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Volltext:Index Ajootian, Aileen: 35 Alberti, Leon Battista: 27, 29, 72, 250 (Fig. 1); Autobiogra­phy: 256-7; De Pictura / Delia Pittura: 27, 251-64; De Re Aedificatoria: 253; De Statua: 256 Alfarano,Tiberio: 195 Amberger, Christoph: Portrait of Matthäus Schwartz (Madrid, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza): 270 (Fig. 2), 274-5, 279 Angelico, Fra: 60 Antonioni, Michelangelo: Blow-Up: 115 Apelles: 32, 42, 273; Calumnia: 262, 263 Arcos, Duke of: 272 Aristotle: 56, 69, 77 Attila: 199 Augustine ofHippo (Saint): 165, 167, 170, 177, 178-9, 188, 245 Aurelio, Niccolô: 55 Badt, Kurt: 23 Bagarotto, Laura: 55 Baibus, Johannes (John of Genoa): Catholicon: 260 Bamberger, Rudolf 323 Bandello, Matteo: 31, 32 Bann, Stephen: 85, 87 Barbadori, Gherardo: 64 Barberini, Antonio (the Younger): 285 Barberini, family: 285, 288, 290 Barbo, Pietro (Paul II): 259 Baronio, Cesare: 39, 194; 202-5 : Annales Ecclesiastici: 202-5; Vita sancti Ambrosii (Life of St Ambrose): 202 Basan, François: Catalogue raisonné [... du] cabinet de feu Mr Mariette: 76 (Fig. 2) Bätschmann, Oskar: 27, 94 Baxandall, Michael: 40, 251, 252, 260, 261 Bazin, André: 322 Beatus of Liébana: 188 Bellini, Giovanni: 67, 261; Madonna (Milan, Pinacoteca Brera): 59 Bellori, Giovanni Pietro: 72 Benjamin,Walter: 95-6 Bentham, Jeremy: 182 Bergson, Henri: 23, 26, 29, 30, 35, 36, 322; Matière et mé­moire: 29, 30 (Fig. 4), 35, 36 Berlin-Britz: Hufeisensiedlung: 317 (Figs 1-4) Bernhard, Sarah: 321 Bismarck, Otto von: 115 Boschini, Marco: 72; La carta del navegar pitoresco: 285 Bosio, Antonio: Roma sotterranea: 194 Bouwsma, William: 203 Bracciolini, Francesco: II pellegrino, 0 vero la dichiaratione delle pitture délia Sala Barberina: 285, 288-93 Bramante: 195, 201 Brandes, Georg: 116-7 Branner, Robert: 245 Brendel, Otto: 56, 61 Brescia: Museo Cristiano, Querini diptych: 259 Brinckmann, Albert Erich: 318, 319, 323 Broderick, Herbert R.: 239-41 Brown, Peter: 179 Brunelleschi, Filippo: 252, 254-6, 257 Bruni, Leonardo: 263 Brussels, Belgium: Bibliothèque royale Albert 1er, Echternach Pericopes Book (MS 9428): 241 Bryson, Norman: Vision and Painting: 178 Burckhardt, Jacob: 37,41; The cicerone; or art guide to painting in Italy: 37 Burke, Edmund: A philosophical enquiry into (...] the sublime and beautiful: 75 Butler, Ruth: 298 Calder, Alexander: 31, 320, 321 (Fig. 14) Cambridge, UK: University Library; Life of St Edward (MS Ee.3.59): 243 Canova, Antonio: 37, 318 Caro, Anthony: 311 Carus, Carl Gustav: 105 Caylus, Anne-Claude de: 27, 73, 75 Celanova (Orense), Spain: San Miguel de Celanova: 176 (Fig. 1), 178-80, 179 (Figs 2-3) Cellini, Benvenuto: 318 Cesarini, Giuliano: 259 Chaitanya from Bengal (Saint): 226 Chauvin, Auguste: 82, 85, 86 Cicero, Marcus Tullius: 56, 69, 253, 260, 262 Cimabue: 41 Cimitile / Nola, Italy: St Felix (Basilica Vetus and Basilica Nova): 168-9, 169 (Fig. 3) ClementVIII (Pope): 194, 