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Volltext:Index (References to illustrations are in bold) Ab rams, M.H. 145 Adams, Henry "The Dynamo and the Virgin" 10 The Education of Henry Adams 10 Adorno, Theodor 185,191 advertising Balzac on 302 commercial, beginnings 302 criticism of 306 in The Strand Magazine 241-4 in Un Autre Monde (Grandville) 311-13 Allen, Grant, on aphids 230-1 Alma-Tadema, Lawrence 152 Altick, Richard D., The Shows of London 252, 263 Anglicanism 212 Anthony, A.V.S. 100 aphids, Allen on 230-1 Apollo 186 Arnold, Matthew 97 art English 153 as mirror of nature 172 Modernism 142 Ortega y Gasset on 141 Rodin on 124 Romantic view 145 and social improvement xxi, 142,143, 147 Whistler on 139-41 The Art Journal 104 art market, 19c Britain 148 art museums 143 municipal 153 value of, Kingsley on 151 artists chronophotography, challenge of 112-13,120 as nature copyists 114-15 Babbage, Charles 206, 254 difference engine 263 On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures 12 Bacon, Francis, Novum Organon 257 Bacon, John Mackenzie 242 on progress 232 on sound 233M Baldus, Edouard, Landscape near the Chantilly Viaduct 49 Bale, Edwin 102 Balla, Giacomo 10 ballet, suspension bridges, link 34 Balzac, Honoré de on advertising 302 Wild Ass's Skin 280, 307 Barringer, Tim 146 Barron, Louis, description of Ivry 45-6 Barrows, Susanna 186 Basse-Chaîne Bridge, collapse 34-5 360 VISIONS OF THE INDUSTRIAL AGE, 1830-1914 Baudelaire, Charles on Grandville's Un Autre Monde 296, 310-11 on photography 109-10 works Les Fleurs du mal 116 "The Painter of Modern Life" 91-2 beauty 18c notion 144-5 Ruskin on 149-50 Shaftesbury on 144 Beaver, Harold 290 Benjamin, Walter 194,196, 304, 311 Paris Capital of the Nineteenth Century 184 wish image concept 184-5,191 Bergson, Henri 74 Creative Evolution 123 duration theory 123 on the Parthenon frieze 123 Berman, Marshall, All That is Solid Melts into Air 11 Bhabha, Homi 317, 318 The Location of Culture 84 Bible, rationalist critiques of 218 Black and White 102 Blackburn, Charles 93 Blackburn, William 67 Blake, William, Milton 8 Blanc, Charles 296 blasphemy 212-13 Boccioni, Umberto 10 Bodmer, Charles, Dans la mer, photograph 116-17 body, as machine 15 Boehm, Edgar, Ruskin portrait, engraving 99 Boole, Alicia 206, 207 Boole, George memorial windows xxii, 205, 208 Cork University 210,211, 212-16, 222 Lincoln Cathedral 216, 217, 218, 223 religious beliefs 206-8, 213, 218, 222, 223 on scientific inquiry 221-2 works The Claims of Science 220, 221 Laws of Thought 207, 208, 209, 218 —existence of God 213 Mathematical Analysis of Logic 218 Boole, Mary Everest 206, 207, 208, 209, 213, 218, 222-3 "Home-side of a Scientific Mind" 210 Bordet, L. 28 on perspective 29-30 Bosch, Hieronymous, Garden of Earthly Delights 290 botanical garden, plant organization 167-8 Braun, Marta 122-3 Brewster, David, Natural Magic 263 bridges see suspension bridges Bridgewater Treatises 212, 249, 254 Britain 1890s, periodical publishing 85 Industrial Revolution 8 British Association ... Advancement of Science 58, 59, 71, 73 British School of Art 151 Bromhead, H.W. 104 Buguet, Edouard Isidore 55 Burke, Edmund 144 Butler, Samuel on tyranny of machines 9-10 works "Darwin