldenburg, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. 1347) 96 Conrad II (German King and Holy Roman Emperor, c. 990-1039) 176 Conrad III (German King, 1093-1152) 65 Constantine VI (Byzantine Emperor, ruled 780-797) 63 Constantine the Great (Roman Emperor, d. 337) 57, 110 Contarini, Elizabetta see Dandolo, Elizabetta Contractus of Reichenau, Hermannus (chronicler, scholar, poet, 1013-1054) 128 Cootwijck, Johan van (seventeenth-century legal advisor of St. Mary's chapter, Utrecht) 242 Coppo Stefani, Marchionne di (fourteenth-century Florentine chronicler) 51 Cornelisz., Cornelis (sixteenth-century Utrecht tombstone carver, probably a relative of Hendrik Cornelisz.) 185 Cornelisz., Hendrik (sixteenth-century Utrecht tombstone carver, probably the son of Cornelis Hendriksz.) 173 Cosmas, St. 291, 295 Crabbe,Jan (abbot ofTer Duinen abbey, Flanders, ruled 1457-1488) 63, 320 Cranach, Lucas the Elder (German painter, 1472-1553) 91 Crol, Jacob (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1540) 237 Crom, Albert (Utrecht magister, d. 1619) 198 Cuthbert, St. (Bishop of Lindisfarne, d. 687) 272, 277-281, 284, 288 Cuypers, Pierre (Dutch architect, 1827-1921) 116 Dam,Jan van (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1568) 237, 242, 244 Damas, St. (Pope, ruled 366-384) 215 Damen,Jan (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1569/70) 237, 244 Damian, St. 291, 295 Dandolo, Elizabetta (Dogaressa ofVenice, wife of Francesco Dandolo, testament 1348) 291 David II (Bruce) (King of Scotland, 1324-1371) 272, 278, 279, 280 David (King ofjudah and Israel, Old Testament) 70 David of Burgundy (Bishop of Utrecht, ruled 1456-1496) 197, 201, 215, 241, 242 Dedelinc, Willem (Flemish sculptor, active 1482-1528) 91 Dewendt, Claus see Maler, Claus Didrick (Count of Oldenburg, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. 1440) 96 Dietrich (Count of Honstein-Heringen, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. 1372) 96 Dirck Keysersdr., Mechtelt (mother of Nicolaas van Sperwoude, d. 1454) 200, 201, 213 Dirk I (Count of Holland, d. 858) 66 Dirk III (Count of Holland, d. 1039) 73 Dirk Evertsdr., Heiltje (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, pilgrimage 1530) 226,237,329 Dirkszn., Dirk (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, pilgrimage 1522) 237 Index of Names [300] Dirkszn., Simon (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1527/28?) 237 Doelden, Aleid (nun in St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, d. 1540) 258, 263 Doelden, Arendje (nun in St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, d. 1525) 258, 263 Doelden, Berendje (wife of Utrecht cobbler Jan Doelden, fifteenth/sixteenth centu­ry) 16,18,258,259 Doelden, Jan (sixteenth-century Utrecht cobbler) 16, 258, 263 Doem,Jan van den (fourteenth-century Utrecht architect) 194 Does-Van Poelgeest,Van der (Leiden family) 30, 216 Dorothea of Brandenburg (Queen of Denmark, wife of King Christian I, mother of King John,1430-1495) 83, 87, 96, 100 Dorothea ofSaxony-Lauenburg (wife of King Christian III of Denmark, d. 1570) 95, 101 Dorothy, St. 251,256 Droom, Herman (dean of St. Mary's, Utrecht, d. 1476) 215 Duinkercken, Hans van (sixteenth-century donor of St. James's hospital chapel, Utrecht) 229 Duinkercken, Margarita van (wife of Hans van Duinkercken) 229 Durandus, William (canonist and liturgical writer, c. 1235-1296) 180, 183 Dürer, Albrecht (German artist, 1471-1528) 30,31,80, 125, 126, 141, 145, 153,287 Düthe, Everard van (buried in St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1467) 200, 215 Düthe, Gerard van see Düthe, Everard van Düthe, Johan van (buried in St. Peter's, Utrecht, in the same grave as Everard van Düthe) 200 Duynen, Lambert ten (Utrecht cathedral canon, d. 1552) 168-178, 184, 185, 186 Duyst, Gerbrand van der seeVerduyst, Gerbrand Ede,Jan van (alderman, member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1529/30) 223,232,233,237,243 Edelheere, Willem (d. 1439) 21 Egmond, Joris van (Bishop of Utrecht, ruled 1534-1559) 24, 30, 201, 217 Ekbert (Archbishop of Trier, chancellor of Emperor Otto II, d. 993) 64, 65 Eleonora of Habsburg (sister of Queen Elizabeth of Denmark, 1498-1558) 81 Elisabeth of Culemborg (Lady of Culemborg, Countess of Hoogstraten, 1475-1555) 20,30, 140, 179, 256,259,330 Elisabeth of Hessen-Marburg (wife ofJohanV of Nassau, 1466-1523) 121 Elizabeth (daughter of Sophie of Mecklenburg and King Frederick II, wife of Henry Julius of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, 1573-1626) 101 Elizabeth (Isabella) (Queen of Denmark, Archduchess of Austria, wife of King Christian II, 1501-1526) 80,81,83,87,88,91-96, 100, 101 Elizabeth (Isabella) of Habsburg see Elizabeth (Isabella) (Queen of Denmark) Elizabeth (Princess of Denmark, daughter of King John and Queen Christine of Denmark, Electress of Brandenburg, 1485-1555) 81, 85, 87, 89, 96, 103 Elizabeth of Bavaria-Landshut (wife of Frederick I Elector of Brandenburg, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. 1442) 96, 100 Elizabeth of Bavaria-Munich (mother of Queen Christine of Denmark, wife of Ernst of Saxony, 1443-1484) 81, 87, 97, 100 Elizabeth of Braunschweig-Göttingen (wife of Erik Duke of Braunschweig- Grubenhagen, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1444) 90, 97 Elizabeth of Braunschweig-Lüneburg (wife of Gerhard Count of Holstein, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. c. 1420) 96, 100 Elizabeth of Hohenzollern (wife of Ruprecht III of Pfalz, d. 1411) 90, 97 Elizabeth of Meissen-Thuringia (wife of Frederick V, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. 1375) 96,100 Elizabeth of Milan (wife of Ernst Duke of Bavaria, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1432) 97 Emma (eleventh-century donor of Utrecht cathedral chapter) 155, 179 Enckenvoirt, Willem van (Cardinal, 1464-1534) 20 Engelbrecht I of Nassau see Nassau, Engelbrecht I of Engelbrecht II of Nassau see Nassau, Engelbrecht II of EppischofFer, Bernhard (sixteenth-century confessor general of Maria Mai monastery, Maihingen) 145 Eppstein, Siegfried II of (Archbishop of Mainz, ruled 1200-1230) 25 Erasmus, Desiderius (Dutch humanist, c. 1466-1536) 93, 94 Erik VII "of Pomerania" (King of Denmark, 1382-1439) 83 Erik (Duke of Braunschweig-Grubenhagen, husband of Elizabeth of Braunschweig- Göttingen, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1429) 90, 97, 100 Erik Klipping (King of Denmark, c. 1249-1286) 84 Erik of Braunschweig-Lüneburg see Erik (Duke of Braunschweig-Grubenhagen) 90, 97 Erik, St. (first King of Sweden) 91 Ernst (Archbishop of Magdeburg, brother of Queen Christine of Denmark, Frederick "the Wise" and John "the Steadfast" d. 1513) 93, 100 Ernst (Duke of Austria, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1424) 97 Ernst (Duke of Bavaria, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1438) 97 Ernst (Elector of Saxony, father of Queen Christine of Denmark, 1441-1486) 81, 87, 97 Eucharius, St. (first Bishop ofTrier, third century) 65 Eufemia (sister of King Magnus of Sweden, wife of Albrecht II of Mecklenburg, d. 1370) 90 Eumenia,Thraseas of seeThraseas ofEumenia Eusebius (Bishop of Caesarea, historian and theologian, c. 260-before 341) 57 Everard (thirteenth-century Utrecht canon and magister, probably identical to scholaster Everardus (d. 1260)) 177,186 Everardus (Utrecht prelate, cathedral scholaster, d. 1260) 186, 214 Ewald, St. (= Theobald) 244 Ferdinand (Holy Roman Emperor, 1503-1564) 20, 66, 70, 74, 81, 98 Ferdinand (King of Aragon, Castile, Sicily, Naples, 1452-1516) 90 Floris, Cornells (Flemish sculptor, 1514-1575) 101 Floriszoon, Adriaan see Hadrian VI Foec, Evert (dean of Oudmunster, Utrecht, c. 1345/50-1418) 183 Foligno, Gentile of (fourteenth-century Italian doctor, author of a plague tract, 1348) 37,51 Folz, Hans (Nuremberg writer, c. 1450-1513) 38 Fosser, Johannes (prior of Durham cathedral, 1341-1374) 278 Francesca, Piero della (Italian painter, c. 1420-1492) 111 Francis I of Lorraine (husband of Christine of Lorraine, 1517-1545) 100 Francis of Assisi, St. (d. 1226) 85, 94, 111, 321 Francisca of Savoy (first wife of Hendrik III of Nassau, d. 1511) 121 Frans (Prince of Denmark, son of King John and Queen Christine of Denmark, 1497-1511) 82,83,85,86,91,99 Frau Gutper see Gutper, Frau Frederick I (Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, later King of Denmark and Norway, broth­er of King John,1471-1533) 83,85,99,101 Frederick I (Elector of Brandenburg, Burgrave of Nuremberg, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. 