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Volltext:Index Abbing, Hans R., 34-46 Abbott, Bessie, 178 Abt, Clark C., 198-199, 208-209, 247, 306 Academy for Contemporary Problems, 302 Actors' employment, 210-218 Actors' Equity Association, 211, 212 Age audience for art and, 155-156 composer's income and, 190, 195 opera singing and, 177, 179-180 Aitchison, John, 203 Akerlof, G. A., 122, 123 Alchian, Armen A., 249 Allen, John, 56 Allen, William R., 249 Amalgamated Musicians' Union (AMU), 169-170, 172 Amara, Lucine, 179-180 American Federation of Television Actors, 212 American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, 212 American Guild of Musical Artists, 179 Analyzing an Art Museum (Hendon), 221 Anderson, Marian, 179 Annan Committee, 60 Arroyo, Martina, 179 Art critics, 110-111 Art historians, 251 Artist colonies, 355 Artists class of, 145 economists viewed by, 3-6 income of, 59 Arts conventional perspectives on, 8-9 definition of, and subsidies, 43, 45, 47 functions and objectives of, 8 institutional economics on, 10-11 neoinstitutionalism and, 12-13 points of view in, 38-39 social functions of, 39 Arts agencies, 365 Arts Council of Great Britain, 31, 59, 362 Contact Theatre, Manchester, and, 286, 287 coverage of, 47 funding through, 284 level of subsidy and pricing policy and, 57, 58 objectives of policies of, 239 private sponsorship and, 66 regional arts organizations and, 61, 63 Arts institutions, 61, 63 cultural and policy management in, 219-290 Associated Actors and Artists of America, 212 Attendance, Swedish performing arts, 277-281 Ault, David E., 183-185 Austen-Smith, David, 24-33, 235, 248 Australia Council, 239 Ayres, C. E., 11, 12, 15 Bach, J. S., 117 Bacon, Ed, 297 Balchin, Nigel, 3 Baldwin, Stanley, 60 Ballet, production structure of, 262 264 Barclay's Bank, 288 Barone, Enrico, 5 Barry, Bryan, 29 Bar/un, Jacques, 8 Banmol, William I.. 5, 7, 21. 28, 30. 35, M. 57, 63, 69, 150, 153 154, I 5 5 . 1 S o , 1 5 7 , 225, 248, 275, 281, 361 t SI INDEX ВВС", 47 Becker, Gary S., 200, 249 Beeker, Howard S., 175 Beelhoven, Ludwig van, 104 Belgrade Theatre, Coventry, 63 Belinfante, Alexander, 32-33, 217, 235, 283 Benjamin, Walter, 59 Bentham, Jeremy, 27, 29, 30 Bcntonelli, Giuseppe, 180 Bing, Rudolf, 179, 181 Blacks as composers, 195 as opera singers, 179 Blaug, Mark, 9, 21, 24, 31, 60, 239, 248, 249, 256, 361-363 Blinder, Alan S., 203 Block, M. K., 201 Blunden, Godfrey, 104, 105 Blunden, Maria, 104, 105 Bonelli, Richard, 178 Bonin, John, 200, 212 Boulding, Kenneth, 5, 7-8, 12-13, 14-15 Bowen, William G., 7, 21, 28, 30, 35, 54, 57, 63, 69, 150, 153-154, 155, 156, 157, 225, 248, 275, 281, 361 Brecht, Bertolt, 228 Bredius, Abraham, 144 Breit, William, 12 Breton, Albert, 82 Bridges, Gary, 248, 256 Briggs, Asa, 166 Brinson, Peter, 62 Britain, see Great Britain British Arts Council, see Arts Council of Great Britain British arts programs, 47-55 costs of, 48-53 economic aspects of, 56-66 government agencies in, 48 level of subsidy and pricing policies in, 56 national companies and, 61, 66 private funding and, 59, 65-66 social class and, 61-62, 63-64 of television, 60 see also Arts Council of Great Britain British Tourist Authority, 58 Broadcasting industry, 60 Broadway theaters, 333-348 Brougham, J. E., 329 Brown, Henry Phelps, 5 Brown, J. A. C., 