among the Machines" 9 Erewhon 9 "The Mechanical Creation" 9 Cabanel, Alexandre 112 Caillebotte, Gustave Calf's head and Ox Tongue 287, 288 Man at his Bath 289 Veal on Display xxii-xxiii, 271, 272, 274, 278, 288-9 Druick on 271, 273 as "nude" 287 rose, significance of 290-1 Caldecott, Randolph 152 camera and the natural world 235 Wyles on 234-5 see also photographs; photography Cannon, Susan 212 Index 361 La Caricature 280, 282 "La grande épidémie pornographique" 281 Carlyle, Thomas, "Signs of the Times" 8 carnival confetti, introduction of 194-6 Pissarro's depiction of 186-96 Carpenter, W.B. 65, 66, 70 Cézanne, Paul 43 Jussieu Wine Market 46 Chamber's Encyclopaedia 252 Chambers, Robert, Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation 249, 259 Secord on 260, 262-3 as verbal orrery 262-3 Champfleury (pseud Jules Fleury), Histoire de la caricature moderne 296 Charcot, Jean-Martin 114 Le Charivari 296, 300, 301 Chaumont Viaduct 24, 26-7, 27 image manipulation 30-1 as landscape image 28 reception 27 Chicago, Columbian Exposition 93 chronophotography artists, challenge to 112-13,120 de la Sizeranne on 123 effect on Rodin's Walking Man 126 origins 111 clairvoyance, in The Moonstone (Collins) 323 Claretie, Jules 112 Clark, John, "Eureka" Machine 261 Clark, T.J. 188,189, 192, 196 Claude-glass mirror 165 Clausius, Rudolf 15 Cole, Timothy 100,102 Delphian Sibyl, by Michelangelo 101 Old Italian Masters 101 criticism of 102 Collignon, Edouard, Les travaux publics de la France 21, 28-9 Collins, Wilkie interest in clairvoyance 323 The Moonstone xxiii, 317, 319 blindness, references 321-2 clairvoyance 323 opium, role 318, 321, 322, 326, 327, 328 otherness symbols 324-5 psychoanalysis 328-9 self, disruption/integration of 319, 325-6, 327-9 social disruption 321-2, 329-30 surveillance control 320, 322-4 The Woman in White 326 Colonial and Indian Exhibition (1886) 318 colonial Other and the self 320 in Victorian novels 318-20 colonizing gaze 317-18 Commune see Paris Commune Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur 57, 238, 239, 241 Constantine Bridge, collapse 35, 36 consumerism, and the female body 278 Cook, E.T., A Popular Handbook to the National Gallery 152 Cook, Florence 58, 59, 60, 73 mediumship, Crookes' investigation 67-8, 74 Cooper, Anthony Ashley see Shaftesbury, Lord Cork University, Boole memorial window 210, 211, 212-16, 222 Courbet, Gustave 301 Cousin, Victor 212 Le Moi 219 on the self 219 Crary, Jonathan 83 Crookes, Sir William 59, 60 career 60-1 setbacks 62-3 Cook, mediumship investigation 67-8, 74 "Crookes Tube" 70-1, 72 honors received 73 London Dialectical Society, connections 63, 64 member, Government Solar Eclipse Expedition 63-4 on radiant matter 71-2, 73 radiometer invention 70 scientific investigations 69-70 362 VISIONS OF THE INDUSTRIAL AGE, 1830-1914 spirit photography about-turn on 60 support for 58-60, 66 spiritualism, investigations 64-6, 73—1 thallium, discovery of 61-2 "Crookes Tube" 70-1, 72 Cruikshank, George, mechanism, application to periodical journalism 262 Dagognet, François 115 Daguerre, Jacques Louis Mandé 109 D'Albe, E.E. Fournier 60, 61, 62, 73 D'Alembert, Jean see Diderot, Denis "damasking" 164 Damisch, Hubert 196 Danius, Sara 126 