1440) 96 Frederick I (Elector of Saxony, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1428) 97 Frederick I "Barbarossa" (German King and Holy Roman Emperor, c. 1123-1190) 65 Frederick II (Elector of Saxony, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1464) 97 Frederick II (King of Denmark, 1534-1588) 81, 82, 83, 85, 95, 98, 99, 101 Frederick III (German King and Holy Roman Emperor, father of Maximilian I, 1415-1493) 80,267,286 Frederick III "the Wise" (Elector of Saxony, brother of Queen Christine of Denmark, 1463-1525) 79, 81, 90, 91, 93, 98,100, 101 FrederickV (Count of Hohenzollern, Burgrave of Nuremberg, ancestor of King John of Denmark, 1333-1398) 96,100 Frederick (Count ofThuringia, Elector of Saxony, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1381) 97 Frederick (Duke of Bavaria-Landshut, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. 1393) 96 Frederick (Duke of Swabia, Count of Hohenstaufen, father of Emperor Frederick I "Barbarossa" d. 1105) 65 Frederick of Braunschweig-Lüneburg (elected Roman King in 1400, brother of Elizabeth of Braunschweig, c. 1357-1400) 100 Frederick, St. (Bishop of Utrecht, martyr, d. 838) 277, 279, 280, 281, 283 Frederik Hendrik of Orange Nassau see Nassau, Frederik Hendrik of Orange Frethebold (Utrecht nobleman, donor of chapters of cathedral and Oudmunster, 996) 155,182 Frey, Agnes (wife ofAlbrecht Dürer) 125 Fricker,Thüring (lawyer and town secretary of Bern, donor of All Souls' altar in Bern cathedral, 1505) 15,16,25 Fugger (Augsburg family) 23 Fugger, Jacob (manager of trading company, d. 1525) 23 Fürer, Christoph (husband of Katharina ImhofF, donor of a window for Maria Mai monastery) 149, 150 Fürer, Sigmund (brother of Christoph Fürer, donor of a window for Maria Mai monastery) 149, 150 Galen (Greek physician, second centuryA.D.) 38 Gallimard, Gaston (French publisher, d. 1975) 291 Garbo, Tommaso del (Florentine doctor, d. 1370) 41, 42, 52 Gatari, Bartolomeo (Paduan chronicler, son of Galeazzo Gatari, c. 1380-1439) 40 Gatari, Galeazzo (Paduan chronicler, father of Bartolomeo Gatari, c. 1344-1405) 40 Gaunt, John of (Duke of Lancaster, 1340-1399) 288 Gelisz.,Volken (fifteenth-century donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht) 259, 263 Gent, Belij Hendriksdr. van (sister of Mechteld Hendriksdr. van Gent, wife of Antonis van Amerongen) 263 Gent, Frederik van (sixteenth-century Utrecht cleric) 185 Gent, Mechteld Hendriksdr. van (donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, wife of Jan van Amerongen, d. before or in 1511/12) 255, 259, 263, 327 George, St. 36,111,116,134 Gerbrandszn., Gijsbert (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1555/56?) 237 Gerhard (Count of Holstein, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. 1404) 96 Gerhard I (twelfth-century abbot of Siegburg) 65 Gerritszn., Lambert (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, pilgrimage 1524) 237 Geva (wife ofWidukind, eighth century) 93, 101 Godfried (Bishop of Utrecht, d. 1178) 177 Goertsz.,Willem (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1547/48) 243 Goor,Thomas Ernst van (Breda lawyer and secretary, c. 1689-1750) 110, 111, 114, 122, 123 Gorkum,Jan van (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1542) 237 Gorm (King of Denmark, d. 948) 99 [301] Index of Names Gossaert van Mabuse,Jan see Mabuse,Jan Gossaert van Goyertszoon, Claas (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, cobbler, d. 1518/19) 232,239 Grasso, Agnolo di Tura del (fourteenth-century Sienese chronicler) 39 Greef, Evert Hendrikszn. de (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1555) 237 Gregory VII (Pope, ruled 1073-1085) 64 Gregory XI (Pope, 1331-1378) 37 Gregory, St. 277, 280 Greiffenclau (von Volrats), Eberhard (Utrecht cathedral canon, later canon in Mainz, d.1489) 242 Groenenberch, Lijsbeth van (donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, d. 1497) 255 Groenenberch, Pieternel van (donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, d. 1476) 255, 263 Groenenberch,Van (family) 255 Groenenborch, Elisabeth van (nun in St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, d. 1471) 263 Gruter, Arnold de (buried in St. Peter's, Utrecht) 216 Guideti, Johannes Baptista (sixteenth-century herald of King Christian III of Denmark) 101 Gundekar (Bishop of Eichstätt, ruled 1057-1075) 63, 64, 319 Gutper, Frau (wife of Nuremberg smith, sixteenth century) 149 Haaften, Allard van (sixteenth-century member of confraternity of St. James's hospi­tal, Utrecht) 224, 226, 240 Habsburg (Austrian dynasty) 79, 98, 99, 101, 168, 184, 208 Hadrian I (Pope, ruled 772-795) 63 Hadrian VI (Pope, ruled 1522-1523) 101,235,243 Hannibal (Carthaginian general, c. 247-c. 182 B.C.) 110, 122 Hans, King of Denmark see John (Hans), King of Denmark Harold Bluetooth (King of Denmark, d. c. 988) 83 Harsdörfer (Nuremberg patrician family) 132 Harsdörfer, Peter (Nuremberg patrician, donor of St. Sebalds, 1479) 129, 130, 131, 132,134 Hasert, Peter (Utrecht notary between 1448 and 1461) 183 Havichs,Weyn (fifteenth-century donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht) 253 Haw/Hauw, Simon (chantry priest of St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1485) 200 Heda, Wilhelmus (Utrecht canon and chronicler, d. 1525) 214 Hedevig (daughter of Sophie of Mecklenburg and King Frederick II of Denmark, wife of Christian II Elector of Saxony, 1581-1641) 101 Hedvig of Holstein (wife of Didrick Count of Oldenburg, ancestor of King John of Denmark,d. 1436) 96 Hedwig of Glogau (wife of Ruprecht Duke of Liegnitz, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. c. 1390) 96 Heemskerck, Maarten van (Haarlem painter, 1498-1574) 25 Heere, Jan de (sixteenth-century Flemish sculptor) 91 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (German philosopher, 1770-1831) 107, 122 Hegner, Barbara (nun in convent of St. Katharina, Nuremberg, in 1484 in Heilig Kreuz convent, Regensburg) 139 Heilwich (fifteenth-century donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, wife ofVolken Gelisz.) 259,263 Heinrich (twelfth-century custos, Siegburg) 65 Heinrich, St. 134 Heisterbach, Cesarius of (Cistercian monk and scholar, 1170-1240) 29, 179 Helen, St. (mother of Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, c. 248-c. 328) 110,114 Hendrik III of Nassau see Nassau, Hendrik III of Hendriksz., Cornelis (sixteenth-century Utrecht tombstone carver, probably the father of Hendrik Cornelisz.) 