195, 200, 201, 202 Clouzot, Henri-Georges: 31, 322; Le mystère Picasso: 31, 322 Cogniet, Léon: Massacre of the Innocents (Rennes, Musée des Beaux-Arts): 85 Constantine the Great: 165, 167-8, 195 Corfu, Greece: Temple of Artemis: 156 Corinth, Greece: 159 Corinth, Lovis: 31, 314 (Figs 5-10), 320, 323 Correggio, Antonio Allegri, called: 53 Ciirlis, Hans: 31, 317-8, 319, 320-3; Die Bildhauer: 320; Die graphischen Künste: 320; Kunsthandwerk: 320; Der Künst­ler und seine Technik: 320; Die Maler: 320; Maler bei der Arbeit: 320; Plastische Kunstwerke: 318; Schaßende Hände: 314 (Figs 5-io), 320, 321 (Figs n-14) Damasus (Pope): 196 Dante Alighieri: 41; Purgatory: 41 Darmstadt, Germany: Landesbibliothek, Gero Codex (MS 1948): 241 David,Jacques-Louis: 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88; The Intervention of the Sabine Women (Paris, Louvre): 84; The Oath of the Horatii (Paris, Louvre): 85, 87 De Piles, Roger: 27, 71-3, 77, 271-2 ; Cours de peinture par principes: 71; Conversations sur la connaissance de la peinture: 73 Degas, Edgar: 320 Delacroix, Eugène: 81-2, 88-9; Scenes from the Massacres at Chios (Paris, Louvre): 80 (Fig. i),8i,88 Delaroche, Paul, 88; Joan of Arc in Prison (Rouen, Musée des Beaux-Arts): 85 Delécluze, Etienne-Jean: 84, 87, 88 Delisle, Léopold: 243-5 Delphi, Greece: 143-4, J4 3 (Fig- 4)' Temple of Apollo (re­mains of): 143,146; Theatre: 58; Tripod of the Plateans (re- 332 Index mains of): 144; Upper Tarantine Dedication (remains of): 142-4, 144 (Fig. 5), 157 Deshman, Robert: 241 Dickens, Charles: The Chimes: 280 Diderot, Denis: 27, 28, 29; Review of the Salon 0/1767: 27-8 Diriks, Edvard: 121 ; Zukunftsgedanken - Gegenwärtige Wirk­lichkeiten (Dresden, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen): 120 (Fig. 6), 121 Dix, Otto: 320 Domenico Veneziano: 60; St Lucy Madonna (Florence, UfHzi): 60 Donatello: 35, 56-64, 65-9, 256, 297; Feast of Herod (Siena, Baptistery): 60; Floor slab of Giovanni Pecci (Siena, Ca­thedral): 58-60, 59 (Fig. 4); St George and the Dragon (Relief of the St George Tabernacle, Florence, Or San Michele): 60; Madonna and Angels (lost relief): 64; Ma­donna of the High Altar (Padua, Basilica di Sant'Anto­nio): 65-9, 66 (Fig. 7): Madonna of the Clouds (Boston, Museum of Fine Arts): 61-2,61 (Fig. 5); Tabernacle of the Parte Guelfa (Florence, Or San Michele): 57-8, 57 (Fig. 3); Tomb of Giovanni de' Medici (attr., Florence, S. Loren­zo, SagrestiaVecchia): 57 Du Bos, Jean-Baptiste: 27 Duccio di Buoninsegna: Maestà (Siena, Museo dell'Opera del Duomo): 58 Duchamp, Marcel: 41 Dürer, Albrecht: 23, 37, 273; Copy after Andrea Mantegna's design of the death of Orpheus (Hamburg, Kunsthalle): 37, 38 (Fig. 7) Dyck, Anthony van: Cupid and Psyche (Royal Collection, Kensington Palace, London): 55 Dyme: 140 Eberlein, Johann Konrad: 188 Eder, Josef Maria: 95 Eichendorff, Joseph von: 108 El Greco, Domeniko Theotokopoulos, called: 40 Elis, Greece: 139 Eusebius: 165, 