Darwin, Charles 70 Origin of Species 9,249, 259 Daumier, Honoré 301, 306 Davarine, Alphonse 30 on photography 28 de Fourcroy, Antoine François, Poppies and Birds 168,171 de la Sizeranne, Robert, on chronophotography 123 de Maupassant, Guy 24 De Morgan, Augustus 57, 207, 208 de Musset, Alfred 34 De Vericour, Raymond 220 Historical Analysis of Christian Civilization 219, 221 Degas, Edgar 112 Miss La La au Cirque Fernando 271 DeKosky, Robert K. 72 Deloncle, François 244 Delord, Taxile 300, 306 Des Esseintes, Jean (fictional character) 4, 273-4 deviancy, physical signs of 285 Dick, Thomas, The Christian Philosopher 254, 256 illustration 255 Dickens, Charles 97 Edwin Drood xxiii, 318-19 opium in 318 Hard Times 8 The Uncommercial Traveller 252 Diderot, Denis, and Jean D'Alembert, Encyclopédie 12 Dissenters 212 Druet, Eugène, Rodin photographs The Clenched Hand 117,118 Despair 117 The Helmet-Maker's Wife 117 The Monument to Balzac 110 Druick, Douglas, on Caillebotte's Veal on Display 271 Dujardin-Beaumetz, H.C.E. Ill, 116 Dumas, Alexandre 34, 35, 37 on viaducts 23 duration theory, Bergson 123 Eakins, Thomas, A May Morning in the Park (The Fairman Rogers' Four-in- Hand) 111 Eiffel, Gustave 31 Eisen, Charles, "Le Villageois qui cherche son veau" 283 Eliot, George 218 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Nature 258, 260 empathy theory 174 Encyclopedia Britannica 244 Engel, Ernst 3-4, 8,12,17 Engrand, Georges, running man sculpture 122 Ephrussi, Charles 194 Esquiros, Alphonse 279 "Eureka" Machine, Clark's 261 L'évenément parisien 280 Exposition Colonial Internationale (1931) 318 eye metaphor 258 Whewell on 257-8 Falguière, Alexandre 115 Falk, H.J. 206-7 Faraday, Michael 71 Ferguson, Adam 145 Figuier, Louis, Les Merveilles de la science 49 Fillonneau, Ernest 188 Fitzgerald, William G., on the microscope 236-8 Index 363 Flammarion, Camille 57 Flaubert, Gustave 192 Flore et Zéphire 34 flowers, as sexual metaphor 290, 291 Forster, E.M., A Passage to India 320 Foucault, Michel, on Linnean taxonomy 168 Fox sisters 56 Fox Talbot, William Henry 95-6,109 Fragonard, Jean-Honoré 282 The Swing 284 France publishing developments 297 railway development 22 School of Bridges and Roads 28 Society of Photography 30 Franco-Prussian War xx, 13, 44, 45 Franklin, Benjamin 250 Freud, Sigmund 15,245 The Interpretation of Dreams 326, 328 Fribourg Bridge, Switzerland 34 Fried, Michael 287 Frith, William 152 Futurism 10 program 14 Futurists 11-12 gallery system, and Pissarro 193,194 Gallimard, Paul 116 Galton, Francis 70 Gamble, William 96 Gandhi, Mohandas 149 Gantz, Katherine 289 Gauguin, Paul 43 Gautier, Théophile on Grandville's Un Autre Monde 296 on photosculpture 121 Gazette grivoise 280 Géricault, Théodore, Le Derby d'Epsom 114 Germany, industrialization 8 Gérôme, Jean-Léon 112 Gilpin, William 165 Goebbels, Joseph 7 Goldstein, Jan 219 gothic revival, Pugin 213 Government Solar Eclipse Expedition Crookes' membership 63-4 failure 63-4 Grandville, Jean-Jacques self-portrait 298 works Les Fleurs Animées 296 Les Métamorphoses du Jour 296 Scènes de la vie privée et publique des animaux 296 Un Autre Monde xxiii, 295, 313 —advertising in 311-13 —Baudelaire on 296, 310-11 —Gautier on 296 —genre ambiguity 