173 Henry II (Count of Holstein, d. 1390) 90, 96 Henry II (German King and Holy Roman Emperor, 973-1024) 176 Henry IV (German King and Holy Roman Emperor, 1050-1106) 64 Henry V (German King and Holy Roman Emperor, 1086-1125) 176 Henry VII (King of England, 1457-1509) 186 Henry (Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1416) 96 Henry Julius (Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, husband of Elizabeth Princess of Denmark (daughter of King Frederick II), 1564-1613) 101 Herbach, Melcher van (seventeenth-century Dutch stonemason) 123 Herbernus, Matthaeus (author of a "guided tour" through Maastricht, 1485) 286 Herod (biblical King, New Testament) 111 Hildebrand see Gregory VII (Pope) Hill, John (commemorated in inscription in Lady chapel, Long Melford) 275 Hinderstein,Van (family) 195 Hippocrates (Greek physician, c. 460-c. 377 B.C.) 38 Hirsvogel (family) 150 Hirsvogel,Veit the Elder (Nuremberg glass painter, 1461-1525) 148-151 Holbein, Hans the Elder (German painter, c. 1460-1524) 292 Holer, Peter (sixteenth-century Utrecht medical doctor) 184 Holzschuher (family) 30, 140, 142 Holzschuher, Jorg (uncle of Katerina Lemmel) 142 Holzschuher, Magdalena (nun in Heilig Kreuz convent, Regensburg, from c. 1491) 137, 139 Holzschuher, Ursula (first marriage with Paulus ImhofF, second with Niclas Tetzel, commemorated on Imhoff-Holzschuher epitaph in St. Sebald, Nuremberg, 1504) 128,140, 141, 146 Honthorst, Arnold van (sixteenth-century Utrecht textile merchant) 175 Hoorn, Cornelis van (Utrecht cathedral canon, member of Jerusalem confraternity, d. 1547) 222,235,237,240,243 Hopylius, Wolfgangus (sixteenth-century Parisian printer) 182 Horn (family) 19 Horn, Kunz (non-patrician Nuremberg businessman, donor of St. Lorenz, c. 1500) 17, 134,324 Home, Oda of (first wife ofjan II of Polanen, 1318-1353) 110, 121 Hornl (Nuremberg family) 140 Horst, Peter Janszoon van der (or Verhörst) (Utrecht locksmith, d. 1574/75) 241 Hubert, St. 110 Huchtenbroek,Jan van (member ofjerusalcm confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1542) 227, 237 Hugo, Hermannus (seventeenth-century Jesuit, author of a description of the siege and conquest ofBreda in 1625) 116, 117, 123 ImhofF (Nuremberg patrician merchant family) 30,127,131, 132,134, 140,141,142, 145, 146, 148, 150 ImhofF, Felicitas (daughter of Ursula Holzschuher and Paulus ImhofF, sister of Katerina Lemmel) 141 ImhofF, Hans IV (father of Peter, donor of St. Lorenz, Nuremberg, 1493) 30, 131 ImhofF, HansV (cousin of Katerina Lemmel) 142, 144-151 ImhofF, Hieronimus (donor of a window for Maria Mai monastery, 1521) 150 ImhofF, Katerina see Lemmel, Katerina ImhofF, Katharina (daughter of Hans ImhofF, wife of Christoph Fürer) 150 ImhofF, Katharina (wife of Hans Imhoff) 145, 149 ImhofF, Konrad (Dominican friar in Nuremberg, cousin of Katerina Lemmel, testa­ment 1512) 134,142,143 ImhofF, Konrad II (Nuremberg patrician, grandfather of Peter ImhofF, donor oF St. Lorenz, Nuremberg, 1420) 131,140 ImhofF, Magdalena (daughter of Ursula Holzschuher and Paulus ImhofF, sister of Katerina Lemmel, prioress of Augustinian convent at Pillenreuth, 1527) 141, 149 ImhofF, Margarete (daughter of Ursula Holzschuher and Paulus ImhofF, sister of Katerina Lemmel, wife of Martin Tucher, d. 1521) 141, 142, 144, 146, 150 ImhofF, Paulus (Nuremberg patrician, first husband of Ursula Holzschuher, father of Katerina Lemmel) 128, 140, 141 ImhofF, Peter the Elder (cousin of Katerina Lemmel, corporate executive officer of ImhofFTrading Company, Nuremberg, donor of St. Lorenz 1490s and 1505) 131, 132, 133, 149, 151 ImhofF, Ursula (daughter of Ursula Holzschuher and Paulus ImhofF, sister of Katerina Lemmel, wife of Hector Pömer, d. 1490) 128, 141 ImhofF, Ursula (wiFe of Paulus Imhoff) see Holzschuher, Ursula ImhofF, Veit (cousin of Katerina Lemmel) 151 Ingeborg of Holstein (wife of Conrad I Count of Oldenburg, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. 1340) 96 Ingeborg of Mecklenburg (wife of Henry Count of Holstein, d. c. 1395) 90, 91, 96 Ingrid (Queen of Denmark, d. 2000) 99 Irenaeus (Bishop of Lyon, c. 140-202) 56, 57 Isabella (wife of Richard Beauchamp, b. 1400) 292 Isabella of Habsburg see Elizabeth (Isabella) (Queen of Denmark) Isabella of Portugal (wife of Emperor Charles V, mother of King Philip II, 1503-1539) 20 Isabelle of Aragon (wife of Philip le Hardi, d. 1271) 291 Jacobi of Montpellier, Johannes (fourteenth-century doctor, author of a plague tract) 38,51 Jacobsz. (family) 200 Jacobsz., Joost (fifteenth-/sixteenth-century Utrecht sculptor) 186 Jacobszoon, Splinter (Utrecht goldsmith, member of Jerusalem confraternity, d. 1506/07) 232,239 James the Greater, St. 174, 221 Jan (Johan) IV of Nassau see Nassau, Jan (Johan) IV of Jan "the Bidder" (sixteenth century undertaker, Utrecht) 184 Jan of Luxemburg (first husband of Elisabeth of Culemborg, d. 1508) 140, 330 Janszn., Jacob (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1532) 237 Jerome, St. 110, 116, 176 Joachim I (Elector of Brandenburg, husband of Elizabeth Princess of Denmark, 1484- 1535) 81,87,89,90,96,101 Johan V of Nassau see Nassau, Johan V of Johanna I of Anjou (Queen of Naples, daughter of Mary of Valois and Charles of Calabria, 1326-1382) 23, 90, 93, 97, 100 Johanna of Nassau see Polanen, Johanna of John I of Neumarkt (Count Palatine, 1383-1443) 98 John II (Duke of Bavaria-Munich, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, c. 1341- 1397) 96,100 John (Hans) (King of Denmark, 1455-1513) 79,81-88,90,91,93,95,98-100,292 John (Markgrave of Brandenburg, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. 1464) 96 John (Prince of Denmark, son of King Christian II and Queen Elizabeth, 1518-1532) 83,85, 100 John "the Steadfast" (brother of Frederick III "the Wise" and Queen Christine of Denmark, 1468-1532) 91, 93, 98 John the Baptist, St. 70, 111, 116, 244 Index of Names [302] John the Evangelist, St. 57, 244 Josse, St. 221 Juliana of Stolberg (second wife of William "the Rich" of Nassau, d. 1580) 121 Julius II (Pope, ruled 3503-1513) 24 Jut (sister of Anthonius van Winssen) see Winssen, Jut van Kampe.Vinccnts (titular Bishop of Greenland, temporary substitute for the Bishop of Funen,Jens Andersen Beldenak, d. c. 3 537) 83 Kanen, Nienke (donor of St. James's church, Utrecht, c. 1460) 17 Katerina (mother of Michel Lemmel jr.) 128 Katz, Lady of (donor of Mariënpoel convent near Leiden, after 1497) 264 Ketelaar, Claas (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1510) 232, 239 Kiefhaber, Ulrich (Nuremberg businessman, donor of St. Lorenz, Nuremberg, 1505) 131-134 Kiefhaber, Ulrich the Elder (father of Ulrich Kiefhaber, donor of St. Lorenz, Nuremberg) 131 Kilian, St. 134 Kleef, Willem van (scholaster of Oudmunster, Utrecht, testament 1396) 171, 185 Kloetinge, Allert van (canon of Oudmunster, Utrecht, d. 1422) 182 Knieper, Hans (Flemish painter, d. 1587) 81 Knijff,Tyman (buried in St. Peters, Utrecht, d. 1581) 195 Koenraad (Bishop of Utrecht, ruled 1076-1099) 179, 194 Körner (family) 19 Körner, Hans (d. 1525) 19 Körner, Magdalena (wife of Hans, d. 1559) 19 Kraan, Jan/Johan de (member ofjerusalem confraternity and St. James's confraterni­ty in Utrecht, 1450) 240 Kraft, Adam (German sculptor, c. 1455-1508) 30, 131 Kraft, Hans (sixteenth-century Nuremberg glazier) 149 Krell, Barbara (wife of Kunz Horn, Nuremberg) 324 Krell, Franz (donor of St. Lorenz, Nuremberg) 131 Kress, Anton (provost of St. Lorenz, Nuremberg, d. 1513) 126 Kristersson, Johan (husband of Britta Sture, 1426-1477) 100 Krom, Herman (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1526/27) 237 Kumgund, St. 134, 139 Lalaing-Van Culemborg, De (family) 216 Lamberti, Nicolaes (fourteenth-century canon of St. Peter's, Utrecht) 195 Lambertszn., Cornelis (member ofjerusalem confratermtv in Utrecht, d. 1526/27) 237 Lancaster, house of 288 Langles, Gabriel (sixteenth-century Utrecht canon) 184 Lap van Waveren, Gijsbert (Utrecht lawyer and historian, 1596-1647) 191, 192, 201, 210,214 Lap, Gijsbert (sixteenth-century Utrecht physician) 184 Lawrence, St. 131 Lazarus 317 Leen, Erembert uten (canon of Oudmunster, Utrecht, d. 1419) 167, 168 Leeu, Gheerart (Dutch printer, c. 1445/50-1492) 286 Leeuwen, Hendrik van (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1574) 238 Lemaire,Jean (poet/writer from Hainaut, c. 1473-after 1515) 94 Lemmel (family) 140 Lemmel, Katerina (Nuremberg patrician (born Imhofï), wife of Michel Lemmel jr., nun in Birgittine monastery Maria Mai from 1516, 1466-1533) 16, 22, 25 128, 134, 137, 141-151, 153,292,295,325 Lemmel, Katerina see Katerina (mother of Michel Lemmel jr.) Lemmel, Michel jr. (husband of Katerina Lemmel, d. 1513) 128, 141, 142, 145 Lemmel, Michel sr. (father of Michel Lemmel jr.) 128 Leo X (Pope, ruled 1513-1521) 24, 84 Leopold III (Duke of Steiermark, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1386) 96 Leusinck, Egbert (Utrecht cathedral canon, d. 1570) 185, 186 Lichtenberg, Johannes van (chantry priest at St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1587) 195 Liederich (legendary first Count of Flanders, eighth century) 62, 63 Ligurius (legendary twelfth-century founder ofTer Duinen abbey, Flanders) 62, 63 Livy (Titus Livius; Roman historian, first century) 120 Loeffelholz see Lemmel Loefszn.,Jan (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1575/76) 239 Lokhorst, Arnold van (fourteenth-century canon of St. Peter's, Utrecht) 196 Lokhorst, Dirk Taets van see Taets (van Lokhorst), Dirk Lokhorst, Herman van (cathedral canon, dean of Oudmunster, Utrecht, d. 1527) 216, 277 Lokhorst,Van (family) 196 Long, Isaac Le (eighteenth-century owner of memorial book of St. Nicholas's con­vent, Utrecht) 261 Louis II (King of Hungary and Bohemia, 1506-1526) 80 Louis IV of Bavaria (German King and Holy Roman Emperor, c. 1287-1347) 89,90, 97,100 Louis JX, St. (French King, d. 1270) 73 Louis XII (French King, 1462-1515) 90 Louis the Pious (son of Charlemagne, 778-840) 65 Loveday, Richard (butler with John Clopton, commemorated in inscription in Lady chapel, Long Melford) 275 Lucian (fifth-century priest who found St. Stephens relics) 203 Luther, Martin (German religious reformer, 1483-1546) 132 Lydgate,John (English poet, c. 1370-1449/50) 274, 275, 287 Mabuse,Jan Gossaert van (Flemish painter 1478-1532) 91 Macho, Julien (fifteenth-century French printer) 267, 286 Macropedius, Georgius (Dutch humanist schoolrector, 1487-1558) 269 Magnus (Smek) (King of Sweden, 1319-1363) 90 Magnus II (Duke of Lüneburg and Braunschweig-Göttingen, ancestor of Kins lohn of Denmark, d. 1373) 96 Maler, Claus (Claus de Vendt (Dewendt)?) (painter working in Denmark, sixteenth century) 101 Malsen, Dirk van (sixteenth-century Utrecht magister, 1552) 183 Manlius (Mennei), Jacob (chronicler of Emperor Maximilian, 1512-17) 98 Marek, Philippote van der (wife of Reinoud III of Brederode, d. 1537) 323 Margaret (Duchess of Hainaut, Holland and Zeeland, wife of Louis IV of Bavaria, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1356) 90, 97 Margaret (Queen of Denmark, mother of King Erik, d. 1412) 83 Margaret of Austria (aunt of Maximilian I, d. 1486) 80, 97 Margaret of Austria (regent of the Netherlands, 1480-1530) 20, 73, 79, 80, 94, 95, 98 Margaret of Berg (wife of Otto of Braunschweig-Göttingen, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1442) 90, 96 Margaretha of Lippe (third wife ofjan II of Polanen) 121 Maria of Loon-Heinsberg (wife ofjan IV ofNassau, 1424-1502) 107, 109, 115-118 121,123 Maria Theresia (Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, Archduchess of Austria, Holy Roman Empress, 1717-1780) 73 Marieborch, Johan (sixteenth-century Danish herald) 101 Martha, St. 182 Martin, Richard (great-grandfather of Roger Martin) 273 Martin, Roger (member of Suffolk gentry, author of a description of Long Melford church, 1526/27-1615) 270-277, 284, 287,288 Martin, St. 155,175,186 Mary Magdalene, St. 139, 203, 204, 317, 329 Mary of Burgundy (wife of Maximilian I, 1457-1482) 63, 66, 67, 69, 73, 82, 320 Mary of Hungary (granddaughter of Maximilian I, sister of Queen Elizabeth of Denmark, 1505-1558) 80,81,93,98 Mary of Hungary (Queen of Naples and Sicily, d. 1323) 31 Mary ofValois (wife of Charles of Calabria, d. 1328) 23, 31, 291 Mary the Egyptian, St. 203, 204, 329 Mary Tudor (Queen of England, wife of Philip II, 1516-1558) 69, 70, 271 Maternus (missionary, Bishop of Cologne, third/fourth century) 65 Mathilde (great-great-grandmother of Ernst of Saxony, d. 1346) 100 Maurits of Orange Nassau see Nassau, Maurits of Orange Maxentius (Roman Emperor, c. 279-312) 195 Maximilian I (Holy Roman Emperor, 1459-1519) 24, 66, 67, 70, 73, 79, 80, 94, 98 Mayer, Heinz (husband of Ottilia Mayer, d. 1507) 139, 140 Mayer, Ottilia (donor of St. Lorenz church, Nuremberg, first marriage with Heinz Mayer, second with Jorg Regenfuss, d. 1521) 138, 139, 140 Medici, Cosimo de (Florentine banker and statesman, 1389-1464) 18 Melchior "at the Oudkerkhof'V'the tailor" (sixteenth-century Utrecht tailor) 175 Memlmg, Hans (Flemish painter, c. 1435-1494) 27 Mencia of Mendoza (third wife of Hendrik III ofNassau, d. 1554) 121 Mennei, Jacob see Manlius (Mennei), Jacob Mersman, Jan (canon of Oudmunster, Utrecht, from 1568, author of a description of Oudmunster church, 1592) 269, 270, 271, 277, 283 Meurs, Dirk van (Archbishop of Cologne, d. 1463) 185 Michelangelo Buonarroti (Italian artist, 1475-1564) 107, 122 Mierop, Cornelis van (Utrecht cathedral provost, d. 1572) 185 Minnenprijs, Hendrik (canon of St. Mary's, Utrecht, d. 1480) 259 Minnenprijs, Marieke (nun in St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, daughter of Hendrik Minnenprijs) 259, 263 Modde, Johannes (canon of St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1517) 216 Mone,Jan (southern Netherlandish sculptor, d. c. 1549) 107, 122 Montfoort, Jan III van (Burgrave, member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1521) 239,242 Montfoort,Van (family) see Rovere van Montfoort, De (family) Mor, Anton (Dutch painter, c. 1517-c. 1577) 202, 221, 222, 230, 235, 244 Morelli, Giovanni (fifteenth-century Florentine diarist) 39 Morosini, Michele (Doge ofVenice, d. 1382) 291 Moudwijk, Hendrik van (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1538/39) 237 Muisis, Gilles de (fourteenth-century French chronicler) 36 Mulart, Rudolfus (Utrecht cathedral canon, donor of St. Nicholas's convent, testament 1568) 256 Müller, Johannes (Augsburg printer, sixteenth century) 99 Müllner, Jorg (sixteenth-century Augsburg merchant) 148 Münster, Sebastian (German mathematician, cosmographer and map maker, 1488- 1552) 83,85 Mussis, Johannes de' (fourteenth-century chronicler, Piacenza) 39 Myren, ChristofFel van (canon of St. Peter's, donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht) 256 [303] Index of Names Napoleon Bonaparte (Emperor of France, 1769-1821) 192 Nassau (family) 18,25,74, 107, 110, 111, 114, 115, 116, 118, 120,294 Nassau, Engelbrecht I of (c. 1380-1442) 107, 109, 114-117, 121, 123 Nassau, Engelbrecht II of (1451-1504) 107, 108, 110, 115, 117, 119-123, 322 Nassau, Frederik Hendrik of Orange (1584-1647) 117 Nassau, Hendrik III of (cousin of Engelbrecht II, 1483-1538) 107,109,115,118,119, 121 Nassau, Jan (Johan) IV of (son of Engelbrecht I and Johanna of Polanen, 1410-1475) 107, 109, 115, 116, 117, 118, 121, 123 Nassau, Johan V of (1455-1516) 121 Nassau, Johanna of see Polanen, Johanna of Nassau, William ("the Rich") of (1487-1559) 121 Nassau, William of Orange (William I "the Silent" 1533-1584) 56, 107, 120, 121 Neville (northern English aristocratic family) 271, 272, 278, 280, 288 Neville, Alexander (Archbishop ofYork, brother of John, c. 1340-1392) 280 Neville, John (son of Ralph, buried in Durham cathedral, d. 1388) 280, 288 Neville, Ralph (buried in Durham cathedral, d. 1367) 280, 288 Nicholas III (Pope, d. 1277) 291 Nicholas, St. 251, 256 Niger, Arnoldus (dean of St. Peters, Utrecht, d. 1317) 216 Nobel, Hendrik