167-8 Eyck,Jan van: 273 Fabrim, Sebastiano: Dichiaratione del Giubileo dell'Anno Santo: 195, 198 Facio, Bartolomeo: 253 Farcy, Charles: 88 Ficino, Marsilio: 259; De voluptate: 258-9 Fiedler, Konrad: 308 Filarete (Antonio Averlino): 253 Florence, Italy: Baptistery, third portal: 263; Cathedral, dome: 256; Convent of SS. Annunziata: 32, 33; Or San Michele: 35; Pazzi Chapel: 58; San Lorenzo, Old Sacristy: 58; Palazzo Vecchio, Sala dell'Udienza: 65 Fontenrose, Joseph: 141 Fospen, Pieter Jan: 276 Foucault, Michel: 127, 182 Francis I, King of France: 37 Frederick III, Emperor: 65 Fried, Michael: 27, i29-i32;'Art and Objecthood': 130-1; 'Jules Olitski's New Paintings': 130;'New York Letter': 130 Friedrich, Caspar David: 110 Gallonio, Antonio: 194; Trattato degli Istrumenti di Martirio: 194 Garrick, David: 75 Gaurico, Pomponio: 27 Gaza, Palestine: St Sergius: 170 Genelli, Bonaventura: 103-4, !05-8, no-i, 113-4, 117, 119; Aus dem Leben eines Künstlers (engraving series): 103-4; At the Raven-Stone: (Private collection): 103-4, 105—8, 113-4, 102 (Fig. 1) Gentile da Fabriano: Flight into Egypt (Predella of the Strozzi Altarpiece, Florence, Uffizi): 60 Gérôme,Jean Léon: The Shooting of Marshall Ney: 114 Gersaint, Edme-François: 23, 36 Ghezzi, Pier-Leone: 77 Ghiberti, Lorenzo: 35, 59, 256; The so-called 'Gates of Para­dise' (Florence, Baptistery): 59, 263 Ghirlandaio, Domenico: 261 Giambologna (Giovanni Bologna): 53; Rape of the Sabine Women (Florence, Loggia dei Lanzi): 53 Giotto: 41; Navicella (lost, formerly Vatican) 195-6 Giovio, Paolo: 272-3 Girona, Spain: MS Girona Beatus: 185 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: Faust: 104 Gopal Bhatt (Disciple of Chaitanya): 226 Goslar: Imperial Throne: 64 Goya, Francisco de: The Executions of 3 May 1808 (Madrid, Museo del Prado): 92 (Fig. 1), 95 Greenberg, Clement: 127-9, 131 —2, 308; Homemade Esthe­tics: 129; Intuition and Esthetic Experience: 129; Observa­tions on Esthetic Distance: 129 Gregory IX (Pope): 197 Gregory XIII (Pope): 193-4, 201 Griener, Pascal: 39 Grimaldi, Giacomo: Descrizione della Basilica Antica di San Pietro in Vaticano: 195,196 (Fig. 2), 197 (Fig. 3), 199 (Fig. 4), 200 (Fig. 5) Grosz, George: 320 Gualterotti, Raffaele: 293 Guarino da Verona: 262; Letter to Lionello d'Este: 262 Guitry, Sacha: 320-1; Ceux de chez nous: 321 Gurlitt, Cornelius: 316 Gurlitt, Ludwig: 316 Hagedorn, Christian Ludwig: 74 Hans Maler zu Schwaz: Portrait of Matthäus Schwanz (Paris, Louvre): 273, 274 (Fig. 1) Hansen, Maria Fabricius: 37, 198 Heemskerck, Maerten van: 275-9; Monument dedicated to his father. 