295-6 —illustrations 298-9, 305, 308-9 —narratives 300-9 —serialisation 296 —structure 297-300, 309-10 —themes 296-7 The Graphie 103 Great Exhibition (1851), commemorative wallpaper 166,167 Greenhalgh, Paul 317 Greenwood, Thomas 144 Gretton, Tom 98 Guillaumin, Armand 43 railway paintings xix-xx, 47-9, 50 works Aqueduct at Arcueil 50 Railway Bridge over the Marne at Nogent 47-8, 48 The Seine at Bercy 47 The Seine at Ivry 45 The Seine in Paris, Rainy Weather 46 Sunset at Ivry 44-5, 44, 46 Works at the Pont National 47 Guillemin, Amédée 23, 24, 26 Simple explication des chemins defer, viaduct image 25 Guiness, Ivor Grattan 206 Guizot, François, History of Civilization 219 Gully, Dr James Manby 56 halftone techniques 82-3 funeral of Queen Victoria 88-90 364 VISIONS OF THE INDUSTRIAL AGE, 1830-1914 Ivins on 83 photograph, reshaping 85-91 Scarborough Spa 92 halftones, criticism of 98-100 Hall, Trevor 68 Hamon, Philippe 301 Hannoosh, Michele 306 Harmsworth, Alfred 85 Harper's 100,102,103 Hauptmann, Gerhart, "Bahnwärter Thiel" 5-6 Haweis, Stephen, and Henry Coles, The Walking Man print 118 Hegel, G.W.F. 218 Helmholtz, Hermann von 15 Hentschel, Carl 103 Herf, Jeffrey 12-13 Herschel, John 206 A Treatise on Astronomy 252 Herschel, William 258 Hewison, Robert 148 Hobbes, Thomas, Leviathan 164 Hofmann, Prof August Wilhelm 61 Holman Hunt, William 151 Home, Daniel Douglas 64, 73 Horsfall, T.C. 143 Horta, Victor xxi, 163,175 Hôtel Tassel designs Main Stair 179 Mezzanine Balustrade view 177 Winter Garden 176 Van de Velde, critique of 163, 175, 180 Houssaye, Arsène 24 Hudson, Frederick 55 Huggins, William 63, 66 Hugo, Victor 183 Humboldt, Alexander von, Cosmos 263 Hume, David 144 Hunt, John Dixon, on the picturesque 164-5 Huysmans, Joris-Karl, A Rebours 4, 273, 274 Huyssen, Andreas 17 Illustrated London News 103 illustrators, use of photographs 93 images growth, 1890s 83-4 hybrid 82,104 reproduction, developments 82, 86-7 see also halftone techniques Impressionism first exhibition 45 origins 43 Indian Mutiny (1857) 327 inductive scientific method, Whewell 257 Industrial Revolution, Britain 8 industrialization, Germany 8 interviews, and photographs 85-6 Irigaray, Luce 318 Ives, Frederick 96,104 Ivins, William on halftones 83 works How Prints Look 83 Prints and Visual Communication 83 Ivry guidebook description 45-6 Guillaumin's paintings 45 rubber factories 45 James, Frank 61 James, William 74 Jefferson, Thomas, Notes on the State of Virginia 250 Juengling, Frederick 100 Jung, Karl 74 Jünger, Ernst 12 Kahn, Gustave 118 Kant, Immanuel The Critique of Pure Reason 164 thing-in-itself concept 164,172 Kelvin see Thomson, Sir William Killen, Andreas 16 King, Katie 58, 59, 67, 69, 72 Kingsley, Charles, on value of art galleries 151 Kropotkin, Peter, Pissarro, influence on 194 Kunzle, David 284 La Fontaine, Jean de, Contes et nouvelles en vers 282, 283 Index 365 La Sylphide 34 Laita, Luis M. 207 landscape imagery Chaumont Viaduct as 28 and transportation 22 landscape settings, viaducts 26, 37 Lang, Fritz, Metropolis 16-17 Lankester, E. Ray 65 Lantier, Jacques (fictional character) 4-5 Laplace, Simon-Pierre 258, 259 Mécanique céleste 253 Whewell's critique 258-9 Lardner, Dionysius, Handbooks of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy 252 Larousse, Pierre, Grand dictionnaire... 