203 Buchan, John, 4 Buchanan, James M., 256 Budgets, museum, 249-250 Bumbry, Grace, 179 Bureau of Labor Statistics, 212 Bureau of the Census, 202, 212 Bureaus, 371-372 Business, and arts, 303-304 Butler, R. W., 329 Caff, John, 47-55, 290 Canada, 67-79 Canada Council, 67, 239 Canton, Muriel G., 210-218 Capital, human, 200-209 Careers in the arts, 161-218 American opera singers and, 176-185 composer labor supply function and, 186-199 investment in human capital and, 200-209 musicians in nineteenth century Britain and, 165-175 screen actor employment and, 210-219 Carr-Saunders, A. M., 165, 168, 172-173 Carter, Jimmy, 262 Census Bureau, 202, 212 Central Opera Service, 176, 177, 179, 181, 182 Chamlee, Mario, 178 Charities, 371-372 Charles Wagner Opera Company, 181 Charters, 239 Christiansen, Gregory В., 159-161 Clark, Kenneth, 59 Class of artists, 145 musicians' careers and, 174 painting collections in Delft and, 144-145 purchase of paintings and, 148-149 subsidies and, 61-62, 63-64 Clottu, Gaston, 250, 253, 255 Coats, A. W., 12 Colonna, Carl M., 207 Commission on Civil Rights, 215 Commissions, orchestral, 114-115 Commons, John R., 12 Community arts, 43 Community Development Block Grants, 299 Composers labor supply function and, 186-199 supply of and demand for, 114-121 Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA), 262, 299 Condon, Richard, 289 Cons, Emma, 56 Consumption composer supply and, 189 of musical compositions, 115-116, 119-120 time series data on, 365 visual artists and, 120 Contact Theatre Company, Manchester, 284-290 Contracts, service, 126 Copyright, 36, 40, 44 Cornock, Stroud, 111-112 Costs of British arts policy, 48-53 of dishonesty in business, 138 Swedish music and theater, 275-277 Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts (СЕМА), 59 Index 385 Countryside Commission (Great Britian), 48 Covent Garden, London, 58, 59, 66 Credits, investment, 205 Crime, 338 Critics art, 110-111 theater, 343-344 Crooks, Richard, 179 Culbertson, William P., Jr., 12 Cultivation of taste, 130-131 Cultural factors determinants of demand and, 150-151 music and, 116 Cwi, David, 21, 300, 304, 308-318, 364-365 Da Costa, Albert, 180 Dance, production structure of, 262-264 Darkness Falls from the Air (Balchin), 3 David Copperfield (Dickens), 3 Davis, Ronald L., 178, 181 Decision criteria, in funding, 10, 236-237 Delft, Holland, 139-149 Demand, see Supply and demand De Monoconys, В., 144 Department of Commerce, 262, 299 Department of Housing and Urban Development, 299 Department of Labor, 262 Department of the Environment (Great Britain), 48 Descartes, René, 144 Devakul, M. L., 355 Developing countries, 349-358 Development, 291-358 arts in Thailand and, 349-358 estimating demand for Broadway theater and, 333-348 festivals and, 319-332 models of role of arts in, 308-318 urban, 295-307 Dickens, Charles, 3 Diggle, Keith, 289 Discrimination, age, 179-180 Dispecker, Thea, 181 Domingo, Placido, 181 Donors, museum, 250, 256-257 Ecodynamics (Boulding), 12-13 Economic development, see Development Economic Development Act, 299 Economic Development Administration, 262 Economics and the Public Purpose (Galbraith), 12 Economics of the Arts, The (Blaug), 21 Economists, 3-6 Edinburgh Festival, 319-332 Education human development and, 297 Indianapolis Children's