278; Portrait of Jacob Willemsz. Van Veen, the art­ist's father (NewYork, Metropolitan Museum): 276 (Fig. 3), 277-8; Saint Luke painting the Madonna (Haarlem, Frans Hals Museum): 276-8, Pl. XIII; Self-portrait (Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum): 277 (Fig. 4), 278 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich: Ästhetik: 254 Heine, Heinrich: 40 Heinecken, Karl Heinrich von: 74 Hieron of Syracuse: 153 Higginson, Peter: 39 Hildebrand, Adolf von: 297; Das Problem der Form in der bildenden Kunst: 306-8, 311; Standing Man: 306-12, 307 (Fig. 6), 309 (Fig. 7), 310 (Fig. 8) Hildesheim, Germany: Dombibliothek, St Albans Psalter (MS St Godehard 1): 241, 242 (Figs 5-6) Hirschfeld, Gustav: 156 Hit Harivamsha (Saint): 226 Hödel, Emil Max: 115 Hogarth, William: 104 Holbein, Hans (the Younger): 273 333 Index Homer: 158, 258, 263; Illiad: 158 Horace: Ars Poerica: 260 Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique: 41 InnocentVIII (Pope): 198 Isabella d'Esté: 32 Isidore of Seville: 178-9, 185, 188 Istambul (Constantinople),Turkey: Hagia Sophia: 170 Jäger, Thomas: 105 Jahn, Ernest (attr.): Rationelles Bauen: 317 (Figs 1-2); Wie wohnen wir gesund und wirtschaftlich?: 317 (Figs 3-4) James, Henry: 304-5 Janser, Andres: 42 John the Divine (Evangelist): Apocalypse: 188; First Letter. 258 Julius II (Pope): 195 Kaiamis: 142; Horse and Rider Groups, part of Victory Monu­ment dedicated by Hieron I of Syracuse (lost, formerly at Olympia): 142 Kalbus, Oskar: 319 Kalynthos (?): 142 Kandinsky, Wassily: 24, 25; Punkt und Linie zur Fläche: 24 (Fig. 2) Kauffmann, Angelica: 41 KaufFmann, Hans: 23 Kemp, Wolfgang: 40, 241, 261 Kessler, Herbert L.: 186 Klee, Paul: 27, 29-30 Klinger, Max: 103, 111-22;An der Mauer (Berlin, National­galerie): 111-22, Pl. IX; Cäsars Tod (Leipzig, Museum der bildenden Künste): 121-2; Ein Handschuh (engrav­ings): 115-9, 117 (Fig- 3), 118 (Fig. 4), 121 (Fig. 7), 121- 2; Klinger und Krohg suchen die Zeit totzuschlagen (Dres­den, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen): 119 (Fig. 5), 19-20; Ratschläge zu einer Konkurrenz über das Thema Christus (Berlin, Nationalgalerie): 115, 122; Zukunftsgedanken — Gegenwärtige Wirklichkeiten (Dresden, Staatliche Kunst­sammlungen): 120 (Fig. 6), 121 Kollwitz, Käthe: 320 Krauss, Rosalind: 127, 131, 301; 'A View of Modernism': Hi Krohg, Christian: 117 Lagrenée, Louis: 73 Lamb, Carl: 323; Raum im kreisenden Licht: 323 Landino, Cristoforo: 253; Foreword to the Commentary ort Dante: 251 Lange, Marit: 117 Le Brun, Charles: 27, 73, 262; Traité de l'expression des passions: 73 Le GofF, Jacques: 245-6 Leighton, Frederic Lord: 297; Athlete wrestling with a python (London,Tate Britain): 302-6, 303 (Fig. 3), 305 (Figs 4- 5), 308-12; Daphnephoria (Port Sunlight, Lady Lever Art Gallery): 302 Lena (Asturias), Spain: Santa Cristina de Lena: 180-3, 181 (Fig. 4), 183 (Fig. 5) Leo the Great (Pope): 197, 199 Leon, Spain: San Miguel de Escalada: 185, 186-8, 187 (Figs 8-9) Leonardo daVinci: 31, 32-3, 35, 37, 56, 25 3; Adoration of the Magi (Florence, UfFizi): 35; Cartoon of the Virgin and Child with St Anne and St John (London, National Gallery): 33, 34 (Fig. 6); Madonna Benois (St Peters-burgh, Ermitage): 35; Madonna of the Yarn-Winder (versions in various locations): 64; Mona Lisa, Portrait