Gerritszn. (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1541) 237 Noordwijk, Anna van (Holland, documented 1514) 216 Noordwijk, François van (doctor in both laws, d. 1638) 198, 213 Noort, Willem van (Utrecht architect, town mason, d. 1556) 172 Odulphus, St. 168,277,279,280,288 Olai, Petrus (sixteenth-century Danish Franciscan historian) 81, 83, 98 Oldenbarneveldt, Johan van (Pensionary of the United Provinces, 1547-1619) 27 Oldenburg (Danish dynasty) 79,81,83 Oostrum van Engelaar, Dirk van (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1578/79) 226,227,239 Orley, Bernard van (Flemish painter, 1491/92-1542) 101 Ortlieb, Kunigund (nun in convent of St. Katharina, Nuremberg, in 1484 in Heilig Kreuz convent, Regensburg) 139 Otto 1 (German King and Holy Roman Emperor, 912-973) 64, 65 Otto II (German King and Holy Roman Emperor, 955-983) 64, 65 Otto III (German King and Holy Roman Emperor, 980-1002) 65, 81 Otto (Bishop of Eichstätt, 1182-1195) 64 Otto (Duke of Braunschweig-Göttingen, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1394) 90,96 Otto of Braunschweig-Grubenhagen (fourth husband of Queen Johanna I of Anjou, d. 1399) 100 Over-Salm, Odilia of (second wife ofjan III of Polanen, d. 1428) 121 Paadse,Tyman (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, 1500) 239 Padua, Stephanus of (Paduan doctor, author of a plague tract, end of the fourteenth century) 37 Pallaes, Floris Lubbertszn. van (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, pil­grimage 1564) 239 Pallaes, Jan Lubbertszn. van (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, pilgrim­age 1564) 239 Paneras, St. 277, 280 Paré, Ambroise (French surgeon, 1509-1590) 37 Parvy, Guillaume (Bishop of Senlis, confessor of Queen Anne of Brittany, c. 1470- 1536) 83 Paul, St. 56,57,58,65,93,195 Pauw, Gijsbert (fifteenth-/sixteenth-century locksmith, donor of St. Nicholas's con­vent, Utrecht) 254, 256 Pedersen, Christiern (Danish humanist, c. 1480-1554) 81 Percy family (northern English aristocratic family) 278 Perréal,Jean (French painter, 1455-1530) 82 Peter, St. 57, 58,64, 65,193,194,195,199, 200,268 Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca; Italian humanist, 1304-1374) 35, 36 Pflummern, Heinrich von (priest at Biberach, brother of Joachim, 1475-1561) 270, 282,285,287, 288 Pflummern, Joachim von (layman at Biberach, brother of Heinrich, 1480-1554) 285 Philibert II of Savoy (husband of Margaret of Austria, d. 1504) 20, 94, 95 Philip II (King of Spain, son of Emperor Charles V, 1527-1598) 18,19, 59, 60, 66, 69, 70, 74 Philip III le Hardi (French King, 1245-1285) 291 Philip the Good (Duke of Burgundy, 1396-1467) 17 Philip the Handsome (son of Emperor Maximilian I and Mary of Burgundy, 1478- 1506) 66 Philip, St. (apostle) 18,57,70 Piranesi, Giovanni Battista (Italian engraver, 1720-1778) 58 Pisa, Ranieri of (fourteenth-century Pisan chronicler) 40 Polanen (family) 114,116 Polanen, Jan I of (d. 1342) 121 Polanen, Jan II of (d. 1378) 107, 110, 115, 123 Polanen,Jan III of (d. 1394) 121 Polanen,Johanna of (wife of Engelbrecht I ofNassau, 1392-1445) 107,109,115,116, 117,121, 123 Polycarp (Bishop of Smyrna, martyr, 69-155) 57 Polycrates (Bishop ofEphesus, 130-196) 57 Pömer (Nuremberg family) 140 Pömer, Hector (fifteenth-century Nuremberg patrician) 128 Pömer, Ursula (wife of Hector Pömer) see Imhoff, Ursula Pomerania, Stanislao of (fourteenth-century Polish chronicler) 36 Poortvliet, Jan Robertsz. van (canon of St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1500) 195 Pot, Philippe (seneschal of Philip the Good, 1428-1493) 294, 332 Proust, Marcel (French writer, 1871-1922) 291 Proys, Bernt (fifteenth-century Utrecht mayor) 168 Puy, Ademar of see Ademar (Bishop of Puy) Pyrrhus (King of Epirus, Greece, c. 318-272 B.C.) 110, 122 Quellinus, Thomas (Flemish sculptor, 1661-1709) 100 Randerode/Randerath, Dietrich of (Utrecht cathedral provost, canon in Cologne, brother of Goswin of Randerode, d. 1247) 244 Randerode/Randerath, Goswin of (provost of St. John's chapter, Utrecht, canon in Cologne, brother of Dietrich of Randerode, d. 1262) 244 Ravenswaai, Hendrik van (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1553) 237 Ravenswaai, Hiëronymus van (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1526/27) 237 Ravenswaai,Jan van (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1562/63) 237 Reading, John of (English chronicler, 1270-1346) 41 Regenfuss, Jorg (innkeeper in Nuremberg, second husband of Ottilia Mayer, 1512) 140 Regenfuss, Ottilia see Mayer, Ottilia Regulus, Attilius (Roman consul, d. c. 250 B.C.) 108, 119, 120 René of Anjou (King of Naples, d. 1480) 100 Renesse,Van (family) 244 Richard (Duke ofYork, 1411-1460) 30 Richard/Riquard (twelfth-century canon of St. John's, Utrecht) 182 Ricoldsz., Gerrit see Ryckensz., Gerrit Riemenschneider, Tilman (German artist, c. 1460-1531) 100 Rijn, Hendrik van (provost of St. John's, Utrecht, d. 1363) 210, 216 Rijn, Herman van (dean of St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1488) 199, 200 Rijswijk, Gerrit van (confessor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, d. 1486) 255 Rits,Jop (sixteenth-century Utrecht painter) 228 Rivo, Radulfus de (dean ofTongeren, c. 1345-1403) 166, 182 RizzardoVl di Camino (d. 1335) 294, 332 Robbertszoon, Gijsbert (alderman,Wijk bij Duurstede, member ofjerusalem confra­ternity in Utrecht, d. 1557) 237, 243 Robrecht the Younger (Count of Flanders, d. 1111) 63 Roest, Christiaan (co-priest of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, d. 1527) 256, 262, 263 Roon, Adriana van (Cistercian abbess, prelate of Leeuwenhorst convent, Holland, d. 1527) 20 Roover, Richard de (last abbot ofTer Duinen abbey, Flanders, d. 1833) 73 Roswey, Heribertus (Jesuit, son of Maurits Egbertszoon van Rosweyde) 225, 240 Rosweyde, Maurits Egbertszoon van (Utrecht bailiff, documented 1607) 225, 240 Rotflasch (Nuremberg family) 140 Rotselaer, Machteld of (second wife ofjan II of Polanen, d. 1366) 110, 121 Rovere van Montfoort, De (family) 31, 210 Royen, Gelis van (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1571?) 237, 238 Royer, Louis (Flemish sculptor, 1793-1868) 116 Royesteyn, widow of (Utrecht, documented 1611) 230, 242 Rudolf of Habsburg (German King and Holy Roman Emperor, 1218-1291) 267 Rudolph III (Elector of Saxony, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. 1419) 96 Ruis, Belie (Mother Superior of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, d. 1584) 262 Rumohr, Anna (wife of John Ahlefeldt, d. 1711) 100 Ruotger (tenth-century author of Vita Brunonis) 64 Ruprecht III of Pfalz (German King, 1352-1410) 89, 90, 97, 100 Ruprecht (Duke of Liegnitz, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. 