Museum and, 374-375 screen actors and, 215 subsidies and, 31, 235 urban development and, 296 Ehrlich, Cyril, 165-175 Employment cultural amenities as magnet for, 302-303 production structure of performing arts and, 261-271 of screen actors, 210-218 England, see Great Britain English National Opera, 64, 66 English Stage Company, 64 Ennis, Philip H., 200, 212, 214 Entrance fees, museum, 251 Equity, 27-28 Evelyn, John, 144 Executives, 303-304 Export base model, 311-312 Farrar, Géraldine, 178 Feld, Alan L., 248 Felton, Marianne V., 186-199 Feroci, С., 350 Festivals, 319-322 Fethe, С. В., 175 Field, Anthony, 63-66 Film industry employment of actors in, 210-218 star system in, 213-214, 217 Floerke, H„ 144 Foli, Giovanni, 178 Folk cultural works, 160 Ford Foundation, 74, 75, 76, 262 Foundations, and performing arts, 74, 75, 76, 79 Freidson, Eliot, 169 Freud, Sigmund, 38 Frey, Bruno S., 248-260 Frey, René L., 256 Funding, see Public support for the arts; Private support of the arts Galbraith, John Kenneth, 5, 12, 207 Galleries, 60 Gapinski, James H., 235, 261-271 Gassier, Robert S., 248, 371-372 Germany American opera singers in, 179, 181 theater and orchestra management in, 224-235 Gigli, Beniamino, 178 Giotto, 38 Gislaved Orchestra, 275 Globerman, Steven, 67-69, 92 Godfrey, Christine, 248 Godley, W., 24 Gold, Sonia, 64, 150-160 Goldovsky Opera Theater, 181 Goodwin, Richard, 5 386 INDEX Government programs earned revenues and, 70-71, 75-76 see also British arts programs Grace, Robin, 248, 371-372 Grant allocation, 236-247 Gray, Alexander, 5 Great Britain, 43 age of audience for art in, 155 careers of musicians in, 165-175 management problems and sources of funding in, 284-290 orchestra and theater management in, 224-235 programs for the arts in, see British arts programs Greater Manchester Regional Council, 287 Greece, ancient, 8-9 Grist, Edward, 284-290 Grove, Noel, 317 Gruchy, Allen, 12 Guarantees, 126 Guild of St. Luke, 145 Gulbenkian Foundation, 59, 288 Guthrie, Tyrone, 56 Halle, Lady, 168 Haltrecht, Montaue, 56, 59 Harris, H. J., 166 Heineke, J. M., 201 Henderson, W., 176, 177, 178 Hendon, William S., 78-79, 120-121, 221, 366-367 Henry, Louis H., 207 Henschel, George, 168 Hildebrand, John R., 218, 270 Hildebrand, Verna, 356-358 Historians, art, 251 Hobhouse, Hermione, 289 Holland, 53, 54, 139-149 Homer, Anne, 178 Homer, Louise, 178 Human capital investment, 200-209 Hume, David, 4 Hunt, Holman, 4 Hutchison, Robert, 56-66 Hutton, Winfield, 228 Hwang, C. L„ 238 Hymns Ancient and Modern (Wesley), 174 Income of artists, 59 arts and generation of, 307 Broadway theaters and, 338-339 career decisions and, 207 composers and, 188, 189-195 Edinburgh Festival and, 321-322 museum budgets and, 249 private support of arts and, 85-88 ticket sales and management and, 224, 226, 232 Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM), 170-171 Independent Broadcasting Authority, 66 Indiana Council for Economic Education, 374, 375 Indianapolis Children's Museum, 374-375 Information theory, 103-106 Ingram, James C., 351 Inland Revenue (Great Britain), 48 Innovation, 102-113 Institutional economics, 10-11 Investment human capital, 200-209 tax credits for, 205 Jeritza, Maria, 178 Job Creation Programme, 288 Joint Economic Committee, 304 Journal of Behavioral Economics, 21, 96 Journal