of Lisa Gherardini (Paris, Louvre): 41; Virgin and Child with St Anne (Paris, Louvre): 33, 35 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim: 27, 29, 93, 94, 96-7, 99, 127, 262; Laocoon. An Essay upon the Limits of Painting and Poetry: 27, 93-4, 127 Liebermann, Max: 31, 320, 321 (Figs 11-12) Lippi, Fra Filippo: 60, 64-5; Barbadori Altarpiece (Paris, Louvre): 64-5, 67, Pl. Ill Londe, Albert: 97-9 London, UK: The British Library, Aelfric Hexateuch (MS Cotton Claudius B. IV): 239, 240 (Fig. 4); ibid.: Benedic-tional of Aethclwold (MS Add. 49598): 241 Longinus: 56, 74; Peri hypsous: 74 Lorenzetti, Ambrogio: 64-5 Louis XII (St Louis), King of France: 40, 235, 243-5 Luca della Robbia: 256 Lucian of Samosata: 37, 158, 159, Description of the Calum-nia by Apelles: 262, 263 Maekawa, Kumiko: 40 Maggi, Giovanni: Descriptio urbis Romae novissima: 192 (Fig. 0 Malone, Edmund: 71 Mander, Karel van: 275-6; Schilderboek: 278-9 Manet,Edouard: 94-5; The Execution of Maximilian (Mann­heim, Kunsthalle): 94-5, 98, 114, Pl. VII Mannlich, Johann Christian von: 77 Mantegna, Andrea: 37, 261; Death of Orpheus (lost design): 37 Mantua: Palazzo del Te: 58 Marées, Hans von: 308 Marey, Etienne-Jules: 96-7; Le mouvement: 96 Mariette, Pierre-Jean: 76, 77 Martin, Gregory: 194 Martinez del Mazo, Juan Bautiza: Portrait of Don Adrian Pulido Pareja: 271-2, 273, 275, Pl. XII Masaccio: 62-4,256; Madonna from the Pisa Altarpiece (Lon­don, The National Gallery): 62-4, 63 (Fig. 6) Menzel, Adolph von: 112; Building site with willows (Berlin, Nationalgalerie): 112 Michelangelo Buonarroti: 28,29, 31, 37, 58, 195,297; Crea­tion of Adam (Vatican, Sistine Chapel): 55; Last Judgment (Vatican, Sistine Chapel): 28, 37 Miles, Margaret: 177, 178, 179 Miller, Perry:Jonathan Edwards: 131 Mocetto, Girolamo: The Calumny of Apelles (engraving): 263 (Fig. 4) Monet, Claude: 320 Montaigne, Michel de: 195 Montalto, Cardinal: 202 Mopp (Max Oppenheimer): Portrait of Heinrich Mann: 320 Moritz, Karl-Philipp: 109, m; Anton Reiser. 109-10 Morris, Robert: 130, 311 Namuth, Hans: 31;Jackson Pollock: 322 Nazaré (Estremadura), Portugal: Sào Giâo: 183-5,184 (Figs 6-7) Nero, Emperor: 148 Neumeyer, Alfred: 261 New York, USA: Pierpont Morgan Library, Berthold Sacra-mentary (MS M. 710): 234 (Fig. 7), 241; Morgan Picture Book (MS M. 638): 236 (Fig. 2), 237 NicholasV (Pope): 171 Nobiling, Karl Eduard: 115 Noland, Kenneth: 130 334 Index Nuremberg, Germany: Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Co­dex Aureus of Echternach (MS 156142/KG 1138): 241 Oeser, Adam Friedrich: 74 Oibatos of Dyme: 140-1 Olitski,Jules: 130; Fatal Plunge Lady (Art Market, Madrid): 130, 126 (Fig. r); Flidden Combination (Private Collec­tion): 130, Pl. XIV Olympia, Greece: 137, 140, 159; Achaean Dedication by Onatas ofAegina (remains of): 35, 137-59;Altis: (Fig. 2), 141 (Fig. 3), 146 (Fig. 7), 150-2; Temple of Hera (remains of): 150; Temple of Zeus (remains of): 140, 14Ö, 147, 148, 150 (Fig. 11), 151,152 (Fig. 12), 152-7,154 (Fig. 13), 155 (Fig- 14) Onatas ofAegina: 35, 137-59; Achaean Dedication (lost, for­merly at Olympia): 35, 137-59, 139 (Figs 8-9); Apollo (lost, formerly at Aegina, then Pergamon): 142; Bronze Chariot Group, part of Victory Monument dedicated by Hieroti I of Syracuse (lost, formerly at Olympia): 142; Cult Image for Demeter's Cave Sanctuary (lost, formerly at Phigaleia): 142; Herakles (lost, formerly at Olympia): 142; Upper Tarantine Dedication (lost, formerly at Del­phi): 142,146,157 Orlik, Emil: 320 Orpheus, myth of: 37 Oxford, UK: Bodleian Library, Douce Psalter (MS Douce 48): 243, 244 (Fig. 8) Paik, Nam June: 43; TV Buddha (Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum): 43 Palomino de Castro y Velasco, Acislo Antonio: 271-2, 273, 279 Panigarola, Francesco: 203 Panofsky, Erwin: 23, 56, 316 Panvinio, Onofrio: Le sette chiese principali di Roma: 194 Paris, France: Bibliothèque nationale, St Louis Psalter (MS Lat. 10525)140,235,236-9,236 (Fig. 1)038 (Fig. 3), 241, 243, 245, Pl. XI; Hospital La Salpetrière: 97, 98 Parte Guelfa, Capitani of: 58 Pastor, Willy: 113 Pater, Walter: 41 Paul (Apostle): Letters: 167; First Letter to the Corinthians: 177, 185,188 Paul III (Pope): 199 Paul V (Pope): 204 Paul,Jean (Jean Paul Friedrich Richter): 108; Siebenkäs: 108 Paulinus of Nola: 39, 165, 168-9 Pausanias: 138-9, 140, 141, 142, 146, 148, 149, 151, 153, 158 Pechstein, Max: Fischerboot im Sturm: 320 Peter (Saint, Apostle and First Pontiff): 196-7, 199, 201, 204-5 Petrarch: De remediis utriusque fortunae: 257-8 Phidias: 262-3 Phigaleia, Greece: Sanctuary of Demeter: 142, 146 Philostratos: 262 Picasso, Pablo: 44, 322 Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni: 259 Piero della Francesca: 53, 54, 56, 253; Madonna della Misericordia (Borgo San Sepolcro, Palazzo Communale): 52 (Fig. 1), 53 Pietro da Cortona: Barberini ceiling (Rome, Palazzo Barbe-rini): 284 (Fig. 1), 285-93, 286 (Fig. 2), 287 (Fig. 3) Pietro da Novellara: 32, 33. 64; Letter to Isabella d'Esté (1501)132 Pindar: Olympia: 142, 153 Pisa, Greece: 139, 140 Pisanello: 59; Medal of Cecilia Gonzaga (Washington, Na­tional Gallery of Art): 59 Pisano, Giovanni: 59; Prophets (Moses, Habakkuk; Siena, Cathedral): 62; Pulpit (Pisa, Cathedral): 58-9 Plato: 77, 178-9 Pliny the Elder (Gaius Plinius Secundus): 27, 32, 42, 254. 262 Plotinus: 256 Plutarch: 253 Poliziano, Angelo: 253 Pollock, Jackson: 31 Polykleitos: Doryphoros (lost): 297, 306, 308 Pond, Arthur: 77 Poussin, Nicolas: 72 Prevedari, Bernardo: Interior of a Decaying Temple (engrav-mg): 255 (Fig. 2) Procopius: 170 Protogenes: 42 Pujol, Abel de: 82; Germanicus on the Battlefield /.../ (La Rochelle, Musées d'Art et d'Histoire): 82-4, 83 (Fig. 2) Quintilian, Marcus Fabius: 56, 253, 254, 260, 261 Racine, Jean: Britannicus: 81, 82 Raphael (Raffaele Sanzio): 26, 37, 40, 41, 71-7, 261; Disputa (Vatican): 73; Judgement of Paris: 55; Resurrection (Bayonne, Musée