24 Laviron, G.-J.-H. 23 Le Havre, significance for Monet 44 Leighton, Frederic 152 Leroy, Louis 285-6 Les Halles market 274 Level, Emile, on viaducts 26 Levy, Max 103 Lewes, George Henry 60, 323 Lightman, Bernard 228 Lincoln Cathedral, Boole memorial window 216, 217, 218, 223 Linnaeus, Carl, Systema Naturae 168 illustration 170 taxonomy, Foucault on 168 Locke, John 144 locomotives anthropomorphic view of xix, 4-7 as embodiment of modernity 18 as mechanical monsters 5-7,16 London Dialectical Society Crookes' connection 63 report on spiritualism 60 Lorraine, Claude 165 Lyell, Charles, Principles of Geology 253 McDougal, William 74 MacHale, Desmond 216 machine, body as 15 machines fear of, and female sexuality 17 imagery 9 irrationality 13 literary responses 8-12 as living creatures 8-12 man, fusion 13-15 and modernity 12-18 tyranny of, Butler on 9-10 Maclean, Hector 93 Photography for Artists 97 Manchester City Art Gallery 143 Manet, Edouard Olympia caricatures of 290 Valéry on 278 Rue Mosnier 188 Marey, Etienne-Jules 109,110 Etudes de physiologie artistique 113 La Machine animale... 15 La Marche 113 The Flight of the Gull 122-3 The Flight of the Pigeon 123 Marinetti, F.T. Futurist manifesto 10 on man-machine fusion 13-15 works "A mon Pégase" 10-11 "Le Monoplan du Pape" 11 Marne, bridge, Guillaumin's painting 47-8, 48 Marx, Karl 13 Das Kapital 8 The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte 185 Maskelyne, John Nevil 66 Matthews, Samantha 210 Maurice, Rev Frederick Denison 209-10 May, Phil, Scarborough Spa 92 Meissonier, Ernest 112 Melville, Herman, "The Tartarus of Maids" 8 Méry, Joseph 296 microscope Fitzgerald on 236-8 slides 237 Mill, John Stuart 97 Millais, John Everett 151 Autumn Leaves 152 Miller, D.A., The Novel and the Police 320 Mitchell, Timothy 317 366 VISIONS OF THE INDUSTRIAL AGE, 1830-1914 modernism Pissarro's 196 reactionary 12-13 modernity definition problems 18 as living machine 12-18 locomotive as embodiment of 18 and visual culture xvii-xviii, xxiii-xxiv Monet, Claude Le Havre, significance 44 works Boulevard des Capuchins 189 Grain Stacks 193 Impression: Sunrise 43 Le Havre, Fishing Boats Leaving the Port 43 Train in the Countryside 49 Wild Poppies 44 The Moonstone see under Collins, Wilkie Morin, Louis 186, 187 Morris, William 97,143,149 stained glass window design 215-16 Moses, Rev. Stainton 57 Mumler, William 55 Muybridge, Eadweard motion photography 111-12,120 works Animal Locomotion 113 Running at Full Speed 114 Myers, Frederic 74 natural theology, and nature 146 nature art as mirror of 172 and natural theology 146 as reflection of the mind 164 Romantic view 145-6 Needham, Gerald 284 Newnes, George 85, 228, 231 Niagara Falls, suspension bridge 31 Nichol, John Pringle, Views of the Architecture of the Heavens 254, 256 Nietzsche, Friedrich, on the will 174 Nineteenth Century 70 North, John S. 229 opium in Edwin Drood (Dickens) 318 in The Moonstone (Collins) 318, 321, 322, 326, 327, 328 The Oracle of Reason 212 orrery for amusement 252 definition 249 in education 250, 252 illustrations 250, 251 as metaphor xxii, 252-3 origins 250 verbal 254 Chambers' Vestiges 