of Cultural Economics, 7, 361 Jumsai, Sumet, 355 Kahn, Kenneth, 259-260 Kasoff, Mark, 302, 303 Keeney, R. L., 238 Kelejian, Harry H., 333-348 Kendry, Adrian, 136-137 Keynes, John Maynard, 4, 5, 59 Khakee, Abdul, 235, 272-283 King, K., 31, 239 Kirsten, Dorothy, 181 Kohn, Leopold, 256 Koizumi, Tetsunori, 373 Kolodin, Irving, 178, 179 Kosters, Marvin, 188 Kraftwerk (musical group), 37 Krishnan, V. N., 138, 307 Kunde, James E., 303 Kunsthaus, Zurich, 249-250, 253, 255 Kushman, John E., 262 Kutsch, H. J., 178 Labor supply composers and, 186-199 investment in human capital and, 201, 202 Land Fund, 289 Langenberg, Berend J., 53-55 Langley, Stephen, 289 Language, 104-106 Law, John, 5 Lawrence, William J., 333-348 Lee, Dorothy, 174-175 Lee, Maw L., 249 Lee, Sherman, 248 Leisure patterns, 155 Lemon theory, in markets, 122-138 Lerner, Abba, 5 Levine, James, 179, 180 Lincoln Center, New York, 306 Linder, Staffen Burenstam, 150, 152-153 Index 387 Lipman, Samuel, 176 Lippizaner Riding School, 317 London School of Economics, 3 Los Angeles, 333 Lothian Regional Council, 319 Lundberg, V., 281 Lyall, Katherine, 200, 204, 309 Mabry, Bevars D., 270-271, 349-358 Mabry, Mary Connelly, 249-258 Macbeath, Alan, 57 MacCrimmon, K. R., 238 McCain, Roger A., 122-138 McKenzie, Richard, 249 McNertney, Edward M., 200-209 Management allocation procedures in, 236-237 museum, 248-260 production structure of nonprofit performing arts and, 261-271 sources of funding and, 284-290 theater and orchestra market economics in, 224-235 Marinelli, Giovanni, 177 Market economics, and theater and orchestra management, 224-235 Market failure, 21-22, 26-27 Marketing Consulting Services, 58 Markets for the arts, 97-160 art innovations and, 102-113 careers of musicians and, 165-175 cultivation of taste in, 130-131 determinants of demand in, 150-160 lemon theory and, 122-138 pattern complexity in, 130-132, 137, 138 resale, 133-134 in seventeenth century Delft, 139-149 starving artist theorem in, 130-134 supply and demand for composers and, 114-121 Marshall, Alfred, 5, 9 Marx, Karl, 38 Mass media performing arts and, 35 reproduction and circulation of art and, 36 star system and, 217 Mass Observation, 58 Masud, A. S. M., 238 Mathtech, 211, 212 Mekpayab Art Centre, 355 Mendelssohn, Felix, 117 Metcalf, Charles E., 200 Metropolitan Opera, New York, 178-180, 181 Military School of Music, 169 Mill, John Stuart, 4, 364 Milnes, Sherrill, 181 Mitchell, Wesley C., 12 Models labor supply function and, 186-187 of role of arts in economic development, 308-318 supply and demand for composers and, 115-116 support for the arts and, 80-96 Modigliani, 189 Mondrian, Piet, 37 Monet, Claude, 106, 110 Monopoly, 125 Montias, J. M., 139-149, 248, 250 Moore, Grace, 178, 180, 181 Moore, Thomas G., 54, 248, 345, 346 Morgan, Charles, 3-4 Motion Picture Producers' Association, 210 Mueller, J. H., 172 Multiplier analysis, 321, 327, 329 Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), 250, 253 Museums behavior of directorate of, 252-255 budget considerations in, 249-250 economic education in, 374-375 economic function of, 371-372 research on, 248-249 subsidies to, 60 supply of, 156-157 utility of and constraints on directorate of, 249-252 Music and musicians in ancient Greece, 8-9 economists and, 4 language of, 104 in nineteenth