Bonnat): 62; Sistine Madonna (Dresden, Gemäldegalerie): 74, 70 (Fig. 1); School of Athens (Vatican): 73, 76, Pl. IV; Stanze (Vatican) 39; Transfiguration (Vatican, Pinacoteca Vaticana): 37 Reggio di Calabria, Italy: Bronze Sculptures found near Riace Marina (Museo Nazionale): 148, 149 (Fig. 10) Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn: 30, 33, 71, 271; Artist in his workshop (Boston, Museum of Fine Arts) : 30,31 (Fig. 5) Renoir, Auguste: 320 Renoir, Claude: 31, 320, 322; Le mystère Picasso: 31 Rethel, Alfred: 105 ; Totentanz (wood engraving series): 105; Second Sheet: 105, 111, 106 (Fig. 2) Reynolds, Sir Joshua: 39, 71, 74-77; Parody of the School of Athens (Dublin,The National Gallery of Ireland):76-7, Pl.V Riace Marina, Italy: 148 Rice, Louise: 201 Riegl, Alois: 166, 306 Riera, Rafaele: 195 Rigaud, Hyacinthe: 36 Rilke, Rainer Maria: 299 Rodin, Auguste: 297, 320; The Age of Bronze (Leeds City Art Gallery): 296 (Fig. 1), 297-302, 300 (Fig. 2), 305, 308-12 Roemer, Georg: 318, 320 Rome, Italy: Arch of Constantino: 165; Palazzo Barberini (see Pietro da Cortona, Barberini ceiling); Palazzo Mancini: 77; S. Agnesefuori le mura: 167 (Fig. 2); S. Cesareo de'Appia: 204; S. Costanza: 166, Pl. X; S. Giovanni in Laterano: 164 (Fig. 1), 165; S. Gregorio Magno: 204; S. Martino ai Monti: 164 (Fig. 1); SS. Nereo ed Achillea: 204; 5. Stefano Rotondo: 171-3, 171 (Fig. 4), 172 (Fig. 5) Rosichino, Mattia: Dichiaratione delle pitture delta sala de' Signori Barberini: 285, 288-9 Rossellino, Bernardo: 53 Rosso Fiorentino: 53 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: 108-9, ni; The Reveries of the Solitary Walker. 108-9 335 Index Rubens, Peter Paul: 67,72; Paintings of the Adoration of the Magi (various locations): 67; Landscape with Gailows (Berlin, Gemäldegalerie) 104-5, Pl. VIII S. Filippo Neri: 194, 202, 203 Saint-Pathus, Guillaume de: Life and Miracles: 245 Saint-Saëns, Camille: 321 Schiibach, Jürgen: 151 Schiller, Friedrich von: Der Spaziergang: 113 Schmarsow, August: 318-9 Schopenhauer, Arthur: 120 Schwartz, Matthäus: 275; Portrait of (by Hans Maler of Schwaz): 273, 274 (Fig. 1); Portrait of (by Christoph Amberger): 270 (Fig. 2), 274-5, 279 Segesta: Temple (remains of): 58 Seneca: 259 Sengle, Friedrich: 108 Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper 3rd Earl of: 27, 262 Shearman, John: 32 Siena, Italy: Archivio di Stato, Biccherna-Cover: 68 (Fig. 8). Sigalon, Xavier: 81-9; Locusta /.../ (Nîmes, Musée des Beaux-Arts): 81-9, Pl. VI, 87 (Fig. 3) Signorelli, Luca: 261 Silos, Santo Domingo, Spain: Reliefs of the Pentecost and the Ascension: 62 Simplicius (Pope): 171 Sixtus IV (Pope): 259 SixtusV (Pope): 195,203 Slevogt, Max: 320, 321 (Fig. 13) Smith, David: 308 Solothurn, Switzerland: Zentralbibliothek, Hornbach Sacra-mentary (MS Ui): 241 Sophocles: Electra: 158 Sörgel, Herman: 316; Einführung in die Architektur-Aesthetik: 318-9,324 Souriau, Etienne: 132;'Time in the Plastic