1409) 96 Ruusch,Jan (donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, second half fifteenth century) 262 Ruusch,Jan (sixteenth-century member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht) 239 Ruusch, Jutte (donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, wife ofjan Ruusch, second half fifteenth century) 262 Ryckensz. (Ricoldsz.), Gerrit (Utrecht cathedral vicar choral, d. 1552) 168-178,184, 185 Saal, Adriaan (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1548) 237 Saenredam, Pieter (Dutch painter, 1597-1665) 157, 191, 193, 199, 328 Salisbury, John of (philosopher, historian, churchman, scholar, c. 1115-1180) 68 Sardo, Ranieri see Pisa, Ranieri of Saxo Grammaticus (thirteenth-century Danish historian) 81, 94, 98,101 Scala, Beatrice (wife of Bernabo Visconti, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1384) 96 Scay, Dirck (Utrecht painter, worked for St. Peter's church in 1490) 195 Scayck, Dirk (Utrecht painter, worked in 1509/10 on a painting commissioned by Ludolf van Veen, probably identical to Dirck Scay) 186 Schatz (Nuremberg family) 140 Index of Names [304] Schäufelein, Hans the Elder (German painter/woodcut designer, c. 1482-1539/40) 99 Schayck, Ernst van (canon of St. Peter's, Utrecht, before 1500-1564) 195, 203 204 205,209,216,329 Schayck, Jan van (Utrecht sculptor, father of Ernst van Schayck, c. 1470-1527) 186, 216 Scheuerl, Christoph the Elder (compiled a list of wealthy men in Nuremberg around 1500) 134 Scheuerl, Christoph the Younger (general counsel for Nuremberg city government, 1481-1542) 134 Schiff, Sydney (novelist, 1868-1944) 291 Schiff, Violet (wife of Sydney Schiff, d. 1962) 291 Schlüsselfelder, Wilhelm (husband of Peter Imhoff's granddaughter) 149 Schön, Erhard (German painter/woodcut designer, c. 1491-1542) 99 Schongauer, Martin (German painter/engraver, d. 1491) 273, 287 Schoten, Pieter van (commander of the convent of St. John, Haarlem, 1460) 60 Scoreljan van (northern Netherlandish painter and ecclesiastic, 1495-1562) 20,110, 113, 114, 118, 122, 202, 216, 221, 222, 225, 230-233, 235-237, 240-244, 294, 330 Scott-Moncrieff, Charles (English translator of Marcel Proust) 291 Sebald, St. 134 Sebastian, St. 36, 318 Sergius I (Pope, ruled 687-701) 163, 181 Shakespeare, William (English poet, 1564-1616) 291 Sigbrit, Mother see Villoms, Sigbrit Sigvard (legendary Danish King) 101 Sixtus IV (Pope, 1414-1484) 184 Sluis, Simon van der (fifteenth-century Utrecht cathedral provost) 169 Smet, Mathieu de (sixteenth-century Flemish sculptor) 91 Smither, Ditlev (Danish humanist, d. c. 1538) 80 Smytere,Jan de (Flemish sculptor, d. c. 1528) 91 Sofia, St. 139 Solomon (King of Israel, Old Testament) 18, 69, 70 Sophia of Braunschweig-Lüneburg (wife of Dietrich Count of Honstein-Heringen, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. 1394) 96 Sophia of Pomerania (second wife of King Frederick I of Denmark, 1498-1568) 83 Sophia of Pomerania (wife of Henry Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1406) 96 Sophie of Mecklenburg (wife of King Frederick II of Denmark, d. 1631) 95, 101 Soudenbalch, Evert (Utrecht cathedral canon, 1423/24-1503) 211, 258, 259 Soudenbalch, Jutta (Utrecht, d. 1521) 215 Sozomenus (fifteenth-century humanist chronicler of Pistoia) 39 Spalatin, Georg (Saxonian historian, 1484-1545) 81, 91, 98, 100, 101 Spangert, Dirk (sixteenth-century priest, Holland) 20 Sperwoude, Nicolaas van (canon of St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1482) 200, 201, 213 Spijker alias De Veer,Jan Hendrikszoon (member ofjerusalem confraternity and con­fraternity of St. James's hospital in Utrecht, ship builder, d. 1573/74) 225,226, 233, 238,240 Splintersz., Jan (fifteenth-/sixteenth-century Utrecht painter) 186 Springinklee, Hans (German painter/woodcut designer, c. 1495-after 1522) 153 Stephan II (Duke of Bavaria, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1375) 100 Stephen, St. 203, 204, 277, 329 Stove, Hendrik van der (Utrecht priest, founder of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, 1337) 250,253 Straub, Bernhard (father-in-law of Lorenz Tucher) 146, 149 Strijt, Joris (Utrecht cathedral canon, d. 1565) 197 Stromer, Birgitte (nun in convent of St. Katharina, Nuremberg, in 1484 in Heilig Kreuz convent, Regensburg) 139 Sture, Britta (Birgitta) (sister of Sten Sture the Elder, 1440-1472) 100 Sture, Sten the Elder (Regent of Sweden, 1440-1503) 100 Suckot,John (sixteenth-century imperial counselor and envoy) 91 Suess von Kulmbach, Hans (German painter and draughtsman, c. 1485-1522) 99, 139,153 Suger (abbot of St. Denis, Paris, d. 1151) 269 Sukerroet, Gerrit (canon of Oudmunster, donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, d. 1533) 263 Sukerroet, Gerrit (canon of St. Mary's, Utrecht, d. 1470) 263 Taets van Amerongen (Utrecht family) 235, 244 Taets van Amerongen, Anthonius Willemszn. (Utrecht cathedral canon, member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1555) 217,222,224,225,226,233,235,237, 240, 243 Taets van Amerongen, Ernst (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1473) 224, 241,243 Taets van Amerongen, Jacob (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, bailiff of Teutonic Order between 1579-1612) 235, 242 Taets van Amerongen, Johan (canon of St. John's, Utrecht, member ofjerusalem con­fraternity, uncle of Anthonius Taets van Amerongen, d. 1531) 233, 239, 243 Taets van Amerongen, Willem (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, broth­er of Johan, son of Ernst Taets van Amerongen, d. 1503) 239, 243 Taets, Arnold (Utrecht, d. 1472) 217 Taets (van Lokhorst), Dirk (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1552) 237 Tap,Tielman (sixteenth-century Utrecht cathedral architect) 173 Tertullian (second-/third-century ecclesiastical writer) 56 Tetzel (Nuremberg family) 140 Tetzel, Niclas (second husband of Ursula Holzschuher) 140, 141 Tetzel, Ursula see Holzschuher, Ursula Theobald, St. see Ewald, St. Thraseas of Eumenia (early Christian Bishop of Smyrna) 57 Tielman (Utrecht shoemaker, d. 1573/74) 241 Toren, Gerard van der see Turri, Gerard de Tornamira, John of (fourteenth-century physician of Pope Gregory XI) 37 Treiber, Werner (donor of Frauenkirche, Nuremberg, 1438) 129 Tribbe, Heinrich (fifteenth-century Minden cathedral canon, author of a description of Minden) 286 Tucher (Nuremberg family) 133,140 Tucher, Anton (member of the inner city council of Nuremberg, brother of Hans and Martin Tucher, trustee and donor of Heilig-Geist-Spital, 1511) 128 Tucher, Hans (brother of Anton and Martin Tucher, donor of Heilig-Geist-Spital, 1511) 128 Tucher, Lorenz (son of Margarete Imhoff and Martin Tucher) 146, 149 Tucher, Martin (husband of Margarete Imhoff, brother-in-law of Katerina Lemmel, brother of Hans and Anton Tucher) 141, 144-146, 148-151 Tura, Agnolo di see Grasso, Agnolo di Tura del Turri, Gerard de (dean of St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1521) 197, 200, 201, 205, 207, 210, 212,213 Ulrick III (Duke of Mecklenburg, father of Sophie of Mecklenburg, 1527-1603) 101 Urban VI (Pope, c. 1318-1389) 134 Ursula, St. 256, 287 Uteneng (family) 200 Uteneng, Cornells (dean of St. Peters, Utrecht, d. 1578) 200, 211 Uteneng, Filippa (wife of Joost van Amstel van Mijnden) 22, 23 Uteneng, Jacob (dean of St. Peters, Utrecht, d. 1569) 197 Utenham, Johannes (canon of St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1537) 201, 202, 213, 216 Utenweert, Dominicus (donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, d. 1546) 258 Vaillant, Petrus (cellarer, later abbot at Ter Duinen abbey, Flanders, 1488-1492) 63,73,320 Valerius (Bishop of Trier, fourth/fifth century) 65 Valerius Maximus (Roman author, first century) 120 Valk, Clara (donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, wife ofJanValk, d. 1515) 259 Valk,Jan (donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, d. 1510) 259 Vecht, Johan vander (sixteenth-century Utrecht canon) 184 Veen, Ludolf van (Utrecht cathedral dean, d. 1508) 169, 171, 184, 185, 186 Veer, Jan Hendrikszoon de see Spijker alias De Veer, Jan Hendrikszoon Ven, Hendrik van de (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, pilgrimage 1525) 237 Vendt, Claus de see Maler, Claus Venette,Jean de (fourteenth-century French chronicler) 41 Verduyst, Willem (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1578/79) 238, 244 Verduyst/van der Duyst, Gerbrand (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1544/45) 233,239 Verheuljan (Utrecht cathedral chantry priest, from 1435 canon, member ofjerusalem confraternity, d. 1543) 232, 234, 237, 242 Verhörst, Peter Janszoon see Horst, Peter Janszoon van der Vianen, Agatha Jansdr. van (wife ofWiUem Verduyst, d. 1611) 238 Vianen, Frederikje Woutersdr. van (Mother Superior