century Britain, 165-175 Swedish supply of and demand for, 272-283 Thai, 355 ticket prices and, 71 see also Composers; Opera; Orchestra Myrdal, Gunnar, 12 National Ballet of Canada, 70 National companies, British, 61, 66 National Concerts, Sweden, 272, 276, 278 National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), 67, 211, 268, 298, 309 job programs under, 262 policy objectives of, 239 theater and orchestral management and, 233-234 National Endowment for the Humanities, 155 National Heritage Fund proposed (Great Britain), 289 National Land Fund (Great Britain), 53 National League of Musicians, 172 National Theatre, Sweden, 272, 276, 278, 279 National Theatre Company, Great Britain, 64, 65, 66 National Trust (Great Britain), 47 National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees, 155 388 INDEX Nature Conservancy (Great Britain), 48 Nazi era, 227 Neblett, Carol, 181 Neoinstitutionalism, 12-13 Netzer, Dick, 9-10, 21, 71-75, 76, 92, 248, 298, 306, 311 New Machiavelli, The (Wells), 3 Newhouse, Joseph P., 249 New York City estimating demand for Broadway theater in, 333-348 Lincoln Center in, 306 New York City Opera, 181 New York Regional Econometric Model (NYREM), 333, 334, 335 New York State Division of Human Rights, 180 Nielsen, Elizabeth, 241 Nilsson, Birgit, 180 Nilsson, Göran, 241, 272-283 Nonprofit institutions, 252, 261-271 Nordica, Lillian, 178 North West Arts, 288 Nottingham Playhouse, 57, 65 Novels, 3-4 Nuffield Theatre, Southampton, 284 Office of Arts and Libraries (Great Britain), 48 O'Hare, Michael, 114-121, 248 Ontario Symphony Orchestra, 74 Opera, 317 career of American singers in, 176-185 economists in, 4 production structure of, 262-264 wage increases and subsidies in, 76-77 Orchestral Association, 169, 170, 171 Orchestral Association Gazette, 172-173 Orchestras, 71, 74 management structure of, 262-264 supply of and demand for composers and, 114-121 Oriental ideal in art, 373 Orphan Chamber, 139, 140, 143 Osborne, John, 64 Output measures, 53-54, 235, 263 Owen, Philip James, 102-113 Owen, Virginia Lee, 102-113, 316-317 Painting art criticism and, 110-111 economists and, 4 innovation in, 102-113 as language, 104-106 restricted choices in, 102 as set of directions, 104-105 seventeenth century Delft collections of, 139-149 Pareto, Vilfredo, 26-27 Pascal, Blaise, 315 Paternalism, and subsidies, 29-30 Patrons freedom of arts and, 228 musical, 118 seventeenth century Delft painting and, 147-148 Pattern complexity, in art, 130-132, 137, 138 Pavalko, Ronald M., 174 Peacock, Alan, 3-6, 21, 24, 30-31, 34, 39, 61, 224, 248, 256 Peacock, Thomas Love, 3 Pearson, Nicholas M., 59 Performance excellence, and museum directorates, 249, 254, 260 Performing arts effects of public funding on, 67-79 mass media and, 35 production structure in, 261-271 supply of and demand for, in Sweden, 272-283 supply potential of, 157 see also Ballet; Music; Opera; Theater Performing Arts (Baumol and Bowen), 21, 361 Perkin, H., 170 Perloff, Harvey, 301, 303 Personnel, performing arts, 261-271 Peters, Anne K., 210-218 Pinza, Ezio, 178 Place, Francis, 4 Plato, 8 Poggi, Jack, 248 Political factors museums and, 256 subsidies and, 81-82 Politicians, and museums, 251 Pommerehne, Werner W., 248-260 Population, 88 Broadway theaters and, 339 consumption of music and, 115, 