Arts': 131-2 Sparta, Greece: 139 Sperlonga, Italy: Sculpture Groups depicting Homeric Episodes (remains of): 137 Spitz, Hans-Jörg: 188 Stella, Frank: 130 Stendhal (Marie Henri Beyle): 83, 84 Symmachus (Pope): 196 Tacitus: 259 Takahata, Isao: 246 Taut, Bruno: 316-7 Teti, Girolamo: Aedes Barberinae: 284 (Fig. 1), 285, 286 (Fig. 2), 287 (Fig. 3), 288-9 Thiers, Adolphe: 81, 85, 86, 88 Thorwaldsen, Berthel: 297 Tibaldi, Pellegrino: Ceiling Frescoes (Bologna, Palazzo Poggi): 58 Tieck, Ludwig: 108 Tietze-Conrat, Erika: 319 Timanthes of Cythnos: 27; Sacrifice of Iphigenia: 27, 262 Titian (Tiziano Vecellio): 36, 53, 55-56, 67; Bacchus and Ariadne (London,The National Gallery): 55, 59; Danaë (Naples, Capodimonte): 36; Portrait of Paul III: 271; Sacred and Profane Love (Rome, Galleria Borghese): 54- 6, Pl. II Treitschke, Heinrich von: 115 Troy, Asia Minor: 153 Tucholsky, Kurt: 35 Tyre, Lebanon: Cathedral: 167 Ugonio, Pompeo: Storia delle stationi di Roma che si cele-brano la Quadragesima: 194 Urban VIII (Pope): 285 Valincourt, Monsieur de: 72 Valla, Lorenzo: 259; De linguae latinae elegantia: 262; De voluptate: 258 Van Gelder, Hilde: 43 Varchi, Benedetto: 271 Vasari, Giorgio: 31-2, 37; 'Letter to Benedetto Varchi': 271-2 Vatican: Laocoön, Roman copy, first century AD (Musei Vaticani): frontispiece, 27, 93, 99, 302; Sistine Chapel: 28; Stanze: 71-7; St Peter: 192 (Fig. 1), 193, 195-201, 196 (Fig. 2), 197 (Fig. 3), 199 (Fig. 4), 200 (Fig. 5), 201 (Fig. 6), 203-5 Velazquez, Diego: 36, 271-2 Vermeer van Delft, Jan: 24; The Art of Painting (Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum): 24 Vernet, Horace: 27 Veronese, Paolo: 28-9, 37 Verrocchio, Andrea del: 53, 54, 56; Boy with a Dolphin (Florence, Palazzo Vecchio): 53-4, 54 (Fig. 2) Vienna, Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek: Vienna Gen­esis (MSTheol. Gr. 31): 239 Vrindaban (U.P.), India: Radharamana Temple: 226, 227, 228, 229, Pl. XVa-c, PI. XVIa; Radhavallabha Temple: 226, 227, 228, 229-31, PI. XVIb-c Warburg, Aby: 41 Warhol, Andy: 322 Watteau, Antoine: 23,36; The so-called 'Enseigne' (Shop-sign) of Edme-François Cersaint (Berlin, Schloss Charlotten-burg): 22 (Fig. 1), 23, Pl. I, 36-7, 42 Whistler, James McNeill: 280; Symphony in White. No III (Birmingham, The Barber Institute of Fine Art): 279 (Fig. 5), 280; Nocturne in Grey and Gold: Chelsea's Snow (Glasgow Museums and Art Galleries): 280 Wilhelm I, German Emperor: 115 Winckelmann, Johann Joachim: 74; Gedanken über die Nachahmung der griechischen Werke in der Mahlercy und Bildhauer-Kunst: 74; Erinnerung über die Betrachtung der Werke der Kunst: 74 Wind, Edgar: 56 Wolff, Paul: 323 Wölfllin, Heinrich: 306, 317 Yarbus, A. L.: Chart of eye movements: 25 (Fig. 3) Young British Artists: 42 Zainora (nr. Salamanca), Spain: Madonna (anon, stone sculpture, 13 th century) Zeuxis: 254 Zimmermann, Dominikus: Die Wies (Bavaria): 323 336
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