262-3 Ortega y Gasset, José 156 on art 141 The Dehumanization of Art 141 Oxford Movement 218 painting narrative 152 Ruskin on 150-1 Paley, William Natural Theology 146-7, 254 watchmaker metaphor 146-7, 254 Paris, Universal Exposition 10,125 Paris Commune xx, 46 Parthenon frieze, Bergson on 123 Pearson, Arthur 85 pen and ink sketch, and photography 91-5 Pennell, Joseph 98 Perdonnet, Auguste, Traité élémentaire des chemins defer 47 periodical publishing 1890s, images' mix 84 Britain, 1890s 85 periodicals, reproduction practices 85 Perrot, Michelle 191 perspective, Bordet on 29-30 Petrina, John 98 Philadelphia, Centennial Exhibition 29 photographs 19c criticism of 97 halftone, reshaping 85-91 and the interview 85-6 manipulation of 81-2, 85 Index 367 use by illustrators 93 see also camera photography Baudelaire on 109-10 Davanne on 28 motion see chronophotography objects in motion 111-12 and pen and ink sketch 91-5 and the railways 27-9 Rodin mistrust of 109,110,114,119-20 use of 115-20,125 sculpture, parallel 116 and wood engraving 95-104 see also halftone techniques; spirit photography photomechanical reproduction 83, 95-6 photosculpture Gautier on 121 invention of 121 the picturesque, Hunt on 164-5 Pignatelli, César 119 Pinet, Hélène 116 Pissarro, Camille xxi, 43,183 anarchist drawings 192 carnival depiction 186-96 city scapes 184 and gallery system 193,194 Kropotkin's influence on 194 modernism 196 works Boulevard Montmartre, Mardi-Gras 194,195 La Mi-Carême sur les Boulevards 187-8,187 Mardi-Gras, soleil couchant, Boulevard Montmartre 190,190, 194 Pissarro, Joachim 192 plant organization, botanical garden 167-8 Poe, Edgar Allan, Eureka 249, 260, 263 Pont du Gard aqueduct 23, 24 Possien, Adolphe 120 Prade, Marcel 47 Pratt, Mary Louise, Imperial Eyes 317 Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood 143, 148, 149,150,151 La Presse 302 progress, J.M. Bacon on 232 prostitutes, types 279 Proust, Marcel, Sodome and Gomorrhe 290 psychic force, spiritualism 65, 73, 74 psychoanalysis, in The Moonstone 328-9 publishing, Britain, 1890s 85 puff, meanings 301 Pugin, Augustus Contrasts 213, 215 illustrations 214 designs, stained glass windows 215 gothic revival 213 wallpapers, for Palace of Westminster 173 Quarterly Journal of Science 62, 64 Rabinbach, Anson 15,112 Rachilde, Marguerite, Madame Adonis 289 radiant matter, Crookes on 74 railways France 22 and photography 27-9 and reforestation 31 requirements 22-3 réclame 300,302, 305,306 reforestation, and railways 31 religion, secular, notion 212 Rembrandt, Harmenszoon van Rijn, Bearded Man in a Cap 155 Reynaud, Léonce, on viaducts 23—4 Reynolds, Sir Joshua 150 Richards, Thomas, The Commodity Culture of Victorian England 241 Richet, Charles 57 Riefenstahl, Leni on Das Stahltier 7 Triumph des Willens 7 Riegl, Alois, artistic will concept 174-5 Rittenhouse, David 250 Robert-Jones, Philippe 279 Robida, A., "A travers le salon [Andromache]" 277 Rochegrosse, Georges Antoine, Andromaque 275, 276, 278 parody of 275, 277 368 VISIONS OF THE INDUSTRIAL AGE, 1830-1914 Rodin, Auguste 109 on art 124 photography mistrust of xx, 109,110,114,119-20 use of 115-20,125 working methods 121 works The Age of Bronze 121 The Burghers of Calais 116 Les