116 Pound, Ezra, 5 Price, Leontyne, 179 Prices, ticket level of subsidies and, 56-59, 63-65 reproductions and, 40 Swedish performing arts and, 280-281, 283 Prince of the Captivity (Buchan), 4 Principles of Economics (Marshall), 9 Private support of the arts arts favored in, 41 British, 65-66, 288 definition of, 78 German, 231 income level of households and, 85-88 performing arts subsidies from, 73-74 tax deductions and, 298 visual arts and, 59 Production arts and, 12 reproduction and, 40 time series data on, 365 Productivity, 53-54, 235 Proust, Marcel, 4 Index 389 Public support for the arts, 19-96 allocation of funds in, 69-70, 236-247 commission for orchestras and, 114-115 contributions related to, 81-82 economic models and, 80-96 efficiency versus patronal motives in, 84-85 performing arts affected by, 67-79 political factors in, 81-82 quality of arts and, 68 rationale for, 34-46 reproduction and circulation of works of art and, 35-36 substitution versus complementarity in, 82-84 Swedish music and theater, 273-275 urban development and the arts in, 295-307 see also British programs; Subsidies Public Work Programs, 262 Puritan ethic, 150, 151 Pütz, Theodor, 226 Quality of art impact of public funding on, 68 pattern complexity and, 131, 137, 138 Raiffa, H., 238 Ramsay, Allan, 4 Raynor, Henry, 174 Read, Herbert, 373 Redcliffe-Maud, Lord, 29, 30, 31 Regional Arts Association, 288 Regional arts organizations, 61, 63 New York econometric model for, 335 theater management and, 230-231, 233 Regional development, and arts, 291-358 Registration of musicians, 170-171 Reinhardt, U., 262 Release time, 195-196 Renaissance, 110, 112, 117 Reproductions, 148 applications in commercial design and, 37-38 circulation of works of art and, 35-36 influence of artist upon other artists and, 37 music, 117 popularizing, 37 price exclusion in, 40 transformation in, 43-44 variations in, 36-38 of views inherent in works of art, 38-39 Resale markets, 133-134 Research, 13-15, 248-249 Rhöse, A., 281 Richardson, James F., 176-185, 290 Ridley, F. F., 42-46 Rieman, Leo, 178 Robbins, Lord, 21, 24, 25, 29, 31, 39, 248 Roman Empire, 9 Ross, Murray, 210 Rousseau, Theodore, 38 Roy, В., 238 Royal Ballet, 65, 66 Royal Court Theatre, London, 64 Royal Opera House, London, 59, 66 Royal Shakespeare Company, 58, 66 Ruttenberg, 212 Sadler's Wells, 56, 58, 66 Salaman, С. K., 166 Sargent, Winthrop, 176, 177 Scheffler, Richard M., 262 Schumann, Clara, 168 Schumpeter, Joseph A., 4 Schuster, J. Mark Davidson, 305-307, 318 Scitovsky, Tibor, 130, 136, 138, 150, 151, 298 Scotland, 47, 48 Scottish Tourist Board, 319 Screen Actors' Guild, 210-216, 217, 218 Screen Extras' Guild, 221 Seaman, Bruce A., 78, 80-96 Service contracts, 126 Seurat, Georges, 104, 105 Shanahan, James L., 95-96, 240, 295-307, 347-348 Shirley, George, 179 Signals, in markets, 125-126 Sills, Beverly, 181 Silpakorn University of Fine Arts, Thailand, 352 Simon, Herbert, 363 Singers, opera careers of, 176-185 teaching of, 177 Skinner, G. W., 351 Smith, Adam, 4, 5, 8-9, 165, 177 Smoke (Turgenev), 3 Social class, see Class Social functions of the arts, 39 Solo, R. A., 133 South West Arts, 133 Specialization, museum, 254 Spence, M., 125 Starr, M. K., 238 Star system, 213-214, 217 State governments, 232 Steane, J. В., 179 Stegen, Ina, 147-149 