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Volltext:m INDEX Action photography, 2 Adams, Ansel, 11 book work, 13; on contemporary art, 13; love of the West, 13; MOMA and, 110; as musician, 12; Stieglitz and, 102, 151; White and, 93 Albright Show, 1910, 105 Allan, Sidney, on Cobum, 27 America Stieglitz on, 65, 67, Weston and industrial, 80 American Amateur Photographers, 65, 105 America and Alfred Stieglitz, 100, 115 American(s) camera variety of, 5; as documentarians, 5; photojournalism, Life and, 4; photojournalists as purists, 4; print concern, 8 An American Place, 68, 105 Annan, J. Craig, work of, 28 Aperture, 95, 159 Armitage, Merle, 83, 91 Art of Edward Weston, The, 83, 91 Atget, Paris photos of, 18 Autochrome, introduction of, 31 Banthélemy, Victor, Paris photos of, 18 Book of Harlech, The, Cobum and, 43 Book(s) Cobum photographs in, 31; photography, 158 Bourke-White, Margaret, Life and, 4 Brandt, Bill, European philosophy of, 4 Brassai, 16 cinema work, 21; European philosophy, 4; Kertész andi photography introduction, 19; Paris de Nuit and, 19; Paris photos, 18; photos, theatrical use of, 20; personality, 20; room, 18; techniques, 20 Brett Weston Photographer, 91 Caffin, Charles, Stieglitz and, 106 California and the West, 85 Cameron, Julia Margaret, work of, 52 Candid photos, Strand and first, 73, 75 Captions, 135 Camera(s) American multiple, 5; big, 2; miniature, 148; as part of photographer, 2; 35-mm, impact of, 2; view, ideas about, 2 Camera Club of New York Stieglitz and, 65; Strand and, 72 Camera Notes, Stieglitz and, 67, 119 Camera Work, 26, 27, 6, 119 Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 1 people as subject for, 3; photography style, 2; show prints, 3; on texture, 3 Chavez, Carlos, Strand and, 76 Children, Levitt photography of, 60 Clement, Edith, Cobum marriage to, 38 Cloud, The, Cobum edition of, 38 Cobum, Alvin Langdon, 21 abstraction and, 42; American authors and, 29; on beauty, 44, 45; The Book of Harlech and, 43; book illustrations of, 35, 39; break with tradition by, 40; broadcasts of, 46; Camera Work and, 27; Century Magazine and, 29; The Cloud and, 38; color work of, 31; Day as mentor for, 25; in Edinburgh, 28; focus ideas, 38; Henry Hames and, 29, 32; Japanese art and, 26; literary portraits by, 27; magazine work of, 301; marriage of, 38; Men of Mark, 38; George Meredith and, 28; More Men of Mark, 39, 43; music and, 39; mysti­cism and, 44; "Old Masters of Photography, " 39; Orient and, 24; "Photograms" and, 40; photogravure and, 35; and Photo-Secession, 26; place interpretations of, 26; as portraitist, 27, 28, 29; Ezra Poundand, 39; Royal Photographic Society and, 30, 44, 45, 47; G. B. Shaw and, 30, 36; shows of, 26, 34, 47; Steichen and, 25; Stieglitz and, 26; success of, 34; techniques of, 25; theatre work of, 35; Vortex movement and, 40; H. G. Wells and, 29; Western photos of, 36 Color work, start of, 31 Daumier, Paris and, 18 Day, F. Holland, as Cobum mentor, 24 Demachy, Robert, Cobum and, 25 Differential focusing, Emerson and, 54 170 INDEX Documentarians, 5, 148 Dow, Arthur, Coburn and, 26 "The Dumping Ground, " Coburn and, 25 Eastman. See George Eastman House. Editor, role of the, 5 Eisenstaedt, Alfred Life and, 4; narrative photography of, 2 Emerson, Peter Henry, 50, 53 books by, 55, 56, 58; changes in, 57; differential focusing of, 54; on nature, 53; photogravure and, 28; subjects, 