Droits de l'Homme 121 Hand of God 126 The Little Shade 117 Man with the Broken Nose 121 Monument to Balzac 109,110,120 —criticism of 125 Saint John the Baptist Preaching 119 Torso 118 The Walking Man 118,119,124 —chronophotography, effect of 126 —criticism of 125-6 Young Girl Kissed by a Phantom 116 see also Druet Roque, Georges 312 Ceci n'est pas un Magritte 306 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 151,152 Royal Academy 148 Royal College of Chemistry 61 Royal Society 58, 62, 66 Ruskin, John xxi, 97,139,141,142,143, 148 on beauty 149-50 engraved portrait 99 on painting 150-1 on Turner 149 works Modem Painters 149,151 "The Nature of Gothic" 150 The Seven Lamps of Architecture 149 The Stones of Venice 149 Ryall, John 208, 209 Samuel, Raphael 81 Sant'Elia, Antonio 10 Scharf, Aaron 113 Schiller, Gottfried von 145 Schivelbusch, Wolfgang 16 Schnapp, Jeffrey T. 14-15 Schopenhauer, Arthur The World as Will and Representation 172 on the will 172-4 Schor, Naomi 189 Schorske, Carl 142, 213, 216 Schrenck-Notzing, Dr. Albert von 57 Schuster, Arthur 70 science definition 227 popularization, in The Strand Magazine 229-38, 244-5 scientific inquiry, Boole on 221-2 see also inductive scientific method 'scientist', coined by Whewell 256, 257 Scribners 100 sculpture mechanization 120 photography, parallel 116 see also photosculpture séance phenomena, investigations 65, 68-9 Secord, James, on Chambers' Vestiges 260, 262-3 the self and colonial Other 320 Cousin on 219 disruption/integration of, in The Moonstone 319, 325-6,327-9 Sepoy Rebellion (1857) 327 Severini, Gino 10 Shaftesbury, Lord (Anthony Ashley Cooper), on beauty 144 Shelley, Percy Bysshe, Defence of Poetry 145 Shiff, Richard 114 Le Siècle 302 Signac, Paul 43 Simmel, Georg 312 Sisley, Alfred 22 The Bridge at Vtlleneuve-la-Garenne 31, 32 Drying Nets 32, 33 Smith, Adam, The Wealth of Nations 12 social disruption, in The Moonstone 321-2,329-30 social improvement, and art xxi, 142, 143,147 Index 369 Society for Psychical Research 73 Sombart, Werner 12 Somerville, Mary, On the Connexion of the Sciences 256 Soriau, Paul, The Aesthetics of Movement 113 sound Bacon on 233-4 exploration, via ballooning 233, 234 Southwell, Charles 212 Spengler, Oswald 12 Spielmann, M.H. 102 "The Portraits of John Ruskin" 99 spirit photography Crookes' support for 58-60, 66-7 eminent defenders of xx, 57 entrepreneurs 55 illustration 56 success 55-6 spiritualism 55-6 Crookes' investigations 64-6, 73-4 eminent support for 57-8 journals 57 London Dialectical Society, report 60 psychic force 65, 73, 74 The Spiritualist 69 Spottiswoode, William 207 stained glass windows Cork University 210, 211, 212-16, 222 Lincoln Cathedral 216, 217, 218, 223 Morris 215-16 Pugin 215 Stanford, Ley land 111 Stead, William T. 57 Sterckx, Pierre 120 The Strand Magazine 102 advertising 241 ^4 bicycles 242 cameras 244 home phonograph 243 watches 243 content 228-9 popularization of science xxii, 229-38, 244-5 sales 228 Sherlock Holmes in 238-40 Strauss, D.R 218 Das Leben Jesu 213 Sullivan, E.J. 98 surveillance regimes, emergence 320 suspension bridges 21 ballet, link 34 Basse-Chaîne Bridge, collapse 34-5 Bridge at Villeneuve-la-Garenne 31, 32 Constantine Bridge, collapse 35, 