of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, first half of the sixteenth century) 262 Vianen, Geertruid Woutersdr. van (donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, d. 1525) 258,259 Victor (Bishop of Rome, ruled 189-198) 57 Villani, Matteo (Florentine chronicler, d. 1363) 39 Villoms, Sigbrit (Dutch merchant, mother of King Christian II of Denmark's mistress) 81 Vischer, Hans (Nuremberg sculptor/draughtsman, son of Peter Vischer, c. 1489-1550) 91 Vischer, Peter the Elder (Nuremberg brass founder, c. 1460-1529) 91, 141 Visconti (rulers of Milan) 41 Visconti of Milan, Magdalena (wife of Frederick Duke of Bavaria-Landshut, ancestor of King John of Denmark, d. 1404) 96 Visconti of Milan, Viridis (wife of Leopold II Duke of Steiermark, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1414) 96 Visconti, Bernabo (Duke of Milan, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1385) 96 Volckamer, Agnes (donor of Heilig Kreuz convent, Regensburg, niece of Magdalena Holzschuher, d. 1488) 137, 139, 143 Volrats, Eberhard Greiffenclau von see Greiffenclau (von Volrats), Eberhard Voocht van Rijnevelt, Laurens de (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1569?) 239 Voss, Hendrik (canon of St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1478) 199, 200, 213 Waal, Heilwich van (fifteenth-century donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht) 253 Walburg of Egmond (first wife ofWilliam "the Rich" of Nassau, d. 1529) 121 Waldoriaux (family from Bouvignes) 244 Warin (Archbishop of Cologne, ruled 976-984) 64, 65 [305] Index of Names Wasowki, Bartholomeus (seventeenth-century Polish Jesuit) 123 Wassenaar, Dirk van (provost of St. Johns, Utrecht, d. 1465) 216 Weinsberg, Hermann (German chronicler, 1518-1597) 29 Wely, Roelof van (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1576/77) 239 Wely, Rutger van (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1515/16) 239 Wemmerszoon, Aart (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1544/45) 237,241 Wemmerszoon, Claas (apothecary, brother of Aart Wemmerszoon, second husband of Heiltje Dirk Evertsdr.) 241 Wendelinus, St. 116 Wentzel (Elector of Saxony, d. 1388) 96 Wessington, John (prior of Durham cathedral, 1416-1446) 288 Westende, Jan van (buried in St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1324) 215 Wettin (Saxon dynasty) 79, 90, 91 Weyden, Rogier van der (Flemish painter, c. 1399-1464) 21, 293 Weze, Marcus van (Utrecht cathedral canon, d. 1548) 217 Whittingham, Katherine (wife of William Whittingham, sister of John Calvin) 272 Whittingham, William (protestant dean of Durham cathedral, d. 1579) 272 Widmans, Johann (German doctor, author of a plague tract, c. 1440-1524) 41 Widukind (Saxon leader, d. c. 807) 81, 93 Wijnendale, Aerent van (sixteenth-century Flemish painter) 100 Wilbrand (Bishop of Utrecht, ruled 1227-1233) 179 Wilhelm II (Duke of Berg, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1408) 97, 100 Willem 1 (Bishop of Utrecht, ruled 1054-1076) 179 Willemszn.,Willem (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, pilgrimage 1551) 239 Willemszoon, Jan (member of Jerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, apothecary, first husband of Heiltje Dirk Evertsdr., d. in/after 1530) 226, 239, 241, 245 William ("the Rich") of Nassau see Nassau, William ("the Rich") of William "the Silent" see Nassau, William of Orange William II (Count of Holland, Holy Roman Emperor, 1228-1256) 194 William of Orange Nassau see Nassau, William of Orange Willibald, St. (first Bishop of Eichstätt, d. 787) 63, 64, 319 Willibrord, St. 157,163, 181, 269, 280 Winsen, Godschalk van (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1515) 239 Winssen, Anthonius van (sixteenth-century canon of St. Peter's, Utrecht) 204, 205, 209 Winssen, Jut van (sister of Anthonius van Winssen) 204 Winssen,Van (family) 200,216 Wit, Johannes (chantry priest of St. Peter's, Utrecht, officiated 1502) 216 Wit, Johannes de (canon of St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1491) 201, 213, 215, 216 Wit, Steven de (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1571/72) 237, 243 Witigowo (tenth-century abbot of Reichenau) 59 Wolfskel, Sofia von (nun in convent of St. Katharina, Nuremberg, in 1484 in Heilig Kreuz convent, Regensburg) 139 Wou,Timan van (commander of the convent of St. John, Haarlem, d. 1605) 59 Wstinc, Hugo (fourteenth-century Utrecht cathedral canon and lawyer) 160, 163- 166, 170, 179, 180, 181, 182 Wyck, Gysbert van (donor of St. James s hospital chapel, Utrecht, 1532) 229 Wyse, Hubert (treasurer of St. Peter's, Utrecht, d. 1389) 206 Xanctus (master of Aesop) 267, 286 Zähringer, house of 67, 68 Zas (family) 203 Zijl,Jan van (sixteenth-century Utrecht stained glass artist) 175 Zijl, Liesbeth van (fifteenth-century donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, wife of Roelof van Zijl) 258 Zijl, Roelof van (fifteenth-century Utrecht candlemaker) 258 Zimburg of Masovia (wife of Ernst Duke of Austria, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1429) 97 Zimowitz (Duke of Masovia, ancestor of Queen Christine of Denmark, d. 1426) 96 Zuilen van Nijevelt, Steven van (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1514?) 239 Zuurmond, Aleid (Mother Superior of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, d. 1513) 262 Zuurmond, Cornelis (fifteenth-century donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, brother of Mechteld and Hendrik Zuurmond) 259 Zuurmond, Hendrik (fifteenth-century donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, brother of Mechteld and Cornelis Zuurmond, possibly identical to Hendrik Zuurmond the embroiderer) 259 Zuurmond, Hendrik (fifteenth-century embroiderer, donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht) 258 Zuurmond, Mechteld (fifteenth-century donor of St. Nicholas's convent, Utrecht, sis­ter of Hendrik and Cornelis Zuurmond) 259 Zwieten, Boudewijn van (counselor and treasurer of Philip the Good, d. 1454) 15, 17 Zwieten, Dirk van (son of Boudewijn van Zwieten, d. 1451) 15 Zwieten, Johanna van (Leiden, d. 1554) 15, 216 Zwieten,Van (family) 15, 18, 27 Zwol, Gerrit Corneliszn. van (member ofjerusalem confraternity in Utrecht, d. 1528) 237 Index of Names [306] Index of Places Aachen 65, 267 Cathedral 81 Aardenburg 195 Amsterdam 244, 261 Antwerp 70, 125, 242, 267, 286 Onze-Lieve-Vrouwe-Kathedraal 125, 128, 134 Arezzo 40, 44, 111 Arras St.Vaast abbey 181 Assisi 40, 44 Augsburg 99,144,145,148,151,292 Cathedral 81 St. Anne's church (Fuggerkapelle) 23, 72 Auvergne 293 Avignon 21,31,37,39,292,293 Baghdad 176 Bamberg 128, 142, 176, 179 Bath 67 Beaurepaire (manor) 278 Bergen (Hainaut) St. Waltrudis's church 259 Bern 15, 25 Cathedral 16 Besançon 39,40,47,51 Bethlehem 226 Biberach (Baden-Württemberg) 180, 270-273, 276, 277, 281, 282, 284-287 Bohemia 39, 267 Bologna 39,40,45,51,52,291 Bombay 40, 52 Bordesholm 83, 99 Borgloon 157 Bouvignes (Namur, Belgium) 244 Brabant 39, 171 Breda 107, 110, 111, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 120, 122, 123 Church of Our Lady (Grote Kerk) 18, 25, 107-123, 294 Gasthuiskapel 110,118 St. Barbara s church (cathedral) 111 Breisach 287 Bristol All Soul's church 22 Brou St. Nicholas de Tolentine 79, 94, 95, 98, 292, 295 Bruges 82,107,195,243 Church of Our Lady 67, 68, 82, 179 Brussels 70,80,98,183,286 Bury St. Edmunds (monastery) 274 Cairo 39 Carthage 119,120 Casentino 39 Chartres 274 Cividale in Friuli 65 Cleves 227 Cologne 31,38,64,65,73, 177, 179, 180, 181, 185,280 Cathedral 158, 163, 176, 244 Copenhagen 85, 94, 98, 99 Castle 99 Church of Our Lady 80, 99 University 80 Corinth 56 Cosenza Duomo 291 Courtrai Convent church 66 Culemborg 239, 259 St. Barbara's church 330 Cyprus 226 Dacia 85 Damascus 39 Danzig 38, 42 