54; success, 55 En Passant, Brassai' photos and, 20 Equivalents, The for the MOMA Collection, 108; Stieglitz and, 68, 106 Europe, photography in, 1 Europe an(s) people as subjects for, 3; photo journalists, 1 Evans, Frederick, Coburn and, 25, 27 Evans, Walker, 5 Exhibition prints, 3 Fenallosa, Ernest, Coburn and, 24 50th Anniversary Porfolio, Weston, 91 Films, Strand work in, 76 Film and Photography League, 61 Focus, Coburn ideas on, 38 Friends of Photography, 159 Frontier Films, Strand and, 76 Fugett, Dalett, Stieglitz and, 109 Gaspé, Strand work in the, 75, 76 George Eastman House, 95, 157 Gordon, D. J., Coburn exhibit by, 47 Goupil Gallery, Coburn show at, 34, 37 Grossman, Sid, Photo-League and, 61 Group f-64, 4, 9, 84, 148 Guggenheim fellowships, Weston, 84, 89 Hartmann, Sadakichi. See Allan, Sidney. Halâsz, Gyula. See Brassai. Helmholtz on images, 53, 54 Hine, Lewis, Strand influenced by, 71 Lake George House, Stieglitz and, 110 Landscapes Strand, 75 Weston, 82 Lange, Dorothea, 5 Leaves of Grass, Weston photos for, 85 Le Randez-Vous, Brassai photos and, 20 Levitt, Helen, 60 Libsohn, Sol, Photo-League and, 61 Life, American photojournalism and, 4, 5 Light Adams use of, 12; Weston use of, 7 Linked Ring, formation of, 58 "Little Galleries of the Photo-Secession, The, " 30, 67 Lumière Brothers, color process of, 31 Making a Photograph, 103, 152 Man Ray, reality and, 2 Marin, John, Stieglitz and, 101 Mass-production seeing, photography as, 9, 85 Mac Alpin, David, as collector, 153 Men of Mark, 38 Mexico Strand work in, 75, 76; Weston in, 81 Miller, Henry, Brassai and, 19, 20 Modotti, Tina, Weston influenced by, 80, 81 Moholy-Nagy, trick photography and, 2 MOMA Adams and, 110; Department of Photography, 155, 158; early years of, 150; Equivalents shown at, 108; photography show, first, 153 Montross Galleries, Coburn show at, 37 More Men of Mark, 39 Museum of Modern Art. See MOMA. Museums, photography and, 157 Native Land, Strand film, 76 Naturalistic Photography, 56, 58 Nature Emerson on, 53; photos, Strand, 74 New School of American Photography, The, 25 Newton, Sir William, on photography, 51 "New Vision, " 2 New York the Magnificent, film, 74 New York, 1910, 35 New York: Twelve Photographs, 1949, 90 Norman, Dorothy, 100, 113 Image of Freedom competition, 93 International Museum of Photography, George Eastman House, 157 Intimate Gallery, Stieglitz and, 68, 109 Käsebier, Gertrude, 26, 119 Keiley, Joseph, Photo-Secession and, 30 Kertész, André, Brassaï and, 19 O'Keeffe, Georgia, Stieglitz and, 68, 116 "Old Masters of Photography, " 39 Painting and photography, 2, 50 Paris de Nuit, 8 INDEX 171 Paris, photos of, 1, 18 Phèdre, Brassai photos and, 20 "Photograms, " Cobum and, 40 Photographer, cameras as part of, 2 Photographie Historical Society, 159 Photographs and words, relationship of, 135 Photography as art, 145; books, 158; commercial, 147; in Europe, 1; as mass-production seeing, 9, 85; museums and, 156; and painting, 2, 51; schools, 147 Photogravure, 28, 35 Photojoumalist(s) Cartier-Bresson as, 1; European, 1; as purists, American, 4 Photo-League, The, 61, 64 Photo-Notes, 63 Photo-Secession, 26 Buffalo show of, 36; Cobum and, 70; Stieglitz and, 67, 118; Strand and, 71 Pictorialists, 2, 25, 39 Portraiture Cobum and, 27; Weston and, 7 Prints, printing, 3 American concern for, 8; papers for, 75; Weston and, 83 Reality Man Ray and, 2; Strand and, 72 