36 Fribourg Bridge, Switzerland 34 images of 22 Niagara Bridge 31 origins 33 uses 31 vulnerability 35, 37 Switzerland, Fribourg Bridge 34 Taglioni, Marie 34 Le Tam-Tam 302 Tardieu, Ambroise 284-5, 287 Etude medico-légale sur les attentats aux moeurs 285 technophilia 12 Thénot, J.P., Traité de perspective pratique 24 Thérond, Emile, Viaducts and the Landscape 25 thing-in-itself concept Kant 164,172 as the will 172 Thomas, Ronald 326 Thomson, Sir William (Lord Kelvin) 15 Le Tintamarre 302, 311 Titian, Danaë 154 Todhunter, Isaac 207 transportation, and landscape imagery 22 Turgan, Julien 45 Turner, J.M.W., Ruskin on 149 Tyndall, John 60, 69 Universal Exposition, Paris 10,125 universe design 254, 259 Whewell's inductive argument 259-60 mechanistic 253, 258 370 VISIONS OF THE INDUSTRIAL AGE, 1830-1914 Valéry, Paul, on Manet's Olympia 278 Van de Velde, Henry, Horta's critique of 163,175,181 Van Gogh, Vincent 43 Varley, Cromwell 57, 62-3, 66 Varnedoe, Kirk 117 veau, meaning 273, 275 Verein ßr Gewebfleiss (Union for Business Diligence), founding 3 viaducts 49-50 Dumas on 23 images of 22, 24, 25-6, 25, 49-50 landscape settings 26, 37 Level on 26 Reynaud on 23-A symbolism 21, 23 see also Chaumont Viaduct Vialles, Noelie 290 La vie parisienne 279 Vienna, Universal Exposition 29 Villiers, Frederick 93 visual culture, and modernity xvii-xviii see also images Vizetelly, Henry 102 Volckman, William 67 Wailes, William 215 Wallace, Alfred Russell 57 wallpaper art-nouveau 163 natural world, representations of 164-71 panoramic 165-6,167 Poppies and Birds 171 Pugin's, for Palace of Westminster 173 sample books 170-1,172 taxonomic 166-71,169-71 Wandel, Torbjörn 18 Ward, Henry Snowden, and Catherine W. Ward, Photography for the Press 88-90 Ward, Martha 193 Washington, George 250 watchmaker metaphor, Paley 146-7, 254 Watt, James, centennial celebration 3 Watts, G.F. 152 Watts, Theodore 210 Wells, H.G., "The Lord of the Dynamos" 10 Whewell, William critique of Laplace 258-9 on the eye 257-8 inductive scientific method 257 qualifications 256 'scientist', coiner 256, 257 universe design, inductive argument 259-60 works Astronomy and General Physics 249, 258-9 —sales 256 The History of the Inductive Sciences 25 7 Novum Organon Renovatum 257 The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences 257 Whistler, James McNeill 97 on art 139-41 "Nocturne in Black and Gold" 139, 140 "Ten O'Clock Lecture" 139 White, Joseph Gleeson 95 Practical Designing 94 Wilde, Oscar, The Decay of Lying 155 the will artistic, Riegl's concept 174-80 Nietzsche on 174 Schopenhauer on 172-4 as thing-in-itself 172 Willème, François 121 Williams, Raymond 146 Winston, Charles, Inquiry ... Ancient Glass Paintings 215 wish image concept, Benjamin 184-5, 191 Wolf, Henry 100 wood engraving 84 American School 102 image superiority of 103 New School 100,104 and photography 95-104 pros and cons 86 Wright, Joseph, Philosopher Giving a Lecture on the Orrery 250 Wyles, Benjamin 243 on the camera 234-5 Yeo, Richard 256 Young, Robert 147 Index 371 Zielke, Willy, Das Stahltier 7 Zola, Emile Au Bonheur des Dames 48 La Bête Humaine 4,13 La Débâcle 13 Le Ventre de Paris 274 zoopraxiscope 112
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