Students, 157 Subsidies arguments for, 26-31 and choice of artists, 45 choice of level for, 33 for composers, 195-196 concept of justification for, 25-26 and definition of arts, 43, 45, 47 earned revenues and, 70-71, 75-76 through education, 235 effects on performing arts of, 67-79 equity and, 27-28 justification for, 24-33 level of, and pricing policies, 56-59, 63-65 market failure and, 26-27 paternalism and, 29-30 productivity and, 53-54 390 INDEX purchasing release time as, 195-196 selection criteria in, 205-206 social class and, 61-62, 63-64 for training, 205-206, 209 wage increases and, 76-77 Subsidized Muse, The (Netzer), 9, 21 Supply and demand Broadway theater and, 333-348 composers and, 114-121 determinants of demand in, 150-160 of screen actors, 210, 211 supply as indicator of demand, in Sweden, 272-283 Swart, K. M., 144 Sweden, 272-283 Swedner, H., 281 Symphony orchestras, see Orchestras Talafuse, Marianne, 374-375 Talley, Marion, 178 Taste, cultivation of, 130-131 Tax Broadway theaters and, 339 credit investment, 205 Lincoln Center and, 306 private support and, 65, 298 public support and, 83, 84, 89 VAT, 57 Teaching of singing, 177 Tebaldi, Renata, 177, 180 Technology, 153 Television Fund, 60 Temple, William, 144 Thailand, 249-258 Thatcher, Margaret, 43, 65 Theater estimating demand for Broadway theater and, 333-348 level of subsidy and pricing in, 56-59, 63-65 management approaches in, 234-235 production structure of, 262-264 sources of funding and management problems in, 284-290 supply and demand for, in Sweden, 272-283 Theater critics, 343-344 Thompson, F. M. L., 169 Thompson, Wilbur, 300 Throsby, David S„ 5, 236-247 Tibbett, Lawrence, 178, 180 Ticket prices British subsidies and, 56-59, 63-65, 71 Broadway, 336-337 Swedish, 280-281, 283 theater management and income from, 224, 226, 232 Time, and determinants of demand, 152-153 Time series data, 365 Training of opera singers, 177-178, 182 subsidies for, 205-206, 209 Treinen, Heiner, 252, 254 Troub, Roger M., 7-17 Trustees, museum, 250 Tullock, Gordon, 249 Turgenev, Ivan, 3 Twentieth Century Fund, 9 Unemployment, actor, 210-218 Unions, 179 United Arts Fund drives, 88 University Theatre, Manchester, 284-290 Urban development, 295-307 Utilitarianism, 27, 29 Valentino, Frank, 178 Vandell, K„ 114 Van Eyck, 148 Vasarely, Victor, 37 VAT, 57 Vaughan, David Roger, 302, 319-332 Veblen, Thorstein, 11, 12, 15 Verrett, Shirley, 179 Vickerman, R. W., 57 Vickers, Geoffrey, 112 Victorian Society, 289 Vienna, 317 Vietnam War, 228 Visual artists, 120; see also Painting Wages opera singers', 182 subsidies and, 76-77 Swedish music and theater, 276 Wagner, Richard, 4 Wahl-Zieger, Erika, 224-235, 248 Waits, C. Richard, 200-209 Wales, 47, 48 Wallenius, J., 245 Warhol, Andy, 112 Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 5, 8-9 Webb, Beatrice and Sidney James, 3 Wechsberg, Joseph, 177 Weisbrod, Burton A., 68-69 Weiss, Yoram, 202, 203 Welfare theory, 10 Wesley, John, 174 Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates, 335 White, Cynthia, 110 White, Harrison, 110 Williams, В., 28 Williams, Joseph, 169 Withers, Glenn, 88, 240 Women employment of actors and, 215 as musicians, 166, 168-169, 171-172 Work patterns, 155 Zeleny, M., 238, 245 Zionts, S., 245
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