Reproductions, Stieglitz and, 118 Rivera, Diego, Weston and, 81 Robinson, Henry Peach, work of, 50, 52 Rodin, Cobum and, 31 Royal Photographic Society, Cobum and, 30, 44, 45, 47 Salomon, Adam, work of, 52 Salomon, Erich, people subjects of, 2 San Francisco photographers, 1 Shaw, G. B., Cobum and, 28, 30, 36 Sheeler, Charles, Strand and, 74 Shell photos, Weston, 82, 83 Shore, Henrietta, Weston and, 82 Sierra-Nevada: The John Muir Trail, 103 Society for Photographic Education, 159 Soft-focus photography, 51, 52 Space Analysis, White and, 95 Speed, concern about, 3 Stackpole, Peter, 4 Steichen Eduard Cobum and, 25; color work of, 31; MOMA and, 158; personal life of, 121; Steiglitz and, 118 Stieglitz, Alfred, 65 Adamsand, 102, 151 \ American Amateur Photographer, 65, 105; Caffin and, 106; Camera Club of New York and, 65; camera magazines and, 119; Camera Notes and, 67; Camera Work and, 67; Cobum and, 26; Emerson and, 55; Equivalents and, 68, 106, 108; family life, 124; galleries, 68; ideas on America, 65, 67; The Intimate Gallery and, 109; Käsebier and, 119; Lake George House and, 110; Little Galleries of the Photo-Secession and, 67; Marin and, 101; Dorothy Norman and, 113; Notes for a Biography of, 97; O'Keeffe and, 68, 116; person­ality of, 98; philosophy of, 65; Photo-Secession and, 67, 118; reproductions and, 118; Steichen and, 118; Strand and, 72, 73, 114, 130; "291" and, 67; Weston and, 7; Whitney Museum and, 111 Strand, Paul, 71 Camera Club and, 72; candid photos of, 73, 75; Chavez and, 76; commercial photography of, 72; first show, 73; Frontier Films and, 76; Gaspé work of, 75, 76; influence of, 73; influences on, 71; landscapes, 74, 75; Mexico work, 75, 76; movie work, 74, 76; nature photos, 74; New York City scenes, 73; printing papers and, 75; reality and, 72; Sheeler and, 74; Stieglitz and, 72, 73, 107, 114, 130; Time inNewEngland, 107 Subject interpretation, Life and, 5 Szarkowski, John, at MOMA, 158 Techniques, concern for, 3 This Is the American Earth, 108 Time in New England, 107 Trick photography, Moholy-Nagy and, 2 20 Photographs of Mexico, 16 "291" end of, 123; shows at, 31, 34; Stieglitz and, 67 View cameras, ideas about, 2 Vortescope, Cobum and, 41 Vortographs, Cobum and, 40 Wave, The, Strand film, 76 Weber, Max, Photo-Secession show and, 36 Wells, H. G. Cobum and, 29, 35 West Adams love of the, 13; Cobum photos of, 36 Weston, Brett, 87 Armitage and, 91; army career of, 89; Guggenheim Fellowship, 89; in Mexico, 81; portfolios, 92; painting and, 90; techniques, 87; See also Weston, Edward. Weston Edward, 6, 79 Armitage and, 83; Brett and, 84; changes in work of, 80, 84; children photos, 80; exhibitions, 83; 172 INDEX family, 79; followers, 84; Guggenheim Fellowship, 84; industrial America and, 80; inter­pretations of works of, 10; landscapes, 82; light use by, 7; mass-production seeing and, 9; in Mexico, 81; portraiture, 7; print verity of, 83; as purist, 9; Rivera and, 81; shell photos, 82, 83; Shore influence on, 82; Stieglitz and, 7; subject variety of, 85; techniques of, 8. See also Weston, Brett. White, Clarence, 4, 26 White, Minor, 93 Adams and, 93; at George Eastman House, 95; museum training of, 93; space analysis and, 95; teaching career of, 95 White Sands, 90 Whitney Museum, Stieglitz and, 111 Words and photographs, relationship of, 135 Writers, Cobum portraiture of, 39
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