Delft Nieuwe kerk 56, 74, 107, 120 Deventer 157,259,263 St. Lebuin's church 194, 328 Dordrecht 228 Dortmund 179 Douai 25,36,51 Durham 179,272,287 Cathedral and abbey 65, 169, 270-273, 277-284, 288 Echternach 157 EglofFstein 144 Egmond abbey 66, 73, 157 Eichstätt 63, 64 Cathedral 63 Elsinore St. Mary's (monastery church) 92 Emmerich 262 St. Martin's church 206 Ephesus 57 Fiesole 18 Flanders 29, 36, 52, 62, 63, 195, 211, 214, 215, 320 Floreffe abbey (Namur, Belgium) 37 Florence 18, 25, 36, 39-42, 44, 45, 51, 52 Formbach monastery (Bavaria) 61 Frankfurt 267 Freiburg im Breisgau Kaufhaus 66 University 13 Frisia/Friesland 183,184,280 Fulda 157 Funen/Fyn 81,85 Genoa 52 Ghent 72, 195 St. Peter's church 83, 91, 99, 100 Swynaerde castle 83 Gorinchem 242 Gottorp castle (Schleswig) 83 Gouda 243 St. John's church 18,19,22,69,70 Grafenthal 74 Graz 267 Güstrow Cathedral 101 Haarlem 20, 25, 59, 66, 67, 72, 221, 225, 230, 231, 232, 235, 236, 242, 244, 330 Carmelite monastery 66 Cathedral 286 Convent of the Order of St. John 59, 60, 72 Town hall 66 Hague, The 80 Court chapel 66 St. James's church 259 Hainaut 37 Halicarnassus Mausoleum 94 Hattem 239 Herkenrode 74 Hertogenbosch, 's- (Bois-le-Duc, Brabant) 286, 287 Hierapolis 57 Holland 30,208,210,217,268 Leeuwenhorst convent 20 Holy Land/Jerusalem 17, 66, 90, 100, 114, 204, 221, 223, 224, 226, 228, 233, 234, 236, 238, 240, 242, 243, 244, 329 Holyrood abbey (Scotland) 279 Hoogstraten 20, 259 Hoorn 235 Innsbruck 73, 98 Istria 41 Jerusalem see Holy Land/Jerusalem Jutland 81 Kampen 81, 168 Koblenz St. Florian 180 Koemgsfelden Gardner Krakow 37,51 Laon 183 Leiden 228, 230, 236, 242, 243, 330 [307] Index of Places Leipzig 38 Léon 294 Liège 13,37,179,180,181,185,217 Cathedral 158,166,171,186 Lier St. Gummarus's church 259 Limburg 64, 262 Limoges 179, 181 Linschoten 210 Linz 98 Lombardy 39 London 40, 47, 280 St. Paul's cathedral 287 Long Melford 287 Holy Trinity church 270, 271, 272-277, 281, 282, 284, 288 Kentwell (manor) 274 Melford Hall 274 Louvain 70 St. Peter's church 21 University 169 Lübeck 85 Lund 84 Maastricht 286 Magdeburg Cathedral 100,175 Mainz 25, 163,179,180, 182, 242 Mallorca 39 Malta 60 Manchuria 40, 52 Maria Mai, Birgittine monastery (Maihingen) 128, 141, 143-146, 150, 263, 325 Mariënpoel convent (near Leiden) 15, 162, 264 Mechelen St. Rombout's cathedral 259 Meissen 100 Metz 64, 65 Middelburg Town hall 66 Milan 31,41,52 Millau 40,46 Minden 167,169,179,181,184,286 Miraflores 292, 294 Montfoort 210,239,242 Montpellier 37 Münster University 13 Murbach monastery (Alsace) 61 Namur 37 Naples 21,28,39,52,68,100 S. Lorenzo Maggiore 291 Naumburg Cathedral 291 Nedersticht (present province of Utrecht) 192, 210 Newcastle 288 Niervaart 111, 117, 122 Noord-Brabant 184, 262 Nördlingen 149 Nuremberg 17,19,29,30,31,38,125-134,137,139,142-146,148-151,153,287,293,324 Dominican friars monastery 142 Frauenkirche (imperial church) 129, 130, 132, 153 Heilig-Geist-Spital 128,129,133 Hospital of St. Sebastian 146 St. Katharina convent 139 St. Lorenz's church/parish 17, 126, 127, 131-134, 138, 139, 140 St. Sebalds church/parish 126, 127, 129, 130, 133, 140, 143, 325 Nykobing (Falster, Denmark) Greyfriars monastery church 101 Odense 81, 84, 85, 86, 87, 91, 94, 98, 99,101 Cathedral (now St. Canute's) 83, 84, 85, 100 Greyfriars church/Franciscans' church 14,79, 81-91, 93-97, 99,100,101,292, 321 Greyfriars monastery 83, 85, 99 Naesbyhoved castle 99 Orvieto 40, 46 Östra Ryd (Uppland, Denmark) 100 Padua 37,40,291 Paris 182 Cimetière des Innocents 287 Notre Dame 99 St. Denis 73, 99, 291 Parma 39 Penrith 39 Perugia 40, 44 Piacenza 39 Piancampo 35 Pillenreuth 141, 149 Pisa 39,40,44 Pistoia 39 Prague 41 Provence 39 Regensburg Cathedral 141 Heilig Kreuz monastery 137, 139 Reichenau-Oberzell St. Georg (abbey and church) 29, 59, 65 Reims 294 St. Remi 65 Rheinau abbey (Switzerland) 181 Ringsted 84 Roermond 74 Rome 21,31,38,57,59,72,73,119,120,126,175,182,202,216,221,226,280,286 S. Paolo fuori le mura 58,72,291 St. John Lateran 59,291 St. Peter 58,291,292 Roskilde 84 Cathedral 83, 84, 85, 95, 101 Rouen 292,293 Cathedral 186 Royaumont abbey 291 S. Josse-sur-mer (Pas-de-Calais) 221 Salisbury 180 San Gimignano Church of St. Augustine 318 Sankt-Gallen 157,179 Santiago de Compostela 221, 225, 226, 229, 234, 243 Saxony 91 Schleswig Cathedral 83, 101 Serravalle (Vittorio Veneto) 294 S. Giustma 332 Seville 51 Sicily 39,90,100 Siegburg 65 Siena 25, 29, 39, 40, 44, 48 Dominican cemetery 40 Smyrna 57 Sonderborg castle 101 Sora 83 Speyer 267 St. Amand abbey 24 St. Peter im Schwarzwald, monastery church 67, 68 Stockholm 81,83,91 Strasbourg Cathedral 65 Suffolk 287 Täby (Uppland, Denmark) 100 Ter Duinen abbey (Flanders) 62, 63, 66, 320 Tiel 214 Tienen 185 Tongeren 166 Toulouse 39 Tournai 36, 51 Treviso S. Niccolô 291 Trier 64,65,179,182 Cathedral 65 Tuscany 29, 35, 36, 51, 52 Tuyl (Tull aan de Waal) 200 Umbria 36 Utrecht 17, 20, 27, 29, 30, 60, 110, 155-186, 191-198, 200-202, 208, 210-217, 221- 245,250,251,253,259,260,262,263,269,271,279,280, 283, 330 Arkelconvent 262 Barbaragasthuis (Hospital of St. Barbara) 263 Buurkerk 156,168,184,185,186,198,205,211,215,216,224,226,227,229,232, 233,235,237-241, 243, 244, 245, 263 Cathedral (chapter) 24, 73, 155-157, 159-163, 165, 166, 168-173, 177, 179-181, 184, 185, 192, 196, 197, 198,201,206,208,210,211,214,215,216, 224, 226, 232, 234, 237, 239, 240, 242, 244, 250, 252, 258, 259, 281, 288 Chapel of the Holy Cross, Domplein 158,165 Dominican church 224 Index of Places [308] Utrecht, continued Franciscan church 244 Franciscan monastery 234 Geertekerk 156, 197, 226, 237, 238, 239, 241 Holy Cross hospital 240 Janskerkhof 195, 214 Mariëndaal convent 164 Mary Magdalene convent 169 Nieuwlicht Carthusian monastery 179, 260, 264 Oudmunster church/chapter (St. Savior) 73, 155-157, 159, 160, 163, 165-169, 171, 172, 178, 180-183, 186, 192, 194, 196, 214, 216, 237, 253, 258, 259, 262, 263,269-271, 277, 279-283, 288,331 Oudwijk convent 164 Rode Poort 184 St.Agnes's convent 169 St. Birgittas convent 169 St. Cecilia's convent 260, 264 St. Gertrudis see Geertekerk St. James's church 17,156, 201, 224, 225, 228, 237, 240, 241 St. James's hospital 156, 221, 224, 225, 226, 228, 229, 233, 236, 240, 241, 242, 244 St. Job's hospital 240 St. John's church/chapter 155,156,172,182,184,192,194,197,205, 206, 207,210, 214, 216, 221, 224,227, 231, 233, 235, 237, 239, 241,243, 244,259, 328,330 St. Josses hospital 156, 169, 221, 225, 227, 228, 240, 241 St. Lawrence's abbey (Benedictines) 160, 161, 164 St. Mary's church/chapter 110, 155, 156, 182, 184, 185, 186, 192, 194, 202,205, 206, 208, 210, 214, 215, 216, 231, 235, 237, 242, 243, 244 259, 263 St. Nicholas's church 156, 184, 224, 237, 250, 256, 258, 259, 260, 262-264 St. Nicholas's convent 16, 156, 249-264 St. Paul's abbey (Benedictines) 155,156,157,160,161,164,194,205, 226,237,328 St. Peter's church/chapter 31, 155, 156, 186, 191-217, 238, 259, 328, 329 St. Savior see Oudmunster St. Servatius (Cistercians) 164, 171, 241 "Temple" of the Jerusalem confraternity 18, 20, 25, 156, 221, 224-227, 229-236, 240,242,243,294 Town hall 63, 66 Vrouwenklooster (Benedictines) 160, 161, 164 Wittevrouwen convent 164, 215, 226, 227, 239 Varlar (near Coesfeld) 157 Veere Town hall 66 Venice 38,291 SS. Giovanni e Paolo 291 Verdun Saint-Vanne 176 Vianen 108,111,323 Viborg 84 Vienna 98,267,286 Viterbo 36 Wales 40 Warwick St. Mary's 292,293 Wells Cathedral 67, 68 Westbroek 237 Wijk bij Duurstede 237, 243 Convent of Dominican nuns 241 Winchester Cathedral 67, 68 Wittenberg 81, 98,100 Schlosskirche 91,93,98 Würzburg 179, 180 Cathedral 100 Xanten 175 York 52,280,288 Zealand (Denmark) 85 Zeeland 195,214 Zurich 179,180 Grossmünster 180 [309] Index of Places
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